Elective 1 - Syllabus
Elective 1 - Syllabus
Elective 1 - Syllabus
(Second Semester)
S.Y. 2023-2024
Vision: Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc., a Catholic Educational Institution, anchored on the Spirituality of the Holy Family, envisions a society
that promotes the evangelical values of peace, solidarity, fraternal relationships, and respect of the environment.
Mission: Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc. commits to form graduates who are academically competent, technologically skillful, socially
committed and spiritually mature.
1.) Innovative
2.) Effective Communicator
3.) IT Proficient
4.) Committed
5.) God-centered
Institutional Graduate Outcomes (IGO):
1.) Utilizes critical thinking and creative skills by providing solutions in consideration of ethical, socio-cultural, and environmental concerns;
2.) Uses English language effectively in both oral and writing in the workplace and the community;
3.) Incorporates advancement of information technology to perform tasks effectively and efficiently;
4.) Performs work beyond the demands of duties and responsibilities with passion and commitment; and
5.) Lives-out the spirituality of the Holy Family in the family, the workplace, and the community.
1.) have advanced their practice or achievement in the field of Elementary/Secondary Education and/or other endeavors supported by their acquired
2.) strive to be globally competitive through:
a.) living by the GTCD mission values, pursuing continuing education, and practicing continuous quality improvement in their personal lives;
b.) continuously scanning, adopting, and building on the best practices in their fields
3.) uphold dignified personality and manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.
By the time of graduation, the Elementary and Secondary Education students must have:
1.) Articulated and discussed the latest developments in the specific field of practice;
2.) Effectively communicated orally and in writing using both English and Filipino;
3.) Worked effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
4.) Acted in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility;
5.) Preserved and promoted “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”;
6.) Articulated the relationship of education to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes;
7.) Facilitated learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies in various types of environments;
8.) Developed alternative teaching approaches for diverse learners;
9.) Applied skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, instructional delivery and educational assessment;
10.) Demonstrated basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing and reporting;
11.) Practiced professional and ethical teaching standards to respond to the demands of the community;
12.) Pursued lifelong learning for personal and professional growth;
13.) Demonstrated in-depth understanding of the development of elementary/adolescent learners;
14.) Exhibited comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in the elementary/secondary curriculum;
15.) Created and utilized materials appropriate to the elementary/secondary level to enhance teaching and learning;
16.) Designed and implemented assessment tools and procedures to measure elementary/secondary learning outcomes; and
17.) Demonstrated a service orientation in one’s profession.
At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:
I. Instructional Matrix:
Teaching and
Course Content/ Subject
WEEK Student Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Assessment Tasks (ATs) Resources
At the end of the unit, the 1. Objectives of Remedial Class discussion and Oral recitation PowerPoint
students must have: Instruction lecture presentation
Week 1
1. Identify the goals and
significance of remedial
instruction for struggling learners
At the end of the unit, the The Remedial Instruction: Class discussion and Divergent questioning PowerPoint
students must have: Organization and lecture presentation
1. Determine and explain Management Graphic Graphic organizer
the salient features and Organization interpretation of
Week 2 components of remedial - Curriculum - remedial instruction
instruction Instruction components
- Assessment
-Components of
At the end of the unit, the 1. Principles of Helping Class discussion and Oral recitation Powerpoint
students must have: Learners with Difficulties lecture Presentation
At the end of the unit, the Teaching Activities, Aids Class discussion and Instructional material for PowerPoint
students must have: and Supporting Materials lecture remedial class presentation
Week 5 Sample materials
1. Identify and design effective and activities for
learning materials for remedial remedial students
At the end of the unit, the The Setting of Learning Class discussion and Oral recitation PowerPoint
students must have: Environment lecture presentation
Week 6 Images of
1. Determine the different settings different learning
of learning environment and the environments
appropriate type of teaching
based on these settings
2nd Trinal
At the end of the unit, the Remedial Teaching Class discussion and Simulations PowerPoint
students must have: Strategies lecture presentation
Simulation activities
1. Manage earning situations by of different remedial
Week 7-8 applying various teaching class situations and
strategies how to tackle such
At the end of the unit, the Remedial Instruction in Class discussion and Objective Exercises PowerPoint
students must have: Reading lecture presentation
Word lists
1. Identify reading/ perceptual Correcting Perceptual Images
Week 9-10 difficulties of learners and decoding deficits in Sample materials
2. Apply principles and activities word recognition
which may help correct such Definition of terms
difficulties Correcting sight-word
knowledge deficits
Correcting Basic sight
vocabulary deficit
Correcting knowledge of
Remediation through
phonemic awareness
Remedial vocabulary
At the end of the unit, the Remedial Instruction in Class discussion and Oral Recitations PowerPoint
students must have: Listening lecture presentation
Week 11- 1. Identify listening difficulties of Factors affecting
12 learners students’ listening
2. Apply principles and activities comprehension
which may help correct or Internal Factors
manage such difficulties External Factors
How to improve
students’ listening
3rd Trinal
At the end of the unit, the Remedial Instruction in Class discussion and Divert Questioning PowerPoint
students must have: Speaking lecture presentation
Monday to Saturday
o 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Learning in this course will be evaluated with the use of the following measures:
Written Tasks - 20%
Examination - 40%
Total - 100%
Book: Bilbao, P., Dequilla, M.A., Rosano, D., Boholano, H. (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning 1. LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC.