LPs Health 4
LPs Health 4
LPs Health 4
E 2
Grade 11
Quarter 3
4. Classroom Raise your hand and stand up Raise your hand and
Rules to speak stand up to speak
Respect and listen to your Respect and listen to your
classmate classmate
Follow the directions during Follow the directions
activities during activities
Health-Related Components
Specificity of 10pts
Inclusion of all 5pts
Consistency in 5pts
tracking progress
Total: 20pts
IV. EVALUATION Direction: Choose the BEST answer Direction: Choose the BEST
for the following questions. Write the answer for the following
correct answer on a ¼ sheet of paper. questions. Write the correct
answer on a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. What does body composition refer
to? 1. What does body composition
A) The ability of the heart to supply refer to?
oxygen to the muscles A) The ability of the heart to
B) The range of motion available in a supply oxygen to the muscles
joint B) The range of motion available
C) The relative percentage of muscle, in a joint
fat, bone, and other tissues in the C) The relative percentage of
body muscle, fat, bone, and other
D) The ability of muscles to tissues in the body
repeatedly exert themselves D) The ability of muscles to
repeatedly exert themselves
2. Which component of health-related
fitness involves the ability to persist 2. Which component of health-
in physical activity for relatively long related fitness involves the
periods without undue stress? ability to persist in physical
A) Body composition activity for relatively long
B) Cardiovascular fitness periods without undue stress?
C) Flexibility A) Body composition
D) Muscular endurance B) Cardiovascular fitness
C) Flexibility
3. What does flexibility refer to? D) Muscular endurance
A) The range of motion available in a
joint 3. What does flexibility refer
B) The ability of the muscles to to?
repeatedly exert themselves A) The range of motion
C) The ability of the muscles to exert available in a joint
an external force B) The ability of the muscles to
D) The relative percentage of muscle, repeatedly exert themselves
fat, bone, and other tissues in the C) The ability of the muscles to
body exert an external force
D) The relative percentage of
4. Which component of health-related muscle, fat, bone, and other
fitness involves the ability of muscles tissues in the body
to repeatedly exert themselves?
A) Muscular endurance 4. Which component of health-
B) Strength related fitness involves the
C) Cardiovascular fitness ability of muscles to repeatedly
D) Flexibility exert themselves?
A) Muscular endurance
5. A person wants to improve their B) Strength
ability to lift heavy boxes while C) Cardiovascular fitness
moving. Which component of health- D) Flexibility
related fitness should they focus on?
A) Cardiovascular fitness 5. A person wants to improve
B) Flexibility their ability to lift heavy boxes
C) Strength while moving. Which
D) Muscular endurance component of health-related
fitness should they focus on?
A) Cardiovascular fitness
Key Answer: B) Flexibility
1. C C) Strength
2. B D) Muscular endurance
3. A
4. A
5. C
V. AGREEMENT Advanced Study on Principles of Training and Barriers to Physical
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Cooperating Teacher