Et Iso 12567 2 2005
Et Iso 12567 2 2005
Et Iso 12567 2 2005
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ET ISO 12567-2 (2005) (English):
Thermal performance of windows and doors
-- Determination of thermal
transmittance by hot box method -- Part
2: Roof windows and other projecting
,&6; 91.120.10
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This Ethiopian Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Technical Committee for Building
structures and elements of building (TC ϰϭ) and published by the Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA).
The standard is identical with ISO ϭϮϱϲϳͲϮ͗ϮϬϬϱ dŚĞƌŵĂůƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞŽĨǁŝŶĚŽǁƐĂŶĚĚŽŽƌƐͶĞƚĞƌŵŝŶĂƚŝŽŶŽĨ
by /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶĨŽƌ ^tandards (/^K).
For the purpose of this Ethiopian Standard , the adopted text shall be modified as follows.
ͻThe phrase “International Standard” shall be read as “Ethiopian Standard”; and
ͻA full stop (.) shall substitute comma (,) as decimal marker.
STANDARD SO 12567-2:20 (E)
1 Scope
This part of ISO 12567 specifies a method to measure the thermal transmittance of roof windows and
projecting windows.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 12567-1:2000, Thermal performance of windows and doors — Determination of thermal transmittance by
hot box method — Part 1: Complete windows and doors
projecting windows
product, where any glazing layer projects beyond the outside surface of the building envelope
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
roof windows
any framed glazed product installed in a sloped or horizontal building envelope
4 Principle
This part of ISO 12567 is based on a measurement procedure for roof windows and other projecting windows,
in accordance with the procedure specified in ISO 12567-1:2000, except for the deviations specified below:
the window is installed in the surround panel flush to the cold side (insert- or kerb-mounted as shown in
Figure 1), to reflect the installation in practice;
the calibration procedure and the specimen tests shall be carried out at the same orientation;
for practical reasons, vertical mounting of the specimen is acceptable for product declaration purpose.
Although the evaluation of the thermal performance of these types of products will be made for a variety of
reasons, it is important that when measurements are made for purposes of product comparison, they are
carried out at the same orientation.
NOTE For building load or energy calculations, the value may be corrected for the effect of the sloped glazing
position using suitable national procedures.
5.1 General
The construction and operation of the apparatus shall comply with the requirements specified in
ISO 8990:1994 except where modified by ISO 12567-1:2000 and this document.
The test specimen shall be mounted in the surround panel aperture according to the manufacturer's
instructions. If the method of installation of the roof window in the hot box cannot be unambiguously
determined from the manufacturer's installation instructions, the window shall be installed as shown in
Figure 1. Flashings and/or kerb (curb) shall be included as the windows are normally installed (see Figure 1).
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ISO 12567-2:2005(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
1 border of metering area
2 surround panel, O u 0.04 W/(mK)
3 glazing
4 cold side
5 warm side
6 to be sealed with non-metallic tape or mastic material
7 flashing
8 kerb-mounted roof window
9 insert-mounted roof window
Figure 1 — Roof window in surround panel (top part: insert-mounted; bottom part: kerb-mounted)
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
The calibration panels or CTS (calibration transfer standard) shall be mounted in the surround panel aperture
flush with the cold face as shown in Figure 2.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 surround panel
2 boundary effects
3 cold side
4 warm side
5 calibration panel
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
The distance between the baffle on the cold side and the glazing of the test specimen shall not be less than
80 mm, see Figure 3.
For air speeds greater than 2 m/s, the distance between baffle and specimen shall be greater than 80 mm in
order to ensure free stream conditions.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 cold side baffle
2 warm side baffle
3 all surround panel thermocouples located centrally
4 air temperature sensors
5 recommended position of air speed sensor aligned in the centre
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
6 Procedure
6.1 General
The measurement shall be carried out under the conditions specified in ISO 12567-1:2000, except for the
deviations indicated in 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4.
If calibration data for the surround panel thermal resistance Rsur have been already measured according to
ISO 12567-1:2000, the calibration results may be used.
The notation for determination of the environmental temperature for roof or projecting windows according to
the procedure indicated in ISO 12567-1:2000 is given in Figure A.1. For the determination of the heat flow rate
through the edge zone, )edge, between calibration panel and surround panel >ISO 12567-1:2000,
Equation (10)@, values for the linear thermal transmittance of the edge zone, \ edge, are given in Table B.1.
After installation of the test specimen, the air velocity on the cold side shall be adjusted to give the same air
velocity (within r 10 %) as found with the calibration panel, when setting the total surface thermal resistance,
Rs,t. For the determination of )ҏedge, the heat flow rate through the edge zone between test specimen and
surround panel >Equation (10)@, values for the linear thermal transmittance of the edge zone, \ edge, are given
in Table B.2 (insert mounting) and in Table B.3 (kerb mounting).
The specimen area Asp is the area of the aperture in the surround panel.
The result is expressed as given in ISO 12567-1:2000, 6.3. For projecting products, no correction is made for
the effect of the density of heat flow rate, q, on the total surface resistance, Rs,t, as specified in
ISO 12567-1:2000, 6.3.
7 Test report
The test report shall contain the information specified in ISO 12567-1:2000. In addition, the following shall be
b) all details (see Annex C) of how the specimen was installed in the surround panel, including the area of
the specimen Asp, used to calculate the thermal transmittance.
NOTE The thermal transmittance, as measured with the window in the vertical position, may be used for the
purposes of product comparisons. For building load or energy calculations, the value may be corrected using suitable
national procedures.
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
Annex A
Environmental temperature
The concept of environmental temperatures as laid down in ISO 12567-1:2000, Annex A, is used.
A.1 General
In this Annex, the notations shown in Figure A.1 are used.
1 calibration panel or test specimen
2 baffle
T s,cal average surface temperature of the calibration panel, in qC
Tp average surface temperature of the reveal of surround panel (top, side, bottom), in °C
Tb average surface temperature of the baffle, in qC
Tc average air temperature, in qC
d depth of reveal, expressed in millimetres
Figure A.1 — Notation used for environmental temperature Tn in relation to the calibration panel
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
hc T c + hr T r
T n= Fc T c (1 Fc ) T r (A.1)
h c + hr
The convective fraction, Fc, on the warm side and the cold side, shall be derived from the calibration
measurements as a function of the density of heat flow rate, qcal (see example given in Figure C.2).
The mean radiant temperature on the cold side is calculated as an area weighted mean temperature of all
surfaces «seen» by the specimen. lf there is a baffle parallel to the surround panel, then the baffle
temperature may be used as the mean radiant temperature.
For the warm side of the calibration panel or test specimen, an idealised plane area for radiation heat
exchange is assumed (see Figure A.2). The heat exchange is calculated according to ISO 12567-1:2000,
Annex A.
D cb T b + D cp T p
Tr= (A.2)
D cb D cp
D cb h cb T b + D cp h cp T p
Tr= (A.3)
D cb h cb D cp h cp
The radiant heat transfer coefficient, hr, in W/(m2K), is calculated using Equation (A.4):
h r = D cb h cb + D cp h cp (A.4)
where hcb, hcp are the black body radiant heat transfer coefficients calculated using Equations (A.5) and (A.6):
h cb = V ( T cal
2 + 2 )(
T b T cal + T b ) (A.5)
2 + 2 )(
h cp = V ( T cal T p T cal + T p ) (A.6)
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
Dcb,Dcp are radiation factors from the baffle to the calibration panel or window and the surround panel
reveals to the calibration panel or window calculated using ISO 12567-1:2000, Equations (A.8)
and (A.9).
The values of hcb and hcp are calculated from the data set of the calibration panel and can be used for all
specimens with the appropriate cold side temperatures.
View factors depending on the depth of surround panel reveal, d, for the standardised test aperture are given
in ISO 12567-1:2000, Tables A.1 and A.2.
For an aperture size of 1 140 mm u 1 400 mm (width u height), the view factors are given in Table A1.
q cal hr T r - T cal
hc = (A.8)
T c T cal
where qcal is the density of heat flow rate through the calibration panel, in W/m2.
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
Dimensions in millimetres
1 location of temperature sensors on the cold side that can exchange radiation with the test specimen
2 kerb-mounted roof window
3 insert-mounted roof window
4 baffle
5 flashing
Figure A.2 — Notation used for environmental temperatures in relation to the window specimen
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
Annex B
Figures B.1, B.2 and B.3 show the notation used in Tables B.1, B.2 and B.3, respectively, to calculate the
thermal transmittance.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 surround panel
2 calibration panel
3 cold side
4 warm side
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ISO 12567-2:2005(E)
Table B.1 — Linear thermal transmittance, <, for thick glazed calibration panel
Dimensions in millimetres
1 surround panel
2 test specimen
3 cold side
4 warm side
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
Table B.2 — Linear thermal transmittance, <, for insert-mounted test specimens
w d W/(mK)
mm mm Osur = Osur = Osur =
0,030 0,035 0,040
W/(mK) W/(mK) W/(mK)
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
Dimensions in millimetres
1 surround panel
2 test specimen
3 cold side
4 warm side
14 (6$
ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
w d in W/(mK)
mm mm Osur = Osur = Osur =
0,030 0,035 0,040
W/(mK) W/(mK) W/(mK)
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
Annex C
C.1 Calibration test with panel size 1,23 m u 1,48 m (width u height)
Two calibration panels with total thermal resistance of approximately 0,3 (m2K)/W and 1,5 (m2K)/W, and total
thickness of 17 mm and 58 mm, respectively, were used. The panels were built with an insulating core
covered on both sides with 4 mm hardened glass. The calibration panels were installed in a surround panel
made of polystyrene, with a thickness of 240 mm. The measured data are summarized in Table C.1.
The basic data for the calibration panel have been measured in a hot plate apparatus according to ISO 8302.
The measured data are:
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
Table C.2 — Linear thermal transmittance and view factors of the calibration panel
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
The results from the calibration measurements are plotted in Figures C.1 and C.2, The following regression
curves have been derived by least-square fits from the data set:
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
Rsur thermal resistance, in m2·K/W
t surround panel mean temperature, in °C
a Rsur = – 0,080 8 t 8,946 6
Fc convective fraction
q density of heat flow rate q in W/m2
1 cold side
2 warm side
a Fc = 0,000 6 q 0,832 6
b Fc = 0,003 4 q 0,218 2
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
a) Type
b) Frame
c) Glazing
Insulating glass unit (4-16-4 mm) with low-e-coating on surface number 31) (Hn # 0,04) and stainless
steel spacer, argon gas filling, Ug = 1,2 W/(m2K) declared by the manufacturer.
d) Dimensions
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
Dimensions in millimetres
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
Dimensions in millimetres
1 tape
2 surround panel (thickness 150 mm, polystyrene, O = 0,03 W/(m·K)
Figure C.4 — Section of the roof window installed in the surround panel
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
NOTE In accordance with 6.3, the air velocity on the cold side has been adjusted to the air velocity given during the
calibration procedure.
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ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
24 (6$
ISO 12567-2:20 (E)
[2] ISO 8302, Thermal insulation — Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related
properties — Guarded hot plate apparatus
[3] ISO 15099, Thermal performance of windows, doors and shading devices — Detailed calculations
[4] ISO 10077-1, Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters — Calculation of thermal
transmittance — Part 1: General
[5] ISO 10077-2, Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters — Calculation of thermal
transmittance — Part 2: Numerical method for frames
[6] EN 673, Glass in building — Determination of thermal transmittance (U value) — Calculation method
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Organization and Objectives
The Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA) is the national standards body of Ethiopia
established in 2010 based on regulation No. 193/2010.ESA is established due to the
restructuring of Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia (QSAE) which was
established in 1970.
Develop Ethiopian standards and establish a system that enable to
Ethiopian Standards Agency
ƯųŊƵǶƲ ƯƶąljƗŒŵdžŦď
Ethiopian Standards
The Ethiopian Standards are developed by national technical committees which are
composed of different stakeholders consisting of educational Institutions, research
institutes, government organizations, certification, inspection, and testing
organizations, regulatory bodies, consumer association etc. The requirements and/
or recommendations contained in Ethiopian Standards are consensus based that
reflects the interest of the TC representatives and also of comments received from
the public and other sources. Ethiopian Standards are approved by the National
make them competitive in the international market.
Standardization Council and are kept under continuous review after publication and
updated regularly to take account of latest scientific and technological changes.
Orders for all Ethiopian Standards, International Standard and ASTM standards,
including electronic versions, should be addressed to the Documentation and
Publication Team at the Head office and Branch (Liaisons) offices. A catalogue of
Ethiopian Standards is also available freely and can be accessed in from our
ESA has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be
reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of ESA.
International Involvement
ESA, representing Ethiopia, is a member of the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), and Codex Alimentarius Commission (CODEX). It also
More Information?
Contact us at the following address.
The Head Office of ESA is at Addis Ababa.
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