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Comp 2

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Casili, Mallig, Isabela


School Year 2013-2014

Course No.: Comp 2 No. of Units: 3 Time: Days:

Course & Year: BSCS 1 Building & Room No.: Consultation Hours:
Descriptive Title: Computer Programming 1
Course Objectives:
 Learn the components in problem solving
 Explore the strategies in problem solving in relation to procedural programming
 Analyze problems
 Design algorithms to solve problems
 Implement algorithms in a programming language
 Test programming solutions to problems
 Apply recursion as a programming solution

Objectives & Classification Learning Strategies and Expected Outcomes and/or

Topics & Time Allotment
Levels Assessment Activities Results
Orientation Internalize the meaning and Discussion Sincerity
MPC – Philosophy, Mission, the message of the MPC and Group Loyalty
Vision & Objectives ICS Dept PVMO Buzzing Obedience
ICS Dept - Mission, Vision &
Chapter 1 – COMPUTERS - Recognize and Lecture Clear knowledge about the
AND PROGRAMMING conceptualize the basics of Recitation basic concept of
1.1 Basic Programming computer programming. Group Activity programming
Concepts - State and identify the Library Work Could create a good program
1.1.1 What is computer methods used in developing Assignment algorithm using different tools
programming? computer programs. Seatwork
1.1.2 What is a - Identify and differentiate the Quiz
computer program? languages used in
1.1.3 Classifications of programming.
Programming - Understand and apply the
Languages methods used in problem
1.1.4 Overview of solving.
Programming - Develop reasoning and
Languages formulate logical
1.2 Program Logic programming ability
Formulation effectively.
1.2.1 Tools in PLF Knowledge (C1),
(10hrs) Comprehension (C2),
Application (C3), Analysis
(C4), Organization (A4)
Chapter 2 – THE BASIC OF - Discuss the development of Lecture Basic knowledge about C++
C++ PROGRAMMING C++ language. Recitation Programming Language
2.1 The C++ Language - Define what C++ Languages Group Activity Clear knowledge on the
2.1.1 Brief History is and appreciate its Library Work syntax and semantics and
2.1.2 The Language importance and applications. Assignment can create simple C++
2.1.3 The C++ - Be familiar with the C++ Seatwork/Laboratory Program
Environment environment and use its basic Quiz/Hands-on
2.2 Overview of C++ functions correctly.
Reserved Words and - Identify the general form of a
Identifiers C++ language.
2.2.1 Reserved Words - Create simple C++
2.2.2 Identifiers programs.
2.3 Data Types and Knowledge (C1),
Declarations Comprehension (C2),
2.3.1 Data Types Application (C3), Analysis
2.3.2 Purpose of Data (C4), Organization (A4)
2.3.3 Declarations
2.4 Form of a C++ Program
2.4.1 Sections of a C+
+ Program
2.5 Basic Commands And
2.5.1 Input and Output
2.5.2 cout function
2.5.3 cin function
Chapter 3 – OPERATORS - Explain the meaning and Lecture Could define and use the
3.1 Arithmetic Operators use of operators. Lecture different arithmetic, relational
3.1.1 What are - Learn and evaluate Recitation and logical operators in a
Operators arithmetic operators properly. Group Activity program
3.1.2 Arithmetic - Learn and use relational Library Work
Operators operators. Assignment
3.1.3 Hierarchy of - Define and use logical Seatwork/Laboratory
Arithmetic Operations operators. Quiz/Hands-on
Knowledge (C1),
Comprehension (C2),
3.2 Assignment and Application (C3), Analysis
Relational Operators (C4), Organization (A4)
3.2.1 Assignment
3.2.2 Assignment
3.2.3 Relational
3.1 Boolean Operators
3.3.1 The AND
3.3.2 The OR Operator
3.3.3 The NOT
Chapter 4 – EXPRESSIONS - Define expression and Lecture Could define and use
AND LOOPS identify its type. Recitation correctly the different decision
4.1 Expressions - Enumerate and understand Group Activity and repetition control
4.1.1 Expressions the rules for evaluating C++ Library Work statements in a program
4.1.2 Arithmetic expressions. Assignment
Expressions - State the need to apply the Seatwork/Laboratory
4.1.3 Rules of rules in evaluating C++ Quiz/Hands-on
Evaluating Expressions expressions.
4.1.4 Boolean - Observe the proper use of
Expressions loop statements and apply it
4.1.5 Boolean/Logical in writing programs.
Operators Knowledge (C1),
4.2 Selection Structures Comprehension (C2),
4.2.1 Compound Application (C3), Analysis
Statements (C4), Organization (A4)
4.2.2 Selection Control
Structures IF Statement Syntax for the
IF Statement Nested IF
Statement The IF-ELSE
Statement The IF-ELSE-
IF Statement
4.3 Loops - Differentiate procedures Lecture Could define and use
4.3.1 Loop Control from functions. Recitation correctly procedures and
Statements - Understand and apply the Group Activity functions in a program
4.3.2 The WHILE use of procedures in a Library Work
Statement program. Assignment
4.3.3 The FOR - Enumerate and determine Seatwork/Laboratory
Statement the standard built-in functions Quiz/Hands-on
4.1.4 The DO/WHILE in C++.
Statement - Use functions in a program.
Knowledge (C1),
Chapter 5 – PROCEDURES Comprehension (C2),
AND FUNCTIONS Application (C3), Analysis
5.1 Procedures (C4), Organization (A4)
5.1.1 Parameters
5.2 Functions
5.2.1 Standard

Course Requirements:
1. Major Examinations
2. Attendance
3. Quizzes
4. Projects
5. Laboratory Activities
6. Participation in the class discussion

Grading System:
ClassStanding = 90%(Quiz+Recitation+Assignment+LaboratoryActivities+Project) + 10%(Attendance)
PrelimGrade = 2/3ClassStanding + 1/3PrelimExam
MidTermGrade = 2/3 PrelimGrade + 1/3MidTermTentativeGrade
FinalGrade = 2/3 PrelimGrade + 1/3FinalTentativeGrade


1. Diane Zak, An Introduction to Programming with C++, 2009
2. Joyce Farrell, Program Logic Formulation, 2009
3. Drozdek, Adam, Data Structure and Algorithm in C++, 2007
4. Savitch, Walter, Absolute C++ Programming, 2006

1. C++ course. <http://www.vias.org/cppcourse/>
2. Programming in C. < http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/CE.htm>
3. Cplusplus. < http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial>
Online Journals
1. The C++ Source, http://www.artima.com/cppsource
2. C++ Programming References, http://www.apl.jhu.edu/~paulmac/c++-references.html
3. Dr. Dobb’s, http://www.drdobbs.com/cpp

Prepared by: Noted by:


Instructor Instructor Dean

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