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Analysis for Utility-Scale

Hybrid Systems
Maximize value for
energy storage and
hybrid system projects
HOMER® Front software by UL Solutions provides a
powerful web-based platform for rapidly designing,
sizing and optimizing utility-scale energy storage and
hybrid systems. Maximize and demonstrate project
HOMER® Front Size your system
Calculate the optimal size of energy
value, mitigate potential risks and optimize multiple
areas, including:
software storage and other components in
utility-scale hybrid systems.

Save hours of analysis time during

• Variable generation Manage battery augmentation
project development, bid evaluation
• Energy markets Model battery lifetime, capacity
and due diligence. HOMER Front
• Power purchase agreements degradation and augmentation or
software models the technical and
• Battery capacity replacement strategies to minimize
economic performance of utility-
ongoing expenses and maximize revenue.
scale energy storage systems —
Custom storage capability enables you
independently or with solar
to provide detailed inputs that replicate
and wind.
commercially available batteries.
You’ll get critical, actionable insights
into optimal sizing and operational Compare and stack multiple
strategies designed to mitigate revenue streams
technical and economic risks while Perform detailed, holistic modeling of most
maximizing the potential revenue major electricity markets in front-of-the-
from multiple streams, including meter systems worldwide, including PPAs,
energy and capacity markets, energy, capacity and ancillary markets.
ancillary services and power
purchase agreements (PPAs). Utilize robust sensitivity analysis
De-risk your project’s performance
By optimizing key aspects of your projections through sensitivity analysis on
design with the software’s robust key parameters that often fluctuate, like
computations and simulations, solar irradiance, wind speeds or energy
you can determine the winning market prices. Screen and evaluate project
system faster. sites and system economic viability.
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Evaluate electricity
markets worldwide Revenue stacking and
Compare revenue projections from most major wholesale energy price
energy markets around the world, including:
Real-time revenue
• Wholesale energy markets, such as day-ahead Solar
and real time Storage

• Capacity markets
• Ancillary services Day-ahead revenue
• Time-of-delivery (ToD) and PPAs Storage
By hour Key Days: Highest Revenue Day August

60 800

Select from all major monetary currencies globally Real-time price

50 700
40 600

30 500

and customize inputs for a specific country or region.

Energy Price
Revenue ($K)
20 400
10 300

0 200

By stacking and comparing multiple revenue streams -10


Day-ahead price
Time of Day

and dispatch strategies, you can more accurately

(Light line)
size and plan system operations to deliver the
optimal return on investment while reliably meeting
contractual obligations. Day-ahead market price Real-time market price

Energy storage revenue/day-ahead Solar revenue/day-ahead

Energy storage revenue/real-time Solar revenue/real-time
Energy storage revenue/capacity market

Mitigate risks with

advanced energy
storage modeling
Create insightful proposals
HOMER Front software provides comprehensive
battery modeling and sensitivity analysis to assess that help demonstrate
the impact of energy storage degradation and varying
dispatch and augmentation strategies. Easy-to- project value
understand time series graphics empower you to:
Quickly turn your project analysis into a customer-facing
• Optimize augmentation strategies and cycling limits proposal that presents critical aspects of your project,
• Model warranted battery values and storage usage including revenue streams, technical performance and
• Determine the most efficient dispatch strategies return on investment.
with charging and discharging rules
• Assess the system’s ability to meet off-take With a detailed proposal in hand, you, your customer and
agreement requirements consistently your stakeholders can move forward with confidence.

3 | UL.com/Solutions
Make hybrid power system
decisions with confidence
Rely on accurate, confirmable analysis of multiple Leverage the long-standing expertise in renewable
inputs of energy resources, markets, and dispatch energy and trusted independent engineering of
and augmentation strategies. UL Solutions. We offer complete project support,
including market and regulatory assessment, project
Easily export data and share across companies and site evaluation, technical design and analysis.
without exposing intellectual property related
to the project. Gain unmatched advanced energy storage modeling
along with our 25 years of experience in modeling
A trusted third-party model helps partnering hybrid power systems.
companies, financiers and customers
feel confident.

Save time with data integration through

Helioscope’s application programming interface
(API); import PvSyst and wind production data,
resource data for solar and temperature, and
multiple formats of price data.

Get the clear advantage of

HOMER Front software

Model your projects more Put HOMER software

accurately with a license for
HOMER Front web-based software, to work for you
or work with our respected team of HOMER software has enabled more than 250,000
renewable energy experts. Rely on Originally developed at the National Renewable users in 190+ countries to model and optimize hybrid
UL Solutions to help accelerate your Energy Laboratory, HOMER modeling software power systems.
project’s design-to-build timeline by UL Solutions optimizes the value of your hybrid
with a feasibility study or complete power systems and energy storage – whether your
project evaluation. system is standalone, connected to the grid, behind-
the-meter or utility-scale.

Learn more at UL.com/HOMERsoftware

© 2024 UL LLC. All rights reserved.


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