Planorbidae Lymnaeidae and Physidae of Peru Mollus
Planorbidae Lymnaeidae and Physidae of Peru Mollus
Planorbidae Lymnaeidae and Physidae of Peru Mollus
In the course of several trips to Peru I had the opportunity of collecting topotypic specimens of Biomphalaria
andecola (Orbigny, 1835), B. helophila (Orbigny, 1835), B. pucaraensis (Preston, 1909), Drepanotrema limayanum
(Lesson, 1830), D. kermatoides (Orbigny, 1835), and Lymnaea viatrix Orbigny, 1835, besides B. tenagophila (Orbigny,
1835), Helisoma trivolvis (Say, 1817), H. duryi (Wetherby, 1879), Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1801, and seemingly P.
peruviana Gray, 1828.
B. pucaraensis is considered a junior synonym of B. peregrina (Orbigny, 1835).
Key words: Biomphalaria andecola - B. helophila - B. peregrina - B. pucaraensis - B. tenagophila -
Drepanotrema kermatoides - D. limayanum - Helisoma duryi - H. peruvianum - H. trivolvis - Lymnaea viatrix - Physa acuta -
P. peruviana - synonymy - Peru
This paper is based on material collected by the author that he found only empty shells in places that had been
during a trip supported by the National Research Council covered by the sea during the 1746 earthquake and that
(CNPq) of Brazil, in 1956, and three others financed by the his searches in the surrounding area were unsuccessful.
Pan American Health Organization in 1961, 1965 and 1972, Baker (1945, Plate 141) figures shells of a specimen from
and 14 samples collected by Dr Nicanor Ibañez, of the Callao and another from “Brazil”, the latter as a synonym
Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Peru, in 1961-1964. of Planorbis moricandi Beck, 1837. By the way, P.
The snails were collected and treated as described moricandi is referred by Beck to Bahia, Brazil, where
elsewhere (Paraense 2003). Voucher specimens are Helisoma does not occur.
deposited in the Malacological Collection of the Oswaldo Vivar et al. (1998) separate H. peruvianum from H.
Cruz Institute. trivolvis by the shape of the preputial organ, ovoid in the
Genus Helisoma Swainson, 1840 former and cup-shaped in the latter. It should be noted,
however, that the shape of that organ varies with the state
Helisoma trivolvis (Say, 1817) - Ditch at Tembladera, of distension: in H. trivolvis it is egg-shaped when con-
Cajamarca Department, June 1962; ditch at Villa and creek tracted within the preputial cavity and not infrequently
at Puerto Chicama, Apr. 1965. All the specimens agree when exserted, and cup-shaped when unfolded.
with Paraense’s (1976b) description of H. trivolvis. Helisoma duryi (Wetherby, 1879) - Santa Eulalia river,
Helisoma peruvianum (Broderip, 1832) - The original near its confluence with the Rimac, and ditch at Puente
description (not figured) hardly allows a sure recognition Piedra, Nov. 1956; ditches at Pachacamac and Pantanos
of this species: de Villa, and creek at Puente Piedra, Nov. 1961; artificial
Planorbis Peruvianus. Plan testâ discoideâ, pellucidâ, pond at Botanical Garden, Lima, Apr. 1965; artificial pond
utrinque concavâ, anfractûs basalis parte ultimâ at El Palomar, Lima, May 1965. The specimens agree, in
subdepressâ; apertura subgibbâ, subdilatatâ: lat. 8/12, shell and anatomy, to a previous description of H. duryi
long. 4/12 poll.
by Paraense (1976a).
Hab. In Peruviâ. (Malabriga, province of Truxillo.)
Found in a muddy pond nearly dried up. – W.J.B. Genus Biomphalaria Preston, 1910
In a previous study (Paraense 1976b) I mentioned Biomphalaria andecola (Orbigny, 1835) - Lake Umayo
the occurrence of two species of Helisoma (H. trivolvis near Puno, Nov. 1952, collected by Dr Fortunato Blancas
and Helisoma sp.) at Puerto Chicama (formerly Malabrigo). Sánchez. Shell and anatomy as in topotypes from Isla del
Unfortunately my intention to reexamine that material was Sol, Lake Titicaca, studied by Paraense and Deslandes
frustrated by loss of the preserved soft parts. The (1957).
probability of the alleged difference between the Biomphalaria helophila (Orbigny, 1835) - Ditch at
specimens being due to anatomical deformation for want Trujillo, June 1959; rivulet at Trujillo, Apr. 1963, studied
of previous relaxation cannot be excluded. by Paraense and Ibañez (1964); ditch at Trujillo, June 1963;
H. peruvianum was redescribed by Orbigny (1835, ditch at Puerto Chicama, Apr. 1965; topotypes from
1837), who collected it at Callao and emphasized the facts marshes at Callao, Apr. 1965, studied by Paraense (1996).
Biomphalaria tenagophila (Orbigny, 1835) - Highly
isolated population in Valle de Condebamba, Department
of Cajamarca, June 1962, studied by Paraense et al. (1964),
Fax: +55-21-2280.5840. E-mail:
Received 6 May 2003 proving susceptible to infection with Schistosoma
Accepted 3 June 2003 mansoni.
768 Planorbidae, Lymnaeidae and Physidae of Peru • WL Paraense
Biomphalaria trigyra (Philippi, 1869) - Original frequently obscured by a pigmented fibrous membrane.
description (not figured). The spermatheca varies in outline from club-shaped to
Biomphalaria pucaraensis (Preston, 1909) - Original egg-shaped, according to the amount of its contents. The
description (poorly figured): spermathecal body is usually somewhat longer than the
duct. The caudal part of the female duct (from the carrefour
Planorbis pucaraensis, sp. n. (Fig. 15.) to the middle of the oviducal pouch) is shorter than the
Shell suborbicular, very depressed above, basally somewhat cephalic part (from the middle of the oviducal pouch to
convex, brackish brown, spire slightly concave; whorls 4, the vaginal opening). The spermiduct, longer than the
rapidly increasing in size, sculptured with strong, transverse,
oviduct to which it is adhered, follows a flexuous course.
arcuate lines of growth; sutures impressed; umbilicus
moderately wide above, narrow and deep below; columella On emerging from the furrow of the oviducal pouch it
oblique, extending into a thin callus above; peristome gives off a row of prostatic diverticula, ranging from 8 to
simple, acute; aperture broadly sublunate. 13, in most instances divided into primary and secondary
Alt. 1.5, diam. maj. 6.75, diam. min. 5.5 mm. branches. The foremost diverticula overlie to a variable
Aperture: alt. 2, diam. 2 mm. extent the spermathecal body. The penis sheath, uniformly
Hab. Pucara, Peru, at an altitude of 12,500 feet. cylindric in shape, is about twice as wide as the widest
As far as I know, no subsequent mention has been portion of the vas deferens, and about half as wide and
made to this species, except in Harry’s (1962) catalogue, the same length as the prepuce. The penis (Fig. 1G), about
in which it is placed in the “species group” of Taphius as long as the penis sheath, is slender and tapers to a
peregrinus (= Biomphalaria peregrina). point where is the outlet of the penis canal.
Our material was collected in Oct. 1972 from a grassy In one of the larger specimens the radula had 137
transverse rows of teeth, with the formula 27-1-27 (7 laterals,
marsh by the road from Puno at the outskirts of Pucará.
5 intermediates, 15 marginals). Radular teeth are shown in
Additional samples were collected from ponds and brooks
Fig. 1H.
at Caracara, Juliaca and Calapuja.
Our largest specimen from Pucará exceeds Preston’s
The largest specimen from Pucará (Fig. 1A) is 9 mm
by 3.25 mm in shell diameter, what may be attributed to
in diameter, 4 mm in width at the aperture (2.5 mm at
size of the present sample (105 specimens).
the beginning of the outer whorl), and has 4.5 whorls.
Remark - This snail is anatomically indistinguishable
The shell is thin, sublustrous and subtranslucent, horn-
from B. peregrina (for the latter, see Paraense and
colored, with coarse growth lines intercalated between faint
Deslandes 1958a, Paraense 1966), of which it is here
lines. The whorls increase rapidly in diameter, are flattened
considered a junior synonym.
on the right side and markedly convex on the left, so that
the right side is even and the left one is deeply umbilicate. Genus Drepanotrema Fischer & Crosse, 1880
The suture is well impressed on the right and deeply Drepanotrema limayanum (Lesson, 1830) - Topotypes
indented on the left. The periphery is rounded. The aperture from marshes at Callao, Nov. 1956, dealt with as D.
is roundly sublunate, and about twice as wide as the paropseides (Orbigny, 1835) by Paraense and Deslandes
beginning of the outer whorl. The peristome is thin and (1958b). Additional specimens from ditches at Trujillo,
sharp. There is a distinct callus on the parietal wall. June 1959, Callao, Nov. 1961 and Puerto Chicama, Apr.
The ventral membrane of the renal tube (Fig. 1B) is 1965. Shell and anatomy as in Paraense’s (1976c)
even and smooth, showing no renal ridge. In other features description and figures.
the renal region does not differ from that of other species Drepanotrema kermatoides (Orbigny, 1835) -
of Biomphalaria. In all specimens the pulmonary cavity Topotypes from marshes at Callao, Nov. 1956. Additional
was heavily infested with Chaetogaster. specimens from the same area, Nov. 1961, and Vila, Nov.
The reproductive system (Figs 1C-G) was observed 1956, Apr. 1965. Shell and anatomy as in Paraense &
on 20 dissected specimens from Pucará. Deslandes’ (1958c) description. Additional specimens from
The ovotestis is composed of about 70 diverticula, ditches and creeks around Trujillo, Jun. 1959, Aug. 1961,
most of which are unbranched. A minutely dissected Apr. 1963; from marshes at Puerto Chicama and Pimentel,
ovotestis had 75 diverticula, of which 62 were simple, 11 Apr. 1965.
bifurcate and 2 trifurcate. In another specimen with 74
Genus Lymnaea Lamarck, 1799
diverticula, 62 were simple, 11 bifurcate and 1 trifurcate.
The ovispermiduct and the seminal vesicles show no Lymnaea viatrix Orbigny, 1835 - Santa Eulalia river,
special characteristics, the latter varying in shape from Lima, Nov. 1956; ponds at Pachacamac and Lima, Nov.
knoblike to fingerlike. 1961; rice paddy at Pimentel, pond at Vitarte, May 1965;
The carrefour, oviduct, oviducal pouch, nidamental pond at Pimentel, June 1965. Shell and anatomy as in
gland and uterus show no special characteristics. In many Paraense (1976d).
specimens the uterine wall has a granular appearance (Fig. Genus Physa Draparnaud, 1801
1E) due to infection with a species of Cryptobia, which
may also produce the same condition in the spermatheca Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805 - Marsh and ditches at
(Fig. 1F). The vagina is short and its ventral wall (in contact Callao, near Rimac river, Nov. 1956, May 1965; ditch at
with the columellar muscle) shows a more or less Pachacamac, Lurin Valley, and Lima, Chillon Valley, Nov.
protruding swelling, the vaginal pouch. The latter is 1961; pond at Puerto Chicama, rivulet at Pimentel, Apr. 1965.
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 98(6), September 2003 769
Fig. 1: Biomphalaria pucaraensis (= B. peregrina) – A: shell; B: renal region; C-D: reproductive system; E: uterine; F: spermathecal
infection with Cryptobia; G: penis (penis sheath removed); H: radular teeth (C = central; 1, 4 = laterals; 7, 10 = intermediates; 14, 16, 20
= marginals. Bar = 1mm (unless otherwise stated).
770 Planorbidae, Lymnaeidae and Physidae of Peru • WL Paraense
Fig. 2 - A: syntype of Physa peruviana Gray from Natural History Museum, London; B: Physa sp. (peruviana?) from Trujillo.
Remark - Physa acuta is considered a senior synonym vein; sd: spermiduct; sp: spermatheca; sv: seminal
of P. cubensis Pfeiffer, 1839 (see Paraense & Pointier 2003). vesicles; ur: ureter; ut: uterus; va: vagina; vd: vas
deferens; vp: vaginal pouch.
?Physa peruviana Gray, 1828 - Original description:
Physa Peruviana, n . – Testâ ovatâ, spirâ acutâ; anfractibus REFERENCES
5 subito majoribus, convexiusculis; aperturâ spirâ triplo
Baker FC 1945. The Molluscan Family Planorbidae, Univ
longiore; labio interiore supra ultimum anfractum subreflexo
Illinois Press, Urbana, 530 pp.
Icon. t. 6. f. 10.
Inhab. Swamps between Lima and Callao, Rev. Hennah. Broderip WJB 1832. Characters of new species of Mollusca
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convex; mouth 3/4 the length of the shell; inner lip slightly London, Part 2: 124-126.
reflexed over the last whorl. Axis 1, diameter 1/2 an inch. Draparnaud JPR 1805. Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques
Very like Bulla rivalis, Maton; but twice the size, and more Terrestres et Fluviatiles de la France, D Colas, Paris.
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(Fig. 2B) they answered to Gray’s description and figure Pendant les Années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825, A Bertrand,
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