UNIT – 04
Permanent Magnet materials – Minor hysteresis loop and recoil line-Magnetic Characteristics –
Permeance coefficient - Principle of operation – Types – Magnetic circuit analysis – EMF and torque
equations – Commutation - Power Converter Circuits and their controllers – Motor characteristics and
control– Applications.
4. What are the types of PM brushless square wave D.C. motor? 180 degree pole arc BLPM square
wave DC motor.
120 degree pole arc BLPM square wave DC motor.
15. Compare PMBLDC motor and switched reluctance motor? May – 2014, 2013
A sensor is operated with hall effect principle. It is called hall sensor. It is used to sense the
rotor position in the BLPMDC motor.
A sensor is operated with photo transistor, it is the optical sensor. It is mainly used to sense
the rotor position of the BLPMDC motor.
A DC motor consists of permanent magnet in the stator and armature winding, commutator
in the rotor. The motor is called permanent DC commutator motor.
19. List out some applications of BLPMDC motor? May-2018, 2016, Dec-2017, 2015
It has concentrated winding on the
It has distributed winding on the stator.
Induces square or trapezoidal voltage Induces sinusoidal voltage.
21. What is permeance co-efficient? Dec-2016, May - 2012 It is defined as the ratio of air-gap
permeance of the permanent magnet assuming the same relative permeability.
22. Comparison between mechanical and electronic commutator. May-2017, Dec – 2016, 2013
23. Name the power controllers used in the PMBLDC. Dec-2016, May - 2012
Vector control
Current control
24. Draw the magnetic equivalent circuit of PMBLDC motor. May-2017, 2014, Dec - 2013
PART - B Introduction:
• In general classified as
❖ PM dc commutator motors
❖ PM brushless dc motors
❖ PM AC synchronous motors
• PM bldc & PM AC synchronous motor designs are same with poly phase stator and PM rotor.
• Difference lies in control and shape of excitation voltage.
• PM AC syn. motor – sinusoidal excitation voltage which produces rotating magnetic field.
• PM bldc Motor – square (trapezoidal) excitation, only two phase windings conduct current at the
same time.
• 40% size reduction.
➢ Internal rotor
➢ Internal stator (armature)
2. Comparison between mechanical and electronic commutator. Dec – 2013, 2011, May-2017
➢ In runner configuration:
✓ PM is mounted on rotor.
✓ Armature windings surround the rotor.
✓ Made of forged steel.
✓ Has permanent magnet.
✓ Carries rotor position sensor (RPS).
✓ RPS gives information about the position of shaft at any instant.
Armature Winding:
✓ Can be star or delta connected.
➢ In delta connected motor,
❖ Low torque at low rpm.
❖ Can be operated at higher ranges of rpm.
➢ In star connected motor,
❖ High torque at low rpm.
❖ Cannot be operated in higher rpm ranges.
Principle of Operation:
1. Starting:
• DC supply is given to motor, armature winding draws current.
• This current produces an mmf.
• Rotor is a permanent magnet. It produces a main mmf (main flux).
• According to fleming’s left hand rule, it produces a force in armature conductors.
• But armature conductors are stationary, so it produces a reactive force, which produces a torque
in rotor.
• If developed torque > load torque, then motor starts rotating.
• Self starting motor.
5. Explain the operation of different types of BLPM DC motor. May-2014, Dec - 2012
The BLPMDC motor can be classified on the basis of flux-density distribution in the air gap of
the motor. They are,
• BLPM square wave DC motor.
• BLPM sine wave DC motor.
Three rings:
▪ Outer ring – stator phase belt, stationary, 60° sectors
▪ Inner ring – rotor ring, 120° or 180° ring
▪ Middle ring – mmf ring
EMF equation:
l - length of armature, m r
- radius of airgap, m
Bg - flux density in airgap,
wb/m Tc - no. of turns per coil p
- no. of poles
Assume, the axis of permanent magnet rotor is along the x-axis. Stator has 12 slots
and 3-phase winding.
2 slots / pole / phase.
varies with θ.
Consider two coils, a1A1 & a2A2. Coils a2A2 is adjacent to a1A1 & connected in series,
displaced by angle 30˚.
Emf induced in coil a1A1 is,
𝒆 𝒑𝒉 = 𝟐 𝑩 𝒈 𝒓 𝒍 𝝎 𝒎 𝑻 𝒑𝒉 𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒔
Torque equation:
7. Derive the torque equation of PMBLDC motor. Dec-2017, 2015, May-2017, 2014, 2012
𝑀𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟, 𝑃 = 𝜔𝑚 𝑇𝑒
𝐴𝑙𝑠𝑜, 𝑃 = 2 𝑒𝑝 𝐼
𝜔𝑚 𝑇𝑒 = 2 𝑒𝑝 𝐼
2 𝑒𝑝 𝐼
𝑇𝑒 =
2 𝑥 2 𝐵𝑔 𝑟 𝑙 𝜔𝑚 𝑇𝑝 𝑥 𝐼
𝑻 𝒆 = 𝟒 𝑩 𝒈 𝒓 𝒍 𝑻 𝒑𝒉 𝑰 𝑵−𝒎
Mechanical Commutator:
8. Explain briefly about the mechanical commutator in conventional DC motor and Electronic
Commutator in BLPMDC motor. Dec - 2012
• Function of the commutator is to facilitate the collection of current from the armature conductors.
• Converts the alternating current induced in the armature conductors into unidirectional current in
the external load circuit.
• Aim of commutator is to sets up a mmf whose axis is in quadrature with the main field axis
irrespective of the speed of the armature.
Mechanical commutator:
• Commutator segments are mechanically fixed to the shaft using V-shaped circular steel clamps,
isolated electrically from the shaft.
• Schematic of a two pole machine with 12 commutator segments.
• Brushes of the two pole machine are X and Y.
Electronic commutator:
9. Analyze the operation of electronic commutator in PMBLDC motor with neat diagram.
May-2015, Dec-2016, 2011
• Each tapping is connected to the positive of the dc supply (ie) X through the switches S1 , S2 ,
• Connected to the negative of the supply (ie) Y through the switches S1’, S2’ , S3’ …… S12’.
• When the switches S1 and S1’ are closed, the dc supply is given to the tappings1 and 7.
• The current which is passing through the armature winding has two parallel paths. ✓ 1-2-3-4-5-
✓ 1-12-11-10-9-8-7
• This current sets up an armature mmf, whose axis is along the axis of the tappings 1 &7.
• After a small interval of time, Switches S1 and S1’ are kept open and S2 and S2’ are closed.
• Current passes through the tappings 2, 8 and sets up an mmf along the axis of the tapping 2 &8.
• By operating the switches in sequential manner, it is possible to get revolving magnetic field in
the airgap.
EE 6703 / SEM Unit - 04 Muthukumar.G.G / EEE / MEC
• These switches S1 to S12 and S1’ and S12’ can be replaced by power electronic switching devices
such as SCR, MOSFET, IGBT etc.
• For 3-φ, 6 pulse BLDC motors, 6 Hall effect sensors are used.
• Displaced by 60°.
• Placed in stator.
• Connected with controller to turn ON the devices for electronic commutation.
Classified based on the no. of phase windings and the no. of pulses given to the devices.
✓ One phase winding and one pulse BLDC motor
✓ One phase winding and two pulse BLDC motor
✓ Two phase winding and two pulse BLDC motor
✓ Three-phase winding and three pulse BLDC motor
✓ Three-phase winding and six pulse BLDC motor
• Inertia should be high, such that rotor rotates continuously. Utilization of Transistor & winding
are less.
Fig. One phase winding and two pulse BLDC motor Features:
• Winding utilization is better, however transistor utilization is less. Torque developed is more
• Requires three wire DC supply.
• Windings utilization is only 50% which is less.
• It provides better torque waveforms.
• 3 position sensors are required.
• Utilization factor of winding is better.
• Torque pulse and ripple frequency components are less.
________________________________________________________________ Power
11. Sketch the structure of power controllers for PMBLDC motor and explain the function of
various blocks. May–2014, 2013, Dec-2011
Power circuit:
• Consists of six power switching devices.
• Connected in bridge configuration across the DC supply.
• A shunt resistance ‘R’ is connected in series to get the current feedback signal. Feedback diodes
are connected across the main devices.
• Armature winding is assumed to be star connected.
• Rotor carries rotor position sensor and shaft is coupled with tacho generator to get speed feedback
Control circuit:
• Consists of commutation logic circuit which gets information about the rotor position Decides
which devices are to be turned ON and OFF.
Commutation logic circuit:
• Provides six output signals out of which three signals are used as the base drive for the upper leg
• Other three output signals are logically ANDed with high frequency pulses (PWM).
• The resultant signals are used to drive the lower leg devices.
Speed Comparator:
• Speed comparator compares the reference speed (Wref) with the speed feed back signal (ωm)
obtained from the tachogenerator.
• Output of the speed comparator (ie) the speed error signal serves as the current reference for the
current comparator.
Current Comparator:
• Compares the reference current (iref) with the actual current signal (iactual) obtained from the
current transducer.
• Resulting error signal is fed to the monostable circuit.
Monostable Circuit:
• The monostable circuit is excited by high frequency pulse signals.
• The duty cycle of the output of monostable multivibrator circuit is controlled by error signal.
• The monostable circuit is controlled by the error signal obtained from the comparator.
• The output of the monostable circuit and signal from the commutation logic circuit influences the
conduction period and duty cycle of lower leg devices. Desired current for desired speed is
Motor Characteristics:
• Assume Commutation is perfect, phase current waveform is ideal, converter is supplied form a
ideal voltage source, V, then,
• If phase resistance is small, the characteristics is similar to DC shunt motor. By varying voltage,
V, Speed can be controlled.
• Voltage is controlled by chopping or PWM.
• There are boundaries for the continuous and intermittent operation.
• Continuous limit - heat transfer, temp rise
• Intermittent limit – max. rating of semiconductor switch, temp rise.
Line AB:
✓ Parallel to x-axis
✓ Max. torque developed
Line FG:
✓ N-T characteristics for max. permissible voltage
Line DH:
✓ Perpendicular to x-axis
✓ Max. permissible speed
OABCDO – permissible region of operation
✓ Industrial drives (fans, pumps, blowers, handling systems)
✓ Machine tools
✓ Servo drives
✓ Automation process
✓ Internal transportation systems
✓ Robots
Public life:
✓ Air conditioning systems
✓ Catering equipment
✓ Ticketing machines
✓ Clocks
✓ Coin laundry machines
Domestic life:
✓ Kitchen equipment
✓ Washing machines
EE 6703 / SEM Unit - 04 Muthukumar.G.G / EEE / MEC
✓ Vacuum cleaners
✓ Lawn mowers
✓ Toys
✓ Security systems
Information & office equipment: ✓
✓ Printers
✓ Plotters
✓ Photo copiers
Automobiles & Transportation:
✓ Elevators
✓ Light railways
✓ street cars
✓ Electric road vehicles
✓ Air craft flight control
✓ boats
✓ Tanks
✓ Missiles
✓ Radar systems
✓ Sub marines
✓ Rockets
✓ Space shuttles
✓ Satellites
Medical & health care:
✓ Dentist drills
✓ Electric wheel chairs
Power tools:
✓ Drills
✓ Screw drivers
✓ Polishers
✓ Saws
✓ Sheep shearing hand pieces
14. Explain briefly the operation of rotor position sensors in BLPM motors.
• BLDC motor needs rotor position sensor (RPS) for its operation.
• RPS converts the information about the rotor shaft position into a suitable electrical signal.
• This electrical signal is used to turn ON or OFF the power electronic switching circuit in BLDC.
Hall Effect:
• When current IC flows downwards in a semiconductor pellet placed in a magnetic field (B)
perpendicular to pellet surface, an emf VH (Hall emf) is created perpendicular to direction of
current & magnetic field.
• According to fleming’s left hand rule, charged particles are biased on the left side of the pellet.
Polarity depends on p or n – type semiconductor.
Hall ICs:
• Output signals from Hall element operate two transistors, Tr1& Tr2, to control current in the two
stator windings W1, W2.
(a) Hall element detect the North pole of rotor magnet, energizes winding W2 to produce south pole
which attracts north pole of rotor by rotating in CCW direction.
(b) Hall element detect none of the rotor poles, so winding W1 & W2 are OFF. Rotor rotates due to
(c) Hall element detect the South pole of rotor magnet, energizes winding W1 to produce south pole
which attracts north pole of rotor by rotating in CCW direction.
There are three implicit methods by which the rotor position can be sensed.
15. Discuss the magnetic circuit analysis relevant to PMBLDC motor in detail. Also draw its
characteristics. May – 2017, 2013, 2012
From the magnetic circuit analysis of permanent magnet brushless DC motor derive the
expression for permeance coefficient. Dec-2015
Explain in detail about magnetic circuit analysis of PMBLDC motor. Also draw its
characteristics. Dec-2017
Explain the magnetic circuit analysis of permanent magnet brushless DC motor on open
circuit. May-2018
• First step in analyzing magnet circuit is to identify the main flux path and assign reluctance
and permeance to them.
• Stator is shown without slots or windings.
• The magnetic flux leaving north pole at airgap crosses over to the stator and splits into two
equal sections, each travelling in opposite direction and crossing the airgap towards south
poles at airgap.
• Consider the cross section of 2 pole BLDC motor having high energy rare earth magnets on
the rotor.
Fig. (a) Cross section and flux pattern of 2 pole BLDC motor
(b) Demagnetization curve
• Only half of the equivalent circuit is shown and the lower half is the mirror image of upper
half about the horizontal axis.
- ve sign indicates demagnetizing force and magnet operates in second quadrant of B-H curve.
The line drawn from the origin through the operating point is called load line and absoluete value of its
slope normalized to μ0 is called Permeance Co-efficient (PC).
𝟏 + 𝑷𝒓𝟏 𝑹𝒈
𝑷𝑪 = 𝝁𝒓𝒆𝒄
𝑷𝒎𝟎 𝑹𝒈
It has a maximum energy product greater than that of other materials, which is a great
advantage on a volumetric basis.
The disadvantage of the material is its high cost, and it was consequently first used only for
aerospace and military equipment and for computer memory disks.
In most permanent-magnet devices the material operates in the second quadrant of its
hysteresis loop, in which the magnetic field H and the flux-density B are opposed. That portion of
the hysteresis loop which lies in the second quadrant is called the demagnetization characteristic.
In the typical B-H loop shown in Fig. and known as the normal hysteresis loop, the B-value
includes the contributions from both the intrinsic flux-density of the material Bi and the fluxdensity
µoH resulting from the applied field H.
If only Bi is plotted against H, the resultant loop represents the intrinsic hysteresis loop.
The intrinsic loop represents that proportion of the flux-density which is intrinsic to the
magnetic material itself for a particular magnetic field H, and it is of use in the design of a
permanent-magnet machine.
The intrinsic flux-density Bi, the normal flux-density B and the magnetizing field intensity H
are related by the equation
B = µoH + Bi
Fig. Normal and intrinsic hysteresis loops for a typical permanent-magnet material
If a magnetizing force is applied to an unmagnetized magnet and then removed, there
remains a residual flux-density or remanence Br due to the non-elastic displacement of the
boundary walls between the magnetic domains.
The remanence is the same for both the B and Bi curves, since at this point H is zero.
19. A Permanent Magnet DC commutator has a no-load speed of 6000 rpm when connected to
a 120 V supply. The armature resistance is 2.5 and rotational and iron losses may be neglected.
Determine the speed when the supply voltage is 60V and the torque is 0.5 Nm.
May-2016, Dec–2016, 2013, 2012
Vs = 120 V Ra = 2.5 Ω T = 0.5 N m
To find:
N = ? at 60 V.
20. A PMBLDC motor has torque constant 0.12 Nm / A referred to DC supply. Find the motors
no-load speed when connected to 48 V DC supply. Find the stall current and stall torque if
armature resistance is 0.15 Ω/phase and drop in controller transistor is 2 V.
May-2016, Dec – 2013, 2012
Given data :
Km = 0.1 Nm / A V = 48 V
(a) No load Speed:
Anna University Questions
7. Derive the torque equation of PMBLDC motor. Dec-2017, 2015, May-2017, 2014
9. Analyze the operation of electronic commutator in PMBLDC motor with neat diagram.
May-2015, Dec-2016, 2011
10. Sketch the structure of power controllers for PMBLDC motor and explain the function
of various blocks. May–2014, 2013, Dec-2011
Explain in detail, the power controllers for PMBLDC. Dec-2016 Draw and explain the
general structure of a controller for a permanent magnet
brushless DC motor. May-2018
12. Discuss the magnetic circuit analysis relevant to PMBLDC motor in detail. Also draw
its characteristics. May – 2017, 2013, 2012
From the magnetic circuit analysis of permanent magnet brushless DC motor derive
the expression for permeance coefficient. Dec-2015
Explain in detail about magnetic circuit analysis of PMBLDC motor. Also draw its
characteristics. Dec-2017
Explain the magnetic circuit analysis of permanent magnet brushless DC motor on
open circuit. May-2018
13. A Permanent Magnet DC commutator has a no-load speed of 6000 rpm when connected
to a 120 V supply. The armature resistance is 2.5 and rotational and iron losses may
be neglected. Determine the speed when the supply voltage is 60V and the
torque is 0.5 Nm. May-2016, Dec–2016, 2013, 2012
14. A PMBLDC motor has torque constant 0.12 Nm / A referred to DC supply. Find the
motors no-load speed when connected to 48 V DC supply. Find the stall current and
stall torque if armature resistance is 0.15 Ω/phase and drop in controller transistor is
2 V.
May-2016, Dec – 2013, 2012