Automatic Streetlight
Automatic Streetlight
Automatic Streetlight
Jun 2020
I hereby declare that this project report is my own except for quotations and
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I hereby declare that this project report has been examined and is sufficient in fulfilling
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Supervisor Name : Ts. Mohd Hamim Bin Sanusi @ Ikhsan
Date : ……………………………………………………
We hereby acknowledge that this report is the result of our work and is made
following the rules provided under the Electrical Engineering Final Year Project,
Diploma Studies School, UTHM. It is based on the research we have done. This project
has not been produced by any party or institute for any diploma or qualification.
We hereby promise that if the project is implemented in violation of any of the
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diploma or agreeing to take any action as specified in the final year project rules.
Projek ini diusulkan untuk membuat rekaan sistem baharu bagi lampu jalan
secara automatik di mana terdiri daripada sensor ultrasonik yang berfungsi untuk
mengesan pergerakan objek yang terhasil sama ada di bahagian hadapan atau
berdekatan dengan sensor tersebut manakala perintang peka cahaya(LDR) digunakan
bagi mengesan cahaya matahari di tapak projek. Objektif utama projek ini adalah
untuk menghentikan sementara operasi pengunaan lampu jalan. Selain itu,
keberkesanan terhadap sistem ini bergantung kepada sensor yang kami gunakan yang
mampu untuk menjimatkan tenaga elektrik bagi lampu jalan. Secara am, kerugian
bertambah kerana pembaziran yang berlaku akibat litar pintas atau lampu jalan yang
menyala selama 12 jam pada waktu malam disebabkan oleh perintang peka cahaya
(LDR) terlindung oleh tumbuh-tumbuhan. Selepas kami melaksankan projek ini,
masalah-masalah yang timbul dapat diselesaikan dan sistem baharu ini dapat
digunakan di jalan bandar dan luar bandar untuk mengelak daripada kemalangan.
Kesimpulannya, sistem ini memudahkan dan menjimatkan tenaga elektrik dengan
mengunakan sensor yang dipasang berdekatan lampu jalan.
From 1878 until nowadays, streetlight was invented for all area whether urban
or rural since people know that street light is an alternative during the day night in
order to keep the safety of the road user. Management of street light actually quite
simple. It is because traditionally lighting streetlamp on off depend on chronological
time, which may inefficient and inflexible (N.L. Raml, 2015). Then, people is striving
hard to save electrical energy. Street are essential, but expensive. Therefore, need to
optimize the system in a way to conserves energy (Monika Vaghela, 2017).
between metering systems and pay full installation costs earn by Tenaga Nasional
Berhad (TNB) to prepare supply. Based on table 1.0, statistic showed that the
minimum monthly charge for one street light is RM 7.20, which mean take 20 cent per
kilowatt (TNB Pricing and Tariff, 2014). Within era 4.0 industry that everything needs
involve in an Internet of Things (IoT), which the device communicating with each
other by using the internet (Boddapati Venkata sai Padmaja, 2019).
The function of street light is to glowing during night day, and they light 12
hour per day. For example in Malaysia use one thousand street light, each one street
light consume 20W and always turn on 12 hour per day. This much causes 0.24MW
and may cost a thousand ringgit. Malaysia is developing country will install many
streetlights and consume much power in the future (Noriaki Yoshiura, 2013).First
problem is when there no road users in during day night, the street light remain on.
This is causes waste of energy when there is no road users (Yashaswini N, 2018).
The existing street lighting control system using timer and photocell. The timer
was set in 7.00 p.m., which is the light is turn on until 7.00 a.m. and it is off.
Meanwhile, photocell oppose against light presence or electromagnetic energy. On a
rainy day or when the intensity of light is low, the photocell will energize the contact
and automatically turn on. This system is inefficient since the weather inconsistent. It
is a waste of energy if sometimes at 7.00 p.m. the day is still bright but the light already
in on. In contrast, at 7.00 a.m. the street light already in off condition even the day still
dark. This system is quite inflexible. (N.L. Raml, 2015).
With a fragile economy, some country needs to minimize their expenditure to
reduce the risk of bankrupt because of cost street light involving in the budget of a
country. Also, this shows that they are costly and contribute considerably to
environment pollution. The street light system that needs production of electricity
significantly adds to carbon dioxide emissions and nuclear dust (Andrzej
Ożadowicz, 2016). In an example, at Seberang Perai had roughly 52000 streetlight,
which is the state government bear around 6 Million ringgits annually not included
maintenance (Majlis Bandaraya Seberang Perai, 2019). To overcome this problem,
there need to come up with a system which reduces the manual control, light intensity
detector, detect movement vehicle and involve IoT (internet of things). This could be
done by using low power, robust and efficient components (Monika Vaghela, 2017).
For our project, we want to focus on the limitation of using streetlight based on
the weather and especially at night. As we know, the street was crowded with cars in
the morning who are going to work or citizen who is shopping at the mall and hang
out with members at night. Usually after midnight, the street not busy. The street lamp
will continue until the morning and it will cause a waste of electricity.
To achieve our objective, we decided to use a switch that controls the number
of streetlight. With many switches that we applied, it will reduce more user of the
streetlight. For example, we applied 2 switches that have 3 streetlights controlled by
each switch makes a total of 6 streetlights. The result that we gained was if one of the
switches turn off, it means there have 3 streetlights that function and it can reduce a
user of the street light.
Apart from that, we can see the function of the photoresistor or LDR at night.
This is due to the sensitivity that changed with the wavelength of light incident and
photocell that oppose the light presence or electromagnetic energy. In a rainy day or
when the intensity of light is low, the photocell will energize the contact and it will
turn on automatically. To raise until achieved the initial value of the resistance, it takes
1 seconds or more after the light has been removed.
Last but not least, the system that had been set up can control automatically the
condition of the lamp either it is on or off as to reduce the current with using the
ultrasonic sensor. The effect of this implementation is able to reduce the electricity
consumption rate and help the individual in charge to not pay up with the high prices.
Besides, it can stop temporarily the operation of a street light that had been using in
all day at night.
The purpose of this project is to provide an intelligent system that flexible and
efficient system in order to control street lighting autonomously. This system is
controlled by one manually switch and two sensors which are Ultrasonic sensor and
LDR sensor. Switch as the main switch for one loop circuit. LDR sensor is used to
detect darkness to activate On/Off street light. Ultrasonic is to detect the presence of
the road user. With these two sensors that detect light and presence of human or cars
then it turned on the system automatically. Arduino Uno is the main controller for this
project (N.L. Raml, 2015).
Our project is related to today's technology being used around the world.
Therefore, we also implement all the current electronics in our project, such as LDR,
ultrasonic. Then we do some research on the functionality and uses of certain web
browsers to understand it. In fact, we hope to find out more about electronics that are
growing and used around the world. Below, we will tell you more about everything
we use and review it in our projects. We are also responsible for providing a deep
understanding of all our readers about our projects. We hope this project will enable
the public to know what technology is today. Each study we undertake is assisted by
our colleagues and our supervisors so that all information provided below is accurate
and correct.
Figure 1 shown that MH has two sections which are the outer bulb and inner
arc tube. When the MH lamp turned off, the mercury and metal halide are dormant and
condensed inside the arc tube. There are two electrodes at either end of the arc tube.
When voltage is supplied to the MH lamp, a current of electricity starts at one electrode
and passes to the next. This begins to heat up the mercury, causing it to vaporize, and
actually helps the electrical current to grow. Things are now heating up, causing the
metal halides to turn into gas. The metal halide atoms begin to move away from the
arc, and in doing so white light is created.
It is intricate for the entire process, the Metal Halide lamp need materials that
can withstand it. The reason is for the inner arc tube is normally made of the ceramic
and outer bulb is generally made of borosilicate glass and it helps to minimize the
amount of ultraviolet radiation that generates when the Metal Halide lamp is turned
on. Some lamps may also a phosphor coating on the outer bulb to help with this as
well. Metal Halide has pros and cons. The pros is:
Longer lamp life. Generally, Metal Halide lamps will last about 10 times
longer than traditional incandescent bulbs, usually lasting for between
15,000-20,000 hours.
Lot of colours which is MH lamps produce a much whiter, more "natural"
light to begin with. However, with the ability to use different metal halides,
MH lamps are able to come in a wide variety of colours and temperatures.
Energy efficiency. When compared to incandescent and other older lighting
technologies, MH lamps use less energy and have a higher luminous efficacy.
Warm up time, Metal Halide lamp operate need time to emit light. It require a
warm up period.
Cool down period. If lamp cuts out for whatever reason the lamp turn of and
require a period before restart again.
Arc tube rupture. It may start to discolour or generate more heat than it
should. Because of this, there is the chance the arc tube may rupture, which
would also cause the outer glass bulb to break as well (ShineRetrofits, 2014).
The wattage at HPS lamp operates will vary from its nominal rating depending
on the ballast, the supply voltage, the lamp voltage and the fixture design. It is
important to take these variables into account as the lumen output of the lamp varies
with the wattage while planning an HPS installation. High-Pressure Sodium is
designed that can start ambient temperatures of -40F and lower. When arc has been
established, they’ll warm up to full wattage and light output at any temperature.
About the efficiency, the maintenance of lighting systems that are mounted on
high ceilings or tall poles outdoors can be very cumbersome and costly. The 24,000
hour lamp life of HPS lamps reduce the frequency of lamp replacement and thus save
maintenance cost. These are the advantage of High-Pressure Sodium lamp:
The light produced is a golden white colour, which may not be appropriate
for certain application.
Require a ballast.
Once started can take from five to ten minutes to reach full light output. They
also require at least a one minute cool-down to re-strike (Apogee Interactive,
The primary use of LPS lamps is for the street as well as an outdoor area. The
typical applications of LPS lighting include parking lots and garages, automobile and
train tunnels and street lighting. An indoor application such as warehouses are practical
where colour is not important.
Most energy efficient light source commercially available. It efficacy off 100
to 185 lumens per watt.
The average life is about 14,000 to 18,000 hour range and have excellent
lumen maintenance.
Provides superior uniformity of light distribution over all HID lamps.
Narrow Band Amber (NBA) LED fixtures to utilize the latest in LED
technology to eliminate short-wavelength blue light which has been identified as a
major contributor of sky glow and light pollution. NBA LED technology that has been
electronically adjusted to emit a narrow band of amber light at a specific wavelength.
Narrow Band Amber (NBA) LED & LPS. These will give off the least light pollution,
contain no harmful blue light, and are used by a city of over 70,000 which can still see
the Milky Way--Flagstaff, AZ. They mostly use LPS (low-pressure sodium), or NBA
(narrow-band amber) LEDs. LPS can be hard to find and maintain, and the NBA is
still very expensive. Both are quite orange, but Flagstaff uses both successfully.
Flagstaff is the model city when it comes to dark skies. Rather than emitting all the
colours of the rainbow and a lot of blue light, they emit mostly in the yellow. They still
have good colour rendition, meaning that they do not make things look grey like LPS
lamps do. Because this technology is so new, these bulbs are not widely available and
they are still expensive also they are very efficient.
Common streetlight using the 555 timer IC before using ultrasonic and LDR.
The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit chip used in a variety thing that is a timer,
pulse, generation and oscillator application. It can be used to provide time delays and
flip-flop element. The manufacturer is the standard 555 package includes 25
transistors, 2 diodes and 15 resistors on a silicon chip installed in an 8-pin mini dual-
in-line package. It has been hypothesized that the 555 got its name from the three 5k
ohm resistors used within.
Pin 5 also can be called the control voltage pin. By applying a voltage to the
control voltage input one can alter the timing characteristics of the device. The control
voltage input can be used to build an astable with a frequency-modulated output. There
is a mode of 555 timer, which is the monostable mode, astable mode and bistable
mode. Monostable function as a one-shot pulse generator. The astable mode is a free-
running mode. The last mode is a bistable mode, which that it can operate as a flip-
555 timer is very easy to use because it is used in everything from toys to the
street light. One of the secrets to its success is it a true black box. 555 timer IC as the
symbolized schematic is simple and accurate enough that design using this
simplification as a reference tend to work the first time (Hunain Khan, 2012).
LDR is a component that has a resistance that changes with the light intensity
that falls upon it. This allows LDR to be used in light sensing circuits. The most
common type of LDR has a resistance that falls with an increase in the light intensity
falling upon the device. The resistance of an LDR may typically have the following
resistances (Mark Donnison, 2014).
Daylight Dark
5000Ω 20000000Ω
Table 3: Resistance of LDR
They made up of semiconductor materials that have high resistance. There are
many different symbols used to indicate a photoresistor or LDR, one of the most
commonly used symbols is shown in the figure below. The arrow indicates light falling
on it.
Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Sensor waves are known as one of the high frequency
than other waves with more than 20 kHz, which cannot be heard by humans (Ayed
Ahmed Ibrahim, 2016). Improvement has been done until produced an ultrasonic
sensor in daily life were able to determine a quantity of water level or detect an object
movement in some range that had been set up by its sensor. The ultrasonic sensor has
2 main components such as transmitter that function to emit the sound of waves and
receiver that receive the sound from the input towards an object (Danny Jost, 2019).
In other matter, the ultrasonic sensor was different than the infrared sensor in
the way of using it. The infrared sensor was able to detect a specific light in wavelength
with range 760nm that radiating by LED (Adarsh, 2016) meanwhile ultrasonic sensor
to measure the distance from the object (Learn Robotics, 2019). Based on the example
of an ultrasonic sensor such as LV MaxSonar EZ1 and IR sensor. There were some
features at the table below that been provided (Baharuddin Mustapha, 2013).
Sensors Ultrasonic IR
RANGE 0.15-6.45m 0.2-1.5m
BEAM-WIDTH 2.54cm 1cm
WEIGHT 4.3g 4.8g
Table 4: Features of Ultrasonic Sensor
In our project, it was suitable for us to use the ultrasonic sensor because it more
reliable and data provided was accurate than an IR sensor (Learn Robotic, 2019).
The information in this chapter showed about capability of sensors and lamps
that used at streetlights. Besides, we do strengthen the system for the streetlight that
improve the safety of society and reduce the usage of the streetlights. When the system
stabled and used the right lamp, the operation of streetlights were able to work
smoothly. The benefits of an updated system streetlights that able to save the electricity
and electrical bills (Zain Mumtaz, 2018). It helps the organization incharge to reduce
big losses from the user of the streetlights in all night.
Arduino IDE
3.2.3. Resistor
Resistor 10K ohm, connected from LDR and ground. Other than that, we use
220 ohm for connect to LED for the prototype. Function we use resistors to reduce
current flow, adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, terminate
transmission lines and reduce LED brightness. Price we buy it at shopee with price
RM1.00 to 10 pieces.
In Distribution Board (DB) box had 3 main component which is ELCB (earth
leakage circuit breaker), main switch and circuit breaker. The function for each
component, ELCB is a safety device used in electrical installation with high earth
impedance to prevent shock also it will detect small stray voltage on the metal
enclosures of electrical equipment an interrupts the circuit if a dangerous voltage is
detected, the circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to
protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from an overload or
short circuit also to interrupt current flow after a fault is detected and the main switch
is to serve as the main switch for electrical conductivity into the circuit and also as a
safe alternative for maintenance. The main switch we accept voltage from a supply
(relay 1 and relay 2) and connect aside circuit breaker and will allow current flow to
ELCB, ELCB will flow current into a circuit. The black wire is neutral (N) wire, the
blue wire is live (L) wire and yellow wire is earth (E) wire. We use this 3 component
to protect our component.
3.2.5. Bulb
We use 4 bulb for the simulation. By connected from output relay to bulb (3.3v)
and all of them connect to ground. Each 2 bulb connect as parallel circuit for one pin.
Function of the bulb is to indicate which light is on when no one is present or which
light is off, to indicate the use of AC to DC electricity.
3.2.6. Relays
We use in this circuit is 2 units which is 2 pole 1 throw and it for simulation
only. Connected from input 12V to relay to bulb to ground. Function relays are the
switches that aim at closing and opening the circuits electronically as well as
electromechanically. On real situation of streetlight, the power source of street light is
AC power and Arduino is DC power. It controls the opening and closing of the circuit
contacts of an electronic circuit. When the relay contact is open (NO), the relay is not
energize with the open contact.
We use only one is this circuit. Connected from supply to LDR from Arduino
and to +5V power source for the simulation and the prototype. Function Light
Dependent Resistor (LDR) is a component that has a (variable) resistance that changes
with the light intensity that falls upon it. This allows them to used in light sensing
circuits. Also to detect the presence of sunlight. Price for Function Light Dependent
Resistor (LDR) is RM 1.00 at shopee.
We Jumper wire consists of male to female wire , PVC wire and male to male
wire as a connection towards each component and allowed current or signal flow
through it. The function of jumper wire was to bear a mechanical loads or electricity
and telecommunications signal. We noticed price of male to female wire was RM 1.10
for 20 pieces at Lazada besides price of wire single core was RM 3.00 that can found
at TS Kubu Electronic Trading and price of male to male wire was RM 2.00 at Shoppe.
3.2.10. Potentiometer
We used a basic logic gate to show the result where it can be AND, OR, NOT,
NAND, NOR and XOR gate. The result that we gained able to do a process of
maintenance if there any problem towards with one of the lights or problem at input
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
Table 5: Truth Table
Input 1 known as LDR while Input 2 known as Ultrasonic Sensor and the
output was bulbs or lamps. The logic gate that required at our project based on Table
5 was AND gate. Both sensor needed to active while there have presence of people or
vehicles and environment must be darken to active the bulbs. This shown as function
of AND gate which two or more events needed occurs together to start operation of
3.5.1. CODING.
Before run project required, we needed to do a program coding to make sure that
the operation was going smoothly without a problem either in Proteus or on prototype.
Firstly, we needed to define the input number (A0-A5) and output with number of pin
(0-13) in Arduino IE program. Besides, defined the term long duration to get travel
time from the sensor and defined int distance with int safedistance as to get measured
value of distance (Dejan, 2019). Secondly. The component such as lamps and trigger
ultrasonic declared as output meanwhile echo and LDR declared an input in the void
setup. Serial.begin (9600) commonly to declare in void setup as a data rate in bits per
second for serial data transmission.
const int trigpin=9;
const int echopin=10;
const int light1=13;
const int light2=12;
const int ldrpin=A0;
long duration;
int distance;
int safedistance;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); }
void loop() {
int light=analogRead(ldrpin);
if(safedistance>=200 && light<=400){
return; }
else {
return; }
delay(200); }
In third part that is Void loop was important part to know how the operation of
this project worked out. Trigger pin at ultrasonic sensor needed to be defined LOW for
2 Microseconds as for not detected any sound. Then, it needed to be defined HIGH for
10 Microseconds as for generate the Ultra sound wave that send out of 8 cycle sonic
burst which travel at speed sound (Dejan,2019). The user of function
pulseIn(echo,HIGH) were able read the input echo and return the sound of wave travel
time in microseconds to become a ‘duration’ value. As to get result distance, the
formula (distance= duration*(0.034/2)) applied (Dejan, 2019).
In addition, we applied a function analogRead(ldrpin) to read value of
brightness at the input LDR (int light). Then, we had applied conditional statement that
was if/else and boolean operator that was && for safedistance and light. The condition
stated the safedistance that more and equal than 200 cm AND light less and equal than
400 which intensity light, the streetlights was on and it will do nothing in 4 seconds to
make sure the people or vehicles passed the street safely without any fear in the real
application. Meanwhile, if the weather in sunny day or they were no people in night,
the operation of lamps would be stopped until the two input detected any movement
object and turned back on the lamps in range 200 cm..
The prototype is about sample that we built to test and show how the system
worked. This project follow the variety of context including flow chart, logic idea,
design schematic, electronic and software programming. To design and creating the
prototype, the step needed to be required for formalization and evaluation of an idea.
There two different circuit, which one of them will connect to AC supply and another
one will connect to DC supply.
From Figure 21, live is yellow wire, ground is black wire and neutral is blue wire
which to show about AC circuit and for the DC circuit, we can seen between the
Arduino, sensor and relay. Based on AC circuit, live and neutral wire connected to the
live and neutral terminal of main switch and ground connected to the body of
distribution board (DB) box. From main switch, it connected to earth leakage circuit
breaker (ELCB) then connected to other two circuit breaker. Wire live in this 2 circuit
breaker needed to connect at each contact relay and eventually connected at live
terminal for each bulb.
Circuit that connected at DC supply consists of an ultrasonic sensor that has 4 pin
which voltage supply, ground, echo pin, and trigger pin. Both echo pin and trigger pin
connected at Arduino UNO which pin 10 and 9 while the other 2 connected at 5V
supply and ground. For LDR, it has 3 pin which voltage supply, analog and ground.
Both voltage supply and ground pin connected at each 5V supply and ground while
analog pin connected at Arduino UNO which A0. Lastly, each relay from AC circuit
and ground connected towards pin 13 and pin 12 at Arduino UNO.
We inserted the coding from laptop towards with Arduino. We can used a power
bank or laptop as a supply to an Arduino Uno meanwhile we connected the AC circuit
to household socket. We must bring an object to cross in front of Ultrasonic Sensor
meanwhile we close the lamp of the room or just close the face of LDR to test the
This chapter was about the result from this project. As we knew, the system
worked if there was darker condition and presence of a passing object. The system
turned off if there were no responded for both sensor. This is similar to concept of
AND logic gate which is if either input is 0, the output will be 0. In addition, if both
input is 1 and the output will be 1.
bulb still not turned on. Lastly, when the surrounding were darker and presence of
object detected, both sensor turned on and it received by the controller then the relay
triggered and turned on the streetlight based on Figure 23.
Besides that, we able to learn the user of the bulb in our project. Generally, the
connection between a bulb to other bulb require a parallel circuit. We try to relate with
circuit of streetlight in real life application which one circuit able to control with many
streetlight in one place. This shown the streetlights connect as parallel circuit
meanwhile for other component, it connect as a series circuit. In addition, alternate
installation streetlight between two circuit applied. If one of the circuit need to do a
maintenance, technician able to switch off the the circuit while the other circuit remain
on which help them to do maintenance in the night especially.
Based on the real application, we noticed that the High Pressure Sodium (HPS)
lamp widely used at the most streetlights because it has a less maintenance. The other
example that was High-Intensity Discharge lamp (HID) had been reported as a likable
of HPS since after World War II that became a commonplace at streetlights. Besides
that, Light Emitted Dependant (LED) was a new technology as a substitution towards
a new streetlights.
Based on our project, we required to reduce an electricity to achieve our
objective. We chose LED because it reduced an energy consumption, it have very good
effectiveness in lightning and it have a low light decay in the lifetime. However, LED
only can be use when there is new street light installed (N.L. Raml, 2015). This is
because converting common street light to LED requires high expenses.
Based on the table below, we collected a data to get the power usage between
8 lamps of high pressure sodium (HPS) and 8 lamps of light emitted diode (LED) when
attached with technologies. Power used for one lamp HPS was 280 Watts and power
used one lamp LED was 139 Watts (Shane L.Silsby, 2013). For Ultrasonic Sensor and
LDR, we determined the power usage of both lamps in 7 hours meanwhile for timer
we calculated power usage in 12 hours for both lamps.
Power Usage ( kW )
This project is one of the new alternatives for the government to save on the
use of electricity, which often used solely for streetlights. In additional, this project is
also target the goal of the previous government, which is to apply time technology of
leading cities. Therefore, the presence of this circuit of automatic streetlight can boost
the country income and even show the Malaysia is becoming more and more
competitive with foreign country. This automatic streetlight is also one of the new
discoveries for the next generation to constant expand the user of electronic around
them. Finally, it is able to reduce electricity consumption on less-used roads.
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