ABC Hotel Employee Performance Appraisal Form: Section 1 Performance Review and Rating
ABC Hotel Employee Performance Appraisal Form: Section 1 Performance Review and Rating
ABC Hotel Employee Performance Appraisal Form: Section 1 Performance Review and Rating
1. Teamwork: The ability to get along with others team members, showing a cooperative
spirit and help to create a good workplace environment.
Exceeds Meets Minimally
Outstanding Standards Standards Acceptable Unsatisfactory
5 4 3 2 1
Establish a very Good at establish Establish a Hard to establish Serious conflicts
good relationship good relationship harmonious harmonious with other team
with other with other relationship with relationship with members, create a
members, perform members which other members, other members, “toxic workplace”
actively to create a can help to achieve help to create a sometime causing which detrimental
very good working good cooperation good workplace conflicts with other to the normal
atmosphere and results. and environment. team members operation of the
resolve conflicts promote the which require team.
with a positive optimization of the supervisors to
attitude. working mediate it.
2. Job knowledge: Demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of his/her job
position and the extent to maintain a positive, active attitude to learn new things (about
social media and marketing) which help to enhance job knowledge and skills.
Exceeds Meets Minimally
Outstanding Standards Standards Acceptable Unsatisfactory
5 4 3 2 1
Expert in job, has Very well Satisfactory job Limited knowledge Lack of knowledge
through grasp of all informed, seldom knowledge, of job, further to perform job
phases of job, requires assistance understand and training required, properly, being
perform a very and instruction. performs most frequently needs passive / poor
active attitude for phases of job well, assistance and attitude for
learning new occasionally instruction. learning new
things. requires assistance things.
and instruction.
3. Work effectiveness: The ability to carry out the planned tasks and schemes of the
company, as well as the outputs with the related-objectives whether being achieved.
5 4 3 2 1
The work has The overall The work is There are some There are often
always been very execution of the satisfactory, there serious mistakes in serious mistakes
rigorous and strives work is good, and are a few errors, the work and and shortcomings
for perfection; the no mistakes are but not serious; the submit the tasks in the work; poor
work performance made; the work is performance of the before the performance and
is excellent, high performed well, work is good, established very slow progress;
efficiency, and it and the work can generally can be deadlines; or the failure to meet
exceeds the always be completed work is done deadlines and
expected goals and completed within according to the set properly with a goals, and failure
results. the established deadline, and can rigorous attitude to achieve expected
deadline, and the achieve the set with low results.
established goals goals and effects. efficiency, which
and effects are slows down the
successfully operation of the
achieved. department; or
completes the work
quickly, but with
much serious
4. Innovation capability: The ability to generate new ideas and adopt them into new or
improved services/ processes that benefit the hotel.
Exceeds Meets Minimally
Outstanding Standards Standards Acceptable Unsatisfactory
5 4 3 2 1
Provides timely Good at finding Constant efforts are New ideas are Work in a
and proper new solutions to made to find new rarely proposed, conservative
oversight to resolve problems, and can solutions to and when new manner, never
issues, and create or problems, although ideas are come up with new
contributes implement new the proposed attempted, the ideas, only work
significantly to ways of working solutions are not ideas are generally according to old
introducing new that are appropriate always appropriate inappropriate. procedures, and set
work procedures or to the situation. or timely. up obstacles to
adopting solutions innovative
that add value to measures.
the department.
5. Organizational Commitment: Assess the awareness of brand image, goal, and value
and promote our brand by this principle
Exceeds Meets Minimally
Outstanding Standards Standards Acceptable Unsatisfactory
5 4 3 2 1
Act on maintaining Actively Understand the Misunderstand the Act ignoring
the brand image as implement the brand image, goal, brand image, goal, corporate goals and
the principal fully organizational and values and and values. Never values, and even
practices the goals and values, ensure that every concerned with the the actions damage
organization's goals maintaining the action matches the effect of his/ her the brand image.
and corporate with brand image. expectation of the actions on brand
developing the company. image
6. Continual Improvement: Evaluate the attitude of continuously improving their work
Exceeds Meets Minimally
Outstanding Standards Standards Acceptable Unsatisfactory
5 4 3 2 1
Strive for Employees are Understand their Employees are Employees are
excellence in every humble to seek the strengths and willing to learn and arrogant, do not
area and spare no opportunity to weaknesses and improve comprehend their
effort to develop improve look for ways to themselves but fail strengths and
personal abilities themselves and improve to persist. weaknesses, and do
and continue to find a significant themselves. not listen to others'
learn and improve improvement in job advice.
themselves. performance.
7. Initiative: Assess the worker ability to look for solutions and presents suggestions
leading to an effective improvement of the work by himself/herself, as well as the
independence with which he/she performs the respective functions. Also, shows initiative
and self-reliance when making suggestions for increasing the effectiveness.
Exceeds Meets Minimally
Outstanding Standards Standards Acceptable Unsatisfactory
5 4 3 2 1
Even when When encountering Able to work Works somewhat Can only carry out
encountering a difficult situation, independently; independently, but the prescribed daily
difficult and he can put forward does not require rarely makes tasks and never
extremely complex suggestions and detailed suggestions to help provide
situations, can put methods to solve instructions for solve problems. recommendations;
forward the problem; he can daily tasks; and even the simplest
suggestions and also solve the sometimes suggests tasks cannot be
methods suitable problem feasible solutions handled if precise
for solving appropriately to less complex instructions from
problems, and without the problems. the superior are not
solve problems in instruction of the provided.
the best way; can superior.
always work
8. Adaptability and Flexibility: The ability to adjust to changing marketing functions (eg.
Financing and Pricing ); Taking on different roles and responsibilities when needed. And
he/she is constantly equipping themself with new skills and knowledge(Upskilling and
reskilling) that can help them better adapt and fosters the ability to acclimatize and adjust
to changes.
Exceeds Meets Minimally
Outstanding Standards Standards Acceptable Unsatisfactory
5 4 3 2 1
Good at measuring When performing When performing Having difficulty When performing
the characteristics duties, he/she often their duties, he/she in gauging the duties, fails to
of situations and make the methods can pay attention to characteristics of notice the
circumstances; adopted to suit the the characteristics situations and characteristics of
always select the characteristics of of the situation and circumstances, and situations and
best methods, the situation and environment; failure to adopt the circumstances, and
techniques and environment; he/she would not procedures and strongly resists
procedures to actively face the resist changes in attitudes required change and due
achieve the best new situation the face of to respond to with it. Not willing
results; actively brought about by changes, and are changes in job to unskilled or
participate in changes, and willing to change duties. Seldom reskilled
transformational introduce new their working upgrade his/her himself/herself.
processes and is solutions and methods and skills and
keen to introduce technologies when procedures knowledge that
new ways of dealing with work according to new related to other
dealing with work. and procedures. requirements. marketing
Keeps an open Attending Shows willingness functions
mind and shows company’s optional to learn new
great willingness to internal training knowledge on
learn new skills, sections that are other marketing
knowledge and related to different functions.
techniques that marketing
embrace change functions
Section 2 Comments, Training and Agreements