TR 2013 2
TR 2013 2
TR 2013 2
This research has been co- nanced by the European Union (European Social Fund { ESF)
and Greek national funds through the Operational Program \Education and Lifelong Learn-
ing" of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) { Research Funding Program:
Heracleitus II. Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.
Figure 1: ITRS'07 test cost predictions
1 Introduction
There are many techniques developed over the years for IC's manufacturing testing, but
the most widely adopted one, that o ers the lowest reject rate versus test cost, is structural
testing. In this report, the basic concepts of structural testing are introduced.
A fault is a representation of a defect re ecting a physical condition that causes a
circuit to fail to perform as designed. A failure is a deviation in the performance of
Figure 2: Basic Testing Approach.
a circuit or system from its speci ed behavior and represents an irreversible state of a
component such that it must be repaired in order for it to provide its intended design
function. A circuit error is a wrong output signal produced by a defective circuit. A
circuit defect may lead to a fault, a fault can cause a circuit error, and a circuit error can
result in a system failure [121].
During testing a set of test stimuli (referred also as test vectors or test patterns) is
applied to the n inputs of the CUT, and its m output responses are analyzed, as illustrated
in Figure 2. Circuits that produce the correct output responses for all input stimuli pass
the test and are considered to be defect-free. Those circuits that fail to produce a correct
response at any point during the test sequence are assumed to be defective.
The ultimate target of any ICs test mechanism is to test the chips for all possible
defects, or in other words, to achieve complete defect coverage. However, such a goal is
not realistic, and thus fault models are adopted. Fault models save time and improve test
eciency, as a limited number of test patterns that target speci c faults, related to the
structure of the CUT, are applied at the circuit's inputs. This process is called structural
testing. Any input pattern (test stimuli), that produces a di erent output response in a
faulty circuit from that of the fault-free circuit is a test vector that will detect the faults.
Any set of test vectors is called a test set. The goal of Automatic Test Patterns Generation
(ATPG) tools is to nd an ecient test set that detect as many defects as possible for a
given CUT and a given fault model. These tools provide a quantitative measure of the
fault-detection capabilities of a given test set for a targeted fault model. This measure is
called fault coverage and is de ned as:
Number of detected faults
Fault coverage =
Total number of faults
Fault coverage is linked to the quality of a manufacturing process, which is expressed by
the yield, and the quality of a the testing process, which is expressed by the reject rate,
by the following relation [130]:
From this equation, we can show that a SoC with 40 cores, each having 90% fault coverage
and 90% yield, could result in a reject rate of 41.9%, or 419,000 PPM. As a result,
improving fault coverage can be easier and less expensive than improving manufacturing
yield because making yield enhancements can be costly. Therefore, generating test stimuli
with high fault coverage is very important.
Figure 3: Explosion of test data volume.
Unfortunately, structural testing has its own limitations too. Fault models are used
as an abstraction description of possible defects on a given design structure.
• A single fault model cannot cover all possible defects. To overcome this limitation,
industry uses multiple fault models.
• Even when defects can be modeled by a fault model, sometimes it is impossible to
get 100% fault coverage due to testability limitations caused by either the structure
of the CUT or by the way the test is conducted (undetected faults1 ).
Beside the quality enhancement of structural testing methods that indirectly reduce test
cost, new testing techniques should also consider the classical test cost factors. Since,
the market demands require faster and denser ICs over the years, these basic cost factors
have been stressed by the new dense and complex integration technologies. These fac-
tors are the cost and the limitations of ATEs, the time required to perform testing and
unpredictable human factors.
Equipment Cost: The major contributor to the cost of testing is the cost of the ATEs.
As devices continue to grow more complex, the test capabilities need to be constantly im-
proved. Also, the speed of the ATE is required to increase because constant device scaling
since the mid-1980s has pushed the device speeds signi cantly higher. Manufacturers are
constantly looking for low-cost ATEs that can reliably test complex and high-speed device
1 An undetectable fault occurs where there is no test to distinguish the fault-free circuit from a faulty
during high-volume production testing.
ATE Limitations: The ever-increasing number of gates results in an ever-increasing
number of test patterns. The 2007 ITRS test report [2] predicted that the test-data
volume for integrated circuits will be as much as 38 times higher and the test-application
time will be about 17 times larger in 2015 than it was in 2007. Figure 3 captures this
trend. While test data increase, the previous ATEs generations cannot cope with the
demanding memory and CUT/ATE communication requirements. All these result to the
following ATE limitations:
• Bandwidth limitations between Workstation/ATE: the test patterns need to be up-
loaded from the workstation to the ATE memory. Limited data bandwidth between
workstation/ATE may stall this process from several tens of minutes to hours [40].
While ATE remains idle, the cost of test increases [116].
• ATE memory limitations: New generation ATEs with the required memory may not
be available (or may be very expensive). Test data are truncated to t the memory,
resulting to quality degradation [40].
• Bandwidth limitations between ATE/CUT: To apply the test patterns at the CUT,
they need to be trasnfered from the ATE (where they are stored) to the CUT.
Additionally, the responses must pass from the CUT to the ATE in order to be
analyzed. The bandwidth of the channels between ATE/CUT are limited. The
above process may increase dramatically test time and consequencly test cost [116].
Production Test Time: Apart from the cost of ATEs, large test application time is a
major factor for increased test costs. Typically, test time for wireless devices ranges from
a few seconds to a few minutes. During production, when millions of devices are tested,
even such apparently small test times can create a bottleneck. Suppose, for example,
that a device test time required during production is 60 seconds. Therefore, the number
of devices that can be tested is 1440 per day (= 24 × 3600=60). Considering that 10
ATEs are used, then to release a million devices to the market requires 70 days. This
clearly shows that a small reduction in test time can increase the throughput signi cantly.
Therefore, there is a constant need in the test community to reduce production test time.
Production test time is a ected by many factors, such as the time needed to design the
tests (by the test engineer), the time required for the equipment (handlers and probers)
to prepare the environment for the test, the Test Application Time (TAT), which is the
time needed to excite the CUT with the test stimuli and get the responses.
Human factor: Additional costs come from engineering errors or other human factors.
For example, an improperly designed IC or a bug in the test program can signi cantly
increase the time required to release a product. This can cause the manufacturer to loose
signi cant market share for that product. Such factors can be fatal for small businesses,
and the success of the manufacturer relies heavily on the test process.
In general, all the above limitations (except human factor) stem from the same reason:
the increasing amount of test data (stimulus and response data) [114, 116]. The
Figure 4: DFT test point
test cost solution to this problem is to often upgrade ATEs, but this solution is very
impractical and extremely costly to be adopted by companies. The necessity to overpass
this dead end, decrease test cost and handle the increased complexity of new integration
technologies, motivated the consideration of testing during the early life of manufacturing
ICs: the design. It was the dawn of Design for Testability (DFT).
Test engineers usually have to construct test vectors after the design is completed. This
invariably requires a substantial amount of time and e ort that could be avoided if testing
was considered early in the design ow to make the design more testable. As a result,
integration of design and test, referred to as design for testability (DFT), was proposed
in the 1970s.
To test the structure of ICs, we need to control and observe logic values of internal
nodes. Unfortunately, some nodes in sequential circuits can be very dicult to control
and observe; for example, activity on the most signi cant bit of an n-bit counter can
only be observed after 2n−1 clock cycles. Testability measures of controllability and/or
observability were rst de ned in the 1970s [34] to help nd those parts of a digital circuit
that will be most dicult to test and to assist in test pattern generation for fault detection.
Many DFT techniques have been proposed since that time [74]. DFT techniques generally
fall into one of the following three categories: (1) ad-hoc DFT techniques, (2) scan design,
or (3) built-in self-test (BIST).
Ad-hoc methods were the rst DFT techniques introduced in the 1970s. The goal was to
target only those portions of the circuit that would be dicult to test and to add circuitry
to improve the controllability or observability. Ad-hoc techniques typically use test point
insertion to access internal nodes directly. An example of a test point is a multiplexer
inserted to control or observe an internal node, as illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 5: Adding test points at a sequential circuit.
In scan design [28] external access is provided at the storage elements of ICs in order
to increase their controllability and observability. The modi ed storage elements are
commonly referred to as scan cells. Once the capability of controlling and observing
the internal states of a design is added, the problem of testing a sequential circuit is
transformed into a problem of testing combinational logic, which is an easier task. Figure
5 presents the re-designing of D ip- ops for a sequential circuit to scan cells. Widely
used scan cell designs are: muxed-D scan cell, clocked-scan cell [74], and level-sensitive
scan design (LSSD) cell [26, 28].
In order to save I/O pins, the scan cells are connected into multiple shift registers,
called scan chains. A typical scan design, with a single scan chain, is presented in Figure
6. Scan design accomplishes this task by replacing all selected storage elements with
scan cells, each having one additional scan input (SI) port and one shared/additional
scan output (SO) port. By connecting the SO port of one scan cell to the SI port of
the next scan cell a scan chain is created. This way a sequential CUT is transformed
into a combinational circuit. The control points of the combinational circuit are called
pseudorandom primary inputs (PPIs) and the observable points are called pseudorandom
primary outputs (PPOs). The selection between operations of a typical scan design (scan
or normal operation modes) is controlled by a scan enable (SE) signal. Testing based on
scan design is called scan testing and is conducted as follows:
Figure 7: BIST scheme.
• During the scan mode (when SE=`1'), the scan chain is used to shift in (or scan in)
a test vector to be applied to the combinational logic.
• During one clock cycle in the system mode (when SE=`0' and it is also called capture
mode) of operation, the test vector is applied to the combinational logic and the
output responses are clocked into the ip- ops.
• Also in scan mode, the scan chain is used to shift out (or scan out) the combina-
tional's logic output response to the test vector while shifting in the next test vector
to be applied.
Built-in self-test (BIST) was proposed around the 80s [84, 103, 104]. The basic idea is to
integrate a test-pattern generator (TPG) and an output response analyzer (ORA) together
with the CUT in order to perform testing internal, as illustrated in Figure 7, without any
need of external tester. Since an external tester is not required, BIST reduces considerably
test cost. However, there are many challenges in making a design BIST-ready: ecient
logic BIST structures must be integrated that should achieve high test quality. However,
there are di erent ecient BIST architectures [32, 33, 113] based on the nature of the logic
inside the CUT. A constant problem remains the automation of the BIST-architecture
design with the ICs design without impacting the overall product schedule. In [40] it was
shown that with automation of the designing process and with constant upgrade of this
automation, BIST can become viable for large industrial designs.
Test Resource Partitioning (TRP) is a DFT approach for highly dense ICs that decreases
test cost by easing the burden of outdated ATE systems. TRP focuses on transferring
test functionalities from the ATE towards the CUT. The basic idea is to compress large
volumes of test data to small test sets that t in the memory of an ATE and they are
based on a hybrid scan design/built-in-self-test (BIST) approach. The test data are stored
on the ATE in a compressed form downloaded at the CUT where they are decompressed
and applied. After their application, the responses are compressed on the CUT before
they are sent back to the ATE in compressed form.
Figure 8: Test Resource Partitioning Architecture
Figure 8 presents the general TRP architecture. The compressed form of test vectors
stored into the ATE are called test data. The size of test data, which is the amount of
memory required to store the test data on ATE, is called Test Data Volume (TDV). During
testing, the test data are transferred through the low-bandwidth ATE/CUT channels to
the CUT where they are decompressed on-chip by embedded decompression architectures.
The test vectors are shifted into the scan chains setting the CUT into a predetermined
internal state. Afterwards, the CUT is let to operate normally and the response is captured
into the scan chains. Then, the procedure starts over, but now with the decompression
of the next vector. During the shift-in of the next vector, the responses of the previous
vector already contained into the scan chains are shift-out towards the TRC where a
unique signature for them is created. Signatures are shifted out towards the ATE, where
they are compared against fault-free signatures.
The amount of ATE's participation in the testing procedure is the key of categorizing
a compression TRP technique. Thus, there are two categories of TRP techniques:
• Test Set Embedding (TSE): long pseudorandom sequences are generated on-chip
with minimum interaction with the ATE. TSE techniques have small ATE's mem-
ory requirements but they impose large hardware overhead on the embedded de-
compression architectures and long TAT.
• Test Data Compression (TDC): compression codes, such as statistical, the Run-
length, the Golomb, the Frequency-Directed Run-length (FDR) coding, the Hu man
code, are utilized to compress the test data. These methods occupy relatively small
ATE's memory space, which however is higher than that of TSE techniques, and
they also require more frequent usage of the ATE/CUT channels. On the other
hand the hardware overhead of the decompressors is very low and the TAT is very
TRP techniques are further categorized based on the nature of both the compression
code and decompression logic used. There are TRP techniques based on:
Figure 9: ITRS'07 compression prediction requirements
• Compression codes (code-based): the Golomb [41], the Hu man [42], the Run-length
etc [6, 12, 14, 15, 35, 45{47, 53{56, 56, 67, 69, 72, 82, 91, 99, 106, 107, 123, 132{134].
• Linear decompressors (linear-based): Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs), Ring
generators etc [7, 39, 51, 58, 60, 62, 63, 75, 98, 108, 117].
• Broadcast schemes: pseudorandom values broadcasted simultaneously into the scan
chains [36, 66, 76, 83, 95, 100, 102, 105, 119, 120].
Commercial tools for test compression are also available [5, 59, 88]. The most widely TRP
techniques are based on linear decompressors.
Figure 9 depicts the trajectory in compression requirements of contemporary TRP
methods in order to cope with the upcoming explosion of test data. The y -axis, which is
the compression requirements between 2007 and 2015, shows the ratio of uncompressed
test data to compressed test data. Since, the existing TRP techniques cannot achieve
those compression requirements, new TRP techniques are needed.
The eciency of TRP's compression is achieved so far, by exploiting only one out of
two properties of the test vectors. Speci cally, the test vectors consist of logic values `0',
`1' as well as unde ned values `x'es. The unde ned values can be any logic value (`0'
or `1') without a ecting the stimulation of the fault that the test vector was generated
for (unde ned values `x'es are also refered as don't cares or unspeci ed values, and logic
values `0' and `1' are refered as de ned or speci ed values in the literature). When a
vector contains unde ned values it is called test cube. The ratio between speci ed and
unspeci ed values of a test set is called ll rate. The two properties that TRP techniques
exploit to o er compression are the low ll rate of the test sets (the large amount of
unspeci ed values `x'es) and the correlation of the speci ed values that stem from CUT's
structural correlation [110]. Linear-based methods exploit the unspeci ed values, while
code-based techniques exploit the correlations. There is not such technique, so far, that
exploits both these properties for compression [110].
During the last years we have witness a tremendous change in the industry's target group,
since individuals, and not corporations and government agencies, are nowadays the main
consumers of semiconductors. During this era the demands for testable low-power mo-
bile devices have been increased dramatically. Nowadays we can nd mobile Internet
devices (MIDs), personal digital assistants (PDAs) and smartphones which are mobile
multimedia-capable devices with wireless Internet access: \supercomputers of older eras
in consumers' \pockets". The manufacturing of these portable computing devices became
reality because of the huge density and speed of contemporary ICs. During these years
we also witnessed the transformation of testing ICs to low-power testing ICs.
Density and speed of ICs have increased exponentially for several decades, follow-
ing a trend described by Moore's Law. The original version of Moore's law states that
transistor density doubles every 18-24 months. Although Moore's law still holds true,
Dennard scaling [27] does not. Dennard scaling is the observation that as transistors get
smaller, the power used by each transistor shrinks. Unfortunately, the shrinking factor
(although it still holds true) is not fast enough to cope with the increase in the number
of integrated transistors and as a result, the overall circuits' power demands have been
increased. Consequently, in the post-Dennard era contemporary ICs with billions of tran-
sistors are underclocked because of two reasons: a) to dissipate less power in order to
extend the battery life of mobile devices and b) to dissipate the power without violating
the power dissipation limits that result to overheating.
In the past the higher integration level from era to era was followed by an increase
in the operational frequency and so the TAT per transistor was decreasing. As shown in
Figure 10 the operational frequency of contemporary ICs tends to saturate the last years
breaking the frequency prosperity. This seems an inevitable e ect as long as the material
limits have been reached and there are not any other material level technologies to ll this
gap. Manufacturers no longer provide a processors' power consumption characteristic but
they provide the Thermal Design Power (TDP) which is the maximum amount of power
that can be dissipated. Contremporary processors (like Ivy Bridge which is Intel's 22nm
series) exhibit TDP at the range of [35 - 130] Watts. The TDP limitation on the amount
of power that a chip can dissipate introduced additional two testing obstacles:
• The underclocked circuits require more testing time compared to overclocked cir-
cuits. Although, more tests are needed to test higher density technologies compared
to previous technologies, the tests cannot be conducted faster anymore.
• Traditional testing techniques decrease test cost by concurrently targeting as many
Figure 10: Moore's Law in Respect to Transistors Number, Single Thread Performance,
Frequency, Power and Number of Cores
defects as possible, leading thus to elevated test power consumption, which can be
several times higher than that in functional mode [8]. The TDP limits forbid that
because the tested devices might be harmed or tests may fail their purpose.
Power unaware testing techniques cause the circuit to consume much more power in
test mode than in normal mode [10, 30, 44, 81, 85, 97, 138]. It was shown in [138] that test
power can be more than twice the power consumed in normal functional mode. Specif-
ically, some reasons for this gap between normal's and test's mode power consumption
• ATPG tools tend to generate test patterns with a high toggle rate in order to reduce
pattern count and thus test application time. Therefore, the node switching activity
of the device in test mode is often several times higher than that in normal mode.
• Parallel testing is often used to reduce test application time, particularly for testing
MCSoCs devices. This parallelism inevitably increases power dissipation during
• Circuitry inserted in the circuit to alleviate test issues is often idle during normal
operation but may be intensively used in test mode. This surplus of active elements
during test also induces an increase of power dissipation.
• Elevated test power can come from the lack of correlation between consecutive test
patterns, while the correlation between successive functional input vectors applied
to a given circuit during normal operation is generally very high [122].
As a result old test practices are deprecated and low power testing techniques are
required. The new techniques ought to be faster than power-unaware testing techniques
and on the same time to handle the power dissipation limits.
5.2 Multi-Core Systems-on-Chips and Intellectual Property Cores
The sustaining of Moore's law growth is essential not only because it o ers prosperity on
almost every aspect of human life but also because it provides payback of the huge capital
investment of semiconductor's industry (an industry with starting capital that overpasses
3 billion dollars). To ll the processing gap of the no-longer-increased operating frequency,
the industry has counter-proposed Multi-Core Systems-on-Chips (MCSoCs). They are
based on exploiting the concurrent processing in order to o er faster systems.
However, MCSoCs require specialized assemble processes that increase test cost. There
is a general agreement with the rule of ten, which says that the cost of detecting a faulty
IC increases by an order of magnitude as we move through each stage of manufacturing,
from device level to board level to system level and nally to system operation in-the- eld.
Nevertheless, MCSoCs brought not only challenges but also oportunities. Techniques such
as parallel and multi-site testing [37] have been introduced. These techniques exploit
capabilities of new generation DFT-aware test equipments [9, 52] for test resources sharing.
In order for this technology to be ecient, DFT methodologies with reduced pin-count
interface between ATE/CUT are required.
Intellectual Property (IP) cores that usually reside within MCSoCs complicate further
testing. There are two main types of components within an MCSoC: the cores and the user
de ned logic (UDL). A core is a pre-designed, pre-veri ed silicon circuit block that can
be used in building a larger or more complex application on a semiconductor chip. Cores
can perform a wide range of functions (e.g., digital signal processors, RISC processors,
or DRAMs) and can be found in a number of technologies (e.g., complementary metal-
oxide-silicon (CMOS) logic, DRAM and analog circuits). Furthermore, the more complex
cores come in hierarchical compositions (i.e., complex cores comprise a number of simple
cores). Often these cores are products of technology, software, and know-how that are
subject to patents and copyrights. Hence, a core block represents IP that the core builder
licenses to the core user. Therefore, the core user is not always entitled to make changes
to the core and is forced to reuse it as is (as a black box), being knowledgeable only about
the cores functionality, however, not about the implementation details. In addition, while
ICs are delivered to the customer in a manufactured and tested form, cores are delivered
in a range of hardware description levels (soft, rm, and hard). These two fundamental
di erences in uence not only the design of the MCSoCs, but also their testing.
Usually, IP cores are accompanied by pre-computed and pre-compacted test sets i.e.
test sets with high ll rate. The compression eciency of linear-based TRP methods
drops drammatically when they are applied on test sets with high ll rate, because there
are not many unde ned values. On the other hand, although code-based compression
methods are more ecient at compressing test sets with high ll rate, there are not any
industry tools that supports them, because their compression eciency on the test sets
with low ll is moderate.
6 Test Response Partitioning Techniques
In order to o er high compression, TRP techniques usually exploit the following inherent
properties of test cubes (test cubes are vectors consisting of `0', `1' and `x' values):
1) The correlation between the speci ed `0', `1' values that stems from the structural
correlation of faults [110],
2) The large amounts of unspeci ed (`x') values.
Code-based techniques exploit the correlations between the speci ed values, while linear-
based techniques exploit the large amount of unspeci ed values.
The most widely adopted linear-based method is that of reseeding LFSRs [58, 60, 61].
LFSR reseeding exploits the low ll rate of test cubes. In [79] ring generators were
proposed as an alternative to classical LFSRs and in [88] embedded deterministic test
(EDT) was presented. Other well known techniques have been presented in [3, 8, 22,
23, 90, 109, 136, 137]. However linear-based methods do not exploit the high correlation
between test cubes' speci ed bits. In addition, they are ine ective for testing IP-cores
which are usually accompanied by pre-computed and pre-compacted test sets. The main
idea behind LFSR reseeding is to exploit the low density of speci ed bits in the test cubes
(i.e., test patterns with 'x' logic values) in order to compress test cubes into LFSR seeds.
A seed is computed by solving a system of linear equations, where the initial state of each
LFSR cell is considered to be a binary variable. Although there are many LFSR reseeding
techniques, each technique falls in one of the following categories: a) static reseeding or
b) dynamic reseeding. In static LFSR reseeding the contents of the linear decompressor
are ushed during reseeding, while in dynamic approaches they are not ( ushed).
Many TRP techniques have been proposed that are suitable for cores of known struc-
ture [7, 38, 39, 50, 60, 75, 89, 111, 115, 131]. The high eciency of these techniques is
mainly attributed to the exploitation of the capabilities o ered by the ATPG and fault
simulation tools during the compression process. However, in the case of IP cores, where
the structure of embedded cores is hidden from the system integrator, the utilization
of such tools is not an option. The only option provided in these cases is to directly
compress a pre-computed and usually pre-compacted test set which is provided by the
core vendor. As a result, various methods have been proposed so far for compressing
pre-computed test sets of IP cores. Among them, many methods utilize linear decom-
pressors [3, 62, 63, 63, 65, 98, 117, 124] whereas others utilize various compression codes
[14{16, 35, 45, 53{56, 82, 94, 106, 107, 120]. Although, these techniques are ecient for
compressing pre-compacted test sets of IP cores, they are less ecient for cores of known
structure. Also, there are also methods that do not belong in any of the above categories,
e.g., [70] and [90]. Commercial tools have also been developed [5, 59, 88].
The next sections present, brie y, some of the most popular TRP techniques: the
classical static LFSR reseeding, the window-based LFSR reseeding, the dynamic/partial
LFSR reseeding, and the Optimal Selective Hu man (OSH) code-based technique.
Figure 11: Classical LFSR-based decompression architecture
In static reseeding, test cubes are encoded into seeds, and every seed is loaded into a
Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) before decompression begins. Static reseeding,
in its classical form, uses one new initial LFSR state (seed) for encoding a single test
cube of the test set [58]. The major drawback of this approach is that it o ers limited
compression. Many other static LFSR reseeding methods have been proposed in the past
[45, 51, 62, 63, 75, 108, 117] which o er better compression than [58]. A particularly
ecient approach is window-based reseeding [51], where each seed is used to generate
more than one test vector i.e., each seed is expanded into a window of test vectors.
Figure 12: Classical LFSR reseeding example
During r successive clock cycles, m × r linear expressions are generated at the outputs
of the phase shifter, and each one of them corresponds to one of the m × r scan cells.
Thus, each bit of a test cube corresponds to exactly one linear expression. Every linear
expression corresponding to a speci ed bit of a test cube is set equal to that bit, and in
this way the system of linear equations is formed (the unspeci ed bits of the test cubes
are not considered during this step). The solution of this system is the seed of the LFSR.
The system with the maximum number of linear equations corresponds to the test cube
with the maximum number of speci ed bits, smax , which in turn determines the minimum
required LFSR size. As it was shown in [58], if the LFSR size n is equal to smax + 20,
then the probability of not being able to solve the linear system for encoding a test cube
is less than 10−6 . However, LFSR polynomials with size less than smax + 20 exist, which
can compress all test cubes [12].
Example 1. Figure 12 presents a reseeding example. On the upper left corner of the gure
there is the test cube to be encoded, while under it there is the utilized LFSR. At the
left of the LFSR there are the clocks numbered and the symbolic states of the LFSR,
presented line-by-line for each cycle though symbolic simulation (the terms i j : : : k at
the symbolic simulation are used to denote the values 1 ⊕ j ⊕ : : : ⊕ k , where ⊕ is the
XOR logic function). Suppose that a scan chain is directly loaded with the contents of
the last cell of the LFSR. The contents of the scan chain for each cycle can be seen at
the right of the LFSR. By applying the test cube on this symbolic representation of the
scan chain's contents and equalizing its de ned bits with the symbolic representations,
we form the linear system. The solution of this system is the LFSR's seed that generates
the encoded test cube. Notice that the number of equations that form the linear systems
strongly depends to the number of speci ed bits of the test cube.
6.1.2 Window-Based LFSR Reseeding
According to the classical LFSR reseeding, every seed is used for encoding a single test
cube. The achieved compression in this case is moderate, since usually in a test set there
are many test cubes with fewer speci ed bits than the bits of the maximum speci ed test
cube. As a result, a lot of variables remain unspeci ed when the corresponding systems
are solved, and therefore much of the potential of LFSR's encoding is wasted.
Various methods have been proposed for better utilization of LFSR's variables, [60,
88, 117, 135] to name a few. A very attractive one is to utilize the same seed for encoding
more than one test cube in a sequence of L pseudorandom vectors. In other words, each
seed is expanded into a window of L vectors, instead of one. The number of test cubes
encoded in the window is usually much smaller than L, which means that useless vectors
are also applied to the CUT. This approach is very e ective since for every test cube, L
(and not just one) systems of equations are constructed, and among the solvable systems,
the one resulting in the highest compression is selected. In other words, each test cube is
encoded in such a way so as to maximize the overall encoding eciency. There are many
ways to encode multiple test cubes in an L-vector window. One very e ective algorithm
for minimizing the number of seeds is the following [25, 49]: initially, the test cube with
the highest number of speci ed bits is selected and the system corresponding to the rst
vector of the window is solved (the selection of the LFSR polynomial and the phase shifter
guarantees that this system is always solvable). The remaining test cubes are selected
iteratively according to the following criteria:
• Among the solvable systems that correspond to the test cubes containing the max-
imum number of speci ed bits, we identify those that their solution leads to the
replacement of the fewest variables in the L-vector window.
• Among them, we nd those corresponding to the cube that can be encoded the
fewest times in the window.
• Finally, among them we select the system nearest to the rst vector of the window.
After solving the selected system, some of the variables are replaced by logic values,
whereas the rest remain unspeci ed and they are utilized for encoding additional test
cubes. The construction of a seed is completed when no system for any of the unencoded
test cubes can be solved in the L-vector window. Although, test set embedding techniques,
such as window-based LFSR reseeding, can achieve high compression eciency they su er
from long test sequences.
Dynamic reseeding methods [59, 60, 88] constitute another class of methods that o er
high compression. In these approaches the content of the linear decompressor are not
ushed during the reseeding and as a result any remaining unsolved variables inside the
decompressor can be still exploited for compression.
As we mentioned for classical LFSR reseeding in Section 6.1.1, and we highlight again
source: [60]
in Figure 13a, an r-bit LFSR is loaded with an r-bit seed and then generates the desired
test vectors. Afterwards, it ushes its contents and it is being loaded with a new r-bit seed
etc. This kind of reseeding results into wasted variables because the size of the LFSR r
depends on the number of bits smax of the most speci ed test cube in a test set. Dynamic
LFSR reseeding is shown in Figure 13(b). Note that an extra XOR gate is included in
the feedback of the LFSR. The LFSR of the gure has only one input and loads serially
the seeds on it. The initial r-bit seed it used to initialize the LFSR and it is let to operate
and generate the generated test vector. Afterwards, instead of ushing its contents, it
dynamically (the term dynamic used by [60] to denote \without ushing") loads the next
n-bit seed (where n < r; from this property stems the term partial LFSR reseeding and
it was rst introduced by [135] with the term variable-length seeds ) without ushing. As
a result any unresolved variables from the previous r-bit seed remain active in the LFSR
and may be utilized in a later phase. The next generated vector can now exploit any
unresolved variables from previous seeds together with the newly inserted n-bit seed.
The contents of an LFSR that is dynamically and partially reseeded may be symbol-
ically simulated in a similar way with the symbolic simulation of static LFSR reseeding.
An example of the new symbolic simulation procedure and linear systems forming is il-
lustrated in Figure 14. However, there is a di erence between the symbolic simulation of
static and dynamic reseeding. The symbolic simulation for dynamic reseeding is a very
time consuming process because the linear equations for the test cubes need to be solved
altogether [60]. As a result, dynamic reseeding may not be scalable to large designs unless
proper actions are taken. To this end [60] proposed a test set partitioning method which
provides sub-optimal results but reduces the CPU time of dynamic reseeding symbolic
simulation and linear equations solving. The reported CPU times at [60] are in the order
of hours (on CPUs of that time) when the partitions consist of hundreds of test cubes. In
the experiments presented in this dissertation and concern dynamic LFSR reseeding we
source: [60]
have not implemented this partitioning technique as we intended to provide the most fa-
vorable results in terms of compression for dynamic reseeding. Nevertheless, even for our
largest benchmark circuit, \Ethernet" with 10 thousands of test cubes from the IWLS [1]
benchmarks suite, the CPU run-times for forming and solving the equations of dynamic
LFSR reseeding without the partitioning technique of [60] are in the order of hours (on
contemporary CPUs).
Code-based schemes use data compression codes to encode the test cubes. This involves
partitioning the original data into symbols, and then replacing each symbol with a code
word to form the compressed data. To perform decompression, a decoder simply converts
each code word in the compressed data back into the corresponding symbol. Code-based
compression techniques are classi ed depending on whether the symbols have a xed
or variable size (symbols have the same of di erent numbers of bits respectively) and
whether the codewords have a xed or variable size. Therefore, four categories follow:
xed-to- xed [91, 133], xed-to-variable [6, 45, 46, 54, 69, 72, 99, 134], variable-to- xed
[47, 123, 132] and variable-to-variable[12, 14{16, 53, 55, 56, 67, 82, 106, 107].
The rst data compression codes that researchers investigated for compressing scan
vectors encoded runs of repeated values. In [46, 47] a scheme based on run-length codes
that encoded runs of repeated `0' values using fxed-length code words is proposed. In
Table 1: Test Set Partitioned to Data Blocks and Distinct Blocks' Frequencies
Test Set T Distinct Blocks Occur. Freq.
1010 0000 1010 1111 1010 9/20
1111 0000 1010 0001 0000 5/20
1010 0000 0010 1010 1111 3/20
0000 1010 1010 0000 0001 2/20
1010 1111 1010 0001 0010 1/20
[14] a technique based on Golomb codes that encodes repeated values with variable-
length codewords is presented. The use of variable-length code words allows ecient
encoding of longer runs, although it requires a synchronization mechanism between the
tester and the chip. Further optimization is achievable by using frequency-directed run-
length (FDR) codes [15, 16, 29] and variable-input Hu man codes [35, 45, 53, 54, 56],
which customize the code based on the distribution of di erent run lengths in the data.
Other techniques that utilize other compression codes or multiple codes simultaneously
are [6, 82, 106, 107, 132].
Code-based schemes are very e ective in exploiting correlations in test cubes and
they do not depend on the Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) process used.
Consequently, they are very e ective on pre-computed (and usually pre-compacted and
densely speci ed) test sets for Intellectual Property (IP) cores. However, they su er from
several serious drawbacks that prohibit their use in industrial designs: they do not exploit
the low ll rate of test cubes; they impose long testing times as they cannot exploit the
large number of scan chains; they require extensive interaction with the tester.
source: [54]
generated, and a weight equal to fi is assigned to it. The pair of nodes with the smallest
weights is selected rst and a parent node is generated with a weight equal to the sum
of the weights of both nodes. This is repeated iteratively, until the root is left unselected
(each node can be selected only once). After the tree is constructed each leaf node is
assigned a codeword as follows: starting from the root, all nodes are visited once and the
logic `0' (`1') value is assigned to each left (right)-child edge. The codeword of block bi is
the sequence of the logic values of the edges on the path from the root to the leaf node
corresponding to bi .
Example 2. Consider the test set of Table 1 and that m = 3, that is 0001 and 0010 are
the unencoded blocks. The sum of the occurrence frequencies of 0001 and 0010 is equal
to 2=20 + 1=20 = 3=20. The OSH encoding as well as the compressed test set are given in
Figure 15. The encoding distinct blocks 1010, 0000 and 1111 are encoded by codewords
0, 10 and 110 respectively. The unencoded data blocks are distinguished by the the 3-bit
codeword 111. Finally, the number of bits for the compressed test data is 42 bits (from
the nested Table of Figure 15), while the uncompressed test data were 80 bits (from Table
Despite the fact that there are many blocks in a test set consisting mostly (or even
entirely) of `x' values, each and every one of them has to be encoded using a separate
codeword. As a result even if a test was fully speci ed still many bits would be required
for its encoding. Assume that the test set of Table 1 was fully unspeci ed. Then 20
bits (1 bit per block) would be the size of the compressed test set by the OSH method.
It becomes obvious that although, the selective Hu man code [45], [54] o ers low cost
decompressors and high compression at the same time, it can not be used for industrial
applications because it cannot exploit the unspeci ed values in the test sets. Another
important drawback is that it requires a synchronization mechanism between the ATE
and the CUT.
Figure 16: A Ring Generator
Embedded Deterministic Test (EDT) was proposed in [88] and it is constantly being
enriched with new properties since then. So, it is a collection of tools and methods to
create a successful embedded testing architecture based on a modi ed LFSR called ring
Similar to linear-based approaches, ring generators are based on prime LFSR poly-
nomials. Usually (if not always), prime polynomials XOR taps synthesis result to high
fan-outs of the decompressors and as a result slow decompression feedback operation. In
[79] a transformation method was presented of an LFSR to a more synthesizable-friendly
form with XOR's fan-out maximum value of 2. In Figure 16 a ring generator is presented.
Figure 17 illustrates the basic EDT architecture:
• Compressed data are provided to the ring generator [79] from the ATE.
• The pseudorandom test sequences generated by the ring generator are shifted by
the Phase Shifters [4, 43, 73, 79, 86, 87] and then ll the scan chains.
Every generated vector of length L is loaded into the scan chains as K slices of S size
each where S is also the number of the scan chains and L = K × S .
EDT utilizes dynamic/partial reseeding on ring generators. Symbolic simulation for
dynamic reseeding requires all the variables to be handled together (see Section 6.2). This
is a bottleneck for the execution time and it was handled by [60] with a partitioning of
the test set. But, the original algorithm of EDT proposed in [88] is not applied on a pre-
computed test set, so this partitioning is not feasible. So, EDT has adopted a variable's
elimination strategy to handle this bottleneck. Moreover, variable elimination exploits
contemporary ATE's REPEAT command [118]. Suppose that variables are injected from
a channel between the ATE and the ring generator. Any unresolved variable is decided
if it will be eliminated (the elimination is to be set to `1' or `0' for symbolic simulation
scaling reasons) or not based on some criteria (Variables Elimination criteria). Some,
criteria are based on pro les on the number of speci ed bits of the test cubes (Non-
Adaptive Variables Elimination) or ad-hoc criteria during the compression based on the
remaining free variables (Adaptive Variables Elimination). In order not to compromise the
compression by this approach, ATE's REPEAT command is exploited and the eliminated
variables are set to the previous value that was injected from the same channel. This
way the compression tool of EDT overpasses the bottleneck of handling all the variables
together and also becomes applicable in synergy with ATPG and fault simulation.
EDT uses fault simulation after the generation of a test pattern in order to drop
any easy-to-detect faults (faults with test cubes that have few speci ed values and are
randomly tested). The ATPG generates test cubes during the compression (as a result the
compression algorithms gets the next-to-compress test cube directly from the ATPG tool).
This interaction between ATPG/compression-tool can maximize compression, especially
for N -detection test sets, because faults are directly dropped during the fault simulation
step and they are not considered from the ATPG tool for the generation of the next test
various techniques have been developed.
Numerous methods have been proposed in the literature for limiting power consump-
tion during testing, targeting shift power [11, 12, 20, 24, 31, 48, 65, 78] or capture power
[17, 71, 93, 125{129]. In addition, some methods simultaneously target the reduction
of both shift and capture switching activity [13, 57, 68, 92, 96]. These methods can be
further categorized as being either structural [12, 17, 20, 24, 31, 57, 65, 78] or algorithmic
[96, 125, 126] based on their nature. Structural methods interfere with the scan design
architecture by modifying it for low power purposes. On the other hand at the algorithmic
methods there are low power ATPG techniques and test cubes manipulation techniques
[11, 13, 48, 68, 71, 92, 93, 125, 128, 129] also known as X- lling.
Below the most known structural and algorithmic low power testing techniques are
brie y presented.
Even though traditional TDC techniques (like for example [3, 8, 45, 54, 58, 61, 88]) are
very ecient in compressing test data, they become deprecated under power dissipation
limitations. Especially large power demands exhibit the linear decompressors, because
they ll the `X' values pseudorandomly and they increase thus both the shift and cap-
ture power during scan testing. Speci cally, linear decompressors are very e ective in
compressing the test data, they elevate the power dissipation during testing above the
functional power budget of the circuit. A few symbol-based TDC techniques such as
[14{16, 46, 82], inherently o er low shift power but they are not suitable for cores with
multiple scan chains.
To comply with power consumption requirements, linear decompressors which o er
low switching activity during testing have emerged [21, 24, 64, 78]. These techniques
require additional data to control the switching activity. Speci cally, the state-of-the-art
low power dynamic reseeding [18, 78] utilizes a shadow register to o er low power shift
testing by repeating test data but it requires additional test data compared to EDT [88]
for controlling the low power operation of the decompressor. In [19] selective scan enable
deactivation is used for low capture power and in [112] presents a TDC technique with
narrow ATE-bandwidth requirements. The method proposed in [23] exploits similarities
between test cubes to o er higher compression and utilizes both shadow registers and
scan enable deactivation to generate low power vectors.
Figure 18: Switching Activity caused by Successive Slices
are shifted into the scan chains to reach their respective scan slices (hereafter, the term
test slice tj refers to the test bits of test cube t which correspond to scan slice j with
j ∈ [1; r]. After the last test slice of t (i.e. tr ) is shifted into the scan chains, t is applied
to the CUT and the response is shifted out concurrently with the loading of the next test
vector. Linear decompressors ll `X' values pseudorandomly, and thus they fail to control
the number of incompatibilities between successive test slices.
In Figure 18, every pair of successive test slices exhibits potential bitwise incompati-
bilities, i.e. pairs of successive complementary test bits loaded into the same scan chains.
For example test slices denoted as \Slice Pair A" in Figure 18 are incompatible in the bit
positions corresponding to scan chains 1, 2, c. As the test slices travel through the scan
chains during the scan-in process, every pair of complementary successive test bits causes
transitions on the scan chains which propagate through the combinational logic and cause
switching activity to the CUT. The number of incompatibilities between successive test
slices can be reduced by exploiting the unspeci ed values which exist in large volumes in
test sets. However, linear decompressors ll `X' values pseudorandomly, and thus they
fail to control the number of incompatibilities between successive test slices.
Figure 19: (a) Low power EDT controlled by an additional \update" channel, (b) Low
power EDT controlled by compressed stimuli
shadow register shown in Figure 19 which can hold its contents if it is properly controlled.
Speci cally, instead of generating the rst slice of this group, the ring generator generates
slice Sk and it transfers this slice to the shadow register. This is called UPDATE operation.
During the next k successive clock cycles, the shadow register holds its contents and loads
the scan chains with slice Sk . This is called HOLD operation. The selection between
these two operations of the shadow register requires additional control data which are
either provided directly from the ATE (Figure 19a) or they are encoded as compressed
stimuli (Figure 19b). In both cases the additional cost is considerable especially when the
number of ATE channels is small and the number of slices per vector is large.
Table 2: Fill-Adjacent X-Filling∗
Test Cube Block FA
i 0x. . . x0, 0x. . . x, x. . . x0 00. . . 00
ii 1x. . . x1, 1x. . . x, x. . . x1 11. . . 11
iii 0xx. . . x1 011. . . 11
iv 1xx. . . x0 100. . . 00
*the rightmost bit is loaded rst into the scan chain
simplicity of FA and the reason that it can reduce the overall shift power (both scan-in
and scan-out, as shown in [13]) is the key of its success.
Every two complementary consecutive test bits loaded into a scan chain generate
switching activity as they travel along the scan chain. The FA technique minimizes the
shift power by exploiting the X-bits of the test cubes in order to minimize the volume
of the consecutive complementary test bits loaded into the scan chains as well as the
distance they travel along the scan chains. For instance, consider a CUT with c scan
chains, and assume that the test cube segment Sj = XXX 1XXX 01XX 0XXX 1 has to
be loaded into scan chain j (1 ≤ j ≤ c) from right to left. By applying FA to ll the
Xs, we get the test vector segment Tj = 1111000010001111. Table 2 shows all possible
X- llings produced by the FA technique. The rst column shows all possible blocks of test
bits comprising any test cube segment that consists of n (n ≥ 1) unspeci ed logic values
bounded at the left and/or right by speci ed logic values. The second column shows the
X- lling produced for all these blocks.
8 Conclusions
The wide spreading of Very Deep Sub-Micron (VDSM) Integrated Circuits' (ICs), the
architectural advancements that made possible the construction of Multi-core Systems-on-
Chips (MCSoCs), and the power dissipation limitations imposed by the post-Dennard era
created an explosive mixture for the upcoming manufacturing testing technologies. Failure
in sustaining manufacturing testing cost low can make these advancements collapse.
This research has been co- nanced by the European Union (European Social Fund { ESF)
and Greek national funds through the Operational Program \Education and Lifelong Learn-
ing" of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) { Research Funding Program:
Heracleitus II. Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.
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