3 5 Reflection
3 5 Reflection
3 5 Reflection
5 Basic Troubleshooting
Candidates troubleshoot basic software and hardware problems common in digital
learning environments.
The Internet Lesson Plan was completed to show use of Internet Tools in the classroom.
The key components of the lesson were Technology standards and content standards that
were embedded into the lesson. A short summary of the lesson; essential uestions;
assessment; resources; and preparation! management were all key components of the
plan. Instructional strategies and differentiation were also noted in the plan as there are
always some students that need a little e"tra help with the activities. #eveloping and
implementing this lesson proved valuable to me in that I learned there can be meaningful
and valuable lessons taught through the computer if we take the time to engage the
learner in meaningful lessons.
$esearch%&ased Learner%Centered strategies establish the e"pectations for
troubleshooting basic hardware and software problems. This artifact demonstrates my
ability to develop an Internet Lesson Plan that incorporated authentic learning by using
meaningful analysis of learner characteristics that reuired the lesson to be adapted for
student diversity. This lesson reuired adaptation of content for the lesson for the varied
learner. The process for the lesson reuired differentiation of strategies so that the
meaning would be there for all students. I then modeled the steps we would take to
complete the lesson and why Internet safety is so important while also introducing the
students to the digital tools and resources they would be using to complete the pro'ect.
The students then worked collaboratively using strategies of design and implementation
by working together to produce and illustrate graphic organi(ers as a presentation tool.
Classroom management was a key component of this lesson as we used and develop a
)iki page. There were a few parts of this lesson that reuired troubleshooting efforts on
my part. *ava was a component that needed updating for some of the websites to work.
Also! a few of the sites were blocked! so I had to get the Technology #irector to
troubleshoot these problems for me! but listing them for him to unblock individually.
+verall! I was able to troubleshoot effectively so the lesson could go on. #ifferentiated
instructional strategies used with this lesson included, ad'usting content! process! product!
and learning environment. The facilitation of using adaptive and assistive technologies
for all students was done by having the students work together and having a Para%Pro
work one%on%one with the -)# students that needed e"tra help. To close the lesson! all
students had to provide a reflection on the &log page and answer uestions for
assessment of the lesson. This lesson was meaningful and had a great end that all of the
students reali(ed the importance of keeping themselves safe when on the Internet.
#eveloping and implementing this lesson was a meaningful learning e"perience for me.
)hile developing this lesson! I learned that we must make these lessons appeal to our
students and get them e"cited about using technology before we can get them engaged. I
was able to research strategies for teaching that I hadn.t been e"posed to before. It was a
great lesson for all students as it brought a real%world problem /Cybersafety0 to them and
they were able to share thoughts! feelings and incidents that had happened in their lives to
the table. The diversity of all students was a real eye%opener as we all learned together
that not everyone has accessibility to technology twenty%four hours a day. )e had to
work around these limitations and learned from this. If I had to change something about
this lesson! I would give myself and the students more time to work on this. Two days
was not enough time for this particular lesson. I would definitely give at least four to five
days to it.
Internet Lessons are at the forefront of education today. Therefore this lesson was a way
to model for teachers and students that lessons can be taught using the Internet. -tudents
all learn differently and we must accommodate for this. +ur school improvement plan
calls for developing technology%rich lesson plans and this went right a long with what we
want all teachers to be able to do in the future. -tudents were able to post on the )iki
page and they went to other classes and to other students and shared what we had learned
about Cybersafety and why it is so important.