Bed Mattresses Report
Bed Mattresses Report
Bed Mattresses Report
Report number:
E.J.M. Deliege MSc D.S.C. Nijdam BSc A.C. Vlaanderen MSc (direct tel. nr. +31 570 699893)
Tauw Milieu bv International P.O. Box 133 7400 AC Deventer, the Netherlands Telephone +31 570-699911 Fax +31 570-699666
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3DJH 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 9
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1.1 The history of the present project ............................................................. 1.2 The purpose of the Ecolabel..................................................................... 1.3 The content of this report .......................................................................... PRODUCT GROUP DESCRIPTION.................................................................. 2.1 Definition of the product group.................................................................. 2.1.1 Beds and bed mattresses ......................................................... 2.1.2 Mattresses for private consumers and for institutional consumers ................................................................................. 2.1.3 Definition of mattresses............................................................. 2.2 Product categories ....................................................................................
COMPOSITION OF MATTRESSES ................................................................. 13 3.1 General ..................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Composition and production of core materials ....................................... 14 3.2.1 Latex foam ................................................................................ 14 3.2.2 Polyether (PUR) foam .............................................................. 14 3.2.3 Steel spring interiors................................................................. 15 3.2.4 Materials used in Scandinavian mattresses/beds................... 17 3.2.5 Other materials ......................................................................... 17 MARKET SITUATION FOR MATTRESSES..................................................... 19 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 19 4.2 Production and trade................................................................................ 19 4.3 Trends....................................................................................................... 24 4.4 European standards for mattresses ........................................................ 24 4.5 Existing ecolabels..................................................................................... 25 INTRODUCTION TO THE LCA......................................................................... 27 GOAL AND SCOPE DEFINITION ..................................................................... 29 6.1 Goal definition........................................................................................... 29 6.2 Product system and system boundaries ................................................. 29 6.3 Functional Unit.......................................................................................... 31 6.4 Example products .................................................................................... 34 LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY ............................................................................... 37 LIFE CYCLE IMPACT ASSESSMENT ............................................................. 43 8.1 Classification and characterization.......................................................... 43 8.2 Assessment of the four example products.............................................. 46 8.3 Qualitative assessment of other materials and additives ....................... 57 8.4 Waste treatment of mattresses................................................................ 61 NORMALISATION.............................................................................................. 67 LIFE CYCLE INTERPRETATION...................................................................... 69 PROPOSALS FOR CRITERIA .......................................................................... 71 11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 71 11.2 Ecological criteria ..................................................................................... 71 11.3 Fitness for use criteria.............................................................................. 76 11.4 Application and test methods for ecological criteria ............................... 77 11.5 Market feasibility of proposed criteria...................................................... 77
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ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................................... 79 LITERATURE ..................................................................................................... 81 ANNEXE 1: EUROPEAN STANDARDS FOR MATTRESSES ....................... 86 ANNEXE 2: CROSS SECTIONS OF DIFFERENT MATTRESS TYPES ....... 89 ANNEXE 3: INVENTORY DATA ....................................................................... 91 ANNEXE 4: ESTIMATION ENERGY USE OF LATEX FOAMING ................130 ANNEXE 5: LCA RESULTS SCANDINAVIAN BED/MATTRESS..................131
The current report was drafted by Tauw Milieu on behalf of the Greek organisation ASAOS and the Greek Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning & Public Works in co-operation with the French Ministry of Environment within the framework of a project aimed at the establishment of European Ecolabel criteria for the product group "bed mattresses". The above-mentioned project, entitled "Establishment of ecological criteria for the product group Bed Mattresses", comes forth from the Council Regulation 92/880 EEC, regarding the establishment of a European Ecolabelling scheme. The relevant study started in May 1994 when the Greek Expert Group presented a preliminary draft on the same subject during the Greek presidency meeting on ecolabels in May of the same year. Next in May 1995, at the first Ad Hoc Working Group (AHWG) meeting held in Athens, the Greek experts presented the first draft on the feasibility phase of the relevant study. In September 1995 the complete report on the feasibility phase of the study comprising a market study as well was presented in Brussels. On the basis of this report the E.U. Commission decided to proceed with the project. In May 1996 the Greek Ministry of the Environment asked all the consultant experts on LCA who had already won a contract with the E.U. Commission (DG XI, Ecolabelling Unit) to make proposals and send their tenders for assisting the Greek Expert Group, mainly on the LCA phase of the study. Tauw Milieu was selected among these consultancies for this job. In December 1996 the first meeting of the representatives of ASAOS, the Greek Ministry of Environment, the Greek Expert Group, the representative of France and the experts appointed by Tauw Milieu was held in Athens with the purpose of clarifying the terms of their mutual co-operation. The first AHWG meeting to discuss the market study was held in March 1997. The second meeting, during which the draft report "Life Cycle Assessment" was discussed, was in June 1997. The last AHWG meeting has been held in November 1997. At this meeting the LCA results and in particular the proposals for criteria for the Ecolabel were discussed by the Greek Expert Group, the consultant and representatives of the national Competent Bodies and European industry. Based upon this discussion and upon comment received from AHWG members, this final report was written.
It should be noted that the main purpose of the ecolabel is to stimulate consumers to buy environmentally sound products. As a consequence, producers are stimulated to produce in an environmentally friendly manner. An environmental LCA is used in order to determine the key issues regarding the environment impact of the products in question. The current project is carried out
according to the guidelines of the Group des Sages for ecolabelling studies [1]. According to these guidelines an ecolabelling study must contain six phases: 1. Feasibility study; 2. Market study; 3. Life cycle inventory; 4. Environmental impact assessment; 5. Setting of criteria; 6. Presentation of draft proposal for a commissions decision.
The current report contains the results of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study for four representative mattresses, YL] polyether foam, latex foam, spring interior and a "scandinavian mattress". Also proposals for Ecolabel criteria are included in the report. The LCA was performed according to the SETAC guidelines and the draft ISO standards on LCA (ISO 14040 series). These guidelines emphasize the importance of transparency and consistency of the study; underlying data and assumptions should be available to the reader. The aim of the LCA is twofold: - to give an overview of all environmental aspects related to the life cycle of mattresses; - to identify the most important processes and emissions from an environmental point of view (the key issues). Based on the LCA results and on other relevant information proposals for criteria for the ecolabel have been defined, reported and discussed by the Ad Hoc Working Group. The proposals included in this report are based on the proposals reported in report European Ecolabel for Bed Mattresses, LCA and criteria proposals, second draft, (Ref. R3535924.C04.EJD) and on the comment by the Ad Hoc Working Group.
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In order to define the product group "bed mattresses", we first differentiate PDW WUHVVHV from EHGV . In this context, a bed is defined as a supporting structure for a mattress (a type of cushion designed to rest or sleep upon). The "cushion" normally consists of a replaceable mattress, but sometimes the supporting structure is integrated in or adjusted to the soft surface (e.g. a sofa/bed combination or a waterbed). The supporting structure of a bed can last a lifetime or even longer, whereas mattresses are normally replaced every 10 to 15 years. We therefore consider beds and bed mattresses as two different products. As the present ecolabel is concerned with bed mattresses only, products sold as beds, such as water beds, box springs, bed/sofa combinations and mattress/bed combinations are not included in the product group. However, an exception has to be made for the beds and mattresses which are being used in Scandinavia. A great part of beds used in the Nordic countries contains a wooden frame integrated with a spring system (box spring). Upon this a mattress (normally with spring interior) is fixed. This means that the box spring and mattress can not be separated and are always sold as one piece. Finally the whole is covered with a thin, replaceable mattress pad [2] (annexe 2). 0DWWUHVVHV IRU SULYDWH FRQVXPHUV DQG IRU FRQVXPHUV0DWWUHVVHV IRU SULYDWH FRQVXPHUV DQG IRU FRQVXPHUV0DWWUHVVHV IRU SULYDWH FRQVXPHUV DQG IRU FRQVXPHUV0DWWUHVVHV IRU SULYDWH FRQVXPHUV DQG IRU FRQVXPHUV LQVWLWXWLRQDO LQVWLWXWLRQDO LQVWLWXWLRQDO LQVWLWXWLRQDO
,QWURGXFWLRQ Article five of the EU regulation 880/92 on the establishment of a community Ecolabelling award scheme states that the product group should be established in such a way that DOO FRPSHWLQJ SURGXFWV VHUYLQJ VLPLODU SXUSRVHV DQG KDYLQJ HTXLYD OHQFH RI XVH are included in one group. Generally speaking the function of a mattress is to provide a comfortable surface to rest or sleep upon. This function can basically be fulfilled by different products, ranging from straw beach mats to very soft mattresses. Also, some people might find a bed of nails comfortable. In order to define the product group, we therefore have to define a common denominator and find out what competing products the consumer can choose from. There are differences between the functional requirements of private consumers on the one hand and institutional consumers (e.g. hospitals) on the other. EU regulation 880/92 makes no distinction between private and institutional consumers. Private consumers buy their mattresses mainly in shops (e.g. department stores, furniture shops, special bedroom shops and sometimes also in large do-it-yourself shops).
Institutional consumers, such as hospitals, army institutions, recreational institutions etc. on the contrary are not very likely to buy their mattresses in shops; they usually get them from wholesalers or directly from the producers. The mattresses bought by institutional consumers often serve specific purposes. These special purpose products are not fully competing with mattresses for private consumers. So there seem to be two relevant differences between private and institutional consumers that have their effect on what can be considered competing products: - functional requirements; - distribution system/availability; Referring to article five of the above-mentioned EU regulation, the product group will include only those mattresses for institutional use for which the functional requirements are comparable to those of mattresses for private use. 'HILQLWLRQ RI PDWWUHVVHV'HILQLWLRQ PDWWUHVVHV'HILQLWLRQ RI PDWWUHVVHV RI PDWWUHVVHV'HILQLWLRQ RI
In the Longmans Dictionary of contemporary English the word mattress is described as follows: WRS SDUW RI D EHG FRQVLVWLQJ RI D VWURQJ FORWK FRYHU ILOOHG ZLWK VROLG VRIW PDWHULDO There are several standards on mattresses, but most of these were found to contain no definition as to what a mattress is. An exception is the German RAL-GZ 441/1 (polyether foam mattresses, quality requirements) and the RAL-GZ 441/2 (spring mattresses, quality requirements). In the RAL-GZ 441/1 Polyether foam mattresses are defined as: UHPRYDEOH FXVKLRQV IRU UHVWLQJ DQG VOHHSLQJ IXUQLWXUH RI ZKLFK WKH FXVKLRQ SHUIRUPDQ FH LV FDXVHG E\ WKH FRUH RI SRO\HWKHU IRDP In the RAL-GZ 441/2 spring mattresses are defined as: UHPRYDEOH FXVKLRQV IRU UHVWLQJ DQG VOHHSLQJ IXUQLWXUH RI ZKLFK WKH SHUIRUPDQFH RQ VXSSRUW DQG HODVWLFLW\ LV SULQFLSDOO\ FDXVHG E\ WKH FRUH RI WKH VSULQJ FRUH These definitions resemble the Longmans definition, but are fixed on a given material. Please note that both the Longmans definition and the RAL definition define a mattress as something that is part of, or can be placed on, a bed structure. In the RAL standard this is complemented by the statement that a mattress should be UHPRYDEOH, i.e. be replaceable after its lifetime. Apart from the element of replaceability, the function that a mattress has to fulfil (resting and sleeping upon) also has to be included in the definition. According to articles in consumer magazines [3,4,5], it may in general be stated that the consumer expects a mattress to be ILW IRU XVH (to rest or sleep upon) and to ODVW DW OHDVW VHYHUDO \HDUV. According to the consumer tests and standards, a mattress is fit for use if it fulfils certain physical criteria (such as softness; durability; damp permeability etc). These will be elaborated upon in section 6.3. Accordingly, the following three elements are included in the definition: - it can be placed on a bed (removable/replaceable) - it is fit for resting and sleeping upon - it has a lifetime of several years In line with these elements, the product group mattresses is defined as follows:
3URGXFWV SURYLGLQJ D VXUIDFH WR VOHHS RU UHVW XSRQ WKDW DUH ILW IRU XVH E\ KXPDQ EHLQJV IRU D ORQJ SHULRG RI WLPH FRQVLVWLQJ RI D VWURQJ FORWK FRYHU ILOOHG ZLWK PDWHULDOV DQG WKDW FDQ EH SODFHG RQ DQ H[LVWLQJ VXSSRUWLQJ EHG VWUXFWXUH The following competing products found in shops will fit this definition: - spring mattresses; (with spring interior or with pocket springs) - polyether mattresses (also called polyurethane or cellular plastics mattresses); - latex mattresses (also called rubber foam or cellular rubber mattresses) - other mattresses (among others combinations of the above-mentioned types and so called water-mattresses5). The "Scandinavian mattresses/beds" as described in 2.1.1 will be included in the study, because they can be considered to be a mattress with attached frame. Normally speaking, inflatable air beds are not meant to sleep upon for a long period of time. Due to this fact, they will probably not meet the criteria "fitness for use" which will be established within the framework of the Ecolabel6.
The product group bed mattresses consists of a variety of mattress types. Therefore, it is not possible to identify one typical mattress that covers the entire product group. Due to the diversity, the product group has to be divided into various categories. The LCA study includes a sample of each category. As for the determination of the categories, the following requirements apply: - Together, the resulting categories should cover the entire product group as defined in section 2.1.3. - For each category it should be possible to collect market data and the data necessary for the LCA study. This means that preferably, the categorization chosen should also be used by producers, trade and consumers. - Each category should consist of products that are comparable7 for the most relevant aspects, so that one typical product can be identified that would be more or less representative for the entire category. This example product will be used in the LCA study. A category consisting of spring mattresses and water mattresses e.g. would not meet this requirement, as an example product to represent both types can not be defined. Based upon the above-mentioned requirements the mattress have been categorized according to the core material: ODWH[ PDWWUHVVHV (also called latex foam or cellular rubber); SRO\HWKHU PDWWUHVVHV (also called PUR foam or cellular plastics); VSULQJ LQWHULRU PDWWUHVVHV (includes Bonnell, pocket spring, LFK, etc.); 6FDQGLQDYLDQ PDWWUHVVHVEHGV; PDWWUHVVHV RI RWKHU PDWHULDOV (e.g. cotton or coconut fibre core).
1 Water mattresses are "waterbeds" with a minimized amount of water and an internal supporting structure of plastic- or rubber foam. Due to their reduced weight, they can be placed on existing beds. 2 The exception to this rule was found in a furniture chain shop; it sells a mattress that can be rolled up to handleable size and that is said to be suitable for use over a longer period of time. Whether this product has a long life time and meets tough fitness for use criteria is not known. 3 i.e. differences between the categories should be bigger than differences within one category.
This categorization complies with the above-mentioned three requirements and is already in common use. These categories do not fully coincide with the categories identified in the feasibility study [6]. In the feasibility study it was suggested to use two basic categories, one based on the method of construction, and the other one based on the use of the product. For these categories further subdivisions were suggested on the basis of size. The subdivision on the basis of size or use is helpful for the market study, but is not necessary for the LCA study, because the composition of mattresses is hardly dependent on their size. Therefore a subdivision according to the core material is being used to differentiate the product group. For mattresses for institutional use extra requirements often apply as compared to mattresses for household use. In order to meet these requirements the composition of these mattresses might also differ: - Mattresses used in hospitals: According to German DIN standards [7] the polyether foam or latex foam core of the mattress must be permeable for air and must be resistant to sweat and urine. If glue is used, this glue must be able to withstand boiling water. The cotton ticking must consist of one piece and must be replaceable. The core and ticking are to be sterilized and cleaned separately, either by steam or chemically. Information from mattress manufacturers indicates that for hospital mattresses sometimes PVC tickings are being used. As far as known, the requirement regarding resistance to sweat and urine also applies in other EU countries. In some countries an additional requirement for these mattresses is fire resistance. Prevention of bedsores (decubitus) can also be a requirement for hospital mattresses. - Mattresses used in hotels: According to information from several mattress manufacturers the composition of these mattresses does not differ significantly from that of mattresses for ordinary use. In general the price of hotel mattresses is lower. - Mattresses for prison, army, etc.: The main additional requirements are about flame retardancy and resistance to cleaning and sterilizing methods. According to a large manufacturer of mattresses, mattresses for institutional use, especially hospital and military mattresses, are often manufactured by specialized companies. Those of the above-mentioned special purpose mattresses for which additional requirements apply are not really competing with mattresses for ordinary use. The other special purpose mattresses can be included in the appropriate product categories as defined in section 2.2. The number of mattresses used within the European Union (EU) for hospitals and institutions is small compared to the number of mattresses for private households and hotels. The feasibility study [6] mentions the following estimations for the number of mattresses in use within the EU: Private households: 345 million (95%) Hotels: 11 million ( 3%) Hospitals: 3.5 million ( 1%) Army, prison, train, etc. 5 million ( 1%)
,Q WKLV VWXG\ RQO\ PDWWUHVVHV IRU SULYDWH KRXVHKROGV DQG KRWHO XVH DUH WDNHQ LQWR DFFRXQW because of the additional requirements and the low sales numbers of mattresses for hospitals, army, prison, train etc. Assuming that water beds constitute less than 3% of the bed types for private households and hotels [8], this means that the product group as defined above represents at least 95% of all the mattresses in use for private households, hotels and institutions within the EU.
In general a mattress consists of the following parts: - &RUH The core provides for the support of the mattress. The composition and production of the core will be discussed below (chapter 3.2) for the five categories of mattresses. The main materials which are being used are steel springs, polyether foam and latex foam. According to a mattress test [9] horse hair and coconut fibre are also used as core materials, e.g. for baby mattresses. - 6KHOO SDGGLQJ The shell or padding consists of a layer around the core. The purpose of this shell is to equalize the pressure on the human body. All mattresses with a spring interior and some of the mattresses with other core materials contain a shell. Often mattress shells are composite structures. The materials mainly used are: Polyether foam (polyurethane or PUR foam) Latex foam Horse hair and camel hair (both sometimes rubberized) Coconut fibres (sometimes rubberized) Polyester (PET or Poly-ethylene-terephthalate) Cotton Wool Linen Felt Jute Cisal
The production method of the shell depends of course on the materials used. In general the materials used are glued and/or sewed to each other and on the core. Also staples are being used to fix the materials together. - 7LFN The outer cover of the mattress is called the tick or ticking. It provides a comfortable top layer. The main woven materials used for the tick of mattresses are: Cotton Polyester (PET or Poly-ethylene-terephthalate) Silk Polypropylene Nylon (polyamide) Wool Viscose
According to a tick manufacturer, ticks based on polyester are mainly used in the Southern European countries, whereas in the Northern European countries cottonbased ticks are preferred. The tick can be fixed to the mattress by means of stitching or by tapes running through the mattress (tufting). Sometimes the tick is not fixed, but can be removed from the mattress by the customer.
In annexe 2 cross-sections of the different types of mattresses are given. /DWH[ IRDP/DWH[ IRDP/DWH[ IRDP/DWH[ IRDP
For latex foam natural latex (also called natural rubber, NR) as well as synthetic latex is being used. As far as known, the amount of natural latex in the foams used for mattresses ranges from 0% to 100%. The actual amount being used depends on aspects like the price of natural latex, the production process, the desired properties of the foam and consumer wishes (e.g. "green" mattresses with a high amount of natural latex). The produced latex foam for mattresses may contain cavities or holes. These holes cause a lower overall density and areas with different hardness of the foam core. Natural latex originates from the liquid (latex) of the rubber tree, which grows in regions around the equator, such as South-Asia, Africa and South-America. The latex liquid consists basically of minute rubber (polyisoprene) particles (35 w%) dispersed in water. Part of the latex is concentrated to about 60 w% rubber and exported as such [10]. According to latex foam manufactures the synthetic latex foam used for mattresses is mainly SBR, Styrene Butadiene Rubber. SBR is produced by polymerization of styrene (appr. 23%) and butadiene (appr. 77%) [10]. Latex foam production is based on the Dunlop (also called NSF) or Talalay process [10]. For both processes the concentrated latex is compounded with among others sulphur, activators, accelerators, antioxidants and soap, see section 8.3. Next the compound is foamed by mechanical mixing with air to 8 - 12 times of its original volume. In the Dunlop proces gelation of the foam is induced by chemical agents. A gelation time of 6 - 10 minutes allows the liquid foam to be poured into moulds. After gelation the foam is vulcanized by heating the moulds (appr. 100C). The vulcanization, LH the formation of sulphur bridges between the polymer chains, yields an elastic latex foam. Normally the latex foam is washed with water to remove remains of additives. In the Talalay process the gelation is carried out by deep-freezing the foam and subsequent introduction of carbon dioxide and air as a foaming agent. The other process steps do not differ significantly from those in the Dunlop process. 3RO\HWKHU 385 IRDP3RO\HWKHU IRDP3RO\HWKHU 385 IRDP 385 IRDP3RO\HWKHU 385
Mattresses containing polyurethane foam based on hydroxy-polyether (polyol) are often referred to as polyether mattresses. The density of the foam for ordinary mattresses ranges from 25 to 35 kg/m3 (product information manufacturers). For a small quantity of high quality mattresses densities up to 60 kg/m3 are being used. The PUR foam is manufactured by a reaction between precursors, mostly toluenediisocyanate (TDI) and a hydroxy-polyether. A small portion of polyether mattresses is based on diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) instead of TDI. Starting with crude oil, natural gas, sulphur, coke and sodium chloride, TDI or MDI are prepared in a number of process steps [11]. Hydroxy-polyethers are produced by three different process routes. The raw materials used are crude oil, natural gas, sodium chloride, animal fat, sugar and other organics [11].
During the reaction of the two precursors, the produced PUR is foamed at the same time. Carbon dioxide, which acts a blowing agent, is produced by the reaction of diisocyanate with water. The two basic reactions for PUR foam manufacturing are: 1. urea reaction: water + diisocyanate -> urea + carbon dioxide 2. urethane reaction: polyol + diisocyanate -> (poly)urethane Additives like catalysts, emulsifiers, foam stabilizers and blowing agents are often used [12]. These will be discussed in more detail in section 8.3. Sometimes volatile organic compounds are used as an additional, physical blowing agent. PUR foam for mattresses is mostly produced on large scale with the so called slabstock process. In this process the reacting mixture of isocyanate, polyether and additives is dosed into a kind of gutter. During the reaction the mixtures is moved through the gutter. When the reaction has proceeded so far that the foam can be handled, it is cut into large slabs. Next the reaction is completed (curing) at an elevated temperature. Because of the exothermic reactions taking place during curing, no external heat is necessary. During the slabstock foam production TDI or MDI emissions to air may occur [54]. For environmental reasons nowadays venting with subsequent active coal filtering is sometimes applied. 6WHHO VSULQJ LQWHULRUV6WHHO VSULQJ LQWHULRUV6WHHO VSULQJ LQWHULRUV6WHHO VSULQJ LQWHULRUV
The core of these mattresses consists of springs. Many types of steel springs are being used, e.g.: Individually wrapped spring coils (pocket-springs) Individually placed spring-coils (Bonell springs) LFK (LeichtFederKern) springs (cylindrical springs) Springs embedded in rubberized foam A core of endless-wire springs
The springs are made from steel. Often a heat treatment is applied in order to improve the properties of the spring. The kind and number of springs, the diameter of the steel wire, and the height and diameter of each spring determine together the supporting properties of the mattress. Iron is the main component of steel. Iron ore is extracted from ore-mines, which are located in e.g. Sweden, France and the former Sowjet Union. The amount of carbon in steel used for springs is normally 0.4 - 0.7%. Small amounts of other elements may be added, e.g. manganese for improved elasticity or magnesium. In Europe about 25% of the steel is produced with the help of the electrosteel process, which uses nearly only scrap from e.g. car dumps as base material instead of ore. Besides scrap, the following components are added for quality improvement and/or change of properties [13]: - ore; - metals like chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), vanadium (V), molybdene (Mo); - lime and some other additives. The melting process in the furnace takes place with help of electrodes or a coil. After the melting process the steel is poured in moulds. The resulting steel blocks are reduced in size to so-called sticks with help of rolls. The sticks can be rolled to wire with several diameters. The wire-diameters range from 5mm to 30mm.
Several processes can be executed afterwards like surface treatment, wire drawing and/or hardening. The other 75% of the steel in Europe is produced with help of the blast-furnace oxysteel process. Instead of scrap, ore is the main material used in the blast-furnaces. Before the ore is put into the blast-furnace, the ore has to be treated to improve its quality. Two processes - pelletizing or cindering - can be executed. To improve the quality of the steel, specified amounts of coke, lime, scrap, water and bentonite are added during these processes. Coke, which is manufactured out of coal, acts as reducing agent in the melting process. In contrast with the electrosteel process, the furnace blast process is a continuous process. The basic chemical reaction in the blast-furnace is Fe2O3 + 3CO (from coke) 3CO2 + 2Fe. After the melting process, the molten iron is transported to the oxysteel-plant. In this plant the amount of carbon in the melt is reduced with help of oxygen from 3 - 4% to 1.5% or less, in order to attain the desired properties regarding strength and elasticity. The thick wire coming from the steel mills, with a diameter ranging from 5,5 - 30 mm, is drawn with a drawnbench to the desired diameter (for mattress springs 1.6 to 2.4 mm). To eliminate friction during drawing as much as possible, lubricants like mineral oils, synthetic and organic grease, graphite, molybdenesulphide or soaps are being applied [14]. Steel wire used in mattress springs, is often hardened by exposure to a high temperature before the coiling process. Thermic hardening as well as electric hardening is being used. Before the hardening, the surface of the wire has to be cleaned and degreased. The most common degreasing methods are alkalic cleaning (NaOH, KOH in water), organic solvent cleaning or ultrasonic cleaning. After the hardening processes, the hardened wire is glowed (720 - 900 C) to eliminate the mechanical forces resulting from rolling and drawing. Springs are formed out of steel wire with help of a coiling machine. During the coil forming process oil is put on the surface of the wire for lubrication. The use of oil can be prevented by treatment of the wire with a fluororesin coating or with organic compounds like oxalic acid, glycine, tartaric acid or a amino acid compound. In how far these substances are being used on large scale in practice, is not known to the authors. Pocket springs are steel springs which are individually wrapped with polyester or polypropylene fleece. The pockets are glued together. 0DWHULDOV XVHG LQ 6FDQGLQDYLDQ PDWWUHVVHVEHGV0DWHULDOV XVHG LQ 6FDQGLQDYLDQ PDWWUHVVHVEHGV0DWHULDOV XVHG LQ 6FDQGLQDYLDQ PDWWUHVVHVEHGV0DWHULDOV XVHG LQ 6FDQGLQDYLDQ PDWWUHVVHVEHGV
In Sweden, Norway, Finland and to a lesser extent Denmark a specific bed/mattress combination is commonly used. In Sweden such beds with a wooden frame account for about 50 % of the total production value of beds and mattresses [2]. This type of bed consists in general of a wooden frame integrated with a spring system. On top of that a mattress (normally with spring interior) is fixed. Finally the whole is covered with a thin, replaceable mattress pad. This pad consists of a polyether or latex core covered with a tick. In annexe 2 a cross section is presented.
The core of these mattresses consists mainly of one or more of the following materials: - Natural fibres, e.g. coconut fibres or kapok [37]. Especially in Southern-Europe coconut fibres are sometimes used as core material. This fibre material (also called coir fibre) is produced from the so called husk, the outer shell of the complete coconut. The husks are soaked in water, followed by defibring or milling. After sifting, the fibres which are to be used for mattresses are dried in the sun, baled or mechanically twisted and shipped. For the production of mattresses layers of the coconut fibre material are formed and put together. These layers may be sprayed with natural latex. If so, the layers are pressed together and vulcanised in an autoclave. The resulting material has a density of about 60 to 80 kg/m3. - Cotton So called black or white cotton is sometimes used as core material. It has to be stressed that this material has not to be cotton, but can consist of a manifold of textiles! The materials originate from second selection cotton (white cotton only) and from mechanical recycling of textile waste from textile factories. The textiles are first cut, shredded and carded to loose fibres. Next this material is processed to a layer, the wadding [55]. - Wool - Horse hair All of the above-mentioned materials might be combined with each other or with latex or PUR foam. Finally water mattresses need to be mentioned. A water mattress consists of a plastic sac which contains an internal supporting structure and is filled with water. As compared to a waterbed, the water mattress is much lighter, due to the minimized amount of water contained in it. It can therefore be used on existing beds.
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In order to establish the proper criteria for an ecolabel for mattresses, some knowledge of the market situation is needed. Based on the number of mattresses sold in each category, representative mattresses can be defined and studied. In this respect national and cultural preferences for certain mattress categories are also relevant. Information about the import and export of mattresses is needed among others to assess whether the market is dominated by large producers. It can also be useful in estimating the influence transportation has on the total environmental impact of mattresses. This chapter describes the market situation of bed mattresses in the European Union. Statistical data on production, import and export of mattresses have been collected from Eurostat [15], several national statistical overviews [16,17,18,19] and the feasibility study [6]. Based on literature [21,22] and on information provided by national associations of manufacturers of furniture/sleeping products and by several mattress manufacturers, some market trends are described. Information was also obtained from a visit to the furniture fair "Interzum" in Cologne.
Table 1 presents an overview of the number of mattresses produced annually in the different EU member states. The Eurostat import and export data for EU countries in 1995 are given in tables 2 and 3.
7$%/( 352'8&7,21 &RXQWU\ 5XEEHU 1XPEHU France (1994) Belgium & Lux. (1994) Netherlands (1995) Germany (1995) Italy United Kingdom (1993) Ireland (1991) Denmark (1st half 1996) Greece Portugal (1995) Spain (1995) Sweden (1994) Finland Austria (1994) 99,000 353,0005 29,862 4,147 248,848 9,539 510,000 468,000 9DOXH 3ODVWLFV 1XPEHU 2,071,000 9DOXH 6SULQJLQWHULRU 1XPEHU 1,841,100 9DOXH 2WKHUV 1XPEHU 9DOXH
Total value of production 207,000 (x 1000 ECU) 29,721 87,539 325,000 863,000 19,767 43,421 spring + others: 31,162 (x 1000 ECU) 5,174,000 398,919 398.0004 22,669
Total value of production 15,300 (x 1000 ECU) 26,132 100,000 100,000 522 50,502 1,795 229,707 20,370 11,642 785
Approx. 2.000.000 mattresses produced. Value: 397,470 (x 1000 ECU) 1,821 10,124 spring + others: 9,605 (x 1000 ECU)
7DEOH 3URGXFWLRQ RI PDWWUHVVHV FRQWLQXHG 1: number of mattresses. 2: value at 1000 ECU. 3: not specified according to type of mattress. 4: contains production of 78.000 wool mattresses. 5: incl. rubber and plastic mattresses
Sources for production data: France: Report "Ecolabel criteria development for bed mattresses", Athens, September 1995 Belgium & Lux.: Report "Ecolabel criteria development for bed mattresses", Athens, September 1995 Netherlands: CBS Mndstat industrie (96/12) Germany: Statistisches Bundesamt, Produzierendes Gewerbe, Fachserie 4, Reihe 3.1, 1995 United Kingdom: Report "Ecolabel criteria development for bed mattresses", Athens, September 1995 Ireland: Report "Ecolabel criteria development for bed mattresses", Athens, September 1995 Denmark: Denmark Statistik, serie C, 1996:2 Greece: Greek mattress manufacturers Portugal Portugese Ministry of Economy, DG Industry Spain: %I$, / QGHU XQG 0 UNWH Sweden: Sveriges Officiella Statistik, Industri Del 2, Varndata, 1995 Austria: Report "Ecolabel criteria development for bed mattresses", Athens, September 1995
0DWWUHVVHV RI FHOOXODU SODVWLFV ,QWUD(& 9059 8814 33249 15636 1304 903 191 932 727 40 755 4043 318 ([WUD(& 807 225 555 2149 812 132 3 304 12 18 489 5060 186 1012
0DWWUHVVHV RI VSULQJ LQWHULRU ,QWUD(& 5015 4766 4226 30159 859 167 386 5193 119 1425 3671 335 2726 -59047 ([WUD(& 1771 5 92 7045 31 421 0 1983 72 2 15 336 1387 259
0DWWUHVVHV H[FO VSULQJ LQWHULRU ,QWUD(& 9692 2199 3778 9989 1549 602 775 1053 273 251 3619 1559 325 -35691 ([WUD(& 1510 178 1156 7794 745 407 1 3986 65 75 1039 2773 607 1364
9865 8222 9515 36101 8264 37 2337 575 1 47 1162 842 176 -77147
: Data based on the period January - September 1995. Source: Eurostat Intra and Extra European Union Statistics (95-96)
7$%/( (;3257 9DOXH DW (&8 5XEEHU PDWWUHVVHV ,QWUD(& France Belgium & Luxembourg Netherlands Germany Italy United Kingdom Ireland Denmark Greece Portugal Spain Sweden Finland Austria Eur-15 131930 37789 76024 4169 6764 5918 350 275 250 0 42 77 272 0 ([WUD(& 3992 6978 125 532 816 209 130 249 3 56 489 166 41 3132
0DWWUHVVHV RI FHOOXODU SODVWLFV ,QWUD(& 2473 63432 22479 10247 1081 2338 2561 1941 0 0 99 825 71 ([WUD(& 12522 654 3705 1337 456 1082 259 320 29 65 111 1153 401 160 107520
0DWWUHVVHV RI VSULQJ LQWHULRU ,QWUD(& 10922 33382 888 10561 8448 4855 0 7534 0 5086 2312 211 34 ([WUD(& 3285 462 189 3999 3917 833 0 1301 123 843 3394 329 509 849 84233
0DWWUHVVHV H[FO VSULQJ LQWHULRU ,QWUD(& 2879 2795 427 5112 9614 7758 36 11964 285 1912 816 2000 3 ([WUD(& 4412 697 77 5051 10409 997 39 11957 404 418 1957 2280 155 717 45601
1: Data based on the period January - September 1995. Source: Eurostat Intra and Extra European Union Statistics (95-96)
In very general terms the market in Europe is about 64% spring interior, 22% polyether and 14 % latex mattresses. The spring interior mattresses amount to about 90 % by unit volume in the UK, 85% in Greece, at least 80% in Italy, 75 - 80% in Germany, around 50% in France and 37% in The Netherlands [22, 47]. In Denmark, Portugal and Spain spring interior mattresses are also by far the best-selling type. Polyether mattress share about 35% in France, 27% in The Netherlands, 10% in Greece and only 5% in Italy [22]. In The Netherlands latex mattresses constitute 18% of the sales [8], in Germany about 10% [5]. As mentioned in par. 2.1.1 in Finland, Sweden and to a lesser extent Denmark special bed/mattress combinations are being used. Evaluation of the production, import and export data indicates that within the EU, a large part of the mattresses is produced and sold within the same country. This applies especially to mattresses with a spring interior. These observations are confirmed by several mattress manufacturers. For one reason this is due to the national preferences as to the type of mattress, see above. The second reason lies in the fact that transporting mattresses is cumbersome and expensive, due to the large volume and weight of the mattresses. This is especially true for the mattresses with a spring interior. The expensive transport also explains why imports mainly originate from neighbouring countries. The number of manufacturers of mattresses and their market share varies widely per country. In France for example about 65% of the bedding market is controlled by five large financial groups, while the rest is run by smaller family-owned companies. In Greece five or six large manufacturers share about 20% of the market, with the other 80% divided between a large number (more than thousand) of small manufacturers [48]. Italy has about 2200 mattress manufacturers, with 2000 of them making less than 30 mattresses per day [22].
As pointed out earlier, there are national preferences as to the mattress categories. In some cases, these preferences change in the course of time. In several countries for example, the number of Bonnel spring mattresses sold is decreasing in favour of pocket spring mattresses [22]. According to manufacturers this is due to the fact that pocket spring mattresses offer a increasingly good comfort/price ratio. In several countries (e.g. Belgium, UK, The Netherlands) mattress manufacturers and retailers are promoting a more frequent replacement of mattresses. In the UK this lead in the last 12 years to a reduction of the mean replacement time by one-half year every year [22]. Other trends have to do with construction changes. Over the last years, several new types of construction have been developed, based mainly on combining existing constructions, e.g. spring mattresses containing zones with different spring types, or mattresses with springs embedded in foam materials.
Available European standards with regard to mattresses provide information on among others the definition of the fitness for use and corresponding test methods. They are also indicative for the degree of standardization in the field of mattresses. There are many European standards (annexe 1), which cover the following topics: - requirements for mattresses and/or materials used in mattresses; - test methods for mattresses and/or materials used in mattresses; - directives for the application and treatment of mattresses;
- requirements for product information on mattresses. A short description of some relevant standards is given below: prEN 1957: Test methods to determine functional requirements. NEN EN 1959: Beds and mattresses - Product Information. This standard specifies the product information that shall be given for all types of domestic adult beds and its components. BS 1877, part 10: Domestic bedding, specification for mattresses and bumpers for childrens cots, perambulators and similar domestic articles. BS 3173: Specification for spring units for mattresses. Requirements include the number of springs, diameter of spring wire and durability of the springs. RAL-GZ 441/1: Quality assurance of polyether mattresses. Requirements are given for the dimensions of the mattress, as well as for the thickness, density and elastic properties of the polyether core. Also requirements for the fabrics used in the tick. RAL-GZ 441/2: Quality assurance of spring interior mattresses. Contains requirements for the spring core, shell and tick.
Up to now there exist no national ecolabels for bed mattresses in the European Union. However, for latex mattresses and for some materials used in mattresses, several ecolabels have been defined by other organizations: - NRFRQWURO /DEHO IRU ODWH[ PDWWUHVVHV E\ %XQGHVYHUEDQG NRORJLVFKHU (LQrichtXQJVK Xser. This is a German association of about 60 retailers of furniture. Maximum amounts are defined for volatile organic substances, formaldehyde, pesticides, heavy metals and azo dyes. Also fitness for use is being tested. In the near future the solvent CS2 might be tested as well [23]. - 48/ /DEHO 48/ LV WKH DEEUHYLDWLRQ RI 4XDOLW WVYHUEDQG 8PZHOWYHUWU JOLFKH Latexmatratze. (Quality Association of Environmentally Friendly Latex Mattresses). The members of this association are suppliers of raw materials and manufacturers and retailers of latex mattresses from different countries., The requirements are HTXDO WR WKRVH RI WKH NRFRQWURO /DEHO >@ - euroLATEX Eco Standard. euroLATEX is an association of European latex foam manufacturers. The standard contains requirements regarding the amount of pentachlorophenol, formaldehyde, pesticides, butadiene, vinylchloride, heavy metals and volatile organic substances. - NR7H[ 6WDQGDUG ZLWK UHTXLUHPHQWV UHJDUGLQJ WR[LF VXEVWDQFHV IRU WH[WLles. Textiles and other materials used in mattresses which comply with the requirements may be labelled [9]. - EU ecolabel for T-shirts and bed linens (March 1996). For this ecolabel ecological criteria have been defined for the raw materials (cotton and polyester) and for weaving and wet processing. Also fitness for use criteria have been defined. -Nordic Swan ecolabel for textiles (December 1994). Criteria are defined for cotton, wool, flax, polyester, polyamide (nylon), and regenerated cellulose fibres (a.o. viscose).
,1752'8&7,21 72 7+( /&$ ,1752'8&7,21 /&$ ,1752'8&7,21 72 7+( /&$ ,1752'8&7,21 /&$
72 72
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An environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) evaluates the various environmental impacts of the materials used for the products concerned. During an environment-oriented LCA, a product is subjected to an integral environmental assessment. This means that its entire life cycle (from the extraction of the raw materials up to the waste phase) and all its environmental effects are taken into consideration and, if possible, quantified. On behalf of the Dutch Ministries of the Environment and Economic Affairs, the Leiden Centre for Environmental Sciences has drafted a manual for the execution of an environment-oriented LCA [24]. This manual contains guidelines regarding the contents of an LCA and presents arithmetic methods for the quantification of environmental impact categories. These guidelines have for a large part been used for the formulation of international guidelines regarding LCA, as drafted by the ISO (International Standardisation Organisation), [25]. Also the manual is in accordance with the SETAC Code-of-practice [26] and the guidelines of the Groupe des Sages [1]. The environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) for bed mattresses has been carried out according to these guidelines and standards. An important ISO rule is that the study has to be transparent, i.e. all used data, assumptions and calculations should be available and retraceable to the reader. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRULHV According to SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) the following environmental impact categories should be quantified in LCA [26]: - abiotic resource depletion - global warming (greenhouse effect) - human toxicity - acidification - ozone depletion - eutrophication - photochemical oxidation (smog) - ecotoxicity - landscape demolition (not yet quantifiable) Besides these SETAC environmental impact categories there are other environmental impact categories which are also often used in LCA. These impact categories are: - use of energy (renewable and fossil energy) - recyclability - nuisance aspects (noise and smell) - waste Relevant environmental effects related to these additional impact categories have been included in the current study. The structure of the LCA is based on the above-mentioned list of environmental impact categories, which forms the guideline for the description of the environmental LCA.
*2$/ $1' 6&23( '(),1,7,21 *2$/ $1' 6&23( '(),1,7,21 *2$/ $1' 6&23( '(),1,7,21 *2$/ $1' 6&23( '(),1,7,21
In the LCA the environmental aspects related to bed mattresses are elaborated. The goal is to identify the most important environmental impacts. The results of this LCA are used to formulate the proposals for the Ecolabel criteria for bed mattresses. In order to achieve this goal the processes playing part in the life cycle of bed mattresses have to be identified and for a selected number of materials the environmental impacts have to be quantified in order to give insight into the importance of these impacts, the responsible materials, and the proportions of the contributing processes.
The life cycle of bed mattresses comprises many processes. Generally speaking the life cycle of a product consists of the following five life stages: 1) extraction of raw materials (cradle) 2) production of materials 3) production of consumer products 4) use of the product 5) disposal of the product (grave) From an environmental point of view the extraction and production processes and the disposal of the product are usually the main points of interest. These concern mainly the extraction and refining of oil, gas and coal, rubber plantations, chemical industry, steel industry, mattress manufacturing industry and finally and landfill facilities. Bed mattresses consist of a variety of materials. In the manufacturing processes of the mattresses besides the basic materials also machines and other goods are used, which also originate from production processes in which other goods are used. The process tree, i.e. the overview of all processes concerned in the life cycle of a product can therefore in principle be infinite. According to studies [27], the total of contributions due to the production of capital goods and due to the personnel-related processes is often less than 5% of the overall environmental impact. For this reason and in order to avoid too much complexity, in LCA practice the following processes are usually not taken into consideration: - production of capital goods, like shovels, trucks, machines, buildings etc. - personnel-related processes, e.g. factory canteens, commuting etc. - production of materials representing less than 5% of the mass of the product, e.g. glue or additives. Based on the above-mentioned considerations, production of capital goods and personnel-related processes have been excluded from the current study. However, the materials representing less than 5 w% of a mattress have not been neglected at forehand. Otherwise a material which is being used in small amounts in mattresses, but which has a high environmental impact, might be neglected unjustly. Figure 1 present a schematic, generic overview of relevant process trees and the system boundaries for mattresses.
The functional unit is a quantitative description of the function of the product group. The primary purpose of the functional unit is to ensure compatibility of LCA results and to provide a reference to which the input and output data can be standardized. The functional unit should be based on the standard use of the product. If such a standard use can not be defined (such as e.g. in the case of cosmetics), the functional unit might be based on actual consumer behaviour. According to the Groupe des Sages [1,62], the focus in dealing with products having complex functions must be on the primary function, i.e. the main reason for which the product is bought. Defining representative products and the functional unit may lead to a refinement of the definition of the product group, which is done in consultation with the AHWG. This statement by the Groupe des Sages is highly relevant to establishing a functional unit for a product group as diverse as mattresses. Mattresses do have a clear primary function: providing a sleeping/resting surface. The secondary functions of special purpose mattresses vary. It will have to be discussed if these specific functions justify the formulation of more than one functional unit. In the same way, the fitness for use can be subdivided into different categories. Here also it is possible to formulate more than one functional unit. In this chapter we will clarify the aspects that play a role in this discussion and come up with suggestions as to the functional unit. 7KH WZR SXUSRVHV RI WKH IXQFWLRQDO XQLW The purpose of functional units in ecolabelling projects is twofold: a) the functional unit serves as the quantification basis in the environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); b) the functional unit can be used to base criteria upon. Re. a). Life cycle assessments usually serve to compare various products that have the same function. For the purpose of this comparison, one needs a unit that reflects this function. All data are calculated in relation to this unit. For the product copying paper, e.g. one A4 size sheet or one square meter of copying paper is a good functional unit. For transport systems, the transportation of one kg of goods over one km is often used. A small truck may emit less exhaust gas per km than a large truck, to the effect that it may be regarded as "better for the environment"; the large truck, however, can carry more goods, to the effect that per kg of transported goods, it may well be better for the environment. Re. b). Ecolabel criteria often are qualitative requirements, but they may consist of quantitative requirements as well. In that case, the functional unit can be used as quantification basis. Up until now, this has not been very common, as there often are objections of a practical nature. Using the functional unit in the criteria improves the fairness of the criteria. In the Dutch ecolabel for copying paper for example, a quantitative criterion was established for the use of energy. The requiremement stipulated that per square meter of paper, no more than 1,48 MJ of energy be used in the course of producing the
paper. Copying paper is usually made of paper weighing 70 to 90 grammes per square meter. The formulated energy criterion is difficult to achieve for the heavy-weight copying paper (90 g/m2) and relatively easy to achieve for light-weight copying paper (70 g/m2). Setting this requirement thus stimulates the use of light-weight copying paper, reducing the total consumption of paper, which leads to environmental benefits. 'HDOLQJ ZLWK GLYHUVLW\ The examples given above relate to relatively simple product groups. The characteristic of a simple product group is that one function is dominating and that this function is easy to measure. For the copying paper, the function (copying) can be measured with a standardized test method that is commonly used. With this test method, fitness for use can be guaranteed to the consumer, even if the paper is of a relatively light weight. So for copying paper, the functional unit was: 1m2 of copying paper, fit for use (i.e. complying with the quality standard). Mattresses also have one dominating function. This function, however, cannot be measured easily. The primary function, LH "to provide a replaceable surface for sleeping or resting upon that is fit for use for a period of several years" primarily is a subjective rather than an objective criterion. Specific consumer demands have resulted in different types of mattresses that are available in the shops. Such specific consumer demands may include for example: - size - price - conformity (sufficient and overall support of all parts of the body) - durability (expected life time) - damp permeability - firmness/softness - insulation value of the mattress (some people like a warm mattress or a mattress with a winter and summer side) - adjustability (suitable for an adjustable bed) - fire resistance - absence of odour (some mattresses smell, even after having been used for some time) Some of these criteria are purely subjective (e.g. softness), whereas others are more objective and can be used to define the meaning of "fitness for use." In two consumer tests [3,4] the hardness, the durability (related to cyclic loading of the mattress) and the damp permeability were tested and used to determine the overall functionality of the mattresses. Mattresses that provide good and overall support (conformity), a good damp permeability and make it through the durability test undamaged may be regarded as mattresses fit for use. The durability can be tested according to an official standard (prEN 1957:1995) and is related to the expected life span of a mattress. To our knowledge, there are no conformity and damp permeability test methods described in official standards. Test methods for these aspects are only described in test programmes of test institutes, e.g. the Dutch consumers organisation [45] and are often based on specific measuring equipment. For this reason damp permeability as well as conformity will not be included in the fitness for use criteria. Accordingly, the following functional unit for mattresses is defined as follows: P RI PDWWUHVV ILW IRU XVH LH ZLWK D GXUDELOLW\ H[FHHGLQJ ; 'XUDELOLW\ DQG TXDOLW\ RI PDWWUHVVHV The "fitness for use" is not a black and white story. There is a certain gradation in the fitness for use, which may be related to the quality of the products or to the
requirements of the consumers. In the United States for example, a life time of 20 or sometimes even 30 years is required by consumers and guaranteed by producers. American mattresses therefore need to be very durable. In Europe the guarantee period is often much shorter (3 years or more). Basically, the functional unit could be further differentiated according to quality class. For basic quality mattresses for example, Xb could be used, for standard quality mattresses Xs, and for premium quality mattresses Xp. It must be stressed, however, that consumer magazines do not distinguish quality or durability classes, nor are there any well-defined categories or classes used in shops. A German publication [4] notes that there are significant differences in price, which is not reflected in the quality/durability performance of the mattresses. In both [3] and [4], most of the mattresses tested are of good or sufficient quality and durability, according to the standards of the consumer organisations. In [3] 35 mattresses ranging in price from 200 to 500 ECU were tested. Of these mattresses, 21 were classified as good, 11 were classified as fair and 2 were classified as moderate. In [2], 21 mattresses ranging in price from 350 to 500 ECU were tested. Of these, 18 were qualified as good and 3 as sufficient. Also in [2], mention is made of a similar test performed in 1995 on 10 spring mattresses costing between 200 and 275 ECU, which were all classified as good. The defined functional unit is suitable to compare a selected number of different standard quality mattresses in an LCA. It is also suitable to base Ecolabel criteria upon. As was the case with copying paper, mattresses made from less material per square meter may be favourable from an environmental point of view. They may be less favourable from a durability point of view. Therefore, the functional requirement should guarantee good durability. /LIHWLPH Talking about lifetime of mattresses, it is necessary to first differentiate between the technical and real lifetime. The technical lifetime ends when the mattress can not any longer fulfil the functional requirements. The real lifetime ends with the disposal of the mattress by the owner. This real lifetime might as well be longer or shorter than the technical lifetime. In the first case the mattress is still being used, for whatever reason, after it no longer fulfils the functional requirements. In the second case the mattress is disposed of for reasons other than malfunctioning, e.g. hygienic reasons, purchase of a new bed, changing of family situation, etc. The technical lifetime is determined by the composition of the mattress, its functional requirements and the way in which the mattress is used. The real lifetime depends of course on the technical lifetime, but also on consumer considerations on hygiene, comfort, etc. Although the lifetime of different types and brands might vary considerably, it appears that there are no reliable data available on the average technical and real lifetime of the different types of mattresses in the EU countries. One mattress manufacturer estimates the technical lifetime to be 10 years for spring interior, 5 to 7 years for polyether (depending on foam quality) and 8 years for latex mattresses. Another mattress manufacturer stated that in Greece spring interior mattress for ordinary use have an average real lifetime of 5 to 8 years. For hotel mattresses the lifetime would be 3 to 4 years. The French Chambre Syndicale Nationale de la Literie mentions an average lifetime of 15 years for polyether and latex foam mattresses in France. According to recent market research, 50 % of polyether mattresses in The Netherlands has a real lifetime of more than 10 years. A real lifetime of 10 years or more is realised for 62% of the spring interior mattresses and for 44% of latex mattresses [8]. In several countries (e.g. Belgium, UK, The Netherlands) mattress manufacturers and retailers are promoting a more frequent replacement of mattresses. In the UK this lead to a reduction of the mean replacement time, see section 4.3.
The period during which the mattress is guaranteed by the manufacturer can not be used as an indication for the (technical) lifetime. Guarantee periods in the EU range from 3 to 15 years, with no direct relation with the lifetime. Principally the guarantee is meant for construction faults of a mattress. Scientifically spoken the technical lifetime should be included in the functional unit, e.g. by looking at the environmental impact of a mattress SHU \HDU RI XVH. This would justify the following functional unit: 1 m2 of mattress, fit for use average technical lifetime of mattress (year) From a practical point of view, the real lifetime instead of the technical lifetime should be included in the functional unit. Because at present no reliable data or test methods on technical or real lifetime are available, it is assumed that the lifetime is equal for all considered products. Therefore lifetime is not included in the functional unit: IXQFWLRQDO XQLW P RI PDWWUHVV ILW IRU XVH
For each product category as defined in section 2.2. an example product has been defined. For this product, being representative for its category, an LCA has been executed. We decided to include in an example product as much as possible all the materials which are being used in products of the corresponding category. If e.g. cotton or wool is being used, an averaged amount of both will be included in the example product. This way a good insight is gained in the contribution of each material to the overall environmental impact of a mattress. Based on the available data regarding mattress compositions [28,29,46] four example products have been defined, see table 4. For the beds/mattresses used in Scandinavia it has been assumed that such a product consists of a wooden frame with an integrated spring interior mattress, a mattress pad and additionally a spring interior mattress. For the product category "other materials" it is not possible to define one representative example product because of the diversity of this group. However, according to the available market data this category is very small as compared to the other four product categories. 7DEOH ([DPSOH SURGXFWV
Tvtvrv Hhrvhy Qyrur Ghr Tphqvhvh
xt hr
Steel PUR foam Latex foam Cotton, woven Cotton, non-wov. Wool
4.0 1.3 0.2 0.6 2.0 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.2 4.8 9.0 0.6 0.2 0.2
0.5 1.0 1.0 10 11.0 0.23 5.8 0.23 10.0 0.23 15.5 0.4
Packaging : Polyethylene
* Figures relate to lower frame part and mattress pad only. These have to be combined with a spring interior mattress.
According to the draft ISO 14040 series standards the inventory is: WKH SKDVH RI OLIH F\FOH DVVHVVPHQW LQYROYLQJ FRPSLODWLRQ DQG TXDQWLILFDWLRQ RI LQSXWV DQG RXWSXWV IRU D JLYHQ SURGXFW V\VWHP WKURXJKRXW LWV OLIH F\FOH The inputs are economic inputs of all sorts (e.g chemicals or fuels). Outputs are the (semi)processed product or material and all emissions of substances to the environment. Such input /output data will be referred to as LCI data in this report. 'DWD 6RXUFHV The origins of the used environmental data are an important issue in LCA. In the table below the main data sources are presented. For reasons of confidentiality the names of specific manufacturers have not been mentioned. A comprehensive literature overview is given in chapter 13. Apart from the sources mentioned in table 5, information has been obtained from other parties as well; - Manufacturers of latex and PUR foam, spring interiors, tickings, glues, coconut fibre, felt and mattress manufacturing equipment have been contacted during a visit to the furniture fair in Cologne, May 5, 1997. Those manufactures are from Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sri Lanka and Switzerland. - Manufacturers associations: The bedding and/or furniture manufacturing associations of the European Union, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland were contacted. euroLATEX, the latex foam manufacturers association has been contacted about data regarding latex foam. Members from Europur and ISOPA, associations of European PUR (polyether) and isocyanate manufacturers attended the Ad Hoc Working Group meeting on 20 June 1997 and gave (preliminary) comment. - Ecolabel institutes: The German Eco-Umweltinstitut has been contacted in order to obtain insight in the existing labels for latex mattresses (QUL, Oeko-Control).
Raw steel Steel wire Steel springs Polyether (PUR) foam Raw natural latex Synthetic latex (SBR) Latex foaming Mattress manufacturing Transport of raw materials Transport of foam, mattresses Raw Cotton Spinning, yarning, dyeing Wool Polyester Weaving Waste disposal Electricity and fuels Wood
BUWAL [30] Manufacturer + SPIN [31] Manufacturers APME/ISOPA [11] Rubber foundation, Delft [32] PWMI, Report 4 [44] Literature a.o. [10,28], euroLATEX Manufacturers BUWAL [30] Manufacturers Danish reports textile products [33, 51] Ecolabel reports [33,34,51] LCA study carpets [35] Danish report textile prod.[51] Manufacturer Tauw ETH [36] RIVM (The Netherlands)
Averaged data, 23% recycled steel Dutch production, 1993 Switzerland, the Netherlands 1996, new report in Sept. 1997 1996 1997 euroLATEX is working on more detailed data. Greece, The Netherlands
Belgian production Assumption Appr. 1990, Eur. Production, UCPTE model 1992, European average
'DWD UHOLDELOLW\ DQG FRPSOHWHQHVV Market study: The data are not complete for all EU countries. The data from national mattress manufacturing associations are considered to be more reliable than the Eurostat data. Functional unit: The collected data relate to requirements for different types of mattresses and the corresponding testing. These data are assumed to be reliable, as they originate from recent consumer tests and standards. The subject of fitness for use has been discussed with mattress manufacturers (associations).
Manufacturing processes mattresses: Data have been obtained from four mattress manufacturers, varying in completeness. The energy data (three factories) relate to the total of production and office use. PUR foam: Recent data were published by APME/ISOPA [11]. The authors of this APME publication were contacted for additional information. The data are assumed to be reliable, only additives which are being used are not included. An update of the publication became available in October 1997. Emissions due to additives are not included in the quantitative part of the LCA. Latex foam: The energy use needed for producing latex foam from NR and SBR with the Dunlop or Talalay process is estimated, because at present no exact data are available. In annexe 4 the assumptions leading to the estimation are presented. Quantitative data about emissions during the foaming, vulcanising,washing and drying were not available. For this reason possible emissions, e.g. zinc compounds to water, are described in a qualitative way. Both the estimations about energy use and the description of possible emissions have been discussed with the latex foam manufacturers association euroLATEX. Steel springs: Data for processing of steel to wire and springs are from two manufacturers of wire and springs respectively. It is not known in how far the energy for wire production may vary according to the exact process used. According to our knowledge the data for the production of the springs (coiling) are reliable. The use of oil for the lubrification during drawing and coiling processes is not included in the LCA. Textiles: Use been made of two ecolabel studies for textile products, an LCA study for carpets and a recent Danish Life Cycle screening study for textiles [33,34,35,51]. The raw cotton energy data include the energy consumed for production of chemical (pesticides etc.). The data for wool do not include pesticides etc. Within the framework of the EU ecolabel study Textile II new information is being collected at present. For the present study on mattresses this information is not used, because relevant interim reports were finished by the end of september 1997. $VVXPSWLRQV Manufacturing process mattresses: Energy data used are from three factories, varying in production capacity (appr. 100 200 mattresses/day) and degree of automation. Their average energy use per m2 mattress is assumed to be representative for all mattress factories. Energy use for the heating of the production area and storehouses has not be taken into account. Data regarding waste resulting from mattress production are available for two factories. The amount of waste is respectively 0.11 and 0.125 kg / m2 mattress. The waste consists mainly of textile, non woven polyester and PUR or latex foam. One factory recycles foam waste (appr. 0.05 kg / m2 mattress). Based on these data 0.07 kg waste / m2 mattress has been included in the LCA. Scandinavian bed/mattress: The example product is defined as a combination of a wooden base with spring interior, a mattress pad and a spring interior mattress. The amounts of different materials for the wooden base and pad have been estimated, based on [2]. Steel springs: The polypropylene or polyester fleece which is used for pocket springs is not taken into account, because the weight % is very low compared to the steel.
PUR foam: The example composition of flexible PUR foam as mentioned in [11] is assumed to be representative for all PUR foams used in mattresses. Waste resulting from the foaming process is not taken into account, because this production waste is normally recycled. Latex foam: An average composition of 50% natural and 50% synthetic (SBR) rubber is assumed for the latex foam. Shell/ticking: Based on product information we assumed a composition of cotton and wool for the shell of foam mattresses. For the spring interior 2 kg cotton, 1 kg felt and 0.5 kg nonwoven polyester per m2 mattress are used as average values. The black and white cotton used in the shell of mattresses originate from second selection cotton (white cotton only) and from mechanical recycling of textile waste from textile factories. The textiles are first cut, shredded and carded to loose fibres. Next this material is processed to a layer, the wadding [55]. Because no data are available and because it is expected that the energy use of the whole process will be relatively low, only transport to the mattress factory is taken into account for this "cotton". For wool it is assumed that the amount of chemicals used, like pesticides, is negligible. Felt: because the felt is made out of wool and/or cotton, a composition of 50% wool and 50% cotton is assumed. The ticking has been assumed to consist of cotton. For this cotton the used data relate to production of raw cotton and relevant chemicals, spinning, weaving and dyeing and transports. Coconut fibre: Data relate to rubberized fibre, average composition 50% fibres, 50 % natural latex [37]. For the coconut fibre itself only transport has been taken into account, because the fibre is considered to be a by-product of the coconut tree. Glue: According to information from manufacturers the amounts of glue (fixing different layers) is normally less than 1% of the total weight of a mattress. Therefore glues have not been included in the quantitative part of the LCA, but are assessed qualitatively in section 8.3. Transport: The transport distances for the different materials and for the mattresses which are used in the LCA are taken from reference studies (cotton, wool, PUR precursors), from information from manufacturers (mattresses, spring interior) or estimated. For latex and PUR foam and for mattresses the energy use due to transport is based on information about the actual amounts of mattresses which can be transported in a truck. The common calculation method which is based on energy use per tkm (tonnes transported x distance) would not be correct for these products with such a low density, so instead energy use per km has been used. Disposal: In the quantitative part of the LCA for the example products it has been assumed that disposal is by landfill. Leaching of materials from mattresses on a landfill is not taken into account in the quantitative part of the LCA, because of the large number of additives which might be present in old mattresses and because of the lack of data. Disposal is assessed qualitatively in section 8.4. From literature [39] it is known that mattresses can be recycled. However, as far as known, recycling of mattresses in the EU is only practised on a very small, experimental scale.
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In an LCA the environmental impacts are quantified as far as possible. For this quantification the classification and characterisation procedures are used. These procedures are usually performed with the aid of LCA software. In the LCA software program all inventory data (raw materials, emissions and solids) are grouped into several environmental impact categories (e.g. acidification, greenhouse effect). This is called FODVVLILFDWLRQ. For example all emission that have an acidifying effect (e.g. NOx, SO2 and NH3) are grouped together under impact category acidification. Then the emissions are converted into standard units (e.g. kg SO2 equivalents for acidification or kg CO2 equivalents for the greenhouse effect) with the aid of equivalence factors. This quantification is called FKDUDFWHULVDWLRQ. The equivalence factors allows one to add up different emissions. For example the acidifying effect of an emission of NOx can be added to the acidifying effect of an emission of SO2. The equivalence factors as defined by CML [26] are used. The result of the characterisation is an absolute score representing the total impact (e.g. 10 grammes of SO2 equivalents acidification or 5 MegaJoules of energy). These scores together are called the HQYLURQPHQWDO SURILOH. In the LCA the following environmental impact categories will be considered, according to the SETAC list and LCA practice: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 abiotic resource depletion (exhaust) greenhouse effect (global warming) human toxicity acidification ozone depletion eutrophication/oxygen demand photochemical oxidation (smog) ecotoxicity landscape demolition (and ecology) use of energy (renewable and non renewable) nuisance solid waste
In the following section these impact categories are elucidated. Within LCA the classification and characterisation procedures are standard procedures. The used equivalence factors mostly originate from extensive research of behaviour of substances in the environment. The equivalence factors for the greenhouse effect, acidification, eutrophication, smog formation, ozone depletion are well accepted. The equivalence factors used for the impact categories human toxicity and ecotoxicity are still subject to discussion in the scientific field. In the next pages the different impact categories are explained in more detail. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ DELRWLF UHVRXUFH GHSOHWLRQ
Scarce resources are defined in [26] as raw materials which are likely to be exhausted within 100 years. The energy-sources gas, oil and uranium ore are considered as scarce according to estimates of resources by the :RUOG UHVRXUFHV LQVWLWXWH. The global reserves of iron, coal, sulphur, phosphor and other used raw materials are not likely to be exhausted within 100 years. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ (PLVVLRQ RI JUHHQKRXVH JDVHV The greenhouse effect is an important global environmental problem. The change of the composition of the atmosphere causes changes in the heat balance of the planet. The most important contributing substance to the effect is carbon dioxide gas. Also the emission of N2O and methane contributes to this impact. CO2 is emitted in the life cycle of mattresses whenever fossil fuels are burnt. The CO2 from organic material (e.g. wood) which is finally released into the environment by incineration, also known as short cyclic CO2, has not been taken into account in the calculations here because it has been fixed from the atmosphere a short time ago. Therefore it has no net effect on the current composition of the atmosphere and hence does not make any contribution to the greenhouse effect. The emissions of fossil CO2, methane and N2O are multiplied with equivalence factors (according to [26]) and added up. The score is expressed in kg CO2 equivalents. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ (PLVVLRQ RI VXEVWDQFHV WR[LF WR KXPDQ EHLQJV Several emissions to air and water contribute to this impact category. For the quantification of this impact category these emissions are multiplied with equivalence factors and added up. The score is given in units of kg polluted humans, polluted up to a certain threshold value. In the calculations for this impact category equivalence factors were used that are only based on toxicity values (ADI values) and immission levels. Biodegradability and other important factors are not yet incorporated in the equivalence factors. Recently the University of Leiden has recalculated equivalence factors for almost hundred substances, in which also the degradation of the substance in the environment and chronic toxicologic effects are taken into account [39]. This set of equivalence factors however is still far from complete. For this reason these new equivalence factors have not been used yet in the current LCA. The result of the quantification of this impact category are based on the old equivalence factors and should be regarded as indicative. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ (PLVVLRQ RI DFLGLI\LQJ FRPSRXQGV This impact category, also known as acid rain, concerns the acidification of the environment by human activities (air at first and subsequently soils and water). Acidified soils and waters have a very poor ecological quality. The acidification can also cause (toxic) heavy metals to mobilize and become available to living organisms. For the quantification of this impact category all airborne emissions of acidic compounds are multiplied with equivalence factors and added up. The impact is expressed in g SO2 equivalents. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ (PLVVLRQ RI R]RQH OD\HU GHSOHWLQJ FRPSRXQGV The depletion of the protective ozone layer in the stratosphere is a well known environmental problem. The problem is caused by halogen-containing gasses, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrogenchlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and Halons. This impact is expressed in g CFC11. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ (PLVVLRQ RI HXWURSKLFDWLQJ FRPSRXQGV DQG R[\JHQ GHPDQG Eutrophication concerns the enrichment of water by nutrients, such as phosphates, nitrogen and potassium. Above certain limits this can cause an excess of algae growth.
The algae cannot be grazed away by microfauna in time, and the algae start to decompose, which process demands oxygen from the water. The life forms in the water can subsequently be decimated because of this lack of oxygen. The emissions of nutrients are multiplied with equivalence factors and then added up. The eutrophication is expressed in g PO4 equivalents. Also the (bio)degradation of other compounds can decrease the amount of oxygen in the water. This oxygen demand is expressed in grammes of chemical oxygen demand (COD). The nutrification of soils by airborne emissions of nitrogen (e.g. NOx and NH3) can result in the domination of some plants in the vegetation (nettles and blackberry bushes). This impact is very local and not included in this study. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ 3KRWRFKHPLFDO R[LGDWLRQ This impact category concerns the well-known problem of smog, which often causes acute air quality problems in densely populated areas. Under the influence of sunlight hydro-carbons (CxHy) can lead to the formation of ozone, which is toxic to humans and can cause damage to crops and natural vegetation, especially near urban areas. For the quantification of this impact category all airborne emissions of volatile hydrocarbons are multiplied with equivalence factors and added up. The impact is expressed in g ethylene equivalents. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ (PLVVLRQ RI VXEVWDQFHV WR[LF WR IORUD DQG IDXQD In order to calculate this environmental impact category emissions of several substances are of relevance. It concerns waterborne emission, such as hydrocarbons and heavy metals. For the assessment of this impact category a limited number of equivalence factors are available, based on MTC values (maximum tolerable concentration) [26]. It must be stressed that biodegradation in the environment is not taken into account in the current set of equivalence factors; only the toxicity is taken into account. Recently the University of Leiden has recalculated equivalence factors for almost hundred substances, in which amongst others also the biodegradation is taken into account. Because of the limitation of this new list [40] and because it is not yet accepted generally, these factors have not been used yet in the current LCA. The result of the quantification of this impact category are based on the old equivalence factors and should be regarded as indicative. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ /DQGVFDSH GHPROLWLRQ DQG HFRORJ\ Damage to the natural landscape is expressed here as the decrease in total natural landscape and the subsequent loss of biodiversity in a given area. In general the biodiversity of an area is reduced with an increasing influence of man in the area. For mattresses fuels and minerals are extracted from the environment and processed into products. The mining operations and the necessary chemical plants, storage and transport systems take up space at the expense of the former natural landscape. Also agriculture, latex tree plantations and landfills take up space. Besides loss of biodiversity also aesthetical damage can be done to the landscape. This impact category can not yet be quantified, because both the necessary data and an accepted arithmetic quantification method are lacking. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ 8VH RI HQHUJ\ From the discussion of the former impact categories it can be concluded that the fuel related emissions have several impacts. For this reason the use of energy is taken as a separate impact category. This impact category is expressed in MegaJoules of energy. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ 1XLVDQFH
In this impact category nuisance due to odours, noise or physical nuisances are described. Odorous emissions can be recalculated to m3 air with the aid of odour threshold values. The other impacts can not be quantified, because both the necessary data and accepted arithmetic quantification methods are lacking. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ 6ROLG :DVWH Solid waste is defined as wastes destined for landfilling. Also wastes that remain after treatment (e.g.incineration) are included in this impact category. This impact category is expressed in kilograms solid waste.
In this section the results of the quantification of the environmental impacts of the four example products will be presented. The inventory data which have been used are given in annexe 3. For each impact category a graph with the scores of the spring interior, polyether foam and latex foam example product is given. In these graphs for each example product the contributions of its different materials and processes on the different impact categories are shown. Additionally a short explanation per impact category is given. Some of the materials mentioned in this explanation are used in the manufacturing of foam materials: polyol and TDI: used in PUR foam; NR and SBR: used in latex foam. The results for the Scandinavian bed/mattress are presented in annexe 5, because this bed/mattress is not directly comparable with the other example products. The description of the environmental effects of the spring interior mattress in this section also applies for the Scandinavian example product. ,W KDV WR EH HPSKDVL]HG WKDW WKH SUHVHQWHG /&$ UHVXOWV UHIHU WR WKH FKRVHQ H[DPSOH SURGXFWV RQO\ 7KLV PHDQV WKDW /&$ UHVXOWV IRU VSHFLILF PDWWUHVVHV PD\ GLIIHU IURP WKH UHVXOWV RI WKH FRUUHVSRQGLQJ H[DPSOH SURGXFWV )RU WKLV UHDVRQ D GLUHFW FRPSDULVRQ EHWZHHQ WKH GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI PDWWUHVVHV LV QRW SRVVLEOH 7KH DLP RI WKLV /&$ LV WR LGHQWLI\ IRU HDFK W\SH RI PDWWUHVV WKH HQYLURQPHQWDO NH\ LVVXHV
(QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ H[KDXVWLRQ RI DELRWLF UHVRXUFHV H[KDXVW For the spring mattress the dominating effects are the use of oil and gas related to the production of steel, PET, cotton and polyol. The score for the polyether mattress is dominated by the use of gas and oil for the production of polyol. The use of gas and oil for the production of SBR is dominant for the latex mattress. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ HPLVVLRQ RI JUHHQKRXVH JDVHV JUHHQK Carbon dioxide is by far the most important cause of this category. It is emitted from the combustion of fuels during the production processes and transport. The main contributions are caused by the production of steel, PET, polyol, SBR and cotton. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ HPLVVLRQ RI VXEVWDQFHV WR[LF WR KXPDQ EHLQJV KXPDQW[ For spring mattresses emissions of CxHy and SO2 related to the production of steel, PET and polyol are the major effect. Emissions of CxHy, SO2 caused by the production of polyol and cotton and emission of NOx caused by the production of polyol are dominant for the polyether mattress. For the latex mattress CxHy, SO2 and NOx caused by the production of SBR are dominant.
(QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ HPLVVLRQ RI DFLGLI\LQJ VXEVWDQFHV DFLGLI For spring mattresses emissions of SO2 and NOx from production of polyol, TDI, steel, PET and cotton are the biggest effects. For polyether mattresses emission of SO2 and NOx from production of polyol and TDI is dominant. For latex mattresses emissions of SO2 and NOx from production of SBR are dominating. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ HPLVVLRQ RI R]RQH OD\HU GHSOHWLQJ FRPSRXQGV This category is not included in the figures, because as far as known there are no emissions in the life cycle of the example products that are ozone depleting. Regulation EG Nr. 3093/94, dated 15-12-1994, addresses the phase out in the EU of the main ozone depleting chemicals. The production, import and trade is thus forbidden since 1-1-1995 for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and since 1-1-1996 for 1,1,1 trichloroethane and carbontetrachlorid. The use of CFCs is - except for some special applications - forbidden since 16-6-1995. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are to be phased out before 1-1-2015. However, HCFCs may only be used for special applications from 1-1-1996 on. These applications include cleaning (e.g. metal parts). Use as blowing agent in the production of flexible polyether foam is not permitted. The Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) of HCFCs is on average about one tenth of the ODP of CFCs. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ HPLVVLRQ RI HXWURSKLFDWLQJ FRPSRXQGV HXWURSK This effect is mainly caused by emissions of phosphorous and nitrogen containing compounds and by the chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD, BOD). For the spring mattress the above-mentioned emissions are related to the production of NR and polyol. For the polyether mattress the main emissions are caused by the production of polyol, for the latex mattress by the NR production.
(QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ SKRWRFKHPLFDO VPRJ VPRJ Emission of hydrocarbons (CxHy) related to the use of oil and gas for the production of polyol, steel, PET, SBR and cotton constitute the main contributions to this effect. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ HPLVVLRQ RI VXEVWDQFHV WR[LF WR IORUD DQG IDXQD HFRWR[: The scores refer to waterborne emissions. For polyether emissions of phenol and CxHy related to polyol production are by far the most important effect. For spring mattresses apart from these emissions also emission of crude oil related to the production of steel and emission of CxHy caused by PET is relevant. For latex mattresses emissions of crude oil and CxHy due to SBR production dominate. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ ODQGVFDSH GHPROLWLRQ DQG HFRORJ\ As indicated before, this impact category can not yet been quantified. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ XVH RI HQHUJ\ HQHUJ\ For spring mattresses the production of steel, PET and PUR foam are relevant. The energy use related to the polyether mattress is mainly due to the production of polyol and TDI. For the latex mattress the energy score is mainly caused by SBR and - to a lesser extent - NR (mainly due to caloric value). The energy use of latex foaming (including vulcanising and drying) seems to be less important. The data for this energy use are however estimated. For Scandinavian mattresses (not represented in the graph below, see annexe 5) the wood from the frame also contributes to the score. This is due to the energy content of the wood itself (caloric value), not to the production processes! (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ QXLVDQFH RGRXU H2S and NH3 from the polyol production are the main odorous substances regarding polyether mattresses. The same applies for spring mattresses, with additionally H2S and NH3 emission related to the steel production. (QYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW FDWHJRU\ VROLG ZDVWH VROLGV As was to be expected, the main contribution is by the disposed mattress itself. For polyether mattresses mineral waste resulting from the production of polyol is also relevant, for spring mattress production waste resulting from the production of steel is to a lesser extent relevant.
As mentioned before, glues, textiles other than cotton, wool and polyester, and additives are not assessed quantitatively in the LCA because of their low percentage and lack of data. In this section these substances will be discussed shortly: *OXHV For mattresses several kinds of glues may be used [28]: - Latex glue, containing natural and/or synthetic latex solved in water or a organic solvent. The amount of latex is about 40 to 50 %. The main environmental effect for waterbased latex glue is related to the production of the latex. For solvent based latex glue also the production of the organic solvent and the emission of the solvent (Volatile Organic Compounds) during gluing are relevant. - Styrene glue, consisting of styrene (solvent and harder), polyester (binder) and additives, e.g. cobalt compounds (accelerator). The main environmental effects are probably due to the production of styrene, polyester and additives. Also part of the styrene may be emitted during gluing. - Hot melt. This glue is dosed at a temperature of about 170 C. Different compositions are used, e.g. based on polyolefine, thermoplastic rubber, resin or ethylene vinyl acetate [41,42]. The environmental impact is probably mainly caused by the production of ingredients, because as far as known no emissions occur during gluing. - Waterbased acrylic glue [43]. The main environmental effects are to be expected from the production of acryl. 7H[WLOHV Apart from cotton, other (blends of) woven materials based on polyester, polypropylene, viscose, polyurethane, polyamide and silk may be used in textiles for mattresses. The total amount of these materials will normally not exceed 5%. The contribution of these materials to the overall scores of the mattresses for the environmental impact categories is expected to be small. According to several LCAs for textiles [33,34,35,51], the use of pesticides is an environmental key issue. Another relevant aspect is the use of dyeing agents. Dyes which contain or may form carcinogenic amines may be used [51]. Both aspect could be taken into account in the proposals for ecological criteria. $GGLWLYHV XVHG LQ ODWH[ IRDP In the production of latex foam several additives are being used. This applies for natural latex as well as for synthetic latex. Some of these additives may be toxic, e.g. organometallic compounds. Other additives may form toxic compounds, e.g. nitrosamines or carbon disulphide [5, 10,50]. These may be emitted from the mattress during use. According to [5] a combination of humidity and elevated temperature (> 40C) may cause carbon disulphide emission from latex foam. It is however not clear whether carbon disulphide emission during use of the mattress is a relevant aspect. In the production of natural latex also formaldehyde and/or pentachlorophenol, both toxic compounds, may be used. Because normally the latex foam is washed with water, part of the additives which have not been bonded chemically during the foaming, will be washed out. This may lead to emissions of toxic compounds to the aquatic environment. Regarding this aspect no data are available. Finally toxic additives may be emitted from the mattress during disposal, see section 8.4.
Additives include [10]: - Activators: Mostly 5 parts of zinc oxide and 2 parts of fatty acids (mostly stearic acid) are added per 100 parts of rubber. - Fillers: These may be used in cheaper latex foams for mattresses. Clay, calcium silicate, magnesium silicate and calcium carbonate are common fillers. These materials are normally inert and non-toxic. - Antioxidants: Mostly about 1-2 w% is added. Many kinds of antioxidants are being used, the most important being amines and phenolic compounds. - Accelerators (for vulcanization): The main types are organic bases, thiazole derivates, thiuram sulphides, dithiocarbamates and xanthates. Some of these accelerators can emit nitrosamines during production, e.g. ZDEC (zinc diethyl dithiocarbamate). Replacement by accelerators which can not form nitrosamines is possible, but sometimes technical or cost problems are involved [49]. According to [5] ZDEC is still being used widely for latex foam for mattresses. For latex foam used for carpets some manufacturers use zinc dibenzyl dithiocarbamate which is said to be less prone to form nitrosamine than ZDEC. For technical and/or financial reasons use of this accelerator is still difficult for latex foam for mattresses [5]. Details about types and amounts of accelerators which are at present actually being used for latex foam used in mattresses are not known. Many nitrosamines have proved to be carcinogenic by animal testing [50]. In Germany a maximum level of 2.5 microgram nitrosamines/m3 air has been set for the latex industry [5]. According to latex foam manufacturers (euroLATEX) the actual levels of nitrosamines in the air of production and storage facilities are below the detection limit of the used analysis methods. Traces of nitrosamines formed in latex foam may still be present in a mattress during use. In a German test [5] performed in 1995 concentrations up to 24 microg/kg latex were found in commercially available mattresses. A similar test in 1996 [53] showed concentrations below 6 microg/kg latex. It is not clear whether this difference is due to a different method of analysis or to changes in the composition of the mattresses. - Flame retardants In some countries (e.g. UK) mattresses have to be flame retarded. For this purpose different compounds are used, according to the flammability level required. Some of the compounds which may be used are toxic for the environment and human beings, e.g. brominated aromatic compounds and antimony trioxide. A typical formulation for latex foam is as follows [10]: dry parts by weight SBR latex 50 Soap (potassium oleate) 1 Natural latex 50 Zinc diethyl dithiocarbamate (ZDEC,vulc. accel.) 0.75 Zinc 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (vulc. accel.) 1 Sulphur 2.25 Antioxidant 0.75 Gel sensitizer 0.8 Ingredients added during foaming: Zinc oxide Sodium silicofluoride (Dunlop process)
3 2
$GGLWLYHV XVHG LQ SRO\HWKHU 385 IRDP >@ Below an overview is given of the most important types of additives which are being used in PUR foam. Some of these additives are toxic for human beings and ecosystems, e.g. tin dioctate and diphenyl amine. - Catalysts for polyadditon and cross-linking: These are mostly organometallic compounds, especially tin(II) compounds, e.g. tin(II) dioctate. - Catalysts for gas reaction: Widely used are tertiary amines like 1,4 diazabicyclo(2,2,2) octane. - Emulsifiers/foam stabilizers: Especially polyetherpolysiloxane-copolymers are being used. - Blowing agents: The reaction between water and diisocyanate produces carbondioxide, which acts as a blowing agent. Sometimes auxiliary blowing agents are being used. Because of environmental legislation the blowing agent methylene chloride is or will be replaced by other agents like (liquid) carbon dioxide. - Anti oxidants: Compounds like diphenyl amine derivatives are used. - Flame retardants: In some countries (e.g. UK) mattresses have to be flame retarded. For this purpose phosphorous- and/or halogen-containing compounds (normally 5 - 20 w%) are added to the PUR foam. TDI (and MDI), although not an additive but a precursor, has to be mentioned separately because it is a toxic compound. During manufacturing of PUR foam TDI may be emitted. According to the German Environmental Protection Agency (UBA) about 50 g TDI is emitted per tonne TDI processed in PUR foam plants. However, this figure originates from 1983. According to [64] this emission was mainly caused by the filling of 20 tonnes TDI containers at manufacturing plants. Nowadays this emission is reduced to about 20 g per tonne TDI (calculated value), among others by the application of vapour recovery during filling of the containers. Further emissions of TDI may occur during the foaming process and during the first days after the production of the PUR foam. The PUR industry has investigated the possibilities to reduce TDI emissions, e.g. by gas scrubbing or active coal filtering [64]. The TLV (Threshold Limit Value) value for TDI is 0.005 ppm or 0.036 mg/m3, based on 8 hours/day exposure [65]. TDI which is released to the environment has a half-life time of about 0.5 to 3 hours in air [64], and 0.5 seconds to 3 days in water [66]. The TDI is hydrolysed and relatively inert polymeric ureas are formed. Two typical formulations for PUR foam are given below [12]:
Standard flexible foam: Trifunctional polyether TDI 80/20 Water Foam stabilizer Tertiary amine Tin dioctate parts by weight 100 44 3.5 0.7 0.13 0.16
High Resilient Foam (HR): Contains organic-filled polyether, e.g. PHD polyol PHD polyol TDI 80 Water Foam stabilizers Triethylenediamine Alkanolamine Tin dioctate Halogenated alkylphosphate parts by weight 100 41 3.5 0.4 0.15 1.5 0.1 2.0
&RFRQXW ILEUHV FRLU ILEUH Coconut palms are grown and harvested primarily for the production of copra (coconut meat), out of which coconut oil is produced. According to [71] due to the low price of copra, use of fertilizers is not economical and they are only used in a negligible extent. The husk of the coconut has to be removed in order to obtain the copra. [71] mentions that only a small proportion of the husks is utilized for making coir fibre for doormats, mattresses, etc. The other part of the husks is either left under the tree to decompose or - if the husks are removed in a central location - placed on a large pile of husks (solid waste). Based on this information it is reasonable to assume that the main environmental impacts connected to the production of coconut fibre material is the energy needed for transport of the fibre material by boat (appr. 1.2 MJ/kg fibre). Energy use of mechanical treatment is expected to be very small. If the coconut fibre material is rubberized, the environmental impacts related to the production and vulcanization of natural rubber have to be taken into account. The Life Cycle Inventory data can be found in annexe 3: coconut fibre rubberized (category others) and natural rubber, raw (category rubber).
$PRXQWV DQG GHVWLQDWLRQ The life cycle of mattresses often consists of several use phases. After having served full time on a regular bed the mattress is often moved to the guest room or the attic for occasional use, e.g. in case guests are staying in the house. Also the mattress can end up in the second hand trade. Finally each mattress that is sold is disposed of as waste. As mattresses dont fit into normal household waste collection containers, they are usually collected as bulky waste i.e. together with old furniture, refrigerators, carpets etcetera. From the bulky waste large metal objects are picked out and sold to metal scrap dealers. The remainder (including mattresses) is incinerated or is dumped on a landfill. We have inquired from Eurostat and OESO if there are any statistics on the treatment of bulky waste available. It appears that there are statistics available on the amounts of bulky waste collected in the different member States, but no statistics are available on the destination of the waste. It is expected that the majority of the waste is destined for landfilling, although waste incineration is becoming more and more common practice in Europe. In the table below an overview is presented of the amounts of bulky waste generated by households in some EU-countries [56]. For the other countries no statistics are available. WDEOH FRXQWU\ Belgium (1994) Denmark (1994) Germany (1993) France (1994) Netherlands (1994) Austria (1990) 7RWDO DPRXQWV RI EXON\ ZDVWH JHQHUDWHG SHU DQQXP E\ KRXVHKROGV LQ VRPH (8 0HPEHU 6WDWHV DPRXQW RI EXON\ ZDVWH FROOHFWHG NWRQ 352 240 3818 4500 749 182 SRSXODWLRQ PLOOLRQV 10.1 5.2 81.2 57.1 15.3 7.9
The total amount of bulky waste collected in these countries amounts to 9841 kt per 176,8 million inhabitants. If this is extrapolated to the total population in the EU-15 (368,7 million inhabitants in 1993) there is an estimated volume of 20522 kt bulky waste collected in the EU. For the current project it is interesting to know what the share of mattresses is in this total amount. The amount of old mattresses can be estimated. If we take an average life span of 10 years, the amount of mattresses sold in 1987 should approximately correspond with the amount of mattresses disposed of in 1997. According to UN statistics in 1987 the production of mattresses in the EU-12 amounted 9.256 thousand items. It may be assumed that sales are approximately in the same order, as imports and export are relatively of minor importance in the market for mattresses. If we extrapolate this amount in the EU-12 to the EU-15 (5% more population) it can be estimated that in the EU-15 about 9750 thousand mattresses are disposed of in 1997. Based on an estimated average weight of 9,4 kg [Beco-1997] it can be calculated that in the EU-15 approximately NWRQQHV RI PDWWUHVVZDVWH is
disposed of annually. This corresponds to approximately 0.5 % of the total amount of bulky waste in the EU-15. This value should be regarded as a rough indication. As mentioned before there are no statistics available on the destination of the bulky waste, but there are statistics available on the destination of municipal waste. In the European waste statistics bulky waste resides under category municipal waste, which is a broad category, also covering waste paper, garden waste, office waste and street waste. In the tables below an overview is given of the disposal of municipal waste in the EU [60].
Austria (7,7) Belgium (10) Denmark (5,1) Finland (5) France (56,7) Germany (79,4) Greece (10,1) Ireland (3,5) Italy (57,7) Luxembourg (0,4) Netherlands (15) Portugal (9,9) Spain (39) Sweden (8,6) UK (57,4) Total (population weighted average)
99 100
12 23 63
68 50 28 78 47 78 94 100 90 31 50 32 74 44 70 69
75 99 96 100
2 37 17 0 0 6
69 38 0 6 41 12 17
7 68 20
3 18
From the table it can be concluded that in the beginning of the nineties on the average approximately 17% of household waste was incinerated, 69% was landfilled, 2% recycled and the rest (12%) was treated otherwise[60]. As bulky waste can lead to problems in waste incineration plants because of the size of the objects, it may be assumed that the major part of old mattresses is dumped on a landfill. In several countries (e.g. Germany, The Netherlands) there is however a tendency the last years to increase incineration with heat recovery for combustible waste (including bulky waste). In remote rural parts, where the waste collection service is very poor or even lacking, or in regions where people have to pay to get rid of their bulky waste also uncontrolled landfill or incineration may take place. 5HF\FOLQJ LQLWLDWLYHV Several pilot projects have been performed regarding the possible recycling of materials from mattresses. In Germany a Pilot project was performed in Stuttgart in
1995 in which more than 19.000 mattresses were disassembled for recycling of different materials. Steel and PUR-foam were sold to recyclers. The costs of disassembly were about 25 ECU. The pilot project was stopped after a year and did not lead to large scale disassembly of mattresses. In the Netherlands a feasibility study was initiated by the joint mattresses producers [57]. From the study it was concluded that a return system (collection of the old mattress by the mattress branch self) with successive disassembly of mattresses and recycling of several materials might be feasible. Environmental impacts would be reduced and sales would be promoted. From the study it appeared that to consumers the problem of getting rid of the old mattress is a threshold for buying of a new one. The return system would take away this threshold. Further investigations, including pilot tests are proposed for the next year. The European Isocyanate producers Association (ISOPA) has a Recycling Committee, that is following and stimulating the recycling activities in the field of polyurethanes. In the table below an overview is presented of the possibilities of flexible PUR foam from furniture and bedding [39,61]. According to the Isopa in Europe at present 85.000 tonnes of production waste from soft foam production are recycled, of which 25.000 tonnes in rebonding and about 60.000 are shipped to the USA for the production of carpet underlayment. At present no post consumer flexible foams from furniture and bedding are recycled on a large scale. WDEOH UHF\FOLQJ RSWLRQV IRU IOH[LEOH 385 IRDP IURP EHGGLQJ DQG IXUQLWXUH >@
option rebonding status commercial for preconsumer materials and automotive foams (car seats), practised by many companies commercial, practised by the German company Metzeler under development under development (in industrial power stations) commercial (in municipal waste Incineration plants with energy recovery) remarks production wastes are rebonded into foams for a wide range of application (e.g. flooring, sound insulation, sports mats, carpet underlayment etc.) the powder can be used up to 25% in new flexible foams markets for glycolysate under development
According to [57] in the United States it is quite common to renovate old mattresses for product re-use. As far as known this is not common practice in Europe. (QYLURQPHQWDO HIIHFWV RI ODQGILOO Emission of volatile components in the mattresses will take place primarily in the production stage. The remainder of volatile compounds will be emitted during use, or, eventually, in a landfill. In the landfill the mattress will be subjected to slow degradation. In an aerobe environment the steel will slowly oxidise and the rust will leach into the soil or groundwater. The plastic and latex foam and fabrics may also be biodegraded very slowly in the long term, both aerobe and anaerobe. The additives or intermediate degradation products of the materials, especially from the foam materials, may leach out into the soil or groundwater. The substances can be transported from the landfill into the surroundings, polluting the soil and water. In case these substances are toxic or persistent compounds, damage might be done to ecosystems or humans. Heavy
metals, which are used as catalyst additives do not degrade and can be toxic (e.g arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium etc.). Generally speaking the leaching of substances from plastics is very low. The plastic forms a durable matrix in which the substances are fixed. Nevertheless leaching may occur. Some substances are better fixed in the plastics than others. Leaching tests with plastic foils and recycled plastics used for water embankment materials have shown leaching of monomers, plasticizers and metal compounds [58]. As foam materials have a relatively large contact surface per weight unit, it is expected that on the long term leaching of additives will occur from the foam materials in mattresses. (QYLURQPHQWDO HIIHFWV RI LQFLQHUDWLRQ In a municipal waste incineration plant (MWIP) the plastics, textiles and organic fibre from the mattress will be burned completely. Apart from any mineral fillers used in the materials no residues will remain. In case the MWIP is equipped with a heat recovery system, part of the caloric value of the material will be recovered. According to [60] about 42 % of the EU waste incineration capacity is equipped with heat recovery. In [67] the incineration of latex foam was investigated, leading to the conclusion that this does not pose environmental problems. The emissions of the waste incineration plant strongly depend on the treatment of the flue gasses. Usually the MWIPs are equipped with air cleaning equipment like condensers, electrostatic filters, wet scrubbers, which can remove over 99% of contaminants from the flue gasses. Not all MWIPs are equally clean. Airborne emissions from MWIPs, reported in [59] include CO2, SOx, NOx, heavy metals, fly ash/dust particles and dioxins. These are emissions reported from individual plants. Average emission data representing an average European waste incineration plant are not known. In EC guideline 89/369 maximum emission levels for new incineration plants are given for heavy metals, dust, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen fluoride and sulphur dioxide. The materials in the mattress will contribute to MWIP emissions when incinerated, but the actual contributions depend on the composition of the mattress and the state of environmental technology of the incineration plant. In case the mattress has a high sulphur content (e.g. from vulcanisation of latex) this will result in a relatively high SOx emission. In case the mattress contains heavy metal additive, these metals will end up in the ashes/filter residues and possibly partly be emitted with the flue gasses. The incineration of all carbon-containing materials in the mattress will contribute to the greenhouse effect.
1250$/,6$7,21 1250$/,6$7,21
1250$/,6$7,21 1250$/,6$7,21
In order to gain insight in the relative importance of the calculated absolute environmental scores of the example products, these scores are divided by reference values. This step is called normalisation. This way an indication is obtained of the significance of an absolute score. It is most common to use current emission values as reference for normalisation. These reference values can be derived from national and international emission statistics. Because these reference values do not reflect environmental priorities the results of the normalisation procedure can only be regarded as indications. The absolute scores (environmental profiles) of the analyzed example products were divided by the following reference values, originating from [52]. These values reflect the average daily use- or emission values in Europe per capita: 1x10-10 %of world reserves/capita/day (based on Dutch consumption pattern) - greenhouse gasses: 33 kg CO2 eq/capita/day - human toxicity: 0,3 g/capita/day - acidification: 266 gSO2eq/capita/day - eutrophication: 145 g PO4 eq/capita/day - (summer)smog: 49 g ethylene eq/capita/day - energy: 460 MJ/capita/day - aquatic ecotoxicity: 3452 m3/capita/day - solid waste: 2,35 kg/capita/day - abiotic depletion: The values include all household-, agricultural- and industrial usage/emissions occurring on the West-European territory. Impacts occurring outside the EU from consumption of foreign products in the EU are not included. The results of the normalisation are presented in the graph below. For each environmental impact category WKH QRUPDOLVHG VFRUH UHSUHVHQWV WKH LPSDFW RI DQ H[DPSOH SURGXFW GXULQJ LWV ZKROH OLIHWLPH, expressed in days of inhabitants equivalents. A normalised score of 6 for final waste means thus that the amount of final waste related to the mattress in question equals the amount of waste produced within 6 days by the average European. One has to realise that the result of the normalisation shows in how far an example product contributes to the present environmental impacts. It is not possible to draw direct conclusions about the seriousness of this contribution from the normalised scores.
/,)( &<&/( ,17(535(7$7,21 /,)( &<&/( ,17(535(7$7,21 /,)( &<&/( ,17(535(7$7,21 /,)( &<&/( ,17(535(7$7,21
In chapter 9 the normalised scores of the LCA for the example products were presented. The normalised scores for the example products turned out to be highest for the environmental impact categories energy, greenhouse effect, acidification, final waste, smog and human toxicity. The corresponding environmental impacts can be attributed to the following causes, which can be regarded as key issues: - the total energy use for the production of the materials PUR foam, latex foam, and steel (contribution to impact categories energy, greenhouse effect and acidification); - the disposal of old mattresses, usually by landfill (final waste); - the emission of CxHy, SO2 and NOx caused by the production of SBR, steel, polyol and cotton (human toxicity and smog). Additionally the qualitative assessment of materials, additives and disposal shows some aspects which are probably key issues: - heavy metals and emission of TDI related to the production of PUR foam; - toxic additives and additives which may form toxic substances, related to the production of latex foam; - pesticides used for cotton and wool production; - toxic or carcinogenic dyes used for textiles; - use of volatile organic compounds for cleaning/degreasing of metal parts; - use of galvanic treatment for surface treatment of metallic parts; - volatile or toxic compounds used in glues; - formaldehyde emission by chipboard (scandinavian bed/mattress only).
Based on the Life Cycle Assessment environmental "key issues" in the life cycle of bed mattresses were defined in the preceding chapter. The ecolabel criteria have to focus on these key issues. The criteria should also be feasible for a certain part of the existing market and must be verifiable by means of standardized (or at least well described) tests or analysis methods . Furthermore the criteria should address aspects which mattress manufacturers can control and influence. In the following sections proposals for ecological criteria as well as fitness for use criteria are presented. An indication as to which parts of a mattress have to comply with the criteria is given in section 11.4.
The proposed ecological criteria are based on the results of the LCA for the example products and on the comments of the AHWG. The criteria are grouped on basis of the relevant materials used for mattresses, YL] latex foam, PUR foam, steel springs, coconut fibre, textiles, wood and glues. /DWH[ IRDP Key issues for latex foam are the use of energy and environmental effects related to additives. According to the LCA the use of energy due to SBR manufacturing is dominant for latex foam. The energy use for 1 kg natural rubber, including overseas transport, is about 16 MJ/kg rubber (the total energy content is about 50 MJ/kg, including the calorific value of natural rubber, which is about 30 MJ/kg). For SBR the energy use is about 100 MJ/kg rubber (including the calorific value of SBR). However, according to euroLATEX for an equal hardness of latex foam 25% more NR is needed as compared to SBR. Also the energy consumption for vulcanizing and drying is about 30% higher for NR latex foam than for SBR foam. euroLATEX and CEFIC [72,73] state that at present only about 10% of the latex foam used for mattresses has a high NR content. Furthermore they state that it is not possible for a latex foam manufacturer to change the NR/SBR ratio considerably. The shrinkage during production of NR foam is higher than the shrinkage of SBR foam. This means that manufacturers would have to change the moulds if they want to change the NR/SBR ratio considerably. Especially for the Talalay process this is very costly. Regarding product quality euroLATEX, CEFIC and mattress manufacturers [74] state that the product characteristics (comfort, lifetime, etc.) are not equal for NR foam and SBR foam mattresses. Because of the above-mentioned comments, it is proposed not to define a criterion regarding the ratio NR/SBR. The association of European latex foam manufacturers, euroLATEX, has established the euroLATEX Eco Standard for latex foam. The first part of the requirements for this Eco Standard is based upon limit values for PCP, heavy metals, pesticides, formaldehyde and butadiene in the latex foam. These compounds are relevant because of their human and eco toxicity. The extractable concentrations of these compounds in the foam are determined by means of standard analysis methods, like extraction followed
The second part of the euroLATEX Eco Standard requirements defines limit values for compounds in air sampled from a test room which contains a latex sample. Because as far as known the test room and the related test procedures are not standardized and require specific equipment, we propose not to include this part of the requirements in the EU ecolabel criteria. Instead criteria about dyeing agents and for the concentration of nitrosamines in the foam are suggested. Use of dyeing agents is considered essential by latex foam manufacturers for quality assurance procedures, product identification and sometimes consumer preferences [72]. For this reason it is proposed to exclude only certain types of dyes and pigments, similar to the existing EU ecolabel for bed linen and T-shirts [70]. Furthermore it is assumed that the aspect of heavy metals in dyes and pigments is dealt with in criterion 1b. 1R XVH RI G\HV ZKLFK FDQ UHOHDVH RU EH FOHDYHG WR FDUFLQRJHQLF DURPDWLF DPLQHV RU DUH WKHPVHOYHV FODVVLILHG DV FDUFLQRJHQLF LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK &RXQFLO 'LUHFWLYH &' ((& DPHQGHG E\ &' (& DQG &' ((& DPHQGHG E\ &' ((& Nitrosamines, many of which are carcinogenic, may be formed by certain accelerators XVHG LQ WKH ODWH[ IRDPLQJ SURFHVV %DVHG XSRQ WKH *HUPDQ NRcontrol Label and QUL Label (see section 4.4) for latex foam mattresses and on the tests of mattresses by NRWHVW >@ ZH SURSRVH WR LQFOXGH D FULWHULRQ DERXW WKH QLWURVDPLQH FRQWHQW RI latex foam. The following criterion is suggested: &RQFHQWUDWLRQ RI QLWURVDPLQHV LQ ODWH[ IRDP EHORZ PJNJ SSE WHVW PHWKRG DFFRUGLQJ WR NRWHVW >@
385 IRDP Key issues are 1) use of energy and 2) environmental effects related to TDI and additives. The energy use is mainly caused by the production of polyol and TDI. No criterion regarding energy use is proposed, because as far as known the energy use related to the production of polyol and TDI can not be reduced significantly. TDI emission during production of PUR foam is important with regard to occupational health and environmental effects. The occupational health aspect is not within the scope of the EU Ecolabel, so no criterion regarding TDI concentration in the air of production and storage facilities will be defined. Emissions of TDI in the air may cause short term environmental effects, because of the human and eco toxicity. Because of the rapid hydrolysis of TDI in air and water, no long term environmental effects are to be expected. Taken into account that the major TDI emissions into the air are due to the filling of TDI containers and the production of the PUR foam, a criterion regarding this aspect is proposed. Because at present sometimes MDI, diphenylmethane diisocyanate, is used instead of TDI for the manufacturing of PUR foam, it is suggested to refer to diisocyanates rather than to TDI: 'XULQJ ILOOLQJ RI GLLVRF\DQDWHV FRQWDLQHUV DW WKH 385 IRDP PDQXIDFWXULQJ SODQW XVH PXVW EH PDGH RI D YDSRXU UHFRYHU\ V\VWHP RU D FDUERQ ILOWHU LQ VR DV WR SUHYHQW GLLVRF\DQDWH HPLVVLRQ LQWR WKH DLU Like latex foam, PUR foam may contain pigments or - to a much smaller extent -dyeing agents. These are used by foam manufacturers to indicate the density of the produced PUR foam [75]. Normally the foam is produced as a so called slabstock, out of which pieces are cut. Because of this process, indicating the density by e.g. stickers is not feasible. Therefore it is proposed to allow pigments and dyes and to exclude certain types as mentioned in the EU Ecolabel for bed linen and T-shirts [70]. It is assumed that limiting the amount of heavy metals in pigments and dyes is accomplished by criterion 6, which addresses the amount of heavy metals in the (coloured) PUR foam. 1R XVH RI G\HV ZKLFK FDQ UHOHDVH RU EH FOHDYHG WR FDUFLQRJHQLF DURPDWLF DPLQHV RU DUH WKHPVHOYHV FODVVLILHG DV FDUFLQRJHQLF LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK &RXQFLO 'LUHFWLYH &' ((& DPHQGHG E\ &' (& DQG &' ((& DPHQGHG E\ &' ((& PUR foam may contain several heavy metals, originating from additives (e.g. accelerators) or pigments. Analysis of samples of flexible PUR foam used for car seats [69] showed that heavy metal concentrations vary considerably. Concentrations of e.g. cadmium and mercury were below 0.1 ppm, for tin concentrations varied between 35 and 195 ppm. According to Europur and ISOPA [75,76] the necessary use of tin octoate in PUR foam used for mattresses implies a concentration of 800 to 1000 ppm tin in the PUR foam. Based on the analyses and the information of manufacturers the following criterion is suggested: &RQFHQWUDWLRQV LQ 385 IRDP IRU WKH IROORZLQJ VXEVWDQFHV EHORZ OLPLW YDOXH WHVW PHWKRG DFFRUGLQJ WR 1(1 JULQGLQJ RI VDPSOH IROORZHG E\ WUHDWPHQW IRU KRXUV ZLWK ERLOLQJ +&O+12 DTXD UHJLD VXEVWDQFH DUVHQLF OHDG FDGPLXP OLPLW YDOXH SSP SSP
7H[WLOHV From several studies [33,34,35,51] it is known that the use of pesticides is an important environmental aspect connected with the production of cotton and wool. Analysis of the amount of pesticides in these textiles is however very costly. For this reason and because the weight percentage of these textile materials in mattresses is relatively low, we propose not to set a criterion for this aspect. Presence of heavy metals and/or carcinogenic aromatic amines in dyes used for textiles is another important environmental aspect [33,34,51]. A criterion for heavy metals may relate to the dyes themselves or to the textile end product. Technical requirements (e.g. catalysts for polyester production) or specific requirements and/or national legislation with regard to flame retardancy may ask for the use of heavy metals like cobalt and antimony in the textiles. For this reason we propose to define a criterion for the heavy metals in dyes and pigments and not for heavy metals in the textile end product: +HDY\ PHWDOV LQ G\HV DQG SLJPHQWV IRU WH[WLOHV 1R XVH RI PHWDO FRPSOH[ G\HV RU SLJPHQWV EDVHG RQ WKH IROORZLQJ PHWDOV DQWLPRQ\ DUVHQLF FDGPLXP FKURPLXP FRSSHU OHDG PHUFXU\ QLFNHO WLQ RU ]LQF $URPDWLF DPLQHV LQ G\HV IRU WH[WLOHV 1R XVH RI G\HV ZKLFK FDQ UHOHDVH RU EH FOHDYHG WR FDUFLQRJHQLF DURPDWLF DPLQHV RU DUH WKHPVHOYHV FODVVLILHG DV FDUFLQRJHQLF LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK &RXQFLO 'LUHFWLYH &' ((& DPHQGHG E\ &' (& DQG &' ((& DPHQGHG E\ &' ((& Other criteria for textiles, which relate to the weaving and wet processing of textiles, are in our opinion not appropriate for the ecolabel for mattresses, because textiles constitute only a small part of a mattress. Furthermore it will often be difficult for mattress manufacturers to check and control compliance with such criteria. 6WHHO VSULQJV Most environmental effects for steel springs are related to the energy use during the production of raw steel. Criteria related to this process are not feasible in our opinion, because the energy use of the raw steel production can not be reduced significantly at present. Also the energy use of the example spring interior mattress is related for only 25% to the steel and for 75% to other materials. Recent LCA studies [72,73] on the cleaning/degreasing of metals with aqueous cleaning or organic solvents show that it is not possible to state in general which method of metal cleaning is preferable from an environmental point of view. Emissions of halogenated hydrocarbons which may be used for cleaning or degreasing contribute to the greenhouse effect and photochemical oxidation. The amount of emitted solvent depends however strongly on the cleaning/degreasing equipment which is used. Modern, closed equipment will not cause a significant emission. For this reason the proposed criterion focuses on the use of closed systems for cleaning equipment based on organic solvents.
'HJUHDVLQJ DQGRU FOHDQLQJ RI VWHHO ZLUH DQGRU VWHHO VSULQJV ZLWK KDORJHQDWHG RUJDQLF VROYHQWV PXVW EH FDUULHG RXW LQ D FORVHG FOHDQLQJGHJUHDVLQJ V\VWHP Galvanic processes which might be used to treat steel are normally environmentally relevant, because of heavy metal waste and emissions to water. As far as known, use of galvanic layers is not essential for steel springs for mattresses. The following criteria regarding surface treatment and degreasing and/or cleaning of the steel springs are suggested: 7KH VXUIDFH RI WKH VWHHO VSULQJ PXVW QRW EH FRYHUHG ZLWK D JDOYDQLF PHWDOOLF OD\HU
&RFRQXW ILEUH For non-rubberized coconut fibres no criteria are proposed, because as far as known there are no significant environmental impacts for this material. If the fibres are rubberized, the criteria for latex foam apply: ,I WKH FRFRQXW ILEUH PDWHULDO LV UXEEHUL]HG WKH ODWH[ PXVW FRPSO\ ZLWK FULWHULD DQG IRU ODWH[ IRDP
%ODFN DQG ZKLWH FRWWRQ These materials, which originate from second selection cotton and from mechanical recycling of textile waste from textile factories, may be used without prejudice. *OXHV Mattresses may be produced without glue or with organic solvent containing glue, water based glue or hot melt glue. Organic solvents may be toxic and/or carcinogenic (e.g. benzene) and contribute to the photochemical oxidation (smog). Because alternatives for organic solvent glue are available, the following criteria are proposed: 7KH DPRXQW RI YRODWLOH RUJDQLF FRPSRXQGV 92&V PXVW EH EHORZ Z 7KH JOXH PXVW EH IUHH RI EHQ]HQH DQG FKORUREHQ]HQHV
:RRG The Scandinavian bed/mattresses normally contain wooden or chipboard parts. Emission of formaldehyde, which is toxic and irritating, might be a problem for poor quality chipboard. For E1 quality chipboard a maximum level is set for the emission or content of formaldehyde. The following criterion is proposed: &KLSERDUG PXVW EH ( TXDOLW\
+HLJKW RI PDWWUHVVHV Several comments on the previous draft of this report mentioned the fact that the amount of material used for a mattress was not taken into account in the criteria, although it is important from an environmental point of view. A practical way to incorporate this aspect in the ecolabel is to define a maximum height for each type of mattress. The height of a mattress is more or less proportional to the mass of the mattress. Assuming that for a certain mattress type the composition (w% of different materials) is independent of the height, the environmental impact for this mattress type would be proportional to the height. Looking at the quality of a mattress, there is a relation between the height and the quality. This is especially true for the conformity, LH the ability of a mattress to provide sufficient and overall support for all parts of the human body. According to information of mattress manufacturers the conformity of a mattress will improve with increasing height of a mattress up to a certain maximum. Above this point an increase of the height will not result in a better conformity. This means that one could define a criterion
for the maximum height of a mattress without restricting the conformity. Because there are no standard test method and requirements for the conformity, this maximum height should be based on an analysis of the existing heights for the different types of mattresses. According to tests and product information from Greece, Germany and The Netherlands (in total 60 different mattresses) the average heights of mattresses are as follows: Average height (cm) Deviation (cm) Spring interior Latex foam PE foam 20.8 16.2 15.0 1.5 1.4 1.9
Based on these data one could consider to set a threshold at e.g. 1.1 * average height: 0D[LPXP KHLJKW RI PDWWUHVV PHDVXUHG DFF WR ',1 (1 6SULQJ LQWHULRU FP /DWH[ IRDP FP 385 IRDP FP
In section 6.3 some considerations about quality and durability were presented. Hardness can not be used as a criterion, because it is a subjective aspect. For conformity and damp permeability no standardized test methods and requirements exist. It is suggested to define only a criterion for durability, based on loss of height and loss of hardness of a mattress after loading. The following two criteria are based upon the experience of several mattress- and mattress foam manufacturers [72,74,77]. 7KH ORVV RI KHLJKW DQG ORVV RI KDUGQHVV RI WKH PDWWUHVV DIWHU UHSHWLWLYH ORDGLQJ F\FOHV RI WKH PDWWUHVV DUH WHVWHG DFFRUGLQJ VWDQGDUG SU(1 7KH ORDGLQJ LV FDUULHG RXW E\ PRYLQJ D VSHFLILHG UROO WLPHV KHQFH DQG IRUWK RYHU WKH PDWWUHVV 7KH ORVV RI KHLJKW RI WKH PDWWUHVV PXVW QRW H[FHHG 7KH ORVV RI KDUGQHVV PXVW EH EHORZ KDUGQHVV H[SUHVVHG LQ 1PP
Mattress may contain small parts of a certain material, HJ textile straps for carrying the mattress or buttons. It is suggested to exclude those small parts from the ecological criteria: 7KH HFRORJLFDO FULWHULD DSSO\ RQO\ IRU WKRVH SDUWV FRQVLVWLQJ RI WKH PDWHULDO LQ TXHVWLRQ ZKLFK H[FHHG WKH IROORZLQJ OLPLWV 0DWHULDO /DWH[ IRDP 385 IRDP 7H[WLOHV 6WHHO
0DUNHW IHDVLELOLW\ RI SURSRVHG FULWHULD0DUNHW IHDVLELOLW\ RI SURSRVHG FULWHULD0DUNHW IHDVLELOLW\ RI SURSRVHG FULWHULD0DUNHW IHDVLELOLW\ RI SURSRVHG FULWHULD The above-mentioned proposals have been defined with the market feasibility and comments from the AHWG in mind. Figures for the percentages of presently sold mattresses, which would comply with the criteria can not be given, because of lack of data. This applies especially for the criteria which focus on additives in foam materials, because a great manifold of compounds is being used. Below the status (as far as known) of presently sold mattresses with regard to the proposed criteria is summarized.
Criterion 1 has been defined by euroLATEX, which represent a big part of the latex foam manufacturers in Europe. Compliance with this criterion is probably possible for the majority of the latex foam used presently. No information about the type of pigments and dyes presently used in foam material (criteria 2, 7) is available. According to euroLATEX the dyes used in latex foam normally comply with these criteria. All latex mattresses (seven) in a German test [53] in 1996 complied with criterion 3 on nitrosamines. In a similar test in 1995 [5] 7 out of 15 mattresses did not comply with criterion 3. According to euroLATEX the sample taking and preparation may influence the results of the analysis. In order to reduce diisocyanate emissions (criterion 4) relatively simple technical adjustments have been taken or may be taken by PUR foam manufacturers. It is expected that colouring of PUR foam is normally carried out without the use of dyes mentioned in criterion 5. The limit values for heavy metals in PUR foam (according to criterion 6) may be exceeded if some specific additives are being used. At present no detailed information about used additives is available. For ticking material no information is available about the exact type of dyes and pigments which are used (criteria 7,8). For cleaning and degreasing of steel (springs) it is expected that especially small manufacturers of these parts may not use water based cleaning or closed systems for organic solvents (criterion 9). Steel springs in mattresses for domestic use are normally not coated with a metallic layer (criterion 10). It is not known what part of coconut fibres for use in mattresses is rubberized and what part of the used latex would comply with criterion 11. For glues it is expected that the major part of the glues presently used in mattresses will comply with criteria 12 and 13. It is expected that chipboard used for Scandinavian beds is normally of an E1 quality (criterion 14).
Regarding the height of mattresses it is expected that appr. 90% of the mattresses on the European market would meet criterion 15. For the fitness for use criteria 16 and 17 it is expected that the majority of the presently sold mattresses will comply.
$%%5(9,$7,216 $%%5(9,$7,216
ADI: Acceptable Daily Intake AHWG:Ad Hoc Working Group APME: Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe BOD: biological oxygen demand CEN: &RPLW (XURS HQ GH 1RUPDOLVDWLRQ (XURSHDQ &RPPLWWHH IRU 6WDQ dardization) CFCs: chlorofluorocarbons COD: chemical oxygen demand euroLATEX: association of European latex foam manufacturers HCFCs: hydrochlorofluorocarbons ISOPA: European Isocyanate Producers Association LCA: life cycle assessment LCI: life cycle inventory MBS: mercaptobenzthiazyl sulphonamide MDI: diphenylmethane diisocyanate NR: natural rubber PE: polyethylene PET: polyethylene terephthalate (polyester) PUR: polyurethane SBR: styrene butadiene rubber SETAC: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry TDI: toluene diisocyanate TLV: threshold limit value TMTD: tetramethylthiuram disulphide VOC: volatile organic compounds ZDEC: zinc diethyl dithiocarbamate
/,7(5$785( /,7(5$785(
/,7(5$785( /,7(5$785(
Guidelines for the application of LCA in the EU ecolabelling programme, final report of the first phase, Groupe des Sages, Leiden, september 1994.
[2] Information provided by Mr. Wadling of SMI, the Swedish furniture manufacturers association. [3] test mattresses, Consumentengids March 1995, Consumentenbond, the Hague. test mattresses, Test magazin, Stiftung Warentest, January 1997, Germany. WHVW ODWH[ PDWWUHVVHV NRWHVW PDJD]LQ $XJXVW NRWHVW *HUPDQ\
Introductory report to the Ad Hoc Working Group of the EU Commission, Member States and Interested Parties, Athens, 2 May 1995 DIN 13013, DIN 13014 Latex foam and polyurethane foam hospital mattresses. De slaapkamer in de nederlandse woning, 1997, NIPO (statistical data on bedding furniture). WHVW EDE\ PDWWUHVVHV NR7HVW 1RYHPEHU
[7] [8]
Materials and Technology, Volume V, Longman & De Bussy, 1972. Eco-profiles of the European plastics industry, Report 9, Polyurethane precursors, APME, June 1996. (Revised edition, September 1997 available) Polyurethane handbook, G. Oertel, 1985 (Second edition, 1994 available) Annema, J., Productie van secundair staal, SPIN document, RIVM LAE, 1993 (production of recylcled steel). Handboek milieuvergunningen, "harderijen", 1995 (hardening of steel). Eurostat, European Union Statistics (1995-1996) CBS Monthly Statistics Industry 1996/12, the Netherlands Statistisches Bundesamt, Produzierendes Gewerbe, Fachserie 4, Reihe 3.1, 1995, Germany (German statistical data on production of mattresses) Denmark Statistik, Serie C, 1996:2 Sveriges Officiella Statistik, Industri Del 2, Varndata, 1995, Sweden %I$, / QGHU XQG 0 UNWH 6SDQLHQV 0DWUDW]HQPDUNW YRU HLQHP Comeback", 1995, Germany (market for mattresses in Spain) ISPAs European factory tour, Bedtimes, July 1997 The many markets of Europe, Bedtimes, April 1997 ,QIRUPDWLRQ E\ 0UV 6 * WWHUW RI NR&RQWURO
[24] *XLQ H -% HD 0LOLHXJHULFKWH OHYHQVF\FOXVDQDO\VHV YDQ SURGucten. Deel 1: handleiding. Deel 2: achtergronden", NAOH rapport 9253/54, oktober 1992, CML. (Environmental Life Cycle Assessment manual and bacgkground information). [25] ISO 14040 - 14043, Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment: International Standard ISO 14040: "Principles and framework", July 1996 Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 14041: "Goal and scope definition and inventory analysis", July 1996 Committee Draft ISO/CD 14042.1: "Life cycle impact assessment", January 1997 Committee Draft ISO/CD 14043.1: "Life cycle interpretation", December 1996 "Guidelines for Life Cycle Assessment, a Code of Practice", report of the SETAC workshop at Sesimbra, Brussels, 1993. Reference to study by Boustead, Oekobilanz von Packstoffen, Stand 1990, Milieugerichte matrasontwikkeling, Auping, 1996, also additional informati Information by two Greek mattress manufacturers.
BUWAL, 1991
on by Mr. T. K
[30] Oekobilanz von Packstoffen, Stand 1990, BUWAL, 1991 (LCA data on packaging materials). [31] [32] Metaalbewerking, Dutch SPIN document, 1992 (metal treatment). The Dutch Rubber Foundation, Delft, 1996.
[33] Draft Textile products, Impact assessment and criteria for eco labelling, dK Teknik, Danmark, 1994 [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] Ecolabelling for textiles, TNO, 1993? De milieugerichte LCA van vier typen vloerbedekking, J. Potting, K. Blok, Oekoinventar fuer Energiesysteme, Halbersatter et al. ETH/BUWAL, Zue Information by rubberized coconut fibre manufacturer. An insight into biodegradability and recyclability of polyester based polyur Recovery and recycling of PUR foams, E. Weigand, Cellular Polymers III, LCA impact of toxic releases, CML/RIVM, VROM publ. reeks, 1996/21, Product information HBB, Heinrich Buehnen KG, Germany, 1997. Product information AIT, SIMES Group, Spain, 1997. Product information Dunloplan, Germany, 1997. Ecoprofiles of the European polymer industry, Report 4, APME/PWMI, Brussels, 1993. Description test method mattresses, TNO, CB-61.56.06 DES, May 25, 1994. ethanes, D.J.
rich/Bern, 199
3URGXFW LQIRUPDWLRQ ,QGXVWULDV 6XEL DV De slaapkamer in de Nederlandse woning, NIPO/CBM, March 1997. Information by Ad Hoc Working Group members, Athens, June 1997. 6 / SIHUW
.DXWVFKXN *XPPL Kunststoffe 44. Jahrgang, Nr. 8/91 (environmental aspects of rubber production). N.M. Levin, Emission of curing fumes - a threat to our industry?, Kautschuk + Gummi.Kunststoffe 44. Jahrgang, Nr. 9/91. Environmental assessment of textiles, 1997, DTI Clothing and Textile, dkTEKNIK, Danmark, ISBN nr. 87-7810-838-1. Drie referentieniveaus voor normalisatiedata in LCAs, VROM, RWS-RIZA, March 1997 (normalization data for use in LCAs). WHVW ODWH[ PDWWUHVVHV NRWHVW PDJD]LQ 6RQGHUKHIW %DXHQ :RKQHQ 5HQR YLHUHQ NRWHVW *HUPDQ\ 7X' 5 )HWVFK 5HVHDUFK 5HSRUW ,QVWLWXW I U .XQVWVWRIISU IXng XQG .XQVWVWRIINXQGH GHU 8QLYHUVLW W 6WXWWJDUW Information provided by Messrs. C. Georgallis, P. Ierodiaconou, Amelco Ind.Ltd., Cyprus. vergeleken,
[56] Huishoudelijk afvalcijfers van diverse Europese landen VROM/directie Afvalstoffen, rapportnr 97/36A, Den Haag, february 1997 (data on municipal waste production in Europe). [57]
Eindrapportage verkennende studie haalbaarheid inzameling en verwerking gebruikte matrassen, BECO, mei 1997 (investigation on feasibility of collection and recycling of used mattresses). Milieuanalyse van kunststof oeverbeschoeingsmaterialen, Tauw Milieu, Deventer, 1994 (environmental analysis of plastics used for sheetpiling). Emissiefactoren bij afvalverbranding, RIVM Bilthoven, rapportnr 739200001, mei 1992 (emissions of waste incineration) . Statistical compendium for the Dobris assessment, Eurostat, Luxembourg, july 1995. Fact Sheet Recycling Polyurethanes, ISOPA, March 1997.
[62] Practical guidelines for Life Cycle Assessment for the EU ecolabelling programme, final report of third phase, Groupe des Sages, Leiden, November 1996. [63] BIA-Report, Gefahrstoffliste, Gefahrstoffe am Arbeitsplatz, 1/94, HVBG, Germany, ISBN 3-88383-338-X (occupational health and hazardous compounds). Verbal information by Mr. E. Weigand, Bayer. Threshold Limit Values and biological exposure indices, ACGIH, 1993-1994 (ISBN 1-882417-03-8)
[64] [65]
Environmental health criteria 75, Toluene diisocyanates, World Health Organization, 1987. Treatment of trim foam and post consumer latex products, Belconsulting n.v., Belgium, 1995. British Standard BS 1877, Part 10: Domestic bedding, specification for mattresses and bumpers for childrens cots, perambulators and similar domestic articles. Recycling van PUR schuim uit autostoelen, INB Groep, Tauw Milieu, The Netherlands, 1992 (recycling of PUR foam from car seats). Commission decision establishing the ecological criteria for the award of the community eco-label to bed linen and t-shirts, March 1996, Doc. XI/395/95, Rev. 3. Life cycle inventory for the production of oleochemical raw materials, F. Hirsinger et al., Tenside Surf. Det. 32 (1995) 5. euroLATEX comment on AHWG meeting 3-11-1997, D. van Roey, Dec. 1997, Ref. DVR/idp. EPDLAs (sector group of CEFIC) coment on AHWG meeting 3-11-1997, D.E. Thomas, Nov. 1997, Ref. DET/JS/353/97. Comment of the Dutch Competent Body and CBM (Central Association of Dutch Furniture Manufacturers), T.J.P.M. Kroon, Oct. 1997, Ref. WD66.221097.15a2 EUROPURs comment on AHWG meeting 3-11-1997, H. Creyf, Nov. 1997, Ref. HC/MDG/97.245.
ISOPAs comment on AHWG meeting 3-11-1997, E. Weigand, Nov. 1997, Ref. wei026p. Amelco Ind. comment on AHWG meeting 3-11-1997, C. Georgallis / P. Ierodiaconou, 7 Nov. 1997.
$11(;( (8523($1 67$1'$5'6 )25 0$775(66(6 $11(;( (8523($1 67$1'$5'6 )25 0$775(66(6
$11(;( (85
Krankenhausmatratzen aus Latexschaum; Masse, Anforderungen, Pruefung DIN 13014 Krankenhausmatratzen aus Polyaetherschaum; Masse, Anforderungen, Pruefung DIN 13047 Vakuum-Matratze; Masse, Anforderungen, Pruefung DIN EN 597-1 Moebel - Bewertung der Entzuendbarkeit von Matratzen und gepolsterten Bettboeden DIN EN 597-2 Moebel - Bewertung der Entzuendbarkeit von Matratzen und gepolsterten Bettboeden DIN EN NEN1334 Wohnmoebel - Betten und Matratzen - Messverfahren und OENORM Toleranzempfehlungen DIN EN NEN 1725 Wohnmoebel - Betten und Matratzen - SicherheitstechniOENORM sche Anforderungen und Pruefverfahren DIN EN NEN 1957 Betten und Matratzen - Pruefverfahren zur Bestimmung der OENORM funktionellen Eigenschaften DIN EN NEN 1959 Betten und Matratzen - Produktinformationen OENORM RAL-GZ 441/1 Polyetherschaum-Matratzen - Guetesicherung RAL-GZ 441/2 Federkern-Matratzen; Guetesicherung RAL-RG 441 Polyetherschaum-Matratzen; Guetesicherung BWB TL7210-0033 Technische Lieferbedingungen; Matratzen aus Schaumstoff BWB TL 8105-0016 Technische Lieferbedingungen; Matratzen-Verpackung VG 85095 Matratzengarnituren = Mattresses-sets VG 85100 Matratzen und Polster; Technische Lieferbedingungen DIN 13047 Vakuum-Matratze; Masse, Anforderungen, Pruefung DIN EN 597-1 Moebel; Bewertung der Entzuendbarkeit von Matratzen DIN EN 597-2 Moebel; Bewertung der Entzuendbarkeit von Matratzen DIN EN 1334 Wohnmoebel; Betten und Matratzen; Messverfahren und Toleranzempfehlungen RAL-AGt 2 BA Matratzen-Bezugsstoff RAL-AGt 8 MF Federkern-Matratzen RAL-AGt 8 M Federkern-Matratzen; Technische Grundlage fuer RAL-TESTATE RAL-AGt 8 MF Technische Grundlage fuer RAL-TESTATE; Federkern Matratzen RAL-AGt 8 MG Schaumgummi-Matratze; Technische Grundlage fuer RAL TESTATE RAL-AGt 8 MG Schaumgummi-Matratzen; Technische Grundlage fuer RALTESTATE RAL-AGt 8 MG Technische Grundlage fuer RAL-TESTATE; Schaumgummi Matratzen RAL-AGt 8 MS Schaumkunststoff-Matratzen; Technische Grundlage fuer RALTESTATE
DIN 13013
Schaumkunststoff-Matratzen; Technische Grundlage fuer RALTESTATE Technische Grundlage fuer RAL-TESTATE; Schaumkunststoff Matratzen
Polyaetherschaum-Matratzen; Guete- und Pruefbestimmung Federkern-Matratzen; Guetebedingungen Matratzen-Bezugsstoff Technische Grundlage fuer RAL-TESTATE; Federkern Matratzen RAL-TG 8 MG Technische Grundlage fuer RAL-TESTATE; Schaumgummi Matratzen RAL-TG 8 MS Technische Grundlage fuer RAL-TESTATE; Schaumkunststoff Matratzen BWB TL 7210-0033 Technische Lieferbedingungen; Matratzen aus Schaumstoff NF D64-010-1 MOEBEL. BEWERTUNG DER ENTZUENDBARKEIT VON MATRATZEN NF D64-010-2 MOEBEL. BEWERTUNG DER ENTZUENDBARKEIT VON MATRATZEN NF D64-003 WOHNMOEBEL. BETTEN UND MATRATZEN. MESSVERFAHREN NF D64-501 Haushaltfedermatratzen, Kenndaten NF D64-511 Bettwerk. Bestandteile von Schaumstoffmatratzen, Eigenschaften und Pruefung NBN T 46-007 H Mousse de polyurethane pour coussins de dossier et de siege et pour accoudoirs de meubles, et pour matelas-specifications BS 1877:Part 10:19 Haushaltsbettzubehoer. Lieferbedingung fuer Matratzen BS 3173 Specification for spring units for mattresses BS 5223:Part 1 Specification for hospital bedding. Adult size spring interior mattresses BS 5223:Part 2:199 Krankenhausbettzeug. Matratzenkerne aus weichem PUR schaum BS 7068:1989 Luftgefuellte Matratzen fuer Kranke = Specification BS 7337:1990 Matratzen- und Bettueberzuege = Specification for BS 7397:1991 Prufung von Matrazen. Bettrahmen und Bettgestellen BS EN 597-1:1995Moebel. Bewertung der Entzuendbarkeit von Matratzen BS EN 597-2:1995Moebel. Bewertung der Entzuendbarkeit von Matratzen OENORM A 1605 Moebel-Pruefbestimmungen; Polstermoebel und Matratzen OENORM A 1605 Moebel-Pruefbestimmungen - Textile Moebelstoffe OENORM A 1681 Polstermoebel - Betten und Matratzen - Benennung OENORM S 1690 Gekrollte Naturfaserstoffr fuer die Fuellueng oder Auflage von Matratzen und Polstern. NEN 3373 Cellular polyurethane for backrests, seats, armrests of furniture and for mattresses; requirements. UNE 53231 Plastics. Core of flexible polyurethane foams for domestic mattresses. Characteristics and test methods.
$11(;( &52
Polyether mattress
6&$1',1$9,$1 %('0$775(66 (source [2]) $11(;( ,19(1725< '$7$ $11(;( ,19(1725< '$7$ $11(;( ,19(1725< '$7$ $11(;( ,19(1725< '$7$
In this annexe the processes are presented that were used in the LCA software to calculate the environmental aspects. Every process has inputs (raw materials, energy other materials), and outputs (emissions, solids, products). The following process modules are presented:
Material Chemicals ethyleneglycol Polybutadiene I Polyol APME Styrene I TDI APME therephtalic acid Ferro metals steel 23% recycled B steel spring Plastics Flex. PUR foam PET I polyethylene P Textiles cotton "raw" cotton yarn cotton, secondary cotton, woven, dyed PET yarn PET, woven, dyed wool Wood Spruce (Vuren) T Rubber Latex foam Nat.Rubber, raw NR foam SBR foam SBR raw I Others coconut fibre rubberiz jute polyester, woven Heat furnace gas B furnace oil B Processing Plastics Blow moulding T Waste processing waste treatm mattress waste treatm. prod.w. waste treatment PE Assemblies spring mattress 1m2
polyether mattress 1m2 latex mattress 1m2 scand. mattress 1m2 Category: Material : ethyleneglycol production bj Author : Source : Van den Bergh en Jurgens, Rotterdam, Holland, august 1990 Date : 29/01/92 Comment : ethyleneglycol production; to be used for petp therephtalic production; source:Van den Bergh en Jurgens.weak data Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others ethene bj
Un. Comment
Un. Comment kg
Airborne emissions Amount Un. Comment ethyleneglycol 0.00002 kg ethyleneoxide 0.00005 kg H2 0.00001 kg polyhydroxy compounds Waterborne emissions Solid emissions
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : Flexible PUR foam Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : ISOPA/APME, Eco-profilers of the Eur. Plastics Ind., Report 9, PUR precursors, 1996 Date : 09/04/97 Comment : Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Amount Un. Comment
Others Amount Un. Comment Polyol APME 0.713 kg TDI APME 0.285 kg transp.TDI/polyol 0.0998 tkm Electricity 1.5 MJe diesel engine truck B 2 MJ Based on data transport mattr.
Airborne emissions Amount CO2 0.051 kg Waterborne emissions Solid emissions waste, polym.
Un. Comment
Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment 0.02 kg Amount 1 Quantity Un. Pct. Sub-category Comment Mass kg 100 Chemicals
Disposal fraction Flex. PUR foam not defined Avoided products End.
Un. Comment
Category: Material : Polybutadiene I Author : Delft University of Technology Source : PWMI, report 4, table 19, Brussels 1993 Date : 01/09/95 Comment : Component of polymers as ABS and HIPS. Source: Idemat95 Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials crude coal crude oil crude gas barrage water uranium ore energy (undef.) iron ore limestone mineral water bauxite ore NaCl Others Amount Un. Comment 0.083 kg 0.959 kg HHV=45MJ/kg 0.701 kg HHV=54.1MJ/kg 23 kg 0.018 kg 0.01 MJ 0.0004 kg 0.0002 kg 82.4 kg 0.0003 kg 0.0064 kg Amount Un. Comment
Airborne emissions Amount Un. Comment dust (SPM) 0.0023 kg CO 0.0014 kg CO2 1.3 kg SOx 0.013 kg H2S 0.000001 kg NOx 0.013 kg HCl 0.00008 kg
H2 CxHy metals
Waterborne emissions Amount Un. Comment COD 0.002 kg BOD 0.0004 kg Acid as H+ 0.00012 kg metallic ions 0.00031 kg NH4+ 0.0008 kg Cl0.001 kg dissolved organics 0.00018 kg crude oil 0.0003 kg CxHy 0.0004 kg phosphate 0.00003 kg Solid emissions industrial waste mineral waste slags chemical waste
Amount Un. Comment 0.0025 kg 0.011 kg 0.004 kg 0.022 kg (non toxic) Amount 1 Quantity Un. Pct. Sub-category Comment Mass kg 100 Chemicals
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : Polyether-polyol APME Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : APME/ISOPA, Eco-profiles of Eur. plastics industry, report 9, PUR precursors, 1996 Date : 27/03/97 Comment : Production of polyether-polyol used for PUR. Based on averaged 1990 data from 8 European manufacturers Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials crude coal crude gas crude oil uranium crude lignite barrage water crude oil crude gas crude coal biomass NaCl bauxite ore SO2 sulphur sand iron (in ore) phosphate ore limestone mineral Others
Amount Un. Comment 0.215 kg fuel 0.553 kg " 0.243 kg " 0.0289 mg 0.27 kg " 50 kg 0.5 MJ 0.482 kg feedstock 0.373 kg " 0 kg " 1 MJ 1660 g 0.35 g 18.4 g 2.5 g 2.2 g 2.1 g 9.3 g 600 g Amount Un. Comment
Airborne emissions Amount dust (SPM) 7 g CO 1.5 g CO2 3.4 kg NH3 0.25 g H2S 0.005 g HCl 0.15 g HF 0.003 g NOx 17.9 g SO2 15 g CxHy 11.3 g organic comp. 0.64 g CxHy chloro 0.28 g H2 0.57 g metals 0.005 g
Un. Comment
Waterborne emissions Amount Un. Comment CxHy 1.4 g BOD 2 g COD 12.1 g acid 0.16 g metallic ions 131 g suspended substances 70 g oil 0.03 g detergent 0.03 g phenol 0.002 g dissolved substances 0.55 g org. comp. 1.1 g Na+ 478 g Ca+ 44 g Cl1070 g SO424.3 g CxHy chloro 0.21 g nitrate 6.1 g P2O5 1.4 g N 2.3 g Solid emissions Amount Un. Comment mineral waste 787 g slags 11 g fly ash 11 g industrial waste 89 g chemical waste 2.3 g final waste (inert) 7.5 g
Amount 1
End. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Category: Material : Styrene I Author : Delft University of Technology Source : PWMI, report 4, table 16, Brussels 1993 Date : 00/00/00 Comment : Component of polymers as ABS, PPE and PS. Source: Idemat95 Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials crude coal crude oil crude gas barrage water uranium ore energy (undef.) iron ore limestone mineral water bauxite ore NaCl Others Amount Un. Comment 0.031 kg 0.937 kg HHV=45MJ/kg 1.008 kg HHV=54.1MJ/kg 0.0014 kg 0.00034 kg 20.4 MJ 0.0003 kg 0.0002 kg 2.9 kg 0.002 kg 0.012 kg Amount Un. Comment
Airborne emissions Amount Un. Comment dust (SPM) 0.003 kg CO 0.0015 kg CO2 1.5 kg SOx 0.043 kg H2S 0.000005 kg NOx 0.024 kg HCl 0.00003 kg H2 0.00002 kg CxHy 0.022 kg metals 0.00001 kg Waterborne emissions Amount COD 0.0025 kg Un. Comment
BOD Acid as H+ metallic ions NH4+ ClCxHy Solid emissions industrial waste mineral waste slags chemical waste
0.00005 kg 0.0001 kg 0.001 kg 0.00006 kg 0.0002 kg 0.0005 kg Amount Un. Comment 0.0025 kg 0.011 kg 0.004 kg 0.022 kg (non toxic) Amount Quantity Un. Pct. Sub-category Comment Mass kg 100 Chemicals
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : TDI APME Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : APME/ISOPA, Eco-profiles of Eur. plastics industry, report 9, PUR precursors, 1996 Date : 27/03/97 Comment : Production of toluene-diisocyanate used for PUR. Based on averaged 1990 data from 8 European manufacturers Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials crude coal crude gas crude oil natural uranium crude lignite barrage water crude oil crude gas crude coal NaCl bauxite ore SO2 sulphur sand iron (in ore) limestone mineral Others
Amount Un. Comment 0.229 kg fuel 1.109 kg " 0.246 kg " 0.039 mg 0.42 kg " 70 kg 0.7 MJ 0.286 kg feedstock 0.4 kg " 0.0273 kg " 288 g 0.13 g 77 g 4.6 g 0.58 g 0.53 g 78.5 g Amount Un. Comment
Airborne emissions Amount dust (SPM) 7.1 g CO 3.3 g CO2 4.76 kg NH3 0.14 g H2S 0.005 g HCl 0.22 g HF 0.01 g NOx 28.5 g SO2 18.5 g CxHy 17.3 g organic comp. 0.6 g CxHy chloro 0.38 g H2 0.57 g metals 0.005 g Waterborne emissions Amount CxHy 0.3 g " BOD 0.2 g COD 1.4 g acid 0.68 g metallic ions 0.26 g suspended substances 12.1 oil 0.03 g detergent 0.03 g phenol 0.003 g org. comp. 1.8 g Na+ 0.61 g Ca+ 23.9 g Cl82.8 g SO4236.1 g
Un. Comment
Un. Comment
Solid emissions Amount Un. Comment mineral waste 183 g slags 13.7 g fly ash 13.7 g industrial waste 205 g chemical waste 16 g final waste (inert) 1.8 g
Amount 1
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Category: Material : therephtalic acid oxidation Author : Pre Source : Van den Bergh en Jurgens, Rotterdam, Holland, august 1990 Date : 29/01/92 Comment : therephtalic acid oxidation; to be used for petp terephtalic production; emissions to air and water are unknown; weak data; source:Van den Bergh en Jurgens. Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others p-xylene Amount Un. Comment
Category: Material : steel production 0% recycling Author : consultants, Amersfoort, The Netherlands Source : Oekobilanz von Packstoffen, Stand 1990, BUWAL 3003 Bern, Schriftenreihe Umwelt Nr.132 Date : 18/11/94 Comment : steel production; usual recycling percentage (23% scrap); source: Buwal. Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Amount Un. Comment iron ore 1.1694 kg steel scrap 0.231 kg limestone mineral 0.1198 kg additions 0.1084 kg running oil 0.0077 kg unspecified energy 24.839 MJ Others Electricity Amount 2.437 Un. Comment MJe
Airborne emissions Amount Un. Comment dust (SPM) 0.0269087 kg CO 0.0013029 kg CxHy 0.016022 kg NOx 0.0014399 kg N2O 0.0003872 kg SO2 0.0078543 kg aldehydes 0.000008587 kg HF 0.0000004983 kg ammonia 0.000073292 kg CxHy 0.0000169 kg various organic substances. tar 0.0000001 kg CO2 2.4638 kg calculated by from Buwal data for combustion of oil for industrial furnace and combustion of fuels for electricity Europe
production. Waterborne emissions Amount Un. Comment dissolved substances 0.0008765 kg suspended substances 0.000317965 kg BOD 0.0000051648 kg COD 0.000001194 kg NH3 0.000006353 kg Cyanide 0.0000001 kg Fe 0.000099994 kg fluorine 0.000033084 kg sulphates 0.0000002 kg sulfide counted as SO4. hydrochloric acid 0.002 kg Na+ 0.0000001481 kg nitrate 0.0000002251 kg crude oil 0.00051308 kg phenol 0.0000003 kg sulphates 0.0000001331 kg Solid emissions Amount produc. waste (not inert) 0.3985
Un. Comment kg Quantity Comment Mass Un. Pct. Sub-category kg 100 Ferro metals
Amount 1
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : Spring steel Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : dutch manufacturers of steel wire and mattresses Date : 02/05/97 Comment : drawing of steel wire + bending wire to spring coil Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Amount Un. Comment
Others Amount Un. Comment steel 23% recycled B 1 kg Electricity 0.394 kWh 0.15 kWh drawing, 0.244 kWh coiling furnace gas B 2 MJ drawing wire, 0.0533 m3 gas truck ld B 75% 0.6 tkm transport wire to spring factory + spring transport to mattr. manuf.
End. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Category: Material : PET I Author : University of Technology Delft Source : PWMI/APME, Ecoprofiles of the European plastics industry, report 8, Polyethylene terephtalate, table 1, Brussels 1995 Date : 15/08/95 Comment : production of 1 kg PET granulate Source: Cluster : No
INPUT Raw materials Amount Un. Comment crude coal 0.1428 kg crude oil 1.092 kg crude gas 0.5413 kg energy (undef.) 12.92 MJ wasted energy HHV-LHV iron ore 550 mg energy from hydro power 0.55 MJ uranium ore 0.7387 g NaCl 4900 mg limestone mineral 270 mg magnesium (ore) 50 mg water 17.5 kg bauxite ore 310 mg sand 20 mg Others
Un. Comment
Airborne emissions Amount Un. Comment dust (SPM) 0.0038 kg CO 0.018 kg CO2 2.33 kg SOx 0.025 kg NOx 0.0202 kg HCl 0.0011 kg CxHy 0.04 kg metals 0.00001 kg Waterborne emissions Amount COD 0.0033 kg BOD 0.001 kg Na+ 0.0015 kg Acid as H+ 0.00018 kg metallic ions 0.00012 kg Cl0.00071 kg crude oil 0.00002 kg CxHy 0.0004 kg P2O5 0.00001 kg sulphates 0.00004 kg Solid emissions mineral waste slags industrial waste chemical waste
Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment 0.03 kg 0.0096 kg 0.0035 kg 0.00203 kg (1.9g inert) Amount Quantity Un. Pct. Sub-category Comment Mass kg 100 Plastics
End. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Category: Material : polyethylene production P Author : Tauw milieu/dsn Source : PWMI/APME, ecoprofiles of the European plastics industry, 1992-1994 report 3, table 13, page 9 Date : 11/05/95 Comment : production of 1 kg PE, both HDPE and LDPE; averaged over all polymerisation plants for which data are avialable. Source; PWMI Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials crude gas crude oil crude coal crude oil crude gas barrage water limestone mineral iron ore water bauxite ore Amount Un. Comment 0.7 kg feedstock 0.78 kg feedstock 0.095 kg fuel 0.07 kg fuel 0.251 kg fuel 50 kg 0.00015 kg 0.0002 kg 18 kg 0.0003 kg
Airborne emissions Amount Un. Comment dust (SPM) 0.002 kg CO 0.0008 kg CO2 1.1 kg SOx 0.007 kg NOx 0.01 kg HCl 0.00006 kg HF 0.000001 kg CxHy 0.021 kg aldehydes 0.000005 kg unspecified emission 0.000005 kg (other organics) heavy metals 0.000001 kg (unknown) H2 0.000001 kg Waterborne emissions Amount Un. Comment COD 0.001 kg BOD 0.000015 kg Acid as H+ 0.00007 kg nitrate 0.000005 kg metallic ions 0.0003 kg NH4+ 0.000005 kg Cl2 0.00012 kg dissolved organics 0.00002 kg suspended substances 0.0004 kg crude oil 0.0004 kg CxHy 0.0001 kg phenol 0.000001 kg dissolved substances 0.0004 kg P 0.000005 kg unspecified emission 0.00001 kg (nitrogen, other organics) sulphates 0.00001 kg Solid emissions Amount produc. waste (not inert) 0.0341 chemical waste 0.00007
Un. Comment kg kg
Amount 1
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Category: Material : Polypropyleenproduktie Tauw Author : RKR Source : PWMI Date : 30/05/03 Comment : Aangemaakt voor bloempottenonderzoek Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Amount Un. Comment crude coal 0.01945 kg crude oil 0.9133 kg crude gas 0.6666 kg barrage water 12 kg uranium ore 0.000207 kg wood 0.00102 kg unspecified energy 0.01 MJ iron ore 0.0002 kg limestone mineral 0.0001 kg water 1.6 kg bauxite ore 0.0003 kg rock salt 0.006 kg clay 0.00002 kg ferro-manganese 0.000001 kg Others
Un. Comment
Airborne emissions
Un. Comment
particulates 0.0008 kg CO 0.0004 kg CO2 0.528 kg SOx 0.004 kg HF 0.00001 kg NOx 0.006 kg HCl 0.00001 kg CxHy 0.008 kg unspecified organic subst 0.000001 kg unspecified metals 0.000001 kg Waterborne emissions Amount Un. Comment COD 0.0002 kg BOD 0.00003 kg H+ 0.00004 kg N 0.000001 kg unspecified metals 0.0002 kg NH4+ 0.000005 kg Cl0.00005 kg S-compounds 0.000005 kg dissolved substances 0.00002 kg suspended substances 0.0002 kg oil 0.0002 kg CxHy 0.00007 kg phenol 0.000001 kg dissolved substances 0.0004 kg N 0.00001 kg Solid emissions Amount prod. waste unspecified 31
Un. Comment g Quantity Un. Pct. Sub-category Comment Mass kg 100 Plastics
Amount 1
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : Cotton Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : dk-TEKNIK, Textile Products, Impact Assessment and Criteria for Eco-labelling, 1994 (draft) Date : 02/05/97 Comment : Spinning, weaving and wet treatment not included! Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others furnace oil B Amount Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment 44 MJ 48.6 MJ prim. energy per kg baled lint, incl. production of chemicals (fertilizers, etc.) truck ld B 75% 0.5 tkm deep-sea vessel B 15 tkm
Source : dk-TEKNIK, Textile Products, Impact Assessment and Criteria for Eco-labelling, 1994 (draft) Date : 02/05/97 Comment : Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others cotton "raw" Electricity Amount Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment 1 kg 2.6 kWh Yarn production: 15 - 45 MJ/kg prim energy. 9.524 MJ prim. = 1 kWh elec
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : Cotton secundary Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : Manufacturers Date : 02/05/97 Comment : Spinning, weaving and wet treatment not included! Produced from textile waste ( mainly prod. waste) Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others truck ld B 75% Amount Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment 0.5 tkm assumption by Tauw for average dist.
Un. Comment Un. Comment Un. Comment Quantity Un. Pct. Sub-category Comment Mass kg 100 textile
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : Cotton Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : dk-TEKNIK, Textile Products, Impact Assessment and Criteria for Eco-labelling, 1994 (draft) Date : 02/05/97 Comment : Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others Amount Amount Un. Comment Un. Comment
1 4.7 3.5
kg MJe weaving acc. to Belgian factory MJ 7 MJ/kg energ. for wet treatment. Assuming 50% oil, 50% gas 3.5 MJ 7 MJ/kg energ. for wet treatment. Assuming 50% oil, 50% gas 0.3 tkm Assumption 300 km average distance
Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment g waste water of wet treatment Amount Amount 1 Un. Comment Quantity Comment Mass Un. Pct. Sub-category kg 100 textile
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : PET yarn Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : dk-TEKNIK/DTI clothing and textile, Env. Assessment of textiles, 1997, ISBN 87-7810-838-1 Date : 28/07/97 Comment : Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others PET I furnace oil B Electricity
Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment 1 kg 13.6 MJ polym. & spinning of fibres 30 MJe spinning of yarn
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : PET fabric Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : dk-TEKNIK, Textile Products, Impact Assessment and Criteria for Eco-labelling, 1994 (draft) + PWMI Date : 26/06/97 Comment : Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others PET yarn Electricity furnace gas B Amount Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment 1 kg 4.7 MJe weaving acc. to Belgian factory 3.5 MJ 7 MJ/kg energ. for wet treat-
ment. Assuming 50% oil, 50% gas MJ 7 MJ/kg energ. for wet treatment. Assuming 50% oil, 50% gas 0.3 tkm Assumption 300 km average distance
Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment g waste water of wet treatment Amount Amount 1 Un. Comment Quantity Comment Mass Un. Pct. Sub-category kg 100 textile
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : wool Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : J. Potting, K. Blok, De milieugerichte LCA van 4 typen vloerbedekking, Wetenschapswinkel Utrecht, 1993 Date : 02/05/97 Comment : including yarning Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others truck ld B 75% Amount Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment 0.5 tkm sheep farm to wool washing + harbour to mattress factory deep-sea vessel B 15 tkm transport to Europe furnace oil B 6.1 MJ drying washed wool 3.6 - 8.5 MJ
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : Spruce (Vuren) Uvyr Author : Delft University of Technology Source : Meer energiekentallen in relatie...., RIVM 1992. Importgegevens hard Date : 02/03/95 Comment : Import distribution Sweden 33%, Finland 32%, Germany 8%, Russia 8 Source: IDEMAT 95. Equal to Spruce I, only truck long dist. B instead of truck I. Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials wood water Amount Un. Comment 1.5 kg Dry matter 1.43 kg Water content 49% Un. Comment kg Tree felling 259 MJ
Electricity Europe I 0.053 MJ Debarking 9.8kWh/t DM Electricity Europe I 0.0712 MJ Sawing 147 kWh/t DM crude oil Northsea I 0.0069 kg 330MJ/t DM truck long-distance B 0.3 tkm 2(150*0.001) Coastal-ship I 1.6 tkm 1600km*0.001
Airborne emissions Amount water 1.33 kg Waterborne emissions Solid emissions wood (sawdust)
Un. Comment
Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment 0.1 kg Amount 1 Quantity Un. Pct. Sub-category Comment Mass kg 100 Wood Wood with 10% watercontent
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : Latex foam Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : See Nat.Rub.+SBR, assumption for ratio Nat.Rub./SBR Date : 27/07/97 Comment : Provisional, energy for foaming estimated!! Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Amount Un. Comment
Others Amount Un. Comment Nat.Rubber, raw 0.5 kg SBR raw I 0.5 kg diesel engine truck B 2 MJ Derived from transport data for mattresses furnace gas B 4 MJ Estimation by Tauw Electricity 2 MJe Estimation by Tauw
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : Nat.Rubber raw Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : PRe (Rubber foundation, Delft) Date : 09/04/97 Comment : Natural rubber from latex tree, dried, pressed in bales, not vulcanized Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Amount latex 1 kg crude coal 27.5 g energy from hydro power 157 energy from uranium 997 Un. Comment
kJ kJ
land use 80.7 cm2 crude lignite 36.2 g crude gas 4.78 g crude oil 79.1 g unspecified energy 287 kJ wood 93 g Others
Un. Comment
Airborne emissions Amount Un. Comment aldehydes 2.9 mg ammonia 1.45 mg benzene 15 mg benzo(a)pyrene 0.131 mg Cd 0.701 mg CO 1.44 g CO2 465 g Cu 9.5 mg CxHy 731 mg CxHy aromatic 1.24 mg dust 266 mg HCl 18.1 mg Hg 2.99 mg methane 285 mg N2O 40.2 mg non methane VOC 235 mg NOx 2.76 g Pb 3.5 mg radioactive substances 214 kBq SO2 3.49 g V 457 mg Zn 2.13 mg Waterborne emissions Amount Un. Comment BOD 435 mg Cl469 mg COD 10 g crude oil 18.2 mg CxHy aromatic 396 mg dissolved substances 918 mg NH3 599 mg N 3 g P 1 g radioactive substances 1.96 kBq sulphates 496 mg suspended substances 435 mg Zn 453 mg Solid emissions Amount Un. Comment final waste (inert) 10.5 g high active nuclear waste 0.418 mm3 low,med. act. nucl. waste 25 mm3 produc. waste (not inert) 122 mg wood (sawdust) 17.6 g
Amount 1
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : NR foam Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : See Nat.Rub. Date : 27/07/97 Comment : Provisional, energy for foaming estimated!! Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Amount Un. Comment Un. Comment kg MJ Derived from transport
4 2
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : SBR foam Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : See SBR Date : 27/07/97 Comment : Provisional, energy for foaming estimated!! Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Amount Un. Comment
Others Amount Un. Comment SBR raw I 1 kg diesel engine truck B 2 MJ Derived from transport data for mattresses furnace gas B 4 MJ Estimation by Tauw Electricity 2 MJe Estimation by Tauw
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) raw I Uvyr Author : Delft University of Technology Source : See Styrene and Polybutadiene Date : 16/08/95 Comment : Copolymer of Butadiene and Styrene with ratio 77/23, without carbonblack Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others Polybutadiene I Styrene I
Un. Comment
Un. Comment kg kg
Airborne emissions
Un. Comment
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : Coconut fibre Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : F. Hirsinger, LCI for oleochemical raw materials, Tenside Surf. Det. 32 (1995) 5 Date : 02/05/97 Comment : Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others Nat.Rubber, raw Amount Un. Comment
Amount Un. Comment 0.5 kg latex appr. 50 w% of rubberized fibre deep-sea vessel B 5 tkm transport fibres 10.000 km
Un. Comment Un. Comment Un. Comment Quantity Un. Pct. Sub-category Comment Mass kg 100 others
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : jute Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : J. Potting, K. Blok, De milieugerichte LCA van 4 typen vloerbedekking, Wetenschapswinkel Utrecht, 1993 Date : 02/05/97 Comment : Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Amount Un. Comment
Others Amount Un. Comment Electricity 3.1 MJ weaving deep-sea vessel B 20 tkm India to Europe inland vessel 0.08 tkm
Amount Amount
not defined
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Material : polyester, woven Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : dk-TEKNIK, Textile Products, Impact Assessment and Criteria for Eco-labelling, 1994 (draft) Date : 02/05/97 Comment : Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Amount Un. Comment
Others Amount Un. Comment petp terephtalic bj 1 kg Electricity 50 MJe Knitting, weaving etc. 16.7 -85.7 MJ/kg
End. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Category: Energy : gas industrial furnace Author : Tauw Milieu/dsn Source : Oekobilanz von Packstoffen, Stand 1990, BUWAL 3003 Bern, Schriftenreihe Umwelt Nr.132 Date : 28/10/92 Comment : industrial gas furnace; source:Buwal. inclusief de verbranding van het gas bij toepassing Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others gas prec B Amount Amount 1 Un. Comment
Un. Comment kg
Airborne emissions Amount Un. Comment particulates 0.0000092 kg SO2 0.0000332 kg CxHy 0.00047 kg NOx 0.00378 kg N2O 0.00299 kg CO 0.000428 kg CO2 2.36 kg Waterborne emissions Solid emissions
Amount Amount
furnace gas B
End. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Category: Energy : oil industrial furnace Author : Tauw Milieu/dsn Source : Oekobilanz von Packstoffen, Stand 1990, BUWAL 3003 Bern, Schriftenreihe Umwelt Nr.132 Date : 28/10/92 Comment : industrial oil furnace; source:Buwal. Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others oil prec B Amount Un. Comment
Airborne emissions Amount Un. Comment particulates 0.00088 kg SO2 0.027 kg CxHy 0.00033 kg NOx 0.00712 kg N2O 0.000615 kg CO 0.00025 kg CO2 3.198 kg Waterborne emissions Solid emissions
Amount Amount
furnace oil B
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Processing : Blow moulding Uvyr Author : Delft University of Technology Source : Kunststofverwerkende industrie, RIVM Bilthoven 1993 Date : 08/05/95 Comment : General data for blow moulding foils Source IDEMAT I Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others Electricity gas prec B
Un. Comment
Airborne emissions Amount CO2 175 g CO 0.09 g NO2 0.13 g SO2 0.3 g Waterborne emissions Amount
Un. Comment
Blow moulding T
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Processing : waste treatment mattresses Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : nosource Date : 23/05/97 Comment : waste disposal of matresses. It is assumed that 100% goes to a landfill Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others
Amount Amount
Amount Amount
End. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Project : Mattresses Category: Processing : waste treatment mattress production waste Uvyr Author : Tauw/ejd Source : nosource Date : 29/07/97 Comment : waste disposal of matresses production waste. It is assumed that 100% goes to a landfill Cluster : No INPUT Raw materials Others
Amount Amount
Amount Amount
Un. Comment Un. Comment Un. Comment kg Un. Pct. Sub-category kg 100 afval
End. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Category: Processing : waste processing PE foil Author : Tauw/dsn Source : Buwal okoblinaz von packstoffen, 1990 Date : 05/03/97 Comment : According to Eurostat approximately 30% of household waste is
Amount Amount
Airborne emissions Amount particulates 0.015 g CO 0.39 g NOx 1.56 g CO2 0.943 kg Waterborne emissions Amount
Un. Comment
waste treatment PE
Assembly: spring mattress 1m2 Comment: Material: steel spring 4 kg Material: cotton, woven, dyed 0,6 kg Assembly: other materials spring 1 p including 0.5 kg felt Material: Flex. PUR foam 1,3 kg Material: Latex foam 0,2 kg Assembly: packaging PE foil 1 p Energy: diesel engine truck B 16,8 MJ Energy: Electricity 6,3 MJe average of 2 big manufacturers Processing: waste treatm mattress 11 kg Assembly: latex mattress, 1m2 Comment: Energy use latex foam not included! Material: Latex foam 9 kg Material: cotton, woven, dyed 0,6 kg Assembly: other materials latex 1 p Assembly: packaging PE foil 1 p Energy: diesel engine truck B 16,8 MJ Energy: Electricity 6,3 MJe Processing: waste treatm mattress 10 kg Assembly: polyether mattress 1m2 Comment: Material: Flex. PUR foam 4,8 kg Material: cotton, woven, dyed 0,6 kg Assembly: other materials PUR 1 p Assembly: packaging PE foil 1 p Energy: diesel engine truck B 16,8 MJ Energy: Electricity 6,3 MJe Processing: waste treatm mattress 5,8 kg Assembly: other materials latex mattress Comment: Material: wool 0,2 kg Material: cotton, secundary 0,2 Assembly: other materials PUR mattress Comment: Material: wool 0,2 kg Material: cotton, secundary 0,2
Assembly: other materials spring mattress Comment: Material: wool 0,5 kg Material: PET yarn 0,5 kg Material: coconut fibre rubberiz 1 kg Material: cotton, secundary 2 kg
Assembly: packaging PE foil Comment: Material: polyethylene P 0,23 kg Processing: waste treatment PE 0,23 kg Processing: Blow moulding T 0,23 kg Assembly: scand spring mattr 1m2 Comment: Material: steel spring 2,5 kg wooden frame + springs Material: cotton, woven, dyed 0,5 kg mattress pad Material: Flex. PUR foam 1 kg mattress pad Material: Latex foam 1,5 kg mattress pad Material: Spruce (Vuren) T 10 kg wooden frame Material: polyethylene P 0,4 kg packaging frame part + pad Assembly: D-spring mattress 1m2 1 p Processing: Blow moulding T 0,4 kg Energy: diesel engine truck B 16,8 MJ Energy: Electricity 6,3 MJe average of 2 big manufacturers Processing: waste treatm mattress 15,5 kg Processing: waste treatm. prod.w. 0,07 kg Processing: waste treatment PE 0,4 kg
$11(;( (67,
2.2 Vulcanising , - 30 C to + 115 C 145 * 1.5 = 218 kJ, assumed efficiency = 50% : 440 kJ = 0.4 MJ 2.3 Drying, 80 C assumed water content = 1 kg water / kg foam = 8 vol.% 20 C to 80 C, foam: 60 * 1.5 = 180 kJ 20 C to 80 C, water: 60 * 4.2 = 250 kJ evaporation 1 kg water: 2260 kJ assumed efficiency 50%: 5400 kJ = 5.4 MJ 2.4 Compounding, vacuum, mechanical equipment:
1 MJ
& HExtsh
" 9yITApr)
No deep freezing; Vulcanising: 100 C; Lower water content (drying time shorter as compared to Talalay) Estimation 9ypr)
# 6rhtrrrtpvUhyhyh9y)%HExtsh
Used energy is probably primarily gas (heating) and electricity (cooling, mechanical equipment, heating):
6v) !HEryrpvpvxtyhrsh #HEthxtyhrsh
$11(;( /&$ 5(68/76 6&$1',1$9,$1 %('0$775(66 $11(;( /&$ 5(68/76 6&$1',1$9,$1 %('0$775(66 $11(;( /&$ 5(68/76 6&$1',1$9,$1 %('0$775(66 $11(;( /&$ 5(68/76 6&$1',1$9,$1 %('0$775(66
In this annexe the LCA results for the Scandinavian example product are presented. A description of the environmental effects can be found in section 8.2. The causes for environmental effects of the Scandinavian example product are comparable with those of the spring interior mattress.
$11(;( &+$1*(6 ,1 7+( 5(3257 $11(;( &+$1*(6 ,1 7+( 5(3257 $11(;( &+$1*(6 ,1 7+( 5(3257 $11(;( &+$1*(6 ,1 7+( 5(3257
Changes as compared to the previous report (R3535924.C04/EJD): Page 5,6 15 15 17 46 59 59 60 64 67 71 72 72 73 73 73 74 74 75 Change present status of project explained density PUR foam 25 - 35 kg/m3 instead 40 - 60 kg/m3 MDI also used for PE mattresses additional info on coir fibre and black/white cotton remark about aim and scope of LCA (printed EROG) several chemicals deleted, not used for flex. PUR foam half-life time TDI in air 0.5 to 3 hours instead of 2 days. environmental aspects of coconut fibres degradation of foam material to CO2 and methane deleted solid waste instead of household waste explanation on energy use and energy content of latex foams criterion (2) about ratio NR/SBR deleted criterion 2: certain dyes allowed criterion 4: use of carbon filter added criterion (6) about prevention of TDI emission deleted >>> certain dyes/pigments allowed <<< criterion 5: allowed concentration of tin changed criterion (9) about pesticides in textile deleted criterion 8 (12): changed, (halogenated) organic solvent allowed if used in a closed system
75 75 76 77 77
criterion 10 for rubberized coconut fibres added black and white cotton added (allowed) criterion 14 added for maximum height of mattress section 11.4: limits above which ecological criteria apply changed section 11.5 added: market feasibility of proposed criteria