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Optimization and Control of DER: Customer Challenge

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Optimization and control of DER


Customer challenge:
- Operate several units for electric power (and heat)
generation, consumers and/or storage connected to the
power grid at one or multiple metered points
- Increasing cost for balancing energy flows

Customer needs:
- Implement business models for pooling, demand response,
optimal power flow, trading, supply, portfolio optimization
- Pooling of generation and/or storage equipment for intra-
day optimization, in order to reduce the need for balancing
- Scaling the applications (from a few units to thousands)

June 28, 2020 Slide 1 DER: Distributed Energy Resources

Optimization and control of DER

ABB’s solution:
Forecasts Plant Managers / Energy Traders
Delivery Commitments Diagnosis
- Combining units into a Virtual Power Pool
Plant Schedules Accounting - The optimizer determines the most economic setpoint for
Plant data Reporting
every controllable unit within the model
- Day-ahead optimization as well as intra-day
Interfaces - Balancing the fluctuating renewable feed-in
OPTIMAX® PowerFit - Reducing peak loads
TSO Grid Services Central control
& optimization
Customer benefits:
Real-time interfaces - Optimize cost of production, consumption and storage
- Reduce cost for buying power from the grid
DSO Grid Automation - Increase revenues from selling power to the grid
- Reduce penalty cost for deviations from the contracted
energy exchange due to forecast errors
- Obtain comprehensive information for fast decisions
- Small units get access to the energy market

DER: Distributed Energy Resources

June 28, 2020 Slide 2 DSO: Distribution System Operator
TSO: Transmission System Operator
Trends in urban transportation markets
System aggregation and energy optimization

Customer challenge
- Large cities are rushing into electrification of urban transport
supported by governmental and central funds
- Pressure on public health and increasing urbanisation
accelerates the number of pilot projects and e-bus fleet
- Increasing proliferation of variable renewable energy sources
(VRES) presents challenges to grid operators
- Need for a software/digital platform for aggregating
distributed batteries into one “virtual” battery unit to
facilitate market participation (which is today limited to min
1-5 MW capacity)

June 28, 2020 Slide 3

ABB’s e-bus solutions
Combine SCADA, Ellipse EAM and OPTIMAX® PowerFit to provide services (XaaS)
Bids TSO
Ctrl signals
PGGA, Enterprise software IAPG, OPTIMAX® software ABB Ability™
SCADA solutions: OPTIMAX® PowerFit solutions:
- Remote monitor (on-board and - Aggregate a large number of Aggregator
way-side components) OPTIMAX®
assets PowerFit
- Remote control (on-board and way-
- The aggregated volume is
optimally dispatched between grid
- Safely operate the e-bus fleet and Historian DB
services to max profit
charging infrastructure
- Distributed resources are
Ellipse Asset Mgmt solutions: SCADA
scheduled in real time based on (EAM)
- Do condition based maintenance application/service needs
- Reduce the total cost of ownership depending on their actual status
Measurements Various data
Ctrl signals Ctrl signals

Bus operator

EAM – Enterprise Asset Mgmt

June 28, 2020 Slide 4 XaaS – everything as a service
TSO – Transmission System Operator
ABB’s e-bus solutions • Market operator
Unique value proposition • Aggregator
• Cloud based platform • Grid operator
• Artificial intelligence
Customer benefits
For bus operators or aggregators:
- Optimally operate and maintain e-bus fleet and charging
- Ensure smart and profitable transition from conventional diesel
to electric operation
- Sell power flexibility in different markets
For grid operators:
- Buy flexibility from the e-bus fleet on demand instead of large
CAPEX into own assets
- E-bus on-board and way-side batteries provide grid services(*)
e.g. frequency regulation can generate an additional customer
benefit of about 150-300 k$ /MW/a
- Optimize energy procurement on the market

June 28, 2020 Slide 5 (*) E-bus is a highly predictable asset due to a scheduled operation compared to traditional electric vehicles.
Trends in water distribution markets
Energy optimization in pumping stations

Customer challenge
- Ten thousands of pump stations pump fresh water from
ground water, rain water basins, lakes or rivers into the water
distribution network
- In order to adapt the water pressure and flow to the demand,
pumps operate in parallel
- Pumps can be powered by variable speed drives (VSD’s), most
often they are connected directly to the grid and switched on
and off separately by soft starters
- Operators use their experience or operating instructions for
switching or selecting setpoints for the individual pumps –
they often operate outside of the safety zone

June 28, 2020 Slide 6

ABB Ability™ Energy optimization solutions
Key take-aways

ABB as Application By offering Application Provider Services on top of the Ability solutions, ABB can
Service Provider 1
fulfill new challenging customer requirements

Solutions which can Customers increasingly ask ABB for solutions with small initial investment which fits
easily be scaled 2
their financial planning and can easily be scaled

Replicate, Penetrate, By re-using and combining existing components on the ABB Ability platform, we can
Innovate 3
create new solutions and further enhance them with new technology

June 28, 2020 Slide 7

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