Differ Action
Differ Action
Differ Action
Eighteen hsppegsyx2s
No one has ever been able to define the difference between interference and diffraction sat-
isfactorily. It is just a question of usage, and there is no specific, important physical difference
between them. The best we can do is, roughly speaking, is to say that when there are only a
few sources, say two, interfering, then the result is usually called interference, but if there is
a large number of them, it seems that the word diffraction is more often used.
Richard Feynman in Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 1
Important Milestones
1819 Joseph Fraunhofer demonstrated the diffraction of light by gratings which were initially made by winding
fine wires around parallel screws.
1823 Fraunhofer published his theory of diffraction.
1835 George Airy calculated the (Fraunhofer) diffraction pattern produced by a circular aperture.
18.1 INTRODUCTION LO 1 very large compared to the wavelength, then the light
intensity in the region AB is not uniform and there is also
Consider a plane wave incident on a long narrow slit of width some intensity inside the geometrical shadow. Further, if the
b (see Fig. 18.1). According to geometrical optics one expects width of the slit is made smaller, larger amounts of energy
the region AB of the screen SS to be illuminated and the reach the geometrical shadow. This spreadingout of a wave
remaining portion (known as the geometrical shadow) to be when it passes through a narrow opening is usually referred
absolutely dark. However, if the observations are made to as diffraction and the intensity distribution on the screen
carefully then one finds that if the width of the slit is not is known as the diffraction pattern. We will discuss the
IVFR Optics
phenomenon of diffraction in this chapter and will show that of diffraction, the source and the screen are at infinite dis-
the spreading out decreases with decrease in wavelength. tances from the aperture; this is easily achieved by placing
Indeed, since the light wavelengths are very small ( ~ 5 the source on the focal plane of a convex lens and placing
105 cm), the effects due to diffraction are not readily the screen on the focal plane of another convex lens [see
observed. Fig. 18.2(b)]. The two lenses effectively moved the source
and the screen to infinity because the first lens makes the
light beam parallel and the second lens effectively makes the
screen receive a parallel beam of light. It turns out that it is
b B much easier to calculate the intensity distribution of a
Fraunhofer diffraction pattern which we plan to do in this
S¢ chapter. Further, the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern is not dif-
Fig. 18.1 If a plane wave is incident on an aperture then ficult to observe; all that one needs is an ordinary laboratory
according to geometrical optics a sharp shadow spectrometer; the collimator renders a parallel beam of light
will be cast in the region AB of the screen. and the telescope receives parallel beams of light on its focal
plane. The diffracting aperture is placed on the prism table.
We should point out that there is not much of a difference In Chapter 20, we will study the Fresnel class of diffraction
between the phenomena of interference and diffraction, and will discuss the transition from the Fresnel region to the
indeed, interference corresponds to the situation when we Fraunhofer region.
consider the superposition of waves coming out from a
number of point sources and diffraction corresponds to the
situation when we consider waves coming out from an area 18.2 SINGLE-SLIT DIFFRACTION
source like a circular or rectangular aperture or even a large PATTERN LO 2
number of rectangular apertures (like the diffraction grating).
The diffraction phenomena are usually divided into
We will first study the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern pro-
two categories: (i) Fresnel diffraction and (ii) Fraunhofer dif-
duced by an infinitely long slit of width b. A plane wave is
assumed to fall normally on the slit and we wish to calculate
In the Fresnel class of diffraction, the source of light
the intensity distribution on the focal plane of the lens L [see
and the screen are, in general, at a finite distance from the
Fig. 18.3(a)]. We assume that the slit consists of a large num-
diffracting aperture [see Fig. 18.2(a)]. In the Fraunhofer class
ber of equally spaced point sources and that each point on
S the slit is a source of Huygens secondary wavelets which in-
terfere with the wavelets emanating from other points. Let
the point sources be at A1, A2, A3, and let the distance be-
tween two consecutive points be [see Fig. 18.3(b)]. Thus,
source if the number of point sources be n, then
b = (n 1) (18.1)
Lens Diffraction
Inc wave
n e f
A1 q P
A2 B
A¢2 2
b A3 B3
Fig. 18.3 (a) Diffraction of a plane wave incident normally on a long narrow slit of width b. Notice that the
spreading occurs along the width of the slit. (b) In order to calculate the diffraction pattern, the slit is
assumed to consist of a large number of equally spaced points.
For an incident plane wave, the points A1, A2, are in the points A2 and A3 will also be and thus the resultant
phase and, therefore, the additional path traversed by the field at the point P would be given by
disturbance emanating from the point A2 will be A2A2 where
E = a[cos t + cos ( t ) + + cos ( t (n 1) )] (18.3)
A2 is the foot of the perpendicular drawn from A1 on A2B2.
This follows from the fact that the optical paths A1B1P and where
A2 B2P are the same. If the diffracted rays make an angle
with the normal to the slit then the path difference would be = sin
sin (18.2) =
sin n / 2
cos 12 t
(n 1) 45 (18.4)
sin / 2 3 2 6
Thus, if the field at the point P due to the disturbance ema- Thus,
nating from the point A1 is a cos t then the field due to the
disturbance emanating from A2 would be a cos ( t ). Now E = E0 cos 12 t
(n 1) 45 (18.5)
the difference in the phases of the disturbance reaching from
3 2 6
IVFT Optics
where the amplitude E of the resultant field would be given
sin (n / 2)
E =a (18.6)
sin / 2
Amplitude distribution
In the limit of n and 0 in such a way that n b,
we have Intensity distribution
= n sin b sin
p 2p 3p b
2 2 b sin
= sin = (a)
would tend to zero and we may, therefore, write y =
a sin
%& n () sin
b sin
'20 = na
b sin y = tan b
sin p
=A (18.7) 0 2p 3p
where** y = tan b
A = na (b)
and Fig. 18.4 (a) The intensity distribution corresponding to
b sin the single slit Fraunhofer diffraction pattern. (b)
= (18.8) Graphical method for determining the roots of the
equation tan = .
E =A
cos ( t ) (18.9) as the conditions for minima. The first minimum occurs at =
* Equation (18.6) represents the amplitude distribution due to the interference of n point sources. Thus, for n = 2, the amplitude E
becomes cos /2 giving rise to cos2 /2 intensity distribution [cf. Eq. (14.13) of Chapter 14]. Notice that if we have a large number
of equidistant sources oscillating in phase, then the propagation is only in cetain directions where the displacements add up in phase.
** We may mention here that in the limit n and a 0 the product na tends to a finite limit.
Fraunhofer Diffraction I IVFU
is about 0.0496, the intensity of the first maximum is about
4.96% of the central maximum. Similarly, the intensities of the
second and third maxima are about 1.68% and 0.83% of the
q central maximum, respectively.
Example 18.1 A parallel beam of light is incident normally
on a narrow slit of width 0.2 mm. The Fraunhofer diffraction pattern
is observed on a screen which is placed at the focal plane of a con-
b A¢
vex lens whose focal length is 20 cm. Calculate the distance between
the first two minima and the first two maxima on the screen. As-
sume = 5 105 cm and that the lens is placed very close to the
λ 5 × 10 −5
= = 2.5 103
b 2 × 10 −2
Now, the conditions for diffraction minima are given by
Fig. 18.5 The slit is divided into two halves for deriving sin = m /b. We assume to be small (measured in radians) so that
the condition for the first minimum.
we may write sin (an assumption which will be justified by
subsequent calculations); thus, on substituting the value of /b, we
disturbance due to the upper half of the slit will be canceled get
by the disturbances reaching from the lower half and the re- ~
− 2.5 103 and 5 103 radians
sultant intensity will be zero. In a similar manner when
as the angles of diffraction corresponding to the first and second
b sin =2 (18.14) minima, respectively. Notice that since
we divide the slit into four parts; the first and second quarters sin (2.5 103) = 2.4999973 103
cancelling each other and the third and fourth quarters can-
the error in the approximations sin ~
− is about 1 part
celling each other. Similarly when m = 3, the slit is divided
in a million! These minima will be separated by a distance (5
into six parts and so on.
103 2.5 103) 20 = 0.05 cm on the focal plane of the lens.
In order to determine the positions of maxima, we differ-
Similarly, the first and second maxima occur at
entiate Eq. (18.10) with respect to and set it equal to zero.
Thus = 1.43 and 2.46
= I0
2 sin cos 2 sin 2 45 = 0 respectively. Thus,
d 2 3
3 6 b sin = 1.43 and 2.46
or or
sin [ tan ] = 0 (18.15) sin = 1.43 2.5 103 and 2.46 2.5 103
The condition sin = 0, or = m (m 0) correspond to Consequently, the maxima will be separated by the distance given
minima. The conditions for maxima are roots of the follow- by
ing transcendental equation
(2.46 1.43) 2.5 103 20 ~
− 0.05 cm
tan = (maxima) (18.16)
Example 18.2 Consider, once again, a parallel beam of light
The root = 0 corresponds to the central maximum. The ( = 5 105 cm) to be incident normally on a long narrow slit of
other roots can be found by determining the points of inter- width 0.2 mm. A screen is placed at a distance of 3 m from the slit.
sections of the curves y = and y = tan [see Fig. 18.4(b)]. Assuming that the screen is so far away that the diffraction is es-
The intersections occur at = 1.43 , = 2.46 , etc., and are sentially of the Fraunhofer type, calculate total width of the central
known as the first maximum, the second maximum, etc. Since maximum.
n¢ In Sec. 18.3, we had studied the Fraunhofer diffraction
Q pattern produced by a slit of width b and had found that the
intensity distribution consisted of maxima and minima. In this
P i i¢ P¢
a¢ section, we will study the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern
produced by two parallel slits (each of width b) separated by
a distance d. We would find that the resultant intensity
distribution is a product of the single-slit diffraction pattern
u v
and the interference pattern produced by two point sources
Fig. 18.28 The resolving power of a microscope objective. separated by a distance d.
Fraunhofer Diffraction I IVFIW
In order to calculate the diffraction pattern we use a sin % 1 1 (
method similar to that used for the case of a single slit and E=A cos cos t
' 2 2 1 0
assume that the slits consist of a large number of equally
spaced point sources and that each point on the slit is a where
source of Huygens secondary wavelets. Let the point
sources be at A1, A2, A3, (in the first slit) and at B1, B2, = = d sin (18.44)
B3, (in the second slit) [see Fig. 18.29]. As before, we
assume that the distance between two consecutive points in The intensity distribution will be of the form
either of the slits is . If the diffracted rays make an angle
with the normal to the plane of the slits, then the path sin 2
I = 4I0 2
cos2 (18.45)
difference between the disturbances reaching the point P
from two consecutive points in a slit will be sin . The field
produced by the first slit at the point P will, therefore, be where I0 sin2 / 2 represents the intensity distribution
given by [see Eq. (18.9)] produced by one of the slits. As can be seen, the intensity
distribution is a product of two terms; the first term
sin (sin2 / 2) represents the diffraction pattern produced by a
E1 = A cos ( t )
single slit of width b and the second term (cos2 ) represents
Similarly, the second slit will produce a field the interference pattern produced by two point sources
separated by a distance d. Indeed, if the slit widths are very
E2 = A cos ( t 1)
small (so that there is almost no variation of the sin 2 / 2
term with ) then one simply obtains the Youngs interference
at the point P, where pattern (see Sec. 14.6).
2 In Fig. 18.30, we have shown the two slit diffraction
1 = d sin patterns corresponding to d = 0, 0.0176, 0.035 and 0.070 cm
with b = 0.0088 cm and = 6.328 105 cm. The intensity
distribution as predicted by Eq. (18.45) is shown in Fig. 18.31.
b A2 P
b B2
1 I /I 0
b = 0.0088 cm
d = 0.035 cm
l = 6.328 ¥ 10–5 cm
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
b = 0.0088 cm
d = 0.07 cm
l = 6.328 ¥ 10–5 cm
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
q (in degrees)
Fig. 18.31 The double-slit intensity distribution as predicted by Eq. (18.45) corresponding to d = 0.035 cm
and 0.070 cm, respectively (b = 0.0088 cm and = 6.328 105 cm).