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Provisional chapter
Chapter 4
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It is known that endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) requires a precise deployment of
the graft and so the anatomical and morphological characteristic study of the aorta and its
branches is mandatory. The increase of endovascular surgeons’ interest on tomography
image edition through software is marked specially when the increasing frequency of
these procedures and its complexity have impelled surgeons to face additional and suc-
cessive risk to occupational radiation exposure. Thus, a meticulous study of the angio-CT
during EVAR preparation allows the reduction of unnecessary radiation exposure, as it
also reduces consecutive image acquisition and contrast use (that may be related to renal
overload in susceptible patients). Although some studies propose effective strategies to
optimize the procedure, they rely on the use of additional specific and advanced equip-
ment, available only in major centers. As an alternative, a simpler technique through image
manipulation on the software OsiriX/Horos, aiming to reduce both exposures, is presented.
1. Introduction
Over the last decades, since the first published results by Juan Parodi in 1991 [1], endovas-
cular aneurysm repair (EVAR) became the vascular surgeon’s most preferential technique to
treat aortic aneurysms due to its benefit of early clinical and surgical outcomes with good
long-term durability. EVAR has progressively replaced open surgical repair (OSR), especially
in the infrarenal territory, representing currently over half of the surgeries for abdominal
aneurysms [2, 3]. The development of new modern devices (with features that can adapt to
different morphologic presentations of this aortic disease, which in the past were considered
as not eligible for EVAR), like low-profile delivery systems, comformability and flexibility,
has required some new aptitudes beyond endovascular skills for this type of repair, directly
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distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
62 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - From Basic Research to Clinical Practice
related to specific technical knowledge of each brand’s endograft and their usage facing each
patient’s anatomy.
Consequently, the image study in the pre-operatory time took the uttermost importance in
order to ensure the adequate selection of patient candidates for EVAR, the decision to endo-
graft type and size, and additional details for postoperatory follow-up. Different from OSR,
EVAR relies on knowing the patient’s anatomy well enough to choose the appropriate device
preoperatively [4]. Adequate planning is an essential and indispensable step for technical
success, in order to promote appropriate adjustment of the graft to the vessel wall and conse-
quently aneurysm sac exclusion with blood flow reorientation [5, 6]. The implications of an
inefficient planning can be seen immediately—or after the procedure—by endoleaks’ forma-
tion or late aneurysm sac growth [6]. Even an underestimation of 2 millimeters in the vessel
size can result in fixation and sealing failure, creating endoleaks, migration, and secondary
interventions needs (including OSR conversion of late aortic rupture). Moreover, this step
warrants the foreknowledge of additional surgical strategies for EVAR viability, like angio-
plasties, bypass or conduits, and hypogastric occlusion [4].
Therefore, it is important that the surgeon shows familiarity to all the necessary tools to per-
form a meticulous analysis of the computed tomography angiography (CTA), an imperative
exam for this disease evaluation. Nowadays, the multislice CTA represents one of the most
important methods for diagnostics and the assistance of vascular disorders. Its performance is
related to modern attributions like better spatial and temporal resolution associated with the
characteristic vascular lumen attenuation obtained by intravenous contrast injection [7]. CTA
yields thinner tomographic segments that give high-definition properties to superior three-
dimensional (3D) image reformatting, with the less use of iodinated contrast while captured
under faster sweep for image generation [8]. A single intravenous bolus contrast injection
can produce slices from thorax, abdomen, and pelvis, with a 0.5–1.5 millimeters thickness.
When compared to the conventional angiography, the CTA is less expensive, less invasive,
and exposes the patient to lesser radiation doses [9].
Also, technological refinements of these (thinner) slices provides plenty of details that—
associated with software for image manipulation—promotes the study of large anatomical
segments (including a complete patient’s scan). These tomographic data, known as digital
imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) files, additionally retain information of
radiation dose distribution at different levels (such as organs and other structures) that—asso-
ciated with highly sensitive and precise algorithms of 3D-by-volume rendering—allows a
patient’s scan to be recreated in these software as interactive models along with their vascular
anatomy [10, 11]. A range of data processing of the CTA-DICOM files can be practiced and
are as follows: multiplanar reformats, bidimensional (2D) and 3D MPR and 3D MPR curved;
minimal and maximal intensity projections, MinIP/MIP; 3D volume and surface rendering;
and shaded surface display. Each one of these image formattings has its peculiarity and it is
important to identify a specific arterial alteration in other distinct projections, rendered by
different techniques [9]. There is no type of image reconstruction that is more effective than
another; they all have their own properties and indications, where often it is necessary of
more than just one kind to demonstrate properly a disease [7].
Planning and Sizing with OsiriX/Horos 63
The preoperative analysis of the CTA consists of three principal purposes: to determine eligibility
for EVAR, to choose the appropriate endograft, and to simulate a plan of intervention. Thereby,
decisive information for EVAR execution is extracted—like the morphologic configuration of
aneurysm’s neck (tapered, reverse tapered, cylindrical, angulated, the presence of thrombus,
etc.); the anatomy of visceral arteries related to the aortic axis (lowest renal artery—LRA); to set
the anatomic areas for proximal and distal sealing and deployment of the graft and its diameters
for device sizing; to access the quality of arterial paths (stenosis, tortuosities, vessel wall altera-
tions, etc.); and to apprehend the possible necessity of auxiliary procedures for EVAR comple-
tion. These abilities raised the preparatory purpose of EVAR due to the many-times expressive
and complex presentation of the arteries in the presence of aneurysmal disease [11, 12].
The most popular software used among vascular surgeons are OsiriX Imaging Software
(Pixmeo Labs., Geneva, Switzerland) and the Aquarius iNtuition system (TeraRecon, Inc.) and
both are retail versions [13]. Lately, the Horos software (horosproject.com) has been shown
as a free downloadable option for OsiriX MD: It has the same interface and functionality,
running on a 64-bit platform. Although Horos is a low-cost alternative for EVAR planning,
only OsiriX and TeraRecon have FDA and CE Marking. The following techniques, described
for image inspection for the EVAR study, can be reproduced in Horos, although to ensure its
scientific validity OsiriX MD is recommended (FDA approved).
Necks are the proximal aortic and distal iliac segments free of aneurysmatic disease. It allows
the grafts’ adequate apposition and promotes the fabric’s sealing to the vessel and stent fixa-
tion [6, 13]. By reason of the absence of suture to the artery, the durability and stability of
EVAR depend almost exclusively on the stent’s radial force and friction to the wall. This is
why meticulous studies of aneurysms’ necks are decisive.
Diameter: There are clear evidences that cranial progression of the aneurysmal disease can
occur independently of the type of care (OSR or EVAR) [6]. Aortic necks over 30–32 mm are
likely to be diseased and progress to proximal degeneration. They offer no durability to seal-
ing and evolve in time to type Ia endoleaks and thus to reintervention needs [13, 16]. On the
other hand, narrow necks (under 18 mm), although less frequent, must be carefully evaluated.
Since the majority of endografts’ size starts from 22 mm (which confers an above 20% of diam-
eter oversize), there is potential exposure to wall stress, partial graft unfolding with fabric cor-
rugation, and even aortic rupture [14]. Currently, the smallest available main body diameter
device is the 20 mm Ovation Prime (Endologix Inc., Irvine, CA) [16]. The aortic bifurcation
diameter should also be measured. Distal narrow aortic bifurcations (inferior to 20 mm) are
not suitable to fit both iliac grafts and may compete for space leading to one of the leg throm-
bosis by compression exerted by the contralateral branch [17]. This can be avoided by aortic-
monoiliac devices (with femoro-femoral bypass and contralateral proximal plug occlusion) or
single-piece bifurcated grafts like AFX (Endologix Inc., Irvine, California) [14, 18].
Angulation: The suprarenal aneurysm’s angle is defined as the suprarenal axis blood flow and
aneurysm’s neck. The infrarenal angle is determined between the aortic neck and the aneurysm
axis [19]. It is important to specify these two curvatures once they have implications related to
the bare-stent accommodation (i.e., the free flow in suprarenal fixations) and correct deployment
of infrarenal stent graft. For the majority of commercially available devices, it is not recom-
mended to exceed an angulation over 60 degrees, except for those specifically designed for
75–90 degrees angulated necks like Anaconda (Vascutek Terumo Lt., Scotland, UK) [20] and
Aorfix (Lombard Medical Inc., Irvine, CA) [21]. There is a consistent risk of irregular deploy-
ment if these advices are not observed [13]. Patients with angled necks are more willing to
present other associated morphologic alterations that may define technical challenge for EVAR
execution. Severe angulations can result in endograft’s kinking or migration along with a
lower-than-the-ideal apposition site at the deployment time. Angled aortas should be pursued
by the functional neck, that is, the length segment that can adequately suit the graft’s sealing and
fixation. Its limit is ruled by the internal curvature of these tortuous necks where the extra-stiff
guide wire (e.g., Lunderquist) takes over its trajectory, especially when in short aortic necks. On
the other side, in elongated necks, the curvature can be influenced by the stiffness of the wire,
rectifying it. Under the influence of these wires, the longer the neck, the greater the probability
of readjustment of the aortic axis and angle remodeling. For complex morphologic and severe
angle presentations, oversizing the graft above 20% is mandatory [22]: when an endograft is
implanted in an angulated aortic neck, it might not land perfectly in line with the vessel but
rather angulated, which decreases the “effective” amount of oversizing. [23] Due to the prob-
ability of asymmetric deployment of the device (which tends to follow the guide wire path)
the functional neck assumes a more elliptical shape—being necessary the election of larger main
body diameters to guarantee uniformity of the stent-graft contact to the arterial wall [22].
Thrombus and calcifications: The presence of thrombus or atherosclerotic plaques over 50% or
two-thirds of the neck’s circumference prevents ideal proximal sealing, with potential type 1a
endoleak evolution. Thus, EVAR is not recommended for these cases. Furthermore, it can cause
atero/thrombo embolic complications by manipulating endovascular instruments (to visceral
branches and distal arteries) [13, 14, 24]. On the presence of a heavily calcified neck, the Ovation
Prime (Endologix Inc., Irvine, CA) becomes an alternative due to the polymer properties of fill-
ing the gaps between the vessel wall and the graft’s fabric, warranting appropriate sealing [16].
Planning and Sizing with OsiriX/Horos 65
There are no current studies that compare the effectiveness of aneurysm exclusion between
different endograft companies; some were performed only in observational studies. Moreover,
the available data are always relatively obsolete due to constant improvements in technology
and design.
66 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - From Basic Research to Clinical Practice
Table 1. Main Endografts available in the market and features descriptions based on IFU and orientations.
For the augment of EVAR graft-related durability, companies specify normatives presented
in instructions for use (IFUs) with precise information regarding device sizing and deploy-
ment. They are based under the aneurysm’s morphologic parameters and rigorous bench
Planning and Sizing with OsiriX/Horos 67
testing [39]. Patients with challenging anatomic presentations may benefit from a specific
graft’s design, delivery, and deployment attributes. Consequently, this requires a surgeon’s
better knowledge and experience for device selection [40]. In some cases although if in an
attempt to embrace EVAR for patients not eligible for OSR the IFU are neglected it will result
in significantly device failure in a mean 2 years of follow-up [39]. The most common IFU
non-adherence situation is hostile neck anatomies: proximal and distal necks below 10 mm,
angles over 60 degrees, diameters higher than 28 mm, thrombus or calcifications over 50% of
the diameter, and conical presentations. These are said to have high aneurysmatic sac growth,
early endoleak formation, and greater reintervention needs [41, 42].
An IFU compliance for each company guidance is imperative with regard to graft choice
based on diameter measurements. Diameter dimensions can be calculated from intima to
intima (inner wall) or adventitia to adventitia (outer wall) (Figure 1). When these details are
not observed, the impacts on oversizing can be clinically expressive. Stent grafts with inner-
wall measurement recommendations can be over-dimensioned if a 20% oversizing estimated
from adventitia is considered. Inversely, devices with outer-wall assessment can be under-
sized if estimated from intima. Because measurements are based on a static image of CTA
(at any point of the cardiac course), these differences can be more problematic if diameter
variations caused by aortic pulsatility seen on ECG-gated CT are considered [43].
Table 1 sums characteristics of endovascular devices according to their IFU, including diam-
eter measurements recommendations.
Traditionally, the vascular access for EVAR performance is warranted by the direct punc-
ture of the femoral artery under open surgery dissection [44]. Alternatively, the access can be
obtained by an ultra-sound guided puncture of the common femoral artery in a non-diseased
arterial segment (percutaneous technique) [45].
However, the pathway to EVAR cannot always present the favorable properties for sheath
progression. Unfavorable sizes of the device diameters, marked tortuosity, or calcifications
can prevent sheath progression augmenting the procedure’s complexity. These alterations,
when not identified in the pre-operatory period, can lead to a significant rise in morbidity
and mortality [46]. Iliac rupture is directly related to lethality and the necessity of immediate
correction, which can jeopardize the intervention’s final results. In the EUROSTAR registry,
the most common cause of primary conversion is access failure, the main body graft sheath
progression being the most responsible (the main body graft) [47].
Thus, the EVAR graft choice shall take into count the delivery component size, especially the
main body graft, compared to the size of the vessel access (iliacs) that should be compatible.
Considering that infrarenal grafts available in the market have delivery sheaths up to 24 F
(while thoracic grafts are up to 28 F) [48], the lesser iliac diameters acceptable are between
7 mm and 8 mm. In addition not to display pronounced tortuosity (over 90 degrees), iliacs
and femorals should not have calcifications that may lead to plaque dislodgement, vessel-wall
lacerations, or arterial embolizations.
68 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - From Basic Research to Clinical Practice
Although less frequent in daily practice, strategic alternatives are proposed for these morpho-
logic adverse presentations.
Conduits are designated for small or calcified arteries (femorals/external iliacs) and the neces-
sity of larger delivery sheaths (from 22F). Through an extraperitoneal exposure a 10 mm
dacron graft is sewed terminal laterally to the common iliac (or bottom of the aorta, in cases
of extreme iliac calcification) and externalized by counter opening in the groin, serving as a
conduit for the device progression [49].
External iliac artery straightening: In very tortuous arteries, extraperitoneal dissection and
manual rectification by traction of the iliac artery can favor sheath introduction and progres-
sion. By the end of the procedure, the redundant segment can be resected and the artery
reconstructed [50].
Brachial artery catheterization: It consists of percutaneous access of the left brachial artery
and a 035″ wire passage (extra stiff of 300 cm or a 450 cm of a hydrophilic) with exterioriza-
tion through femoral access. The wire is then caudally pulled at the femoral site rectifying the
tortuosity [51].
Endoconduits: The use of an diameter oversized covered stent, followed by vessel angioplasty,
promoting an iliac “controlled rupture,” in a way to allow passage of the delivery system [50, 52].
Hydrophilic dilators (Coons, Cook Medical) are available up to 22F. They can be introduced
by femoral access and gently progressed over a stiff guide wire under radioscopy. One can
estimate the delivery sheath behavior in an adverse iliac anatomy without necessarily con-
taminating the endograft [53]. They also can, in exception, be used for careful and gradual
dilation of limiting-size iliacs.
Table 2 sums the most important Region of Interest (ROI) tools for EVAR measuring and
image manipulation that are most commonly used in OsiriX/Horos.
Some particularities of aneurysm measurements must be noticed: it is known that when two-
dimensional (2D) images are used to evaluate 3D structures, like necks, it induces observers’
measurements’ variations [15]. To diminish the divergence, authors recommend that diameters
should be estimated under a 3D reconstruction of the centerline lumen (CLL) [15, 54]. Some
software can perform the centerline reconstruction automatically (like the Aquarius iNtuition
and OsiriX, when the specific EVAR plug-in/sovamed.com or unofficial plug-ins like CMIV CTA
Tools are installed) but intrinsic errors of self-regulating algorithms may occur. Because an auto-
matically constructed centerline always follows the middle of contrast line, it won’t observe the
aortic axis in a saccular aneurysm, for example, deviating its route. By doing so, the transversal
images perpendicular to the CLL may sometimes not represent the actual size of the vessel.
This is why concepts of central lumen flow (CLF) are used: It tends to considerate the prelimi-
nary location of the wire paths and endografts, along with aortic migration (Figure 2). For this
Planning and Sizing with OsiriX/Horos 69
Table 2. Main basic tools of image manipulation for EVAR planning in OsiriX/Horos.
Figure 2. Central lumen line (CLL) construction (left) and Central lumen flow (CLF, right).
70 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - From Basic Research to Clinical Practice
Figure 3. Orthogonal exposure of the aorta perpendicular to its axis, when sagittal and coronal planes are corrected.
reason, it seems justifiable that diameter measurements should instead be obtainable from
orthogonal projections (CTA under 3D MPR reconstruction) (Figure 3) [6].
However, it is difficult to recognize the correspondent vessel segment assessed in MPR on
a CLF-reconstructed image. This causes the length measurements not so precise if related
directly to the different levels of aortic dimensions in an orthogonal view. For that reason, it is
proposed that the orthogonal projections on MPR should be marked with the 3D Point while
determining aortic’s widths. By doing so, the exact corresponding aortic segment is mark rep-
resented posteriorly in a curved-MPR centerline reformatting, promoting precise longitudinal
dimensions (achievable by moving the rulers between two previously marked 3D points).
The intraoperative assessment for the stent-graft deployment is usually guided by aortic
neck’s angiography, which provides a 2D view prone to the parallax effect (an artifact caused
by overlaying structures of different levels in a single image). Therefore, the proximal neck of
AAA and/or too angulated iliac arteries may hinder accurate visualization of the ostium of the
renal artery. A suboptimal positioning of the X-ray equipment for image capture can cause an
overlapping of branches along with neck tortuosity, restraining the correct judgment and use
of the entire neck’s length for graft fixation and proximal sealing.
Thus, the finest way to prevent this artifact is by determining preoperatively the optimal
intraoperative disposition of the fluoroscopy unit, with a perfectly perpendicular view to the
origin of the LRA [22]. The technique described here is intended to promote the LRA visu-
alization, exposed orthogonally to its emergence and perpendicularly to the aortic axis of
Planning and Sizing with OsiriX/Horos 71
aneurysm’s neck [55]. It offers an alternative to the Broeders and Blankensteijn technique [56],
to the foreknowledge of the C-arm optimal positioning.
Using concepts of geometric correction and through the manipulation of DICOM images in
OsiriX/Horos software, it is possible to trace the same angle of renal artery’s ostial exposure
in intraoperative 2D imaging (contrast angiography). The LRA ostial perpendicular view is
obtained by 3D-MPR CTA reconstruction and the manipulation of sagittal and coronal layers
in order to obtain the true axial image of the aorta. This exposure practically corrects any
rotational effects of the aortic neck caused by tortuosity of AAA, with a near-perfect circum-
ferential slice of the aorta.
The frame, that displays a slice 90 degree to the aortic axis, is then marked with the 3D point
tool that allows a permanent voxel signal to the CTA volume. Three points are settled in an
equilateral circumscribed triangle shape array [57] (one point in the anterior wall and two in
the posterior), of which the anterior point is oriented by the tangent line of the LRA ostium.
The points-marked voxels are then reproduced under a 3D-by-volume rendering, preserving
their spatial properties [58]. As in spatial geometry, three points are always coplanar; and if a
rotation of the 3D by volume promotes the points alignment along a single axis (and equidis-
tant), an orthogonal exposure of aneurysm’s neck related to the LRA is achieved (Figure 4)
[55]. The angles that are necessary to reproduce the same ostial LRA exposure intraopera-
tively are automatically provided by the software (right corner of the 3D-by-volume render-
ing image). When these angles are recreated during radioscopic contrast angiography the
images are alike (Figure 5). The deployment of endografts that has proximal markers (at least
three) under this optimal angulation demonstrates them visible in a straight-line formation,
just as when these markers are used to the C-arm gantry-angle fine-tuning [15]. Therefore,
this technique allows the software to simulate these proximal marks (with the advantage of
also exposing the renal artery ostia free of parallax).
Figure 4. Above: tangent targeted from the projection of the LRA and intraluminal positioning for beginning 3D point
marking. Below: construction of the equilateral circumscribed triangle and geometric representation of the points
triangular array (for the exemplified case).
72 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - From Basic Research to Clinical Practice
Figure 5. Alignment of the 3D points in 3D-by-volume rendering. The automatic angulation is provided automatically
by the software (green arrow, right corner). When reproduced in the radioscopic device, the foreseen image and the
intraoperative angiography are the same.
The closer is this fluoroscopic incidence correction to the software's tomographic reproduc-
tion, the more careful is the LRA visualization and the better the exploitation of aortic’s neck
for anchorage and sealing—and the more accurate is the endograft deployment. By applying
these concepts of spatial geometry in order to systematically achieve the best angle for LRA
ostial exposure, it is possible to reduce variations between different CTA examinators dur-
ing EVAR planning. When ensuring the reproducibility of the technique, errors of personal
interpretation are reduced.
Then, additional annotations can be made regarding the renal arteries’ position referring to
the vertebral axis. Also, guided by these images, it is possible to minutely predict aneurysm
Planning and Sizing with OsiriX/Horos 73
Figure 7. The Virtual Fluoroscopy and its correlation to the intraoperative fluoroscopy.
neck location (when under intraoperatory fluoroscopy acquisition), as well as estimate the
ideal positioning of the diagnostic catheters for digital subtraction angiography (DSA) at the
moment of stent-graft deployment. Vertebral osteo-degenerative alterations identified in VRF
can easily be recognized intraoperatively, enhancing vessel navigation without the necessity
74 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - From Basic Research to Clinical Practice
The 3D-by-volume rendering adjusts the voxel’s attenuation coefficient at a scale of color and
degree of opacity (transparency) along the axes. Thus, it preserves information of depth and
shows better spatial distribution of structures along with an enhanced-by-light (shading) 3D
effect [7]. The manipulation of these data (the dose distribution radiated to a surface) allows
the visualization of the maximum intensity projection (MIP), which demonstrates the densest
voxel (higher attenuation coefficient). They are displayed as opaque areas of high contrast (as
bone surfaces) and as transparent values of low attenuation (soft tissues). Even if there are
overlaid images of different depths in the same drawing (i.e., structures that when superim-
posed compete with the density of others of interest, like the aorta), this is a “desirable” effect
when the aim is to simulate a gray-scale CTA image of a single bi-planar fluoroscopy.
Carefully, by studying the CTA under VRF, one can reduce the number of intraoperative
angiographies in an attempt to obtain the best angiographic capture that provides the loca-
tion of renal arteries and aneurysm neck for graft deployment. The closer is this angiographic
reproduction to virtual fluoroscopy, the more careful is the surgeon’s inspection of the renal
arteries’ location and the better will be the use of aneurysm neck for fastening and sealing
endoprosthesis; being more accurate EVAR execution while the total volume of contrast used
is smaller and reducing renal overload in vulnerable patients. Consequently, optimizing these
surgical steps comes also with lesser radiation dose exposure.
These steps are the same used at the Vascular Surgery Department (the University of
Campinas, Brazil) and validated prospectively in 2015 [61].
• a 3D-MPR view of thick coronal slice with renal artery exhibition and aortic iliac axis;
• a sketch of the obtained figure in an individualized sheet, with the patient’s personal data
and surgical details (date, performing physician, surgical team, etc.);
• recognition of the LRA (which is posteriorly confirmed after centerline construction);
• angle definition of the aortic neck to the suprarenal axis, aortic aneurysm, and iliac axis in
• diameter measurements in orthogonal 3D-MPR exposure, perpendicular to aortic axis and
oriented to the inner curve of the artery;
• the CLF construction in curved 3D-MPR with the curved path reformation (CPR) tool.
• Creation Mode: It is an outline draft disposure of aortic flow essential to the path ori-
ented by the slightly inner curve in angulated aneurysms.
• Editing Mode: It is the fine tuning of the centerline, between two previously constructed
orientation marks.
• Length measurements are obtained by positioning the vertical rulers along the centerline
(from A to B, from B to C, or from A to C). When the mouse cursor moves along the refor-
matted centerline image a highlighted correspondent dot moves along the CPR path in the
three planes (axial, sagittal, and coronal). The measuring bars A/B/C are positioned over
the previously 3D pointed (marked) references (previous step): points after the LRA and the
lowest aortic neck measurement/the aneurysm extension/the common iliac segments/the
infrarenal distance to aortic bifurcation and to hypogastric ostium, bilaterally (Figure 9).
• C-arm gantry angle obtainment for neck visualization with LRA ostium exposure by the
triangulation technique.
• The positioning of renal arteries and aneurysm’s neck itself is related to the vertebral axis,
as long as one can anticipate the optimal positioning of angiographic catheters for image
acquisition, by the VRF preset.
9. Conclusions
The use of OsiriX/Horus as a complementary tool allows doctors to assist in the preparation
of surgeries (as endovascular) extending it beyond the field of diagnostic radiology. These
tasks can be easily incorporated into the armamentarium of the surgeon to avoid pitfalls and
unforeseen situations that are identified intraoperatively, increasing the operatory risk and
often times leading to intervention failure.
This chapter presents simple techniques which are of great practical importance in planning
interventional treatments. The ability to manipulate digital formats of medical images allows
the recovery of a larger volume of data and grants that interventional procedures can be
performed more efficiently, with less time for image projection adjustment, contrast injec-
tions, and exposure to ionizing radiation. As a result, one can obtain the impact in relation to
the improvement of the surgical technique, translated into the less use of contrast, reduced
surgical time, and intraoperative bleeding.
New ways to adapt this software have increased by expanding its use to new tasks. Our pro-
posal is to create the familiarity of professionals and encourage demystified practice of this
computer program, an essential tool in surgical planning, where more and more procedures
are guided by images.
We thank Dr Ana Terezinha Guillaumon, M.D., Ph.D., Chief of the Division of Vascular
Surgery of the University of Campinas Surgery Department, because of whom the implanta-
tion of these protocols was possible and we had full unrestricted support.
Conflict of interest
Author details
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