What is lead?
Lead is a naturally occurring metal found in the earth’s crust. Lead has been mined, processed, and
used in commercial and household products for thousands of years. In the past lead was used in
paint, gasoline, pottery, water pipes and other products. When lead gets into the body it is a poison
and harms people. Once lead enters the human environment, there is no way to destroy it or make it
harmless. Therefore, we must control exposure to lead.
Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body. Children and adults can get lead poisoning
by breathing or swallowing dust that contains lead. Your body does not have a use for lead. When it
is absorbed, it affects almost every body system. Even small amounts can be harmful. No one
knows exactly how much lead it takes to cause health problems.
Anyone can get lead poisoning. Lead is most dangerous to young and unborn children because their
bodies and brains are still growing and developing. Lead can interfere with normal brain
development, resulting in permanently reduced IQ and behavioral problems. Young children are
more at risk for exposure to lead because children explore their environment by putting their toys,
hand and other objects in their mouths. Any of these objects could have lead dust on them. If
children put objects with lead dust in their mouths, they can become lead poisoned. In addition, they
spend a lot of time on the floor where sources of lead are likely to be found. Young children also
absorb lead more easily than adults. Lead poisoned children may suffer life-long problems as a
result of their exposure at a young age.
Soil and dirt around homes and apartment buildings may contain lead. Soil may contain lead from
lead-based paint or from exhaust fumes from cars. Children may come into contact with lead by
playing in bare dirt. Lead in the soil may enter vegetables planted in the garden. Outside play areas
and food gardens should be located away from houses and buildings and away from areas that could
be contaminated by heavy car traffic.
Imported, old, handmade or poorly glazed ceramic dishes and pottery may have lead in the glaze.
Lead may also be found in leaded crystal, pewter and brass dishware. Acidic foods stored in
improperly glazed containers are the most dangerous. Acidic foods or drinks (such as orange,
tomato and other fruit juices, tomato sauces, wines, and vinegar) may cause an increase in the
release of lead from these types of tableware. You cannot always tell by looking at a dish whether it
contains lead. The only way to know for sure is to test or have the tableware tested for lead. If it is
not known whether or not a particular tableware item contains lead, the item should not be used to
store, cook or serve food or beverages. If any tableware starts to show a dusty or chalky gray
residue after washing, discontinue using the item. Purchase dishes with labels that state the item is
lead-free or suitable for food use.
Most children are exposed to lead from household dust containing lead from lead-based paint.
Prior to 1978, and especially before 1950, lead was a common additive to house paint. Homes
painted with lead-based paint are an ongoing risk as painted surfaces break down over time and
when paint is disturbed in remodeling by sanding and scraping. Windows, doors, steps and porches
are areas where surfaces may rub together and make lead dust.
Lead-based paint can also be found in soil around homes as a result of peeling and chipping paint
and remodeling activities, such as sanding and scraping of paint. Soils near roads may contain lead
dust from automobile exhaust deposited before leaded gasoline was phased out. People track this
soil into homes where children play on the floor, and sometimes children play in bare soil
contaminated with lead.
Lead can also be found in lead pipes or solder, imported or older ceramics and pottery, certain
hobbies, and folk medicines. Parents who work in lead-related industries can bring lead home on
their clothing, exposing children to the hazard.
Signs of lead poisoning are not always easy to see. Children can be poisoned by lead and
may not look or act sick. Many children who are lead poisoned look and act healthy.
Sometimes the vague symptoms may be mistaken for other illnesses such as stomach upset
or flu. Because of this, lead poisoning may go unrecognized. A blood lead test is the only
way to find out if a child has lead poisoning.
Some possible signs and symptoms of lead poisoning in children are:
Children can get lead in their bodies by swallowing or breathing in dust that contains lead. Lead is a
poison that affects every organ and system in the body. There is no function or need for lead. Very
high levels of lead exposure can cause coma, seizures and death. Even a little lead can make
children slower learners. Exposure to lead can cause:
• Brain damage and lower intelligence
• Behavior and learning problems
• Impaired speech and language
• Slowed growth
• Kidney and liver damage
• Hearing damage
Your health care provider will ask you some questions to see if your child is at risk for lead
poisoning. The only way to know for sure if your child has been exposed to lead is to have their
blood tested. Blood tests are used to find out how much lead is in a child’s blood. The test is simple.
A health care provider takes blood from your child and a lab will test the blood.
A “yes” or “I don’t know” answer to any of the eight following questions means that your
child could be at risk for lead poisoning and should have a blood lead test.
• Does your child live in or regularly visit a home, child care, or other building built before 1950?
(Call your county tax assessor if you do not know when your home was built).
• During the past 6 months has your child lived in or regularly visited a home, child care, or other
building built before 1980 with recent or ongoing painting, repair, remodeling, or damage?
• Does your child have a brother, sister, other relative, housemate or playmate with lead
• Does your child spend time with an adult that has a job or hobby where they may work with
lead (such as painting, remodeling, auto radiators, batteries, auto repair, soldering, making
sinkers, bullets, stained glass, pottery, going to shooting ranges, hunting or fishing)?
• Do you have pottery or ceramics made in other countries or lead crystal or pewter that are used
for cooking, storing or serving food or drink?
• Has your child ever used any traditional, imported or home remedies or cosmetics such as
Azarcon, Alarcon, Greta, Rueda, Pay-loo-ah, or Kohl?
• Has your child been adopted from, lived in or visited a foreign country in the last 6 months?
The amount of lead found in a child’s blood is called a blood lead level. Blood lead tests tell how
many micrograms (millionth of a gram) of lead are in each deciliter (tenth of a liter) of a child’s
blood (µg/dl). A blood lead level will tell if a child has been exposed to lead in the last 3-4 months.
To find out how much lead is in a child’s blood, a small amount of blood is taken from a child’s
arm, finger or heel. Taking blood from a child’s finger or heel is called a finger or heel-stick or a
capillary test. Sometimes the blood from a capillary test may be contaminated by a small amount of
lead on the child’s hand or foot. This may cause an inaccurate or false elevated test result. Blood
taken from an arm vein (venous blood test) is a more reliable test.
Lead poisoning is preventable if hazards are detected and removed. The warning signs of lead
poisoning are not always noticeable, so parents need to carefully check their child’s environment for
possible sources of lead. Parents can help protect their children from lead poisoning by reducing
exposure to lead in the environment, and by promoting good nutrition and healthy habits.
• Frequently inspect your home for signs of chipping, peeling or deteriorating paint. Clean up
paint chips immediately and keep paint in good condition. Look for painted areas where surfaces
may rub together and create lead dust.
• Use lead-safe work practices or hire a lead-safe professional for maintenance, renovations,
painting and repair.
• Clean areas where children play. Regularly wet-wipe floors, windowsills, porches and other
surfaces to remove lead dust. Carefully clean friction or impact surfaces such as windows, doors,
and cabinets.
• Wash children’s hands often, especially before meals and after playing outside.
• Wash toys, stuffed animals, bottles and pacifiers often to remove lead dust.
• Clean or remove shoes before entering the home to avoid tracking in soil that may contain lead.
• Have children play on grass instead of bare soil. Provide a sandbox with lead-free sand.
• Use cold water for drinking, cooking, or making baby formula. Run the water for 15-30 seconds
until it feels noticeably colder.
• Do not use imported, old or handmade pottery to cook, store or serve food or drinks.
• Don’t bring lead dust from hobbies or work places into the home. If you work with lead in your
job or hobby, change clothes and shower before you go home or into your vehicle. If possible
wash work clothes at work. If you must wash the clothes at home, carry them in a plastic bag
and then wash them separately from those of other family members.
• Provide regular healthy meals and snacks. Meals or snacks high in iron, vitamin C, and calcium
may help children absorb less lead.
• If your child is at risk, have their blood tested for lead exposure.
A well-balanced diet is very important. Children with empty stomachs absorb more lead than
children with full stomachs. Provide your child with four to six small healthy meals during the day.
A diet rich in calcium and iron can reduce the amount of lead a child absorbs. Eating foods with
vitamin C helps increase the amount of iron in the blood. Eating a variety of foods as part of a well-
balanced diet helps a child grow up healthy and strong.
People who work in lead related industries or have hobbies involving lead may bring lead dust into
the home on their clothes and bodies exposing family members. Good hygiene needs to be observed
to avoid bringing lead dust into the home from the work place. By following a few simple
precautions, hobbyists can also reduce the risk of exposure to lead and protect themselves and their
Signs or symptoms that may be related to over-exposure to lead:
• Tiredness or weakness
• Irritability
• Trouble sleeping
• Headache
• Difficulty concentrating
• Aches or pains in stomach
• Loss of appetite
• Constipation
• Nausea
• Weight loss
• Impotency
• Brain and nervous system damage
• High blood pressure
• Digestive problems
• Kidney problems
• Anemia
• Reproductive system problems
• Hearing, vision and muscle coordination problems
How can I learn more about lead in the workplace?
Oregon office of Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OR-OSHA) rules require
that employers protect workers on the job from the hazards of lead. These requirements
cover not only workers directly engaged in lead-related jobs, but also any workers allied
with or supporting them (e.g., office staff) or who may be affected by the activities of the
workers, such as employees working in a building being renovated.
For more information about lead in the workplace and OSHA’s lead standards and regulations
contact Oregon Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OR-OSHA) tollfree at (800) 922-
2689 or on their website at
In general, the older the home the more likely both the interior and the exterior were painted with
lead paint.. This is especially true for homes built prior to1950, but lead-based paints were widely
used up to the time they were banned for residential purposes in 1978. Also, the presence of lead
paint does not necessarily mean that it presents a hazard. To present a health threat, it must
somehow enter the body. Paint that is well cared for generally does not pose a danger. However,
even in well-maintained homes, friction and impact surfaces, such as door jambs or sliding widows,
can create fine lead dust that can be inhaled or swallowed.
The surest method is to use the services of a certified lead-based paint inspector or a risk assessor.
An inspector can tell you if there is lead in the home; a risk assessor can tell you the extent of the
hazard. Home test kits for lead are available, but may not always be accurate. Consumers should not
rely on these kits to determine if lead is a hazard in their home. The home test kit can only tell you
if lead is present on a surface. It cannot tell you how much lead there is, if there is a lead paint
hazard, or what needs to be done to repair the hazard.
What kind of professional lead paint services are available in Oregon?
There are several types of services available. The Lead-Based Paint Program (LBPP) certifies lead-
based paint Inspectors, Risk Assessors, Supervisors, Project Managers, and Workers. LBPP can
provide you with a List of Certified Lead-Based Paint Professionals. These professionals are trained
in abatement, which means they can permanently remove lead hazards from a property.
The Lead-Based Paint Program regulates these professionals and actively enforces violations of
unsafe work practices. Program staff follow up on all tips and complaints. To file a complaint call
the Lead-Based Paint Program at (971) 673-0440 or the LeadLine a toll-free phone service at
1-800-368-5060. You can also submit a compliant on our website at
The Lead-Based Paint Program can provide a list of certified lead inspectors and risk assessors, if
you need to test for lead contamination in your home or in the soil. A list of certified specialists in
cleaning up lead contamination is also available.
When you rent a property built before 1978 the landlord is required to have you sign a standard
Disclosure form, as required under Federal law. The landlord is also required to give you a
pamphlet entitled "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home". According to the Federal law,
the landlord is only required to disclose to you any knowledge that he or she has of lead-based paint
(LBP) in the house. If he/she has no knowledge of LBP, he/she is not required to conduct an
inspection or make a special effort to find out if lead based paint is present. The only obligation is to
disclose current knowledge.
Lead-based paint is usually not a hazard if it is in good condition and is not on a window, door, or
other area where the surfaces may rub together and create lead dust. Chipping, peeling, cracking or
damaged paint is a hazard and needs attention. If you see any chipping paint or other lead paint
hazards, notify your landlord.
For more information about lead poisoning prevention and lead-safe work practices contact the
Lead Poisoning Prevention Program:
Phone: 971-673-0440
Toll free: 1-800-368-5060