Name: Raymond Wu at Wai Yan Myo Myint Class: Secondary-2 Secondary 2 Unit (6) Revision
Name: Raymond Wu at Wai Yan Myo Myint Class: Secondary-2 Secondary 2 Unit (6) Revision
Name: Raymond Wu at Wai Yan Myo Myint Class: Secondary-2 Secondary 2 Unit (6) Revision
(v) Electrical and thermal Good conductor of thermal Bad conductor of thermal
conductivity and electricity and electricity
6.(a) Name one metal and one non-metal which exist in liquid state at room temperature.
Ans: Metal = Mercury, Non-metal= Bromine
(b) Name the most abundant metal and non-metal in the earth's crust.
Ans: Non-metal = Oxygen, Metal = Aluminium
7. Using Periodic Table, answer the following questions.
(i) List the atomic numbers of the elements in period 2. Ans: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
(ii) List the symbol of the elements in period 2. Ans: Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne
(iii) Name the elements in period 2 that are metals. Ans: Li, Be
(iv) Name the elements in period 2 that are non-metals. Ans: B, C, N, O, F, Ne
(v) Which element in period 2 has the least mass? Ans: Lithium
(vi) Which element in period 2 has the most mass? Ans: Neon
8. This extract from the Periodic Table shows the symbol for the first 20 elements.
H He
Li Be Grou B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca
Look at the row from lithium (Li) to neon (Ne).
(a) What is this row of the Periodic Table called? Ans: Period 2
(b) Which element in it is the least reactive? Why? Ans: Neon, it is because it is a
noble gas
Look at the column of elements from lithium (Li) to potassium (K).
(c) What is this column of the table called? Ans: Group 1
(d) Of the three elements shown in this column, which one is the most reactive?
Ans: Potassium
9. Fill in the table.
Name Chemical Physical state at Formula to represent Types of particles
Symbol room temperature the substance present in the
Hydrogen H Gas H2 Single atoms
Helium He Gas He Single atoms
Neon Ne Gas Ne Single atoms
Ar Gas Ar Diatomic
Chlorine Cl Gas Cl2 Single Atoms
Br Liquid Br2 Diatomic
I Solid I2 Diatomic
N Gas N2 Diatomic
O Gas O2 Diatomic
11. Complete each row of the table below that containing the elements that have been
Name of Compound First element Second element
Magnesium oxide Magnesium Oxygen
Potassium chloride Potassium Chlorine
Iron sulfide Iron Sulfur
Calcium nitride Calcium Nitrogen
Sodium sulfate Sodium Sulfur, Oxygen
Aluminium oxide Aluminium Oxygen
Lithium chloride Lithium Chlorine
Lead iodide Lead Iodine
Boron nitride Boron Nitrogen
Water Hydrogen Oxygen
17. Complete the following sentences by filling in the appropriate word from the list below.
filtration chromatography decantation evaporation distillation
fractional distillation
(i) The mixture of sand and water are often separated by filtration.
(ii) The sugar in sugar solution can be removed by distillation.
(iii) The mixture of two liquids with different boiling point can be separated by fractional
(iv) Removing chlorophyll pigment from leaves might be done by chromatography.
(v) Copper sulfate can be separated from the mixture of copper sulfate and water by
(vi) Cooking oil can be separated from a mixture of cooking oil and water by decantation.
18 (a) Match each of the following by drawing lines.
Element Symbol
a) Iron i) Ag
b) Sodium ii) Fe
c) Silver iii) Ca
d) Potassium iv) Cu
e) Copper v) Na
f) Calcium vi) K
Ans: a) ii) b) v) c) i) d) vi) e) iv) f) iii)
(b)(i) Which change of state takes place during evaporation?
A. gas to liquid B. liquid to gas C. liquid to solid D. solid to gas
Ans: B
(ii) In which process do particles move closer together but remain in motion?
A. condensation B. diffusion C. evaporation D. freezing
Ans: A
19. Fill in the following table.
Name of compound Formula What atoms are found in the compound?
Sodium oxide Na2O 2 Sodium, 1 Oxygen
Ans: C
(2) Why is aluminium used to make containers for storing food?
A. It conducts electricity.
B. It has a high melting point.
C. It is resistant to corrosion.
D. It is strong.
Ans: D
(3) 2.00 g of powdered calcium carbonate is added to 50.0 cm3 of hydrochloric acid. Which
apparatus is used to measure the calcium carbonate and the hydrochloric acid.
(iii) When the element copper (Cu) and oxygen (O) chemically combine, they form
(a) an ion (b) a gas (c) a compound (d) a mixture
Ans: C
(iv) A mixture that appear to be evenly mixed throughout
(a) an atom (b) a compound (c) a homogeneous mixture (d) a heterogeneous
Ans: C
(v) This contains a variety of elements and compounds that are not chemically
(a) water (b) mixture (c) element (d) compound
Ans: A
(vi) The building block of matter is
(a) mixture (b) atom (c) element (d) substance
Ans: B
(vii) A pure substance is ____________.
(a) an element or compound (b) an element or a mixture
(c) a compound or a mixture (d) a mixture
Ans: A
(viii) Sugar water is a ______________.
(a) solution (b) suspension (c) colloid (d) solvent
Ans: A
(ix) Milk is a _________.
(a) solution (b) suspension (c) colloid (d) solvent
Ans: C
(x) A pure substance that cannot be broken down into other substances by chemical or
physical means is __________.
(a) compound (b) atom (c) mixture (d) element
Ans: D
(ix) To separate iron filings and sulfur powder, what method should you use?
(a) filtration (b) sorting (c) magnet (d) boiling
(x) Which mixture separation method would use to separate sugars from water?
(a) filtration (b) magnet (c) boiling/evaporation (d) sorting
(xi) A mixture is always a solution but a solution is not always a mixture.
(a) True (b) False
(xii) To get salt out of a solution (separating salt from water), we could try ________.
(a) melting it (b) using a magnet (c) evaporating the water so the salt is left
behind (d) using the solute to re-dissolve it
(xiii) Evaporation means going from a liquid to a ________.
(a) liquid (b) solid (c) gas (d) colloid
24. Complete the table to show the differences between compounds and mixtures.
Compounds Mixtures
Number of types of atoms 2 or more different
2 or more different atoms atoms
Can it easily be separated into No, it have to be separated Yes, it can be physically
its elements? by chemical reaction separated
How do its properties compared Different properties Same properties as the
to those of its elements? original substances
Are its elements joined Yes No
Can you change the amounts of No Yes
each elements in 100g of the
mixture or elements?
25. The diagram show some particles of gases.
(a) Write the letter of the diagram that shows a single compound.
Ans: E
(b) Write the letter of the diagram that shows a single element.
Ans: D
(c) Write the letter of the diagram that shows a mixture of an element and a compound.
Ans: B
(d) Write the letters of the diagrams that show gases that exist as single atoms.Ans: D
(e) Write the letters of the diagrams that show gases that exist as molecules.
Ans: C
(f) Write the letter of the diagram that shows a mixture of elements.
Ans: A
(g) Write the letter of the diagram that shows a mixture of compounds.
Ans: C
26. The table gives data for four elements. Each element is represented by a symbol.
(a) They must open the lid a few times as they heat. Suggest why.
Ans: So that the carbon dioxide don’t bind to the calcium
(b) They write down their results.
Mass of crucible + lid = 30.00 g
Mass of calcium = 0.40g
Mass of crucible + lid + calcium oxide = 30.56 g
(i) Calculate the mass of calcium oxide made.
Ans: 0.56g
(ii) Calculate the mass of oxygen that joined with the calcium in this experiment.
Ans: 0.16
(c) They write the conclusion below. “In their investigation, the mass increased”.
Add a scientific explanation to improve their’s conclusion.
Ans: The mass increased because oxygen binded to the calcium