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HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver

Operating Manual


Tennozu Parkside Building
2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002 Japan
6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.
Unit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall Close
Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.
About This Manual . . .
The FT-991 is a leading-edge transceiver with a number of new and exciting features, some of which may be unfamiliar
to you. In order to gain the most enjoyment and operating efficiency from your FT-991, we recommend that you read
this manual in its entirety, and keep it handy for reference as you explore the many capabilities of your new transceiver.
Before using your FT-991, be sure to read and follow the instructions in the “Before You Begin” section of this manual.

About TFT Displays

FT-991 utilizes a TFT liquid-crystal display.
• Although TFT liquid-crystal displays are made using very precise technology, they are prone to develop
dead pixels (dark dot) or pixels that are always on (bright dot). Please understand that such phenomena
do not constitute product defects or malfunctions. Rather, this phenomena occurs due to limitations in the
manufacturing technology with respect to TFT liquid-crystal displays.
• Depending on the viewing angle, unevenness in color or brightness may occur. Please note that any uneven-
ness observed is inherent to the construction of TFT liquid crystal displays and therefore does not constitute
a product defect or malfunction.
• If your TFT liquid-crystal display becomes dirty, please use a dry soft cloth or tissue to wipe the display
clean. Use of glass cleaner, household cleaners, organic solvents, alcohol, abrasives, and/or like substance
may damage the TFT liquid-crystal display.
General Description
Built-in high-brightness TFT full-color High stability built-in TCXO
display with touch-panel functionality The 30.225 MHz standard oscillator provides exceptional
The FT-991 is equipped with a 3.5 inch full-color TFT frequency stability. It is temperature compensated and
display. Functions, including the receiving band, the noise boasts an enhanced ±0.5 ppm stability from −10°C to
and signal interference reduction tools are graphically +50°C.
displayed. Even while performing rigorous operations,
during DX pditions or contests, the operator may instantly WIDTH feature and continuously variable
grasp the status of each function. bandwidth SHIFT feature. Optimal wide to
narrow bandwidth switching (see pages
Equipped with C4FM digital mode 49, 50.)
This transceiver C4FM mode provides good error cor- The SHIFT feature, can eliminate interference in one side
rection performance, and supports the V/D mode (voice/ of the passband. The WIDTH feature allows the bandwidth
data simultaneous transmission mode) which makes the to be narrowed by rotating the WIDTH knob. The moment
transceiver suitable for mobile communication, and the weak signals disappear due to interfering signals (includ-
Voice FR mode (voice full rate mode) which allows the ing pile-ups), you can eliminate the interfering signals and
transceiver to transmit high quality digital audio. The AMS extract only the desired signal, thanks to the unique DSP
function recognizes the contacting stations transmission sharp filtering characteristic.
method and automatically switches the transceiver to the
same C4FM digital or analog (FM) communications mode CONTOUR feature is renowned for
as the received signal. effective noise control (see page 48.)
Rather than using the DSP extremely sharp attenuation
GM (Group Monitor) function allows characteristics, the CONTOUR circuit provides gentle
registering frequently communicating shaping of the DSP passband filter and can thus attenuate
stations to a memory group. The group or peak bandwidth components in segments. The interfer-
members may then automatically ing signal can be naturally shaped without having part of
exchange (send/receive) station location the signal suddenly interrupted. The contour function is
information. very effective in making the desired signal rise out of the
The transceiver automatically checks the channel fre- interference.
quency for registered member stations that are within com-
municating range. The distance and direction information DNR (Digital Noise Reduction) by DSP
of the call sign members of the group may be shown on digital processing (see page 54.)
the TFT display. The incorporated digital noise reduction circuit may be
set to the optimal working point by varying the 15 step
Comes equipped with two types of parameters according to the noise type.
roofing filters
This transceiver is equipped with two types of roofing NOTCH feature that significantly
filters for 3kHz and 15kHz bandwidths. These narrow band eliminates unwanted beat signals; and
filters are especially useful on a very crowded band during DNF feature that instantly attenuates
contests, because they can dramatically attenuate powerful multiple beat signals (see page 54.)
out-of-band signals in the first IF stage and reduce their When interfering beat signals are present in the receiver
impact in the second stage to further optimizing the excel- passband, the IF NOTCH feature can significantly elimi-
lent dynamic range and IP3 characteristics for processing nate a part of the passband and remove the beat signal.
signals ranging from faint to powerful. Moreover, the function is equipped with an Automatic
Tracking System DNF (Digital Notch Filter) that can
Two selectable RF amplifiers provide the be engaged by DSP when there are multiple interfering
optimal receiver gain for each low-to high signals, even when the frequency is changing.
HF band (see page 46.)
Configure the front end RF circuitry for the precise gain and Reliable High-output Final Amplifier
performance to suit the conditions of each HF band.Select Stage
the IPO (Intercept Point Optimization) feature to optimize In the HF/50MHz frequency range, a pair of RD100HHF1
the proximal multi-signal and mutual modulation character- transistors in a push-pull RF amplifier arrangement deliv-
istics in order to minimize the effects of powerful broadcast ers 100 watts of low-distortion, high-quality transmitter
stations, especially in the low-band so that even the faintest power. The final amplifier for the 144 MHz/430 MHz
signals can be received. When higher gain is advantageous, bands uses the high-output RDH70HUF2 device, provid-
select the single low noise RF amplifier AMP1. In the high ing ample output power of 50 watts.
bands, adding AMP2 provides maximum useful gain.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 1

General Description
Microphone Amplifier that includes
Parametric Equalizer (see page 63.)
The microphone amplifier equalizer feature is equipped
with a three-stage parametric equalizer that can alter the
Low, Mid, and High frequencies of the audio separately;
this feature permits the bandwidth and gain for each part of
the audio spectrum to be precisely adjusted independently.

High Speed Spectrum Scope (see page

The spectrum scope function provides a visual display of
the intensity and distribution of signals across the band .
When using the ASC (Automatic Spectrum-Scope Con-
trol) mode, the scope spectrum is automatically swept in
response to the movement of the main tuning dial; the
scanned spectrum signal distribution can be observed in

High speed antenna tuner (see page

The transceiver is equipped with the relay switching high
speed digital tuner which supports 1.8 MHz to 50 MHz.
The large 100-channel tuning data memory allows im-
mediate recall of the optimum matching conditions for
previously tuned frequencies.

Optional Five Channel Message Memory

(voice memory) (see page 68.)
You can use the 5 channel voice memory function which
is useful for operating in contests, etc. This voice memory
enables recording of up to 20 seconds of audio for each
message you want to send.

Custom selection (C.S) button (see page

This feature lets you select any Menu item for one-touch
access via the C.S button.

Page 2 FT-991 Operating Manual

Table of Contents
General Description...................................................... 1 Interference Rejection................................................ 45
Table of Contents.......................................................... 3 ATT (Attenuator)..................................................... 45
Accessories & Options.................................................. 5 IPO (Intercept Point Optimization)......................... 46
Supplied Accessories................................................. 5 IF Noise Blanker (NB) Operation........................... 47
Available Options...................................................... 6 CONTOUR Control Operation............................... 48
Before You Begin........................................................... 7 IF SHIFT Operation
Base Station Wire Stand............................................ 7 (SSB/CW/RTTY/PKT Modes)................................ 49
Adjusting the Main Tuning Dial Torque................... 7 WIDTH (IF DSP Bandwidth) Tuning
Adjusting the Clock................................................... 8 (SSB/CW/RTTY/DATA Modes)............................. 50
Inputting the Call Sign.............................................. 9 NARROW (NAR) One-Touch IF Filter
Resetting the Microprocessor.................................. 10 Selection.................................................................. 52
Antenna Considerations.......................................... 11 IF NOTCH Filter Operation
About Coaxial Cable............................................... 11 (SSB/CW/RTTY/DATA/AM Modes)..................... 53
Grounding................................................................ 12 Digital NOTCH Filter (DNF) Operation................. 54
Connection of Antenna and Power Cables.............. 13 Digital Noise Reduction (DNR) Operation............. 54
Installation and Interconnections.............................. 14 Tools for Comfortable and Effective Reception....... 55
Connection of Microphone, Headphone and RF Gain................................................................... 55
Remote Control Keypad.......................................... 14 Audio Peak Filter.................................................... 56
Key, Keyer, and Computer-Driven Keying AGC (Automatic Gain Control).............................. 57
Interconnections...................................................... 15 Adjustable Receiver Audio Filter............................ 58
VL-1000 Linear Amplifier Interconnections........... 16 SSB/AM Mode Transmission..................................... 59
Plug/Connector Pinout Diagrams............................ 17 Using the Automatic Antenna Tuner......................... 61
Front Panel Controls & Switches.............................. 18 ATU Operation........................................................ 61
About the Display........................................................ 22 About ATU Operation............................................. 62
TFT Liquid Crystal Display.................................... 22 Enhancing Transmit Signal Quality.......................... 63
LED Indicators........................................................ 24 Parametric Microphone Equalizer
Rear Panel.................................................................... 25 (SSB/AM/FM mode)............................................... 63
MH-31A8J Microphone Switches.............................. 27 Using the Speech Processor (SSB Mode)............... 66
Optional FH-2 Remote Control Switches................. 28 Adjusting the SSB Transmitted Bandwidth
Optional MH-36E8J Microphone Switches.............. 29 (SSB Mode)............................................................. 67
Basic Operation: Receiving on Amateur Bands....... 30 Transmitter Convenience Features........................... 68
Operation on 60-Meter (5 MHz) Band Voice Memory (SSB/AM modes)........................... 68
(U.S. and U.K. version only)................................... 33 VOX (SSB/AM/FM Modes: Automatic TX/RX
CLAR (Clarifier) Operation.................................... 34 Switching using Voice Control).............................. 70
LOCK...................................................................... 35 MONITOR (SSB/AM/FM modes).......................... 72
DIMMER................................................................ 35 Split Operation Using the TX Clarifier................... 73
VFO COLOR.......................................................... 36 Split-Frequency Operation...................................... 74
Convenience Features................................................. 37 CW Mode Operation.................................................. 76
Band Stack Operation.............................................. 37 Setup for Straight Key
C.S (Custom Switch)............................................... 37 (and Straight Key emulation) Operation................. 76
AMS (Automatic Mode Select) Operation.............. 38 Using the Built-in Electronic Keyer........................ 78
SCOPE.................................................................... 40 CW Convenience Features......................................... 82
More Frequency Navigation Techniques................ 42 CW Spotting (Zero-Beating)................................... 82
Receiver Operation (Front End Block Diagram).... 44 CW Delay Time Setting.......................................... 83
CW Pitch Adjustment.............................................. 83
Contest Memory Keyer........................................... 84
FM Mode Operation................................................... 91
Basic Operation....................................................... 91
Repeater Operation.................................................. 92
Tone Squelch Operation.......................................... 94
C4FM Mode (Digital Mode) Operation.................... 95
Memory Operation..................................................... 97
Convenient Memory functions................................ 97
QMB (Quick Memory Bank).................................. 97
Standard Memory Operation................................... 98
Memory Groups.................................................... 104

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 3

Table of Contents
Operation on Alaska Emergency Frequency:
5167.5 khz (U.S. Version Only)................................ 106
VFO and Memory Scanning.................................... 107
VFO Scanning....................................................... 107
Memory Scan........................................................ 108
PMS (Programmable Memory Scanning).............. 109
Using the GPS Function........................................... 110
What is GPS?........................................................ 110
Positioning Using GPS.......................................... 110
Displaying the Position Information..................... 112
Using the GM Function............................................ 113
What is the GM Function?.................................... 113
Basic Methods to Use the GM Function............... 113
RTTY (Radio Teletype) Operation.......................... 116
Example of Connecting RTTY Communications
Device.................................................................... 116
DATA (PSK) Operation............................................ 118
Example of Data Communications Device........... 118
Menu Mode................................................................ 120
Installation of Optional Accessories........................ 139
FC-40 External Automatic Antenna Tuner
(for Wire Antenna)................................................ 139
Active-Tuning Antenna System (ATAS-120A)
Operation............................................................... 141
Mounting Bracket MMB-90 Installation............... 143
Specifications............................................................. 144
Index........................................................................... 146

Page 4 FT-991 Operating Manual

Accessories & Options
Supplied Accessories

DC Power Cord Hand Microphone (MH-31A8J) Spare Fuse (25A)

Operating Manual
Warranty Card
World Map

The illustrations above may vary slightly from the actual accessories.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 5

Accessories & Options
Available Options
 For details, see “Installation of Optional Accessories” on page 139 or the catalog.

Ultra-High-Fidelity Desktop
Lightweight Stereo Headphone Remote Control Keypad

Linear Amplifier/AC Power Supply External Automatic Antenna Tuner

VL-1000/VP-1000 FC-40

Hand Microphone MH-31A8J (equivalent to the supplied microphone)
DTMF Hand Microphone MH-36E8J
Desktop Microphone MD-100A8X
Active Tuning Antenna (Automatic Type) ATAS-120A
Antenna Base Kit ATBK-100
Active Tuning Antenna (Manual Type) ATAS-25
Mobile Bracket MMB-90
External Power Supply (13.8 VDC 23 A) FP-1023A (U.S.A. only)
External Power Supply (13.8 VDC 25 A) FP-1030A
VL-1000 Linear Amplifier Connection Cable CT-58
Packet Interface Cable CT-39A

Page 6 FT-991 Operating Manual

Before You Begin
Base Station Wire Stand
The heavy wire stand on the bottom of the transceiver allows the transceiver to be tilted upward for better viewing. Sim-
ply fold the stand forward to raise the front of the transceiver, and fold it back against the bottom case to lower the front
of the FT-991.

Adjusting the Main Tuning Dial Torque

The torque (drag) of the Main Tuning Dial knob may be adjusted according to your preferences. Rotate the skirt at the
base of the knob clockwise to reduce the drag, or counter-clockwise to increase the drag.


FT-991 Operating Manual Page 7

Before You Begin
Adjusting the Clock
Use the following procedure to adjust the clock shown at the top right of the LCD display.

1. Press and hold the MENU(SETUP) button. MENU(SETUP) button

2. Touch [TIME/DATE] on the LCD.


3. Enter the present time with the number keys on the

LCD, then touch [ENT].

4. Touch [DATE] on the LCD to switch the screen.

Sets the time display. Touching this button toggles be-
tween UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and the local
time. When UTC is displayed, “Z” appears on the right
side of the time.

5. Enter month, day, and year with the number keys on Sets the date display. Touching this button toggles be-
the LCD, then touch [ENT]. tween MM/DD/YYYY and YYYY/MM/DD.

Touching this button switches daylight saving time be-
tween ON and OFF. When daylight saving time is set to
on, “D” appears on the right side of the time.

6. Touch [BACK] on the LCD to return to the setup

mode display.
7. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to return to the
radio operation display.

Page 8 FT-991 Operating Manual

Before You Begin
Inputting the Call Sign
When turning on the power for the first time after purchase, or after resetting the transceiver, enter your own call sign.
The call sign will be displayed on the start screen when turning on the power and will be used to identify the station
when sending messages during digital communication.

1. Press and hold the MENU(SETUP) button. MENU(SETUP) button

2. Touch [MY CALL] on the LCD.


The time duration of the initial call sign start up
screen display may be changed from the Menu item
3. Touch a character key. The touched character will be
displayed at the top of the screen. Enter each charac-
ter of your call sign.

 Up to 10 characters (letters, numbers, and sym-
bols) can be entered.
4. Touch [ENT] on the LCD. The call sign setting is
completed and the display will switch to the frequen-
cy display screen.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 9

Before You Begin
Resetting the Microprocessor
Resetting Memories (Only)
Use this procedure to reset (clear) the previously stored ON/OFF Switch AM button

Memory channels, without affecting any configuration

changes you may have made to the Menu settings.
1. Press the front panel ON/OFF switch to turn the
transceiver off.
2. While holding the AM button in, press and hold
in the front panel ON/OFF switch to turn the trans-
ceiver on. Once the transceiver comes on, you may
release the buttons.
The FT-991 cannot erase the memory channels “01”
(and “5-01” through “5-10”: U.S. version).

Menu Resetting
Use this procedure to restore the Menu settings to their ON/OFF Switch MENU(SETUP) Button
factory defaults, without affecting the programmed
1. Press the front panel ON/OFF switch to turn the
transceiver off.
2. While holding the MENU(SETUP) button in, press
and hold in the front panel ON/OFF switch to turn
the transceiver on. Once the transceiver comes on,
release the buttons.

Full Reset
Use this procedure to restore all Menu and Memory set- ON/OFF Switch FAST Button LOCK Button
tings to their original factory defaults. All Memories will
be cleared by this procedure.
1. Press the front panel ON/OFF switch to turn the
transceiver off.
2. While holding the FAST and LOCK buttons in,
press and hold in the front panel ON/OFF switch to
turn the transceiver on. Once the transceiver comes
on, release the buttons.

Page 10 FT-991 Operating Manual

Before You Begin
Antenna Considerations
The FT-991 is designed for use with any antenna system providing a 50 Ohm resistive impedance at the desired oper-
ating frequency. While minor excursions from the 50-Ohm specification are of no consequence, if the Standing Wave
Ratio (SWR) present at the Antenna jack is greater than 3:1, the transceiver’s Automatic Antenna Tuner may not be able
to reduce the impedance mismatch to an acceptable value.
Every effort should be made to ensure that the impedance of the antenna system be as close as possible to the specified
50-Ohm value. Note that the “G5RV” type antenna does not provide a 50-Ohm impedance on all HF Amateur bands. An
external wide-range antenna coupler must be used with this antenna type.
Any antenna to be used with the FT-991 must be fed from the transceiver with 50 Ohm coaxial cable. Therefore, when
using a “balanced” antenna such as a dipole, remember that a balun or other matching/balancing device must be used to
ensure proper antenna performance.
The same precautions apply to any additional (receive-only) antennas connected to the antenna jacks. If the receive only
antennas do not have impedance near 50 Ohms at the operating frequency, It may be necessary to install an external an-
tenna tuner to obtain optimum performance.

About Coaxial Cable

Use high-quality 50-Ohm coaxial cable for the lead-in to your FT-991 transceiver. All efforts at providing an efficient
antenna system will be wasted if poor quality, lossy coaxial cable is used. This transceiver utilizes standard “M” (“PL-
259”) type connectors.

Typical PL-259 Installation

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 11

Before You Begin
The FT-991 transceiver, like any other HF communications apparatus, requires an effective ground system for maxi-
mum electrical safety and best communications effectiveness. A good ground system can contribute to station efficiency
in a number of ways:
 It can minimize the possibility of electrical shock to the operator.
 It can minimize RF currents flowing on the shield of the coaxial cable and the chassis of the transceiver. Such cur-
rents may lead to radiation, which can cause interference to home entertainment devices or laboratory test equip-
 It can minimize the possibility of erratic transceiver/accessory operation caused by RF feedback and/or improper
current flow through logic devices.
An effective earth ground system may take several forms. For a more complete discussion, see an appropriate RF engi-
neering text. The information below is intended only as a guideline.
Typically, the ground connection consists of one or more copper-clad steel rods, driven into the ground. If multiple
ground rods are used, they should be positioned in a “V” configuration and bonded together at the base of the “V” which
is nearest the station location. Use a heavy, braided cable (such as the discarded shield from type RG-213 coaxial cable)
and strong cable clamps to secure the braided cable(s) to the ground rods. Be sure to weatherproof the connections
to ensure many years of reliable service. Use the same type of heavy, braided cable for the connections to the station
ground bus (described below).
Inside the station, a common ground bus consisting of a copper pipe of at least 25 mm diameter should be used. An al-
ternative station ground bus may consist of a wide copper plate (single-sided circuit board material is ideal) secured to
the bottom of the operating desk. Grounding connections from individual transceivers, power supplies, and data com-
munications devices (TNCs, etc.) should be made directly to the ground bus using a heavy, braided cable.
Do not “Daisy-Chain” ground connections from one electrical device to another and thence to the ground bus. This
method may nullify any attempt at effective radio frequency grounding. See the drawing below for examples of proper
grounding techniques.
Inspect the ground system - inside the station as well as outside - on a regular basis to ensure continued performance
and safety.
Besides following the above guidelines carefully, note that household or industrial gas lines must never be used in an
attempt to establish an electrical ground. Cold water pipes may, in some instances, help in the grounding effort, but gas
lines represent a significant explosion hazard, and must never be used.

Transceiver LinearLinear TNC TNC Transceiver
Transceiver LinearLinear TNC TNC
Amplifier Amplifier

"Daisy Chain"
"Daisy Chain"

Proper Ground Connection Improper Ground Connection

Page 12 FT-991 Operating Manual

Before You Begin
Connection of Antenna and Power Cables
Please follow the outline in the illustration regarding the proper connection of antenna coaxial cables, as well as the DC
power cable. The DC power connector for the FT-991 must only be connected to a DC source providing 13.8 Volts DC (±15
%), and capable of at least 23 Amperes of current. Always observe proper polarity when making DC connection:
The RED DC power lead connects to the Positive (+) DC terminal.
The BLACK DC power lead connects to the Negative (–) DC terminal.

To prevent damage from

lightning, atmospheric elec-
tricity, electrical shock etc., please
provide a good earth ground.
Use a short,
thick, braided
cable to con-
nect your station
equipment to the Check the DC volt-
buried ground rod (or alternative earth a g e a n d c u r re n t
ground system). rating (+13.8 V, 23 A) of the
power supply before con-
necting to the transceiver.

We recommend the use of the FP-1030A (USA market only) AC Power Supply. Other models of power supplies may
be used with the FT-991, but the 13.8 VDC input voltage, 23 Ampere current capability, and DC cable polarity guide-
lines described above must be strictly followed.
Note that other manufacturers may use the same type of DC power connections as the FT-991 transceiver; however, the
wiring configuration may be different from that specified for the FT-991 transceiver. Serious damage can be caused if
improper DC connections are made; consult with a qualified service technician when in doubt.
High RF voltage is present in the TX RF section of the transceiver while transmitting.
Absolutely! Do not touch the TX RF section while transmitting.
Permanent damage can result when improper supply voltage, or reverse-polarity voltage, is applied to the FT-
991. The Limited Warranty on this transceiver does not cover damage caused by application of AC voltage, re-
verse polarity DC, or DC voltage outside the specified range of 13.8 V ±15 %. When replacing fuses, be certain
to use a fuse of the proper rating. The FT-991 requires a 25 Amp blade fuse.
 Do not place the FT-991 in a location with direct exposure to sunshine.
 Do not place the FT-991 in a location exposed to dust and/or high humidity.
 Ensure adequate ventilation around the FT-991, to prevent heat build-up and possible reduction of performance due
to high heat.
 Do not install the FT-991 on an unstable desk or table. Do not place it in a location where objects may fall onto it
from above.
 To minimize the possibility of interference to home entertainment devices, take all precautionary steps including
separation of TV/FM antennas from Amateur transmitting antennas to the greatest extent possible, and keep trans-
mitting coaxial cables separated from cables connected to home entertainment devices.
 Ensure that the DC power cord is not subject to undue stress or bending, which could damage the cable or cause it to
be accidentally unplugged from the rear panel DC IN jack.
 Be certain to install your transmitting antenna(s) so they cannot possibly come in contact with TV/FM radio or other
antennas, or with power or telephone lines.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 13

Installation and Interconnections
Connection of Microphone, Headphone and Remote Control Keypad

 UP
 +5V
  MIC
 GND Lightweight Stereo
 FAST Headphone

Make sure to turn off the power of the transceiver before connecting or disconnecting the microphone.

Remote Control Keypad

If the FH-2 plug is removed from the jack
while the FT-991 is in operation, the FT-991
may be switched to the transmit mode.
Turn off the power of the FT-991 before connecting or
disconnecting the FH-2.

Page 14 FT-991 Operating Manual

Installation and Interconnections
Key, Keyer, and Computer-Driven Keying Interconnections
The FT-991 includes many features for the CW operator. These functions will be detailed in the “Operation” section
later. Besides the built-in Electronic Keyer, two key jacks are provided, one on the front and one on the rear panel, for
convenient connection to keying devices.
The Menu selections permit configuring the front panel KEY jack according to the device connected. For example, a
keyer paddle may be connected to the front panel KEY jack, and Menu item “012 KEYER TYPE” used to select paddle
The KEY jack on the FT-991 utilize “Positive” keying voltage. Key-up voltage is approximately +3.3V DC, and key-
down current is approximately 4 mA. When connecting a key or other device to the KEY jack, use only a 3-contact
(“stereo”) 1/4” phone plug; a 2-contact plug will place a short between the ring and shaft (ground) of the plug, resulting
in a constant “key-down” condition in some circumstances.




Single key/Double-speed key Manipulator

If the Keyer plug is removed from the jack while the FT-991 is in operation,
the FT-991 may be switched to the transmit mode.
Turn off the power of the FT-991 before connecting or disconnecting the Keyer.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 15

Installation and Interconnections
VL-1000 Linear Amplifier Interconnections
Be sure that both the FT-991 and VL-1000 are turned off, and then follow the installation recommendations contained
in the illustration.
 Refer to the VL-1000 Operating Manual for details regarding amplifier operation.
 Do not attempt to connect or disconnect coaxial cables when your hands are wet.
 Set the Menu item “143 TUNER SELECT” to “LAMP”.
 Since the ALC cable is connected to the REM/ALC jack, the optional FH-2 cannot be connected.

Coaxial Cable (50Ω)

Connect to “INPUT 1” of the VL-1000

HF/50MHz Antenna
144/430MHz Antenna

Set the front panel’s

INPUT switch to the

DC 13.8 V








CT-58 Band Data Cable (Option) GND


CT-58 ALC Cable (Option)

To link the FT-991 and VL-

1000 Power switches, set the
VL-1000 REMOTE switch to
the “ON” position.

Page 16 FT-991 Operating Manual

Installation and Interconnections
Plug/Connector Pinout Diagrams


 UP ⑨ ⑧ ⑦ ⑥ (GPS DATA IN)
  MIC ⑤ GND
 GND ⑤④ ③ ②① ⑦ RTS
⑨ RI
(as viewed from front panel) (as viewed from rear panel)


 +13V OUT
   GND    GND
   SHIFT    RX D (BAND B)
   BUSY    RESET (BAND D)


(as viewed from rear panel) (as viewed from rear panel)


Manipulator Single key/Double-speed key


Do not use
(as viewed from rear panel) 2-conductor type plug




FT-991 Operating Manual Page 17

Front Panel Controls & Switches

5 6

9 8 7

ON/OFF Switch m When connecting a key or other device to the

Press and hold in this switch for one second to turn KEY jack, use only a 3-contact (“stereo”) 1/4”
the transceiver on. Similarly, press and hold in this phone plug; a 2-contact plug will place a short
switch for one second to turn the transceiver off. between the ring and the (grounded) shaft of the
m Connect the FT-991 transceiver to a commercial- plug, resulting in a constant “key-down” condi-
ly available DC power supply. Turn the DC sup- tion.
ply on to place the transceiver in standby mode. m Key-up voltage is +3.3 V, and key-down current
The transceiver must be in standby mode to turn is about 4 mA.
it on using the ON/OFF switch. For details on Note:
how to connect a commercially available DC A 2-contact plug cannot be used in this jack.
power supply, see page 13.
m Press the ON/OFF switch briefly while the pow-
er is on, the receiver audio from the speaker will Connect headphones to this ϕ3.5 standard stereo
be muted for about 3 seconds (Mute function). jack.
m Inserting a headphone plug into this jack will de-
KEY Jack activate the internal and external speakers.
Connect a telegraph key or electronic keyer paddle Note:
to use for CW mode operation. When wearing headphones, we recommend that you
turn the AF Gain levels down to their lowest settings
KEY GND before turning power on, to minimize the impact on
your hearing caused by audio “pops” during switch-on.
This 8-pin jack accepts input from a microphone uti-
When connecting a single straight key lizing a traditional YAESU HF transceiver pinout.

 +5V
When connecting an electronic keyer paddle  GND

Page 18 FT-991 Operating Manual

Front Panel Controls & Switches
F(M-LIST) Button MODE Button
Press the button briefly to display the function menu Switch the radio modulation form (operating mode).
screen where the operation settings for a variety of Press this button to display the radio modulation
functions may be configured. form selection screen, then touch and select your de-
Press this button again to close the function menu sired modulation form.
Press and hold this button for more than one second
to display the menu list screen where the memory
channel data may be reviewed.
m While displaying the memory data, rotate the
[ MULTI ] knob to review all data in memory
Press this button again to close the memory list

Press this button briefly to display the menu mode
screen (see page 120) where you can set a variety
of functions.
Press this button again (or touch [BACK ] on the MULTI Knob
Adjust transmit output, microphone gain and opera-
touch panel) to close the menu mode screen.
tions of other functions (see page 22).
Press and hold this button for more than 1 second to
display the setup screen where you can configure the
following settings.
• MY CALL: Setting the call sign (see page 9)
• LAT/LON: Setting longitude/latitude (see page
• TIME/DATE: Setting date and time (see page
• CW TEXT: Entering CW TEXT (see page 87)
Press this button again to close the setup screen.

BAND Button
Switch the operation band (operation frequency
band). Press this button to display the operation band
selection screen, then touch and select the desired

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 19

Front Panel Controls & Switches

13 12 10 11 20 17 18






14 15 16 22

A=B Button Note:

Pressing this button momentarily, sets the same fre-  Since the transceiver transmits automatically dur-
quency and data values of VFO-A to VFO-B. ing automatic tuning, make sure to connect an
antenna or dummy load before tuning up.
A/B Button  When the antenna or dummy load does not match
Pressing this button momentarily, exchanges the
the impedance, “HI-SWR” will appear on the
frequency and memory channel data, of VFO-A and
touch panel.
C.S Button
RCL/STO Button Press this button momentarily to directly recall a fa-
Press and hold this button for more than one second
vorite Menu Selection.
to write the frequency and data currently set for
m To program a Menu selection to the C.S button,
VFO-A onto the quick memory bank (QMB) (see
press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the
page 97).
Menu. Select the Menu item you want to set as
m 5 channels are available for QMB memories. the short cut. Press the C.S button, then press the
Press the button briefly to recall the data written onto
MENU(SETUP) button; this will lock in the se-
the quick memory banks (QMB) one by one.
lected Menu item as the short cut.
TUNE Button TXW Button
This is the on/off switch for the FT-991 Automatic
During a split operation, press and hold the TWX
Antenna Tuner.
button to listen on the transmitter frequency while
m Press the [TUNE] button briefly to display the holding the button.
“TUNER” indicator on the touch panel and acti-
vate the antenna tuner.
Press the [TUNE] button briefly again to turn the
“TUNER” indicator off and disable the antenna
m Press the [TUNE] button for about 1 second to
start “automatic tuning”. The “TUNER” indica-
tor will flash.

Page 20 FT-991 Operating Manual

Front Panel Controls & Switches
Main Tuning Dial Knob V/M Button
This large knob adjusts the operating frequency of This button toggles frequency control between VFO-
VFO-A. A and the memory system.
Rotate clockwise to increase the operating frequency m Pressing this button alternately recalls the VFO
and rotate counter-clockwise to decrease the operat- frequency data and the frequency data saved in a
ing frequency. memory channel by turns.
Operating Mode 1 Step 1 Dial Rotation
AM Button
5 Hz (100 Hz) 1 kHz (200 kHz) Pressing and holding this key for one second (until
10 Hz (100 Hz) 2 kHz (20 kHz)
USB/AM the double beep) copies the current operating data
FM/DATA-FM/C4FM 100 Hz (1 kHz) 20 kHz (200 kHz) into the currently selected memory channel, over-
Numbers in parentheses indicate steps when the FAST button is On. writing any previous data stored there.
Advice: Press this button briefly to display the memory check
The tuning steps for the Main Dial knob are set function screen, where the data saved in a memory
at the factory to: 10Hz (SSB/AM), 5 Hz (CW/ channel may be reviewed.
RTTY/DATA-LSB/DATA-USB) and 100 Hz (FM/ m While displaying memory data, rotate the MULTI
DATA-FM/C4FM) per step. knob to review the data in each memory channel.
In LSB, USB, CW, RTTY, DATA-LSB or DATA- Press this button again, to close the memory list
USB mode, the frequency change amount (step screen.
width) may be toggled between “5Hz” and “10Hz”
by pressing the F(M-LIST) button, and then touch- SPLIT Button
ing [5/10Hz] on the LCD. Press this button to operate split frequency between
VFO-A (used for reception) and VFO-B (used for
FAST Button transmission) (see page 74).
Pressing this button will change the tuning of the m Press and hold in the SPLIT button for one sec-
Main Tuning Dial knob (VFO-A) to a higher step ond to engage the “Quick Split” (see page 74)
rate. feature. VFO-B transmit will automatically be
Press this button to double the main dial frequency set to a frequency 5 kHz higher than the VFO-A
variation. “ ” in the LED indicator area will light receive frequency, with the same operating mode.
up. The transceiver will operate in the Split mode.
Press this button again to restore the frequency varia-
tion to the original value. “ ” will disappear. CLAR/VFO-B Knob
During the VFO-A operation, rotate this knob to ad-
LOCK Button just the clarifier.
This button toggles on/off locking of the Main Tun- During Split operation, this knob adjusts the operat-
ing Dial knob. ing frequency of VFO-B.
Press this button to lock the main dial operations.
“ ” will light up in the LED indicator area. RF GAIN Knob
Press this button again to unlock the main dial opera- Adjust the receiver gain of the high frequency and
tions. “ ” will disappear. mid-range frequency amplifier stages.
m Rotate the knob clockwise to increase the gain.
CLAR Button Rotate the knob fully clockwise to set the gain to
During reception, press this button, then rotate the the highest level for normal operations.
CLAR/VFO-B knob to adjust the VFO-A
RX clarifier offset value (see page 34). AF GAIN Knob
m The clarifier offset value (frequency) can be re- The AF GAIN knob sets the receiver audio volume
stored to “0 (zero)” by pressing the CLAR button level.
for more than 1 second. m Rotate the knob clockwise to increase the receiv-
m Depending on the menu mode “040 CLAR er audio volume level.
MODE SELECT” setting, this button can work as
the TX clarifier for changing only the transmit
frequency (see page 73) or RX/TX clarifier for
both receiving and transmitting (see page 34,

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 21

About the Display
TFT Liquid Crystal Display
A variety of information such as VFO-A/VFO-B frequencies, mode, S-meter will appear on the LCD.

Operating mode Operation frequency Clock

Mode (radio modulation form)

GPS signal capturing
MULTI knob operation
VFO-B data
Clarifier operation
Menu list
Memory list
Function menu Main control buttons

Operating Mode Indicators DNR Digital Noise Reduction function

Displays the current operating mode. PROC Adjusts Speech Processor Gain
MONI Adjusts the monitor level
VFO-A Operating in VFO-A mode
DT-G Adjusts the input level during data communication
MEM Operating in memory mode
CH-D Frequency tuning in the pre-programmed steps
MT The memory tuning feature is in use
SPEED Adjusts keying speed
QMB Operating with the quick memory feature
APF Audio Peak Filter function
PMS Programmable memory scanning
PITCH Adjusts the CW pitch
MCK The memory check function is in use
SQL Adjusts the squelch level
HOME Recalling the home channel
TONE Selects the tone frequency
EMG Recalling the frequency for emergency contact
DCS Selects the DCS code
Current Mode MCH Selects the memory channel

(Modulation Form) Indicator GRP Selects the memory group

Displays the current modulation form.

HI-SWR Indicator Displays currently used functions.
Indicates antenna matching errors.
TUNER Antenna tuner
When this warning appears, stop transmitting immedi- ATAS Active Tuning Antenna System
ately, check and repair the antenna, connectors, cables, ATT The attenuator is in use
etc. SPLIT Running split operation
DUP Recalling duplex memories
MULTI Knob Operations
Displays the functions operated with the MULTI knob [+] Plus shift

(see page 19). [-] Minus shift

IPO The receiver amplifier is OFF
The progress bar shows the operation status.
The receiver amplifier is ON
RF-P Adjusts transmission output AMP2
MIC-G Adjusts the microphone gain The VOX function activates during data communi-
NB-L Adjusts the noise blanker level cation

SHIFT Shift function VOX The VOX function is in use

WIDTH Width function ENC The tone encoder is in use

NOTCH Notch function DEC The tone decoder is in use

CONT Contour function DCS The digital code squelch is in use

Page 22 FT-991 Operating Manual

About the Display
TFT Liquid Crystal Display

PLAY The voice memory/contest memory keyer func- Clock

tions are in use. Indicates the current time.
REC PLAY: Playing, REC: Recording
When receiving a GPS signal, the time is set automati-
S-Meter cally.
Displays the reception signal strength. GPS Signal Capturing Indicator
Appears when an external GPS device is connected to
the GPS/CAT jack on the rear panel and GPS signals
To change the meter peak hold time
are being acquired.
1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button.
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select “009 BAR VFO-B Data/Clarifier Operation
MTR PEAK HOLD”. Displays operation status of the radio modulation form
3. Touch [SELECT], then rotate the and VFO-B frequency, etc.
MULTI knob to select the time to hold Displays the offset operation status and the clarifier off-
(OFF/0.5/1.0/2.0 seconds). set value, etc.
4. Touch [ENTER], then [BACK] or press the
MENU(SETUP) button. Main Control Buttons
Frequently used functions can be assigned to these but-
Meters tons.
The following information can be displayed below the
S-meter. To change the function assigned
The displayed information is switched each time [ME- to the main control button
TER] is touched on the panel. 1. Press the F(M-LIST) button.
PO Displays transmitter output power. 2. Touch [BACK]/[FWD] to display screens
ALC Displays ALC voltage “SWAP F1” to “SWAP F4”.
SWR Displays antenna matching state 3. Touch one of the “SWAP F1” to “SWAP
COMP Displays the speech processor compression level
F4” screens and confirm the function you
want to change flashes.
Displays the drain current of the final stage FET
4. Touch [BACK]/[FWD] to display the func-
Displays the drain voltage of the final stage ampli-
tion you want to assign, then select and
VDD fier. touch the function.
The proper voltage is 13.8 V. 5. Press the F(M-LIST) button.

Displays a spectrum or waterfall when the scope func-
tion (see page 40) is in use.

Menu List
Displays the menu item list when making settings in the
menu mode.

Memory List
Displays the data saved in the memory channels.

Function Menu
Displays the function menu from which you can set a
variety of functions.
Touch [BACK]/[FWD] to switch the menu screen.

Operation Frequency
Displays the current operation frequency.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 23

About the Display
LED Indicators
Displays the transmit/receive status of the transceiver, and the main dial “FAST” and “LOCK”.

RX Indicator LOCK Indicators

TX Indicator FAST Indicators

Memory Mode Main Band Sub Band

Indicators Indicators Indicators

RX Indicator (Green) Sub Band RX/TX Indicators

This indicator illuminates when the squelch opens. Green (Left):
This indicator illuminates when the receiver is active on
TX Indicator (Red) the main band (VFO-B).
This indicator illuminates during transmission.
Red (Right):
This indicator illuminates when the transmitter is active
Memory Mode RX/TX Indicators
on the main band (VFO-B).
Green (Left):
This indicator illuminates when the receiver is active on
the memory channel.
FAST Indicators
This indicator appears when the Main Tuning Dial knob
Red (Right): tuning rate is set to “fast” (see page 21).
This indicator illuminates when the transmitter is active
on the memory channel. LOCK Indicators
This indicator appears when the Main Tuning Dial knob
Main Band RX/TX Indicators is locked (see page 21).
Green (Left):
This indicator illuminates when the receiver is active on
the main band (VFO-A).
Red (Right):
This indicator illuminates when the transmitter is active
on the main band (VFO-A).

Page 24 FT-991 Operating Manual

Rear Panel

1 2 6 10 11

3 4 5 7 8 9


Use this terminal to connect the transceiver to a good This is the RS-232C jack for connecting a computer
earth ground, for safety and optimum performance. or a commercially available external GPS device.
Use a large diameter, short braided cable to make This is the RS-232C jack for connecting a comput-
the ground connections. For details on grounding the er.
transceiver, see “Grounding” on page 12. Connecting a computer to this jack, using a com-
mercially available RS-232C straight cable, enables
ANT Jack (144/430MHz) CAT control of the transceiver.
This is the M-type coaxial connector for the 144
MHz band and 430 MHz band antennas (50 ohms).
This is the input/output jack to connect a terminal ⑨ ⑧ ⑦ ⑥ (GPS DATA IN)
unit for RTTY and TNC for packet communications. ③ SERIAL IN
   GND ⑤④ ③ ②① ⑦ RTS
   SHIFT ⑨ RI
   BUSY
DC IN Jack
This is the DC power supply connection for the
TUN/LIN Jack transceiver. Use the supplied DC cable to connect di-
Connect the optional external antenna tuner “FC-40”
rectly to a DC power supply, which must be capable
or the linear amplifier “VL-1000”.
of supplying at least 23 A @13.8 VDC.

 +13V OUT
  TX GND
   GND
   RX D (BAND B)
   RESET (BAND D)


FT-991 Operating Manual Page 25

Rear Panel
USB Jack
Connect a computer with a commercially available
USB cable to control the transceiver remotely from
the computer using the CAT command.
Inputting/Outputting audio signals and transmission
control can also be done from the computer.
 To control the transceiver remotely from the
computer, a USB driver is required. For details
on the USB driver, visit the Yaesu WDXC web-
 When using a USB cable connected to a com-
puter, the transceiver may change to the transmit
mode when the computer is started.


This is the monaural jack to connect an external
speaker (4 Ω to 8 Ω).
Connecting an external speaker to this jack will de-
activate the internal speaker.


Connect the optional remote control keypad “FH-2”.
When a device such as a linear amplifier is connect-
ed, this is an external ALC current input jack.

ANT Jack (HF/50MHz)

This is the M-type coaxial connector to connect HF
band and 50 MHz band antennas (50 ohms).

Cooling fan

Page 26 FT-991 Operating Manual

MH-31A8J Microphone Switches

2 3 4


PTT Switch TONE Switch

Switches transmission/reception. Switches transmission sound quality.
Press to transmit and release to receive. Slide to the “1” side to make the transmit audio flat.
Slide to the “2” side to emphasize transmit audio.
DWN Button
Press the DWN (Down) button to scan the frequency

FST Button
Allows switching the frequency variation (step),
working in the same way as the FAST button on the
transceiver front panel.

UP Button
Press the UP button to scan the frequency upward.

Speak into the microphone in a normal tone of voice
with the microphone 5 cm away from the mouth.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 27

Optional FH-2 Remote Control Switches
With the optional remote control keypad FH-2, you can record and transmit your voice (Voice Memory) and control the
Contest Memory Keyer during CW operation.
m On SSB/AM/FM modes, five channels of storage and playback of voice memory (20 seconds each), using your own
voice for recording (see page 68).
m For the CW Memory Keyer, 5 channels are available for each of the MESSAGE Memory and the TEXT Memory (see
page 84).


3 6

Voice Memory: 5 Memory Channels for [P/B] Button

the Memory Keyer When entering text, a space may be inserted where
In the case of Voice Memory, up to 20 seconds of the cursor is flashing.
audio may be stored on each channel.
[LOCK] Button
“MESSAGE Memory” and “TEXT Memory” are
The FH-2 key buttons may be locked by setting this
available for the Contest Memory Keyer.
switch to “ON”.
Each “MESSAGE Memory” channel is capable
of retaining a 50-character CW message using the [MEM] Button
PARIS standard for characters and word length. Press this button to store either a Voice Memory, or a
Each “TEXT Memory” channel is capable of retain- Contest Keyer Memory.
ing a maximum of 50 characters.
[DEC] Button
Cursor Buttons When utilizing the sequential contest number ca-
When programming the Contest Memory Keyer, pability of the Contest Keyer, press this button to
these buttons are used to move the cursor and select decrement (decrease) the current Contest Number by
the text characters. one digit (i.e. to back up from #198 to #197, etc.).
The cursor may be moved in 4 different directions
Usually, these buttons are used for tuning the VFO
frequency. Press the [p]/[q] buttons to change the
frequency in the same increments as the microphone
[UP]/[DWN] switches. Press the [t]/[u] buttons to
change the frequency by 100 kHz steps.

Page 28 FT-991 Operating Manual

Optional MH-36E8J Microphone Switches
The optional MH-36E8J is a handheld microphone equipped with the DTMF function that enables DTMF (Dual Tone
Multi Frequencies) transmission.
A lamp switch illuminates the DTMF keypad for easy viewing in the dark.

1 3 2

5 7

6 8

9 10

DWN Button DTMF Keypad

Press to tune down, hold to start scanning. Press a key button while holding the PTT switch to
transmit a DTMF tone.
UP Button
Press to tune up, hold to start scanning. LOCK Switch
Slide upward to lock the microphone controls and
Microphone Element buttons.
Speak across the face of the mic from about two
inches away. LAMP Switch
Slide upward to illuminate the keypad.
DTMF Indicator
When the DTMF is transmitted, this indicator glows A Button
red. This activates an accessory function.
Activates the “first” mode when used with the FT-
PTT Switch 991.
Press and hold to transmit.
B Button
This activates a second accessory function.
This button has no function when used with the FT-

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 29

Basic Operation: Receiving on Amateur Bands
Before turning on the main power, please verify the following items once more.
 Have you made all ground connections securely? See page 12 for details.
 Do you have your antenna(s) connected to the rear-panel Antenna jack(s)? See page 13 for details.
 Is your microphone (and/or key or paddle) connected? See pages 14, 15 for details.
 If using a linear amplifier, have all interconnections been successfully completed? See pages 16 for details.
 Please rotate the AF GAIN control to the fully counter-clockwise position, to avoid a loud blast of audio when the
transceiver turns on. See page 21 for details.

Page 30 FT-991 Operating Manual

Basic Operation: Receiving on Amateur Bands
Here is the typical start-up procedure for normal operation:

ON/OFF Switch
BAND Button

MODE Button Main Tuning Dial Knob AF GAIN Knob

1. Turn on the external DC power supply. 6. Press the MODE button to display the available se-
2. Press and hold in the front-panel ON/OFF switch lections.
until the transceiver turns on. Touch the corresponding key to select the desired
3. The transceiver will start up on 7.000.00 MHz LSB, operating mode.
(or the previously used operating frequency) and Advice:
normal operation may begin.  By convention in the Amateur bands, LSB is
Note: used on the 7 MHz and lower bands (with the
To turn power off, press and hold in the front panel exception of 60 meters), while USB is utilized on
ON/OFF switch for one second. the 14 MHz and higher bands.
4. Rotate the AF GAIN knob to set a comfortable au-  When changing modes from SSB to CW, you
will observe a frequency shift on the display.
dio level of the incoming signals or noise. Clockwise
This shift represents the BFO offset between the
rotation of the AF GAIN knob increases the volume
“zero beat” frequency and the audible CW pitch
level. (tone) you can hear (the pitch is programmed via
Note: the Menu item “059 CW FREQ DISPLAY”), even
When using headphones, start by rotating the AF though the actual tone that you hear is not chang-
GAIN knob counter-clockwise, then bring the vol- ing.
ume level up after you put the headphones on. This  To eliminate noise while the transceiver is not re-
will minimize the chance of damage to your hearing ceiving any signal, press the F(M-LIST) button,
caused by an unexpectedly high audio level. then touch [SQL] on the LCD. “SQL” will ap-
5. Press the BAND button to display the list of Amateur pear on the LCD and the MULTI knob will func-
bands on the LCD, then touch a key corresponding tion as the squelch knob. Rotate the MULTI knob
to the band on which you wish to begin operation. to adjust the squelch until the noise disappears.
 One-touch selection of each Amateur band be-
tween 1.8 and 50 MHz, 144 MHz, and 430 MHz
is provided.
 The FT-991 utilizes a triple band-stack VFO
selection technique, which permits storing up to
three favorite frequencies and modes onto each
VFO band register. For example, you may store
one frequency each on 14 MHz CW, RTTY, and
USB, then recall these frequencies by successive,
momentary touches of the [ 14 ] on the screen
displayed by pressing the BAND button. Each
Amateur band key may similarly have up to three
frequency/mode settings applied.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 31

Basic Operation: Receiving on Amateur Bands
7. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to tune around the
band, and begin normal operation.
 Clockwise rotation of the Main Tuning Dial knob
increases the operating frequency, one “step”
of the synthesizer at a time; similarly, counter-
clockwise rotation of the Main Tuning Dial knob
will decrease the frequency. Two settings, one
“normal” and one “fast”, are available for each
operating mode. Pressing the FAST button en-
gages the “Fast” tuning selection (see chart be-
Main Tuning Dial Knob Tuning Rate
Operating Mode 1 Step 1 Dial Rotation
5 Hz (100 Hz) 1 kHz (20 kHz)
10 Hz (100 Hz) 2 kHz (20 kHz)
FM/DATA-FM/C4FM 100 Hz (1 kHz) 20 kHz (200 kHz)
Numbers in parentheses indicate steps when the FAST button is On.

 If you want to make rapid frequency changes,

there are several techniques available:
 Direct keyboard entry of the frequency.
 Use the microphone UP/DWN scanning keys,
if your microphone is so equipped.

Page 32 FT-991 Operating Manual

Basic Operation: Receiving on Amateur Bands
Operation on 60-Meter (5 MHz) Band (U.S. and U.K. version only)
The recently-released 60-meter band is covered, in the FT-991, by fixed memory channels. These channels are set to
USB or CW, and they appear between the “last” PMS channel (“P9U”) and the first “regular” memory channel (Channel
1. Press the V/M button once to enter the “Memory” CLAR/VFO-B Knob
mode; the “MEM” icon will appear in the display.
2. Touch [MCH] on the screen displayed by pressing
the F(M-LIST) button. The “MCH” notation and a
memory channel number will appear on the display
to signify that rotation of the MULTI knob will allow
selection of the memory channel.

Main Tuning Dial Knob

V/M Button

Channel Frequency
5-01 5.332000 MHz
5-02 5.348000 MHz
5-03 5.358500 MHz
3. Memory channels (“5-01” through “5-10”) are 5-04 5.373000 MHz
5-05 5.405000 MHz
pre-programmed, at the factory, with the permitted 5-06 5.332000 MHz
frequencies in the 5 MHz band, and the USB or CW 5-07 5.348000 MHz
mode is automatically selected on these channels. 5-08 5.358500 MHz
5-09 5.373000 MHz
4. To exit from 60-meter operation and return to the
5-10 5.405000 MHz
VFO mode, just press the V/M button.
The frequencies and operating mode for 5 MHz band
operation are fixed, and may not be changed.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 33

Basic Operation: Receiving on Amateur Bands
CLAR (Clarifier) Operation
The CLAR button and CLAR/VFO-B knob are used to offset the receive frequency, the transmit frequency, or both,
from their settings on the VFO-A frequency. Four small numbers on the TFT Display show the current Clarifier offset.
The Clarifier controls on the FT-991 are designed to allow setting a preset offset (up to ±9.99 kHz) without actually re-
tuning, and then to activate it via the Clarifier CLAR button. This feature is ideal for following a drifting station, or for
setting the small frequency offsets sometimes utilized in DX “Split” work.

Here is the technique for utilizing the Clarifier: CLAR/VFO-B Knob

1. Press the CLAR button. The “RX” notation will ap- CLAR Button
pear in the TFT Display, and the programmed offset
will be applied to the receive frequency.
2. Rotation of the CLAR/VFO-B knob will allow you
to modify your initial offset on the fly. Offsets of up
to ±9.99 kHz may be set using the Clarifier.

To cancel Clarifier operation, press the CLAR button.

The “RX” notation will disappear from the display.
Turning the Clarifier off merely cancels the applica-
tion of the programmed offset from the receive and/or
the transmit frequencies. To clear the Clarifier offset,
and reset it to “zero,” press and hold the CLAR button.
The programmed offset is displayed in the small multi-
channel window of the frequency display.

Page 34 FT-991 Operating Manual

Basic Operation: Receiving on Amateur Bands
You may lock the setting of the Main Tuning Dial knob (for VFO-A frequency tuning) to prevent accidental frequency

Main Tuning Dial Knob Lock

To lock the Main Tuning Dial knob, press the LOCK LOCK Button
button that is located to the right of the Main Tuning
Dial knob.
 “Lock” in the LED indicator area will light up
To unlock the Dial setting, and restore normal tuning,
press the LOCK button once more.

LOCK Indicators

The illumination level of the TFT display and LED indicators (above the Main Tuning Dial knob), may be adjusted via
Menu items 007 and 008.

To adjust the illumination level: MENU Button

1. Press the MENU button to enter the Menu mode.

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “007
DIMMER LED” (for LED indicators) or “008 DIM-
MER TFT” (for TFT display).
3. Touch [ SELECT ] on the LCD then rotate the
MULTI knob to select the desired illumination level.

   &+52. # ; %1 . 14 $.7'
   &+//'4 . ' & 
   &+//'4 6 ( 6 

4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD, then touch [BACK]

on the LCD or press the MENU button to save the
new setting and exit to normal operation.

   &+52. # ; % 1. 1 4 $.7'
   &+/// ' 4 . ' & 
   &+//'4 6 ( 6 

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 35

Basic Operation: Receiving on Amateur Bands
The background color of the VFO-A frequency in the TFT display may be selected via Menu item 006.

1. Press the MENU button to enter the Menu mode. Background color

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “006

3. Touch [ SELECT ] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to select from the following colors:
BLUE (default) / GRAY / GREEN / ORANGE /

MENU Button

   &+52. # ; %1 . 14 $.7'
   &+//'4 . ' & 
   &+//'4 6 ( 6 

4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD, then touch [BACK]

on the LCD or press the MENU button to save the MULTI Knob
new setting and exit to normal operation.

   &+52. # ; % 1. 1 4 )4''0
   &+/// ' 4 . ' & 
   &+//'4 6 ( 6 

Page 36 FT-991 Operating Manual

Convenience Features
Band Stack Operation
The FT-991 utilizes a triple band-stack VFO selection technique that permits storing of up to three favorite frequencies
and modes onto each band VFO register. For example, one frequency each on 14 MHz CW, RTTY, and USB may be
stored and then recalled by successive, momentary touches of [14] on the screen displayed by the BAND button. Each
Amateur band key may similarly have up to three frequency/mode settings applied. Note that only the VFO-A system
has the band stacks.
A typical setup, for the 14 MHz band, might be arranged like this:

1. Program 14.025 MHz, CW Mode, then press the BAND Button

BAND button, and then touch [14] on the LCD.

2. Program 14.080 MHz, RTTY Mode, then press the
BAND button, and then touch [14] on the LCD.
3. Program 14.195 MHz, SSB Mode, then press the
BAND button, and then touch [14] on the LCD.
With this configuration, successive momentary touches
of [14] on the screen displayed when the BAND button
is pressed will allow you to step sequentially through
these three VFOs.

C.S (Custom Switch)

The front panel C.S button may be programmed to directly access an often-used Menu Mode selection.

C.S Setup MENU button C.S button

1. Press the MENU button to engage the Menu mode;
the Menu list will appear on the display.
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the Menu item you
want to access with the front panel C.S button.
3. Press the C.S button to lock in your selection.
4. Press the MENU button or touch [BACK] on the
LCD to save the new configuration and exit to nor-
mal operation. MULTI Knob

Menu Selection Recall via C.S button

Press the C.S button.
The programmed Menu item will appear on the display.
Press the MENU button or touch [BACK] on the LCD
exit to normal operation.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 37

Convenience Features
AMS (Automatic Mode Select) Operation
The transceiver has the AMS (Automatic Mode Select) function which enables the transceiver to automatically select
the most appropriate option out of the three communication modes according to the received signal while operating in
C4FM mode.
Besides C4FM digital signals, analog signals (FM) are also identified in order to automatically match the communica-
tion mode of the partner station.
The AMS function recognizes the three modes listed in the following table. Other communication modes cannot be rec-

Operating Mode Display Explanation of Modes

V/D mode DN As the audio signal error is detected and repaired at the
(simultaneous voice and data When AMS is “ON”: Red same time as the transmission of the digital audio signal,
communication mode) When AMS is “OFF”: Light blue it becomes more difficult for conversations to be cut off. A
basic digital mode of C4FM FDMA.
Voice FR mode VW Digital voice data is transmitted using the entire 12.5 kHz
(Voice full-rate mode) When AMS is “ON”: Red bandwidth. High quality voice communication is possible.
When AMS is “OFF”: Light blue
Analog FM mode AN Analog communication mode using the FM mode.
Only when AMS is “ON”: Lights red This mode is effective for communication when the signal
strength is so weak that the voice is cut off midway in the
digital mode.

1. Press the MODE button, and then touch the corre- MODE Button
sponding key on the LCD to select the C4FM operat-
ing mode. The “C4FM” icon appears in the display.
Press the MODE button once more.

2. Touch [AMS] on the LCD. The AMS function will In the V/D mode (“DN” displayed), the position infor-
switched to “ON” and the communication mode will mation is included in the transmitted signal during the
be switched to match the received signal. conversation, but in the Voice FR mode (“VW” dis-
played), the position information is not included.

Page 38 FT-991 Operating Manual

Convenience Features
AMS (Automatic Mode Select) Operation
Setting the Operation of the AMS Function
Using the AM function switches the communication mode to match the received signal but you can alternatively
select and lock the transmission mode.
1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the MENU(SETUP) Button

Menu mode.
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “092
3. Touch [SELECT] on the LCD, rotate the MULTI
knob to select the desired operation (see the fol-
lowing table).


4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set-

   #/5 6: /1& ' #761
   56# 0&$; $''2 10
   466 ; .%7 6 (4'3 *\

   #/5 6: /1& ' /#07#.

   56# 0&$; $''2 10
   466 ; .%7 6 (4'3 *\

5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch

[BACK] on the LCD to exit to normal operation.

Available Explanation of Function

AUTO TX/RX The operating mode is automatically selected from the three communication modes to match the received signal.
MANUAL TX/RX The operating mode is automatically selected from three communication modes to match the received signal.
Pressing the Microphone PTT switch momentarily, toggles between the Digital (C4FM) and Analog (FM)
communication modes.
DN RX The RX mode is automatically selected from the three communication modes to match the received signal.
TX The TX mode is automatically changed to the “DN” mode.
VW RX The RX mode is automatically selected from the three communication modes to match the received signal.
TX The TX mode is automatically changed to the “VW” mode.
ANALOG RX The RX mode is automatically selected from the three communication modes to match the received signal.
TX The TX mode is automatically changed to the “FM” mode.

Toggling to the Digital Communication Mode

Without using the AMS function, you can select and lock the digital communication mode (DN or VW).
1. Touch [AMS] on the screen to set the AMS func-
tion to “OFF”.
2. Touching [DIGITAL] on the screen switches the
digital communication mode between the follow-
ing modes.
DN (V/D Mode): As the audio signal error is de-
tected and repaired at the same time as the
transmission of the digital audio signal,
it becomes more difficult for conversa- VW (FR Mode): Digital voice data is transmit-
tions to be cut off. A basic digital mode of ted using the entire 12.5 kHz bandwidth.
C4FM FDMA. High quality voice communication is pos-

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 39

Convenience Features
The SCOPE function provides a spectrum display of the band conditions. Both strong and weak signals can be clearly
displayed on the TFT screen. In the MANUAL mode, the scope frequency spectrum is scanned one time and displayed.
In the “Continuous Sweeping mode”, the scope spectrum is repeatedly swept and displayed. When operating in the “ASC
(Automatic Spectrum-Scope Control) mode” the sweep is automatically carried out in conjunction with the movement
and operation of the main dial. The scope sweep and span may be optimized according to your preferences and purpos-

Note: Since the FT-991 has only one receiver the audio will be muted while the spectrum scope is scanning.

Touch [SWEEP] on the LCD to display the band condi- Reception frequency Transmission frequency
tions (spectrum).
 The transceiver is equipped with three types of
sweeping mode: “MANUAL mode”, “Continuous
sweeping mode” and “ASC (Automatic Spectrum-
Scope Control) mode”. Refer to the advice below to
select the optimal mode according to your prefer-
ences and purposes.
 Width of scope display may be set in Menu item “120
 The sweeping interval may be set in Menu item “118
 “Spectrum display mode” or “Waterfall display
mode” may be selected in Menu item “117 SCP
DISPLAY MODE”. Lights up when transmission frequency
is outside of the display range
Reception frequency: Green
Transmission frequency: Red

Width of scope

Example of waterfall display

Page 40 FT-991 Operating Manual

Convenience Features
Sweep Mode

Three sweep modes are available for the scope function as described below.

Touch [SWEEP] on the LCD to sweep across the band one time, and display band conditions.

Continuous Sweeping Mode

Touch and hold [SWEEP] on the LCD to mute the receiver begin the continuous sweep operation. The spectrum
scope will start sweeping the band segment continuously. While rotating the main dial, you can continuously
monitor the band condition.
To stop sweeping, touch [SWEEP] on the LCD again.

ASC (Automatic Spectrum-Scope Control) Mode

Quickly rotate the main dial to mute the reception sound. The spectrum scope will automatically start sweeping
and continue sweeping until you completely stop rotating the main dial. While observing the display, move the
dial close to the desired frequency. Stop turning the main dial to stop the spectrum scope completely, and then
you can hear the received signal. Now you may slowly rotate the main dial to tune in the received signal while
listening to the receiver audio and the sweeping is disabled.
 You can change the rotation speed of the main dial to switch to sweeping motion in the Menu item “119 ASC

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 41

Convenience Features
More Frequency Navigation Techniques
Keyboard Frequency Entry Setting with the MULTI Knob
The Operating frequency may be entered directly into Rotate the MULTI knob to set the frequency in the pre-
the current VFO, using the display screen keyboard by programmed frequency steps. The frequency step can be
pressing the front panel BAND button. changed.
Example: Enter 14.250.00 MHz 1. Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function
1. Press the BAND button to begin the direct frequency menu list. Touch the [CH DIAL] icon to activate this
entry process. function and cause the MULTI knob to function as
2. Touch [ENT] on the LCD. The first digit of the fre- the frequency adjustment knob.
quency (the leftmost digit) will blink.
3. Enter, in order, the digits of the operating frequency, CH-D (CH DIAL) indicator

touching the keys on the LCD

The decimal point after the “MHz” portion of the
frequency must be entered, but no decimal point is
required after the “kHz” portion.
4. Touch [ENT] on the LCD once more to complete
the operating frequency entry. A short “beep” will
confirm that the entry was successful, and the new
operating frequency will appear on the display.

2. Touch [CH DIAL] to select the desired frequency

step. Touching [CH DIAL] switches the frequency
as follows.

Operating Mode Frequency Step

AM 2.5  5  9  10  12.5  25 
2.5  …
SSB/CW/RTTY/ 1  2.5  5  1  …
Advice: FM/C4FM/ 5  6.25  10  12.5  15  20
DATA-FM  25  5  …
If you attempt to enter a frequency outside the oper-
ating range of 30 kHz - 56 MHz, the microprocessor 3. Rotate the MULTI knob to change the frequency in
will ignore the attempt, and will return to the previ- the selected frequency steps.
ous operating frequency. If this happens, please try
again, taking care not to repeat the error in the fre-
quency entry process.

Page 42 FT-991 Operating Manual

Convenience Features
More Frequency Navigation Techniques
Using the UP/DWN Buttons of the
Supplied MH-31A8J Hand Microphone
The UP/DWN buttons on the supplied MH-31A8J Hand
Microphone may also be used to manually scan the fre-
quency upward or downward.
In modes other than AM/
FM, the frequency changes
by the same step as the main
When the microphone FST
button is pressed, the tuning
rate increases by a factor of
ten, in a manner similar to
the transceiver front panel
FAST button.
The frequency change
amount (step size) differs
depending on the preset
modulation form and FST button condition.

Operating UP DWN + +
DATA-LSB/ +5 Hz −5 Hz +100 Hz −100 Hz
LSB/USB/AM +10 Hz −10 Hz +100 Hz −100 Hz
+5 kHz −5 kHz +50 kHz −50 kHz

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 43

Convenience Features
Receiver Operation (Front End Block Diagram)
The FT-991 includes a wide range of special features to suppress the many types of interference that may be encoun-
tered on the HF bands. However, real world interference conditions are constantly changing, so optimum setting of the
controls is somewhat of an art, requiring familiarity with the types of interference and the subtle effects of some of the
controls. Therefore, the following information is provided as a general guideline for typical situations, and a starting
point for your own experimentation.
The FT-991 interference-fighting circuitry begins in its “RF” stages, and continues throughout the entire receiver sec-
tion. FT-991 allows configuration of the features described below.


The DSP Contour filter has the unique ability to pro- The IF Notch filter is a high-Q notch filter that can elim-
vide either a null or a peak in tunable segments of the inate, or significantly reduce an interfering carrier.
receiver passband. You may suppress interference and
excessive frequency components of an incoming signal,
DNF (Digital Notch filter)
When multiple interfering carriers are encountered dur-
or you may peak those tunable frequency segments. The
ing reception, the Digital Notch Filter can significantly
level of the null or peak, and the bandwidth, over which
reduce the level of these signals.
it is applied, are adjustable via the Menu.

IF SHIFT DNR (Digital Noise Reduction)

The DSP’s Digital Noise Reduction (DNR) feature uti-
The passband center frequency of the IF DSP filter may
lizes 15 different mathematical algorithms to analyze
be moved up or down by adjusting this control.
and suppress different noise profiles encountered on the
IF WIDTH HF/50 MHz bands. Choose the selection that provides
The width of the IF DSP filtering may be adjusted using the best noise suppression, and allows the signal to rise
this control. up out of the noise.

The AGC system automatically adapts to changing sig-
nal and fading characteristics, making reception possible
under the most difficult conditions.


RF 1st IF 2nd IF 3rd IF

69.450 MHz 9 MHz 24 kHz

144MHz 1st Local 3 kHz 2nd Local

15 kHz 3rd Local
2nd IF
430MHz 1st Local 450 kHz

2nd Local FM C4FM

Front End Block Diagram

Page 44 FT-991 Operating Manual

Interference Rejection
ATT (Attenuator)
When the desired signal is extremely strong or the noise level is high on a low frequency band, activate the attenuator to
reduce the incoming signal from the antenna.
1. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [ATT] on F(M-LIST) Button

the LCD. The “ATT” indicator will appear in the

DSP display.
 The incoming signal level is reduced by 12dB
(Signal voltage is reduced to 1/4 compared to OFF).

Displays ATT

2. To restore full signal strength through the Attenuator

circuit, touch [ATT] on the LCD to return the ATT
display to the “OFF” position.

If the noise level is high or the received signal is extremely strong, the incoming signal level can be suppressed with the
IPO/ATT settings.
If the S-meter fluctuates S-3 or more in the noise level, or the received signal is extremely strong and it causes a high S-
meter indication (+20dB or more), activate the attenuator.
Since IPO does not only attenuate the incoming signal, but also improves the cross modulation characteristic, try to ac-
tivate the IPO first. If the signal is still strong, also use the ATT. In this way, you can attenuate the incoming signal and
noise effectively.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 45

Interference Rejection
IPO (Intercept Point Optimization)
The IPO feature allows the operator to optimize the characteristics of the receiver front end, contingent on the current
noise level and the strength of incoming signals.

Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function F(M-LIST) Button

menu list. Touch the [IPO] function repeatedly, to set

the desired characteristic of the receiver front end, ac-
cording to the chart below.
AMP1: Amplifies the incoming signals, using a low
distortion RF preamplifier (gain: approx. 10
AMP2: Amplifies the incoming signals, using a
2-stage low-distortion RF preamplifier (total
gain: approx. 20 dB).
IPO: Bypasses the RF preamplifier, yielding direct
feed to the first mixer.
AMP1 does not function below the 1.8 MHz frequency
The selected receiver RF preamplifier will be indicated
in the IPO column of the Key Function Display on the
TFT screen.

Displays IPO

 On the 10 MHz and lower bands, it is generally not
necessary to use any preamplifier at all; selecting the About 10dB About 10dB
“IPO” position as described above will increase the 1.8 MHz ~ 56 MHz
strong-signal-handling capability of the receiver, and
generally result in more pleasant reception due to the
reduced ambient noise level. If you can hear band
noise with the preamplifiers disengaged, then a pre-
amplifier is generally not needed.

Page 46 FT-991 Operating Manual

Interference Rejection
IF Noise Blanker (NB) Operation
The FT-991 includes an effective IF Noise Blanker, which can significantly reduce noise caused by automotive ignition

1. Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function F(M-LIST) Button

menu list. Touch the [NB] function icon briefly to

reduce short duration pulse noise like that from
switching transients, automobile ignitions and power
lines. The Noise Blanker will be set to “ON”.

2. If desired, the Noise Blanker level may be adjusted

via Menu item “025 NB LEVEL” to the point where
the offending noise is best reduced or eliminated.
See box below for details.
 The noise attenuation can be selected from
10dB/30dB/50dB via Menu item “024 NB RE-
3. To end Noise Blanker operation, touch [NB] on the
TFT display once more. The “OFF” will appear in
the TFT display, confirming the Noise Blanker is no
longer in operation.

Adjusting the Noise Blanker Level

1. Press the MENU button to engage the Menu MENU button

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “025
3. Touch [SELECT] on the LCD


   0$ 4' , ' %6+ 1 0 F$

   0$ .'8 ' . 
   $''2 . ' 8 ' . 

4. Rotate the MULTI knob to the point where the

offending noise is best reduced or eliminated.
5. Touch [ ENTER ] on the LCD, then press the
MENU button or touch [BACK] on the LCD to
lock in the new setting and exit to normal opera-    0$ 4' , ' %6+ 1 0 F$
   0$ .'8 ' . 
tion.    $''2 . ' 8 ' . 

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 47

Interference Rejection
CONTOUR Control Operation
The Contour filter system provides a gentle perturbation of the IF filter passband. The Contour is set to either suppress,
or boost specific frequency components, and thus enhances the sound and readability of a received signal.
1. Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function F(M-LIST) Button

menu list. Touch [CONT] to activate the CONTOUR

function and set the MULTI knob as the CONTOUR
adjustment knob.
2. Touch [CONT ] on the TFT display. The Contour
function will be set to “ON”.

CONT (Contour) indicator

CONT (Contour) level indicator MULTI Knob

Refer to Figure “B”, this illustrates a “dip” in the

center of the Contour filter passband. The Con-
tour filter places a low-Q “notch” in the passband,
per the settings of Menu items “114 CONTOUR
LEVEL” and “115 CONTOUR WIDTH”. Counter-
clockwise rotation of the MULTI knob causes the
3. Rotate the MULTI knob to achieve the most natural notch to move toward a lower frequency within
sounding audio reproduction of the incoming signal. the passband, while clockwise rotation causes the
Advice: notch to move toward a higher frequency within
 Rotate the MULTI knob to display the Contour the passband. By removing interference or un-
center frequency (10 Hz to 3,200 Hz) below the wanted frequency components of the incoming
[CONT] indicator. signal, it is possible to make the desired signal
 The level indicator shows the amount of attenua- rise out of the background noise/interference, and
tion for your reference. significantly enhance intelligibility.
4. To cancel Contour tuning, touch [ CONT ] on the
TFT display.
Advice: A B C
 The Contour circuit operation will be set to “OFF”.
 Touching [CONT] changes the Contour circuit op-
eration between “ON” and “OFF”.
 The Contour function attenuation and bandwidth can
be set in Menu items “114 CONTOUR LEVEL” and
on the right).


Quick Point:
By judicious use of the Contour filter, the “shoulder” of the passband response may be altered, or components may be
removed from within the passband, allowing the desired signal to rise above the background noise and interference in a
manner not obtainable with other filtering systems.

Page 48 FT-991 Operating Manual

Interference Rejection
IF SHIFT Operation (SSB/CW/RTTY/PKT Modes)
IF SHIFT permits moving the DSP filter passband higher or lower, without changing the pitch of the incoming signal,
and thus reduces or eliminates interference. Because the tuned carrier frequency is not varied, there is no need to re-tune
the operating frequency to eliminate the interference. The total passband tuning range for the IF SHIFT system is ±1.2
1. Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function F(M-LIST) Button
menu list. Touch [SHIFT] to reduce the interference.
The MULTI knob functions as the SHIFT adjustment
SHIFT indicator

SHIFT level indicator


2. Rotate the MULTI knob to the left or right to reduce

interfering signals.
 Rotate the MULTI knob to display the shift offset
of the IF filter (−1,200 Hz to +1,200 Hz) below
the [SHIFT] indicator.
 The level indicator shows the shift offset direc-
tion for your reference.

Referring to Figure “A”, note the depiction of the

IF DSP filter as the thick line, with MULTI knob
in the 12 o’clock position. In Figure “B”, an in-
terfering signal has appeared inside the original
passband. In Figure “C”, you can see the effect
of rotating the MULTI knob. The interference
level is reduced by moving the filter passband so
that the interference is outside of the passband.

Desired Signal Desired Signal Desired Signal




FT-991 Operating Manual Page 49

Interference Rejection
WIDTH (IF DSP Bandwidth) Tuning (SSB/CW/RTTY/DATA Modes)
The IF WIDTH tuning system allows you to vary the width of the DSP IF passband, to reduce or eliminate interference.
Moreover, the bandwidth may actually be expanded from its default setting, should you wish to enhance incoming sig-
nal fidelity when interference on the band is low.
1. Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function F(M-LIST) Button

menu list. Touch the [WIDTH] icon to activate this

function and cause the MULTI knob to function as
the WIDTH adjustment knob.

WIDTH indicator

WIDTH level indicator


 To increase the bandwidth, rotate the knob clock-
 Rotate the MULTI knob to display the bandwidth
2. Rotate the MULTI knob counter-clockwise to narrow of the IF filter below the [WIDTH] indicator (Re-
the bandwidth and reduce interference. fer to the instruction below).
 For reference, the level indicator on the TFT dis-
play shows the bandwidth.

Referring to Figure “B”, you can see the default

bandwidth of the SSB mode. A B C
By rotating the MULTI knob to the left, the band-
width will narrow (see Figure “A”), while rota-
tion of the MULTI knob to the right, will increase
the bandwidth as depicted in Figure “C”.

The default bandwidths, and total bandwidth ad-

justment range, will vary according to the operat-
ing mode:
SSB Mode: 1.8 kHz - 3.2 kHz (default: 2.4 kHz).
CW Mode: 500 Hz - 3 kHz (default: 2.4 kHz)
RTTY/DATA (LSB, USB) Modes: 500 Hz - 3
kHz (default: 500 Hz) MULTI MULTI MULTI
AM Mode: Fixed at 9 kHz
FM/DATA-FM/C4FM Modes: Fixed at 16 kHz

Page 50 FT-991 Operating Manual

Interference Rejection
WIDTH (IF DSP Bandwidth) Tuning (SSB/CW/RTTY/DATA Modes)
Using IF SHIFT and WIDTH Together Advice:
The IF SHIFT and Variable IF WIDTH features The WIDTH and SHIFT features are the pri-
together form a very effective interference-fight- mary tools to use for best interference reduction.
ing filtering system. After narrowing the bandwidth (WIDTH) and/
or adjusting the center of the passband (SHIFT),
For example, in Figure “A”, you can see how in- the Contour control may then yield additional
terference has appeared both on the high and low signal-enhancement benefits on the net residual
sides of the desired signal. Touch [WIDTH] on bandwidth. Even more, the IF NOTCH Filter
the LCD, the interference from one side can be (described later) may also be used, in conjunc-
eliminated (Figure “B”). Next, rotate the MULTI tion with these filter systems, to significant ad-
knob to re-position the passband (Figure “C”), vantage.
the interference on the opposite side can be re-
moved, without re-introducing the interference
previously eliminated in Figure “B”.


Desired Signal Desired Signal Desired Signal




FT-991 Operating Manual Page 51

Interference Rejection
NARROW (NAR) One-Touch IF Filter Selection
Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function menu list. Touch the [NAR/WIDE] button to enable one-touch,
mode-specific, selection of a narrow IF DSP filter setting that does not require resetting the bandwidth control to the

Touching [NAR/WIDE] on the LCD once more returns F(M-LIST) Button

the bandwidth control to the WIDTH/SHIFT system.

The factory default bandwidths are:
Operating Mode [NAR/WIDE] Touch Key
“ON” “OFF”
SSB 200 Hz - 1.8 kHz 1.8 - 3.0 kHz
(1.5 kHz) (2.4 kHz)
CW 50 - 500 Hz 500 Hz - 3.0 kHz
(500 Hz) (2.4 kHz)
RTTY/DATA-LSB/ 50 - 500 Hz 500 Hz - 3.0 kHz
DATA-USB (300 Hz) (500 Hz)
AM 6 kHz 9 kHz
FM/DATA-FM 9 kHz 16 kHz
MHz Bands)
: Depends on the [WIDTH] setting
( ): Default Bandwidth

 If [NAR/WIDE] on the LCD has been touched to
engage the narrow filter, you may further adjust the
narrow IF bandwidth by touching [WIDTH] on the
TFT display and rotating the MULTI knob. The IF
SHIFT may also be operated.
 When in the FM mode, touching [NAR/WIDE] on
the TFT display will narrow both transmit and re-
ceive bandwidths.

Page 52 FT-991 Operating Manual

Interference Rejection
IF NOTCH Filter Operation (SSB/CW/RTTY/DATA/AM Modes)
The IF NOTCH filter is a highly effective system that allows cutting out an interfering beat note or other carrier signal
from inside the receiver passband.

1. Press the F(MLIST) button to show the functions F(M-LIST) Button

listed on the TFT display.

2. Touch [ NOTCH ] on the TFT display. The Notch
function will be set to “ON”.

NOTCH indicator

NOTCH level indicator


The performance of the IF NOTCH filter is illus-

trated in Figure “A”, where the desired signal and
the interfering heterodyne are shown within the
IF passband. In Figure “B” the notching effect of
the IF NOTCH filter is illustrated as the MULTI
knob is rotated to eliminate the interfering het-
3. Rotate the MULTI knob to adjust the “null” position
of the Notch filter.
4. To cancel the NOTCH filter, touch [NOTCH] on the
TFT display, “OFF” will appear in the display, con-
Desired Signal Desired Signal
firming that the NOTCH filter is no longer in opera-
Advice: QRM QRM
(Heterodyne) (Heterodyne)
Alternate touches of [ NOTCH ] , will switch the
NOTCH filter between on and off.
 The bandwidth of the NOTCH filter (either narrow
or wide) may be adjusted using Menu item “116
IF NOTCH WIDTH”. The factory default setting is


FT-991 Operating Manual Page 53

Interference Rejection
Digital NOTCH Filter (DNF) Operation
The Digital NOTCH Filter (DNF) is an effective beat-canceling filter that can null out a number of interfering beat notes
inside the receiver passband. Because this is an Auto-Notch feature, there is no adjustment knob associated with this fil-
If a very strong interfering carrier is encountered, we recommend using the IF NOTCH filter first, as it is the most effec-
tive notching tool in the receiver section.
1. Press the F(M-LIST) button to show the functions F(M-LIST) Button

listed on the TFT display, then touch [DNF] on the

TFT display. The Digital NOTCH Filter will be set
to “ON”.

To disable the Digital NOTCH Filter, just repeat the

above procedure, touching [DNF] on the LCD to choose
“OFF”. The “DNF” will turn off, confirming that the
Digital NOTCH Filter is not active.

Digital Noise Reduction (DNR) Operation

The Digital Noise Reduction (DNR) system is designed to reduce the level of ambient noise found on the HF and 50
MHz bands. The (DNR) system is especially effective during SSB operation. While DNR is functioning, rotate the
MULTI knob to adjust the DNR level. Any of 15 different noise-reduction algorithms can be selected; each of these al-
gorithms was created to deal with a different noise profile. You will want to experiment with the DNR system to find the
best setting corresponding to the noise currently being experienced.

1. Press the F(MLIST) button to reveal the functions F(M-LIST) Button

list on the TFT LCD display.

2. Touch [DNR] on the LCD. The DNR function will
be set to “ON”.
DNR indicator

DNR level indicator


3. Rotate the MULTI knob to choose one of 15 algo-

rithms that best reduces the noise level.
4. To cancel the DNR filter, touch [DNR] on the LCD,
“OFF” will appear in the display, confirming that the
DNR system is no longer in operation.

Page 54 FT-991 Operating Manual

Tools for Comfortable and Effective Reception
RF Gain
The RF Gain control provides manual adjustment of the gain levels for the receiver RF and IF stages, to account for
noise and signal strength conditions at the moment.
1. The RF GAIN knob should, initially, be rotated to
the fully clockwise position. This is the point of
maximum receiver sensitivity.
2. Counter-clockwise rotation of the RF GAIN knob
will gradually reduce the system gain.
 As the RF GAIN knob is rotated counterclockwise RF GAIN Knob
to reduce the gain, the S-meter reading will rise. This
indicates that the AGC voltage being applied to the
receiver is increasing (this causes a reduction in re-
ceiver gain).
 Rotating the RF GAIN knob control to the fully
counter-clockwise position will essentially disable
the receiver, as the gain will be greatly reduced. In
this case, the S-meter will appear to be “pegged”
against the right edge of the analog S-meter scale.
Quick Point:
 Reception frequently can be improved by rotating
the RF GAIN knob slightly counter-clockwise to the
point where the “stationary” meter indication is set
just about the same as the incoming noise level. This
will reduce the RF gain to find a level of improved
signal to noise ratio.
 The RF Gain control, along with the IPO and the At-
tenuator features, all affect the system receiver gain
in different ways. The IPO generally should be the
first feature engaged when dealing with a high noise
level, or a crowded, high-level signal environment.
Also, the IPO generally should be the first feature
engaged, if the frequency is low enough to allow the
preamplifier to be bypassed. Thereafter, the RF Gain
and Attenuator features may be employed to provide
precise, delicate adjustment of the receiver gain to
fully optimize performance.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 55

Tools for Comfortable and Effective Reception
Audio Peak Filter
1. Press the F(MLIST) button to reveal the functions F(M-LIST) Button

list on the TFT LCD display.

2. Touch [APF] on the LCD. The APF function will be
set to “ON”.
APF indicator

APF level indicator


3. Rotate the MULTI knob to set the sound volume to a

comfortable level.
 The APF bandwidth can be selected from NAR-
ROW/MEDIUM/WIDE via the Menu item “113
4. To cancel the APF action, touch [APF] on the LCD.
The “OFF” will appear in the display, confirming that
the APF system is no longer in operation.
The APF may only be activated while the transceiver is
in CW mode.

Page 56 FT-991 Operating Manual

Tools for Comfortable and Effective Reception
AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
The AGC system is designed to help compensate for fading and other propagation effects. The AGC characteristics can
be individually set for each operating mode. The basic objective of AGC is to maintain a constant audio output level
once a certain minimum threshold of signal strength is achieved.
Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [AGC] on the F(M-LIST) Button

LCD repeatedly to select the desired receiver-recovery

time constant. You will observe the AGC status notation
in the AGC column of the Key Function Display on the
TFT display, denoting the AGC receiver-recovery time
currently in use. For most operations, we recommend
the “AUTO” mode. Additionally, you may disable the
AGC by touching [AGC] on the LCD.

 If the AGC receiver-recovery time is set to “Off” by
touching [AGC] on the LCD, the S-meter will no
longer deflect. Additionally, you will likely encoun-
ter distortion on stronger signals, as the IF amplifiers
and the following stages are probably being over-
Quick point:
Note: Several aspects of AGC performance may be configured
 The “AUTO” selection mode selects the optimum via the Menu. However, because AGC can have such a
receiver-recovery time for the reception mode. profound impact on overall receiver performance, we
In this case, the selected receiver-recovery time in generally do not recommend any changes to the AGC
the AGC column of the Key Function Display glows Menu selections until you are thoroughly familiar with
green (Normally it glows blue). the performance of the FT-991.
 Touching [AGC] on the LCD allows selection of the
desired receiver-recovery time constant. Normally,
Automatic Gain Control, or AGC, is a circuit that senses
the “AUTO” selection is satisfactory for most situ-
the received signal strength, and then limits the gain of
ations, but in the event of operation on a crowded
the RF and IF stages to keep the output audio volume at
band where you wish to receive a weak signal, you
a more-or-less constant level. AGC also protects the RF,
may wish to change the setting to FAST. The AUTO
IF, Audio, and DSP stages from overload, as it limits the
mode selections are:
signal strength that is allowed to flow, irrespective of the
Operating Mode AUTO AGC Selection input signal level.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 57

Tools for Comfortable and Effective Reception
Adjustable Receiver Audio Filter
The FT-991 includes an adjustable receiver audio filter, that provides precise, independent control of the low; and upper
audio ranges.
1. Press the MENU button to enter the Menu mode. MENU Button

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to find Menu items “041”

through “044” these parameters apply to the adjust-
ment of the receiver audio filter in the AM mode,
Menu items “050” through “053” apply to the
adjustment of the RX audio filter in the CW mode,
Menu items “066” through “069” apply to the ad-
justment of the RX audio filter in the DATA mode,
Menu items “094” through “097” apply to the ad- MULTI Knob

justment of the RX audio filter in the RTTY mode,

and Menu items “104” through “107” apply to the 4. Rotate the MULTI knob to adjust the receiver audio
adjustment of the RX audio filter in the SSB mode response as desired.
3. Touch [SELECT] on the LCD. 5. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set-

   #/ .% 7 6 (4 ' 3 1((
   #/ .% 7 6 5. 1 2' F$QEV
   #/ *% 7 6 (4 ' 3 1((    #/ .% 7 6 (4 ' 3  *\
   #/ .% 7 6 5. 1 2' F$QEV
   #/ *% 7 6 (4 ' 3 1((

6. Press the MENU button or touch [BACK] on the

LCD to exit to normal operation.

Mode Menu Item Available Values

041 AM LCUT FREQ OFF/100(Hz) - 1000(Hz)
042 AM LCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
043 AM HCUT FREQ 700(Hz) - 4000(Hz)/OFF
044 AM HCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
050 CW LCUT FREQ OFF/100(Hz) - 1000(Hz)
051 CW LCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
052 CW HCUT FREQ 700(Hz) - 4000(Hz)/OFF
053 CW HCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
066 DATA LCUT FREQ OFF/100(Hz) - 1000(Hz)
067 DATA LCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
068 DATA HCUT FREQ 700(Hz) - 4000(Hz)/OFF
069 DATA HCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
094 RTTY LCUT FREQ OFF/100(Hz) - 1000(Hz)
095 RTTY LCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
096 RTTY HCUT FREQ 700(Hz) - 4000(Hz)/OFF
097 RTTY HCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
104 SSB LCUT FREQ OFF/100(Hz) - 1000(Hz)
105 SSB LCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
106 SSB HCUT FREQ 700(Hz) - 4000(Hz)/OFF
107 SSB HCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct

Page 58 FT-991 Operating Manual

SSB/AM Mode Transmission
ON/OFF Switch
BAND Button F(M-LIST) Button

MODE Button MULTI Knob Main Tuning Dial Knob

1. Press the BAND button to show the band list, and 5. Adjust the microphone amplifier gain to match the
then touch a band key corresponding to the Amateur microphone and your voice level: Touch [METER]
band on which you wish to operate. Press the BAND on the LCD repeatedly to select the “ALC”.
button again, to close the band list screen. Press and hold the PTT switch, and speak into the
2. Press the MODE button to show the mode list, and microphone in a normal voice level.
then select the operating mode by touching the cor- In the SSB mode, touch [MIC GAIN] and then ad-
responding key. Press the MODE button again, to just MULTI knob so that the ALC meter stays within
close the mode list screen. the ALC zone of the meter (up to half scale deflec-
Advice: tion) on voice peaks.
By convention, LSB is used in the 7 MHz and lower
Amateur bands for SSB communication, and USB is
used on the 14 MHz and higher bands (the 10 MHz
band is used for CW and data modes only).
3. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to adjust the op-
erating frequency. Alternately, you may use the UP/
DWN scanning buttons on the MH-31A8J Hand Mi-
crophone to scan up or down the current band.
4. Press the microphone PTT (Push To Talk) switch to
begin transmitting; speak into the microphone in a
normal voice level. In the AM mode, touch [MIC GAIN] and then adjust
the MULTI knob so that the ALC meter does not de-
flect on voice peaks.
 The “ ” indicator will light up in the TFT LED
indicators area, confirming that transmission is in  When transmitting In the AM mode, adjust the
progress. MIC gain so that the PO meter does not deflect
when speaking.
 When transmitting in the AM mode, set a maxi-
mum (carrier) power output of 25 Watts by press- 6. Release the PTT switch at the end of the transmis-
ing [RF PWR], then rotate the MULTI knob. sion. The transceiver will return to the receive mode.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 59

SSB/AM Mode Transmission
Advice:  Four techniques to implement Transmit/Receive con-
 ALC meter deflection may be caused by excessive trol are provided on the FT-991. You may choose
drive power, but also by reflected power detected the technique(s) that best suit your operating needs:
in the antenna system. If the antenna impedance  Pressing the microphone PTT switch will engage
presented to the transceiver is other than 50 Ohms, the transmitter.
ALC meter action may be observed that is not re-  The rear panel PTT jack may be connected to a
lated to the proper setting of [MIC GAIN] on the foot switch or other manual switching device in
LCD. Therefore, we recommend that you make [MIC order to engage the transmitter.
GAIN] adjustments into a dummy load or antenna  Touching [MOX] on the TFT display functions
system presenting impedance very close to 50 Ohms. list will lock the transmitter on (The functions list
 When making “on air” tests (such as setting the mi- may be displayed by pressing the F(MLIST) but-
crophone gain), be sure to listen on the frequency ton). Touch [MOX] on the LCD again to return to
before transmitting, to avoid interference to others receive.
who may already be using the frequency.

 The VOX (Voice Operated Xmit) circuit will

engage the transmitter automatically when you
speak into the microphone. For details of VOX
operation refer to page 70.

Page 60 FT-991 Operating Manual

Using the Automatic Antenna Tuner
The Automatic Antenna Tuner (hereinafter referred to as the “ATU”) built into each FT-991 is designed to ensure a 50-
Ohm load for the final amplifier stage of the transmitter. We recommend using the ATU whenever operating the FT-991.
 Because the ATU of the FT-991 is located inside the station, it only adjusts the impedance presented to the trans-
ceiver at the station end of your coaxial cable feedline. It does not “tune” the SWR at the antenna feed point itself.
When designing and building your antenna system, we recommend that every effort be made to ensure a low SWR
at the antenna feed point.
 The ATU of the FT-991 includes 100 memories for tuning data. Eleven of these memories are allocated, one for
each Amateur band, so that each band has at least one setting preset for use on that band. The remaining 89 memo-
ries are reserved for the 89 most-recent tuning points, for quick frequency change without the need to retune the
 The ATU in the FT-991 is designed to match impedances within the range of 16.7 Ohms to 150 Ohms, correspond-
ing to an SWR of 3:1 or less on the 160 through 6 meter amateur bands. Accordingly, simple non-resonant whip an-
tennas, along with random-length wires and the “G5RV” antenna (on most bands) may not be within the impedance
matching range of the ATU.

ATU Operation
1. Use the Main Tuning Dial knob to set the radio to TUNE Button

the desired operating frequency within the Amateur

2. Press the TUNE button momentarily to place the
ATU in the transmit line (no adjustment/tuning will
occur yet). The “TUNER” icon will appear in the
Quick Point:
The momentary press of the TUNE button will turn
the tuner on, and the microprocessor will automati-
cally select the tuning point closest to the current
operating frequency. Advice:
The ATU circuit is located between the final amplifier
and the rear-panel antenna jack; reception is not affected
by the ATU.
Quick Points:
As shipped from the factory, only one ATU alignment
point is saved on each Amateur band. This was memo-
rized during the final alignment and performance verifi-
cation stages on the production line.
3. Press and hold in the TUNE button for one second to Note:
begin automatic tuning. The transmitter will be en- Please listen to the operating frequency before begin-
gaged, and the “TUNER” icon will blink while tun- ning the tuning process, to be sure you are not interfer-
ing is in progress. When the optimum tuning point ing with others who may already be using the frequency.
has been reached, the radio will return to receive,
and the “TUNER” icon will again glow steadily (in- Antenna Tuner Memories: The ATU microprocessor
stead of blinking). makes a note of the selected tuning capacitors and in-
4. To disconnect the ATU from the transmit line, press ductors, and stores the data for each 10 kHz window in
the TUNE button momentarily. The “TUNER” which tuning has occurred. This eliminates the need to
icon will turn off, confirming that the ATU has been re-tune every time you return to a frequency on which
turned off. In the “Off” mode, the transceiver will be you have already completed the tuning process.
directly connected to the coaxial cable connected to
your antenna, and will respond to whatever imped-
ance is present at the station end of the coax.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 61

Using the Automatic Antenna Tuner
About ATU Operation
Figure 1 depicts a situation where normal tuning via the ATU has been successfully completed, and the tuning data has
been stored in the ATU memory. The antenna system as seen by the transmitter is shown.
In Figure 2, the operator has changed frequency, and the “HI-SWR” icon has appeared. The operator presses and holds
in the TUNE button for one second to begin impedance matching using the ATU.
If a high SWR condition exists (above 3:1), corrective action must be taken in the antenna system to bring the imped-
ance closer to 50 Ohms. The ATU will refuse to memorize settings on frequencies where the SWR exceeds 3:1. A High
SWR may indicate a mechanical failure in the feed system, and can lead to the generation of spurious signals causing
TVI, etc.

Feed Point SWR

SWR after ATU Tuning

Figure 1

The “HI-SWR” icon appears on the display

Memorized ATU Tuning when you transmit on the frequency

SWR: 3.0

Retuned Setting

Figure 2

About ATU Memories

SWR (After tuning) Less than 2:1
The tuner settings are stored in the ATU memory.
SWR (After tuning) Greater than 2:1
Tuning data will not be retained in memory. If you return to the same frequency, the tuning process must be re-
SWR (After tuning) Greater than 3:1
The “HI-SWR” icon will light up, and the tuner settings, if achieved, will not be memorized. Please investigate
the high SWR condition and resolve the problem before attempting further operation using this antenna.

Page 62 FT-991 Operating Manual

Enhancing Transmit Signal Quality
Parametric Microphone Equalizer (SSB/AM/FM mode)
The FT-991 includes a unique Three-Band Parametric Microphone Equalizer that provides precise, independent con-
trol over the low, mid and treble ranges in the voice waveform. You may utilize one group of settings when the speech
processor is off and use an alternate group of settings when the speech processor is on. The speech processor feature is
described in the next chapter.
Quick Point:
The Parametric Equalizer is a unique technique for adjusting the signal quality. The three audio ranges may be adjusted
so precisely, it is possible to craft an audio response that provides a natural and pleasant sound that you may not have
ever experienced before. Alternately, the effective “talk power” can be significantly enhanced.
The configuration aspects that may be adjusted on the Parametric Equalizer are:
Center Frequency: The center frequency of each of the three bands may be adjusted.
Gain: The amount of enhancement (or suppression) within each band may be adjusted.
Q: The bandwidth over which the equalization is applied may be adjusted.

Setup of the Parametric Microphone Equalizer

1. Connect the microphone to the MIC jack. MENU(SETUP) Button F(M-LIST) Button
2. Set the RF output power to minimum value.
 We recommend that you connect a dummy load
to one of the Antenna jacks, and monitor your
signal on a separate receiver, to prevent interfer-
ence to other users.
 You will have the best chance of hearing the ef-
fects of adjustments if you wear headphones MULTI Knob
(connected to the separate monitor receiver)
while listening to your transmitted signal.
3. To adjust the Parametric Microphone Equalizer
while the speech processor is disabled, press the
F(M-LIST) button, then touch [MIC-EQ] to select

5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button. The Menu list

will appear in the TFT display.
6. Rotate the MULT knob to find the “EQ” Menu area,
containing Menu items “121” through “129”; these
parameters apply to the adjustment of the Parametric
To adjust the Parametric Microphone Equalizer with Microphone Equalizer when the speech processor
the speech processor engaged, press the F(M-LIST) is disabled. Menu items “130” through “138” ap-
button, then touch [PROC] to select “ON”. ply to the adjustment of the Parametric Microphone
Equalizer when the speech processor is engaged.
7. Touch [ SELECT ] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULT knob to adjust a particular Menu item.

   24/64% '3 (4 ' 3 1((

4. Touch [MONI], if you want to listen on the FT-991    24/64% '3 .' 8 '.
   24/64% '3 $9 6 *

internal monitor.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 63

Enhancing Transmit Signal Quality
Parametric Microphone Equalizer (SSB/AM/FM mode)
8. Press and hold the PTT switch, and speak into
the microphone while listening to the effect of the
changes you are making. Because the overall ef-
fect on the sound will change with each adjustment,
make several passes through each adjustment area,
to be sure that you achieve the optimum settings.
9. When all adjustments have been completed, touch
[ENTER] on the LCD to save the new settings.

   24/64% '3 (4 ' 3 

  24/64% '3 .' 8 '. 
   24/64% '3 $9 6 * 

10. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK]

on the LCD to return to normal operation. If you
only touch [BACK] momentarily to exit the setup
menu, none of the changes you performed will be
To roll off the excessive bass response prevalent in a
wide-range of studio microphones, try setting the micro-
phone equalizer for a 10 dB null at 100 Hz with a band-
width of “1” or “2”, a 3 dB null centered on 800 Hz with
a bandwidth of “3”, and then put an 8 dB peak centered
on 2100 Hz with a bandwidth of “1.” These are starting
recommendations; each microphone and user’s voice
will be different, often requiring different settings.

Page 64 FT-991 Operating Manual

Enhancing Transmit Signal Quality
Parametric Microphone Equalizer (SSB/AM/FM mode)
Activating the Parametric Microphone Equalizer
1. Adjust [MIC GAIN] on the TFT display, as described F(M-LIST) Button

on page 59.
2. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [MIC-EQ]
on the TFT display to select “ON”. If you use the
Parametric Microphone Equalizer with the speech
processor engaged, press the F(M-LIST) button, then
touch [PROC] to display the PROC level (from 1
to 100), confirming that the Parametric Microphone
Equalizer is engaged.

3. Press the PTT switch on the microphone, and speak

into the microphone in a normal voice level.
4. To switch the Parametric Microphone Equalizer off,
touch [MIC-EQ] on the LCD again.

3-Stage Parametric Equalizer Adjustments (Speech Processor: “OFF”)

Center Frequency “121 PRMTRC EQ1 FREQ” “100” (Hz) - “700” (Hz) / “OFF”
“124 PRMTRC EQ2 FREQ” “700” (Hz) - “1500” (Hz) / “OFF”
“127 PRMTRC EQ3 FREQ” “1500” (Hz) - “3200” (Hz) / “OFF”
Parametric Gain “122 PRMTRC EQ1 LEVEL” (Low) “–20” (dB) - “10” (dB)
“125 PRMTRC EQ2 LEVEL” (Mid) “–20” (dB) - “10” (dB)
“128 PRMTRC EQ3 LEVEL” (High) “–20” (dB) - “10” (dB)
Q (Bandwidth) “123 PRMTRC EQ1 BWTH” (Low) “1” - “10”
“126 PRMTRC EQ2 BWTH” (Mid) “1” - “10”
“129 PRMTRC EQ3 BWTH” (High) “1” - “10”

3-Stage Parametric Equalizer Adjustments (Speech Processor: “ON”)

Center Frequency “130 P-PRMTRC EQ1 FREQ” “100” (Hz) - “700” (Hz) / “OFF”
“133 P-PRMTRC EQ2 FREQ” “700” (Hz) - “1500” (Hz) / “OFF”
“136 P-PRMTRC EQ3 FREQ” “1500” (Hz) - “3200” (Hz) / “OFF”
Parametric Gain “131 P-PRMTRC EQ1 LEVEL” (Low) “–20” (dB) - “10” (dB)
“134 P-PRMTRC EQ2 LEVEL” (Mid) “–20” (dB) - “10” (dB)
“137 P-PRMTRC EQ3 LEVEL” (High) “–20” (dB) - “10” (dB)
Q (Bandwidth) “132 P-PRMTRC EQ1 BWTH” (Low) “1” - “10”
“135 P-PRMTRC EQ2 BWTH” (Mid) “1” - “10”
“138 P-PRMTRC EQ3 BWTH” (High) “1” - “10”

Parametric Gain

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 65

Enhancing Transmit Signal Quality
Using the Speech Processor (SSB Mode)
The FT-991 Speech Processor is designed to increase “talk power” by increasing the average power output (via a so-
phisticated compression technique) and adjusting the audio quality to the menu settings (“130 P-PRMTRC EQ1 FREQ”,
“133 P-PRMTRC EQ2 FREQ”, “136 P-PRMTRC EQ3 FREQ”). The result is improved intelligibility when conditions
are difficult.
1. Adjust [MIC GAIN] on the TFT display, as described F(M-LIST) Button
on page 59.
2. Touch [ METER ] on the TFT display to select
“COMP” (Compression) meter.


3. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [PROC] to

display the PROC level (from 1 to 100), confirming
that the Speech Processor is engaged.

4. Press the PTT switch on the microphone, and speak

into the microphone in a normal voice level.
5. Adjust the MULT knob to set the compression level
within the 5 dB to 10 dB range.

6. To switch the Speech Processor off, touch [PROC]

on the TFT display once more. The “OFF” will ap-
pear in the display, confirming that the Speech pro-
cessor is turned off.
 You may adjust the Parametric Microphone Equal-
izer when the speech processor is engaged, using
Menu Items “130” through “138”. See page 136
for details.

Page 66 FT-991 Operating Manual

Enhancing Transmit Signal Quality
Adjusting the SSB Transmitted Bandwidth (SSB Mode)
For SSB transmission, a default bandwidth of 2.4 kHz is available. This bandwidth provides reasonable fidelity along
with good talk power, and is the typical bandwidth used for decades for SSB transmission. The transmit bandwidth may
be varied by the operator, to provide different levels of fidelity or talk power, according to individual preferences.
Here are the steps to adjust the SSB transmit bandwidth: MENU(SETUP) Button F(M-LIST) Button
1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to engage the
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “112
3. Touch [SELECT] on the TFT display, then rotate
the MULTI knob to select the desired bandwidth.
The available selections are: 100-3000 Hz, 100-
2900 Hz, 200-2800 Hz, 300-2700 Hz, 400-2600 Hz. MULTI Knob
The default is 300-2700 Hz. A wider bandwidth will
provide greater fidelity. A narrow bandwidth will
compress the available transmitter power into less
spectrum, resulting in more “talk power” for DX

  4' # 4 2 1 46 5 '.'%6
   55$ 6: $ 2 (
The Transmit Monitor function is a very helpful way to
   # 2( 9+ & 6 * /' &+7/ confirm the effect that changing the bandwidth will have
on fidelity. To activate the Monitor function, press the
F(MLIST) button to reveal the functions list on the TFT
4. Touch [ENTER] on the TFT display to save the new LCD display. Then touch the [MONI] button, you will
setting. be able to hear the difference in sound quality as you
make bandwidth changes.
Quick Points:
The higher fidelity associated with wide bandwidth will
be particularly enjoyable on the low bands during local
rag-chew QSOs.
  4' # 4 2 1 46 5 '.'%6 &#6#
   55$ 6: $ 2 (   
   # 2( 9+ & 6 * /' &+7/

5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK]

on the TFT display to exit to normal operation.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 67

Transmitter Convenience Features
Voice Memory (SSB/AM modes)
You may utilize the Voice Memory capability of the FT-991 for repetitive messages. The Voice Memory system
includes five memories capable of storing up to 20 seconds of voice audio each. The maximum that any memory can
hold is 20 seconds.

Voice Memory Operation

You may also utilize the Voice Memory capability of the FT-991 by operating from the display or the optional FH-2
Remote Control Keypad, which plugs into the rear panel REM/ALC jack.

Recording Your Own Voice in Memory 7. Touch [MEM] on the LCD or press the FH-2 [MEM]
1. Select the LSB, USB, or AM mode using the front key to complete the message storage process.
panel MODE button.
2. Adjust [MIC GAIN] on the LCD, as described on
page 59.
3. Touch [MEM] on the LCD or press the [MEM] key
on the FH-2. A blinking “REC” icon will appear in
the display.

Checking Your Recording

1. Be sure that [VOX] and [BK-IN] functions are “Off”
so transmit will not be activated. The function status-
es may be observed on the TFT display by pressing
the F(M-LIST) button.
2. Touch [CH1] - [CH5] on the LCD or press the FH-2
4. Touch [CH1] through [CH5] on the LCD or press [1] - [5] key (whichever register you just recorded
any of the FH-2 keys numbered [1] through [5] to in). The “PLAY” icon will appear in the display and
select that memory storage register. you will hear the contents of the Voice Memory you
just recorded.

If you do not press the PTT key (see next step) with-
in five seconds, the memory storage process will be
The playback level of the recording may be adjusted via
Menu item “010 DVS RX OUT LEVEL”.
5. Press the microphone PTT switch momentarily. The
“REC” icon will glow steadily and recording will
6. Speak into the microphone in a normal voice level to
record the message (such as “CQ DX, CQ DX, this
is W 6 Delta X-Ray Charlie, W 6 Delta X-Ray Char-
lie, Over”). Remember that the time limit for record-
ing any message is 20 seconds.

Page 68 FT-991 Operating Manual

Transmitter Convenience Features
Voice Memory (SSB/AM modes)
Transmitting the Recorded Message
1. Select the LSB, USB, or AM mode using the front
panel MODE button.
2. Press the front panel F(M-LIST) button to reveal the
functions list on the TFT LCD display, then touch
[BK-IN] on the LCD.

3. Touch [CH1] - [CH5] on the LCD or press the FH-2

[1] - [5] key (whichever register you just recorded
in). A “PLAY” icon will appear in the display and
the message will be transmitted.

The transmit (audio) level of the recording may be ad-
justed via Menu item “011 DVS TX OUT LEVEL”.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 69

Transmitter Convenience Features
VOX (SSB/AM/FM Modes: Automatic TX/RX Switching using Voice Control)
Instead of using the microphone PTT switch or the [MOX] function (that may be displayed by pressing the F(M-LIST)
button) to activate the transmitter, the VOX (Voice Operated Transmit) system may be used for hands-free activation of
the transmitter, by the voice input to the microphone.
1. Press the F(M-LIST) button, to reveal the functions MENU(SETUP) Button F(M-LIST) Button

list on the TFT LCD display, then touch [VOX] on

the LCD to activate the function, “ON” will appear
in the display.


2. Without pressing the PTT switch, speak into the

microphone in a normal voice level. When you start
speaking, the transmitter should be activated auto-   81 : 5 ' . '%6
   81: )# + 0

matically. When you finish speaking, the transceiver    8 1:
: &' . # ;  OU G E

should return to the receive mode (after a short de-

3. To cancel VOX and return to PTT operation, touch 6) Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch
[VOX] on the LCD once more. The “VOX” indica- [BACK] on the LCD to exit to normal operation.
tion will turn OFF, signifying that the VOX circuitry  The “Hang-Time” of the VOX system (the transmit/
has been turned off. receive delay after the cessation of speech) may also
Advice: be adjusted via the Menu mode. The default delay is
 The VOX Gain may be adjusted to prevent acciden- 500 msec. To set a different delay time:
tal transmitter activation in a noisy environment. To 1) Activate the VOX circuitry, if necessary.
adjust the VOX Gain: 2) Press the MENU(SETUP) button to engage the
1) Activate the VOX circuitry, if necessary. Menu mode.
2) Press the MENU(SETUP) button to engage the 3) Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “146
Menu mode. VOX DELAY”, then touch [ SELECT ] on the
3) Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “145 LCD.
VOX GAIN”, then touch [SELECT] on the LCD.

  81 : 5 ' . '%6 /+
: )# + 0 
  81 : 5 ' . '%6 /+
+%    8 1:
: &' . # ;  OU G E
: )# + 0 
   8 1:
: &' . # ;  OU G E

4) Rotate the MULTI knob while saying a brief syl-

4) While speaking into the microphone, rotate the lable like “Ah” and listening to the hang time for
MULTI knob to the point where the transmitter the desired delay.
is quickly activated by your voice, without back-
ground noise causing the transmitter to activate.
5) When you are satisfied with the setting, touch
[ENTER] on the TFT LCD display to save the
new setting.

Page 70 FT-991 Operating Manual

Transmitter Convenience Features
VOX (SSB/AM/FM Modes: Automatic TX/RX Switching using Voice Control)
5) When you are satisfied with the setting, touch
[ENTER] on the TFT LCD display to save the
new setting.

  81 : 5 ' . '%6 /+
   81: )# + 0 
   81: &' . # ;  OU G E

6) Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch

[BACK] on the LCD to exit to normal operation.
 The Anti-Trip setting adjusts the level of negative re-
ceiver audio feedback to the microphone, to prevent
receiver audio from activating the transmitter (via
the microphone). This setting can also be adjusted
via Menu item “147 ANTI VOX GAIN”.
 VOX operation may be engaged on either Voice
modes (SSB/AM/FM) or on AFSK-based Data
modes. Use Menu item “144 VOX SELECT” (the se-
lections are “MIC” and “DATA”).

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 71

Transmitter Convenience Features
You may listen to the quality of your transmitted signal using the Monitor feature.
1. Touch [MONI] displayed by pressing the F(M-LIST) F(M-LIST) Button

button to reveal the functions list on the TFT LCD

2. Touch [MONI] on the LCD, the Moniter function
will be set to “ON”. The MULTI knob serves as the
MONITOR adjustment knob.

MONI (Monitor) indicator

MONI (Monitor) level indicator MULTI Knob

3. During transmission, rotate the MULTI knob to ad-

just the audio level in the Headphones or speaker.
Clockwise rotation of this knob will increase the vol-
ume level.
4. To switch the Monitor off again, touch [MONI] on
the LCD once more. “OFF” will be displayed, con-
firming that the Monitor function is disengaged.
 Because the Monitor feature samples the transmit-
ter IF signal, it can be very useful for checking the
adjustment of the Speech Processor or Parametric
Equalizer on SSB, and for checking the general sig-
nal quality on AM and FM.

Page 72 FT-991 Operating Manual

Transmitter Convenience Features
Split Operation Using the TX Clarifier
For split TX/RX operation in “casual” pile-ups, where the split is less than 10 kHz, the TX Clarifier (Offset Tuning) fea-
ture may be utilized.

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the Menu CLAR/VFO-B Knob

MENU(SETUP) Button CLAR Button
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “040
3. Touch [ SELECT] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to set this Menu item to “TX” (the de-
fault setting is “RX”).


   %.#4 /1&' 5 ' .'% 6 4:

   #/ .% 7 6 (4 ' 3 1((
   #/ .% 7 6 5. 1 2' F$QEV
7. Rotate the CLAR/VFO-B knob to set the desired
transmitter offset. A maximum split of ±9.999 kHz
may be set.
4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set- 8. To exit from TX Clarifier operation, press the CLAR
ting. button once more. The “TX” icon will disappear
from the display.
 When listening to a “pile-up” calling a DX station, in
order to find the station currently being worked, you
may press the CLAR button. Then, use the CLAR/
   %.#4 /1&' 5 ' .'% 6 6:
   #/ .% 7 6 (4 ' 3 1(( VFO-B knob to zero in on the station calling the DX
   #/ .% 7 6 5. 1 2' F$QEV
(use the SPOT function on CW for precise alignment
of your frequency). You may then press the CLAR
button again to cancel the RX Clarifier, and return to
5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK] reception on the DX station’s frequency.
on the LCD to exit to normal operation.  Just as with receiver Clarifier operation, the amount
6. Press the CLAR button. The “TX” icon will appear of offset from the original VFO frequency will ap-
in the TFT display. pear in the display.
 As with receiver Clarifier operation, when you turn
the TX Clarifier off, the last-used offset is remem-
bered, and will be available if you turn the TX Clari-
fier back on. To clear the Clarifier offset, press and
hold the CLAR button for more than 1 second.
Quick Point:
When attempting to work a DX station on CW in a split
frequency pile-up, remember that a large number of oth-
er stations may also be using Yaesu transceivers with ca-
Quick Point:
pability similar to that of your FT-991. On the DX side
The Clarifier is frequently used for receiver offset
of the pile-up, everyone calling precisely on the same
tuning. However, for DX pile-ups where the DX
CW frequency will sound like a single tone! So you may
station is using a split of less than 10 kHz, the TX
have more success if you use the RX Clarifier to find a
Clarifier function is usually the quickest way to set
hole in the pile-up, instead of trying to zero-beat the last
the transmitter to the desired offset frequency.
station worked by the DX station.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 73

Transmitter Convenience Features
Split-Frequency Operation
A powerful capability of the FT-991 is its flexibility in Split Frequency operation using the VFO-A and VFO-B fre-
quency registers. This makes the FT-991 especially useful for high-level DX-peditions. The Split operation capability is
very advanced and easy to use.
1. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to set the desired Quick Split Operation
RX frequency. The Quick Split feature allows setting a one-touch offset
2. Press the A/B button, then rotate the Main Tuning of +5 kHz compared to the VFO-A frequency, to be ap-
Dial knob to set the desired split TX frequency. plied to the transceiver VFO-B (transmit) frequency,
3. Press the A/B button, then press the SPLIT button.
1. Start with regular transceiver operation on the VFO-A.
The VFO-B frequency will be shown in the TFT dis-
VFO-A RX Indicator: “ON” (LED glows Green)
play and the LED indicators will appear as below:
VFO-A TX Indicator: “ON” (LED glows Red)
VFO-A RX Indicator: “ON” (LED glows Green)
VFO-B RX Indicator: “OFF” (LED Off)
VFO-A TX Indicator: “OFF” (LED Off)
VFO-B TX Indicator: “OFF” (LED Off)
VFO-B RX Indicator: “OFF” (LED Off)
2. Press and hold in the SPLIT button for one second
VFO-B TX Indicator: “ON” (LED glows Red)
to engage the Quick Split feature, and apply a fre-
quency 5 kHz above the VFO-A frequency to the
A/B Button VFO-B frequency register.
The VFO configuration will then be:
VFO-A RX Indicator: “ON” (LED glows Green)
VFO-A TX Indicator: “OFF” (LED Off)
VFO-B RX Indicator: “OFF” (LED Off)
VFO-B TX Indicator: “ON” (LED glows Red)
3. Press and hold in the SPLIT switch for one second
to increment the Sub (VFO-B) offset frequency an-
other +5 kHz.
TXW Button SPLIT Button
Quick Points:
During Split operation, the VFO-A register will be used  The offset of VFO-B from VFO-A is programmed
for reception, while the VFO-B register will be used for via the Menu and is set to +5 kHz at the factory.
transmission. If you press the SPLIT button once more, However, other offsets may be selected using the fol-
Split operation will be cancelled. lowing procedure:
Advice: 1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to engage the
 During Split operation, pressing the A/ B button will Menu mode.
reverse the contents of VFO-A and VFO-B. Press the 2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “035
A/B button once more to return to the original fre- QUICK SPLIT FREQ”.
quency alignment. 3. Touch [ SELECT ] on the LCD, then rotate the
 During Split operation you may listen to the TX fre- MULT knob to select the desired offset. The avail-
quency temporarily while pressing the TXW button able setting range is –20kHz - +20kHz (factory de-
located on the bottom left of the Main Tuning Dial fault: +5 kHz).
While pressing the TXW button during split opera-
tions, the frequency of transmit on VFO-B can be
 During Split operation it is also possible to set VFO-
A and VFO-B to different Amateur bands if a multi    /' / ) 4 1 72 &+5#$.'

band antenna is used.

   37+%- 5 2 . +6 (4'3  M *\
   6: 616 1( (

Page 74 FT-991 Operating Manual

Transmitter Convenience Features
Split-Frequency Operation
4. Touch [ENTER] button to save the new setting.

   /' / ) 4 1 72 &+5#$.'
   37+%- 5 2 . +6 (4'3  M *\
   6: 616 1( (

5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK]

on the LCD to exit to normal operation.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 75

CW Mode Operation
The powerful CW operating capabilities of the FT-991 permit operation using an electronic keyer paddle, a “straight
key”, or a computer-based keying device.

Setup for Straight Key (and Straight Key emulation) Operation

Before starting, connect your key line(s) to the front panel KEY jack. Be sure [BK-IN] displayed by pressing the F(M-
LIST) button is turned off for now.
1. Press the MODE button, then touch [CW-LSB] or MODE Button F(M-LIST) Button

[CW-USB ] on the TFT LCD display. The “C-L”

or “C-U” icon will appear in the display. The CW
monitor is activated.


2. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select the de-

sired operating frequency.
3. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [BK-IN]
on the LCD to engage automatic activation of the
transmitter when you close the CW key. The Break-
in will be set to “ON”.

 The CW sidetone audio level may be adjusted by
setting “MONITOR” (see page 72).
 You may practice sending CW listening to the sidet-
one only, without having the signal transmitted out
over the air, if you press the front panel F(M-LIST)
button to reveal the functions list on the TFT LCD
display, and then touch the [BK-IN] button to set
Advice: break-in to Off.
 When you close the CW key, the transmitter will  If you reduce transmit power via the [RF PWR]
automatically be activated, and the CW carrier function that may be displayed by pressing the F(M-
will be transmitted. When you release the key, LIST) button, the ALC meter reading will increase;
transmission will cease, and after a brief delay, this is normal and does not indicate any problem
receive will be restored. The delay time is user- whatsoever (because increased ALC voltage is being
programmable per the discussion on page 83. used to lower the power).
 As shipped from the factory, the FT-991 TX/RX  To enable the keying operation in LSB/USB mode
system for CW is configured for “Semi-break-in” and send the CW signal without switching to CW
operation. However, using Menu item “056 CW mode, change Menu item “055 CW AUTO MODE”.
BK-IN TYPE”, you may change this setup for full  The same frequency may be displayed when switch-
break-in (QSK) operation, whereby the switch- ing between SSB mode and CW mode by setting
ing is quick enough to hear incoming signals in Menu item “059 CW FREQ DISPLAY”.
the spaces between the dots and dashes of your  By connecting the FT-991 to a computer, CW can
transmission. This may prove very useful during be operated using free or commercially available
contest and traffic handling operations. software and setting Menu item “060 PC KEYING”.
4. CW operation using the CW key may now proceed.

Page 76 FT-991 Operating Manual

CW Mode Operation
Setup for Straight Key (and Straight Key emulation) Operation
This is a pseudo-”VOX” mode used on CW, whereby the closure of the CW key will engage the transmitter, and
release of the key will allow the receiver to recover after a short delay. No signals will be heard during the spaces
between dots and dashes (unless the sending speed is extremely slow).
Full break-in
Full break-in (also known as “Full QSK”) involves very fast switching between transmit and receive, incoming
signals may be heard between the dots and dashes as you send them. This allows you to hear a station that sud-
denly starts transmitting on your frequency, while you are in the midst of a transmission.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 77

CW Mode Operation
Using the Built-in Electronic Keyer
Connect the cable from your keyer paddle to the front panel KEY jack.
1. Press the MODE button, then touch [CW-LSB] or MODE Button F(M-LIST) Button

[CW-USB ] on the TFT LCD display. The “C-L”

or “C-U” icon will appear in the display. The CW
monitor is activated.


2. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select the de-

sired operating frequency.
3. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [KEYER]
on the LCD to select “ON” to confirm that the built-
in Electronic Keyer is now active. Advice:
 When the keyer paddle is pressed, the transmitter
will automatically be activated, and the CW charac-
ters (or a string of dots or dashes) will be transmit-
ted. When the keyer paddle is released, transmission
will cease, and after a brief delay, reception will be
restored. The delay time is user-programmable, per
the discussion on page 83.
 The CW sidetone audio level may be set using
“MONITOR” (see page 72).
4. Touch [SPEED] on the LCD, then rotate the MULTI If [BK-IN] is set to “OFF”, you may practice sending

knob to set the desired sending speed (4 - 60 WPM). CW with the sidetone only, without having the signal
Advice: go out over the air. (Press the front panel F(M-LIST)
 Rotate the MULTI knob to display the keying button to reveal the functions list on the TFT display ).
speed (4 - 60 WPM) below the [SPEED] indica- If the transmitter power is reduced via [RF PWR]

tor. function, the ALC meter reading will increase; this
 By pressing either the “Dot” or “Dash” side of is normal and does not indicate any problem whatso-
the paddle, the CW keying tone will automati- ever (because increased ALC voltage is being used
cally be generated. to lower the power).
5. Touch [BK-IN] on the TFT display to engage auto-  The keying operation may also be enabled in LSB/
matic activation of the transmitter when either the USB mode to send the CW signal via the Menu item
“Dot” or “Dash” side of the paddle is pressed. The “055 CW AUTO MODE” without switching to CW
Break-in will be set to “ON”. mode.
 The same frequency may be displayed when switch-
ing between SSB mode and CW mode by setting
Menu item “059 CW FREQ DISPLAY”.
 By connecting a computer, CW can be operated us-
ing free or commercially available software and set-
ting Menu item “060 PC KEYING”.
 The electronic keyer operation mode can be changed
via the Menu item “012 KEYER TYPE”.

6. CW operation utilizing the CW paddle may now


Page 78 FT-991 Operating Manual

CW Mode Operation
Using the Built-in Electronic Keyer
Full Break-in (QSK) Operation
As shipped from the factory, the FT-991 TX/RX system for CW is configured for “Semi-break-in” operation.
However, this setup may be changed to full break-in (QSK) operation by setting Menu item “056 CW BK-IN
TYPE”. With full break-in QSK, the TX/RX switching is quick enough to hear incoming signals in the spaces be-
tween the dots and dashes of your transmission.

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to engage the MENU(SETUP) Button

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “056
3. Press the [SELECT] button, and then rotate the
MULTI knob to set this Menu item to “FULL”.


  %9 # 7 6 1 / 1 &' 1 ((
   %9 $- +0 6;2' 5'/+
   %9 $- + 0 &'.#; O U G E

   %9 # 7 6 1 / 1 &' 1 ((

4. When the adjustments are complete, touch [EN-

   %9 $- +0 6;2' (7..
   %9 $- + 0 &'.#; O U G E

TER] on the LCD to save the new setting.

5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch

[BACK] on the LCD to exit to normal operation.

A number of interesting and useful features are available for use with the Electronic Keyer operation.

Setting the Keyer Weight (Dot/Dash) Ratio

This Menu item may be used to adjust the dot/dash ratio for the built-in Electronic Keyer. The default weighting
is 3:1 (a dash is three times longer than a dot).

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to engage the MENU(SETUP) Button

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “014
3. Touch the [SELECT] button, and then rotate
the MULTI knob to set the weight to the desired
value. The available adjustment range is a Dot/
Dash ratio of 2.5 - 4.5 (default value: 3.0).

   -';'4 6 ;2' '.'-';$    -';'4 6 ;2' '.'-';$

   -';'4 & 1 6&#5* 014    -';'4 &16 &#5* 014
   %9 9'+)* 6     %9 9'+)* 6 

4. When your adjustments are complete, touch [EN- 5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch
TER] on the LCD to save the new setting. [BACK] on the LCD to exit to normal operation.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 79

CW Mode Operation
Using the Built-in Electronic Keyer
Selecting the Keyer Operating Mode
The configuration of the Electronic Keyer may be customized independently for the front panel KEY jack of the
FT-991. This permits utilization of Automatic Character Spacing (ACS), if desired. This allows the use of an
electronic keyer via the front jack and a straight key or computer-driven keying line via the rear panel jack.

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to engage the MENU(SETUP) Button

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “012
3. Press the [SELECT] button, and then rotate the
MULTI knob to set the keyer to the desired mode.
The available selections are:
OFF: The built-in Electronic Keyer is
turned off (“straight key” mode).
BUG: Dots will be generated automatically
by the keyer, but dashes must be sent ACS
OFF Morse
"E" & "T"
ELEKEY-A: A code element (“Dot” or “Dash” Inter-character
side) is transmitted upon releasing スペース
Spacing too short

both sides of the paddle. ACS

ELEKEY-B: Releasing both sides of the paddle ON Morse
transmits the currently generated "E" & "T"
“Dash” side followed by “Dot” side
(or reverse order).
4. When the adjustments are complete, touch [EN-
ELEKEY-Y: Pressing both sides of the paddle
TER] on the LCD to save the new setting.
transmits the currently generated
“Dash” side followed by “Dot” side
(or reverse order).
While transmitting the “Dash” side,
the first transmitted “Dot” side will
not be stored.    -';'4 6 ;2' '.'-';#
ACS: Same as “ELEKEY” except that the    -';'4 & 1 6&#5* 014
   %9 9'+)* 6 
spacing between characters is pre-
cisely set by the keyer to be the same
length as a dash (three dots in length).
5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch
[BACK] on the LCD to exit to normal operation.

   -';'4 6 ;2' '.'-';$

   -';'4 & 1 6&#5* 014
   %9 9'+)* 6 

Page 80 FT-991 Operating Manual

CW Mode Operation
Using the Built-in Electronic Keyer
Reversing the Keyer Polarity
For left-handed operators in a contest, for example, the polarity can be reversed easily in the Menu mode without
changing the keyer connection (the default setting is “NOR”).

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to engage the MENU(SETUP) Button

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “013
3. Press the [ SELECT ] button, then rotate the
MULTI knob to select “REV.”


   -';'4 6 ;2' '.'-';$ Advice:

   -';'4 & 1 6&#5*
   %9 9'+)* 6

 In the steps on the left, only polarities of the
ELEKEY and ACS keyers can be changed.

4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new


   -';'4 6 ;2' '.'-';$

   -';'4 &16&#5* 4'8
   %9 9'+)* 6 

5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch

[BACK] on the LCD to exit to normal operation.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 81

CW Convenience Features
CW Spotting (Zero-Beating)
“Spotting” (zeroing in on a received CW station) is a handy technique to ensure you and the other station are precisely
on the same frequency.
The Tuning Offset Indicator in the display may also be observed so you can adjust the receiver frequency to center the
incoming station on the pitch corresponding to that of your transmitted signal.

Using the Auto Zeroing System F(M-LIST) Button

(Only when the optional FFT unit is installed)

Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [ZIN] on the
LCD to cause the receiving frequency to zero-in auto-
matically while receiving the CW signal.

Using the SPOT System F(M-LIST) Button

1. Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function

2. Touch [MONI] on the LCD. The Monitor function
will be set to “ON”. The MULTI knob will function
as the MONITOR adjustment knob.

MONI (Monitor) indicator

MONI (Monitor) level indicator

 In a tough DX pile-up, you may actually want to
use the SPOT system to find a “gap” in the spread
of calling stations, instead of zeroing in precisely
on the last station being worked by the DX station.
From the DX side, if a dozen or more operators (also
using Yaesu’s SPOT system) all call precisely on the
3. Touch [SPOT] on the LCD. While you are press- same frequency, their dots and dashes merge into a
ing and holding [SPOT], the tone is output from the single, long tone that the DX station cannot decipher.
speaker. In such situations, calling slightly higher or lower in
frequency may get your call through.
Quick Points:
 The displayed frequency on CW normally reflects
the “zero beat” frequency of your offset carrier. That
is, if you were to listen on USB on 14.100.00 MHz
to a signal with a 700 Hz offset, the “zero beat” fre-
quency of that CW carrier would be 14.100.70 MHz;
the latter frequency is what the FT-991 displays, by
default. However, you can change the display to be
identical to what you would see on SSB by using
Menu item “059 CW FREQ DISPLAY” and setting
it to “DIRECT FREQ” instead of the default “PITCH
OFFSET” setting.

Page 82 FT-991 Operating Manual

CW Convenience Features
CW Delay Time Setting
During semi-break-in (not QSK) operation, the hang time of the transmitter, after you have finished sending, may be ad-
justed to a comfortable value consistent with your sending speed. This is the functional equivalent of the “VOX Delay”
adjustment used on voice modes, and the delay may be varied anywhere between 30 msec and 3 seconds via Menu item
1. Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function F(M-LIST) Button

list, then touch [BK-IN] on the LCD to enable CW

transmission (Menu item “056 CW BK-IN TYPE”
must be set to “SEMI”).


4. Start sending and rotate the MULTI knob to adjust

the hang time, as you prefer for comfortable opera-
2. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the Menu 5. When the adjustments are complete, touch [ENTER]
mode. on the LCD to save the new setting.
3. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “057
CW BK-IN DELAY”, then touch [SELECT] on the

   %9 # 7 6 1 / 1 &' 1 ((
   %9 $-+0 6;2' 5'/+
   %9 $- + 0 &'.#; O U G E

   %9 # 7 6 1 / 1 &' 1 ((
   %9 $-+0 6;2'
   %9 $- + 0 &'.#;
6. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK]
on the LCD to exit to normal operation.

CW Pitch Adjustment
The center frequency of the receiver passband may be adjusted to the CW tone you prefer. By touching [PITCH] on the
LCD, the pitch of the CW offset carrier may be varied between 300 Hz and 1050 Hz, in 10 Hz steps.

1. Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function MENU(SETUP) Button

list, then touch [PITCH] on the LCD. The MULTI

knob functions as the PITCH adjustment knob.


2. Rotate the MULTI knob to adjust the PITCH (300 CW Pitch: If the receiver is tuned to an exact “zero
Hz to 1,050 Hz). beat” on an incoming CW signal, you could not copy
it (“Zero beat” implies a 0 Hz tone). Therefore, the re-
ceiver is offset several hundreds of Hz (typically), to
produce a beat tone that can be heard. The BFO offset
associated with this tuning (that produces the comfort-
able audio tone) is called the CW Pitch.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 83

CW Convenience Features
Contest Memory Keyer
The CW message capability of the FT-991 may be utilized from the optional FH-2 Remote Control Keypad, which
plugs into the rear panel REM/ALC jack.

Message Memory
Five memory channels capable of retaining 50 characters each are provided (using the PARIS standard for characters
and word length).
Example: CQ CQ CQ DE W6DXC K (19 characters)
-- • -- • ---- • -- -- • -- • ---- • -- -- • -- • ---- • -- -- •• • • ---- -- •••• -- •• -- •• -- -- • -- • -- • --
(C) (Q) (C) (Q) (C) (Q) (D) (E) (W) (6) (D) (X) (C) (K)
Storing a Message into Memory
1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the Menu
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the CW Memory
Register into which you wish to store the message;
for now, we are just setting the message entry tech-
nique to (Keyer entry).
021 CW MEMORY 4 4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set-
022 CW MEMORY 5 ting.
3. Touch [ SELECT ] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to set the selected CW Memory Reg-
ister to “MESSAGE”. If you want to use your keyer
paddle for message entry on all memories, set all five
Menu items (#018 - 022) to “MESSAGE”.    %106' 5 6 07 / $'4 
   %9 /'/14 ;  /'55#)'
   %9 /'/14 ;  6':6

5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK]

   %106' 5 6 07 / $'4  on the LCD to exit to normal operation.
   %9 /'/14 ;  6':6
   %9 /'/14 ;  6':6

PARIS Word Length: By convention among CW and

Amateur operators (utilized by ARRL and others), the
length of one “word” of CW is defined as the length of
the Morse Code characters spelling the word “PARIS”.
This character (dot/dash/space) length is used for the
specific definition of code speed in “words per minute”.

Page 84 FT-991 Operating Manual

CW Convenience Features
Contest Memory Keyer
Contest Number Programming
Use this process if you are starting a contest, or if you somehow get out of sync with the proper number in the
middle of a contest.
1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the MENU(SETUP) Button

Menu mode.
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “017
CONTEST NUMBER”. The current contest num-
ber appears on the TFT display.
3. Touch [SELECT] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to set the Contest Number to the
desired value.
Touch [BACK] on the LCD to cancel the setting.
4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set-

   %106' 5 6 07 / $'4 
   %9 /'/14 ;  6':6
   %9 /'/14 ;  6':6

   %106' 5 6 07 / $'4 

   %9 /'/14 ;  6':6
   %9 /'/14 ;  6':6

5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch

[BACK] on the LCD to exit to normal operation.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 85

CW Convenience Features
Contest Memory Keyer
Message Memory Programming (Using your Paddle) Note:
1. Set the operating mode to CW. Care must be exercised when sending to ensure that the
2. Set [BK-IN] on the LCD to “Off”. spaces between letters and words are accurately done;
3. Set [KEYER] on the LCD to “On”. if the timing is off, the spacing may not come out right
4. Touch [MEM] on the LCD or press the [MEM] key in the stored message. For ease in setting up the keyer
on the FH-2. A blinking “REC” icon will appear in memories, we recommend setting Menu item “012
the display. KEYER TYPE” to “ACS” (Automatic Character Spacing)
while programming the keyer memories.

Checking the CW Memory Contents

1. Be sure that Break-in is still turned “Off” by [BK-IN]
on the LCD.
2. Touch [MONI] on the LCD to enable the CW moni-
3. Touch [CH1] - [CH5] on the LCD or press the FH-2
[1] - [5] key, whichever memory you just recorded
in. You will hear the message played in the sidetone
5. Touch [CH1] through [CH5] on the LCD or press
monitor, but no RF energy will be transmitted.
any of the FH-2 keys numbered [1] through [5] to
begin the memory storage process, and the “REC”
icon will glow steadily.

On-The-Air CW Message Playback

1. Touch [BK-IN] on the LCD to enable transmission.
Either Full- or Semi-break-in will be engaged, de-
6. Send the desired message using your keyer paddle. pending on the setting of Menu item “056 CW BK-
Advice: IN TYPE”.
If you do not start keying within ten seconds, the 2. Touch [CH1] - [CH5] on the LCD or press the FH-2
memory storage process will be cancelled. [1] - [5] key, depending on which CW Memory Reg-
7. Touch [MEM] on the LCD or press the [MEM] key ister message you wish to transmit. The programmed
on the FH-2 once more at the end of your message. message will be transmitted on the air.
Up to 50 characters may be stored in each of the five

If you subsequently decide to use the “Text Memory”
technique for memory storage, please note that a mes-
sage stored using keyer paddle input will not be trans-
ferred over when you select “Text Memory technique”
on a particular memory register (the Menu Mode Setting
is set to “TEXT”).

Page 86 FT-991 Operating Manual

CW Convenience Features
Contest Memory Keyer
TEXT Memory
The five channels of CW message memory (up to 50 characters each) may also be programmed using a text-entry tech-
nique. This technique is somewhat slower than sending message directly from the keyer paddle, but accuracy of charac-
ter spacing is ensured. Be sure to enter the character “}” at the end of the text message.
Example 1: CQ CQ CQ DE W6DXC K} (20 characters)
The sequential Contest Number (“Count up”) feature is another powerful feature of the CW Memory Keyer.
Example 2: 599 10 200 # K} (15 characters)

Text Memory Storage

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the Menu
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the CW Memory
Register into which you wish to store the message;
we are now setting the message entry technique to
(Text entry).
The following texts are programmed to the MEM-
ORY 4 and MEMORY 5 in factory default.
MEMORY 4: DE FT-991 K}
3. Touch [ SELECT ] on the LCD, then rotate the MULTI Knob
MULTI knob to set the selected CW Memory Regis-
ter to “TEXT”. If you want to use text message entry
on all memories, set all five Menu items (#018 - 022)
to “TEXT”.
4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set-
5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK]
on the LCD to exit to normal operation.


! SN & AS + AR : OS ? IMI ^

” AF ´ WG , MIM ; KR @ @ _ IQ

# ( KN - DU < [ }

$ SX ) KK . AAA = BT ¥(\) AL

% KA * / DN > }

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 87

CW Convenience Features
Contest Memory Keyer
Text Message Programming Advice:
1. Press the MODE button to set the operating mode to Use the FH-2 [] and [] keys to set the cursor posi-
CW. tion and use the FH-2’s [ ] and [ ] keys to choose
2. Be sure that Break-in is “Off” with [BK-IN] on the the letter/number to be programmed in each slot of the
LCD, if necessary. memory. In the case of the second example on the previ-
3. Touch [MEM] on the LCD or press the FH-2 [MEM] ous page the “#” character designates the slot where the
key. A blinking “REC” icon will appear in the dis- Contest Number will appear.

8. When the message is complete, add the “}” character

4. Touch [CH1] - [CH5] on the LCD or press an FH-2 at the end to signify the termination of the message.
[1] - [5] key to select the desired CW Memory Reg- 9. Touch [MEM] on the LCD or press and hold in the
ister into which you wish to program the text. The FH-2 [MEM] key for one second to exit, once all
text input screen will appear. characters (including “}”) have been programmed.
Checking the CW Memory Contents
1. Be sure that Break-in is still turned “Off” with [BK-
IN] on the LCD.
2. Touch [MONI] on the LCD to enable the CW moni-
3. Touch [CH1] - [CH5] on the LCD or press an FH-2
[1] - [5] key, whichever memory you just recorded
in. You will hear the results in the sidetone, but no
RF energy will be transmitted.

5. Touch a key on the LCD to enter the letters, num-

bers, or symbols of the desired label.
6. Repeat step 5 to program the remaining letters, num-
bers, or symbols of the desired text. 12 characters
may be used in the creation of a text.
Use [] and [] on the LCD to set the cursor posi-
tion and [ ] on the LCD to erase a letter at the left
of the cursor.
7. When you have completed the creation of the text,
touch [ENT] on the LCD.

Page 88 FT-991 Operating Manual

CW Convenience Features
Contest Memory Keyer
Inputting the CW TEXT directly on the screen
Without using the remote control keypad FH-2, you can also input the CW TEXT directly on the screen.
1. Press and hold the MENU(SETUP) button. MENU(SETUP) Button

2. Touch [CW TEXT] on the LCD. The CW text

display screen will appear.


5. Repeat step 4 to program the remaining letters,

3. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the CW TEXT numbers, or symbols of the desired text. 12 char-
you want to input, then touch [EDIT]. The text acters may be used in the creation of a text.
input screen will appear. Use [] and [] on the LCD to set the cursor
position and [ ] on the LCD to erase a letter at
the left of the cursor.
6. When you have completed the creation of the
text, touch [ENT] on the LCD.

EJ _
EJ _
EJ _

4. Touch a key on the LCD to enter the letters, num-

bers, or symbols of the desired text.

7. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to save the

new setting and return to normal operation.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 89

CW Convenience Features
Contest Memory Keyer
On-The-Air CW Message Playback
1. Touch [BK-IN] on the LCD to enable transmission. Decrementing the Contest Number
Either Full-break-in or Semi-break-in will be en- Use this process if the current contest number
gaged, depending on the setting of Menu item “056 gets slightly ahead of the actual number you
CW BK-IN TYPE”. want to send (in case of a duplicate QSO, for ex-
2. Touch [CH1] - [CH5] on the LCD or press an FH-2 ample).
[ 1 ] - [ 5 ] key, depending on which CW Memory
Press the FH-2 [ DEC ] key momentarily. The
Register message you wish to transmit. The pro- current Contest Number will be reduced by one.
grammed message will be transmitted on the air. Press of the FH-2 [DEC] key as many times as
necessary to reach the desired number. If you go
too far, use the “Contest Number Programming”
technique described previously.

Transmitting in the Beacon Mode

In “Beacon” mode, it is possible to repeatedly
transmit any message programmed, either via
paddle input, or via the “Text” input method. The
time delay between message repeats may be set
Note: anywhere between 1 and 690 seconds (1 - 240
If you subsequently decide to use the “Message Memo- sec (1 sec/step) or 270 - 690 sec (30 sec/step))
ry” technique for memory storage, please note that the via Menu item “015 BEACON INTERVAL” If you
contents of a message stored using text input will not be do not wish the message to repeat in a “Beacon”
transferred over when you set entry to “Message Memo- mode, please set this Menu item to “OFF”.
ry technique” on a particular memory register (the Menu To transmit the message:
Mode Setting is set to “MESSAGE”). 1. Touch [BK-IN] on the LCD to enable trans-
mission. Either Full-break-in or Semi-break-
in will be engaged, depending on the setting
of Menu item “056 CW BK-IN TYPE”.
2. Touch [CH1] - [CH5] on the LCD or press an
FH-2 [1] - [5] key. Repetitive transmission of
the Beacon message will begin.

Page 90 FT-991 Operating Manual

FM Mode Operation
Basic Operation
1. Press the MODE button, then touch the correspond- MODE Button F(M-LIST) Button

ing key on the LCD to select the FM operating

mode. The “FM” icon appears in the display.


2. Set the transceiver to the desired frequency. Advice:

3. Press the microphone PTT switch to transmit. Speak  The Transmit Monitor is another helpful way to
into the microphone in a normal voice level. Release verify proper adjustment of the FM MIC Gain. With
the PTT switch to return to receive. [MONI] displayed by pressing the F(M-LIST) but-
Advice: ton, you will be able to hear the differences in devia-
The MULTI knob can serve as the frequency setting tion as you make adjustments.
knob.  FM is only used in the 28 MHz, 50 MHz, 144 MHz
To change the MULTI knob frequency step, follow and 430 MHz Amateur bands covered by the FT-
the below procedure: 991. Please do not use FM on any other bands.
Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [CH DIAL]
on the TFT display. Rotate the MULTI knob or touch
[CH DIAL] repeatedly to select the frequency steps
in the following order.
You can also switch the frequency steps by touching
[CH DIAL] repeatedly.
“2.5kHz”  “5kHz”  “9kHz”  “10kHz”
 “12.5kHz”  “25kHz”  “2.5kHz”
4. Adjustment of the microphone gain may be ac-
complished in two ways. At the factory, a default
level has been programmed that should be satisfac-
tory for most situations. To change the microphone
gain, press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [MIC
GAIN] on the LCD. Rotate the MULTI knob func-
tion as the microphone gain adjustment knob. Rotate
the MULTI knob to adjust the microphone gain.

MIC GAIN (Microphone Gain) indicator

MIC GAIN (Microphone Gain) level indicator

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 91

FM Mode Operation
Repeater Operation
The FT-991 may be utilized on 29 MHz, 50 MHz, 144 MHz and 430 MHz repeaters.

1. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to set the FT-991 F(M-LIST) Button

to the desired repeater’s output frequency (downlink

from the repeater).
2. If CTCSS Tone operation is desired/needed, press
the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [TONE/DCS] on
the LCD to engage the CTCSS mode.


CTCSS Tone Frequency (Hz)

67.0 69.3 71.9 74.4 77.0 79.7 82.5 85.4
88.5 91.5 94.8 97.4 100.0 103.5 107.2 110.9
114.8 118.8 123.0 127.3 131.8 136.5 141.3 146.2
151.4 156.7 159.8 162.2 165.5 167.9 171.3 173.8
177.3 179.9 183.5 186.2 189.9 192.8 196.6 199.5
3. Touch [ TONE/DCS ] on the LCD repeatedly to 203.5 206.5 210.7 218.1 225.7 229.1 233.6 241.8
select the desired CTCSS mode. If the repeater re- 250.3 254.1 - - - - - -
quires an uplink encoding tone, select “ENC.” For
both uplink and downlink encode/decode operation,
choose “CTCSS”. The available choices are: 6. Press and hold the microphone PTT switch to begin
“OFF”  “ENC (Tone Encoder)” transmission. You will observe that the frequency
 “CTCSS (Tone Squelch)” has shifted to correspond to the programming set up
 “DCS (Digital Code Squelch)”  “OFF” in the previous steps. Speak into the microphone in a
4. Touch [RPT] repeatedly on the LCD to select the normal voice level. Release the PTT switch to return
desired repeater shift direction. The selections are: to the receive mode.
“SIMP”  “+”  “–”  “SIMP”
where “SIMP” represents “Simplex” operation (not
 The conventional repeater shift used on 29 MHz is
used on a repeater).
100 kHz, while on the 50 MHz band the shift may
vary between 500 kHz and 1.7 MHz (or more). On
the 144 MHz band, the shift will be 600 kHz; on
the 430 MHz band, the shift will be 1.6 MHz or 7.6
MHz (5 MHz for the U.S.A. version). To program
the proper repeater shift, use Menu items “080
RPT SHIFT 28MHz” (28 MHz), “081 RPT SHIFT
50MHz” (50 MHz), “082 RPT SHIFT 144MHz”
(144 MHz), and “083 RPT SHIFT 430MHz” (430
5. Touch [FWD] to switch the display screen, and then MHz) as appropriate.
touch [TONE ]. Rotate the MULTI knob to select  Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [REV] on
the desired CTCSS Tone to be used. A total of 50 the LCD to reverse the transmission and reception
standard CTCSS tones are provided (see the CTCSS frequencies temporarily to check whether direct
Tone Chart). communication with the partner station is possible.
When reversing the frequencies, + or − will flash.
When [REV] is touched one more time, the reverse
is cancelled.

Page 92 FT-991 Operating Manual

FM Mode Operation
Repeater Operation
Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS)
The FT-991 ARS feature causes the appropriate repeater shift to be automatically applied whenever it is tuned into the
designated repeater sub-bands.
If the ARS feature does not appear to be working, you may have accidentally disabled it.
To re-enable ARS:
1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the Menu MENU(SETUP) Button

2. To use the ARS function at 144 MHz, select “084
ARS 144MHz”. To use the ARS function at 430
MHz, select “085 ARS 430MHz” by rotating the
MULTI knob.
3. Touch [ SELECT ] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to set this Menu item to “ON”.

   426 5 * + (6  /*\ M*\

   #45 /*\ 10
   # 45  /*\ 10

4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set-

5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK]
on the LCD to exit to normal operation.

Tone Calling (1750 Hz)

Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function list, then touch [T.CALL] on the LCD. While you are pressing
and holding [T.CALL] to generates a 1750 Hz burst tone to access the repeater. The transmitter will automatically be
activated, and a 1750 Hz audio tone will be superimposed on the carrier. Once access to the repeater has been gained,
you may release the [T.CALL], and use the PTT switch for activating the transmitter thereafter.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 93

FM Mode Operation
Tone Squelch Operation
The “Tone Squelch” may be activated to keep the receiver silent until an incoming signal modulated with a matching
CTCSS tone is received. The receiver squelch will then open in response to the reception of the required tone.

1. Press the MODE button, and then touch the corre- MODE Button F(M-LIST) Button

sponding key on the LCD to select the FM operating

mode. The “FM” icon appears in the display.
2. Set the transceiver to the desired frequency.
3. If CTCSS Tone operation is desired/needed, press
the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [TONE/DCS] on
the LCD to engage the CTCSS mode.


CTCSS Tone Frequency (Hz)

67.0 69.3 71.9 74.4 77.0 79.7 82.5 85.4
88.5 91.5 94.8 97.4 100.0 103.5 107.2 110.9
114.8 118.8 123.0 127.3 131.8 136.5 141.3 146.2
151.4 156.7 159.8 162.2 165.5 167.9 171.3 173.8
177.3 179.9 183.5 186.2 189.9 192.8 196.6 199.5
203.5 206.5 210.7 218.1 225.7 229.1 233.6 241.8
4. Touch [ TONE/DCS ] on the LCD repeatedly to
250.3 254.1 - - - - - -
choose “CTCSS” from the available choices of
“OFF”  “ENC (Tone Encoder)”
 “CTCSS (Tone Squelch)”
 “DCS (Digital Code Squelch)”  “OFF”
5. Touch [FWD] to switch the screen, and then touch
[TONE]. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the de-
sired CTCSS Tone to be used. A total of 50 standard
CTCSS tones are provided (see the CTCSS Tone

Page 94 FT-991 Operating Manual

C4FM Mode (Digital Mode) Operation
The FT-991 transceiver is capable of using 2, C4FM digital modes: the “V/D mode” which communicates voice and
data simultaneously, and the “Voice FR mode” which transmits digital voice data using the full 12.5 kHz bandwidth.

1. Press the MODE button, and then touch the corre- MODE Button
sponding key on the LCD to select the C4FM operat-
ing mode. The “C4FM” icon appears in the display.

2. Set the transceiver to the desired operating frequen-

The VFO-A frequency can be changed by rotating
the Main Tuning Dial knob or using one of the fol-
lowing methods. For details, see page 42.
 Setting the frequency directly using the number
 Setting the frequency by rotating the MULTI
 Setting the frequency using the UP/DWN buttons
on the microphone.
3. Press and hold the PTT button on the microphone (or
touch the [MOX] on the LCD) to change the trans-
ceiver to transmit mode, then speak into the micro-
Release the PTT button (or touch the [ MOX ] again
if you pressed [MOX] to enter the transmit mode) to
change the transceiver back to the receive mode.
 Digital communication mode can be switched be-
tween V/D mode and FR mode (see “Toggling to the
Digital Communication Mode” on page 39).
 The AMS (Automatic Mode Select) function enables
the transceiver to select the appropriate communica-
tion mode according to the received signal. Using
the AMS function, the transceiver recognizes either
analog (FM) or C4FM digital signals and automati-
cally changes to the same communication mode as
the contact station.
 When communicating in V/D mode (“DN” is dis-
played on the LCD), the station location information
is contained within the transmitted digital signal. In
Voice FR mode (“VW” is displayed on the LCD), the
location information is not included in the transmit-
ted signals.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 95

C4FM Mode (Digital Mode) Operation
Notification When the Contact Station Completes a Transmission (Standby Beep Function)
When communicating in C4FM mode, an audible beep sounds to indicate that the contact station has completed a
transmission (Standby Beep function).
To change the Standby Beep function “ON/OFF”, follow the procedure below.

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the MENU(SETUP) Button

Menu mode.
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “093
3. Touch [SELECT] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to set this Menu item to “ON” or
“OFF” (the default setting is “ON”).


4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set-

   #/5 6: /1& ' #761 ting.
   56# 0&$; $''2 10
   466 ; .%7 6 (4'3 *\

   #/5 6: /1& ' #761

   56# 0&$; $''2 10
   466 ; .%7 6 (4'3 *\

5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch

[BACK] on the LCD to exit to normal operation.

Page 96 FT-991 Operating Manual

Memory Operation
Convenient Memory functions
The FT-991 contains ninety-nine regular memories, labeled “01” through “99”, nine special programmed band edge
memory pairs, labeled “P-1L/P-1U” through “P-9L/P-9U”, and five QMB (Quick Memory Bank) memories. Each
memory stores various settings, in addition to the VFO-A frequency and mode (See below). By default, the 99 regular
memories are contained in one group; however, they can be arranged in up to six separate groups, if desired.

Quick Point:
The FT-991 memory channels store the following Regular Memory Channels PMS Memory Channels
data (not just the operating frequency):
 VFO-A Frequency 99 P-9L/9U
98 P-8L/8U
 VFO-A Mode 97 P-7L/7U
 Clarifier status and its Offset Frequency P-6L/6U
 IPO status P-4L/4U

 Attenuator status 02
03 P-3L/3U
 Noise Blanker status 01 P-1L/1U

 IF SHIFT and WIDTH status

 CONTOUR status and its Peak Frequency
 DSP Noise Reduction (DNR) status and its
Reduction algorithm selection.
 DSP Notch filter (NOTCH) status QMB Memory Bank
 NAR bandwidth status
 DSP Auto Notch filter (DNF) status
 Repeater Shift Direction

QMB (Quick Memory Bank)

The Quick Memory Bank consists of five memories independent from the regular and PMS memories. The QMB mem-
ories can quickly store operating parameters for later recall.
QMB Channel Storage
RCL/STO Button
1. Tune to the desired frequency on VFO-A.
2. Press and hold the RCL/STO button for one second.
The “beep” will confirm that the VFO-A contents
have been written to the currently available QMB
Repeated one second presses of the RCL/STO but-
ton will write the VFO-A contents to successive QMB
V/M Button
Once all five QMB memories have data on them, previ-
ous data will be over-written on a first-in, first-out basis.

QMB Channel Recall

1. Press the RCL/STO button briefly. The current
QMB channel data will be shown on the frequency
Rotating the Main Tuning Dial knob, or changing the
display area. The “QMB” icon will also appear and
operating mode, will place the transceiver in the “Mem-
the Memory Mode indicators in the LED indicators
ory Tune” mode, which is a temporary “pseudo-VFO”
area will illuminate.
method of tuning off of a stored memory channel. If you
2. Repeated brief presses of the RCL/STO button will
do not over-write the contents of the current memory
toggle through the QMB channels.
channel, the original contents will not be disturbed by
3. Press the V/M button to return to the VFO or Memo-
the initiation of Memory Tune operation.
ry mode.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 97

Memory Operation
Standard Memory Operation
The Standard Memory of the FT-991 allows storage and recall of up to 99 memories, each storing frequency, mode,
and a wide variety of status information, detailed previously. Memories may be grouped into as many as six Memory
Groups. Additionally there are nine pairs of band-limit (PMS) memories along with five QMB (Quick Memory Bank)

Memory Storage
1. Set VFO-A up with the frequency, mode, and status,
the way you want to have it stored.
2. Press the A  M button momentarily; the current
channel number will appear in the display and the
“MCK” notation will appear.

MULTI Knob AM Button

   %9 7
  E J      
  E J      

3. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the memory chan-

nel that you wish to store the data on.
4. Press and hold in the AM button for one second to
store the frequency and other data into the selected
memory channel. A double beep will sound to con-
firm that the operation is completed.

Memory Channel Recall

1. Press the V/M button, if necessary, to enter the F(M-LIST) Button
“Memory mode”.
2. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [MCH] on
the LCD. A memory channel number and the “MCH”
notation will appear in the display.

MULTI Knob V/M Button

To work within a particular Memory Group, press the
F(M-LIST) button, then touch [ GRP ] on the LCD.
Rotate the MULTI knob to select the desired Memory
3. Touch [ MCH ] on the LCD, and then rotate the Group, then touch [ MCH ] on the LCD (the “MCH”
MULTI knob to select the desired memory channel. notation will appear instead of the “GRP”); Now the
memory channel may be chosen from within the select-
ed Memory Group.

Page 98 FT-991 Operating Manual

Memory Operation
Standard Memory Operation
Recalling the Home Channel
1. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [HOME] F(M-LIST) Button

on the LCD. The home channel frequency will be

shown in the display.

Change the frequency using Main Tuning Dial knob
to return to the VFO mode.
Touch [HOME] again to return to the VFO mode and
display the frequency that was selected before the home
channel was recalled. Advice:
In the default setting, the Home channel frequencies of
each band are set as follows.
HF band: 2,960000 MHz
50 MHz band: 52,52500 MHz
144 MHz band: 146,52000 MHz
430 MHz band: 446,00000 MHz

Changing the Frequency of the Home Channel

The default frequency setting of the home channel when shipped from the factory can be changed.
1. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [HOME] BAND Button F(M-LIST) Button

on the LCD. The home channel will be shown in the


3. Set the desired frequency, then touch [ENT] on the

LCD to exit to normal operation.

2. Press the BAND button, then touch [ENT].

When the writing to the home channel is completed,

the updated home channel frequency will be dis-

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 99

Memory Operation
Standard Memory Operation
Labeling Memories
An Alphanumeric “Tag” (label) may be appended to a memory or memories, to aid in recollection of the channel’s use
(such as a club name, etc.). To do this:
1. Press and hold in the F(M-LIST) button. F(M-LIST) Button

The data stored in the currently selected memory

channel will be displayed on the TFT.
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to recall the memory chan-
nel that you wish to append a label.
3. Touch [TAG] on the LCD.
A cursor will appear on the first digit.


   %9 7
EJ      %9 7
  E J      

4. Touch a key on the LCD to enter the letters, num-

bers, or symbols of the desired label.
5. Repeat step 5 to program the remaining letters, num-
bers, or symbols of the desired label. 12 characters
may be used in the creation of a label.
Use [] and [] on the LCD to set the cursor posi-
tion and [ ] on the LCD to erase a letter at the left
of the cursor.
6. When you have completed the creation of the label,
touch [ENT] on the LCD.

7. Press the F(M-LIST) button to save the new setting

and return to normal operation.

Page 100 FT-991 Operating Manual

Memory Operation
Standard Memory Operation
Checking a Memory Channel Status
Before programming a channel into memory, you can check the current contents of that channel without the danger of
over-writing the channel accidentally.

1. Press the AM button momentarily.

The data stored in the currently selected memory
channel will be displayed on the TFT. However,
since you are only checking the contents of the
memory channel, the radio will not have moved to
the memory channel frequency.

MULTI Knob AM Button

   %9 7
EJ       %9 7 61-;1
  E J      

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select a different memory

channel. To exit from the Memory Check mode,
press the AM button momentarily once more.
 While operating in the VFO mode, using Memory
Check, you may store the current VFO frequency
into the selected memory by pressing and holding
in the AM button for one second (until the double

Erasing Memory Channel Data

1. Press and hold in the F(M-LIST) button. F(M-LIST) Button

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the memory chan-

nel that you would like to erase.
3. Touch [ERASE] on the LCD.

EJ    %9 7 61-;1
EJ      %9 7
  E J      

 The FT-991 cannot erase memory channel “01” (and
channels “5-01” through “5-10”: U.S. version).
 If you make a mistake and wish to restore the memo-
ry contents, just repeat steps (1) through (3) above.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 101

Memory Operation
Standard Memory Operation
Memory Tune Operation
The frequency may be freely tuned off from any memory channel in “Memory Tune” mode; this is similar to VFO op-
eration. So long as you do not over-write the contents of the current memory, Memory Tune operation will not alter the
contents of the memory channel.

1. Press the V/M button to recall any memory channel. F(M-LIST) Button

2. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [MCH] on

the LCD.

MULTI Knob V/M Button

3. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the memory chan-
Computer software programs utilizing the CAT system
interface port may presume that the transceiver is oper-
4. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob; you will now ob-
ating in the VFO mode, for certain features like “band
serve that the memory channel frequency is chang-
mapping” and/or frequency logging, because the “Mem-
ory Tune” mode so closely resembles the VFO mode.
Be sure that you have the FT-991 operating in a control
 During Memory Tune operation, you may change
mode compatible with the software’s requirements. Use
operating modes, and engage the offset Clarifier,
the VFO mode if you’re not sure.
if desired.
5. Press the V/M button momentarily to return to the
originally memorized frequency of the current mem-
ory channel. One more press of the V/M button will
return to VFO operation.

Page 102 FT-991 Operating Manual

Memory Operation
Standard Memory Operation
Split Memory
Separate frequencies for transmit and receive can be registered for each memory channel.

1. Set VFO-A up with the frequency, mode, and status,

the way you want to have it stored.
2. Press the A  M button momentarily; the current
channel number will appear in the display and the
“MCK” notation will appear.

MULTI Knob AM Button

EJ  .5$

  E J        
  E J      

3. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the memory chan-

nel that you wish to store the data on.
4. Press and hold in the AM button for one second
to store the receive frequency and other data into the
selected memory channel. A double beep will con-
firm that the AM button was held in long enough
and the data is registered.
5. Enter the transmit frequency.

6. Press the AM button. Make sure that the memory

channel storing the receive frequency is selected.
When a split-frequency memory channel is recalled,
“DUP” is displayed on the LCD.

Displays DUP

EJ  .5$

  E J       (/
  E J      

7. To register the transmit frequency, press and hold the

PTT button on the microphone, and simultaneously
press and hold the A  M button. A double beep
will confirm that the AM button was held in long
enough and the data is registered. When the memory
writing is completed, the receive frequency will be
shown in the display.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 103

Memory Operation
Memory Groups
Memory channels may be arranged into as many as six convenient groups, for easy identification and selection. For ex-
ample, different memory groups may be designated for AM BC stations, short-wave broadcast stations, contest frequen-
cies, repeater frequencies, PMS limits, or any other groupings you might like.
Each memory group is capable of holding up to 20 memory channels (except Memory Group 01 is 19 memory chan-
nels, and the Group size is fixed).

Memory Group Assignment

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the Menu MENU(SETUP) Button
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “034
3. Touch [ SELECT] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to set this Menu item to “ENABLE” (the
default setting is “DISABLE”).


Memory Channel Number

01 - 19
20 - 39
   /' / ) 4 1 72 &+5#$.'
40 - 59
   37+%- 5 2 . +6 (4'3  M *\
   6: 616 1( (
60 - 79
80 - 99
P-1L/1U - P-9L/9U
5M-01 - 5M-10
4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set-

   / ' / ) 4 1 72 '0#$.'
   37+%- 5 2 . +6 (4'3 M * \
   6: 616 1( (

5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or [BACK] on the

LCD to exit. Operation will now be restricted to the
six Memory Groups.
To cancel Memory Group operation, repeat steps (1)
through (4) above, choosing “DISABLE” in step (3).
To avoid confusion, note that the PMS memory group
and the PMS memories “P-1L” through “P-9U” will be
so designated.

Page 104 FT-991 Operating Manual

Memory Operation
Memory Groups
Choosing the Desired Memory Group
If desired, memories just within a particular Memory Group may be recalled.

1. Press the V/M button, if necessary, to enter the F(M-LIST) Button

“Memory” mode.
2. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [GRP] on
the LCD. The “GRP” icon will appear on the dis-

MULTI Knob V/M Button

3. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the desired Memo-

ry Group.
4. Touch [MCH] on the LCD. The “MCH” icon will
appear on the display.

5. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the desired Memo-

ry Channel within the Selected Memory Group.
If no channels have been assigned to a particular Memo-
ry Group, that Group cannot be accessed.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 105

Operation on Alaska Emergency Frequency: 5167.5 kh (U.S. Version Only) z

Section 97.401(d) of the regulations governing amateur radio in the United States permit emergency amateur commu-
nications on the spot frequency of 5167.5 kHz by stations in (or within 92.6 km of) the state of Alaska. This frequency
is only to be used when the immediate safety of human life and/or property are threatened, and is never to be used for
routine communications.
The FT-991 includes the capability for transmission and reception on 5167.5 kHz under such emergency conditions via
the Menu system. To activate this feature:

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the Menu MENU(SETUP) Button F(M-LIST) Button
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “151
3. Touch [ SELECT] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to select “ENABLE.”

MULTI Knob V/M Button

   #0 6 + & 81:
: )# + 0 
' 4)' 0 % ; (4'3 6: &+5#$.'
   # ) % ( #5
5 6 &' . # ;  OU G E

4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set- 8. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the emergency
ting. channel (“EMG”), which is found between channels
“5-10” and “01ch”).
 The receive-mode CLARIFIER functions normally
while using this frequency, but variation of the trans-
mit frequency is not possible. The full specifications
   #0 6 + & 81:
: )# + 0 
   '/' 4)' 0 % ; (4'3 6: '0#$.' of the FT-991 are not necessarily guaranteed on this
   # ) % ( #5
5 6 &' . # ;  OU G E
frequency, but power output and receiver sensitivity
should be fully satisfactory for the purpose of emer-
gency communication.
5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or [BACK] on the  If you wish to disable operation capability on the
LCD to exit to normal operation. Emergency com- Alaska Emergency Frequency, repeat the above pro-
munication on this spot frequency is now possible. cedures, but set the Menu item “151 EMERGENCY
6. Press the V/M button, as necessary, to enter the FREQ TX” to “DISABLE” in step 3.
Memory mode.  In an emergency, note that a half-wave dipole cut
7. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [MCH] on for this frequency should be approximately 45’3” on
the LCD. each leg (90’6” total length). Emergency operation
on 5167.5 kHz is shared with the Alaska-Fixed Ser-
vice. This transceiver is not authorized for operation,
under the FCC Part 87, for aeronautical communica-

Page 106 FT-991 Operating Manual

VFO and Memory Scanning
VFO Scanning
Either the VFO or the memory channels of the FT-991 may be scanned, and the receiver will halt scanning on any fre-
quency with a signal strong enough to open the receiver squelch.

1. Set the VFO-A to the frequency on which you would F(M-LIST) Button

like to begin scanning.

2. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [SQL] on
the LCD. Rotate the MULTI knob so that the back-
ground noise is just silenced.


3. Press and hold in the microphone UP or DWN but-

ton for one second, or press the F(M-LIST) button
 If the scan has paused on a signal, pressing the mi-
followed by [SCAN] to start scanning in the speci-
crophone UP or DWN button, or touching [SCAN]
fied direction on the VFO frequency.
on the LCD will cause scanning to resume instantly.
 If you press the microphone PTT button during
scanning, the scanner will halt at once. However,
pressing the PTT button during scanning will not
cause transmission.
 The manner in which the scanner resumes after it has
paused on a signal may be selected by using Menu
item “038 MIC SCAN RESUME”. The default “TIME”
(5 sec) setting will cause the scanner to resume scan-
ning after five seconds; however the scan setting
4. If the scanner halts on an incoming signal, the deci-
may be changed to resume only after the received
mal point between the “MHz” and “kHz” digits of
signal has dropped out.
the frequency display will blink.
 If the Main Tuning Dial knob is rotated while scan-
ning is in progress, the scanning will continue up
 If the incoming signal disappears, scanning will
or down in frequency according to the direction of
resume in about five seconds.
the Dial Knob rotation. (in other words, if the dial
 On the SSB/CW and SSB-based Data modes, the
is rotated to the left when scanning toward a higher
scanner will pause on a received signal, then will
frequency, the direction of the scan will reverse.)
step across the signal very slowly, giving you
time to stop the scan, if you like. In these modes Quick Point:
on the VFO, the scanner does not stop, however. If you have no interest in scanning, and wish to prohibit
5. To cancel scanning, press the PTT switch, or touch the microphone UP/DWN buttons from initiating scan-
[SCAN] on the LCD. ning, you may disable scanning control from the mi-
crophone using Menu item “037 MIC SCAN” (set it to

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 107

VFO and Memory Scanning
Memory Scan
1. Set the transceiver to the “Memory” mode by press- F(M-LIST) Button

ing the V/M button, if necessary.

2. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [SQL] on
the LCD. Rotate the MULTI knob so that the back-
ground noise is just silenced.

MULTI Knob V/M Button

3. Press and hold in the microphone UP or DWN but-

ton for one second, or press the F(M-LIST) button
followed by [SCAN] to start scanning in the speci-
fied direction.
 During Memory Group operation, only the channels
within the current Memory Group will be scanned.
 If the scan has paused on a signal, pressing the mi-
crophone UP or DWN button, or touching [SCAN]
on the LCD will cause scanning to resume instantly.
 If you press the microphone PTT button during
scanning, the scanner will halt at once. However,
pressing the PTT button during scanning will not
cause transmission.
Advice:  The manner in which the scanner resumes after it has
 If the scanner halts on an incoming signal, the paused on a signal may be selected by using Menu
decimal point between the “MHz” and “kHz” item “038 MIC SCAN RESUME”. During memory
digits of the frequency display will blink. scanning, the default “TIME” (5 sec) setting will
 If the incoming signal disappears, scanning will cause the scanner to resume scanning after five sec-
resume in about five seconds. onds; however the scan may be set, to resume only
4. To cancel scanning, press the PTT switch, or touch after the received signal has dropped out.
[SCAN] on the LCD.  If the Main Tuning Dial knob is rotated while scan-
ning is in progress, the memory channel scanning
will continue up or down in accordance with the di-
rection of the Dial Knob rotation. (In other words, if
the dial is rotated to the left when scanning toward a
higher channel number, the direction of the scan will
Quick Point:
If you have no interest in scanning, and wish to prohibit
the microphone UP/DWN buttons from initiating scan-
ning, you may disable scanning control from the mi-
crophone using Menu item “037 MIC SCAN” (set it to

Page 108 FT-991 Operating Manual

PMS (Programmable Memory Scanning)
To limit scanning (and manual tuning) within a particular frequency range, the Programmable Memory Scanning (PMS)
feature utilizes nine special-purpose memory pairs (“P-1L/P-1U” through “P-9L/P-9U”). The PMS feature is especially
useful in helping you to observe any operating sub-band limits, which apply to your Amateur license class.

1. Store the Lower and Upper tuning/scanning limit F(M-LIST) Button

frequencies into the memory pair “P-1L” and “P-1U”,
respectively, or any other “L/U” pair of memories
in the special PMS memory area. See page 98 for
details regarding memory storage.
2. Press the V/M button to enter the “Memory” mode.
3. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [MCH] on
the TFT display. The LEDs indicating the Memory
mode will illuminate. MULTI Knob V/M Button

 If the scanner halts on an incoming signal, the deci-
mal point between the “MHz” and “kHz” digits of
4. Rotate the MULTI knob to select memory channel
the frequency display will blink.
“P-1L” or “P-1U”.
 If the incoming signal disappears, scanning will re-
5. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [SQL] on
sume in about five seconds.
the LCD. Rotate the MULTI knob so that the back-
 On the SSB/CW and SSB-based Data modes, the
ground noise is just silenced.
scanner will pause on a received signal, then will
step across the signal very slowly, giving you time to
stop the scan, if you like. However, in these modes
on the VFO, the scanner does not stop.
 If the scan has paused on a signal, pressing the mi-
crophone UP or DWN button, or touching [SCAN]
on the LCD will cause scanning to resume instantly.
 If the Main Tuning Dial knob is rotated while scan-
ning is in progress, the scanning will continue up
6. Turn the Main Tuning Dial knob slightly (to activate or down in frequency according to the direction of
memory tuning). Tuning and scanning are now lim- the Dial Knob rotation. (in other words, if the dial
ited to the range within the P-1L/P-1U limits until is rotated to the left when scanning toward a higher
the V/M button is pressed again to return to memory frequency, the direction of the scan will reverse.)
channel or VFO operation.  If the microphone PTT button is pressed during
7. Press and hold in the microphone UP or DWN but- scanning, the scanner will halt at once. Pressing the
ton for one second, or press the F(M-LIST) button PTT button during scanning will not cause transmis-
followed by [SCAN] to start scanning in the speci- sion.
fied direction.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 109

Using the GPS Function
Connecting a YAESU FT1DR, FTM-400DR or a commercially available GPS receiver/antenna to the FT-991 will per-
mit the transceiver to constantly receive and display the station location information.
By utilizing the GPS location information, you can register stations with which you frequently communicate and use the
GM function to confirm whether they are within communication range.

What is GPS?
GPS or Global Positioning System is a satellite location system that is used to determine the current position on earth. It
is a military system developed by the US Department of Defense with approximately 30 GPS satellites orbiting the earth
at an altitude of about 20,000 km, When signals from three or more satellites in space are received, the current position
information (longitude, latitude, altitude etc.) may be determined within an accuracy of several meters. The accurate
time can also be received from the atomic clock built into the GPS satellite.

Positioning Using GPS

1. Press and hold in the front panel ON/OFF switch to ON/OFF Switch

turn the transceiver on.

The satellite search will begin and the “ ” icon will
be displayed at the top right of the screen.
 It may take several minutes to acquire the satel-
 When three or more satellites cannot be acquired,
the icon display will disappear. In this case, posi-
tioning is not possible and the position informa-
tion cannot be used.

About GPS Positioning

Positioning refers to the calculation of one’s own position derived from the satellites orbit information and the
transmission time of the radio waves. Positioning requires that three or more satellites be acquired. When posi-
tioning cannot be carried out properly, move to an open space as far away from buildings as possible and where
there are fewer obstructions.

About the Error

Depending on the surrounding environment of the receiver location, an error of several hundred meters may oc-
cur. Although positioning is possible using only three satellites, depending on the positioning conditions, the po-
sitioning accuracy may become worse, or may no longer be possible under the following conditions:
 Between high rise buildings, narrow roads between buildings, indoors and under the shade of buildings, be-
low high voltage lines and underneath overhead structures, between trees and shrubs such as in forests and
woods, inside tunnels and underground, when used behind a solar-energy reflecting glass, locations where a
strong magnetic field occurs

When not Using the Radio for a Long Period of Time

When using the GPS function for the first time after purchasing the FT-991 transceiver, and when turning it on
after It has not been used for a long period time, positioning may take several minutes in order to search for the
satellites. Also, when using the device again several hours after switching off the power, positioning may take
several minutes in order to search for the satellites.

Page 110 FT-991 Operating Manual

Using the GPS Function
Positioning Using GPS
Positioning Using an External GPS Device
A YAESU FT1DR/DE, FTM-400DR/DE or a commercially available GPS receiver/antenna may be connected to the
GPS/CAT jack on the rear panel.
The GPS/CAT jack connector is illustrated below.
Connecting to the FT1DR/DE

(CT-169 Option)
 
 TXD (Serial data output) (FT1DR/DE  FT-991)
 RXD (Serial data input) (FT1DR/DE  FT-991)
Connecting to the FTM-400DR/DE

FTM-400DR/DE  
(CT-163 Option)  TXD (Serial data output) (FTM-400DR/DE  FT-991)
 RXD (Serial data input)(FTM-400DR/DE  FT-991)

FTM-400DR/DE 
(CT-167 Option) 
 
 GND (Heavy black line)  TXD (Serial data output)
 TXD (Blue) (FTM-400DR/DE  FT-991)
 RXD (Gray)  RXD (Serial data input)
(FTM-400DR/DE  FT-991)

1. Press the front panel ON/OFF switch to turn the

transceiver off.
2. Plug the connector of the external device into the
GPS/CAT jack on the rear panel.
3. Press and hold in the front panel ON/OFF switch to
turn the transceiver on.
4. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the Menu
mode. GPS/CAT Jack
ON/OFF Switch MENU(SETUP) Button
5. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “028
6. Touch [ SELECT] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to set this Menu item to “GPS” (the de-
fault setting is “GPS”).
7. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set-
8. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK] MULTI Knob
on the LCD to exit to normal operation.
When the external Advice:
device acquires  When connecting to an external GPS device, refer
three or more to the operating manual of the connected device as
satellites, the “ well.
” icon will be dis-  When using an external GPS device, separate the
played on the top FT-991 transceiver away from the external GPS de-
right of the screen. vice to reduce the possibility of RF interference.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 111

Using the GPS Function
Displaying the Position Information
Displaying the Current Station Position Information
1. Press and hold the MENU(SETUP) button. MENU(SETUP) Button
2. Touch [LAT/LON] on the LCD.
3. Touch [GPS] on the LCD.

The latitude and longitude of this station will be dis-


Entering the Location Information Manually

1. Press and hold the MENU(SETUP) button. MENU(SETUP) Button

2. Touch [LAT/LON] on the LCD.
3. Touch [LAT] on the LCD.

5. Touch [LON] on the LCD.

4. Enter the latitude, then touch [ENT] followed by


6. Enter the longitude, then touch [ENT] followed

by [BACK].

7. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to exit to nor-

mal operation.

Page 112 FT-991 Operating Manual

Using the GM Function
What is the GM Function?
The GM (group monitor) function automatically inquires to find if there are any stations with the GM function in opera-
tion on the same frequency within communication range.
The FT-991 can then display the position and distance and other information for each group member call sign on the
Besides letting you know who is within your sphere of communications, the GM function is also a convenient method
to instantly note the relative positions of all the members in the group.

1 )4172 ᳂  The GM function does not work in the analog FM mode.
1 )4172 ᳂ 
1 )4172 ᳂ 
0'9 ) 4 1 7 2 ᳂ 

Basic Methods to Use the GM Function

There are two ways to use the GM function:
(1) Display all stations operating the GM function that are within communications range (maximum of 24 stations can
be displayed)
(2) Register the ID of partners into a memory group and then display only the Group Member partners

An explanation of the two methods of starting the GM operation is given on the following pages.
Refer to the separate Operating Manual GM Edition for additional details on using the GM Functions (download the
manual from our YAESU website).

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 113

Using the GM Function
Basic Methods to Use the GM Function
Displaying all the Stations where the GM Function is in Operation
1. Press the MODE button, and then touch the corre- MODE Button F(M-LIST) Button
sponding key on the LCD to select the C4FM operat-
ing mode. The “C4FM” icon appears in the display.

2. Set the desired operating frequency.

3. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [GM] on the

Up to 24 stations operating with the GM function

within the sphere of communications will be listed
on the TFT display.
 Stations within the sphere of communications are
displayed in blue.
 Stations outside the sphere of communications
are displayed in grey.
4. Touch [BACK] on the LCD. The GM function will
be turned off and the display will return to the previ-
ous screen.

Page 114 FT-991 Operating Manual

Using the GM Function
Basic Methods to Use the GM Function
Displaying only Partners Registered in the GM Group
When a group that has been created beforehand is selected from the group list and the screen is touched, the status of the
members registered in that group will be displayed.
A total of up to 5 groups can be created. Names such as “FRIENDS”, “CAMP” etc. can be assigned to the groups. Up to
24 stations can be registered as members in each group.

1. Press the MODE button, then touch the correspond-

ing key on the LCD to select the C4FM operating MODE Button F(M-LIST) Button
mode. The “C4FM” icon appears in the display.


2. Set the desired operating frequency.

3. Press the F(M-LIST) button, then touch [GM] on the
TFT display. 6. Touch [GROUP] on the LCD. The display will re-
turn to the group list.

4. Touch [ GROUP] on the LCD, then rotate the

MULTI knob, or touch the screen to select a group.
Touch [BACK] on the LCD. The GM function will
be turned off and the display will return to the previ-
ous screen.
7. Touch [BACK] twice on the LCD. The GM function
will be turned off and the display will return to the
previous screen.

5. Touch the screen to select the group.

1 ( 4 + ' 0& 5
1 %#/2
1 )4172 
0'9 ) 4 1 7 2  

Up to 24 group members with the GM function in

operation at the same frequency will be displayed.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 115

RTTY (Radio Teletype) Operation
Example of Connecting RTTY Communications Device
Connecting to the TU (Terminal Unit)
Connect the RTTY communications TU (Terminal Unit) to the rear panel RTTY/DATA terminal. Be sure to read the in-
struction manual of the TU device before connecting it.

Adjust the RTTY data output level using Menu item


DATA IN (Pin 1)
GND (Pin 2)
DAKY (Pin 3)
SHIFT (Pin 4)
RTYO (Pin 5)

BUSY (Pin 6)

To USB port
Commercially available
USB cable

Page 116 FT-991 Operating Manual

RTTY (Radio Teletype) Operation
Example of Connecting RTTY Communications Device
Connecting to your Computer 3. Press the MENU(SETUP) button. The Menu list
Note: will appear in the display. Rotate the MULTI knob
Install the RTTY application software and driver on to select Menu item “060 PC KEYING”. Touch [SE-
your computer in advance. LECT] on the LCD, then rotate the MULTI knob
 RTTY communication application (YAESU does not to set this Menu item to “RTS” or “DTR”. Press the
provide technical support for the use or operation of MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK] on the
the application.) LCD to exit to normal operation.
 Virtual COM port driver (Visit the Yaesu website
http://www.yaesu.com/ to download the designated
driver and Installation Manual.)
1. Use a commercially available USB cable to connect
the USB jack on the rear panel of the FT-991 and   %9 (4 ' 3 &+ 5 2.#; 2+6%* 1((5'
the computer.    2% -'; + 0 ) 1((
   3 5- &' . # ; 6+/'  OUGE
2. Press the MODE button, and then touch the corre-
sponding key on the LCD to select the RTTY-LSB
operating mode. The “R-L” icon appears in the dis-
play. “RTS” and “DTR” will be set as shown below.
Menu item RTS RTS DTR

RTTY-PTT and RTTY-SHIFT operations can be set

from the Standard-COM port of the virtual COM
On the computer, open Device Manager from the
Control Panel to check the COM port number and
set each item of the RTTY communication applica-
4. From the computer Control Panel, open the Sound
setting window to set “USB Audio CODEC” as the
recording device.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 117

DATA (PSK) Operation
Example of Data Communications Device
Use commercial or free computer software for PSK data communications. See the illustration below for connecting the
FT-991 transceiver to a computer.
Be sure to read the instruction manual of the interface device to be connected to the radio and computer.


DATA IN (Pin 1)
GND (Pin 2)
DAKY (Pin 3)
SHIFT (Pin 4)
RTYO (Pin 5)

BUSY (Pin 6)

Interface de-
vice commer-
cially available

To USB port
Commercially available
USB cable

The FT-991 allows for PSK, Olivia, Contestia, etc. digital mode to be sent by the Data method or SSB. The conven-
tional method is to use USB, except RTTY, however the Data method allows for more accurate carrier frequency con-
trol, which is helpful in a Contest or DX environment.
DATA-AFSK the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK] on the
(PSK, OLIVIA, CONTESTIA, RTTY etc.) LCD to exit to normal operation.
FT-991 Settings Note:
1. Press the MODE button, and then touch the corre- All other SSB and DATA settings remain at their de-
sponding key on the LCD to select the USB operat- fault.
ing mode. The “USB” icon appears in the display. Connect a USB Cable from the FT-991 USB port
Advice: and your computer
USB is the conventional mode for AFSK transmis- Advice:
sion on all bands, however some users may be using Before connecting the USB cable you must down load
LSB. the SCU-17 Drivers. The Drivers can be found on the
2. Press the F(M-LIST) button to display the function FT-991 FILES page at the Yaesu Web page, www.
list. yaesu.com. Once the Drivers have been installed con-
3. Touch [MONI] on the LCD. The Monitor function nect the USB cable to the computer and then to the ra-
will be set to “ON”. The MULTI knob will function dio. At your computer’s Device Manager you will find
as the MONITOR adjustment knob. a Standard Driver and Enhanced Driver installed.
4. Press the MENU(SETUP) button. The Menu list
Computer Settings
will appear in the display.
5. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “110
At your Computer Control Panel Sound set your
Speaker Audio default to USB AUDIO CODEC.
then rotate the MULTI knob to set this Menu item to
“RTS”. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD. COM PORT
6. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “111 Check your Com Port assignments at your Computer’s
SSB PORT SELECT”. Touch [ SELECT ] on the Device Manager to be sure you have the Enhanced
LCD, then rotate the MULTI knob to set this Menu and Standard Drivers. Make a note of the Com Port
item to “USB”. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD. Press numbers assigned.

Page 118 FT-991 Operating Manual

DATA (PSK) Operation
Example of Data Communications Device
Software Settings Connect a USB Cable from the FT-991 USB port
Note: and your computer
There are many good Data Mode Operating Software Advice:
programs available on the internet. Each of these pro- Before connecting the USB cable you must down load
grams will have their own Setup instructions, therefore the SCU-17 Drivers. The Drivers can be found on the
to assist you, the following, while general in nature is FT-991 FILES page at the Yaesu Web page, www.
common to most software setup. yaesu.com. Once the Drivers have been installed con-
nect the USB cable to the computer and then to the ra-
COM PORT Settings
dio. At your computer’s Device Manager you will find
To start set the Com Port setting to the Enhanced
a Standard Driver and Enhanced Driver installed.
Driver. If there is a problem switch to the Standard
Driver. Computer Settings
PTT Settings Soundcard
Set the PTT to RTS on DTR off. At your Computer Control Panel Sound set your
Speaker Audio default to USB AUDIO CODEC.
a. At the software Soundcard setting, set to USB CO- COM PORT
DEC AUDIO Check your Com Port assignments at your Computer’s
b. At the software Soundcard Volume setting increase Device Manager to be sure you have the Enhanced
the volume to about 70% to start. and Standard Drivers. Make a note of the Com Port
Advice: numbers assigned.
If the soundcard volume setting is to low the radio
will not switch to Transmit. Software Settings
DATA MODE There are many good Data Mode Operating Software
programs available on the internet. Each of these pro-
grams will have their own Setup instructions, therefore
FT-991 Settings
to assist you, the following, while general in nature is
1. Press the MODE button, and then touch the corre-
common to most software setup.
sponding key on the LCD to select the DATA-USB
operating mode. The “D-U” icon appears in the dis- COM PORT Settings
play. To start set the Com Port setting to the Enhanced
Advice: Driver. If there is a problem switch to the Standard
USB is the conventional mode for Digital (not Driver.
RTTY) transmission on all bands, however some us- PTT Settings
ers may be using LSB. Set the PTT to RTS on DTR off.
2. Press the MENU(SETUP) button. The Menu list SOUNDCARD
will appear in the display. a. At the software Soundcard setting, set to USB CO-
3. Rotate the MULTI knob to find Menu item “062”, DEC AUDIO
“063”, “070”, “071” or “072”. b. At the software Soundcard Volume setting increase
4. Touch [SELECT] on the LCD. the volume to about 70% to start.
5. Rotate the MULTI knob to set these Menu item as Advice:
shown below. If the soundcard volume setting is to low the radio
Menu Function Setting will not switch to Transmit.
Adjust for desired
center frequency.
6. Touch [ ENTER ] on the LCD, then press the
MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK] on the
LCD to exit to normal operation.
All other SSB and DATA settings remain at their de-

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 119

Menu Mode
The Menu system of the FT-991 provides extensive customization capability; the transceiver may be setup to comple-
ment personal operating preferences. Menu items are grouped by general utilization categories, and are numbered from

Using the Menu MENU(SETUP) Button

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to engage the

Menu mode.
The display will show the Menu Number and the
Menu Item.
2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the Menu item to
be modified.
3. Touch [ SELECT ] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to change the current setting of the se- MULTI Knob
lected Menu item.
Advice: 4. When the adjustment or setting is completed, touch
Touch [BACK] on the LCD to cancel the setting. [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new setting, then
press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK]
on the LCD to exit to normal operation.

   0$ 4' , ' %6+ 1 0 F$

   0$ .'8 ' . 
   $''2 . ' 8 ' . 

   0$ 4' , ' %6+ 1 0 F$

   0$ .'8 ' . 
   $''2 . ' 8 ' . 

Menu Item

   #)% ( # 5 6 & ' .#;  O U G E

Menu Number    #)% / + & & ' .#;  O U G E Setting value
   #)% 5 . 1 9 & ' .#;  O U G E

Menu Resetting

Use this procedure to restore the Menu settings to ON/OFF Switch MENU(SETUP) Button

their factory defaults, without affecting the pro-

grammed frequency memories.
1. Press the front panel ON/OFF switch to turn the
transceiver off.
2. While holding the MENU(SETUP) button in,
press and hold in the front panel ON/OFF switch
to turn the transceiver on. Once the transceiver
comes on, release the buttons.

Page 120 FT-991 Operating Manual

Menu Mode
No. Menu Function Available Settings Default Value
001 AGC FAST DELAY 20 - 4000 (20msec/step) 300msec
002 AGC MID DELAY 20 - 4000 (20msec/step) 700msec
003 AGC SLOW DELAY 20 - 4000 (20msec/step) 3000msec
005 MY CALL INDICATION OFF - 5sec 1sec
007 DIMMER LED 1/2 2
008 DIMMER TFT 0 - 15 8
009 BAR MTR PEAK HOLD OFF/0.5/1.0/2.0 (sec) OFF
010 DVS RX OUT LEVEL 0 - 100 50
011 DVS TX OUT LEVEL 0 - 100 50
014 CW WEIGHT 2.5 - 4.5 3.0
015 BEACON INTERVAL OFF/1 - 240sec/270 - 690sec OFF
017 CONTEST NUMBER 0 - 9999 1
023 NB WIDTH 1/3/10msec 3msec
024 NB REJECTION 10/30/50dB 30dB
025 NB LEVEL 0 - 10 5
026 BEEP LEVEL 0 - 100 50
027 TIME ZONE -12:00 - 0:00 - +14:00 0:00
029 232C RATE 4800/9600/19200/38400 (bps) 4800bps
030 232C TOT 10/100/1000/3000 (msec) 10msec
031 CAT RATE 4800/9600/19200/38400 (bps) 4800bps
032 CAT TOT 10/100/1000/3000 (msec) 10msec
035 QUICK SPLIT FREQ -20 - 20kHz 5kHz
036 TX TOT OFF/1 - 30 (min) OFF
039 REF FREQ ADJ -25 - 0 - 25 0
041 AM LCUT FREQ OFF/100Hz - 1000Hz (50Hz/step) OFF
042 AM LCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct 6dB/oct
043 AM HCUT FREQ 700Hz - 4000Hz (50Hz/step) / OFF OFF
044 AM HCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct 6dB/oct
046 AM OUT LEVEL 0 - 100 50
049 AM DATA GAIN 0 - 100 50
050 CW LCUT FREQ OFF/100Hz - 1000Hz(50Hz/step) 250Hz
051 CW LCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct 18dB/oct
052 CW HCUT FREQ 700Hz - 4000Hz(50Hz/step) / OFF 1200Hz

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 121

Menu Mode
No. Menu Function Available Settings Default Value
053 CW HCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct 18dB/oct
054 CW OUT LEVEL 0 - 100 50
057 CW BK-IN DELAY 30 - 3000 (msec) 200msec
058 CW WAVE SHAPE 2/4 (msec) 4msec
061 QSK DELAY TIME 15/20/25/30(msec) 15msec
063 PSK TONE 1000/1500/2000(Hz) 1000Hz
064 OTHER DISP (SSB) -3000 - 0 - 3000(10Hz/step) 0Hz
065 OTHER SHIFT (SSB) -3000 - 0 - 3000(10Hz/step) 0Hz
066 DATA LCUT FREQ OFF/100 - 1000(Hz)(50Hz/step) 300Hz
067 DATA LCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct 18dB/oct
068 DATA HCUT FREQ 700Hz - 4000Hz(50Hz/step)/OFF 3000Hz
069 DATA HCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oc 18dB/oct
073 DATA OUT LEVEL 0 - 100 50
075 FM OUT LEVEL 0 - 100 50
078 FM PKT TX GAIN 0 - 100 50
079 FM PKT MODE 1200/9600 1200
080 RPT SHIFT 28MHz 0 - 1000kHz (10kHz/step) 100kHz
081 RPT SHIFT 50MHz 0 - 4000kHz (10kHz/step) 1000kHz
082 RPT SHIFT 144MHz 0 - 4000kHz (10kHz/step) 600kHz
083 RPT SHIFT 430MHz 0 - 10000kHz (10kHz/step) 5000kHz
084 ARS 144MHz OFF/ON ON
085 ARS 430MHz OFF/ON ON
086 DCS POLARITY Tn-Rn/Tn-Riv/Tiv-Rn/Tin-Riv Tn-Rn
Displays the unique transceiver ID
087 RADIO ID (The ID is unique to each transceiver and cannot be *****
089 DIGITAL SQL CODE 000 - 126 000
091 DISTANCE km/mile mile
094 RTTY LCUT FREQ OFF/100Hz - 1000Hz (50Hz/step) 300Hz
095 RTTY LCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct 18dB/oct
096 RTTY HCUT FREQ 700Hz - 4000Hz (50Hz/step) / OFF 3000Hz
097 RTTY HCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct 18dB/oct
101 RTTY OUT LEVEL 0 - 100 50
102 RTTY SHIFT FREQ 170/200/425/850 (Hz) 170Hz
103 RTTY MARK FREQ 1275/2125 (Hz) 2125Hz

Page 122 FT-991 Operating Manual

Menu Mode
No. Menu Function Available Settings Default Value
104 SSB LCUT FREQ OFF/100Hz - 1000Hz (50Hz/step) 100Hz
105 SSB LCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct 6dB/oct
106 SSB HCUT FREQ 700Hz - 4000Hz (50Hz/step) / OFF 3000Hz
107 SSB HCUT SLOPE 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct 6dB/oct
109 SSB OUT LEVEL 0 - 100 50
112 SSB TX BPF 100-3000/100-2900/200-2800/300-2700/400-2600 300-2700
114 CONTOUR LEVEL -40 - 0 - 20 -15
115 CONTOUR WIDTH 1 - 11 10
118 SCP START CYCLE OFF/3/5/10 (sec) OFF
119 ASC DIAL SPEED 0.25kHz/0.5kHz/1kHz/2kHz/4kHz (sec)/DISABLE 4kHz/sec
120 SCP SPAN FREQ 50/100/200/500/1000 (kHz) 100kHz
121 PRMTRC EQ1 FREQ OFF/100 - 700 (100/step) OFF
122 PRMTRC EQ1 LEVEL -20 - 0 - 10 5
123 PRMTRC EQ1 BWTH 1 - 10 10
124 PRMTRC EQ2 FREQ OFF/700 - 1500 (100/step) OFF
125 PRMTRC EQ2 LEVEL -20 - 0 - 10 5
126 PRMTRC EQ2 BWTH 1 - 10 10
127 PRMTRC EQ3 FREQ OFF/1500 - 3200 (100/step) OFF
128 PRMTRC EQ3 LEVEL -20 - 0 - 10 5
129 PRMTRC EQ3 BWTH 1 - 10 10
130 P-PRMTRC EQ1 FREQ OFF/100 - 700 (100/step) 200
131 P-PRMTRC EQ1 LEVEL -20 - 0 - 10 0
132 P-PRMTRC EQ1 BWTH 1 - 10 2
133 P-PRMTRC EQ2 FREQ OFF/700 - 1500 (100/step) 800
134 P-PRMTRC EQ2 LEVEL -20 - 0 - 10 0
135 P-PRMTRC EQ2 BWTH 1 - 10 1
136 P-PRMTRC EQ3 FREQ OFF/1500 - 3200 (100/step) 2100
137 P-PRMTRC EQ3 LEVEL -20 - 0 - 10 0
138 P-PRMTRC EQ3 BWTH 1 - 10 1
139 HF TX MAX POWER 5 - 100 100
140 50M TX MAX POWER 5 - 100 100
141 144M TX MAX POWER 0 - 50 50
142 430M TX MAX POWER 0 - 50 50
145 VOX GAIN 0 - 100 50
146 VOX DELAY 30 - 3000 (msec) 500msec
147 ANTI VOX GAIN 0 - 100 50
148 DATA VOX GAIN 0 - 100 50
149 DATA VOX DELAY 30 - 3000 (msec) 100msec
150 ANTI DVOX GAIN 0 - 100 0

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 123

Menu Mode
Function: Sets the AGC-FAST DELAY voltage decay Function: Sets the key LED brightness level.
characteristics. Available Values: 1 / 2
Available Values: 20 - 4000msec (20msec/step) Default Setting: 2
Default Setting: 300msec Description: Sets the brightness level of the LED indica-
Description: Sets the AGC voltage decay characteristics tor located above the Main Tuning Dial knob. The
in 20 msec steps after the input signal level becomes effect of the changes may be observed as the bright-
lower than the AGC detection level and the HOLD ness level is adjusted. “1” is the darkest.
time is over.
002 AGC MID DELAY Function: Sets the TFT display brightness level.
Function: Sets the AGC-MID DELAY voltage decay Available Values: 0 - 15
characteristics. Default Setting: 8
Available Values: 20 - 4000msec (20msec/step) Description: Sets the brightness level of the TFT display.
Default Setting: 700msec The effect of the changes may be observed as the
Description: Sets the AGC voltage decay characteristics brightness level is adjusted. The higher the setting,
in 20 msec steps after the input signal level becomes the brighter the illumination becomes.
lower than the AGC detection level and the HOLD
time is over.
Function: Sets the bar meter peak hold.
003 AGC SLOW DELAY Available Values: OFF/0.5/1.0/2.0 (sec)
Function: Sets the AGC-SLOW DELAY voltage decay Default Setting: OFF
characteristics. Description: Sets the time length the maximum value
Available Values: 20 - 4000msec (20msec/step) reading is shown on the meter (peak hold).
Default Setting: 3000msec OFF:
Description: Sets the AGC voltage decay characteristics Disables the peak hold function.
in 20 msec steps after the input signal level becomes 0.5/1.0/2.0:
lower than the AGC detection level and the HOLD Holds the maximum value for the time length
time is over. that is set.


Function: Selects the information to be displayed on the Function: Sets the voice memory monitoring level.
HOME screen. Available Values: 0 - 100
Available Values: SCOPE/FUNCTION Default: 50
Default Setting: SCOPE Description: You can adjust the voice memory monitor-
Description: Selects the information to be displayed on ing level. The higher the setting, the higher the out-
the HOME screen (main screen). put level becomes.
Displays the scope screen.
Function: Sets the microphone output level for the voice
Displays the function key screen.
Available Values: 0 - 100
005 MY CALL INDICATION Default: 50
Function: Sets the display time duration for MY CALL. Description: The microphone output level may be ad-
Available Values: OFF - 5sec justed to the operators own voice and preference.
Default Setting: 1sec For example, the output level may be set differently
Description: Sets the display time duration for a mes- between the microphone and the voice memory. The
sage such as the call sign set from MY CALL when higher the setting, the higher the output level be-
turning on the power. comes.


Function: Sets the background color of the VFO-A fre-
quency display field.
Default Setting: BLUE
Description: Sets the background color of the VFO-A
frequency display field. The color may be previewed
before the selection is confirmed.

Page 124 FT-991 Operating Manual

Menu Mode
Function: Switches the keyer operation. Function: Sets the interval time between repeats of the
Available Values: OFF/BUG/ELEKEY-A/ELEKEY-B/ beacon message.
ELEKEY-Y/ACS Available Values: OFF/1 - 240sec (1sec/step)/270 -
Default Setting: ELEKEY-B 690sec (30sec/step)
Description: Switches the keyer operation. Default Setting: OFF
OFF: Description: Sets the interval time between repeats of
Disables the keyer function. the beacon message.
BUG: A message (message memory/text memory) regis-
Functions as a “BUG key”. Only the “Dot” side tered in the contest memory keyer, may be transmit-
is automatically generated (the “Dash” side is ted as a CW Beacon message.
generated manually). If you do not want the message to repeat in a beacon
ELEKEY-A: mode, set this item to “OFF”.
A code element (“Dot” or “Dash” side) is trans-
mitted upon pressing both sides of the paddle.
Function: Selects the contest number “Cut” format for
an imbedded contest number.
Pressing both sides of the paddle transmits the
Available Values: 1290/AUNO/AUNT/A2NO/A2NT/
currently generated “Dash” side followed by
“Dot” side (or reverse order).
Default Setting: 1290
Description: Abbreviates numbers “One”, “Two”,
Pressing both sides of the paddle transmits the
“Nine” and “Zero” using Morse code when sending
currently generated “Dash” side followed by
the contest number.
“Dot” side (or reverse order).
While transmitting the “Dash” side, the first
Does not abbreviate the contest number.
transmitted “Dot” side will not be stored.
Abbreviates to “A” for “One”, “U” for “Two”,
Functions as the “Keyer with automatic spac-
“N” for “Nine”, and “O” for “Zero”.
ing control feature” which sets spacing between
characters precisely to be the same length as a
Abbreviates to “A” for “One”, “U” for “Two”,
dash (three dots in length).
“N” for “Nine”, and “T” for “Zero”.
Function: Reverses the connections of the CW paddle Abbreviates to “A” for “One”, “N” for “Nine”,
front panel key jack and “O” for “Zero”. Does not abbreviate number
Available Values: NOR/REV “Two”.
Default Setting: NOR A2NT:
Description: Reverses the connections of the CW pad- Abbreviates to “A” for “One”, “N” for “Nine”,
dle. and “T” for “Zero”. Does not abbreviate number
NOR: “Two”.
Press the right side of the paddle to transmit the 12NO:
“Dot” signal and press the left side of the paddle Abbreviates to “N” for “Nine”, and “O” for
to transmit the “Dash” signal. “Zero”. Does not abbreviate numbers “One” and
REV: “Two”.
Press the left side of the paddle to transmit the 12NT:
“Dash” signal and press the right side of the Abbreviates to “N” for “Nine”, and “T” for
paddle to transmit the “Dot” signal. “Zero”. Does not abbreviate numbers “One” and
Function: Adjusts the keyer CW weight. 017 CONTEST NUMBER
Available Values: 2.5 - 4.5 Function: Enters the contest number using Morse code.
Default Setting: 3.0 Available Values: 0 - 9999
Description: Sets the “Dot”:“Dash” ratio for the built-in Default Setting: 1
electronic keyer. Description: Enters the contest number using Morse
code (page 84).

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 125

Menu Mode
Function: Selects the registration method for the contest Function: Selects the registration method for the contest
memory keyer “CW MEMORY 1”. memory keyer “CW MEMORY 5”.
Available Values: TEXT/MESSAGE Available Values: TEXT/MESSAGE
Default Setting: TEXT Default Setting: TEXT
Description: Selects how to register text to the contest Description: Selects how to register text to the contest
memory keyer “CW MEMORY 1”. memory keyer “CW MEMORY 5”.
Use the optional FH-2 or the touch panel to enter Use optional FH-2 or the touch panel to enter
text (page 87). text (page 87).
Use the keyer to register text to the contest mem- Use the keyer to register text to the contest mem-
ory keyer (page 84). ory keyer (page 84).


Function: Selects the registration method for the contest Function: Sets the duration of the noise blanking pulse
memory keyer “CW MEMORY 2”. to match various types of noise compatible with the
Available Values: TEXT/MESSAGE noise blanker function.
Default Setting: TEXT Available Values: 1msec/3msec/10msec
Description: Selects how to register text to the contest Default Setting: 3msec
memory keyer “CW MEMORY 2”. Description: Reduces long duration noise as well as
TEXT: pulse noise by changing the setting.
Use the optional FH-2 or the touch panel to enter
text (page 87).
Function: Selects the level of noise attenuation.
Available Values: 10dB/30dB/50dB
Use the keyer to register text to the contest mem-
Default Setting: 30dB
ory keyer (page 84).
020 CW MEMORY 3 Function: Sets the noise blanker level.
Function: Selects the registration method for the contest
Available Values: 0 - 10
memory keyer “CW MEMORY 3”.
Default Setting: 5
Available Values: TEXT/MESSAGE
Description: Sets the noise blanker level to reduce pulse
Default Setting: TEXT
noise such as noise caused by automotive ignition
Description: Selects how to register text to the contest
systems. The higher the setting, the higher the noise
memory keyer “CW MEMORY 3”.
blanker level becomes.
Use the optional FH-2 or the touch panel to enter 026 BEEP LEVEL
text (page 87). Function: Sets the beep level.
MESSAGE: Available Values: 0 - 100
Use the keyer to register text to the contest mem- Default Setting: 50
ory keyer (page 84). Description: Sets the beep sound volume level. The
higher the setting, the louder the sound becomes.
Function: Selects the registration method for the contest 027 TIME ZONE
memory keyer “CW MEMORY 4”. Function: Sets the time zone.
Available Values: TEXT/MESSAGE Available Values: −12:00 - 0:00 - +14:00
Default Setting: TEXT Default Setting: 0:00
Description: Selects how to register text to the contest Description: Sets the time difference with respect to the
memory keyer “CW MEMORY 4”. UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in 30 minute in-
TEXT: crements.
Use the optional FH-2 or the touch panel to enter
text (page 87).
Use the keyer to register text to the contest mem-
ory keyer (page 84).

Page 126 FT-991 Operating Manual

Menu Mode
Function: Selects mode of GPS/CAT jack. Function: Selects the amount of frequency offset when
Available Values: GPS/RS232C the Quick Split feature is enabled.
Default Setting: GPS Available Values: −20 - 0 - 20kHz (1kHz/step)
Description: Selects the device that is to be connected to Default Setting: 5kHz
the GPS/CAT jack on the rear panel. Description: Sets the amount of frequency offset when
GPS: the Quick Split feature is enabled.
Enables connection to an external GPS device. Advice: Press and hold the SPLIT button on the front
RS232C: panel to activate VFO-B split frequency opera-
Enables connection to a CAT command input. tion, thereby offsetting the transmitter by the
specified frequency.
029 232C RATE Each time the SPLIT button is pressed and
Function: Sets the baud rate for a GPS/CAT jack com-
held, the offset frequency is increased by the
mand input.
setting amount.
Available Values: 4800/9600/19200/38400 bps
Default Setting: 4800 bps 036 TX TOT
Description: Sets the baud rate for an RS-232C com- Function: Sets the Time-Out Timer countdown time.
mand input. Available Values: OFF/1 - 30min
Default Setting: OFF
030 232C TOT Description: Forces the transceiver to return to receiv-
Function: Sets the Time-Out Timer for an RS-232C
ing mode after continuous transmission of the pro-
command input.
grammed time.
Available Values: 10/100/1000/3000 (msec)
Default Setting: 10msec 037 MIC SCAN
Description: Sets the Time-Out Timer countdown time Function: Sets the microphone automatic scanning func-
for a RS-232C command input. tion to ON or OFF.
Available Values: ENABLE/DISABLE
031 CAT RATE Default Setting: ENABLE
Function: Sets the baud rate for a CAT command input.
Description: Selects the operation of the UP/DWN but-
Available Values: 4800/9600/19200/38400 bps
tons on the microphone.
Default Setting: 4800 bps
Description: Sets the baud rate for a CAT command in-
Starts scanning automatically by pressing and
holding the UP/DWN button for 1 second or
032 CAT TOT more (Scanning continues even after releasing
Function: Sets the Time-Out Timer for a CAT command the button). To stop scanning, press the UP/DWN
input. button again briefly or press the PTT button to
Available Values: 10/100/1000/3000 (msec) transmit.
Default Setting: 10msec DISABLE (OFF):
Description: Sets the Time-Out Timer countdown time Scans only while pressing and holding the UP/
for a CAT command input. DWN button. To stop scanning, release the but-
Function: Configures the CAT RTS port setting. 038 MIC SCAN RESUME
Available Values: ENABLE/DISABLE Function: Sets the Scan Resume function.
Default Setting: ENABLE Available Values: PAUSE/TIME
Description: Monitors the computer using the RTS sig- Default Setting: TIME
nal. Description: Sets the Scan Resume function (in AM/FM
ENABLE: mode).
Monitors the computer status using the RTS sig- PAUSE:
nal. During automatic scanning, the scanner will hold
DISABLE: until the signal disappears.
Disables the monitoring function. TIME:
If the signal does not disappear within five sec-
034 MEM GROUP onds, the scanner will resume scanning for the
Function: Sets the memory group function.
next active channel (frequency). If there is no
Available Values: ENABLE/DISABLE
signal, the scanner continues scanning automati-
Default Setting: DISABLE
Description: Set this setting to “ENABLE” to divide the
memory channels into 6 groups.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 127

Menu Mode
Function: Adjusts the reference oscillator. Function: Sets the slope of the high-frequency cutoff au-
Available Values: −25 - 0 - 25 dio filter in AM mode.
Default Setting: 0 Available Values: 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
Description: The frequency may be calibrated when Default Setting: 6dB/oct
connecting a frequency counter to the transceiver, or Description: Selects the slope of the high-frequency cut-
when receiving a standard frequency such as WWV off audio filter in AM mode.
or WWVH.
040 CLAR MODE SELECT Function: Selects the microphone input jack for AM
Function: Selects the clarifier operation. mode.
Available Values: RX/TX/TRX Available Values: MIC/REAR
Default Setting: RX Default Setting: MIC
Description: Selects the clarifier operation when the Description: Selects the microphone input jack to be
CLAR button is pressed. used in AM mode.
Functions as the RX clarifier which changes only Audio is input from the MIC jack on the front
the receiver frequency without changing transmit panel.
frequency. DATA:
TX: Disables the microphone circuit on the front
Functions as the TX clarifier which changes only panel and inputs audio/data from the USB jack
the transmit frequency without changing the re- or RTTY/DATA jack on the rear panel.
ceiver frequency.
Function: Sets the level of the receive AM signal output
Functions as the TRX clarifier which changes the
from the RTTY/DATA jack.
transmit frequency and the receiver frequency
Available Values: 0 - 100
Default Setting: 50
Function: Sets the low-frequency cutoff audio filter in
Function: Sets the PTT control for the AM transmit sig-
AM mode.
Available Values: OFF/100Hz - 1000Hz (50Hz/step)
Available Values: DAKY/RTS/DTR
Default Setting: OFF
Default Setting: DAKY
Description: This is the low-frequency cutoff audio filter
Description: Selects the PTT control method for the AM
in AM mode.
The cutoff frequency can be set at 50 Hz increments
between 100 Hz and 1000 Hz.
Controls the AM transmit signal from the RTTY/
042 AM LCUT SLOPE DATA jack (pin 3) on the rear panel.
Function: Sets the slope of the low-frequency cutoff au- DTR:
dio filter in AM mode. Controls the AM transmit signal from the USB
Available Values: 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct virtual COM/DTR ports.
Default Setting: 6dB/oct RTS:
Description: Selects the slope of the low-frequency cut- Controls the AM transmit signal from the USB
off audio filter in AM mode. virtual COM/RTS ports.


Function: Sets the high-frequency cutoff audio filter in Function: Selects the input jack of the AM signal.
AM mode. Available Values: DATA/USB
Available Values: OFF/700Hz - 4000Hz (50Hz/step) Default Setting: DATA
Default Setting: OFF Description: Selects the input jack of the AM signal
Description: This is the high-frequency cutoff audio fil- when “045 AM MIC SELECT” is set to “DATA”.
ter in AM mode. DATA:
The cutoff frequency can be set at 50 Hz increments Inputs from the RTTY/DATA jack on the rear
between 700 Hz and 4000 Hz. panel.
Inputs from the USB jack on the rear panel.

Page 128 FT-991 Operating Manual

Menu Mode
Function: Sets the level of the AM signal input when Function: Enables/disables CW keying while operating
“045 AM MIC SELECT” is set to “DATA”. on SSB.
Available Values: 0 - 100 Available Values: OFF/50M (50MHz)/ON
Default Setting: 50 Default Setting: OFF
Function: Sets the low-frequency cutoff audio filter in
Disables CW keying while operating on SSB.
CW mode.
Available Values: OFF/100Hz - 1000Hz (50Hz/step)
Enables CW keying while operating SSB on 50
Default Setting: 250Hz
MHz (but not HF).
Description: This is the low-frequency cutoff audio filter
in CW mode.
Enables CW keying while operating SSB on all
The cutoff frequency can be set at 50 Hz increments
TX bands.
between 100 Hz and 1000 Hz.
051 CW LCUT SLOPE Function: Sets the CW brake-in function.
Function: Sets the slope of the low-frequency cutoff au-
Available Values: SEMI/FULL
dio filter in CW mode.
Default Setting: SEMI
Available Values: 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
Description: Selects the CW brake-in function.
Default Setting: 18dB/oct
Description: Selects the slope of the low-frequency cut-
A brief delay is provided after the CW keying op-
off audio filter in CW mode.
eration, before the transceiver returns to receive
052 CW HCUT FREQ mode.
Function: Sets the high-frequency cutoff audio filter in The receiver recovery time may be changed us-
CW mode. ing MENU “057 CW BK-IN DELAY”.
Available Values: OFF/700Hz - 4000Hz (50Hz/step) FULL:
Default Setting: 1200Hz The transceiver immediately returns to receive
Description: This is the high-frequency cutoff audio fil- mode after every CW key-up (QSK mode).
ter in CW mode.
The cutoff frequency can be set at 50 Hz increments
Function: Sets the CW delay time.
between 700 Hz and 4000 Hz.
Available Values: 30msec - 3000msec (10msec/step)
053 CW HCUT SLOPE Default Setting: 200msec
Function: Sets the slope of the high-frequency cutoff au- Description: In semi break-in mode, this setting deter-
dio filter in CW mode. mines the delay time before returning to receive
Available Values: 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct mode after the CW keying operation.
Default Setting: 18dB/oct The delay time can be changed in 10 msec steps be-
Description: Selects the slope of the high-frequency cut- tween 30 msec and 3000 msec.
off audio filter in CW mode.
054 CW OUT LEVEL Function: Selects the CW carrier wave-form shape (rise/
Function: Sets the level of the CW signal output from fall times).
the RTTY/DATA jack. Available Values: 2ms/4ms
Available Values: 0 - 100 Default Setting: 4ms (msec)
Default Setting: 50 Description: Sets the rise and fall times of the keying
envelope in CW mode (transmit waveform).

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 129

Menu Mode
059 CW FREQ DISPLAY Default: 0Hz
Function: Sets the PITCH frequency offset. Description: Sets the displayed frequency offset in
Available Values: DIRECT FREQ/PITCH OFFSET DATA mode. The frequency can be set in steps of 10
Default Setting: PITCH OFFSET Hz.
Description: Sets the displayed frequency offset when
switching the transceiver mode between SSB and CW.
Function: Sets the carrier point in DATA mode.
Available Values: −3000 - 0 - 3000Hz (10Hz/step)
Displays the same frequency in CW mode as in
Default: 0Hz
SSB mode without any offset added.
Description: Sets the carrier point in DATA mode. The
frequency can be set in steps of 10 Hz.
Displays the frequency in CW mode with the
pitch offset added. When CW BFO is set to USB, 066 DATA LCUT FREQ
the displayed frequency will be increased and Function: Sets the low-frequency cutoff audio filter in
when CW BFO is set to LSB, the displayed fre- DATA mode.
quency will be decreased with pitch offset added. Available Values: OFF/100Hz - 1000Hz (50Hz/step)
Default Setting: 300Hz
060 PC KEYING Description: This is the low-frequency cutoff audio filter
Function: Sets the RTTY/DATA jack for keying.
in DATA mode.
Available Values: OFF/DAKY/RTS/DTR
The cutoff frequency can be set at 50 Hz increments
Default Setting: OFF
between 100 Hz and 1000 Hz.
Disables keying from DATA PTT (pin 3) of the Function: Sets the slope of the low-frequency cutoff au-
RTTY/DATA jack. dio filter in DATA mode.
DAKY: Available Values: 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
Controls the transmit from the RTTY/DATA jack Default Setting: 18dB/oct
(pin 3) on the rear panel. Description: Selects the slope setting of the low-fre-
RTS: quency cutoff audio filter in DATA mode.
Controls the transmit from the USB virtual COM/
RTS ports.
Function: Sets the high-frequency cutoff audio filter in
DATA mode.
Controls the transmit from the USB virtual COM/
Available Values: OFF/700Hz - 4000Hz (50Hz/step)
DTR ports.
Default Setting: 3000Hz
061 QSK DELAY TIME Description: This is the high-frequency cutoff audio fil-
Function: Sets the time delay before transmitting the ter in DATA mode.
keying signal. The cutoff frequency can be set at 50 Hz increments
Available Values: 15/20/25/30msec between 700 Hz and 4000 Hz.
Default Setting: 15msec
Description: The delay time in QSK mode before trans-
Function: Sets the slope of the high-frequency cutoff au-
mitting the CW signal may be set in 5 msec steps.
dio filter in DATA mode.
062 DATA MODE Available Values: 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
Function: Selects the operating scheme in DATA mode. Default Setting: 18dB/oct
Available Values: PSK/OTHERS Description: Selects the slope setting of the high-fre-
Default Setting: PSK quency cutoff audio filter in DATA mode.
Description: Selects the operating scheme (PSK or
OTHERS) in DATA mode.
Function: Selects the input jack for DATA mode.
063 PSK TONE Available Values: MIC/REAR
Function: Set the PSK tone. Default Setting: REAR
Available Values: 1000/1500/2000Hz Description: Selects the input jack to be used in DATA
Default Setting: 1000Hz mode.
Description: Selects the PSK tone frequency. MIC:
Inputs signals from the MIC jack on the front
064 OTHER DISP (SSB) panel.
Function: Sets the displayed frequency offset in DATA
Inputs signals from the USB jack or RTTY/
Available Values: −3000 - 0 - 3000Hz (10Hz/step)
DATA jack on the rear panel.

Page 130 FT-991 Operating Manual

Menu Mode
Function: Sets the PTT control during the sending/re- Function: Sets the level of the FM receiving signal out-
ceiving of data. put from the RTTY/DATA jack.
Available Values: DAKY/RTS/DTR Available Values: 0 - 100
Default Setting: DAKY Default Setting: 50
Description: Selects the PTT control method during the
sending/receiving of data.
Function: Sets the PTT control for the FM signal.
Available Values: DAKY/RTS/DTR
Controls the transmit from the RTTY/DATA jack
Default Setting: DAKY
(pin 3) on the rear panel.
Description: Selects the PTT control method for the FM
Controls the transmit from the USB virtual COM/
DTR ports.
Controls the transmit from the RTTY/DATA jack
(pin 3) on the rear panel.
Controls the transmit from the USB virtual COM/
RTS ports.
Controls the transmit from the USB virtual COM/
Function: Selects the input jack of the data signal. RTS:
Available Values: DATA/USB Controls the transmit from the USB virtual COM/
Default Setting: DATA RTS ports.
Description: Selects the input jack of the data signal
when “070 DATA IN SELECT” is set to “REAR”.
Function: Selects the input jack of the FM packet signal.
Available Values: DATA/USB
Inputs the data from the RTTY/DATA jack on
Default Setting: DATA
the rear panel.
Description: Selects the input jack of the FM signal
when “074 FM MIC SELECT” is set to “DATA”.
Inputs the data from the USB jack on the rear
Inputs from the RTTY/DATA jack on the rear
073 DATA OUT LEVEL panel.
Function: Sets the output level during the sending/re- USB:
ceiving of data (PSK31, SSTV, etc.). Inputs from the USB jack on the rear panel.
Available Values: 0 - 100
Default Setting: 50
Function: Sets the transmission gain during the FM
Description: Sets the output level during the sending/re-
packet operation.
ceiving of data (PSK31, SSTV, etc.). The higher the
Available Values: 0 - 100
setting, the higher the output level becomes.
Default Setting: 50
Function: Selects the microphone input jack for FM
Function: Sets the baud rate (communication speed) dur-
ing the FM packet operation.
Available Values: MIC/REAR
Available Values: 1200/9600
Default Setting: MIC
Default Setting: 1200
Description: Selects the microphone input jack to be
used in FM mode. 080 RPT SHIFT 28MHz
FRONT: Function: Sets the RPT offset frequency on the 28 MHz
Inputs from the MIC jack on the front panel. band.
DATA: Available Values: 0 - 1000kHz (10kHz/step)
Disables the microphone circuit on the front Default Setting: 100kHz
panel and inputs from the USB jack or PACKET Description: Sets the repeater offset frequency on the 28
jack on the rear panel. MHz band.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 131

Menu Mode
Function: Sets the RPT offset frequency on the 50 MHz Function: Displays the unique transceiver ID assigned at
band. the time of shipment (5-digit alphanumeric charac-
Available Values: 0 - 4000kHz (10kHz/step) ters).
Default Setting: 1000kHz Available Values: Cannot be changed.
Description: Sets the repeater offset frequency on the 50 Default Setting: Differs depending on the transceiver.
MHz band.
082 RPT SHIFT 144MHz Function: Sets the squelch type in digital mode.
Function: Sets the RPT offset frequency on the 144 Available Values: OFF/CODE/BREAK
MHz band. Default Setting: OFF
Available Values: 0 - 4000kHz (10kHz/step) Description: Selects the squelch type in digital mode.
Default Setting: 600kHz OFF:
Description: Sets the repeater offset frequency on the Outputs the audio whenever the transceiver
144 MHz band. receives a digital signal from another YAESU
Function: Sets the RPT offset frequency on the 430
The audio is output only when the SQL code of
MHz band.
the received signal matches the setting.
Available Values: 0 - 10000kHz (10kHz/step)
Default Setting: 5000kHz
With the BREAK setting on, the audio is output,
Description: Sets the repeater offset frequency on the
whenever a signal is received from another sta-
430 MHz band.
tion with the BREAK setting on, regardless of
084 ARS 144MHz the code setting.
Function: Sets the ARS function on the 144 MHz band.
Available Values: OFF/ON
Function: Sets the squelch code for digital mode.
Default Setting: ON
Available Values: 000 - 126
Default Setting: 000
Disables the ARS function. 090 GM DISPLAY
ON: Function: Sorts the group stations to be displayed when
Enables the ARS function. using the GM function.
085 ARS 430MHz Default Setting: DISTANCE
Function: Sets the ARS function on the 430 MHz band.
Available Values: OFF/ON
Default Setting: ON
Active group member stations are displayed ac-
cording to their distance from this station, begin-
ning with the closest member station.
Disables the ARS function.
Active group member stations are displayed ac-
Enables the ARS function.
cording to their signal strengths, beginning with
086 DCS POLARITY the strongest signal first.
Function: Selects the DCS code polarity.
Available Values: Tn-Rn/Tn-Riv/Tiv-Rn/Tiv-Riv
Function: Sets the unit of measure to indicate the dis-
Default Setting: Tn-Rn
tance between your station and communication sta-
Description: When using the DCS function, the trans-
tions when using the GM function.
ceiver can transmit/receive the DCS code with the
Available Values: km/mile
phase reversed.
Default Setting: mile
Transmit (in phase), receive (in phase)
Transmit (in phase), receive (reverse phase)
Transmit (reverse phase), receive (in phase)
Transmit (reverse phase), receive (reverse phase)

Page 132 FT-991 Operating Manual

Menu Mode
Function: Sets the operation of the AMS function. Function: Sets the slope of the high-frequency cutoff au-
Available Values: AUTO/MANUAL/DN/VW/ANALOG dio filter in RTTY mode.
Default Setting: AUTO Available Values: 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
Description: When using the AMS (AUTO) function, Default Setting: 18dB/oct
the transceiver selects one of the three transmission Description: Selects the slope setting of the high-fre-
modes automatically according to the received sig- quency cutoff audio filter in RTTY mode.
Function: Sets the SHIFT input jack for RTTY mode.
Selects one of the transmission modes automati-
Available Values: SHIFT/DTR/RTS
cally according to the received signal.
Default Setting: SHIFT
Description: Selects the SHIFT input jack for RTTY
By briefly pressing the PTT switch, the operating
mode may be switched between digital and ana-
log mode.
Inputs from the RTTY/DATA jack (pin 4) on the
rear panel.
Transmits in DN mode.
Controls the signal from the USB virtual COM/
Transmits in VW mode.
DTR ports.
Transmits in FM mode (analog).
Controls the signal from the USB virtual COM/
Function: Sets the Standby Beep function for digital
Function: Sets the shift direction for receiving in RTTY
Available Values: OFF/ON
Default Setting: ON
Available Values: NOR/REV
Description: During a digital communication, an audible
Default Setting: NOR
beep sounds to indicate that the contact station has
Description: Sets the shift direction for receiving in
completed a transmission (Standby Beep function).
RTTY mode.
Function: Sets the low-frequency cutoff audio filter in The space frequency will be lower than the mark
RTTY mode. frequency.
Available Values: OFF/100Hz - 1000Hz (50Hz/step) REV:
Default Setting: 300Hz The mark frequency will be lower than the space
Description: This is the low-frequency cutoff audio filter frequency.
in RTTY mode.
The cutoff frequency can be set at 50 Hz increments
Function: Sets the shift direction for transmitting in
between 100 Hz and 1000 Hz.
RTTY mode.
095 RTTY LCUT SLOPE Available Values: NOR/REV
Function: Sets the slope of the low-frequency cutoff au- Default Setting: NOR
dio filter in RTTY mode. Description: Sets the shift direction for transmitting in
Available Values: 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct RTTY mode.
Default Setting: 18dB/oct NOR:
Description: Selects the slope setting of the low-fre- The space frequency will be lower than the mark
quency cutoff audio filter in RTTY mode. frequency.
096 RTTY HCUT FREQ The mark frequency will be lower than the space
Function: Sets the high-frequency cutoff audio filter in
RTTY mode.
Available Values: OFF/700Hz - 4000Hz (50Hz/step)
Default Setting: 3000Hz
Description: This is the high-frequency cutoff audio fil-
ter in RTTY mode.
The cutoff frequency can be set at 50 Hz increments
between 700 Hz and 4000 Hz.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 133

Menu Mode
Function: Sets the output level during the sending/re- Function: Selects the microphone input jack for SSB
ceiving of data in RTTY mode. mode.
Available Values: 0 - 100 Available Values: MIC/REAR
Default Setting: 50 Default Setting: MIC
Description: Sets the data output level during the send- Description: Selects the microphone input jack to be
ing/receiving of data in RTTY mode. The higher the used in SSB mode.
setting, the higher the output level becomes. FRONT:
Inputs from the MIC jack on the front panel.
Function: Sets the shift width for RTTY mode.
Disables the microphone circuit on the front
Available Values: 170/200/425/850 (Hz)
panel and inputs from the USB jack or RTTY/
Default Setting: 170Hz
DATA jack on the rear panel.
Description: Sets the shift width for RTTY mode.
103 RTTY MARK FREQ Function: Sets the level of the SSB receiving signal out-
Function: Sets the mark frequency for RTTY mode.
put from the RTTY/DATA jack.
Available Values: 1275/2125 (Hz)
Available Values: 0 - 100
Default Setting: 2125Hz
Default Setting: 50
Description: Sets the mark frequency for RTTY mode.
104 SSB LCUT FREQ Function: Sets the PTT transmit control for the SSB sig-
Function: Sets the low-frequency cutoff audio filter in
SSB mode.
Available Values: DAKY/RTS/DTR
Available Values: OFF/100Hz - 1000Hz (50Hz/step)
Default Setting: DAKY
Default Setting: 100Hz
Description: Selects the PTT transmit control method
Description: This is the low-frequency cutoff audio filter
for the SSB signal.
in SSB mode.
The cutoff frequency can be set at 50 Hz increments
Controls the transmit signal from the RTTY/
between 100 Hz and 1000 Hz.
DATA jack (pin 3) on the rear panel.
Function: Sets the slope of the low-frequency cutoff au- Controls the transmit signal from the USB virtual
dio filter in SSB mode. COM/DTR ports.
Available Values: 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct RTS:
Default Setting: 6dB/oct Controls the transmit signal from the USB virtual
Description: Selects the slope setting of the low-fre- COM/RTS ports.
quency cutoff audio filter in SSB mode.
106 SSB HCUT FREQ Function: Sets the input jack of the SSB signal.
Function: Sets the high-frequency cutoff audio filter in Available Values: DATA/USB
SSB mode. Default Setting: DATA
Available Values: OFF/700Hz - 4000Hz (50Hz/step) Description: Selects the input jack of the SSB signal
Default Setting: 3000Hz when “108 SSB MIC SELECT” is set to “DATA”.
Description: This is the high-frequency cutoff audio fil- DATA:
ter in SSB mode. Inputs from the RTTY/DATA jack on the rear
The cutoff frequency can be set at 50 Hz increments panel.
between 700 Hz and 4000 Hz. USB:
Inputs from the USB jack on the rear panel.
Function: Sets the slope of the high-frequency cutoff au-
dio filter in SSB mode.
Available Values: 6dB/oct / 18dB/oct
Default Setting: 6dB/oct
Description: Selects the slope setting of the high-fre-
quency cutoff audio filter in SSB mode.

Page 134 FT-991 Operating Manual

Menu Mode
Function: Sets the frequency characteristics of the DSP Function: Selects the sweep interval of the Spectrum
band-pass filter for transmitting in SSB mode. Scope feature.
Available Values: 100-3000/100-2900/200-2800/300- Available Values: OFF/3sec/5sec/10sec
2700/400-2600 Default Setting: OFF
Default Setting: 300-2700Hz Description: The scope spectrum is repeatedly swept ac-
Description: Selects the frequency characteristics setting cording the set interval.
of the DSP band-pass filter when transmitting in SSB
Function: Selects the start condition of the Dial Auto
113 APF WIDTH Scope feature whenever the Main Tuning Dial is
Function: Sets the bandwidth of the audio peak filter. turned.
Available Values: NARROW/MEDIUM/WIDE Available Values: 0.25/0.5/1/2/4kHz (sec)/DISABLE
Default Setting: MEDIUM Default Setting: 4kHz/sec
Description: In CW mode the APF peak center frequen- Description: When the Main Tuning Dial knob is rotated
cy is set according to the CW PITCH frequency and at the set speed in ASC mode, the spectrum scope
the chosen APF bandwidth value. In order to listen sweeping is started automatically.
to the desired signal comfortably, select one of the
three bandwidths of the peak filter.
Function: Sets the bandwidth of the spectrum scope
114 CONTOUR LEVEL sweeping.
Function: Adjusts the GAIN of the CONTOUR circuit. Available Values: 50/100/200/500/1000 (kHz)
Available Values: −40 - 0 - 20 Default Setting: 100kHz
Default Setting: −15 Description: Sets the bandwidth (SPAN) of the spectrum
Description: Sets level of the attenuation or the gain of scope.
the CONTOUR circuit.
115 CONTOUR WIDTH Function: Sets the center frequency of the low range for
Function: Sets the bandwidth (“Q”) of the CONTOUR the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer.
circuit. Available Values: 100 - 700 (Hz)/OFF (100Hz/step)
Available Values: 1 - 11 Default Setting: OFF
Default Setting: 10 Description: Selects the center frequency setting of the
Description: Sets the bandwidth (WIDTH) of the CON- low range of the 3 band parametric microphone
TOUR circuit. equalizer between “100 Hz” and “700 Hz”.


Function: Sets the attenuation bandwidth characteristic Function: Sets the gain for the low range of the 3 band
of the DSP IF notch filter on the VFO-A. parametric microphone equalizer.
Available Values: NARROW/WIDE Available Values: −20 - 0 - 10 (dB)
Default Setting: WIDE Default Setting: 5
Description: Selects the attenuation bandwidth charac- Description: Adjusts the gain for the low range of the 3
teristic setting of the DSP IF notch filter to “NAR- band parametric microphone equalizer between “−20
ROW” or “WIDE”. dB” and “+10 dB”.


Function: Sets the scope for either the spectrum or the Function: Sets the width variation (“Q”) for the low
waterfall display. range of the 3 band parametric microphone equal-
Available Values: SPECTRUM/WATER FALL izer.
Default Setting: SPECTRUM Available Values: 1 - 10
Description: Selects the type of display when the scope Default Setting: 10
feature activates. Description: Selects the value of the width (Q) for the
SPECTRUM: low range for the 3 band parametric microphone
Enables the spectrum display. equalizer between “1” and “10”.
Enables the waterfall display.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 135

Menu Mode
Function: Sets the center frequency for the middle range Function: Sets the center frequency of the low range for
of the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer. the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer when
Available Values: 700 - 1500 (Hz)/OFF (100Hz/step) the speech processor is activated.
Default Setting: OFF Available Values: 100 - 700 (Hz)/OFF (100Hz/step)
Description: Selects the center frequency setting for the Default Setting: 200
middle range of the 3 band parametric microphone Description: Activates when the speech processor is
equalizer between “700 Hz” and “1500 Hz”. “ON”. Adjusts the center frequency for the low
range of the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer
125 PRMTRC EQ2 LEVEL between “100 Hz” and “700 Hz”.
Function: Sets the gain for the middle range of the 3
band parametric microphone equalizer. 131 P-PRMTRC EQ1 LEVEL
Available Values: −20 - 0 - 10 (dB) Function: Selects the gain setting for the low range of
Default Setting: 5 the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer when
Description: Selects the gain setting for the middle the speech processor is activated.
range of the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer Available Values: −20 - 0 - 10 (dB)
between “−20 dB” and “+10 dB”. Default Setting: 0
Description: Activates when the speech processor is
126 PRMTRC EQ2 BWTH “ON”and sets the gain for the low range of the 3
Function: Sets the width variation (“Q”) for the middle
band parametric microphone equalizer between “−20
range of the 3 band parametric microphone equal-
dB” and “+10 dB”.
Available Values: 1 - 10 132 P-PRMTRC EQ1 BWTH
Default Setting: 10 Function: Selects the width (“Q”) for the low range of
Description: Selects the width (“Q”) for the middle the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer when
range of the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer the speech processor is activated.
between “1” and “10”. Available Values: 1 - 10
Default Setting: 2
127 PRMTRC EQ3 FREQ Description: Activates when the speech processor is
Function: Sets the center frequency for the high range of
“ON” and sets the width (“Q”) for the low range of
the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer.
the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer between
Available Values: 1500 - 3200 (Hz)/OFF (100Hz/step)
“1” and “10”.
Default Setting: OFF
Description: Selects the center frequency setting for 133 P-PRMTRC EQ2 FREQ
the high range of the 3 band parametric microphone Function: Selects the center frequency for the middle
equalizer between “1500 Hz” and “3200 Hz”. range of the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer
when the speech processor is activated.
128 PRMTRC EQ3 LEVEL Available Values: 700 - 1500 (Hz)/OFF (100Hz/step)
Function: Sets the gain for the high range of the 3 band
Default Setting: 800
parametric microphone equalizer.
Description: Selects the center frequency for the middle
Available Values: −20 - 0 - 10 (dB)
range of the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer
Default Setting: 5
between “700 Hz” and “1500 Hz” when the speech
Description: Selects the gain setting for the high range
processor is activated.
of the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer be-
tween “−20 dB” and “+10 dB”. 134 P-PRMTRC EQ2 LEVEL
Function: Sets the gain for the middle range of the 3
129 PRMTRC EQ3 BWTH band parametric microphone equalizer when the
Function: Selects the width setting (“Q”) for the high
speech processor is activated.
range of the 3 band parametric microphone equal-
Available Values: −20 - 0 - 10 (dB)
Default Setting: 0
Available Values: 1 - 10
Description: Selects the gain setting for the middle
Default Setting: 10
range of the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer
Description: Selects the width (“Q”) setting for the high
between “−20 dB” and “+10 dB” when the speech
range of the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer
processor is activated.
between “1” and “10”.

Page 136 FT-991 Operating Manual

Menu Mode
Function: Sets the width (“Q”) for the middle range of Function: Sets the transmit RF power output of the 144
the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer when MHz band.
the speech processor is activated. Available Values: 0 - 50
Available Values: 1 - 10 Default Setting: 50
Default Setting: 1 Description: Adjusts the setting of the 144 MHz band
Description: Activates when the speech processor is transmitter power output.
“ON”, and selects the width (“Q”) setting for the
middle range of the 3 band parametric microphone
Function: Sets the transmit RF power output of the 430
equalizer between “1” and “10”.
MHz band.
136 P-PRMTRC EQ3 FREQ Available Values: 0 - 50
Function: Sets the center frequency for the high range Default Setting: 50
of the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer when Description: Adjusts the setting of the 430 MHz band
the speech processor is activated. transmitter power output.
Available Values: 1500 - 3200 (Hz)/OFF (100Hz/step)
Default Setting: 2100
Function: Sets the functions of the antenna tuner.
Description: Activates when the speech processor is
Available Values: O F F / I N T E R N A L / E X T E R N A L /
“ON”, and selects the center frequency setting for
the high range of the 3 band parametric microphone
Default Setting: INTERNAL
equalizer between “1500 Hz” and “3200 Hz”.
Description: Selects the antenna tuner to be used or sets
137 P-PRMTRC EQ3 LEVEL the connections for a linear amplifier.
Function: Sets the gain for the high range of the 3 band INTERNAL:
parametric microphone equalizer when the speech Select this item when using the internal antenna
processor is activated. tuner.
Available Values: −20 - 0 - 10 (dB) EXTERNAL:
Default Setting: 0 Select this item when using the external antenna
Description: Activates when the speech processor is tuner (the optional FC-40, etc.).
“ON”, and selects the gain setting for the high range ATAS:
of the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer be- Select this item when using the active tuning an-
tween “−20 dB” and “+10 dB”. tenna system ATAS-120A.
138 P-PRMTRC EQ3 BWTH Select this item when connecting the linear am-
Function: Sets the width (“Q”) for the high range of the
plifier to the TUN/LIN jack on the rear panel.
3 band parametric microphone equalizer when the
speech processor is activated.
Select this item when not using the antenna tuner
Available Values: 1 - 10
or the linear amplifier.
Default Setting: 1
Description: Activates when the speech processor is 144 VOX SELECT
“ON”, and sets the width (‘Q”) for the high range of Function: Selects the function of the VOX operation.
the 3 band parametric microphone equalizer between Available Values: MIC/DATA
“1” and “10”. Default Setting: MIC
Description: Selects the function of the VOX operation.
Function: Sets the transmit RF power output of the HF
Operates via input from the MIC jack (micro-
Available Values: 5 - 100
Default Setting: 100
Operates via input from the RTTY/PKT or USB jack.
Description: Adjusts the setting of the HF bands trans-
mitter power output. 145 VOX GAIN
Function: Sets the VOX gain.
140 50M TX MAX POWER Available Values: 0 - 100
Function: Sets the transmit RF power output of the 50
Default Setting: 50
MHz band.
Description: Sets the operation sensitivity of the VOX
Available Values: 5 - 100
circuit. “1” represents the minimum sensitivity and
Default Setting: 100
“100” represents the maximum sensitivity. The
Description: Adjusts the setting of the 50 MHz band
VOX operation sensitivity may be adjusted while
transmitter power output.
transmitting the signal.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 137

Menu Mode
Function: Sets the VOX delay time. Function: Enables TX/RX operation on the Alaska
Available Values: 30 - 3000 msec (10 msec/step) Emergency Channel, 5167.5kHz.
Default Setting: 500 msec Available Values: ENABLE/DISABLE
Description: While operating VOX, the recovery time Default Setting: DISABLE
(delay time) before returning to receive mode from Description: When this Menu Item is set to ENABLE,
transmit mode may be set at 10 msec intervals. The the spot frequency of 5167.5 kHz will be enabled.
delay time may be adjusted while transmitting the The Alaska Emergency Channel will be fount be-
signal. tween the PMS memory channel “P-9U” and the
memory channel “01”.
147 ANTI VOX GAIN Important: The use of this frequency is restricted to
Function: Sets the VOX anti-trip.
stations operating in or near Alaska, and only for
Available Values: 0 - 100
emergency purposes (never for routine operations).
Default Setting: 50
See §97.401(c) of the FCC regulations.
Description: The sensitivity of the anti-trip circuit may
be adjusted so that the VOX circuit does not acci-
dently engage due to the sounds from the transceiver
speaker. Increase the anti-trip value to the point that
sounds from the transceiver speaker do not engage
the transmitter while using VOX operation.


Function: Sets the VOX GAIN while operating VOX
during the sending/receiving of data (PSK31, RTTY,
Available Values: 0 - 100
Default Setting: 50
Description: Set the data input VOX gain to the point
that the data signal reliably engages the transmitter,
and also releases the transmit when there is no data


Function: Sets the VOX DELAY time while operating
VOX during the sending/receiving of data (PSK31,
RTTY, etc.).
Available Values: 30msec - 3000msec
Default Setting: 100msec


Function: Sets the data VOX ant-trip.
Available Values: 0 - 100
Default Setting: 0
Description: The sensitivity of the anti-trip circuit may
be adjusted so that the VOX circuit does not acci-
dently engage due to the received data while oper-
ating VOX. Increase the setting to a value that the
VOX circuit does not engage due to the received
data (the higher the value the greater the operation

Page 138 FT-991 Operating Manual

Installation of Optional Accessories
FC-40 External Automatic Antenna Tuner (for Wire Antenna)
The FC-40 makes use of the control circuitry built into the transceiver, which allows the operator to control and monitor
automatic operation of the FC-40, which mounts near the antenna feedpoint. The FC-40 uses specially selected,
thermally stable components, and is housed in a waterproof case to withstand severe environmental conditions with high
A carefully-chosen combination of solid-state switching components and high-speed relays allows the FC-40 to match
a wide variety of antennas to within a 2:1 SWR on any amateur band frequency (160 through 6 meters), typically in less
than eight seconds. Transmitter power required for matching may be as little as 4 - 60 Watts, and matching settings are
automatically stored in memory for instant recall when the same frequency range is selected later.
Please see the FC-40 Operating Manual for detailed information.

Interconnections to FT-991
After mounting the FC-40, connect the cables from the
FC-40 to the ANT and TUNER jacks on the rear panel
of the FT-991 Transceiver.

Antenna Terminal
Antenna Cable (5 m)


Install the supplied ferrite

core as close to the con-
nector as possible.
Control Cable (5 m)

Wrap the ends of the waterproof

cap with the supplied sealing
tape to protect against moisture

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 139

Installation of Optional Accessories
FC-40 External Automatic Antenna Tuner (for Wire Antenna)
Setup the FT-991
The optional FC-40 Automatic Antenna Tuner provides automatic tuning of a coaxial line to present nominal 50-ohm
impedance to the FT-991’s ANT jack.
Before operation can begin, the FT-991 microprocessor must be setup to accommodate the FC-40 automatic tuner. This
is done using the Menu Mode:

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the Menu MENU(SETUP) Button TUNE Button

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the Menu Item “143
3. Touch [ SELECT ] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to select “EXTERNAL”.


     / 6 : /# : 219'4 
   670'4 5 ' . '%6 + 0 6'40#. r Be sure to connect a good earth ground to the GND
   81: 5 ' . '%6 /+ %
terminal of the FC-40.
r The carrier signal transmits continuously while
tuning is in progress. Please monitor the operating
4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new setting. frequency before beginning the tuning process. Be
sure you are not interfering with others who may
already be using the frequency.
r It is normal to hear the sound of the relays while
tuning is in progress.
     / 6 : /# : 219'4 
r If the impedance cannot be matched by the FC-40
   670'4 5 ' . '%6 ':6'40#. better than 2:1, and the “HI-SWR” icon blinks, the
   81: 5 ' . '%6 /+ %
microprocessor will not retain the tuning data for that
frequency, as the FC-40 presumes that you will want
to adjust or repair your antenna system to correct the
5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK] high SWR condition.
on the LCD to exit to normal operation.
1. Press the TUNE button briefly to activate the
Automatic Antenna Tuner.
2. The “TUNER” icon will appear in the TFT display.
3. Press and hold the TUNE button for one second
to begin automatic tuning. The transmitter will be
engaged, and the “TUNER” icon will blink while
tuning is in progress.
4. Tuning will stop automatically when a low SWR is
achieved. You may Press the TUNE button while
tuning is in progress, to cancel the automatic tuning.
5. To disable the Automatic Antenna Tuner, press the
TUNE button briefly again.

Page 140 FT-991 Operating Manual

Installation of Optional Accessories
Active-Tuning Antenna System (ATAS-120A) Operation
ATAS-120A is a multi-band auto-tuning antenna that can be used in the amateur bands from the HF band to the UHF
band (7/14/21/28(29) /50/144/430)
Using the active tuning mechanism, tuning can be carried out automatically by the control signal from FT-991. Please
refer to the ATAS-120A Operating Manual for the assembly and installation of ATAS-120A.

Interconnections to FT-991
Connect “ATAS-120A” to the ANT terminal of FT-991 with a coaxial cable as shown in the diagram below.

 Turn off the external power supply switch and the
When installing a dedicated VHF/UHF antenna si-
FT-991 power supply switch first before connecting multaneously with the ATAS-120A, use a VHF/UHF
antenna that does not include the HF - 50 MHz bands
the cables. (144/430 MHz type).
 Grounding is required for the ATAS-120A. Make The reception circuit of the V/UHF band may be im-
pacted by the transmitter energy from the ATAS-120A.
sure the antenna base is in contact with the car body In addition, install the 2 antennas as far away from each
to ensure proper grounding. other as possible.

 Do not plug or unplug the connector of the antenna
cable with wet hands. Do not plug or unplug the

Dedicated V/UHF band antenna

connector during transmission as well. This may
result in electric shock, injury, etc.
 The unit cannot be used with both the antenna tuner
and ATAS-120A connected.


When using an antenna duplexer, the ANT terminal of

the ATAS-120A and the HF/50 MHz ANT terminal
of the FT-991 must be connected in series and also
insulated from the grounding in order to supply the
control voltage for the ATAS-120A.


antenna base

ATAS-120A connection example

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 141

Installation of Optional Accessories
Active-Tuning Antenna System (ATAS-120A) Operation
Settings Before Operating the Tuner MENU(SETUP) Button TUNE Button

1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to enter the Menu

2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select the Menu item “143
3. Touch [ SELECT ] on the LCD, then rotate the
MULTI knob to set this Menu item to “ATAS”. The
“ATAS” icon will appear in the display.

     / 6 : /# : 219'4 
   670'4 5 ' . '%6 + 0 6'40#.
   81: 5 ' . '%6 /+ %

4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new setting.

Manual Tuning
     / 6 : /# : 219'4 
Carry out the tuning of the ATAS-120A manually.
   670'4 5 ' . '%6 #6#5
   81: 5 ' . '%6 /+ % Press the PTT switch on the microphone to transmit and
then press the UP/DWN button on the microphone to
adjust the antenna until the meter indicates the minimum
5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK] SWR.
on the LCD to exit to normal operation.
The meter on the screen will automatically change to a
Tuning Operation SWR meter.
The tuning of the ATAS-120A is carried out automati-
1. Press the TUNE button to begin automatic tuning.
The transmitter will be engaged, and the “ATAS”
icon will blink while tuning is in progress.
Press the TUNE button to stop the tuning in the middle
of the process.
 Check the grounding and installation conditions if
“HI-SWR” is flashing (tuning cannot be carried out).
 As transmit signals are emitted during tuning, take
note not to interfere with any communication that is
already in progress on the frequency.

Page 142 FT-991 Operating Manual

Installation of Optional Accessories
Mounting Bracket MMB-90 Installation
MMB-90 is a mobile bracket used to mount the FT-991 series in an automotive vehicle.

Installation Procedure
1. Use the enclosed double-sided tape to temporarily
mount the bracket at the installation location and
then fasten the bracket securely with the enclosed
screws so that it does not loosen or detach due to vi- Stay (user prepared)
brations etc.
Mount the unit securely using commercial stays etc.
if the installation location is weak.
If you are mounting the unit using tapping screws,
pay due attention to the strength of the installation
location and check that the bracket does not detach
2. Use the enclosed knob screws to mount the main
transceiver unit to MMB-90.
To install the MMB-90, before commencing work, first
use the following points as a guide to find a suitable
installation location that will allow the transceiver to be
easily operated.
 Please choose a location that will not affect the op-
eration of the air bag system for cars equipped with
air bags.
 That will not obstruct the field of view in front.
 That will not impede driving.
 That will not result in danger to the passengers in the
assistant driver’s seat and rear seats etc.
 That is not exposed to direct sunlight and hot air etc.
 That is well-ventilated.
Select a flat mounting surface. If the mounting surface
is not flat, the bracket may be distorted, resulting in the
inability to mount the transceiver. The viewing angle of the transceiver may be
Be sure to use screws of the specified size to install each adjusted by changing the location of the front
part according to the specified method. Malfunctions mounting screws.
will result if screws of the wrong sizes are used, or if the
unit is mounted wrongly.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 143

Rx Frequency Range: 30 kHz - 56 MHz, 118 MHz - 164 MHz, 420 MHz - 470 MHz (operating)
1.8 MHz - 54 MHz, 144 MHz - 148 MHz, 430 MHz - 450 MHz (specified
performance, Amateur bands only)
Tx Frequency Ranges: 1.8 MHz - 54 MHz, 144 MHz - 148 MHz, 430 MHz - 450 MHz (Amateur
bands only)
Frequency Stability: ±0.5 ppm (after 1 minute @+14 °F to +122 °F [–10 °C to +50 °C])
Operating Temperature Range: +14 °F to +122 °F (–10 °C to +50 °C)
Emission Modes: A1A (CW), A3E (AM), J3E (LSB, USB), F3E (FM), F7W (C4FM), F2D
Frequency Steps: 5/10 Hz (SSB, CW, & AM), 100 Hz (FM, C4FM)
Antenna Impedance: 50 Ohms, unbalanced
16.7 - 150 Ohms, unbalanced (Tuner ON, 1.8 MHz - 30 MHz Amateur
25 - 100 Ohms, unbalanced (Tuner ON, 50 MHz Amateur band)
Power Consumption (Approx.): Rx (no signal) 1.8 A
Rx (signal present) 2.2 A
Tx 23 A (HF/50 MHz 100 W), 15 A (144/430 MHz 50 W)
Supply Voltage: DC 13.8 V ± 15% (Negative Ground)
Dimensions (WxHxD): 9.0” x 3.2” x 10.0” (229 x 80 x 253 mm)
Weight (Approx.): 9.5 lbs (4.3 kg)

Power Output: 5 - 100 watts (2 - 25 watts AM carrier)
Modulation Types: J3E (SSB): Balanced,
A3E (AM): Low-Level (Early Stage),
F3E (FM): Variable Reactance
F7W (C4FM): 4-level FSK
Maximum FM Deviation: ±5.0 kHz/±2.5 kHz
Harmonic Radiation: Better than –50 dB (1.8 MHz - 30 MHz Amateur bands)
Better than –63 dB (50 MHz Amateur band)
Better than –60 dB (144 MHz, 430 MHz Amateur bands)
SSB Carrier Suppression: At least 50 dB below peak output
Undesired Sideband Suppression: At least 50 dB below peak output
Bandwidth: 3 kHz (LSB/USB), 500 Hz (CW), 6 kHz (AM), 16 kHz (FM/C4FM)
Audio Response (SSB): Not more than –6 dB from 300 to 2700 Hz
Microphone Impedance: 600 Ohms (200 to 10 kOhms)

Page 144 FT-991 Operating Manual

Circuit Type: SSB/CW/AM: Triple-conversion Super heterodyne
FM/C4FM: Double-conversion Super heterodyne
Intermediate Frequencies: 40.455 MHz
SSB/CW/AM: 69.450 MHz/9.000 MHz/24 kHz
FM/C4FM: 69.450 MHz/450 kHz
Sensitivity: SSB/CW (BW: 2.4 kHz, 10 dB S+N/N)
0.158 µV (1.8 - 30 MHz) (AMP 2 “ON”)
0.125 µV (50 - 54 MHz) (AMP 2 “ON”)
0.11 µV (144 - 148 MHz)
0.11 µV (430 - 450 MHz)
AM (BW: 6 kHz, 10 dB S+N/N, 30 % modulation @400 Hz)
5 µV (0.5 - 1.8 MHz) (AMP 2 “ON”)
1.6 µV (1.8 - 30 MHz) (AMP 2 “ON”)
1.25 µV (50 - 54 MHz) (AMP 2 “ON”)
FM (BW: 15 kHz, 12 dB SINAD)
0.35 µV (28 - 30 MHz) (AMP 2 “ON”)
0.35 µV (50 - 54 MHz) (AMP 2 “ON”)
0.18 µV (144 - 148 MHz)
0.18 µV (430 - 440 MHz)
There is no specification for frequency ranges not listed.
Squelch Sensitivity (TYP.): SSB/CW/AM
1.0 µV (1.8 - 30 MHz, 50 - 54 MHz) (AMP2 “ON”)
1.0 µV (144 - 148 MHz, 430 - 450 MHz)
0.35 µV (28 - 30 MHz, 50 - 54 MHz) (AMP2 “ON”)
0.125 µV (144 - 148 MHz, 430 - 450 MHz)
There is no specification for frequency range not listed.
Selectivity: Mode –6 dB –60 dB
CW/RTTY/PKT 0.5 kHz or better 750 Hz or less
SSB 2.4 kHz or better 3.6 kHz or less
AM 6 kHz or better 15 kHz or less
FM 12 kHz or better 30 kHz or less (–50 dB)
Image Rejection: 70 dB or better (1.8 MHz - 50 MHz Amateur bands)
60 dB or better (144/430 MHz Amateur band)
Maximum Audio Output: 2.5 W into 4 Ohms with 10% THD
Audio Output Impedance: 4 to 8 Ohms (4 Ohms: nominal)
Conducted Radiation: Less than 4 nW

Specifications are subject to change, in the interest of technical improvement, without notice or obligation, and are
guaranteed only within the amateur bands.

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 145

A Contest Memory Keyer...............................................
Contest Number Programming...................................
A/B Button.................................................................. 20 CONTOUR Control.................................................... 48
A=B Button................................................................. 20 Convenience Features................................................. 38
About ATU Memories................................................. 62 Convenient Memory functions................................... 97
About ATU Operation................................................. 62 C.S Button................................................................... 20
About Coaxial Cable................................................... 11 C.S (Custom Switch).................................................. 37
About GPS Positioning............................................. 110 Current Mode (Modulation Form) Indicator............... 22
About the Display....................................................... 22 Custom Switch............................................................ 37
Accessories & Options.................................................. 5 CW Convenience Features.......................................... 82
Active-Tuning Antenna System (ATAS-120A)........ 141 CW Delay Time Setting.............................................. 83
Adjustable Receiver Audio Filter................................ 58 CW Pitch Adjustment................................................. 83
Adjusting the Clock...................................................... 8 CW Spotting (Zero-Beating)....................................... 82
Adjusting the Main Tuning Dial Torque....................... 7
Adjusting the Noise Blanker Level............................. 47 D
Adjusting the SSB Transmitted Bandwidth................ 67 DATA (PSK) Operation............................................ 118
AF GAIN Knob.......................................................... 21 DC IN Jack.................................................................. 25
AGC.............................................................................. 57 Digital Mode Operation.............................................. 95
Alaska Emergency Frequency: 5167.5 khz.............. 106 Digital Noise Reduction (DNR).................................. 54
A>M Button................................................................ 21 Digital NOTCH Filter (DNF)..................................... 54
AM Mode Transmission............................................. 59 DIMMER.................................................................... 35
AMS (Automatic Mode Select) Operation................. 38 Displaying the Position Information......................... 112
Antenna Considerations.............................................. 11 DNF............................................................................ 54
ANT Jack (144/430MHz)........................................... 25 DNR............................................................................ 54
ANT Jack (HF/50MHz).............................................. 26
ARS............................................................................. 93 E
ATAS-120A............................................................... 141 Electronic Keyer......................................................... 78
ATT (Attenuator)........................................................ 45 Enhancing Transmit Signal Quality............................ 63
Attenuator................................................................... 45 Entering the Location Information Manually........... 112
ATU Operation............................................................ 61 epeater Operation........................................................ 92
Audio Peak Filter........................................................ 56 Erasing Memory Channel Data................................. 101
Automatic Gain Control.............................................. 57 EXT SPKR Jack.......................................................... 26
Automatic Mode Select............................................... 38
Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS)................................ 93 F
Available Options.......................................................... 6 FAST Button............................................................... 21
FAST Indicators.......................................................... 24
B FC-40 External Automatic Antenna Tuner............... 139
BAND Button............................................................. 19 FH-2 Remote Control Switches.................................. 28
Band Stack Operation................................................. 37 F(M-LIST) Button...................................................... 19
Base Station Wire Stand................................................ 7 FM Mode Operation................................................... 91
Basic Operation........................................................... 30 Front Panel Controls & Switches................................ 18
Before You Begin.......................................................... 7 Full Reset.................................................................... 10
Function Menu............................................................ 23
C4FM Mode (Digital Mode) Operation...................... 95 G
Changing the Frequency of the Home Channel.......... 99 General Description...................................................... 1
Checking a Memory Channel Status......................... 101 GM Function............................................................. 113
Choosing the Desired Memory Group...................... 105 GND............................................................................ 25
CLAR Button.............................................................. 21 GPS/CAT Jack............................................................ 25
CLAR (Clarifier) Operation........................................ 34 GPS Function............................................................ 110
Clarifier Operation...................................................... 23 GPS Signal Capturing Indicator.................................. 23
CLAR/VFO-B Knob................................................... 21 Grounding................................................................... 12
Clock........................................................................... 23
Connection of Antenna and Power Cables.................. 13 H
Connection of Headphone........................................... 14 HI-SWR Indicator....................................................... 22
Connection of Microphone......................................... 14 Home Channel............................................................ 99
Connection of Remote Control Keypad...................... 14

Page 146 FT-991 Operating Manual

Icons............................................................................ 22 NAR............................................................................ 52
IF Noise Blanker (NB)................................................ 47 NARROW (NAR)....................................................... 52
IF NOTCH Filter........................................................ 53 NB............................................................................... 47
IF SHIFT Operation.................................................... 49 Noise Blanker.............................................................. 47
Inputting the Call Sign.................................................. 9 NOTCH Filter...................................................... 53, 54
Installation and Interconnections................................ 14
Installation of Optional Accessories......................... 139 O
Intercept Point Optimization....................................... 46 ON/OFF Switch.......................................................... 18
IPO (Intercept Point Optimization)............................. 46 Operating Mode Indicators......................................... 22
Operation Frequency................................................... 23
K Operation on 60-Meter (5 MHz) Band....................... 33
Keyboard Frequency Entry......................................... 42
Keyer Operating Mode............................................... 80 P
Keyer Weight (Dot/Dash) Ratio.................................. 79 Parametric Microphone Equalizer.............................. 63
KEY Jack.................................................................... 18 PHONES Jack............................................................. 18
Key, Keyer, and Computer-Driven Keying Plug/Connector Pinout Diagrams............................... 17
Interconnections.......................................................... 15 PMS (Programmable Memory Scanning)................. 109

Labeling Memories................................................... 100 QMB (Quick Memory Bank)...................................... 97
LED Indicators............................................................ 24 Quick Memory Bank................................................... 97
LOCK.......................................................................... 35
LOCK Button.............................................................. 21
LOCK Indicators......................................................... 24 RCL/STO Button........................................................ 20
Rear Panel................................................................... 25
M Recalling the Home Channel...................................... 99
Main Band RX/TX Indicators..................................... 24 Receiver Operation..................................................... 44
Main Control Buttons................................................. 23 REM/ALC Jack........................................................... 26
Main Tuning Dial Knob.............................................. 21 Resetting Memories (Only)......................................... 10
Memory Channel Recall............................................. 98 Resetting the Microprocessor..................................... 10
Memory Group Assignment...................................... 104 Reversing the Keyer Polarity...................................... 81
Memory Groups........................................................ 104 RF Gain....................................................................... 55
Memory List................................................................ 23 RF GAIN Knob........................................................... 21
Memory Mode RX/TX Indicators.............................. 24 RTTY/DATA Jack....................................................... 25
Memory Operation...................................................... 97 RTTY (Radio Teletype) Operation............................ 116
Memory Scanning..................................................... 108 RX Indicator (Green).................................................. 24
Memory Storage.......................................................... 98
Memory Tune............................................................ 102
Menu List.................................................................... 23 SCOPE........................................................................ 40
Menu Mode............................................................... 120 Scope/Waterfall........................................................... 23
Menu Resetting........................................................... 10 Setting with the MULTI Knob.................................... 42
MENU(SETUP) Button.............................................. 19 Setup for Straight Key................................................ 76
Message Memory........................................................ 84 S-Meter....................................................................... 23
Message Memory Programming................................. 86 Specifications............................................................ 144
Meters......................................................................... 23 Speech Processor........................................................ 66
MH-31A8J Microphone Switches.............................. 27 SPLIT Button.............................................................. 21
MH-36E8J Microphone Switches............................... 29 Split-Frequency Operation.......................................... 74
MIC Jack..................................................................... 18 Split Memory............................................................ 103
MMB-90................................................................... 143 Split Operation Using the TX Clarifier....................... 73
MODE Button............................................................. 19 SSB Mode Transmission............................................. 59
MONITOR.................................................................. 72 Standard Memory Operation....................................... 98
More Frequency Navigation Techniques.................... 42 Sub Band RX/TX Indicators....................................... 24
Mounting Bracket MMB-90..................................... 143 Supplied Accessories.................................................... 5
MULTI Knob.............................................................. 19 Sweep Mode................................................................ 41
MULTI Knob Operations............................................ 22

FT-991 Operating Manual Page 147

Table of Contents.......................................................... 3
TEXT Memory............................................................ 87
TFT Liquid Crystal Display........................................ 22
To change the function assigned to the main control
button.......................................................................... 23
Toggling to the Digital Communication Mode........... 39
Tone Squelch Operation.............................................. 94
Tools for Comfortable and Effective Reception......... 56
Transmitter Convenience Features.............................. 68
TUNE Button.............................................................. 20
TUN/LIN Jack............................................................ 25
TX Indicator (Red)...................................................... 24
TXW Button................................................................ 20

USB Jack..................................................................... 26
Using the Automatic Antenna Tuner........................... 61
Using the Built-in Electronic Keye............................. 78

VFO-B Data................................................................ 23
VFO COLOR.............................................................. 36
VFO Scanning........................................................... 107
VL-1000 Linear Amplifier Interconnections.............. 16
V/M Button................................................................. 21
Voice Memory............................................................. 68
VOX............................................................................ 70

WIDTH....................................................................... 50

Zero-Beating............................................................... 82

Page 148 FT-991 Operating Manual


FT-991 Operating Manual Page 149

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part
15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
 Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

1. Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by YAESU MUSEN could void the user’s
authorization to operate this device.
2. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions; (1)
this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
3. The scanning receiver in this equipment is incapable of tuning, or readily being altered, by the User to operate
within the frequency bands allocated to the Domestic public Cellular Telecommunications Service in Part 22.

This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference,
including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de
brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage
est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

The scanner receiver is not a digital scanner and is incapable of being converted or modified into a digital scanner
receiver by any user.



CAN ICES-3 (B) / NMB-3 (B)

Page 150 FT-991 Operating Manual

Copyright 2014
All rights reserved
No portion of this manual
may be reproduced without
the permission of
Printed in Japan 1412X-AO

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