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Pipe 1.80 Metres Long: 100mm Dia Each 10.50) 1200.00 12600.00

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Code Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount @

TOTAL 796.57
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 7.15
Cost of each 803.72
Say 803.70

17.34.2 Vitreous china

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount?
Details of cost of one no.
3749 Vitreous china toilet paper holder of
standard size each 1.00 120.00 120.00
Wooden cleats
8.23 Rate as per item no 8.23 of SH : Cladding
work each 2.00 40.85 81.70
0588 Chromium plated Brass screws 25 mm 4100 Nos 0.06 177.00 10.62
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 4.29 2.27 9.74
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.12 816.00 97.92
0114 Beldar day 0.12 736.00 88.32
TOTAL 408.30
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 3.27
TOTAL 411.57
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 70.16
TOTAL 481.73
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 60.00
TOTAL 541.73
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 4.60
Cost of each 546.33
Say 546.35

17.35 Providing and fixing soil, waste and vent pipes :

17.35.1 100 mm dia Sand cast iron S&S pipe as per IS: 1729
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for 17.37 m
(1.8mx10)-(9x0.07m) = 17.37 m
1617 S.C.l. soil, waste and vent single socketed
pipe 1.80 metres long: 100mm dia each 10.50} 1200.00 12600.00
9999 Scaffolding Ls. 80.73 2.27 183.26
9977 Carriage of materials Ls. 53.82 2.27 122.17
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.42 897.00 376.74
0100 Bandhani day 0.21 816.00 171.36
0114 Beldar day 0.83 736.00 610.88


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
TOTAL 14064.41 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 140.64
TOTAL 14205.05 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3021.41
TOTAL 17226.46 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2583.97
TOTAL 19810.43 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 198.10
Cost for 17.37 m pipe 20008.53
Cost per metre 1151.90
Say 1151.90 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron socket & spigot (S&S) pipe as per IS: 3989
Code Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount 2
Details of cost for 16.87 m
(1.75mx10)-(9x0.07m) = 16.87 m
3620 C.C.|.(spun) socketed soil, waste and vent
pipe 1.80 metres long:100mm dia each 10.50} 1194.00 12537.00
9999 Scaffolding Ls. 80.73 2.27 183.26
9977 Carriage of materials Ls. 53.82 2.27 122.17
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.42 897.00 376.74
0100 Bandhani day 0.21 816.00 171.36
0114 Beldar day 0.83 736.00 610.88
TOTAL 14001.41 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 140.01
TOTAL 14141.42] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3007.88
TOTAL 17149.30 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2572.40
TOTAL 19721.70] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 197.22
Cost for 16.87 m pipe 19918.92
Cost per metre 1180.73
Say 1180.75 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes epoxy coated inside
& outside IS:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate 2 Amount =
Detail of cost for 18.00 m (6 x 3.00 m)
7621 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes
as per IS 15905 - 100 mm dia (3000 mm
length pipe) metre 18.54 719.00 13330.26
i/c (3% wastage)


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
9999 Scaffolding LS. 80.73 2.27 183.26
9977 Carriage of materials Ls. 53.82 2.27 122.17
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.42] 897.00 376.74
0100 Bandhani day 0.21 816.00 171.36
0114 Beldar day 0.83 736.00 610.88
TOTAL 14794.67 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 147.95
TOTAL 14942.62 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3178.30
TOTAL 18120.92 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2718.14
TOTAL 20839.06 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 208.39
Cost of 18.00 metre 21047.45
Cost of 1 metre 1169.30
Say 1169.30

17.35.2 75 mm diameter : Sand cast iron S&S pipe as per IS: 1729
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for 17.42 m
(1.8mx10)-(9x0.065m) = 17.415 m say
1616 S.C.1. soil, waste and vent single socketed
pipe 1.80 metres long:75mm dia each 10.50} 1100.00 11550.00
9999 Scaffolding Ls. 80.73 2.27 183.26
9977 Carriage of materials Ls. 40.38 2.27 91.66
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.35 897.00 313.95
0100 Bandhani day 0.17 816.00 138.72
0114 Beldar day 0.70 736.00 515.20
TOTAL 12792.79 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 127.93
TOTAL 12920.72 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2748.24
TOTAL 15668.96 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2350.34
TOTAL 18019.30 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 180.19
Cost for 17.42 m pipe 18199.49
Cost per metre 1044.75
Say 1044.75

1376 SUB HEAD : 17 SANITARY INSTALLATIONS Centrifugally cast (spun) iron socketed pipe as per IS: 3989
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for 16.92 m
(1.75mx10)-(9x0.065m) = 16.915 m. say
16.92 m
3621 C.C.|.(spun) socketed soil, waste and vent
pipe 1.80 metres long:75mm dia each 10.50} 1225.00 12862.50
including 5% allowance for wastage
9999 Scaffolding L.S. 80.73 2.27 183.26
9977 Carriage of materials Ls. 40.38 2.27 91.66
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.35 897.00 313.95
0100 Bandhani day 0.17 816.00 138.72
0114 Beldar day 0.70 736.00 515.20
TOTAL 14105.29
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 141.05
TOTAL 14246.34
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3030.20
TOTAL 17276.54
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2591.48
TOTAL 19868.02
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 198.68
Cost for 16.92 m pipe 20066.70
Cost per metre 1185.98
Say 1186.00 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes epoxy coated inside & outside IS:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for 18.00 m (6 x 3.00 m)
7622 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes
as per IS 15905 - 75 mm dia (3000 mm
length pipe) metre 18.54 591.00 10957.14
i/c (3% wastage)
9999 Scaffolding L.S. 80.73 2.27 183.26
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 40.38 2.27 91.66
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.35 897.00 313.95
0100 Bandhani day 0.17 816.00 138.72
0114 Beldar day 0.70 736.00 515.20
TOTAL 12199.93
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 122.00
TOTAL 12321.93
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2620.87
TOTAL 14942.80
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2241.42


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
TOTAL 17184.22
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 171.84
Cost of 18.00 metre 17356.06
Cost of 1 metre 964.23
Say 964.25
17.36 Providing and filling the joints with spun yarn, cement slurry and cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement
: 2 fine sand) in S.C.1./ C.I. Pipes :
17.36.1 75 mm dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for 4 joints
9999 Cement mortar, spun yarn etc. LS. 6.89 2.27 15.64
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.28] 897.00 251.16
0114 Beldar day 0.28 736.00 206.08
TOTAL 472.88
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.73
TOTAL 477.61
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 101.59
TOTAL 579.20
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 86.88
TOTAL 666.08
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.66
Cost of 4 joints 672.74
Cost of 1 joint 168.19
Say 168.20
17.36.2 100 mm dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for 4 joints
9999 Cement mortar, spun yarn etc. Ls. 8.06 2.27 18.30
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0114 Beldar day 0.33 736.00 242.88
TOTAL 557.19
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.57
TOTAL 562.76
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 119.70
TOTAL 682.46
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 102.37
TOTAL 784.83
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.85
Cost of 4 joints 792.68
Cost of 1 joint 198.17
Say 198.15


17.37 Providing and fixing M.S. holder-bat clamps of approved design to Sand Cast iron/cast iron
(spun) pipe embedded in and including cement concrete blocks 10x10x10 cm of 1:2:4 mix (1
cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), including cost of
cutting holes and making good the walls etc. :
17.37.1 For 100 mm dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for 50 nos.
1331 M.S.Holder bat clamp of approved design
for 100 mm S.C.I. pipe each 50.000 27.00 1350.00
9977 Carriage of bat clamps L.S. 24.700 2.27 56.07
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 1.250 897.00 1121.25
0124 Mason 2nd class day 7.500 816.00 6120.00
0114 Beldar day 5.000 736.00 3680.00
9999 Sundries Ls. 71.500 2.27 162.31
C.C. Black 50x0.1x0.1x0.1 = 0.05 cum
0295 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm
nominal size cum 0.033} 1425.00 47.03
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 0.011} 1400.00 15.40
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm
nominal size cum 0.044 0.00 0.00
0982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 0.022] 1450.00 31.90
2203 Carriage of Coarse sand cum 0.022 0.00 0.00
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.016] 5156.00 82.50
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.016 0.00 0.00
0114 Beldar day 0.045 736.00 33.12
0115 Coolie day 0.032 736.00 23.55
0101 Bhisti day 0.014 816.00 11.42
0123 Mason ‘st class day 0.003} 897.00 2.69
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.003} 816.00 2.45
0128 Mate day 0.002 816.00 1.63
9999 Hire charges of machine etc. L.s. 2.600 2.27 5.90
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.300 2.27 2.95
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.300 2.27 2.95
TOTAL 12753.12 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 127.53
TOTAL 12880.65 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2739.71
TOTAL 15620.36 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2343.05
TOTAL 17963.41 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 179.63
Cost of 50 bat clamps 18143.04
Cost of each 362.86
Say 362.85


17.37.2 For 75 mm dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for 50 nos.
1332 M.S.Holder bat clamp of approved design
for75 mm S.C.1. pipe each 50.000 25.00 1250.00
9977 Carriage of bat clamps Ls. 24.700 2.27 56.07
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 1.250 897.00 1121.25
0124 Mason 2nd class day 7.500} 816.00 6120.00
0114 Beldar day 5.000 736.00 3680.00
9999 Sundries LS. 71.500 2.27 162.31
C.C. Black 50x0.1x0.1x0.1 = 0.05 cum
0295 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm
nominal size cum 0.033} 1425.00 47.03
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 0.011} 1400.00 15.40
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm
nominal size cum 0.044 0.00 0.00
0982 Coarse sand (zone Ill) cum 0.022} 1450.00 31.90
2203 Carriage of Coarse sand cum 0.022 0.00 0.00
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.016] 5156.00 82.50
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.016 0.00 0.00
0114 Beldar day 0.045 736.00 33.12
0115 Coolie day 0.032 736.00 23.55
0101 Bhisti day 0.014 816.00 11.42
0123 Mason ‘1st class day 0.003 897.00 2.69
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.003 816.00 2.45
0128 Mate day 0.002 816.00 1.63
9999 Hire charges of machine etc. LS. 2.600 2.27 5.90
9999 Sundries LS. 1.300 2.27 2.95
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.300 2.27 2.95
TOTAL 12653.12
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 126.53
TOTAL 12779.65
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2718.23
TOTAL 15497.88
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2324.68
TOTAL 17822.56
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 178.23
Cost of 50 bat clamps 18000.79
Cost of each 360.02
Say 360.00

17.38 Providing and fixing bend of required degree with access door, insertion rubber washer 3 mm
thick, bolts and nuts complete.
17.38.1 100 mm dia

1380 SUB HEAD : 17 SANITARY INSTALLATIONS Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1625 S.C.|. bend with access door 100mm dia each 1.00 370.00 370.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 420.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 421
TOTAL 424.90
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 90.38
TOTAL 515.28
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 77.29
TOTAL 592.57
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 5.93
Cost of each 598.50
Say 598.50 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3624 S.C.|. S&S bends with access door 100mm
dia each 1.00 445.00 445.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 495.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.96
TOTAL 500.65
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 106.49
TOTAL 607.14
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 91.07
TOTAL 698.21
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.98
Cost of each 705.19
Say 705.20 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per IS:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Detail of cost for one no.
7639 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron bend
with access door - 100 mm dia as per IS
1S:15905 each 1.00 348.00 348.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 398.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.99
TOTAL 402.68 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 85.65
TOTAL 488.33] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 73.25
TOTAL 561.58 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.62
Cost of each 567.20
Say 567.20

17.38.2 75 mm dia Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Details of cost for one no.
1624 S.C.|. bend with access door 75mm dia each 1.00 310.00 310.00
1373 Rubber insertions for 80 mm dia pipe joints each 1.00 18.00 18.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 352.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.52
TOTAL 356.01 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 75.72
TOTAL 431.73] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 64.76
TOTAL 496.49] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.96
Cost of each 501.45
Say 501.45 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate z Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
3625 S.C.]. S&S bends with access door75mm
dia each 1.00 325.00 325.00
1373 Rubber insertions for 80 mm dia pipe joints each 1.00 18.00 18.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 367.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 3.67
TOTAL 371.16 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 78.95
TOTAL 450.11] Y


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 67.52
TOTAL 517.63
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.18
Cost of each 522.81
Say 522.80 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per IS:15905
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount z%
Detail of cost for one no.
7640 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron bend
with access door - 75 mm dia as per IS
15905 including cost of bolts & nuts. each 1.00 252.00 252.00
1373 Rubber insertions for 80 mm dia pipe joints each 1.00 18.00 18.00
3mm thick
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 294.49
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.94
TOTAL 297.43
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 63.26
TOTAL 360.69
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 54.10
TOTAL 414.79
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.15
Cost of each 418.94
Say 418.95

17.39 Providing and fixing plain bend of required degree.

17.39.1 100 mm dia Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1621 S.C.I. plain bend 100 mm dia each 1.00 300.00 300.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 330.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.31
TOTAL 334.00
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 71.04
TOTAL 405.04
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 60.76
TOTAL 465.80
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.66
Cost of each 470.46
Say 470.45

SUB HEAD : 17 SANITARY INSTALLATIONS 1383 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS : 3989
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3628 S.C.1. S&S bend100mm dia each 1.00 370.00 370.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges Ls. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 400.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.01
TOTAL 404.70 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 86.08
TOTAL 490.78] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 73.62
TOTAL 564.40] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.64
Cost of each 570.04
Say 570.05 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes epoxy coated inside & outside IS:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7623 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron plain
bend as per IS 15905- 100 mm dia each 1.00} 228.00 228.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 258.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.59
TOTAL 261.28 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 55.57
TOTAL 316.85] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 47.53
TOTAL 364.38] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.64
Cost of each 368.02
Say 368.00

17.39.2 75 mm dia Sand cast iron S&S as per IS -1729
Code _ Description Unit Quantity Rate % Amount z
Details of cost for one no.
1620 S.C.I. plain bend 75 mm dia each 1.00 240.00 240.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 264.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.64
TOTAL 267.13 | X


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 56.82
TOTAL 323.95
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 48.59
TOTAL 372.54
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.73
Cost of each 376.27
Say 376.25 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
3629 S.C.Il. S&S bend75mm dia each 1.00 250.00 250.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 274.49
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.74
TOTAL 277.23
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 58.97
TOTAL 336.20
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 50.43
TOTAL 386.63
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.87
Cost of each 390.50
Say 390.50 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes epoxy coated inside & outside IS:15905
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount z%
Detail of cost for one no.
7624 Hubless centrifugally cast (Spun) iron plain
bend as per IS 15905 - 75 mm dia each 1.00} 153.00 153.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 177.49
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.77
TOTAL 179.26
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 38.13
TOTAL 217.39
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 32.61
TOTAL 250.00
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2.50
Cost of each 252.50
Say 252.50


17.40 Providing and fixing heel rest sanitary bend
17.40.1 100 mm dia Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1667 Sand cast iron heel rest bend 100mm dia each 1.00 380.00 380.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 227 30.69
TOTAL 410.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.11
TOTAL 414.80
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 88.23
TOTAL 503.03
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 75.45
TOTAL 578.48
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.78
Cost of each 584.26
Say 584.25 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
3634 S.C.|. S&S heel rest sanitary bend 100mm
dia each 1.00 355.00 355.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 385.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.86
TOTAL 389.55
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 82.86
TOTAL 472.41
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 70.86
TOTAL 543.27
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.43
Cost of each 548.70
Say 548.70

17.40.2 75 mm dia Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1666 Sand cast iron heel rest bend75mm dia each 1.00 320.00 320.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 344.49


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.44
TOTAL 347.93
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 74.00
TOTAL 421.93
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 63.29
TOTAL 485.22
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.85
Cost of each 490.07
Say 490.05 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
3635 S.C.1. S&S heel rest sanitary bend 75mm
dia each 1.00 330.00 330.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 354.49
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.54
TOTAL 358.03
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127)
TOTAL 434.18
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 65.13
TOTAL 499.31
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 4.99
Cost of each 504.30
Say 504.30

17.41 Providing and fixing double equal junction of required degree with access door, insertion
rubber washer 3 mm thick, bolts and nuts complete :
17.41.1 100x100x100x100 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1637 S.C.1. double equal junctions
100x100x100x100 mm dia with access
door. each 1.00 750.00 750.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.39 2.27 30.40
TOTAL 800.40
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 8.00
TOTAL 808.40
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 171.95
TOTAL 980.35


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 147.05
TOTAL 1127.40 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 11.27
Cost of each 1138.67
Say 1138.65 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3654 S.C.]. S&S double equal junctions with
access door 100x100x100x100 mm. each 1.00} 725.00 725.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.39 2.27 30.40

TOTAL 775.40 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 7.75
TOTAL 783.15] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 166.58
TOTAL 949.73] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 142.46
TOTAL 1092.19} Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 10.92
Cost of each 1103.11
Say 1103.10

17.41.2 75x75x75x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount z%
Details of cost for one no.
1636 S.C.1. double equal junctions75x75x75x75
mm dia with access door. each 1.00} 550.00 550.00
1373 Rubber insertions for 80 mm dia pipe joints each 1.00 18.00 18.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 592.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.92
TOTAL 598.41 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 127.28
TOTAL 725.69] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 108.85
TOTAL 834.54] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.35
Cost of each 842.89
Say 842.90

1388 SUB HEAD : 17 SANITARY INSTALLATIONS Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3655 S.C.I. S&S double equal junctions with
access door 75x75x75x75 mm. each 1.00} 580.00 580.00
1373 Rubber insertions for 80 mm dia pipe joints each 1.00 18.00 18.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 622.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 6.22
TOTAL 628.71 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 133.73
TOTAL 762.44] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 114.37
TOTAL 876.81] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 8.77
Cost of each 885.58
Say 885.60

17.42 Providing and fixing double equal plain junction of required degree.
17.42.1 100x100x100x100 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1634 S.C.|. plain double equal junctions
100x100x100x100 mm dia each 1.00 630.00 630.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 660.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 6.61
TOTAL 667.30] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 141.93
TOTAL 809.23 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 121.38
TOTAL 930.61] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.31
Cost of each 939.92
Say 939.90 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
3650 S.C.]. S&S double equal junctions
100x100x100x100 mm each 1.00} 725.00 725.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
TOTAL 755.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 7.56
TOTAL 763.25 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 162.34
TOTAL 925.59] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 138.84

TOTAL 1064.43] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 10.64
Cost of each 1075.07
Say 1075.05 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes epoxy coated inside & outside 1S:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Detail of cost for one no.
7625 Hubless centrifugally cast (Spun) iron
double equal plain junction as per IS 15905
- 100x100x100x100 mm dia each 1.00} 504.00 504.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 534.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.35
TOTAL 540.04 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 114.87
TOTAL 654.91] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 98.24
TOTAL 753.15] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.53
Cost of each 760.68

Say 760.70

17.42.2 75x75x75x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate= | Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1633 S.C.|. plain double equal junctions
75x75x75x75 mm dia each 1.00} 415.00 415.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 439.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.39

TOTAL 443.88 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 94.41
TOTAL 538.29] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 80.74
TOTAL 619.03] Z


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.19
Cost of each 625.22
Say 625.20 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate= | Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
3651 $.C.]. S&S double equal junctions
75x75x75x75 mm each 1.00 540.00 540.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 564.49
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.64
TOTAL 570.13
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 121.27
TOTAL 691.40
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 103.71
TOTAL 795.11
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.95
Cost of each 803.06
Say 803.05 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes epoxy coated inside & outside 1S:15905
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7626 Hubless centrifugally cast (Spun) iron
double equal plain junction as per IS 15905
- 75x75x75x75 mm dia each 1.00} 270.00 270.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 294.49
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.94
TOTAL 297.43
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 63.26
TOTAL 360.69
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 54.10
TOTAL 414.79
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.15
Cost of each 418.94
Say 418.95


17.43 Providing and fixing single equal plain junction of required degree with access door, insertion
rubber washer 3 mm thick, bolts and nuts complete.
17.43.1 100x100x100 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1631 S.C.I. single equal junctions 100x100x100
mm dia with access door. each 1.00} 460.00 460.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00

9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 510.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.11
TOTAL 515.80 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 109.71

TOTAL 625.51] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 93.83
TOTAL 719.34 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 7.19
Cost of each 726.53
Say 726.55 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount %
Details of cost for one no.
3644 $.C.]. S&S single equal junctions with
access door 100x100x100 mm each 1.00} 600.00 600.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00

9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges Ls. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 650.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 6.51
TOTAL 657.20 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 139.79
TOTAL 796.99 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 119.55
TOTAL 916.54} Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.17
Cost of each 925.71
Say 925.70


17.43.2 75x75x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1630 S.C.]. single equal junctions75x75x75 mm
dia with access door. each 1.00} 400.00 400.00
1373 Rubber insertions for 80 mm dia pipe joints each 1.00 18.00 18.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 442.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.42
TOTAL 446.91] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 95.06
TOTAL 541.97] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 81.30
TOTAL 623.27 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.23
Cost of each 629.50
Say 629.50 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount %
Details of cost for one no.
3645 S.C.]. S&S single equal junctions with
access door 75x75x75 mm each 1.00] 425.00 425.00
1373 Rubber insertions for 80 mm dia pipe joints each 1.00 18.00 18.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges Ls. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 467.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.67
TOTAL 472.16 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 100.43
TOTAL 572.59 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 85.89
TOTAL 658.48 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.58
Cost of each 665.06
Say 665.05

17.44 Providing and fixing single equal plain junction of required degree :
17.44.1 100x100x100 mm

SUB HEAD : 17 SANITARY INSTALLATIONS 1393 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1628 S.C.|. plain single equal junctions
100x100x100 mm dia each 1.00} 410.00 410.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 440.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.41

TOTAL 445.10] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 94.67
TOTAL 539.77] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 80.97
TOTAL 620.74] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 6.21
Cost of each 626.95
Say 626.95 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3640 S.C.]. S&S single equal junctions
100x100x100 mm each 1.00} 540.00 540.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 570.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.71
TOTAL 576.40 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 122.60
TOTAL 699.00 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 104.85
TOTAL 803.85 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.04
Cost of each 811.89
Say 811.90 Hubless centrifugally cast(spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per 1S:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7627 Hubless centrifugally cast (Spun) iron
single equal plain junction as per IS 15905
- 100x100x100 mm dia each 1.00 378.00 378.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 227 30.69
TOTAL 408.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.09
TOTAL 412.78] X


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 87.80
TOTAL 500.58 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 75.09
TOTAL 575.67 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.76
Cost of each 581.43
Say 581.45

17.44.2 75x75x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1627 S.C.I. plain single equal junctions
75x75x75 mm dia each 1.00} 330.00 330.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 354.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.54
TOTAL 358.03 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 76.15
TOTAL 434.18] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 65.13
TOTAL 499.31] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.99
Cost of each 504.30

Say 504.30 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
3641 S.C.]. S&S single equal junctions

9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 394.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.94
TOTAL 398.43 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 84.75
TOTAL 483.18 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 72.48
TOTAL 555.66 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 5.56
Cost of each 561.22
Say 561.20

SUB HEAD : 17 SANITARY INSTALLATIONS 1395 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per IS:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7628 Hubless centrifugally cast (Spun) iron
single equal plain junction as per IS 15905
- 75x75x75 mm dia each 1.00 213.00 213.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges Ls. 10.79 227 24.49

TOTAL 237.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.37
TOTAL 239.86 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 51.02
TOTAL 290.88 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 43.63
TOTAL 334.51] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.35
Cost of each 337.86
Say 337.85

17.45 Providing and fixing double unequal junction of required degree with access door, insertion
rubber washer 3 mm thick, bolts and nuts complete:
17.45.1 100x100x75x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1662 Sand cast iron S&S double unequal
junctions: 100x100x75x75 mm dia with
access door. each 1.00 760.00 760.00

1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe

joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 810.69} W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 8.11
TOTAL 818.80 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 174.16

TOTAL 992.96 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 148.94
TOTAL 1141.90] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 11.42
Cost of each 1153.32
Say 1153.30

1396 SUB HEAD : 17 SANITARY INSTALLATIONS Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3674 S.C.]. S&S double unequal junctions with
access door 100x100x75x75 mm each 1.00} 1075.00 1075.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 1125.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 11.26
TOTAL 1136.95 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 241.83
TOTAL 1378.78] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 206.82
TOTAL 1585.60 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 15.86
Cost of each 1601.46
Say 1601.45

17.46 Providing and fixing double unequal plain junction of required degree :
17.46.1 100x100x75x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1659 Sand cast iron S&S plain double unequal
junctions : 100x100x75x75 mm dia each 1.00} 640.00 640.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 670.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 6.71
TOTAL 677.40 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 144.08
TOTAL 821.48] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 123.22
TOTAL 944.70] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.45
Cost of each 954.15
Say 954.15 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount
Details of cost for one no.
3670 S.C.]. S&S double unequal junctions
100x100x75x75 mm each 1.00} 955.00 955.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
TOTAL 985.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 9.86
TOTAL 995.55 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 211.75
TOTAL 1207.30] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 181.10
TOTAL 1388.40 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 13.88
Cost of each 1402.28
Say 1402.30 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per 1S:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Detail of cost for one no.
7629 Hubless centrifugally cast (Spun) iron
double unequal plain junction as per IS
15905 - 100x100x75x75 mm dia each 1.00} 396.00 396.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 426.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.27
TOTAL 430.96 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 91.67
TOTAL 522.63 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 78.39
TOTAL 601.02] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.01
Cost of each 607.03
Say 607.05

17.47 Providing and fixing single unequal junction of required degree with access door, insertion
rubber washer 3 mm thick, bolts and nuts complete:
17.47.1 100x100x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Details of cost for one no.
1656 Sand cast iron S&S single unequal
junctions: 100x100x75 mm dia with access
door. each 1.00 590.00 590.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 640.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 6.41
TOTAL 647.10] X


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 137.64
TOTAL 784.74
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 117.71
TOTAL 902.45
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.02
Cost of each 911.47
Say 911.45 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3664 S.C.l. S&S single unequal junctions with
access door 100x100x75 mm each 1.00 755.00 755.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 805.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 8.06
TOTAL 813.75
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 173.08
TOTAL 986.83
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 148.02
TOTAL 1134.85
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 11.35
Cost of each 1146.20
Say 1146.20
17.48 Providing and fixing single unequal plain junction of required degree :
17.48.1 100x100x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1653 Sand cast iron S&S plain single unequal
junctions : 100x100x75 mm dia each 1.00 540.00 540.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 570.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.71
TOTAL 576.40
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 122.60
TOTAL 699.00
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 104.85
TOTAL 803.85
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.04
Cost of each 811.89
Say 811.90

SUB HEAD : 17 SANITARY INSTALLATIONS 1399 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3660 S.C.]. S&S single unequal junctions
100x100x75 mm each 1.00] 695.00 695.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 725.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 7.26

TOTAL 732.95 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 155.90
TOTAL 888.85 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 133.33
TOTAL 1022.18] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 10.22
Cost of each 1032.40
Say 1032.40 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per IS:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7630 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron single
unequal plain junction as per IS 15905 -
100x100x75 mm dia each 1.00} 357.00 357.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 387.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.88
TOTAL 391.57 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 83.29
TOTAL 474.86] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 71.23
TOTAL 546.09 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.46
Cost of each 551.55
Say 551.55

17.49 Providing and fixing double equal plain invert branch of required degree:
17.49.1 100x100x100x100 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1673 S.C.]. double equal invert branch of
required degree 100x100x100x100 mm dia each 1.00 590.00 590.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 620.69 | W


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount @
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 6.21
TOTAL 626.90
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 133.34
TOTAL 760.24
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 114.04
TOTAL 874.28
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.74
Cost of each 883.02
Say 883.00 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount %
Details of cost for one no.
3685 $.C.1. S&S double equal invert branch of
required degree100x100x100x100 mm dia each 1.00) 665.00 665.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 695.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 6.96
TOTAL 702.65
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 149.45
TOTAL 852.10
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 127.82
TOTAL 979.92
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.80
Cost of each 989.72
Say 989.70 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per 1S:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount?
Detail of cost for one no.
7631 Hubless centrifugally cast (Spun) iron
double equal plain invert branch as per IS
15905 - 100x100x100x100 mm dia each 1.00} 747.00 747.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 777.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 7.78
TOTAL 785.47
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 167.07
TOTAL 952.54
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 142.88
TOTAL 1095.42
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 10.95
Cost of each 1106.37
Say 1106.35


17.49.2 75x75x75x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1672 S.C.1. double equal invert branch of
required degree 75x75x75x75 mm dia each 1.00} 440.00 440.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 464.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.64
TOTAL 469.13] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 99.78
TOTAL 568.91] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 85.34
TOTAL 654.25] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.54
Cost of each 660.79
Say 660.80 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3686 S.C.1. S&S double equal invert branch of
required degree 75x75x75x75 mm dia each 1.00 540.00 540.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 564.49] W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.64
TOTAL 570.13 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 121.27
TOTAL 691.40] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 103.71
TOTAL 795.11] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.95
Cost of each 803.06
Say 803.05

17.50 Providing and fixing single equal plain invert branch of required degree :
17.50.1 100x100x100 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per iron 1729
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1670 S.C.|. single equal invert branch of required
degree 100x100x100 mm dia each 1.00} 460.00 460.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 490.69 | W


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.91
TOTAL 495.60
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 105.41
TOTAL 601.01
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 90.15
TOTAL 691.16
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.91
Cost of each 698.07
Say 698.05 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount %
Details of cost for one no.
3681 $.C.1. S&S single equal invert branch of
required degree 100x100x100 mm dia each 1.00} 495.00 495.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 525.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.26
TOTAL 530.95
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 112.93
TOTAL 643.88
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 96.58
TOTAL 740.46
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.40
Cost of each 747.86
Say 747.85 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per 1S:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount z%
Detail of cost for one no.
7632 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron single
equal plain invert branch as per IS 15905 -
100x100x100 mm dia each 1.00) 423.00 423.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 453.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 4.54
TOTAL 458.23
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 97.47
TOTAL 555.70
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 83.36
TOTAL 639.06
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.39
Cost of each 645.45
Say 645.45


17.50.2 75x75x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1669 S.C.|. single equal invert branch of required
degree75x75x75 mm dia each 1.00} 380.00 380.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 404.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.04
TOTAL 408.53 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 86.89
TOTAL 495.42] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 74.31
TOTAL 569.73 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.70
Cost of each 575.43
Say 575.45 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3682 $.C.1. S&S single equal invert branch of
required degree 75x75x75 mm dia each 1.00 380.00 380.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 404.49 | w
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.04
TOTAL 408.53 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 86.89
TOTAL 495.42| Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 74.31
TOTAL 569.73] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.70
Cost of each 575.43
Say 575.45 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per 1S:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7633 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron single
equal plain invert branch as per IS 15905 -
75x75x75 mm dia each 1.00} 258.00 258.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 282.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.82


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
TOTAL 285.31 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 60.69
TOTAL 346.00 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 51.90
TOTAL 397.90} Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.98
Cost of each 401.88
Say 401.90

17.51 Providing and fixing double unequal invert branch of required degree :
17.51.1 100x100x75x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1677 S.C.|. double unequal invert branch of
required degree 100x100x75x75 mm dia each 1.00 680.00 680.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 710.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 7.11
TOTAL 717.80 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 152.68
TOTAL 870.48] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 130.57
TOTAL 1001.05 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 10.01
Cost of each 1011.06
Say 1011.05 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989
Code Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount z%
Details of cost for one no.
3695 S.C.]. S&S double unequal invert branch of
required degree100x100x75x75 mm dia each 1.00 865.00 865.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 895.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 8.96
TOTAL 904.65 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 192.42
TOTAL 1097.07 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 164.56
TOTAL 1261.63 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 12.62
Cost of each 1274.25
Say 1274.25


17.52 Providing and fixing single unequal plain invert branch of required degree :
17.52.1 100x100x75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1674 S.C.|. single unequal invert branch of
required degree100x100x75 mm dia each 1.00 535.00 535.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 565.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.66
TOTAL 571.35 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 121.53
TOTAL 692.88 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 103.93
TOTAL 796.81 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.97
Cost of each 804.78
Say 804.80 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3690 S.C.]. S&S single unequal invert branch of
required degree100x100x75 mm dia each 1.00] 670.00 670.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 700.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 7.01
TOTAL 707.70 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 150.53
TOTAL 858.23 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 128.73
TOTAL 986.96 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.87
Cost of each 996.83
Say 996.85 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per IS:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7634 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron single
unequal plain invert branch 45 degree as
per IS 15905 - 100x100x75 mm dia each 1.00] 432.00 432.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
TOTAL 462.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.63
TOTAL 467.32
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 99.40
TOTAL 566.72
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 85.01
TOTAL 651.73
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.52
Cost of each 658.25
Say 658.25

17.53 Providing and fixing sand cast iron S&S off sets as per IS: 1729
17.53.1 76 mm off sets With 75 mm dia pipe
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Details of cost for one no.
3746 S.C.1. S&S, 75 mm offset for 75 mm dia
pipe each 1.00 240.00 240.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 264.49
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.64
TOTAL 267.13
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 56.82
TOTAL 323.95
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 48.59
TOTAL 372.54
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.73
Cost of each 376.27
Say 376.25 With 100 mm dia pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount ?
Details of cost for one no.
3747 S.C.l. S&S, 75 mm offset for 100 mm dia
pipe each 1.00 400.00 400.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 424.49
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.24
TOTAL 428.73
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 91.19
TOTAL 519.92
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 77.99
TOTAL 597.91


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.98
Cost of each 603.89
Say 603.90

17.53.2 114 mm off sets With 75 mm dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
3712 S.C.1. S&S, 114 mm offset for75 mm dia
pipe each 1.00 340.00 340.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges Ls. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 370.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.71
TOTAL 374.40 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 79.63
TOTAL 454.03] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 68.10
TOTAL 522.13 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.22
Cost of each 527.35
Say 527.35 With 100 mm dia pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3713 S.C.1. S&S, 114 mm offset for100 mm dia
pipe each 1.00 425.00 425.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 455.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.56
TOTAL 460.25 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 97.90
TOTAL 558.15 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 83.72
TOTAL 641.87] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.42
Cost of each 648.29
Say 648.30


17.53.3 152 mm off sets With 75 mm dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3716 S.C.]. S&S, 152 mm offset for75 mm dia

9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 17.94 227 40.72
TOTAL 435.72 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.36
TOTAL 440.08 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 93.61
TOTAL 533.69 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 80.05
TOTAL 613.74] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.14
Cost of each 619.88
Say 619.90 With 100 mm dia pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity} Rate=} Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
3717 S.C.]. S&S, 152 mm offset for100 mm dia

9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges Ls. 17.94 227 40.72
TOTAL 540.72 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.41

TOTAL 546.13] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 116.16
TOTAL 662.29] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 99.34
TOTAL 761.63] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 7.62
Cost of each 769.25
Say 769.25

17.53A Providing and fixing Hubless centrifugally cast iron offsets epoxy coated inside & outside as
per 1S:15905
17.53A.1 65 mm offsets
17.53A.1.1 With 100 mm dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7635 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron 65
mm offset with 100 mm dia pipe as per IS
15905 each 1.00 360.00 360.00


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges Ls. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 384.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.84
TOTAL 388.33 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 82.60
TOTAL 470.93] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 70.64
TOTAL 541.57] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.42
Cost of each 546.99
Say 547.00

17.53A.1.2 With 75 mm dia pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Detail of cost for one no.
7636 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron 65
mm offset with 75 mm dia pipe as per IS
415905 each 1.00 295.00 295.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 319.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.19
TOTAL 322.68 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 68.63
TOTAL 391.31] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 58.70
TOTAL 450.01} Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 4.50
Cost of each 454.51
Say 454.50

17.54 Providing and fixing sand cast iron S&S off sets as per IS: 3989 :
17.54.1 75 mm off sets With 75 mm dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Details of cost for one no.
3699 S.C.1. S&S, 75 mm offset for75 mm dia

9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 294.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.94
TOTAL 297.43 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 63.26
TOTAL 360.69 | Y


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 54.10
TOTAL 414.79] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.15
Cost of each 418.94
Say 418.95

17.54.2 150 mm off sets With 75 mm dia pipe
Code _ Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
3707 $.C.1. S&S, 150 mm offset for75 mm dia
pipe each 1.00 375.00 375.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 16.12 2.27 36.59
TOTAL 411.59 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 4.12
TOTAL 415.71] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 88.42
TOTAL 504.13] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 75.62
TOTAL 579.75] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.80
Cost of each 585.55
Say 585.55 With 100 mm dia pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
3708 S.C.1. S&S, 150 mm offset for 100 mm dia
pipe each 1.00 480.00 480.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 16.12 2.27 36.59
TOTAL 516.59 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.17
TOTAL 521.76] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 110.98
TOTAL 632.74] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 94.91
TOTAL 727.65] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.28
Cost of each 734.93
Say 734.95


17.544 Providing and fixing Hubless centrifugally cast iron offsets epoxy coated inside & outside as
per 1S:15905
17.54A.1 130 mm offsets
17.54A.1.1 With 100 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7637 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron 130
mm offset with 100 mm dia pipe as per IS
15905 each 1.00 414.00 414.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69

TOTAL 444.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.45
TOTAL 449.14] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 95.53
TOTAL 544.67| Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 81.70
TOTAL 626.37 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.26
Cost of each 632.63
Say 632.65
17.544.1.2 With 75 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Detail of cost for one no.
7638 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron 130
mm offset with 75 mm dia pipe as per IS
415905 each 1.00 303.00 303.00
9999 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 327.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 327
TOTAL 330.76 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 70.35
TOTAL 401.11] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 60.17
TOTAL 461.28] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 461
Cost of each 465.89
Say 465.90
17.55 Providing and fixing door piece, insertion rubber washer 3mm thick, bolts & nuts complete :
17.55.1 100 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount %
Details of cost for one no.
1683 S.C.|. door pieces 100 mm dia each 4.00 500.00 500.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 550.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.51
TOTAL 556.20 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 118.30
TOTAL 674.50 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 101.18
TOTAL 775.68 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.76
Cost of each 783.44
Say 783.45 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Details of cost for one no.
3728 S.C.]. S&S door pieces 100 mm dia each 1.00 430.00 430.00
1374 Rubber insertions for 100 mm dia pipe
joints each 1.00 20.00 20.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 480.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.81
TOTAL 485.50] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 103.27
TOTAL 588.77 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 88.32
TOTAL 677.09 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.77
Cost of each 683.86
Say 683.85

17.55.2 75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1682 S.C.|. door pieces 75 mm dia each 1.00 310.00 310.00
1373 Rubber insertions for 80 mm dia pipe joints each 1.00 18.00 18.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 352.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 3.52
TOTAL 356.01 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 75.72
TOTAL 431.73] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 64.76


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
TOTAL 496.49] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.96
Cost of each 501.45
Say 501.45 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3729 S.C.1. S&S door pieces 75 mm dia each 1.00 335.00 335.00
1373 Rubber insertions for 80 mm dia pipe joints each 1.00 18.00 18.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 377.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.77
TOTAL 381.26] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 81.09
TOTAL 462.35] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 69.35
TOTAL 531.70] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.32
Cost of each 537.02
Say 537.00

17.56 Providing and fixing terminal guard :

17.56.1 100 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount z
Details of cost for one no.
1640 Slotted cowl (terminal guard ) 100 mm dia each 1.00 280.00 280.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 310.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 3.11
TOTAL 313.80 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 66.75
TOTAL 380.55 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 57.08
TOTAL 437.63 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.38
Cost of each 442.01
Say 442.00

1414 SUB HEAD : 17 SANITARY INSTALLATIONS Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3733 S.C.]. S&S, Slotted Cowl (Terminal Guard)
400 mm each 1.00 325.00 325.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69

TOTAL 355.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.56

TOTAL 359.25
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 76.41
TOTAL 435.66
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 65.35
TOTAL 501.01
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.01
Cost of each 506.02
Say 506.00 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per IS:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7641 Hubless centrifugally cast (Spun) iron
terminal guard (slotted cowl) - 100 mm dia
as per IS 15905 each 1.00 270.00 270.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 300.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.01
TOTAL 303.70
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 64.60
TOTAL 368.30
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 55.25
TOTAL 423.55
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.24
Cost of each 427.79
Say 427.80

17.56.2 75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1639 Slotted cowl (terminal guard )75 mm dia each 1.00 215.00 215.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 239.49
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.39


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
TOTAL 241.88 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 51.45
TOTAL 293.33 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 44.00
TOTAL 337.33 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.37
Cost of each 340.70
Say 340.70 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3734 S.C.1. S&S, Slotted Cowl (Terminal Guard)
75mm each 1.00 260.00 260.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 284.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.84
TOTAL 287.33 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 61.12
TOTAL 348.45 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 52.27
TOTAL 400.72] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.01
Cost of each 404.73
Say 404.75
17.57 Providing and fixing collar :
17.57.1 100 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1686 S.C.I. collar 100 mm dia each 1.00 295.00 295.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 325.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.26
TOTAL 328.95 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 69.97
TOTAL 398.92] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 59.84
TOTAL 458.76] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.59
Cost of each 463.35
Say 463.35

1416 SUB HEAD : 17 SANITARY INSTALLATIONS Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3738 S.C.I. S&S, collars 100 mm each 1.00 330.00 330.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges Ls. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 360.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 361
TOTAL 364.30 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 77.49
TOTAL 441.79] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 66.27
TOTAL 508.06 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.08
Cost of each 513.14

Say 513.15

17.57.2 75 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount %
Details of cost for one no.
1685 S.C.I. collar 75 mm dia each 1.00 190.00 190.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 214.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.14
TOTAL 216.63 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 46.08
TOTAL 262.71] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 39.41
TOTAL 302.12] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.02
Cost of each 305.14
Say 305.15 Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
3739 S.C.I. S&S, collars 75 mm each 1.00 230.00 230.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 227 24.49
TOTAL 254.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.54
TOTAL 257.03 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 54.67


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
TOTAL 311.70] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 46.76
TOTAL 358.46 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.58
Cost of each 362.04
Say 362.05

17.57A Providing and fixing shielded coupling for Hubless centrifugally cast iron pipe
17.57A.1 100 mm dia
17.57A.1.1 SS 304 grade coupling with EPDM rubber gasket
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7644 SS 304 grade shielded coupling with
EPDM rubber gasket for 100 mm dia
Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron each 1.00} 273.00 273.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 303.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.04
TOTAL 306.73 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 65.24
TOTAL 371.97] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 55.80
TOTAL 427.77} Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.28
Cost of each 432.05
Say 432.05
17.57A.2 75 mm dia
17.57A.2.1 SS 304 grade coupling with EPDM rubber gasket
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Detail of cost for one no.
7645 SS 304 grade shielded coupling with
EPDM rubber gasket for 75 mm dia
Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron each 1.00} 249.00 249.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges Ls. 10.79 227 94.49
TOTAL 273.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.73
TOTAL 276.22 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 58.75
TOTAL 334.97] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 50.25
TOTAL 385.22 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.85
Cost of each 389.07
Say 389.05


17.58 Providing lead caulked joints to sand cast iron/centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes and fittings
of diameter :
17.58.1 100 mm
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one joint
1397 Pig lead kilogram 0.98 210.00 205.80
1881 Spun yarn kilogram 0.11 61.00 6.71
9999 Kerosene oil, fuel and other sundries LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 1.43 2.27 3.25
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.06 897.00 53.82
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.06 816.00 48.96
0114 Beldar day 0.12 736.00 88.32
TOTAL 437.55
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.38
TOTAL 441.93
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 94.00
TOTAL 535.93
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 80.39
TOTAL 616.32
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.16
Cost of each 622.48
Say 622.50
17.58.2 75mm
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one joint
1397 Pig lead kilogram 0.88 210.00 184.80
1881 Spun yarn kilogram 0.09 61.00 5.49
9999 Kerosene oil, fuel and other sundries LS. 10.79 227 24.49
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 1.43 2.27 3.25
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.05 897.00 44.85
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.05} 816.00 40.80
0114 Beldar day 0.09 736.00 66.24
TOTAL 369.92
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.70
TOTAL 373.62
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 79.47
TOTAL 453.09
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 67.96
TOTAL 521.05
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.21
Cost of each 526.26
Say 526.25


17.58.3 50 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one joint
1397 Pig lead kilogram 0.77 210.00 161.70
1881 Spun yarn kilogram 0.06 61.00 3.66
9999 Kerosene oil, fuel and other sundries LS. 6.76 2.27 15.35
9977 Carriage of materials Ls. 1.43 2.27 3.25
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.04 897.00 35.88
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.05 816.00 40.80
0114 Beldar day 0.05 736.00 36.80
TOTAL 297.44
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.97
TOTAL 300.41
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 63.90
TOTAL 364.31
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 54.65
TOTAL 418.96
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.19
Cost of each 423.15
Say 423.15

17.59 Providing and fixing M.S. stays and clamps for sand cast iron/ centrifugally cast (spun)
iron pipes of diameter :
17.59.1 100 mm
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1330 Clamps and M.S. stays including bolts and
nuts for 100 mm pipe each 1.00 67.50 67.50
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 98.19
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 0.98
TOTAL 99.17
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 21.09
TOTAL 120.26
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 18.04
TOTAL 138.30
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.38
Cost of each 139.68
Say 139.70


17.59.2 75mm
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1335 Clamps and M.S. stays including bolts and
nuts for 75 mm pipe each 1.00 39.00 39.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 63.49 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 0.63
TOTAL 64.12] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 13.64
TOTAL 77.76| Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 11.66
TOTAL 89.42] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 0.89
Cost of each 90.31
Say 90.30

17.59.3 50 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1334 Clamps and M.S. stays including bolts and
nuts for 50 mm pipe each 1.00 36.00 36.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 9.49 2.27 21.54
TOTAL 57.54 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 0.58
TOTAL 58.12] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 12.36
TOTAL 70.48 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 10.57
TOTAL 81.05] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 0.81
Cost of each 81.86
Say 81.85

17.60 Providing and fixing trap of self cleansing design with screwed down or hinged grating with
or without vent arm complete, including cost of cutting and making good the walls and floors

17.60.1 100 mm inlet and 100 mm outlet Sand cast iron S&S as per IS: 3989
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
7808 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron S&S 100 mm
inlet and 100 mm outlet trap each 1.00} 550.00 550.00
9999 Cement, sand and grit etc. LS. 13.52 227 30.69


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
9977 Carriage of materials Ls. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0123 Mason ‘st class day 0.50 897.00 448.50
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
TOTAL 1403.39 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 14.03
TOTAL 1417.42] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 301.49
TOTAL 1718.91] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 257.84
TOTAL 1976.75] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 19.77
Cost of each 1996.52
Say 1996.50 Sand Cast Iron S&S as per IS: 1729

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1897 100 mm S.C.lI. trap with 100 mm inlet and
400 mm outlet each 1.00 330.00 330.00
9999 Cement, sand and grit etc. Ls. 13.52 2.27 30.69
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0123 Mason ‘st class day 0.50 897.00 448.50
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
TOTAL 1183.39 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 11.83
TOTAL 1195.22 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 254.22
TOTAL 1449.44] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 217.42
TOTAL 1666.86 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 16.67
Cost of each 1683.53
Say 1683.55 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per IS:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount?
Detail of cost for one no.
7642 Hubless centrifugally cast (Spun) iron trap
with 100 mm inlet and 100 mm outlet as
per IS 15905 each 1.00 570.00 570.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges Ls. 13.52 2.27 30.69


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
TOTAL 600.69
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 6.01
TOTAL 606.70
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 129.05
TOTAL 735.75
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 110.36
TOTAL 846.11
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.46
Cost of each 854.57
Say 854.55

17.60.2 100 mm inlet and 75 mm outlet Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount =
Details of cost for one no.
7809 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron S&S 100 mm
inlet and 75 mm outlet trap each 1.00 535.00 535.00
9999 Cement, sand and grit etc. LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0123 Mason ‘st class day 0.50 897.00 448.50
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
TOTAL 1388.39
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 13.88
TOTAL 1402.27
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 298.26
TOTAL 1700.53
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 255.08
TOTAL 1955.61
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 19.56
Cost of each 1975.17
Say 1975.15 Sand Cast Iron S&S as per IS- 1729

Code Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
1898 100 mm S.C.I. trap with 100 mm inlet and
75 mm outlet each 1.00 242.00 242.00
9999 Cement, sand and grit etc. LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
9977 Carriage of materials Ls. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0123 Mason ‘st class day 0.50 897.00 448.50
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
TOTAL 1095.39 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 10.95
TOTAL 1106.34 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 235.32
TOTAL 1341.66] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 201.25
TOTAL 1542.91] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 15.43
Cost of each 1558.34
Say 1558.35 Hubless centrifugally cast (spun) iron epoxy coated inside & outside as per 1S:15905
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Detail of cost for one no.
7643 Hubless centrifugally cast (Spun) iron trap
with 100 mm inlet and 75 mm outlet as per
IS 15905 each 1.00 385.00 385.00
9977 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 415.69 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.16
TOTAL 419.85] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 89.30
TOTAL 509.15] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 76.37
TOTAL 585.52] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.86
Cost of each 591.38
Say 591.40

17.61 Cutting chases in brick masonry walls for following diameter sand cast iron/centrifugally
cast (Spun) iron pipes and making good the same with cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand :6 graded stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size), including necessary plaster
and pointing in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) :
17.61.1 100 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Details of cost for one metre
Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand :6 graded stone aggregate )
4.2.5 Rate as per item no 4.2.5 of SH : Concrete
work cum 0.022} 9311.40 204.85] A
9999 Plastering in cement mortar 1:4 Ls. 10.40 2.27 23.61
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 4.16 227 9.44
0123 Mason ‘st class day 0.14 897.00 125.58


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
0114 Beldar day 0.27 736.00 198.72
TOTAL 562.20 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 3.57
TOTAL 565.77 | X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 76.77
TOTAL 642.54] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 65.65
TOTAL 708.19] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 5.03
Cost of one metre 713.22
Say 713.20

17.61.2 75 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one metre
Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand :6 graded stone aggregate )
4.2.5 Rate as per item no 4.2.5 of SH : Concrete
work cum 0.015] 9311.40 139.67] A
9999 Plastering in cement mortar 1:4 LS. 7.80 2.27 17.71
9977 Carriage of materials Ls. 3.51 2.27 7.97
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.10 897.00 89.70
0114 Beldar day 0.20 736.00 147.20
TOTAL 402.25 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 2.63
TOTAL 404.88 | X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 56.41
TOTAL 461.29] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 48.24
TOTAL 509.53 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 3.70
Cost of one metre 513.23
Say 513.25

17.61.3 50 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Details of cost for one metre
Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand :6 graded stone aggregate )
4.2.5 Rate as per item no 4.2.5 of SH : Concrete
work cum 0.008} 9311.40 T449]) A
9999 Plastering in cement mortar 1:4 L.S. 5.20 2.27 11.80


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.07 897.00 62.79
0114 Beldar day 0.14 736.00 103.04
TOTAL 258.32 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 1.84
TOTAL 260.16 | X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 39.49
TOTAL 299.65] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 33.77
TOTAL 333.42 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 2.59
Cost of one metre 336.01
Say 336.00

17.62 Painting C.I. cistern with bitumastic or any other anti-corrosive paint inside and white paint
over a coat of zinc chromate yellow primer (of approved quality ) on the outside surface of the
cistern, flush pipe, other fittings, etc. complete for new work.
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one cistern with fittings
0828 Anticorrosive bituminous paint (black) litre 0.23 120.00 27.60
4202 Red oxide Zinc chromate primer litre 0.20 140.00 28.00
0834 Synthetic enamel paint in all shades except
black or chocolate shade litre 0.40} 178.00 71.20
9977 Carriage of materials Ls. 1.43 2.27 3.25
9999 Sundries LS. 6.76 2.27 15.35
0131 Painter day 0.25 816.00 204.00
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
TOTAL 717.40 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 7.17
TOTAL 724.57 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 154.12
TOTAL 878.69] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 131.80
TOTAL 1010.49 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 10.10
Cost of each 1020.59
Say 1020.60


17.63 Re-painting C.I. cistern with bitumastic or any other anti-corrosive paint inside and white
paint on the outside surface of the cistern, flush pipe, other fittings, etc. complete, including
polishing of wooden seat and lid and cleaning of W.C. pan with acid wherever necessary.
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount 2
Details of cost for one cistern with fittings
0828 Anticorrosive bituminous paint (black) litre 0.23 120.00 27.60
0834 Synthetic enamel paint in all shades except
black or chocolate shade litre 0.20 178.00 35.60
9999 Polishing of wooden seat and cleaning of
W.C. pan with acid L.S. 20.67 2.27 46.92
9988 Sundries and carriage of materials LS. 7.15 227 16.23
0131 Painter day 0.20] 816.00 163.20
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
TOTAL 473.55 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 4.74
TOTAL 478.29 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 101.73
TOTAL 580.02 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 87.00
TOTAL 667.02 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.67
Cost of each 673.69
Say 673.70

17.64 Repainting C.I. cistern with synthetic enamel paint of approved colour, brand and manufacture
on the outside surface of cistern, flush pipe, other fittings etc. complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount %
Details of cost for one cistern with fittings
0834 Synthetic enamel paint in all shades except
black or chocolate shade litre 0.20} 178.00 35.60
9988 Sundries and carriage of materials LS. 3.64 2.27 8.26
0131 Painter day 0.09 816.00 73.44
0114 Beldar day 0.12 736.00 88.32
TOTAL 205.62 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.06
TOTAL 207.68 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 44.17
TOTAL 251.85 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 37.78
TOTAL 289.63 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2.90
Cost of each 292.53
Say 292.55


17.65 Painting sand cast iron/ centrifugally cast (spun) iron soil, waste vent pipes and fittings with
two coats of synthetic enamel paint of any colour such as chocolate grey, or buff etc. over a
coat of primer (of approved quality) for new work :
17.65.1 100 mm diameter pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for 10 metres
Perimeter = 3.14x110 mm =345.71
Area 10x0.3457 = 3.46 sqm
Priming coat
13.50.3 Rate as per item no 13.50.3 of SH :
Finishing sqm 3.46 67.40 233.20] A
Painting two coats with paint of any colour
such as chocolatem grey or buff etc.
13.61.1 Rate as per item no 13.61.1 of SH:
Finishing sqm 3.46 155.90 539.41] A
9999 Add for delay LS. 17.16 2.27 38.95
TOTAL 811.56 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 0.39
TOTAL 811.95] X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 8.37
TOTAL 820.32 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 7.16
TOTAL 827.48 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 0.55
Cost of 10 metres 828.03
Cost of 1 metre 82.80
Say 82.80

17.65.2 75 mm diameter pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metres
Perimeter = 3.14x82 mm =257.71
Area 10x0.2577 =2.577 sqm say 2.60 sq.
for outer surface
Priming coat
13.50.3 Rate as per item no 13.50.3 of SH :

Painting two coats with paint of any colour

such as choclate grey or buff etc.
13.61.1 Rate as per item no 13.61.1 of SH:
Finishing sqm 2.60 155.90 405.34] A
9999 Add for delay LS. 15.21 2.27 34.53
TOTAL 615.11 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 0.35
TOTAL 615.46 | X


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 7.42
TOTAL 622.88
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 6.34
TOTAL 629.22
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 0.49
Cost of 10 metres 629.71
Cost of 1 metre 62.97
Say 62.95

17.66 Repainting sand cast iron/ centrifugally cast iron (Spun) iron, soil, waste, vent pipes and
fittings with one coat of synthetic enamel paint of any colour such as chocolate, grey or buff

17.66.1 00 mm diameter pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for 10 metres
Painting one coat with paint of any colour
such as chocolate,grey or buff etc.
13.99.1 (Rate as per item no 13.99.1 of S.H.
Finishing) sqm 3.46 102.80 355.69
9999 Add for delay LS. 12.22 2.27 27.74
TOTAL 383.43
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 0.28
TOTAL 383.71
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 5.96
TOTAL 389.67
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 5.10
TOTAL 394.77
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 0.39
Cost of 10 metres 395.16
Cost of 1 metre 39 52
Say 39.50

17.66.2 75 mm diameter pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metres
Painting one coat with paint of any colour
such as chocolate,grey or buff etc.
13.99.1 (Rate as per item no 13.99.1 of S.H.
Finishing) sqm 2.577 102.80 264.92
9999 Add for delay LS. 9.49 2.27 21.54
TOTAL 286.46
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 0.22
TOTAL 286.68
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 4.63
TOTAL 291.31


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 3.96
TOTAL 295.27] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 0.30
Cost of 10 metres 295.57
Cost of 1 metre 29.56
Say 29.55

17.67 Repainting bath tub of size 1700x730x430 mm with enamel paint.

Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one tub
0833 Synthetic enamel paint in black or
chocolate shade litre 0.90} 180.00 162.00
9999 Sundries LS. 6.76 2.27 15.35
0131 Painter day 0.25] 816.00 204.00
0115 Coolie day 0.25 736.00 184.00
TOTAL 565.35 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 5.65
TOTAL 571.00] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 121.45
TOTAL 692.45 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 103.87
TOTAL 796.32 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 7.96
Cost of each 804.28
Say 804.30

17.68 Providing and fixing vitreous china dual purpose closet suitable for use as squatting pan or
European type water closet (Anglo Indian W.C pan) with seat & lid fixed with C.P. brass hinges
and rubber buffers, 10 litre low level flushing cistern with fitting and brackets, 40 mm flush
bend, 20 mm over flow pipe, with specials of standard make and mosquito proof coupling of
approved municipal design complete, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and
making good the walls and floors wherever required:
17.68.1 White vitreous china dual purpose WC pan with white solid plastic seat and lid with white
vitreous china flushing cistern and C.P. flush bend.
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
1875 White plastic seat (solid)with lid C.P.brass
hinges and rubber buffers each 1.00} 451.00 451.00
1965 White vitreous china dual purpose closet
(Anglo Indian W.C.) suitable for use as
sequatting pan or European type water
closet as per manufacturer’s specifications each 1.00} 2650.00 2650.00
7006 Vitreous china 10 litres low level cistern


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
9999 20 mm G.l.over flow pipe and specials for
over flow pipe L.S. 276.25 2.27 627.09
1350 Mosquito proof coupling of approved
design each 1.00 35.00 35.00
9999 Plugs, screws etc. LS. 59.15 2.27 134.27
9999 Red lead, white lead and gaskin etc. LS. 71.76 2.27 162.90
9999 Cement,sand and grit LS. 118.43 2.27 268.84
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 118.43 2.27 268.84
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0123 Mason ‘st class day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
TOTAL 8327.94
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 83.28
TOTAL 8411.22
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1789.07
TOTAL 10200.29
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1530.04
TOTAL 11730.33
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 117.30
Cost of each 11847.63
Say 11847.65

17.69 Providing and fixing PTMT Waste Coupling for wash basin and sink, of approved quality and
17.69.1 Waste coupling 31 mm dia of 79 mm length and 62mm breadth weighing not less than 45 gms
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
7491 PTMT Waste Coupling 31/32MM each 1.00 35.00 35.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 20.28 227 46.04
TOTAL 81.04
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.81
TOTAL 81.85
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 17.41
TOTAL 99.26
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 14.89
TOTAL 114.15
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 1.14
Cost of each 115.29
Say 115.30


17.69.2 Waste coupling 38 mm dia of 83 mm length and 77mm breadth, weighing not less than
60 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
7492 PTMT Waste Coupling 38/40MM each 4.00 40.00 40.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 20.28 2.27 46.04
TOTAL 86.04 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 0.86

TOTAL 86.90 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 18.48
TOTAL 105.38] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 15.81
TOTAL 121.19] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.21
Cost of each 122.40
Say 122.40

17.70 Providing and fixing PTMT Bottle Trap for Wash basin and sink.
17.70.1 Bottle trap 31mm single piece moulded with height of 270 mm, effective length of tail pipe 260
mm from the centre of the waste coupling, 77 mm breadth with 25 mm minimum water seal,
weighing not less than 260 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
7493 PTMT Bottle Trap 31/32MM each 1.00 212.00 212.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 20.28 2.27 46.04
TOTAL 258.04 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 2.58
TOTAL 260.62 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 55.43
TOTAL 316.05] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 47.41
TOTAL 363.46 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.63
Cost of each 367.09
Say 367.10

17.70.2 Bottle trap 38 mm single piece moulded with height of 270 mm, effective length of tail pipe
260 mm from the centre of the waste coupling, 77 mm breadth with 25 mm minimum water
seal, weighing not less than 263 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
7494 PTMT Bottle Trap 38/40MM each 1.00 218.00 218.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 20.28 2.27 46.04
TOTAL 264.04 | W


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.64
TOTAL 266.68 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 56.72
TOTAL 323.40] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 48.51
TOTAL 371.91] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.72
Cost of each 375.63
Say 375.65

17.71 Providing and fixing PTMT liquid soap container 109 mm wide, 125 mm high and 112 mm
distance from wall of standard shape with bracket of the same materials with snap fittings of
approved quality and colour, weighing not less than 105 gms.
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
7503 PTMT Liquid Soap Container of 400ml
capacity each 1.00 103.00 103.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 6.76 2.27 15.35
TOTAL 118.35 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 1.18
TOTAL 119.53 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 25.42
TOTAL 144.95] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 21.74
TOTAL 166.69 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.67
Cost of each 168.36
Say 168.35
17.72 Providing and fixing PTMT towel ring trapezoidal shape 215 mm long, 200 mm wide with
minimum distances of 37 mm from wall face with concealed fittings arrangement of approved
quality and colour, weighing not less than 88 gms.
Code Description Unit Quantity | Ratez Amount?
7504 PTMT - Towel Ring 215x200x37mm each 1.00 117.00 117.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 20.28 2.27 46.04
TOTAL 163.04 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 1.63
TOTAL 164.67 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 35.03
TOTAL 199.70] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 29.96
TOTAL 229.66 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2.30
Cost of each 231.96
Say 231.95


17.73 Providing and fixing PTMT towel rail complete with brackets fixed to wooden cleats with CP
brass screws with concealed fittings arrangement of approved quality and colour.
17.73.1 450 mm long towel rail with total length of 495 mm, 78 mm wide and effective height of 88 mm,
weighing not less than 170 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
7505 PTMT Towel Rail (450mm) each 1.00 132.00 132.00
Wooden cleates
8.23 Rate as per item no 8.23 of SH : Cladding
work each 2.00 40.85 81.70] A
0588 Chromium plated Brass screws 25 mm 100 Nos 0.06 177.00 10.62
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 4.16 2.27 9.44
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.17 816.00 138.72
0114 Beldar day 0.17 736.00 125.12
TOTAL 497.60 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 4.16
TOTAL 501.76] X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 89.35
TOTAL 591.11] Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 76.41
TOTAL 667.52] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 5.86
Cost of each 673.38
Say 673.40

17.73.2 600 mm long towel rail with total length of 645 mm, width 78 mm and effective height of 88
mm, weighing not less than 190 gms.
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one no.
7506 PTMT Towel Rail (600mm) each 1.00 157.00 157.00
Wooden cleates
8.23 Rate as per item no 8.23 of SH : Cladding
work each 2.00 40.85 81.70} A
0588 Chromium plated Brass screws 25 mm 100 Nos 0.06 177.00 10.62
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 4.16 227 9.44
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.17 816.00 138.72
0114 Beldar day 0.17 736.00 125.12
TOTAL 522.60 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 4.41
TOTAL 527.01] X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 94.72
TOTAL 621.73] Y


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 81.00
TOTAL 702.73
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 6.21
Cost of each 708.94
Say 708.95

17.74 Providing and fixing PTMT shelf 440 mm long, 124 mm width and 36 mm height of approved
quality and colour, weighing not less than 300 gms.
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
7507 PTMT Shelf 450x124x36mm each 1.00 160.00 160.00
Wooden cleates
8.23 Rate as per item no 8.23 of SH : Cladding
work each 2.00 40.85 81.70
0588 Chromium plated Brass screws 25 mm 100 Nos 0.06 177.00 10.62
9977 Carriage of materials Ls. 4.16 2.27 9.44
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.17 816.00 138.72
0114 Beldar day 0.17 736.00 125.12
TOTAL 525.60
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 4.44
TOTAL 530.04
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 95.36
TOTAL 625.40
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 81.56
TOTAL 706.96
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 6.25
Cost of each 713.21
Say 713.20

17.75 Providing and fixing PTMT 15 mm Urinal spreader size 95x69x100 mm with 1/2” BSP thread
and shapes, weighing not less than 60 gms.
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one no.
7508 PTMT Urinal Spreader 15mm each 1.00 60.00 60.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 6.76 2.27 15.35
TOTAL 75.35
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 0.75
TOTAL 76.10
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 16.19
TOTAL 92.29
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 13.84
TOTAL 106.13


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.06
Cost of each 107.19
Say 107.20

17.76 Providing and fixing PTMT urinal cock of approved quality and colour.
17.76.1 15 mm nominal bore, 80 mm long, 42 mm high and 30mm wide with BSP female threads
weighing not less than 48 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for 1 no.
7858 P.T.M.T. Urinal cock 15mm dia each 1.00 105.00 105.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges LS. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 123.30
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 1.23
TOTAL 124.53
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 26.49
TOTAL 151.02
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 22.65
TOTAL 173.67
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.74
Cost of each 175.41
Say 175.40

17.77 Providing and fixing M.S. holder bat clamp of approved design to sand cast iron/ cast iron
(spun) pipes comprising of M.S. flat brackets made of 50x5 mm flat of specified shape,
projecting 75 mm outside the wall surface and fixed on wall with 4nos, 6mm dia expansion
hold fasteners, including drilling necessary holes in brick wall/ CC/ RCC surface and the cost
of bolts etc. The pipes shall be fixed to the already fixed brackets with the help of 30 mm x1.6
mm galvanised M.S. flats of specified shape and of total length 420 mm and shall be fixed
with M.S. nuts, bolts, & washers of size 25x6 mm, one bolts on each side of the pipe.
17.77.1 Total bracket length 580 mm of approved shape and design (for single 100 mm dia pipe)
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for 50 nos.
M.S. flats 50x5mm= 50 x 0.58 = 29m
@ 1.97 kg/ metre = 57.1 kg.
M.S. flats 30x1.6mm= 50x0.42 = 21m.
0.38kg/metre = 8kg.
Total = 65.1kg.
Add wastage 5% = 3.3kg.
Total = 68.6 kg.= 0.686 quintal
1007 Structurals such as tees,angles channels
and R.S. joists quintal 0.686} 5965.00 4091.99
2205 Carriage of Steel tonne 0.068 0.00 0.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.330 897.00 296.01
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.490 816.00 399.84


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
0114 Beldar day 0.650} 736.00 478.40
priming coat
50x0.58x0.11 = 3.19
5x0.42x0.063 = 1.32
13.85.1 Rate as per item no 13.85.1 of SH:
Finishing sqm 4.510 70.35 317.28] A
9999 Sundries LS. 13.500 2.27 30.65
P/F expansion hold fasteners 6mm
threaded dia= 50x4 Nos = 200 nos. Rate asper item no. of SH :- Marble
work each 200.000 36.75 7350.00] A
TOTAL 12964.17 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 52.97
TOTAL 13017.14] X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1137.92
TOTAL 14155.06 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 973.17
TOTAL 15128.23 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 74.61
Cost of 50 Nos. 15202.84
Cost of each 304.06
Say 304.05

17.77.2 Total bracket length 810 mm of approved shape and design (for two 100 mm dia pipes)
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for 50 nos.
M.S. flats 50x5mm= 50 x 0.81 = 40.5m
@ 1.97 kg/ metre = 79.8 kg.
M.S. flats 30x1.6mm =50x2x0.42 = 42m.
0.38kg/metre = 16kg.
Total = 95.8kg.
Add wastage 5% = 4.8kg.
Total = 100.6 kg.
M.S.flats= 100.6kg. = 1.006 quintal
1007 Structurals such as tees,angles channels
and R.S. joists quintal 1.006 | 5965.00 6000.79
2205 Carriage of Steel tonne 0.101 0.00 0.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.480] 897.00 430.56
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.720 816.00 587.52
0114 Beldar day 0.960] 736.00 706.56
priming coat
50x0.81x0.11 = 4.46


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
50x2x0.42x0.063 = 2.65
Total =7.11sqm
13.85.1 Rate as per item no 13.85.1 of SH:
Finishing sqm 7.110 70.35 500.19] A

9999 Sundries LS. 19.800 2.27 44.95

P/F expansion hold fasteners 6mm
threaded dia = 50x4 Nos = 200 nos. Rate asper item no. of SH :- Marble
work each 200.000 36.75 7350.00] A
TOTAL 15620.57 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 77.70
TOTAL 15698.27 | X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1669.29
TOTAL 17367.56 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 1427.61
TOTAL 18795.17] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 109.45
Cost of 50 Nos. 18904.62
Cost of each 378.09

Say 378.10

17.77.3 Total bracket length 1040 mm of approved shape and design (for three 100 mm dia pipes)
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for 50 nos.
M.S. flats 50x5mm =50 x 1.04= 52m
@ 1.97 kg/ metre = 102.4 kg.
M.S. flats 30x1.6mm = 50x3x0.42 = 63m.
0.38kg/metre = 23.9kg.
Total = 126.3kg.
Add wastage 5% = 6.3kg.
Total = 132.6 kg.
M.S.flats =132.6kg. = 1.326 quintal
1007 Structurals such as tees,angles channels
and R.S. joists quintal 1.326 | 5965.00 7909.59
2205 Carriage of Steel tonne 0.133 0.00 0.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.630} 897.00 565.11
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.950 816.00 775.20
0114 Beldar day 1.260] 736.00 927.36
priming coat
50x1.04x0.11 = 5.72
50x3x0.42x0.063 = 3.97
13.85.1 Rate as per item no 13.85.1 of SH:
Finishing sqm 9.690 70.35 681.69] A


Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
9999 Sundries Ls. 26.000 2.27 59.02
P/F expansion hold fasteners 6mm
threaded dia =50x4 Nos = 200 nos. Rate asper item no. of SH :- Marble
work each 200.000 36.75 7350.00] A
TOTAL 18267.97 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 102.36
TOTAL 18370.33 | X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2199.03
TOTAL 20569.36 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 1880.65
TOTAL 22450.01 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 144.18
Cost of 50 Nos. 22594.19
Cost of each 451.88
Say 451.90

17.78 Providing and fixing white vitreous china extended wall mounting water closet of size
780x370x690 mm of approved shape including providing & fixing white vitreous china cistern
with dual flush fitting, of flushing capacity 3 litre/ 6 litre (adjustable to 4 litre/ 8 litres), including
seat cover, and cistern fittings, nuts, bolts and gasket etc complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for one pan
7072 Wall mounted water closet each 1.00] 5940.00 5940.00
7073 Adjustable Vetrious China Cistern with
fittings each 1.00} 1600.00 1600.00
1875 White plastic seat (solid)with lid C.P.brass
hinges and rubber buffers each 1.00] 451.00 451.00
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 9.79 2.27 22.22
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0123 Mason ‘st class day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
TOTAL 10543.22 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 105.43
TOTAL 10648.65 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2264.97
TOTAL 12913.62 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1937.04
TOTAL 14850.66 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 148.51
Cost of each 14999.17
Say 14999.15


17.79 Providing & fixing white vitreous china water less urinal of size 600 x 330 x 315 mm having
antibacterial /germs free ceramic surface, fixed with cartridge having debris catcher and
hygiene seal.
Code _ Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount 2
Details of cost for one pan
7074 White Vetrious China Waterless Urinal each 1.00} 9500.00 9500.00
7075 Cistern with fittings for Waterless Urinal each 1.00] 2376.00 2376.00
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 9.79 2.27 22.22
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.50} 897.00 448.50
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
TOTAL 12714.72
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 127.15
TOTAL 12841.87
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2731.47
TOTAL 15573.34
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2336.00
TOTAL 17909.34
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 179.09
Cost of each 18088.43
Say 18088.45

17.80 Providing and fixing white vitreous china battery based infrared sensor operated urinal
of approx. size 610 x 390 x 370 mm having pre & post flushing with water (250 ml & 500
ml consumption), having water inlet from back side, including fixing to wall with suitable
brackets all as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount %
Details of cost for one pan
7076 White Vetrious Urinal each 1.00] 4770.00 4770.00
9977 Carriage of materials LS. 9.79 2.27 22.22
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.50 897.00 448.50
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
TOTAL 5608.72
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 56.09
TOTAL 5664.81
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1204.91
TOTAL 6869.72
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1030.46
TOTAL 7900.18
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 79.00
Cost of each 7979.18
Say 7979.20


17.81 Providing and fixing floor mounted, white vitreous china single piece, double traps syphonic
water closet of approved brand/make, shape, size and pattern including integrated white
vitreous china cistern of capacity 10 litre with dual flushing system, including all fittings
and fixtures with seat cover, cistern fittings, nuts, bolts and gasket etc including making
connection with the existing P/S trap, complete in all respect as per directions of Engineer-
Code Description Unit Quantity | Rate? Amount?
Details of cost for 1 no.
1966 Floor mounted, white vitreous china single
piece, double traps syphonic water closet
of approved brand/make, shape, size and
pattern including integrated white vitreous
china cistern of capacity 10 litre with dual
flushing system including all fittings and
fixtures with seat cover, cistern fittings,
nuts, bolts and gasket etc. each 1.00 | 10250.00 10250.00
9977 Carriage of material LS. 9.79 2.27 22.22
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 1.00] 897.00 897.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00} 736.00 736.00
0123 Mason ‘st class day 1.00 897.00 897.00
TOTAL 12802.22 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 128.02
TOTAL 12930.24 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2750.26
TOTAL 15680.50 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2352.08
TOTAL 18032.58 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “2” 180.33
Cost of each 18212.91
Say 18212.90


SUB HEAD : 18.0

18.1 Providing and fixing Polyethelene-Aluminium-Polyethelene PE-AL-PE Composite Pressure
Pipes conforming to IS - 15450, U.V. stabilized with carbon black having thermal stability for
hot & cold water supply, capable to withstand temperature up to 80°C, including all special
fittings of composite material (engineering plastic blend and brass inserts wherever required)
e.g. elbows, tees, reducers, couplers & connectors etc., with clamps at 1.00 metre spacing.
This includes testing of joints complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
18.1.1 1216 (16 mm OD) pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8300 1216 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 53.00 530.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 159.00
30 x P/ 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2015.53
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 20.16
TOTAL 2035.69
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 432.99
TOTAL 2468.68
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 370.30
TOTAL 2838.98
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 28.39
Cost of 10 metre 2867.37
Cost of1 metre 286.74
Say 286.75

18.1.2 1620 (20 mm OD) pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8301 1620 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 67.00 670.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 201.00
30 x P/ 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.82 816.00 669.12
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2328.09
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 23.28
TOTAL 2351.37
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 500.14
TOTAL 2851.51
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 427.73


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
TOTAL 3279.24
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 32.79
Cost of 10 metre 3312.03
Cost of1 metre 331.20
Say 331.20
18.1.3 2025 (25 mm OD) pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8302 2025 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 95.00 950.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 285.00
30 x P/ 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.98 816.00 799.68
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2822.65
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 28.23
TOTAL 2850.88
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 606.38
TOTAL 3457.26
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 518.59
TOTAL 3975.85
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 39.76
Cost of 10 metre 4015.61
Cost of1 metre 401.56
Say 401.55

18.1.4 2532 (32 mm OD) pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8303 2532 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 146.00 1460.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 438.00
30 x P/ 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit L.S. 4.16 2.27 9.44
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.98 816.00 799.68
0114 Beldar day 0.98 736.00 721.28
TOTAL 3724.41
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 37.24
TOTAL 3761.65
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 800.10
TOTAL 4561.75
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 684.26


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
TOTAL 5246.01] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 52.46
Cost of 10 metre 5298.47
Cost of 1 metre 529.85
Say 529.85

18.1.5 3240 (40 mm OD) pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8304 3240 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 190.00 1900.00} P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 570.00
30 x P/ 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 1.31 816.00 1068.96
0114 Beldar day 1.31 736.00 964.16
TOTAL 4811.23 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 48.11
TOTAL 4859.34] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1033.58
TOTAL 5892.92 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 883.94
TOTAL 6776.86 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 67.77
Cost of 10 metre 6844.63
Cost of1 metre 684.46
Say 684.45

18.1.6 4050 (50 mm OD) pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8305 4050 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 328.00 3280.00 | P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 984.00
30 x P/ 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 1.31 816.00 1068.96
0114 Beldar day 1.31 736.00 964.16
TOTAL 6605.23 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 66.05
TOTAL 6671.28 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1418.98
TOTAL 8090.26 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1213.54


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
TOTAL 9303.80 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 93.04
Cost of 10 metre 9396.84
Cost of1 metre 939.68
Say 939.70

18.2 Providing and fixing Polyethelene-Aluminium- Polyethelene PE-AL-PE Composite Pressure

Pipes conforming to IS - 15450, U.V. stabilized with carbon black having thermal stability for
hot & cold water supply, capable to withstand temperature up to 80°C, including all special
fittings of composite material (engineering plastic blend and brass inserts wherever required)
e.g. elbows, tees, reducers, couplers & connectors etc., with clamps at 1.00 metre spacing.
This includes the costs of cutting chases and including testing of joints complete as per
direction of the engineer in charge.
Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the wall etc.
18.2.1 1216 (16 mm OD) pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8300 1216 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 53.00 530.00 | P
Add 75% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on (P) 397.50
75 x P/ 100
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per item no. 18.78 of SH: Water
Supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00} A
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 4276.83 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W\-A” 22.48
TOTAL 4299.31] X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 482.89
TOTAL 4782.20) Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 412.98
TOTAL 5195.18] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 31.66
Cost of 10 metre 5226.84
Cost of1 metre 522.68
Say 522.70
18.2.2 1620 (20 mm OD) pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8301 1620 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 67.00 670.00} P
Add 75% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on (P) 502.50
75 *P/ 100
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
18.78 Rate as per item no. 18.78 of SH: water
Supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00 | A
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 4521.83 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W\-A” 24.93
TOTAL 4546.76 | X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 535.53
TOTAL 5082.29 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 457.99
TOTAL 5540.28 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 35.11
Cost of 10 metre 5575.39
Cost of1 metre 557.54
Say 557.55

18.2.3 2025 (25 mm OD) pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8302 2025 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 95.00 950.00 | P
Add 75% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on (P) 712.50
75 x P/ 100
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per item no. 18.78 of SH: Water
Supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00} A
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 5011.83 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W\-A” 29.83
TOTAL 5041.66 | X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 640.79
TOTAL 5682.45 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 548.02
TOTAL 6230.47 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 42.01
Cost of 10 metre 6272.48
Cost of1 metre 627.25
Say 627.25


18.2.4 2532 (32 mm OD) pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8303 2532 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 146.00 1460.00 | P
Add 75% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on (P) 1095.00
75 x P/ 100
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per item no. 18.78 of SH: Water
Supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00] A
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 5904.33 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W\-A” 38.75
TOTAL 5943.08 | X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 832.52
TOTAL 6775.60 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 711.99
TOTAL 7487.59 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 54.59
Cost of 10 metre 7542.18
Cost of 1 metre 754.22
Say 754.20

18.3 Providing and fixing Polyethelene-Aluminium- Polyethelene PE-AL-PE Composite Pressure

Pipes conforming to IS - 15450, U.V. stabilized with carbon black having thermal stability for
hot & cold water supply, capable to withstand temperature up to 80°C, including all special
fittings of composite material (engineering plastic blend and brass inserts wherever required)
e.g. elbows, tees, reducers, couplers & connectors etc., with trenching, refilling and testing
of joints complete as per direction of the engineer in charge.
External work
18.3.1 1216 (16 mm OD) pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8300 1216 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 53.00 530.00 | P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 159.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.08 897.00 71.76
0114 Beldar day 0.16 736.00 117.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 1850.04
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 18.50


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
TOTAL 1868.54 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 397.44
TOTAL 2265.98 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 339.90
TOTAL 2605.88 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 26.06
Cost of 10 metre 2631.94
Cost of1 metre 263.19
Say 263.20

18.3.2 1620 (20 mm OD ) pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8301 1620 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 67.00 670.00} P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 201.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.08 897.00 71.76
0114 Beldar day 0.16 736.00 117.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2032.04 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 20.32
TOTAL 2052.36 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 436.54
TOTAL 2488.90 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 373.34
TOTAL 2862.24 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 28.62
Cost of 10 metre 2890.86
Cost of1 metre 289.09
Say 289.10

18.3.3 2025 (25 mm OD ) pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8302 2025 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 95.00 950.00 | P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 285.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.08 897.00 71.76
0114 Beldar day 0.16 736.00 117.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2396.04 | W


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 23.96
TOTAL 2420.00
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 514.73
TOTAL 2934.73
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 440.21
TOTAL 3374.94
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 33.75
Cost of 10 metre 3408.69
Cost of1 metre 340.87
Say 340.85

18.3.4 2532 (32 mm OD ) pipe

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8303 2532 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 146.00 1460.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 438.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.08 897.00 71.76
0114 Beldar day 0.16 736.00 117.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 3059.04
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 30.59
TOTAL 3089.63
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 657.16
TOTAL 3746.79
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 562.02
TOTAL 4308.81
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 43.09
Cost of 10 metre 4351.90
Cost of1 metre 435.19
Say 435.20
18.3.5 3240 (40 mm OD ) pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8304 3240 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 190.00 1900.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 570.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.16 897.00 143.52
0114 Beldar day 0.33 736.00 242.88
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 3827.92


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 38.28
TOTAL 3866.20 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 822.34
TOTAL 4688.54 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 703.28
TOTAL 5391.82 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 53.92
Cost of 10 metre 5445.74
Cost of1 metre 544.57
Say 544.55
18.3.6 4050 (50 mm OD ) pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8305 4050 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 328.00 3280.00 | P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 984.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.16 897.00 143.52
0114 Beldar day 0.33 736.00 242.88
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 5621.92 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 56.22
TOTAL 5678.14] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1207.74
TOTAL 6885.88 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1032.88
TOTAL 7918.76} Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 79.19
Cost of 10 metre 7997.95
Cost of1 metre 799.80
Say 799.80
18.4 Providing and fixing 3 layer PP-R (Poly propylene Random copolymer) pipes conforming to
1S:15801, UV stabilized & anti - microbial fusion welded, having thermal stability for hot &
cold water supply, including all PP - R plain & brass threaded polypropylene random fittings
and fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes testing of joints complete as
per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Internal Exposed on walls
18.4.1 PN - 16 Pipe, 20mm OD (SDR-7.4)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8626 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 20 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 35.00 350.00} P
Add 30% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on P, 30xP/100 105.00
9999 Cement, Sand and grit L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.82 816.00 669.12
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 1912.09 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 19.12
TOTAL 1931.21 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 410.77
TOTAL 2341.98 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 351.30
TOTAL 2693.28 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 26.93
Cost of 10 metre 2720.21
Cost of 1 metre 272.02
Say 272.00

18.4.2 PN - 16 Pipe, 25mm OD (SDR-7.4)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8627 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 25 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 50.00 500.00} P
Add 30% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on P, 30xP/100 150.00
9999 Cement,Sand and grit L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.98 816.00 799.68
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2237.65 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 22.38
TOTAL 2260.03 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 480.71
TOTAL 2740.74) Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 411.11
TOTAL 3151.85] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 31.52
Cost of 10 metre 3183.37
Cost of1 metre 318.34
Say 318.35

18.4.3 PN - 16 Pipe, 32mm OD (SDR-7.4)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8628 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 32 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 80.00 800.00} P
Add 20% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on P, 20xP/100 160.00
9999 Cement, Sand and grit L.S. 4.16 2.27 9.44
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.98 816.00 799.68
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
TOTAL 2550.89
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 25.51
TOTAL 2576.40
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 548.00
TOTAL 3124.40
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 468.66
TOTAL 3593.06
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 35.93
Cost of 10 metre 3628.99
Cost of1 metre 362.90
Say 362.90

18.4.4 PN - 16 Pipe, 40mm OD (SDR-7.4)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8629 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 40 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 130.00 1300.00
Add 15% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on P, 15xP/100 195.00
9999 Cement, Sand and grit L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 1.31 816.00 1068.96
0114 Beldar day 1.31 736.00 964.16
TOTAL 3836.23
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 38.36
TOTAL 3874.59
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 824.13
TOTAL 4698.72
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 704.81
TOTAL 5403.53
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 54.04
Cost of 10 metre 5457.57
Cost of1 metre 545.76
Say 545.75

18.4.5 PN - 10 Pipe, 50mm OD (SDR-11)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8630 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-10 (SDR 11) - 50 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 151.00 1510.00
Add 15% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on P, 15xP/100 226.50
9999 Cement, Sand and grit L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 1.31 816.00 1068.96
0114 Beldar day 1.31 736.00 964.16
TOTAL 4077.73


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 40.78
TOTAL 4118.51 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 876.01
TOTAL 4994.52 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 749.18
TOTAL 5743.70 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 57.44
Cost of 10 metre 5801.14
Cost of1 metre 580.11
Say 580.10

18.5 Providing and fixing 3 layer PP-R (Poly propylene Random copolymer) pipes conforming to
1S:15801, UV stabilized & anti - microbial fusion welded, having thermal stability for hot &
cold water supply, including all PP - R plain & brass threaded polypropylene random fittings
and fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes the cost of cutting chases
and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer-
Concealed work,including cutting chases and making good the wall etc.
18.5.1 PN - 16 Pipe, 20mm OD (SDR-7.4)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8626 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 20 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 35.00 350.00} P
Add 75% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on P, 75xP/100 262.50
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per Item Number 18.78 of SH:
Water supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00} A
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 3961.83 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W\-A” 19.33
TOTAL 3981.16} X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 415.22
TOTAL 4396.38 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 355.11
TOTAL 4751.49 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 27.22
Cost of 10 metre 4778.71
Cost of1 metre 477.87
Say 477.85

18.5.2 PN - 16 Pipe, 25mm OD (SDR-7.4)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8627 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 25 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 50.00 500.00 | P


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add 75% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on P, 75xP/100 375.00
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per Item Number 18.78 of SH:
Water supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 4224.33
Add 1 % Water charges on “W\-A” 21.95
TOTAL 4246.28
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 471.62
TOTAL 4717.90
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 403.34
TOTAL 5121.24
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 30.92
Cost of 10 metre 5152.16
Cost of1 metre 515.22
Say 515.20

18.5.3 PN - 16 Pipe, 32mm OD (SDR-7.4)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8628 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 32 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 80.00 800.00
Add 50% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on P, 50xP/100 400.00
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per Item Number 18.78 of SH:
Water supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 4549.33
Add 1 % Water charges on “W\-A” 25.20
TOTAL 4574.53
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 541.43
TOTAL 5115.96
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 463.04
TOTAL 5579.00
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 35.50
Cost of 10 metre 5614.50
Cost of1 metre 561.45
Say 561.45


18.6 Providing and fixing 3 layer PP-R (Poly propylene Random copolymer) pipes conforming
to 1S:15801 UV stabilized & anti - microbial fusion welded, having thermal stability for hot &
cold water supply, including all PP - R plain & brass threaded polypropylene random fittings,
including trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer-in-
External work
18.6.1 PN - 16 Pipe, 20mm OD (SDR-7.4)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8626 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 20 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 35.00 350.00} P
Add 20% for fittings and wastage etc. on P,
20xP/100 70.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.08 897.00 71.76
0114 Beldar day 0.16 736.00 117.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 1581.04 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 15.81
TOTAL 1596.85 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 339.65
TOTAL 1936.50 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 290.48
TOTAL 2226.98 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 22.27
Cost of 10 metre 2249.25
Cost of 1 metre 224.93
Say 224.95

18.6.2 PN - 16 Pipe, 25 mm OD (SDR-7.4)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8627 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 25 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 50.00 500.00} P
Add 20% for fittings and wastage etc. on P,
20xP/100 100.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.12 897.00 107.64
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 1863.16 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 18.63
TOTAL 1881.79 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 400.26
TOTAL 2282.05 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 342.31
TOTAL 2624.36 | Z


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 26.24
Cost of 10 metre 2650.60
Cost of1 metre 265.06
Say 265.05

18.6.3 PN - 16 Pipe, 32 mm OD (SDR-7.4)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8628 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 32 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 80.00 800.00} P
Add 20% for fittings and wastage etc. on P,
20xP/100 160.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.12 897.00 107.64
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2223.16 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 22.23
TOTAL 2245.39 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 477.59
TOTAL 2722.98 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 408.45
TOTAL 3131.43] Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 31.31
Cost of 10 metre 3162.74
Cost of1 metre 316.27
Say 316.25

18.6.4 PN - 16 Pipe, 40 mm OD (SDR-7.4)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8629 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 40 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 130.00 1300.00 | P
Add 20% for fittings and wastage etc. on P,
20xP/100 260.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.16 897.00 143.52
0114 Beldar day 0.33 736.00 242.88
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2917.92 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 29.18
TOTAL 2947.10] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 626.85
TOTAL 3573.95 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 536.09


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
TOTAL 4110.04 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 41.10
Cost of 10 metre 4151.14
Cost of1 metre 415.11
Say 415.10

18.6.5 PN - 10 Pipe, 50 mm OD (SDR-11)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8630 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-10 (SDR 11) - 50 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 151.00 1510.00 | P
Add 20% for fittings and wastage etc. on P,
20xP/100 302.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.16 897.00 143.52
0114 Beldar day 0.33 736.00 242.88
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 3169.92 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 31.70
TOTAL 3201.62 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 680.98
TOTAL 3882.60 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 582.39
TOTAL 4464.99 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 44.65
Cost of 10 metre 4509.64
Cost of1 metre 450.96
Say 450.95

18.6.6 PN - 10 Pipe, 63 mm OD (SDR-11)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8631 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-10 (SDR 11) - 63 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 210.00 2100.00} P
Add 20% for fittings and wastage etc. on P,
20xP/100 420.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.25 897.00 224.25
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 4201.53 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 42.02
TOTAL 4243.55 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 902.60
TOTAL 5146.15] Y


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 771.92
TOTAL 5918.07 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 59.18
Cost of 10 metre 5977.25
Cost of1 metre 597.73
Say 597.75

18.6.7 PN - 10 Pipe, 75 mm OD (SDR-11)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8632 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-10 (SDR 11) - 75 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 268.00 2680.00} P
Add 20% for fittings and wastage etc. on P,
20xP/100 536.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.25 897.00 224.25
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 4897.53 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 48.98
TOTAL 4946.51 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1052.12
TOTAL 5998.63 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 899.79
TOTAL 6898.42 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 68.98
Cost of 10 metre 6967.40
Cost of 1 metre 696.74
Say 696.75

18.6.8 PN - 10 Pipe, 90 mm OD (SDR-11)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8633 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-10 (SDR 11) - 90 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 386.00 3860.00 | P
Add 20% for fittings and wastage etc. on P,
20xP/100 772.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.37 897.00 331.89
0114 Beldar day 0.97 736.00 713.92
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.80 736.00 588.80
0115 Beldar day 0.80 736.00 588.80
TOTAL 6855.41 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 68.55
TOTAL 6923.96 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1472.73
TOTAL 8396.69 | Y


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1259.50
TOTAL 9656.19
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 96.56
Cost of 10 metre 9752.75
Cost of1 metre 975.28
Say 975.30

18.6.9 PN - 10 Pipe, 110 mm OD (SDR-11)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8634 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-10 (SDR 11) - 110 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 577.00 5770.00
Add 20% for fittings and wastage etc. on P,
20xP/100 1154.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.37 897.00 331.89
0114 Beldar day 0.97 736.00 713.92
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.80 736.00 588.80
0115 Coolie day 0.80 736.00 588.80
TOTAL 9147.41
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 91.47
TOTAL 9238.88
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1965.11
TOTAL 11203.99
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1680.60
TOTAL 12884.59
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 128.85
Cost of 10 metre 13013.44
Cost of1 metre 1301.34
Say 1301.35

18.6.10 PN - 10 Pipe, 160 mm OD (SDR-11)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8635 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-10 (SDR 11) - 160 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00} 1324.00 13240.00
Add 20% for fittings and wastage etc. on P,
20xP/100 2648.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.58 897.00 520.26
0114 Beldar day 1.54 736.00 1133.44
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 1.20 736.00 883.20
0115 Coolie day 1.20 736.00 883.20
TOTAL 19308.10
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 193.08
TOTAL 19501.18
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 4147.90
TOTAL 23649.08


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 3547.36
TOTAL 27196.44
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 271.96
Cost of 10 metre 27468.40
Cost of 1 metre 2746.84
Say 2746.85

18.6A Providing and fixing PPR Unions

18.6A.1 PPR Union 20mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Details of cost for 1 No
8306 PPR Union 20mm each 1.00 38.00 38.00
9999 Carriage of materials and sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.11 897.00 98.67
0114 Beldar day 0.11 736.00 80.96
TOTAL 221.76
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.22
TOTAL 223.98
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 47.64
TOTAL 271.62
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 40.74
TOTAL 312.36
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.12
Cost of 1 No 315.48
Say 315.50

18.6A.2 © PPR Union 25mm

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 1 No
8307 PPR Union 25mm each 1.00 51.00 51.00
9999 Carriage of materials and sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.11 897.00 98.67
0114 Beldar day 0.11 736.00 80.96
TOTAL 234.76
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.35
TOTAL 237.11
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 50.43
TOTAL 287.54
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 43.13
TOTAL 330.67
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.31
Cost of 1 No 333.98
Say 334.00
18.6A.3 © PPR Union 32mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 1 No
8308 PPR Union 32mm each 1.00 100.00 100.00
9999 Carriage of materials and sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.11 897.00 98.67
0114 Beldar day 0.11 736.00 80.96
TOTAL 283.76 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 2.84
TOTAL 286.60 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 60.96
TOTAL 347.56 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 52.13
TOTAL 399.69 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.00
Cost of 1 No 403.69
Say 403.70

18.6A.4 PPR Union 40mm

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Details of cost for 1 No
8309 PPR Union 40mm each 1.00 198.00 198.00
9999 Carriage of materials and sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.11 897.00 98.67
0114 Beldar day 0.11 736.00 80.96
TOTAL 381.76 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 3.82
TOTAL 385.58 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 82.01
TOTAL 467.59 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 70.14
TOTAL 537.73 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.38
Cost of 1 No 543.11
Say 543.10

18.6A.5 PPR Union 50mm

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 1 No
8310 PPR Union 50mm each 1.00 366.00 366.00
9999 Carriage of materials and sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.11 897.00 98.67
0114 Beldar day 0.11 736.00 80.96
TOTAL 549.76 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 5.50
TOTAL 555.26 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 118.10
TOTAL 673.36 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 101.00
TOTAL 774.36 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.74
Cost of 1 No 782.10
Say 782.10


18.6A.6 PPR Union 63mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount =
Details of cost for 1 No
8311 PPR Union 63mm each 1.00 458.00 458.00
9999 Carriage of materials and sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.11 897.00 98.67
0114 Beldar day 0.11 736.00 80.96
TOTAL 641.76 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 6.42
TOTAL 648.18 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 137.87
TOTAL 786.05 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 117.91
TOTAL 903.96 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.04
Cost of 1 No 913.00
Say 913.00

18.6A.7 © PPR Union 75mm

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 1 No
8312 PPR Union 75mm each 1.00] 1000.00 1000.00
9999 Carriage of materials and sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.11 897.00 98.67
0114 Beldar day 0.11 736.00 80.96
TOTAL 1183.76 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 11.84
TOTAL 1195.60 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 254.30
TOTAL 1449.90 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 217.49
TOTAL 1667.39 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 16.67
Cost of 1 No 1684.06
Say 1684.05

18.7 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability
for hot & cold water supply and all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, including fixing the
pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step
CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.
Internal work - Exposed on wall
18.7.1 15 mm nominal dia Pipes
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8636 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 15 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 43.00 430.00} P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 129.00
30 x P/ 100


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
9999 Cement, sand and grit etc. L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.82 816.00 669.12
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2016.09
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 20.16
TOTAL 2036.25
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 433.11
TOTAL 2469.36
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 370.40
TOTAL 2839.76
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 28.40
Cost of 10 metre 2868.16
Cost of 1 metre 286.82
Say 286.80

18.7.2 20 mm nominal dia Pipes

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8637 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 20 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 59.00 590.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 177.00
30 x P/ 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit etc. L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.98 816.00 799.68
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2354.65
Add 1 % Water charges on “WW” 23.55
TOTAL 2378.20
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 505.84
TOTAL 2884.04
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 432.61
TOTAL 3316.65
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 33.17
Cost of 10 metre 3349.82
Cost of1 metre 334.98
Say 335.00

18.7.3 25 mm nominal dia Pipes

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8638 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 25 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 95.00 950.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 285.00
30 x P/ 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit etc. L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.98 816.00 799.68
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2822.65
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 28.23
TOTAL 2850.88
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 606.38
TOTAL 3457.26
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 518.59
TOTAL 3975.85
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 39.76
Cost of 10 metre 4015.61
Cost of1 metre 401.56
Say 401.55

18.7.4 32 mm nominal dia Pipes

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8639 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 32 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 140.00 1400.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 420.00
30 x P/ 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit etc. L.S. 4.16 2.27 9.44
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.98 816.00 799.68
0114 Beldar day 0.98 736.00 721.28
TOTAL 3646.41
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 36.46
TOTAL 3682.87
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 783.35
TOTAL 4466.22
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 669.93
TOTAL 5136.15
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 51.36
Cost of 10 metre 5187.51
Cost of1 metre 518.75
Say 518.75

18.7.5 40 mm nominal dia Pipes

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8640 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 40 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 200.00 2000.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 600.00
30 x P/ 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit etc. L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 1.31 816.00 1068.96
0114 Beldar day 1.31 736.00 964.16
TOTAL 4941.23 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 49.41
TOTAL 4990.64 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1061.51
TOTAL 6052.15 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 907.82
TOTAL 6959.97 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 69.60
Cost of 10 metre 7029.57
Cost of 1 metre 702.96
Say 702.95

18.7.6 50 mm nominal dia Pipes

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8641 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 50 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 325.00 3250.00} P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 975.00
30 x P/ 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit etc. L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 1.31 816.00 1068.96
0114 Beldar day 1.31 736.00 964.16
TOTAL 6566.23 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 65.66
TOTAL 6631.89 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1410.60
TOTAL 8042.49 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1206.37
TOTAL 9248.86 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 92.49
Cost of 10 metre 9341.35
Cost of1 metre 934.14
Say 934.15

18.8 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability
for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings and fixing
the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one
step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same
including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.
Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the walls etc.
18.8.1 15 mm nominal dia Pipes
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8636 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 15 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 43.00 430.00} P


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add 75% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on (P) 322.50
75 x P/ 100
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per item no. 18.78 Of SH: Water
Supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 4101.83
Add 1 % Water charges on “W\-A” 20.73
TOTAL 4122.56
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 445.30
TOTAL 4567.86
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 380.83
TOTAL 4948.69
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 29.20
Cost of 10 metre 4977.89
Cost of1 metre 497.79
Say 497.80

18.8.2 20 mm nominal dia Pipes

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8637 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 20 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 59.00 590.00
Add 75% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on (P) 442.50
75 x P/ 100
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per item no. 18.78 Of SH: Water
Supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 4381.83
Add 1 % Water charges on “W\-A” 23.53
TOTAL 4405.36
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 505.45
TOTAL 4910.81
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 432.27
TOTAL 5343.08
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 33.14
Cost of 10 metre 5376.22
Cost of1 metre 537.62
Say 537.60


18.8.3 25 mm nominal dia Pipes
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8638 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 25 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 95.00 950.00 | P
Add 75% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on (P) 712.50
75 x P/ 100
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per item no. 18.78 Of SH: Water
Supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00} A
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 5011.83 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W\-A” 29.83
TOTAL 5041.66 | X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 640.79
TOTAL 5682.45 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 548.02
TOTAL 6230.47 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 42.01
Cost of 10 metre 6272.48
Cost of1 metre 627.25
Say 627.25

18.8.4 32 mm nominal dia Pipes

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8639 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 32 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 140.00 1400.00} P
Add 75% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on (P) 1050.00
75 x P/ 100
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per item no. 18.78 Of SH: Water
Supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00} A
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 5799.33 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W\-A” 37.70
TOTAL 5837.03 | X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 809.97
TOTAL 6647.00} Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 692.70
TOTAL 7339.70} Z


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 53.11
Cost of 10 metre 7392.81
Cost of1 metre 739.28
Say 739.30

18.9 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability
for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings This includes
jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing
of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.
External work
18.9.1 15 mm nominal dia Pipes
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8636 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 15 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 43.00 430.00} P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 129.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.08 897.00 71.76
0114 Beldar day 0.16 736.00 117.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 1720.04 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 17.20
TOTAL 1737.24 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 369.51
TOTAL 2106.75} Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 316.01
TOTAL 2422.76 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 24.23
Cost of 10 metre 2446.99
Cost of1 metre 244.70
Say 244.70

18.9.2 20 mm nominal dia Pipes

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8637 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 20 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 59.00 590.00 | P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 177.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.08 897.00 71.76
0114 Beldar day 0.16 736.00 117.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 1928.04 | W


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 19.28
TOTAL 1947.32 | X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 414.19
TOTAL 2361.51 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 354.23
TOTAL 2715.74 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 27.16
Cost of 10 metre 2742.90
Cost of1 metre 274.29
Say 274.30

18.9.3 25 mm nominal dia Pipes

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8638 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 25 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 95.00 950.00 | P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 285.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.12 897.00 107.64
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2498.16 | W
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 24.98
TOTAL 2523.14] X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 536.67
TOTAL 3059.81 | Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 458.97
TOTAL 3518.78 | Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 35.19
Cost of 10 metre 3553.97
Cost of1 metre 355.40
Say 355.40

18.9.4 32 mm nominal dia Pipes

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8639 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 32 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 140.00 1400.00} P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 420.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.12 897.00 107.64
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 3083.16 | W


Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ~ Amount ®%
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 30.83
TOTAL 3113.99
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 662.35
TOTAL 3776.34
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 566.45
TOTAL 4342.79
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 43.43
Cost of 10 metre 4386.22
Cost of1 metre 438.62
Say 438.60

18.9.5 40 mm nominal dia Pipes

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount ®%
Details of cost for 10 metre
8640 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 40 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 200.00 2000.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 600.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.16 897.00 143.52
0114 Beldar day 0.33 736.00 242.88
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 3957.92
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 39.58
TOTAL 3997.50
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 850.27
TOTAL 4847.77
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 727.17
TOTAL 5574.94
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 55.75
Cost of 10 metre 5630.69
Cost of1 metre 563.07
Say 563.05
18.9.6 50 mm nominal dia Pipes
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate = Amount =
Details of cost for 10 metre
8641 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 50 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 325.00 3250.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 975.00
30 x P/ 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.16 897.00 143.52
0114 Beldar day 0.33 736.00 242.88
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 5582.92
Add 1 % Water charges on “VW” 55.83


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