Disaster Management 01 - Daily Class Notes - Prahar (UPSC 2023)
Disaster Management 01 - Daily Class Notes - Prahar (UPSC 2023)
Disaster Management 01 - Daily Class Notes - Prahar (UPSC 2023)
Lecture – 01
India and Disaster Management
Disaster Management Framework in India
SENDAI Framework for Disaster Management
Cloud Burst
Heat Waves
Miscellaneous Topics
India and Disaster Management
Disaster is the disruption on a massive scale.
It can be natural or manmade.
It occurs in short or long periods of time.
It can lead to human hardship.
It can lead to economic hardship.
It can lead to environmental hardship.
It can lead to material hardship.
These hardships are beyond the bearable capacity of society.
Vulnerability Profile of India:
There are 30 different types of disasters that will have a long-term effect on the macro-economic
performance of India.
Approximately 30% of Indian land is under the impact of Earthquakes.
Approximately 8% of Indian land is vulnerable to Cyclones (coastal areas).
Approximately 12% of Indian land is vulnerable to Floods..
Around 68% of Indian land under cultivation is vulnerable to droughts.
Around 5700 out of 7516.6 km of the coastal area is vulnerable due to cyclones and tsunamis.
India is vulnerable to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) emergencies.
In India, Disaster risks are compounded by various other issues:
Unplanned urbanization
Geological disasters:
Volcanic eruptions
Broad Causes for Occurrence of Disaster:
Environmental Degradation:
Removal of trees/forest covers:
Consequences: Soil erosion, surface runoff increases, groundwater depletion (Lack of availability of
water for industries as well as humans), flood area will increase mainly in upper river parts.
Developmental Process:
Exploitation of land use
Development of Infrastructure
Rapid Urbanization (increases the population)
Technological development
These all are increasing the pressure over the natural resources.
Political Issues:
Using chemical weapons in wars
Nuclear war/nuclear power aspirations
Super power aspirations
Aspirations to conquer land, sea, and space
All this will lead to disastrous events. For example, the Syrian war, Hiroshima nuclear attack, Chernobyl
incident, Growing militarization of sea and outer space
Increase in Global Warming:
Global warming leads to sea level rise. Also submergence of coastal areas and low lying islands.
Extreme Weather Events:
Cyclones and Hurricanes
Natural Disasters:
Cloud bursts
Volcanic eruptions
Hail storms
Impacts of Disasters:
Physical and Psychological Impacts:
Loss of Lives: 2076 (in 2017) people died due to disasters / natural calamities. This is second only to Puerto
Injuries: Those who survive the disasters are mostly injured at least.
Fear in Dangerous Areas: There is a psychological fear of disasters in disaster-prone regions. For example,
Odisha (The National capital of disaster) is prone to tropical cyclones.
Economic Impacts:
Loss to GDP: Disasters not only impact the daily economic activities but it also impacts the governments
purse. This loss equates to up to 2% of the Indian GDP, approximately 12% of central government revenue.
Loss of Infrastructure: Loss of Houses, Loss of lifeline infrastructures (Power and communication towers,
hospitals, ridges, roads, crops, etc), etc.
Agricultural Loss: High-speed winds, torrential rain, droughts, and floods make the land unsuitable for
Environmental Impact:
Changes the Land Profile:
Erosion of beaches by cyclones
Eroding embankment beside the rivers.
Destroying vegetation in the coastal areas (Because of cyclones and tsunamis)
Because of disasters like torrential rain, clouds burst to reduce the fertility of the soil.
Forest Destructions:
Cyclones remove the forest canopy near the coastal areas.
Because of drought the occurrence of the incident of forest fires increases
Political Impact:
Political Instability: Man-made disasters like war create instability in the political establishments. For
example, Angola massacre, Rwanda massacre, Ukraine-Russia war, etc.
Low level of Governance
Displacement or migration of people
Social Impacts:
The most vulnerable groups to disasters are:
Women: Increases the desire for boy children because boys can tolerate the disaster effect more
prominently (Patriarchal society) and the population of men increases.
Children: Disasters lead to school dropout, nutritional deficiency, fewer health facilities, etc.
Poor: Poor people become poorer because poverty hits more because of disasters.
Disasters increase the disruptions/lack of availability of drinking water and industrial water.
It will impact production, so industries get lost and industries start to decrease their operating cost and
start to lay off workers, therefore unemployment increases.