The aims of this study are to find out types of code switching found in
SkinnyIndonesian24 selected videos on YouTube channel and to analyze the
reasons of using code switching in SkinnyIndonesian24 selected videos on
YouTube channel. Code switching is defined as a kind of bilingualism phenomena
where the speakers have ability to switch from two different languages or more in
utterance and conversation depending on the different circumstances in group or
society. The object of this study is SkinnyIndonesian24 selected videos on YouTube
channel and the data were analyzed through the utterances by using Hoffmann’s
theory for the types and reasons of code-switching used in the videos. The data were
taken from two selected videos in SkinnyIndonesian24 YouTube channel. The first
video is Tahun Terakhir di YouTube | Maaf & Terima Kasih and the second video
is Kesalahan di umur 20. Descriptive qualitative approach used on this study in
order to find out and analyze the data. For the results, the writer found that the types
of code switching in two selected videos in SkinnyIndonesian24 YouTube channel
are classified into as intra-sentential switching, inter-sentential, emblematic
switching, and establishing continuity with the previous speaker. Besides, the writer
identified there are seven reasons of code switching such as to talking about a
particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something (express
solidarity), interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors), repetition
used for clarification, intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor, and
expressing group identity. From those four types and seven reasons, which the most
dominant of code switching found in these videos are intra-sentential switching for
the type and talking about a particular topic for the reason.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan jenis-jenis alih kode yang terdapat pada
video SkinnyIndonesian24 di kanal YouTube yang telah dipilih dan untuk
menganalisis alasan alih kode yang digunakan dalam video SkinnyIndonesian24 di
kanal YouTube pilihan. Peralihan Kode didefinisikan sebagai sejenis fenomena
bilingualism dimana kemampuan penutur untuk beralih dari dua bahasa yang
berbeda atau lebih dalam ucapan dan percakapan tergantung pada keadaan berbeda
dalam kelompok atau masyarakat. Objek penelitian ini adalah video
SkinnyIndonesian24 di kanal YouTube pilihan.dan data dianalisis melalui
percakapan dengan menggunakan teori Hoffmann untuk tipe dan alasan dari alih
kode yang digunakan. Data diambil dari dua video terpilih dari kanal YouTube
SkinnyIndonesian24. Video pertama berjudul TahunTerakhir di YouTube | Maaf &
Terima Kasih dan video yang kedua adalah Kesalahan di umur 20. Pendekatan
kualitatif deskriptif digunakan pada penelitian ini untuk mencari tahu dan
menganalisis data. Sebagai hasilnya, penulis menemukan bahwa jenis alih kode
pada dua video terpilih di kanal YouTube SkinnyIndonesian24 diklasifikasikan
sebagai alih kode intra-kalimat, alih kode antar-kalimat, alih kode simbolik, dan
alih kode membangun kesinambungan dengan pembicara sebelumnya. Selain itu
penulis mengidentifikasi ada tujuh alasan alih kode yang digunakan yaitu untuk
berbicara tentang topik tertentu, mengutip orang lain, menjadi empati tentang
sesuatu (mengekspresikan solidaritas), kata seru (memasukkan pengisi kalimat atau
konektor kalimat), pengulangan digunakan untuk klarifikasi, bermaksud untuk
mengklarifikasi konten ucapan untuk lawan bicaranya, dan mengekspresikan
identitas kelompok. Dari empat tipe dan tujuh alasan tersebut, alih kode yang paling
dominan yang ditemukan dalam video-video tersebut adalah alih kode intra-kalimat
untuk tipe dan berbicara tentang topik tertentu untuk alasannya.
The ability to use two languages can be easily found in daily life, especially
in the community at this time. Where, people used to speak two or more languages
commercial places and also in the media especially in entertaining media. For
example utterances in bilingual school such as “Selamat pagi anak-anak, how are
you today”. This one of code-switching example, it occurs when a speaker switches
language in the middle of the sentences. Therefore, these situations are very
common in our society where people use more than one language within the
utterances. This issue usually occurs in people who have language skills in their
life, and they have ability to communicate in those two languages in the appropriate
Wardhaugh (2006) states that the particular dialect or language that a person
chooses to use on any occasion is a code, a system used for communication between
two or more parties. It means that a person who has bilingual language skills tends
to use code switching in any occassion, which is a system used for communication
the same utterance or conversation.” Thus, code switching occurs when speaker
deliberately changes the language being used, namely by code switching from one
talking alone to be watched online by the audiences and later they will get responses
from the audience in their channel, mostly in the form of comments (Jakpat, 2017).
This channel shows current issues that are discussed by people, especially
teenagers. This channel also uses languages that are currently developing among
teenagers so that is easy to hear and understand. As a result, the code switching
lopez and Andovi da lopez indicates that they are bilinguals in their utterances, to
make their videos content more interactive. Therefore, selected videos content at
Skinnyindonesian24 were taken as the object of this study. It is because there are
many code switchings found in their videos content. Therefore, the title of “An
Channel” was chosen in this study and analyzed by using Hoffmann’s (1991) theory
of Codes Switching.
Based on the background above, the statements of the problem of this study
switching. The writer took the object of the study from SkinnyIndonesian24
YouTube Channel selected videos. The videos that analyzed are Tahun Terakhir di
Youtube | Maaf & Terima Kasih (duration time, 15:12s) was published on June 24,
2020 and Kesalahan di umur 20 (duration time, 18:15s) was published on February
24, 2020. The owners of Skinnyindonesian24 are Andovi Da Lopez and Jovial Da
Then, the limitation of this study focuses on the code switching that used
Based on the statement of the problems above, the goals of the study are:
In order to make the reader easy to understand this study, the writer divides
study, statements of the problem, scope and limitations of the study, goals of the
conduct a study, the right approach needs to be chosen. Data source describes the
object of this study. In the data collection, the steps of collecting data are explained
and the way of presenting and analyzing data described in the data analysis. Chapter
III contains of research methodology such as approach of the study, data source,
data collection, and data analysis. Chapter IV consists of findings and analysis to
the study, this chapter divided in two sections, they are findings of the data and the
results of the data analysis. Chapter V consists of conclusion and suggestion of the
study. It provides the conclusion from the data analysis in Chapter IV and
suggestions for further study to support and develop this research into a better
In this chapter, the writer found previous studies which are related to the
topic of this study about the code-switching as references from the three studies
Utterances in Sarah Sechan Net TV Talk Show Program” that was published in
Tangerang Selatan.The objectives of this study were to identify the types of code
switching by using Hoffmann’s (1991) theory and to explain the functions of code
switching by using Gumprez’s (1982) theory in the Guest Star's Utterances in Sarah
Sechan Net TV program. The writer used qualitative approach in analyzing and
conducting the study. The result of the study showed that there were three types of
code switching used by guest star intra-sentential (22), inter-sentential switches (13)
and emblematic switching (1). Then, it was found that there are five functions of
code switching used by guest star namely addressee specification (29), quotations
English Codes Switching and Code Mixing Used by Maudy Ayunda” that was
published in Yogyakarta. The objectives of this study are to find out the types of
(1991), Ohoiwutun’s (1997) and interference theories. The writer used descriptive
qualitative research method to analyze the data. The result of the study showed that
there were three types of code-switching such as: inter-sentential switching (50),
emblematic switching (5) and establishing continuity with the previous speaker (1)
in two selected videos by Maudy Ayunda. For types of code-mixing found two such
as: intra-sentential switching (54) and intra-lexical code-mixing (7) in both video.
Besides, this research also found that there are six reasons of using code-switching
and code-mixing. Those are talking about particular topic (19), repetition used for
intention of clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor (42), need filling
motive (6), and prestige filling motive (38). This research also found that there are
(in the data of code-switching and code-mixing). Those are interference at the
Third, a study was conducted by Izza (2015) from State Islamic Institute
Tulungagung. The objectives of this study were to know the types and reasons of
used code-switching by used Hoffmann’s (1991) theory. The method of this study
was qualitative method to analyze the data. The result of the study showed that there
were two types of code-switching that used by the teacher in teaching learning
process; they are intra-sentential switching (27) and inter-sentential switching (3).
two categorizes first based on the teacher’s reason. There were three purposes from
cher’s such as to make the students more understand about the material, to help the
teacher to know the students understanding or not in the material and to give feed
back to the students. Second reason was based on Hoffmann’s (1991) theory. The
writer found three reasons from seven reasons, those are interjection (inserting
From those three studies above, the writer concluded the similarities and
differences compare to the writer’s study. The similarity of this study with the first
study are analyzing the same topic and using Hoffmann’s theory for the types of
the first study uses Gumprez’s theory for the reason while it difference from the
writer study. For the similarity of this study with the second study are analyzing the
same topic and using Hoffmann’s theory for the types of code-switching, qualitative
method, video content as the object of study. Besides, the first study uses
Ohoiwutun’s theory for the reason while it difference from the writer study. Last,
the similarity of this study with the third study are analyzing the same topic, using
Hoffmann’s theory for the types of code-switching and qualitative as the method of
study. Besides, the first study uses Hoffmann’s theory for the reason and school
This study reviews some theory related to code-switching. They are the
Hoffmann, YouTube and YouTuber, but also some theories to support this study.
2.2.1 Sociolinguistics
speakers.” It means that sociolinguistic is the study about language that are
above, the writer concludes that sociolinguistic studies about the influence of
sociolinguist concerned with identifying the social functions of language and the
concerned with the way how people in different society speak differently. Based
2.2.2 Bilingualism
languages (Kord et al, 2013). Thus, billigualism is a person use two (or more)
sociologists and policy makers (Kord et al, 2013). Thus, bilingualism is a reality
that occurs in most of the countries, where it consists a person was trained other
language than his native language. Moreover, the spread of globalization leads
the global interdependence and mass communication which often requires the
person ability to function in more than one language. Furthermore, there are
the time when it is initiated and also language ability and fluency that was based
1. Premature bilingualism
before the usual or proper time; too early. It divides into two ways are
teaching the second language starts after teaching the first language. They
also mention the education process is more powerful in the children who
are learnt the two languages consecutively and there are scarcely seen
2. Belated Bilingualism
“The bilingual people are all able to speak in two different languages.”
proficiency. It can be classified into different rates and types such as equal
This is when the person extent one’s skill in each two languages.
This type is when the person’s amount of skill is unequal in the two
individual are faced with the second language before their first language
advantage result is the level of second language skill only developed in same
differ in the way the speaker uses them. Consequently, the writer gives some
People, then, are usually required to select a particular code whenever they
choose to speak, and they may also decide to switch from one code to
another or to mix codes even within sometimes very short utterances and
thereby create a new code in a process known as code-switching. (p. 101)
varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation.” It means
anyone who speaks more than one language chooses between them according to
the juncture or the scope of switching, where language takes place. Those are
1. Intra-sentential switching
2. Inter-sentential switching
language or the other. The different from the previous type, this switching is
not limited to the insertion of one or two words. In addition, this switching
should take place between at least two clauses, which also can be mean two
Example: If you are late for the job interview, işe alınmazsın (You
will not be hired). (English-Turkish)
3. Emblematic-switching
The example above explains that it involved the insertion of a tag from
The last, establishing continuity with the previous speaker is the kind
when one Indonesian speaker speaks in English and then another speaker tries
to respond in English also. Yet, that speaker can also switch again to language
For example:
Speaker 1: I cannot throw it „coz I really love it…
Speaker 2: Correct! You got the point! Kata ‘banget’ adalah
masalahmu sekarang ini.
to Hoffmann (1991) divides that there are a number of possible reasons for
switching (or mixing) from one language with another. Based on this
prefer to talk about a particular topic in one language rather than in another.
The switch involves just the words that the speaker is claiming the quoted
person said. The switch like a set of quotation marks. In Indonesian, those
are good in English, those famous expressions or sayings can be quoted intact
who is talking using a language that is not his native language suddenly wants
switch from his second language to his first language. Or, on the other hand,
he switches from his second language to his first language because he feels
more convenient to be emphatic in his second language rather than in his first
and so on. They have no grammatical value, but speaker uses them quite
better by the listener, he can sometimes use both of the languages (codes) that
repeated in the other code literally. A repetition is not only served to clarify
switching occurs. It means to make the content of his speech runs smoothly
disciplinary grouping are obviously different from the other groups. In other
Nowadays, YouTube is one of the most popular video sharing sites on the
web today which is owned by Google. Founded in 2005, Millions of videos have
been uploaded and shared here, ranging from amateur videos to movie trailers
content includes video clips, music videos, television show clips, short and
documentary films, audio recordings, movie trailers, live streams, and other
content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos.
for YouTube users by marked research firm that found 54.0% of respondents
hundreds of millions people around the world, YouTube and dozens of other free
YouTube could well be the most important educational tool of our time.
Consequently, this is very good news for people in developing and developed
countries who want an education but perhaps could not have afforded it or even
gained access.
appears in videos”. YouTuber usually enjoy sharing their life routines, ideas,
creativities and upload it (Jakpat, 2017). For example; talking about trending
things, and sometimes share their thought about something happening right now
At this time, the term “viral video” or “trending” is common. This refers to
a video that people have liked so much and becomes popular through a viral
process of Internet sharing (Jakpat, 2017). Besides, several people realize that
they can utilize this ability to reach potential customers and have created their
own YouTube accounts for posting advertisements and other marketing videos
especially to earn money. With such numbers of users, codes are easy and often
In this study, the writer used appropriate theories from experts to find out
the types and analyze the reasons of code-switching in selected videos content of
The theories used in this study are Hoffmann’s theory for analyzing types and
presents that there are seven reasons why people switching their language. Those
are such as talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic
In this study, the writer used qualitative approach in conducting his study
and the data were taken from the YouTuber’s utterances and conversations that
method focused on the management of the description. Through this approach, the
The data sources of this study were taken from selected videos that are
gotten from YouTube. The data is limited only in code-switching in English and
Indonesian language. The sources of the data are taken from the YouTube channel
that the writer subscribes which has more than one million subscribers. The users
are Indonesian and have the ability to speak both Indonesia and English. The
Lopez's brothers). The writer took two videos from their YouTube channel playlists,
published on June 24, 2020 (duration time, 15:12s) and Kesalahan di umur 20 was
published on February 24, 2020 (duration time, 18:15s) by downloading each video.
The data of this study were collected from the utterances that are spoken by
1. The first are watching and transcribing, the writer chose one of Indonesian
2. Second are collecting and identifying, the data were collected only by
as in Indonesian-English.
3. Third are marking and highlighting, the writer used the data of transcript taken
Meanwhile, the writer used computer such as laptop or notebook and mobile
phone to download the videos and finding some references that related to this
4. Fourth are listing and analyzing, the writer listed and analyzed the chosen
data in an essay form to explain the types and reasons of code-switching that
This study used descriptive methods as the data analysis, which the writer
took the data from SkinnyIndonesian24 selected videos utterances before. The
writer explained the types and reasons of code-switching in this study. Thus, the
2. Second, the writer classified based on code-switching that the writer found in
3. Third, the writer explained code-switching that the writer found in the videos
4. Finally, the writer provided conclusion of the data that analyzed before in the
form of short essays. Then, after the writer analyzed the type and reason of
code switching that appear on the video utterances, the writer used Sudijono’s
(2006) formula to count the number of types and reasons of code switching
in percentage;
Picture 1
Based on the picture above, the percentage (P) formula is the sum of
the frequency (F) divided by number of cases (N) and multiplied by one
hundred. Next, the writer concluded the highest types and reasons of code
This chapter consists of two main parts, data findings and analysis. As stated
in the previous chapter, this study aims to describe the types and the reasons of used
Andovi Da Lopez and Jovial Da Lopez (Da Lopez Brother). The data obtained is
presented in the findings, while the detail explanation is conveyed deeply in the
sub-chapter analysis.
In this part, the writer would categorize the types of code-switching and
YouTube channel utterances. The first video is entitled Tahun Terakhir di Youtube
| Maaf & Terima Kasih (duration time, 15:12s). Then, the writer made tables for
the video and also the table shows data finding, time, and reasons based on
Hoffmann’s (1991) theory. In addition, the writer also added percentage table for
Then, the writer made tables for showing data finding description in types of code-
switching, which are found on the video and also the table shows data finding, time,
and reasons based on Hoffmann’s (1991) theory. In addition, the writer also added
In this part, there are four tables based on types of code-switching that found
in the video. The table below shows data finding, time and reasons of code-
26. Dan dari berbagai karya tersebut juga ada 13:09s Expressing group
beberapa video branded ya. Oh selalu. identity
Kita ini bukan channel yang relay on
AdSense. Sama sekali enggak. Kita emang
harus relay on sometimes branded, supaya
kita bisa hidup. Dan bikin karya-karya
27. Dan gua bener excited karena kita ada 13:23s Talking about a
berbagai banyak proyek besar. Jadi gua particular topic
akan bikin video lainnya.
28. Channel kita bakal diapain? Gua adalah 13:32s Expressing group
penikmat youtube sejati, gua tau ada identity
berbagai kasus orang yang quit youtube
and look whats happen? Pertama, ada Ray
William Jhonson this is for you old school
people before. Ray William Jhonson
closes three kasih channel nya. Channel
nya masih ada tapi instead of him hosting.
29. Cara kedua adalah Fouseytube. 13:57s Intention of
Fouseytube membiarkan channel dia clarifying the
menjadi wadah untuk siapapun bisa upload speech content for
konten mereka. interlocutor
30. Cara ketiga ada Reza Oktovian yang kasih 14:05s Intention of
kerumah Anyo. Jujur kita gak tau kita mau clarifying the
apain channel kita. Apakah semua video speech content for
dan semua yang kita upload selama interlocutor
sepuluh tahun terakhir kita bakal archieve?
31. Kita berdua mau denger pendapat kalian 14:20s Intention of
channel Skinny dua empat setelah 10 clarifying the
tahun mau di apain silahkan fill it to speech content for
comment. Ini bisa menjadi ide, menjadi interlocutor
Based on the table above, in the first video it was found thirty-one data of
Based on the table above, in the first video it was found fourteen data of
Based on the table above, in the first video it was found three data of
establishing continuity with the previous speaker. It can be seen on the table below.
Based on the table above, in the first video it was found three data of
establishing continuity with the previous speaker. Finally, through the data in the
table 1-4, the writer counted the data and got the percentage of the data by using
Sudijono’s (2006) formula. The percentage of the data based on the types and
Based on the percentage table above, the writer concluded the most types of
code switching occurs in the first video is intra-sentential switching, the second
switching and establishing continuity with the previous speaker. Furthermore, the
switching data of each reason can be seen from the classification on the table below.
Based on the percentage table above, the writer concluded the most
dominant reasons of code switching in the first video is talking about a particular
topic. In the second position is intention of clarifying the speech content for
connectors), repetition used for clarification. Then, the lowest percentage is quoting
somebody else.
In this part, there are three tables based on types of code-switching that
found in the video. The table below shows data finding, time and reasons of
Based on the table above, in the second video it was found thirty-five data
Based on the table above, in the second video it was found thirty-one data
Based on the table above, in the second video it was found five data of
emblematic switching. Finally, through the data in the table 1-3, the writer counted
the data and got the percentage of the data by using Sudijono’s (2006) formula. The
percentage of the data based on the types and reasons of code switching. It can be
Based on the percentage table above, the writer concluded the most types of
code switching occurs in the second video is intra-sentential switching, the second
switching. Furthermore, the switching data of each reason can be seen from the
Based on the percentage table above, the writer concluded the most
dominant reasons of code switching in the first video is talking about a particular
topic. In the second position is intention of clarifying the speech content for
In further, the writer analyzed the data result according to the problem
questions of the study. The analysis was presented based on types of code-switching
by Hoffmann’s (1991) theory, which divided into four types, they are: Intra-
Establishing Continuity with the Previous Speaker. Besides, the writer identified
the reasons of use code-switching that found on the videos by Hoffmann’s (1991)
theory. Those are talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being
clarifying the speech content for interlocutor, and expressing group identity.
sentence. Thus, the above utterance showed that speaker switches one language
solidarity). It can be seen at the middle or end of the sentence, he said "the lead
great Kobe Bryant, Rest in Peace Kobe Bryant". It refers to a public figure
which Andovi admired and also his sorrow about Kobe Bryant as professional
Salah satu hal terbesar kenapa kita ngelakuin ini adalah, motivasi
internal, ketika kita meng-announce bahwa ini adalah tahun terakhir
kita, ini menyalakan sebuah api dalam kita untuk berkarya lagi
sebaik-baiknya. (01:15)
It was because Jovial switching his utterance in the middle of a sentence. Thus,
the above utterance showed that speaker switches one language (Indonesian) to
It refers to farewell in the last year as a topic. The word “announce” means to
several reasons.
So whatsup guys I wanna do, I wanna do apa kabs this should be in,
this should be in… haha. I do wanna apa kabs. (00:01)
It was because Jovial switching his utterance in the middle of a sentence. Thus,
the above utterance showed that speaker switches one language (English) to
seen at the middle of a sentence, Jovial said “Apa kabs” in Indonesia (slang)
language which he repeated his English statement or slogan “So whatsup guys”
Menurut gua, ini sebenernya bukan kesalahan. Menurut gua ini it’s
your journey karena you learn through mistakes, you cannot be a
perfect twenty years old. (01:11)
It was because Jovial switching his utterance in the middle of a sentence. Thus,
the above utterance showed that speaker switches one language (Indonesian) to
for interlocutor. It can be seen at the middle of a sentence, Jovial said “it’s
your journey karena you learn through mistakes”. It referred that Jovial wants
life’s journey. Especially in twenty years old, they will learn through mistakes
Jadi seseorang produser melihat bakat YouTube dan where it will go,
he contacted us yang back then we were top five top ten YouTubers
of Indonesia at the time. (06:37)
It was because Jovial switching his utterance in the middle of a sentence. Thus,
the above utterance showed that speaker switches one language (Indonesian) to
The reason of this utterance is quoting somebody else. It can be seen at the
middle of a sentence which Jovial said “Where it will go, he contacted us”. It
referred Jovial is quoting somebody else in his English statement was about
someone who worked as the movie producer. Therefore, the producer invited
and wanted to recruit him as script writer to make a movie together about
other. The different from the previous type, this switching is not limited to the
insertion of one or two words. In addition, this switching should take place
between at least two clauses, which also can be mean two sentences. This is
seen most often among fluent bilingual speakers. It shows in the following data
Datum 22: Tahun Terakhir di YouTube | Maaf & Terima Kasih (video 1)
I still wanna fight in this resistance guys. Konten Skinny itu selalu
is the resistance. Ini yang lagi nge-trend apa? Kita bikin apa.
boundary. Thus, the above utterance showed that speaker switching his
seen at the second sentence, Jovial said “Konten Skinny itu selalu” and “is the
resistance” in his statement. Thus, the speaker mentions “Konten Skinny” and
and they were as the opposite of trending videos on YouTube. Talking about a
particular topic occurred when the speaker feels free and more comfortable to
express his emotion, opinion and excitement in a language that was not their
everyday language.
Datum 28: Tahun Terakhir di YouTube | Maaf & Terima Kasih (video 1)
Orang gua sampe detik ini. I haven’t known what Kekeyi is. Sampai
detik ini gua belom tonton videonya juga. (09:41)
boundary. Thus, the above utterance showed that speaker switching his
The reason of this utterance is quoting somebody else. It can be seen at the
second sentence, Andovi said “I haven’t know what Kekeyi is”. It refers, Jovial
wanted to quoting somebody else in his English statement was about Kekeyi.
Thus, Kekeyi is the viral YouTuber at that time because her video music entitled
Keke Bukan Boneka brought controversy among the audience and netizens in
Jadi, gua emang dari kecil. I’ve always want to be an actor. (02.57)
boundary. Thus, the above utterance showed that speaker switching his
the second sentence boundary, Jovial said “I’ve always want to be an actor”. It
indicated that Jovial had a big dream to be an actor since he is childhood, which
gets involved in cinematography. This is very rare for children to have dream
boundary. Thus, the above utterance showed that speaker switching his
seen at the end of the sentence boundary, Jovial said “Lo harus membuat jalur
motto “You have to create your own path” in his clarification utterances to
audiences on YouTube.
Satu produser ngasih gua kesempatan untuk nulis skrip film, judul
film itu adalah Jomblo Keep Smile. Title was chosen by the
producer, the story I was. I was twenty three guys I was gua umur
dua tiga. (04.55)
boundary. Thus, the above utterance showed that speaker switching his
the second sentence boundary, Jovial said “Title was chosen by the produser,
the story I was. I was twenty three guys”. It indicated that Jovial had a great
three years old. Where not many young people like him were lucky to get that
Datum 26: Tahun Terakhir di YouTube | Maaf & Terima Kasih (video 1)
Ketika kita mendewasa akan liat deh semua faktor yang bermain di
belakang itu apa dan kalian liat Oh Shit! Ternyata ketidakadilan yang
bermain dibelakang kita, suatu hari kalian akan liat. (09:16)
was because Jovial involved the insertion of a tag from one language (English)
showed that speaker adding a tag in his utterance and then he switched from one
sentence connectors). It was because the speaker adding a tag in his utterance
for the example Jovial said “Kalian liat Oh Shit!” in the middle of a sentence.
Thus means, the word reason is added a tag in the utterance because to convey
strong emotion, surprise or to gain attention from the audience. The word has
no grammatical value, but the speaker used them quite often. Furthermore, it
Mau gak kalian bikin film? Terus, I have a debate, Oh Shit! Wait I
wouldn’t know the movie before that old man. (06.52)
was because Jovial involved the insertion of a tag from one language (English)
showed that speaker adding a tag in his utterance and then he switched from one
sentence connectors). It was because the speaker adding a tag in his utterance
for the example Jovial said “I have a debate, Oh Shit!” Thus means, the word
reason is added a tag in the utterance because to convey strong emotion, surprise
or to gain attention from the audience. The word has no grammatical value, but
the speaker used them quite often. Furthermore, it usually used more in speaking
The last, establishing continuity with the previous speaker is the kind of
when one Indonesian speaker speaks in English and then another speaker tries
to respond in English also. Yet, that speaker can also switch again to language
Datum 11: Tahun Terakhir di YouTube | Maaf & Terima Kasih (video 1)
the previous speaker. It was because Andovi occurred to continue the utterance
English and then another speaker tried to respond in English also. Yet, that
solidarity). It can be seen at the first sentence, Jovial said “So you’re sorry but
you also thankful” and then in the second sentence Andovi said "Gua sorry and
Datum 20: Tahun Terakhir di YouTube | Maaf & Terima Kasih (video 1)
Jovial : It’s also, it’s not the full reason I’m leaving, but some
Andovi : Exactly, Exactly… jadi jangan kalian.
Jovial : Karena gini, kalau if that’s reason why we don’t leave
Andovi : Kenapa kita nggak pergi sekarang? Kalau itu alasan
utamanya. (07:56)
the previous speaker. It was because Andovi occurred to continue the utterance
English and then another speaker tried to respond in English also. Yet, that
for interlocutor. It can be seen at the first sentence, Jovial said “It’s also, it’s
not the full reason I’m leaving, but some factors” and then in the second
sentence Andovi said "Exactly, Exactly… jadi jangan kalian". It referred that
Andovi wanted to clarify his old brother Jovial’s speech is the right reason,
which to give clear information to the interlocutor or their audiences about there
are some factors that made them leaving or retirement from YouTube.
5.1 Conclusion
After data findings and analysis the code switching in two selected videos
types and reasons of used code switching in second video entitled Tahun Terakhir
di YouTube | Maaf & Terima Kasih by using Hoffmann’s (1991) theory. For the
types result, there were found 31 data of intra-sentential switching, 14 data of inter-
continuity with the previous speaker. For the reasons result, the writer identified 14
data for talking about a particular topic, 2 data for quoting somebody else, 11 data
for being emphatic about something (Express solidarity), 3 data for interjection
clarification, 12 data for intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor,
and 6 data for expressing group identity. Besides, the most dominant of code
switching found in this video are intra-sentential switching for the type and talking
Secondly, the writer found 71 data of the types and reasons of used code
(1991) theory. For the types result, there were found 35 data of intra-sentential
and 0 data of establishing continuity with the previous speaker. For the reasons
result, the writer identified 18 data for talking about a particular topic, 4 data for
quoting somebody else, 9 data for being emphatic about something (express
8 data of repetition used for clarification, 16 data for intention of clarifying the
speech content for interlocutor, and 11 data for expressing group identity. Besides,
the most dominant of code switching found in this video are intra-sentential
switching for the type and talking about a particular topic for the reason.
5.2 Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, the writer would like to give a few
suggestions for the readers, the students and the next writer who are interested in
Firstly, the writer would like to suggest the readers to be more concerned in
analyzing codes with other relevant theories in order to make the readers get more
information and increase knowledge about codes and its application that can be
found in community and the reason why people used codes in their utterance
because this kind of study might need various and combined methods for another
should pay more attention to the reason of using code-switching especially in video
contents on YouTube. Moreover, they would be able to deepen the analysis based
Thirdly, the writer hoped this study can enrich not only the writer
knowledge but also the reader knowledge of the language development which
applied in society as sociolinguistics aspect and make the reader be more critical by
understanding code-switching phenomena. Lastly, the writer hoped this study can
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