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Mark A. Darket Final Unit Plan Project Edt 514: - Students Will Use The Overview Powerpoint

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Mark A.


Final Unit Plan Project

EDT 514


Outline a. Coming to America ( Immigration and Urbanization) - U.S. History b. 9th Grade c. Goals Goals for the unit of instruction (major concepts that will be taught) (2 pt). d. Learning Objectives i. Urbanization Analyze the changing urban and rural landscape by examining the location and expansion of major urban centers ii. the growth of cities linked by industry and trade iii. the development of cities divided by race, ethnicity, and class iv. resulting tensions among and within groups v. different perspectives about immigrant experiences in the urban setting vi. Use census data from 1790-1940 to describe changes in the composition, distribution, and density of the American population and analyze their causes, including immigration, the Great Migration, and urbanization. e. Characteristics of the Students This unit has been designed for the students of Belleville New Tech High School. The New Tech High School allows for implementation of the TPCK strategies that we have covered. All students are provided a laptop and work within on online community, echo. All of the lessons that are used in this unit require the use of the laptop. Students who attend New Tech may not normally have access to this kind of technology. The area is middle low income. The school is about 40% African American, 40% Caucasian, 10% Hispanic, 5% Asian, 5% Other. We are a public school, but have received bond money to fund the program. The unit that is covered in this project is a creative and investigative journey that will hopefully look at each students family story with immigration/migration. This will bring motivation high as the project is about their families. f. Instructional Procedures The unit will be taught with many different resources. I will give an overview lecture with a PowerPoint. This will give students the background knowledge that they will need to complete their tasks. During the actual project, students will make a website as the overall product. The lessons will revolve around the creation of this website. g. Materials, Resources, and Technology Students will use the overview PowerPoint, website list, Weebly, their laptop, and the online textbook. h. Assessment Strategies i. Formative 1. Notes on lecture 2. Mini Quiz 3. Vocabulary Presentation 4. Push / Pull Factors 5. Journey Map ii. Summative 1. Immigrant Journal Weebly Website 2. Test i. Lesson Plans i. Vocabulary Google Presentation ii. Immigrant Journal iii. Immigrant Google Map

Mark A. Darket

Final Unit Plan Project

EDT 514

II. 3 Lessons A. Lesson 1 a. Lesson Title Vocabulary Google Presentation b. Lesson Author Mark Darket th c. Grade Level / Subject Area 9 Grade U.S. History Immigration and Urbanization d. Time Allotted for Lesson one 2 hour block e. Short Description of Lesson This lesson is part of the introduction of the unit. The introduction includes a lecture PowerPoint and a student led presentation for the unit vocabulary. Within the larger project, students will need to use the vocabulary properly in their Immigrant Journal summative assignment. This lesson groups 3-4 students together. Their task is to use the list of 20 words to create a Google Presentation which best teaches the vocabulary for the unit. Students can use the Marzano Square technique or upload videos of them teaching. f. Classroom Layout and Grouping of Students Google Presentations allow for students to collaborate in real time on a given file. It would be best for students to work close in proximity, but that is not required. The classroom is set up with 8 tables with 4 stools. Students are able to move tables and stools to best facilitate their project. g. Grade Level Content Expectations: i. USHG 6.1.3, 6.1.4 h. NETSS (2007) i. Model legal and ethical behaviors when using information and technology by properly selecting, acquiring, and citing resources. (3,5) ii. Create media-rich presentations for other students on the appropriate and ethical use of digital tools and resources. (1,5) i. Instructional Objectives Students will be able to teach and use the unit vocabulary with mastery. It should be applied on the Immigrant Journal website. Students will be assessed on the vocabulary on a quiz. j. Materials, Resources and Technology Students will use their laptop, the online textbook, the internet, and Google Presentations to complete this lesson k. Students Present Level of Performance and Skills Students will need to be taught how to complete the format of the presentation. This has been previously taught in the first week of school. Marzano squares make students define the word in their terms, use it in a sentence, provide a synonym, and an image (cited). l. Instructional Procedures i. Entry Event at the beginning of this unit, students are given an entry document which will get them motivated and in the right mindset for this unit. ii. Lecture PPT this overview lecture will give students the content necessary to complete their tasks iii. Know / Need to Know list students make a list of what they know, and need to know iv. Vocabulary List the list of vocabulary terms students need to know m. Supplemental Activities: Extensions and Remediation Students may need to read the entire chapter from the online textbook in order to gain content knowledge beyond the lecture. I will also provide students with this list of resources to use throughout the unit. n. Adaptations for Special Learners Students who are unable to complete the Google Presentation will be able to record video of themselves demonstrating knowledge. There are audio recordings of the textbook that can be used for students with low reading comprehension. o. Assessment i. Professional ethics (5 points) how well they collaborate in a group ii. Technology literacy (5 points) how well they manipulate the presentation and cite sources iii. Content literacy (5 points) how well the vocabulary is presented iv. Written communication (5 points) how well the presentation is grammatically correct p. Student products Students create a Google Presentation, like this sample.

Mark A. Darket B. TPACK Analysis

Final Unit Plan Project

EDT 514

a. Explain TPACK components in each particular lesson plan: 1. Content (C) Within the vocabulary presentation, students gain content as they investigate each word. Rather than have students simply copy definitions out of the text, they have to apply its definition in several ways. Through the Marzano square technique, students know how to use these words within the context of the subject. 2. Pedagogy (P) I have used this strategy previously with success. The Marzano squares were first shown to me in a training for ELL students. It was demonstrated that students with low English proficiency learn well with graphics. After using the Marzano technique, I realized it works well for all students. I recently put a spin on it with the Google Presentation format. With a list of twenty words as this unit has, the process can take time. The Presentation allows for collaboration with technology. 3. Technology (T) Students must be shown how to begin a Google Presentation. They need to be taught how to share a presentation so that it has multiple editors. I demonstrate this skill orally with my projector. I also provide a ScreenCast to use later. 4. Content Knowledge (CK) The presentations are shared with me while they are working. I check to make sure students are providing proper definitions and sentences to use. When the presentation is shared with me, I can watch their progress in real time. After the lesson has been concluded, I offer 2-3 of the best presentations to be accessed for the whole class as a study guide. 5. Pedagogy Knowledge (PK) This lesson is perfect for a 9th grade class. They are always eager to work in groups. I design this lesson in a way that shows collaboration but is also easy to track each students contributions. I can assess level of understanding by reading how the word is used in a sentence. Students who have simple sentences have a superficial knowledge and usually need some remediation. 6. Technology Knowledge (TK) Google Presentations are a way for students to collaborate on a presentation together on separate machines. Most students know how to use the website after a few minutes of clicking around. It has a similar functionality base as Microsoft PowerPoint, except it is online. I often spend little time teaching the technology. It is a tool that improves the process of this task. I have ran similar lessons without this tool, it took twice as long to complete. b. Demonstrate how each lesson plan addresses the complex interplay between Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). 7. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Before this unit begins, I give all of my students a pretest to determine the state of understanding before the unit has been taught. Most recently, this pre-test showed me that there was little knowledge of the terms. 10/124 students knew 10 or more of the terms. After giving this lesson, students were given a vocabulary quiz. 110/124 students knew 18 or more terms. 8. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) I chose Google Presentations because it allows for collaboration on a single document. It provides efficiency over a standard, non-TPCK lesson. Students in previous years needed three class periods to complete this task on paper. Google Presentations allowed them to complete it in less than two class periods. 9. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) This tool allows students to spend more time using the vocabulary within the upcoming project. Students will later show knowledge of the terms on their immigrant journal. 10. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) The technology used for this task was chosen because it offers a chance for collaboration, presentation, and application of content.

Mark A. Darket

Final Unit Plan Project

EDT 514


3 Lessons A. Lesson 2 a. Lesson Title Immigrant Journal Website b. Lesson Author Mark Darket c. Grade Level / Subject Area 9th Grade US History d. Time Allotted for Lesson three, two hour blocks e. Short Description of Lesson i. In the Immigrant Journal, you will describe the immigrant's journey to America or an urban center in America from their homeland. ii. Must include four pages (Introduction, Push/Pull Factors, Journal, Resources) Introduction (in 3rd person) a. Immigrant's name, Back story, Family, Location (including map) iii. Push factors / Pull factors iv. Relevant images on all pages v. 10 Journal entries (2+ paragraph descriptions of their experience) What do they see?, what are they feeling?, what are they doing?, what are they eating?, etc This can be online on a website (Weebly) or on paper. If you are doing it online, I will provide a login to the Weebly site you can use. View my Karl Schellenberger weebly as a sample. Classroom Layout and Grouping of Students This task is completely individual. Students are assigned to seats so that me, the facilitator, can see their progress at all times. Since this is completed on laptops, I want to make sure they are on task. Monitors are facing the facilitator. g. Grade Level Content Expectations i. USHG 6.1.3, 6.1.4 h. NETSS (2007) Performance Indicators for the Grade Level i. Design a Web site that meets accessibility requirements. (1,5) ii. Select digital tools or resources to use for a real-world task and justify the selection based on their efficiency and effectiveness. i. Instructional Objectives Students will be able to create a website. The content of the website will demonstrate analysis of the experience of immigrant groups within their former home, on their journey, and in the new urban center. Students will create a 10 entry journal to describe their immigrants experience. j. Materials, Resources, and Technology Students will use their laptop, resource link page, online textbook, and Weebly site to make their journal. k. Students Present Level of Performance and Skills Students will have received a complete overview lecture, textbook reading, vocabulary presentation, and mini quiz before completing this journal. They should be at a high level of content knowledge l. Instructional Procedures i. Overview of Weebly functions ii. Viewing of Sample iii. Description of task m. Supplemental Activities: Extensions and Remediation Students may need to complete additional reading while completing their journal. I have pulled 10 books from the school library to assist them. I will also offer content workshops when I see it necessary. n. Adaptations for Special Learners The journals can be adapted for special education students. They are allowed to take a graphical approach, rather than textual. This will need to be adapted for each IEP. o. Assessment i. Technology literacy (25 points) ease of access on website images, videos, maps ii. Content literacy (25 points) how well the vocabulary is used, push/pull factors, f.

Mark A. Darket iii.

Final Unit Plan Project EDT 514 Written communication (5 points) the perspective journal should have ten entries of at least two paragraphs p. Student products Website B. TPACK Analysis

a. Explain TPACK components in each particular lesson plan: 1.Content (C) The website product presents a large portion of standard 6.1.3, the experience of immigrants who come to America. Students must use the vocabulary terms that were learned in the previous lesson. They must make four pages on the website: introduction, push/pull factors, journal, and resources. Many students will be motivated on the project because they are able to cover an ancestor if they know their history. 2.Pedagogy (P) The instructional decision regarding this lesson reflects two opportunities for learning. Many students require instruction on building websites. The website that I am using is user-friendly and customizable. They have the opportunity to make it culturally specific so that it is more genuine. The content of the website can be shared with anyone once it is published. 3.Technology (T) I created a ScreenCast for the basic functions of Weebly. Many students would not need direct instruction, so the video is available to those who need it. Building a website is an essential NETS skill for high school students. 4.Content Knowledge (CK) Students receive a lecture powerpoint on the unit before the project begins. The content application is very high on this project. They are required to use all of the vocabulary terms within their journal as well as describe examples of push/pull factors in text and audio visual formats. 5.Pedagogy Knowledge (PK) Student accounts on Weebly are organized so that I can check on progress throughout the project. If I notice anyone struggling, or missing components, I can address them and find a solution for them. Usually while the website is in the construction stages, the questions that I answer regard formatting the website. 6.Technology Knowledge (TK) The skills that are learned in this project will allow students to progress towards future website construction. This will help them in the future in many ways. It is a novice approach to basic functions of web design. b. Demonstrate how each lesson plan addresses the complex interplay between Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). 7. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) The journal component of the project is designed to promote civic preparation. Learning the past is the best way to understand how we got to the state we are in. In this project students are immersed in the perspective of an immigrant and work through the struggles that they face. 8. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) Without technology in this particular framework of content, students would have to produce handwritten products. Many of them would struggle with the presentation of this. Finding maps, calculating distances, interpreting census data are all completed with ease with the use of technology. This project could not be completed at a high level without this. Students would also not have creative design. 9. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) This particular technology changes the learning process by being able to access and embed real content that does not have to be generated by the student. The weebly system allows for high levels of customization with CSS and HTML along with simple drag and drop elements. There are useful elements like Google Maps which bring more relevance to content material. 10. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) This technology was chosen because of the ease of use, scaffolding options, content relevance, and customization

Mark A. Darket Final Unit Plan Project EDT 514 II. 3 Lessons A. Lesson 3 a. Lesson Title Immigrant Journey Map b. Lesson Author Mark Darket c. Grade Level / Subject Area 9th Grade US History d. Time Allotted for Lesson 1 hour e. Short Description of Lesson In this lesson, students will add a Google Map of their immigrants journey to their website. This map will include all of the stops that their immigrant made on their way to their new home. It also needs to include a total distance traveled calculation, which can be done on Google Maps. I have created one on my sample website here. My immigrant came from Stuttgart, Germany and eventually settled in Detroit, MI. f. Classroom Layout and Grouping of Students This activity is an individual task. Students will remain in their normal assigned seats. g. Grade Level Content Expectations USHG 6.1.3, 6.1.4 h. NETSS (2007) Performance Indicators for the Grade Level i. Employ curriculum-specific simulations to practice critical-thinking processes. (1,4) ii. Create media-rich presentations for other students on the appropriate and ethical use of digital tools and resources. (1,5) i. Instructional Objectives Students will gain geographic knowledge of the process of moving to urban centers in America. Calculating distance will give them an idea of how far away immigrants in the 1900s were. This distance is much bigger without communication tools used today. Students will need to list challenges that the immigrant would face during this journey and after settling. j. Materials, Resources, and Technology students will use their laptop, Google Maps, Weebly k. Students Present Level of Performance and Skills Students will need to be given a workshop on how to use Google Maps. My students were given this at the beginning of the year, but it would be necessary to teach the tools on Google Maps before launching this task. l. Instructional Procedures i. Google Map workshop ii. Weebly Publishing iii. Embedding map workshop m. Supplemental Activities: Extensions and Remediation The map itself would be created in class. Students would need to reflect on the conclusion at home and complete the next day. The reflection would include the challenges that would face an immigrant as they are now thousands of miles from their homes and in some cases family. Most immigrants would rarely have the chance to contact their families again. n. Adaptations for Special Learners Students with accomodations could view a screencast that I would provide to them which goes over the directions of Google Maps. o. Assessment Students would receive: i. 10 points for Content Literacy - the map would accurately depict the journey ii. 10 points for Technology Literacy the map is successfully embedded in the website with a separate page. p. Student products This is the separate page on the website. Each student will create this individually.

Mark A. Darket B. TPACK Analysis

Final Unit Plan Project

EDT 514

a. Explain TPACK components in each particular lesson plan: 1.Content (C)- Students must address geographic components within the standard. They must understand the connection between exit and entry ports, methods of travel, distance, environmental factors, and political boundaries. All of the geographic elements can be presented and assessed using a customized Google Map (My Places). 2.Pedagogy (P) Within the 6.1.3 standard, students must analyze immigration after 1790 included Europeans, American Indians, and people of African origin. Composition changed in the early 1800s to include Asian immigrants initially brought to work on the railroads. European immigrants in the 1800s were mainly from Northern and Central Europe. By 1940, immigrant populations reflected increases in numbers of people from Southern and Eastern Europe, Mexico, and the Caribbean. I chose the Google Map option because much of this can be displayed in using placemarks and lines. 3.Technology (T) I would have to provide direct instruction for using My Places on Google Maps. Many students have trouble with the functions. I also made a ScreenCast for the functions if they need help at a later time. 4.Content Knowledge (CK) The content of the immigration unit must include interpretation of journey maps. This lesson allows students to do this by creating their own map. These will later be compared to official census maps for analyzing. 5.Pedagogy Knowledge (PK) I provide a direct instruction lesson on the creation of the Google Map. While students are working, I am monitoring by simply walking around. I model major errors so that they can be avoided. The screencast is also available for a reference. 6.Technology Knowledge (TK) Analyzing maps and using Google Maps will be a useful tool for the future. As paper maps are becoming obsolete, this technology offers many of the same uses with additional tools. b. Demonstrate how each lesson plan addresses the complex interplay between Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). 7. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) I would have to analyze maps with the students in some shape or form. I chose the Google Map option because it allows for 21st century skill building. The Google Map that is generated by students can be easily embedded into their previous website product. As seen on my page karlschellenberger.weebly.com 8. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) The Google Map system is the easiest way to apply and evaluate immigration patterns at different time frames. 9. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) Rather than using paper maps which must be shared, this technology can be in front of every student. They are able to manipulate the map in the most suitable way for their specific immigrant group that they are assigned. 10. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) The integration of Google Maps in the Weebly site is a large part of the decision making process with T, P, C. The Google system is widely used and will be a great skill to be utilized in the future. The lack of physical maps within our school makes this decision very simple.

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