code: 1532
[LK 0217] FEBRUARY 2017 Sub.code: 1532
1. Biatrial enlargement.
2. Modified Bruce protocol.
3. Connections of Holter.
4. Enumerate three points to diagnose RVH.
5. Enumerate three points to diagnose a malignant VPC.
6. Discuss the applications of Holter.
7. Enumerate the ECG findings in Left anterior hemiblock.
8. Non infarction Q waves.
9. Draw an ECG showing Atrial flutter and mark the salient features.
10. What is the difference between defibrillation and cardioversion?
[LL 0817] AUGUST 2017 Sub. Code: 1532
1. Draw a normal ECG and explain changes in acute MI, how do you identify
the coronary artery involvement?
2. Indications for holter, type of arrhythmias which can be detected by holter.
3. Various protocol in TMT and explain in detail about any one protocol.
1. P mitrale.
2. T-waves in ECG.
3. ECG features of hypokalemia.
4. Atrial arrhythmias.
5. Absolute contraindication of TMT.
6. LAHB.
7. ECG features of TOF.
8. Digoxin toxicity.
9. DC shock.
10. Causes for right axis deviation.
[LM 0218] FEBRUARY 2018 Sub. Code: 1532
1. Normal QRS axis and explain in detail about various QRS axis deviations
and its causes.
2. Explain in detail about indication, contraindication and protocols of TMT.
3. Indications for 24 hours BP monitoring and its procedure.
1. RBBB.
2. LAHB and LPHB.
3. U wave in ECG.
4. Himalayan P wave.
5. ECG features of mitral stenosis.
6. Atrial flutter.
7. SVT.
8. Ventricular ectopics.
9. PR interval and abnormalities.
10. Draw Einthoven triangle.
[LN 0818] AUGUST 2018 Sub. Code: 1532
1. Digitalis toxicity.
2. ECG features of hyperkalemia.
3. ECG features of acute PTE.
4. Atrial flutter.
5. Himalayan P waves.
6. Epsilon waves.
7. Q-waves.
8. ECG paper speed.
9. RAD.
10. LAHB.
[LO 0219] FEBRUARY 2019 Sub. Code: 1532
1. Explain in detail about various protocols in TMT and indications for TMT.
2. Indications for holter analysis and write briefly about PPI.
3. Write an essay on Localization of Ischemia using ECG.
1. Brugada syndrome.
2. Himalayan P-waves.
3. Mobitz Types I block.
4. Duke Tread mill score.
5. Epsilon waves.
6. RBBB.
7. DC version.
8. P-Mitrale.
9. ECG changes in pericarditis.
10. ECG features of TOF.
[LP 0819] AUGUST 2019 Sub. Code: 1532
1. What are the physiological changes that take place during exercise test?
2. Electrocardiographic and non electrocardiographic, features used in exercise
testing for diagnosis of coronary artery disease.
3. Discuss about the various types of Heart block.
1. What are the ECG features of right bundle branch block and left bundle branch
2. Which are the leads showing changes in RV Myocardial Infarction?
3. Differentiation of ventricular and supraventricular premature beats in ECG.
4. Different types of ST depression.
5. Reporting format of a treadmill test.
6. Anginal cascade and silent Myocardial Ischaemia.
7. ECG of hypokalaemia and hyperkalaemia.
8. Various types of holter monitoring and abnormalities in holter.
1. U wave in ECG.
2. Causes for right axis deviation.
3. Biatrial enlargement.
4. Indication for modified Bruce protocol.
5. Dietary advise before treadmill test.
6. Early post PCI treadmill. Does it indicate restenosis.
7. MASON LIKAR Modification of 12 lead ECG.
8. Relative contraindications in exercise stress test.
9. Effort tolerance in relation to METZ.
10. ECG features of hyperthyroidism.
[LQ 0220] FEBRUARY 2020 Sub. Code: 1532
1. What ECG features will be seen in acute inferior wall MI and in which leads?
2. ECG features of hyperthyroidism.
3. ECG features of atrial flutter.
4. What are the ECG features of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
5. Indication for modified Bruce protocol.
6. Target heart rate for exercise test.
7. Bayers theorem.
8. Epsilon waves.
9. Indication for termination of exercise testing.
10. Usual BP response during exercise. What does accelerated response indicate?
1. Discuss the ECG findings in ventricular tachycardia. How will you differentiate
between ventricular tachycardia and supraventricular tachycardia?
2. Discuss the indications, contraindications and precautions while doing treadmill
3. Indications for holter, type of arrhythmia which can be detected by holter?
1. Enumerate the various protocols for Treadmill Test. Discuss in detail about Bruce
and Modified Bruce protocol.
2. Discuss the indications, contraindications and interpretation of 24 hours Holter
3. Discuss in detail ECG features in various types of Myocardial Infarction.
1. Indications of Cardioversion.
2. Sine wave pattern.
3. Ventricular Trigeminy.
4. “U” Wave.
5. Horizontal ST depression in Treadmill Test.
6. First degree Atrio ventricular block.
7. How will you give DC shock?
8. ECG in Pericarditis.
9. Q-T interval.
10. Biploar Lead.
1. Brugada Syndrome.
2. Himalayan P-waves.
3. Long QT Syndrome.
4. U wave in ECG.
5. Atrial flutter.
6. DC shock.
7. Enumerate three points to diagnose RVH.
8. Enumerate three points to diagnose a Malignant VPC.
9. Modified Chest leads.
10. Normal segments and intervals in ECG.