Book of Asesment Info About Waste
Book of Asesment Info About Waste
Book of Asesment Info About Waste
Technical report 96
Prepared by:
Despo Fatta and Stephan Moll
European Topic Centre on Waste and Material Flows
Project manager:
Dimitrios Tsotsos
European Environment Agency
2 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
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ISBN: 92-9167-577-6
2. Main policy questions for the integrated issue of waste and material flows . . 6
2.1. Policy shift from ‘end-of-pipe’ waste management towards integrated
‘sustainable resource management’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2. The link between use of natural resources and the generation of waste 7
2.3. Waste-management policy issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4. Main policy questions with regards to waste and material flows issues . 9
2.5. The EEA’s policy-relevant indicator-based assessment approach . . . . . . 9
4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Introduction and objectives 5
Link between resource input flows and waste output flows Figure 2.1
Output from
stock (end-of-life
vehicles, construc-
tion waste, etc.
Domestic environment
In the above-mentioned policy context, one As consumer society gets wealthier and ever
main task is to identify and implement more productive, the demand for products
specific policy measures that reduce the increases. Coupled with decreasing product
consumption of natural resources for lives, this generates increasing quantities of
example, by changing demand, by improving end-of-life product wastes and associated
the efficiency with which they are used, by mining and manufacturing wastes. At the
preventing the wastage and degradation of same time, many products are becoming
these resources, and by improving the rates more and more complex using a wide variety
at which they are recycled back into the of substances, which can further exacerbate
economy after they have been used. the risks from wastes to our health and the
environment. It is clear that if we continue
The link between the use of natural resources with our current consumption and
on the one hand and the generation of waste production patterns, this will be translated
8 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
‘Old’ ‘New’
‘Bads’ mediate ‘Bads’
(waste, goods (waste,
Inter- emissions, emissions,
mediate etc.) etc.)
In the European Union as a whole, over two Therefore, in order to develop effective
billion tonnes of waste are produced each policies for the future aiming at sustainable
year of which approximately 30 million development and improved waste
tonnes are classified as hazardous. Some management, we have to be able to assess the
50–60 % of the overall solid waste stream is present state, to analyse possible actions and
landfilled, though the proportion of impacts and to provide projections.
Main policy questions for the integrated issue of waste and material flows 9
the Agency and its clients. Development of objectives. Indicators are key tools for linking
such information systems at the same time policy objectives and targets, for
serves as a prerequisite for integrated communicating data priorities to countries
environmental assessment, to be linked to and for communicating complexity in a
policy objectives and targets, and having both simple way for policy-makers and so that the
prospective and retrospective elements. public can understand.
In the past, the EEA and ETCs made some For ETC/WMF this task is still ahead, in
progress towards the development of such particular due to its very recent
multi-purpose information systems. Most establishment and due to the dynamic policy
ETCs have established basic databases and developments towards an integration of
developed preliminary indicator-based sustainable resource use and management of
frameworks for reporting linked to policy waste.
Overview of available assessment tools 11
The core version of the model assumes a 1. The ‘behavioural’ component, which
perfect competition regime for a price represents the effects of different policy
adjustment of markets, in particular for the instruments on the behaviour of the
markets of commodities. Under such a economic agents; for example, additive
perfect competition regime, a single (end-of-pipe) and integrated
representative firm producing a commodity (substitution) abatement.
is considered per sector. The core version of
the model assumes an imperfect competition 2. The ‘state of the environment’ module,
regime only for the labour market. which uses all emission information and
Extensions of the model have assumed that translates it into deposition, air-
some sectors operate under an oligopolistic concentration and damage data.
competition regime. In that case, the single
representative firm (per sector) assumption 3. The ‘policy-support component’, which
is replaced by a consideration of a finite includes representation of policy
number of firms per sector and the instruments related to environmental
corresponding commodity varieties. policy, such as taxation, tradable
Overview of available assessment tools 13
pollution permits and global constraint economic activities. The produced equations
emissions; through policy instruments, take into account the consumption of goods
emissions may influence the behaviour of that result in the generation of waste and
economic agents as formulated in the contain several coefficients, which relate
model. waste to the output of the relevant economic
activities and other macroeconomic
The environmental sub-model is used for: aggregates. The output of the methodology
consists of two approaches that may be used
• cost–effectiveness analysis; to make projections. Depending on the
• cost–benefit analysis; available data, it is possible to either use the
• assessment of policy instrument. complex estimated equation model
approach, which illustrates sufficiently the
Field of application interrelationship between waste production
The model is a part of the EEA model and several economic parameters and
network (EEA, 2001). provides a more secure prediction of future
trends, or the simplified constant coefficient
The environmental sub-model focuses on model approach, in which the coefficients
three important environmental problems: have been given specific values (1 or 0) and
the equation provides a linear relationship
• Global warming through CO2 emissions. between waste generation and the output of
• Problems related to the deposition of economic activities.
acidifying emissions.
• Ambient air quality linked to acidifying The data that are required in order to be able
emissions and ozone concentration. to estimate the coefficients and use the
equations to calculate the past, present and
Comments future waste generation include (depending
In the future, it is intended that other GHGs on the case) (EEA, 1999b):
(CH4, CFC, N2O) will be introduced in the
model. It has to be investigated whether the • data on private consumption,
structure of the model could allow its disaggregated into the relevant consumer
expansion to other modules covering other expenditure items;
environmental issues (e.g. in the field of • data on waste generation (household/
waste and material flows). municipal, glass, paper, cardboard);
• future trends on private consumption, EEA baseline projection of selected waste disaggregated into the relevant consumer
streams expenditure items;
• data and future trends of the gross
Institute of development domestic product in all EEA members
On behalf of the European Environment countries by kind of activity;
Agency (EEA), the former ETC/W has • data and future trends of several other
designed and developed a methodology that macroeconomic parameters (e.g. exchange
addresses generation of selected waste rate, population, etc.).
streams, by evaluating and manipulating
existing data, as well as predicting the future For end-of-life vehicles, a different approach
trends regarding current waste production in was taken. The approach is based on the
1999 (EEA, 1999b). Casper model developed for the
Environment DG to project air emissions. It
Description was amended for the purpose of the end-of-
The methodology addresses the issue of life vehicles projections on behalf of the
waste production, providing data on current ETC/W. The information that is required to
waste production within the EU and make the projections includes the car fleet,
estimating future trends regarding this issue. an initial age distribution in 1970 of the fleet
It refers to municipal/household waste, glass, and a calculated life-time function describing
paper and cardboard waste and end-of-life the probability of finding a car of a certain
vehicles and uses certain assumptions and age on the market (EEA, 1999b).
equations to reach conclusions.
Field of application
More specifically, the main purpose of the The methodology described above provides
methodology is to develop equations that information and data as well as projections of
connect waste generation with the relevant future trends concerning the production of
14 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
selected waste streams, which include the regarding the sewage sludge production and
municipal/household waste, glass, paper and treatment. It allows the user to optimise the
cardboard waste and end-of-life vehicles processes related to wastewater treatment
(EEA, 1999b). and sludge production, in terms of sludge
and effluent quality, efficiency of treatment
Comments plants design and operation, risk
The baseline projections for selected waste minimisation and costs. The user is able to
streams have a simple methodology, which calculate the sewage sludge production and
relates waste generation with economic quality for different wastewater treatment
parameters and forecasting for the sectors processes and evaluate and assess the
considered to contribute to the waste response of multiple changes with respect to
generation. They provide projections for the the influent loads, works capacity or process
future production of certain waste streams operating conditions, etc. This model also
until 2010. Although most of the data that deals with sludge management and treatment
are required in order for the model to work techniques and allows the optimisation of
properly seem rather easy to collect, there such techniques. The STOAT model is
have been difficulties to find information for capable of comparing the performance of
every EU country over the past years. alternative scenarios and determining the
best one for wastewater management in
It is a rather simplified methodology and the terms of sludge production or effluent
results it provides may not be completely quality or the most efficient technique for
validated, they are however indicative of the sludge management. Through the alternative
future trends of waste production. The scenarios evaluation, it is possible to make
coefficients that are included in the future predictions regarding, among others,
equations are not always possible to be the sludge production, quality and
calculated, hence a number of assumptions treatment.
are made in order to reach the conclusions.
Therefore, the results should be interpreted Field of application
carefully and mainly used into an aggregated The STOAT model is designed to be applied
level (geographically or over time) and not in to wastewater management. It enables the
a year-by-year projection. understanding, modeling and optimisation
of the entire wastewater management process
Despite its limitations, the described model — from customer discharge to receiving
provides a useful tool that elaborates data on water impact and assimilation. Sludge
waste generation and macroeconomic data production arising from wastewater
and gives indicative estimations of the future management is an integral part of this
trends of waste quantities based on future model, which provides useful information
trends of economic figures. and estimations regarding sludge quality,
production and treatment. WRc, plc, STOAT
Institute of development The STOAT model aims at dealing with the
WRc plc, which is the lead organisation of the wastewater management. Since wastewater
European Topic Centre on Water, has management results in sludge production,
developed a computerised model, the this tool is capable of modelling sludge
STOAT model, which refers to wastewater production quality and management. Its
treatment works and sewage sludge main advantage is that it considers the full
production. This model has been developed cycle of wastewater management and
over the past 10 years and its latest version includes all common treatment processes. It
was released in 1999 (WRc plc, 1999). also integrates with sewerage and river quality
models and allows transfer of data to other
Description packages. It is a relatively easy-to-use tool but
The STOAT model is a computerised it requires its user to be familiarised with and
modeling package designed to dynamically experienced in the wastewater management
simulate the performance of wastewater sector. It allows focusing on sludge
treatment works. It enables the full spectrum production and treatment and may give an
of the entire wastewater cycle to be estimation of their future trends. This model
simulated. Since wastewater treatment is one provides its user with all the relevant data
of the biggest sludge sources, this model is that can help to identify and apply the best
capable of providing useful information
Overview of available assessment tools 15
solution in terms of wastewater management transport markets are modelled and cleared
and sludge production and treatment. through prices. It describes the European
private and public car and a significant
The applicability of this model to a variety of disaggregation of the vehicle fleet takes
main policy questions is apparent. The main place.
issues that this model addresses refer to waste
reduction and management. It emphasises Under the Eucars model, the producers’ and
the optimisation of wastewater treatment and consumers’ decisions are based on a number
provides the opportunity to reduce and of exogenous variables such as the oil prices,
improve the quality of the produced sludge. the infrastructure, the disposable income
It also provides estimations regarding the etc., as well as several instrumental variables
future situation with respect to wastewater (transport policy variables) such as taxes,
treatment and sludge production and excises, norms, etc. The overall structure of
facilitates its reduction. Eucars consists mainly of two blocks, the
production and consumer block, but it also
On the other hand, this tool only focuses on includes several other modules, in order to
wastewater treatment rather than integrated be able to address all the main parameters
management and does not address the issue and variables that are involved in transport
of natural resources depletion. The model policy-making. These modules address the
does not consider the potential recycling of car market, the fleet turnover, the congestion
wastewater in order to preserve natural and average speed, the emissions and allow
resources. Moreover, although it considers the evaluation of alternative scenarios under
economic parameters, this model fails to several appraisal parameters.
address social effects arising from sludge
production and wastewater treatment, hence A brief description of the modules follows,
it cannot be considered as a tool that may be with special emphasis on the fleet turnover
used for sustainability studies module, which refers to the number of new
and old cars, the number of second-hand
The STOAT model is considered to be a used and scrapped cars.
useful tool, which may facilitate the effort for
minimisation of sludge production, The consumption block describes the
improvement of its quality and use of the allocation of available income by a
most environmentally friendly sludge- representative consumer over various
treatment techniques. Its modification and categories (e.g. public or private transport,
expansion in order to consider more large or small car, car use during peak or off
variables related to sludge production might peak hours, etc.) in the form of a decision
result in its better efficiency and its tree. The decision-making process is
contribution to sustainability. described as a series of separable choices in a
nesting structure. Since transport activities Directorate-General for Economic and require money as well as time, the monetary
Financial Affairs, Eucars and time costs enter directly into the decision
process and the aim is to select the optimum
Institute of development mix of transport services in terms of budget
The partial equilibrium model of European and time.
car emissions was developed on behalf of the
Directorate-General for Economic and In the production block, the technical
Financial Affairs of the European characteristics such as fuel consumption,
Commission. Its first version was published in emission factors, etc. of new vehicles and
1995 and, since then, two more recent fuels are determined. The producers are
versions were developed (in 1996 and 1997 required to make every effort to develop
respectively) (Denis and Koopman, 1998). vehicles with minimum lifetime costs and
minimum emissions. This block consists of
Description two separate modules, one for fuel efficiency
The Eucars model was originally developed and one for emission-reduction technologies.
to study CO2 emission limitation policies in The main feature underlying both modules is
transport. Its more recent versions address a that producers select technical characteristics
greater variety of transport policy questions. of the various vehicle categories so that the
The Eucars is a mathematical model, which models they put on the market correspond to
has the core characteristic of having a partial consumers’ preferences, given prevailing
equilibrium nature, namely all relevant taxes, interest rates, fuel prices, other cost
16 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
International Energy Agency, in 1981. Since • CO2 removal from industrial plants and
then, several developments and improved storage in depleted gas fields and aquifers;
versions have been published. The Matter– • reduction of non-CO2 GHG emissions
Markal model is the result of the Matter through end-of-pipe technology and
project, a joint project of five Dutch institutes process substitution;
coordinated by the Energy Research Centre • reduction of materials consumption
of the Netherlands, in the framework of the through product substitution (e.g. re-
national research programme on global air useable packaging);
pollution and climate change (NOP-MLK) • materials substitution;
and was carried out between 1995 and 1999. • renewable biomass feedstock;
Matter is an acronym for materials • improved waste-collection and separation
technologies for greenhouse gas emission systems;
reduction (Gielen et al., 1998; ETSA, 1999; • waste recycling, cascading and energy
Cosmi et al., 2000; IRG, 2001). recovery.
impacts throughout a product’s life (i.e. from Lifecycle assessment can provide a basis for
cradle to grave) from raw material making strategic decisions on the ways in
acquisition through production, use and which particular waste in a given set of
disposal. This is done by compiling an circumstances can be most effectively
inventory of relevant inputs and outputs of a managed. Even where a comparison of
system (inventory analysis), evaluating the different systems does not show a clearly
potential impacts of those inputs and outputs preferred option in terms of quantifiable
(impact assessment), and interpreting the environmental flows, this indication of
results (interpretation) in relation to the environmental performance can be of value
objectives of the study (defined in the goal to decision-makers (Ayres, 1995).
and scope definition at the beginning of the
study). In the definition of LCA, the term 3.2.4. Drawbacks/limitations
‘product’ includes not only product systems The problems of LCA are:
but also service systems, like for example
management systems. The transportation of • the low scientific robustness of weightings
waste (both in terms of distance travelled and and/or loadings used to quantify and assess
the mode of transportation) from the point environmental impacts;
at which waste is generated, through the • the determination of the scope of the
collection and sorting of waste, to where it is inventory analysis (where to cut off the
treated, recovered or finally disposed of are process-chains or system);
included within the lifecycle. • the definition of functional unit (goal);
• the results produced by various of LCAs
LCA encompasses three separate but (investigating the same product) differ in
interrelated components: practice.
• inventories involving energy and raw Moreover, LCA has no utility if the
materials use and the emissions associated underlying physical data are wrong with
with a product, process or activity; respect to critical pollutants and cannot
• impact analysis assessing the potential address time and location-dependent effects
impacts of the environmental loadings (Ayres, 1995).
identified in the lifecycle inventory;
• improvement analysis identifying 3.2.5. Application of lifecycle assessment
opportunities to reduce the environmental methodology
impacts identified in the impact analysis UK Department of the Environment, LCA
through modification of the inventory. for waste management
Two approaches to identify potential burdens developed to identify burdens for the LCI
for waste management are considered in the stage that would meet the wide range of goals
study. The first approach involves classifying and system boundaries for which such
activities that differ due to the combination inventory data may be required.
of waste handled and the unit operation the
waste is undergoing. The second approach, The dual classification method for
that is the dual classification system approach identification of potential burdens also
to burden identification, requires the waste- facilitates classifying burdens into categories
management system to be defined as a that indicate how and why the burden arises.
combination of (i) the generic unit The method should enable unit operations
operations and (ii) the wastes characteristics. data to be collected for quantifying many of
the waste-independent burdens. These will
Many burdens, termed waste-independent then be expressed in terms of the required
burdens, can be identified at this stage. functional unit for the system. Availability of
Burdens that depend on the specific such data would reduce the time and cost of
characteristics of the waste are identified by undertaking specific studies. For waste-
allocating the waste/material a selection of dependent burdens, energy, mass and
relevant waste characteristics and considering materials balance data are needed to quantify
what burdens will arise due to interaction of burdens for the system studied. These need
these characteristics and the various unit to be assessed in the context of the full system
operations. For specific studies, this step can as it is only when emissions and products
take into account whether or not the cross the system boundary that quantification
potential burdens identified cross the system is required. However, the variety of processes
boundary. and process configurations used in waste-
management systems and the fact that this
The unit operations are waste-independent stage takes the full range of materials,
descriptions of all the activities that might be products and residues generated by modern
required to manage wastes. They are also industrial economies will require database
used in combination as building blocks to and software development to ensure ease of
flowsheet and define specific waste- use.
management systems. Danish Building Research Institute, LCA
The unit operation building blocks can be in the building industry
defined either in broad or narrow terms. The
level of the appropriate detail will depend on Institute of development
the system, the nature of the waste and the The Danish Building Research Institute
context and purpose of the study. To (SBI) designed and developed an LCA tool
accommodate varying levels of detailed for use in the building industry, in 1999
breakdown of the waste-management (Peterson, 1999).
activities into unit operations, a staged
approach to classification is adopted. Description
An LCA tool was developed by the Danish
Field of application Building Research Institute (SBI). It consists
The LCA methodology is used to support the of a database for systematic storing of all
development of environmental legislation quantifiable environmental data, and an
and regulation, development of criteria for inventory tool for the calculation of the
environmental taxes, standards, or eco- potential environmental effects for buildings
labelling programmes, or to provide and building elements. The main design
consumer information. criteria have been flexibility and ease of use.
The tool can be used to perform an LCA for
Comments any type of product, but it is designed and
This study has focused on the development structured specifically to perform LCAs for
of a dual classification system for the buildings and building elements. The tool
identification of potential burdens required differs from most other LCA tools currently
for lifecycle inventory (LCI) in order to available by the method it uses to handle
determine the potential of lifecycle uncertainty. Moreover, this tool can
assessment to aid decision-making in the field contribute significantly to the effective
of waste management. The study illustrates management of construction and demolition
that a general methodology can be wastes.
22 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
The tool consists of two databases. The first By using the aforementioned tool, the
database contains tables where data are different parties involved in the building
stored, while the second database contains industry can evaluate waste-management
the user interface and inventory tool. options to reduce pollution and waste-
management costs, and guide the
The leading database is grouped in three development of new products with lower
main sections, which allows different users to environmental impacts and cost–benefits and
use the LCA tool for different processes and redesign products to reduce their material
at different levels of detail: intensity.
• a section containing typical data for Despite the fact that the LCA tool is powerful
different energy sources and means of in its present form, there are still a number of
transport used in the Danish industry; areas in which it can be improved.
• a section containing typical data for Specifically, more systematic handling is
commonly used materials in Danish needed for the last phases in the lifecycle of a
buildings; building such as:
• a section containing typical data for
commonly used building elements in • operation of a building;
Danish buildings. • maintenance, specifically automatic
calculation of the amounts of building
The database allows systematic storing of all elements replaced during the lifecycle of a
quantifiable environmental data related to a building;
process. For this reason, it is designed in such • waste handling.
a way that determines designating units, raw
materials, emissions, effects, processes and However, the LCA tool in its present form is
references by index. being used in everyday work at the SBI, and
has proven stable, reliable and easy to use.
Field of application
The LCA tool was developed with the intent Edwards D., Schelling of Loughborough
of being generally usable by the different University, LCA for glass waste
parties in the building industry who will be transportation
able to use it to analyse, compare and
improve products, building elements and Institute of development
buildings. The LCA was applied for the assessment of
waste (glass) transportation by
So far, LCA has primarily been used on Loughborough University in 1999 (Edwards
industrial products, especially packing and Schelling, 1999).
materials, but in principle the method can be
used on any type of product, including Description
buildings. The aim of the method is to provide
quantitative guidance, based upon
When performing an LCA for a building, all environmental impact, for choosing the best
inputs/outputs related to the building waste-management option for a material and,
during its entire lifetime are calculated. in particular, to show whether it should be
These include: recycled. The focus on base materials
differentiates the method from the usual
• extraction of raw materials; LCA of a single product or group of products
• production of building materials; formed from base material(s). The method
• construction of the building; quantifies environmental impacts from all
• operation and maintenance of the stages in the life of materials, from
building; production from raw materials to final
• demolition and removal of the building. disposal and includes impacts apportioned
from supporting activity, such as electricity
Comments generation and transport. Measures of
The SBI’s LCA tool is fully functional and the specific environmental impacts — for
database contains data for most common example, SO2 emissions and NOx emissions
energy sources, means of transport and — are aggregated whenever possible into
building materials used in the Danish environmental loads, in this instance units of
building industry. polluted air.
Overview of available assessment tools 23
However, some limitations of the method In the case of Wisard, the lifecycle assessment
derive from the following drawbacks: allows the evaluation of various waste-
management options. It examines them in
• too time consuming and complex; terms of resource use and emissions to the
• the result of the method applied is a environment at every stage in the
number of discrete effect scores that are development and operation of the scenario.
difficult to interpret; These include raw material and energy use in
• limitation of the application of the study to the construction of facilities, manufacture of
two products (glass and aluminium); vehicles, bins, etc; emissions from
• exact illustrations of costs and times are transportation, waste-management
difficult to provide as they can vary operations as well as the options or benefits
substantially from product to product. of the options tested.
24 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
Wisard also enables the user to analyse across options), particularly if the default
specific parts of scenarios which show up as parameters in the data input stages are
having particularly high emissions or costs to selected by the user (Department for
identify the specific cause, and show how Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,
changing one part of an option, for example,
changing lorry type or collection route can
affect the overall costs and benefits. The data Comments
contained within Wisard come from a Wisard is a data-intensive tool so the data
number of sources that are identified within collected during the strategic waste-
the software. All data collected for the management baseline assessment stage will
Environment Agency have been subject to a be of critical importance in testing the
peer review process (Bedfordshire Waste options. However, if difficulties occur with
Strategy Group, 2001). the data collection, particularly on waste
arisings, Wisard does have a standard data set
Field of application developed by the national household waste-
Wisard software can be used to compare one analysis programme, which if applied to every
waste-management scenario with another, as scenario will still allow comparisons of
well as to analyse the individual impact of different options to be carried out. For
different parts of the waste-management municipal solid waste, the Wisard model can
scenario, for example, changing lorry type or predict releases to land and water. For other
collection route. In this way, competent waste streams, an assumed waste composition
authorities can compare various waste- could be used to allow Wisard to calculate
management options. impacts.
Using the information from the forecasting Moreover, the lifecycle-assessment (LCA)
model on predicted waste production, software Wisard can be used to estimate the
several waste-management system scenarios, quantities of greenhouse gases that will be
that would meet the targets in waste strategy generated by the municipal waste options.
and the landfill directive, can be modelled Waste streams other than municipal solid
using Wisard. waste can be dealt with by Wisard by creating
an assumed waste stream composition,
Key areas covered are: paying particular regard to the composition
of organic materials. Inter alia, Wisard can
• waste transport and other vehicle use; estimate the consumption of all resources
• waste collection and separation; individually and provide two indexes of non-
• incineration; renewable resource use based on resource
• landfill; depletion (percentage of resource
• composting and anaerobic digestion; remaining) and consumption rate
• recycling of materials. (percentage of current consumption rate).
The Wisard model can also be applied to the This tool currently models municipal and
appraisal of air quality impacts for municipal similar wastes (but on a later stage it will
waste options or systems. Wisard also allows address other waste streams as well). The
the following outputs to be modelled: Wisard model is reliant on data and
fundamental assumptions concerning the
• acidification; nature of waste management, manufacturing
• stratospheric ozone depletion; and the current economy. For recycling
• photochemical smog formation; options, further detail is required. Wisard
• human toxicity for selected emissions. does not cater for the recovery of certain
recyclables and reusable material.
For other waste streams, an assumed waste
composition can be used to allow Wisard to Future enhancements are also planned for
calculate impacts. However, Wisard requires the Wisard tool, which include the capability
data related to waste types, logistics and to model financial costs and new databases of
proposed recycling/recovery systems. Such information on new waste-management
data may not always be available for other technologies and waste-collection vehicles
waste streams, and therefore the model (Department for Environment, Food and
should be used with care (and consistency Rural Affairs,
Overview of available assessment tools 25
Hazard identification
Risk characterisation
Risk assessment
Action No action
composting in order to examine various by MSW composts are not evident. Specific
issues related to the safety of employees and hazards to employees are recognised and
environment (CWMI, 1999). being addressed, although there are
concerns (see below). Most of the unresolved
Identification of the problem issues focus on long-term, chronic exposures.
What are the risks in various alternatives for Despite uncertainties, those responsible for
resource recovery and waste management? risk management must act to safeguard
Who or what is threatened? What is saved or public health and the environment.
protected? Decisions about environmental Reasonable regulations must be set and
risks are made in the face of uncertainties standards for accountability must be
beyond common experience, particularly for determined.
new technologies. Municipal solid waste
(MSW) composting lacks evaluative data The risk-assessment methodology
offering a foundation on which to base Risk assessment is a process engendered by
scientific assessments. With MSW the need to make risk-management decisions
composting, the situation is further in the face of uncertainty. Simulated
complicated by the highly diverse, and often scenarios and statistical analyses are used to
changing, nature of MSW and other try to determine the potential exposure to
materials with which it might be composted. hazards, agents and activities for various
groups and to assess the potential outcomes
Historically, composting has both provided a of such exposure.
soil conditioner/nutrient source and been a
means of waste management of large Most risk assessments generally follow a series
volumes of sludge and manure. The product of steps such as: hazard identification and
can be a clean, odour-free and welcome assessment, exposure assessment, risk
garden fertiliser, but the process may be characterisation and risk assessment
messy, odoriferous and subject to many (Figure 3.1).
complaints, even though people recognise it
as a ‘green’ alternative to landfills and Hazard identification: In MSW composting,
incinerators. This obvious ambivalence primary hazards include pathogens and their
affects the policies and perceptions toxins, organic chemicals (many of them are
regarding composting and its products. in common household items such as solvents
and cleaners), and heavy metals (from items
Serious, immediate and widespread threats to such as batteries and consumer electronics),
the environment and consumers presented as well as mechanical and related hazards. In
Overview of available assessment tools 29
compost products, concerns for consumers The exposure and hazard assessments are
and the environment are principally the connected by an appropriate set of risk
heavy metals and some persistent organics. assessment scenarios — the likely pathways of
Furthermore, potential hazards may come exposure and conditions of concern. The
from three sources: those present in MSW, exposure-response relationship calculated via
those materials transformed by composting, these scenarios can yield an average or a
and those materials created by the range of values to be compared to accepted
composting organisms themselves standards by the risk assessor. For MSW
(endotoxins, spores). composts, risk characterisations are most
important for heavy metals and some
Hazard assessment: The nature of effects on persistent organics, but have generally
individuals, species, and living systems, as well paralleled those of sludges.
as the time course over which these effects
may take place, are needed to relate Comments
exposure to the outcome. Two points are Once some knowledge of the distribution of
particularly important in a risk assessment: exposures over time and some understanding
the dose-response relationship (what of the outcomes from different types of
exposure results in a given level of effect) hazard is obtained, the formal risk
and the character of the effect itself. assessment of MSW composting and its
products can be undertaken. A large number
Exposure assessment: Exposure is the of assumptions must be made to construct
frequency, duration and intensity with which appropriate mathematical models. Various
an agent or activity is presented to a subject strategies for risk assessment may differ
by various routes (inhalation, ingestion, or substantially in their assumptions and
through the skin (dermal)). Exposure can be approach, so different conclusions may be
direct, as for inhalation of MSW compost reached.
dusts and ingestion of compost/soil by
children, or indirect by ingestion through Uncertainty pervades each step in the risk-
the food chain (soil-> crop -> subject or soil -> assessment process. Some of this uncertainty
water -> invertebrate -> fish -> subject). In is either due to the difficulty in making
instances where exposure is known or accurate measurements at very low
reasonably suspected to occur, such as the concentrations or is systematic, i.e. due to
occupational exposure of workers, relatively uncertainty in the models, equations and
simple models and assumptions can be used understanding of the biotic systems involved.
to simulate the nature of the exposure.
Where exposure is suspected, but not well Other uncertainty results from physical and
described and predictable, the common biological variation, i.e. random events such
practice is to monitor potentially affected as weather, the frequency of genes in the
people and the media (air, water, soil, or target populations, etc. Taking all of these
food) with which they come in contact. sources and types of uncertainty into account
Specific information about the behaviour of in risk assessment offers several challenges
the chemicals and the environmental for MSW compost.
conditions affecting their fate are used to
refine our understanding of exposure. Research can narrow some of the uncertainty
Background levels of contamination from inherent in the risk-assessment process, but
other sources, including natural phenomena, risk assessors must provide clear, consistent
must be identified and quantified. estimates regarding the level of uncertainty
Monitoring of the MSW composting process, for each step and for the overall process.
for example, has been useful in showing that
potentially harmful levels of organisms Ultimately, the purpose of risk assessment is
associated with respiratory disease exist only to assist in risk management, that is, to help
in the immediate vicinity of a disturbed pile, regulators, policy-makers, and managers
even though such organisms are widely choose an appropriate course of action when
distributed throughout the environment. necessary. The risk manager must balance
many factors beyond the numbers generated
Risk characterisation: Risk characterisation in a risk assessment: the needs of
sets the stage for risk assessment by communities who seek protection or to
developing both the models of exposure- minimise their tax expenditures, the
response in test species and human beings concerns of companies which will undertake
and the means to convert one to the other. remediation or want relief from what they see
30 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
Table 3.1 Results of routing scenarios for waste transport to disposal sites
as oppressive regulations, and the interests of predicted accident frequency for each class
diverse agencies and jurisdictions with their of road in each scenario were examined. Of
own legislative mandates. Decisions must be the four scenarios, the accident-avoidance
made about which standards to apply, what one seemed the best all-round for
groups to place at risk or protect, which minimising the many risks involved, while the
remediation strategy should be employed, or population avoidance one resulted in absurd
what mitigation is immediately needed. routing schemes, diverting lorries down
completely unsuitable (and more accident- University of East Anglia, ERA for prone) roads. A summary of the findings are
transportation of hazardous materials presented in Table 3.1.
The sensitivity of the multi-criteria evaluation comparison takes place. This means that the
to cost, resource-use and environmental best scenario comes out of a binary
impact criteria was explored by varying the comparison with all the other scenarios for
weights of each criteria group, with the each criterion. The results are given by a
remaining criteria groups being given equal software application named Expert Choice.
weight so that the total weight is 1. For
example, if the weight on cost criteria was The various scenarios developed are based
increased to 0.8, the other two criteria groups on the six different collection schemes that
were each allocated a weight of 0.1. In are described below:
addition, the multi-criteria evaluation was
carried out with 100 % weight being given to • Drop-off events: One-day events take place,
the internal costs. where end-users drop off their obsolete
appliances to especially organised facilities.
In the multi-criteria evaluation, three results • Regional approach: Multiple communities
were particularly robust. RDF with recycling host coordinated events on a rotating basis
was the dominant option. Second, recycling (similar with the above mentioned).
was advantageous to the waste-disposal • Permanent collection depot: It is a year-
option, apart from when an increased weight round model. Last owners transport their
was placed on the cost criteria. The third end-of-life equipment to collection depots.
conclusion was that increased weight on the • Curbside collection: WEEEs are collected
resource-use and environmental impact either on a periodical basis or by request by
criteria, rather than on costs, increases the the responsible for the municipal solid
attractiveness of RDF and incineration. waste.
• Take-back system: The retailer is obliged to
Comments take-back (free of charge or not) old
The application of MCA in this study does equipment when a new one is purchased.
not ‘discover’ a solution to the problem of • Combined collection methods: This model
waste management. It structures the problem is the coordination of various collection
of waste management rather than finding the methods.
solution. It constructs a formal system, which
can aid the decision-maker to understand, Considering the above parameters, six
specify and model his preferences to increase potential collection/recycling scenarios were
the coherence of the process itself. In that designed. These are:
way, the end results from the evaluation of
the waste-management options can be • Take-back system: A stakeholder is
considered less important than the learning appointed to manage WEEE. The ‘an old
process, which takes place in order to obtain for a new’ principle is brought in action.
these results. The customers give back an obsolete
appliance, while they purchase a new one European Association of Environmental of the same type. They pay a deposit when
Management and Education, MCA for buying a product, which is refunded when
WEEE they dispose the product to an authorised
Institute of development • Municipal scenario: The public sector is
The study described in the following is a responsible for the proper management of
master class thesis carried out in 1999 in the WEEE. Collected equipment is taken to
framework of the EAEME (European existing facilities, where sorting and
Association of Environmental Management shredding take place. Citizens pay for the
and Education). It deals with the proper disposal of WEEE through an
management of waste from electrical and increase in taxation.
electronic equipment (WEEE) and examines • Semi-public scenario: Local authorities
the selection of the most appropriate collect and a private de-manufacturer
scenario for the collection/recycling of recycles the collected equipments. New
WEEE in Greece. This study took place at the products purchased will include a user fee
National Technical University of Athens in for their proper management after the end
1999 (Dais, 1999). of their usage life.
• Seasonal scenario: A system of drop-off
Description events is set and NGOs participate too.
In this study, the analytical hierarchy process Collected equipment is transported to
(AHP) was applied, during which a pair-wise
34 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
existing facilities and shredding takes The technical criterion is the most important
place. with respect to the achievement of the overall
• Multi-scenario: Incorporation of scenarios goal. The economic one is the second more
1,2 plus establishment of depots. The main important, while environmental and social
characteristic of this scenario is the criteria follow. Apart from criteria, different
collection through parallel routes so as to indicators of the same category appear to
maximise collection rates. have different importance.
• ‘Do nothing’ scenario: Absolutely nothing
is done. (Such an alternative should have After scoring the scenarios, according to the
been rejected earlier in the MCA results from the implementation of the AHP
methodology, by the exclusionary criteria. methodology, the ranking of the scenarios is
Nevertheless, it is going to be evaluated in derived. Hence, the overall best scenario is
the following analysis only for extracting the one of ‘drop-off events’, described
some more conclusions). earlier.
Apart from the four selected solutions, • The weighted sum is a simple and
various combinations of solutions such as straightforward method. It is simply the
composting/land application, composting/ weighted sum of each criterion for each
landfilling, land application/landfilling and solution. The normalised scores of matrix Y
36 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
are multiplied by the weights and summed values for the combination of solutions is
across the rows (criteria) leading to a made using a conservative approach,
cardinal index of the overall performances assigning the worst estimation of the
of each solution. The scores of each combined solutions.
solution are calculated by specific
equations. This method does not take into The methods used showed that the solutions
account the important drawbacks, which of composting and land application emerge
can occur, for a given criterion. as the preferable solutions based on the
• The fuzzy set method can take into account impact matrix estimation of the Stoper
the aspects of uncertainty and vagueness research team. Due to a considerable
inherent in the definition of an impact overlapping of profitability interval, both
matrix. There are specific relationships solutions cannot be distinguished, and
between a pair of solutions Sj and Sk and a differences in mean values are not
criterion CI, from where the ranking of significant. Solutions of composting-land
solutions derives. application and land application-landfilling,
• The Electre model provides very useful which consider combinations of these two
information in considering advantages and solutions, seem to dominate the remaining
disadvantages associated with each solutions, but small overlapping in the
solution. Hypotheses on the dominance of probability intervals does not allow strong
a solution j over a solution k are successively conclusions to be drawn.
tested and concordance and discordance
indexes are calculated. The concordance Comments
index represents the percentage of criteria The decision model included criteria
(in weight), which agrees with the employed in the analysis of a waste-
hypothesis, and on the other hand, the management problem relying on
discordance index represents the degree of interdisciplinary principles, such as
disagreement with the hypothesis. To economics, technological aspects,
interpret the information contained in environmental risks, human health risks and
both concordance and discordance social perception. The methods used
matrices, threshold values (p and q) are (weighted sum, fuzzy set, Electre) considered
defined to specify the amount of desired features concerning fundamental aspects of
concordance and tolerated discordance. environmental impact matrices such as data
The technique consists of the type, weight information, uncertainties, etc.
establishment of concordance and
discordance levels stating that a dominance Another advantage of the application of the
hypothesis is justified. The values for p and MCA is that it allows further data to gradually
q are decided on a trial and error basis. be integrated in the models and shows
While these values are important to whether or not in the long term the
measure the strength of preference, the management strategies are adequate for the
ranking of solutions does not depend on municipality. However, there is always
their choices. uncertainty, and therefore it is also necessary
to consider the precautionary principle in
Finally, considering the uncertainties relative relation to environmental management.
to the estimation of criteria and weights and
to verify the stability of potential solutions, 3.6. Waste factors
Monte Carlo simulations were used. More
specifically, instead of using the single values 3.6.1. Description
to represent a criterion and a weight, the Coefficients in general and waste factors in
criterion and weight values are drawn at particular are essential tools for providing
random from a Gaussian distribution centred information on the state of environment, the
on the original experimental values. emissions linked to human activities and the
Subsequently, the formula of the multi- influence of environmental quality on
criteria decision techniques are applied by human and ecological health. They are
using the values drawn at random, allowing increasingly important for monitoring
the calculation of a probability distribution of changes, showing trends and developing
possible scores. projections in the volume and intensity of
waste generation.
The impact estimates of the matrix are
mainly qualitative, except for the economic Environmental factors are in general related
costs. The estimation of qualitative impact to an activity or source, for example,
Overview of available assessment tools 37
documents (BREFs) which must be taken coefficients were established that represent,
into account when the competent authorities for example, the relationship between waste
of Member States determine conditions for generation and the related production
IPPC permits. IPPC will apply to a wide range process. Those coefficients were fed into a
of industrial activities and the objective of the stepwise estimation procedure to derive waste
information exchange exercise is to assist the generation by NACE sectors (Marscheider-
efficient implementation of the directive Weidemann et al., 1997).
across the European Union. The BREFs will
inform the relevant decision-makers about Field of application
what may be technically and economically The Federal Statistical Office used the
available to industry in order to improve aforementioned methodology to compile
their environmental performance and annual waste NAMEAs until 1995.
consequently improve the whole
environment. Comments
Due to changes in primary waste statistics, the
Each sector of industry to be covered by the methodology will have to be updated for the
IPPC directive will be addressed by a specific years up from 1996.
technical working group (TWG) comprising
nominated experts from Member States, Eurostat, NAMEA
EFTA countries, accession countries, industry
and environmental NGOs. Each TWG is set Institute of development
up for a limited duration in order to provide Eurostat and several national statistical
information and to review the draft reference offices.
Field of application NAMEA (national accounts matrix including
The IPPC Bureau has already published first environmental accounts) is a statistical tool
results in (draft) documents on best available developed in the Netherlands. In general,
techniques, giving detailed information NAMEA tables show environmental variables
about the material flow in installations in (e.g. air emissions, wastewater, wastes, etc.) by
these industrial sectors. producing economic sectors (including
private households) following national
Comments accounting rules (system of national
So far, BREFs have been finalised for accounts, SNA, or respectively European
approximately 20 technical processes; those system of accounts, ESA) (Eurostat, 2000).
BREFs do not contain technical coefficients
(including waste factors) and it is not NAMEAs constitute a statistical framework
foreseeable that they will. showing how industry sectors and households
contribute to several environmental concerns Federal Statistical Office, Germany, like emissions of air pollutants, wastewater
annual waste generation by economic and wastes. It is further possible to include
sectors environmental protection expenditure, eco-
taxes, use of natural resources, and land use,
Institute of development etc. Thanks to their compatibility with
Research project: Federal Statistical Office, national accounts, NAMEAs are also closely
Germany — Integrated Environmental and linked to monetary and physical input/
Economic Accounting, Fraunhofer Institut output tables (Eurostat, 1999, 2000).
f¸r Systemforschung und Innovationstechnik
(funded by Eurostat) (Marscheider- Waste NAMEA tables show the sectoral
Weidemann et al.,1997). breakdown of several waste variables. Hence,
there is conceptually a close relationship to
Description the waste statistics regulation format. Data on
The objective of this research project was to waste generation, and on waste recovery and
develop an estimation methodology to disposal collected according to the proposed
compile annual waste generation by 58 (60) regulation on waste statistics should be fully
economic sectors (waste NAMEA). The compatible with the NAMEA framework.
estimation methodology is based on waste Ideally, the waste NAMEAs should be able to
factors derived from primary statistics only trace the ‘journey’ of waste through the
available every three years. Detailed waste economy, from generation to disposal. First,
categories were considered and physical waste NAMEAs show the total of certain waste
40 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
streams broken down by generating has not yet been agreed upon on the
economic sector (including private European level. All pilot studies include
households) (Eurostat, 1999). allocation of waste generated to industries
and households but the approaches in the
Secondly, waste NAMEAs allow comparative pilot studies differ — especially when it
analysis of waste generation by sectors, in comes to the division on types of waste. The
particular the relationship between data arising from the future regulation on
socioeconomic variables, such as waste statistics will be useful for compiling
employment, gross value added, gross waste NAMEAs. Eurostat will consider
output, etc., and the generation of certain establishing a task force for developing a
waste streams (see, for example, methods framework and guidelines for waste
developed on the basis of decomposition NAMEAs. In eight Member States, NAMEAs
analyses by de Haan, 2000). on natural resources exist in terms of pilot
This enables, thirdly, the possibility to
calculate sectoral waste coefficients, for Comments
example, how much waste is generated to In some countries, experiences have been
produce one unit of gross output or gross made with deriving waste coefficients from
value added or how much waste is generated NAMEAs. In Germany, within a research
per employee. project commissioned by the Federal
Statistical Office (see above), an estimation
Field of application procedure has been developed that allows
Eurostat has been supporting the the allocation of total waste generation to
compilation of NAMEAs through a series of production sectors based on physical
NAMEA workshops since 1995. The focus has coefficients. Those waste NAMEA tables are
been laid on air emission NAMEAs. On the regularly published by the Federal Statistical
third NAMEA workshop in November 1998, Office (2000).
some pilot studies on waste NAMEAs were
discussed (Eurostat, 1999, 2000). 3.7. Geographic information systems
In eight countries, activities can be noted The major components of GIS include:
regarding allocation of waste generation in
one way or another to branches according to • A data input subsystem, which collects and/
the NAMEA definitions, namely Germany, or processes spatial data derived from
Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, existing maps, remote sensors, etc.
Norway, Belgium and Luxembourg. • A data storage and retrieval subsystem,
which organises the spatial data in a form
A harmonised framework on how to which permits them to be quickly retrieved
integrate waste statistics into the NAMEAs by the user for subsequent analysis, as well
Overview of available assessment tools 41
as permitting rapid and accurate updates alternatives in a project with the best possible
and corrections to be made to the spatial information.
• A data manipulation system and analysis The efficiency, utility, flexibility and speed in
subsystem, which performs a variety of tasks providing users with information and in
such as changing the form of data through reducing the overall size and redundancy of
user-defined aggregation rules or the database are all affected by the database
producing estimates of parameters and structure. This makes the design and layout
constraints for various space–time of the database structure one of the most
optimisation or simulation models. critical areas in the design of the GIS
• A data reporting subsystem, which is implementation. Some of the common
capable of displaying all or part of the abilities of the GIS include:
original database as well as manipulated
data and the output from spatial models in • menu-driven contouring using the
tabular or mapped form. The creation of triangulation method;
these map displays involves what is called • three dimensional surface representations
digital or computer cartography. This is an in contour or triangulated irregular
area which represents a considerable network (TIN) model representation;
conceptual extension of traditional • generation of cross sections through
cartographic approaches as well as topography groundwater or other
substantial change in the tools utilised in generated surfaces;
creating the cartographic displays. • volumetric computations of differences
• A subsystem responsible for the graphical between surfaces, which is useful in
user interface interacting with the user and planning remediation.
the programming language within the GIS
environment (Korre, 2000). Besides the above-mentioned capabilities of
the GIS, there are specialised software tools
3.7.2. Field of application that can extend the range of information that
The use of computers for mapping and the system provides (Korre, 2000):
spatial analysis is constantly developing in
automated data capture, data analysis and • borehole stratigraphy drawings;
presentation in several broadly related fields. • cross sections;
This multiplicity of effort in several initially • fence diagrams;
separate but closely related fields has resulted • isopleth contours;
in the emergence of general purpose GIS. • rendering of intersections and sub-surfaces.
usually do not reflect the actual conditions of groundwater quality, river water quality and
the site, therefore there is always need for site heavy metal contamination in soil and plants.
verification. Finally, besides the data A common graphical user interface to input/
problems, many organisations lack GIS output environmental data and to run the
experts as well as have deficiencies in GIS simulation models within the GIS was also
implementation, management and support. developed. A comprehensive and reliable set
of environmental data is required at
3.7.5. Geographical information systems operating mines in order to make informed BRITE/Euram programme decisions on environmental quality. The
BRE2-CT92-0 168, environmental industrial partners of the project had already
simulation and impact assessment established a comprehensive environmental
monitoring programme prior to the
Institute of development beginning of this project. These programmes
This study was carried out by the Imperial were further strengthened through the
College of Science, Technology and purchase of monitoring equipment to
Medicine (UK), the Instituto Superior support the specific needs of this project and
Tecnico (Portugal), the Outokumpu Zinc through the development of well-structured
Tara Mines Ltd (Ireland) and the Sociedade environmental databases. The system utilised
Mineira de Neves-Corvo S.A. (Portugal). The a geographical information system for its
project was funded by the European spatial database for input, output and spatial
Commission under the BRITE/Euram operations.
programme (BRE2-CT92-0 168) (Durucan et
al., 1995). The following sets of data were collected for
each mine site, digitised and stored in the
Description spatial database of the GIS used:
This case study refers to an environmental
simulation and impact assessment system • topography;
using a geographic information system so as • geographic features;
to facilitate the understanding of the • road and railway routes;
interaction between minerals extraction and • urban and rural settlement areas;
the environment. • land use and land cover;
• mine sites and buildings;
The main objectives of the project were: • infrastructure;
• waste types, disposal sites;
• to combine a geographic information • water, air, soil, noise, vibration and
system with simulation modelling biological monitoring sites.
techniques and advanced geostatistical
methods with the purpose of developing an The upgraded monitoring systems and the
environmental simulation and impact databases developed at each of the two mines
assessment system; that were under investigation were essential
• to extend the model for use as an for the validation of the developed
information tool in order to achieve environmental impact modelling software
improved overall environmental and for demonstrating the overall impact
management. assessment concept based around the GIS
graphical user interface developed.
Environmental impacts have both spatial and
temporal components. As the temporal Field of application
modelling capabilities of GIS are limited, Different fields of application for the system
numerical prediction models for the that was developed are:
simulation of environmental impacts were
developed and integrated within the GIS. • prediction of the temporal nature of
These environmental simulation models environmental impacts using numerical
combined the advantages, and benefits of simulation and analysis of the interaction
advanced geostatistics and numerical between spatial and non-spatial
modelling techniques were integrated into a environmental attributes;
GIS system to enable both spatial and • optimisation of siting procedures;
temporal impact analysis. • interactive analysis of monitored
environmental data;
The environmental impact categories that • preparation of comprehensive
were considered included air pollution, environmental impact statements,
Overview of available assessment tools 43
identification of critical areas, definition of Aquater S.p.A., GIS for solid urban waste-
preventative data and measures; disposal areas
• preparation of emergency action plans
based on predictions, quick reaction to Institute of development
cases of emergency through interactive This case study was developed by G. Della
analysis of environmental variables. Bella, L. Patata and A. M. Rossolini from
Aquater S.p.A., S. Lorenzo in Campo (PS),
Comments Italy (Bella et al., 1995).
The Instituto Superior Tecnico developed
several advanced geostatistical Description
methodologies and techniques to This case study refers to a method for siting
characterise the spatial and space–time solid urban waste-disposal areas, in
dispersion of soil pollutants, river water conformity with Italian legislation, based on
quality parameters and groundwater geographical information systems (GIS). The
properties. Researchers at Imperial College selected study area was the province of
developed numerical models for the Foggia.
prediction of air quality, groundwater flow
and pollutant transport, blasting vibration The objective of the developed methodology
around mine sites and related structures. was to assist the technical or political users
who, during preliminary siting, must apply
The use of simulation models in the minerals general criteria for siting of suitable waste-
results in: disposal areas.
The methodology involves two different The final product, the suitability map,
approaches, both related to the analysis indicates the highest or lowest capacity of an
capabilities of GIS: area to house a waste-disposal plan. As the
weights vary, the suitable areas tend to
• Index overlay method, in which data are combine together in certain zones. Evidently,
processed by attributing weights to the the criteria established by the scores are
thematic maps and to the categories extremely selective.
contained therein (scores). The product of
this approach is a suitability map that Within the first stage, GIS also enables the
determines the most suitable areas. following operations:
• Multi-criteria decisional analysis, in which
separate objectives/criteria are • Direct overlay of information on mines,
determined, but weights are not attributed quarries and disused mining sites on the
to the parameters. suitability map and their reclassification.
• Extraction of local details from the
The results obtained by applying the index suitability map, for instance within a
overlay method only for the first stage are municipal area or a group of administrative
presented. It should be noted that units.
application of the second stage to selected
areas demands more detailed data. In the second stage, a detailed processing was
carried out in a few selected areas.
Defined information plans or their subsets
were combined and weights were attributed. Field of application
The weights attributed to each map are This case study is a useful tool for siting waste-
expressed so that the sum is equal to 100 %. treatment and disposal sites.
In assigning weights to the scores, a scale
ranging from 5 to 0, where 5 indicates Comments
highest suitability and 0 the lowest, is used. This application of GIS is considered to be
useful, as it contributes to the effective
The values obtained were then reclassified on provision of suitability maps (first phase) and
the basis of the highest or lowest value and at the detailed site selection for waste disposal
intervals of previously defined value. This (second phase). However, it is not supposed
operation produced a suitability map with six to substitute the in situ investigations that are
classes. normally conducted in the area surrounding
the selected site or the detailed surveys
In order to have easier interpretation, the carried out within the waste-disposal area.
results were processed once again, taking
into consideration various combinations of 3.8. Remote sensing
factors. Therefore, the ‘good’ class appeared
substantially larger and was reclassified so 3.8.1. Description
that it could be divided into nine quality Remote sensing is the science and art of
classes arranged in increasing order. In this obtaining information on an object, area or
manner, the final result is a map that phenomenon without coming into physical
contains 13 classes: contact with it, through the analysis of data
acquired from a distance.
• 1: very good
• 2–10: good The remote sensing technical approach
• 11: moderate steps, irrespective of the specific view under
• 12: poor which the investigation is conducted, are the
• 13: very poor following:
The last result clearly expresses the suitability • Recognition of elements, groups of
of sites within the classes that appeared as the elements, similarities and differences/
best during general processing. Moreover, changes, as well as of groups of similarities
the ‘index overlay’ method offers the and differences/changes in the area under
opportunity to attribute different weights to examination, using the photo
every thematic map that is considered, once interpretation and remote sensing
the criteria to be adopted within each methodology’s supporting material (maps,
information plan have been decided by statistical and other ancillary information).
means of scores.
Overview of available assessment tools 45
techniques that are broadly accepted in • Shapes: The landfills often have an
order to map and categorise environmental irregular curved shape or a regular shape
sensitive areas of Europe according to various when the landfill is inside a quarry.
environmental issues. This methodology can • Features: Roads can indicate the presence
be directly used by various authorities and of an active landfill.
non-governmental organisations to assess the
environmental impact at local scale and to The final product of the data analysis was a
serve as a baseline for facilitation of map that contains data related to illegal
environmental policy development. landfill activity.
Amongst the set of indicators one can In general, through the Aperture project, a
mention: cost-effective methodology was developed
which results in categorising areas according
• Brightness: Bright areas are those not to various environmental issues.
covered with filled ground, natural
vegetation and plantation.
48 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
Analysed data
Primary data
• They allow the assessment of changes in are being published in an EEA technical
relation to the goals and targets. report.
• They can show improvements or setbacks
over time since they are a comparative Both the Commission and the EEA have
scientific tool. developed sets of relevant indicators for the
• Indicators allow a selection of statistics and environment as the ‘best available
data to be collected, because they focus on information’ on waste and material flows.
the most relevant pieces of information. The Environment DG has developed the
headline indicators and Eurostat the
3.9.4. Drawbacks/limitations environment pressure indices, while the EEA
The main disadvantages concerning is working with a core set of indicators
indicators and indices are the following: (environmental signals series). The best-
needed information is not always available
• The quality of data, which is used for the today. Therefore, there is a need for ‘a vision’
determination of indicators, is often on what should be the indicators of
questionable because there are no tomorrow for policy-making and information
standardised procedures and sometimes for the public at large.
‘guess’ work is involved.
• The determination of indicators still takes Hence, the ETC/WMF has developed a
place on an isolated, scientific case study comprehensive indicator framework with
basis and therefore they are not suitable to derived core indicators for waste and
provide an overall picture for larger areas. material flows, based on the following
Each indicator is representative of a strategic main policy objectives:
component of a whole environmental issue
(Walz, 2000). • conserving natural resources;
• In determining indicators, it is not always • prevention of waste generation;
easy to elaborate and comprehend simple • sustainable waste management.
and direct links between different sources
of data, due to constraints in available time, Field of application
human and financial resources (Walz, The EEA assessment reports
2000). EEA assessment reports are based on the use
• The number of indicators is still too great of indicators for information assessment (as
to be able to fulfil the information and environmental signals reports). Indicators
communication functions at first sight, are also used as key variables to communicate
therefore work should be done on a greater environmental information to EEA
degree of aggregation. stakeholders as well as in the development of
• Sometimes, the message behind an various models.
indicator is lost, therefore a good graphical
presentation of the information is needed OECD, core sets of environmental
(EEA, 2001a). indicators
(1) Indicators for which data are available for a majority of OECD countries and that are presented in this report.
(2) Indicators that require further specification and development (availability of basic data sets, underlying
concepts and definitions).
Overview of available assessment tools 51
Environmental pressure indicators for the themes of ’Resource depletion’ and ‘Waste’ Table 3.3
Resource depletion
Water consumption (RD-1)
Energy use (RD-2)
Increase in territory permanently occupied by urbanisation (RD-3)
Inputs of phosphate to agricultural land (RD-4)
Electricity production from fossil fuels (RD-5)
Timber balance (RD-6)
Waste landfilled (WA-1)
Municipal waste landfilled
Hazardous waste landfilled
Waste incinerated (WA-2)
Municipal waste incinerated
Hazardous waste incinerated
Hazardous waste (WA-3)
Hazardous waste generated
Hazardous waste recovered
Hazardous waste incinerated
Hazardous waste landfilled
Municipal waste generated (WA-4)
Municipal waste generated
Generation of industrial waste (WA-5)
Generation of industrial waste
Waste/material recycled (WA-6)
Recycling of paper
Recycling of packaging glass
Non-recycled municipal waste (UP-2)
Municipal waste landfilled
Municipal waste incinerated Eurostat, environmental pressure With regard to waste and material flows, the
indicators following indicators are included in the
Eurostat set of sustainable development
Institute of development indicators.
Eurostat (Eurostat, 2001). UN, indicators of sustainable development
On a regular basis, Eurostat publishes so- Institute of development
called environmental pressure indicators United Nations Department of Economic
comprising 60 indicators related to 10 and Social Affairs — Division for Sustainable
environmental themes, which include Development (UN, 2000).
resource depletion, dispersion of toxic
substances, urban environmental problems, Description
waste and water pollution and water Four years after the Rio Conference, The
resources. The indicators had been selected United Nations Commission on Sustainable
and ranked by a panel of several European Development (UNCSD) developed
environmental experts. numerous activities to promote sustainable
development. These led to the adoption of a
Field of application work programme (1995) on the indicators of
The following table presents the sustainable development. A list of 132
environmental pressure indicators for the indicators was developed and tested. As a
‘Waste’ as well as the ‘Resource depletion’ result of the 1996–99 testing phase of CSD
theme. list of sustainable development indicators,
52 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
Table 3.4 Eurostat’s sustainable development indicators with relevance for waste and material flows
the framework employed in the CSD work workshop, and a consultative group of
programme to guide the selection of experts.
sustainable development indicators has
evolved from a driving force-state-response Field of application
approach towards one focussing on themes The new theme framework, as presented in
and sub-themes. September 2000, comprises
(1) Although, the UN CSD has called it ’core’ indicators, this set has the character of ’key or headline’ indicators
in the sense of this report, i.e. standing at the top of the UN CSD information pyramid.
Overview of available assessment tools 53
For each case study, a number of scenarios The optimal recycling rate for each Member
were chosen as combinations of population State was estimated on the basis of the
density (high or low), selective collection packaging mix in the country (both
scheme (bring scheme or separate industrial and household packaging waste)
collection), achieved recycling rate and and the optimal recycling ranges.
waste-management option (landfill or
incineration). Likewise, the optimal recycling rate for each
packaging material at EU level was estimated.
The internal costs were defined as the The optimal recycling rate for material in a
operational costs incurred by industry. The specific Member State is the weighted
total internal cost of each scenario is the sum average of the optimum targets for the
of all costs minus the sum of all revenues, and different applications in this Member State.
it is given per tonne of the packaging
application. For each scenario, the internal Comments
costs are given as a range of minimum and The study is a final draft report only and the
maximum cost depending on the waste- European Commission has invited a
management system (share being recycled stakeholder consultation on the study.
and either landfilled or incinerated).
At least two comments on the study can be
The external costs are the environmental made. Firstly, only two options for recycling
costs. First, for each scenario, the levels have been analysed (either low or high
environmental inputs and outputs are achievable recycling rates). Thus, it is not
estimated according to a lifecycle assessment possible to determine the optimal level of
(the inventory of a LCA). Secondly, each recycling very precisely. As a result, the
environmental input or output is classified precision in the analysis is at best to indicate
according to the environmental impacts to that no recycling, a low recycling rate or a
which it may contribute, and characterised high recycling rate has the best cost–benefit
according to its potential to contribute to ratio.
that impact. Finally, an economic valuation is
applied to each environmental impact Secondly, a sensitivity analysis has been
category. carried out where the internal costs are
calculated using a +/– 20 % range. It is
The total social cost of a scenario is then the difficult to validate this type of sensitivity
sum of the internal plus the external costs. analysis. Some of the cost parameters that
On the basis of this information, the optimal vary are likely to vary in the same direction
recycling ranges for each packaging for all the scenarios. An alternative option
application were identified among the would be to use a probability distribution
different scenarios. function. As many of the parameters and
variables can be assumed to be independent,
A number of sensitivity analyses are made, there is a low probability that all values are at
though basically two types of parameters are the high end or at low end and accordingly
considered: uncertainties arising from the range of the resulting total costs is less
methodological choices (e.g. energy model) than when the high–low approach is used.
and from scenario choices (e.g. transport
Overview of available assessment tools 55
Overview of the benefits and drawbacks of the assessment tools Table 3.6
Simulation Lifecycle Environ- Environ- Multi crite- Waste fac- Geograph- Remote Indicators Cost–ben-
models analysis mental im- mental risk ria analysis tors ic informa- sensing efit analy-
pact assess- tion sis
assess- ment systems
Main Illustrate Holistic ap- Provides Compares Able to Easy to in- Able to Minimises Con- Deter-
benefits the current proach that environ- the severity compare terpret and handle the expen- densed mines the
and esti- provides mental in- of risks scenarios communi- spatial data sive field and sum- benefit or
mate the informa- formation from what- with con- cate, re- and allow work, ho- marised in- cost to so-
future situ- tion so that of a certain ever sourc- tradictory duce the the users mogeneity formation, ciety, the
ation, eval- environ- project, es, explicit objectives number of to perform in the de- can be results are
uate mental im- and may be manage- and many parame- a number ter-mina- used for as- presented
alternative pact can be used for ment of criteria, ters nor- of queries. tion or sessing the in an un-
scenarios. minimised modelling risks. transpar- mally inter-preta- changes in der-stand-
over prod- scenarios. ent proc- required. tion. relation to able way.
uct life- ess, allows targets.
time. involve-
ment of
Main Data col- Definition Project- Complex Necessary No nationa Mainly a Requires Data often Perhaps
draw- lection may of system specific as- study to to have lly or inter- descriptive experi- not compa- not possi-
backs be difficult bounda- sessment, carry out, compara- nationally tool, not enced per- rable be- ble to
and expen- ries and lacks ex- all informa- ble data, accepted able to sonnel, cause of no measure all
sive, over- functional plicit tion may criteria system of predict fu- cost of ac- harmo- impacts,
simplificati unit are im- project not be may be waste fac- ture quisition of nised col- difficulties
on occurs, portant for definition available, over- tors exist trends, aerial pho- lection in measur-
cannot the out- leading to no detailed lapped, the yet, de- data col- tographs method, ing all envi-
consider all come, may limited guidance allocation pend on lection is are high, not yet de- ron-mental
parame- be difficult bounda- on meth- of weights availability expensive. not able to veloped impacts in
ters. to weigh ries and odologies to each cri- of data, predict fu- fully to pro- monetary
different applica- and how to terion may cannot ture degra- vide an units.
environ- tion. interpret proved to stand dation. overall pic-
mental im- the risks. be difficult. alone but ture for
pacts. should be larger are-
linked to as.
other data.
Field of Determine Product Construc- Accidents Environ- Used for Mapping Mapping Used to Environ-
appli- environ- policy, tion works and routine mental different and spatial and spatial track mental
cation mental im- product and other operations planning purposes, planning planning progress planning
plications develop- interven- involving and deci- e.g. to inte- purposes. purposes. over time and deci-
from adop- ment and tions in the potentially sion-mak- grate envi- or compare sion-mak-
tion of a improve- natural sur- long-term ing ronmental charac-ter- ing
policy or ment. roundings processes. process. data with istics be- process.
specific and land- economic tween one
measures, scape. aspects, or more
future and as part communi-
trends in of environ- ties, com-
environ- mental panies,
mental im- manage- products,
pact. ment in processes
produc- etc.
56 Assessment of information related to waste and material flows
4. Conclusions
The main findings of the previous chapters Third conclusion: ‘Twofold approach
are summarised in this section. recommended for prospective analyses’.
model. The module then needs to include • estimate future quantities of priority waste
algorithms that reflect changes in the ratios streams based on existing data from past
between the driving forces, the economic years;
variables and the waste generation. • link waste quantities with dangerous
substances that can potentially be
This approach should lead to outlooks to be transferred into the environment if wastes
used, for example, in EEA outlook reports. are not managed properly;
For prospective analyses serving more • prepare ‘what-if’ scenarios related to policy
detailed environmental policy-making issues, and management issues.
more specific models simulating selected
priority waste and material streams (e.g. end- Sixth conclusion: ‘LCA to be used for
of-life vehicles, sewage sludge, WEEE, etc.) assessments of products and processes’.
should be developed (see fifth conclusion).
Lifecycle assessment is a decision-support
Fifth conclusion: ‘Develop information and tool through which evaluation of the
assessment tools on selected waste and environmental burdens associated with a
material streams’. product, process or activity can be carried
out. If, in the future, the EEA wants to
In order to be able to support the undertake product- or process-specific
development of the indicator framework of assessments, LCA would be an appropriate
the EEA with regard to more detailed policy- tool.
making issues, more specific models are
required. Seventh conclusion: ‘GIS and remote sensing
for spatial issues’.
EU waste policies and legislation have been
focusing on selected priority waste and So far, GIS and remote sensing have not been
material streams (packaging, end-of-life part of EEA integrated assessment for policy-
vehicles, WEEE, sewage sludge). There is a making and reporting in the field of waste
need to improve data and information on and material flows since spatial issues on the
generation and management for a number of local and regional level are subject to
waste streams, including projections on national and regional authorities’ decision-
future waste arisings. The EEA and ETC/ making. Spatial issues associated to waste and
WMF already work in this field by developing material flows include for example the
a model predicting future waste arisings and location of landfills and incineration plants,
the potential emissions of dangerous the identification of quarries, the selection of
substances into the environment. Technically the routing and the monitoring of the
sound assumptions and coefficients will be transportation of waste and raw materials,
used, in order to link expected waste etc. If this kind of detailed information ever
quantities and emissions of dangerous will be needed, GIS and remote sensing can
substances with the respective waste- be used to develop a rather detailed picture
generating activities. of activities related to waste management.
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ISBN 92-9167-577-6