Etf 59 1 pg43-48
Etf 59 1 pg43-48
Etf 59 1 pg43-48
LEVEL: Lower Intermediate to Advanced found that giving students a chance to work
with the narrative elements of literature
TIME REQUIRED: Two or three 90-minute through creative poster projects improves
class periods. During the first class, you will their understanding of difficult texts and
clarify the task, form groups, and direct helps them visualize ways in which these
students as they begin planning and designing elements cohere to create a story. Having
their stories and posters. In the second class, students identify and give examples of each
students will finalize their posters and give element of literature for a simple story can
presentations. Depending on your class prepare them for the rigors of identifying
size or class length, you may need a third and analyzing those same elements in more
class period to complete the final project complicated texts (Vari 2020).
preparations and presentations.
Because poster projects require a variety
GOALS: To use writing, speaking, and of contributions from group members, the
listening skills while reflecting on and projects can address a range of learning styles.
analyzing narrative elements in a fictional Visual learners can benefit from arranging
text; to work cooperatively with groupmates the poster’s spatial layout, kinesthetic
to develop a fictional story that includes learners can benefit from the hands-on
specified narrative elements; to collaborate aspect of creating the poster, social learners
with groupmates to create a poster that can benefit from the teamwork involved,
identifies and depicts the narrative elements; and so forth. If students complete this
to present the story and poster to peers; poster-creation task virtually as described
to practice giving and receiving peer in the Variation section, they will also
feedback develop and use digital-literacy skills.
MATERIALS: Poster paper or large sheets Furthermore, this activity can be adapted
of paper; markers, crayons, or colored and used in diverse class contexts. I have
pencils; glue or glue sticks; scissors; completed this project with groups of
chalkboard and chalk or whiteboard and students who had a firm understanding of
markers; newspapers or magazines with the narrative elements of literature and with
images that can be used to illustrate the students who were just being introduced to
posters (optional); projector (optional); these elements.
photocopier or printer (optional)
In sum, assigning this flexible poster project
BACKGROUND: In my university and offers students a creative way to collaborate
secondary-school literature classes, I have with classmates and demonstrate their
2 . The project directions in this article 3 . Depending on your aims, select either
assume students have received level- the Poster Presentation Survey
appropriate instruction on the narrative (Figure 1) or the Poster Presentation
elements of literature. If necessary, Rubric (Figure 2) to use as a peer-
prepare to review these concepts at feedback form during the presentations.
the start of the activity or during the Adapt the contents of either form to suit
class period prior to beginning the your desired project objectives. Make the
project. Terms to review include needed number of copies or printouts
the following: of the peer-feedback form you select, or
prepare to have students manually copy
• Plot – what happens in the story; the the form, based on an example you will
general sequence or outline of events draw or display on the board.
Story Title:
As you provide the instructions, 6 . Review the parts of the chart to help
emphasize the creative nature of the students understand the narrative
task, reminding students to have fun movement or flow of stories and to
with their story and strive for surprises visualize how they might describe their
as they use the narrative elements. story posters during the presentations.
Each story is a work of imagination, For example, they will first explain
and there are no rigid rules that the who is in the story and where it is
stories must follow, as long as they taking place (introductory events).
include the required poster elements. Then, they will describe what the
problem is and what is happening
4 . Further explain that each group’s (conflict and rising action), and so on.
story can be realistic, fantastical, Remind students that the chart and the
or some combination of the two. two example stories are stripped down
To clarify, give two examples of to a basic plotline. For their fictional
possible fictional poster-story plot stories, students should add details
outlines, writing or projecting each related to the plot, setting, and other
on the board: narrative elements.
• Scribe – writes the group-developed • How does the setting affect the mood of
descriptions on the poster your story?
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student in the group editing permission. an alternative, student groups can record
Name each presentation “Group 1,” “Group their presentations, and “audience” students
2,” and so on for now; ask the groups to can watch and provide peer feedback on a
add their story’s title when they know selection of the presentation videos.
what it is (for example, “Group 1 – Lost in
Osaka”). Set a limit on the number of slides REFERENCE
each group can use; this can help students
keep their presentations focused (a total of Vari, T. J. 2020. Teaching the elements of literature
four to six slides works well). Whichever using stories from infancy to age-appropriate.Yale
digital tools and apps you decide to use— National Initiative to strengthen teaching in public
and these days, there are many to choose schools.
from—be sure to streamline the process viewer/initiative_06.03.02_u
and resources so that students don’t get
“digital tool overwhelm.” Nicholas Gordon is an Outreach Coordinator with
English Language Programs. He has taught in South
• When sharing the assignment instructions, Korea, Saudi Arabia, New York City, and Ukraine. As
explain that students will be working an English Language Fellow in Ukraine, 2017–2019, he
together on one digital slide presentation served as the Director of the English Writing Center at
for their fictional-story presentation. Tell the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.