Cca Freeeeee
Cca Freeeeee
Cca Freeeeee
WLC assessment center to conduct assessment in BPP NC II and after receiving it, I went there to check the place
if it’s safe and if they have enough resources, materials, tools, and equipment and if it’s conducive for the
--- TESDA Representative will come in and give the Assessment Package---
TESDA Rep: Here’s the Assessment Package sealed from the Provincial Office.
MAAM, I received 10 sheets of specific instruction to the candidate, 10 sheets of CARS, 10 copies of rating
sheet. 4 copies of attendance sheet and an Assessors Guide.
Candidates please come in.
Good morning everybody!
I am FRELYN MAE G. DILLO YOUR assessor for BPP NC II. I would like to acknowledge the presence of , MS.
__________ our representative from TESDA . You don’t have to worry about HER presence. SHES here to oversee
the conduct of competency assessment methodology and procedures. SHE will not assess you.
Before I start I will call your name one by one and proceed here in front to submit your admission slip and sign
the attendance sheet
(Roll call)….
I have here with me your accomplished application form and self-assessment guide. This is an indication that
you already know and can perform all the units of competency enumerated in this qualification.
I would like to welcome all of you to our assessment center for BPP NC II, the purpose of assessment for BPP
NC II is to determine the level of competency, for employment and other are for promotions.
The competency standard to be assessed is bread and pastry production NC II. This qualification have five core unit of
competency; they are Prepare and produce pastry products, Prepare and produce pastry products, Prepare and present
gateaux, tortes and cakes, Prepare and display petits fours, and Present desserts.
In this qualification it’s either you will pass or fail, if you fail you will undergo a re-assessment at your convenient
The assessment methods that you have to perform demonstration and oral questioning which is based in the
evidence plan. You have to perform the following task: Prepare and produce pastry products, Prepare and
produce pastry products, Prepare and present gateaux, tortes and cakes, Prepare and display petits fours, and
Present desserts within 4 hours. As an assessor I have only to make an observation base on the task you perform.
To determine your knowledge and skills for BPP NC II the assessment methods we will use will be
Demonstration- WITHIN 3 hours
Oral questioning
These assessment methods can help to measure your underpinning knowledge and skills.
Allowable/reasonable adjustments
For example you did not agree with result of the assessment you have the right to appeal and to be submitted to the AC
manager for immediate and appropriate action. With regards to the results of the assessment it is an assurance to be
confidential that no one knows the assessment results except you and me. If you have some personal differences/
problems, like language, disability, religion and other special need just approach me before the start of assessment so
that it could be properly address.
get ready for an oral questioning. ANGEL First question, 1. Describe dry ingredients. 2. What do we mean by liquid
ingredient? 3. What is the importance of measuring dry and liquid ingredients?
very good you were able to answer my question correctly, you have also performed the task which is the measuring of
dry and liquid ingredients in accordance with standard, so congratulation you are now competent in bread and pastry
production NC II. You will be now awarded with NC II certificate. Please affixed your signature in the Competency
Assessment Result Summary and Competency assessment Tools. You can claim your NC II certificate in three working
days after the assessment at second floor, Robinsons place, Marasbaras, Tacloban city. The validity of your NC II
certificate is five year from its issuance. You can renew you NC II certificate 1 month before the expiration.
Ok Mary time is up for your demonstration; so get ready now for an oral questioning. Ok have a set, First question, 1.
Describe dry ingredients. 2. What do we mean by liquid ingredient? 3. What is the importance of measuring dry and
liquid ingredients?
there are some question that you were not able to answer correctly, and as I have also observed in your demonstration
you were not able measure correctly the dry and liquid ingredients, so it sad to know that by this time you are not yet
competent with this qualification, but anyway you can be reassess anytime at your convenience. But I have to suggest
that it is good for you to conduct first a review study on the area to which you were not able to perform. So by now
please affix you signature in the Competency Assessment Result Summary and the competency Assessment Tools. OK
thank you.