UAT Test Script 2 1
UAT Test Script 2 1
UAT Test Script 2 1
[Threaded comment]
[Threaded comment]
3.1 Submit an unsubscribe Form Create new Journey -> Select Segment_<yourname> -> Select E
specify time and publish Journey -> Click on unsubscribe link in em
form -> verify consent centre
3.1 Submit an unsubscribe Form Create new Journey -> Select Segment_<yourname> -> Select E
specify time and publish Journey -> Click on unsubscribe link in em
form -> verify consent centre
visit https
1. Fill data in Email, First Name, Last Name, and Year Of Birth in YYYY format. Please enter an email that
is expected to receive. Uncheck the topic that you don't want to receive the email and also fill in the
(Please use non NAC email)
2. Click Submit.
1.Visit to
2. Compleed Test 1.1
1. Fill First Name, Last Name, Email in 1.1 that are already created in Contact and already existed in
consent center and check the Opt-out topics.
2. Click Submit.
[Threaded comment]
1. Your
to with your
of Excel allows you to read this threaded Microsoft
comment; AD account.
however, any edits to it
will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more:
1. Go to the "Consent center" in site map of landing page
2. Comment:
Check your form submitted existing email in Active Consent Point Consents
3. Check with
the opt 2.1 out status for each topic and purpose as shown in Appendix A.
[Threaded comment]
1. Your
to with your
of Excel allows you to read this threaded Microsoft
comment; AD account.
however, any edits to it will
get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more:
1. Comment:
Click "Segments" in site map on the left of landing page
Create new Journey -> Select Segment_<yourname> -> Select Email_UAT_20240324 ->
2. specify
Select Segment_<yourname>
time and publish Journey -> Click on unsubscribe link in email -> submit unsusbcribe
-> will select
verify Segment_Alaric
consent centre
Create new Journey -> Select Segment_<yourname> -> Select Email_UAT_20240324 ->
specify time and publish Journey -> Click on unsubscribe link in email -> submit unsusbcribe
form -> verify consent centre
1. Login to with your Microsoft AD account.
1. Login to with your Microsoft AD account.
2. User managed to create email in Test 4.1
1. Login to with your Microsoft AD account.
2. User managed to complete Test 4.1 and 4.2
1. Login to with your Microsoft AD account.
2. User managed to complete Test 1.1 to 4.3
1. User managed to send the email form in Test 5.1 & 5.2
2. Go to or your web mail
5. Go back to the D365 Customer Insight Journey web page and Click "Forms" in site map and open
"Unsubscribe Form" and go to "Submission" tab to check the status.
If you don't see the latest status, click on the "Refresh" button of top left corner of page as shown in
Appendix G.
1. Login to with your Microsoft AD account.
2. User managed to submit unsubscription form in Test 6.1
1. User managed to send the email form in Test 5.1 & 5.2
2. User managed to create each journey with each email for each topic
3. Go to or your web mail
1. Login to with your Microsoft AD account.
2. User managed to submit subscription form in Test 2.1
2. Check your form submitted existing email in Active Consent Point Consents
3. Check the opt in/opt out status for each topic and purpose in Consent Center.
Expected Outcome Pass/Fail
Consent type "Purpose" should be "Opt In" and Checked topics should be
"Opt In" and Unchecked topics should be "Opt Out" in Consent status.
User will be navigated to the D365 Customer Insight Journey landing page
Consent type "Purpose" should be "Opt In" and Checked topics should be
"Opt In" and Unchecked topics should be "Opt Out" in Consent status.
User will be navigated to the D365 Customer Insight Journey landing page
Consent type "Purpose" should be "Opt In" and Checked topics should be
"Opt In" and Unchecked topics should be "Opt Out" in Consent status.
User will be navigated to the D365 Customer Insight Journey landing page
User will be navigated to the D365 Customer Insight Journey landing page
User will be navigated to the D365 Customer Insight Journey landing page
User will be navigated to the D365 Customer Insight Journey landing page
User will be navigated to the D365 Customer Insight Journey landing page
User will be navigated to the D365 Customer Insight Journey landing page
User will be navigated to the D365 Customer Insight Journey landing page
Consent type "Purpose" and all topics should be "Opt Out" in Consent
User will be navigated to the D365 Customer Insight Journey landing page
User will be navigated to the D365 Customer Insight Journey landing page
Purpose shuld be "Opt In" and Checked topic should be "Opt Out" and
remainings topics should not be updated.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G