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End of Course Test

Track 08

1 You will hear Roger Tremain asking his manager if he can go on a training course. Listen to the conversation and complete this chart (15) with details of the course Roger wants to attend. You will hear the conversation twice. 1 Type of course 2 Location (town or city) 3 Starting date 4 Duration of course 5 Cost (course only)
Track 08

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

2 Listen again and mark these statements true (T) or false (F). Rogers manager says that 6 7 8 9 10 the course is a good one. Roger can take time off to do the course before Christmas. _____ there is enough money in the budget to cover costs up to 2,500. _____ Roger is a good employee who will benefit from the training. _____ Roger should put all the details in writing. _____ _____

3 Complete the text below (1115) with the correct word from the box. There is one word you dont need. advertising / launch / market / redundant / share / subsidiary

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Carston has announced that it will close its UK __________11, which employs about 70 staff. Most of the staff will be made __________12. The company spent 5 million on __________13 last year to promote its latest product. But the product __________14 was a failure. Competition from other UK companies, such as Fyfield and Brix, has been strong, and Carston has seen its market __________15 decline sharply over the last three years. 4 Complete the text below (1620) with the best verb from the box. There are more verbs than you need. do / get / make / market / set up / take / work Erika always wanted to work for herself. After getting a good qualification in art and design, she decided to __________16 her own business making jewellery. Two years later, she is finding it hard to __________17 a living from her business. In fact, she has to __________18 part-time in a shop to earn extra money. Erika makes innovative jewellery that is both high quality and stylish, but she doesnt have a strong customer base and often finds it difficult to __________19 her work. She needs to __________20 some market research and then to develop an effective marketing strategy. 5 Match these words (2130) with the definitions (aj). 21 complaint _____ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 endorsement_____ discount merger promotion refund staff turnover workload _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ investment _____

a) When a famous person appears in an advertisement saying how good a product is b) Money put into a business activity with the aim of making a profit c) When two or more companies join together to form a larger company

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d) A statement made by a customer who is not satisfied with a product or service e) The amount of work that a person or organisation has to do f) The people who work for an organisation or company g) The amount of money a company receives in sales in a particular period of time h) Special activity to sell a product: for example, advertising i) Offering something for sale at a lower price than usual j) Money that is given back to the customer if they are not satisfied with a product

6 Choose the correct answer (a, b or c) to complete the article (3140). Michel Soussaline _____31 in a Paris hospital as a cancer specialist. But at present, he is only working part-time. In his free time, he _____32 his wife to develop a biotech company called Imstar. Mr Soussaline describes the difficulties of setting up a new company in France: We _____33 the necessary investment, but it was impossible. There is much less help for developing companies than in the US. Mr Soussaline believes that Imstar _____34 a bigger company by now if it was based in California. Mr de Bzieux, who heads a lobby group for small businesses in France, says: Between 1965 and 1980, the French economy _____35 twice as fast as the US. Since then, it _____36 the opposite. One of the main explanations is that our small businesses _____37. But now there is a new approach to small business in France. In the past year, the government _____38 a series of initiatives to support innovative start-ups. In future, fast-growing companies _____39 extra benefits and _____40 lower rates of tax. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) works helped look for was grows was is not growing launches will receive will be paid b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) worked was helping looked for would be is growing will be was not growing has launched have received will pay c) c) c) c) c) c) c) c) c) c) working is helping will look for have been was growing has been are not growing will launch receive are paying 3

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7 In each line of the e-mail below (4145), there is one mistake. Cross out the word which is wrong and write the correct word on the right. The first one is given as an example. Subject: Meeting next Thursday Dear Becky Do you please help me? Can

Im trying to find on how many people are coming to the meeting next __________41 Thursday. Maria said me it would be ten, but Alex thinks it could be 20. __________42 If more than 15 people come, we would need to book a bigger room. __________43 But the large meeting room has already been booked during the whole day. __________44 I look forward to hear from you. __________45 Many thanks, Sam


8 Choose the best phrase (ah) to complete each gap in the conversation (4653). a) I think b) I agree c) Perhaps we should d) Im not sure I agree e) how about f) The next item on the agenda is g) Yes, thats right h) What do you mean Chair OK, lets move on. _____46 publicity for our sales conference. Barbara, youve prepared something on this. Barbara Ted Yes. Well, to start with, Ive prepared a leaflet to send out to the agents. Youve all received a copy. What do you think? _____47 it looks good very colourful!
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Beth _____48 highlight the guest speakers name a bit more. Shes very well known, and her talk will attract a lot of people. Barbara _____49 by highlight the name more? Ive put her name in large letters. Beth Yes but _____50 putting it right at the top? Ted _____51. The title of the conference is more important, isnt it? _____53 with Beth. The name should stand out more. Dora _____52 the title of the conference must be at the top. But


9 Choose the best response (ag) for each item (5460). 54 Would you like to join us for dinner? ______ 55 56 57 58 59 60 Could you tell me where the restaurant is? What do you recommend? Can I get you a drink? Thanks for showing me round. ______ ______ ______ ______

Can I order a taxi to go to your hotel? ______ I hope you have a good journey back. ______ a) Thanks. Ill be in touch soon. b) The chicken is very good. c) It was a pleasure. d) Thats very kind of you. Id love to. e) Its near our office in the High Street. f) Thanks, but Jack has offered me a lift. g) Thanks. Just a glass of water, please.

10 Read the article and complete each gap (6165) with one of these words (ae). a) messages b) newspaper c) warning d) information e) industries

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Message on sensitive e-mails is not getting through

When new employees start at Goldman Sachs, one of the first things they are told is that they should not put anything in an e-mail that they wouldnt want to read in the __________61. Dont complain about colleagues. Dont discuss sensitive deals. Dont say bad things about the competition. If you want to do those things, they are told, use the phone or talk to someone in person. The same __________62 has been repeated across the corporate world for years, but the message never seems to get through. Sensitive e-mails and instant messages continue to turn up in public. It seems that no matter how often they are told, employees continue to see workplace e-mails as casual, private exchanges that no one else will read. The ePolicy Institute, which conducts research and advises companies, recently carried out a survey of 416 companies. The survey showed that only 42 per cent of companies conduct any formal training regarding e-mail usage. Instead, they rely on written policies that are often not read. Simply telling workers to be more careful is not enough. Some companies are now using advanced software that can block potentially embarrassing messages from leaving a corporate system. Proofpoint, an electronic security company, offers software that monitors __________63 as they arrive and depart to detect potentially dangerous words or phrases. Keith Crosley, Director of Market Development for Proofpoint, says heavily regulated __________64, such as financial services and health care, are among his companys best customers. Kawasaki Motors uses the software to make sure no one leaks its motorcycle designs. The software ensures that personal data such as credit-card numbers and medical histories are encrypted and monitors the disclosure of confidential corporate __________65. Our systems can be trained, Mr Crosley says. You can show it examples Here are my new car designs. Here is my internal phone list and not let those messages go out. The problem is that the software can occasionally block important e-mails that are not sensitive. Customers are not very tolerant of that problem, Mr Crosley says.
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11 Choose the best answer to each question (6670). 66 There are several kinds of sensitive information that shouldnt be included in emails. Which one doesnt appear in the article? a) complaints about people you work with b) trade secrets c) employees names d) bank-account details e) credit-card details 67 If they want to discuss sensitive deals, Goldman Sachs employees are a) use the phone. b) use e-mail. c) talk to a person inside the company. 68 According to an ePolicy survey, most companies a) use special software to block sensitive messages. b) organise training programmes to instruct employees how to use email. c) send only written instructions about using e-mail. 69 Proofpoint is a) a kind of software that monitors e-mails. b) a company that specialises in electronic security. c) an institute that advises companies on security. 70 Which word is used in the article to mean the same as sensitive? a) casual b) instant c) embarrassing told not to

12 You are going to visit a client company in Toronto next week. Write a reply to the following e-mail. Write about 50 words. To: From: Greg Saunders Subject: Your visit next week.

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Dear I am attaching a programme for your visit next week. Please let me know if there is anything you would like to add. If you could also tell me your flight number and arrival time, I will arrange for our driver to meet you at Toronto airport and take you to your hotel. We are all looking forward very much to meeting you next week. Best regards Greg 13 Your manager at work has asked if you can recommend your English course to other employees. Write an informal report of 120 to 150 words describing the English course you have just completed. Include this information: number and length of lessons, people in the group, coursebook topics, exercises and activities. Say what you enjoyed most about the course and what you found useful.

You will have a ten-minute oral test. You have five minutes to prepare. 14 Your examiner will ask you some questions about yourself: your work or studies and your future plans. 15 Look at the information about two products in the chart below. Be ready to describe each product and to answer the examiners questions. Say which one you would prefer to buy and why. Use with The outer case is made of Features Whiteboard marker whiteboards plastic Dries immediately after writing Long-lasting Clean with special product 6 15 for a pack of six Eco-friendly marker whiteboards recycled paper No harmful chemicals Clean with water 4 7 for a pack of four

Colours Price

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