Module 3B-Rapoport&Broadbent
Module 3B-Rapoport&Broadbent
Module 3B-Rapoport&Broadbent
Modes of Designing It may be, however, that the nearest we shall ever
get to a "theory" of architecture will be a theory of design-behaviour
which predicts - with probabilities - the ways in which architects, or
anyone else who tries to generate 3-dimensional built form will act whilst
they are actually trying to design.
Certain mechanisms to have been used, in this context, by designers
throughout history; starting long before there were any professional
architects. I have described these elsewhere and can only summarise
them here:.
• Pragmatic design - in which materials are used, by trial-and-error, until a
form emerges which seems to serve the designers' purpose. Most forms of
building seem to have started in this
• example; a mammoth hunter's tent excavated at Pushkari near Novgorod-
Seversk made from the available building materials: some rather spindly
trees, some small stones and after that the bones, tusks and skins of the
mammoths; all that was left after the meat had been eaten. The site, as
excavated, suggested that the mammoth hunters had built three
interlocking tepee-like frames from the available timbers and perhaps
from the mammoth tusks. They had then laid mammoth skins over this
framework, weighting down the edges with stones and the bones. So the
most improbable of materials were used to form a very effective shelter;
the available resources were allowed to determine the form.
• We still tend to use this mode of designing whenever we have to use new
materials, as in the case, say, of plastic air houses and suspension
structures. It is only very recently, after two decades of pragmatic design,
that theoretical bases for the design of such structures are beginning to
Iconic design - in which the members of a particular culture share a fixed
mental image of what the design should be "like". Often encouraged in
"primitive" cultues by legend, tradition, work-songs which describe the
design process by the mutual adaption which has taken place between
ways of life and building form - as with the Eskimo's igloo - and by the
conventions of craftsmanship which take a long time to learn but, once
learned, are difficult to abandon.
We still set up icons - such as Bunshaft's Lever House in New York (1952)
which became the fixed mental image for a generation of architects and
clients as to what office buildings should be like.
User-participation is perhaps the most potent mechanism of all for the
repetition of design icons.
Analogical design - the drawing of analogies - usually visual - into the
solution of one's design problems
This seems to have started with Imhotep (c.2,800 Be) in designing the Step
Pyramid complex at Sakkara; given the problem of building, for the first time, in
large blocks of stone, he drew visual analogies with existing brick tomb-forms,
timber-framed and reed-mat houses, for the overall building forms. Analogy
still seems to be the mechanism of "creative" archit ecture, as with Wright's use
of water lily forms in the Johnson Wax factory office (1936), his own hands at
prayer in the Madison, Wisconsin Chapel (1950) These are direct analogies.
Much 20th century architecture has drawn on painting and sculpture as
sources of analogies, (Constructivism, Purism, de Stijl);
Analogical design requires the use of some medium such as a drawing, for
translating the original into its new form. The first Egyptian design drawings
date from the same period as Imhotep's pyramid complex and the drawing
itself begins to suggest possibilities to the designer. He sets up grids and/or axes
to make sure that his drawing will fit on to the available surface; these
"suggest" regularities - symmetries and rhythms - which had not appeared
previously in architecture.
Any design analogue - a drawing, model, or even a computer program, will
"take over" from the designers and influence the way they design
Canonic design - The grids and axes of these early design drawings
took on a life of their own; it became clear that the second-rate artists
could emulate the work of a master by abstracting from it the underlying
systems of proportion.
Once this view had been formed - that art and design could be
underpinned by abstract proportional systems - it received a massive
boost from the Greek geometers (Pythagoras) and Classical philosophers
(Plato, etc.) who believed that the universe itself was constructed of
cubes, tetrahedra, icosahedra and dodecahedra and that these in turn
were made up of triangles. The Platonic triangles underlay medieval
Gothic design.
The best example of this type is the Renaissance architecture based on
Whilst much 20th century design has been based on similar precepts;
it is the basis of all modular systems, dimensional co-ordination,
prefabricated systems building and so on.
New mathematical techniques and computer aids are likely to boost even
further this interest in the abstract Geometry of Environment
Oval hut
The courtyard hose types of Chettinad
House, designed by Gordon
Bunshaft and Natalie de
Blois (design coordinator)
of Skidmore, Owings and
Typological/ Iconic