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DMS - Question - Bank SDF

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Module 1

1. Define Tautology. Show that [(p→q) ∧ (q→r)] → (p→r) is a tautology

2. Write converse, inverse & contrapositive of the following conditional:

“If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then its diagonals bisect each other”

3. Test whether the following is a valid argument:

If I study then I do not fail in the examination

If I do not fail in the examination then my father gifts me a two wheeler
If I study then my father gifts me a two wheeler

4. Prove the following logical equivalence using laws of logic:

( p→q) ∧ [¬ q ∧ ( r V ¬ q) ] <--> ¬(q V p)
5. Write down the duality of the following propositions: (p➝q) ➝r
6. Suppose the universe consists of all integers. Consider the following open statements:

p(x):x≤ 3, q(x) : x + 1 is odd, r(x) : x > 0.

Write down the truth values of the following:

(i) ¬ q(4)

(ii) ¬ p(3) V r(0)

(iii) p(1) <-->¬q(2)

(iv) p(4) V {q(1) ∧ r(2)}

(v) p(2) ∧ {q(0) V ¬ r(2)}

7. Write down the following proposition in symbolic form, and find its negation:
“If all triangles are right-angled, then no triangle is equiangular."

8. Give (i) Direct proof (ii) Indirect proof (iii) Proof by contradiction.
“If n is an odd integer, then n+9 is an even integer”
Module 2

1. Prove by mathematical induction that for all positive integers n>=1

1 + 2 + 3 +. . . . . . + n = n(n+1) / 2
2. Prove by mathematical induction that for each Z+
12 + 22 + 32 + …….+ n2 = n(n+1)(2n+1) / 6
3. A byte is a sequence of bits (either 0 or 1).
i) Find the number of bytes,
ii) Find the number of bytes that begin with 11 or end with 11,
iii) Find the number of bytes that begin with 11 and do not end with 11,
iv) Find the number of bytes that begin with 11 or end with 11
4. Find the permutations of all the letters of the word SOCIOLOGICAL? In how many of
these arrangements A and G are adjacent?
5. A certain question paper contains two parts A & B, each containing 4 questions. How
many different ways a student can answer 5 questions by selecting at least 2 questions
from each part?
6. A woman has 11 close relatives and she wishes to invite 5 of them to dinner. In how
many ways can she invite them in the following situations?
i) There is no restrictions on the choice
ii) Two particular persons will not attend separately
iii) Two particular persons will not attend together
7. Find the coefficient of x9y3 in the expansion of (2x-3y )12
8. In how many ways 10 identical pencils can be distributed among 5 children in the
following cases:
i) There are no restrictions
ii) Each child gets at least one pencil
iii) The younger child gets at least two pencils
9. A total amount of Rs.1500 is to be distributed to three poor students A, B, C of a class. In
how many ways the distribution can be made in multiples of 100 under the following
i) If everyone of these must get at least Rs.300,
ii) If A must get at least Rs.500, B and C must get at least Rs.400 each.

10. Find the number of permutations of all the letters in a word SUCCESS?
Module 3

1. Let A = { 1, 3, 5 }, B = { 2, 3 }, C = { 4, 6 }. Find:
i) (A X B) U C
ii) (A X B) U (B X C)
iii) (A X B) (B X A)
iv) A (B X C)
2. Let A = { 1, 2, 3 } and B = { 2, 4, 5 }. Determine:
i) | A X B |
ii) Number of relations from A to B
iii) Number of binary relations on A

3. Explain the different types of functions with appropriate examples.

4. Suppose the function f : A→R ( R is the set of all real numbers) is defined by
f(x) = x3- 2x2 + 3x + 1, for x € A and A = { 0, ±1, ±2, 3 }. Find the range of f.

5. Let A = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } B = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
i) Find how many functions are there from A to B. How many of these are
one-one? How many are onto?
ii) Find how many functions are there from B to A. How many of these are
one-one? How many are onto?
6. Prove that if 30 dictionaries in a library contain a total of 61,327 pages, then at least
one of the dictionaries must have at least 2045 pages.
7. Let f & g be the functions from R to R defined by f(x) = ax + b & g(x) = 1 – x + x2,
if (g o f) ( x ) = 9x2 - 9x + 3, then determine a and b
8. Let A=B=R, set of all real numbers, and the functions f:A→B and g:B→A be
defined by f(x) = 2x3-1, for every x ⋵ A and g(x) = { 1/2 (y+1) }1/3 , for every y ⋵ B.
Show that f & g are inverse of each other.
9. Let A = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } & let R be the relation on A defined by xRy, iff “x divides y”
i) Write down R as set of ordered pairs.
ii) Draw the digraph for R
iii) Determine the in-degrees & out-degrees of the vertices in the digraph.
10. Let A = {1,2,3,4} and R = { (1,1) (1,2) (2,1) (2,2) (3,4) (4,3) (3,3) (4,4) } be a
relation on A. Verify that R is an equivalence relation.
11. Consider A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } and the equivalence relation R defined on A. Find the
partition of A induced by R.
R = { (1,1), (2,2), (2,3), (3,2), (3,3), (4,4), (4,5), (5,4), (5,5) }
12. Let A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 } , defines the relation R on A by aRb, iff “a divides b”.
i) Determine R,
ii) Prove that R is a partial order on A,
iii) Draw the Hasse diagram for this relation.
Module 4
1 Determine the number of positive integers n such that 1<n<100 and n is not divisible by
2, 3 or 5.
2 In how many ways 5 number of a’s, 4 number of b’s and 3 number of c’s can be arranged
so that all the identical letters are not in a single block?
3 In how many ways can the 26 letters of the English alphabet be permuted so that none of
the patterns CAR, DOG, PUN or BYTE occurs?
4 Find the number of derangements of 1,2,3,4
5 Define Derangement. Find the number of derangements of the integers from 1 to n such
that, in each derangement:
i) The elements in the first k places are 1, 2, 3.... k in some order.
ii) The elements in the first (n – k) places are k + 1, k + 2,… n in some order.
6. Find the rook polynomial for the 3 X 3 board by using Expansion formula?
7. Find the rook polynomial for the board shown below(shaded parts) using product
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10 11

8. An apple, a banana, a mango, an orange are to be distributed to four boys B1, B2, B3,
B4. The boys B1 & B2 do not wish to have apple, the boy B3 does not want banana or
mango and B4 refuses orange. In how many ways the distribution can be made so that no
boy is displeased?
Module 5
1. Define the following with example:
i) Directed graph
ii) Regular graph
iii) Complete graph
iv) General graph
v) Bipartite graph
vi) Complete Bipartite graph
vii) Rooted tree
viii) Balanced tree
ix) Complete Binary tree
x) Full Binary tree
xi) Prefix code
xii) Pendant vertex

2. Determine the order |V| of the graph G (V, E) in the following cases:
i) G is a cubic graph with 9 edges
ii) G is a regular with 15 edges
iii) G has 10 edges with 2 vertices of degree 4 and all other vertices of degree 3.
3. Define Isomorphism. Show that the following two graphs are isomorphic:

4. How many vertices and edges are there in a complete bipartite graphs K 4,7 and K 7, 11 ?
If the graph K r, 12 has 72 edges, find r ?
5. Define Optimal Tree. Obtain an optimal prefix code for the message:
6. Suppose that a tree T has two vertices of degree 2, four vertices of degree 3 and three
vertices of degree 4. Find the number of pendant vertices in T.
7. Determine the number of vertices and the number of leaves in a complete binary tree having 10
internal vertices.
8. Let G be a simple graph and G’ be a compliment of simple graph. Find the order of the graph G if
the size of G is 56 and the size of G’ is 80?
9. Using merge sort method, sort the list:
i) 7,3,8,4,5,10,6,2,9 ii) -1,7,4,11,5,-8,15,-3,-2,6,10,3

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