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There is an individual barcode Ior the Reliance Super apparel items and RFID
is not at all used here.
hen the sales are considered , grocery has the highest sales in this Reliance
There should be at least 10000 SKUs at a time in the store.
The conversion rate in this Reliance Super is around 70
There is a loyalty card programme to increase the walk ins and the conversion
The Training given to employees is in such a way that every employee will be
competent to handle any section in the store including the POS
The POS counter should always have a balance oI Rs.1500
Purchase Order is generated automatically whenever the stock oI a particular
item is less than its MBQ
The billing soItware they are using is Retalix
relcl:e lr :c FL:ALlX
Retalix is an independent provider oI personalized soItware and proIessional services
to retailers and distributors worldwide. Retalix solutions serve the needs oI grocery
chains, independent grocers, convenience and Iuel retailers, and Iood, beverage, and
consumer packaged goods distributors.
Retalix solutions automate and synchronize essential retail and supply chain
operations, encompassing stores, headquarters, and warehouses.
Using the Retalix global services portIolio, the company helps its customers solve
business problems and maximize results quickly and eIIectively.
Customers are increasingly expecting better service Irom their distributors, and also
demanding more control oI their accounts with access in real-time. In order to achieve
this advanced level, distributors and retailers turn to the Iollowing Retalix Power
Enterprise modules:
O Retalix Power Net: eb Based Customer SelI-service
O Retalix Power Sell: Remote Order Entry

eb based Customer SelI-Service
The Retalix Power Net selI-service customer
portal is a proven web based solution designed to increase customer service levels,
decrease service costs, and increase average order size.
Retalix Power Net is deployed by distributors who want their customers to be able to
view their account inIormation and create orders online at their convenience. Their
customers have real-time access to their inIormation, anytime, anywhere. The only
requirement is a web browser and internet connection.

Improve Customer Service Levels
Retalix Power Net is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through the Internet.
Customers are not limited to the business hours oI the distributor to create orders and
manage account inIormation. Customers can research product inIormation anytime,
Minimize Costs
Distributors save money by empowering their customers to generate orders, enabling
to spend time on other revenue generating tasks. The customers save money by only
requiring an Internet connection to access their account.
Increase Revenue
Cross-sell products with Retalix Power Net`s suggestive selling tools. Increase
average order size by pushing promotional products to the customer. Add revenue
through banner ads and Iood show promotions.
O Real-time Internet customer service
O 100 HTML, nothing to download or install
O End to End solution integrated with Retalix back end solutions
O Process orders quickly and eIIiciently
O Check order status, account receivable, and usage inIormation
O Scan items and import into order

O Create orders Irom custom order guides
O enerate online reports by product, category, brand, or manuIacturer
O Cross-sell promotional products and display substitute items
O PowerIul, Ilexible search engine
O 'iew prooI oI delivery signature that was entered using Retalix Power

Remote Order Entry

Retalix Power Sell is a PC-based remote sales management application designed to
empower the Iield sales Iorce and customers. This is the leading tool oI choice Ior
Distribution Sales Representatives (DSRs) in the Ioodservice segment and Retail
Counselors in the retail segment oI this industry. The sales team can enter orders at
any time Irom their indows-based laptops. And then later in the day, they can dial in
to the server to transmit the orders Ior processing. This is a signiIicant time savings
because the orders are easily submitted Ior processing.
Retalix Power Sell enables the sales Iorce to be more consultative in the Iield instead
oI just taking orders. hile at a customer site, the sales representative can view all
sales inIormation about the customer, including all customer inIormation and all items
assigned to the customer. Based on this inIormation, the sales Iorce can make
suggestions to beneIit the customer, generating extra business and pleasing your
!ower Sell supports the following users:
O Outside Sales Rep.
O Inside Sales Rep.
O Customer (PC Customer Service)
O Sales Manager
The following tools are available:
1. Menu planner tool to build orders based on a menu the customer creates
2. Appointment scheduler Ior sales reps
3. Customer-speciIic notes Ior sales representatives to keep their own customer notes
4. Sales Analysis PowerIul graphical analysis with overview and drilldowns

The retailer can customize the Retalix Power Sell environment to adhere to the
company`s standards or even to suit the personal work style. ith Iourteen levels oI
pricing hierarchy, Retalix Power Sell enables the to provide exact pricing Ior each
customer. In addition to pricing, the can customize order guides by adding groups oI
items automatically (Ior example, by vendor, by pricebook heading).
O Complete order entry systems with associated histories oI each customer Ior
complete recall and pricing
O Review options Ior orders presently on the laptop system
O Review oI bids and special pricing parameters Ior speciIic customers
O Item Iile review screens
O Inventory Manager
O Inventory valuation Irom Iractional on-hand quantities
O User-deIined eneral Ledger codes (Class)
O Item conversions Ior each item
O Non-database items
O 'aluation report by pricebook or location
O Recipe Manager
O Built Irom Inventory Manager items
O Recipe preparation notes
O Nested sub-recipes
O Prepped recipes can be inventoried
O Scanner support: Scan UPC or Item number via Quick Order panel, import
batch oI items or one item, connect to USB port
O Sales managers can have individual DSRs assigned to them with access to all
inIormation regarding those customers
O Automated request Ior pick-up; enables DSRs to key pertinent inIormation
about products to be picked up Ior credit
O Accounts receivable inIormation available in both summary and detail; enables
you to query speciIic invoice detail by item
O Price Quote module allows you to create, print, and store price quotations
separate Irom the Order uide screen as well as adding non-inventoried items
O 'iew invoices, including detail oI items shipped and those not shipped
O 'iew weekly sales statistics that display, by week number, the total sale price,

O proIit generated, amount oI cases sold, and average cost per case
O 'iew History Cross ReIerence to get a quick overview oI item movement
among diIIerent customers
O Sort by item or line number in the order guide; item, class, price book, or
average cases in order entry; and item or price book in the bids/contracts area
O Conveniently write orders Ior the items available by simply entering quantities
O Use the customer history, order guide, bid contracts, or customized menus as
the basis Ior creating new orders
O Electronically receive data updates and send completed orders Ior processing
over phone lines, networks, or via disks
O Update prices, enter price overrides, and perIorm "what-iI" calculations
involving prices
O Obtain in-depth inIormation on items and customers
O Select substitute items and add special instructions to orders
O Search Ior items by multiple methods (Ior example, item number or description
O Maintain and update the customer's order history
O Print reports, including inventory worksheets, order guides, copies oI orders,
and personalized quotes Ior new customers
O 'iew reports on today's sales activity and weekly sales statistics Ior the current
year and previous year

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