Martin Luther King Rubric
Martin Luther King Rubric
Martin Luther King Rubric
English Department
Book Report Project Rubric: Martin Luther King
Instructions: Work in groups of 4 students and create a folder with all the elements below.
Martin Luther King Excellent biography which includes The biography contains all The biography doesn´t include all author´s Many information abouth the author
´s biography information about the author´s birth, family, information about the information. is missing (birth, family or country).
achievments, and country. author such as birth, family, Some of the contents are not accurate or factual. The contents is not accurate or
The main events are clearly and accurately country and achievments. There are two missing elements. factual.
organized into chronological order. There is one missing There are three or four grammar mistakes, There are more than four grammar
There aren´t any spelling or grammar element. or spelling mistakes.
mistakes. Most of the content is
accurate and factual.
There are two spelling or
grammar mistakes.
Vocabulary The meaning is accurate. You have all words. The meaning of some words The meaning of many words are not accurate. Most of the words are missings. The
40 words. No spelling or grammar mistakes. are not accurate. Many words are missings. majority of the meanings are
Some words are missings. Two or three grammar mistakes. inaccurate.
One grammar mistake.
Summary Summary accurately represents the entire Summary includes some Summary is not accurate, there are two missing Summary is not accurate. There are
200 words. story. This includes beggining, the middle and information. One of the elements. many missiong elements.
the end. element is missing. There are more than 3 spelling or grammar There are more than 4 spelling or
Summary is in your own words, and is easy to There are one or two mistakes. grammar mistakes.
understand. grammar mistakes.
No spelling or grammar mistakes.
Reading questions Answers are correct, complete, and Answers are not totally Answers are ocassionally correct and Answers do not reflect
demostrate comprehension. Answers include correct. Good demonstrate and incomplete comprehension of comprehension of the topic. Answers
supporting evidence from the text. comprehension. the topic. Answers contains some details. lack the required detail or are
Paraphrases are included. Answers include details. Answers are sometimes understandable. incomplete.
Answers are very easy to understand. Spelling Paraphrases are included. Work contain 3,4 or more spelling and grammar Answers do not include supporting
and grammar is correct. Answers are easy to mistakes. evidence from the text when
understand. Answers include occasional supporting evidence necessary.
There are one or two from the text. Answers are difficult to understand.
spelling or grammar There are more tan 3 spelling or grammar Work containts more tan 5 spelling
mistakes. mistakes. and grammar mistakes.
Team work: All members contributed equally. Some members contribute One or two members do not contribute. More than two members do not
- Contribution All members work well together and assist more tan others. Some teacher intervension needed. contribute.
- Cooperation others when needed, the team is on task all Members work well The team is often on task. Teacher intervension needed often
- On task the time. together most of the time. to help group cooperate and work.
The team is rarely on task.
Delivery of work The Project is delivered on time. The work is delivered after The work is delivered after the deadline. The work is delivered after the
the deadline. Three days after. deadline.
Date: ______________________ Two days after. Seven days later.