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Copyright Christopher D New 2019
Switching losses are a central factor in determining the overall performance of modern
power electronics applications. It is crucial to accurately and efficiently estimate these losses
since they affect system efficiency and power density. Despite the importance of accurate
estimations, there is a lack of a broadly-accepted uniform approach for estimating this important
loss mechanism across different semiconductor types, ratings, and vendors which limits the
ability of engineers to manage the trade-offs inherent in the design of power electronics.
This thesis compares two of the most widely used techniques for estimating switching
losses of power semiconductors: continuous converter operation (CCO) and double-pulse testing
(DPT). These techniques are evaluated in terms of accuracy, ease of implementation, and
metrology considerations. An empirical setup was fabricated to test both techniques on the same
platform with minimal changes to the setup between the tests. The same semiconductor was
evaluated with both techniques, and the resulting switching loss estimations were then compared.
It was found that the CCO technique over-estimates the DUT switching losses by 27.8% on
average. This error can likely be attributed to the frequency-dependent losses of the diode,
inductor core losses, and the temperature dependence of components. Better agreement between
CCO and DPT loss predictions are demonstrated when the frequency-dependent loss of the diode
are added to the DPT estimation. This indicates that the CCO method includes additional loss
mechanisms and suggests that the results from the DPT technique provide a more accurate
BW Bandwidth
EV Electric Vehicle
IT Information Technology
PSU Power Supply Unit
Si Silicon
SiC Silicon-Carbide
I would like to first thank my research advisor Dr. Andrew Lemmon for his continual
help and guidance throughout my research. He has helped me grow as a researcher and a person.
To my family, thank you for your continued support throughout this entire process. I
appreciate your constant encouragement. To my coworkers – Ali, Blake, Brian, Jamie, Jared, Jin,
Marshal, Sam, Sergio C., and Sergio M. – thank you for putting up with me on a daily basis and
somehow staying cheerful around me. I am lucky to work in a lab where the environment is more
like spending time with family than going to work. I look forward to continuing to work with
you, hanging out with you, and watching the progression of your research. To the undergraduates
that have worked directly with me, Dylan, Easton, Henry, Mason, and Narayan, I appreciate your
patience as I failed to answer your questions. I could not have completed several of my project
deliverables without your hours working in the lab, and I have confidence that all of you are
I would like to thank all of the lifelong friends that I developed on the Formula SAE team
– Aaron, Andrew, Blake, Cole, and Tony. Without them challenging me during my
undergraduate years, graduate school would never have entered my radar. To the close friends
that do not fit into these categories – Alison, Brandy, Garrett, Nick, and Shelby – thank you for
your contributions getting me to this point. I appreciate the time you spent with me studying or
simply enjoying each other’s company. I hope our friendships continue well beyond our college
days. To all the people that I did not specifically call out, I appreciate all you have done for me.
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................ v
vi Double-Pulse Test .............................................................................................................. 9
3.4.1. Thermal Challenges ............................................................................................................ 30
5.3.2. Boost Converter .................................................................................................................. 55
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 85
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 91
Table 1: DUT operating conditions during buck and boost CCO ................................................ 58
Table 5: Comparison of PQA power loss and oscilloscope-derived power loss .......................... 74
Figure 2: Estimations of electricity usage in the U.S.: (a) [5] and (b) [4] ...................................... 3
Figure 6: Switching loss comparison of (a) Si IGBT [32] and (b) SiC MOSFET [33] ................ 14
Figure 10: Comparison of turn-off event of (a) SiC MOSFET and (b) Si IGBT [36] .................. 19
Figure 11: Notional example of power loss versus frequency plot .............................................. 23
Figure 14: Percent difference of current measuring instruments with respect to PSU ................. 28
Figure 16: Current flow during DPT (a) on-time and (b) off-time. .............................................. 33
Figure 19: Example switching loss waveforms during (a) turn-on and (b) turn-off [54] ............. 36
Figure 20: Simulation demonstrating influence of voltage probe BW on a fast-rising signal ..... 40
Figure 21: Representation of the challenges of selecting DPT integration bounds ...................... 42
Figure 27: Schematic of (a) buck converter and (b) boost converter ........................................... 53
Figure 29: Boost converter (a) on-state and (b) off-state .............................................................. 56
Figure 30: Example of challenges tuning DUT conditions in boost CCO ................................... 57
Figure 31: Differences in circuit design for DPT and CCO ......................................................... 59
Figure 35: Load inductor: (a) single inductor and (b) entire inductor bank ................................. 61
Figure 41: PQA input and output power during CCO at 100 kHz switching frequency .............. 69
Figure 42: Raw power loss results from CCO using PQA and oscilloscope ................................ 69
Figure 43: Raw power loss results from CCO with linear fit lines ............................................... 70
Figure 44: Frequency dependent CCO losses ............................................................................... 71
Figure 45: PQA power loss during CCO at 100 kHz switching frequency .................................. 73
Figure 46: PQA power loss with five-second moving average .................................................... 74
Figure 47: Example DPT results for (a) turn-off and (b) turn-on ................................................. 76
Figure 49: Frequency dependent loss comparison – CCO and DPT ............................................ 78
Figure 50: Frequency dependent loss comparison – CCO and DPT with diode .......................... 80
Power electronics are the foundation for many applications that require electrical energy
conversion. Currently, electrical loads account for approximately 40% of primary energy
consumption in the United States, and estimations project this number to increase worldwide to
50% in the next 25 years [1]. By 2030, as much as 80% of this electric power will use power
electronics somewhere in the process of delivering energy to a load [2]. These electronics use
switching technology to redirect the energy flow through a circuit many times per second
allowing for precise control of the output to a load. The applications of power electronics can
range from converters with power ratings in the tens of watts such as consumer laptop chargers
to grid level integration systems requiring megawatts of power. Regardless of the application, all
power electronics feature a similar goal: to facilitate the transfer of conditioned power from a
source to a load.
Although power electronic circuits rely on the switching technology to redirect energy
flow appropriately, these same electronics require additional components such as controllers and
magnetics to work seamlessly with the switching technology. Power electronics provide a focal
point for controls and energy systems to combine [3]. These systems are expected to work
continuously over the course of many years, so the many sub-systems must work together
effectively with reliabilities approaching 100% [3]. This combination of requirements poses
1.1. Applications of Power Electronics
Power electronics are used in a variety of applications ranging from low-power consumer
devices to high-power grid converters. Figure 1 shows the power levels of some common higher
power applications that require power electronics. This section will discuss some of these
applications and why power electronics are preferred over alternative schemes.
Traction HVDC
Device Current (A)
103 Drive
Electric motors span across a wide range of applications including compressors, pumps,
and fans, and are therefore the largest consumer of electricity by a significant margin [4]. Figure
2 shows two estimations from different sources that indicate the percent of electricity used in the
United States by different sectors [4]-[5]. Since heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
(HVAC) systems require motors, both estimations shown in Figure 2 predict that motors account
for about one-half to two-thirds of the electricity usage in the U.S. Most motor systems have
traditionally operated at a constant speed and regulated the load by employing mechanical bleed
valves [5]. Although this operation is effective at controlling the flow rate, it wastes energy since
the pump is operating at a faster speed than is necessary. A more effective solution for regulating
the flow rate is to use power electronics to control the motor’s speed directly and therefore,
reduce the wasted energy of the system. It has been determined that switching to electric heat
pumps in homes can reduce the energy consumption by as much as 30% and similar
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Estimations of electricity usage in the U.S.: (a) [5] and (b) [4]
Due to the rising carbon dioxide emissions and increasing demand for electrical energy
across the world, several countries are making paradigm shifts from fossil fuels to renewable
energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower [6]-[7]. By 2020, Europe is expected to use
renewable energy sources for 20% of its power generation [6]. Renewable energy sources also
offer the opportunity for providing power to remote areas of the world which previously
struggled to implement power delivery due to availability, reliability, and cost concerns [8]-[9].
This shift will require a network of hundreds of thousands to millions of power converters linked
between the individual renewable energy sources and the remainder of the electrical grid [10]-
[11]. Each of these sources will require converters with advanced power electronics to ensure the
renewables have an efficient, steady, and reliable interface with the grid [12].
1.1.3. Automotive Powertrains
Several trends are leading to the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric
vehicles (HEVs). First, carbon dioxide is a negative byproduct of the combustion process in the
internal combustion engines (ICEs) typically found in automobiles. Because of the number of
automobiles on the roads, the transportation sector now accounts for a large share of carbon
dioxide emissions in the world as shown in Figure 3 [13]. Transitioning from ICE cars to EVs
and HEVs reduces the carbon diode emissions from automobiles. Second, cars with ICEs rely on
fossil fuels, which are a diminishing and non-renewable resource. Governing bodies in many
countries are requiring automobiles to use less fossil fuels by increasing fuel efficiency
requirements [14]-[15]. For years, automotive manufacturers have been passing these regulations
by improving the combustion process in ICE cars, but tightening regulations are forcing
manufacturers to produce more EVs and HEVs, which have significantly better fuel efficiency.
Third, electric vehicles have a better torque-vs.-power curve for automotive applications, which
Industrial Transportation
34% 32%
Commercial Residential
15% 19%
Every EV and HEV requires power electronics to operate the many systems of the
automobile such as the propulsion equipment, HVAC, and battery charging system. If these
power electronics are physically large or heavy, it reduces the size of the passenger compartment
in the vehicle and reduces the maximum range of the vehicle [17]. Both of these are important
performance metrics for a typical automobile. Thus, the automotive industry demands power
electronics with high power ratings as well as physically small dimensions and mass for such
As stated previously in the Renewable Energy section, the grid is transitioning from
centralized power generation to a distributed network of power sources, which all must interface
seamlessly. Along with the added penetration of these converters, power electronics in the form
of uninterruptable power supplies (UPSs) are being added to the grid. UPSs ensure continuous,
high-quality power to critical loads during sags, spikes, or frequency variations in the grid. As
information-technology (IT) related business continues to expand and grow, more UPSs are
expected to be added to the grid to combat issues with the grid power quality [18]. These devices
have a line frequency input and output and must respond nearly instantaneously to perturbations
so that the attached loads do not experience these grid quality issues.
All the applications listed in the Applications of Power Electronics section require high
reliability, high efficiency, and quick response time to any shifts in load demand. The strict
demands on the power electronics in these applications and many others require metrics to
evaluate the performance of power electronic systems. As in many industries, power electronics
designers must balance many constraints and trade-offs when designing a product. This section
outlines some of the performance metrics used to evaluate power electronics systems.
1.2.1. Efficiency
power is wasted as heat compared to being passed to the load; this metric relates the input and
where 𝑃𝑂𝑈𝑇 is the converter’s output power (also referred to as the converter’s rated power), 𝑃𝐼𝑁
is the converter’s input power, 𝑃𝐿𝑂𝑆𝑆 is the power lost as heat by the converter, and 𝜂 is the
efficiency of the converter. An ideal converter, which cannot be realized in practice, would have
no power losses and therefore an efficiency of unity. Practical power electronics applications are
now being developed which achieve efficiency values in the range of 98-99% [19]-[21]
Volumetric power density provides insight into the size of the power electronics with
respect to the rated power. This metric is preferred over simply comparing dimensions since,
generally, converter volume increases at higher power levels. Power density therefore provides a
tool to compare converters even when they have different output power ratings and is defined in
𝑃𝑂𝑈𝑇 𝑊 (2)
𝜌𝑣𝑜𝑙 = [ ]
𝑉𝑜𝑙 𝑙
where 𝑉𝑜𝑙 is the converter’s volume (including the thermal management solution and any filters)
and 𝜌 is the converter’s power density expressed in Watts per liter. One well-known method for
frequency, which enables a significant reduction in the volume of magnetics and energy-storage
1.2.3. Gravimetric Power Density
Gravimetric power density relates a system’s output power to its mass. This metric is not
often used when evaluating a system installed in a fixed location, but is an essential tool when
mass directly affects the overall system’s fuel efficiency, so designs of these systems need
converters with very high gravimetric power density [24]. Gravimetric power density, or specific
𝑃𝑂𝑈𝑇 𝑊 (3)
𝜌𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣 = [ ]
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑘𝑔
where 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 refers to the total converter mass including any thermal management solutions and
filters. Gravimetric power density can be expressed in Watts per kilogram. Similar to volumetric
power density, this metric can be improved by operating converters at elevated switching
Owing to the critical role of switching losses in the efficiency-vs.-volume trade-off, the
estimation of these losses is of paramount importance during application design. The switching
loss of a converter directly affects its volumetric power density, specific power, and efficiency.
Therefore, it is one of the most important metrics when evaluating a semiconductor for potential
use in any power electronics application design. Despite the importance of estimating switching
losses, no standardized technique has been adopted in the literature for this purpose. There are
multiple methods used in the literature to estimate switching losses. These techniques can be
broadly split into two categories: techniques that estimate the losses using an application circuit
and methods that use purpose-built test equipment. This section gives a brief overview of the
1.3.1. Application Based Techniques
These techniques use a device operating as a full converter, often running continuously at
the expected operating load and for extended periods of time. These solutions have the advantage
of monitoring how the device will operate in an actual application circuit, but it is often difficult
to extract the losses specifically due to the semiconductor when using these techniques.
The continuous converter operation (CCO) technique analyzes a full converter operating
at load across a wide range of switching frequencies. By accurately measuring the input and
output current while the converter is operating, the power loss at each operating frequency can be
calculated. The converter is usually swept across a range of switching frequencies, and the
variation of loss with frequency is utilized to isolate the frequency-dependent losses which are
assumed to only come from the power semiconductor under evaluation. However, there are some
challenges with this technique. First, a full converter with a thermal management solution must
measurements in the system when the converter is operating at full load. Third, it is difficult to
isolate only the frequency dependent losses of the device under test (DUT) without including any
These techniques involve measuring the variation of enthalpy of the coolant in a thermal
exchanger that is used to cool the semiconductor devices in a converter [25]. The heat dissipated
by the DUT is measured, and since the device is operating continuously, the measurements can
be slow [26]. The challenges with this technique are similar to the CCO case in that it is difficult
to isolate only the losses of the DUT due to switching. The thermal measurements include both
conduction losses and switching losses, so this method requires an accurate understanding of the
DUT’s conduction losses to estimate switching losses. In addition, these thermal measurements
generally include losses from any auxiliary circuitry in the system. These auxiliary circuits also
participate in heating the thermal exchanger, so their losses must be subtracted to isolate the
contribution of the DUT [27]. Finally, this technique requires repeated calibration of the setup
and is often only tuned to operate across a small range of output power levels.
The second main category of techniques require purpose-built metrology to estimate the
switching losses of a DUT. In general, the circuits used in these procedures are not representative
of an actual application circuit, but are designed specifically to permit isolation of the DUT
This technique uses two converters attached to the same input voltage and operating with
opposite energy transfer directions [28]. One converter operates as a generator and the second
converter operates as a receptor, with high power circulating through the two converters [25].
The main advantages of this technique are that the measurements introduced into the system are
non-intrusive and no dissipative load is added to the system. The disadvantages of this technique
are that losses are not evaluated directly across the DUT, so other losses must be removed from
the measurements in order to accurately estimate the DUT switching loss [29].
The double-pulse test (DPT) technique uses time-domain measurements of turn-on and
turn-off switch transitions to estimate the switching losses of the DUT [30]. The DUT is attached
to a specialized test circuit that facilitates the precise selection of specific operating conditions
during a very brief transient operation period. This technique does not require any thermal
management solution since the device is only operated for a brief period. This technique also
provides isolation of the DUT losses because measurements are applied directly to the terminals
of the DUT. The main challenge with this technique is the difficulty in making sufficiently
accurate measurements to reliably compute the DUT losses from the captured transient
In light of the central role of switching losses in determining the overall performance of
modern power electronics applications, the ability to estimate these losses accurately and
efficiently is crucial. The lack of a broadly-accepted uniform approach for estimating this
important loss mechanism across different semiconductor types, ratings, and vendors limits the
ability of engineers to manage the trade-offs inherent in the design of power electronics. To
address this limitation, this thesis provides a detailed analysis of the two most widely used
techniques for estimating switching losses of power semiconductors: CCO and DPT. As part of
this analysis, the two techniques are compared against one another in terms of their accuracy,
ease of implementation, and metrology requirements. This study concludes with a set of specific
This thesis is organized into seven chapters. Chapter 2 provides background information
on the reason switching losses exist and describes the type of semiconductor evaluated in this
thesis. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 go into more detail about the CCO and DPT switching loss
estimation techniques, respectively. These two techniques are evaluated over the other loss
techniques since they use similar components and are commonly reported in the literature.
Chapter 5 introduces the empirical platform used to compare the two switching techniques.
Chapter 6 presents the results of this comparison and provides an associated analysis. Finally,
Chapter 7 provides concluding remarks and discusses future extensions of this work.
Traditionally, the limiting factor for achieving higher efficiency and power densities in
power electronics has been the semiconductor. In the last decade, wide band-gap (WBG)
offering improvements to some of the known limitations of Si devices. WBG devices are capable
of faster edge rates which can significantly reduce system losses. This chapter outlines the
motivation for the shift in power electronics to WBG technology and details some of the
Ideally, the switching in power electronics would be performed with a switch that
changes state instantaneously, conducts current without any losses while in the on-state, and
blocks voltage with no leakage while in the off-state. However, since this ideal switch cannot be
which has distinct advantages and disadvantages. Figure 4 presents the power and frequency
ranges supported by each of the major silicon semiconductor types used today. The focus of this
thesis is power levels above a few hundred Watts and switching frequencies above 1 kHz.
Traditionally, only insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are able to operate at these levels.
However, even IGBTs cannot reach potential applications in the high-frequency, high-power
Power (W)
100 BJT
Many applications need semiconductors that can operate in this untapped space.
Accordingly, new semiconductor technologies have been proposed to address these missing
regions and challenge silicon technology in the regions already covered. The most prominent of
these alternatives are WBG devices; Figure 5 shows the power and frequency relationship plot
with two WBG technologies added to the plot: gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC).
Power (W)
103 SiC
Due to the power levels targeted in this thesis, only SiC devices will be evaluated in
detail. As shown in Figure 5, SiC devices are able to operate at higher power and frequency
levels than Si IGBTs. In addition to these improvements, SiC semiconductors have higher
blocking voltage ratings, operating temperatures, and lower switching losses than Si IGBTs. To
illustrate this important property of WBG devices, the switching loss for a Si IGBT and a SiC
Difference of
125 mJ at 200 A
Figure 6: Switching loss comparison of (a) Si IGBT [32] and (b) SiC MOSFET [33]
As illustrated in Figure 6, the switching loss of the SiC MOSFET is 125 mJ lower than
the switching loss of the Si device when operating at 200 A. If both devices are operated in a
hard-switched application at 1 kHz, using the SiC device instead of the Si devices produces a
switching power reduction of 125 W. Although there are additional advantages to transitioning to
WBG devices, this thesis will focus on the advantage associated with reduced switching loss.
2.3. Understanding Switching Losses
To understand the advantage associated with reduced switching loss, it is first important
to understand why switching loss occurs. This section outlines this foundation and then details
the reasons that SiC semiconductors have lower switching loss than Si semiconductors.
During the transition from the on-state to the off-state or vice-versa, there is a period of
time during which the device is conducting current while a voltage is expressed across its
terminals. During these overlap periods, the device experiences switching loss. Figure 7 shows a
notional representation of these current and voltage overlap periods along with the corresponding
instantaneous voltage and current at each point as shown in Equation (4). This instantaneous
power metric by itself does not provide much insight into the semiconductor’s losses in an
application since it only states the power being dissipated at a particular instant. A more useful
metric is the switching energy, which is calculated by integrating the instantaneous power
𝐸𝑆𝑊 (𝑡) = ∫ 𝑃𝑆𝑊 𝑑𝑡 = ∫ 𝑣(𝑡) ⋅ 𝑖(𝑡)𝑑𝑡
𝑇𝑠 𝑇𝑠
where 𝑣(𝑡) is the time-dependent voltage across the semiconductor, 𝑖(𝑡) is the time-dependent
current through the semiconductor, 𝑃𝑆𝑊 is the time-dependent power dissipated by the
semiconductor, 𝑇𝑆 is the switching period, and 𝐸𝑆𝑊 is the total energy consumed due to
switching. This energy value is useful because it gives a metric that offers insight into the
average power the semiconductor will dissipate while operating in an application. This energy
value can be multiplied by a converter’s switching frequency to determine the average power
loss in the semiconductor due to switching. This relationship is described by Equation (6):
𝑃 𝐿𝑂𝑆𝑆,𝑆𝑊 = 𝑓𝑠 ⋅ 𝐸𝑆𝑊 (𝑡) (6)
where ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝑃𝐿𝑂𝑆𝑆,𝑆𝑊 is the average power loss in a given semiconductor device due to switching. If
the device switching energy is known with high fidelity, Equation (6) can aid in selecting an
In many applications, it is useful to split the total switching loss into the two independent
switch transitions, turn-on and turn-off. The independent ON and OFF energies can be
determined by separately integrating the instantaneous power over the turn-on time (𝑡𝑜𝑛 ) and the
turn-off time (𝑡𝑜𝑓𝑓 ). These integrations along with their relation to the total switching loss are
𝐸𝑆𝑊 (𝑡) = 𝐸𝑂𝑁 (𝑡) + 𝐸𝑂𝐹𝐹 (𝑡) = ∫ 𝑃𝑆𝑊 𝑑𝑡 + ∫ 𝑃𝑆𝑊 𝑑𝑡
𝑡𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜𝑓𝑓
where 𝐸𝑂𝑁 (𝑡) is the switching loss due to the turn-on process and 𝐸𝑂𝐹𝐹 (𝑡) is the switching loss
Analysis of these equations along with Figure 7 reveals that there are four ways to
decrease semiconductor switching loss: (1) reduce the operating voltage, (2) reduce the operating
current, (3) reduce the converter switching frequency, or (4) reduce the voltage and current
overlap time. The effect of options (1), (2), and (4) on the power loss is illustrated in Figure 8.
The impact of a reduced switching frequency is not shown in the figure since only one switching
period is shown. However, this mechanism would result in fewer instantaneous power spikes for
I(t) or V(t)
decreasing overlap
Figure 8: Impact of various techniques to decrease switching loss in semiconductors
While decreasing the bus voltage or operating current successfully reduces switching
losses, both options degrade the output power for the system and therefore lower its power
density. In addition, in many topologies, the voltage and current operating levels are dictated by
the requirements of the load and cannot be adjusted. The third option, decreasing the switching
frequency, would require larger passive components to store more energy over the lengthened
switching period. This would also negatively impact power density. Therefore, the fourth
technique, reducing the voltage and current overlap time, is the most attractive option. This is
achieved by increasing edge rates during the turn-on and turn-off transitions.
2.3.2. Edge Rates
To understand why different semiconductor devices have varying edge rates, one must
understand the influence of parasitics on device performance. All semiconductor devices have
intrinsic capacitances due to their internal structure. In addition, all semiconductors have
interconnect inductance due to the device packaging and layout. These parasitic elements are
Package Internals
Gate LG
Source LS
During switching transitions, the intrinsic capacitances of the semiconductor device must
be charged or discharged before the switching event completes. These capacitances are the main
reason for the non-instantaneous nature of switching transitions. Reducing the device intrinsic
capacitances increases the maximum attainable device edge rates and therefore lowers switching
losses. Compared with Si devices, SiC semiconductors have significantly smaller intrinsic
capacitances [34].
Edge rates and switching frequency are related, but not the same. In order to achieve high
switching frequencies, a semiconductor must support fast edge rates, but fast edge rates do not
mean that the device must be operated at high frequencies. This relationship is due to the
transient thermal behavior of the semiconductor device. During a switching event, a device heats
up very quickly due to switching loss. To prevent thermal runaway, the device must have
sufficient time to cool before the next transition causes additional heat generation. Dodge and
Hess suggest that the total transition time (𝑡𝑜𝑛 + 𝑡𝑜𝑓𝑓 ) should not exceed 5% of the switching
period to prevent thermal runaway in most applications [35]. From this analysis, it is seen that in
addition to reducing switching loss, fast edge rates also enable operation at elevated switching
Although the fast edge rates supported by WBG devices allow for decreased switching
losses, they also cause some undesired side-effects. The main reason is that the fast edge rates
excite resonances among parasitic elements such as those shown in Figure 9. Although these
parasitics also exist in Si devices, Si device edge rates are generally too slow to stimulate
resonance among these elements. To illustrate the effect of these parastics, Figure 10 shows a
comparison of a single turn-off event for a SiC MOSFET and a Si IGBT at identical operating
SiC Si
Overshoot: VDS VCE
182 V ID Overshoot: IC
37 V
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
Current (A)
Current (A)
69.4 MHz No
Oscillations oscillations
12.8 ns rise
72.8 ns rise
Figure 10: Comparison of turn-off event of (a) SiC MOSFET and (b) Si IGBT [36]
These two devices were selected because they have similar device ratings and would
typically compete for the same applications. Before discussing some of the challenges with
WBG semiconductors, it is important to first indicate that this plot clearly corroborates the
previous claims that WBG devices have faster edge rates than Si devices. In the comparison
shown, the voltage rise time of the SiC device is nearly six times faster than the rise time of the
2.4.1. Overshoot
The high current edge rates of WBG switching events create voltage overshoot due to
back electromotive force (EMF) from the parasitic inductances. Similarly, the high voltage edge
rates cause large displacement currents through the device intrinsic capacitances. When device
edges rates are increased, the overshoot present in the device’s voltage and current waveforms
also increases. In Figure 10, the voltage overshoot of the SiC device is almost five times the
voltage overshoot of the Si device. Although the devices can still operate in these conditions, the
increased overshoot potentially degrades the device lifetime and requires increased margins to
2.4.2. Oscillations
Because resonances among parasitic elements are more likely to be excited by fast edge
rates, WBG devices demonstrate increased underdamped ringing after switch transitions
compared to Si devices. In Figure 10, the silicon IGBT waveforms demonstrate no oscillation,
but the SiC device waveforms demonstrate significant oscillation at nearly 70 MHz. These
malfunction under certain circumstances. However, this challenge can be addressed in part by
minimizing parasitic elements and by adding dissipative elements to the circuit such as snubbers
WBG systems often exhibit much stronger electromagnetic interference (EMI) signatures
than Si-based systems due to increased high-frequency content [39]-[43]. The faster edge rates
supported by WBG devices are in part responsible for this increased EMI footprint. This increase
in EMI magnitude can be mitigated using traditional EMI filter techniques, although new
techniques to address this challenge are also under development [42]. Irrespective of technique,
the EMI impact of high edge rates must be considered when using WBG devices for application
Elevated edge rates also cause difficulties for performing high-fidelity time-domain
measurements of WBG device waveforms. Fast edge rates and high-frequency oscillations
increase the bandwidth requirements of the metrology necessary to perform these measurements.
This increases both the cost and circuit complexity of available metrology solutions. In addition,
the parasitic elements present in the ancillary circuit used to evaluate a semiconductor can
characterizing WBG devices represent the principal motivation for this research. The following
chapters discuss two of the primary techniques used to estimate the switching losses of WBG
For laboratories or organizations that do not have access to purpose-built hardware for
a converter for this purpose. By operating the converter across a range of switching frequencies,
an estimate for semiconductor switching loss can be determined. This chapter outlines the
process of estimating semiconductor switching loss using this method, which will be called
For the continuous converter operation technique, a complete power electronics converter
is designed, fabricated, and evaluated. The converter can be operated under open- or closed-loop
control; but it must be thermally stable at full load. The switching frequency of the converter is
swept across a range of values while operating at load. At each switching frequency, the
converter is operated continuously until it reaches both electrical and thermal steady-state. Once
in steady-state, the average input and output voltages and currents are measured and used to
calculate the average input and output power values. The difference in the input and output
power values is used to determine the average power loss at each switching frequency, which is
then plotted as a function of frequency [44]-[48]. A notional example of the expected power loss
Power Loss (W)
Dependent Losses
Frequency Independent
Frequency (Hz)
By observing the slope of the loss-vs.-frequency plot, the switching loss of the DUT can
be estimated at each switching frequency considered. Through unit analysis, it can be shown that
the slope of the loss-vs.-frequency plot produces a value in Joules, which can be linked to the
total per-cycle switching energy associated with operation of the converter. This is demonstrated
in Equation (8), where the brackets indicate the units of each parameter.
It should be noted that the loss-vs.-frequency plot may or may not be linear for a given
converter. The linearity of this plot will be discussed later in this thesis. However, if the results
are linear, this analysis produces a single switching loss estimation that can be compared with
One significant advantage of the CCO technique is that the metrology is very simple.
The necessary current and voltage probes can be attached directly to the terminals of the
converter. This method is non-intrusive since no modification must be made to the conduction
paths within the converter. The non-intrusive nature of this technique is contrary to other loss
estimation methods that require probes to be attached directly to the DUT terminals. The CCO
technique can even be applied to converters for which no information is available about the
Another presumed advantage of the CCO technique described in the literature is that this
technique requires only low-bandwidth instrumentation. While it is true that only low-bandwidth
measurements are necessary, it will be shown later in this thesis that there are other challenges
associated with CCO metrology, even if the bandwidth requirements are low. Regardless, low-
bandwidth metrology is typically less expensive than metrology that can measure high-frequency
The final advantage of the CCO technique is that a converter may already be required to
fulfill project deliverables. In this case, building a converter for CCO analysis does not add
additional steps to the design process. This technique simply uses the resources that are already
The CCO technique relies on several metrology assumptions that must be true for the loss
estimations to be accurate. This section first discusses some of the risks associated with making
these assumptions and second, details some of the challenges with making high fidelity
independent losses can be separated. This assumed split is shown visually in Figure 11. The
validity of this assumption requires that the conduction losses remain constant across all
considered frequencies. If this assumption is false, then the conduction losses must be removed
in a more rigorous way than simply subtracting the y-intercept of the plot from the computed
total loss value at each frequency. The problem with this assumption is that at different
any components in the circuit have conduction properties with significant thermal dependence.
For any components with this dependence, conduction losses in the circuit will change as a
function of frequency due to the varying thermal characteristics. Although these changes are
actually variations in conduction losses, they appear in the loss-vs.-frequency plot as frequency
dependent losses. For example, some of the known temperature dependent circuit parameters that
can affect the switching loss estimation in a boost converter are shown in red in Figure 12.
source of error in CCO switching loss estimation [46]-[47]. In these studies, authors have
temperature during converter operation. Conduction losses can then be estimated using the
measured temperatures rather than assuming that conduction losses are constant across operating
frequencies [46]-[47]. The challenge with this suggested improvement to CCO is that it requires
an accurate thermal model of the semiconductor package and relies on temperature readings that
may have limited accuracy. Regardless of the achieved accuracy, these attempts suggest that the
temperature dependence of conduction loss may impact the switching loss estimations obtained
via CCO. Therefore, for the conventional CCO technique to be accurate, it is important that the
temperature dependence is negligible for all circuit elements in the system under study.
Using the slope of the loss-vs.-frequency plot to estimate switching losses assumes that
the semiconductor under consideration is responsible for all of the frequency-dependent losses in
the system. If any other frequency-dependent loss mechanisms in the circuit cannot be ignored,
then this estimation technique over-predicts the losses due to the semiconductor. Some of the
notable frequency dependent losses that may exist in a converter include diode reverse recovery
losses, diode capacitive losses, inductor core losses, and high-frequency ohmic losses due to skin
and proximity effect. Some of these frequency-dependent losses are shown in blue in Figure 12.
Some researchers have identified this assumption as a potential concern and have
described advances to the CCO technique to try to address it. For example, Saito et al. claim that
the switching losses of the diode cannot be neglected and attribute the frequency-dependent
losses measured through CCO to be the combination of DUT losses and diode losses rather than
just DUT losses [45]. Similarly, Xia et al. claim that inductor core losses cannot be ignored and
attribute the frequency-dependent losses to the combination of the DUT switching losses and the
core losses of the inductor [46]. The potential for other frequency dependent losses in the
3.3.3. Linearity of Frequency-Dependent Power Loss
To extract a single switching loss estimation value from the loss-vs.-frequency plot, this
relationship must be linear. If non-linear behavior is observed, then the switching loss estimation
value is a function of the switching frequency of the converter. While most of the CCO literature
assumes that the loss-vs.-frequency plot is linear, this may not be the case when non-linear
factors such as core losses are considered. A thorough treatment of the linearity of the loss-vs.-
The final metrology consideration for CCO involves the measurement instrumentation
instead of the loss estimation process. Although the metrology requirements for CCO are modest
in terms of sensor and instrument bandwidth, the converter is operating at full load while the
associated experiments are performed. This produces challenges due to the thermal
characteristics of the metrology equipment considered, and especially for the current
concept, a power supply unit (PSU) with integrated current measurement was attached in series
with a precision current shunt, a power quality analyzer (PQA) configured to measure current,
and an oscilloscope current probe [50], [51]. The PSU was configured for current-mode control,
and no load was attached between the PSU terminals other than the current sensors. A schematic
For this analysis, the PSU current set-point was swept from 8 to 26 A in 2 A increments.
At each operating current, measurements were recorded from all the three instruments – the
current shunt, the PQA, and the current probe – after the setup stabilized for five minutes at the
selected operating current set-point. The percent difference of each instrument reading with
Figure 14: Percent difference of current measuring instruments with respect to PSU
Although all three current sensors in this setup are expected to report the same value, it is
clear that there are some systematic differences in the measurement results. This analysis does
not assume that the PSU’s current measurement is the most accurate of the considered sensors.
This plot simply illustrates that commonly used current sensors may report different values when
measuring the same current. These discrepancies may manifest as an offset, such as the
difference between the PQA and the current probe in Figure 14. These discrepancies may also
manifest as a scale factor, such as the difference between the current shunt and the PQA in
Figure 14. For the purposes of this plot, any of the measurement techniques could have been
An additional challenge of the CCO technique is that, while the bandwidth requirements
of the metrology are low, there is still high-frequency content present in the measured signals.
Digital multimeters (DMMs) often perform some level of signal conditioning when making dc
voltage measurements. The presence of this high-frequency content in the converter can
influence the multimeter’s signal conditioning, which causes the displayed measurements to be
inaccurate. It has been suggested that the switching loss estimated from CCO can include error
greater than 10% if poor metrology is used, and that this error can be as low as 0.1-1% when
high-accuracy metrology is used [25]. The outcome of this analysis suggests that even though
CCO uses low-bandwidth measurements, the metrology must still be carefully considered when
The major challenges with the CCO circuit stem from the necessity of designing and
building a complete converter for analysis. This technique may require significant design effort
to evaluate the switching loss of a new semiconductor device, depending on its ratings and
packaging. This section outlines some of the challenges associated with designing a converter to
that reach power levels in the multiple kilowatt range. Designing a converter that is thermally
stable at these power levels becomes a significant challenge. Since the CCO technique requires
thermal stability at all switching frequencies considered, the thermal management solution must
be sized to account for losses at the upper end of the analysis frequency range, which may be
significantly higher than the designed operating frequency of the converter. This may require a
large and expensive cooling system that must be closely monitored while operating the
Production converters are designed with closed-loop control to handle changes in the load
and inconsistencies in the input power. The CCO technique requires that the DUT blocks the
same voltage and conducts the same current at all frequencies. Depending on the converter
topology, these parameters may not be the same parameters that are regulated by the controller.
If the converter is operated with closed-loop control that regulates other parameters, the trends
reflected in the loss-vs.-frequency plot may be influenced by changes in the DUT’s operating
To overcome this potential issue, the CCO technique can be used with an open-loop
circuit that is regulated by an operator. This ensures that the DUT is operated at the same
operating conditions across all switching frequencies. However, this also increases the time
3.4.3. Changing Operating Conditions
Converters are often optimized for specific operating conditions. This presents a
challenge when using CCO to understand the sensitivity of switching loss to changes in system
various voltage and current levels. Designing for a range of inputs and outputs adds an additional
estimate switching loss for active semiconductor devices. However, there are challenges
associated with the application of this technique. Specifically, several assumptions are made in
the implementation of this technique which may not always be valid. For example, this technique
generally assumes that conduction losses are constant across all frequencies and that the DUT’s
switching loss dominates over all other frequency-dependent losses. In addition, operating the
converter at full load requires a robust thermal management solution; and challenges may be
experienced with accurately measuring the input and output current of the converter. Despite
these challenges, CCO provides a useful way to evaluate DUT switching loss when the necessary
solution, the other switching loss estimation technique relies on precise measurements of the
instantaneous voltage and current during one OFF and one ON transition of a semiconductor.
This technique, called the double-pulse test (DPT), provides a snapshot of how the DUT will
operate in a full converter, without the design time required to design and build such a system.
This chapter details the DPT procedure along with the challenges associated with properly
The double-pulse test uses time-domain measurements of turn-on and turn-off transitions
to estimate the switching losses of a DUT [52]-[55]. The circuit used for DPT, shown in Figure
15, involves the DUT connected to an inductor and freewheeling diode in parallel.
+ -
ID -
In a DPT, the DUT is turned on twice for different lengths of time. During the first on-
time, often referred to as the “charge pulse”, current flows directly from the input power supply
through the inductor and the DUT as shown in Figure 16(a). Assuming the inductor is properly
designed for a DPT, the inductor current will linearly increase as a function of time during the
charge pulse time. When the inductor current reaches the target DUT current level, the device is
turned off. During the off time, the current in the inductor continuous to freewheel through the
diode as shown in Figure 16(b). The current continues in this loop until the DUT is turned on
again. When the DUT is turned back on, the current once again follows the path shown in Figure
+ + V
- Von - off
(a) (b)
Figure 16: Current flow during DPT (a) on-time and (b) off-time.
Figure 17. The first subplot, the 𝑉𝐺𝑆 waveform, represents the control signal for the DUT; a high
signal indicates that the device is conducting, and a low signal indicates the DUT is blocking.
The second subplot is the drain current through the DUT, annotated 𝐼𝐷 ; and the third subplot is
the drain-to-source voltage across the DUT, annotated 𝑉𝐷𝑆 . In Figure 17, the first on-pulse is
longer than the second on-pulse. This is common in DPT since the length of the first pulse is
tuned to charge the inductor to the desired load current value, while the length of the second
pulse must only be long enough to ensure the switching dynamics have settled. The diagram
indicates two important characteristics of the DUT’s current and voltage characteristics. First,
while the DUT is conducting, the drain current waveform has a linear slope as the inductor is
charged. Second, while the DUT is off, it blocks the entire input bus voltage. These observations
highlight one of the advantages of DPT: the exact DUT voltage and current operating conditions
can be precisely controlled by simply adjusting the input dc voltage and varying the length of the
charge pulse to reach a target current based on the inductor ramp time. This observation, while
subtle, allows for easy manipulation of the DUT’s operating conditions to predict losses across a
Voff t
tcharge tfreewheel tsecond
tstart tturn-off tturn-on tend
In a DPT, there are two transitions that are of primary interest: (1) the turn-off event at
the end of the charge pulse, and (2) the turn-on event at the start of the second on-pulse. These
two transitions are highlighted in Figure 18 and are important because they occur at nearly the
same operating conditions. The only difference in the operating conditions of these two
transitions results from the losses that occur in the inductor and diode during the freewheeling
off-time; these losses are generally negligible. These two important transitions provide a
snapshot of the DUT’s dynamic behavior over one period of a converter, without having to
Voff t
To obtain an estimate of switching losses from a DPT, the DUT’s instantaneous current
and voltage waveforms are multiplied to obtain the instantaneous power at each point during the
switch transition. The instantaneous power is then integrated across each switching event to
estimate the energy dissipated during that event. This process, shown in Figure 7, is performed
for the turn-off and turn-on waveforms, and the resulting energy estimates are summed to
determine the total switching loss of the DUT. Figure 19 shows an example of these calculations
during (a) turn-on and (b) turn-off events for a DUT operating at 2 kV and 20 A [54]. The top
two subplots show direct measurements from the DPT, while the bottom subplot shows
calculated power (green) and energy (black) associated with these switching events. This
analysis produces a single switching energy value for the DUT at the tested operating condition.
To estimate the average switching power loss in an application such as a dc-to-dc converter, this
energy is then multiplied by the switching frequency of the semiconductor as shown in Equation
(a) (b)
Figure 19: Example switching loss waveforms during (a) turn-on and (b) turn-off [54]
As stated earlier, one of the advantages of the DPT is the ease of controlling the operating
conditions of the DUT, but another benefit revolves around the device thermals. Since this
technique only requires two pulses and the entire test generally lasts less than 500 µs, the DUT
and other components in the circuit do not have time to significantly heat up. Thus, the thermal
stress applied to the circuit, and most importantly, the DUT, is minimal. This allows the DUT to
A more subtle advantage of DPTs is the ability to separate the losses due to turn-on and
turn-off. Using CCO, only the total loss over one switching period can be extracted, but in DPT,
the losses due to turn-on and turn-off can be individually estimated. This additional tool allows
A final advantage of the DPT is the open-loop nature of the test. When using loss
techniques that require a converter to operate at full load, generally this is integrated with closed-
loop control which requires increased design effort. The DPT does not require feedback or a
The main challenge with the DPT procedure is satisfying the metrology requirements
necessary to accurately measure the device’s characteristics. The instrumentation must be able to
measure high-frequency content expressed on high-amplitude signals with good fidelity while
having minimal impact on the circuit being measured. This section outlines these challenges in
more detail.
4.3.1. Bandwidth
The first and often most difficult challenge with DPT metrology is providing sufficient
bandwidth (BW) to capture the high-frequency dynamics present in the DUT switching
waveforms. These high-frequency dynamics are split into two categories: first, the underdamped
oscillations that appear on the voltage and current waveforms after switch transitions; and
second, the equivalent frequency associated with the DUT switching edges. The requirement
imposed by the first category, underdamped oscillations, can be realized by evaluating the
literature. SiC-based circuits are regularly observed with significant oscillatory content up to 70
MHz [36], [55]. The second category, the equivalent frequency of the DUT switching edges, can
be quantified by calculating the effective bandwidth of a linear ramp signal using Equation (9)
0.35 (9)
𝑓𝑒𝑓𝑓 =
min(𝑡𝑟 , 𝑡𝑓 )
where 𝑡𝑟 is the signal’s rise time in nanoseconds, 𝑡𝑓 is the signal’s fall time in nanoseconds, and
𝑓𝑒𝑓𝑓 is the signal’s effective bandwidth in GHz. The metrology must therefore be capable of
accurately measuring the highest frequency component present in these two categories which is
where 𝑓𝑜𝑠𝑐 is the highest frequency present in the underdamped oscillations after the switch
event, 𝑓𝑒𝑓𝑓 is the signal’s effective bandwidth during switching transitions, and 𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the
the maximum frequency present to perfectly recreate the signal [56]. Most modern oscilloscopes
have bandwidths in the hundreds of megahertz to gigahertz range which is sufficient to satisfy
the 2x sampling requirement. Often the limitation in practical systems is therefore the bandwidth
of the oscilloscope and oscilloscope probes. The actual measurement bandwidth is the
combination of the cascaded bandwidth from the oscilloscope and probe which is calculated
1 (11)
𝐵𝑊𝑠𝑦𝑠 =
1 1
√𝐵𝑊 2 + 𝐵𝑊 2
𝑜𝑠𝑐 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑒
where 𝐵𝑊𝑜𝑠𝑐 is the bandwidth of the oscilloscope, 𝐵𝑊𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑒 is the bandwidth of the oscilloscope
probe, and 𝐵𝑊𝑠𝑦𝑠 is the system bandwidth which is the cascaded bandwidth of the probe and
oscilloscope together.
The rated bandwidth of each component is typically provided at the 3 dB point of the
component’s frequency response. This implies that at the rated bandwidth, the measured signal
magnitude is approximately 70% of the actual signal magnitude [57]. For this reason, it is
necessary to increase the bandwidth margin beyond simply having bandwidth equal to the signal
frequency. The suggested rule of thumb is a factor of 5x over the maximum frequency for
adequate magnitude fidelity and 10x over the maximum frequency for adequate phase fidelity
[57]. The influence of metrology bandwidth is illustrated in Figure 20, which shows a fast-rising
voltage signal transition with an effective frequency of 70 MHz computed from Equation (9).
The waveforms in this figure represent simulated measurements using voltage probes with
different bandwidths. Analysis of the figure shows that when the probe BW is equal to the
equivalent frequency of the signal of interest (BW = 1x), the measurement does not accurately
represent the original signal with high fidelity. The simulated measurement does not have good
agreement with the reference signal until the probe BW approaches ten times the effective
frequency of the signal of interest. This agrees with the rules of thumb discussed in [57]. In the
example 70 MHz case, this implies that the BW of both the oscilloscope and the probe must be
greater than 700 MHz to provide high-fidelity measurements. Measurement equipment with
these bandwidths at the power levels required to characterize WBG devices are often cost
Figure 20: Simulation demonstrating influence of voltage probe BW on a fast-rising signal
the circuit cannot be ignored. For example, passive oscilloscope voltage probes have input
capacitance that may load the circuit being evaluated. To ensure accuracy in DPT results, all
probes must have minimal parasitics. Otherwise, the impedance loading of the probes can
substantially influence the measurement results, as well as the actual behavior of the circuit and
The connections of probes to the oscilloscope can also create undesired circuit loops that
allow currents to flow though the oscilloscope instead of the circuit. The shields of probe
attachment points on most oscilloscopes are internally connected together and to the
oscilloscope’s chassis ground, which is usually attached to building (earth) ground. This
connection between the shields provides more accurate measurements since the signals are all
referenced to the same plane, and the connection is grounded for safety considerations. One
undesired consequence of these interconnections is that the probe shields, which connect to the
test circuitry in different locations, can be subjected to different voltage potentials by the circuit.
If the shields of these probes are spaced physically apart, currents flow through the loop created
by the probe shields, which can substantially influence the measurement results. When
performing DPTs using probes without galvanic isolation, it is necessary to attach all the probe
shields in a tight pattern to reduce the likelihood of voltage potential differences between the
Alternatively, the ground loops created by probe attachment points can be mitigated by
employing probes that provide galvanic isolation between the circuit and the oscilloscope. For
current measurements, Hall Effect sensors, Rogowski coils, or current transformers (CTs)
provide galvanic isolation. Unfortunately, these techniques have limited bandwidth compared to
alternative methods that do not provide galvanic isolation, such as a current shunt [55]. The
bandwidth of Hall Effect sensors and Rogowski coils are generally too low for use in WBG
applications (less than 10 MHz). High-performance CTs are available with bandwidth in the 200
MHz range. However, these sensors have a small measurement aperture that makes it very
difficult to integrate into a well-designed circuit without negatively impacting the circuit
performance [55]. In fact, the added parasitics involved with routing circuit conductors through
the small CT aperture may dominate the parasitics of the circuit under analysis. For voltage
measurements, differential voltage probes can be used to isolate the circuit under analysis from
the oscilloscope. However, differential voltage probes have significantly lower bandwidth and
dynamic range compared to passive voltage probes, which is typically not acceptable for WBG
measurements [52].
Another challenge associated with DPT analysis is precisely determining the start and
stop times of the individual switching events. Since switching energy is calculated by integrating
the instantaneous power during the switch event, changing the time bounds of the switching
event can significantly affect the loss estimation. Several authors have provided guidelines on
how to select the integration bounds to achieve the most accurate results, but these techniques
cannot be universally applied across all waveforms and still require a human to make a
subjective decision [52], [54], [58]. According to the author’s knowledge, there is no set of rules
that can be universally applied as an algorithm to all switching waveforms. Figure 21 provides a
tend,1 tend,2
The waveforms shown in Figure 21 are for the turn-on event of a cascade GaN HEMP
from Transphorm operating at 300 V and 10 A [59]. If the end limit of the integration interval is
selected to be the first negative sloped zero-crossing of the power waveform (indicated as tend,1),
the energy estimation is 12.0 µJ. If the end limit of integration is selected to be a negative sloped
zero-crossing once most of the oscillation have stopped (indicated as tend,2), then the energy
estimation is 23.9 µJ. This simple difference in the end limit of integration can result in a
Although these bound restrictions are presented here as a major challenge, this issue is
generally only pronounced when using aggressive edge rates or in the presence of poor
metrology such as measurement offsets. The waveforms presented in Figure 21 were generated
using a low gate resistance value typically not used in applications to exacerbate the limits of
integration issue. Generally, the difference in energy values due to different limits of integration
bounds are significantly smaller, assuming at least one or more of the guidelines described in the
literature are observed when selecting the bounds. The author recognizes this issue will become
more pronounced in the future as nominal edge rate continue to increase and work is being done
to make the selection of integration bounds less subjective for future analysis. In this work, more
reasonable gate resistance values were selected to indicate more clear limits of integration
DPT relies heavily on the time-alignment between the current and voltage measurements
in order to produce accurate estimates of switching loss. Since the loss estimation is derived from
the integration of the instantaneous power, it is essential that the power calculation involves
current and voltage measurements that are precisely aligned. With the fast edge rates
commonplace with WBG technology, the entire switching event can happen in only tens of
nanoseconds, so even the propagation delays in the probe leads cannot be ignored. Figure 22
shows an example from DPT data of the impact that timing misalignment can have on switching
energy estimates. As the misalignment deviates from the perfect alignment (0 ns), a linear error
term is introduced into the estimates of turn-on and turn-off loss. As shown in Figure 22, the vast
majority of this error involves the “relocation” of energy from the turn-on to the turn-off
transition and vise-versa. It has been shown that some measure of timing misalignment can be
tolerated so long as the emphasis is on the total, per-cycle switching energy instead of separate
turn-on and turn-off losses [30]. However, to achieve greatest accuracy and the ability to
separate turn-on and turn-off losses, timing misalignment in the measurement setup must be
The second challenge with DPT analysis has to do with the circuit surrounding the DUT.
When designing the DPT test fixture, poor printed circuit board (PCB) layout practices can
create circuit parasitics that significantly influence DPT results. These fixture parasitics can lead
to undesired circuit dynamics that are the result of the test fixture, not the DUT. In addition to
the test fixture PCB layout, the ancillary circuit elements required for the DPT procedure can
also impact loss estimations. This section outlines some of the requirements for the DPT circuit
4.4.1. DC Link Capacitors
In practice, the input voltage shown in Figure 15 is generally a large capacitor bank or a
power supply unit in parallel with a large capacitor bank. The first requirement for these
capacitors is that they must have sufficient energy storage to support the DPT sequence without
permitting substantial droop in the input voltage rail. Second, the capacitors need to be placed
physically close to the DUT since all the DUT current must also flow through this capacitor
bank. Third, the capacitors must have low parasitic inductance to prevent introducing additional
oscillations in DPT measurements, as the equivalent series inductance (ESL) of these capacitors
appears in series with the inductance of the dc bus in the DPT circuit.
Traditional PN-junction diodes suffer from reverse recovery losses which occur when a
diode transitions from conducting current (forward biased) to blocking voltage (reverse biased).
In a PN-junction diode, the forward current flow is supported by the movement of both electrons
and holes which results in electrons building up in the p-region of the diode and holes in the n-
region [5]. When the diode stops conducting, this configuration allows a negative current flow
through the diode for a short period of time, which is called reverse recovery. While the diode is
conducting reverse current, it becomes reversed biased and starts to block voltage. This results
in power loss because the diode is simultaneously conducting current and blocking voltage [5].
Therefore, for DPT analysis, it is recommended to use Schottky diodes for the freewheeling
element to eliminate the reverse recovery losses; Schottky diodes still incur capacitive recovery
losses, but these losses are significantly smaller than reverse recovery losses.
4.4.3. Load Inductor
One major requirement when selecting or designing the load inductor for a DPT setup is
its self-resonant frequency (SRF). The SRF must be high enough such that is not excited by the
switching transitions of the DUT to avoid introducing additional oscillations into the DPT
waveforms. Inductors with many winding layers routed in close proximity to one another should
be avoided due to the large inter-winding capacitance that is created between the layers. A guide
When the DPT sequence was first introduced in this thesis, it was assumed that the
inductor would have a linear current ramp with respect to time under a constant voltage stimulus.
This assumption is only true when the inductor operates in the linear region of the core material’s
BH curve. If the load inductor core is selected incorrectly, the inductor current waveform will
have non-linear behavior due to saturation of the inductor core. Depending on the selection of
core material, this saturation may be gradual (usually the case with distributed air-gap cores) or it
may be abrupt (usually the case with ferrite cores). Figure 23 demonstrates the effect of gradual
saturation of the inductor core on the measured load inductor current during a DPT sequence.
Expected Inductor
Behavior Without
Any non-linear behavior contributed by the load inductor core causes challenges during
DPT operation. First, the non-linear behavior makes it difficult to precisely control the operating
current of the DUT. Second, and more importantly, inductor saturation risks damaging the DUT
or other components in the circuit since the current device may increase very quickly, depending
4.4.4. Shoot-Through
A final challenge associated with the DPT process is the possibility of a phenomenon
called shoot-through. Often, DPT is used to evaluate multi-chip power modules (MCPMs) in the
this configuration is shown in Figure 24. In a half-bridge DPT, one of the switch positions of the
half-bridge remains off for the entire DPT. This allows the “inactive” switch to be used for the
freewheeling diode (either the MOSFET body diode or an anti-parallel diode in the module can
serve this purpose). However, under certain circumstances, the inactive switch can turn partially
or fully on, which results in a significant increase in DUT current. This phenomenon is called
shoot-through, since turning on both switch positions in the half-bridge configuration effectively
Even if the inactive switch does not turn fully on during the DPT sequence, its presence
in the circuit still influences the switching loss of the half-bridge configuration. In fact, it has
been shown in the literature that the losses from both the active and inactive switches must be
considered to accurately estimate switching losses of the half-bridge topology [52]. The high
𝑑𝑣/𝑑𝑡 caused by the operation of the active switch can create spurious voltage pulses on the
gate of the inactive switch. These spurious voltage pulses can cause the inactive switch to turn
on, resulting in shoot-through. When this occurs, the switching loss of the inactive switch can
reach levels similar to the switching loss of the active switch. DPT switching loss inaccuracy
caused by shoot-through can be mitigated by adding a second current measurement for the
Double-pulse testing can be used to estimate the switching loss for active semiconductor
devices without the need for a thermal management solution. This approach also supports precise
control of the DUT’s operating conditions, which provides significant flexibility during device
characterization. However, there are some challenges associated with the application of this
technique. Specifically, care must be taken to ensure that the metrology requirements are
adequately addressed, and that the influence of the test fixture on the resulting measurements is
minimized. However, when the guidelines described in the literature are followed, the DPT
A valid comparison between the loss estimation methods requires evaluating both
techniques described previously, CCO and DPT, with similar bus work geometry and metrology.
This section describes the hardware used to evaluate the two techniques.
This work leveraged a platform that has been described in previous publications for
characterizing devices using DPTs [61]-[62]. Figure 26 shows the Bulk Capacitor PCB and
includes labels for several of its components. The two main purposes of this platform are to
provide operators with a safe and consistent method to perform tests; and to serve as a base to
limit the amount of work necessary to evaluate several devices ranging in size and ratings. Often,
a significant portion of a test setup’s cost is for the bulk capacitors which are needed to maintain
a steady input voltage for the duration of the test. In setups that are customized for each device
being evaluated, the cost of the capacitors must be included in each design. However by using
this platform, the same bulk capacitors can be used across a range of tests. The PCB for this
platform is designed such that a second PCB, referred to as an adapter board, is attached to the
right side of the board and utilizes the bulk capacitance found on this PCB.
Power Supply Connections
Since the bulk capacitors on this board will be used across a range of tests, it is important
that they have sufficient energy storage to perform high-power tests with minimal inductance
between the connections. This platform uses six capacitors attached in parallel to form a large
capacitance. Each capacitor is made of polypropylene with a rating of 220 µF and 40 nH [63].
The parallel combination of these capacitors results in a total capacitance of 1320 µF and less
DPT, the capacitors are charged using a power supply unit to the desired operating voltage, but
before the test is performed, the PSU is disconnected from the platform using contactors. This
separation occurs for two reasons: (1) to prevent damage to the PSU in the case of a catastrophic
failure of the DUT, and (2) to remove additional parasitic paths for current flow through the test
equipment. The capacitors have current limiting resistors (𝑅𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑅𝐺𝐸 ) in series with the PSU to
prevent surge charging. After testing is complete, a contactor is used to connect the bus to a
small resistance (𝑅𝐷𝐼𝑆𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑅𝐺𝐸 ) which quickly discharges the bus. In addition, a large resistor
(𝑅𝐵𝐿𝐸𝐸𝐷 ) is always connected across the capacitors. The bleed resistance value is high enough
such that it does not affect the DPT results, but it ensures that the capacitors are not accidentally
left at dangerous voltage potentials after testing is completed. The circuit is controlled by a
handheld device which allows an operator to charge and discharge the capacitor bus voltage
using momentary buttons from a safe distance. The schematic showing the electric components
Platform Components
5.2. Adapting the Bulk Capacitor PCB for CCO
Although the bulk capacitor PCB was designed for DPTs, the modularity of the board
allows it to operate seamlessly as the input capacitance of a converter with few modifications to
the platform. Bypassing the charge resistor and operating the setup with the charging contactor
always on allows the platform to operate continuously. In this manner, both the DPT and CCO
configurations can be operated from the same PCB. For both switching loss configurations, this
platform only serves as the input capacitance for the actual circuit measurements, so an adapter
Since one of the main disadvantages of the CCO technique is the difficulty in isolating
the losses due to the DUT, it was desired to use a converter topology with minimal complexity
when performing the CCO evaluation to reduce the other potential losses in the system. For this
reason, the buck and boost converter topologies were considered for the CCO measurements.
These two circuits, without showing parasitic elements, are shown in Figure 27 where 𝑞 is the
control signal for the DUT. In this section, these two topologies will be introduced and evaluated
Figure 27: Schematic of (a) buck converter and (b) boost converter
In a buck converter, a voltage is stepped down from a higher voltage to a lower voltage
̅̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅
𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 = 𝐷𝑉 𝐼𝑁 (12)
where ̅̅̅̅
𝑉𝐼𝑁 is the converter’s average input voltage, ̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 is the converter’s average output
voltage, and 𝐷 is the duty cycle of the DUT. It should be noted that due to the losses in the
system and the non-instantaneous turn-on and turn-off transitions, this relationship will deviate
slightly from Equation (1). If the converter was 100% efficient, then the input power would
̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝑃𝐼𝑁 = 𝑃 𝑂𝑈𝑇 (13)
𝑉𝐼𝑁 ⋅ ̅̅̅̅
𝐼𝐼𝑁 = ̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 ⋅ ̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑇 (14)
𝐼𝐼𝑁 is the converter’s average input current, and ̅̅̅̅̅̅
𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑇 is the converter’s average output current.
Since the voltage follows the relationship shown in Equation (12), this suggests that the current
follows an inverse relationship with duty cycle as described in Equation (15). Once again, this is
an idealized expression.
1 (15)
𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑇 = ̅̅̅̅
A buck converter operates by splitting the switching period into two states: (1)
conducting current from the input voltage to the load, and (2) freewheeling current through the
diode. While the semiconductor is in the on-state, there is a connection between the input power
and the load that allows current to flow. In this state, the diode is reversed biased and energy is
stored in both the inductor and the output capacitor and supplied to the load. This state is shown
in Figure 28(a). While the semiconductor is in the off-state, there is no longer a connection
between the input and output of the converter. Instead, the charged inductor completes a loop
with the diode and the current “freewheels” through the diode. This state is shown in Figure
The advantage for using a buck converter in the CCO evaluation is the ease of controlling
the operating conditions for the device under test. When the device is off, it has no current
flowing through it, and when it is on, it conducts the current going through the load; so the
device switches between 0 A and 𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑇 . For voltage, when the device is on, it does not block any
voltage, and when the device is off, it blocks the entire input voltage, 𝑉𝐼𝑁 . Therefore, the
operating conditions of the DUT are the input voltage and the output current. To compare DPT
results to CCO results, it is essential that the evaluation is being performed at the same operating
conditions, so the operator needs to ensure the converter is operating with the DUT at the proper
operating conditions. For a buck converter, the operator only needs to set the input voltage to the
desired level and then tune the duty cycle to get the desired output current.
The main challenge with using the buck converter setup revolves around the metrology.
This work seeks to use the same circuit for the DPT and CCO with as few modifications as
possible. As stated previously, DPTs are typically performed on the low-side of a half-bridge so
that ground referenced probes can be used. In the buck converter, the source terminal of the
MOSFET is connected to the switching node, not the negative rail of the input voltage.
Therefore, in this configuration, only differential probes can be used to measure the drain-to-
source and gate-to-source voltages. This introduces additional measurement error due to
In this topology, the input voltage is stepped up to a higher voltage following the
relationship shown in Equation (16) [5]. Similar to the buck converter, the relationship between
the input current and output current in a boost converter is the inverse duty cycle ratio as shown
in Equation (17).
1 (16)
𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 = ̅̅̅̅
1 − 𝐷 𝐼𝑁
𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑇 = (1 − 𝐷)𝐼̅̅̅̅
𝐼𝑁 (17)
The boost converter also has two main operating states. When the DUT is in the on-state,
the series combination of the inductor and the on-state resistance of the device is the dominate
impedance attached across the input voltage, so the inductor is charged. In this state, the output
of the converter is essentially disconnected from the input voltage source and therefore, the
output capacitor discharges through the load resistor. This state is shown in Figure 29(a). When
the DUT is in the off-state, a loop is formed between the input supply and the output of the
converter so some of the energy that was collected in the inductor during the charging process is
Figure 29: Boost converter (a) on-state and (b) off-state
While the converter is in the on-state, the DUT conducts the entirety of the input current
and while off, conducts no current. For voltage, while in the off-state, the DUT blocks the output
voltage, and while on, does not block any voltage. Therefore, contrary to the buck converter, the
DUT in the boost converter blocks the output voltage (𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 ) and conducts the input current (𝐼𝐼𝑁 ).
The voltage blocked and current conducted by the DUT in a boost converter pose a
problem when tuning the converter for specific operating conditions. This is the main
disadvantage of using a boost converter for the CCO evaluation. Controlling these two operating
conditions is more challenging that the parameters in a buck converter because two variables
(input voltage and duty cycle) must be tuned rather than just one (duty cycle) for a buck
converter. The reason for the additional variable tuning is best understood through an example.
Assume an operator is targeting a situation where a DUT switches 20 A and 600 V. At start-up,
the converter reads an input current of 20 A as desired, but the output voltage is less than the
target voltage. The operator, understanding the relationship between voltage and duty cycle,
increases the duty cycle to increase the output voltage. The output voltage increases as expected,
but since the load resistor remains constant, the output current therefore increases along with the
input current. At this stage in the example, the input current exceeds the desired operating
condition. In this situation, although the output voltage may be correct, the input current is higher
than the intended operating conditions. This illustrative example is shown visually in Figure 30.
To counteract the issues associated with only modifying duty cycle, the input voltage must be
tuned in tandem with the duty cycle to achieve the intended operating conditions.
The main advantage of the boost converter is the significant improvements in the
metrology compared to the buck converter. In this configuration, the DUT’s source terminal is
referenced to the PSU return line which means the setup can utilize ground referenced voltage
oscilloscope probes instead of differential probes when using the board as a DPT. This provides
the operator with DPT measurements that are significantly more accurate [52].
The operating parameters of the DUT in the two converter types are summarized in Table
1. The reason for the emphasis on understanding the DUT properties is that for this comparison,
it is essential that the DUT blocks the same voltage and conducts the same current in both the
DPT and CCO analysis to ensure the switching losses can be compared.
For this work, the boost converter was selected due to the increased accuracy in the DPT
results. The primary downside of the boost converter is that it increases with the amount of time
necessary to perform the experiments. The increased result accuracy was prioritized over the
duration of tests.
By utilizing the Bulk Capacitor PCB, some of the challenges with creating this
comparison setup were already overcome. Still, it was necessary to design an adapter board
which mounts to the Bulk Capacitor PCB. This circuit needs to easily operate as a converter and
be used in DPT with minimal changes. In addition, the circuit must have the necessary
attachment points for the metrology used in both configurations (CCO and DPT). The necessary
For this work, a custom PCB was designed to be used as a boost converter and in DPT.
The adapter board is shown in Figure 32 and the adapter board’s attachment to the DPT platform
is shown in Figure 33. Note that for both evaluations, the DUT was mounted to the underside of
the board and attached to a cold plate to maintain the case temperature at a constant 18°C across
all experiments. This section will describe several of the components used on the adapter board.
Gate Drive
DPT Platform
Adapter Board
The component used as the device under test in this evaluation was the
The part is rated for 1200 V and 25 A (continuously), and has a nominal on-state resistance of 80
mΩ. As stated earlier, the DUT was mounted to a cold plate with liquid cooling maintaining the
DUT’s case temperature at 18°C for all the experiments described in this work.
5.4.2. Diode
The diode utilized in this setup was the C4D20120A silicon carbide Schottky diode
manufactured by Cree [65]. The component is rated for conducting 20 A (continuously) and
blocking 1200 V. The diode was fitted with a heat sink and forced air cooling was utilized for the
duration of the testing. A Schottky diode was selected to eliminate reverse recovery losses.
The gate driver is a custom design which features 3 kV of isolation on the signal pin and
5.2 kV of isolation on the power rails [66]-[67]. The output stage is driven by a totem pole
MOSFET capable of driving 14 A and the setup uses a 5 Ω gate resistor [68]. This gate
resistance was selected because it is a value that would typically be used with this type of device
As stated previously, it is important that the self-resonant frequency of the inductor used
in a DPT is not excited by the switching transitions of the DUT. Using the technique described in
[60], an inductor bank was designed which has a total inductance of 623 µH, equivalent
resistance of 220 mΩ, and SRF of greater than 20 MHz. The bank consists twelve series
inductors each made with two stacked Kool Mµ cores with 17 turns a piece [69]. One of the
individual inductors is shown in Figure 35(a) and the entire inductor bank is shown in Figure
(a) (b)
Figure 35: Load inductor: (a) single inductor and (b) entire inductor bank
5.5. Metrology
This section explains the measurement equipment used in the two switching loss
estimation techniques. Figure 36 shows the location of several of the probe attachment points
that will be discussed in this section. This figure does not show the input voltage and current
measurement locations since these were attached to the input of the Bulk Capacitor PCB rather
For the CCO analysis, the only measurements that are needed are the converter’s average
input and output voltages and currents. These are used to calculate the input power, output
power, and power loss of the converter. The locations of these four measurements are shown in
Figure 37.
+ +
- -
Due to the known challenges with taking accurate, high-current measurements for
extended durations, two measurement techniques were simultaneously used while in CCO. Using
two techniques allows for a comparison with not only the DPT, but also the accuracies associated
with the two separate CCO measurement techniques. The first method used a Tektronix PA4000
Power Quality Analyzer (PQA) shown in Figure 36 [50]. The PQA uses precision 30 A-RMS
current shunts to measure the converter’s current. It simultaneously samples the input and output
currents and voltages. The instrument was configured to sample the converter every 0.2 s and log
the data for the duration of the experiments. The power loss at each operating condition was
determined by calculating the average power loss of the converter once it reached electrical and
thermal steady-state.
The second measurement used the Tektronix MSO58 oscilloscope shown in Figure 39.
The probes used in the evaluation are summarized in Table 2. The oscilloscope was configured
to sample the input and output voltages and currents at a rate of 62.5 MS/s. These measurements
were averaged across one second of operation and used to determine the power loss at each
operating condition. The one second oscilloscope averaging was repeated five times at each
operating condition and the power loss across the five tests were themselves averaged to get a
single power loss estimation at each operating condition. This is the equivalent of averaging the
power loss over five seconds, but has the advantage that it allows the oscilloscope to sample at a
higher sampling rate than averaging the data over a single five second window.
To perform the DPT with this adapter board, slight modifications had to be made to the
circuit. The Tektronix TCP0030A current probes used in the CCO setup do not have sufficient
bandwidth to capture the high-frequency dynamics of a DPT test. Therefore, to measure the drain
current, a precision 100 mΩ coaxial current shunt was added to the source terminal of the
MOSFET during the DPT operation [70]. This current shunt is seen in the box labeled “Drain
Current” in Figure 36. The coaxial shunt was not added to the circuit during CCO because the
shunt is not rated for continuous power. Alternative shunt sizes that could handle the power
levels were considered for this work, but these shunts did not a high enough signal-to-noise ratio
for DPT measurements. During CCO operation, this location on the board is shorted with copper
foil. For the DPT, the converter’s resistive load and output capacitors are not necessary so these
components were removed from the circuit. Finally, for the system to function properly as a
DPT, the input bus was connected to the cathode of the diode. These changes are indicated in
Figure 40.
As stated previously, the use of a boost converter for the CCO operation allows ground
referenced probes to be used for the DPT. Table 3 shows the metrology used during the DPT
characterization and the probe locations on the circuit are shown in Figure 40. The switching loss
was estimated by integrating the instantaneous power in the DPT measurements over the
5.6. Test Operation
The steps required to actually perform the two types of tests differed slightly. This
For CCO, the converter was switched continuously with switching frequencies from 100
kHz to 500 kHz at 100 kHz increments. A function generator was used to control the gate driver
during these tests. At each switching frequency, the input voltage and duty cycle were tuned until
the PQA was measuring an input current of 20 A and an output voltage of 600 V. Once these
condition were met, the converter was operated continuously for at least ten minutes. The PQA
logged the data at each switching frequency for the duration of the test. In post-processing, the
power loss calculated by the PQA was averaged across the last five minutes of data at each
switching frequency. This averaged data point was used as the power loss estimation for the
PQA at each frequency. In addition to the PQA data, after the ten minutes of operation were
reached, the power loss calculated by the oscilloscope was averaged across one second of
operation. This one second averaging process was repeated five times, and these five power loss
averages were once again averaged to reach a single loss estimation from the oscilloscope at
To ensure time alignment between the drain current and the drain-to-source voltage
measurements, the setup was first deskewed using the third technique described in [52]. For this
deskew process, the DPT inductor is replaced with a low-inductance resistor. The current
through the DUT is estimated by considering the input voltage, voltage drop across the DUT,
and a precision measurement of the resistance. The deskew is completed by pulsing the DUT and
time aligning the calculated current with the actual measured current.
Once the system was time-aligned, a microcontroller running custom firmware was used
to generate a consistent charge pulse to get the inductor to 20 A at an input voltage of 600 V.
Five DPTs were performed at these operating conditions, and the switching loss estimations from
all five tests were averaged to get a single DPT loss estimation.
The principle goal of this work is to compare the switching losses associated with two
loss estimation techniques: DPT and CCO. In the preceding sections of this thesis, these two
about their relative merits. However, empirical results are necessary to validate these claims.
This section presents the results and analysis from the empirical testing that was conducted for
this work.
The boost converter discussed previously was configured with a 53 Ω load resistor and
the switching frequency was operated from 100 kHz to 500 kHz at 100 kHz increments. Across
all frequencies, the rated power of the converter was approximately 6.6 kW, and power loss
calculations were performed with both a PQA and an oscilloscope. Figure 41 presents example
input and output power measurements recorded with the PQA during twenty minutes of
converter operation at a switching frequency of 100 kHz. The power loss was determined by
computing the difference between the average value of the input and output power waveforms
during each experiment. Figure 42 shows the power loss value computed at each considered
ΔPIN = 6.9 W
ΔPOUT = 8.5 W
Figure 41: PQA input and output power during CCO at 100 kHz switching frequency
Figure 42: Raw power loss results from CCO using PQA and oscilloscope
The first observation about the data shown in Figure 42 is that both metrology
configurations produce a loss-vs.-frequency plot that appears linear. To quantify the linearity of
these results, linear regression was applied to both datasets using the least-squares method. The
fitted linear trends for both datasets are shown in Figure 43, along with the corresponding
coefficients of determination (𝑅2 ). Visual inspection of this plot suggests that a linear trend is a
reasonable approximation for both datasets; and the computed 𝑅2 values corroborate this visual
analysis. This result is also consistent with the findings reported in [49].
R2 = 0.9968 R2 = 0.9936
Figure 43: Raw power loss results from CCO with linear fit lines
The confirmed linearity of these results facilitates the separation of the losses into
intercept of the linear fit from both the trendline and the data points. The resulting loss values
with the frequency-independent components removed is shown in Figure 44. This analysis does
not suggest that the converter could actually operate at a switching frequency of 0 Hz. However,
since conduction losses are assumed to remain approximately constant across switching
frequencies, this tool allows for the separation of the conduction losses without knowing the
By observing the slope of the trendlines in Figure 44, switching loss estimates can be
made as discussed in Section 3.1. The switching loss estimates computed for both metrology
configurations under consideration are shown in Table 4. Note that only the total switching loss
values (𝐸𝑆𝑊 ) are shown since the CCO technique does not support the separation of switching
Another important observation from Figure 42 is that the oscilloscope consistently
produces lower power loss estimates than the PQA for the same system under identical
conditions. This difference is further corroborated by Table 4, which shows that the oscilloscope
estimates higher frequency-dependent losses than the PQA. One reason for this difference is the
length of time that the data is averaged in the two metrology configurations. To demonstrate the
influence of averaging time, Figure 45 shows five minutes of power loss data logged by the PQA
while the converter was operated at 100 kHz. Although the plot is focused on a small section of
the y-axis, it indicates that the total power loss value is not constant during the duration of the
experiment. Based on the maximum and minimum power loss values shown in this plot, if only a
single data point was recorded at each operating frequency (instead of logging the data over
time), the recorded power loss could include an error of more than 5.0 W (3%). It should also be
noted that the data presented in Figure 45 is actually averaged internally by the PQA using an
unknown algorithm before it is recorded. Thus, the error in the oscilloscope-measured loss
values could include significantly greater error than predicted by this example. Therefore, the
oscilloscope loss estimates are expected to be less accurate than the PQA estimates because the
considered waveforms are averaged over a significantly shorter duration compared to the PQA.
ΔPLOSS = 11.3 W
= 186.1 W
= 180.7 W
= 174.8 W
Figure 45: PQA power loss during CCO at 100 kHz switching frequency
In this work, the oscilloscope data was averaged over five seconds of converter operation
instead of measured at a single sample. This averaging is expected to improve the fidelity of the
measurements compared to a single sample. However, it is unlikely that this averaging operation
could reach the same level of accuracy as the PQA measurements. To understand the potential
error introduced by the reduced averaging window, a 25-point moving average was applied to
the logged PQA data. Since the sampling period of the PQA is 0.2 seconds, 25 points of data is
equivalent to averaging across five seconds (the duration of the oscilloscope measurements). The
moving average of the PQA loss data is shown in Figure 46. Comparing the minimum and
maximum of this data to Figure 45 indicates that the five second averaging does improve the
variation in the results, but it is still possible for the oscilloscope to estimate losses that differ
Δ = 8.0 W
184.0 W
= 180.7 W
176.0 W
The measurements shown in Figure 42 differ by a larger amount than can be justified by
the discrepancy in averaging time alone. If the averaging window justified the entire difference
in data, then the oscilloscope-derived loss values at 100 kHz would fall within the range of
values shown in Figure 46. However, the oscilloscope-derived power loss value is 40 W lower
than the minimum PQA data point at 100 kHz. A comparison of the range of captured PQA loss
values and the oscilloscope-derived loss value is shown in Table 5. At other switching
frequencies, the oscilloscope-derived power loss value also falls outside the PQA bounds.
Oscilloscope 134.0
In order to understand the reason for this discrepancy, it is important to recognize that it
challenging due to the high-frequency content present in the captured waveforms as well as
potential thermal considerations with current sensors and other instrumentation. Potential
inaccuracies with the oscilloscope metrology can be evaluated by referencing the instrument
specifications. The accuracy specifications for each of the instruments under consideration are
summarized in Table 6 in terms of maximum percent error for voltage and current [50], [51]-
[71]. There are three points about these specifications that should be noted. First, these
specifications are only for dc measurements; the results differ significantly when evaluating
converter dynamics. Second, the instrument literature specifies error percentages relative to the
expected magnitude of the measurements. Therefore, the values shown in this table are
calculated based on the operating conditions of the converter under consideration and are not
universal for all measurement ranges. Please refer to the Appendix for further details regarding
the computation of the values shown in Table 6. Third, the specified oscilloscope accuracy
values only include error due to the probes; these values do not include the additional error
Even without considering the additional error contributed by the oscilloscope itself, the
oscilloscope error is significantly greater than the PQA error for these high-power, low-
bandwidth measurements. The reason for this is difference is that the PQA is designed
specifically for low-frequency measurements; whereas the oscilloscope and associated probes are
designed to balance the trade-offs between accurately measuring both low- and high-frequency
signals. When these errors are considered in the measurements, the oscilloscope estimation can
vary significantly as shown in Table 7. The table shows the minimum and maximum power loss
for the PQA and oscilloscope at 100 kHz when the error of the instrumentation is considered.
This implies that the oscilloscope metrology is not ideal for determining the efficiency of
converters during normal operation. Due to the error introduced in the oscilloscope
measurements, for the remainder of this work, only the PQA measurements from the CCO tests
Five DPT experiments were performed at the operating condition of interest – 20A, 600
V. An example set of waveforms for one of these tests is shown in Figure 47(a) for the turn-off
(a) (b)
Figure 47: Example DPT results for (a) turn-off and (b) turn-on
The switching energy loss during both transitions was determined for each of the five
experiments by integrating the instantaneous power waveform across the duration of the
switching event. The limits of integration for the turn-on event were selected to capture the
instantaneous power loss spike, and the limits of integration for the turn-off event were selected
to capture the initial four oscillations in the instantaneous power. The loss estimates for each of
the five DPT experiments are shown in Figure 48. Across all five experiments, the switching loss
estimates are in good agreement. The results from these five experiments were averaged to
obtain a single switching loss estimate for the DPT approach, which is provided in Table 8.
Eoff ESW
Energy (µJ)
1 2 3 4 5
Test #
6.3. Comparison of Loss Techniques
Based on the results presented in the previous sections, a comparison of the switching
loss estimates for the CCO and DPT techniques can be performed. The total switching loss
losses and the predicted DPT losses at each frequency on a loss-vs.-frequency plot. Such a plot
is shown in Figure 49. This plot does not suggest that the DPT procedure was carried out at
various frequencies, since DPT experiments are switching-frequency independent. Instead, the
DPT line in Figure 49 demonstrates the predicted average switching power loss of the DUT
multiplying the switching frequency by the DPT loss estimate shown in Table 9.
From Table 9 and Figure 49, it is observed that the switching loss estimate from CCO is
27.8% higher than the switching loss estimate from DPT. This difference is believed to result
from one of the underlying assumptions of the CCO technique. Specifically, the assumption that
all frequency-dependent losses in the converter result from the switching action of the DUT may
not be valid in this case. As described previously, there are other frequency-dependent loss
mechanisms in most converter topologies that can potentially influence these results. For the
boost converter used in this work, the most notable of these loss mechanisms is the contribution
from the diode. In this implementation, a Schottky diode is utilized to eliminate reverse recovery
losses, but the diode still has capacitive losses. These losses are typically much smaller than the
reverse recovery losses for a PN-junction diode, but they may not be negligible. When using a
PN-junction diode, these capacitive losses are not separable from the reverse recovery losses.
However, in the case of the Schottky diode, the capacitive losses can be quantified separately.
where 𝑃𝑑𝑖𝑜𝑑𝑒,𝐶𝐿 is the diode loss due to capacitive recovery, 𝑄𝐶 is the diode’s total capacitive
charge at the blocking voltage, 𝑉𝑑,𝑛𝑒𝑔 is the voltage blocked by the diode, and 𝑓𝑠 is the switching
frequency. In a boost converter, the diode blocks the output voltage, which is 600 V in this setup.
The capacitive charge is a function of the input voltage, which is held constant for all
experiments described in this work. The value of the capacitive charge can be extracted from the
diode datasheet. Switching frequency is the only value in Equation (18) that does not remain
constant over the operating conditions considered in this work. Therefore, it is expected that the
diode capacitive recovery loss should scale linearly with the converter’s switching frequency.
When the diode capacitive recovery loss is added to the DUT switching loss estimate obtained
from DPT, the resulting combined loss trend agrees more closely with the switching loss
estimate obtained from CCO. The combination of the diode capacitive recovery loss and the
DUT switching loss estimate obtained from DPT are compared to the switching loss estimate
Figure 50: Frequency dependent loss comparison – CCO and DPT with diode
It is important to note that the results of Figure 50 are not intended to demonstrate perfect
agreement between the CCO and DPT techniques. However, this figure illustrates that the CCO
technique is not able to cleanly isolate the switching losses of the DUT. Instead, the contribution
of other frequency-dependent loss mechanisms are included in the estimate. In this instance, it is
clear that the diode capacitive recovery losses must be removed from the CCO measurements to
obtain a more accurate switching loss estimation for the DUT. However, even if the diode
capacitive recovery losses are removed, there are additional losses that must be also removed
before the CCO estimates would accurately represent the switching loss of the DUT. These
additional loss mechanisms, specifically core losses and high-frequency ohmic losses, are
difficult to model accurately due to challenges such as the dependence on curve fitting empirical
data and the influence of dc bias [72]-[73]. These difficulties with estimating additional
converter losses accentuates the challenge of trying to isolate DUT losses using CCO.
First, it can be concluded from this work that an oscilloscope is not the proper instrument
to employ for estimating switching losses using the CCO technique. This also implies that this
metrology is not ideal for determining the efficiency of converters during normal operation. The
oscilloscope’s design balances the need for accuracy in both low- and high-bandwidth
measurements. As such, this trade-off leads to reduced accuracy compared to the PQA when
extremely low-bandwidth measurements are performed. Thus, the evaluation of power loss and
efficiency in converters during continuous operation should be performed using a PQA whenever
Second, by comparing the losses measured with the CCO and DPT techniques, it is
determined that the CCO technique consistently estimates higher DUT switching losses than the
DPT technique. This conclusion is not unexpected since the CCO technique assumes that all
other frequency-dependent losses in the system are negligible in comparison of the DUT
switching losses. The difference between the DPT and CCO cases confirms that the switching
loss of the DUT is not the only significant frequency-dependent loss mechanism in the converter
used in this work. If the losses predicted by the CCO technique are assumed to be solely
attributed to the switching loss of the DUT, this quantity would be over-estimated by 27.8% on
average. The difference between the CCO and DPT estimates can be attributed to the frequency-
dependent losses of the diode, inductor core losses, and the temperature dependence of various
components in the system. This claim is verified in this chapter by adding the predicted loss
contribution from the diode to the DUT switching loss obtained from DPT to obtain improved
agreement between the CCO and DPT estimates. This suggests that the CCO estimates include
losses from the DUT, diode, as well as additional loss mechanisms that have not been identified.
Overall, this finding suggests that the DPT procedure provides a more accurate estimate of DUT
The goal of this thesis is to compare two of the most widely used techniques for
estimating switching losses of power semiconductors: CCO and DPT. This thesis evaluated both
An empirical test platform was designed and fabricated to evaluate these techniques with
minimal changes required to the setup between the techniques. The same DUT was evaluated
with both techniques utilizing essentially the same circuit, and the resulting switching loss
estimations were compared. It was found that the CCO technique over-estimates the DUT
switching losses by 27.8% compared to the DPT technique, on average. The discrepancy
between the two techniques can be attributed to the frequency-dependent loss contributions of
the diode, inductor core losses, and the temperature dependence of various components in the
system. This corroborates claims found in the literature that the CCO technique is not able to
isolate the switching loss of the DUT, and suggests that the DPT procedure provides a more
This section addresses potential future extensions of this work. One immediate extension
of this work would be to perform similar comparisons with different semiconductors operating at
varying loads to evaluate the CCO and DPT techniques at different operating conditions.
Acquiring additional data would serve multiple purposes. First, additional data could be used to
further validate the claims already made in this thesis. Second, the observed discrepancies
between the CCO and DPT measurements could be used to generate rules-of-thumb for the
magnitude of error in CCO switching loss estimations. This could give insight to designers who
need to estimate switching loss more accurately than is possible with CCO, but who do not have
access to the metrology and purpose-built hardware necessary for DPT evaluation.
Another possible extension of this work would be to evaluate the switching loss
estimations from the calorimetric and opposition techniques discussed in Section 1.3. Adding
these additional techniques to the comparison would broaden the scope of this work and improve
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The PQA dc voltage accuracy is defined as “±0.05% of reading ±0.1% of range ± 0.05
V” [50]. The two voltages measured by the PQA were 600 V (𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 ) and ~340 V (𝑉𝐼𝑁 ) which are
measured in the 1000 V and 500 V ranges, respectively. Equations (19) and (20) show the
calculated absolute voltage error for each of these measurements, and Equations (21) and (22)
1.35 (21)
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = = 0.23%
0.72 (22)
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑉𝑖𝑛 = = 0.21%
The PQA dc current accuracy is defined as “±0.05% of reading ±0.1% of range ± (50 µV
/ Zext)” [50]. For the 30 A internal current shunt used for the all the measurements in this work,
𝑍𝑒𝑥𝑡 is 9.375 mΩ. The two currents measured by the PQA were ~11 A (𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑇 ) and 20 A (𝐼𝐼𝑁 )
which are measured in the 20 A and 50 A ranges, respectively. Equations (23) and (24) show the
calculated absolute voltage error for each of these measurements, and Equations (25) and (26)
50 × 10−6 (23)
𝐼𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟,𝐼𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 11 ⋅ 0.0005 + 20 ⋅ 0.001 + = 0.0308 𝐴
50 × 10−6 (24)
𝐼𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟,𝐼𝑖𝑛 = 20 ⋅ 0.0005 + 50 ⋅ 0.001 + = 0.0653 𝐴
0.0308 (25)
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝐼𝑜𝑢𝑡 = = 0.28%
0.653 (26)
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝐼𝑖𝑛 = = 0.326%
The maximum percent error from this analysis for voltage and current measurements
were used in Section 6.1 when comparing the PQA with the oscilloscope for CCO