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DM Unit Wise Important Questions

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1. Construct a truth table for each of these compound propositions.

I) p-+-,p ii)p +-+-,p iii)pAq-+pVq iv)(q-+-,p)+-+(p+-+q)

2.Show that if p,q, and r are compound propositions such that p and q are logically
Equivalent and q and r are logically equivalent, then p and r are logically equivalent.
3. Ob1ain the principal conjunc1ive normal form of (p-
4. What do you mean by Well Formed Formula? Explin aboul Tau1ology wilh example.
5. What does the statement ∀(x) N(x) mean. if N(x) is "computer x is connected to the Network"
and the domain consists of all computer on campus.
6) Write all the equivalence laws.
Construct a truth table for (q→ ¬𝑝) ↔ (p ↔ 𝑞).
7. Define Predicate and Quantifiers with examples.
8. What is Converse, Inverse and Contra positive for "If it is raining then home town wins".
9. Show that (p˄q) →(p˅q) is a tautology.
10. Obtain the PCNF for (⌝p˅⌝q)→(p↔⌝q)
11) Show that R→S Can be derived from the premises P→(Q→S),(¬R˅P) and Q.
12. Shows that the following set of premises are inconsistent using indirect method of

Proof: P-> Q,Q -> R, 7(P ^ R), P v R---> R.

1. Explain Transpose and Symmetric matrix with examples
2. Let F be a function from {a,b,c,d} to {1,2,3,4} with f(a)=4, f(b)=2, f(c)=1, and
f(d)=3, is f is a bijection?
3. Find the Fibonacci numbers f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6.
4. What is countable set? explain with examples.
5. Show that the premises "It is not sunny this afternoon and it is colder than yesterday". "We
will go swimming only if it is sunny", "If we do not go swimming then we will take a canoe trip"
and "if we take a canoe trip, then we will be home by sunset " lead to the conclusion "We will be
home by sunset".
6. What is a function. Write the types of functions. By using functions solve the following
Let the Function f: N→ 𝑁and g: 𝑍 → 𝑁 be defined as follows f(n)=3n+2 and g(n)= 𝑛2 +1find
i) fog ii) gof (CO2)
7. Define POSET and Hasse Diagram. Draw the hasse diagram for partial ordering {(a,b) |a
divides b} on { 1,2,3,4,6,8,12 }.
8. Define a bijective function. Explain with reasons whether the following functions are
bijiective or not. Find also the inverse of each of the functions.

a)f(x) = 4x+2, A=set of real numbers

b) f(x) = 3+ 1/x, A=set of non zero real numbers

c) f(x) = (2x+3) mod7, A=N7.

9. Draw the Hasse diagram for the relation R on A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, whose relation matrix is
given below:

MR =1 0 1 1 1




0 0001

10.How many relations are there on a set with ‘n’ elements? If a set A has ‘m’ elements and a set
B has ‘n’ elements, how many relations are there from A to B? If a set A = {1, 2}, determine all
relations from A to A.

11. How many relations are there on a set with ‘n’ elements? If a set A has ‘m’ elements and
a set B has ‘n’ elements, how many relations are there from A to B? If a set A = {1, 2},
determine all relations from A to A.
12. What is a Poset? Draw the Hasse diagrams of all the lattices with 5 elements.
13. Use set builder notation and logical equivalences to establish the first demorgan’s law.
Unit – III

1. Write the algorithms for Binary search and linear search algorithms.
(Or) Define algorithm and Explain any two searching algorithms in detail.
2. What is Strong Induction and Well-ordering? Explain
3. Explain the Time complexity for the binary search algorithm.
4. Use Mathematical Induction to Show that 1+2+......n=n(n+1)/2
5. Explain Briefly about the asymptotic notations with examples of each.
6. Give a recursive algorithm for computing n!,where n is a non negative integer.
7. Write about Bubble sort and insertion sort with examples of each.
8. Explain the linear search algorithm as a recursive procedure.
9. Prove that Recursive modular exponentiation ,which computes modular powers ,is correct.
10. Write about any two recursive algorithms in detail.
11. What is Program correctness. Explain.
12. Use mathematical induction to show that 1+2+22+…….+2n=2n+1-1.

1. Draw a random card from a pack of cards. What is the probability that the card drawn is
face card?
2. What is divide and conquer algorithm write with an example.
3. Find the generating function for 𝑎 1=1,3,9,27---------.

4. Find the solution to the recurrence relation an=an-1+2an-2 with a0=2 and
5. Consider a 3 pen stands. The First pen stand contain 2 red pens and 3 blue pens. The
second one has 3 red pens and 2 blue pens. And the third one has 4 red pens and 1
blue pen. There is equal probability of each pen-stand to be selected. If one pen
is drawn at random. What is the probability that it is a red pen?
6. State and explain Baye’s theorem example.
7. How to select a first prize winner, Second prize winner, and third prize winnerfrom 75
different people who have entered a contest.
8. What is the solution of the recurrence relation an=6an-1-9an-2 with initial conditions a0=1
and a1=6.
9. State and explain the properties of the pigeon hole principle.

10 Apply is pigeon hole principle show that of any 14 integer are selected from the set S={1,

2, 3...........25} there are at least two where sum is 26. Also write a statement that generalizes
this result.

11. Show that if eight people are in a room, at least two of them have birthdays that
occur on the same day of the week.
12. Consider the following recursive function definition:
If x < y, then f(x, y) = 0; If y _ x, then f(x, y) = f(x-y, y) + 1. Find the value of
f(5861, 7).

1. Define graph. Graph G is represented by the following adjacency matrix
[0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0]
a) Draw the graph.
b) Determine whether "G" is a tree. justify your answer.
c) Determine whether "G" is a Eulerian graph. Justify your answer.
d) Determine whether "G" is Hamiltonian Graph. If it is so, Provide a Hamiltonian
cycle on "G"
2. Find the Minimum Spanning Tree for the weighted Graph. ( Any graph)
3. Explain Graph colouring and planar graphs.
4. Write the applications of a tree.
5. Explain about various Graph models in detail.
6. Write and explain the handshaking theorem.
7. (a) What are the steps involved in Kruskal’s algorithm for finding a minimum spanning
(b) Describe the procedure to obtain all possible spanning trees in a given graph.

c) Explain the steps involved in deriving a spanning tree from the given undirected graph using
breadth first search algorithm.

8. (a) Prove that a tree with n vertices has exactly n-1 edges.
(b) Show that graph G is a tree iff G is connected and contains no circuits.
(c) How many vertices will the following graph contain 16 edges and all vertices of
degree 2.
9. (a) Suppose that we know the degrees of the vertices of a non directed graph G.
Is it possible to determine the order and size of G? Explain.
(b) Suppose that we know the order and size of a non directed graph G. Is it
possible to determine the degrees of the vertices of G? Explain.

10a) Write the difference between Hamiltonian graphs and Euler graphs.

b) . Let G = (V,E) be an undirected graph, with G1 = (V1,E1) a subgraph of G.

Under what condition(s) is G1 not an induced subgraph of G?

11a) Give an example for a bipartite graph with examples.

b) Discuss graph coloring problem with required examples.

12a) What are the steps involved in prim’s algorithm for finding a minimum spanning tree.

b) Write and explain the tree traversals in detail.

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