Fiot Unit-1 Notes (MD - Umal)
Fiot Unit-1 Notes (MD - Umal)
Fiot Unit-1 Notes (MD - Umal)
Unit I
What Is Iot:
IoT stands for Internet of Things. It refers to the interconnectedness of physical
devices, such as appliances and vehicles, that are embedded with software,
sensors, and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange
This technology allows for the collection and sharing of data from a vast
network of devices, creating opportunities for more efficient and automated
Internet of Things (IoT) is the networking of physical objects that contain
electronics embedded within their architecture in order to communicate and sense
interactions amongst each other or with respect to the external environment.
In the upcoming years, IoT-based technology will offer advanced levels of
services and practically change the way people lead their daily lives.
Advancements in medicine, power, gene therapies, agriculture, smart cities, and
smart homes are just a very few of the categorical examples where IoT is strongly
2. Make the Internet ever more expansive, but this requires hard-core
technologies such as rigorous cloud computing and rapid big data storage
In the near future, IoT will become broader and more complex in terms of scope.
It will change the world in terms of
―anytime, anyplace, anything in connectivity.‖
IoT Enablers:
RFIDs: uses radio waves in order to electronically track the tags attached to
each physical object.
Sensors: devices that are able to detect changes in an environment (ex: motion
Nanotechnology: as the name suggests, these are extremely small devices
with dimensions usually less than a hundred nanometers.
Smart networks: (ex: mesh topology).
5. Improved decision-making.
6. Cost savings.
Disadvantages of IoT :
Devices like USB hosts and ETHERNET are used for connectivity between the
devices and the server.
A processor like a CPU and other units are used to process the data. these data are
further used to improve the decision quality of an IoT system.
Audio/Video Interfaces
An interface like HDMI and RCA devices is used to record audio and videos in a
Input/Output interface
To give input and output signals to sensors, and actuators we use things like
UART, SPI, CAN, etc.
Storage Interfaces
Things like SD, MMC, and SDIO are used to store the data generated from an IoT
Other things like DDR and GPU are used to control the activity of an IoT system.
IoT Protocols
These protocols are used to establish communication between a node device and a
server over the internet. it helps to send commands to an IoT device and receive
data from an IoT device over the internet. we use different types of protocols that
are present on both the server and client-side and these protocols are managed by
network layers like application, transport, network, and link layer.
Fig:Physical design of IOT
In this layer, protocols define how the data can be sent over the network with the
lower layer protocols using the application interface. these protocols include
HTTP, WebSocket, XMPP, MQTT, DDS, and AMQP protocols.
This protocol enables two-way communication between a client and a host that can
be run on an untrusted code in a controlled environment. this protocol is commonly
used by web browsers.
2.Transport Layer
This layer is used to control the flow of data segments and handle the error control.
also, these layer protocols provide end-to-end message transfer capability
independent of the underlying network.
The transmission control protocol is a protocol that defines how to establish and
maintain a network that can exchange data in a proper manner using the internet
3.Network Layer
This layer is used to send datagrams from the source network to the destination
network. we use IPv4 and IPv6 protocols as host identification that transfers data
in packets.
This is a protocol address that is a unique and numerical label assigned to each
device connected to the network. an IP address performs two main functions host
and location addressing. IPv4 is an IP address that is 32-bit long.
It is a successor of IPv4 that uses 128 bits for an IP address. it is developed by the
IETF task force to deal with long-anticipated problems.
4.Link Layer
Link-layer protocols are used to send data over the network's physical layer. it also
determines how the packets are coded and signaled by the devices.
It is a set of technologies and protocols that are used primarily in LANs. it defines
the physical layer and the medium access control for wired ethernet networks.
It is a set of LAN protocols and specifies the set of media access control and
physical layer protocols for implementing wireless local area networks.
Functional blocks of IoT
But before you learn about the logical design of IoT systems you need to know a
little bit about the physical design of IoT.
These functional
blocks consist of
devices that provide
monitoring control
functions, handle
between host and
server, manage the
transfer of data,
secure the system
using authentication and other functions, and interface to control and monitor
various terms.
It is an interface that provides a control system that use by users to view the status
and analyze of system.
This functional block provides various functions that are used to manage an IoT
This functional block provides some services like monitoring and controlling a
device and publishing and deleting the data and restoring the system.
This block handles the communication between the client and the cloud-based
server and sends/receives the data using protocols.
This block is used to secure an IoT system using some functions like authorization,
data security, authentication, 2-step verification, etc.
These devices are used to provide sensing and monitoring control functions that
collect data from the outer environment.
Sensors in Internet of Things(IoT)
Transducer :
A transducer converts a signal from one physical structure to another.
It converts one type of energy into another type.
It might be used as actuators in various systems.
Sensors in IOT sytem will have as below
I. Sensors characteristics
II. Sensor Classification
III. Types of sensors
I.Sensors characteristics :
1. Static
2. Dynamic
1. Static characteristics :
It is about how the output of a sensor changes in response to an input change after
steady state condition.
Accuracy –
Accuracy is the capability of measuring instruments to give a result close to
the true value of the measured quantity. It measures errors. It is measured by
absolute and relative errors. Express the correctness of the output compared to
a higher prior system. Absolute error = Measured value – True value
Relative error = Measured value/True value
Range –
Gives the highest and the lowest value of the physical quantity within which
the sensor can actually sense. Beyond these values, there is no sense or no
kind of response.
e.g. RTD for measurement of temperature has a range of -200`c to 800`c.
Resolution –
Resolution is an important specification towards selection of sensors. The
higher the resolution, better the precision. When the accretion is zero to, it is
called threshold.
Provide the smallest changes in the input that a sensor is able to sense.
Precision –
It is the capacity of a measuring instrument to give the same reading when
repetitively measuring the same quantity under the same prescribed
It implies agreement between successive readings, NOT closeness to the true
It is related to the variance of a set of measurements.
It is a necessary but not sufficient condition for accuracy.
Sensitivity –
Sensitivity indicates the ratio of incremental change in the response of the
system with respect to incremental change in input parameters. It can be found
from the slope of the output characteristics curve of a sensor. It is the smallest
amount of difference in quantity that will change the instrument’s reading.
Linearity –
The deviation of the sensor value curve from a particular straight line.
Linearity is determined by the calibration curve. The static calibration curve
plots the output amplitude versus the input amplitude under static conditions.
A curve’s slope resemblance to a straight line describes the linearity.
Drift –
The difference in the measurement of the sensor from a specific reading when
kept at that value for a long period of time.
Repeatability –
The deviation between measurements in a sequence under the same
conditions. The measurements have to be made under a short enough time
duration so as not to allow significant long-term drift.
2.Dynamic Characteristics :
Properties of the systems
Zero-order system –
The output shows a response to the input signal with no delay. It does not
include energy-storing elements.
Ex. potentiometer measure, linear and rotary displacements.
First-order system –
When the output approaches its final value gradually.
Consists of an energy storage and dissipation element.
Second-order system –
Complex output response. The output response of the sensor oscillates before
steady state.
II.Sensor Classification :
Passive & Active
Analog & digital
Scalar & vector
1. Passive Sensor –
Can not independently sense the input. Ex- Accelerometer, soil moisture,
water level and temperature sensors.
2. Active Sensor –
Independently sense the input. Example- Radar, sounder and laser altimeter
3. Analog Sensor –
The response or output of the sensor is some continuous function of its input
parameter. Ex- Temperature sensor, LDR, analog pressure sensor and analog
hall effect.
4. Digital sensor –
Response in binary nature. Design to overcome the disadvantages of analog
sensors. Along with the analog sensor, it also comprises extra electronics for
bit conversion. Example – Passive infrared (PIR) sensor and digital
temperature sensor(DS1620).
5. Scalar sensor –
Detects the input parameter only based on its magnitude. The answer for the
sensor is a function of magnitude of some input parameter. Not affected by
the direction of input parameters.
Example – temperature, gas, strain, color and smoke sensor.
6. Vector sensor –
The response of the sensor depends on the magnitude of the direction and
orientation of input parameter. Example – Accelerometer, gyroscope,
magnetic field and motion detector sensors.
III.Types of sensors –
1. Temperature Sensor
2. Proximity Sensor
3. IR Sensor (Infrared Sensor)
4. Pressure Sensor
5. Light Sensor
6. Ultrasonic Sensor
7. Smoke, Gas and Alcohol Sensor
8. Touch Sensor
9. Color Sensor
10.Humidity Sensor
11.Position Sensor
12.Magnetic Sensor (Hall Effect Sensor)
14.Flow and Level Sensor
15.Touch Sensor
16.Strain and Weight Sensor
Temperature Sensor
One of the most common and most popular sensors is the Temperature Sensor. A
Temperature Sensor, as the name suggests, senses the temperature i.e., it measures
the changes in the temperature.
There are different types of Temperature Sensors like Temperature Sensor ICs
(like LM35, DS18B20), Thermistors, Thermocouples, RTD (Resistive
Temperature Devices), etc.
Coming to the Digital Temperature Sensor, the output is a discrete digital value
(usually, some numerical data after converting analog value to digital
value). DS18B20 is a simple Digital Temperature Sensor.
Proximity Sensors
A Proximity Sensor is a non-contact type sensor that detects the presence of an
object. Proximity Sensors can be implemented using different techniques like
Optical (like Infrared or Laser), Sound (Ultrasonic), Magnetic (Hall Effect),
Capacitive, etc.
Some of the applications of Proximity Sensors are Mobile Phones, Cars (Parking
Sensors), industries (object alignment), Ground Proximity in Aircrafts, etc.
1. Transmissive Type
2. Reflective Type.
In this, the transmitter and the detector are positioned adjacent to each other
facing the object. When an object comes in front of the sensor, the infrared light
from the IR Transmitter is reflected from the object and is detected by the IR
Receiver and thus the sensor detects the object.
Different applications where IR Sensor is implemented are Mobile Phones, Robots,
Industrial assembly, automobiles etc.
Ultrasonic sensors are used primarily as proximity sensors. They can be found
in automobile self-parking technology and anti-collision safety systems.
Ultrasonic sensors are also used in robotic obstacle detection systems, as well as
manufacturing technology.
Light Sensor
Sometimes also known as Photo Sensors, Light Sensors are one of the
important sensors. A simple Light Sensor available today is the Light Dependent
Resistor or LDR. The property of LDR is that its resistance is inversely
proportional to the intensity of the ambient light i.e.,
when the intensity of light increases, its resistance decreases and vise-
By using LDR is a circuit, we can calibrate the changes in its resistance to measure
the intensity of Light. There are two other Light Sensors (or Photo Sensors) which
are often used in complex electronic system design. They are Photo Diode
and Photo Transistor. All these are Analog Sensors.
There are also Digital Light Sensors like BH1750, TSL2561, etc., which can
calculate intensity of light and provide a digital equivalent value.
Gas Sensors are more common in laboratories, large scale kitchens and industries.
They can detect different gases like LPG, Propane, Butane, Methane (CH4), etc.
Now-a-days, smoke sensors (which often can detect smoke as well gas) are also
installed in most homes as a safety measure.
The ―MQ‖ series of sensors are a bunch of cheap sensors for detecting CO, CO2,
CH4, Alcohol, Propane, Butane, LPG etc. You can use these sensors to build your
own Smoke Sensor Application.
Alcohol Sensor
As the name suggests, an Alcohol Sensor detects alcohol. Usually, alcohol sensors
are used in breathalyzer devices, which determine whether a person is drunk or not.
Law enforcement personnel uses breathalyzers to catch drunk-and-drive culprits.
Touch Sensor
We do not give much importance to touch sensors but they became an integral part
of our life. Whether you know or not, all touch screen devices (Mobile Phones,
Tablets, Laptops, etc.) have touch sensors in them. Another common application of
touch sensor is trackpads in our laptops.
Touch Sensors, as the name suggests, detect touch of a finger or a stylus. Often
touch sensors are classified into Resistive and Capacitive type. Almost all modern
touch sensors are of Capacitive Types as they are more accurate and have better
signal to noise ratio.
Color Sensor
A Color Sensor is an useful device in building color sensing applications in the
field of image processing, color identification, industrial object tracking etc. The
TCS3200 is a simple Color Sensor, which can detect any color and output a square
wave proportional to the wavelength of the detected color.
Example –food printing,cosmotic products industry etc
Humidity Sensor
If you see Weather Monitoring Systems, they often provide temperature as well as
humidity data. So, measuring humidity is an important task in many applications
and Humidity Sensors help us in achieving this.
Often all humidity sensors measure relative humidity (a ratio of water content in
air to maximum potential of air to hold water). Since relative humidity is
dependent on temperature of air, almost all Humidity Sensors can also measure
Humidity Sensors are classified into Capacitive Type, Resistive Type and Thermal
Conductive Type.
Electrical sensor :
An Electrical sensor (also called an electronic sensor) is a device that detects
a physical parameter of interest (e.g. heat, light, sound) and converts it into
electrical signal that can be measured and used by an electrical or electronic
Electrical sensors are used wherever information on the state of an electrical
system is needed and are employed in everything from railway systems to
fan, pump, and heater monitoring
A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that measures
infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. They are
most often used in PIR-based motion detectors. PIR sensors are commonly
used in ―security alarms and automatic lighting applicationS‖
what is a real life example of a sensor?
Some household appliance applications using sensors are the boiler,
washing machines and dishwashers for heating systems, and other white
products. Many vehicles, including automobiles, trains, buses, etc., employ
sensors to monitor petroleum temperature and pressure, and so many more.
An actuator is a component of a machine or system that moves or controls
the mechanism or the system.
2. Car Seat
We can move the car seat forward or backward before we drive away in our car.
An actuator makes the seat move.
Types of Actuators
Types of ACTUATOR(bases of motion)
1. Linear Actuator
2. Rotary Actuator
Types Of Actuators(Bases Of Source Of Energy)
1. Hydraulic
2. Pneumatic
3. Electrical
4. Thermal/Magnetic
5. Mechanical
2. Rotary Actuator
Also, An actuator can make something move in a circular motion, also referred to
as rotary.
Types Of Actuators(Bases Of Source Of Energy
1. Hydraulic Actuator
2. Pneumatic Actuator
3. Electrical Actuator
4. Thermal/Magnetic
5. Mechanical Actuator
Advantages :
Hydraulic actuators can produce a large magnitude of force and high speed.
Used in ships , wheel motors for military vehicles, self-driven cranes.
Used for lowering or raising the vehicles in car transport carriers.
Disadvantages :
Hydraulic fluid leaks can cause efficiency loss and issues of cleaning.
It is expensive.
It requires noise reduction equipment, heat exchangers, and high maintenance
2.Pneumatic Actuators :
Exercise machines
Bus brakes
Pressure sensors
Vane motors
Advantages :
They are a low-cost option and are used at extreme temperatures where using
air is a safer option than chemicals.
They need low maintenance, are durable, and have a long operational life.
It is very quick in starting and stopping the motion.
Disadvantages :
Loss of pressure can make it less efficient.
The air compressor should be running continuously.
Air can be polluted, and it needs maintenance.
3.Electric Actuators
Advantages :
It has many applications in various industries as it can automate industrial
It produces less noise and is safe to use since there are no fluid leakages.
It can be re-programmed and it provides the highest control precision
Disadvantages :
It is expensive.
It depends a lot on environmental conditions.
4.Thermal or Magnetic Actuators
These can be actuated by applying thermal or magnetic energy.
They tend to be compact, lightweight, economical and with high power
These actuators use shape memory materials (SMMs), such as shape
memory alloys (SMAs) or magnetic shape‐memory alloys (MSMAs).
Example:Rack and pinion used in industrial machinery and also On the other hand,
they are also used in steering systems to change the direction of cars.
Communication Models in IoT (Internet of Things )
IoT devices are found everywhere and will enable circulatory intelligence in the
future. For operational perception, it is important and useful to understand how
various IoT devices communicate with each other. Communication models used in
IoT have great value. The IoTs allow people and things to be connected any time,
any space, with anything and anyone, using any network and any service.
Types of Communication Model :
2. Publisher-Subscriber Model –
This model comprises three entities: Publishers, Brokers, and Consumers.
Publishers are the source of data. It sends the data to the topic which are
managed by the broker. They are not aware of consumers.
Consumers subscribe to the topics which are managed by the broker.
Hence, Brokers responsibility is to accept data from publishers and send it to
the appropriate consumers. The broker only has the information regarding the
consumer to which a particular topic belongs to which the publisher is unaware
3. Push-Pull Model –
The push-pull model constitutes data publishers, data consumers, and data queues.
Publishers and Consumers are not aware of each other.
Publishers publish the message/data and push it into the queue. The consumers,
present on the other side, pull the data out of the queue. Thus, the queue acts as
the buffer for the message when the difference occurs in the rate of push or pull
of data on the side of a publisher and consumer.
Queues help in decoupling the messaging between the producer and consumer.
Queues also act as a buffer which helps in situations where there is a mismatch
between the rate at which the producers push the data and consumers pull the
4. Exclusive Pair –
Exclusive Pair is the bi-directional model, including full-duplex
communication among client and server. The connection is constant and
remains open till the client sends a request to close the connection.
The Server has the record of all the connections which has been opened.
This is a state-full connection model and the server is aware of all open
WebSocket based communication API is fully based on this model.
Communication API in IOT:
API-Application programming interface
What is API used for?
APIs are used to integrate new applications with existing software
Set of protocals,routines,instruction, function used to bhuild a
application software
REST technology is generally preferred to the more robust Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) technology because REST uses less bandwidth, simple and flexible
making it more suitable for internet usage. It’s used to fetch or give some information
from a web service. All communication done via REST API uses only HTTP request.
Working: A request is sent from client to server in the form of a web URL as HTTP
GET or POST or PUT or DELETE request. After that, a response comes back from the
server in the form of a resource which can be anything like HTML, XML, Image, or
JSON. But now JSON is the most popular format being used in Web Services.
In HTTP there are five methods that are commonly used in a REST-based Architecture
i.e., POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. These correspond to create, read,
update, and delete (or CRUD) operations respectively. There are other methods which
are less frequently used like OPTIONS and HEAD.
GET: The HTTP GET method is used to read (or retrieve) a representation of a
resource. In the safe path, GET returns a representation in XML or JSON and an
HTTP response code of 200 (OK). In an error case, it most often returns a 404 (NOT
POST: The POST verb is most often utilized to create new resources. In particular,
it’s used to create subordinate resources. That is, subordinate to some other (e.g.
parent) resource. On successful creation, return HTTP status 201, returning a
Location header with a link to the newly-created resource with the 201 HTTP
NOTE: POST is neither safe nor idempotent.
PUT: It is used for updating the capabilities. However, PUT can also be used
to create a resource in the case where the resource ID is chosen by the client instead
of by the server. In other words, if the PUT is to a URI that contains the value of a
non-existent resource ID. On successful update, return 200 (or 204 if not returning
any content in the body) from a PUT. If using PUT for create, return HTTP status
201 on successful creation. PUT is not safe operation but it’s idempotent.
PATCH: It is used to modify capabilities. The PATCH request only needs to
contain the changes to the resource, not the complete resource. This resembles PUT,
but the body contains a set of instructions describing how a resource currently
residing on the server should be modified to produce a new version. This means that
the PATCH body should not just be a modified part of the resource, but in some
kind of patch language like JSON Patch or XML Patch. PATCH is neither safe nor
DELETE: It is used to delete a resource identified by a URI. On successful
deletion, return HTTP status 200 (OK) along with a response body.
Idempotence: An idempotent HTTP method is a HTTP method that can be called many
times without different outcomes. It would not matter if the method is called only once,
or ten times over. The result should be the same. Again, this only applies to the result,
not the resource itself.
// times.
// statement is executed.
PUT or PATCH:/api/students/1
It is Bi-directional. Messages
It is Uni-directional. Only either server or can be received or sent by
2. client will communicate. both server or client.
Both horizontal and vertical scaling (we Only vertical scaling (we can
Afterward, the MQTT clients, which can be of several types and quantities, will
subscribe to the same topic in order to read the temperature data. An example of an
MQTT architecture can be seen in Figure 1.
In addition, MQTT defines three levels of quality of service, depending upon the
reliability, from lowest to highest:
Level 0: there is no guarantee of the message delivery.
Level 1: the delivery is guaranteed, but it is possible to receive duplicate messages.
Level 2: the delivery is guaranteed and there will be no duplicates.
Furthermore, any node can leave or join the network, since they are dynamically
Linked to the HTTP protocol, the WebSocket technology establishes a TCP
connection between a browser and a server, and then both of them exchange
information until the connection is closed. Figure 3 shows a high-level comparison
between HTTP and WebSocket.
Figure 3. Comparison between HTTP and WebSocket. Image used courtesy
of Scaleway
Several Communication Protocols are used in Internet of Things (IoT) to provide service to the
network layer.
As we know IoT is based on networking of things where smart devices communicate with each
other by sending and receiving data. So for that several network protocols (Communication
protocols) are used to connect the IoT enabled devices and to establish the communication.
Some of the popular Standard IoT communication protocols are:
1. Bluetooth :
Bluetooth is a PAN (Personal Area Network) or it is a short-range wireless
communication network for exchanging data between the connected devices through that
network. It is very cheaper in price and effective in a performance point of view for short-
range distance. It is a 2.4GHz network that works well for personal wireless network
communication. It provides a data transfer rate of 3 Mbps in a range of 50m to 150m.
Nowadays Bluetooth is almost present in all smartphones and it is highly used in
wearable devices connected with the mobile applications.
2. ZigBee :
Zigbee is similar to Bluetooth technology with 2.4Ghz frequency. It is a low power
personal communication network. It is cheaper and is widely used for several
applications. It is used for specific commercial and industrial applications. Its range
varies from 10-100m. Mesh networking is one of the important advantages of Zigbee
technology. Zigbee supports star or mesh network topology.
3. BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) :
Bluetooth Low Energy is also known as Bluetooth smart which is a wireless
PAN(Personal Area Network). The range is similar to that of Bluetooth but it consumes
low power than Bluetooth. In 2011 BLE was introduced as Bluetooth 4.0. BLE goes to
sleep mode when there is no transmission of data. It is a low-cost networking protocol.
The smartphones operating systems like android, ios, etc uses this BLE technology and
provide a Bluetooth network.
5. Z-Wave :
Z-wave technology is a wireless communication protocol that creates a wireless Mesh
network. It is based on low power RF(Radio Frequency) based technology. It is mainly
used for home automation applications and devices. It operates in 900 Mhz frequency
bands. It is a more secure technology. It offers data transfer rates of 9.6Kbps, 40Kbps, or
100Kbps. Its range varies from 98 to 328 feet. It is low power and longer range IoT
7. Cellular :
Increased quantities of data can be sent over longer distances or range by using Cellular
communications (GSM/3G/4G/5G etc). But it is very useful in sending a small quantity
of data over the internet. Cellular carriers manage the infrastructure so when we use it we
don’t need to worry about infrastructure costs and support costs.
8. Sigfox :
Sigfox is a form of wireless communications that provides low power and long-range
wireless connectivity for devices. The messages are transmitted over the Sigfox global
network. Sigfox provides one of the largest IoT networks. It is like Cellular network type
which sets up antennas on towers. It is a Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN).
9. Ethernet:
Ethernet is used to connect the devices in a Local Area Network (LAN) which is based on
IEEE 802.3 standard. Ethernet is a LAN technology in which the devices are wired
connection which provides data transfer rates as high as 100 Mbps. Choosing Ethernet for
IoT ecosystem is a little bit costly in terms of setup and management.
12. LoRaWAN :
LoRaWAN(Long Range Wide Area Network) is a wide area network protocol. It is a low
power consumption protocol that targets the wide-area network (WAN) applications with
better security and mobility. It supports a large network with millions and millions of low
power devices deployed on public networks. It is along with range bidirectional
communication which has a range of more than 15 km.
1. Sensors:
Sensors in WSN are used to capture the environmental variables and which is
used for data acquisition. Sensor signals are converted into electrical signals.
2. Radio Nodes:
It is used to receive the data produced by the Sensors and sends it to the WLAN
access point. It consists of a microcontroller, transceiver, external memory, and
power source.
3. WLAN Access Point:
It receives the data which is sent by the Radio nodes wirelessly, generally
through the internet.
4. Evaluation Software:
The data received by the WLAN Access Point is processed by a software called
as Evaluation Software for presenting the report to the users for further
processing of the data which can be used for processing, analysis, storage, and
mining of the data.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
Challenges of WSN:
1. Quality of Service
2. Security Issue
3. Energy Efficiency
4. Network Throughput
5. Performance
6. Ability to cope with node failure
7. Cross layer optimization
8. Scalability to large scale of deployment
A modern Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) faces several challenges,
Limited power and energy: WSNs are typically composed of battery-powered
sensors that have limited energy resources. This makes it challenging to ensure
that the network can function for
long periods of time without the need for frequent battery replacements.
Limited processing and storage capabilities: Sensor nodes in a WSN are
typically small and have limited processing and storage capabilities. This makes
it difficult to perform complex tasks or store large amounts of data.
Heterogeneity: WSNs often consist of a variety of different sensor types and
nodes with different capabilities. This makes it challenging to ensure that the
network can function effectively and efficiently.
IoT devices are limited in terms of communication capabilities, processing
power, and energy consumption due to their low cost. That is why these
constrained devices are very heterogeneous in terms of their essential
communication protocols, device data formats, and technologies.
Security: WSNs are vulnerable to various types of attacks, such as
eavesdropping, jamming, and spoofing. Ensuring the security of the network
and the data it collects is a major challenge.
Scalability: WSNs often need to be able to support a large number of sensor
nodes and handle large amounts of data. Ensuring that the network can scale to
meet these demands is a significant
Interference: WSNs are often deployed in environments where there is a lot of
interference from other wireless devices. This can make it difficult to ensure
reliable communication between sensor nodes.
Reliability: WSNs are often used in critical applications, such as monitoring
the environment or controlling industrial processes. Ensuring that the network is
reliable and able to function correctly
in all conditions is a major challenge.
-WSN Types:
1. ◼ Stationary WSN (SWSN)
2. ◼ Mobile WSN (MWSN)
1-Stationary WSN
◼ Sensor nodes are static
◼ Advantages:
▪ Easy deployment
▪ Node can be placed in an optimized
distance—Reduce the total number of nodes
▪ Easy topology maintenance
◼ Disadvantages:
▪ Node failure may results in partition of networks
▪ Topology cannot be change automatically-
2-Mobile WSN (MWSN):
◼ MWSN is Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET)
◼ MANET‐Infrastructure less network of mobile devices
connected wirelessly which follow the self‐CHOP properties
▪ Self‐Configure
▪ Self‐Heal
▪ Self‐Optimize
▪ Self‐Protect
1. ▪ Underwater MWSN
2. ▪ Terrestrial MWSN
3. ▪ Aerial MWSN
-Components of MWSN
◼ Mobile Sensor Nodes
▪ Senses the physical parameter from the environment
◼ Mobile Sink
▪ Moves in order to collect data from sensor nodes
▪ Based on some algorithm sink moves to different nodes in
the networks
◼ Data Mules
▪ A mobile entity
▪ Collects the data from sensor nodes
▪ Goes to the sink and delivers the collected data from
different sensor nodes
1)Underwater MWSN
◼ Senses different parameters under the sea or
water levels
◼ Can be linked with Autonomous Underwater
Vehicles (AUVs)
◼ Applications: Monitoring‐marine life, water
quality etc
2)Terrestrial MWSN
◼ Sensor nodes typically deployed over land
◼ Can be linked with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
◼ Applications: Wildlife monitoring, surveillance,
object tracking
3)Aerial MWSN
◼ Nodes fly on the air and sense data (physical
phenomena or multimedia data)
◼ Typical example is Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
◼ Applications: Surveillance, Multimedia data
Fluid levels
Temperature, humidity, and other atmospheric conditions
Electrical currents
Data packets
The presence of particular gases or chemicals
IoT Connectivity
IoT sensors continuously send data back to the cloud or an edge computing device
for processing. IoT sensors typically use little power and send small amounts of
data rather than large streams of information. Businesses that require the lowest
latency and fastest response time often opt for edge computing as it shortens the
distance between the sensor and the server.
Depending on the technology and use case, businesses can choose from various
IoT networks to meet their goals. The two most common ways sensors send their
data are through Wi-Fi or cellular connection. We’ll touch more on the different
types of networks and their advantages later on.
IoT Processing
Once the data is collected, software processes and records that data in the cloud or
on an edge server. Many platforms use artificial intelligence and machine learning
to take action when specific data is sent from a sensor.
For example, if moisture levels reach a certain threshold, artificial intelligence can
send a command to turn on overhead fans or deactivate a water source. The beauty
of this process is that it’s done without the need of human intervention.
Enterprises pair IoT networks with automation to orchestrate device management
in a way that’s affordable, predictable, and highly scalable. IoT management
systems can process data from various systems allowing enterprises to monitor
everything from machine maintenance to the weather outside.
IoT Interface
Administrators simply set rules for the software to follow and teach the software
what actions to trigger when certain conditions are met. In some cases where
automation isn’t appropriate, the software can automatically alert a human when a
specific event occurs.
For instance, in an industrial IoT setting sensors can automatically create a
maintenance request to change a machine’s oil when it reaches a certain level. If
that request isn’t fulfilled and the device is in danger of overheating, the sensors
can send a more urgent alert and shut down the machine to prevent significant
damage if needed.
The back-end interface allows administrators to set conditional rules and service
levels to shape how monitoring and automation occur. These interfaces have come
a long way since the early days and are much easier to use and navigate.
Private Cellular
Cellular networks offer long-range reliable connectivity for both stationary and
mobile IoT sensors. Autonomous vehicles can rely on public cellular networks for
latency connectivity and very large area coverage across cities.
Since the advent of private mobile networks, more enterprises are choosing to
build their IoT networks using private cellular networks. Private 4G LTE / 5G
connectivity allows businesses to untether themselves from commercial carriers
and control every aspect of their cellular network, apply the appropriate network
security policies, much like how enterprises control their own Wi-Fi.
This change gives businesses unprecedented control over their cellular coverage,
budget, and resources. Businesses can opt for a 5G connection for low latency IoT
networks. Industrial plants, safety systems, and emergency sensors can rely on 5G
wireless performance standards for the most sensitive connections.
Since private cellular networks operate on a different frequency than Wi-Fi, both
networks can coexist in the same space without interference. This allows
enterprises to segment their traffic and reserve their private 5G implementations
for critical IoT infrastructure.
The improved reliability, coverage, and capacity private cellular networks provide
make this design a popular choice among large enterprises and businesses that
must meet strict service-level objectives for IoT connectivity and performance.
Private cellular IoT networks are best for the following uses:
Strict service level requirements for QoS, throughput, packet error rate and
Very large area coverage indoors and outdoors
Clean interference free operation next to existing Wi-Fi networks
Bluetooth has been around since 1994, but that doesn’t make it any less viable for
IoT networks. Bluetooth offers an affordable way to connect stationary IoT sensors
to edge devices over short distances.
In most use cases, IoT networks using Bluetooth can send signals up to 25 feet
away using very little power and bandwidth. While Bluetooth isn’t the most
popular choice, it does have its place in IoT networks.
Bluetooth IoT networks are best for the following uses:
Short distances
Low-power consumption requirements
Low-bandwidth applications
Low-Power Wide Area Networks
An LPWAN uses specialized cellular connections that provide ample coverage
while serving low-power devices. These networks offer coverage similar to that of
cellular networks but are limited in terms of bandwidth and data rate.
Oil fields, agricultural operations, and rural job sites can leverage LPWAN for
their low-power IoT sensors. While these networks tend to be less expensive,
businesses that want to expand their IoT network to include high bandwidth
sensors often switch from LPWAN to a full cellular solution.
LPWAN IoT networks are best for the following uses:
Low-power sensors
Low data rates and bandwidth
Rural areas with limited infrastructure
Industrial IoT
IoT Challenges
Energy efficiency
Bandwidth management
Modeling and Analysis
Data storage
Data Analytics
Complexity management (e.g., SDN)
Communication between the IoT devices(s) and the outside world dictates the network
Choice of communication technology dictates the IoT devices hardware requirements and
Due to the presence of numerous applications of IoT enabled devices, a single
networking paradigm not sufficient to address all the needs of the consumer or the IoT device.
Complexity of Networks
Growth of networks
Interference among devices
Network management
Heterogeneity in networks
Protocol standardization within networks
Wireless Networks
Traffic and load management
Variations in wireless networks - Wireless Body Area
Networks and other Personal Area Networks
Network management
Overlay network
Flexibility within Internet
IoT integration
Large deployment
Real-time connectivity of billions of devices