YAESU FT 2000 User Manual
YAESU FT 2000 User Manual
YAESU FT 2000 User Manual
MD-200A8X Ultra-High-Fidelity Desk-Top Microphone
MD-100A8X Desk-Top Microphone
YH-77STA Lightweight Stereo Headphone
SP-2000 External Speaker with Audio Filter
VL-1000/VP-1000 Linear Amplifier/AC Power Supply
DMU-2000 Data Management Unit
RF µTuning Kit A For 160 m Band
RF µTuning Kit B For 80/40 m Bands
RF µTuning Kit C For 30/20 m Bands
FH-2 Remote Control Keypad
YF-122C Collins® CW Filter (500 Hz/2 kHz: –6 dB/–60 dB)
YF-122CN Collins® CW Filter (300 Hz/1 kHz: –6 dB/–60 dB)
Retracting the Front Feet
Rotate the legs clockwise, and push them inward while
rotating to the right.
The front feel should now be locked in the retracted
Use this procedure to restore the Menu settings to their
factory defaults, without affecting the memories you have
1. Press the front panel’s [POWER] switch to turn the
transceiver off.
2. Press and hold in the [MENU] button; while holding it
in, press and hold in the front panel’s [POWER] switch [POWER] button [MENU] button
to turn the transceiver on. Once the transceiver comes
on, you may release the [MENU] button.
Use this procedure to restore all Menu and Memory set- [FAST] button
tings to their original factory defaults. All Memories will
be cleared out by this procedure.
1. Press the front panel’s [POWER] switch to turn the
transceiver off.
2. Press and hold in the [FAST] and [LOCK] buttons;
while holding them in, press and hold in the front
panel’s [POWER] switch to turn the transceiver on.
Once the transceiver comes on, you may release the
[POWER] button [LOCK] button
other two switches.
1/16'' Adapter
1 1/8''
3/8'' 5/8''
"Daisy Chain"
Do not position this apparatus in a location with direct exposure to sunshine.
Do not position this apparatus in a location exposed to dust and/or high humidity.
Ensure adequate ventilation around this apparatus, so as to prevent heat build-up and possible reduction of performance
due to high heat.
Do not install this apparatus in a mechanically-unstable location, or where objects may fall onto this product from
To minimize the possibility of interference to home entertainment devices, take all precautionary steps including sepa-
ration of TV/FM antennas from Amateur transmitting antennas to the greatest extent possible, and keep transmitting
coaxial cables separated from cables connected to home entertainment devices.
Ensure that the AC power cord is not subject to undue stress or bending, which could damage the cable or cause it to be
accidentally unplugged from the rear panel AC input jack.
Be absolutely certain to install your transmitting antenna(s) such that they cannot possibly come in contact with TV/FM
radio or other antennas, nor with outside power or telephone lines.
HF Dipole Antenna
HF Beam Antenna
50 MHz Antenna
50 MHz Antenna
HF Antenna
The TX/RX switching in the linear amplifier is con-
trolled by switching components in the transceiver. The
relay circuit of the FT-2000 used for this switching is
capable of switching AC voltage of 100 Volts at up to
300 mA, or DC voltages or 60 V at 200 mA or 30 V at
up to 1 Amp. In order to engage the switching relay,
use Menu item “134 tGEn ETX-GND;” set this Menu
item to “EnA (Enable)” to activate the amplifier switch-
ing relay.
The specified range for ALC voltage to be used with
the FT-2000 is 0 to -4 Volts DC.
Amplifier systems utilizing different ALC voltages will
not work correctly with the FT-2000, and their ALC
lines must not be connected if this is the case.
(as viewed from front panel) (as viewed from rear panel) (as viewed from rear panel)
(as viewed from rear panel) (as viewed from rear panel) (as viewed from rear panel)
For Internal Keyer For Straight Key
Do not use
2-conductor type plug
The µ-TUNE, DMU, and PGM connectors are special connectors for this transceiver. Please do not connect any accessory
or other device not specifically approved by Vertex Standard. Failure to observe this precaution may cause damage not
covered by the Limited Warranty on this apparatus.
QMB (Quick Memory Bank) Switches In the SSB/CW modes on the Sub Band (VFO-B), this
STO (Store) Button button is used to toggle the receiver’s bandwidth be-
Pressing this button copies operating information (fre- tween wide (2.4 kHz) and narrow (1.0 kHz).
quency, mode, bandwidth, and also repeater direction/ ADVICE:
shift frequency and CTCSS functions on the FM mode) When the Sub Band’s (VFO-B) optional YF-122C (500
into consecutive QMB Memories. Hz) or YF-122CN (300 Hz) CW narrow filter is in-
RCL (Recall) Button stalled, the optional narrow filter will be activated when
Pressing this button recalls one of up to five Quick the [NAR] switch has been engaged on the CW/RTTY/
Memory Bank memories for operation. PSK modes.
In the AM mode, this button is used to toggle the
NAR (Narrow) Switch receiver’s bandwidth between wide (9 kHz) and nar-
In the SSB/CW modes on the Main band (VFO-A), this
row (6 kHz).
button is used to set the bandwidth of the DSP (digital)
In the FM mode on the 28 MHz and 50 MHz bands,
IF filters to a user-programmed bandwidth (default
this button is used to toggle the FM deviation/band-
values are SSB: 1.8 kHz and CW/RTTY/PSK: 300 Hz).
width between wide (±5.0 kHz Dev./25.0 kHz BW)
and narrow (±2.5 kHz Dev./12.5 kHz BW).
When [NAR] has been engaged, the [WIDTH] knob
Pressing the [A ] or [B] button (located above the
will be disabled, although the [SHIFT] knob still works [MODE] selection buttons) will select either the Main
band (VFO-A) or Sub band (VFO-B) for individual
bandwidth setting.
This indicator appears whenever the Digital Noise Re- This indicator appears whenever CW break-in opera-
duction feature is activated. tion is activated.
This indicator appears whenever the Digital Notch Fil- This indicator appears when the internal Automatic An-
ter is activated. tenna Tuner is activated.
The peak position of the CONTOUR Filter is depicted This indicator appears if the directional coupler and
graphically here when the CONTOUR Filter is acti- microprocessor detect an abnormally high SWR con-
vated. dition (over 3.0:1) that cannot be resolved by the Au-
tomatic Antenna Tuner.
The null position of the IF Notch Filter is depicted If this indicator appears, check to be sure that you have
graphically here when the IF Notch Filter is activated. the correct antenna selected on the current operating
WIDTH band. If so, you will need to check the condition of the
Indicates the bandwidth of the DSP IF filter. antenna, its coaxial cable, and/or the connectors on the
cable so as to locate and correct the fault.
This indicator appears during transmission on the Main This indicator appears while the voice recorder is re-
band (VFO-A) frequency. cording the receiver audio, and/or the memory is re-
cording your CW or voice message.
This indicator appears whenever the Main band (VFO- PLAY
A) receiver squelch is open. If this indicator is not show- This indicator appears while the voice recorder is play-
ing, and reception seems to have been lost on the Main ing back the recorded audio, and/or the memory is play-
receiver for no apparent reason, check the position of ing back the recorded CW or voice message.
the SQL knob and rotate it fully counter-clockwise to
Multi-Display Window
restore reception.
This window displays either the Clarifier offset or
Main (VFO-A) Frequency Display Memory Channel Number.
This is the Main band (VFO-A) frequency display. ADVICE:
ADVICE: During FM operation, the Repeater Shift will be
When setting the Menu items, the Menu item num- indicated in this window. A Negative frequency shift
ber and Menu group name will appear in this area will be indicated by “–” while a Positive frequency
during setup. shift will be indicated by “+.”
When setting the CTCSS frequency for Encoding When setting the Menu items, the current setting
or Tone Squelch operation, the current tone infor- will appear in this area.
mation will appear in this area during setup. When setting the CTCSS frequency for Encoding
or Tone Squelch operation, the current repeater shift
direction will appear in this area.
This indicator appears when the Main Tuning Dial knob
is locked. CLAR
This indicator appears whenever the Clarifier function
is activated.
This indicator appears when the Main Tuning Dial
knob’s tuning rate is selected to fast. MR
This indicator appears when the FT-2000 is in the
Memory Recall mode.
This indicator appears whenever the Three-Band Para-
metric Microphone Equalizer is activated via the Menu. MT
This indicator appears when the FT-2000 is in the
Tuning Offset Indicator
Memory Tune mode to indicate that the memory con-
This is a tuning scale that, as configured from the fac-
tents have been temporarily changed.
tory, provides a visual CW tuning indication of the in-
coming signal’s offset from your transceiver’s CW car-
rier frequency, as programmed by the relative clarifier
offset, or the peak position of the VRF/µ-TUNE filter.
Sub (VFO-B) Receiver S-Meter LSB, USB, CW, AM, FM, RTTY, PKT
Displays the strength of signals received on the Sub Displays the currently-selected operating mode for the
band (VFO-B). Sub (VFO-B) receiver.
This indicator appears during transmission on the Sub This indicator appears when the [SUB VFO-B] knob’s
band (VFO-B) frequency. tuning rate is selected to fast.
This indicator appears whenever the Sub band (VFO- Displays the currently-selected AGC decay time for
B) receiver squelch is open. If this indicator is not show- the Sub (VFO-B) receiver.
ing, and reception seems to have been lost on the Sub A: Auto, F: Fast, M: Medium, S: Slow
receiver for no apparent reason, check the position of
the Sub [SQL] knob and rotate it fully counter-clock-
This indicator appears when the Sub (VFO-B)
wise to restore reception.
receiver’s (short duration) Noise Blanker is activated.
Sub (VFO-B) Frequency Display This indicator will blink for three seconds, and there-
This is the Sub band (VFO-B) frequency display. after appears continuously, when the Sub (VFO-B)
ADVICE: receiver’s longer-pulse Noise Blanker is activated.
When setting the Menu items, the Menu item name
will appear in this area during setup.
This indicator appears whenever the optional Sub
When setting the CTCSS frequency for Encoding
(VFO-B) receiver’s narrow filter is selected.
or Tone Squelch operation, the current tone fre-
quency will appear in this area during setup.
When activating the CW Spot Tone, the current tone
frequency will appear in this area.
1. Plug the AC cable back in, and set the Press the Sub [RX] button to
rear-panel [POWER] switch to “I.” engage Dual Reception (us-
2. Press and hold in the front-panel ing the Sub (VFO-B) re-
[POWER] switch for one second to ceiver in addition to the
turn the transceiver on. Main (VFO-A) receiver).
3. The transceiver will start up on 7.000.00 When you press the Sub
MHz LSB, and normal operation may begin. [RX] button, its imbedded LED
NOTE: will glow green; pressing this
To turn power off, press and hold in the front panel button once more will turn off
[POWER] switch for one second. the Sub (VFO-B) receiver, and
4. Rotate the [AF GAIN] knob to set the imbeded LED will go dark.
a comfortable audio level on incom- Use the Sub receiver’s Sub [AF
ing signals or noise. Clockwise ro- GAIN] knob to adjust the Sub
tation of the [AF GAIN] knob in- (VFO-B) receiver volume level.
creases the volume level. 7. Press the [BAND] but-
NOTE: ton corresponding to
When using headphones, start by rotating the [AF the Amateur band on
GAIN] knob counter-clockwise, then bring the volume which you wish to be-
level up after you put the headphones on. This will gin operation.
minimize the chance of damage to your hearing caused ADVICE:
by an unexpectedly-high audio level. One-touch selec-
5. Press the Main [RX] but- tion of each Ama-
ton to engage the Main teur band between
(VFO-A) receiver; the 1.8 and 50 MHz is provided.
imbedded LED will glow The FT-2000 utilizes a triple band-stack VFO se-
Green. lection technique, which permits you to store up to
ADVICE: three favorite frequencies and modes onto each
If you press the Main band’s VFO register. For example, you may store
[RX] button when the imbedded LED is already one frequency each on 14 MHz CW, RTTY, and
glowing Green, the LED will now blink on and off; USB, then recall these VFOs by successive, mo-
this indicates that the Main (VFO-A) receiver is mentary presses of the [14] MHz band button. Each
temporarily muted. Just press the Main [RX] but- Amateur band button may similarly have up to three
ton once more to restore Main (VFO-A) receiver frequency/mode settings applied.
Sub [SQL] Knob [SQL] Knob Main Tuning Dial knob (VFO-A) [BAND] Button [A/B] Button
(VFO-A) [MHz] Button [SUB VFO-B] Knob
If you press the (VFO-A) [BAND ] button, the 9. Press the appropriate [MODE] but-
[SUB VFO-B] knob may be used as a band selec- ton to select the desired operating
tion knob. If you press the (VFO-A) [MHz] but- mode.
ton, rotation of the [SUB VFO-B] knob allows fre- ADVICE:
quency navigation in 1 MHz steps. Depending on By convention in the Amateur
the setting of the (VFO-A) [BAND ], (VFO-A) bands, LSB is used on the 7 MHz
[MHz], and [A/B] buttons, the function of the [SUB and lower bands (with the excep-
VFO-B] knob will change. tion of 60 meters), while USB is
utilized on the 14 MHz and
higher bands.
When changing modes from SSB
to CW, you will observe a fre-
quency shift on the display. This shift represents
the BFO offset between the “zero beat” frequency
and the audible CW pitch (tone) you can hear (the
pitch is programmed by the [PITCH] knob), even
though the actual tone that you hear is not chang-
ing. If you do not want this frequency shift to ap-
pear when changing modes from (for example) USB
8. Press the [ANTENNA 1/2] button to select the appro- to CW, use the Menu item “061 A1A FRQDISP,”
priate antenna for the band in use; alternatively, if one described on page 118.
is connected, you may also press the When operating on the FM
[ANTENNA RX] antenna selection mode, rotate the [SQL]
button. Two TX/RX antennas may be (Squelch) knob clockwise just
connected, or one RX-only antenna. to the point where the back-
ADVICE: ground noise is just silenced.
Once you have made your antenna selection, that an- This is the point of maximum
tenna is “remembered” by the microprocessor in con- sensitivity to weak signals. Excessive
junction with the VFO register (frequency and mode) advancement of the [SQL] knob will
in use when you chose that particular antenna. degrade the ability of the receiver to
detect weak signals. Adjustment of the
Sub band (VFO-B) Squelch is accom-
plished using the Sub [SQL] knob.
The Tuning Offset Indicator provides a graphical representation of the Clarifier offset.
On CW, the Tuning Offset Indicator is used for CW Center Tuning, instead of Clarifier Offset, as the transceiver is
configured at the factory. If you wish to change this, so that the Clarifier Offset is also displayed on CW, use the
following procedure:
1. Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode. [MENU] Button
The illumination level of the analog meter and frequency display may be reduced, if you are using the transceiver in a dark
environment where high brightness is not desired.
To reduce the illumina- [DIM] Button
tion level, press the
[DIM] button, located
to the left of the analog
meter. To restore full
brightness, press the
[ DIM ] button once
You may also customize the amount of brightness reduc-
tion engaged by the pressing of the [DIM] button, and may
use different brightness levels for different front panel ar-
eas. Menu item “008 diSP DIM MTR” adjusts the bright-
ness level of the analog meter; while menu item “009 diSP
DIM VFD” sets the brightness levels of the frequency dis-
play (these settings are effective only when the [DIM] but-
ton is pressed).
1. While receiving on the Main band (VFO-A), engage Sub [AF GAIN] Knob Main Tuning Dial Knob
[SQL] Knob Sub [RX] Button
the Sub (VFO-B) receiver by pressing the Sub [RX]
button, located to the upper left of the [SUB VFO-B]
knob. You will now be receiving on the two frequen-
cies shown on the frequency display.
2. Adjusting the volume:
To adjust the Main (VFO-A) audio level, rotate the
Main [AF GAIN] knob. To adjust the Sub (VFO-B)
audio level, rotate the Sub [AF GAIN] knob. In both
Sub [SQL] Knob [B] Button [BAND] Button
cases, clockwise rotation of the knob will increase the
[AF GAIN] Knob [SUB VFO-B] Knob
volume level.
3. Press the [B] button. Within five seconds of pressing
the [B] button, while the orange LED is blinking, you ADVICE:
may now change the operating mode for the Sub (VFO- When operating in Dual Receive, the manner in which
B) band by pressing the appropriate Mode selection the audio is fed to the left and right sides of your head-
button. phones (Stereo, Monaural, or Mixed) may be config-
4. Having pressed the [B] button in the previous step, ured using Menu item “089 rout HEADPHN” (see
you may also press the [BAND] buttons to select the page 121).
operating band on which you want to set up the Sub When changing modes from SSB to CW, you will ob-
(VFO-B) receiver. serve a frequency shift on the display. This shift repre-
5. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to adjust the Main sents the BFO offset between the “zero beat” frequency
(VFO-A) frequency, and rotate the [SUB VFO-B] and the audible CW pitch (tone) you can hear (the pitch
knob to adjust the Sub (VFO-B) frequency. is programmed by the [PITCH] knob), even though
6. To cancel Dual Receive operation, and receive just on the actual tone that you hear is not changing. If you do
the Main (VFO-A) receiver, press the Sub [RX] but- not want this frequency shift to appear when changing
ton; the imbedded green LED will go out, and modes from (for example) USB to CW, use the Menu
monoband operation on the Main (VFO-A) receiver item “061 A1A FRQDISP,” described on page 118.
will resume. When operating on the FM mode on the Sub band
(VFO-B), rotate the Sub [SQL] knob clockwise just
NOTE: to the point where the background noise is just silenced.
Please remember that, while the [B] mode button is blink- This is the point of maximum sensitivity to weak sig-
ing (for five seconds), any mode or band changes will still nals. Excessive advancement of the Sub [SQL] knob
be applied to the Sub band (VFO-B), whether or not Dual will degrade the ability of the receiver to detect weak
Receive is engaged. signals. Adjustment of the Main band (VFO-A) Squelch
QUICK POINT: is accomplished using the Main [SQL] knob.
By convention in the Amateur bands, LSB is used on the 7 The frequency ranges of the various fixed bandpass
MHz and lower bands (with the exception of 60 meters), filters are shown in the chart below. You may operate
while USB is utilized on the 14 MHz and higher bands. on Dual Receive RF BPF FREQUENCY DIVISION
with both receivers 0.03000 MHz ~ 0.49999 MHz
0.50000 MHz ~ 1.69999 MHz
set within the same
1.70000 MHz ~ 2.49999 MHz
range, even if they 2.50000 MHz ~ 3.39999 MHz
are not on the same 3.40000 MHz ~ 4.69999 MHz
Amateur band (for 4.70000 MHz ~ 6.89999 MHz
6.90000 MHz ~ 9.89999 MHz
example, the 14 and 9.90000 MHz ~ 13.89999 MHz
18 MHz, or 21 and 13.90000 MHz ~ 20.89999 MHz
24.9 MHz bands). 20.90000 MHz ~ 30.09999 MHz
30.10000 MHz ~ 44.99999 MHz
Of course, a suitable 45.99999 MHz ~ 59.99999 MHz
multiband antenna is
[AF GAIN] Knob
Press and hold in the [F7(P.BACK)] button for two sec-
onds to initiate record-
ing; the “ ” icon
will appear in the display
to confirm that recording
is in progress. The re-
corder will store up to 15
seconds of the Main
[F7(P.BACK)] Button
band (VFO-A) received
audio, and will retain the most-recent 15 seconds of audio
on a running basis.
Pressing the [F7(P.BACK)] button once more will halt Playback
the recording, and the “ ” icon will go out. Press the [F7(P.BACK)] button momentarily, after record-
NOTE: Stop ing has been halted, to begin playback of the recorded
When the transceiver is audio; the “ ” icon will appear in the display to con-
turned off, the contents of firm that playback is in progress. The last 15 seconds of
the recording memory will audio will be heard in the speaker or headphones. If you
be erased! do not intervene, the entire 15 seconds will be played back,
after which the playback will stop automatically. To halt
playback at any time, just press the [F7(P.BACK)] button
momentarily again. The next time you press the
Start [F7(P.BACK)] button, it will pick up the playback where
you left off.
15 Seconds Advice
You may adjust the playback level of the recording by the
main [AF GAIN] knob
Recording Playback
Press and hold in the FH-2’s [P/B] key for two sec- Press the FH-2’s [P/B] key momentarily, after record-
onds to initiate recording. ing has been halted, to begin playback of the recorded
The “ ” icon will appear audio; the “ ” icon will appear in the display to
in the display to confirm that re- confirm that playback is in progress.. The last 15 sec-
cording is in progress. LOCK
onds of audio will be heard in the speaker or head-
Press the FH-2’s [P/B] key mo- phones. If you do not intervene, the entire 15 seconds
mentarily to halt recording; the will be played back, after which the playback will stop
“ ” icon will go out. automatically. To halt playback at any time, just press
You may also press the front the [P/B] key momentarily again. The next time you
panel’s [F7(P.BACK)] button press the [P/B] key, it will pick up the playback where
(momentarily) to halt recording, you left off. You may also press the front panel’s
as well. [F7(P.BACK)] button (momentarily) to play back the
When the transceiver is turned recorded audio, as well.
off, the contents of the record-
ing memory will be erased.
You may adjust the playback level of the recording by
the main [AF GAIN] knob
will glow Red, if you operate the “My Band” feature (VFO-A)[BAND] Button
C.S Setup
1. Press the [MENU] button to engage the Menu mode; Main Tuning Dial Knob
ANTENNA 3k/6k/15k
SELECTOR 1st Local 2nd Local 3rd Local
1st IF 2nd IF
40.455 MHz 455 kHz
1st CF 2nd DET
1st Local 2nd Local
of the Receiver
Configuration ON
On the 10 MHz and lower bands, it generally is not necessary to use any preamplifier at all; selecting the “ON” position
described above will increase the strong-signal-handling capability of the receiver, and generally will result in more pleas-
ant reception due to reduced noise. If you can hear band noise with the preamplifiers disengaged, then a preamplifier is
generally not needed.
Even with the IPO function on, extremely strong local signals or high noise can still degrade reception. In such situations,
you can use the [ATT] button to insert 6, 12, or 18-dB of RF attenuation in front of the RF amplifier.
1. Press the [ATT] button several times to set Receiver Configuration Indicator
the desired attenuation level, per the chart
OFF: Attenuator is Off
–6 dB: The incoming signal power is reduced by 6
dB (Signal voltage reduced by 1/2)
–12 dB: The incoming signal power is reduced by 12
dB (Signal voltage reduced by 1/4)
–18 dB: The incoming signal power is reduced by 18 [ATT] Button
dB (Signal voltage reduced by 1/8)
The selected
level will be 2. To restore full signal strength through the Attenuator
indicated in the ATT column of the Receiver Configu- circuit area, press the [ATT] button to restore the ATT
ration Indicator on the display. display to the “OFF” position.
The Attenuator affects both the Main (VFO-A) and Sub (VFO-B) bands.
If background noise causes the S-meter to deflect on clear frequencies, press the [ATT] button until the S-meter drops to
about “S-1.” This setting optimizes the trade-offs between sensitivity, noise, and interference immunity. Also, once you have
tuned in a station you want to work, you may want to reduce sensitivity further (or add more attenuation) by pressing the
[ATT] button to a more setting. This reduces the strength of all signals (and noise) and can make reception more comfort-
able, important especially during long QSOs. When looking for weak signals on a quiet band, you will want maximum
sensitivity, so the IPO should be disabled and the [ATT] button should be set to “OFF.” This situation is typical during quiet
times on frequencies above 21 MHz, and when using a small or negative-gain receiving antenna on other bands.
1. The Main [RF GAIN] knob should, initially, be ro- Main [RF GAIN] Knob
tated to the fully clockwise position. This is the point
of maximum sensitivity, and counter-clockwise rota-
tion will gradually reduce the system gain.
2. The Sub [RF GAIN] knob operates identically to the
Main [RF GAIN] knob. The fully clockwise position
of the Sub [RF GAIN] knob should always be utilized
as a starting point for operation.
As the [RF GAIN] knob is rotated counterclockwise
to reduce the gain, the S-meter reading will rise. This
indicates that the AGC voltage being applied to the
receiver is increasing (which causes a reduction in re-
ceiver gain).
Rotating the [RF GAIN] knob control to the fully
counter-clockwise position will essentially disable the
receiver, as the gain will be greatly reduced. In this
case, as well, the S-meter will appear to be “pegged”
against the right edge of the analog S-meter scale.
The Sub [RF GAIN] knob operates identically to the
Main [RF GAIN] knob. The effects of counter-clock-
wise rotation of the Sub (VFO-B) receiver’s RF Gain
control may be observed visually on the Sub band
(VFO-B) S-meter.
Reception frequently can be optimized by rotating the
[RF GAIN] knob slightly counter-clockwise to the
point where the incoming noise level is just about the
same as the “stationary” meter needle position as set
by the adjustment of the [RF GAIN] knob. This set-
ting ensures that excessive gain is not being utilized,
without so much gain reduction that incoming signals
cannot be heard.
The RF Gain control, along with the IPO and Attenua-
tor features, all affect the system receiver gain in dif-
ferent ways. As a first step in dealing with high noise
or a crowded, high-level signal environment, the IPO
generally should be the first feature engaged, if the fre-
quency is low enough to allow the preamplifier to be
bypassed. Thereafter, the RF Gain and Attenuator fea-
tures may be employed to provide precise, delicate
adjustment of the receiver gain so as to optimize per-
formance fully.
Press the [R.FLT] button to toggle the Roofing Receiver Configuration Indicator
Filter selection.
AUTO 15 kHz 6 kHz 3 kHz AUTO
The Roofing filter selection affects the Main band
(VFO-A) only. The Sub band’s (VFO-B) Roofing fil-
ter is fixed at a bandwidth of 15 kHz.
As you repeatedly press the [R.FLT] button, you will
[R.FLT] Button
observe changes in the notation in the R.FLT column
of the Receiver Configuration Indicator on the display,
denoting the
Roofing Fil-
ter currently
in use.
Typically, this selection will be set to “AUTO.”
The Roofing Filter selection will be memorized inde-
pendently on each VFO in the VFO stack.
The “AUTO” selection of the Roofing Filter is based
on the operating mode. However, you may override
the automatic selection, if band conditions warrant a
different (usually, a tighter) selection.
The AUTO mode Roofing Filter selections are shown
AM/FM/FM-PKT: 15 kHz
CW/RTTY: 3 kHz
When the Roofing filter mode is set to “AUTO” and
the Noise Blanker is turned On, the Roofing Filter band-
width will automatically be set to 15 kHz, as this set-
ting provides the most effective noise blanking. How-
ever, you still may override the automatic setting, and
select a more narrow Roofing Filter. Noise blanking
may be compromised, however, with a tighter Roofing
Filter in the line.
A “Roofing Filter,” as its name implies, places a “Roof”
over the receiver’s IF system bandwidth. This “Roof” pro-
tects the circuitry downstream from the first mixer from
interference, just as a roof on a house protects the contents
from rain and snow.
The steep slopes of the DSP filtering can, when adjusted aggressively, impart an unnatural sound to an incoming signal.
Oftentimes, though, a narrow bandwidth is not the key to improving copy; the incoming signal itself may have undesirable
or excessive frequency components, especially in the low-frequency range around 100-400 Hz. By judicious use of the
Contour filter, the “shoulder” of the passband response may be altered, or components removed from within the passband,
allowing the desired signal to rise above the background noise and interference in a manner not obtainable with other
filtering systems.
Rotate the [SHIFT] knob to the left or right to reduce the SHIFT Indicator [SHIFT] knob
The [SHIFT] knob affects the Main band (VFO-A)
only. However, you may shift the Sub band (VFO-B)
filter passband via Menu items “042 S-iF LSB SET”
through “049 S-iF PKT-USB.”
The position of the passband set by the IF Shift can be
observed on the display.
Rotate the [ WIDTH ] knob to adjust the bandwidth. WIDTH Indicator [WIDTH] Knob
1. Press the [DNR] button. The “ ” icon will appear NOTCH Indicator [DNR] Knob
in the display, confirming that the DNR system is en-
2. Rotate the [DNR] knob to select the setting that most
effectively reduces the noise level.
3. To disable the DNR system, press the [DNR] button
once more. The “ ” icon will turn off, confirming
that the DNR system is not active.
ADVICE: [DNR] Button
You may adjust the CW bandwidth using the [WIDTH] : Requires the optional CW Narrow Filter
300 Hz: YF-122CN, 500 Hz: YF-122C
knob, even if the narrow filter is engaged. In this case,
available bandwidth selections are 25 Hz ~ 2 kHz.
When you press the [NAR] button in the FM mode,
both the transmit and receive bandwidths are narrowed.
When the [NAR] button is pressed, the [WIDTH] knob no
longer functions.
Audio Output
on the Main band (VFO-A) receiver, that allows the audio volume to rise NORMAL
and fall slightly according to signal strength. Although the rise/fall slope is
not dramatic, it is sufficient to allow you to use your ear to discern and
separate signals according to signal strength, not just audio frequency.
Input Signal
Using Sloped AGC
Press the Main [RX] LED/switch. The Main (VFO-A) re- Main [RX] Switch
ceiver will be silenced, and the green LED in the [RX]
switch will blink.
To restore reception on the Main (VFO-A) receiver, just
press the blinking [RX] switch/LED once more.
If you press the [POWER] switch momentarily while the
transceiver is turned on, the transceiver’s audio will be
muted for three seconds.
1. The operating mode is selected using the [MODE] 3. Press the microphone’s PTT (Push To Talk) switch to
buttons to the left of the Main Tuning Dial knob, and begin transmission; speak into the microphone in a
the VFO (A or B) to which the selection is applied is normal voice level.
selected by the [A] or [B] button above the [MODE] ADVICE:
buttons. Usually, the [A] button glows Red, signifying The “ ” indicator will light up in the frequency
that the Main band (VFO-A) is be- display area, confirming that transmission is in
ing adjusted. Similarly, pressing the progress.
[B] button will cause its indicator to When transmitting in the AM mode, rotate the [RF
blink Orange for five seconds, sig- PWR] knob so as to set a maximum (carrier) power
nifying Sub band (VFO-B) adjust- output of 25 Watts.
ment. Therefore, press the [A] or [B] 4. In the SSB mode, adjust the microphone amplifier gain
button to select the desired VFO, to match the microphone and your
then press the [LSB] or [USB] but- voice level, set the [METER ]
ton to select one of the SSB modes. switch to the “ALC” position,
For AM operation, press the [AM/ close the PTT switch, speak into
FM] button repeatedly until the im- the microphone in a normal voice
bedded LED glows red. level, and adjust the [MIC] (gain) knob
QUICK POINT: so that the ALC voltage (displayed on
By convention, LSB is used in the 7 MHz and lower the right meter) stays within the ALC
Amateur bands for SSB communication, and USB zone of the meter (up to 2/3 of full scale
is used on the 14 MHz and higher bands (the 10 deflection) on voice peaks.
MHz band is used for CW and data modes only). ADVICE:
When the [AM/FM] button glows orange, it indi- The microphone
cates that FM operation is engaged. gain of the AM
2. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to adjust the oper- mode has been pro-
ating frequency. Alternatively, you may use the [UP]/ grammed, at the
[DWN] scanning buttons on the MH-31B8 Hand Mi- factory, to a level
crophone to sweep up or down the current band. that should be satisfactory for most situations. How-
ever, using Menu item “050 A3E MICGAIN,” you may
set a different fixed value, or choose the “Ur” option,
which then lets you use the front panel [MIC] knob to
set the microphone gain in the AM mode. In this case,
the [MIC] knob should not be advanced to the point
where the ALC meter deflects. In many cases, the same
setting as used on SSB will be satisfactory.
5. Release the PTT switch at the end of your transmis-
sion. The transceiver will return to the receive mode.
1. Rotate the [RF PWR] knob fully clockwise (to the NOTCH Indicator [DNR] Knob
2. Use the Main Tuning Dial knob to set the radio to the
desired operating frequency within the Amateur band.
3. Press the [TUNE] button momentarily to place the ATU
in the transmit line (no adjustment/tuning will occur
yet). The “ ” icon will appear in the display.
The momentary press of the [TUNE] button will turn [DNR] Button
the tuner on, and the microprocessor will automatically
select the tuning point closest to the current operating
The ATU circuit is located between the final amplifier and
the rear-panel antenna jack; reception is not affected by
4. Press and hold in the [TUNE] button for two seconds
the ATU.
to begin automatic tuning. The transmitter will be en-
gaged, and the “ ” icon will blink while tuning is QUICK POINT:
in progress. When the optimum tuning point has been As shipped from the factory, only one ATU alignment
reached, the radio will return to receive, and the point is saved on each Amateur band. This was memo-
“ ” icon will again glow steadily (instead of rized during the final alignment and performance veri-
blinking). fication stages on the production line.
5. While tuning around the band using the Main Tuning The momentary flickering of the “ ” icon occurs
Dial knob, you will observe that the “ ” icon whenever you cross over into a new 10 kHz ATU
blinks momentarily every 10 kHz. This momentary memory window.
blinking indicates that a new tuning window has been
entered. If you want to save tuning data associated with
Please check the operating frequency before beginning the
this 10 kHz window, repeat step 4 (above) for each
tuning process, to be sure you are not interfering with oth-
such window. On bands like 1.8 MHz where the im-
ers who may already be using the frequency.
pedance may change rapidly, the storage of a number
of tuning points is recommended. TERMINOLOGY:
6. To disconnect the ATU from the transmit line, press Antenna Tuner Memories: The microprocessor of the ATU
the [TUNE] button momentarily. The “ ” icon makes a note of the positions of the tuning capacitors and
will turn off, confirming that the ATU has been turned the selected inductors, and stores the data for each 10 kHz
off. In the “Off” mode, the transceiver will be directly window in which tuning has occurred. This eliminates the
connected to the coaxial cable connected to your an- need to re-tune every time you return to a frequency on
tenna, and will operate based on whatever impedance which you already have completed the tuning process.
is present at the station end of the coax.
SWR: 2.0
SWR: 1.5
SWR: 1.0
SWR after ATU Tuning
SWR: 3.0
SWR: 3.0
SWR: 2.0
Retuned Setting
SWR: 1.0
Use care in the handling and storage of the Lithium battery. It is small, and presents a choking hazard to small children;
therefore keep such batteries out of the reach of children at all times. Do not dispose of Lithium batteries in fire, and do
not attempt to re-charge them under any circumstances.
When opening/closing the case, take care with your screwdriver not to short out internal components, or touch them in
a way that will cause them to short out against other components.
The exhaustion of the ATU backup battery of the FT-2000 is a normal “wear and tear” situation, and the loss of the
backup voltage is not a “defect” or other condition covered by the Limited Warranty on this product. Accordingly, if you
do not feel capable of replacing the battery, and ask a service shop to do so on your behalf, a service fee may apply.
1. Adjust the [MIC] (gain) knob for SSB use, as described [MONI] Button
on page 64. [PROC] Button
1. Connect the microphone to the MIC jack. [MONI] Button Main Tuning Dial Knob
2. Set the [RF PWR] knob to its minimum value, so as
not to cause interference to other users during adjust-
We recommend you consider connecting a dummy
load to one of the Antenna jacks, and monitor your
signal on a separate receiver, so as to prevent inter-
ference to other users. [RF PWR] Knob [MENU] Button
You will have the best chance of hearing the ef- [SUB VFO-B] Knob
fects of adjustments if you wear headphones (con-
nected to the monitor receiver) while monitoring
your transmitted signal. Center Frequency “123 tAUd EQ1-FREQ” “100” (Hz) ~ “700” (Hz)
3. Press the [MONI] button, if you want to listen on the “126 tAUd EQ2-FREQ” “700” (Hz) ~ “1500” (Hz)
FT-2000’s internal monitor. “129 tAUd EQ3-FREQ” “1500” (Hz) ~ “3200” (Hz)
Parametric Gain “124 AUd EQ1-LVL” (Low) “–10” (dB) ~ “+10” (dB)
4. Press the [MENU] button momentarily. The Menu list “127 tAUd EQ2-LVL” (Mid) “–10” (dB) ~ “+10” (dB)
will appear in the display. “130 tAUd EQ3-LVL” (High) “–10” (dB) ~ “+10” (dB)
5. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to find the “EQ” Q (Bandwidth) “125 tAUd EQ1-BW” (Low) “1” ~ “10”
“128 tAUd EQ2-BW” (Mid) “1” ~ “10”
Menu area, containing Menu items “123” through “131 tAUd EQ3-BW” (High) “1” ~ “10”
“131;” these parameters apply to the adjustment of the
Parametric Microphone Equalizer.
6. Rotate the [SUB VFO-B] knob to perform adjustments
to a particular Menu item.
7. Close the PTT switch, and speak into the microphone
Parametric Gain
[F5(MEM)] Button
[F1(CH-1)] ~ [F4(CH-4)] Button
5. Speak into the microphone in a normal voice level to
record the message (such as “CQ DX, CQ DX, this is
W 6 Delta X-Ray Charlie, W 6 Delta X-Ray Charlie,
Over”). Remember that the time limit for recording
any message is 20 seconds.
6. Press the FH-2’s [MEM] key to terminate the message
storage process. ADVICE:
You may adjust the transmit (audio) level of the recording
via Menu item “016 dUS TX LVL.”
1. To start, set the [VOX ] and [DELAY] knobs fully [VOX] Button
1. Press the [MONI] button. The “ ” icon will ap- [MONI] Button
If you are using the speaker for monitoring, instead of
headphones, excessive advancement of the [MONI]
knob can cause feedback to occur. Additionally, this
feedback can cause the VOX system to hang up in a
loop, making it impossible to return to receive. There-
fore, we recommend the use of headphones, if at all
possible, or the minimum usable setting of the [MONI]
knob, if the speaker must be used.
Because the Monitor feature utilizes a sampling of the
transmitter’s IF signal, it can be very useful for check-
ing the adjustment of the Speech Processor or Para-
metric Equalizer on SSB, and for checking the general
signal quality on AM and FM.
ADVICE: Here is the procedure for activating the VFO Tracking fea-
During normal (non-split) VFO-A operation, you may ture:
simply press the Sub (VFO-B) [TX] switch (located 1. Press the [MENU] button to engage the Menu mode.
above and to the right of the [SUB VFO-B] knob) to 2. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select Menu item
engage Split operation. The Sub [TX] indicator will “032 GEnE TRACK.”
glow Red when you press the switch. 3. Rotate the [SUB VFO-B] knob to select the desired
During Split operation, pressing the [A B] button will Tracking mode.
reverse the contents of the Main and Sub VFOs. Press OFF: Disables the VFO Tracking feature.
the [A B] button once more to return to the original bAND: When you change bands on the Main (VFO-
frequency alignment. A) side, the Sub (VFO-B) band’s VFO will au-
During Split operation, if you press the [RX] switch tomatically change to be the same as that of
above and to the right of the [SUB VFO-B] knob, you VFO-A.
will engage Dual Receive operation, and now can lis- FrEq: This function is the almost same as “bAND,”
ten to both sides of the DX pile-up, while transmitting however, furthermore, the Sub band’s (VFO-
on the Sub (VFO-B) frequency. This is very useful for B) frequency changes together with the Main
maintaining the timing of your calls, while also moni- Band’s (VFO-A) frequency when turning the
toring both sides of the pile-up. Main Dial Tuning knob.
During Split operation, you may also listen the TX fre- 4. Press and hold in the [MENU] button for two seconds
quency temporarily while pressing the [TXW] button to lock in the new configuration and exit to normal
(below and to the left of the Main Tuning Dial knob). operation.
It is possible to set different operating modes (for ex- [MENU] Button
ample, LSB and USB) on the two VFOs used during
Split operation.
During Split operation, it also is possible to set the
Main and Sub VFOs to different Amateur bands. But
remember that Dual Reception must be within the same
1. Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode. [MENU] Button
2. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select Menu
item “031 gene Q SPLIT.”
3. Rotate the [SUB VFO-B] knob to select the de-
sired offset.
The available selections are –20kHz ~ +20kHz
(factory default: +5 kHz).
4. When you have completed all adjustments, press
and hold in the [MENU] button for two seconds to Main Tuning Dial Knob [SUB VFO-B] Knob
save the new setting and exit to normal operation.
If you only press the [MENU] button momentarily
to exit, any changes you performed will not be
The operating mode is selected
using the [MODE] buttons to the
left of the Main Tuning Dial
knob, and the VFO (A or B) to
which the selection is applied is
selected by the [A] or [B] button
above the [MODE] buttons. Usu- [CW] Button
1. Press the [CW] mode button to en- [KEYER] Button [A] Button
The operating mode is selected
using the [MODE] buttons to the
left of the Main Tuning Dial
knob, and the VFO (A or B) to
which the selection is applied is
selected by the [A] or [B] button
above the [MODE] buttons. Usu- [CW] Button
1. Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode. [MENU] Button
1. Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode. [MENU] Button
2. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select Menu
item “052 A1A F-TYPE” (for the front KEY jack)
or “054 A1A R-TYPE” (for the rear-panel’s KEY
3. Rotate the [SUB VFO-B] knob to set the keyer to
the desired mode. The available selections are:
OFF: The built-in Electronic Keyer is turned off
(“straight key” mode). Main Tuning Dial Knob [SUB VFO-B] Knob
buG: Dots will be generated automatically by the
keyer, but dashes must be sent manually.
ELE: Both dots and dashes will be generated au- ACS “OFF”
tomatically when you use your paddle. Morse
ACS: Same as “ELE” except that the spacing be- “E” & “T”
tween characters is precisely set by the keyer spacing to short
to be the same length as a dash (three dots in Morse
“E” & “T”
4. When you are finished, press and hold in the
[MENU] button for two seconds to save the new
setting and exit to normal operation.
1. To start, let’s use a typical example where you have set [B] Button
B CW Reverse Carrier
( LSB )
RX Passband
Rotation of the front panel’s [PITCH] knob will allow [PITCH] Knob Sub (VFO-B) frequency display
adjustment of the center frequency of the receiver pass-
band, as well as the pitch of your offset CW carrier, to the
tone you prefer. The tone may be varied between 300 Hz
and 1050 Hz, in 50 Hz steps.
You may confirm the Spot tone frequency when turning
the [PITCH] knob while pressing the [SPOT] button. Sub
[SPOT] Button
(VFO-B) frequency display will shows the Spot tone fre-
CW Pitch: If you tuned to an exact “zero beat” on an
incoming CW signal, you could not copy it (“Zero beat”
implies a 0 Hz tone). Therefore, the receiver is offset sev-
eral hundreds of Hz (typically), so as to allow your ear to
detect the tone. The BFO offset associated with this tun-
ing (that produces the comfortable audio tone) is called
the CW Pitch.
You must exercise care in sending to ensure that the spaces
between letters and words are accurately done; if your tim-
ing is off, the spacing may not come out right in the stored
For ease in setting up the keyer memories, we recommend TERMINOLOGY:
you set Menu item “051 A1A F-TYPE” and/or “053 A1A PARIS Word Length: By convention in the Amateur
R-TYPE” to “ACS” (Automatic Character Spacing) while industry (utilized by ARRL and others), the length of one
you are programming the keyer memories. “word” of CW is defined as the length of the Morse Code
characters spelling the word “PARIS.” This character (dot/
dash/space) length is used for the rigorous definition of
code speed in “words per minute.”
to CW.
2. Be sure that Break-in is Off by pressing the [BK-IN]
button, if necessary.
3. Press the [F5(MEM)] button on the front panel.
4. Press the [F1(CH1)] ~ [F4(CH-4)] button to select
the desired Message Memory Register into which you
wish to program the text.
5. Use the Main Tuning Dial knob to set the cursor posi- [F5(MEM)] Button [SUB VFO-B] Knob
tion and use the [SUB VFO-B] knob to choose the [F1(CH-1)] ~ [F4(CH-4)] Button
! SN ( KN / DN @ @
# --- --- ; KR \ AL
$ SX + AR < --- ] ---
% KA , MIM = BT ^ ---
Message Memory
Five memory channels capable of retaining 50 characters total are provided (using the PARIS standard for characters and
word length).
Example: CQ CQ CQ DE W6DXC K (19 characters)
5. Press the [1] ~ [5] key on the FH-2 to begin the memory NOTE:
storage process. You may adjust the monitor level using the [MONI] knob.
If you subsequently decide to use the “Text Memory” tech-
nique for memory storage, please note that the contents of
a message stored using keyer paddle input will not be trans-
ferred over when you select “Text Memory technique” on
a particular memory register (the Menu Mode Setting is
set to “tyP1”).
You must exercise care in sending to ensure that the spaces
between letters and words are accurately done; if your tim-
ing is off, the spacing may not come out right in the stored
For ease in setting up the keyer memories, we recommend
you set Menu item “052 A1A F-TYPE” and/or “054 A1A
R-TYPE” to “ACS” (Automatic Character Spacing) while
you are programming the keyer memories.
You may also use the Main Tuning Dial knob and the
[SUB VFO-B] knobs to program the message charac-
Deleting Previously-stored Characters NOTE:
Use the FH-2’s [ ] and [ ] keys or Main Tuning Dial You may adjust the monitor level using the [MONI] knob.
knob to select the last correct letter in the message. Now
use the [] and [] keys or [SUB VFO-B] knob to se-
lect the “}” character; everything after the “}” character 1. Press the [BK-IN] button to enable transmission. Ei-
will be deleted. ther Full- or Semi-break-in will be engaged, depend-
ing on the setting of Menu item “058 A1A BK-IN.”
2. Press the FH-2’s [1] ~ [5] key to transmit the pro-
grammed message.
If you subsequently decide to use the “Message Memory”
technique for memory storage, please note that the con-
tents of a message stored using text input will not be trans-
ferred over when you select “Message Memory technique”
Decrementing the Contest Number
on a particular memory register (the Menu Mode Setting
By pressing the FH-2’s [DEC] key momentarily, is set to “tyP2”).
you may reduce the current Contest Number by one.
1. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to the output fre- [MOX] Button [AM/FM] Button
The conventional repeater shift used on 29 MHz is 100 kHz, while on the 50 MHz band the shift may vary between 500 kHz
and 1.7 MHz (or more). To program the proper repeater shift, use Menu items “073 F3E 28 RPT” (28 MHz) and “074
F3E 50 RPT” (50 MHz), as appropriate.
You may also use “Tone Squelch” whereby your receiver will be kept silent until an incoming signal bearing a
matching CTCSS tone is receiver. Your receiver’s squelch will then open in response to the reception of the required
1. Rotate the Main tuning Dial to the output frequency
(downlink) from the repeater. [AM/FM] Button
Tone Chart).
5. Press and hold in the [AM/FM] button for two sec-
Tone Decoder “ON”
onds. On the display, just below the “10 Hz” fre-
quency digit, a small “d” will indicate that the Tone
Decoder is engaged.
99 P-9L/9U
98 P-8L/8U
97 P-7L/7U
03 P-3L/3U
02 P-2L/2U
01 P-1L/1U
2. Press the blue [QMB(STO)] button. The
“beep” will confirm that the contents of
the Main (VFO-A) band have been writ-
ten to the currently-available QMB
If you repeatedly press the [QMB(STO)] button, the QMB
memories will be written in the following order:
C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-1 ......
Once all five QMB memories have data on them, previous
data (starting with channel “C-1”) will be over-written on
a first-in, first-out basis.
Rotating the Main Tuning Dial knob, or changing the op-
erating mode, will place the transceiver in the “Memory
Tune” mode, which is a temporary “pseudo-VFO” method
of tuning off of a stored memory channel. If you do not
over-write the contents of the current memory channel,
the original contents will not be disturbed by the initiation
of Memory Tune operation.
Memory Storage
1. Set the Main band (VFO-A) up with all frequency, [A M] Button
mode, and status the way you want to have it stored.
2. Press the [AM] button momentarily (the current chan-
nel number will start blinking in the multi-panel win-
dow); the contents of the current memory channel will
be shown on the Sub band (VFO-B) display field.
3. Rotate the [SUB VFO-B] knob to select the memory
channel onto which you wish to store the data. If you
have selected a channel on which data is already stored, [SUB VFO-B] Knob
that frequency will appear on the Sub band’s (VFO-B)
frequency display field.
4. Press and hold in the [AM] button for two seconds
to store the frequency and other data into the selected
memory channel. A double beep will confirm that you
have held the [AM] button in long enough.
After erasure, only the memory channel number will [AM] Button
1. Press the [V/M] button to recall any memory channel. [V/M] Button
2. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob; you will now ob-
serve that the memory channel’s frequency is chang-
The “ ” icon will replace the “ ” icon in the
multi-panel window, indicating you are in the
“Memory Tune” mode.
During Memory Tune operation, you may change Main Tuning Dial Knob
operating modes, and engage and offset the Clari-
fier, if desired.
3. Press the [V/M] button momentarily to return to the
Computer software programs utilizing the CAT system
originally-memorized frequency of the current memory
interface port may presume that the transceiver is operat-
channel. One more press of the [V/M] button will re-
ing in the VFO mode for certain features like “band map-
turn you to VFO operation.
ping” and/or frequency logging. Because the “Memory
Tune” mode so closely resembles the VFO mode, be sure
that you have the FT-2000 operating in a control mode
compatible with your software’s requirements. Use the
VFO mode if you’re not sure.
Section 97.401(d) of the regulations governing amateur radio in the United States permit emergency amateur communica-
tions on the spot frequency of 5167.5 kHz by stations in (or within 92.6 km of) the state of Alaska. This frequency is only
to be used when the immediate safety of human life and/or property are threatened, and is never to be used for routine
The FT-2000 includes the capability for transmission and reception on 5167.5 kHz under such emergency conditions via
the Menu system. To activate this feature:
1. Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode. [MENU] Button
The receive-mode CLARIFIER functions normally
while using this frequency, but variation of the trans-
mit frequency is not possible. Activation of “138 tGEn
EMERGENCY” does not enable any other out-of-ama-
teur-band capability on the transceiver. The full speci-
fications of the FT-2000 are not necessarily guaran-
teed on this frequency, but power output and receiver
sensitivity should be fully satisfactory for the purpose
of emergency communication.
If you wish to disable operation capability on the Alaska
Emergency Frequency, repeat the above procedures,
but set “138 tGEn EMERGENCY” to “diS” in step 3.
In an emergency, note that a half-wave dipole cut for
this frequency should be approximately 45’3” on each
leg (90’6” total length). Emergency operation on
5167.5 kHz is shared with the Alaska-Fixed Service.
This transceiver is not authorized for operation, under
the FCC's Part 87, for aeronautical communications.
1. Set the VFO to the frequency on which you would like
to begin scanning.
2. Rotate the Main [SQL] knob so that the background
noise is just silenced.
Rotate the Sub [SQL] knob so that the background
noise is just silenced, if you would like to begin scan-
ning on the Sub band (VFO-B).
3. Press and hold in the microphone’s [UP] or [DWN] Main [SQL] Knob
key for 1/2 second to start scanning in the specified MAIN BAND (VFO-A) SCANNING
direction on the Main (VFO-A) band.
[B] Button
If you would like to begin scanning on the Sub band
(VFO-B), press the [B] button first, then (within five
seconds of pressing the [B] button, while the orange
imbedded LED is blinking), press and hold in the
microphone’s [UP] or [DWN] key for 1/2 second.
4. If the scanner halts on an incoming signal, the decimal
point between the “MHz” and “kHz” digits of the fre-
quency display will blink.
SUB [SQL] Knob
If the incoming signal disappears, scanning will re- SUB BAND (VFO-B) SCANNING
sume in about five seconds.
On the SSB/CW and SSB-based Data modes, the
scanner will pause on a received signal, then will
step across the signal very slowly, giving you time
to stop the scan, if you like. In these modes on the
VFO, the scanner does not stop, however.
5. To cancel the scanning, press the microphone’s [UP]
or [DWN] key momentarily.
You may select the manner in which the scanner resumes
while it has paused on a signal, using Menu item “039
GEnE SCN RSM.” The default “5Sec” setting will cause
the scanner to resume scanning after five seconds; you may
change it, however, to resume only after the carrier has
dropped out, if you like See page 116.
1. Store the Lower and Upper tuning/scanning limit fre- [V/M] Button [A/B] Button
quencies into the memory pair “P-1L” and “P-1U,” re- [SUB VFO-B] Knob
RTTY ② ③
① ④ RTTY JACK RTTY Machine
Pin 2 (RX OUT) AF IN
Pin 3 (PTT) PTT
Pin 4 (GND) GND
During Packet operation via the rear panel’s PACKET
1. Press the [PKT] button.
jack, the front panel MIC jack is cut off, so you won’t
have a “live microphone” problem during data opera-
For HF operation, SSB-based Data operation is gen-
erally used. One press of the [PKT] button will
engage Packet operation in the “LSB” mode (by NOTE:
default). Both the “PKT” and “LSB” LEDs will If you anticipate making data transmissions of longer than
become illuminated. a few minutes, we recommend that you use the [RF PWR]
If you need to do FM-based 1200-baud packet on knob to reduce the transmitter power to 1/3 ~ 1/2 of its
the 29/50 MHz bands, press the [PKT] button re- normal maximum.
peatedly to illuminate the ‘PKT” LED to orange,
to engage the “PKT-FM” mode.
PACKET Jack Specifications
When both the “PKT” and “USB” LEDs are illu-
DATA IN (Pin 1)
minated, the FT-2000 has engaged Packet opera-
Input Level: 50 mVp-p
tion in the “USB” mode.
Input Impedance: 10 k-Ohms
2. When the “transmit” command is received from the
DATA OUT (Pin 4)
TNC, the transmitter of the FT-2000 will automati-
Fixed level, does not respond to setting of [AF GAIN]
cally be engaged. Likewise, the command to return to
or [SQL] knob.
receive will cause the radio to revert to the receive
Output Level: 100 mVp-p max.
Output Impedance: 10 k-Ohms
If you need to adjust the output level from the “DATA
OUT” pin of the PACKET jack (pin 4) on the radio,
please use Menu item “067 dAtA OUT LVL.” For the
input level from the TNC, as applied to the DATA IN
pin of the PACKET jack (pin 1), please do so at the
TNC side.
④ ⑤
① ③
Pin 2 (GND) GND
Pin 5 (BUSY) (SQL Control)
1. Press the [RTTY] button to enter the RTTY mode. The Mark/Space Shift utilized in most Amateur RTTY
One press of the [RTTY] button will engage RTTY operation is 170 Hz. Other shifts may be configured,
operation using “LSB” injection, which is generally however, using Menu item “080 rtty SHIFT.”
used in the Amateur service. In this mode, both the The FT-2000 is set up for “high tone” operation (cen-
“RTTY” and “LSB” LEDs will light up. tered on 2125 Hz) by default, but you may configure it
To switch to USB-side injection in RTTY, press the for low tone (1275 Hz) operation using Menu item
[RTTY ] button once more. Both the “RTTY” and “081 rtty TONE.”
“USB” LEDs will now be illuminated. Repeatedly You may find that you are unable to decode some RTTY
pressing the [RTTY] button will toggle between LSB stations, even if they are of sufficient signal strength.
and USB injection on RTTY. If this is observed, there may be a Mark/Space polarity
2. When you begin typing on your TU or computer key- problem between your station and the other station. If
board, the command to transmit should automatically so, try setting Menu item “076 rtty R PLRTY” to “rEU”
be sent to the transceiver, causing it to enter the trans- (“Reverse”) to see if that permits copy. A separate Menu
mit mode. item permits reversal of your transmitter’s Mark/Space
NOTE: polarity: “077 rtty T PLRTY.”
If you anticipate making data transmissions of longer than QUICK POINT:
a few minutes, we recommend that you use the [RF PWR] In the FT-2000, “RTTY” is a mode defined as being an
knob to reduce the transmitter power to 1/2 ~ 1/3 of its “FSK” mode, whereby the closing and opening of a key-
normal maximum. ing line (to ground) causes the Mark/Space tones to alter-
ADVICE: nate. The RTTY mode is not an AFSK based mode in this
There is no adjustment of the DATA input level (Pin 1 transceiver, and the AFSK output tones from a TNC will
(“DATA IN”) of the RTTY jack) on the rear panel; not cause Mark/Space shifting to occur. Use the “Packet”
please make any needed level adjustments at the TU mode for AFSK-based Baudot and other data modes.
④ ⑤
① ③
Pin 2 (GND) GND
Pin 5 (BUSY)
When you have configured Menu item “137 tGEn VOX
SEL” to “dAtA,” the transceiver will operate in a “VOX”
mode, and it is not necessary to connect a PTT line. This
makes for very convenient interfacing to computer Sound
Cards, etc.
VHF/UHF Antenna
Transceiver V/U ANT
1. Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode. 1. Set up the frequency offset for transverter use, as de-
2. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select Menu item scribed previously.
“122 tun MY BAND.” 2. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to set the desired
3. Rotate the [SUB VFO-B] knob to find the Menu pa- operating frequency. Operation is basically unchanged
rameter “AU d” (this is the factory default setting). from normal transceiver operation.
4. Press the [ENT] button to change the parameter to
“ON” (a “d” notation will replace the “E” notation).
When the “TRV” mode is turned on, power output will
5. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select Menu item
not be allowed to pass to the “ANT 1” or “ANT 2” main
“135 tGEn ETX-GND.”
antenna jacks. So one of these may be connected to your
6. Rotate the [SUB VFO-B] knob to set this Menu item
transverter’s “RX” jack. Just be certain to disconnect the
to “EnA” to enabling the rear panel’s TX GND jack
transverter when returning to HF operation, as the selected
7. Press and hold in the [MENU] button for at least two
Antenna jack will now be capable of passing RF power.
seconds to save the new setting and exit to normal op-
“-- ” Gain
Input Signal
Function: Selects the shape factor of the DSP filter for DSP FILTER PASSBAND
the RTTY mode.
Available Values: StP(STEEP)/nEd(MEDIUM)/
Default Setting: nEd (MEDIUM)
101 rdSP RTY NAR
Function: Selects the passband of the DSP filter for the
RTTY “Narrow” mode.
Available Values: 25/50/100/200/300/400 Hz
Default Setting: 300 Hz
Power Output: 5 - 100 watts (2 - 25 watts AM carrier)
Modulation Types: J3E (SSB): Balanced,
A3E (AM): Low-Level (Early Stage),
F3E (FM): Variable Reactance
Maximum FM Deviation: ±5.0 kHz/±2.5 kHz
Harmonic Radiation: Better than –60 dB (160 - 10m Amateur bands)
Better than –70 dB (6m Amateur band)
SSB Carrier Suppression: At least 60 dB below peak output
Undesired Sideband Suppression: At least 60 dB below peak output
Audio Response (SSB): Not more than –6 dB from 300 to 2700 Hz
3rd-order IMD: –31 dB @14 MHz 100 watts PEP
Microphone Impedance: 600 Ohms (200 to 10 kOhms)
Specifications are subject to change, in the interest of technical improvement, without notice or obligation, and are
guaranteed only within the amateur bands.
The scanner receiver is not a digital scanner and is incapable of being converted or
modified a digital scanner receiver by any user.