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CV #2 Digital Image, Fundamentals

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Computer Vision

2023-24 First Semester, M.Tech (AIML)

Session #2:
Digital Image Fundamentals
Instructors, CV course

S. P. Vimal | CSIS Department | WILP | BITS – Pilani (vimalsp@wilp.bits-pilani.ac.in)

Acknowledgement: Slide Materials adopted from - Intro to Computer Vision (Cornell Tech); Noah Snavely and prepared by the lead instructor
Prof S P Vimal
● Image Representation
● Image Digitization ( Sampling & Quantization)
● Digital Image Properties

Acknowledgement: Slide Materials adopted from - Intro to Computer Vision (Cornell Tech); Noah Snavely
Image representation for analysis


3D vision tasks and algorithmic components

Ref: https://medium.com/@nrmin.mrdova.01/pinhole-camera-842ce79329b7
Pinhole Camera inverting image

Simple Image Formation Model

Image Formation in the Eye

Digital Image Acquisition


Why do we use lenses when we have pin-hole camera?

Cameras with lenses are easier to manufacturer when compared to pin-hole cameras
Lenses gather more light than pinhole cameras, reducing exposure time
Lenses can be stacked to produce a clear image of the scene
Lenses keep parallel lines from the scene, parallel in the image

Simple Image Formation Model

● We denote images by two-dimensional functions of the form

f(x, y).
○ Value of f at spatial coordinates (x, y) is a scalar quantity;
○ Physical meaning of f(x,y) is determined by the source of the image, and whose
values are proportional to energy radiated by a physical source (e.g.,
electromagnetic waves);

● Function f(x, y) is characterized by two components:

○ Amount of source illumination incident on the scene being viewed i(x,y), and
○ Amount of illumination reflected by the objects in the scene r(x,y).

0 is total absorption and 1 is total reflectance
Simple Image Formation Model - Grayscale Image

● Let the intensity (gray level) of a monochrome image at any

coordinates (x, y) be denoted by

● For a gray scale, the range is scaled between [0, L-1] ;

○ All intermediate values from 0 to L-1 are shades of gray varying from black
to white.

Sampling and Quantization

Continuous image A scan line showing intensity variations

along line AB in the continuous image

Sampling and quantization. Digital scan line

Digitizing the coordinate values is called sampling ; Digitizing the amplitude values is called quantization.
Sampling and Quantization

Continuous image projected Result of image sampling and

onto a sensor array quantization

Matrix Representation of an Image

Spatial & Intensity Resolution

930 dpi 300 dpi

● Spatial resolution is a measure of
the smallest discernible detail in
an image;

● Intensity resolution similarly refers

to the smallest discernible change
in intensity level
150 dpi 72 dpi

Spatial & Intensity Resolution

256-level 128-level
● Spatial resolution is a measure
of the smallest discernible detail
in an image;

● Intensity resolution similarly

refers to the smallest discernible
change in intensity level
64-level 32-level

All images have spatial resolution 2022 × 1800 22

Spatial & Intensity Resolution

16-level 8-level
● Spatial resolution is
a measure of the
smallest discernible
detail in an image;

● Intensity resolution
similarly refers to the
smallest discernible
change in intensity 4-level 2-level

All images have spatial resolution 2022 × 1800 23

Distance measurement

Distance Measurement

What is an image?

A grid (matrix) of intensity values

What is an image?

Can think of a (grayscale) image as a function f from R2 to R:

f (x,y) gives the intensity at position (x,y)

Image Transformations

As with any function, we can apply operators to an image

Image Histogram

Un-normalized histogram :

Note: nk is the number of pixels in f with intensity rk

Normalized histogram :

Note: M and N are the number of image rows and columns

The sum of p(rk) for all values of k is always 1
Mostly, we work with normalized histograms
Elementary Intensity Transformations

A digital mammogram and its Negative image

Elementary Intensity Transformations

Log Transformations

Fourier spectrum displayed as a

grayscale image and the result of
applying the log transformation in
with c = 1.

Both images are scaled to the

range [0, 255].

Elementary Intensity Transformations

Log Transformations

Fourier spectrum displayed as a

grayscale image and the result of
applying the log transformation in
with c = 1.

Both images are scaled to the

range [0, 255].

Elementary Intensity Transformations

Power-Law Transformations

● c and ˠ are positive constants

Elementary Intensity Transformations
Power-Law Transformations- Applications
Gamma correction
● Cathode ray tube (CRT) devices have an
intensity-to-voltage response that is a
power function, with exponents varying
from approximately 1.8 to 2.5.

Elementary Intensity Transformations
Power-Law Transformations- Applications
Gamma correction
● Cathode ray tube (CRT) devices have an
intensity-to-voltage response that is a
power function, with exponents varying
from approximately 1.8 to 2.5.

● Gamma correction consists of using the


Elementary Intensity Transformations
Power-Law Transformations- Applications
Gamma correction
● Cathode ray tube (CRT) devices have an
intensity-to-voltage response that is a
power function, with exponents varying
from approximately 1.8 to 2.5.

● Gamma correction consists of using the


Elementary Intensity Transformations
Power-Law Transformations- Applications
Medical Imaging
(a) Magnetic resonance image (MRI) of a
fractured human spine (the region of the fracture
is enclosed by the circle).

(b)–(d) Results of applying the transformation

with c = 1 and g = 0.6, 0.4, and 0.3, respectively.
(Original image courtesy of Dr. David R. Pickens,
Department of Radiology and Radiological
Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center.)

Elementary Intensity Transformations
Power-Law Transformations- Applications
Aerial Imaging

(a) Aerial image.

(b)–(d) Results of applying the transformation in with 𝛄 =
3.0, 4.0, and 5.0, respectively. (c = 1 in all cases.)

(Original image, courtesy of NASA.)

Elementary Intensity Transformations
Contrast Stretching; Thresholding

(a) Piecewise linear transformation function.

(b) A low-contrast electron microscope image of pollen,
magnified 700 times.
(c) Result of contrast stretching.
(d) Result of thresholding.

Contrast Stretching

Elementary Intensity Transformations
Intensity Level Slicing

Highlights range [ A, B] and reduces This function highlights range [ A, B] and

all other intensities to a lower level. leaves other intensities unchanged.
• Readings:
Digital Image Processing, Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E woods, Third Ed, Chapter 2

References for hands-on work:


Thank you


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