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Modeling of Photovoltaic Panel by using Proteus

Article in Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review · June 2017

DOI: 10.25103/jestr.102.02


55 15,803

5 authors, including:

Saad Motahhir Abdelilah Chalh

Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University


el ghzizal Abdelaziz Aziz Derouich

École Supérieure de Technologie, Fès Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University


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Jestr Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 10 (2) (2017) 8- 13

Research Article
Engineering Science and
Technology Review

Modeling of Photovoltaic Panel by using Proteus
Saad Motahhir*, Abdelilah Chalh, Abdelaziz El Ghzizal, Souad Sebti and Aziz Derouich

Laboratory of Production engineering, Energy and Sustainable Development, Smart Energy Systems and Information Processing
Research Team, higher school of technology, USMBA University, Fez, Morocco

Received 16 April 2017; Accepted 15 May 2017



This paper focuses on a Proteus Spice model of the photovoltaic Panel. This model is based on a mathematical equation
which is got from the equivalent circuit of the photovoltaic Panel; it includes a photocurrent source, a diode, a series
resistor and a shunt resistor. Next, this model is validated by comparing its data with the experimental data. In addition,
since Proteus provides in its library different microcontrollers and electronic boards , this model is connected to the
Arduino UNO Board through the voltage and current sensors, that in order to acquire and supervise the photovoltaic
voltage, current and power. And for experimental validation, a prototype using real components has been developed.

Keywords: PV panel; Spice; Arduino UNO; Proteus; Solar Energy Measurement

the photovoltaic voltage, current and power. And to validate
1. Introduction the functionality and performance of the developed Solar
Energy Measurement System, a prototype using real
The growing concern about environmental issues and the components has been developed.
strong need of low-cost energy sources have engendered a
great importance in the use of renewable energy such as the
PV solar energy. Currently, PV solar energy has become a 2. PV Panel model
perfect promising renewable energy source due to its many
benefits namely; low cost maintenance, non-necessity of A PV panel is a component which can convert a solar energy
moving and no pollution. However, the low efficiency of a into direct current electricity using semiconducting
PV panel and high cost of PV system installation may be a materials that exhibit the PV effect. The equivalent circuit of
discouraging factor as far as its use [1]. Moreover, the non- the PV panel is shown in Fig. 1[12, 13].
linear comportment and heavy dependence of PV modules
on the solar irradiation and temperature poses important
challenges for researchers in PV solar energy topic [2, 3].
To avoid these limitations, the operation of the PV panel
at the MPP is a requirement which can improve the
efficiency of the PV system. For this reason MPPT
algorithm is used [4]-[9]. And in order to test the
performance of such MPPT algorithm, the modeling of PV
panel should be done. Therefore several researchers have
modeled the PV panel either in Matlab/Simulink or PSIM
tools [10]-[12]; however these tools don’t provide a
microcontroller or an electronic board in which our
algorithm can be implemented and tested. Consequently, we
Fig. 1.PV cell equivalent circuit
can’t rely on these tools to validate our algorithm. On the
other hand, Proteus is the best simulation software for
various designs with electronics and microcontroller. It is
As presented in fig. 1, the equivalent circuit of the PV
mainly popular because of availability of almost all
panel contains a current source, a diode, a shunt resistor and
microcontrollers in it. However, it does not contain a PV
a series resistor. The current generated by the PV panel can
panel model. Hence, in this paper a PV panel model under
be given as [12, 13]:
Proteus tool is proposed as an alternative, and this model is
validated by comparing its data with experimental data.
Hence, by using Proteus we can implement our algorithm ⎛ q(V + Rs I) ⎞ (V + IRs )
I = I ph - I 0 ⎜ exp -1⎟ - (1)
under a real development board. Therefore, the PV panel is ⎝ aKTN s ⎠ Rsh
connected to the Arduino UNO Board through the voltage
and current sensors, that in order to acquire and supervise
In this study the MSX-60 panel is used and table I
______________ presents its specification [14]:
*E-mail address: saad.motahhir@usmba.ac.ma
ISSN: 1791-2377 © 2017 Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology. All rights reserved.
Saad Motahhir, Abdelilah Chalh, Abdelaziz El Ghzizal, Souad Sebti and Aziz Derouich/
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 10 (2) (2017) 8-13
The number of cells 36
Table 1. Specifications of the PV module Solarex MSX-60
at STC Light-generated current Iph 3.8128 A
Characteristics MSX-60 Diode saturation current I0 2.5245e-10 A
Maximum power, Pmax 60W Ideality factor 0.9784
Voltage at Pmax,Vmp 17.1V
Shunt Resistance Rsh 153.5644Ω
Current at Pmax, Imp 3.5A
Series Resistance Rs 0.38572Ω
Short-circuit current, Isc 3.8A

In order to model a PV panel in Proteus tool, its

Open-circuit voltage, Vco 21.1V
equivalent circuit is done with a controlled current source
and a diode with modified Spice code, that in order to design
a real model of PV panel. Fig. 2 presents the Proteus model
Temperature coefficient of -80mV/°C
and its Spice code.
open-circuit voltage Voc, Kv

Temperature coefficient of 2.4mA/°C

short-circuit current Isc, Ki

Fig. 2. The PV panel model under Proteus

As shown in Fig. 2, in order to model a PV panel in Proteus is set to 35.09424 which is the multiplication
tool, the below steps are followed: between the ideality factor and number of cells.
3. Two resistors are used to model the shunt resistor
1. A “Voltage Controlled Current Source” block and the series resistor with the values mentioned
controlled by “DC Voltage Source” block is in table I.
used to model the Current Source. For example 4. A “DC Voltage Source” block is connected to the
to simulate our model under STC, the value of PV panel model as a variable load. Its value is
“DC Voltage Source” block is set to 3.8128 V equal to the “Sweep variable” value of the “DC
value, which is the photocurrent of MSX-60 SWEEP ANALYSIS” graph used in order to
panel under STC. simulate our model as shown in fig. 3, note that
2. As shown in fig.2, a diode with modified spice the range of “Sweep variable” variable must be
code is used in this model, because it is required between 0V and the open-circuit voltage.
to change the values of the saturation current Is,
the ideality factor, number of cells and bandgap The simulation of the PV panel in ISIS Proteus is
energy in the Spice code according to the presented in Fig. 3
specification of MSX-60 panel [14]. Note that N

Saad Motahhir, Abdelilah Chalh, Abdelaziz El Ghzizal, Souad Sebti and Aziz Derouich/
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 10 (2) (2017) 8-13

Fig. 3. I-V and P-V characteristics for PV panel by using Proteus

Fig. 4 shows the I–V and P-V characteristics obtained by our

model and experimental data at STC. Experimental data are
extracted from the datasheet [14]. And as shown in fig. 4,
the model accurately is in accordance with the experimental
data both in the power and the current characteristics.

Fig 4. I–V and P-V model curves and experimental data of Solarex
MSX-60 module

As presented in fig. 5, the Proteus PV model is put in a

sub-circuit in order to make it easy to use.

Fig. 5. The sub circuit of the PV panel model under Proteus

Modeling a PV panel in Proteus tool allows controlling our 3. Solar Energy Measurement
PV system by microcontroller, microprocessor, DSP, and
FPGA. Therefore, the performance obtained will be similar to
the performance obtained during real experience. One of the 3.1. Materials used
aims of this study is to acquire and supervise the current, In order to supervise the energy of our panel, different
voltage and power of our PV panel by using Arduino and components are required apart PV panel such as current
Proteus. sensor, voltage sensor, development board and LCD.

Board: the development board used in this paper is Arduino

UNO, in which the ATMega328 microcontroller is
integrated. It is a low cost board.
Voltage sensor: it is used to reduce the PV voltage to
another voltage between (Vd) [0, 5] which can be supported

Saad Motahhir, Abdelilah Chalh, Abdelaziz El Ghzizal, Souad Sebti and Aziz Derouich/
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 10 (2) (2017) 8-13
by Arduino, because Arduino cannot read voltage more than and the Load (fig. 8), so the current through this resistor is
5 V, therefore the voltage divider circuit as presented in fig. 6 the PV current, therefore the operational amplifier subtractor
is used. circuit is used to compute the voltage across this resistor,
and this voltage is provided to the Arduino in order to get
the value of PV the panel current. Note that R1 should be
small in order to minimize the loss of energy (as the Ampere

Fig. 6. Voltage divider circuit

The design of resistors R3 and R4 is made as follows:

Fig. 7. Operational amplifier subtractor circuit
From fig.6,

Vd = (R3 / R3 + R 4 ) *V (2) LCD screen: it is used to display values of PV voltage,

current and power.
Since the range of PV panel voltage (V) is [0, 21.1],
therefore the divider's voltage ratio should be lower or equal
0.23, hence, in order to make simple the choice of resistors, a 4. Results and Discussion
divider's voltage ratio equal to 0.2 is selected. Another
requirement is that the resistors should be high in order to As shown in fig. 8, the PV panel is connected to the load and
minimize the loss of energy (as the voltmeter). Therefore, R3 the Arduino board acquires the PV voltage and current from
is selected with a value equals to 25kΩ and R4 is selected voltage and current sensors in order to use them to compute
with a value equals to 100kΩ. PV power. And then, the PV power, voltage and current are
displayed on the LCD screen. And as presented in fig. 8, the
Current sensor: it is used to provide to the Arduino the same values displayed on Ampere Meter and Voltmeter are
image of the PV panel current. In this study we design a displayed on LCD Screen.
current sensor as presented in fig. 7. The design of this
sensor consists of putting a resistor (R1) between the panel

Fig. 8. Solar Energy Measurement Using Arduino and Proteus

Saad Motahhir, Abdelilah Chalh, Abdelaziz El Ghzizal, Souad Sebti and Aziz Derouich/
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 10 (2) (2017) 8-13

To validate the functionality and performance of the Matlab/Simulink, because by using PSIM and Matlab we
developed Solar Energy Measurement System, a prototype must again write the code of our algorithm once we start the
by using real components has been developed as shown in experiment. Another benefit is that if our system is tested by
fig. 9, and the experiment is performed using the artificial using Proteus and it gives good performance, it will probably
insolation with the help of lamps. Note that the same Arduino give the same result in the experiment, because we use the
code used in Proteus is used in the experiment, and this is the same components and Arduino code in simulation and
benefit of using Proteus in simulation instead of PSIM and experiment.

Fig. 9. Experimental setup of the developed Solar Energy Measurement System

5. Conclusion simulation instead of PSIM and Matlab/Simulink, because

In this paper, a Proteus Spice model of the photovoltaic by using PSIM and Matlab we must again write the code of
Panel is made, and it is validated by comparing its data with our algorithm once we start the experiment. Another benefit
experimental data, hence the model is in accordance with is that if our system is tested by using Proteus and it gives
experimental data. As a result, a Solar Energy Measurement good performance, it will probably give the same result in
System is done by using electronic board provided by the experiment, because we use the same components and
Proteus (Arduino UNO), in which our algorithm is Arduino code in simulation and experiment
implemented and tested. And to validate the functionality
and performance of our system, a prototype by using real This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
components has been developed, and the same Arduino code Creative Commons Attribution Licence
used in Proteus is used in the experiment. That can decrease
the time spent in debugging runtime errors during the
experiment, and this is the benefit of using Proteus in


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2008. Modélisation et commande d’un panneau photovoltaïque dans
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• a : diode’s ideality factor;
• I : panel output current;
• I0 : diode saturation current;
• Iph : panel photocurrent;
• K : constant of Boltzmann;
• Ns : number of cells connected in series;
• q : electron charge;
• Rs : series resistance;
• Rsh : shunt resistance;
• T: junction temperature;
• V : panel output voltage;
• Vd: output of voltage divider circuit.
• STC: standard test condition.
• PV : Photovoltaic;
• MPP : maximum power point;
• MPPT : maximum power point tracking;
• LCD: Liquid Crystal Display.

Data of this paper:

• PV Panel in Proteus:


• Data for: Photovoltaic system with quantitative comparative between an improved MPPT

and existing INC and P&O methods under fast varying of solar irradiation:


More Data:

• MATLAB/Simulink Model of Photovoltaic Cell, Panel and Array:


• MPPT in PSIM Software:


• PV panel under shading and implementation of DMPPT:


• Data for: MIL and SIL and PIL tests for MPPT algorithm Paper:


• Data for: Development of a low-cost PV system using an improved INC algorithm and a

PV panel Proteus model:


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