This document is an ID notice for a South African citizen with the surname Maseleni and first names Sabelo Milton. It provides his date of birth and the date the ID was issued.
This document is an ID notice for a South African citizen with the surname Maseleni and first names Sabelo Milton. It provides his date of birth and the date the ID was issued.
This document is an ID notice for a South African citizen with the surname Maseleni and first names Sabelo Milton. It provides his date of birth and the date the ID was issued.
This document is an ID notice for a South African citizen with the surname Maseleni and first names Sabelo Milton. It provides his date of birth and the date the ID was issued.
becomimunicated In yourlD Book must MASELENI to all relevant partles. FORENAMES SABELOMILTON NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS OF 1. Keep the NOTICE OF.CHANGE COUNTAY OF BIATH ADDRESS fom in this pocket to SOUTH AFRICA or a repot a change of address DATE 9E AIATH change in paticular of your present and/or 1977-10-14 address e.g. name of street DATE ISSUED street numberctc. 2013-02-06 2. Hand in at or, post to the nearest regional/district office of the DEPARTMENTOF HOME AFFAIRS IssUED BY AUTHORITY OF nTHE DIRECTOR-GENERAL HOME AFFAIAS