武 波 大 学
2017年 攻漢博士学位研究生外悟鯨合水平考武式題
(満 分位 100介 )
科 目名称 :英 悟 科 目代 偶 :1101
′ 4′ 力
ルθ θわθ
5た 力
οたθ″ ダα
ε gル θξ
“ ο″θ
グ′g′ ″′
″ θ/θ ″ rttθ ヽ
Passage One
Wfr.Gordon is right that thc second industrial rcvolution involvcd nc、 er‐ to‐ bc‐ repcatcd
changes.But that docs not inean that drivcrlcss cars count for nothing.Ⅳ icssrs EHxon
and Ntigcl are also right to、 von曝′about the West's dislnal reccnt record in producing
ne、 v companies. But many old flrlns are not run by bureaucrats and havc rcinvcnted
thcmselves inany tirnes over:General Electric lnust be on at least its ninth lifc ttd thc
ittlpact of giant ne、 v flrms born in the past 20 ycars such as l」 bcr9(3ooglc and Faccbook
should not be underestimatcd: they have all the Sc/humpeterian chaFaCtCristics the
authors admire.
On thc pessilnists'sidc the strOngest argument relies not on closely、 vatching cottoratC
and investor behavior but rather on macro― levcl statistics on productivity.Thc igwcs
litom rccent ycas are truly dismal.Kariln Foda,ofthe Brookings lnstitution、 calculates
that labor productivity in the rich、 vorld is gro、ving at its slo37cst rate sincc 1 950.Total
factor product市 ity(whiCh tries to mcasure illnovation)haS grO、 、
m at just 0 1976 in
Optinlists have t、 vo retorts.The flrst is that thcrc must bc something、 vrong Ⅵ/ith thc
flgures.One possibility is that thcy fail to count the huge constlmer surplus given a、
cll bc
■ce ofcharge on thc intemet.But this is unconvincing.The offlcial flgurcs may、
understating the impact of thc intemet revolution,just as they donrllplaycd the impact
of electricity and cars in the past, but they are not understating it in the
第 1更 ,共 l'頁
rccent dccline in productivity grottth.
AnotheL sccond linc ofargument thatthe productivity revolution has onlyjust begun is
more pcrsuasivc.Over tllc past dccade llnany IT companics may havc focuscd on things
that、 vere rllore``鈍 n than蝕 damental''in Paul K]ugman's phrase.But Silicon Valley's
best companies arc certainly focusing on things that changc thc rnatcrial、 vorid.
Ubcr andノ ヘirbnb are bringing dranlatic improvements to two large industries that have
bccn more or lcss stuck br decadcs. Ⅳlorgan Stanley cstimates that driveriess cars
could rcsult in S507 billion a year ofproductivity gains irl America,rllainly fronl people
being able to starc at thcir laptops instcad ofat thc road.
1.Wヽ「hat has ied to the pessimistic opinion conceming the、 vorid's cconOmy?
A)Itis based on macro― level statistics on productivity.
B)ItiS based on closc observation on colっ ortte ttd investor behavio■
C)ItiS due to theね ctthat many old irllls are not run by bureaucrats,
D)Itis due tO the fact thtt not cnough new flHlls have been created.
2. The irst argllmcnt on thc optilnists' side is unconvincing becausc thc ottcial
A)are bOthヽ Tong and uncon宙 ncing.
mplay thc intcrllct rcvolution.
C)fail tO include thc consumer suttlus.
D)can't explain the decline in productivity gro、 vth.
第 2天 ,共 l′ 頁
Passage Two
Winston Churchill was one of the central statesmen of the 20th century and, almost 50
years after his death, remains a subject of enduring fascination. Part of the current
interest in this venerable figure can be attributed to two superb biographies written in
the 1980s by historian William Manchester: "The Last Lion: Visions of Glory" and
,.The Last Lion: Alone." These fwo books examined the first two-thirds of Churchill's
Unfortunately, after completing the second volume, Manchester's health declined and
the rest of the project stalled. So great was public interest in the long-delayed final
volume that it was the subject of a front page story in The New York Times.
Eventually, in 2003, Manchester asked his friend Paul Reid to complete the trilogy.
Now, nearly a decade later, Reid has published The Last Lion, the final piece of this
monumental undertaking. Reid starts when Churchill was appointed prime minister in
May 1940 and follows him through his death in 1965. While most of this volume is
appropriately devoted to World War II, it also includes the vast expansion of the British
welfare state following the war, the start of the Cold War and the enormous dangers it
carried, and the loss of the British Empire.
Reid has written a thorough and complete analysis of these yeaxs, and it is a worthy
finale to the first two volumes. Exhaustively researched and carefully written, it draws
on a full range of primary and secondxy matenals. This book will be essential reading
for those who enjoyed the first two volumes and those with a deep interest in
understanding this seminal figure and his place in history.
Reid does a wonderful job of capturing Churchili in all his complexity. He gives
Churchill great praise for his personal courage and inspirational leadership during the
dark days when Britain stood alone, but he is equally clear about Churchill's poor
strategic judgments, such as the efforts to defend Greece and Crete, the Allied assault
on Anzio, and the decision to send the battleship Prince of Wales and battle cruiser
Repulse to the South China Sea without adequate air cover where they were promptly
sunk by the Japanese.
He highligl$s Churchill's naivetd in dealing with Soviet Fremier Stalin in the early
years of the war, but praises his prescience in anticipating Stalin's land grab in Eastern
at the end of the conflict. Reid also gives welcome attention to aspects of the
第 3天 ,共 ll天
町→ “ hお Churchi聰
6.ヽLtty did the biOgraphy oncc bccome a ttOntpage tt07 in Tllc NcwYo量
A)PeOple wcrc 10。 kingお rward lo thc publicttiOn Oftlle inal v01umc. Times?
B)Readers wcrc mgry with the authorお
rthc dc17 0fthe inal v01ulne.
C)1`hc publicatiOn Ofic inal v01umc、
vas then a heatcdly discussed issue.
D)Rcaders wanted tO k10w who wOuld bc thc ncw allthOr Ofthc inal v01umc.
1蹴 概嶽 鵬℃盟 ノ
B)It involves
ёnougll dctails in chllrchill's life.
C)Itis based On thOrOugh and reliablc rescarch.
D)It O■ brs a unique understamding of Churchill.
/hat can、
8.や ヽ ve kl10、 v abOut Churchill thrOugh the third v01ume?
A)He is a lltan with cOmplcxi与
B)Hep」 bd B五 tttn tllrough ttwII.
C)Hc madc mally stratcgic mistakes.
D)Hc is couragcOus and inspirational.
Passage Three
Asteroids and comets that repeatedly
smashed into the early Earth
surface with morten rock during covered the planet,s
that couid have supported the
its Larliest d;y;, il;;, ;., have left oases of water
evolution of life, scientists say. The
that during the planet's infancy, new study reveals
the surface of the Earth was a hellish
perhaps not as'hellish as often environment, but
thought, scientists added.
一 maybe the planet Was less inhospLable during that eon than previously thought.
e Hadcan
The cxact timing and lnagnitudc Of thc impaCtS that smaShCd Erarth during tl■
Ⅳlarchi and hiS
arc u山 oヽVn. To get all idca of thc cifccts Of thiS bOmbardmcnt,
eavily cratcrcd surね ce hebed mOdel iC
coneagucs lookcd tt the moOn,血 OSe≒
battcring that its cloSe neighbOr Earth must have expCrienccd back thCn.
監鑑 r籠1急脚l席翼憶J零穏」 欝 ∬1躍 f富 鳳 翼
観 t
T露lF遮 :翼F竃翼
糠鮒 轟 盤:S毬:l量 冨:
l軍1:凛l舞 ∬
percent ofthe Eaih's prescllt´ day rnaSS.
詭 Cteciけ W陸 酬懸
て mttbI饉 parlrr鶴
遣 :T撚 」
為翼電 :l
miles)or so一 really,rcally big impactOrS, d mantle,
witt an ouCCt itt big,that melts a lttg:v0111111e of thc Earth's cmst al■
Iarchi added. ThCSe flndirlgs suggcst that
covcring a largc ttaction of thc stiriace,''Ⅳ
y■ :撫
樋ぶ 胤 胤 翼 ∬ :事 鷹 嶽 脳 町
11. Why was the early Earth in fact less inhospitable than often thought?
A) Because minerals of the Hadean have been found suggesting the existence of life.
B) Because the clashing brought by asteroids and comets was not completely
C) Because during the Hadean there already existed the evidence of life.
D) Because there had already been liquid water on the Earth back then.
12. I{ow can the rnoon help with t}re understanding of the impacts that smashed the
A) The moon once smashed into the Earth too.
B) The moon was battered earlier than the Earth.
C) The moon, as a ciose neighbor. is easier to observ-e.
l)) The moon's surface is heaviiy cratereei as the Earth's.
Passage Four
Froln beach balls,pooi toys,and jur.p houscs,iniatablc tcchnology takes a big step
fonvard for its next ttollticr: spacc stations.ノヽne、 v kind of tech v√ ili bc abOard
SpaceX's cighth supply mission to the lntcmational Sptte Station(ISS),A compК ssed
living module、 vili be dclivcrcd and ataclled tく )thc station Wherc,in tllc vOid Of spacc,
it、 vill exoand into a ric、 v llabitat ftor astroliauts,
第 6更 ,共 liり で
w11l be used to investigate technology and understand the potential beneits of such
habitats for hunan missioIIs to deep space,"NASA Administrator Charles Boldcn
wrote in a blog post.
The habitats could be a way to ``dramatically increase'' the space available for
astronauts while also offering added protection ttom the dangers of space, like
radiation and spacc dcbris,the NASA Fress releasc says.
Inside SpaceX's Dragon spacecratt on thc w弩 to thC ISS, thc BEANII will bc
approxilnatcly 8 fect in diarnetcr.It、vill cxpand once dcploycd in spacc to offer 565
cubic ibet of space for astronauts.``It'1l bc thc first tiine hllnlan bcings、 vill actually stcp
inside this cxpandable habitat in spacc,'' forlncr astronaut Gcorgc Zarnka, who has
workedお r Bigclovv Aerospace,told lISA Today. 66TheFe WOn't be this sense of it
beillg like a balloon.''
But astronauts、 von't be getting inside thc rnodule for somc tilne yct.Thc BEノ ゝ
bc attacllcd to thc Tranquility Nodc and dcploycd.Insidc the inodulc are a scrics of
tools ttat will help the crew ofthc ISS monitor dittrett aspects ofth expaildめ lc area
to sec how it acts in space.Thc crcw will、 vttch he試 ,radiz■ ion,orbital dcbris,and
provide infЭ Ination about thc viability ofusing silnilar mcdulcs in thc lilturc.
Thc tcsting is schcdulcd to go onお rat、 vo¨ yCar tirllc pcriod,aicr、vhich the modulc
will bc releasctl and bllnl lip in the catinosphcre.NASA's pattncrship with Bigelow flts
NIr. 3olden's dcsirc to hclp glow a robust private scctor industw to collllllleliCializc
aspccts of spacc― a proccss he secs as vital if Lunlatls、 vant to reach濃 劉■hcr costtliC
destinations.“ The、 vorid oflow Eatth orbit bclongs to industtち ''Bolden sald at a pFCSS
conference in」 anua,2015.
13.恥 ″
hat is spccial abollt thc r.e、 v living nlodulc on Space}〔 's cighth inission to ISS?
ゝ〕It is C)It iS gOing to
第 7頁 ,共 │:ス
B) It looks like a toy. D)It宙 I not rcturn to Earth.
14.恥 ″
hat is thc purpOse ofdesigning the inflatable spacc habitat?
A)It is to ind out its potential capacity.
B)ItiS tO give a try Oll a nc、 v tcchno10gy.
C)It iS tO savc tillnc and moncy in prOductiOll.
D)Itis tO Sce ifit can be applicd in dcep spacc.
Passage Five
“Scnding thank― yOu notcs is bccOnling a 10st a貢 ,"rnoums Nfary市 Iitcllcll,a syndicatcd
columnist knO、 vn as“ ]ν ls. DcmcanOr''and aut1lor of six ctiqucttc bOolks. In heF Vie恥
each gcncration,cOmparcd、 rith thc Onc bcftwre,is iOsing a scnsc Of cOnsideration fOr
other pcoplc,``WithOut rcspcct,"shc says,``yOll havc cOrflict.''
tr4s. I)erneancr wouid be proud of ine: I have igured Out a to ensure that
第 3更 ,共 ま′頁
Demeanor, because "a grateful attitude is tremendous life skill, an efiicient and
inexpensive way to set ourselves apart in the work force and in our adult lives. Teach
your children that the habit of rnalmers comes fronl inside― it's an a■ itude based on
respecting people."
A few years ago, as my children descended like piranhas on their presents under the
Christmas tree. the only attitude I could see was greed. Where was the appreciation of
time and effort?
A th〔 nk… you note shouid contain tltree tllings:an aclmowiedgnlcnt Ofthc gi食
(Lovc thc
tic、vith thc picttlrc Of a horsc On it);a rCCOgnition ofthe tilne and ettrt spent to select
it(You must have shopped a1l over the state to flnd such a uniquc item!);and a
prcdictiOn of hOw yOu will use yOw gitt or thc way it has enharlced yOur lifc(I'1l bC
surc to we額 .itto the nextiⅥ ■Ed convcntioni),
So,ive ycars ago,in onc Of my r″ e nashcs ofparental insight,I decided that the Fl10St
oppo■ une tilnc to teach this basic courtcsy is lⅣ hile the Jinsel is hOt.TO the horror of
my childFen,I an■ ounced that hencclDrth eVcry gift received、 vill bc an occasion for a
thank― you notc、 Titten immcdiatcly, on thc spot. I have explaincd 10 my kids how I
havc rcactcd to lllot hcaring fTOlln that littic boy一 一llo、 v it madc mc fecl unappreciated
alld unmotivatcd to rcpcat thc process next yca■
I have reluctantly given my kids the green light to send e-mail thank-you notes; though
hand-iettered ones still seem i friendlier. But pretty much ′any thank-you
′ ∼ ― ^ ― the
′ ―― ^^‐gift‐ ‐
^^▼ 0^工
第 9ズ ,共 lF天
D) distinguishing oneseif from others in work and
19. In a thank-you note, "The book will be my good companion when I am alone"
serves as
A) a recognition of the time and effort spent to select
B) an announcement of how it has enhanced your life
C) aprediction of how you will use your gift
D) an acknowledgment of the gift
20。 What doesthe author mean by“ while the tinsel is hot''(Line 3,Para.6)?
→ The mOment her kids rece市 e a gift.
Chinese Translation(5X4=20分 し)
Part II English‐
DJ″ αJOttf R`α ′ 滋θメ♭″οwれg′ ■ sSα解 ,α ″グ 滋θ″ け鰯 :αte力 θ ″歿たガ′″θ′ pげts,
″笏″らθ″グ/Fa″ ″ノわ ,ル ″ 鍔 お乃′ ″わ C乃 滋釘θ.Pル ″ ιw″jた ノOη″α溶″θr ο″腸θ
∠A5″ τR Sttττ五 `り
Evev fleld ofstudy has its owlllanguage and its oⅥ 狙1″ ay ofthinkingo Mathematicians
talk aboutaxioms,integrals,and vettor spaces.Psychologists talk about ego,id,and co
gnitive dissonance.Lawyers talk about venue,torts,and promissory estoppel,
Is bcginncrs,it can seem odd to clailn tilat ccorlomics is a science. After all, economist
s do not work with test tubes or tel (3)│ nce f scl is tte
第 10り [・ 共 ′1ス
物 C乃 ブ
ag/η カプ ″ s乃 .P′ θ
j″ οE72g′ ′ αsθ ″″ θ
全 疱 国 内狂 氷 。対 子 妬 油
例 致ち 当 ヤ 本 的 一 人 哉 争 ヤ断 了源 油供 泣 吋 ,油 竹在 ネ
及妬 油 オ 昴 的 消 費者 未 悦 ,速 祥 的 一 人 事件 会 降 低 生 活 水 千 。対 子 姪 汗 決 果者 未
F哉 口
抗 ,t分 化 佃 山 了一 通 Xfi題 , ヌ 何 依 出 承4■ 泣 対 。仁 対 子 姪 汗 学 家 未 悦 ,tカ
違 れ 会 本 成 時 的 油介
研 究菫姜 自然 介 源 対 世 界 姪 汗 的 影 崎 提供 了一 人 れ 会 ,ユ 神
R多 所 史事件 。速些所
た久依然寿在 。 因比 ,基 本キヤ,式 市1会 分析イ
t氷 発来后イ
史事件位得研 究 ,因 力 ,t佃 社我
7i3対 1口
叶釣た 有所 了解 ,_‐t菫 姜 的え ,因 カ
宅佃使式佃能彰現明わ汗介 当今 釣祭汗理合O
should wtte according to the outline given below.Write your composition on the
Answer Sheet.
1.Ooogle's Decp mind ttha Go prograrn has beaten dlthe wo」 d champions ofthe
gallle Oo(団 棋)in a serics ofbattles betwccn man and artiicid intelligenca
2.SOme people fear advanced artiflcial intelligence because...
3.Yollr attitude towttdS advanced tartiflcid intelli
第 11天 ,共 if天