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Mobile Customizations

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Desktop customizations
Start layout
Out of Box Experience (OOBE)
Cortana voice support
OOBE screen details
Windows updates during OOBE
OEM HID pairing
OEM license terms
OEM registration pages
Design your registration pages
Configure OOBE.xml
Protect and collect user data
Automate OOBE
Retail demo experience
Windows performance power slider
Dark mode
Get Help app
SIM card slot names
Country and Operator Settings Asset
Mobile broadband: SAR table
Pen and Windows ink
Enterprise desktop customizations
Custom Logon
Complementary features to Custom Logon
Troubleshooting Custom Logon
Keyboard Filter
Keyboard Filter key names
Predefined key combinations
Keyboard Filter WMI provider reference
Windows PowerShell script samples for Keyboard Filter
Add blocked key combinations
Disable all blocked key combinations
List all configured key combinations
Modify global settings
Remove key combination configurations
Shell Launcher
Unbranded Boot
Unified Write Filter (UWF) feature
Hibernate Once/Resume Many (HORM)
Write filter exclusions
Overlay location and size
Turn on UWF
Service UWF-protected devices
Antimalware support on UWF-protected devices
Apply Windows updates to UWF-protected devices
Apply OEM updates to UWF-protected devices
UWF master servicing script
UWF servicing screen saver
Troubleshooting Unified Write Filter (UWF)
Unified Write Filter WMI provider reference
Windows System Image Manager Technical Reference
Scenarios Overview
User Interface Overview
Windows Image Files and Catalog Files Overview
Answer Files Overview
Best Practices for Authoring Answer Files
Distribution Shares and Configuration Sets Overview
How-to Topics
Open a Windows Image or Catalog File
Create or Open an Answer File
Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File
Validate an Answer File
Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File
Add a Device Driver Path to an Answer File
Add a Package to an Answer File
Add a Custom Command to an Answer File
Find a Component, Setting, or Package in Windows SIM
Create a Configuration Set
Create or Open a Distribution Share
Add languages to a Windows distribution share
Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution Share
Add Packages to a Distribution Share
Component Settings and Properties Reference
Windows System Image Manager Architecture
Windows System Image Manager Supported Platforms
Unattended Windows Setup Reference
Mobile customizations
Enterprise shared storage
Customize using the mobile MCSF framework
Managed Centralized Settings Framework (MCSF)
Customization answer file
Set phone metadata in DeviceTargetingInfo
Set languages and locales
Create a resource-only .dll for localized strings
Customizations for device management
Enabling runtime configuration
Managing runtime configuration data
Override the default CountryTable.xml
Setting the UICC slot for branding configuration
Customizations for hardware components
Buttons: Enabling the Start button to wake the phone
Camera: Improved user experience for phones without a HW camera button
Display: Building images for FWVGA panels with static software buttons
Display: Building images with user-managed software buttons
Networking: Configuring the MTU data size
Sensors: Auto brightness
Storage: Enabling the packed commands feature for eMMC
Storage: Enabling the UHS-1 feature for SD cards
Storage: Enabling the HS200 feature for eMMC
Touch: Defining capacitive button behavior
Touch: Describing the physical width and height of the display
Touch: Specifying the repeat rate for touch samples during touch-and-hold
Customizations for applications and Microsoft components
Active phone cover settings
Customize the SIM toolkit
Enhanced apps experience for medium and large screens
Include required Microsoft components to the image
Phone call/SMS filter applications
Preload an app with a dependency
Remove optional Microsoft components from the image
Store live tile
Customizations for boot, initial setup, and shutdown
Configure the timezone confirmation page during setup
Configuring a boot screen to display in the final boot screen slot
Configuring boot battery charging behavior
Configuring OEM and mobile operator boot screens
Configuring the duration of the first boot screen
Custom shutdown screen
Language selection during initial setup
Partner account configuration during setup
Screen background color during initial setup
Set the default country/region when SIM PIN is on
Customizations for browser
Custom HTTP headers for Microsoft Edge
Custom user agent string for Microsoft Edge
Default value for browser data saver
Show pictures automatically when browsing
Welcome home page for Microsoft Edge
WinInet ReceiveTimeOut duration
Customizations for Cellular connectivity
Background cellular data restriction
Cellular data connection icon
Connection speed option
Custom percentages for signal strength bars
Data transfer indicator
Default highest connection speed
Default roaming option
Disable Cell Broadcast
Extended error messages for reject codes
Hide CDMA mode selection
Hide Cellular & SIM Settings
LTE attach: GUID for user configured internet APN
LTE attach: Mapping OEMConnectionId values to modem profiles
Manual network selection timeout
Maximum number of PDP contexts
Permanent automatic mode
Preferred data provider list
Remove cellular functionality from the device
Roaming filter
Customizations for Wi-Fi settings and connectivity
Authentication for Wi-Fi hotspot settings
Cellular data fallback when in limited Wi-Fi connectivity
Change Wi-Fi to WLAN
Connecting to open Wi-Fi hotspots in Windows 10
Enable static IP
Limited connectivity status
Wi-Fi always on, always connected
Wi-Fi calling errors
Wi-Fi calling operator name
Wi-Fi icon and notifications
Customizations for contacts
Cortana phone number
Disable wait for phonebook ready signal from the modem
Hide contacts without phone numbers
Sort order for contacts
Sort order for contacts override
Customizations for desktop experiences
Control Panel device icon
Phone image in the phone app
Customizations for display and lock screen
Additional lock screen backgrounds
Brightness tuning
Default theme and accent color for Kid's Corner
Enable dark mode
Hide the auto brightness setting
Lock screen notifications
Lock screen timeout for AMOLED and OLED displays
Warning about light theme for AMOLED and OLED screens
Customizations for email
Light or dark theme in email
Customizations for keyboard
Disable text correction and suggestions
Hardware keyboard character repeats hold time and delay
On-screen keyboard delay
Pre-enabled keyboard
Text correction and suggestions
Customizations for maps
Map data on an SD card and map preload
Maps for phones shipped in China
Preloaded map data in the user store
Temporary map data cache size
Customizations for notifications and quick actions
Add an LED notification option
Configure Quick actions
CMAS Required Monthly Test
Display CMAS message order
Emergency notifications
Customizations for phone calls
Adjust the call duration information for CDMA calls
Always display the dialed phone number
Branding for phone calls
Caller ID matching
Cause codes
Conditional call forwarding
Configure DTMF tones
Configure message waiting indicator notifications
Dialer codes for supplementary services
Dialer codes to launch diagnostic applications
Dial string overrides when roaming
Disable link to contact card in active call screen
Disable video upgrade Store navigation
Disable voicemail phone number display
Dismiss the last USSD waiting dialog
Emergency phone numbers
Enable call recording by default
Enable IMS services
Enable RCS
Hide call forwarding
Maximum number of participants in a VoLTE conference call
Network-controlled caller ID settings
Override the voicemail number on the UICC
Supplementary services exclusions
Trim supplementary service codes
Use OK for USSD dialogs
Use HD audio codec for call branding
Use voice domain for emergency call branding
Visual voicemail
Voice over LTE call indication
Voicemail number for CDMA phones
Customizations for photos, music, and videos
Adding OEM lens apps as options for the default camera
Audio volume limitation
Configure OEM lens apps to launch above the lock screen
Configure the FM radio
Maximum enumerable photo size
Reset the audio volume limitation and warning
Settings for capture mode, burst support, and burst storage duration
Video over LTE
Customizations for ringtones + sounds
Additional alarms
Additional notification sounds
Additional ringtones
Call drop and call waiting sounds
Camera shutter sound
Ringtone store application
Customizations for SMS and MMS
Add encoding extension tables for SMS
Automatic send retry and resize settings for MMS messages
Automatically retry downloading MMS messages
Content location in the multimedia message service center (MMSC)
Delay for resend attempts
Disable editing of the SMS center number
Disable the EMS long messages feature
Expiration time for SMS messages
Extract phone numbers in strings
Full error messages for SMS and MMS
IMS retry
IMSI authentication
International assisted dialing for SMS
Maximum length for SMS messages
Maximum number of attachments for MMS messages
Maximum number of recipients for SMS and MMS
MMS APN settings
MMS automatic download
MMS data options
MMS delivery confirmation
MMS for group messages
MMS receipt acknowledgement
Permanent SMS message failures
Ports that accept cellular broadcast messages
Proxy authorization for MMS
Select multiple recipients for SMS and MMS messages
Send SMS messages to SMTP addresses
Server for MMS acknowledgement messages
SMS delivery confirmation
SMS encoding
SMS intercept deny list
SMS intercept ports
Support HTTP cache-control no-transform for MMS
Supported protocols for service indication messages
Switch from SMS to MMS for long messages
Truncated content handling for WAP push notification
Use insert-address-token or local raw address
Use UTF-8 for MMS messages with unspecified character encoding
User agent profile for MMS messages
User agent string for MMS messages
User alert for service indication messages
Video attachments in MMS
Voicemail SMS intercept
Customizations for SIM settings
Add a suffix to the mobile operator name
Additional Internet APN settings
Change SIM to SIM/UIM
Change the default SIM name to match the SPN or operator name
Configure C+G dual SIM settings
Hide the SIM security settings option
Remove the trailing MSISDN digits on a SIM card
Settings for IMS services
View Internet APN
Customizations for locale-based settings
Assistance for dialing international phone numbers
China Type Approval requirement: app install prompts
Contact management on the SIM (CN only)
Disable NITZ or daylight saving time
Display location icon
Ignore NITZ information from LTE networks
Microsoft Store for China
Mobile device languages
Network Time Protocol support
Regional format
Speech languages
Default list of countries/regions
Preferred system types for phone connectivity (CN only)
Threshold for automatic time update
Time zone priority list
WAP browser support (CN and IN only)
Customizations for accessibility settings
Telecoil and TTY support for accessibility
Customizations for phone update settings
Auto scan for phone updates
Block using SD card for updates
Enable SD card override
Customizations for USB settings
Enable the incompatible charger notification
Enable the data connection prompt
Hide the weak charger notification option UI
Registry values for mobile operator IDs
Registry values for carrier-unlocked phones
Power settings
Adaptive hibernate
Power controls
Processor power management options
Static configuration options for core parking
Static configuration options for the performance state engine
Static configuration options for heterogeneous power scheduling
Battery settings
Critical battery action
Critical battery threshold
Low battery action
Low battery threshold
Low battery warning
Reserve battery level
Power button and lid settings
Lid open wake action
Lid switch close action
Power button action
Power button forced shutdown
Sleep button action
Display settings
Adaptive display idle timeout
Allow display required policy
Dim annoyance timeout
Dim display brightness
Display brightness level
Display idle timeout
Disk settings
Disk burst ignore time
Disk idle timeout
Link power management mode - adaptive
Link power management mode - HIPM/DIPM
Energy Saver settings
Battery threshold
PCI Express settings
Link state power management
Sleep settings
Allow away mode
Allow sleep with open remote files
Allow sleep states
Allow system required requests
Automatically wake for tasks
Hibernate idle timeout
Hybrid sleep
Sleep idle timeout
Sleep unattended idle timeout
Other power settings
Device idle policy
Prompt for password on resume
Allow networking during standby
Legacy configuration options
Preinstalled and exclusive apps
Exclusive apps
Preinstallable apps for desktop devices
Preinstallable apps for mobile devices
Preinstall tasks
Change history for customization docs
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Customizations of the Windows OS are ways in which partners can modify the Windows device UI, connectivity
settings, and user experience to better reflect the partners' brand, and to fit the network and market in which the
device ships. Customization options include adding applications, modifying icons and Start layouts, configuring
network settings by using device management, changing defaults in Settings, and adding brand-specific art and
sounds to the OS.
Windows 10 supports both pre-existing desktop Unattend settings, and mobile Managed Centralized Settings
Framework (MCSF ), for configuring customization options for Windows 10 devices.
See the following sections for more information about what you can do to customize your Windows 10 devices.


Customizations for desktop This section includes topics describing key desktop
customization opportunities, as well the Unattended Windows
Setup Reference, and Windows System Image Manager
Technical Reference.

Customizations for enterprise desktop Learn about the customizations available to you if you are
providing a controlled and specialized experience on a
Windows device running Windows 10 Enterprise.

Customizations for mobile Learn about the customizations for mobile enterprise, which
allow you to run mobile line-of-business applications on a
platform that ensures that data is captured securely and
efficiently. This section includes all customization options
available as part of the Managed Centralized Settings
Framework (MCSF).

Configure power settings Learn about the power settings you can configure using the
Windows provisioning framework. Each power setting topic
includes the identification GUID, allowed values, meaning, and
common usage scenarios for the setting.

Preinstalled and exclusive apps If you're a Windows OEM or mobile operator partner, find out
how you can create partner apps that you can package and
configure to install during the initial device setup process.
While the user is going through the initial setup process, the
preinstalled apps are installed in the background. OEMs can
also work with software developers to target OEM devices for
apps to appear exclusively on, based on registry keys.

Change history for Customize Review the timeline of Windows 10 Customization topics that
have been created, updated, or deleted.

This section of the partner documentation is intended for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Original
Design Manufacturers (ODMs), Independent Hardware Vendors (IHVs), system builders, mobile operators, and IT
If you have purchased a Windows 10 device and would like to learn more about using its features, please see
Microsoft's Windows support site online at https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/products/windows?os=windows-
Customizations for desktop devices
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You have the following options to customize your image. Depending on which options you’d like to use, you’ll
employ the associated method or choice of methods to apply the customization.


Taskbar subset TaskbarLayoutModification.xml

Start layout subset LayoutModification.xml

Out of Box Experience (OOBE) subset OOBE.xml

Darkmode yes Unattend.xml

Get Help app yes Unattend.xml

Colors yes Unattend.xml

All desktop customization options listed above are supported in Windows 10 in S mode. To learn more, see Windows 10 in S
mode manufacturing overview.

In this section
These are some common ways to customize your desktop device. You will also find the technical reference for
Unattend and WSIM.


Customize the taskbar You can pin up to three additional apps to the taskbar by
adding a taskbar layout modification file, for example,
TaskbarLayoutModification.xml. You can specify different
taskbar configurations based on SKU, device locale, or region.

Customize the Start layout Learn how to customize the size of the start menu, and add
your own tiles to it.

Customize OOBE When customers turn on their Windows PCs for the first time,
they will see the Windows Out of Box Experience (OOBE).
Customize OOBE to determine how much work customers
must do to complete the OOBE screens before they can enjoy
their PCs running Windows 10.

Customize the Retail Demo Experience (RDX) Showcase your new devices on the retail sales floor with a rich,
engaging videos and experiences.

Customize the Windows power slider The Windows Performance Power slider enables end
customers to quickly and intelligently trade performance of
their system for longer battery life. You can set the default
slider mode for both AC and DC, and configure the power
settings and PPM options that are engaged in each power
slider mode.

Set dark mode This personalization setting for end users allows them to
express preference whether to see applications which support
the setting in a dark or light mode. You can set the dark mode
as the default for apps using Unattend.

Customize the Get Help app The Get Help app empowers customers to self-help with
troubleshooters, instant answers, Microsoft support articles,
and more, before contacting assisted support. You can
customize the Get Help app to surface your support app or
support website.

Customize SIM card slot names You can customize the names of SIM card slots on the device
to more easily differentiate between them. For example, if the
device has both an embedded SIM slot and an external SIM
slot, customizing the names will help your customers
understand which is which.

Customize a Specific Absorption Rate mapping table You can configure and store a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
table for mobile broadband modems in the registry. When a
mobile broadband modem is connected to the Windows
device, Windows automatically uses the table to map the
mobile country code (MCC) of the modem's registered mobile
operator (MO) to its appropriate SAR back-off index, and
configures the modem with it.

Pen and Windows ink You can create an advanced Pen settings app, or link to your
own apps, in the Pen and Windows Ink settings.

Windows SIM Technical Reference Settings reference for Windows System Image Manager.

Unattended Windows Setup Reference Settings reference for Unattend.

Related topics
OEM deployment of Windows 10 for desktop editions
Planning a Windows 10 in S mode deployment
Deployment options
Customize the Taskbar
2/4/2019 • 4 minutes to read

You can pin up to three additional apps to the taskbar. There are two methods to do this:
Taskbar Layout Modification XML method (recommended)
Supports multivariant images; you can specify different sets of taskbar layouts for different regions.
Uses a single XML file.
Is the only method that allows you to add UWP apps to the taskbar.
In the examples below, the file name “TaskbarLayoutModification.xml” is used, however, you can choose
any name you like.
Classic Unattend method (still supported in Windows 10, but marked as deprecated, and may not be
available in future builds)
Uses the Unattend setting: TaskbarLinks

Taskbar links and ordering

The taskbar starts with the following links: Start, Search, and Task View, plus four additional Windows-provided
links: Mail, Edge, File Explorer, and Store. These pins cannot be removed or replaced.
OEMs can add up to three additional pinned apps to the taskbar.
For left-to-right languages, the taskbar icons are ordered from left to right (Start, Search, Task View, Windows-
provided Pins, OEM -provided pins, Mail). For right-to-left languages, the taskbar icons are in the opposite order,
with the right-most element being Start.

Add a default path

To use a Taskbar Layout Modification XML file in Windows, you’ll need to add a registry key (LayoutXMLPath) to
the image, and then generalize and recapture the image. The registry key must be processed before the specialize
configuration pass. This means you won’t be able to simply add the registry key by using Synchronous
Commands/FirstLogonCommands unless you plan to generalize the image afterwards.
We recommend using the file location C:\Windows\OEM\TaskbarLayoutModification.xml , because this is the default
path used for Push-button reset auto-apply folders.
The other shortcut files, apps, and the Taskbar Layout Modification file itself can be changed at any time through
regular imaging techniques. You can add this registry key to all your images, even if you intend to add taskbar links
using the Classic Unattend method.

Configure taskbarlayoutmodification.xml
1. Install the Windows image to a technician computer.
2. After the image boots, go into audit mode by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+F3.
3. Add the following registry key to define a default location for the Taskbar Layout Modification file:
cmd /c reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ /v LayoutXMLPath /d

4. Add a Taskbar Layout Modification file (TaskbarLayoutModification.xml) in the default location, for example:
C:\Windows\OEM\TaskbarLayoutModification.xml . We also recommend placing a backup copy of the file at
C:\Recovery\AutoApply\TaskbarLayoutModification.xml so it will be restored during a push-button reset.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<CustomTaskbarLayoutCollection PinListPlacement="Replace">
<taskbar:UWA AppUserModelID="Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App" />
<taskbar:DesktopApp DesktopApplicationLinkPath="%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start
<defaultlayout:TaskbarLayout Region="US|GB">
<taskbar:TaskbarPinList >
<taskbar:DesktopApp DesktopApplicationLinkPath="%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start
Menu\Programs\Accessories\Notepad.lnk" />
<taskbar:UWA AppUserModelID="Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App" />
<defaultlayout:TaskbarLayout Region="CN|TW">
<taskbar:DesktopApp DesktopApplicationLinkPath="%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start
Menu\Programs\Accessories\Notepad.lnk" />
<taskbar:UWA AppUserModelID="Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App" />
<taskbar:DesktopApp DesktopApplicationLinkPath="%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start

5. Generalize the Windows image using Sysprep:

Sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown

6. Boot to Windows PE.

7. Recapture the image. For example:
Dism /Capture-Image /CaptureDir:C:\ /ImageFile:c:\install-with-new-taskbar-layout.wim /Name:"Windows
image with Taskbar layout"

8. You can now apply this image to other PCs.

To reference your apps
For Classic Windows applications, use shortcut (.lnk) files. We recommend using the same shortcut .lnk
files in the All Users Start menu. Example:


For Universal Windows apps, use the Universal Windows app user model ID. Example:
UWA AppUserModelID="Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App"
Links to .url files are not supported.

To use different layouts for different regions

To use different layouts for different regions, include a region in the defaultlayout tag. These regions use the
second half of the language/region tags listed in Available Language Packs for Windows. You can use multiple
region tags separated by a pipe (|) character. Here is an example of adding pins to the Chinese (PRC ) and Chinese
(Taiwan) regions:

<defaultlayout:TaskbarLayout Region="CN|TW">

How Windows parses the setting for Unattend and Taskbar Layout
Modification XML
While you’re transitioning to the new method to customize the taskbar, you may end up using existing images that
still include your old Unattend TaskbarLinks settings. When that happens:
1. If Windows finds a valid Taskbar Layout Modification XML file, it uses the XML file, and ignores any of the
Unattend taskbar settings.
2. If the Taskbar Layout Modification XML file isn't found, or is invalid, Windows looks for the old Unattend
TaskbarLinks settings. If it finds them, it uses them.
3. If Windows can't find either a valid Taskbar Layout Modification XML file, or Unattend TaskbarLink settings,
then only the Windows-provided pins and Start, Search, and Task View are shown.

Set transparency for the taskbar

The default transparency setting for the taskbar is 15%. To make Taskbar work with the Dark Mode on OLED
displays, you need to set the taskbar transparency to 40%.
To set the transparency for the Taskbar, create a registry key called “UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency” and place it in
the following location:

This registry key should only be used to change the taskbar transparency for OLED screens. We do not advise changing the
default transparency on non-OLED displays.

Action Center
Most quick action tiles that are pinned in the Action Center are not customizable. You can, however, enable one of
the desktop quick action tiles, Color Profile, if more than one color profile is installed on the device. By default,
this quick action tile is not available. To let users see Color Profile in the Action Center:
1. Install at least two ICC color profiles on the primary display. For more information on how to accomplish
this, please work with your Microsoft representative.
2. Add the following registry key to enable the Microsoft.QuickAction.ColorProfile quick action:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\OEM\QuickActions\ColorProfileQuickAction = 0x1 ( DWORD )
Customize the Start layout
1/18/2019 • 11 minutes to read

You can customize the Start layout by creating a LayoutModification.xml file and configuring the settings. To
determine the overall look of the Start layout, the default layout is applied based on SKU and region, and then the
LayoutModification.xml or Unattend.xml file is processed.

You can customize the following aspects of the Start layout:

The size, including the number of columns and number of tiles per row
The tiles in both OEM Groups; including the size, position, and the app or web link associated with each tile
The display layout for the Microsoft Office suite of tiles
Create Start layouts for each region you support
After customizing the Start layout, use Windows Configuration Designer to add the file to the device image. See
Add the LayoutModification.xml file to the device for instructions.

The XML schema for LayoutModification.xml requires the following order for tags directly under the
LayoutModificationTemplate node:
1. LayoutOptions
2. DefaultLayoutOverride
3. RequiredStartGroupsCollection
4. AppendDownloadOfficeTile –OR – AppendOfficeSuite (only one Office option can be used at a time)
5. AppendOfficeSuiteChoice
6. TopMFUApps
7. CustomTaskbarLayoutCollection
8. InkWorkspaceTopApps
Comments are not supported in the LayoutModification.xml file.
For an inclusive list of settings you can configure in LayoutModification.xml , a full XML example, and instructions
on adding the XML file to the device, see Start layout XML for desktop editions of Windows 10 (Reference).
We also recommend placing a backup copy of the file at C:\Recovery\AutoApply\LayoutModification.xml so it will be
restored during a push-button reset.

Customize the size of the Start layout

We recommend that you set the default Start layout so it is not greater than 40% of the size of the desktop. If it is
greater than half the width of the desktop, customers might perceive that the device and Windows are optimized
only for touch, and feel less satisfied when they use a mouse and keyboard.
Use LayoutOptions in LayoutModification.xml to indicate the number of columns, and the number of tiles per row,
in the Start layout.
Specify the number of columns in the Start layout
You have three options for the Start layout size: small (one column of tiles), medium (2 columns of tiles), or full
screen. New devices running Windows for desktop will default to a Start layout with two columns of tiles unless
boot to tablet mode is enabled. Devices with screens that are under 10" have boot to tablet mode enabled by
default. For these devices, users see the full screen Start layout on the desktop.

We suggest you leave the default values for these features so that Windows can use its own logic to do the right thing for
the customer. You can, however, adjust the following OS features if you have a scenario that requires it. For example, if you
have a device that is meant mainly for use as a tablet, but is bigger than 10", you can use SignInMode.

Here is how you set the size of the start layout, using LayoutModification.xml.
To set as small, with one column of tiles:


To set as medium, with two columns of tiles:


To set as full screen (and set the default to one column if the user disables full screen):


Setting FullScreenStart to true requires rebooting the device to take effect.

Specify the number of tiles per row in the Start layout

You can configure your Start layout to show either 6 or 8 medium tiles per row using StartTileGroupCellWidth in
LayoutModification.xml .

We recommend you configure this setting to optimize the Start layout for the size of your device's screen. If this
setting is not configured in LayoutModification.xml , Windows will use its own logic to set the number of tiles per

<LayoutOptions StartTileGroupCellWidth="8" />

The number of tiles you select will be divided evenly between the two columns in the Start layout. For example, if
you choose to show 6 medium tiles per row, each columns will contain 3 tiles.

Customize OEM Groups in the Start layout

You can pin tiles in up to two OEM groups. You'll specify the OEM groups, and tiles they contain, in
LayoutModification.xml . The first group you specify in LayoutModification.xml will be placed in the first open,
available part of the Start layout, scanning top to bottom. If you've specified a second OEM group in
LayoutMofication.xml , it will placed after the first group, in the first open, available part of the Start layout,
scanning top to bottom.
If you have StartTileGroupCellWidth set to 6 in LayoutModification.xml , the OEM group will be 3 medium tiles
wide by 3 high. If you have StartTileGroupCellWidth set to 8, the OEM group will be 4 medium tiles wide (group
one is 3 tiles high by 4 wide, and group two is 2 high by 4 wide).
Here is an example that shows a Start layout with two OEM groups:

In the example above, StartTileGroupCellWidth is set to 6, and StartTileGroupsColumnCount is set to 2.

Subsequently, the Start layout shows 2 columns of tiles, and each row is 6 medium tiles long.
Customize the size and position of tiles in the OEM Groups
The LayoutModification.xml file allows four tile size options for each tile you add to your OEM groups. The
available tile sizes are:
Small tile: 1x1
Medium square tile: 2x2
Wide tile: 4x2
Large tile: 4x4
The Row and Column elements determine the position of the upper, left edge of the tile within the group. The 0,0
position is the first row, first column.
For example, here is a Start layout with the row and column grid overlaid.
Add tiles that launch apps and web links
You can configure each of your tiles to launch:
A Universal Windows app (using the start:Tile tag)
A Windows 8 or 8.1 app (using the start:Tile tag)
A desktop application (using the start:DesktopApplicationTile tag)
A web link that opens in the default browser (using the start:DesktopApplicationTile tag)
A web link that opens in Edge (using the start:SecondaryTile tag)

Each tile pinned to the Start layout can launch a single UWP app, Microsoft Store app, desktop app, or web link. A tile can’t
be a group of apps or a folder.

App tiles
You can add an app tile that will launch a Universal Windows app, or a Windows 8/8.1 app, using start:Tile in
LayoutModification.xml . To specify the app you wish the launch, you must set the AppUserModelID attribute of
start:Tile to the application user model ID ( AUMID ) associated with the app. The AUMID is case-sensitive.

In Windows 10, version 1803, all apps must either be pinned to the Start layout, and/or pre-installed using the new region
parameter in DISM, otherwise they will be removed on any system that uses that layout. See Preinstall apps using DISM for
guidance on using the new parameter.

The following example shows how to pin the Microsoft Edge Universal Windows app:

You can use the start:DesktopApplicationTile tag to pin a Windows desktop application to Start. There are two
ways you can specify a Windows desktop application:
By setting DesktopApplicationLinkPath to a path to a shortcut link (.lnk file) to a Windows desktop application.
By setting the DesktopApplicationID to the application's ID, if this is known. If the Windows desktop application
doesn't have one, use the shortcut link option.
The following example shows how to pin the Command Prompt desktop application using the .lnk method:

DesktopApplicationLinkPath="%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools\Command Prompt.lnk"

The following example show how to pin the File Explorer Windows desktop application by specifying the desktop
application ID:


Web link tiles

You can add a web link tile that will open in the default browser, or you can add a secondary tile that will
specifically open in Microsoft Edge. To create a web link tile that will open in the default browser, create a .url file:
1. Right click on Desktop > New > Shortcut
2. Type a URL such as http://www.fabrikam.com
3. Click Next
4. Type a name for the shortcut such as Fabrikam and click Finish. The .url file is saved to your desktop.
5. Add the .url file to the image in the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ folder , and
then add a DesktopApplicationTile element to LayoutModification.xml :

<!-- Web link tile with associated .url file in StartMenu folder -->

To create a secondary tile (a web link tile that will open in Microsoft Edge), add a SecondaryTile element to
LayoutModification.xml and specify Edge in the AppUserModelID attribute.
<!-- Web link tile that launches in Edge -->

The Edge tile itself cannot be customized. The icon, text and the page that it launches must remain the default.

The OEM -custom icon and supporting text in the tile must:
Logically relate to the activity or action the user is expected to take
Launch the Edge browser
The icon and supporting text should not imply that it is anything other than Edge (e.g. another browser)
The page that it goes to must work in Edge
The page should not promote another browser

<start:SecondaryTile AppUserModelID="Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge"

Customize the Office suite of tiles

The Microsoft Office suite of tiles is the first group of tiles in the Start layout. There are a few different options
available to customize this suite of tiles.
If you've pre-installed Office Desktop Bridge to the device, use the AppendOfficeSuite and
AppendOfficeSuiteChoice tags in LayoutModification.xml .
If you've pre-installed Office Mobile to the device, use only the AppendOfficeSuite tag in
LayoutModification.xml .
If you have not pre-installed Office to the device, you can use the AppendDownloadOfficeTile tag in
LayoutModification.xml to add a Download Office tile to the suite.

The version of Office you indicate in LayoutModification.xml must match the version of Office that's pre-installed to the

Office Desktop Bridge

We recommend pre-installing Office Desktop Bridge on all devices where the screen is 10.1 inches or larger. Office
Desktop Bridge is included in the OEM Pre-installation Kit (OPK). After pre-installing Office Desktop Bridge, each
Office app appears as a tile in the Office suite of tiles.
In Windows 10, version 1803, add the following two tags to LayoutModification.xml :
<AppendOfficeSuiteChoice Choice="DesktopBridgeSubscription"/>

For example:

<AppendOfficeSuiteChoice Choice="DesktopBridgeSubscription"/>

This will set the heading of the Office suite of tiles to Office 365, to highlight the Office 365 apps you've made
available on the device. For example:

Tile sizes and positions may vary based on the device SKU, region, and the size of the Start layout.

For older versions of Windows, and for devices shipping with Activation for Office (AFO ) Perpetual, add the
following two tags to LayoutModification.xml :
<AppendOfficeSuiteChoice Choice="DesktopBridge"/>

This will set the heading to Create. For example:

We advise using these tags when AFO Perpetual (Office 2016) is pre-installed to provide the best user experience
for your customers. The new Office block of tiles is labeled Office 365, which is not the same as Office 2016, and
could be confusing to users.
Office Mobile
We recommend pre-installing Office Mobile apps on all devices where the screen size is smaller than 10.1 inches.
After you've pre-installed Office Mobile apps to the device, use only the AppendOfficeSuite tag in
LayoutModification.xml to configure the Start layout. For example:


The Office mobile apps will appear as tiles in the Start layout under the heading Create.
Download Office
If you have not pre-installed Office to the device, you can append the Download Office tile to Start. This replaces
the My Office tile that appears in the middle of the second row with the classic desktop app download tile, and
supports all OEM scenarios including Activation for Office (AFO ) and Pre-install PC (PIPC ).
To append the Download Office tile, add the <AppendDownloadOfficeTile/> tag in your LayoutModification.xml
file. For example:

Create Start layouts for each region you support

You can use the Region parameter of the RequiredStartGroups tag in your LayoutModification.xml file to specify
Start layouts per region. To learn more, see RequiredStartGroups tag in the Start Layout XML Reference.
Alternately, you can use multivariant capabilities in Windows provisioning to create different Start layouts per
region. To learn more, see Use Windows Provisioning multivariant support in the Start Layout XML Reference.

First run tasks

First Run Tasks are background tasks that are active when the user first signs into Windows. First Run Tasks are
not available in LayoutModification.xml . However, you can still use them by including an Unattend.xml file with
StartTiles tags using the same AppID as in LayoutModification.xml .
If the AppendGroup tag is present in LayoutModification.xml , it will override Unattend.xml for all Start pinning.
However, if an Unattend.xml StartTiles tag exists for the same AppID as in LayoutModification.xml, the
FirstRunTask from Unattend.xml will be respected.
For example, include a LayoutModfication.xml file specifying an app like this:

<start:Tile AppUserModelID="Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge" Size="2x2" Row="0"


Also include an Unattend.xml file specifying the same AppID like this:


Dynamically delivered apps

Some apps on the Start layout are downloaded dynamically after the Out of Box Experience (OOBE ) completes. If
the device is on a metered network, or without network connectivity, app downloads are paused, and the user will
see down arrows instead of the app name on the app tiles, as in the following image.
The downloads start or resume after the network connects.

Related topics
Start layout XML for desktop editions of Windows (Reference)
Add the LayoutModification.xml file to the device
StartTiles Unattend setting
Customize the Out of Box Experience (OOBE)
2/12/2019 • 5 minutes to read

When customers turn on their Windows PCs for the first time, they will see the Windows Out of Box Experience
(OOBE ). OOBE consists of a series of screens that require customers to accept the license agreement, connect to
the internet, log in with, or sign up for a Microsoft Account, and share information with the OEM.
During OOBE, Cortana voice-over strings will assist users by setting the context of each screen, and requesting
their input. While voice assistance is more accessible to the non-sighted, the design is focused at being inclusive to
all our customers. Cortana voice is intended to be novel and supplementary to increase user engagement in all
places in OOBE. Cortana voice also helps reduce cognitive load by offering informationally-identical, but
differently-phrased information. We still expect non-sighted users to enable screen readers to get through OOBE.
Some pages in OOBE do not accept voice input, and instead require a keyboard or mouse to complete the action.
Cortana voice will clearly communicate input requirements (voice or keyboard/mouse) to the user.

We recommend you target a 65 decibel peak volume during OOBE. To test for this volume, measure an audio sample from 2
feet (60 centimeters) away from the device.

The OOBE flow is also designed to reduce cognitive load significantly by breaking up tasks into discrete chunks.
Although there are several pages in the OOBE flow, each one requests a specific action or input from the user. This
is helpful for our average customer (and even many power users) and has shown to reduce fatigue significantly.

OOBE flow
The following is a non-exhaustive list of screens the user may see during OOBE, in order:
1. Language selection
2. Cortana welcome
3. Region selection
4. Keyboard selection
5. Connect to a network
6. Automatic download of critical ZDP and driver updates. See Windows updates during OOBE for more
7. Get the latest from Windows. Prior to Windows 10, version 1803, this screen was named Your PC has an
update waiting and it appeared at the end of OOBE.
8. End User License Agreement (EULA )
9. Sign in to, or create, a local account or Microsoft account (MSA ). If a user chooses the local account
option, the Sign in with Microsoft instead? screen will appear next in the OOBE flow. This screen
encourages the user to sign in with their MSA for an optimal Windows experience.
10. Create security questions for a local account. New in Windows 10, version 1803. Only displays if the user
chose to create a local account, rather than logging into their MSA, on the previous screen. See OOBE screen
details to learn more about this new screen in OOBE.
11. Windows Hello setup
12. Link your phone and PC. This screen will only appear if the user signed into their Microsoft account, and
connected to a network, on the previous screens.
13. Save files to OneDrive. This is a cloud service page.
14. Set up Office. This screen is only displayed if the user is connected to a network, and has provided their
Microsoft account information. Content on the page will vary depending on the user’s account type. For
example, if their Microsoft account qualifies for a free trial of Office, the page will encourage them to setup
their free trial. This is a cloud service page.
15. Payment information. New in Windows 10, version 1803. Only displays if a user opts-in to a free trial of
Office from the Set up Office screen. This is a cloud service page.
16. Make Cortana my personal assistant
17. Privacy settings. Users will see up to seven privacy settings on this screen. Not all users will see the same
18. OEM Registration pages

Some pages displayed during OOBE are delivered via cloud service, as opposed to being delivered as part of a Windows
release. Cloud service pages can be rolled out to users, or groups of users, at any time. Page content can also be modified or
adapted based on user input. Using cloud service for OOBE pages enables Microsoft to offer targeted, relevant content to
users quickly, rather than waiting for the next Windows release.
When testing OOBE, keep in mind that you may not see cloud service pages during the flow.

Windows Welcome
In Windows 10, version 1803, Windows Welcome is displayed to more users than ever as soon as they complete
OOBE and reach their desktop. Here's an example Windows Welcome experience:

In this section
The following topics describe OOBE customization considerations.


OOBE.xml Use OOBE.xml to organize text any images displayed during

OOBE, and to specify settings for customizing the Windows
10 first-run experience. You can use multiple Oobe.xml files for
language- and region-specific license terms and settings so
that users see appropriate info as soon as they start their PCs.
By specifying information in the Oobe.xml file, you help fill in
some of the required information so that users are asked to
do only the core tasks required to set up their PCs.

Cortana voice support Learn how Cortana voice walks the user through the OOBE
experience, enabling the user to complete parts of OOBE by
responding to spoken prompts.

OOBE screen details Learn about the Let's connect you to a network, Create
security questions, and Payment information screens in
OOBE. Although these screens aren't customizable, they are
described here to provide insight to the user experience
during OOBE.

Windows Updates during OOBE Learn how both critical and non-critical Windows updates can
download during a user's Out of Box Experience.

OEM HID pairing On PCs that ship with an unpaired wireless mouse and
keyboard, you can customize the HID pairing screens shown
to the customer during the first-run experience in OOBE. If
you include written instructions, you must include those
instructions in every language that ships with the PC.

OEM license terms You can add your OEM license terms to the License Terms
screen in the first-run experience of OOBE.

OEM registration pages You can display OEM registration screens during OOBE to
encourage customers to provide you with their information.
This enables you to provide them with a more personalized
experience and information.

Automate OOBE Use Unattend settings to hide certain pages that appear in

Related topics
OOBE Unattend component
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Create a file named Oobe.xml to organize text and images displayed during OOBE, and to specify settings for
customizing the Windows 10 first-run experience. For Windows 10, you can use multiple Oobe.xml files for
language- and region-specific license terms and settings so that users see appropriate info as soon as they start
their PCs. By specifying information in the Oobe.xml file, you help fill in some of the required information so that
users are asked to do only the core tasks required to set up their PCs.

OOBE.xml settings
You can set the default language, location, and keyboard layout using Oobe.xml. The default values you set in
Oobe.xml will be the default values the user sees on the Language, Region, and Keyboard layout selection screens
during OOBE. The user can select another value from the list if desired, and their selection will override the
Oobe.xml settings.
You can also specify a default timezone for the device using Oobe.xml. If the device has network connectivity
during OOBE, Windows will attempt to detect the user’s time zone and this will override the value set in Oobe.xml.
If the device does not have connectivity, or the user has turned off Location settings in OOBE, Windows will not be
able to detect the timezone, and will default to the value you set in Oobe.xml. In this case, the user will see this
timezone reflected by their clock once they reach the desktop.
For a list of time zones you can set, see Default Time Zones.
There are a number of other settings available to enable further customization of OOBE. See Configure Oobe.xml
for information about all of the settings available to you.

Configure OOBE.xml for multi-language and region deployments, and

single-language and region deployments
You can create multiple OOBE.xml files for each language and region you intend to deploy in to provide
appropriate default values in each location. For more information, see How OOBE.xml works.

Oobe.xml example
<title>Register your PC</title>
<subtitle>This page will help Fabrikam know about you.</subtitle>
<label>Let Fabriakm contact you</label>
<label>Use Contoso Antimalware to help protect your PC</label>
<label>Let Fabrikam send you offers</label>
<label>Let Fabrikam send you offers</label>
<label>Learn more about Contoso Antimalware</label>
<label>Learn more about Fabrikam offers</label>
<label>Fabrikam privacy statement</label>
<timezone>Central Europe Daylight Time</timezone>
<title>Pair Your Fabrikam MouseKeyboard</title>
<mouseText>Pair your mouse now.</mouseText>
<mouseErrorText>Something has gone wrong.</mouseErrorText>
<keyboardText>Now pair the keyboard.</keyboardText>
<keyboardErrorText>Keyboard pairing did not happen.</keyboardErrorText>
<keyboardPINText>Enter the PIN for your keyboard.</keyboardPINText>
Cortana voice support
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Cortana voice walks the user through the OOBE experience, enabling the user to complete parts of OOBE by
responding to spoken prompts. Cortana voice during OOBE is currently available in the following languages: en-
US, es-MX, ja-JP, en-GB, fr-FR, it-IT, de-DE, es-ES, fr-CA, en-CA, en-AU, pt-BR, zh-CN.
Note: With build 18309 and Windows 10 19H1 and later, the Cortana voice-over will be disabled by default on
Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education. The Cortana voice-over will still be enabled for Windows 10 Home
The language value you set in OOBE.xml impacts the voice used during OOBE. The OOBE.xml value for language
must be a language/region decimal ID associated with a Windows language pack. For example, the English
(United States) language pack has an associated language/region decimal ID of 1033. For a full list of
language/region decimal IDs that you can set in OOBE.xml, see Available Language Packs for Windows.
Cortana voice is enabled after the customer selects a language from the Language selection screen in OOBE. If the
language selected by the customer, combined with the language in OOBE.xml, is supported by Cortana, Cortana
will assist in that language upon entering the Region selection page.
Cortana voice will continue to assist throughout the OOBE process in that same supported language. Even if the
user selects a region on the Region page that is not supported by Cortana, or selects a region that would cause
Cortana to use a different accent after OOBE, Cortana voice will not change during OOBE.
If the language selected by the customer on the Language page combined with the language in OOBE.xml is not
one of the supported combinations for Cortana, then the OOBE experience will be silent.
After the user completes OOBE, the voice used in the Cortana app will be based on the Language and Region
selected during OOBE. At that point, Cortana will no longer consider the language in OOBE.xml.
Here are a few examples:



English 1033 (en-US 244 (US) en-US en-US

language pack)

English 2057 (en-GB 244 (US) en-GB en-US

language pack)

Russian 1049 (ru-RU 203 (RU) Silent Not supported

language pack)

Disable Cortana voice support

For testing purposes, you can turn Cortana voice off, but you must enable it again before the device ships. To
temporarily turn Cortana voice off, set the following registry key.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OOBE : DisableVoice = 1 (DWORD)
This setting should only be disabled for testing purposes. Shipping a device with Cortana voice support disabled is an
unsupported configuration.

“Hey Cortana” feature

The “Hey Cortana” feature enables users to more easily engage Cortana on their Windows 10 device by speaking
the phrase “Hey Cortana”.
For devices that meet hardware requirements, users have the option of enabling "Hey Cortana" during the OOBE
flow, on the screen which asks the user if they’d like to make Cortana their personal assistant. The option is
unchecked by default.
After OOBE, users can also enable "Hey Cortana" from Cortana & Search Settings. By default, "Hey Cortana" is
not enabled.

Configure Hey Cortana

To optimize battery life, by default, Windows only asks users if they want to enable "Hey Cortana" on desktop
devices with a microphone
For Windows 10, version 1709 and later, you an also include this option during OOBE if your device meets the
policy requirement of including a hardware-offloaded key spotter (HW KWS ).
For devices that meet this requirement, set the registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\AudioPolicy : VoiceActivationIsBatteryCertified = 1.
To learn more, see Voice Activation.
OOBE screen details
1/18/2019 • 6 minutes to read

This topic describes some of the screens users will see as they progress through OOBE. Although the screens
described here are not customizable, the information is provided to give insight to the user's experience, and what
the user can expect, as they work through OOBE.
The following screens are described below:
Cloud service pages
Connect users to the network
Create security questions for this account (new in Windows 10, version 1803)
Set up Office

Cloud service pages

Some pages displayed during OOBE are delivered via cloud service, as opposed to being delivered as part of a
Windows release. Cloud service pages can be rolled out to users, or groups of users, at any time. Page content can
also be modified or adapted based on user input. Using cloud service for OOBE pages enables Microsoft to offer
targeted, relevant content to users quickly, rather than waiting for the next Windows release.
When testing OOBE, keep in mind that you may not see cloud service pages during the flow.

Connect users to the network

During the OOBE flow, the customer will see the Let’s connect you to a network screen. This screen appears
just prior to the EULA screen during OOBE. Let’s connect you to a network shows any connection options
available to the user, including in-range Wi-Fi and Cellular data networks.
Connect to Cellular and/or Wi-Fi networks
If the device is LTE -enabled and an active SIM card is inserted, Windows will connect to the Cellular data network
automatically. This enables the user to go through OOBE and successfully setup their device if a local Wi-Fi
connection is not available. The user will see they are Connected to the Cellular data network when they reach the
Let’s connect you to a network screen in OOBE. Available Wi-Fi connections will also be shown on the screen,
and the user can choose to connect to Wi-Fi if desired.
If the device is LTE -enabled, but no SIM card is present, Cellular data will appear as a connection option along with
any available Wi-Fi networks. The user must insert a SIM card before they can connect to the Cellular network.
A user can choose to connect to both a Wi-Fi and Cellular network at the same time. In this case, Wi-Fi will be
used throughout OOBE and no data traffic is transmitted via the Cellular network (metered connection). Windows
will always use the Wi-Fi connection if it is available. Cellular will only be used if the user is out of range of their
Wi-Fi network, or chooses to disconnect from Wi-Fi.
Windows has logic in place to protect the user from draining their data during OOBE if they are on a metered
connection (either metered Cellular or metered Wi-Fi). For example, if a user is on a metered network, only critical
updates (for example, critical driver updates and zero-day patch (ZDP ) Windows updates) are allowed on the
For more information on the cellular settings for Windows 10 users, see Cellular settings in Windows 10.
Download critical updates after connecting
Immediately after the user connects to a network, critical driver updates, and Windows ZDP updates, will begin
downloading to the device. Only critical updates that are required for the device to function, such as security fixes,
will download during this time. As such, the user can't opt out of downloading them. Windows will alert the user
that the device is checking for, and applying, the updates:
The time required to download the updates depends on the size of the download and the user's network
conditions. Their device may restart automatically during the download.
If a newer version of Windows has become available since the device was shipped, the user will be asked if they
would like to download this non-critical Windows Update at the end of OOBE. For more information, see
Windows updates during OOBE.

Create security questions for this account

During the OOBE flow, users are prompted to either create or sign in with a local account, or a Microsoft account
(MSA). In Windows 10, version 1803, Windows introduces password recovery security questions to accompany
the local account registration process in OOBE. If a user is unable to remember the password required to login to
the local account, they can instead correctly answer their 3 security questions, and Windows will allow them to
reset the password and login to the device.
This is a change from previous versions of Windows, where a user was only able to create a password hint to
accompany their local account. Previously, if a user couldn’t remember their local account password based on the
hint, they were required to contact Microsoft support for a device reset.
The Create security questions for this account screen will appear after the user creates a local account (name
and password) for the device during OOBE.
The list of security questions the user can choose from is generated by Microsoft.
Users can create and update the security questions associated with their local account after OOBE, from the
Settings app.

The option to create security questions from the Settings app is also available to users who upgrade to Windows
10, version 1803 from a previous version of Windows, and to any new local account created for a device running
Windows 10, version 1803.

Set up Office
Users will see the Set up Office screens in OOBE if they are connected to a network, and have provided their
Microsoft account (MSA) information. Content on the page will vary depending on the user’s account type, and
the version of Office pre-installed to the device. The Set up Office screens, including the payment information
screen, are cloud service pages.
Office 365 subscribers
If Office 365 (Office Desktop Bridge) is pre-installed to the device, and the user's MSA is already associated with
an Office 365 subscription, they will see the following Set up Office 365 screen:
The screen reminds the user of their existing subscription, and asks if they would like to have their Office apps
ready by the time OOBE is complete.
Office 365 free trial
If Office 365 (Office Desktop Bridge) is pre-installed to the device, and the user's MSA is eligible for a free trial,
they will see the following Set up Office 365 trial screen:

The user can choose to begin the trial by clicking Yes, or can opt-out of the trial by clicking No.
Add credit card information
In Windows 10, version 1803, if a user opts-in to the free trial, they are prompted to enter the credit card to charge
when the free trial expires.

If a user is eligible for a free trial of Office 365, and they already have a credit card on file for their Microsoft
account, they will not be prompted to Add your credit card during OOBE. Instead, they will be asked to confirm
that the credit card on file should be charged when the free trial expires.
Collecting this payment information during OOBE enables customers to seamlessly auto-renew Office 365 after
the free trial, with no disruption to their service. The credit card will be saved to the user’s MSA, so it can be used
for future purchases.
A credit card is now required to start a free trial of Office 365. If the user does not provide their payment
information during OOBE, they will not be able to start a free trial at that time. The customer can start a free trial
of Office 365 later but will still be required to enter their payment information.
Office 2016
If Office 2016 (Activation For Office (AFO ) Perpetual) is pre-installed to the device, users will see the following Set
up Office screen:
The screen informs the user that Office 2016 is included with their device, and asks if they would like to have their
Office apps ready by the time OOBE is complete.
Windows updates during OOBE
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Critical driver updates, and critical Windows zero-day patch (ZDP ) updates, will begin downloading automatically
during OOBE after the user has connected to a network. The user can't opt-out of these critical updates as they are
required for the device to operate properly. Windows will alert the user that the device is checking for, and
applying, the updates:

A user can also opt-in to Get the latest from Windows during OOBE, if a newer version of Windows is available
than the version that shipped with the device. Version updates are considered non-critical, as the device will still
continue to perform well after OOBE if the user does not download the update. In Windows 10, version 1803, the
Get the latest from Windows screen is displayed right after the Let's connect you to a network screen in
OOBE. This is a change from previous versions of Windows, where this screen had a different title and was
displayed at the end of OOBE.
Users will only see this screen in OOBE if there is a newer version of Windows available than the version that shipped with
the device. For example, the screen above will be displayed on devices shipped with Windows, version 1803, but only after
the next version of Windows is available.

This screen informs the user of the size of the update. The size of the update, and the user's network conditions,
will determine the download time.
The user has the option to click Get it or Skip for now. In either case, the user's selection will not disrupt their
progression through OOBE. Clicking either Get it or Skip for now will cause the user to move to the next screen
in OOBE.
If the user clicks Get it, the Windows update will begin downloading as soon as the user has completed OOBE
and reached their desktop. It will not begin downloading during OOBE. The user will see a toast message letting
them know that the download is taking place, and they will be prompted to restart the device when Windows is
ready to install the update. They can continue to use their device while the latest version of Windows is
downloading, although performance may be impacted.
If the user selects Skip for now, the Windows update will not download after the user has completed OOBE and
reached their desktop. The user can choose to download the update at a time of their choosing from the Settings
app in Windows.
OEM HID pairing
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

You can provide clear and precise Human Interface Device (HID ) pairing instructions within OOBE to enable
customers who buy new PCs running Windows 10 with an unpaired wireless mouse and keyboard to finish their
PC setup. For this feature to work, the mouse and/or keyboard must be included with the PC, and the PC must not
have any other mice or keyboards attached or connected to it. For example, laptops are not qualified for this
The following conditions should be met to correctly display HID pairing screens during OOBE:
The PC must have Bluetooth capability and Bluetooth must be turned on.
The Bluetooth radio must be certified for Windows 10.
For the keyboard pairing page to appear, you must ensure that no wired keyboard is connected to the PC.
For the mouse pairing page to appear, you must ensure that no wired mouse is connected to the PC.
Oobe.xml settings in the <hidsetup> section should be provided for the corresponding pairing pages.

We recommend that OEMs include Bluetooth radios with HEM to provide a working end-to-end scenario, because
there is no Bluetooth support in the BIOS before Windows loads. The radio looks like a USB mouse and keyboard
to the PC and takes over the Bluetooth communication to the mouse and keyboard. This lets the devices work
outside of Windows and allows customers to use their paired Bluetooth mouse and keyboard during BIOS.

The OOBE.xml file that has HID pairing instructions must be used only for PCs that use the OOBE HID pairing feature. For
PCs that don't use the OOBE HID pairing feature, a different OOBE.xml file that doesn’t contain the HID pairing instructions
must be used. Otherwise, there’s a risk that users might go through the HID pairing experience even if they don't need to or
can’t use this feature.

Configure OOBE.xml
On PCs that ship with an unpaired wireless mouse and keyboard, the HID pairing screens are shown to the
customer during the first experience, which is before language selection or any other screen that requires user
input in OOBE. You can also choose to include written instructions, however, if you do this you must include those
instructions in every language that ships with the PC.
To provide a thorough, reliable, and satisfactory HID pairing experience, OEMs who ship these systems must
include the following Oobe.xml settings:


<mouseImagePath> The path to a mouse pairing instruction image. The three

steps customers typically perform are inserting batteries into
the mouse, turning on the power, and turning on Bluetooth.

<mouseErrorImagePath> The path to a mouse pairing error image. If the customer can't
pair the mouse in three tries, this error screen appears.

<keyboardImagePath> The path to a keyboard pairing instruction image. The first

three steps customers typically perform are inserting batteries
into the keyboard, turning on power, and turning on
Bluetooth. You can include these steps in the first image.
Usually the second set of steps customers need to perform
are entering a password or code and pressing Enter.

<keyboardPINImagePath> The path to a keyboard pairing instruction image.

<keyboardErrorImagePath> The path to a keyboard pairing error image. If the customer

can't pair the keyboard in five tries, this error screen appears.
This should tell the customer to connect a wired keyboard.

<mouseText> Help text that displays at the bottom of the page.

<mouseErrorText> Error that displays to users along with mouse pairing error

<keyboardErrorText> Error that displays to users along with keyboard pairing error

<keyboardText> Specifies the text to prompt the user to pair the keyboard.

<keyboardPINText> Specifies the prompt text for the user to enter a pin for the

Any text in the Oobe.xml file or files — for example, any text in the <mouseText> setting — is the text read by the
Narrator, so make sure the text is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Cortana shares duties with Narrator, so
that Cortana speaks the UI display text and Narrator speaks the instructional text.
For more information on these settings, see Oobe.xml settings

Guidelines for images

We recommend that you use photorealistic images of the HID devices that ship with the system. This will help
customers realize that the instructions you provide apply to the hardware they have just purchased. The illustration
examples we've provided are generic. We do not use photorealistic images so our documentation does not appear
to apply to any one device or hardware partner.
Generic images decrease confidence and increase confusion for customers, who want images on the screen to
match the devices they're trying to use. Also, include visual instructions for the actions customers must take to pair
their new hardware. For example, if the first step is to insert batteries into the device, include an image of batteries
near the device.

Images must not be larger than 630 x 372 pixels. Images are scaled to fit in portrait mode or on small form factors.

These illustrations are examples of how HID pairing instructions might look:
Example 1: Image for mouse pairing
Example 2: Image for keyboard pairing

XML example
<mouseText>Set up your Fabrikam mouse. Insert batteries, turn on, and press the Bluetooth button.
<mouseErrorText>An error has occurred. Please contact Fabrikam.</mouseErrorText>
<keyboardText>Set up your Fabrikam keyboard. Insert batteries, turn on, and press the Bluetooth button.
<keyboardPINText>Enter PIN and press the Enter key.</keyboardPINText>
<keyboardErrorText>An error has occurred. Please contact Fabrikam.</keyboardErrorText>
OEM license terms
1/18/2019 • 11 minutes to read

You can add your OEM license terms to the License Terms screen in the first-run experience. These terms will
appear next to the Windows License Terms.
To add your license terms:
1. Create a version of your End User License Agreement (EULA) in RTF (.rtf).
2. Create a version of your EULA in HTML (.html). Files with an .htm extension are ignored. All HTML files in
OOBE must use UTF -8 encoding. See HTML EULA example for an example.
3. The names of your EULA files should be identical, except for the extension (.rtf and .html).
4. Place both versions of your EULA in the Windows\System32\Oobe\Info directory, or in subdirectories that you
create per the country or region and languages of the image you're shipping. For more information on how to
configure subdirectories for multi-language and region deployments, see How OOBE.xml works.
5. In your Oobe.xml file, set the <eulafilename> value to the absolute path of your RTF EULA. You do not need to
include the path to the HTML EULA in Oobe.xml. The system will correctly handle both files as long as they
have the same name and are stored in the same location. See Oobe.xml Settings for more information on this

Do not add links to your EULA, as the user should not navigate away from the license terms.

You must include a version of the EULA in each language that you preinstall onto the PC. If you don't include
terms for a specific language, an English (EN ) version of the license terms displays. The terms must be specific to
each language, but they don't need to be specific to each country or region that uses the language. Although the
acceptance of the terms isn't recorded, customers can’t proceed unless they accept them.

HTML EULA example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<style type="text/css">
[dir='rtl'] dir {
padding-right: 12px; }

[dir='ltr'] dir {
padding-left: 12px; }

[dir='ltr'] [align=right] {
text-align: right; }

[dir='ltr'] [align=left] {
text-align: left; }

[dir='rtl'] [align=right] {
text-align: left; }

[dir='rtl'] [align=left] {
[dir='rtl'] [align=left] {
text-align: right; }

[dir='rtl'] body {
padding-left: 12px;

[dir='ltr'] body {

body {
font-family:"Segoe UI", Selawik, Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

body b * {

html {

p {
<B><FONT SIZE=3><P ALIGN="RIGHT">Last updated: </P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<B><P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>


</B> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<B><P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>

<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P></DIR>

<B><P>Installation and Use Rights.</P>


</B> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<B><P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>

<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat; and</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P></DIR>

<B><P>Privacy; Consent to Use of Data.</B> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</P>
<B><P>Updates.</B> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</P>
<B><P>Geographic and Export Restrictions.</B> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</P>
<B><P>Support.</B>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>

<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<B><P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Arbitration fees and payments.</P>

<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P></DIR>

<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat..</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P></DIR>

<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<B><P></B> <B>Additional Notices.</P>

<P>Networks, data and Internet usage.

</B> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat.</P>
commodo consequat.</P>
<P><B>Malware protection.</B> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</P></DIR>

<B><P>DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY.</B>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. </P>
<B><P>Limitation on and Exclusion of Remedies and Damages.</B>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. <B>Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim
ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</B> Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
<P>Entire Agreement.</B> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</P>

<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex
ea commodo consequat.</P>
<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex
ea commodo consequat.</P>
<P>ALorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex
ea commodo consequat.</P>
OEM registration pages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You can customize OEM registration pages to gather customer information, and introduce offers, during OOBE. If
you choose to implement the optional registration pages, we recommend that you use them to provide
information and opportunities that benefit your customers. The Windows 10 OOBE is designed to maximize
customer engagement by creating pages that focus on one thing at a time. As a result, OEM registration fields are
divided between two separate pages.
Here is an example of the two OEM registration pages:

The OEM registration pages work with a Microsoft Account (MSA) to help customers enter in their information
only once during OOBE. Microsoft prompts customers to sign up for an MSA or sign into an existing MSA during
OOBE. When a customer does this, their first name, last name, and email address for the MSA, if provided, will be
pre-filled in on registration page one. The customer can change their information before clicking Next if desired.
If the customer has not used an MSA, the fields on the OEM registration pages will be empty, and the customer
can fill them in if and as desired.
The OEM registration pages are the last screens in the OOBE flow, after the user goes through all other steps in
The customer information submitted through the registration pages will be stored in the
%systemroot%\System32\Oobe\Info\ folder, and will be encrypted using a public key that you place into the Windows
image. Collect the encrypted data using a Microsoft Store app designated as your OEM App, or write a service that
does this, and upload the data to your server. Decrypt the data using the corresponding private key once it's on
your server.

In this section
The following topics describe how to add your registration pages to OOBE.


Design your registration pages Guidance on customizing the registration page fields and
HTML flyout pages.

Configure OOBE.xml The elements of Oobe.xml are used to customize your

registration pages. Create a custom Oobe.xml file or files as
determined by the languages and regions where you ship
your company's PCs. You can use multiple Oobe.xml files for
language- and region-specific terms and settings so users see
the correct language as soon as they start their PCs.

Protect and collect user data To protect customer privacy, Windows encrypts the customer
data that's created via the Registration pages using a public
key that you generate and store in the Windows image.
Create an OEM App or write a service that collects the
encrypted data and uploads it to your server using SSL. You
can then decrypt the data using the corresponding private
Design your registration pages
1/18/2019 • 8 minutes to read

The OEM registration pages present many customization opportunities. This topic describes all elements on each
of the two OEM registration pages, indicating the customization options for each element. This topic also provides
style guidance and code samples you can use to design your HTML flyout pages.
The layout of both OEM registration pages are locked, so the page elements themselves can't be rearranged.

A minimum amount of information is required for the registration pages to display. You must provide a page title, a page
subtitle, the customerinfo element, at least one additional checkbox or one link, and a public key for public/private key

OEM registration page one

The first OEM registration page includes the elements below, some of which you can customize.

Page title. Create a title that makes sense for your use of the page. This title also appears on registration page
Page subtitle. Add a subtitle to help customers understand the tasks on the page or in some other way guide
them to complete the form. This subtitle also appears on registration page two. The page title and subtitle can
be customized using the registration element of Oobe.xml.
Customer information fields. These fields are not customizable. Customer information consists of four input
fields: First Name, Last Name, Region, and Email. If the Email field is filled in, it will be validated as well-formed
prior to allowing the customer to proceed. The Country/Region input field is a drop-down list. The associated
value of each country/region is its associated two-letter country/region code based on ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2.
One link. Customize the title, and path to, an HTML file using the link1 element of Oobe.xml. When using
this link to surface a privacy policy, ensure the policy is current.
Skip button. The Skip button is visible by default, but you can configure the hideSkip element of Oobe.xml to
hide it. No registration data of any kind is provided if the customer chooses Skip. The button text is not
Next button. The Next button moves the customer forward in OOBE. This button is not customizable.
Pre -populated customer information
When a user signs in to or signs up for an MSA in OOBE, they provide some of the customer information
requested on the OEM Registration pages. To streamline the setup process for users, Windows pre-populates
some of the customer information fields on OEM registration page one, if the customer used an MSA earlier in
Depending on the SKU a user may choose to setup different account choices which will impact whether the
account information is pre-filled.


Microsoft account sign up First name, last name, email

Microsoft account sign in First name, last name, email

Azure AD account sign in Nothing pre-filled

Local account creation Nothing pre-filled

OEM registration page two

The second OEM registration page includes the elements below, some of which you can customize.

Page title. Create a title that makes sense for your use of the page. This title also appears on registration page
Page subtitle. Add a subtitle to help customers understand the tasks on the page or in some other way guide
them to complete the form. This subtitle also appears on registration page one. The page title and subtitle can
be customized using the registration element of Oobe.xml.
Four checkboxes. Up to four checkboxes with labels can be displayed on registration page two. You can set the
descriptive labels for the checkboxes, and their default states, using the customerinfo , checkbox1 , checkbox2 ,
and checkbox3 elements of Oobe.xml.
Two links. Up to two links can be displayed beneath the checkboxes. You can specify the link labels and file
paths using the link2 and link3 elements of Oobe.xml. Any text you associate with these links must be in
HTML files stored locally in the %systemroot%\system32\Oobe\Info directory.
Next button. The Next button moves the customer forward in OOBE. This button is not customizable.

You can't skip showing a link on registration page one by providing only link2 and link3 elements in Oobe.xml. A
missing link1 will cause the link2 element to appear on the first registration page instead of the second.

Design HTML files for your links

When a customer clicks any link you've added to the registration pages, this opens an HTML file stored in the
%systemroot%\system32\Oobe\Info folder on the device. Microsoft provides a full HTML sample below that defines
the background color, font color, font sizing, font weight, padding, margins, and headers (among other elements)
for your HTML files. We strongly encourage you to use this sample with little to no alteration of the design
Windows OOBE has a dark blue background with light text. End User License Agreement (EULA) content uses a
dark blue background and light text. Fly-out content uses a dark background with light text. To align with the
design of Windows OOBE, and to create a consistent user experience, use the markup and style conventions laid
out in the HTML example below when creating your HTML files.

Inline CSS styling is required so that the iFrame host elements render correctly in the registration pages.

Text and background colors are defined in the CSS code example.
Background color: #2b2b2b
Font color: #FFF
Please use these colors to ensure a consistent user experience throughout OOBE.
The standard font used throughout OOBE is Segoe UI. Please use the Segoe UI Webfont for your HTML
documents to ensure the font matches the rest of OOBE.
Sizes and spacing
Use two different styles for headers and body content.
Headers: should be rendered using the <h4> tag.
Body text: should be rendered using the <p> tag.
Bold text: should be rendered using the <b> tag.
Hierarchy of information: indented sections or groups of bulleted items can be displayed with the <DIR> tag,
required for EULA content template, optional for Flyouts.
We require that the files for the in-place links are HTML. These files are rendered in a flyout. Documents in the
flyout are sandboxed, such that links to external and online resources will not function.
The following tags are prohibited and should not be included in your files:

CSS code example

Please use the following inline CSS in the head of your HTML documents.

<style type="text/css">
[dir='rtl'] dir {
padding: 0 12px;

[dir='ltr'] dir {
padding: 0 12px;

[dir='ltr'] [align=right] {
text-align: right;

[dir='ltr'] [align=left] {
text-align: left;

[dir='rtl'] [align=right] {
text-align: left;

[dir='rtl'] [align=left] {
text-align: right;

[dir='rtl'] body {
padding: 0 12px;

[dir='ltr'] body {
padding: 0 12px;

body {
-ms-overflow-style: scrollbar;
background: #2b2b2b;
color: #FFF;
font-family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe UI Webfont", "Ebrima", "Nirmala UI", "Gadugi", "Segoe Xbox
Symbol", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Meiryo UI", "Khmer UI", "Tunga", "Lao UI", "Raavi", "Iskoola Pota", "Latha",
"Leelawadee", "Microsoft YaHei UI", "Microsoft JhengHei UI", "Malgun Gothic", "Estrangelo Edessa", "Microsoft
Himalaya", "Microsoft New Tai Lue", "Microsoft PhagsPa", "Microsoft Tai Le", "Microsoft Yi Baiti", "Mongolian
Baiti", "MV Boli", "Myanmar Text", "Cambria Math", Selawik, Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: .9375rem;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1.25rem;
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
overflow: auto;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-top: 0;
padding-top: 0;

body b * {
font-weight: 700;

html {
font-size: 100%;

p {
font-size: .9375rem;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1.25rem;
max-width: 100%;
padding-bottom: .0141875rem;
padding-top: .0141875rem;

h4 {
font-size: 1.25rem;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
padding-top: 12px;
margin: 0;

Full HTML example

Here is a full example of an HTML flyout for OEM registration pages. Please use this sample as a baseline for your
HTML flyout pages, with little to no alteration of the design elements.

> <!DOCTYPE html>

<html dir="ltr">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<style type="text/css">
[dir='rtl'] dir {
padding: 0 12px;

[dir='ltr'] dir {
padding: 0 12px;

[dir='ltr'] [align=right] {
text-align: right;

[dir='ltr'] [align=left] {
text-align: left;

[dir='rtl'] [align=right] {
text-align: left;

[dir='rtl'] [align=left] {
text-align: right;
[dir='rtl'] body {
padding: 0 12px;

[dir='ltr'] body {
padding: 0 12px;

body {
-ms-overflow-style: scrollbar;
background: #2b2b2b;
color: #FFF;
font-family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe UI Webfont", "Ebrima", "Nirmala UI", "Gadugi", "Segoe Xbox
Symbol", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Meiryo UI", "Khmer UI", "Tunga", "Lao UI", "Raavi", "Iskoola Pota", "Latha",
"Leelawadee", "Microsoft YaHei UI", "Microsoft JhengHei UI", "Malgun Gothic", "Estrangelo Edessa", "Microsoft
Himalaya", "Microsoft New Tai Lue", "Microsoft PhagsPa", "Microsoft Tai Le", "Microsoft Yi Baiti", "Mongolian
Baiti", "MV Boli", "Myanmar Text", "Cambria Math", Selawik, Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: .9375rem;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1.25rem;
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
overflow: auto;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-top: 0;

body b * {
font-weight: 700;

html {
font-size: 100%;

p {
font-size: .9375rem;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1.25rem;
max-width: 100%;
padding-bottom: .0141875rem;
padding-top: .0141875rem;

h4 {
font-size: 1.25rem;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
padding-top: 12px;
margin: 0;
<H4>Learn more about the sample</H4>
<P>Quisque efficitur lorem nec mauris semper consequat. Aliquam sollicitudin rhoncus sollicitudin. Integer
ligula mauris, euismod ac lacus et, cursus pulvinar mauris. Aliquam sollicitudin blandit vehicula. Morbi ac
arcu vitae mi placerat facilisis eu sed enim. Ut ornare aliquet tincidunt. Maecenas posuere et nisi in tempor.
<B><P>Donec malesuada bibendum nibh, in semper nunc efficitur sit amet. Vestibulum vehicula hendrerit elit et

<P>1.&#9;Pellentesque mollis cursus ultrices.</P>


<P>a.&#9;Vivamus ut suscipit arcu.

</B> Donec viverra tortor lacus, eu aliquam dolor auctor quis. Praesent eget tincidunt metus, non pellentesque
metus. </P>
<B><P>b.&#9;Nulla tincidunt urna et tortor gravida, id dictum ligula lacinia.</B> Vivamus libero mauris,
fermentum et pharetra id, ultricies quis urna.</P>

<P>(i)&#9;Suspendisse porta vestibulum risus, et molestie est egestas ut.</P>

<P>(ii)&#9; Nullam feugiat, odio vel convallis fringilla, libero nibh volutpat metus, a ultrices justo est
id nisl.</P>
<P>(iii)&#9;Nunc vulputate turpis at eleifend malesuada.</P>
<P>(iv)&#9;Cras maximus mi porta arcu vehicula elementum.</P></DIR>

<B><P>2.&#9;Nullam ullamcorper placerat finibus.</B> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Donec vitae tincidunt quam, viverra vehicula urna. Sed sit amet volutpat ex, id egestas odio.
Aliquam at urna mollis, commodo ex sit amet, auctor erat. Proin elit neque, pretium ut lorem eget, cursus
condimentum ante. Quisque placerat tempor nunc, a pulvinar augue interdum sit amet. Sed eget sem quis tellus
rutrum rhoncus. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum sem ipsum, volutpat ac condimentum ut, porttitor ac nulla.
Quisque rhoncus sapien eu dolor posuere, ac auctor mi dapibus. Aenean egestas mauris sed tellus dapibus, sed
sagittis velit volutpat:</P>

<P>·&#9;Sed mattis varius libero.</P>

<P>·&#9;Maecenas eget ultrices risus.</P>
<P>·&#9;Maecenas venenatis tellus id euismod venenatis.</P>
Configure OOBE.xml
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

To include your registration pages in OOBE, you must configure the appropriate settings of your OOBE.xml file.
A minimum amount of information is required for the registration pages to display. You must provide a page
title , a page subtitle , the customerinfo element, at least one additional checkbox or one link, and a public
key for public/private key encryption.
The following table shows the Oobe.xml elements that correspond to customizable fields on the OEM
registration pages:



<registration> Optional. Additional details

are below.


<title> Required if registration String of up to 25

element is used. Text to title characters.
the registration pages.

<subtitle> Required if registration

element is used. Text to
describe the registration


<label> Text to label the top String of up to 250

checkbox on registration characters. We strongly
page two. Required to recommend that you use no
display the customer more than 100 characters
information fields on because this length of text
registration page one. will fit on one line.
Required to display
registration pages in OOBE.

<defaultvalue> Value to set the True or False. True means

customerinfo checkbox to the check box default
selected or not selected. condition is selected. False
means the check box default
condition isn't selected.
Default is False.


<label> Text to label the second String of up to 250

checkbox on registration characters. We strongly
page two. Required for recommend that you use no
checkbox1 to appear on more than 100 characters
registration page two. because this length of text
will fit on one line.

<defaultvalue> Value to set checkbox1 as True or False. True means

selected or not selected. the check box default
condition is selected. False
means the check box default
condition isn't selected.
Default is False.


<label> Text to label the third String of up to 250

checkbox on registration characters. We strongly
page two. Required for recommend that you use no
checkbox2 to appear on more than 100 characters
registration page two. because this length of text
will fit on one line.

<defaultvalue> Value to set checkbox2 as True or False. True means

selected or not selected. the check box default
condition is selected. False
means the check box default
condition isn't selected.
Default is False.


<label> Text to label the fourth String of up to 250

checkbox on registration characters. We strongly
page two. Required for recommend that you use no
checkbox3 to appear on more than 100 characters
registration page two. because this length of text
will fit on one line.

<defaultvalue> Value to set checkbox3 as True or False. True means

selected or not selected. the check box default
condition is selected. False
means the check box default
condition isn't selected.
Default is False.


<label> Label for the link on String of up to 100

registration page one. characters.
Required for link1 to appear
on registration page one,
underneath the four
customer information fields.

<link> File must be named linkfile1.html

linkfile1.html. OOBE
searches for these files
under the
obe\Info folder. OOBE
searches for files under the
appropriate locale and
language specific subfolders
of Oobe\Info. Use the HTML
sample we provide as a
baseline when designing
your HTML pages.


<label> Label for the top link on String of up to 100

registration page two. characters.
Required for link2 to appear
on registration page two.

<link> File must be named linkfile2.html

linkfile2.html. OOBE
searches for these files
under the
obe\Info folder. OOBE
searches for files under the
appropriate locale and
language specific subfolders
of Oobe\Info. Use the HTML
sample we provide as a
baseline when designing
your HTML pages.


<label> Label for the second link on String of up to 100

registration page two. characters.
Required for link3 to appear
on registration page two.

<link> File must be named linkfile3.html

linkfile3.html. OOBE
searches for these files
under the
obe\Info folder. OOBE
searches for files under the
appropriate locale and
language specific subfolders
of Oobe\Info. Use the HTML
sample we provide as a
baseline when designing
your HTML pages.

<hideSkip> Optional. Controls whether True or False. True means

or not the Skip button is the skip button is not visible
displayed to the user on to the user. False means the
registration page one. skip button is displayed as
an option to the user.
Default is False, resulting in
the skip button being

If you only include one link element in your Oobe.xml file, it will appear on registration page one underneath the
customer information fields, regardless of which link element was used. Similarly, if you only include two link elements
in your Oobe.xml file, the first will appear on registration page one, and the second will appear as the top link on
registration page two.
For example, if you omit link1 and link2 from Oobe.xml, and only include link3 , link3 will appear underneath the
customer information fields on registration page one. If you omit only link1 , link2 will appear on registration page
one, and link3 will appear as the top link on registration page two.

For more information on these settings, and the others you can configure, please see Oobe.xml Settings.

XML example
<title>Register your PC</title>
<subtitle>This page will help Fabrikam know about you.</subtitle>
<label>Let Fabrikam contact you</label>
<label>Use Contoso Antimalware to help protect your PC</label>
<label>Let Fabrikam send you offers</label>
<label>This is checkbox3, and its default state is unselected</label>
<label>Fabrikam privacy statement</label>
<label>Learn more about Contoso Antimalware</label>
<label>Learn more about Fabrikam offers</label>

Here are the OEM registration pages that will appear as a result of the XML example above:
Protect and collect user data
1/18/2019 • 9 minutes to read

If a customer enters information into the OEM registration pages, the following files are created when they
complete OOBE:
Userdata.blob. An encrypted XML file that contains all the values in all user-configurable elements on the
registration pages, including customer information fields and checkbox states.
SessionKey.blob. Generated during encryption of Userdata.blob. Contains a session key needed for the
decryption process.
Userchoices.xml. An un-encrypted XML file that contains the checkbox labels and values for all checkboxes
included on the registration pages.

If a customer clicks Skip on the first registration page, no data is written or stored to these files, not even the checkbox
default states.

The timestamp of the user's out of box experience is also added to the Windows registry under this key:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OOBE\Stats [EndTimeStamp]

This registry value is created regardless of whether the registration pages are included in OOBE. The timestamp is
written in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) format; specifically, it is a SYSTEMTIME value written as a serialized
blob of data to the registry.
In order for you to access and use the customer information, take the following steps:
1. Generate a public/private key pair, and place the public key in the %systemroot%\system32\Oobe\Info folder of the
2. Collect the encrypted customer data using an app or a service that runs roughly 30 minutes after the first logon
3. Send the data to your server for decryption using SSL. You can then decrypt the session key to decrypt the
customer data.

Generate a public/private key pair

To protect customer data, you must generate a public/private key pair, and the public key must be placed in the
%systemroot%\system32\Oobe\Info folder. If you’re deploying images to multiple regions or in multiple languages,
you should put the public key directly under region and language-specific subdirectories, following the same rules
as you would for region or language-specific Oobe.xml files as described in How Oobe.xml works.

You must never place the private key on the customer's PC. Instead, it should be stored securely on your servers so the data
can be decrypted after it's uploaded. If a customer clicks Next on the Registration pages, Windows uses the public key to
create Sessionkey.blob in the %systemroot%\system32\Oobe\Info folder. Your service or Microsoft Store app should upload
the data to your server by using SSL. You then need to decrypt the session key to decrypt the customer data.

If there’s no public key in the %systemroot%\system32\Oobe\Info folder, the registration pages aren’t shown.
Generate public and private keys
Make this sequence of calls to generate the public and private keys.
1. Acquire crypt context using the CryptAcquireContext API. Provide these values:
pszProvideris MS_ENH_RSA_AES_PROV
dwProvType is PROV_RSA_AES

2. Generate RSA crypt key using the CryptGenKey API. Provide these values:
3. Serialize the public key portion of the crypt key from Step 2 using the CryptExportKey API. Provide this
4. Write the serialized public key bytes from Step 3 to file Pubkey.blob using the standard Windows File
Management functions.
5. Serialize the private key portion of the crypt key from Step 2 using the CryptExportKey API. Provide this
6. Write the serialized private key bytes from step 5 to file Prvkey.blob using the standard Windows File API.
Code snippet
This code snippet shows how to generate the keys:

HRESULT CryptExportKeyHelper(_In_ HCRYPTKEY hKey, _In_opt_ HCRYPTKEY hExpKey, DWORD dwBlobType,

_Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(*pcbBlob) BYTE **ppbBlob, _Out_ DWORD *pcbBlob);

HRESULT WriteByteArrayToFile(_In_ PCWSTR pszPath, _In_reads_bytes_(cbData) BYTE const *pbData, DWORD cbData);

// This method generates an OEM public and private key pair and writes it to Pubkey.blob and Prvkey.blob
HRESULT GenerateKeysToFiles()
// Acquire crypt provider. Use provider MS_ENH_RSA_AES_PROV and provider type PROV_RSA_AES to decrypt the
blob from OOBE.
HRESULT hr = CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, L"OEMDecryptContainer", MS_ENH_RSA_AES_PROV,
if (hr == NTE_EXISTS)
hr = CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, L"OEMDecryptContainer", MS_ENH_RSA_AES_PROV,
PROV_RSA_AES, 0) ? S_OK : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());

if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Call CryptGenKey to generate the OEM public and private key pair. OOBE expects the algorithm to be
hr = CryptGenKey(hProv, CALG_RSA_KEYX, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &hKey) ? S_OK :
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Call CryptExportKeyHelper to serialize the public key into bytes.
BYTE *pbPubBlob;
DWORD cbPubBlob;
hr = CryptExportKeyHelper(hKey, NULL, PUBLICKEYBLOB, &pbPubBlob, &cbPubBlob);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Call CryptExportKey again to serialize the private key into bytes.
BYTE *pbPrvBlob;
DWORD cbPrvBlob;
hr = CryptExportKeyHelper(hKey, NULL, PRIVATEKEYBLOB, &pbPrvBlob, &cbPrvBlob);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Now write the public key bytes into the file pubkey.blob
hr = WriteByteArrayToFile(L"pubkey.blob", pbPubBlob, cbPubBlob);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// And write the private key bytes into the file Prvkey.blob
hr = WriteByteArrayToFile(L"prvkey.blob", pbPrvBlob, cbPrvBlob);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbPrvBlob);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbPubBlob);
CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
return hr;

HRESULT CryptExportKeyHelper(_In_ HCRYPTKEY hKey, _In_opt_ HCRYPTKEY hExpKey, DWORD dwBlobType,

_Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(*pcbBlob) BYTE **ppbBlob, _Out_ DWORD *pcbBlob)
*ppbBlob = nullptr;
*pcbBlob = 0;

// Call CryptExportKey the first time to determine the size of the serialized key.
DWORD cbBlob = 0;
HRESULT hr = CryptExportKey(hKey, hExpKey, dwBlobType, 0, nullptr, &cbBlob) ? S_OK :
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Allocate a buffer to hold the serialized key.
BYTE *pbBlob = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(CoTaskMemAlloc(cbBlob));
hr = (pbBlob != nullptr) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Now export the key to the buffer.
hr = CryptExportKey(hKey, hExpKey, dwBlobType, 0, pbBlob, &cbBlob) ? S_OK :
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
*ppbBlob = pbBlob;
*pcbBlob = cbBlob;
pbBlob = nullptr;
return hr;

HRESULT WriteByteArrayToFile(_In_ PCWSTR pszPath, _In_reads_bytes_(cbData) BYTE const *pbData, DWORD cbData)
bool fDeleteFile = false;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
DWORD cbWritten;
hr = WriteFile(hFile, pbData, cbData, &cbWritten, nullptr) ? S_OK :
fDeleteFile = FAILED(hr);

if (fDeleteFile)
return hr;

Collect encrypted customer data

Create and preinstall a Microsoft Store app, or write a service to run after first sign-in, to:
1. Collect the encrypted customer data, including the user name from the Windows.System.User namespace, as
well as the local time stamp of first sign-in.
2. Upload that data set to your server for decryption and use.
To use a Microsoft Store app to collect the data, assign its Application User Model ID (AUMID ) to the Microsoft-
Windows-Shell-Setup | OOBE | OEMAppId Unattend setting. Windows will pass the timestamp, user data, session
key, and checkbox state data to the application data folder for the OEM app, that is associated with the first user to
logon to the device. For example, %localappdata%\packages\[OEM app package family name]\LocalState for that user.
If you create and run a service to upload the data, you should set the service to run at least 30 minutes after the
user gets to the Start screen, and only run the service once. Setting your service to run at this time ensures that
your service won't consume system resources in the background while users are getting their first chance to
explore the Start screen and their apps. The service must gather the data from within the OOBE directory, as well
as the time stamp and user name, as applicable. The service should also determine what actions to take in
response to the user's choices. For example, if the user opted in to an anti-malware app trial, your service should
start the trial rather than rely on the anti-malware app to decide if it should run. Or, as another example, if your
user opted in to emails from your company or partner companies, your service should communicate that info to
whomever handles your marketing emails.
For more info about how to write a service, see Developing Windows Service Applications.

Send data to your server for decryption

Your service or Microsoft Store app should upload the data to your server using SSL. You then need to decrypt the
session key to decrypt the customer data.
Decrypt the data
Make this sequence of calls to decrypt the data:
1. Acquire crypt context by using the CryptAcquireContext API. Provide these values:
pszProvideris MS_ENH_RSA_AES_PROV
dwProvType is PROV_RSA_AES
2. Read the OEM private key file (Prvkey.blob) from disk using the standard Windows File API.
3. Convert the private key bytes into a crypt key using the CryptImportKey API.
4. Read the OOBE -generated session key file (Sessionkey.blob) from disk using the standard Windows File
5. Use the private key from Step 3 to convert the session key bytes into a crypt key, using the CryptImportKey
6. Export key (hPubKey) is the private key imported in Step 3.
7. Read OOBE -written encrypted user data ( Userdata.blob) from disk using the standard Windows File API.
8. Use session key (from Step 5) to decrypt the user data, using CryptDecrypt.
Code snippet
This code snippet shows how to decrypt the data:

HRESULT DecryptHelper(_In_reads_bytes_(cbData) BYTE *pbData, DWORD cbData, _In_ HCRYPTKEY hPrvKey,

_Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(*pcbPlain) BYTE **ppbPlain, _Out_ DWORD *pcbPlain);
HRESULT ReadFileToByteArray(_In_ PCWSTR pszPath, _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(*pcbData) BYTE **ppbData, _Out_
DWORD *pcbData);

// This method uses the specified Userdata.blob (pszDataFilePath), Sessionkey.blob (pszSessionKeyPath), and
Prvkey.blob (pszPrivateKeyPath)
// and writes the plaintext XML user data to Plaindata.xml
HRESULT UseSymmetricKeyFromFileToDecrypt(_In_ PCWSTR pszDataFilePath, _In_ PCWSTR pszSessionKeyPath, _In_
PCWSTR pszPrivateKeyPath)
// Acquire crypt provider. Use provider MS_ENH_RSA_AES_PROV and provider type PROV_RSA_AES to decrypt the
blob from OOBE.
HRESULT hr = CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, L"OEMDecryptContainer", MS_ENH_RSA_AES_PROV, PROV_RSA_AES,
if (hr == NTE_EXISTS)
hr = CryptAcquireContext (&hProv, L"OEMDecryptContainer", MS_ENH_RSA_AES_PROV, PROV_RSA_AES, 0) ? S_OK
: HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());

if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Read in the OEM private key file.
BYTE *pbPrvBlob;
DWORD cbPrvBlob;
hr = ReadFileToByteArray(pszPrivateKeyPath, &pbPrvBlob, &cbPrvBlob);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Convert the private key file bytes into an HCRYPTKEY.
hr = CryptImportKey(hProv, pbPrvBlob, cbPrvBlob, 0, 0, &hKey) ? S_OK :
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Read in the encrypted session key generated by OOBE.
BYTE *pbSymBlob;
DWORD cbSymBlob;
hr = ReadFileToByteArray(pszSessionKeyPath, &pbSymBlob, &cbSymBlob);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Convert the encrypted session key file bytes into an HCRYPTKEY.
// This uses the OEM private key to decrypt the session key file bytes.
hr = CryptImportKey(hProv, pbSymBlob, cbSymBlob, hKey, 0, &hSymKey) ? S_OK :
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Read in the encrypted user data written by OOBE.
BYTE *pbCipher;
DWORD dwCipher;
hr = ReadFileToByteArray(pszDataFilePath, &pbCipher, &dwCipher);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Use the session key to decrypt the encrypted user data.
BYTE *pbPlain;
DWORD dwPlain;
hr = DecryptHelper(pbCipher, dwCipher, hSymKey, &pbPlain, &dwPlain);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = WriteByteArrayToFile(L"plaindata.xml", pbPlain, dwPlain);
hr = WriteByteArrayToFile(L"plaindata.xml", pbPlain, dwPlain);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbPlain);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbCipher);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbSymBlob);
wcout << L"Couldn't find session key file [" << pszSessionKeyPath << L"]" << endl;
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbPrvBlob);
wcout << L"Couldn't find private key file [" << pszPrivateKeyPath << L"]" << endl;
CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
return hr;

HRESULT DecryptHelper(_In_reads_bytes_(cbData) BYTE *pbData, DWORD cbData, _In_ HCRYPTKEY hPrvKey,

_Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(*pcbPlain) BYTE **ppbPlain, _Out_ DWORD *pcbPlain)
BYTE *pbCipher = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cbData));
HRESULT hr = (pbCipher != nullptr) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// CryptDecrypt will write the actual length of the plaintext to cbPlain.
// Any block padding that was added during CryptEncrypt won't be counted in cbPlain.
DWORD cbPlain = cbData;
memcpy(pbCipher, pbData, cbData);
hr = ResultFromWin32Bool(CryptDecrypt(hPrvKey,
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
*ppbPlain = pbCipher;
*pcbPlain = cbPlain;
pbCipher = nullptr;
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbCipher);
} return hr;

HRESULT ReadFileToByteArray(_In_ PCWSTR pszPath, _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(*pcbData) BYTE **ppbData, _Out_

DWORD *pcbData)
*ppbData = nullptr;
*pcbData = 0;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
DWORD cbSize = GetFileSize(hFile, nullptr);
hr = (cbSize != INVALID_FILE_SIZE) ? S_OK : ResultFromKnownLastError();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
BYTE *pbData = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(CoTaskMemAlloc(cbSize));
hr = (pbData != nullptr) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
DWORD cbRead;
hr = ReadFile(hFile, pbData, cbSize, &cbRead, nullptr) ? S_OK :
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
*ppbData = pbData;
*pcbData = cbSize;
pbData = nullptr;
return hr;
Automate OOBE
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You can use Unattend settings to prevent some or all of the user interface (UI) pages from appearing in Windows
To learn more about creating an answer file using Unattend, as well as a full list of Unattend settings available to
you, see the Unattended Windows Setup Reference.


Microsoft-Windows- oobeSystem Specifies the region-specific Windows 10 for desktop

International-Core settings: defaults of the Windows editions (Home, Pro,
InputLocale, SystemLocale, installation. Enterprise, and Education)
UILanguage, and UserLocale. and Windows Server 2016

Microsoft-Windows-Shell- oobeSystem Specifies the user accounts, Windows 10 for desktop

Setup/UserAccounts and passwords, to create on editions and Windows
the Windows installation. Server 2016
The account can be a user
account, a domain account,
or the default administrator

Microsoft-Windows-Shell- oobeSystem Specifies whether certain Windows 10 for desktop

Setup/OOBE settings: OOBE screens will be hidden. editions and Windows
HideEULAPage, Server 2016

Microsoft-Windows-Shell- oobeSystem Specifies whether your Windows 10 for desktop

Setup/OOBE/ProtectYourPC device is configured with editions and Windows
Express settings, such as Server 2016
sending data to Microsoft,
letting Windows and apps
request the user's
localization, and turning on
protection against malicious
web content.

Related topics
Automate Windows Setup
Windows Auto Pilot
Customize the Retail Demo Experience (RDX)
1/25/2019 • 20 minutes to read

Showcase your new devices on the retail sales floor with a rich, engaging experience with the Windows Retail
Demo Experience (RDX).
Attract shoppers with demo videos. We’ve included videos that show off the latest Windows 10 features.
Add your own videos to show off your own unique hardware, apps, and services.
Let shoppers try it out. Shoppers can experience the device first-hand, working with sample data in contacts,
photos, email and messaging apps.
Retail mode works best when demo devices have high-speed Internet access.
Customizable components of RDX:
Attract loop app: a perpetually looping video or images intended to attract customers to the device. The
content is intended to draw the customer in to interact with the device.
Retail Demo app: an app that launches automatically when a customer ends the attract loop by tapping a
keyboard key, clicking the mouse, or touching the screen (if touchscreen) while the Attract loop app plays. The
Retail Demo app educates the customer about the device, Windows, and associated services available with the
purchase of the device. After a period of inactivity, the attract loop begins playing again.
Demo mode content: content the customer can interact with during the demo. This includes pre-loaded
(image) or downloaded app content, documents, music, photos, videos, and Store apps.
Setup and operation of retail demo mode: determine RDX enablement on the device, automatic device
clean-up between customers, and automated removal of RDX content after purchase.
Digital Fact Tag app: an app that launches automatically at the same time as the Retail Demo app. This app
sits on the right side of the screen and displays key information in a perpetual way for the shopper. The app
cannot be closed by the shopper, nor do apps display above or behind the app.

RDX 3.0
RDX 3.0 is included in Windows 10, version 1809. For Windows 10, version 1803, you can preload RDX 2.0, and
once the device is connected, it will upgrade to RDX 3.0 automatically.
Key updates include:
The Retail Demo app has a new webpage-style layout. New home page, navigation style, and content.
New: RD Provisioning extension API allows you to manage online assets yourself. In RDX 2.0, online assets
are managed through the Retail Demo Asset Manager (RDAM ), and the time from start to finish (submission >
review > approval > sent to devices) is 2-3 weeks. If you manage your own online assets using our API, you
may be able to complete these tasks faster.
New: On-device admin (ODA ) app (part of the provisioning API) allows retailers to update specs, price
locally on non-networked devices.
Coming soon: Digital fact tag (DFT) shows customers device specs and price. This feature will be available
as part of an online update. After receiving the online update, retailers can manually update the DFT through
the Retail Demo Mode Advanced Configuration menus. To learn more, see the RDX Windows Experience Guide
(WEG ).

Attract loop
The retail demo experience begins with a video, which plays repeatedly while the device is idle. When the video
attract loop plays, the Start screen is restored back to a pre-set state. Photos and videos taken by previous
customers are deleted and the demo photos are also restocked.

The device must be plugged into AC power for the video attract loop to start.

Design recommendations
Create your own custom attraction video that highlights key features of your device.
Use full-screen imagery to focus on key selling points (KSPs) of the device. Our research shows that shoppers are
attracted to loops that show off hardware features with fast moving graphics and colorful imagery, but loops that
function as advertisements don't resonate with shoppers.
Limit the video message to 1 or 2 KSPs. The loop is designed to get shoppers to interact with device. If the attract
loop looks like an advertisement, shoppers are less likely to pay attention and interact with the system.
Avoid text in your video. Videos without text are easier to scale across multiple markets and locales since there are
no localization costs. In addition, shoppers typically view only part of the video, so your text might not be viewed in
its entirety.
We strongly recommend that you use the attract loop to show how your brand, apps, services, and the devices
themselves are differentiated from your competitors.
The following are the specifications for the attract loop video.
Videos must be less than 60 seconds.
Must not include an audio track.
Acceptable compression format: H.264/MPEG4
Videos must be designed so they don’t cause screen burn even when played for hours at a time for the entire
shelf life of the device.
The source video should be appropriate quality to ensure the best possible playback on the device based on its
graphics rendering capabilities (resolution, color capabilities, and graphics processing power).
We recommend matching the video resolution to the optimal resolution on each device when possible.
Otherwise, resolution should be 1920 x 1080.
Add the video to the image
You can replace the default attract loop video with your own customized video, which you can save to your device
images. Doing so makes this video available to the shopper even if the retailer never connects the demo device to
the internet. This content should not be time-sensitive or seasonal, and it should be appropriate for all regions and
languages the device will ship to.
Create the default set of content first. This content is stored in the \Neutral file path, and it must be named:

For devices sold in multiple regions or with multiple languages: You can add region and/or language-
specific versions for attract loops. When there is no region-specific or language-specific content, the default
(\Neutral) content is displayed.
For a complete list of supported languages and locales, see Language Identifier Constants and Strings.
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\OEM\Content\ [locale] \AttractContent\attract.wmv
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\OEM\ [region]
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\OEM\ [region] \Content\ [locale]

Example: Canada-specific content in French:


Add the video using the Microsoft RDX Submission Tool

Add your default attract loop video, as well as any updated videos, to the RDX Submission Tool. If you don’t
currently have an account for the RDX Submission Tool, please reach out to your Account Manager, and let them
know which Microsoft Account (MSA) you'd like to use to access the tool.
In the tool, you can target your videos by language, region, and model, so that when a targeted device is connected
to the internet, it automatically replaces the video and plays it.

Retail Demo app

To get started, you can include the Windows inbox Retail Demo app.
In RDX 2.0, shoppers select content through navigation tabs:

Example of current RDX 2.0 Navigation Tabs experience

In RDX 3.0, shoppers select content through tiles, and can see more info on the Digital Fact Tag (right):

Each content page contains one or more sections that are comprised of media (images and video), text copy, and
Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons or links to encourage the shopper to explore the featured content. If a content page
contains multiple sections, a feature bar displays at the bottom. The customer can move between content sections
of the page by selecting features in the bar or by scrolling up and down the page.
The app highlights key features as determined by the Microsoft marketing team. Some content in the app only
appears when Office is installed or certain hardware is detected. For example, when Office 365 is installed, the
Office section may show a “Try it now” button to open Word or PowerPoint. When a digitizer is detected, the Office
section may display an collection of videos showing how Office works with a pen.
The content shown changes based on the device. For example, if you have preinstalled Office 365, the demos show
Office's pen and inking functionality.
When a shopper closes the Retail Demo app, they see the desktop of the device.
In RDX 3.0, they'll also see a Digital Fact Tag to the right (unless the language reads right-to-left, in which case then
the Digital Fact Tag is on the left).
Create custom content
OEMs and Retailers can create new custom content for the Retail Demo app using the Microsoft RDX Submission
Tool. If you don’t currently have an account for the RDX Submission Tool, please reach out to your Account
Manager, and let them know which Microsoft Account (MSA) you'd like to use to access the tool.
In the tool, you can create a base set of content which you can save to your device images. Doing so makes this
content available to the shopper even if the retailer never connects the demo device to the internet. This content
should not be time-sensitive or seasonal, and it should be appropriate for all regions and languages the device will
ship to.
In the tool you can also create new or updated content which can be delivered online to your devices. This content
can be targeted by language, region, and model, so that when a targeted device is connected to the internet, it
automatically receives the updates and shows the new content.
OEMs can specify a theme color, navigation selected-button color, and logos for the Retail Demo app, in addition to
adding unique page content. Colors and logos are specified at the app level, and content is specified at the page
level. OEMs can also choose between one of three templates: Hero, Immersive Hero, and Mosaic (described
below ).
Template options, examples, and requirements
There are four templates available for the Retail Demo app content sections: Hero, Feature, Immersive Hero, and
Hero template
Use the Hero template to showcase key content. A full-bleed image must be used – this can be combined with a
title, copy, and/or call-to-action link. This template can also support full-bleed videos. All text in a video must be
embedded into the media. Below are the media and copy requirements for the Hero template:


Image or video Images must be PNG, have a transparent background and no

padding; videos must be .mp4 files. Resolution
recommendations are provided by the RDX Submission Tool
when you build your content and vary by template.

Logo 946 x 220 pixels; images must be PNG, have a transparent

background and no padding.

Header We recommend a 55-character limit, not counting spaces in

between characters. This allows room for localization.

Sub header We recommend a 55-character limit, not counting spaces in

between characters. This allows room for localization.

Paragraph 140 characters, not counting spaces in between characters.

Call-to-action (CTA) button text We recommend an 11-character limit, not counting spaces in
between characters.

Legal text 150 characters, not counting spaces in between characters.

There are 4 actions that can be set for a CTA button:

1. Jump to another page within group
2. Launch an app
3. Launch the default browser and go to a URL (online devices only)
4. Open media (image, video, or document)
Here is an example of a Hero template:

Immersive Hero template

Use the Immersive Hero template when there is a specific part of the device, or a specific feature, you want to call
out. You can switch the position of the copy and the image for an alternative placement. A combination of title,
copy, and/or a call-to-action link can be used here.
Below are the media and copy requirements for the Immersive Hero template:


Image or video Images must be PNG, have a transparent background and no

padding; videos must be .mp4 files. Resolution
recommendations are provided by the RDX Submission Tool
when you build your content and vary by template.

Logo 946 x 220 pixels; images must be PNG, have a transparent

background and no padding.

Header We recommend a 55-character limit, not counting spaces in

between characters. This allows room for localization.

Sub header We recommend a 55-character limit, not counting spaces in

between characters. This allows room for localization.

Paragraph 140 characters, not counting spaces in between characters.


Call-to-action (CTA) button text We recommend an 11-character limit, not counting spaces in
between characters.

Legal text 150 characters, not counting spaces in between characters.

There are 4 actions that can be set for a CTA button:

1. Jump to another page within group
2. Launch an app
3. Launch the default browser and go to a URL (online devices only)
4. Open media (image, video, or document)
Below is an example of the Immersive Hero template.

Mosaic template
Use this template to show components as a graphic montage. This template is very versatile because you can use it
with or without a text file. It always extends the full content area. Use the mosaic to support a theme, communicate
an idea, or present top picks around particular topics. Add call-to-action links if you need to direct users to another
page. CTAs are typically centrally aligned and appear at the bottom of the tile.
The mosaic layout follows several predefined patterns, depending on the number of tiles you wish to include. The
layout will appear as follows:
Below are the media and copy requirements for the Mosaic template:


Mosaic layout Mosaic template allows for 2 – 4 tiles. The layout of the tiles is
auto-generated based on number of tiles input into the RDX
Submission Tool. The layout is not adjustable, so you will need
to place tiles in the correct order for the layout.

Tile background image Resolution varies based on number of tiles used, but generally
images should be square or 2:1 resolution appropriate to the
screen; images must be PNG, have a transparent background
and no padding

Tile paragraph image Recommend 220 x 220 pixels; images must be PNG, have a
transparent background and no padding

Logo 946 x 220 pixels; images must be PNG, have a transparent

background and no padding.

Header We recommend a 55-character limit, not counting spaces in

between characters. This allows room for localization.

Sub header We recommend a 55-character limit, not counting spaces in

between characters. This allows room for localization.

Paragraph 140 characters, not counting spaces in between characters.


Call-to-action (CTA) button text We recommend an 11-character limit, not counting spaces in
between characters.

Legal Text Mosaic does not support legal text on tiles due to tile size.

There are 4 actions that can be set for a CTA button:

1. Jump to another page within group
2. Launch an app
3. Launch the default browser and go to a URL
4. Open media (image, video, or document)

Keep in mind that if you are building content for offline devices, CTA buttons should not open URLs as this will create a poor
user experience.

Here is an example of a 3-tile Mosaic layout:

Add Retail Demo app content packages to OEM image

You will need to go through the process outlined below for each language you intend to provide Retail Demo app
content for. The process will take you through building content for specific regions or locales, and storing it in the
appropriate file path.
Create the default set of content first. This content should be appropriate for all regions and languages the device
will ship to. This content is stored in the \Neutral file path:
For devices sold in multiple regions:
You can add region and/or language-specific versions for attract loops. When there is no region-specific or
language-specific content, the default (\Neutral) content is displayed.
For a complete list of supported languages and locales, see Language Identifier Constants and Strings.

To support languages, your images will need Retail Demo Mode language packs.

Add the content to the image:

1. After building your content on the RDX Submission Tool, download and save locally.
2. Save the file as oem.json.
3. On the computer on which you’re building your device images, copy the default (“neutral”) oem.json file to:
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\OEM \Content\Neutral\HubContent\oem.json
In addition, create a set for US -English. You must include files for both the default and US -English,
regardless of which other languages you support:

File paths for localized content (optional):

%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\OEM\Content\ [locale] \HubContent\oem.json
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\OEM\ [region]
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\OEM\ [region] \Content\ [locale]
Example: Canada-specific content in French:
4. Create a folder of all assets (images and video) and name the folder oem_assets. Create a zipped version of
the oem_assets folder and name it oem.zip.
5. Copy the oem.zip folder of assets for the Retail Demo app to the default and US -English folders:
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\OEM \Content\Neutral\HubContent\oem.zip
File paths for localized content (optional):
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\OEM\Content\ [locale] \HubContent\oem.zip
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\OEM\ [region]
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\OEM\ [region] \Content\ [locale]

6. Build the image.

Other types of retail demo mode content

In addition to the Retail Demo app and the Attract Loop app, there are other types of content the shopper can see
or experience in Retail Demo mode.
Library content
Many shoppers use the library content (photos, videos, documents) to fully explore the experience within the many
apps available on the device or from the Microsoft Store. It is highly recommended to include this content in your
Include retail demo features in your Windows apps so customers who try out your PCs and devices on the sales
floor can jump right in.
We strongly recommend you ensure that the apps included on the device take advantage of the retail demo mode.
Not only will your app look amazing for a retail customer, you may even get increased app awareness due to the
discovery of your app that leads to post-purchase install.
We recommend the following guidelines when developing retail demo features for your app:
Show off, but be focused: Use the retail mode version of your app as an opportunity to showcase why it
rocks and is a reason to buy a Windows device. Put your best foot forward. Keep the story simple: elevator
pitch to land your app’s value prop.
Make sure your app cleans up between uses.
Minimize error and pop-up dialogs: Error pop-ups invoke a negative experience with the app, Windows
and the shopping experience. Minimize pop-ups as much as possible.
To learn more, see Add retail demo (RDX) features to your app.

Add retail demo mode, including language packs, to your images

Add each of the following packages to your images. Note, these packages must be installed in order.
1. If your devices will include multiple languages, add language packs and language interface packs first.
Note, do not remove the English language pack, this pack is required for Retail Demo Mode.
2. Next, add the basic language pack for each language, including English. For example:
3. Next, add the base retail demo pack:
4. Next, add the localized retail demo pack for each language, including English. Example:

Available RetailDemo language packs:

Arabic [ar-SA]
Bulgarian [bg-BG ]
Hong Kong SAR (Traditional) [zh-HK]
Taiwan (Traditional) [zh-TW ]
China (Simplified) [zh-CN ]
Croatian [hr-HR ]
Czech [cs-CZ ]
Danish [da-DK]
Dutch [nl-NL ]
USA [en-US ]
UK [en-GB ]
Estonian [et-EE ]
Finnish [fi-FI]
Canada [fr-CA]
France [fr-FR ]
German [de-DE ]
Greek [el-GR ]
Hebrew [he-IL ]
Hungarian [hu-HU ]
Indonesian [id-ID ]
Italian [it-IT]
Japanese [ja-JP ]
Korean [ko-KR ]
Latvian [lv-LV ]
Lithuanian [lt-LT]
Norwegian [nb-NO ]
Polish [pl-PL ]
Portugal [pt-PT]
Brazil [pt-BR ]
Romanian [ro-RO ]
Russian [ru-RU ]
Serbian (Latin) [sr-Latn-CS ]
Slovak [sk-SK]
Slovenian [sl-SI]
Spain [es-ES ]
Mexico [es-MX]
Swedish [sv-SE ]
Turkish [tr-TR ]
Thai [th-TH]
Ukrainian [uk-UA]
Vietnamese [vi-VN ]
To learn more, see Add Language Packs to Windows.

Setup and operate retail demo mode

Resetting the system
In a short time after a shopper stops interacting with the device, the retail demo plays, and Windows begins
resetting any sample data in the contacts, photos, and other apps. Depending on the device, this could take
between 1-5 minutes to fully reset everything back to normal.
Retail demo mode capabilities
In Retail Demo mode, shoppers are prevented from modifying key system areas. For example, they won’t be able
Add or change the user password
Change a Microsoft account name
Access the command line, Registry Editor, or PowerShell utilities
Anything that requires administrative permissions to the system
Activate retail mode
This process can be used to verify that the device is properly configured to launch any custom demo applications. It
can also be used to start retail demo mode on a demonstration device.
Use the following process to activate retail demo mode on any retail device.
1. Remove the device from the box and press the power button to power up the device.
2. Enter Retail Demo Mode. For instructions, see this section in the RDX Windows Experience Guide (WEG ).
3. Proceed with OOBE setup, including acceptance of the legal terms, until you get to RDX setup.
4. In the Get the latest demo content and apps page, enter your Retail Access Code (RAC ). The available
SKUs and items for the RAC are downloaded. Select the Retailer SKU or Item#, Retailer store ID, and
then click Next. If the device is offline, go to the next step.

“SKU” is optional and is only required if the retailer associated with the Retail Access Code (RAC) explicitly designed an
experience under a specific SKU. The RAC (Retail Access Code), SKU, and Retailer store ID only apply and are only
used by Retailers. If this applies to you, the codes should be requested through your Microsoft Account Manager. A
list of SKUs will only be available if the retailer associated with the Retail Access Code (RAC) has previously provided it
to Microsoft with this intent. If a SKU is not entered, the device will get content specific to the retailer and specific to
the model of the hardware.

5. If you would like to specify start up and shut down times, select Advanced configuration.
6. In the Automatic shutdown page, configure and click Next.
7. In the RDX admin settings page, you can choose up to 21 days to keep admin account active, or you can
choose to keep it active perpetually. A password is required to make an admin account perpetually active.
8. If the device is online, select Finish on the next page.
Retail demo setup will reboot the device soon after the desktop appears, and then retail demo configuration
will continue in the background until the device begins showing the video attract loop.
Highlight your device
Retail Demo mode can showcase additional Windows features and apps based on the type of device’s form factor.
To access this content, make sure that the DeviceForm Unattend setting is set.
For example, when DeviceForm identifies the device as a Convertible laptop, Retail Demo mode includes content
to show off Convertible features in Windows.
Additional recommendations:
If you are setting up your demo on a tablet device, configure your devices to boot to tablet mode and turn
hardware-based prompting off:
Make sure that ConvertibleSlateMode is always accurate for your devices.
To support booting to tablet mode, configure the SignInMode setting.
To remove prompts triggered by changes to ConvertibleSlateMode, configure
ConvertibleSlateModePromptPreference setting.
Schedule automatic shutdown
Windows provides a way to set times for the devices to turn on and start retail demo mode automatically. Likewise,
you can schedule when the devices shut down. These features allow you to save energy costs, to schedule updates,
and to restore the retail demo experience automatically. You can configure shutdown times on the client during the
out-of-box experience (OOBE ), or post-OOBE during the retail demo mode setup. Additionally, you can configure
automatic shutdown times using Retail Demo Asset Management (RDAM ) after retail demo mode has been set up.
To schedule shutdowns on a local device
1. Open retail demo mode configuration. For instructions, see this section in the RDX Windows Experience
Guide (WEG ).
2. The retail demo mode configuration UI is displayed. Select the Advanced configuration button.

3. In the Advanced RDX settings page, under Automatic Shutdown, select Edit settings. This allows you to
configure the automatic shutdown of the device.

Remove retail demo components

After a customer completes the out-of-box experience (OOBE ), Windows schedules the removal of all RDX
components, including any customizations you’ve added in the
%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\OfflineContent\ folder.

For devices with more than 32GB of storage, the components are automatically removed 7 days after the customer
completes OOBE.
For devices with 32GB of storage or less, by default, the components are automatically removed 30 minutes after
the customer completes OOBE. To change this schedule, find the registry key
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OOBE and set the value DeleteDemoContentDelay to a number
of minutes from 30 and 10080 (= 7 days).

md c:\HWID
Set-Location c:\HWID
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo
Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo.ps1 -OutputFile AutoPilotHWID.csv
Customize the Windows performance power slider
1/18/2019 • 8 minutes to read

The Windows performance power slider enables end customers to quickly and intelligently trade performance of
their system for longer battery life. As a customer switches between the four slider modes to trade performance
for battery life (or vice versa), Windows power settings are engaged behind the scenes. You are able to customize
the default slider mode for both AC and DC, and can also configure the power settings, and PPM options, that are
engaged for each slider mode.
Customers can access the slider on their Windows device by clicking or tapping the battery icon in the task bar.
The slider appears in the battery flyout.

Customers can choose their power mode by moving the slider to the left and right. Customers can choose to
prioritize the remaining battery life on the device, or the performance of apps and services running on the device.
The screenshot above shows the slider is in the Better Performance slider mode, which is the out-of-box
Windows default.

Slider availability
The Windows power slider is available for AMD and Intel platforms running Windows 10, build 1709 and newer
builds of Windows. It is not available on devices with ARM64 processors. The slider will appear on a device only
when the Balanced power plan, or any plan that is derived from Balanced, is selected. There is not an option for
either users or OEMs to remove the slider UX.
Devices that have the High Performance, Power Saver, or any “OEM Recommended” power plans will not be
disturbed during the Windows upgrade process. If a user upgrades from a version of Windows that does not
support the slider, to a version that does, there will be no change to their High Performance, Power Saver, or "OEM
Recommended" power plan. These users will not see the slider UX, and they can still configure their power plans in
the same way they could before upgrading.
Users will see the power slider appear only when they apply the Balanced power plan from the Settings app,
under System > Power & Sleep > Additional power settings.

After the user changes to a Balanced performance plan, there is no way for them to go back to using the High Performance
plan from the UI, although it is possible from the cmd line (via powercfg).

Guidance for High Performance devices

If you ship a device with a High Performance power plan, such as a gaming device, consider applying the same
settings that are defined on the High Performance plan to the Balanced power plan. For example, if the timeout
value for powering off the HDD or Display is set to X or Y on High Performance, apply those same values on
You can also customize power settings for each of the slider modes in your firmware. See Configure power
settings and PPM options for more information.

Set default power slider mode

Customers can choose one of four slider modes:
Battery Saver: Helps conserve power, and prolong battery life, when the system is not connected to a power
source. When battery saver is on, some Windows features are disabled, throttled, or behave differently. Screen
brightness is also reduced. Battery Saver is only available on DC. To learn more, see Battery Saver.
Better Battery: Delivers longer battery life than the default settings on previous versions of Windows.
Available on both AC and DC. In some cases, users will see this mode labeled Recommended, rather than
Better Battery, in their slider UI.
Better Performance: Default slider mode that slightly favors performance over battery life and is appropriate
for users who want to tradeoff power for better performance of their apps. Available on both AC and DC.
Best Performance: Favors performance over power and is targeted at users who want to tradeoff power for
performance and responsiveness. Available on both AC and DC.

Game mode operates independently of the Windows performance power slider, and can be engaged in any slider mode.

To set the default slider mode

You can configure the default slider mode for both AC and DC. If a customer chooses a different slider mode on
either AC or DC, their selection will become the new default setting.

Battery Saver is not available as a default slider mode.

First, create a provisioning package using Windows Configuration Designer. You will then edit the
customizations.xml file contained in the package to include your power settings. Use the XML file as one of the
inputs to the Windows Configuration Designer command-line to generate a provisioning package that contains
the power settings, then apply the package to the image. For information on how to use the Windows
Configuration Designer CLI, see Use the Windows Configuration Designer command-line interface.

Common\Power\Controls\Settings\ DefaultOverlayAcPowerScheme: BetterBatteryLife: Sets the slider to

{setting name} Default slider mode for AC the Better Battery mode
DefaultOverlayDcPowerScheme: MaxPerformance: Sets the slider to
Default slider mode for DC the Best Performance mode

If no default is configured, Better Performance will be the default slider mode for both AC and DC.

XML Example
Below is an example customizations.xml file that defines default slider modes.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<PackageConfig xmlns="urn:schemas-Microsoft-com:Windows-ICD-Package-Config.v1.0">
<ID>{7e5c6cb3-bd16-4c1a-aacb-98c9151d5f20}</ID> <!-- ID needs to be unique GUID for the package -->
<Settings xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:windows-provisioning">

Configure power settings and PPM options engaged by the slider

You can use overlays to customize the power settings and PPM options that are engaged for each slider mode. In
previous versions of Windows, power settings could only be configured per power scheme, and PPM options
could only be configured per power profile. The introduction of overlays enables OEMs to better optimize power
settings based on the slider mode selected by the user, as opposed to the power scheme or power profile selected
by the device.
To configure PPM and power settings per slider mode, apply them to one of the following overlays:
The Battery Saver mode inherits the settings configured for the Constrained PPM profile. The Best Performance
mode inherits the settings configured for the Balanced (default) profile. Configure these profiles to customize the
settings that are engaged in the associated slider modes.
Settings such as disk and display timeouts, and other legacy power settings, are not customizable via the performance/power
slider. Only settings which can affect perceived performance differences can be customized across slider modes. Each slider
mode should be thought of as a “lite” power plan, which only contains settings that impact performance, such as CPU
settings (PPM) and power throttling. Other factors which control performance (GPU, thermals etc) are in OEM/SVs control
and they can create custom power-settings for those and connect them to the slider via the INF.

Configure PPM optimization

Optimizing PPM enables the OS to favor either power or performance, depending on user preference (similar to
the low power media profile that is applied when a user is watching video in full screen mode). PPM settings
should favor battery life for the Battery Saver and Better Battery slider modes, and favor performance for the
Better and Best Performance slider modes.
PPM options can be configured for all AMD and Intel platforms using Windows Provisioning Framework. To learn
more about the PPM options that you can configure, and how to configure them per power scheme, see Processor
power management options.
XML Example
Below is an example of a customizations.xml file that uses overlays to define PPM settings for the Better Battery
and Best Performance slider modes.

<!-- EPP override for default PPM profile for “Better Battery” -->
<Profile SchemeAlias=" BetterBatteryLifeOverlay">
<Setting ProfileAlias="Default">
<!--EPP override for default PPM profile for “Best Performance” -->
<Profile SchemeAlias="MaxPerformanceOverlay">
<Setting ProfileAlias="Default">

Configure performance and power settings

To engage your customized power settings only when the slider is in a particular mode, create an
AddPowerSettingDirective in your INF file that indicates the default values for each overlay. There are Default
directives that must be included in an AddPowerSetting section. A Default directive specifies the three overlays
that apply to an AC and DC power state each.
Add the following three directives to define settings for the various slider modes:

Better Battery {961CC777-2547-4F9D-8174- BetterBatteryLifeOverlay


Better Performance {381B4222-F694-41F0-9685- Balanced


Best Performance {DED574B5-45A0-4F42-8737- MaxPerformanceOverlay


See INF AddPowerSetting Directive for further instructions.

Power throttling
Most Windows users have multiple apps running on the operating system at the same time, and often, the apps
running in the background consume significant power. Windows leverages modern silicon capabilities to run
background work in an energy-efficient manner, significantly enhancing battery life. Power throttling saves up to
11% in CPU power by throttling CPU frequency of applications running in the background. With power throttling,
when background work is running, Windows places the CPU in its most efficient operating modes. Learn more
about this feature in our blog post: Introducing power throttling.
Power throttling does not suspend or close apps and services on the device.
Power throttling is always engaged, unless the slider is set to Best Performance. In this case, all applications will
be opted out of power throttling. Users can also opt individual apps out of power throttling in the Battery usage

OEMs do not have an option to disable or change power throttling on any of the Windows slider modes.

Power throttling is available for devices using Intel's 6th or 7th generation processors (including those without Intel’s
SpeedShift technology) only.
Query for power slider settings
There are two logs you can utilize to query the performance power slider settings defined on an OS image:
Powercfg output, and Event Tracing for Windows (ETW ) logs.
PowerCfg output
Run “powercfg /qh > output.txt" from an elevated command prompt, then open output.txt in any text editor to
view the settings.
Event tracing for Windows (ETW) logs
Use the inbox WPRUI.exe or WPR.exe to collect an ETW log with the POWER scenario enabled. To collect and
analyze the ETW log:
1. Launch an elevated command prompt window
2. Enter the command: WPR -start power -filemode
3. Using the power slider UX, move the slider to each of the four modes
4. Go back to the elevated command prompt window and enter the command:
WPR -stop PerfPowerSliderSettings.etl
5. Open PerfPowerSliderSettings.etl in the Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA) tool. WPA comes bundled
with the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK).
6. Click on Trace.
7. Click on System Properties then System configuration.
8. In the new tab that opens, click on Power Settings.
Set dark mode
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This personalization setting for end users allows them to express preference whether to see applications which
support the setting in a dark or light mode.

Many Microsoft first party applications apply the setting and it is easy for you to support the functionality in your
UWP applications as well.
You can customize the default Windows theme via Unattend.xml. The Unattend component includes a setting
UWPAppsUseLIghtTheme that configures dark mode as the default for apps that support it.

<settings pass="oobeSystem">

To learn more about customizing Windows themes, see Themes in the Unattended Windows Setup Reference.
Customize the Get Help app
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

The Get Help app empowers customers to self-help with troubleshooters, instant answers, Microsoft support
articles, and more, before contacting assisted support.
If you have a support app or support website you would like to direct customers towards, you can use
unattend.xml to display your support option within the Get Help app. A link to your support app or website is
surfaced wherever options to contact support are shown in the Get Help app. The first item in the list will be the
link you provided.
Customers are sent to the Get Help from the Settings app, Cortana, Bing Instant Answers, the Start Menu, and
numerous Microsoft web experiences. It is also possible to launch Get Help from your own apps and websites.

Consumer experience
For consumers, the Get Help app provides a way to ask a question and get recommended solutions or contact
assisted support. Depending on the country/region and language of the device, one of two experiences will be
shown: Virtual Agent, or Search support.
Virtual Agent
Microsoft’s Virtual Agent is a support chat bot designed to help with issues related to Windows and other
products. This brings a conversational approach to understanding problems and providing the most appropriate
solution. If the Virtual Agent is unable to provide a solution, it will direct customers to the options for contacting
support; it is also possible to ask for those options at any time. This experience is only available in en-US.
OEM customization provides the top support option in the list — a link to either your support website, or your
support app.
Search support
In markets that do not have the Virtual Agent experience available, customers can utilize search support by
entering a question and receiving back recommended support content. Beneath the search results, the options for
contacting support will be listed.
OEM customization provides the top support option in the list — a link to either your support website, or your
support app.
Enterprise experience
For Enterprise SKUs, the Get Help app provides a different experience that focuses on getting customers to the
right kind of support. The support options listed are shown to all enterprise customers. Availability of support
within each option depends upon support agreements with the enterprise.

OEM support options are not displayed in the Enterprise experience of the Get Help app.

Customize support information

To display your OEM support information in the Get Help app, you must provide either a link to the URL of your
support website, or to the URI of your support app, in Unattend.xml under
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup-OEMInformation .

See the OEMInformation setting in the Unattended setup reference to learn more about how to add your support
information to the Get Help app.
Link to your support app
Here is an example where a path for SupportAppURL is supplied. In this case , the Get Help app will direct
customers to the OEM's support app:


SupportAppURL must be present and contain valid string values, otherwise Get Help won’t pick up your support
information. SupportProvider is an optional override for the name shown on the link; the default when
SupportProvider is not present is SystemManufacturer from SystemInformation (msinfo32.exe).
“ContosoSupport” is a sample protocol name; you can pick your app's own protocol name, if it does not conflict
with an existing protocol name in the system.
To register a protocol handler for your app:
For a Universal app, the protocol handler is specified in the package.appxmanifest file (part of the Visual Studio
project), under the <Extensions> section. See Handle URI activation for more details.
For a Win32 app, the protocol handler is specified in the registry. See Registering an Application to a URI
Scheme for more details.

Win32 apps are not supported in Windows 10 in S mode.

Link to your support website

Here is an example where a URL for SupportURL is provided. In this case, the Get Help app will direct customers to
the OEM's support webiste.

SupportURL must be present and contain valid string values, otherwise Get Help won’t pick up your support
information. SupportProvider is an optional override for the name shown on the link; the default when
SupportProvider is not present is SystemManufacturer from SystemInformation (msinfo32.exe).
The Get Help app will launch the specified SupportURL in Microsoft Edge when the OEM support option is

Launch Get Help

You can send customers to the Get Help app from your app or website by providing a link to the following URL:

Where <Manufacturer> is an all lowercase, unbroken name such as “contoso” or “fabrikaminc". Generally, this
should be the simplest version of your brand name, not the longer formal business name. This information is used
to identify where users launched the Get Help app from; it is not used to customize the app directly.
Customize SIM card slot names
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

In Windows 10, version 1803, you can customize the names of SIM card slots on the device to more easily
differentiate between them. For example, if the device has both an embedded SIM slot and an external SIM slot,
customizing the names will help your customers understand which is which.

Only devices with a Dual SIM Single Activation (DSSA) configuration support this customization.

The SIM card slot names that you choose are displayed in Settings, under Network & Internet > Cellular. If no
custom names are provided, the default names are SIM1 and SIM2.

1. Create a provisioning XML file (prov.xml). For instructions, see Create a Prov.xml.
2. Add the following XML to your provisioning XML file:

<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Cellular\MVSettings\DeviceSpecific\CellUX">
<parm name="SlotSelectionSim1Name" value="Your SIM name 1" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="SlotSelectionSim1Name" value="Your SIM name 2" datatype="string"/>

3. Replace "Your SIM name 1" and "Your SIM name 2" with the desired names for your SIM card slots.
4. Create a resource-only .dll for the localized versions of your SIM card slot names. See Create a resource-
only .dll for localized strings for instructions.
5. In your resource-only .dll, set the BaseD11 asset to point to the location of your base MUI DLL file. For
example: C:\Path\DisplayStrings.dll .
6. Add the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for all the languages you are supporting and have localized
strings for. To do this:
Set the asset's Name to LanguageDll/$(langid) where $(langid) corresponds to the language. For
example: LanguageDll/en-US .
Set the asset's Source to the location of the .dll.mui file for that language. For example:
C:\Path\en-us\DisplayStrings.dll.mui .
Repeat these steps for other languages. For example, the following XML has entries for en-US, fr-CA,
and es-MX languages.

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/en-US" Source="C:\Path\en-us\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/fr-CA" Source="C:\Path\fr-CA\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/es-MX" Source="C:\Path\es-MX\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />
Related topics
Create a resource-only .dll for localized strings
Customizations for mobile devices
Customize the Country and Operator Settings Asset
2/6/2019 • 5 minutes to read

The Country and Operator Settings Asset (COSA) is a database of mobile operator profiles. It is included in
Windows 10 as a provisioning package. When a SIM is inserted in a COSA-enabled Windows-based device, the
provisioning framework attempts to establish a cellular connection by searching for the matching profile and APN
in COSA.

This feature is only supported in Windows 10, version 1703 and above for desktop editions (Home, Pro, Enterprise, and

COSA can be extended with OEM -generated provisioning packages during desktop imaging. This enables OEMs
to introduce new COSA profiles to the database, as well as replace or extend existing Windows COSA profiles. For
example, you can add a profile for a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO ) not currently in COSA, or a new
partner for Mobile Plans, by creating an answer file that contains the settings. You can also change or remove an
existing profile using the Replace operator in the existing answer file.

Please ensure that you read the How to support the COSA OEM-generated provisioning package once the device is in
market section below.
Generally you should only add APNs that are not included in the Windows COSA database. If you replace entries that
already exist in COSA, and the mobile operator changes those in the future, they will not be automatically updated since
the database will look to the OEM COSA package for those entries.
We recommend consulting the latest APNs for the mobile operator you are planning to add, to ensure that if there are
data device specific APNs that those are added to the OEM COSA file (in case the operator uses different APNs for tablets
than phones).
Microsoft recommends Mobile Operators to submit any profile changes made to extend COSA to Microsoft. To learn
more, see COSA/APN database submission.

Microsoft is collecting the following telemetry data related to the COSA:
AfterMarketProfile – Published when an OEM package adds a new profile. Data includes the profile ID (typically a GUID) as
well as the targeting info for the profile (such as MCC, MNC, SPN, and so on).
ProfileReplaced – Published when the OEM package replaces a COSA profile. Data is the profile ID.
ProfileSuppressedByAfterMarketProfile – Published when an OEM package contains a profile that matches when a COSA
profile also matches. The telemetry data contains the Profile ID.

To add a new profile

You can add a new profile that is not yet included in the COSA database using the following steps.
1. Create an answer file or edit an existing answer file that contains the new profile settings. Below is an
Please ensure that you are replacing the <ID> tag information with your own GUID.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<PackageConfig xmlns="urn:schemas-Microsoft-com:Windows-ICD-Package-Config.v1.0">
<Settings xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:windows-provisioning">
<Target Id="12345678-abcd-1111-aaaa-1ead5bca0320">
<Condition Name="Mcc" Value="901" />
<Condition Name="Mnc" Value="37" />
<Condition Name="ICCID" Value="range:8988247000100000000,8988247000199999997" />
<Condition Name="uiname" Value="Contoso (OEM)" />
<Condition Name="uiorder" Value="0" />
<Target Id="87654321-abcd-1111-aaaa-1ead5bca0320">
<Condition Name="Mcc" Value="001" />
<Condition Name="Mnc" Value="01" />
<Condition Name="uiname" Value="Fabrikam (OEM)" />
<Condition Name="uiorder" Value="0" />
<Profile Name="Fabrikam (OEM)">
<TargetRef Id="87654321-abcd-1111-aaaa-1ead5bca0320" />
<Connection ConnectionName="Fabrikam (OEM)_i0$(__MVID)@WAP">
<FriendlyName>Fabrikan Connect</FriendlyName>
<SettingsForSim SimIccid="$(__ICCID)">
<Profile Name="Contoso (OEM)">
<TargetRef Id="12345678-abcd-1111-aaaa-1ead5bca0320" />
<Connection ConnectionName="Contoso (OEM)_i0$(__MVID)@WAP">
<FriendlyName>Contoso Connect</FriendlyName>
<SettingsForSim SimIccid="$(__ICCID)">

2. Create a provisioning package that includes the answer file. For more information, see To build a
provisioning package.
3. Place your provisioning packages (PPKG ) in the following location: %WINDIR%\Provisioning\COSA\OEM.
4. Perform necessary tests for validation.
Below is a list of the Purpose Groups relevant for the APNs.


Internet 3E5545D2-1137-4DC8-A198-33F1C657515F

Purchase 95522B2B-A6D1-4E40-960B-05E6D3F962AB

Administrative 2FFD9261-C23C-4D27-8DCF-CDE4E14A3364

For a full list of COSA settings, please see Planning your COSA/APN database submission.

How to support the COSA OEM-generated provisioning package once

the device is in market
Before including your COSA OEM -generated provisioning package in your device image, please consider a
mechanism to update the COSA OEM -generated package after the device is in market. Here are additional notes
on image configuration and updates.
1. The COSA OEM -generated provisioning package needs to be excluded from the PBR migration to avoid
duplicate entries, see Exclude Files and Settings.
To test that the exclusion file was successful, you will need to have a factory image with PBR
implemented, then go to settings -> update -> reset this PC and after reset you should still be able to see
the customized APN in settings -> network -> cellular. There should also only be one OEM COSA
provisioning package in the %WINDIR%\Provisioning\COSA\OEM folder.
2. For any operators you add via the COSA OEM -generated provisioning package, will need to be maintained
by the OEM in case of future changes by the mobile operator so you should ensure you have a mechanism
to update these in the future.
Typically, this is handled by a driver and Windows Update.
You will need to ensure you have a device node on the device for this purpose (or leverage an existing
device node and add the COSA update capability to the existing driver)
The driver needs to be preloaded on your factory image so that if you update the driver on Windows
Update in the future the device will scan for and find a newer version of this driver to download and
You should test the update mechanism via Windows Update in the same mechanism as you would test
driver updates for a prerelease device or driver.
If you have an alternate mechanism to update the COSA OEM -generated provisioning package, ensure
that it works both on the factory image, and on the device after push button reset is run to test the end
user scenario.
3. If the mobile operator updates any provisioning information (for instance APNs) and the device is COSA
OEM -generated provisioning package for that mobile operator, the OEM will need to get the new
provisioning information and update their COSA OEM -generated provisioning package on the shipped
devices via Windows Update.
Customize a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) mapping
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

You can configure and store a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR ) table for mobile broadband modems in the registry.
When a mobile broadband modem is connected to the Windows device, Windows automatically uses the table to
map the mobile country code (MCC ) of the modem's registered mobile operator (MO ) to its appropriate SAR
back-off index, and configure the modem with it.
You may choose to configure the registry settings at imaging time, or run-time. If you build the registry settings
into the image at image deployment time within a package, the SAR mapping table will be ready for any OS
component as soon as it starts. If you use a run-time component to configure the registry settings after device
bootup, you ensure that the static SAR configuration will not be changed and/or wiped out by Windows
installation or upgrade, and that it stays consistent to the device and independent of OS installation.
For more details on SAR support for mobile broadband modems, please see Mobile Broadband Specific
Absorption Rate Platform Support.
Here is an overview of how Windows will read and configure the modem based on your customized SAR
mapping table:
1. Create a package that contains your registry settings, including those for the SARMappingTable and
2. Build the package into the image for the device.
3. Windows (the WWAN service, in particular) will read the registry at start-up and store the settings for later
usage when an embedded, SAR -capable modem registers with a particular MO.
4. Windows also listens to registry change notifications to know if the registry for the settings is changed. This
means you may use your own way of adding and changing the settings at run-time, and Windows will
accept the changes immediately.
5. When a modem is registered with an MO at run-time, Windows takes the MCC of the MO and finds the
corresponding SAR back-off index(es) from the SAR mapping table.
6. Windows will then send the SAR back-off index to the modem using the MBIM interface defined in Mobile
Broadband Specific Absorption Rate Platform Support.
7. When the modem roams to another country, the MCC for the new MO will change. Windows will again find
the corresponding SAR back-off index(es) from the SAR mapping table using the MCC of the new MO and
send it to modem.

Registry location and syntax

The registry settings to build and configure the SAR mapping table reside exclusively under the base registry key:

Under the base key, there are two subkeys:

SARMappingTable: contains the SAR back-off index mapping table.
SARConfiguration: contains control settings.
Setting these subkeys is entirely optional. You may supply static SAR configuration settings at image-time or
update any static settings at run-time.

If you have components update the settings at run-time, you must increment the configuration version number in the
registry value ConfigurationVersion as the last write to the registry. Whenever the ConfigurationVersion registry
value is changed, Windows will read all configuration settings and put them into effect.

SARMappingTable subkey
The SARMappingTable subkey may have up to 1000 registry values. The SAR back-off index(es) is per country. The
SAR back-off table will be able to support one entry per country. A country in this context is identified by the
standard MCC (Mobile Country Code).

The value name must consist of three decimal-digit characters that represents the MCC. There may be up to 1000 registry
value names, "000" through "999".


Three-decimal-digit representing the WCHAR string Comma-separated decimal number in

MCC WCHAR string, such as 0,2,5,8 . The
numbers represent the SAR back-off
indexes for the MCC. The sequence of
back-off indexes corresponds to an
array of antennas in modem, with the
first back-off index for the antenna at
index 0, the second back-off index for
the antenna at index 1, and so on. For a
simple modem with only one antenna,
there needs to be only one index in the
string, such as “2”, for the first and only

If a registry value for a particular MCC is absent, the data in the special reg value 000 will be used. You may use
this default value for countries that do not need specific back-off indexes. If both a registry value for the MCC and
the special reg value 000 are absent, no SAR index will be used for the MCC.

SARConfiguration subkey
The SARConfiguration settings do not affect your ability to use modem DSI messages to pass through. For
example, SAR proxy may implement a custom design for SAR control and mapping using the existing API (the
WWAN service API and/or the corresponding WinRT APIs).
For the BackOffEnabled and ControlMode settings, the value in modem DSI messages will take precedence. If a
modem DSI message passes through the WWAN service, the values of these two settings will be saved and will be
used next time they are needed, regardless what values the registry settings for those are. If the BackOffEnabled
and ControlMode settings in registry contain 0xFFFFFFFF (no change) and no modem DSI message ever passes
through, the WWAN service will use the value currently in the modem. The WWAN service queries the modem at
start to obtain and remember the values in the modem.

SARMappingTableEnabled DWORD 0 - SAR mapping table is disabled.

1 - SAR mapping table is enabled.
If the data is absent or invalid, the
default value of 0 is applied.

BackoffEnabled DWORD 0 - SAR back-off is disabled

1 - SAR-backoff is enabled.
0xFFFFFFFF – modem should retain
its current back-off state.
If the data is absent or invalid, the
default value of 0xFFFFFFFF is applied.

ControlMode DWORD 0 - SAR back-off mechanism is

controlled by the modem device
1 - SAR-backoff mechanism is
controlled and managed by the
operating system.
0xFFFFFFFF – modem should retain
its current control mode.
If the data is absent or invalid, the
default value of 0xFFFFFFFF is applied.

ConfigurationVersion DWORD This registry value is designed for OEM

run-time components to inform
Windows that the SAR mapping table
and other parameters are updated. An
OEM run-time component must
increment the ConfigurationVersion
registry value every time it completes
updating the SAR mapping table, or
other parameters in the registry.
If the data is absent or invalid, the run-
time component will not configure any
SAR registry settings.
Customize Windows Pen and Ink
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Customers see the the Pen & Windows Ink workspace when they click Settings > Devices > Pen and
Windows Ink.
Windows provides a few means for you to customize the Pen and Ink workspace:
You can create an advanced Pen settings app, and link to it directly within the Pen & Windows Ink Settings
using Unattend.xml. See Microsoft-Windows-TwinUI | CustomProtocol.
You can hide the Pen shortcut settings from the Pen & Windows Ink Settings using Unattend. This is helpful
for devices that are not compatible with pen settings. See Microsoft-Windows-TwinUI | Hide.
You can add up to three links to your own apps to the Pen & Windows Ink settings.
You can hide the “Ignore touch input when I’m using my pen” option within Pen & Windows Ink settings.

Pin up to three apps in Pen & Windows Ink Settings

Starting in Windows 10, build 1703, you can pin up to three UWP apps in the frequently used apps section of the
Windows Ink Workspace. You do this by creating an xml file called InkWorkspaceModification.xml and placing it in
the following directory: %SystemDrive%\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell .
In the InkWorkspaceModification.xml file, you link to UWP apps by creating a Tile element and providing the
AppUserModelID . If you are using desktop apps instead, you'd add a DesktopApplicationTile element and provide
the LinkFilePath.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Tile AppUserModelID="Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App"/>
<Tile AppUserModelID="Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App"/>
<DesktopApplicationTile LinkFilePath="%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneDrive.lnk"/>

Hide the “Ignore touch input when I’m using my pen” setting
In Windows 10, build 1703, you have the option to hide the Ignore touch input when I’m using my pen setting
if the device doesn’t accept touch and pen input simultaneously.
To hide the simultaneous pen and touch settings UI, create the following registry key as a DWORD and set it to a
1. Setting it to 0 (default) will show the setting again.
Customizations for enterprise desktop
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Windows 10 Enterprise customizations provide a controlled and specialized experience for the end-users of a
Windows 10 device by allowing OEMs and system administrators to lock down the Windows 10 device interaction
There are many reasons for locking down a device, such as protecting the system from malicious users, providing a
custom defined user experience, and increasing system reliability.
You can lock down your Windows 10 desktop device by using the lock down features individually or in
combination with each other to get the effect you desire for your image. You can, for instance, create a dedicated
cashier device that runs a full screen Point of Service (POS ) application.


Custom Logon You can use the Custom Logon feature to suppress Windows
10 UI elements that relate to the Welcome screen and
shutdown screen. For example, you can suppress all elements
of the Welcome screen UI and provide a custom logon UI. You
can suppress the ease of access option on the logon screen.
You can also suppress the Blocked Shutdown Resolver (BSDR)
screen and automatically end applications while the OS waits
for applications to close before a shutdown.

Keyboard Filter Use Keyboard Filter to suppress undesirable key presses or

key combinations. Normally, a customer can use certain
Windows key combinations like Ctrl+Alt+Delete or
Ctrl+Shift+Tab to alter the operation of a device by locking
the screen or using Task Manager to close a running

Shell Launcher Use Shell Launcher to replace the default Windows 10 shell
with a custom shell. You can use almost any application or
executable as your custom shell, such as a command window
or a custom dedicated application.

Unbranded Boot Unbranded Boot can suppress Windows elements that appear
when Windows starts or resumes and can suppress the crash
screen when Windows encounters an error that it cannot
recover from.

Unified Write Filter (UWF) Use Unified Write Filter (UWF) on your device to help protect
your physical storage media, including most standard writable
storage types that are supported by Windows, such as
physical hard disks, solid-state drives, internal USB devices,
external SATA devices, and so on. You can also use UWF to
make read-only media appear to the OS as a writable volume.
In addition to the customizations above for OEMs, Windows 10 provides a Mobile device management (MDM) to help IT
pros manage company security policies and business applications, while avoiding compromise of the users’ privacy on their
personal devices. Under MDM, mobile device OEMs can also create custom configuration service providers (CSPs) to manage
their devices. For more information, see Mobile device management.

Related topics
Keyboard Filter reference: Keyboard Filter key names
Keyboard Filter WMI provider reference
Shell Launcher reference: WESL_UserSetting
Unified Write Filter reference: Unified Write Filter WMI provider reference
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider class configures settings for assigned access.

class WEDL_AssignedAccess {
[Key] string UserSID;
[Read, Write] string AppUserModelId;
[Read] sint32 Status;

The following tables list any methods and properties that belong to this class.
This class contains no methods.

UserSID string [key] The security identifier

(SID) for the user
account that you want
to use as the assigned
access account.

AppUserModelId string [read, write] The Application User

Model ID (AUMID) of
the Windows app to
launch for the assigned
access account.

Status Boolean none Indicates the current

status of the assigned
access configuration:


0 A valid
nt is
but no
app is
is not

1 Assign

0x100 UserSI

0x103 UserSI

0x200 AppUs

0x201 Task
e is

0xffffff Unspe
ff cified

Changes to assigned access do not affect any sessions that are currently signed in; you must sign out and sign back

The following Windows PowerShell script demonstrates how to use this class to set up an assigned access account.

#---Define variables---

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Define the assigned access account.

# To use a different account, change $AssignedAccessAccount to a user account that is present on your device.

$AssignedAccessAccount = "KioskAccount"

# Define the Windows app to launch, in this example, use the Application Model User ID (AUMID) for Windows
# To use a different Windows app, change $AppAUMID to the AUMID of the Windows app to launch.
# The Windows app must be installed for the account.

$AppAUMID = "Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App"

#---Define helper functions---

function Get-UsernameSID($AccountName) {

# This function retrieves the SID for a user account on a machine.

# This function does not check to verify that the user account actually exists.
$NTUserObject = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($AccountName)
$NTUserSID = $NTUserObject.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])

return $NTUserSID.Value

#---Set up the new assigned access account---

# Get the SID for the assigned access account.

$AssignedAccessUserSID = Get-UsernameSID($AssignedAccessAccount)

# Check to see if an assigned access account is already set up, and if so, clear it.

$AssignedAccessConfig = get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -computer $COMPUTER -class WEDL_AssignedAccess

if ($AssignedAccessConfig) {

# Configuration already exists. Delete it so that we can create a new one, since only one assigned access
account can be set up at a time.


# Configure assigned access to launch the specified Windows app for the specified account.

Set-WmiInstance -class WEDL_AssignedAccess -ComputerName $COMPUTER -Namespace $NAMESPACE -Arguments @{

UserSID = $AssignedAccessUserSID;
AppUserModelId = $AppAUMID
} | Out-Null;

# Confirm that the settings were created properly.

$AssignedAccessConfig = get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -computer $COMPUTER -class WEDL_AssignedAccess

if ($AssignedAccessConfig) {

"Set up assigned access for the " + $AssignedAccessAccount + " account."

" UserSID = " + $AssignedAccessConfig.UserSid
" AppModelId = " + $AssignedAccessConfig.AppUserModelId

} else {

"Could not set up assigned access account."



Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro Yes

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Custom Logon
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You can use the Custom Logon feature to suppress Windows 10 UI elements that relate to the Welcome screen
and shutdown screen. For example, you can suppress all elements of the Welcome screen UI and provide a
custom logon UI. You can also suppress the Blocked Shutdown Resolver (BSDR ) screen and automatically end
applications while the OS waits for applications to close before a shutdown.
Custom Logon settings do not modify the credential behavior of Winlogon, so you can use any credential
provider that is compatible with Windows 10 to provide a custom sign-in experience for your device.

Windows 10 Enterprise or Windows 10 Education.

Turn on, enable: To make the setting available to the device and optionally apply the settings to the device.
Generally turn on is used in the user interface or control panel, whereas enable is used for command line.
Configure: To customize the setting or sub-settings.
Embedded Logon: This feature is called Embedded Logon in Windows 10, version 1511.
Custom Logon: This feature is called Custom Logon in Windows 10, version 1607 and later.

Turn on Custom Logon

Custom Logon is an optional component and is not turned on by default in Windows 10. It must be turned on
prior to configuring. You can turn on and configure Custom Logon in a customized Windows 10 image (.wim) if
Microsoft Windows has not been installed. If Windows has already been installed and you are applying a
provisioning package to configure Custom Logon, you must first turn on Custom Logon in order for a
provisioning package to be successfully applied.
The Custom Logon feature is available in the Control Panel. You can set Custom Logon by following these steps:
Turn on Custom Logon in Control Panel
1. In the Search the web and Windows field, type Turn Windows features on or off.
2. In the Windows Features window, expand the Device Lockdown node, and select or clear the checkbox for
Custom Logon.
Turn on and configure Custom Logon using DISM
1. Open a command prompt with administrator rights.
2. Copy install.wim to a temporary folder on hard drive (in the following steps, we'll assume it's called
3. Create a new directory.

md c:\wim

4. Mount the image.

dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\bootmedia\sources\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:c:\wim

5. Enable the feature.

dism /image:c:\wim /enable-feature /featureName:Client-EmbeddedLogon

6. Commit the change.

dism /unmount-wim /MountDir:c:\wim /Commit

Configure Custom Logon settings using Unattend

You can configure the Unattend settings in the Microsoft-Windows-Embedded-EmbeddedLogon component to
add custom logon features to your image during the design or imaging phase. You can manually create an
Unattend answer file or use Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) to add the appropriate settings to
your answer file. For more information about the custom logon settings and XML examples, see the settings in
The following example shows how to disable all Welcome screen UI elements and the Switch user button.

<settings pass="specialize">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Embedded-EmbeddedLogon" processorArchitecture="x86"
publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS"

In this section
Complementary features to Custom Logon
Troubleshooting Custom Logon

Related topics
Unbranded Boot
Shell Launcher
Complementary features to Custom Logon
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You may want to use or change some of the following features in conjunction with Custom Logon to complete the
user experience.

Power button
We recommend that you remove the power button from the Welcome screen and block the physical power button
so that a user cannot turn off the device when using assigned access or Shell Launcher.
Go to Power Options > Choose what the power button does, change the setting to Do nothing, and then
Save changes.

Welcome screen
To remove buttons from the Welcome screen
To remove buttons from the Welcome screen, set the appropriate value for BrandingNeutral in the
following registry key:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Embedded\EmbeddedLogon
The following table shows the possible values. To disable multiple Welcome screen UI elements, combine these
values using bitwise exclusive-or logic.


Disable all Welcome screen UI elements static const DWORD


Disable the Power button static const DWORD

= 0x2

Disable the Language button static const DWORD


Disable the Ease of Access button static const DWORD

SS = 0x8

Disable the Switch user button. static const DWORD


Disable the Blocked Shutdown Resolver (BSDR) screen so static const DWORD EMBEDDED_DISABLE_BSDR=
that restarting or shutting down the system causes the 0x20
OS to immediately force close any open applications that
are blocking system shut down. No UI is displayed, and
users are not given a chance to cancel the shutdown

In the following image of the [ctrl + alt + del] screen, you can see the Switch user button highlighted by a light
green outline, the Language button highlighted by an orange outline, the Ease of Access button highlighted by a
red outline, and the power button highlighted by a yellow outline. If you disable these buttons, they are hidden
from the UI.

You can remove the Wireless UI option from the Welcome screen by using Group Policy.
Remove Wireless UI from the Welcome screen
To remove Wireless UI from the Welcome screen
1. From a command prompt, run gpedit.msc to open the Local Group Policy Editor.
2. In the Local Group Policy Editor, under Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates,
expand System, and then tap or click Logon.
3. Double-tap or click Do not display network selection UI.

Related topics
Custom Logon
Troubleshooting Custom Logon
Troubleshooting Custom Logon
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This section highlights some common issues that you may encounter when using Custom Logon.

When automatic sign-in is enabled, the device asks for a password

when resuming from sleep or hibernate
This can occur when your device is configured to require a password when waking up from a sleep state.
To disable password protection on wake up
1. If you have write filters enabled on your device, perform the following steps to disable them so that you can
save setting changes:
a. At an administrator command prompt, type the following command:

uwfmgr.exe filter disable

b. To restart the device, type the following command:

uwfmgr.exe restart

2. In Contol Panel, search for Power Options , and then click the Power Options heading.
3. Under the Power Options heading, click Require a password on wakeup.
4. On the Define power buttons and turn on password protection page, under Password protection on
wakeup, select Don’t require a password.
5. If you disabled write filters, perform the following steps to enable them again:
a. At an administrator command prompt, type the following command:

uwfmgr.exe filter enable

b. To restart the device, type the following command:

uwfmgr.exe restart

The device displays a black screen during setup

Set the HideAutoLogonUI and AnimationDisabled settings to 0 (zero). The device will then display a default
screen during setup.

The device displays a black screen when Ctrl+Alt+Del is pressed

HideAutoLogonUI andForceAutoLogon have known issues when used together. To avoid a black screen, we
recommend you use Keyboard Filter to block this key combination.
The device displays a black screen when Windows key + L is used to
lock the device
HideAutoLogonUI and ForceAutoLogon have known issues when used together. To avoid a black screen, we
recommend you use Keyboard Filter to block this key combination.
The device displays a black screen when Notepad is opened, any characters are typed and the current user signs
out, or the device is rebooted, or the device is shut down
HideAutoLogonUI and ForceAutoLogon have known issues when used together. To avoid a black screen, we
recommend you disable the Blocked Shutdown Resolver Screen (BSDR ).

When the BSDR screen is disabled, restarting or shutting down the device causes the OS to immediately force close any
open applications that are blocking system shutdown. No UI is displayed, and users are not given a chance to cancel the
shutdown process. This can result in lost data if any open applications have unsaved data.

The device displays a black screen when the device is suspended and
then resumed
HideAutoLogonUI and ForceAutoLogon have known issues when used together. To avoid a black screen, we
recommend you disable the password protection on wakeup.
To disable password protection on wakeup
1. In Control Panel, click Power Options.
2. In the Power Options item, click Require a password on wakeup.
3. On the Define power buttons and turn on password protection page, under Password protection on
wakeup, select Don’t require a password.
The device displays a black screen when a password expiration screen is displayed
HideAutoLogonUI has a known issue. To avoid a black screen, we recommend you set the password to never
To set a password to never expire on an individual user account
1. On your device, open a command prompt with administrator privileges.
2. Type the following, replacing <accountname> with the name of the account you want to remove the
password expiration from.

net accounts <accountname> /expires:never

To set passwords to never expire on all user accounts

1. On your device, open a command prompt with administrator privileges.
2. Type the following

net accounts /MaxPWAge:unlimited

Related topics
Custom Logon
Complementary features to Custom Logon
Keyboard Filter
1/18/2019 • 8 minutes to read

You can use Keyboard Filter to suppress undesirable key presses or key combinations. Normally, a customer can
use certain Microsoft Windows key combinations like Ctrl+Alt+Delete or Ctrl+Shift+Tab to alter the operation
of a device by locking the screen or using Task Manager to close a running application. This may not be
desirable if your device is intended for a dedicated purpose.
The Keyboard Filter feature works with physical keyboards, the Windows on-screen keyboard, and the touch
keyboard. Keyboard Filter also detects dynamic layout changes, such as switching from one language set to
another, and continues to suppress keys correctly, even if the location of suppressed keys has changed on the
keyboard layout.

Keyboard filter is not supported in a remote desktop session.

Windows 10 Enterprise or Windows 10 Education.

Turn on, enable: To make the setting available to the device and optionally apply the settings to the
device. Generally turn on is used in the user interface or control panel, whereas enable is used for
command line.
Configure: To customize the setting or sub-settings.
Embedded Keyboard Filter: This feature is called Embedded Keyboard Filter in Windows 10, version
Keyboard Filter: This feature is called Keyboard Filter in Windows 10, version 1607 and later.

Turn on Keyboard Filter

By default, Keyboard Filter is not turned on. You can turn Keyboard Filter on or off for your device by using the
following steps.
Turning on an off Keyboard Filter requires that you restart your device. Keyboard Filter is automatically enabled
after the restart.
Turn on Keyboard Filter by using Control Panel
1. In the Search the web and Windows field, type Programs and Features and either press Enter or tap or
click Programs and Features to open it.
2. In the Programs and Features window, click Turn Windows features on or off.
3. In the Windows Features window, expand the Device Lockdown node, and select or clear the checkbox for
Keyboard Filter.
4. Click OK. The Windows Features window indicates Windows 10 is searching for required files and displays
a progress bar. Once found, the window indicates Windows 10 is applying the changes. When completed, the
window indicates the requested changes are completed.
5. Click Close to close the Windows Features window.
Configure Keyboard using Unattend
1. You can configure the Unattend settings in the Microsoft-Windows-Embedded-KeyboardFilterService
component to add Keyboard Filter features to your image during the design or imaging phase.
2. You can manually create an Unattend answer file or use Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) to
add the appropriate settings to your answer file. For more information about the keyboard filter settings and
XML examples, see the settings in Microsoft-Windows-Embedded-KeyboardFilterService.
Turn on and configure Keyboard Filter using Windows Configuration Designer
The Keyboard Filter settings are also available as Windows provisioning settings so you can configure these
settings to be applied during the image deployment time or runtime. You can set one or all keyboard filter
settings by creating a provisioning package using Windows Configuration Designer and then applying the
provisioning package during image deployment time or runtime.
1. Build a provisioning package in Windows Configuration Designer by following the instructions in Create
a provisioning package.

In the Select Windows Edition window, choose Common to all Windows desktop editions.

2. On the Available customizations page, select Runtime settings > SMISettings, and then set the
desired values for the keyboard filter settings.
3. Once you have finished configuring the settings and building the provisioning package, you can apply the
package to the image deployment time or runtime. See Apply a provisioning package for more
information. Note that the process for applying the provisioning packageg to a Windows 10 Enterprise
image is the same.
This example uses a Windows image called install.wim, but you can use the same procedure to apply a
provisioning package. For more information on DISM, see What Is Deployment Image Servicing and
Turn on and configure Keyboard Filter by using DISM
1. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges.
2. Copy install.wim to a temporary folder on hard drive (in the following steps, we'll assume it's called
3. Create a new directory.

md c:\wim

4. Mount the image.

dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\bootmedia\sources\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:c:\wim

5. Enable the feature.

Dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:Client-KeyboardFilter

6. Commit the change.

dism /unmount-wim /MountDir:c:\wim /Commit

Keyboard Filter features

Keyboard Filter has the following features:
Supports hardware keyboards, the standard Windows on-screen keyboard, and the touch keyboard
Suppresses key combinations even when they come from multiple keyboards.
For example, if a user presses the Ctrl key and the Alt key on a hardware keyboard, while at the same
time pressing Delete on a software keyboard, Keyboard Filter can still detect and suppress the
Ctrl+Alt+Delete functionality.
Supports numeric keypads and keys designed to access media player and browser functionality.
Can configure a key to breakout of a locked down user session to return to the Welcome screen.
Automatically handles dynamic layout changes.
Can be enabled or disabled for administrator accounts.
Can force disabling of Ease of Access functionality.
Can block physical hardware keys.
Supports x86 and x64 architectures.

Keyboard scan codes and layouts

When a key is pressed on a physical keyboard, the keyboard sends a scan code to the keyboard driver. The driver
then sends the scan code to the OS and the OS converts the scan code into a virtual key based on the current
active layout. The layout defines the mapping of keys on the physical keyboard, and has many variants. A key on
a keyboard always sends the same scan code when pressed, however this scan code can map to different virtual
keys for different layouts. For example, in the English (United States) keyboard layout, the key to the right of the
P key maps to “{“. However, in the Swedish (Sweden) keyboard layout, the same key maps to “Å”.
Keyboard Filter can block keys either by the scan code or the virtual key. Blocking keys by the scan code is useful
for custom keyboards that have special scan codes that do not translate into any single virtual key. Blocking keys
by the virtual key is generally more convenient because it is easier to read and Keyboard Filter suppresses the
key correctly even when the location of the key changes because of a layout change.
When you configure Keyboard Filter to block keys by using the virtual key, you must use the English names for
the virtual keys. For more information about the names of the virtual keys, see keyboard filter key names.
For the Windows on-screen keyboard, keyboard filter converts each keystroke into a scan code based on the
layout, and back into a virtual key. This allows keyboard filter to suppress the on-screen keyboard keys in the
same manner as physical keyboard keys, whether they are configured by scan code or virtual key.

Keyboard Filter and ease of access features

By default, ease of access features are enabled and Keyboard Filter is disabled for administrator accounts.
If Sticky Keys are enabled, a user can bypass Keyboard Filter in certain situations. You can configure keyboard
filter to disable all ease of access features and prevent users from enabling them.
You can enable ease of access features for administrator accounts, while still disabling them for standard user
accounts, by making sure that Keyboard Filter is disabled for administrator accounts.

Keyboard Filter configuration

You can configure the following options for Keyboard Filter:
Set/unset predefined key combinations to be suppressed.
Add/remove custom defined key combinations to be suppressed.
Enable/disable keyboard filter for administrator accounts.
Force disabling ease of access features.
Configure a breakout key sequence to break out of a locked down account.
Most configuration changes take effect immediately. Some changes, such as enabling or disabling Keyboard
Filter for administrators, do not take effect until the user signs out of the account and then back in. If you change
the breakout key scan code, you must restart the device before the change take effect.
You can configure keyboard filter by using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers. You can
use the Keyboard Filter WMI providers directly in a PowerShell script or in an application.
For more information about Keyboard Filter WMI providers, see Keyboard Filter WMI provider reference.

Keyboard breakout
You may need to sign in to a locked down device with a different account in order to service or configure the
device. You can configure a breakout key to break out of a locked down account by specifying a key scan code.
When you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, Windows presents the Welcome screen so that you can sign in to a different
The breakout key is set to the scan code for the left Windows logo key by default. You can use the
WEKF_SettingsWMI class to change the breakout key scan code. If you change the breakout key scan code, you
must restart the device before the change takes effect.

Keyboard Filter considerations

Starting a device in Safe Mode bypasses keyboard filter. The Keyboard Filter service is not loaded in Safe Mode,
and keys are not blocked in Safe Mode.
Keyboard filter cannot block the Sleep key.
Some hardware keys, such as rotation lock, do not have a defined virtual key. You can still block these keys by
using the scan code of the key.
The add (+), multiply (*), subtract (-), divide (/), and decimal (.) keys have different virtual keys and scan codes on
the numeric keypad than on the main keyboard. You must block both keys to block these keys. For example, to
block the multiply key, you must add a rule to block “*” as well as a rule to block Multiply.
When locking the screen by using the on-screen keyboard, or a combination of a physical keyboard and the on-
screen keyboard, the on-screen keyboard sends an additional Windows logo key keystroke to the OS. If your
device is using the Windows 10 shell and you use keyboard filter to block Windows logo key+L, the extra
Windows logo key keystroke causes the shell to switch between the Start screen and the last active app when a
user attempts to lock the device by using the on-screen keyboard, which may be unexpected behavior.
Some custom keyboard software, such as Microsoft IntelliType Pro, can install Keyboard Filter drivers that
prevent Keyboard Filter from being able to block some or all keys, typically extended keys like BrowserHome
and Search.
In this section
Keyboard Filter key names
Predefined key combinations
Keyboard Filter WMI provider reference
Windows PowerShell script samples for Keyboard Filter
Keyboard Filter key names
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

You can configure Keyboard Filter to block keys or key combinations. A key combination consists of one or more
modifier keys, separated by a plus sign (+), and either a key name or a key scan code. In addition to the keys listed
in the tables below, you can also use the predefined key combinations names as custom key combinations, but we
recommend using the predefined key settings when enabling or disabling predefined key combinations.
The key names are grouped as follows:
Modifier keys
System keys
Cursor and math keys
State keys
OEM keys
Function keys

Modifier keys
You can use the modifier keys listed in the following table when you configure keyboard filter. Multiple modifiers
must be separated by a plus sign (+). You can also configure Keyboard Filter to block any modifier key even if it’s
not part of a key combination..


Ctrl VK_CONTROL The Ctrl key

LCtrl VK_LCONTROL The left Ctrl key

RCtrl VK_RCONTROL The right Ctrl key

Control VK_CONTROL The Ctrl key

LControl VK_LCONTROL The left Ctrl key

RControl VK_RCONTROL The right Ctrl key

Alt VK_MENU The Alt key

LAlt VK_LMENU The left Alt key

RAlt VK_RMENU The right Alt key


Shift VK_SHIFT The Shift key

LShift VK_LSHIFT The left Shift key

RShift VK_RSHIFT The right Shift key

Win VK_WIN The Windows logo key

LWin VK_LWIN The left Windows logo key

RWin VK_RWIN The right Windows logo key

Windows VK_WIN The Windows logo key

LWindows VK_LWIN The left Windows logo key

RWindows VK_RWIN The right Windows logo key

System keys

Backspace VK_BACK The Backspace key

Back VK_BACK The Backspace key

Tab VK_TAB The Tab key

Clear VK_CLEAR The Clear key

Enter VK_RETURN The Enter key

Return VK_RETURN The Enter key

Pause VK_PAUSE The Pause key

Esc VK_ESCAPE The Esc key


Escape VK_ESCAPE The Esc key

Space VK_SPACE The Spacebar

Break VK_BREAK The Break key

Select VK_SELECT The Select key

PrintScreen VK_PRINT The Print Screen key

PrintScrn VK_PRINT The Print Screen key

Print VK_PRINT The Print Screen key

Execute VK_EXECUTE The Execute key

Snapshot VK_SNAPSHOT The Print Screen key

Help VK_HELP The Help key

Cursor and edit keys


PageUp VK_PRIOR The Page Up key

Prior VK_PRIOR The Page Up key

PgUp VK_PRIOR The Page Up key

PageDown VK_NEXT The Page Down key

PgDown VK_NEXT The Page Down key

Next VK_NEXT The Page Down key

End VK_END The End key


Home VK_HOME The Home key

Left VK_LEFT The Left Arrow key

Up VK_UP The Up Arrow key

Right VK_RIGHT The Right Arrow key

Down VK_DOWN The Down Arrow key

Insert VK_INSERT The Insert key

Delete VK_DELETE The Delete key

Del VK_DELETE The Delete key

Separator VK_SEPARATOR The Separator key

## State keys


NumLock VK_NUMLOCK The Num Lock key

ScrollLock VK_SCROLL The Scroll Lock key

Scroll VK_SCROLL The Scroll Lock key

CapsLock VK_CAPITAL The Caps Lock key

Capital VK_CAPITAL The Caps Lock key

OEM keys

KeypadEqual VK_OEM_NEC_EQUAL The Equal Sign (=) key on the

numeric keypad (OEM-specific)

Dictionary VK_OEM_FJ_JISHO The Dictionary key (OEM-specific)

Unregister VK_OEM_FJ_MASSHOU The Unregister Word key (OEM-


Register VK_OEM_FJ_TOUROKU The Register Word key (OEM-


LeftOyayubi VK_OEM_FJ_LOYA The Left OYAYUBI key (OEM-


RightOyayubi VK_OEM_FJ_ROYA The Right OYAYUBI key (OEM-


OemPlus VK_OEM_PLUS For any country/region, the Plus

Sign (+’) key

OemComma VK_OEM_COMMA For any country/region, the

Comma (,) key

OemMinus VK_OEM_MINUS For any country/region, the Minus

Sign (-) key

OemPeriod VK_OEM_PERIOD For any country/region, the Period

(.) key

Oem1 VK_OEM_1 Varies by keyboard

Oem2 VK_OEM_2 Varies by keyboard

Oem3 VK_OEM_3 Varies by keyboard

Oem4 VK_OEM_4 Varies by keyboard

Oem5 VK_OEM_5 Varies by keyboard

Oem6 VK_OEM_6 Varies by keyboard

Oem7 VK_OEM_7 Varies by keyboard


Oem8 VK_OEM_8 Varies by keyboard

OemAX VK_OEM_AX The AX key on a Japanese AX


Oem102 VK_OEM_102 Either the angle bracket key or the

backslash key on the RT 102-key

Function keys

F1 VK_F1 The F1 key

F2 VK_F2 The F2 key

F3 VK_F3 The F3 key

F4 VK_F4 The F4 key

F5 VK_F5 The F5 key

F6 VK_F6 The F6 key

F7 VK_F7 The F7 key

F8 VK_F8 The F8 key

F9 VK_F9 The F9 key

F10 VK_F10 The F10 key

F11 VK_F11 The F11 key

F12 VK_F12 The F12 key

F13 VK_F13 The F13 key


F14 VK_F14 The F14 key

F15 VK_F15 The F15 key

F16 VK_F16 The F16 key

F17 VK_F17 The F17 key

F18 VK_F18 The F18 key

F19 VK_F19 The F19 key

F20 VK_F20 The F20 key

F21 VK_F21 The F21 key

F22 VK_F22 The F22 key

F23 VK_F23 The F23 key

F24 VK_F24 The F24 key

Numeric keypad keys


Numpad0 VK_NUMPAD0 The 0 key on the numeric keypad

Numpad1 VK_NUMPAD1 The 1 key on the numeric keypad

Numpad2 VK_NUMPAD2 The 2 key on the numeric keypad

Numpad3 VK_NUMPAD3 The 3 key on the numeric keypad

Numpad4 VK_NUMPAD4 The 4 key on the numeric keypad

Numpad5 VK_NUMPAD5 The 5 key on the numeric keypad


Numpad6 VK_NUMPAD6 The 6 key on the numeric keypad

Numpad7 VK_NUMPAD7 The 7 key on the numeric keypad

Numpad8 VK_NUMPAD8 The 8 key on the numeric keypad

Numpad9 VK_NUMPAD9 The 9 key on the numeric keypad

Multiply VK_MULTIPLY The Multiply (*) key on the numeric


Add VK_ADD The Add (+) key on the numeric


Subtract VK_SUBTRACT The Subtract (-) key on the numeric


Decimal VK_DECIMAL The Decimal (.) key on the numeric


Divide VK_DIVIDE The Divide (/) key on the numeric


Related topics
Keyboard filter
Predefined key combinations
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

This topic lists the key combinations that are predefined by a keyboard filter.
You can use the values in the WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id column to configure the Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) class WEKF_PredefinedKey.

Accessibility keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for accessibility:


Left Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen LShift+LAlt+PrintScrn Open High Contrast.

Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock LShift+LAlt+NumLock Open Mouse Keys.

Windows logo key + U Win+U Open Ease of Access Center.

Application keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling application state:


Alt + F4 Alt+F4 Close application.

Ctrl + F4 Ctrl+F4 Close window.

Windows logo key + F1 Win+F1 Open Windows Help.

Shell keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for general UI control:


Alt + Spacebar Alt+Space Open shortcut menu for the active


Ctrl + Esc Ctrl+Esc Open the Start screen.

Ctrl + Windows logo key + F Ctrl+Win+F Open Find Computers.

Windows logo key + Break Win+Break Open System dialog box.

Windows logo key + E Win+E Open Windows Explorer.


Windows + F Win+F Open Search.

Windows logo key + P Win+P Cycle through Presentation Mode. Also

blocks the Windows logo key + Shift +
P and the Windows logo key + Ctrl + P
key combinations.

Windows logo key + R Win+R Open Run dialog box.

Alt + Tab Alt+Tab Switch task. Also blocks the Alt + Shift
+ Tab key combination.

Ctrl + Tab Ctrl+Tab Switch window.

Windows logo key + Tab Win+Tab Cycle through Microsoft Store apps.
Also blocks the Windows logo key +
Ctrl + Tab and Windows logo key +
Shift + Tab key combinations.

Windows logo key + D Win+D Show desktop.

Windows logo key + M Win+M Minimize all windows.

Windows logo key + Home Win+Home Minimize or restore all inactive


Windows logo key + T Win+T Set focus on taskbar and cycle through

Windows logo key + B Win+B Set focus in the notification area.

Windows logo key + Minus Sign Win+- Zoom out.

Windows logo key + Plus Sign Win++ Zoom in.

Windows logo key + Esc Win+Esc Close Magnifier application.

Windows logo key + Up Arrow Win+Up Maximize the active window.

Windows logo key + Down Arrow Win+Down Minimize the active window.

Windows logo key + Left Arrow Win+Left Snap the active window to the left half
of screen.

Windows logo key + Right Arrow Win+Right Snap the active window to the right half
of screen.

Windows logo key + Shift + Up Arrow Win+Shift+Up Maximize the active window vertically.

Windows logo key + Shift + Down Win+Shift+Down Minimize the active window.

Windows logo key + Shift + Left Arrow Win+Shift+Left Move the active window to left monitor.

Windows logo key + Shift + Right Win+Shift+Right Move the active window to right
Arrow monitor.

Windows logo key + Spacebar Win+Space Switch layout.

Windows logo key + O Win+O Lock device orientation.

Windows logo key + Ctrl + Enter Win+Ctrl+Enter Start Narrator.

Windows logo key + Page Up Win+PageUp Move a Microsoft Store app to the left

Windows logo key + Page Down Win+PageDown Move a Microsoft Store app to right

Windows logo key + Period Win+. Snap the current screen to the left or
right gutter. Also blocks the Windows
logo key + Shift + Period key

Windows logo key + C Win+C Activate Cortana in listening mode

(after user has enabled the shortcut
through the UI).

Windows logo key + I Win+I Open Settings charm.

Windows logo key + K Win+K Open Connect charm.

Windows logo key + H Win+H Start dictation.

Windows logo key + Q Win+Q Open Search charm.

Windows logo key + W Win+W Open Windows Ink workspace.

Windows logo key + Z Win+Z Open app bar.

Windows logo key + / Win+/ Open input method editor (IME).

Windows logo key + J Win+J Swap between snapped and filled


Windows logo key + Comma Win+, Peek at the desktop.

Windows logo key + V Win+V Cycle through toasts in reverse order.

Modifier keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for modifier keys (such as Shift and Ctrl):

Alt Alt Both Alt keys

Application Application Application key

Ctrl Ctrl Both Ctrl keys

Shift Shift Both Shift keys

Windows logo key Windows Both Windows logo keys

Security keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for OS security:


Ctrl + Alt + Delete Ctrl+Alt+Del Open the Windows Security screen.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc Shift+Ctrl+Esc Open Task Manager.

Windows logo key + L Win+L Lock the device.

Extended shell keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for extended shell functions (such as automatically
opening certain apps):


LaunchMail LaunchMail Start Mail key

LaunchMediaSelect LaunchMediaSelect Select Media key

LaunchApp1 LaunchApp1 Start Application 1 key

LaunchApp2 LaunchApp2 Start Application 2 key

Browser keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling the browser:


BrowserBack BrowserBack Browser Back key

BrowserForward BrowserForward Browser Forward key

BrowserRefresh BrowserRefresh Browser Refresh key


BrowserStop BrowserStop Browser Stop key

BrowserSearch BrowserSearch Browser Search key

BrowserFavorites BrowserFavorites Browser Favorites key

BrowserHome BrowserHome Browser Start and Home key

Media keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling media playback:


VolumeMute VolumeMute Volume Mute key

VolumeDown VolumeDown Volume Down key

VolumeUp VolumeUp Volume Up key

MediaNext MediaNext Next Track key

MediaPrev MediaPrev Previous Track key

MediaStop MediaStop Stop Media key

MediaPlayPause MediaPlayPause Play/Pause Media key

Microsoft Surface keyboard keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for Microsoft Surface devices:


Left Alt + Windows logo key AltWin Share key

Left Ctrl + Windows logo key CtrlWin Devices key

Left Shift + Windows logo key ShiftWin Search key

F21 F21 Settings key

Related topics
Keyboard filter
Keyboard Filter WMI provider reference
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider classes that you use to configure
Keyboard Filter during run time.
WEKF_CustomKey Blocks or unblocks custom defined key combinations.
WEKF_PredefinedKey Blocks or unblocks predefined key combinations.
WEKF_Scancode Blocks or unblocks key combinations by using keyboard scan codes.
WEKF_Settings Enables or disables settings for Keyboard Filter.

Related topics
Keyboard filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Adds or removes custom-defined key combinations.

class WEKF_CustomKey {
[Static] uint32 Add(
[In] string CustomKey
[Static] uint32 Remove(
[In] string CustomKey

[Key] string Id;

[Read, Write] boolean Enabled;

The following tables list any methods and properties that belong to this class.

WEKF_CustomKey.Add Creates a new custom key combination and enables

Keyboard Filter to block the new key combination.

WEKF_CustomKey.Remove Removes the specified custom key combination. Keyboard

Filter stops blocking the key combination that was


Id string [key] The name of the custom

key combination.

Enabled Boolean [read, write] Indicates if the key is

blocked or unblocked.
This property can be
one of the following


true Indicat
es that
key is

false Indicat
es that
key is

You can specify key combinations by including the modifier keys in the name. The most common modifier names
are “Ctrl”, “Shift”, “Alt”, and “Win”. You cannot block a combination of non-modifier keys. For example, you can
block a key combination of “Ctrl+Shift+F”, but you cannot block a key combination of “A+D”.
When you block a shift-modified key, you must enter the key as “Shift” + the unmodified key. For example, to
block the % key on an English keyboard layout, you must specify the key as “Shift+5”. Attempting to block “%”,
results in Keyboard Filter blocking “5” instead.
When you specify the key combination to block, you must use the English names for the keys. For a list of the key
names you can specify, see Keyboard Filter key names.

The following code demonstrates how to add or enable a custom key combination that Keyboard Filter will block
by using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers for Keyboard Filter. This example modifies
the properties directly and does not call any of the methods defined in WEKF_CustomKey.
This script shows how to use the WMI provider to enable and add
Keyboard Filter rules through Windows PowerShell on the local computer.
.Parameter ComputerName
Optional parameter to specify a remote machine that this script should
manage. If not specified, the script will execute all WMI operations
param (
[String] $ComputerName

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"="root\standardcimv2\embedded"}
$CommonParams += $PSBoundParameters

function Enable-Custom-Key($Id) {
Toggle on a Custom Key Keyboard Filter Rule
Use Get-WMIObject to enumerate all WEKF_CustomKey instances,
filter against key value "Id", and set that instance's "Enabled"
property to 1/true.

In the case that the Custom instance does not exist, add a new
instance of WEKF_CustomKey using Set-WMIInstance.
Enable-Custom-Key "Ctrl+V"

Enable filtering of the Ctrl + V sequence.


$custom = Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_CustomKey @CommonParams |

where {
$_.Id -eq "$Id"

if ($custom) {
# Rule exists. Just enable it.
$custom.Enabled = 1;
$custom.Put() | Out-Null;
"Enabled Custom Filter $Id.";

} else {
Set-WMIInstance `
-class WEKF_CustomKey `
-argument @{Id="$Id"} `
@CommonParams | Out-Null

"Added Custom Filter $Id.";


# Some example uses of the function defined above.

Enable-Custom-Key "Ctrl+V"
Enable-Custom-Key "Numpad0"
Enable-Custom-Key "Shift+Numpad1"


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Related topics
Keyboard Filter WMI provider reference
Keyboard Filter key names
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Creates a new custom key combination and enables Keyboard Filter to block the new key combination.

[Static] uint32 Add(
[In] string CustomKey

[in] The custom key combination to add. For a list of valid key names, see Keyboard Filter key names.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates a WMI Non-Error Constant or a WMI Error Constant.

WEKF_CustomKey.Add creates a new WEKF_CustomKey object and sets the Enabled property of the new
object to true, and the Id property to CustomKey.
If a WEKF_CustomKey object already exists with the Id property equal to CustomKey, then
WEKF_CustomKey.Add returns an error code and does not create a new object or modify any properties of the
existing object. If the existing WEKF_CustomKey object has the Enabled property set to false, Keyboard Filter
does not block the custom key combination.

The following code demonstrates how to add or enable a custom key that Keyboard Filter will block by using the
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers for Keyboard Filter.
$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Create a handle to the class instance so we can call the static methods
$classCustomKey = [wmiclass]"\\$COMPUTER\${NAMESPACE}:WEKF_CustomKey"

# Create a function to add or enable a key combination for Keyboard Filter to block
function Enable-Custom-Key($KeyId) {

# Check to see if the custom key object already exists

$objCustomKey = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class WEKF_CustomKey |
where {$_.Id -eq "$KeyId"};

if ($objCustomKey) {

# The custom key already exists, so just enable it

$objCustomKey.Enabled = 1;
$objCustomKey.Put() | Out-Null;
"Enabled ${KeyId}.";

} else {

# Create a new custom key object by calling the static Add method
$retval = $classCustomKey.Add($KeyId);

# Check the return value to verify that the Add is successful

if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
"Added ${KeyID}."
} else {
"Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue

# Enable Keyboard Filter to block several custom keys

Enable-Custom-Key "Ctrl+v"
Enable-Custom-Key "Ctrl+v"
Enable-Custom-Key "Shift+4"
Enable-Custom-Key "Ctrl+Alt+w"

# List all the currently existing custom keys

$objCustomKeyList = get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class WEKF_CustomKey

foreach ($objCustomKeyItem in $objCustomKeyList) {
"Custom key: " + $objCustomKeyItem.Id
" enabled: " + $objCustomKeyItem.Enabled


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Related topics
Keyboard Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Removes a custom key combination, causing Keyboard Filter to stop blocking the removed key combination.

[Static] uint32 Remove(
[In] string CustomKey

CustomKey [in] The custom key combination to remove.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

WEKF_CustomKey.Remove removes an existing WEKF_CustomKey object. If the object does not exist,
WEKF_CustomKey.Remove returns an error with the value 0x8007007B.
Because this method is static, you cannot call it on an object instance, but must instead call it at the class level.

The following code demonstrates how to remove a custom key from Keyboard Filter so it is no longer blocked by
using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers for Keyboard Filter.
$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Create a handle to the class instance so we can call the static methods
$classCustomKey = [wmiclass]"\\$COMPUTER\${NAMESPACE}:WEKF_CustomKey"

# Create a function to remove a key combination

function Remove-Custom-Key($KeyId) {

# Call the static Remove() method on the class reference

$retval = $classCustomKey.Remove($KeyId)

# Check the return value for status

if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {

# Custom key combination removed successfully

"Removed ${KeyID}."
} elseif ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 2147942523) {

# No object exists with the specified custom key

"Failed to remove ${KeyID}. No object found."
} else {

# Unknown error, report error code in hexadecimal

"Failed to remove ${KeyID}. Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue

# Example of removing a custom key so that Keyboard Filter stops blocking it

Remove-Custom-Key "Ctrl+Alt+w"

# Example of removing all custom keys that have the Enabled property set to false
$objDisabledCustomKeys = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $NAMESPACE -Class WEKF_CustomKey;

foreach ($objCustomKey in $objDisabledCustomKeys) {

if (!$objCustomKey.Enabled) {


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Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Keyboard Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This class blocks or unblocks predefined key combinations, such as Ctrl+Alt+Delete.

class WEKF_PredefinedKey {
[Static] uint32 Enable (
[In] string PredefinedKey
[Static] uint32 Disable (
[In] string PredefinedKey

[Key] string Id;

[Read, Write] boolean Enabled;

The following tables list any constructors, methods, fields, and properties that belong to this class.

WEKF_PredefinedKey.Enable Blocks the specified predefined key.

WEKF_PredefinedKey.Disable Unblocks the specified predefined key.


Id string [key] The name of the predefined

key combination.

Enabled Boolean [read, write] Indicates whether the key is

blocked or unblocked. To
indicate that the key is
blocked, specify true. To
indicate that the key is not
blocked, specify false.

All accounts have read access to the WEKF_PRedefinedKey class, but only administrator accounts can modify
the class.
For a list of predefined key combinations for Keyboard Filter, see Predefined key combinations.

The following sample Windows PowerShell script blocks the Ctrl+Alt+Delete and the Ctrl+Esc key combinations
when the Keyboard Filter service is running.

This script shows how to use the built in WMI providers to enable and add
Keyboard Filter rules through Windows PowerShell on the local computer.
.Parameter ComputerName
Optional parameter to specify a remote machine that this script should
manage. If not specified, the script will execute all WMI operations
param (
[String] $ComputerName

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"="root\standardcimv2\embedded"}
$CommonParams += $PSBoundParameters

function Enable-Predefined-Key($Id) {
Toggle on a Predefined Key Keyboard Filter Rule
Use Get-WMIObject to enumerate all WEKF_PredefinedKey instances,
filter against key value "Id", and set that instance's "Enabled"
property to 1/true.
Enable-Predefined-Key "Ctrl+Alt+Delete"

Enable CAD filtering


$predefined = Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_PredefinedKey @CommonParams |

where {
$_.Id -eq "$Id"

if ($predefined) {
$predefined.Enabled = 1;
$predefined.Put() | Out-Null;
Write-Host Enabled $Id
} else {
Write-Error $Id is not a valid predefined key

# Some example uses of the function defined above.

Enable-Predefined-Key "Ctrl+Alt+Delete"
Enable-Predefined-Key "Ctrl+Esc"


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Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Keyboard Filter WMI provider reference
Keyboard Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Unblocks the specified predefined key combination.

[Static] uint32 Disable(
[In] string PredefinedKey

PredefinedKey [in] The predefined key combination to unblock. For a list of predefined keys, see Predefined key

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI Non-error constant or a WMI error constant.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Keyboard Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This method blocks the specified predefined key combination.

[Static] uint32 Enable(
[In] string PredefinedKey

PredefinedKey The predefined key combination to block. For a list of predefined keys, see Predefined key

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI non-error constant or a WMI error constant.


Windows 10 Home No

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Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Keyboard Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Blocks or unblocks key combinations by using the keyboard scan code, which is an integer number that is
generated whenever a key is pressed or released.

class WEKF_Scancode {
[Static] uint32 Add(
[In] string Modifiers,
[In] uint16 scancode
[Static] uint32 Remove(
[In] string Modifiers,
[In] uint16 Scancode

[Key] string Modifiers;

[Key] uint16 Scancode;
[Read, Write] boolean Enabled;

The following tables list any constructors, methods, fields, and properties that belong to this class.

WEKF_Scancode.Add Adds a new custom scan code combination and enables

Keyboard Filter to block the new scan code combination.

WEKF_Scancode.Remove Removes the specified custom scan code combination.

Keyboard Filter stops blocking the scan code combination
that was removed.


Modifiers string [key] The modifier keys that

are part of the key
combination to block.

Scancode uint16 [key] The scan code part of

the key combination to

Enabled Boolean [read, write] Indicates whether the

scan code is blocked or
unblocked. This
property can be one of
the following values:


true Indicat
es that

false Indicat
es that
is not

Scan codes are generated by the keyboard whenever a key is pressed. The same physical key will always generate
the same scan code, regardless of which keyboard layout is currently being used by the system.
You can specify key combinations by including the modifier keys in the Modifiers parameter of the Add method or
by modifying the Modifiers property. The most common modifier names are “Ctrl”, “Shift”, “Alt”, and “Win”.

The following code demonstrates how to add or enable a keyboard scan code that Keyboard Filter will block by
using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers for Keyboard Filter. This example modifies the
properties directly, and does not call any of the methods defined in WEKF_Scancode.
This script shows how to use the WMI provider to enable and add
Keyboard Filter rules through Windows Powershell on the local computer.
.Parameter ComputerName
Optional parameter to specify a remote machine that this script should
manage. If not specified, the script will execute all WMI operations
param (
[String] $ComputerName

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"="root\standardcimv2\embedded"}
$CommonParams += $PSBoundParameters

function Enable-Scancode($Modifiers, [int]$Code) {

Toggle on a Scancode Keyboard Filter Rule
Use Get-WMIObject to enumerate all WEKF_Scancode instances,
filter against key values of "Modifiers" and "Scancode", and set
that instance's "Enabled" property to 1/true.

In the case that the Scancode instance does not exist, add a new
instance of WEKF_Scancode using Set-WMIInstance.
Enable-Predefined-Key "Ctrl+V"

Enable filtering of the Ctrl + V sequence.


$scancode =
Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_Scancode @CommonParams |
where {
($_.Modifiers -eq $Modifiers) -and ($_.Scancode -eq $Code)

if($scancode) {
$scancode.Enabled = 1
$scancode.Put() | Out-Null
"Enabled Custom Scancode {0}+{1:X4}" -f $Modifiers, $Code
} else {
Set-WMIInstance `
-class WEKF_Scancode `
-argument @{Modifiers="$Modifiers"; Scancode=$Code} `
@CommonParams | Out-Null

"Added Custom Scancode {0}+{1:X4}" -f $Modifiers, $Code


# Some example uses of the function defined above.

Enable-Scancode "Ctrl" 37


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Keyboard Filter WMI provider reference
Keyboard Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This method adds a new custom scan code combination and enables Keyboard Filter to block the new combination.

[Static] uint32 Add(
[In] string Modifiers,
[In] uint16 Scancode

Modifers The modifier keys that are part of the key combination to block.
Scancode The hardware scan code of the key to block.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI non-error constant or a WMI error constant.

WEKF_Scancode.Add creates a new WEKF_Scancode object and sets the Enabled property of the new object
to true.
If a WEKF_Scancode object already exists with same Modifiers and Scancode properties, then
WEKF_Scancode.Add returns an error code and does not create a new object or modify any properties of the
existing object. If the existing WEKF_Scancode object has the Enabled property set to false, Keyboard Filter does
not block the scan code.


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Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Keyboard Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This method removes a custom scan code key combination, causing Keyboard Filter to stop blocking the removed

[Static] uint32 Remove(
[In] string Modifiers,
[In] uint16 Scancode

Modifiers The modifier keys of the combination to remove.
Scancode The scan code of the combination to remove.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI non-error constant or a WMI error constant.

WEKF_Scancode.Remove removes an existing WEKF_Scancode object. If the object does not exist,
WEKF_Scancode.Remove returns an error with the value 0x8007007B.
Because this method is static, you cannot call it on an object instance, but must instead call it at the class level.


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Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Keyboard Filter
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Enables or disables settings for Keyboard Filter.

class WEKF_Settings {
[Key] string Name;
[Read, Write] string Value;

The following tables list any methods and properties that belong to this class.

Name string [key] Indicates the name of

the Keyboard Filter
setting that this object
represents. See the
Remarks section for a
list of valid setting

Value string [read, write] Represents the value of

the Name setting. The
value is not case-
See the Remarks section
for a list of valid values
for each setting.

You must be signed in to an administrator account to make any changes to this class.
Each WEKF_Settings object represents a single Keyboard Filter setting. You can enumerate across all
WEKF_Settings objects to see the value of all Keyboard Filter settings.
The following table lists all settings available for Keyboard Filter.


DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators This setting specifies whether Keyboard Filter is enabled

or disabled for administrator accounts. Set to true to
disable Keyboard Filter for administrator accounts;
otherwise, set to false. Set to true by default.

ForceOffAccessibility This setting specifies whether Keyboard Filter blocks users

from enabling Ease of Access features. Set to true to force
disabling the Ease of Access features. Set to false to allow
enabling the Ease of Access features. Set to false by
Changing this setting to false does not automatically
enable Ease of Access features; you must manually enable

BreakoutKeyScanCode This setting specifies the scan code of the key that
enables a user to break out of an account that is locked
down with Keyboard Filter. A user can press
CTRL+ALT+DELETE to switch to the Welcome screen.
Set to the scan code for the left Windows logo key by

One instance of the WEKF_Settings class exists for each valid setting.
Changes to the DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrator setting are applied when an administrator account
signs in, and applies to all applications run during the user session. If a user without an administrator account runs
an application as an administrator, Keyboard Filter is still enabled, regardless of the
DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrator setting.
Changes to the BreakoutKeyScanCode setting do not take effect until you restart the device.
If the BreakoutKeyScanCode is set to the scan code for either the left Windows logo key or the right Windows
logo key, both Windows Logo keys will work as the breakout key.
The BreakoutKeyScanCode setting only applies to accounts where Keyboard Filter is active. If the scan code is
set to a value that does not map to any key, such as 0 (zero), then you must use another method to access the
Welcome screen if you need to service the device, such as remotely connecting, or restarting the device if
automatic sign-in is not enabled.
Important On some devices, if the breakout key is pressed too rapidly, the key presses may not register. We
recommend that you include a slight pause between each breakout key press.

When setting the BreakoutKeyScanCode, be sure to use the scan code of the key, and not the virtual key value.

The following Windows PowerShell script demonstrates how to use this class to modify the breakout mode key
for Keyboard Filter. This example sets the BreakoutKeyScanCode setting to the scan code for the Home key on a
standard keyboard.
#---Define variables---

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Define the decimal scan code of the Home key

$HomeKeyScanCode = 71

# Get the BreakoutKeyScanCode setting from WEKF_Settings

$BreakoutMode = get-wmiobject -class wekf_settings -namespace $NAMESPACE | where {$_.name -eq


# Set the breakout key to the Home key.

$BreakoutMode.value = $HomeKeyScanCode

# Push the change into the WMI configuration. You must restart your device before this change takes effect.



Windows 10 Home No

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Related topics
Keyboard Filter WMI provider reference
Keyboard Filter
Windows PowerShell script samples for Keyboard
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The list below describes sample Windows PowerShell scripts that demonstrate how to use the Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers for Keyboard Filter.
Add blocked key combinations Demonstrates how to block key combinations for Keyboard Filter.
Disable all blocked key combinations Demonstrates how to disable all blocked key combinations for Keyboard
List all configured key combinations Demonstrates how to list all defined key combination configurations for
Keyboard Filter.
Modify global settings Demonstrates how to modify global settings for Keyboard Filter.
Remove key combination configurations Demonstrates how to remove a custom defined key combination
configuration for Keyboard Filter.

Related topics
Keyboard Filter WMI provider reference
Keyboard Filter
Add blocked key combinations
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following sample Windows PowerShell script uses the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
providers for Keyboard Filter to create three functions to configure Keyboard Filter so that Keyboard Filter blocks
key combinations. It demonstrates several ways to use each function.
The first function, Enable-Predefine-Key , blocks key combinations that are predefined for Keyboard Filter.
The second function, Enable-Custom-Key , blocks custom key combinations by using the English key names.
The third function, Enable-Scancode , blocks custom key combinations by using the keyboard scan code for the key.

# Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

This script shows how to use the built in WMI providers to enable and add
keyboard filter rules through Windows PowerShell on the local computer.
.Parameter ComputerName
Optional parameter to specify a remote machine that this script should
manage. If not specified, the script will execute all WMI operations
param (
[String] $ComputerName

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"="root\standardcimv2\embedded"}
$CommonParams += $PSBoundParameters

function Enable-Predefined-Key($Id) {
Toggle on a Predefined Key keyboard filter Rule
Use Get-WMIObject to enumerate all WEKF_PredefinedKey instances,
filter against key value "Id", and set that instance's "Enabled"
property to 1/true.
Enable-Predefined-Key "Ctrl+Alt+Del"
Enable CAD filtering

$predefined = Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_PredefinedKey @CommonParams |

where {
$_.Id -eq "$Id"

if ($predefined) {
$predefined.Enabled = 1;
$predefined.Put() | Out-Null;
Write-Host Enabled $Id
} else {
Write-Error "$Id is not a valid predefined key"

function Enable-Custom-Key($Id) {
Toggle on a Custom Key keyboard filter Rule
Use Get-WMIObject to enumerate all WEKF_CustomKey instances,
filter against key value "Id", and set that instance's "Enabled"
property to 1/true.

In the case that the Custom instance does not exist, add a new
instance of WEKF_CustomKey using Set-WMIInstance.
Enable-Custom-Key "Ctrl+V"
Enable filtering of the Ctrl + V sequence.

$custom = Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_CustomKey @CommonParams |

where {
$_.Id -eq "$Id"

if ($custom) {
# Rule exists. Just enable it.
$custom.Enabled = 1;
$custom.Put() | Out-Null;
"Enabled Custom Filter $Id.";

} else {
Set-WMIInstance `
-class WEKF_CustomKey `
-argument @{Id="$Id"} `
@CommonParams | Out-Null
"Added Custom Filter $Id.";

function Enable-Scancode($Modifiers, [int]$Code) {

Toggle on a Scancode keyboard filter Rule
Use Get-WMIObject to enumerate all WEKF_Scancode instances,
filter against key values of "Modifiers" and "Scancode", and set
that instance's "Enabled" property to 1/true.

In the case that the Scancode instance does not exist, add a new
instance of WEKF_Scancode using Set-WMIInstance.
Enable-Scancode "Ctrl" 37
Enable filtering of the Ctrl + keyboard scancode 37 (base-10)

$scancode =
Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_Scancode @CommonParams |
where {
($_.Modifiers -eq $Modifiers) -and ($_.Scancode -eq $Code)

if($scancode) {
$scancode.Enabled = 1
$scancode.Put() | Out-Null
"Enabled Custom Scancode {0}+{1:X4}" -f $Modifiers, $Code
} else {
Set-WMIInstance `
-class WEKF_Scancode `
-argument @{Modifiers="$Modifiers"; Scancode=$Code} `
@CommonParams | Out-Null

"Added Custom Scancode {0}+{1:X4}" -f $Modifiers, $Code


# Some example uses of the functions defined above.

Enable-Predefined-Key "Ctrl+Alt+Del"
Enable-Predefined-Key "Ctrl+Esc"
Enable-Custom-Key "Ctrl+V"
Enable-Custom-Key "Numpad0"
Enable-Custom-Key "Shift+Numpad1"
Enable-Custom-Key "%"
Enable-Scancode "Ctrl" 37

Related topics
Windows PowerShell script samples for keyboard filter
Keyboard filter WMI provider reference
Keyboard filter
Disable all blocked key combinations
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following sample Windows PowerShell script uses the WMI providers to disable all blocked key combinations
for Keyboard Filter by using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers for Keyboard Filter. The
key combination configurations are not removed, but Keyboard Filter stops blocking any keys.

# Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

This Windows PowerShell script shows how to enumerate all existing keyboard filter
rules and how to disable them by setting the Enabled property directly.
For each instance of WEKF_PredefinedKey, WEKF_CustomKey, and WEKF_Scancode,
set the Enabled property to false/0 to disable the filter rule, thus
allowing all key sequences through the filter.
.Parameter ComputerName
Optional parameter to specify the remote computer that this script should
manage. If not specified, the script will execute all WMI operations


$CommonParams = @{"namespace"="root\standardcimv2\embedded"}
$CommonParams += $PSBoundParameters

Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_PredefinedKey @CommonParams |

foreach {
if ($_.Enabled) {
$_.Enabled = 0;
$_.Put() | Out-Null;
Write-Host Disabled $_.Id

Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_CustomKey @CommonParams |

foreach {
if ($_.Enabled) {
$_.Enabled = 0;
$_.Put() | Out-Null;
Write-Host Disabled $_.Id

Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_Scancode @CommonParams |

foreach {
if ($_.Enabled) {
$_.Enabled = 0;
$_.Put() | Out-Null;
"Disabled {0}+{1:X4}" -f $_.Modifiers,$_.Scancode

Related topics
Windows PowerShell script samples for keyboard filter
Keyboard filter WMI provider reference
Keyboard filter
List all configured key combinations
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following sample Windows PowerShell script uses the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
providers for Keyboard Filter to displays all key combination configurations for Keyboard Filter.

# Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Enumerate all active keyboard filter rules on the system.
For each instance of WEKF_PredefinedKey, WEKF_CustomKey, and WEKF_Scancode,
get the Enabled property. If Enabled, then output a short description
of the rule.
.Parameter ComputerName
Optional parameter to specify the remote machine that this script should
manage. If not specified, the script will execute all WMI operations
param (
[String] $ComputerName

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"="root\standardcimv2\embedded"}
$CommonParams += $PSBoundParameters

write-host Enabled Predefined Keys -foregroundcolor cyan

Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_PredefinedKey @CommonParams |
foreach {
if ($_.Enabled) {
write-host $_.Id

write-host Enabled Custom Keys -foregroundcolor cyan

Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_CustomKey @CommonParams |
foreach {
if ($_.Enabled) {
write-host $_.Id

write-host Enabled Scancodes -foregroundcolor cyan

Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_Scancode @CommonParams |
foreach {
if ($_.Enabled) {
"{0}+{1:X4}" -f $_.Modifiers, $_.Scancode

Related topics
Windows PowerShell script samples for keyboard filter
Keyboard filter WMI provider reference
Keyboard filter
Modify global settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following sample Windows PowerShell scripts use the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
providers to modify global settings for Keyboard Filter.
The function Get-Setting retrieves the value of a global setting for Keyboard Filter.
In the first script, the function Set-DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators modifies the value of the
DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators setting.
In the second script, the function Set-ForceOffAccessibility modifies the value of the ForceOffAccessibility

# Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

This script shows how to enumerate WEKF_Settings to find global settings
that can be set on the keyboard filter. In this specific script, the
global setting to be set is "DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators".
.Parameter ComputerName
Optional parameter to specify a remote computer that this script should
manage. If not specified, the script will execute all WMI operations
.Parameter On
Switch if present that sets "DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators" to
true. If not present, sets the setting to false.

param (
[Switch] $On = $False,
[String] $ComputerName

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"="root\standardcimv2\embedded"};
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ComputerName")) {
$CommonParams += @{"ComputerName" = $ComputerName};

function Get-Setting([String] $Name) {

Get a WMIObject by name from WEKF_Settings
.Parameter Name
The name of the setting, which is the key for the WEKF_Settings class.
$Entry = Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_Settings @CommonParams |
where {
$_.Name -eq $Name

return $Entry

function Set-DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators([Bool] $Value) {

Set the DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators setting to true or
Set DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators to true or false based
on $Value
.Parameter Value
A Boolean value

$Setting = Get-Setting("DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators")
if ($Setting) {
if ($Value) {
$Setting.Value = "true"
} else {
$Setting.Value = "false"
$Setting.Put() | Out-Null;
} else {
Write-Error "Unable to find DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators setting";

Set-DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators $On

# Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

This script shows how to enumerate WEKF_Settings to find global settings
that can be set on the keyboard filter. In this specific script, the
global setting to be set is "ForceOffAccessibility".
.Parameter ComputerName
Optional parameter to specify a remote computer that this script should
manage. If not specified, the script will execute all WMI operations
.Parameter Enabled
Switch if present that sets "ForceOffAccessibility" to true. If not
present, sets the setting to false.

param (
[Switch] $Enabled = $False,
[String] $ComputerName

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"="root\standardcimv2\embedded"};
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ComputerName")) {
$CommonParams += @{"ComputerName" = $ComputerName};

function Get-Setting([String] $Name) {

Get a WMIObject by name from WEKF_Settings
.Parameter Name
The name of the setting, which is the key for the WEKF_Settings class.
$Entry = Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_Settings @CommonParams |
where {
$_.Name -eq $Name

return $Entry

function Set-ForceOffAccessibility([Bool] $Value) {

Set the ForceOffAccessibility setting to true or false.
Set ForceOffAccessibility to true or false based on $Value
.Parameter Value
A Boolean value

$Setting = Get-Setting("ForceOffAccessibility")
if ($Setting) {
if ($Value) {
$Setting.Value = "true"
} else {
$Setting.Value = "false"
$Setting.Put() | Out-Null;
} else {
Write-Error "Unable to find ForceOffAccessibility setting";

Set-ForceOffAccessibility $Enabled

Related topics
Windows PowerShell script samples for keyboard filter
Keyboard filter
Remove key combination configurations
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following sample Windows PowerShell script uses the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
providers for Keyboard Filter to create two functions to remove custom-defined key combination configurations
from Keyboard Filter. It demonstrates several ways to use each function.
The first function, Remove-Custom -Key, removes custom key combination configurations.
The second function, Remove-Scancode, removes custom scan code configurations.
You cannot remove the predefined key combination configurations for Keyboard Filter, but you can disable them.

# Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

This script shows how to use the build in WMI providers to remove keyboard filter rules. Rules of type
WEKF_PredefinedKey cannot be removed.
.Parameter ComputerName
Optional parameter to specify the remote computer that this script should
manage. If not specified, the script will execute all WMI operations

[string] $ComputerName

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"="root\standardcimv2\embedded"}
$CommonParams += $PSBoundParameters

function Remove-Custom-Key($Id) {
Remove an instance of WEKF_CustomKey
Enumerate all instances of WEKF_CustomKey. When an instance has an
Id that matches $Id, delete it.
Remove-Custom-Key "Ctrl+V"

This removes the instance of WEKF_CustomKey with a key Id of "Ctrl+V"


$customInstance = Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_CustomKey @CommonParams |

where {$_.Id -eq $Id}

if ($customInstance) {
"Removed Custom Filter $Id.";
} else {
"Custom Filter $Id does not exist.";

function Remove-Scancode($Modifiers, [int]$Code) {

function Remove-Scancode($Modifiers, [int]$Code) {
Remove and instance of WEKF_Scancode
Enumerate all instances of WEKF_Scancode. When an instance has a
matching modifiers and code, delete it.
Remove-Scancode "Ctrl" 37

This removes the instance of WEKF_Scancode with Modifiers="Ctrl" and


$scancodeInstance = Get-WMIObject -class WEKF_Scancode @CommonParams |

where {($_.Modifiers -eq $Modifiers) -and ($_.Scancode -eq $Code)}

if ($scancodeInstance) {
"Removed Scancode $Modifiers+$Code.";
} else {
"Scancode $Modifiers+$Code does not exist.";

# Some example uses of the functions defined above.

Remove-Custom-Key "Ctrl+V"
Remove-Custom-Key "Numpad0"
Remove-Custom-Key "Shift+Numpad1"
Remove-Custom-Key "%"
Remove-Scancode "Ctrl" 37

Related topics
Windows PowerShell script samples for keyboard filter
Keyboard filter WMI provider reference
Keyboard filter
Shell Launcher
3/11/2019 • 10 minutes to read

You can use Shell Launcher to replace the default Windows 10 shell with a custom shell. You can use almost any
application or executable as your custom shell, such as a command window or a custom dedicated application.
You can also configure Shell Launcher to launch different shell applications for different users or user groups.
There are a few exceptions to the applications and executables you can use as a custom shell:
You cannot use the following executable as a custom shell: C:\\Windows\\System32\\Eshell.exe . Using
Eshell.exe as the default shell will result in a blank screen after user signs in.
You cannot use a Universal Windows app as a custom shell.
You cannot use a custom shell to launch Universal Windows apps, for example, the Settings app.
You cannot use an application that launches a different process and exits as a custom shell. For example, you
cannot specify write.exe in Shell Launcher. Shell Launcher launches a custom shell and monitors the process
to identify when the custom shell exits. Write.exe creates a 32-bit wordpad.exe process and exits. Because
Shell Launcher is not aware of the newly created wordpad.exe process, Shell Launcher will take action based
on the exit code of Write.exe, and restart the custom shell.

You cannot configure both Shell Launcher and assigned access on the same system.

Shell Launcher processes the Run and RunOnce registry keys before starting the custom shell, so your custom
shell doesn’t need to handle the automatic startup of other applications and services.
Shell Launcher also handles the behavior of the system when your custom shell exits. You can configure the shell
exit behavior if the default behavior does not meet your needs.

Windows 10 Enterprise or Windows 10 Education.

Turn on, enable: To make the setting available to the device and optionally apply the settings to the device.
Configure: To customize the setting or sub-settings.
Embedded Shell Launcher: This feature is called Embedded Shell Launcher in Windows 10, version 1511.
Custom Shell Launcher: This feature is called Shell Launcher in Windows 10, version 1607 and later.

Turn on Shell Launcher

Shell Launcher is an optional component and is not turned on by default in Windows 10. It must be turned on
prior to configuring. You can turn on and configure Shell Launcher in a customized Windows 10 image (.wim) if
Microsoft Windows has not been installed. If Windows has already been installed and you are applying a
provisioning package to configure Shell Launcher, you must first turn on Shell Launcher in order for a
provisioning package to successfully apply.
Enable Shell Launcher using Control Panel
1. In the Search the web and Windows field, type Programs and Features and either press Enter or tap or
click Programs and Features to open it.
2. In the Programs and Features window, click Turn Windows features on or off.
3. In the Windows Features window, expand the Device Lockdown node, select or clear the checkbox for
Shell Launcher, and then click OK.
4. The Windows Features window indicates that Windows is searching for required files and displays a
progress bar. Once found, the window indicates that Windows is applying the changes. When completed, the
window indicates the requested changes are completed.
5. Click Close to close the Windows Features window.

Turning on Shell Launcher does not require a device restart.

Enable Shell Launcher by calling WESL_UserSetting

1. Enable or disable Shell Launcher by calling the WESL_UserSetting.SetEnabled function in the Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI) class WESL_UserSetting.
2. If you enable or disable Shell Launcher using WESL_UserSetting, the changes do not affect any sessions that
are currently signed in; you must sign out and sign back in.
This example uses a Windows image called install.wim, but you can use the same procedure to apply a
provisioning package (for more information on DISM, see What Is Deployment Image Servicing and
Enable Shell Launcher using DISM
1. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges.
2. Copy install.wim to a temporary folder on hard drive (in the following steps, we'll assume it's called
3. Create a new directory.

md c:\wim

4. Mount the image.

dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\bootmedia\sources\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:c:\wim

5. Enable the feature.

dism /image:c:\wim /enable-feature /all /featureName:Client-EmbeddedShellLauncher

6. Commit the change.

dism /unmount-wim /MountDir:c:\wim /Commit

Enable Shell Launcher using Windows Configuration Designer

The Shell Launcher settings are also available as Windows provisioning settings so you can configure these
settings to be applied during the image runtime. You can set one or all Shell Launcher settings by creating a
provisioning package using Windows Configuration Designer and then applying the provisioning package
during image deployment time or runtime. If Windows has not been installed and you are using Windows
Configuration Designer to create installation media with settings for Shell Launcher included in the image or you
are applying a provisioning package during setup, you must enable Shell Launcher on the installation media with
DISM in order for a provisioning package to successfully apply.
Use the following steps to create a provisioning package that contains the ShellLauncher settings.
1. Build a provisioning package in Windows Configuration Designer by following the instructions in Create a
provisioning package for Windows 10.
2. In the Available customizations page, select Runtime settings > SMISettings > ShellLauncher.
3. Set the value of Enable to ENABLE. Additional options to configure Shell Launcher will appear, and you can
set the values as desired.
4. Once you have finished configuring the settings and creating the provisioning package, you can apply the
package to the image deployment time or runtime. See the Apply a provisioning package for more
information. Note that the process for applying the package to a Windows 10 Enterprise image is the same.

Configure Shell Launcher

There are two ways you can configure Shell Launcher:
1. In Windows 10, version 1803, you can configure Shell Launcher using the ShellLauncher node of the
Assigned Access Configuration Service Provider (CSP ). See AssignedAccess CSP for details. Configuring
Shell Launcher using this method also automatically enables Shell Launcher on the device, if the device
supports it.
2. Use the Shell Launcher WMI providers directly in a PowerShell script or application.
You can configure the following options for Shell Launcher:
Enable or disable Shell Launcher.
Specify a shell configuration for a specific user or group.
Remove a shell configuration for a specific user or group.
Change the default shell configuration.
Get information on a shell configuration for a specific user or group.
Any changes do not take effect until a user signs in.

Launch different shells for different user accounts

By default, Shell Launcher runs the default shell, which is specified when you create the OS image at design time.
The default shell is set to Cmd.exe, but you can specify any executable file to be the default shell.
You can configure Shell Launcher to launch a different shell for specific users or groups if you do not want to run
the default shell. For example, you might configure a device to run a custom application shell for guest accounts,
but run the standard Windows Explorer shell for administrator accounts in order to service the device.
If you use the WMI providers to configure Shell Launcher for a user or group at run time, you must use the
security identifier (SID ) for that user or group; you cannot use the user name or group name.
For more information about common security identifiers, see Well-known SIDs.
When the current signed in account belongs to two or more groups that have different configurations defined for
each group, Shell Launcher uses the first configuration it finds. The search order is not defined, so we
recommend that you avoid assigning a user to multiple groups with different Shell Launcher configurations.

Perform an action when the shell exits

When a custom shell exits, Shell Launcher can perform one of four actions:

0 Restart the shell.

1 Restart the device.

2 Shut down the device.

3 Do nothing.

Make sure that your shell application does not automatically exit and is not automatically closed by any features such as
Dialog Filter, as this can lead to an infinite cycle of exiting and restarting, unless the return code action is set to do nothing.

Default return code action

You can define a default return code action for Shell Launcher with the DefaultReturnCodeAction setting. If you
do not change the initial value, the default return code action is set to 0 (zero), which indicates that Shell
Launcher restarts the shell when the shell exits.
Map the exit code to a Shell Launcher action
Shell Launcher can take a specific action based on the exit code returned by the shell. For any given exit code
returned by the shell, you can configure the action that Shell Launcher takes by mapping that exit code to one of
the shell exit actions.
If the exit code does not match a defined value, Shell Launcher performs the default return code action.
For example, your shell might return exit code values of -1, 0, 1, or 255 depending on how the shell exits. You can
configure Shell Launcher to:
restart the device (1) when the shell returns an exit code of value -1
restart the shell (0) when the shell returns an exit code of value 0
do nothing (3) when the shell returns an exit code of value 1
shut down the device (2) when the shell returns an exit code of value 255
Your custom return code action mapping would look like this:


-1 1 (restart the device)

0 0 (restart the shell)

1 3 (do nothing)

255 2 (shut down the device)

Set your custom shell

Modify the following PowerShell script as appropriate and run the script on the device.

# Check if shell launcher license is enabled

function Check-ShellLauncherLicenseEnabled
[string]$source = @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

static class CheckShellLauncherLicense

const int S_OK = 0;

public static bool IsShellLauncherLicenseEnabled()

int enabled = 0;

if (NativeMethods.SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD("EmbeddedFeature-ShellLauncher-Enabled", out enabled)

!= S_OK) {
enabled = 0;
return (enabled != 0);

static class NativeMethods

internal static extern int SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string
valueName, out int value);


$type = Add-Type -TypeDefinition $source -PassThru

return $type[0]::IsShellLauncherLicenseEnabled()

[bool]$result = $false

$result = Check-ShellLauncherLicenseEnabled
"`nShell Launcher license enabled is set to " + $result
if (-not($result))
"`nThis device doesn&#39;t have required license to use Shell Launcher"

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Create a handle to the class instance so we can call the static methods.
try {
$ShellLauncherClass = [wmiclass]"\\$COMPUTER\${NAMESPACE}:WESL_UserSetting"
} catch [Exception] {
write-host $_.Exception.Message;
write-host "Make sure Shell Launcher feature is enabled"

# This well-known security identifier (SID) corresponds to the BUILTIN\Administrators group.

$Admins_SID = "S-1-5-32-544"

# Create a function to retrieve the SID for a user account on a machine.

function Get-UsernameSID($AccountName) {

$NTUserObject = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($AccountName)

$NTUserSID = $NTUserObject.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])

return $NTUserSID.Value
return $NTUserSID.Value

# Get the SID for a user account named "Cashier". Rename "Cashier" to an existing account on your system to
test this script.

$Cashier_SID = Get-UsernameSID("Cashier")

# Define actions to take when the shell program exits.

$restart_shell = 0
$restart_device = 1
$shutdown_device = 2
$do_nothing = 3

# Examples. You can change these examples to use the program that you want to use as the shell.

# This example sets the command prompt as the default shell, and restarts the device if the command prompt is

$ShellLauncherClass.SetDefaultShell("cmd.exe", $restart_device)

# Display the default shell to verify that it was added correctly.

$DefaultShellObject = $ShellLauncherClass.GetDefaultShell()

"`nDefault Shell is set to " + $DefaultShellObject.Shell + " and the default action is set to " +

# Set Internet Explorer as the shell for "Cashier", and restart the machine if Internet Explorer is closed.

$ShellLauncherClass.SetCustomShell($Cashier_SID, "c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe

www.microsoft.com", ($null), ($null), $restart_shell)

# Set Explorer as the shell for administrators.

$ShellLauncherClass.SetCustomShell($Admins_SID, "explorer.exe")

# View all the custom shells defined.

"`nCurrent settings for custom shells:"

Get-WmiObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -computer $COMPUTER -class WESL_UserSetting | Select Sid, Shell,

# Enable Shell Launcher


$IsShellLauncherEnabled = $ShellLauncherClass.IsEnabled()

"`nEnabled is set to " + $IsShellLauncherEnabled.Enabled

# Remove the new custom shells.



# Disable Shell Launcher


$IsShellLauncherEnabled = $ShellLauncherClass.IsEnabled()

"`nEnabled is set to " + $IsShellLauncherEnabled.Enabled

The script above includes examples of multiple configuration options, including removing a custom shell and disabling Shell
Launcher. It is not intended to be run as-is.

Shell Launcher user rights

A custom shell is launched with the same level of user rights as the account that is signed in. This means that a
user with administrator rights can perform any system action that requires administrator rights, including
launching other applications with administrator rights, while a user without administrator rights cannot.

If your shell application requires administrator rights and needs to be elevated, and User Account Control (UAC) is present
on your device, you must disable UAC in order for Shell Launcher to launch the shell application.

Related topics
Unbranded Boot
Custom Logon
3/11/2019 • 4 minutes to read

This class configures which application Shell Launcher starts based on the security identifier (SID ) of the signed in
user, and also configures the set of return codes and return actions that Shell Launcher performs when the
application exits.

class WESL_UserSetting {
[read, write, Required] string Sid;
[read, write, Required] string Shell;
[read, write] Sint32 CustomReturnCodes[];
[read, write] Sint32 CustomReturnCodesAction[];
[read, write] sint32 DefaultAction;

[Static] uint32 SetCustomShell(

[In, Required] string Sid,
[In, Required] string Shell,
[In] sint32 CustomReturnCodes[],
[In] sint32 CustomReturnCodesAction[],
[In] sint32 DefaultAction
[Static] uint32 GetCustomShell(
[In, Required] string Sid,
[Out, Required] string Shell,
[Out, Required] sint32 CustomReturnCodes[],
[Out, Required] sint32 CustomReturnCodesAction[],
[Out, Required] sint32 DefaultAction
[Static] uint32 RemoveCustomShell(
[In, Required] string Sid
[Static] uint32 GetDefaultShell(
[Out, Required] string Shell,
[Out, Required] sint32 DefaultAction
[Static] uint32 SetDefaultShell(
[In, Required] string Shell,
[In, Required] sint32 DefaultAction
[Static] uint32 IsEnabled(
[Out, Required] boolean Enabled
[Static] uint32 SetEnabled(
[In, Required] boolean Enabled);

The following tables list any methods and properties that belong to this class.

WESL_UserSetting.SetCustomShell Configures Shell Launcher for a specific user or group,

based on SID.

WESL_UserSetting.GetCustomShell Retrieves the Shell Launcher configuration for a specific

user or group, based on the SID.

WESL_UserSetting.RemoveCustomShell Removes a Shell Launcher configuration for a specific user

or group, based on the SID.

WESL_UserSetting.GetDefaultShell Retrieves the default Shell Launcher configuration.

WESL_UserSetting.SetDefaultShell Sets the default Shell Launcher configuration.

WESL_UserSetting.IsEnabled Retrieves a value that indicates if Shell Launcher is

enabled or disabled.

WESL_UserSetting.SetEnabled Enables or disables Shell Launcher.


Sid string [read, write, required] User or group SID.

shell string [read, write, required] The application to start

as the shell.
The shell property can
be a filename in the
Path environment
variable, or it can
contain a fully qualified
path to the application.
You can also use
environment variables in
the path.
Any spaces in the shell
property must be part
of a quote-delimited

CustomReturnCodes Sint32[] [read, write] An array of custom

return codes that can be
returned by the shell.

CustomReturnCodesA Sint32[] [read, write] An array of custom

ction return code actions that
determine what action
Shell Launcher takes
when the shell exits. The
custom actions map to
the array of
The possible actions are
defined in the following


0 Restar
t the

1 Restar
t the

2 Shut

3 Do

DefaultAction Sint32 [read, write] The default action Shell

Launcher takes when
the shell exits.
The possible actions are
defined in the following


0 Restar
t the

1 Restar
t the

2 Shut

3 Do

Only one WESL_UserSetting instance exists on a device with Shell Launcher.
Shell Launcher uses the custom configuration defined for the SID of the user currently signed in, if one exists.
Otherwise, Shell Launcher uses a custom configuration defined for a group SID that the user is a member of, if
any exist. If multiple group custom configurations for the user exist, Shell Launcher uses the first valid
configuration it finds. The search order is not defined.
If there is no custom configuration for the user’s SID or any group SIDs that the user is a member of, Shell
Launcher uses the default configuration.
You can find the SID for a user and any groups that the user is a member of by using the whoami command-line

The following Windows PowerShell script demonstrates how to add and remove custom shell configurations for
Shell Launcher by using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers for Shell Launcher.

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Create a handle to the class instance so we can call the static methods.
$ShellLauncherClass = [wmiclass]"\\$COMPUTER\${NAMESPACE}:WESL_UserSetting"
# This well-known security identifier (SID) corresponds to the BUILTIN\Administrators group.

$Admins_SID = "S-1-5-32-544"

# Create a function to retrieve the SID for a user account on a machine.

function Get-UsernameSID($AccountName) {

$NTUserObject = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($AccountName)

$NTUserSID = $NTUserObject.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])

return $NTUserSID.Value

# Get the SID for a user account named "Cashier". Rename "Cashier" to an existing account on your system to
test this script.

$Cashier_SID = Get-UsernameSID("Cashier")

# Define actions to take when the shell program exits.

$restart_shell = 0
$restart_device = 1
$shutdown_device = 2
$do_nothing = 3

# Examples

# Set the command prompt as the default shell, and restart the device if it's closed.

$ShellLauncherClass.SetDefaultShell("cmd.exe", $restart_device)

# Display the default shell to verify that it was added correctly.

$DefaultShellObject = $ShellLauncherClass.GetDefaultShell()

"`nDefault Shell is set to " + $DefaultShellObject.Shell + " and the default action is set to " +

# Set Internet Explorer as the shell for "Cashier", and restart the machine if it's closed.

$ShellLauncherClass.SetCustomShell($Cashier_SID, "c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe

www.microsoft.com", ($null), ($null), $restart_shell)

# Set Explorer as the shell for administrators.

$ShellLauncherClass.SetCustomShell($Admins_SID, "explorer.exe")

# View all the custom shells defined.

"`nCurrent settings for custom shells:"

Get-WmiObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -computer $COMPUTER -class WESL_UserSetting | Select Sid, Shell,

# Remove the new custom shells.




Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Shell Launcher
3/11/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This method retrieves the Shell Launcher configuration for a specific user or group, based on the security identifier
(SID ).

[Static] uint32 GetCustomShell (
[In, Required] string Sid,
[Out, Required] string Shell,
[Out, Required] sint32 CustomReturnCodes[],
[Out, Required] sint32 CustomReturnCodesAction[],
[Out, Required] sint32 DefaultAction

Sid [in, required] A string containing the security identifier (SID ) of the user or group that Shell Launcher is
configured for.
Shell [out, required] The application or executable that Shell Launcher starts as the shell.
CustomReturnCodes [out, required] An array of custom return codes returned by the shell application.
CustomReturnCodesAction [out, required] An array of custom return code actions that determine the action that
Shell Launcher takes when the shell application exits. The custom actions map to the array of CustomReturnCodes.
The possible actions are defined in the following table:


0 Restart the shell.

1 Restart the device.

2 Shut down the device.

3 Do nothing.

DefaultAction [out, required] The default action that Shell Launcher takes when the shell application exits.
The possible actions are defined in the following table:


0 Restart the shell.


1 Restart the device.

2 Shut down the device.

3 Do nothing.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

Shell Launcher uses the CustomReturnCodes and CustomReturnCodesAction arrays to determine the system
behavior when the shell application exits, based on the return value of the application.
If the return value does not exist in CustomReturnCodes, or if the corresponding action defined in
CustomReturnCodesAction is not a valid value, Shell Launcher uses DefaultAction to determine system behavior. If
DefaultAction is not defined, or is not a valid value, Shell Launcher restarts the shell application.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Shell Launcher
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This method removes a Shell Launcher configuration for a specific user or group, based on the security identifier
(SID ).

[Static] uint32 RemoveCustomShell (
[In, Required] string Sid

[in, required] A string containing the security identifier (SID ) of the user or group that Shell Launcher is configured

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

You must restart your device for the changes to take effect.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Shell Launcher
3/11/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This method configures Shell Launcher for a specific user or group, based on the security identifier (SID ).

[Static] uint32 SetCustomShell (
[In, Required] string Sid,
[In, Required] string Shell,
[In] sint32 CustomReturnCodes[],
[In] sint32 CustomReturnCodesAction[],
[In] sint32 DefaultAction

Sid [in, required] A string containing the security identifier (SID ) of the user or group that Shell Launcher is being
configured for.
Shell [in, required] The application or executable that Shell Launcher starts as the shell.
CustomReturnCodes [in] An array of custom return codes that can be returned by the shell application.
CustomReturnCodesAction [in] An array of custom return code actions that determine the action that Shell
Launcher takes when the shell application exits. The custom actions map to the array of CustomReturnCodes.
The possible actions are defined in the following table:


0 Restart the shell.

1 Restart the device.

2 Shut down the device.

3 Do nothing.

DefaultAction [In] The default action that Shell Launcher takes when the shell application exits.
The possible actions are defined in the following table:


0 Restart the shell.


1 Restart the device.

2 Shut down the device.

3 Do nothing.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

Shell Launcher uses the CustomReturnCodes and CustomReturnCodesAction arrays to determine the system
behavior when the shell application exits, based on the return value of the shell application.
If the return value does not exist in CustomReturnCodes, or if the corresponding action defined in
CustomReturnCodesAction is not a valid value, Shell Launcher uses DefaultAction to determine system behavior. If
DefaultAction is not defined, or is not a valid value, Shell Launcher restarts the shell application.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Shell Launcher
3/11/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This method sets the default Shell Launcher configuration.

[Static] uint32 SetDefaultShell (
[In, Required] string Shell,
[In, Required] sint32 DefaultAction

Shell [in, required] The application or executable that Shell Launcher starts as the shell.
DefaultAction [in, required] The default action that Shell Launcher takes when the Shell application exits.
The possible actions are defined in the following table:


0 Restart the shell.

1 Restart the device.

2 Shut down the device.

3 Do nothing.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

Shell Launcher uses the default configuration when the security identifier (SID ) of the user who is currently signed
in does not match any custom defined Shell Launcher configurations.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Shell Launcher
3/11/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This method retrieves the default Shell Launcher configuration.

[Static] uint32 GetDefaultShell (
[Out, Required] string Shell,
[Out, Required] sint32 DefaultAction

Shell [out, required] The application or executable that Shell Launcher starts as the shell.
DefaultAction [out, required] The default action Shell Launcher takes when the shell application exits.
The possible actions are defined in the following table:


0 Restart the shell.

1 Restart the device.

2 Shut down the device.

3 Do nothing.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

Shell Launcher uses the default configuration when the security identifier (SID ) of the user who is currently signed
in does not match any custom defined Shell Launcher configurations.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Shell Launcher
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This method retrieves a value that indicates if Shell Launcher is enabled or disabled.

[Static] uint32 IsEnabled(
[Out, Required] boolean Enabled

Enabled [out, required] A Boolean value that indicates if Shell Launcher is enabled.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Shell Launcher
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This method enables or disables Shell Launcher.

[Static] uint32 SetEnabled(
[In, Required] boolean Enabled

[in, required] A Boolean value that indicates whether to enable or disable Shell Launcher.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

This method enables or disables Shell Launcher by modifying the Shell value in the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon. If Unified
Write Filter (UWF ) is enabled, you may need to disable UWF or commit this registry key by using
UWF_RegistryFilter.CommitRegistry in order to enable or disable Shell Launcher.
Enabling or disabling Shell Launcher does not take effect until a user signs in.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Shell Launcher
Unbranded Boot
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

You can suppress Windows elements that appear when Windows starts or resumes and can suppress the crash
screen when Windows encounters an error that it cannot recover from. This feature is known as Unbranded Boot.

The first user to sign in to the device must be an administrator. This ensures that the RunOnce registry settings correctly
apply the settings. Also, when using auto sign-in, you must not configure auto sign-in on your device at design time.
Instead, auto sign-in should be configured manually after first signing in as an administrator.

Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Professional, or Windows 10 Education.

Turn on, Enable: To make the setting available to the device and optionally apply the settings to the device.
Generally "turn on" is used in the user interface or control panel, whereas "enable" is used for command
Configure: To customize the setting or sub-settings.
Embedded Boot Experience: this feature is called "Embedded Boot Experience" in Windows 10, build
Custom Boot Experience: this feature is called "Custom Boot Experience" in Windows 10, build 1607 and

Turn on Unbranded Boot settings

Unbranded Boot is an optional component and is not enabled by default in Windows 10. It must be enabled prior
to configuring. For end-users, Unbranded Boot is available through Control Panel > Programs > Programs
and Features > Turn Windows features on or off.
If Windows has already been installed you cannot apply a provisioning package to configure Unbranded Boot;
instead you must use BDCEdit to configure Unbranded boot if Windows is installed.
BCDEdit is the primary tool for editing the startup configuration and is on your development computer in the
%WINDIR%\System32 folder. You have administrator rights for it. BCDEdit is included in a typical Windows
Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE ) 4.0. You can download it from the BCDEdit Commands for Boot
Environment in the Microsoft Download Center if needed.
Turn on Unbranded Boot by using Control Panel
1. In the Search the web and Windows field, type Programs and Features and either press Enter or tap or click
Programs and Features to open it.
2. In the Programs and Features window, click Turn Windows features on or off.
3. In the Windows Features window, expand the Device Lockdown node, and check or clear the checkbox for
Unbranded Boot.
4. Click OK. The Windows Features window indicates Windows is searching for required files and displays a
progress bar. Once found, the window indicates Windows is applying the changes. When completed, the
window indicates the requested changes are completed.
5. Click Close to close the Windows Features window.

Configure Unbranded Boot settings at runtime using BCDEdit

1. Open a command prompt as an administrator.
2. To disable the F8 key during startup to prevent access to the Advanced startup options menu, type the

bcdedit.exe -set {globalsettings} advancedoptions false

3. To disable the F10 key during startup to prevent access to the Advanced startup options menu, type the

bcdedit.exe -set {globalsettings} optionsedit false

4. To suppress all Windows UI elements (logo, status indicator, and status message) during startup, type the

bcdedit.exe -set {globalsettings} bootuxdisabled on

Configure Unbranded Boot using Unattend

You can also configure the Unattend settings in the Microsoft-Windows-Embedded-BootExp component to add
Unbranded Boot features to your image during the design or imaging phase. You can manually create an
Unattend answer file or use Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) to add the appropriate settings to
your answer file. For more information about the Unbranded Boot settings and XML examples, see the settings in
Unbranded Boot settings
The following table shows Unbranded Boot settings and their values.


DisableBootMenu Contains an integer that disables the F8 and F10 keys during
startup to prevent access to the Advanced startup options
Set to 1 to disable the menu; otherwise; set to 0 (zero).
The default value is 0.

DisplayDisabled Contains an integer that configures the device to display a

blank screen when Windows encounters an error that it
cannot recover from.
Set to 1 to display a blank screen on error; otherwise; set
to 0 (zero). The default value is 0.

HideAllBootUI Contains an integer that suppresses all Windows UI elements

(logo, status indicator, and status message) during startup.
Set to 1 to suppress all Windows UI elements during
startup; otherwise; set to 0 (zero). The default value is 0.

HideBootLogo Contains an integer that suppresses the default Windows

logo that displays during the OS loading phase.
Set to 1 to suppress the default Windows logo; otherwise;
set to 0 (zero). The default value is 0.

HideBootStatusIndicator Contains an integer that suppresses the status indicator that

displays during the OS loading phase.
Set to 1 to suppress the status indicator; otherwise; set to
0 (zero). The default value is 0.

HideBootStatusMessage Contains an integer that suppresses the startup status text

that displays during the OS loading phase.
Set to 1 to suppress the startup status text; otherwise;
set to 0 (zero). The default value is 0.

Customize the boot screen using Windows Configuration Designer and

Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM)
If Windows has not been installed and you are using Windows Configuration Designer to create installation
media with settings for Unbranded Boot included in the image, or you are applying a provisioning package during
setup, you must enable Unbranded Boot on the installation media with DISM in order for a provisioning package
to successfully apply. First you have to create the image or package.
1. Create a provisioning package or create a new Windows image in Windows Configuration Designer by
following the instructions in Create a provisioning package.
2. In the Available customizations page, select Runtime settings > SMISettings and then set the value for
the boot screen settings. The following values are just examples.
CrashDumpEnabled=Full dump

See SMISettings in the Windows Configuration Designer reference for more information about the available

3. Once you have finished configuring the settings and building the package or image, you use DISM to apply
the settings.
a. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges.
b. Copy install.wim to a temporary folder on hard drive (in the following steps, it assumes it's called
c. Create a new directory.

md c:\wim

d. Mount the image.

dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\bootmedia\sources\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:c:\wim

e. Enable the feature.

dism /image:c:\wim /enable-feature /featureName:Client-EmbeddedBootExp

f. Commit the change.

dism /unmount-wim /MountDir:c:\wim /Commit

In the following image, the BootLogo is identified by the green outline, the BootStatusIndicator is identified by the
red outline, and the BootStatusMessage is identified by the blue outline.

Replace the startup logo

The only supported way to replace the startup logo with a custom logo is to modify the Boot Graphics Resource
Table (BGRT) on a device that uses UEFI as the firmware interface. If your device uses the BGRT to include a
custom logo, it is always displayed and you cannot suppress the custom logo.

Related topics
Custom Logon
Unified Write Filter (UWF) feature
1/25/2019 • 4 minutes to read

Unified Write Filter (UWF ) is an optional Windows 10 feature that helps to protect your drives by
intercepting and redirecting any writes to the drive (app installations, settings changes, saved data) to a
virtual overlay. The virtual overlay is a temporary location that is usually cleared during a reboot or when a
guest user logs off.

Provides a clean experience for thin clients and workspaces that have frequent guests, like school,
library or hotel computers. Guests can work, change settings, and install software. After the device
reboots, the next guest receives a clean experience.
Increases security and reliability for kiosks, IoT-embedded devices, or other devices where new apps
are not expected to be frequently added.
Can be used to reduce wear on solid-state drives and other write-sensitive media.
UWF replaces the Windows 7 Enhanced Write Filter (EWF ) and the File Based Write Filter (FBWF ).

UWF can protect most supported writable storage types, including physical hard disks, solid-state
drives, internal USB devices, and external SATA devices. You cannot use UWF to protect external
removable drives, USB devices or flash drives. Supports both master boot record (MBR ) and GUID
partition table (GPT) volumes.
You can use UWF to make read-only media appear to the OS as a writable volume.
You can manage UWF directly on a Windows 10 device using uwfmgr.exe, or remotely using MDM
tools like Microsoft Intune using the UnifiedWriteFilter CSP or the UWF WMI.
You can update and service UWF -protected devices, either by using UWF servicing mode or by
adding file and registry exclusions to specific system areas.
On Windows 10, version 1803, you can use a persistent overlay to allow data saved in the virtual
overlay to remain even after a reboot.
On devices with a disk overlay, you can use freespace passthrough to access your drive's additional
free space.
UWF supports paging to increase virtual memory, if the page file exists on an unprotected volume.
When paging is used together with a RAM -based overlay, the uptime of the system can be
significantly increased.

Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Education, or Windows 10 IoT Core Enterprise

File systems:
FAT: fully supported.
NTFS: fully supported. However, during device startup, NTFS file system journal files can write to
a protected volume before UWF has started protecting the volume.
Other file systems (example: exFAT): You can protect the volume, but cannot create file exclusions
or do file commit operations on the volume. Writes to excluded files still influence the growth of
the Overlay.
The overlay does not mirror the entire volume, but dynamically grows to keep track of redirected
UWF supports up to 16 terabytes of protected volumes.
UWF does not support the use of fast startup when shutting down your device. If fast startup is
turned on, shutting down the device does not clear the overlay. You can disable fast startup in Control
Panel by navigating to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Power Options > System
Settings and clearing the checkbox next to Turn on fast startup (recommended).
UWF does not support Storage Spaces.

Turn on and configure UWF

UWF is an optional component and is not enabled by default in Windows 10. You must turn on UWF before
you can configure it.

UWF overlay
You can choose where the overlay is stored (RAM or disk), how much space is reserved, whether the overlay
persists after a reboot.
To increase uptime, set up monitoring to check if your overlay is filling up. At certain levels, your device can
warn users and/or reboot the device.
To learn more, see UWF Overlay location and size.

A volume is a logical unit that represents an area of persistent storage to the file system that is used by the
OS. A volume can correspond to a single physical storage device, such as a hard disk, but volumes can also
correspond to a single partition on a physical storage device with multiple partitions, or can span across
multiple physical storage devices. For example, a collection of hard disks in a RAID array can be represented
as a single volume to the OS.
When you configure UWF to protect a volume, you can specify the volume by using either a drive letter or
the volume device identifier. To determine the device identifier for a volume, query the DeviceID property
in the Win32_Volume WMI class.
If you specify a volume using a drive letter, UWF uses loose binding to recognize the volume. By using loose
binding, drive letters can be assigned to different volumes if the hardware or volume configuration changes.
If you specify a volume using the volume device identifier, UWF uses tight binding to recognize the volume.
By using tight binding, the device identifier is unique to the storage volume and is independent from the
drive letter assigned to the volume by the file system.

If you want to protect a volume with UWF while excluding specific files, folders, or registry keys from being
filtered by UWF, you can add them to a write filter exclusion list.
UWF servicing mode
When a device is protected with UWF, you must use UWF servicing mode commands to service the device
and apply updates to an image. You can use UWF servicing mode to apply Windows updates, antimalware
signature file updates, and custom software or third-party software updates.
For more information about how to use UWF servicing mode to apply software updates to your device, see
Service UWF -protected devices.

Troubleshooting UWF
UWF uses Windows Event Log to log events, errors and messages related to overlay consumption,
configuration changes, and servicing.
For more information about how to find event log information for troubleshooting problems with Unified
Write Filter (UWF ), see Troubleshooting Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

Related topics
Unbranded Boot
Custom Logon
Shell Launcher
Hibernate Once/Resume Many (HORM)
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

You can use the Hibernate Once/Resume Many (HORM ) feature with Unified Write Filter (UWF ) to start your
device in a preconfigured state. When HORM is enabled, your system always resumes and restarts from the last
saved hibernation file (hiberfil.sys).
A device with HORM enabled can quickly be turned off or shut down, and then restarted into the preconfigured
state, even in the event of a sudden power loss.

HORM can be used on Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) devices running Windows 10, version 1709, or newer
versions of Windows, only. In previous Windows versions, the installation procedure for UEFI creates a hidden system
partition. Because UWF cannot protect hidden partitions, HORM cannot be used on any devices that contain a hidden
partition, including UEFI-capable devices on older versions of Windows.

Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Education, or Windows IoT Core (IoT Core). Supported on x86-based and
x64-based devices.

UWF configuration
UWF must be enabled before you can enable or disable HORM. UWF must be configured in the following ways to
protect the hibernation file from becoming invalid:
All fixed volumes that are mounted on the system must be protected by UWF.
Your system must not have any file, folder, or registry exclusions configured for UWF.
The UWF overlay must be configured to use RAM mode. HORM does not support disk-backed overlays.
UWF does not filter hibernation files from being written to disk. If you want to protect the preconfigured state of
your device, lock down any functionality that can modify the hibernation file. For example, disable hibernation,
hybrid sleep, and fast startup on your device for standard user accounts so that the saved hibernation file is not
overwritten when entering a sleep, hibernate, or shutdown state.

Configure HORM
1. On the device, open a command prompt as an administrator.
2. To enable hibernation on the device, type the following command:
powercfg /h on

3. To enable UWF on your device, type the following command:

uwfmgr.exe filter enable

4. To protect all volumes on your device, type the following command:

uwfmgr.exe volume protect all
DVD RW and floppy drives throw an expected error that can be safely ignored.

5. To restart your device to enable UWF, type the following command:

uwfmgr.exe filter restart

6. After the device restarts, to verify the UWF changes that you made on your device, type the following
uwfmgr.exe get-config

7. To enable HORM on your device, type the following command:

uwfmgr.exe filter enable-horm

Remove all file and registry exclusions before you enable HORM.

8. (Optional) In Control Panel, set the Power Option When I press the power button to avoid displaying the
command prompt when resuming from hibernation, or use a script to close the command prompt on
9. To hibernate the system one time to create an initial hibernation file, at the command prompt, type the
following command:
shutdown /h

10. Press the power button to wake the system from hibernation.
11. After the system starts from hibernation to create an initial hibernation file, to shut down and restart the
system, type the following command:
uwfmgr.exe restart

12. When HORM is enabled, you cannot change the UWF configuration. To make changes, you must first
disable HORM. To disable HORM, type the following command:
uwfmgr.exe filter disable-horm

13. To restart the system to finish disabling HORM, type the following command:
uwfmgr.exe restart

The system will restart normally with HORM disabled.

Do not uninstall UWF when the filter is enabled or when HORM is enabled, either online or offline by using Windows PE.

Fix an issue when you cannot disable HORM

In rare circumstances, your device can enter a state where you cannot disable HORM normally.
If you cannot disable HORM on your device, use following procedure to resolve this issue:
1. Start your device in Windows PE.
2. Type the following command:
bcdedit.exe /set {bootmgr} custom:26000024 0

3. Restart the device:

shutdown /r/t 0

4. Disable HORM:
uwfmgr.exe filter disable-horm

5. Enable HORM:
uwfmgr.exe filter enable-horm

6. Hibernate the device:

shutdown /h
Write filter exclusions
1/25/2019 • 5 minutes to read

You can add specific files or folders on a protected volume to a file exclusion list to exclude those files and folders
from being filtered by UWF. When a file or folder is in the exclusion list for a volume, all writes to that file or folder
bypass UWF filtering, and are written directly to the protected volume and persist after the device restarts.
You must use an administrator account to add or remove file or folder exclusions during run time, and you must
restart the device for new exclusions to take effect.

Don't add exclusions for the following:
\Users\<User Name>\NTUSER.DAT

Also, don't add exclusions for the following:

The volume root. For example, C: or D:.
The \Windows folder on the system volume.
The \Windows\System32 folder on the system volume.
The \Windows\System32\Drivers folder on the system volume.
Paging files.
Adding an exclusion for any of these items is unsupported and may lead to unpredictable results. It's OK to exclude
subdirectories and files under these locations.

You cannot rename or move a file or folder from a protected location to an unprotected location, or vice versa.
When write filters are active and you attempt to delete an excluded file or folder in Windows Explorer, the system
attempts to move the file or folder to the Recycle Bin. This causes an error, because you cannot move files that are
not filtered to a location that is write filter protected.
To work around this, you can disable the Recycle Bin. Alternatively, the user can press Ctrl+Shift and then left-click
on the file to directly delete the excluded file, bypassing the Recycle Bin, or the user can delete the excluded file
directly from a command prompt. You must restart the device for new exclusions to take effect.

Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) file exclusions

When you deploy a Windows 10 Enterprise image with UWF on a VHD boot disk, you can protect the volume that
contains the VHD file by adding a file exclusion for the VHD file before enabling UWF and protecting the volume.
To add a file exclusion for the VHD file at an administrator command prompt:

uwfmgr.exe file add-exclusion <drive containing VHD file>:\<path to VHD file>\<VHD file name>.vhd

For example:
uwfmgr.exe file add-exclusion E:\VHD\test.vhd

Registry exclusions
You can add specific registry keys to an exclusion list to exclude those keys from being filtered by UWF. When a
registry key is in the exclusion list, all writes to that registry key bypass UWF filtering and are written directly to
the registry and persist after the device restarts.
You must use an administrator account to add or remove registry exclusions during run time, and you must restart
the device for new exclusions to take effect.
If you exclude a registry key, all its subkeys are also excluded from filtering. You can exclude registry subkeys only
under the following registry keys:

UWF automatically excludes certain registry keys from being filtered. These registry keys are primarily related to UWF
configuration settings and cannot be removed from the exclusion list.

For more information about common registry exclusions, see Common write filter exclusions.

Common write-filter exclusions

Some services and features write information to a device’s persistent volume, and expect that information to be
present across device restarts. You may need to configure your write filter to allow for specific file and registry
exclusions in order for these services and features to work correctly.
This topic lists registry and file exclusions that can help enable some common services and features to work
correctly when write filters are enabled.
If you are running any antivirus or security software in addition to UWF, please consult with your antivirus vendor
for advice on how to configure their solution in a UWF environment. You may need to add a UWF exclusion for
the signature or update folder.
Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)
When you choose to participate in the CEIP, your computer or device automatically sends information to
Microsoft about how you use certain products. Information from your computer or device is combined with other
CEIP data to help Microsoft solve problems and to improve the products and features customers use most often.
CEIP data is stored in files that have a .sqm file name extension. To make sure that the CEIP data in the .sqm files is
available on a device that has write filters enabled, you can add file and folder exclusions for the .sqm files and
To locate the .sqm files and folders on your device, search for .sqm files by using File Explorer. Alternately, at a
command prompt with administrator rights at the root of the drive, type the following command to obtain a list of
.sqm files on the device:
dir *.sqm /s

Add file and folder exclusions as required for any .sqm files located on your device.
Add registry exclusions for the following registry keys:
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS )
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS ) downloads or uploads files between a client and server and
provides progress information related to the transfers.
Add file exclusions for the following folders and files:
% ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Network\Downloader
Add registry exclusions for the following registry keys:
Windows Explorer
When write filters are active and you attempt to delete an excluded file or folder in Windows Explorer, the system
attempts to move the file or folder to the Recycle Bin. This causes an error, because you cannot move files that are
not filtered to a location that is write filter protected.
To work around this, you can disable the Recycle Bin. Alternatively, the user can press Ctrl+Shift and then left-click
on the file to directly delete the excluded file, bypassing the Recycle Bin, or the user can delete the excluded file
directly from a command prompt.
When you use write filters on your device, you can add file and registry exclusions to enable your device to join
wired and wireless networks. The following file and registry exclusions may be required on your device.
Client Group Policy Object (GPO ) registry keys:
Wired: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WiredL2\GP_Policy
GPO policy files:
Wireless: C:\Windows\wlansvc\Policies
Wired: C:\Windows\dot2svc\Policies
Interface profile registry keys:
Wireless: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\wlansvc
Wired: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\dot3svc
Interface policy file:
Wireless: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\wlansvc\Profiles\Interfaces\{<Interface GUID>}\{<Profile
Wired: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\dot3svc\Profiles\Interfaces\{<Interface GUID>}\{<Profile
Services registry keys:
Wireless: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Wlansvc
Wireless: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\WwanSvc
Wired: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\dot3svc
Daylight saving time (DST )
You can add the following registry exclusions to persist daylight saving time (DST) settings on your device.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
Service UWF -protected devices
Unified Write Filter WMI provider reference
Unified Write Filter (UWF) overlay location and size
1/25/2019 • 4 minutes to read

The Unified Write Filter (UWF ) protects the contents of a volume by intercepting write attempts to a protected
volume and redirects those write attempts to a virtual overlay.
You can choose where the overlay is stored (RAM or disk), how much space is reserved, and what happens when
the overlay fills up.
To increase uptime, set up monitoring to check if your overlay is filling up. At certain levels, your device can warn
users and/or reboot the device.

RAM overlay vs. disk overlay

RAM overlay (default): The virtual overlay is stored in RAM, and is cleared after a reboot.
By writing to RAM, you can reduce the wear on write-sensitive media like solid-state drives.
RAM is often more limited than drive space. As the drive overlay fills up the available RAM, device
performance could be reduced, and users will eventually be prompted to reboot the device. If your users
are expected to make many large writes to the overlay, consider using a disk overlay instead.
Disk overlay: The virtual overlay is stored in a temporary location on the drive. By default, the overlay is
cleared on reboot.
You can use freespace passthrough to use additional free space on the drive beyond the reserved virtual
overlay space.
On Windows 10, version 1803, you can use persistent overlay to allow users to save work in the virtual
overlay even after a reboot.

Overlay size
Default=1024MB. Set with:
CMD: uwfmgr overlay set-size
CSP: NextSession/MaximumOverlaySize
WMI: UWF\Overlay.SetMaximumSize
When planning device rollouts, we recommend optimizing the overlay size to fit your needs.
For RAM overlays, you'll need to budget some RAM for the system. For example, if the OS requires 2 GB of RAM,
and your device has 4 GB of RAM, set the maximum size of the overlay to 2048MB (2 GB ) or less.
We recommend enabling UWF on a test device, installing the necessary apps, and putting the device through
usage simulations. You can use this Powershell script to find out which files are consuming space:

$wmiobject = get-wmiobject -Namespace "root\standardcimv2\embedded" -Class UWF_Overlay

$files = $wmiobject.GetOverlayFiles("c:")
$files.OverlayFiles | select-object -Property FileName,FileSize | export-csv -Path D:\output.csv

The amount of overlay used will depend on:

Device usage patterns.
Apps that can be accessed. (Some apps have high write volumes and will fill up the overlay faster.)
Time between resets.
When files are deleted, UWF removes them from the overlay and returns the freed resources to the available
Warnings and critical events
As the drive overlay fills up the available space, you can warn your users that they're running out of space, and
prompt them to reboot the device or to run a script to clear the overlay.
1. Set warning levels and critical levels (optional). When the overlay is filled to this value, UWF writes an Event
Tracing for Windows (ETW ) message.
Warning level: Default=512MB. Set with:
CMD: uwfmgr overlay set-warningthreshold
CSP: NextSession/WarningOverlayThreshold
WMI: UWF\_Overlay.SetWarningThreshold
Critical level: Default=1024MB. Set with:
CMD: uwfmgr overlay set-criticalthreshold
CSP: NextSession/CriticalOverlayThreshold
WMI: UWF\_Overlay.SetCriticalThreshold
Note, these settings will take affect after the next reboot.
2. Use Task Scheduler to detect the ETW message and to warn users to wrap up their work on the device so
they do not lose their content before the overlay is cleared. You can also provide a link to script to clear the
contents of the overlay.
Create tasks that trigger on the event that the System log receives an event ID from uwfvol:


Warning threshold uwfvol Warning 1

Critical threshold uwfvol Error 2

Back to normal uwfvol Information 3

3. Reboot the device.

Freespace passthrough (recommended)
On devices with a disk overlay, you can use freespace passthrough to access your drive's additional free space.
You'll still need to reserve some space on the disk for the overlay. This space is used to manage the overlay, and to
store overwrites, such as system updates. All other writes are sent to free space on disk. Over time, the reserved
overlay will grow slower and slower, because overwrites will just keep replacing one another.
CMD: uwfmgr overlay set-passthrough (on|off)
Persistent overlay

This mode is experimental, and we recommend thoroughly testing it before deploying to multiple devices. This option is not
used by default.

On devices with a disk overlay, you can choose to keep working using the overlay data, even after a reboot. This
can be helpful in situations where your guest users may need to access for longer periods, and may need to power
off the device between uses.
This option gives your IT department more control over when the overlay is reset. You can also provide your users
with scripts that will help them reset the overlay on demand.
To turn persistent overlay on or off:
CMD: uwfmgr overlay set-persistent (on|off)
To reset the overlay:
CMD: uwfmgr overlay reset-persistentstate on

Overlay exhaustion
If the size of the overlay is close to or equal to the maximum overlay size, any write attempts will fail, returning an
error indicating that there is not enough space to complete the operation. If the overlay on your device reaches this
state, your device may become unresponsive and sluggish, and you may need to restart your device.
When Windows shuts down, it attempts to write a number of files to the disk. If the overlay is full, these write
attempts fail, causing Windows to attempt to rewrite the files repeatedly until UWF can determine that the device
is trying to shut down and resolve the issue. Attempting to shut down by using normal methods when the overlay
is full or near to full can result in the device taking a long time, in some cases up to an hour or longer, to shut down.
You can often avoid this issue by using UWF to automatically initiate the shut down or restart:
Shut down:
CMD: uwfmgr shutdown
CSP: ShutdownSystem
WMI: UWF\Filter.ShutdownSystem
CMD: uwfmgr restart
CSP: RestartSystem
WMI: UWF\Filter.RestartSystem

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
Use the Unified Write Filter (UWF) feature
1/25/2019 • 3 minutes to read

The Unified Write Filter (UWF ) is an Windows 10 optional feature.

To use UWF, you'll first need to install the feature.
Next, you'll enable (and optionally configure) the feature. The first time you enable UWF on your device, UWF
makes the following changes to your system to improve the performance of UWF:
Paging files are disabled.
System restore is disabled.
SuperFetch is disabled.
File indexing service is turned off.
Fast boot is disabled.
Defragmentation service is turned off.
BCD setting bootstatuspolicy is set to ignoreallfailures.
After UWF is enabled, you can finally select a drive to protect and start using UWF.
You can install UWF for running PCs and devices, prepare it for customized Windows images, or manage it
remotely using CSP or WMI.

Turn on UWF on a running PC

1. Install the feature:
a. Click Start, type Turn Windows features on or off.
b. In the Windows Features window, expand the Device Lockdown node, and check Unified Write
Filter > OK.
The Windows Features window indicates Windows is searching for required files and displays a
progress bar. Once found, the window indicates Windows is applying the changes. When completed,
the window indicates the requested changes are completed.
c. Click Close to close the Windows Features window.
2. Enable the filter:

uwfmgr filter enable

3. Enable write protection for a drive:

uwfmgr.exe volume protect C:

4. Restart your computer.

5. Confirm that UWF is running:

uwfmgr.exe get-config
Install UWF on a customized Windows image
1. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges.
2. Copy install.wim to a temporary folder on hard drive (in the following steps, we'll assume it's called C:\wim).
3. Create a new directory.

md c:\wim

4. Mount the image.

dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\bootmedia\sources\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:c:\wim

5. Enable the feature.

dism /image:c:\wim /enable-feature /featureName:Client-UnifiedWriteFilter

6. Commit the change.

dism /unmount-wim /MountDir:c:\wim /Commit

To activate UWF, you can use a command-line script, CSP, or WMI:

CMD: uwfmgr filter enable , then uwfmgr.exe volume protect C:
CSP: CurrentSession/FilterEnabled , then CurrentSession/Volume
WMI: UWF\Filter.Enable , then UWF\Volume .

Install the UWF feature by using Windows Configuration Designer

1. Create a provisioning package in Windows Configuration Designer by following the instructions in Create a
provisioning package.

When setting the file exclusion in Windows Configuration Designer, you do not need to specify the drive letter since
that is already input via the Volume protection setting. For example, if the file being excluded is
C:\testdir\test.txt , after adding a drive in Volume protection, you only need to input \testdir\test.txt to
add this file exclusion.

2. In the Available customizations page, select Runtime settings > SMISettings and then set the value for
the Unified Write Filter setting.
3. Once you have finished configuring the settings and building the provisioning package, you can apply the
package to the image deployment time or runtime. See Apply a provisioning package for more information.
To activate UWF, you can use a command-line script, CSP, or WMI:
CMD: uwfmgr filter enable , then uwfmgr.exe volume protect C:
CSP: CurrentSession/FilterEnabled , then CurrentSession/Volume
WMI: UWF\Filter.Enable , then UWF\Volume .
Install the UWF feature by using Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI)
If Windows has already been installed and you do not want to use a provisioning package, you can also configure
UWF by using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers. To turn on UWF using WMI, you can
use the UWF_Filter function, specifically the UWF_Filter.Enable method. You can do this in one of the following
Use the WMI providers directly in a PowerShell script.
Use the WMI providers directly in an application.
Use the command line tool, uwfmgr.exe.
You must restart your device after you turn on or turn off UWF before the change takes effect.
You can change these settings after you turn on UWF if you want to. For example, you can move the page file
location to an unprotected volume and re-enable paging files.

If you add UWF to your image by using SMI settings in an unattend.xml file, turning on UWF only sets the bootstatuspolicy
BCD setting and turns off the defragmentation service. In this case, you must manually turn off the other features and
services if you want to increase the performance of UWF.

All configuration settings for UWF are stored in the registry. UWF automatically excludes these registry entries
from filtering.
UWF maintains configuration settings in the registry for the current session and for the next session after a device
restart. Static configuration changes do not take effect until after a device restart, and these changes are saved in
the registry entries for the next session. Dynamic configuration changes occur immediately and persist after a
device restart.

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
Unified Write Filter WMI provider reference
UWF Command-line tool: uwfmgr.exe
Service UWF-protected devices
1/25/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To update your devices, use UWF servicing mode. UWF servicing mode allows you to apply Windows updates,
antimalware signature file updates, and custom software or third-party software updates.
Normally, when the Unified Write Filter (UWF ) is active, system updates are disabled, as they would use be
erased when the overlay is cleared.
When UWF servicing mode is triggered, Windows does the following:
1. Clears the UWF overlay
2. Reboots the devices
3. Triggers a system maintenance hour.
4. Disables the UWF filter.
5. Scans for and applies Windows updates
6. Scans for and applies app updates from the Microsoft store.
7. After servicing is complete, it re-enables the UWF filter and resumes UWF protection.

Servicing mode requires that all user accounts on the system have a password. If there is a user account that does not
include a password, UWF servicing will fail.

In this section

Antimalware support on UWF-protected devices Describes the procedures to add support for Windows
Defender and System Center Endpoint Protection
(SCEP/Forefront) antimalware to your UWF-protected devices.

Apply OEM updates to UWF-protected devices Provides information about how to apply OEM updates to a
UWF-protected device.

Apply Windows updates to UWF-protected devices Describes the procedures to apply Windows updates to your
UWF-protected devices.

UWF master servicing script Provides information about the UWF master servicing script

UWF servicing screen saver Provides information about how to modify the default UWF
servicing screen saver.
Antimalware support on UWF-protected devices
2/27/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Learn how to enable antimalware support on your USB Filter-enabled Windows 10 Enterprise device.
When using antimalware software on your Unified Write Filter (UWF )-protected device, you must add the
required file and registry exclusions that enable the software to apply updates to signature files and persist
changes to the device after a system restart.

Add support for Windows Defender on UWF-protected devices

Add these exclusions to UWF:
1. File exclusions
C:\Program Files\Windows Defender
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender
2. Registry exclusions
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender

Add support for System Center Endpoint Protection on UWF-

protected devices
Add these exclusions to UWF:
1. File exclusions
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware
2. Registry exclusions
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware

Windows 10 Enterprise does not include System Center Endpoint Protection. You can purchase licenses and install System
Center Endpoint Protection independently.

Related topics
Service UWF -protected devices
Apply Windows updates to UWF-protected devices
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

When a device is protected with Unified Write Filter (UWF ), you must use UWF servicing mode commands to
service the device and apply updates to an image.
UWF servicing mode uses the following files to when it applies Windows updates to your device:
UWFMgr.exe command-line tool
UwfServicingScr.scr screen saver
UwfServicingMasterScript.cmd script

The master servicing script can be modified to service third-party applications, service custom OEM applications, or call
custom OEM servicing scripts.

UWF servicing supports the following types of Windows updates:

Critical updates
Security updates
Driver updates

Apply Windows updates to UWF-protected devices

1. To apply Windows updates to your device, at an administrator command prompt, type the following

uwfmgr.exe servicing enable

2. Restart the device. Use either command.

uwfmgr.exe filter restart

shutdown /r /t 0

On restart, the device will automatically sign in to the servicing account and servicing will start.

The default servicing account that is automatically created and used for servicing is named UWF-Servicing. It is important
that you do not have a user account that has that same name on a device before starting UWF servicing.

Once servicing has started, no user interaction is required. The system may restart if it is required by the Windows
updates that are installing. If a restart is required, the system will re-enter servicing mode on restart and continue
until all updates have been installed.
While servicing is underway, the UwfServicingScr.scr screen saver displays on the device.
The UwfServicingScr.scr screen saver that is included with Windows 10 Enterprise is a standard Windows screen saver and
can be replaced by a custom OEM screen saver if required.

When Windows update servicing is finished, the system will disable UWF servicing and restart the system with
UWF -protection enabled and all file and registry exclusions restored to their original pre-servicing state.

Be aware that during UWF servicing in Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows Update automatically accepts all Microsoft Software
License Terms.

If Windows updates cannot be installed or return an error, servicing will be disabled and the system will restart with UWF-
protection re-enabled and all file and registry exclusions restored to their original pre-servicing state.

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
UWF master servicing script
UWF servicing screen saver
Apply OEM updates to UWF-protected devices
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To apply OEM updates on a Unified Write Filter (UWF )-protected Windows 10 device, you can modify the
UPDATE_SUCCESS block of UWF master servicing script (UwfServicingMasterScript.cmd) to call a custom OEM
script that applies any required OEM updates. The OEM script should return control back to the UWF Master
Servicing Script when finished.
The UWF Master Servicing Script (UwfServicingMasterScript.cmd) is located in the \Windows\System32 folder.

UPDATE_SUCCESS (UwfServicingMasterScript.cmd)
The UPDATE_SUCCESS block of the UWF master servicing script follows:

echo UpdateAgent returned success.
REM echo UpdateAgent executing OEM script
REM OEM can call their custom scripts
REM at this point through a "call".
REM The OEM script should hand control
REM back to this script once it’s done.
REM Any error recovery for OEM script
REM should be handled outside of this script
REM post a reboot.
uwfmgr servicing disable
echo Restarting system

Related topics
Service UWF -protected devices
UWF master servicing script
Unified Write Filter
UWF master servicing script
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The UWF master servicing script (UwfServicingMasterScript.cmd) is located in the \Windows\System32 folder.

The full UWF master servicing script follows:
REM servicing of the device with UWF installed. The script will
REM call UWF manager application to update the system with the
REM latest available updates.
REM The script will detect whether the update operation
REM ended successfully or requires a reboot.
REM The script will change the "SERVICING" state of the device
REM only when the update operation results in a "SUCCESS".
REM A state change of the device requires a reboot.
REM If the update operation requires a "REBOOT" the script will
REM reboot device without changing the "SERVICING" state. The
REM Will then run again on the following reboot until
REM the update operation either return a "SUCCESS" or a "ERROR"
REM Any third-party script that needs to run before the state
REM change should run in the UPDATE_SUCCESS block
REM Environment :
REM It is expected that UWF is turned "OFF", "SERVICING" mode
REM enabled and all other preconditions
REM for servicing are in place.

echo UpdateAgent starting.

uwfmgr servicing update-windows
echo UpdateAgent returned error =%ERRORLEVEL%

uwfmgr servicing disable
echo Restarting system

echo UpdateAgent requires a reboot.
echo UpdateAgent restarting system

echo UpdateAgent returned success.
REM echo UpdateAgent executing OEM script
REM OEM can call their custom scripts
REM at this point through a "call".
REM The OEM script should hand control
REM back to this script once it is done.
REM Any error recovery for OEM script
REM should be handled outside of this script
REM post a reboot.
uwfmgr servicing disable
echo Restarting system

echo UpdateAgent exiting.
shutdown -r -t 5
Related topics
Service UWF -protected devices
Unified Write Filter
UWF servicing screen saver
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The default settings for the Unified Write Filter (UWF ) servicing screen saver can be changed through the
Windows registry to use custom text, title, font, and color settings.
The UWF servicing screen saver (UwfServicingScr.scr) is located in the \Windows\System32 folder.

When UWF is installed on your device, when you right-click on the Desktop, and then click Personalize > Screen Saver,
the UWF servicing screen saver will appear in the list of available screen savers in the Screen Saver Settings dialog box.

Do not select UwfServicingScr as the screen saver and then click Preview, as you will not be able to exit the
UWF servicing screen saver by moving the mouse or pressing a key. The only way to exit the UWF servicing
screen saver in this case is by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys.

Modify the default registry settings for the UWF servicing screen saver
1. To modify the default registry settings for the UWF servicing screen saver, from the example shown here,
change the values in a text editor, and then save as a .reg file (for example, Overridescreensaver.reg).

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Embedded\ServicingScreenSaver]
"ScreenSaverSubTitle"="Servicing device…"

2. On the device, open a command prompt as an administrator. For Windows Shell, to open a command
prompt, do the following:
a. In Windows Explorer, move to \Windows\System32, right-click cmd.exe, and then click Run as
b. Accept the UAC prompt.
3. To apply the custom registry settings for the screen saver to the device, type the following command:

regedit.exe /s overridescreensaver.reg

The next time the device enters UWF servicing mode, the UwfServicingScr.scr screen saver will use the custom

Related topics
Service UWF -protected devices
Unified Write Filter
Troubleshooting Unified Write Filter (UWF)
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Review the log files and error message information locations for Unified Write Filter (UWF ) on your Windows 10
Enterprise device.
If you are having difficulties configuring Unified Write Filter (UWF ) on your device, see the following information
about how to find event log and error message information for troubleshooting problems with UWF.

Event logs
UWF uses Windows Event Log to log events, errors and messages.
Events related to overlay consumption are sent by UWF kernel mode components and are logged in the
Windows Logs\System event log.
Event related to configuration changes and servicing logs are sent by UWF user mode components:
Error messages are logged in the Applications and Services
Logs\Microsoft\Windows\UnifiedWriteFilter\Admin event log.
Informational messages are logged in the Applications and Services
Logs\Microsoft\Windows\UnifiedWriteFilter\Operational event log.

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
Common write filter exclusions
Service UWF -protected devices
Unified Write Filter WMI provider reference
Unified Write Filter WMI provider reference
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To help protect physical storage media, you can use the WMI providers for Unified Write Filter (UWF ) to
configure UWF.
This section describes the WMI provider classes for UWF.

In this section
UWF_ExcludedFile: A container class that contains the files and folders that are currently in the file exclusion
list for a volume protected by UWF.
UWF_ExcludedRegistryKey: A container class that contains the registry keys that are currently in the registry
key exclusion list for UWF.
UWF_Filter: Enables or disables Unified Write Filter (UWF ), resets configuration settings for UWF, and shuts
down or restarts your device.
UWF_Overlay: Contains the current size of the UWF overlay and manages the critical and warning thresholds
for the overlay size.
UWF_OverlayConfig: Manages the configuration of the UWF overlay.
UWF_OverlayFile: Displays and configures global settings for the UWF overlay. You can modify the
maximum size and the type of the UWF overlay.
UWF_RegistryFilter: Adds or removes registry exclusions from UWF filtering.
UWF_Servicing: Contains properties and methods that enable you to query and control UWF servicing
UWF_Volume: Manages a volume protected by UWF.

We recommend setting the authentication level to PacketIntegrity or PacketPrivacy for remote clients when you connect
to WMI providers under root\standardcimv2\embedded when using WMI scripts or applications. For more information
about how to use authentication with WMI providers, see this WMI Enhancements in Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP on

Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Education, or Windows 10 IoT Core Enterprise

Related topics
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Contains the files and folders that are currently in the file exclusion list for a volume protected by Unified Write
Filter (UWF ).

class UWF_ExcludedFile {
[Read] string FileName;

The following tables list any methods and properties that belong to this class.

FileName string [read] The name of the file or

folder path in the file
exclusion list, including
the full path relative to
the volume.

UWF_ExcludedFile does not represent an actual WMI object, and you cannot use this class to get or set file
You must use the UWF_Volume.GetExclusions method to retrieve UWF_ExcludedFile objects.
You can use the UWF_Volume.AddExclusion and UWF_Volume.RemoveExclusion methods to add or remove file
and folder exclusions to a volume.


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Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter WMI provider reference
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Contains the registry keys that are currently in the registry key exclusion list for Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

class UWF_ExcludedRegistryKey {
[Read] string RegistryKey;

The following tables list any methods and properties that belong to this class.

RegistryKey string [read] The full path of the

registry key in the
registry key exclusion

UWF_ExcludedRegistryKeydoes not represent an actual WMI object, and you cannot use this class to get or set
registry key exclusions.
You can use the UWF_RegistryFilter.GetExclusions or UWF_RegistryFilter.FindExclusion methods to retrieve
UWF_ExcludedRegistryKey objects.
You can use the UWF_Volume.AddExclusion and UWF_Volume.RemoveExclusion methods to add or remove
registry keys to the UWF registry key exclusion list.


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Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter WMI provider reference
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Enables or disables Unified Write Filter (UWF ), resets configuration settings for UWF, and shuts down or restarts
your device.

class UWF_Filter{
[key] string Id;
[read] boolean CurrentEnabled;
[read] boolean NextEnabled;
UInt32 Enable();
UInt32 Disable();
UInt32 ResetSettings();
UInt32 ShutdownSystem();
UInt32 RestartSystem();

The following tables list any methods and properties that belong to this class.

UWF_Filter.Enable Enables UWF on the next restart.

UWF_Filter.Disable Disables UWF on the next restart.

UWF_Filter.ResetSettings Restores UWF settings to the original state that was

captured at install time.

UWF_Filter.ShutdownSystem Safely shuts down a system protected by UWF, even if

the overlay is full.

UWF_Filter.RestartSystem Safely restarts a system protected by UWF, even if the

overlay is full.


Id string [key] A unique ID. This is

always set to

CurrentEnabled Boolean [read] Indicates if UWF is

enabled for the current

NextEnabled Boolean [read] Indicates if UWF is

enabled after the next

You must use an administrator account to make any changes to the configuration settings for UWF. Users with
any kind of account can read the current configuration settings.

The following example demonstrates how to enable or disable UWF by using the WMI provider in a PowerShell
The PowerShell script creates three functions to help enable or disable UWF. It then demonstrates how to use
each function.
The first function, Disable-UWF , retrieves a WMI object for UWF_Filter, and calls the Disable() method to
disable UWF after the next device restart.
The second function, Enable-UWF , retrieves a WMI object for UWF_Filter, and calls the Enable() method to
enable UWF after the next device restart.
The third function, Display-UWFState , examines the properties of the UWF_Filter object, and prints out the
current settings for UWF_Filter.

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Create a function to disable the Unified Write Filter driver after the next restart.
function Disable-UWF() {

# Retrieve the UWF_Filter settings.

$objUWFInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Filter;

if(!$objUWFInstance) {
"Unable to retrieve Unified Write Filter settings."

# Call the method to disable UWF after the next restart. This sets the NextEnabled property to false.

$retval = $objUWFInstance.Disable();

# Check the return value to verify that the disable is successful

if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
"Unified Write Filter will be disabled after the next system restart."
} else {
"Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue

# Create a function to enable the Unified Write Filter driver after the next restart.
function Enable-UWF() {
# Retrieve the UWF_Filter settings.
$objUWFInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Filter;

if(!$objUWFInstance) {
"Unable to retrieve Unified Write Filter settings."

# Call the method to enable UWF after the next restart. This sets the NextEnabled property to false.

$retval = $objUWFInstance.Enable();

# Check the return value to verify that the enable is successful

if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
"Unified Write Filter will be enabled after the next system restart."
} else {
"Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue

# Create a function to display the current settings of the Unified Write Filter driver.
function Display-UWFState() {

# Retrieve the UWF_Filter object

$objUWFInstance = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $NAMESPACE -Class UWF_Filter;

if(!$objUWFInstance) {
"Unable to retrieve Unified Write Filter settings."

# Check the CurrentEnabled property to see if UWF is enabled in the current session.
if($objUWFInstance.CurrentEnabled) {
$CurrentStatus = "enabled";
} else {
$CurrentStatus = "disabled";

# Check the NextEnabled property to see if UWF is enabled or disabled after the next system restart.
if($objUWFInstance.NextEnabled) {
$NextStatus = "enabled";
} else {
$NextStatus = "disabled";

# Some examples of how to call the functions


"Enabling Unified Write Filter"



"Disabling Unified Write Filter"




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Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter WMI provider reference
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Disables Unified Write Filter (UWF ) on the next restart.

UInt32 Disable();


Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

You must use an administrator account to disable UWF.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Enables Unified Write Filter (UWF ) on the next restart.

UInt32 Enable();


Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

You must use an administrator account to enable UWF.
You must restart your device after you enable or disable UWF before the change takes effect.
The first time you enable UWF on your device, UWF makes the following changes to your system to improve the
performance of UWF:
Paging files are disabled.
System restore is disabled.
SuperFetch is disabled.
File indexing service is turned off.
Defragmentation service is turned off.
Fast boot is disabled.
BCD setting bootstatuspolicy is set to ignoreallfailures.
You can change these settings after you enable UWF if you want to. For example, you can move the page file
location to an unprotected volume and re-enable paging files.


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Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Restores UWF settings to the original configuration settings.

UInt32 ResetSettings();


Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

You must use an administrator account to reset UWF settings.
The original configuration settings are captured the first time that you enable UWF after you add UWF to your
device by using Turn Windows features on or off. You can change the original configuration settings by using
Turn Windows features on or off to remove and then add UWF, and then modifying the configuration to the
desired state before you enable UWF.
If you added UWF to your device by using SMI settings in an unattend.xml file, the original configuration settings
are captured when Windows 10 Enterpriseis installed on your device.


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Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Safely restarts a system protected by UWF, even if the overlay is full.

UInt32 RestartSystem();


Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

You must use an administrator account to call this method.
If the overlay is full, or near full, shutting down or restarting the system normally can cause the system to take an
extremely long time to shut down. This occurs when the system repeatedly tries to write files during shutdown,
which constantly fail due to the overlay being full. You can call this method to safely restart a system by avoiding
this scenario.
If the overlay becomes full while the system is performing a large amount of writes, such as copying a large group
of files, calling this method can still result in a long shutdown time.


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Safely shuts down a system protected by UWF, even if the overlay is full.

UInt32 ShutdownSystem();


Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

You must use an administrator account to call this method.
If the overlay is full, or near full, shutting down or restarting the system normally can cause the system to take an
extremely long time to shut down. This occurs when the system repeatedly tries to write files during shutdown,
which constantly fail due to the overlay being full. You can call this method to safely shutdown a system by
avoiding this scenario.
If the overlay becomes full while the system is performing a large amount of writes, such as copying a large group
of files, calling this method can still result in a long shutdown time.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Contains the current size of the Unified Write Filter (UWF ) overlay and manages the critical and warning
thresholds for the overlay size.

class UWF_Overlay {
[key] string Id;
[read] UInt32 OverlayConsumption;
[read] UInt32 AvailableSpace;
[read] UInt32 CriticalOverlayThreshold;
[read] UInt32 WarningOverlayThreshold;

UInt32 GetOverlayFiles(
[in] string Volume,
[out, EmbeddedInstance("UWF_OverlayFile")] string OverlayFiles[]
UInt32 SetWarningThreshold(
UInt32 size
UInt32 SetCriticalThreshold(
UInt32 size

The following tables list any methods and properties that belong to this class.

UWF_Overlay.GetOverlayFiles Returns a list of files of a volume that were cached in the

UWF overlay.

UWF_Overlay.SetWarningThreshold Sets the warning threshold for monitoring the size of the
UWF overlay.

UWF_Overlay.SetCriticalThreshold Sets the critical warning threshold for monitoring the size
of the UWF overlay.


Id string [key] A unique ID. This is

always set to

OverlayConsumption UInt32 [read] The current size, in

megabytes, of the UWF

AvailableSpace UInt32 [read] The amount of free

space, in megabytes,
available to the UWF

CriticalOverlayThresh UInt32 [read] The critical threshold

old size, in megabytes. UWF
sends a critical threshold
notification event when
the UWF overlay size
reaches or exceeds this

WarningOverlayThres UInt32 [read] The warning threshold

hold size, in megabytes. UWF
sends a warning
threshold notification
event when the UWF
overlay size reaches or
exceeds this value.

The following example demonstrates how to use the UWF overlay by using the WMI provider in a PowerShell

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Function to set the Unified Write Filter overlay warning threshold

function Set-OverlayWarningThreshold($ThresholdSize) {

# Retrieve the overlay WMI object

$OverlayInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Overlay;

if(!$OverlayInstance) {
"Unable to get handle to an instance of the UWF_Overlay class"

# Call the instance method to set the warning threshold value

$retval = $OverlayInstance.SetWarningThreshold($ThresholdSize);

# Check the return value to verify that setting the warning threshold is successful

if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
"Overlay warning threshold has been set to " + $ThresholdSize + " MB"
} else {
"Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue
# Function to set the Unified Write Filter overlay critical threshold

function Set-OverlayCriticalThreshold($ThresholdSize) {

# Retrieve the overlay WMI object

$OverlayInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Overlay;

if(!$OverlayInstance) {
"Unable to get handle to an instance of the UWF_Overlay class"

# Call the instance method to set the warning threshold value

$retval = $OverlayInstance.SetCriticalThreshold($ThresholdSize);

# Check the return value to verify that setting the critical threshold is successful

if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
"Overlay critical threshold has been set to " + $ThresholdSize + " MB"
} else {
"Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue

# Function to print the current overlay information

function Get-OverlayInformation() {

# Retrieve the Overlay WMI object

$OverlayInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Overlay;

if(!$OverlayInstance) {
"Unable to get handle to an instance of the UWF_Overlay class"

# Display the current values of the overlay properties

"`nOverlay Consumption: " + $OverlayInstance.OverlayConsumption

"Available Space: " + $OverlayInstance.AvailableSpace
"Critical Overlay Threshold: " + $OverlayInstance.CriticalOverlayThreshold
"Warning Overlay Threshold: " + $OverlayInstance.WarningOverlayThreshold

# Examples of using these functions

"`nSetting the warning threshold to 768 MB."

Set-OverlayWarningThreshold( 768 )

"`nSetting the critical threshold to 896 MB."

Set-OverlayCriticalThreshold( 896 )

"`nDisplaying the current state of the overlay."


Only one UFW_Overlay instance exists for a system protected with UWF.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Displays and configures global settings for the Unified Write Filter (UWF ) overlay. You can modify the maximum
size and the type of the UWF overlay.

class UWF_OverlayConfig{
[key, Read] boolean CurrentSession;
[read] UInt32 Type;
[read] SInt32 MaximumSize;

UInt32 SetType(
UInt32 type
UInt32 SetMaximumSize(
UInt32 size

The following tables list the methods and properties that belong to this class.

UWF_OverlayConfig.SetMaximumSize Sets the maximum cache size, in megabytes, of the


UWF_OverlayConfig.SetType Sets the type of the UWF overlay to either RAM-based or



CurrentSessoin Boolean [key, read] Indicates which session

the object contains
settings for.
Set to True for the
current session; set to
False for the next
session that begins after
a restart.

Type UInt32 [read] Indicates the type of

Set to 0 for a RAM-
based overlay; set to 1
for a disk-based overlay.

MaximumSize SInt32 [read] Indicates the maximum

cache size, in
megabytes, of the

Changes to the overlay configuration take effect on the next restart in which UWF is enabled.
Before you can change the Type or MaximumSize properties, UWF must be disabled in the current session.
The following example demonstrates how to change the maximum size or the storage type of the overlay in UWF
by using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider in a PowerShell script.
The PowerShell script creates two functions to modify the overlay configuration. It then demonstrates how to use
the functions. The first function, Set-OverlaySize, sets the maximum size of the overlay. The second function, Set-
OverlayType, sets the type of the overlay to RAM -based or disk-based.

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Define common parameters

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"=$NAMESPACE; "computer"=$COMPUTER}

function Set-OverlaySize([UInt32] $size) {

# This function sets the size of the overlay to which file and registry changes are redirected
# Changes take effect after the next restart

# $size is the maximum size in MB of the overlay

# Make sure that UWF is currently disabled

$UWFFilter = Get-WmiObject -class UWF_Filter @commonParams

if ($UWFFilter.CurrentEnabled -eq $false) {

# Get the configuration for the next session after a restart

$nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_OverlayConfig -Filter "CurrentSession = false" @CommonParams;

if ($nextConfig) {

# Set the maximum size of the overlay

write-host "Set overlay max size to $size MB."
} else {
write-host "UWF must be disabled in the current session before you can change the overlay size."

function Set-OverlayType([UInt32] $overlayType) {

# This function sets the type of the overlay to which file and registry changes are redirected
# Changes take effect after the next restart

# $overlayType is the type of storage that UWF uses to maintain the overlay. 0 = RAM-based; 1 = disk-based.

$overlayTypeText = @("RAM-based", "disk-based")

# Make sure that the overlay type is a valid value

if ($overlayType -eq 0 -or $overlayType -eq 1) {

# Make sure that UWF is currently disabled

$UWFFilter = Get-WmiObject -class UWF_Filter @commonParams

if ($UWFFilter.CurrentEnabled -eq $false) {

# Get the configuration for the next session after a restart

$nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_OverlayConfig -Filter "CurrentSession = false"


if ($nextConfig) {

# Set the type of the overlay

write-host "Set overlay type to $overlayTypeText[$overlayType]."
} else {
write-host "UWF must be disabled in the current session before you can change the overlay type."
} else {
write-host "Invalid value for overlay type. Valid values are 0 (RAM-based) or 1 (disk-based)."

# The following sample commands demonstrate how to use the functions to change the overlay configuration

$RAMMode = 0
$DiskMode = 1

Set-OverlaySize 2048

Set-OverlayType $DiskMode


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Unified Write Filter WMI provider reference
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Sets the maximum cache size of the Unified Write Filter (UWF ) overlay.

UInt32 SetMaximumSize(
UInt32 size

size An integer that represents the maximum cache size, in megabytes, of the overlay.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

When the size of the overlay reaches the size value, UWF returns an error for any attempt to write to a protected
If the overlay type is disk-based, your device must meet the following requirements to change the maximum size
of the overlay.
UWF must be disabled in the current session.
The size value must be at least 1024.
The system volume on your device must have available free space greater than the new maximum size value.
If the overlay type is RAM -based, your device must meet the following requirement to change the maximum size
of the overlay.
UWF must be disabled in the current session.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Sets the type of the Unified Write Filter (UWF ) overlay to either RAM -based or disk-based.

UInt32 SetType(
UInt32 type

type The type of overlay. Set to 0 for a RAM -based overlay; set to 1 for a disk-based overlay.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

Changes to the overlay type take effect during the next device restart in which UWF is enabled.
When you change the overlay type from RAM -based to disk-based, UWF creates a file on the system volume. The
file has a size equal to the MaximumSize property of UWF_OverlayConfig.
Before you can change the overlay type to disk-based, your device must meet the following requirements.
UWF must be disabled in the current session.
The system volume on your device must have available free space greater than the maximum size of the
The maximum size of the overlay must be at least 1024 MB.
Before you can change the overlay type to RAM -based, your device must meet the following requirements.
UWF must be disabled in the current session.


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Related topics
Overlay for Unified Write Filter (UWF )
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Contains a file that is currently in the overlay for a volume protected by Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

class UWF_OverlayFile {
[read] string FileName;
[read] UInt64 FileSize;

The following table lists any properties that belong to this class.

FileName string [read] The name of the file in

the file overlay.

FileSize UInt64 [read] The size of the file in the

file overlay.

You cannot use the UWF_ OverlayFile class directly to get overlay files. You must use the
UWF_Overlay.GetOverlayFiles method to retrieve UWF_ OverlayFile objects.
For more information about specific limitations and conditions when using the GetOverlayFiles method, see the
Remarks section in the UWF_Overlay.GetOverlayFiles topic in the UWF WMI provider technical reference.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Returns a list of files of a volume that were cached in the Unified Write Filter (UWF ) overlay.

UInt32 GetOverlayFiles(
[in] string Volume,
[out, EmbeddedInstance("UWF_OverlayFile")] string OverlayFiles[]

Volume A string that specifies the drive letter or volume name.
OverlayFiles An array of UWF_OverlayFiles objects embedded as strings.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

You must use an administrator account to access this method.
The GetOverlayFiles method is intended to be used as a diagnostic tool.
Do not base decisions about what to commit based on this method’s output.
You should be aware of the following limitations:
This method is only supported on the NTFS file system.
This method requires a significant amount of free system memory to succeed (in a linear relationship to overlay
usage). The method call fails when there is insufficient memory available to complete the call.
This method requires significant time to complete (in an exponential relationship to overlay usage).
This method may show files that are affected by seemingly unrelated operations to both registry and file
exclusions and commits.
You should also be aware of the following items when you use the GetOverlayFiles method:
Files that were committed with the uwfmgr.exe file commit command are also contained in the overlay files list.
Excluded files may be contained in the overlay files list.
Files that are smaller than the cluster size (for example, 4 KB in most cases) will not be listed even if they are
cached in overlay.
Changes and deletions in excluded directories, excluded files, or excluded registry items add to overlay usage.
File and registry commits add to overlay usage.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Sets the critical threshold for monitoring the size of the Unified Write Filter (UWF ) overlay.

UInt32 SetCriticalThreshold(
UInt32 size

size An integer that represents the size, in megabytes, of the critical threshold level for the overlay. If size is 0 (zero),
UWF does not raise critical threshold events.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

When the size of the overlay reaches or exceeds the size threshold value, UWF writes the following notification
event to the event log.


UWF_OVERLAY_REACHED_CRITICA 0x80010002L The UWF overlay size has reached


The critical threshold must be higher than the warning threshold.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Sets the warning threshold for monitoring the size of the Unified Write Filter (UWF ) overlay.

UInt32 SetWarningThreshold(
UInt32 size

size An integer that represents the size, in megabytes, of the warning threshold level for the overlay. If size is set to
0 (zero), UWF does not raise warning threshold events.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

When the size of the overlay reaches or exceeds the size threshold value, UWF writes the following notification
event to the event log.


UWF_OVERLAY_REACHED_WARNI 0x80010001L The UWF overlay size has reached


The warning threshold must be lower than the critical threshold.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

Adds or removes registry exclusions from Unified Write Filter (UWF ) filtering, and also commits registry changes.

class UWF_RegistryFilter{
[key, Read] boolean CurrentSession;
[Read, Write] boolean PersistDomainSecretKey;
[Read, Write] boolean PersistTSCAL;

UInt32 AddExclusion(
string RegistryKey
UInt32 RemoveExclusion(
string RegistryKey
UInt32 FindExclusion(
[in] string RegistryKey,
[out] boolean bFound
UInt32 GetExclusions(
[out, EmbeddedInstance("UWF_ExcludedRegistryKey")] string ExcludedKeys[]
UInt32 CommitRegistry(
[in] string RegistryKey,
[in] string ValueName
UInt32 CommitRegistryDeletion(
string Registrykey,
string ValueName

The following tables list the methods and properties that belong to this class.

UWF_RegistryFilter.AddExclusion Adds a registry key to the registry exclusion list for UWF.

UWF_RegistryFilter.CommitRegistry Commits changes to the specified registry key and value.

UWF_RegistryFilter.CommitRegistryDeletion Deletes the specified registry key or registry value and

commits the deletion.

UWF_RegistryFilter.FindExclusion Determines whether a specific registry key is excluded

from being filtered by UWF.

UWF_RegistryFilter.GetExclusions Retrieves all registry key exclusions from a system that is

protected by UWF.

UWF_RegistryFilter.RemoveExclusion Removes a registry key from the registry exclusion list for
Unified Write Filter (UWF).


CurrentSession Boolean [key, read] Indicates which session

the object contains
settings for.
True if settings are for
the current session;
False if settings are for
the next session that
follows a restart.

PersistDomainSecretK Boolean [read, write] Indicates if the domain

ey secret registry key is in
the registry exclusion
list. If the registry key is
not in the exclusion list,
changes are not
persisted after a restart.
Set to True to include in
the exclusion list;
otherwise, set to False.

PersistTSCAL Boolean [read, write] Indicates if the Terminal

Server Client Access
License (TSCAL) registry
key is in the UWF
registry exclusion list. If
the registry key is not in
the exclusion list,
changes are not
persisted after a restart.
Set to True to include in
the exclusion list;
otherwise, set to False.

Additions or removals of registry exclusions, including changes to the values of PersistDomainSecretKey and
PersistTSCAL, take effect after the next restart in which UWF is enabled.
You can only add registry keys in the HKLM registry root to the UWF registry exclusion list.
You can also use UWF_RegistryFilter to exclude the domain secret registry key and the TSCAL registry key from
UWF filtering.
The following example demonstrates how to manage UWF registry exclusions by using the Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider in a PowerShell script.
The PowerShell script creates four functions, and then demonstrates how to use them.
The first function, Get-RegistryExclusions, displays a list of UWF registry exclusions for both the current session
and the next session that follows a restart.
The second function, Add-RegistryExclusion, adds a registry entry to the UWF registry exclusion list after you
restart the device.
The third function, Remove-RegistryExclusion, removes a registry entry from the UWF exclusion list after you
restart the device.
The fourth function, Clear-RegistryExclusions, removes all UWF registry exclusions. You must restart the device
before UWF stops filtering the exclusions.

$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Define common parameters

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"=$NAMESPACE; "computer"=$COMPUTER}

function Get-RegistryExclusions() {

# This function lists the UWF registry exclusions, both

# for the current session as well as the next session after a restart.

# Get the UWF_RegistryFilter configuration for the current session

$currentConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_RegistryFilter @CommonParams |

where {
$_.CurrentSession -eq $true

# Get the UWF_RegistryFilter configuration for the next session after a restart

$nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_RegistryFilter @CommonParams |

where {
$_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Display registry exclusions for the current session

if ($currentConfig) {

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "The following registry entries are currently excluded from UWF filtering:";

$currentExcludedList = $currentConfig.GetExclusions()

if ($currentExcludedList.ExcludedKeys) {
foreach ($registryExclusion in $currentExcludedList.ExcludedKeys) {
Write-Host " " $registryExclusion.RegistryKey
} else {
Write-Host " None"
} else {
Write-Error "Could not retrieve UWF_RegistryFilter.";

# Display registry exclusions for the next session after a restart

# Display registry exclusions for the next session after a restart

if ($nextConfig) {

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "The following registry entries will be excluded from UWF filtering after the next

$nextExcludedList = $nextConfig.GetExclusions()

if ($nextExcludedList.ExcludedKeys) {
foreach ($registryExclusion in $nextExcludedList.ExcludedKeys) {
Write-Host " " $registryExclusion.RegistryKey
} else {
Write-Host " None"
Write-Host ""

function Add-RegistryExclusion($exclusion) {

# This function adds a new UWF registry exclusion.

# The new registry exclusion takes effect the next time the device is restarted and UWF is enabled.

# $exclusion is the path of the registry exclusion

# Get the UWF_RegistryFilter configuration for the next session after a restart

$nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_RegistryFilter @CommonParams |

where {
$_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Add the exclusion

if ($nextConfig) {
$nextConfig.AddExclusion($exclusion) | Out-Null;
Write-Host "Added exclusion $exclusion.";
} else {
Write-Error "Could not retrieve UWF_RegistryFilter";

function Remove-RegistryExclusion($exclusion) {

# This function removes a UWF registry exclusion.

# The registry exclusion is removed the next time the device is restarted

# $exclusion is the path of the registry exclusion

# Get the UWF_RegistryFilter configuration for the next session after a restart

$nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_RegistryFilter @CommonParams |

where {
$_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Try to remove the exclusion

if ($nextConfig) {
try {
$nextConfig.RemoveExclusion($exclusion) | Out-Null;
Write-Host "Removed exclusion $exclusion.";
} catch {
Write-Host "Could not remove exclusion $exclusion."
} else {
Write-Error "Could not retrieve UWF_RegistryFilter";
Write-Error "Could not retrieve UWF_RegistryFilter";

function Clear-RegistryExclusions() {

# This function removes all UWF registry exclusions

# The registry exclusions are removed the next time the device is restarted

# Get the configuration for the next session

$nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_RegistryFilter @CommonParams |

where {
$_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Remove all registry exclusions

if ($nextConfig) {

Write-Host "Removing all registry exclusions:";

$nextExcludedList = $nextConfig.GetExclusions()

if ($nextExcludedList) {
foreach ($registryExclusion in $nextExcludedList.ExcludedKeys) {
Write-Host "Removing:" $registryExclusion.RegistryKey
$nextConfig.RemoveExclusion($registryExclusion.RegistryKey) | Out-Null
} else {
Write-Host "No registry exclusions to remove."
Write-Host ""

# Some examples of using the functions



Add-RegistryExclusion "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer"

Add-RegistryExclusion "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DateTime\Servers\


Remove-RegistryExclusion "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer"




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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Adds a registry key to the registry exclusion list for Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

Only registry subkeys under the following registry keys can be added to the exclusion list.

Excluding a registry key from filtering also excludes all subkeys from filtering.

UInt32 AddExclusion(
string RegistryKey

RegistryKey A string that contains the full path of the registry key.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

You must restart the device before the registry key is excluded from UWF filtering.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Commits changes to the specified registry key and value.

UInt32 CommitRegistry(
[in] string RegistryKey,
[in] string ValueName

RegistryKey A string that contains the full path of the registry key to be committed.
ValueName A string that contains the name of the value to be committed.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

This method will commit only the value specified by ValueName under RegistryKey if ValueName is specified.
You must use an administrator account to change any properties or call any methods that change the
configuration settings.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Deletes the specified registry key or registry value and commits the deletion.

UInt32 CommitRegistryDeletion(
string Registrykey,
string ValueName

RegistryKey A string that contains the full path of the registry key that contains the value to be deleted. If
ValueName is empty, the entire registry key is deleted.
ValueName A string that contains the name of the value to be deleted.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

If ValueName is specified, this method will delete only the value specified by ValueName that is contained by
RegistryKey. If ValueName is empty, the entire RegistryKey and all its sub keys are deleted.
This method deletes the registry key or registry value from both the overlay and the persistent storage.
You must use an administrator account to change any properties or call any methods that change the configuration


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Checks if a specific registry key is excluded from being filtered by Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

UInt32 FindExclusion(
[in] string RegistryKey,
[out] boolean bFound

RegistryKey [in] A string that contains the full path of the registry key.
bFound [out] Indicates if the RegistryKey is in the exclusion list of registry keys.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Retrieves all registry key exclusions from a device that is protected by Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

UInt32 GetExclusions(
[out, EmbeddedInstance("UWF_ExcludedRegistryKey")] string ExcludedKeys[]

ExcludedKeys [out] An array of UWF_ExcludedRegistryKey objects that represent the registry keys excluded from
UWF filtering.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

If this method does not find any registry keys in the registry key exclusion list, it sets the ExcludedKeys parameter
to null.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Removes a registry key from the registry exclusion list for Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

UInt32 RemoveExclusion(
string RegistryKey

RegistryKey A string that contains the full path of the registry key.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

You must restart the device before the registry key is excluded from UWF filtering.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This class contains properties and methods that enable you to query and control Unified Write Filter (UWF )
servicing mode.

class UWF_Servicing {
[key, read] boolean CurrentSession;
[read] boolean ServicingEnabled;

UInt32 Enable();
UInt32 Disable();
UInt32 UpdateWindows(
[out] UInt32 UpdateStatus

The following tables list the methods and properties that belong to this class.

UWF_Servicing.Disable Disables Unified Write Filter (UWF) servicing mode.

The system leaves servicing mode in the next session that
follows a restart.

UWF_Servicing.Enable Enables Unified Write Filter (UWF) servicing mode.

The system enters servicing mode in the next session that
follows a restart.

UWF_Servicing.UpdateWindows Calls Windows Update to download and install critical and

security updates for your device running Windows 10


CurrentSession Boolean [key, read] Indicates when to

enable servicing.
True if servicing is
enabled in the current
session; False if
servicing will be enabled
in the session that
follows a restart.

ServiceEnabled Boolean [read] Indicates if the system is

in servicing mode in the
current session, or will
be in servicing mode in
the next session that
follows a restart.
True if servicing is
enabled; otherwise,

This class only has two instances, one for the current session, and another for the next session that follows a
The following example shows how to enable and disable UWF servicing mode on a device by using the Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider in a PowerShell script.
$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Define common parameters

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"=$NAMESPACE; "computer"=$COMPUTER}

# Enable UWF servicing

$nextSession = Get-WmiObject -class UWF_Servicing @CommonParams | where {

$_.CurrentSession -eq $false

if ($nextSession) {

$nextSession.Enable() | Out-Null;
Write-Host "This device is enabled for servicing mode after the next restart."

# Disable UWF servicing

$nextSession = Get-WmiObject -class UWF_Servicing @CommonParams | where {

$_.CurrentSession -eq $false

if ($nextSession) {

$nextSession.Disable() | Out-Null;
Write-Host "Servicing mode is now disabled for this device."


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Disables Unified Write Filter (UWF ) servicing mode.

UInt32 Disable();


Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

When this method is called, the system will leave servicing mode in the next session after a restart.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Enables Unified Write Filter (UWF ) servicing mode.

UInt32 Enable();


Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

When this method is called, the system will enter servicing mode in the next session after a restart.


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Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Calls Windows Update to download and install critical and security updates for your device running Windows 10

UInt32 UpdateWindows(
[out] UInt32 UpdateStatus

UpdateStatus [out] An integer that contains the status of the Windows Update operation, according to the
following table:


0 Success.

3010 Restart required.

Any other value. Generic error.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

This method is meant to be used as part of a servicing script. For more information, see Service UWF -protected
This method does not disable or enable Unified Write Filter (UWF ). If you call this method while UWF is enabled,
updates may be lost when the device restarts.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 7 minutes to read

This class manages a volume protected by Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

class UWF_Volume {
[key, Read] boolean CurrentSession;
[key, Read] string DriveLetter;
[key, Read] string VolumeName;
[Read, Write] boolean BindByDriveLetter;
[Read] boolean CommitPending;
[Read, Write] boolean Protected;

UInt32 CommitFile([in] string FileFullPath);

UInt32 CommitFileDeletion(string FileName);
UInt32 Protect();
UInt32 Unprotect();
UInt32 SetBindByDriveLetter(boolean bBindByVolumeName);
UInt32 AddExclusion(string FileName);
UInt32 RemoveExclusion(string FileName);
UInt32 RemoveAllExclusions();
UInt32 FindExclusion([in] string FileName, [out] bFound);
UInt32 GetExclusions([out, EmbeddedInstance("UWF_ExcludedFile")] string ExcludedFiles[]);


The following tables list the methods and properties that belong to this class.

UWF_Volume.AddExclusion Adds a file or folder to the file exclusion list for a volume
protected byUWF.

UWF_Volume.CommitFile Commits changes from the overlay to the physical

volume for a specified file on a volume protected by
Unified Write Filter (UWF).

UWF_Volume.CommitFileDeletion Deletes a protected file from the volume, and commits

the deletion to the physical volume.

UWF_Volume.FindExclusion Determines whether a specific file or folder is in the

exclusion list for a volume protected byUWF.

UWF_Volume.GetExclusions Retrieves a list of all file exclusions for a volume protected


UWF_Volume.Protect Protects the volume after the next system restart, if UWF
is enabled after the restart.

UWF_Volume.RemoveAllExclusions Removes all files and folders from the file exclusion list for
a volume protected byUWF.

UWF_Volume.RemoveExclusion Removes a specific file or folder from the file exclusion list
for a volume protected byUWF.

UWF_Volume.SetBindByDriveLetter Sets the BindByDriveLetter property, which indicates

whether the UWF volume is bound to the physical
volume by drive letter or by volume name.

UWF_Volume.Unprotect Disables UWF protection of the volume after the next

system restart.


BindByDriveLetter Boolean [read, write] Indicates the type of

binding that the volume
Set to True to bind the
volume by
binding); set to False to
bind the volume by
VolumeName (tight

CommitPending Boolean [read] Reserved for Microsoft


CurrentSession Boolean [key, read] Indicates which session

the object contains
settings for.
True if settings are for
the current session;
False if settings are for
the next session that
follows a restart.

DriveLetter string [key, read] The drive letter of the

volume. If the volume
does not have a drive
letter, this value is

Protected Boolean [read, write] If CurrentSession is

true, indicates whether
the volume is currently
protected by UWF.
If CurrentSession is
false, indicates whether
the volume is protected
in the next session after
the device restarts.

VolumeName string [key, read] The unique identifier of

the volume on the
current system. The
VolumeName is the
same as the DeviceID
property of the
Win32_Volume class for
the volume.

You must use an administrator account to change any properties or call any methods that change the
configuration settings.
Turn UWF protection on or off
The following example demonstrates how to protect or unprotect a volume with UWF by using the Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider in a PowerShell script.
The PowerShellscript creates a function, Set-ProtectVolume, that turns UWF protection on or off for a volume.
The script then demonstrates how to use the function.
$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Define common parameters

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"=$NAMESPACE; "computer"=$COMPUTER}

# Create a function to protect or unprotect a volume based on the drive letter of the volume

function Set-ProtectVolume($driveLetter, [bool] $enabled) {

# Each volume has two entries in UWF_Volume, one for the current session and one for the next session after a
# You can only change the protection status of a drive for the next session

$nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |

where {
$_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# If a volume entry is found for the drive letter, enable or disable protection based on the $enabled

if ($nextConfig) {

Write-Host "Setting drive protection on $driveLetter to $enabled"

if ($Enabled -eq $true) {

$nextConfig.Protect() | Out-Null;
} else {
$nextConfig.Unprotect() | Out-Null;

# If the drive letter does not match a volume, create a new UWF_volume instance

else {
Write-Host "Error: Could not find $driveLetter. Protection is not enabled."

# The following sample commands demonstrate how to use the Set-ProtectVolume function
# to protect and unprotect volumes

Set-ProtectVolume "C:" $true

Set-ProtectVolume "D:" $true

Set-ProtectVolume "C:" $false

Manage UWF file and folder exclusions

The following example demonstrates how to manage UWF file and folder exclusions by using the WMI provider
in a PowerShell script. The PowerShell script creates four functions, and then demonstrates how to use them.
The first function, Get-FileExclusions, displays a list of UWF file exclusions that exist on a volume. Exclusions
for both the current session and the next session that follows a restart are displayed.
The second function, Add-FileExclusion, adds a file or folder to the UWF exclusion list for a given volume. The
exclusion is added for the next session that follows a restart.
The third function, Remove-FileExclusion, removes a file or folder from the UWF exclusion list for a given
volume. The exclusion is removed for the next session that follows a restart.
The fourth function, Clear-FileExclusions, removes all UWF file and folder exclusions from a given volume. The
exclusions are removed for the next session that follows a restart.
$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Define common parameters

$CommonParams = @{"namespace"=$NAMESPACE; "computer"=$COMPUTER}

function Get-FileExclusions($driveLetter) {

# This function lists the UWF file exclusions for a volume, both
# for the current session as well as the next session after a restart

# $driveLetter is the drive letter of the volume

# Get the UWF_Volume configuration for the current session

$currentConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |

where {
$_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $true

# Get the UWF_Volume configuration for the next session after a restart

$nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |

where {
$_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Display file exclusions for the current session

if ($currentConfig) {

Write-Host "The following files and folders are currently excluded from UWF filtering for

$currentExcludedList = $currentConfig.GetExclusions()

if ($currentExcludedList) {
foreach ($fileExclusion in $currentExcludedList.ExcludedFiles) {
Write-Host " " $fileExclusion.FileName
} else {
Write-Host " None"
} else {
Write-Error "Could not find drive $driveLetter";

# Display file exclusions for the next session after a restart

if ($nextConfig) {

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "The following files and folders will be excluded from UWF filtering for $driveLetter
after the next restart:";

$nextExcludedList = $nextConfig.GetExclusions()

if ($nextExcludedList) {
foreach ($fileExclusion in $nextExcludedList.ExcludedFiles) {
Write-Host " " $fileExclusion.FileName
} else {
Write-Host " None"

Write-Host ""

function Add-FileExclusion($driveLetter, $exclusion) {

# This function adds a new UWF file exclusion to a volume

# The new file exclusion takes effect the next time the device is restarted and UWF is enabled

# $driveLetter is the drive letter of the volume

# $exclusion is the path and filename of the file or folder exclusion

# Get the configuration for the next session for the volume

$nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |

where {
$_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Add the exclusion

if ($nextConfig) {
$nextConfig.AddExclusion($exclusion) | Out-Null;
Write-Host "Added exclusion $exclusion for $driveLetter";
} else {
Write-Error "Could not find drive $driveLetter";

function Remove-FileExclusion($driveLetter, $exclusion) {

# This function removes a UWF file exclusion from a volume

# The file exclusion is removed the next time the device is restarted

# $driveLetter is the drive letter of the volume

# $exclusion is the path and filename of the file or folder exclusion

# Get the configuration for the next session for the volume

$nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |

where {
$_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Try to remove the exclusion

if ($nextConfig) {
try {
$nextConfig.RemoveExclusion($exclusion) | Out-Null;
Write-Host "Removed exclusion $exclusion for $driveLetter";
} catch {
Write-Host "Could not remove exclusion $exclusion on drive $driveLetter"
} else {
Write-Error "Could not find drive $driveLetter";

function Clear-FileExclusions($driveLetter) {

# This function removes all UWF file exclusions on a volume

# The file exclusions are removed the next time the device is restarted

# $driveLetter is the drive letter of the volume

# Get the configuration for the next session for the volume

$nextConfig = Get-WMIObject -class UWF_Volume @CommonParams |

where {
$_.DriveLetter -eq "$driveLetter" -and $_.CurrentSession -eq $false

# Remove all file and folder exclusions

if ($nextConfig) {
$nextConfig.RemoveAllExclusions() | Out-Null;
Write-Host "Cleared all exclusions for $driveLetter";
} else {
Write-Error "Could not clear exclusions for drive $driveLetter";

# Some examples of using the functions

Clear-FileExclusions "C:"

Add-FileExclusion "C:" "\Users\Public\Public Documents"

Add-FileExclusion "C:" "\myfolder\myfile.txt"

Get-FileExclusions "C:"

Remove-FileExclusion "C:" "\myfolder\myfile.txt"

Get-FileExclusions "C:"


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Adds a file or folder to the file exclusion list for a volume protected by Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

UInt32 AddExclusion(
string FileName

FileName A string that contains the full path of the file or folder relative to the volume.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

You must use an administrator account to add or remove file or folder exclusions during run time, and you must
restart the device for new exclusions to take effect.

You can’t add exclusions for the following items:
The volume root. For example, C: or D:.
The \Windows folder on the system volume.
The \Windows\System32 folder on the system volume.
The \Windows\system32\drivers folder on the system volume.
Paging files.

However, you can exclude subdirectories and files under these items.


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Related topics
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Commits changes from the overlay to the physical volume for a specified file on a volume protected by Unified
Write Filter (UWF ).

UInt32 CommitFile(
[in] string FileName

FileName [in] A string that contains the path of the file to commit on the overlay, but does not include the drive
letter or volume name. For example, “\users\test.dat”.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error constant.

The FileName must contain the name of a file that exists. The CommitFile method cannot commit a file that does
not exist.
You must use an administrator account to change any properties or call any methods that change the configuration


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Deletes the specified file and commits the deletion to the physical volume.

UInt32 CommitFileDeletion(
string FileName

FileName [in] A string that contains the path of the file to delete, but does not include the drive letter or volume
name. For example: “\users\test.dat”.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error constant.

The FileName must contain the name of a file that exists on the physical volume. The CommitFileDeletion
method cannot delete a file that does not exist.
You must use an administrator account to call this method.


Windows 10 Home No

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Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Checks if a specific file or folder is in the exclusion list for a volume protected by Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

UInt32 FindExclusion (
[in] string FileName,
[out] boolean bFound

FileName [in] A string that contains the full path of the file or folder relative to the volume.
bFound [out] Indicates if FileName is in the file exclusion list for the volume.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error constant.

FindExclusion sets bFound to true only for file and folder exclusions that have been explicitly added to the
exclusion list. Files and subfolders that are in an excluded folder are not identified as excluded by FindExclusion,
unless they have been explicitly excluded.


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Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Gets a list of all file exclusions for a Unified Write Filter (UWF ) protected volume.

UInt32 GetExclusions(
[out, EmbeddedInstance("UWF_ExcludedFile")] string ExcludedFiles[]

[out] An array of UWF_ExcludedFile objects that represent the files and folders that are excluded from UWF
filtering for a volume.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error constant.

If GetExclusions does not find any files or folders in the file exclusion list for the volume, GetExclusions sets the
ExcludedFiles parameter to null.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Enables Unified Write Filter (UWF ) to protect the volume after the next system restart, if UWF is enabled after the

UInt32 Protect();


Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error constant.

UWF starts protecting the volume after the next device restart in which UWF is enabled.
This method does not enable UWF if it is disabled; you must explicitly enable UWF for the next session to start
volume protection.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Removes all files and folders from the file exclusion list for a volume protected by Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

UInt32 RemoveAllExclusions();


Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI errorj constant.

This command does not remove registry exclusions.
You must use an administrator account to remove file or folder exclusions, and you must restart the device for this
change to take effect.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Removes a specific file or folder from the file exclusion list for a volume protected by Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

UInt32 RemoveExclusion(
string FileName

FileName A string that contains the full path of the file or folder relative to the volume.

Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error constant.

You must use an administrator account to remove file or folder exclusions, and you must restart the device for this
change to take effect.


Windows 10 Home No

Windows 10 Pro No

Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Sets the BindByDriveLetter property, which indicates if the Unified Write Filter (UWF ) volume is bound to the
physical volume by drive letter or volume name.

UInt32 SetBindByDriveLetter(
boolean bBindByDriveLetter

bBindByDriveLetter A Boolean value that indicates the type of binding to use. The BindByDriveLetter property is
set to this value.


true Binds the UWF volume by the drive letter (loose binding).

false Binds the UWF volume by the volume name (tight


Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error.

Binding by volume name is considered more reliable than binding by drive letter, since drive letters can change for
a volume if devices are added or removed.


Windows 10 Home No

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Windows 10 Enterprise Yes

Windows 10 Education Yes

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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Disables UWF protection of the volume after the next system restart.

UInt32 Unprotect();


Return Value
Returns an HRESULT value that indicates WMI status or a WMI error constant.

Unprotecting the volume does not remove the UWF_Volume entry or any configuration settings from the UWF
configuration registry. This means that you can unprotect a volume, and then protect it again later, while keeping
any file exclusions or volume configurations that you have defined.


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Unified Write Filter
1/18/2019 • 6 minutes to read

The UWFMgr tool can be used at the command-line or in PowerShell to configure and retrieve settings for
Unified Write Filter (UWF ).

Users with standard accounts can use commands that retrieve information, but only users who have administrator
accounts can use commands that change the configuration settings.

Help | ?
Help | ?
Help | ?
Get-Config {<volume> | all}
Protect {<volume> | all}
Unprotect <volume>
Help | ?
Get-Exclusions {<volume> | all}
Add-Exclusion <file>
Remove-Exclusion <file>
Commit <file>
Commit-Delete <file>
Help | ?
Add-Exclusion <key>
Remove-Exclusion <key>
Commit <key> [<value>]
Commit-Delete <key> [<value>]
Help | ?
Set-Size <size>
Set-Type {RAM | DISK}
Set-WarningThreshold <size>
Set-CriticalThreshold <size>
Set-Passthrough <on/off>
Set-Persistent <on/off>
Reset-PersistentState <on/off>

Uwfmgr can be found under the %WINDIR%\System32\ folder.

Command-line options and parameters

The following list describes the options and sub-options that are available to use in uwfmgr.exe, and it lists the
corresponding WMI class or method for each command-line option and sub-option (if available).
Help | ?
Displays command-line help for basic parameters for uwfmgr.exe.
Displays UWF configuration settings for the current and next session.
Configures basic UWF settings.
Enables UWF protection for the next session after a system restart.
Disables UWF protection for the next session after a system restart.
Restores UWF settings to the original state.
If you added UWF to your image by using Turn Windows features on or off or by using
DISM, the original state is the state of UWF settings when UWF was first enabled.
If you added UWF to your image by using SMI settings in an unattend file, the original state is
the state of UWF settings when Windows 10 Enterprise was installed on the device.
Shuts down the device immediately, even if the overlay is full or near full. Administrator-level
permissions are required to use this command.
Shuts down the device immediately and restarts, even if the overlay is full or near full.
Administrator-level permissions are required to use this command.
Configures settings for volumes protected by UWF. If the <volume> argument is needed, you can
specify a drive letter (for example, uwfmgr.exe volume protect C: ), or else you can specify all volumes
(for example, uwfmgr.exe volume get-config all ).
Help | ?
Displays command-line help for the uwfmgr.exe volume command.
Get-Config {<volume> | all}
Displays configuration settings and file exclusions for the specified volume, or all volumes if
all is specified. Displays information for both the current and the next session.
Protect {<volume> | all}
Adds the specified volume to the list of volumes that are protected by UWF. UWF starts
protecting the volume after the next system restart if UWF filtering is enabled.
Unprotect <volume>
Removes the specified volume from the list of volumes that are protected by UWF. UWF
stops protecting the volume after the next system restart.
Configures file exclusion settings for UWF. If you use the <file> argument, it must be fully qualified,
including the volume and path. uwfmgr.exe uses the volume specified in the <file> argument to
determine which volume contains the file exclusion list for the file.
Help | ?
Displays command-line help for the uwfmgr.exe file command.
Get-Exclusions {<volume> | all}
Displays all files and directories in the exclusion list for the specified volume (for example,
uwfmgr.exe file Get-Exclusions C: ), or all volumes if all is specified. Displays information for
both the current and the next session.
Add -Exclusion <file>
Adds the specified file to the file exclusion list of the volume protected by UWF. UWF starts
excluding the file from filtering after the next system restart.
Remove-Exclusion <file>
Removes the specified file from the file exclusion list of the volume protected by UWF. UWF
stops excluding the file from filtering after the next system restart.
Commit <file>
Commits changes to a specified file to overlay for a UWF -protected volume. Administrator-
level permissions are required to use this command.
Commit-Delete <file>
Deletes the specified file from both the overlay and the physical volume. Administrator-level
permissions are required to use this command.
Configures registry key exclusion settings for UWF.
Help | ?
Displays command-line help for the uwfmgr.exe registry command.
Displays all registry keys in the registry exclusion list. Displays information for both the
current and the next session.
Add -Exclusion<key>
Adds the specified registry key to the registry exclusion list for UWF. UWF starts excluding
the registry key from filtering after the next system restart.
Remove-Exclusion <key>
Removes the specified registry key from the registry exclusion list for UWF. UWF stops
excluding the registry key from filtering after the next system restart.
Commit <key> <value>
Commits changes to the specified key and value. Administrator-level permissions are required
to use this command.
Commit-Delete <key> [<value>]
Deletes the specified registry key and value and commits the deletion. Deletes all values and
subkeys if the value is empty, and commits the deletion. Administrator-level permissions are
required to use this command.
Configures settings for the UWF overlay.
UWF_Overlay and UWF_OverlayConfig
Help | ?
Displays command-line help for the uwfmgr.exe overlay command.
Displays configuration settings for the UWF overlay. Displays information for both the current
and the next session.
UWF_Overlay and UWF_OverlayConfig
Displays the amount of space remaining that is available for the UWF overlay.
Displays the amount of space currently used by the UWF overlay.
Set-Size <size>
Sets the maximum size of the UWF overlay, in megabytes, for the next session after a system
Set-Type {RAM | DISK }
Sets the type of the overlay storage to RAM -based or disk-based. UWF must be disabled in
the current session to set the overlay type to disk-based.
Set-WarningThreshold <size>
Sets the overlay size, in megabytes, at which the driver issues warning notifications for the
current session.
Set-CriticalThreshold <size>
Sets the overlay size, in megabytes, at which the driver issues critical notifications for the
current session.
Set-Passthrough <on/off>
Turns the freespace passthrough on or off, allowing UWF to use free space outside of the
reserved space when available.
Set-Persistent <on/off>
Sets the overlay as a persistent overlay, allowing users to keep using their data after a reboot.
Reset-PersistentState <on/off>
Clears a persistent overlay on the next boot (on/off).
Configures settings for UWF servicing mode.
Enables servicing mode in the next session after a restart. Administrator-level permissions are
Enables servicing mode in the next session after a restart. Administrator-level permissions are
required to use this command.
Disables UWF servicing mode in the next session after a restart. Administrator-level
permissions are required to use this command.
Stand-alone command to apply Windows updates to a device. Called by the master servicing
script that is called by the uwfmgr.exe servicing enable command. We recommend that you
use the uwfmgr.exe servicing enable command to service your UWF –protected device
whenever possible. Administrator-level permissions are required to use this command.
Displays UWF servicing mode information for the current session and the next session.
Displays command-line help for the uwfmgr.exe servicing command.

Unsupported WMI methods

The following list contains the UWF WMI provider methods that are not currently supported by the
uwfmgr.exe tool:

Related topics
Unified Write Filter
Windows System Image Manager Technical
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) is the tool that you use to create unattended Windows Setup
answer files.
Windows SIM is included with the Windows ADK. Download the Windows ADK from this website.
You can create an answer file by using information from a Windows image (.wim) file and a catalog (.clg) file.
Component settings are added to an appropriate configuration pass in the answer file. You can also add packages
to be installed during Windows Setup. The following topics describe conceptual information about Windows SIM.

If you experience problems creating catalog files by using Windows SIM, see Windows Image Files and Catalog Files
Overview. This topic contains information about known issues and workarounds for creating catalog files.

In This Section
Windows System Image Manager Overview Topics Provides an overview of Windows SIM, the user interface,
and important concepts for deploying Windows.

Windows System Image Manager How-to Topics Provides how-to instructions for using Windows SIM.

Windows System Image Manager Reference Topics Describes reference information for Windows SIM. This
information includes components and settings and how
Windows SIM works.

Related topics
Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM ) Technical Reference
Windows System Image Manager Overview Topics
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Windows® System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) is a GUI that you use to create and manage answer files.
Answer files are .xml files that are used in Windows Setup, Sysprep, Deployment Image Servicing and
Management (DISM ), and other deployment tools to configure and customize the default Windows installation.
You can access Windows SIM by searching for "Windows System Image Manager" on your computer.
You can use answer files to customize different aspects of Windows, including the default language settings, the
partitions to create and format during installation, and the default settings for the Windows Internet Explorer®
home page.
You can use Windows SIM to do the following:
Create and manage answer files.
Validate the settings of an answer file against a Windows image (.wim) file.
View all of the configurable component settings in a Windows image.
Create a configuration set that contains a complete set of portable folders with Setup files.
Add third-party drivers, applications, or other packages to an answer file.

In This Section
Windows System Image Manager Scenarios Overview Describes Windows SIM scenarios and when to use which

Windows System Image Manager User Interface Overview Describes the user interface of Windows SIM.

Windows Image Files and Catalog Files Overview Describes conceptual information about Windows image
files and catalog (.clg) files.

Answer Files Overview Describes conceptual information about the structure of

answer files.

Best Practices for Authoring Answer Files Describes recommendations to consider when you are
creating and managing answer files.

Distribution Shares and Configuration Sets Overview Describes information about distribution shares, how they
work, and when to create a configuration set.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Windows System Image Manager Reference Topics
Windows System Image Manager Scenarios
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

Windows® System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) creates and manages unattended Windows Setup answer
files in a GUI.
Answer files are .xml files that are used during Windows Setup to configure and customize the default Windows
For example, you can use Windows SIM to create an answer file that partitions and formats a disk before installing
Windows. Windows SIM also changes the default setting for the Windows Internet Explorer® home page, and it
configures Windows to boot to audit mode after installation. By modifying settings in the answer file,
Windows SIM can also be used to install third-party applications, device drivers, language packs, and other

Windows SIM does not modify the Windows image itself. You use Windows SIM only to create an answer file. During
Windows Setup, the answer file applies the settings to the Windows installation. Windows SIM does not modify the settings
in a Windows image (.wim) file.

Common Windows SIM Scenarios

Create a Catalog File for a Windows Image
Before you can create an answer file, you must create a catalog (.clg) file. Catalog files contain all of the
configurable settings in a single Windows image and the current values of each setting.
We recommend that you use the 32-bit version of Windows SIM when you create your catalog files. The following
table shows the architectures of Windows SIM and the supported Windows image architectures.



x86 version of SIM x86-based systems, x64-based systems, and

Windows® RT ARM-based systems

x64 version of SIM x64-based systems only

### Create a New Answer File for a Windows Image

You can use Windows SIM to create an answer file to be used during Windows Setup. You can view all of the
components that are available in a Windows image, add component settings to your answer file, and choose when
to apply a component setting by adding it to a particular configuration pass.
After you add component settings to an unattended answer file, you can view and customize the available settings
for each component. For more information, see Answer Files Overview.
Edit an Existing Answer File
You can use Windows SIM to add components, packages, or other updates to an existing answer file. You can also
validate an existing answer file against a Windows image to ensure that the settings in that answer file can be
applied to a specific Windows image. An answer file is typically associated with a specific Windows image. By
using Windows SIM, you can open the Windows image, open an existing answer file, and then make changes to
the answer file.
Windows SIM validates the component settings in the answer file against the settings that are available in the
Windows image. For more information, see How to Validate an Answer File.
Add Device Drivers to an Answer File
You can add device drivers during Windows Setup by using Windows SIM. Windows Setup uses the following
types of drivers:
In-box drivers. Windows Setup handles in-box drivers the same way that it handles packages.
Out-of-box drivers. By using Windows SIM, you can add out-of-box drivers (INF -based) during
Windows Setup. Typically, these out-of-box drivers are processed during the auditSystem configuration pass.
Your .inf-based out-of-box drivers must be in a distribution share subfolder that is called Out-of-Box Drivers.
For more information, see How to Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution Share.
In-box drivers that are installed with a Windows Installer file. In-box drivers that require a Windows
Installer file are added the same way that applications are added.

By using the Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsWinPE component, you must add boot-critical device drivers that
are required for installation during the windowsPE configuration pass. For more information, see How to Add Device Drivers
by Using Windows Setup. You can also use Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) to add device drivers to
an offline image. For more information, see How to Add and Remove Drivers Offline.

Add Applications or Drivers to an Answer File

You can use Windows SIM to add applications or drivers to be installed during Windows Setup by using a
distribution share. You use a distribution share to store all applications, device drivers, scripts, or other resources
that you make available during Windows Setup.
You can add more applications, scripts, and other binary files by using a data image. A data image is packaged in a
way that is similar to a Windows image. By using the DISM tool (DISM.exe), you can capture a folder structure
that contains the resources that you must add to Windows (or another partition on the computer) during
Windows Setup. You can specify where the data image is applied by using the DataImage setting in the
Microsoft-Windows-Setup component. For more information, see How to Create a Data Image.
You can also use $OEM$ folder structures to place binary files and other applications in specific locations during
Windows Setup. Applications are added from distribution shares through subfolders in $OEM$ . You must also add
a RunSynchronous setting to the answer file to open the Windows Installer file or the .exe file that installs the
application. For more information, see How to Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution Share.
Add Updates to a Windows Image Offline
Windows SIM enables the addition of offline updates to a Windows image. These updates include software
updates, device drivers, language packs, and other packages, which Microsoft provides.
DISM.exe is the tool that you use, with or without an answer file, to apply packages to Windows. Any package
installation, removal, or modification in the answer file is applied to the Windows image. For more information, see
How to Add or Remove Packages Offline.
Packages that exist in the offlineServicing configuration pass are applied to the offline Windows image. For
more information, see Windows Image Files and Catalog Files Overview.
Create a Configuration Set
A configuration set is a subset of files that are available in a distribution share that is explicitly called in an answer
file. When you create a configuration set, any files in a distribution share that are referenced in the answer file are
saved to a specific folder. Paths to these files are updated in the answer file to point to the specific folder.
Configuration sets are smaller, more portable versions of a distribution share. A configuration set is ideal for
installations that cannot access a distribution share. For more information, see Distribution Shares and
Configuration Sets Overview.
Import Packages to a Distribution Share
Windows SIM imports packages that are not part of a Windows image file to an optional set of folders called a
distribution share. You can then add packages to an answer file from the distribution share. To import a package to
a distribution share, you must use the Windows SIM tool or the Component Platform Interface (CPI) APIs. For
more information, see Distribution Shares and Configuration Sets Overview.
You can also import a package directly into an answer file. The answer file includes a pointer to the path of the

Related topics
Windows Setup Technical Reference
Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM ) Technical Reference
System Preparation (Sysprep) Technical Reference
Windows System Image Manager User Interface
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

The Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) user interface contains a series of panes. You can use these
panes to open Windows image (.wim ) files, create unattended answer files, and then add components and
packages to the respective configuration passes in an answer file.
The following screen shot illustrates the Windows SIM user interface.

Windows SIM Panes

Distribution Share Pane
The Distribution Share pane displays the currently open distribution share folder in tree view. You can select,
create, explore, and close distribution share folders by selecting the top node and then right-clicking in the pane.
You can add items in an open distribution share folder to an answer file by right-clicking the item. For more
information, see Distribution Shares and Configuration Sets Overview.
Answer File Pane
The Answer File pane displays the Windows Setup configuration passes, the settings to apply in each pass, and
the packages to install. You can open and change an existing answer file, validate the settings in an answer file
against a Windows image, or create a new answer file. For more information, see Answer Files Overview.
Windows Image Pane
The Windows Image pane displays the currently open Windows image in tree view. When the tree is expanded,
all of the components and packages for the image are visible and available to add to an answer file in the Answer
File pane. For more information, see Windows Image Files and Catalog Files Overview.
Properties Pane
The Properties pane displays the properties and settings of a selected component or package. You can use the
Properties pane to change the settings, and, in the case of packages, Windows feature selections. At the bottom of
the Properties pane, Windows SIM displays the name of the setting and the associated Microsoft® .NET type.
For more information, see Component Settings and Properties Reference.
Messages Pane
The Messages pane consists of three tabs: XML, Validation, and Configuration Set. Clicking a tab in the
Messages pane displays the type of message, a description, and the location of the issue.
The types of messages that the Messages pane displays are informational. Messages appear on the
Configuration Set tab if a configuration set has been created. For more information, see Distribution Shares and
Configuration Sets Overview.

Windows SIM Menus

File Menu

New Answer File Creates a new answer file.

Open Answer File Opens an existing answer file.

Close Answer File Closes the currently open answer file.

Save Answer File Saves the currently open answer file.

Save Answer File As… Opens a dialog box to enable naming of the answer file
with which you are currently working.

Select Distribution Share Opens a valid distribution share folder.

Close Distribution Share Closes the currently open distribution share folder.

Select Windows Image Browses to and selects a Windows image file.

Close Windows Image Closes the currently open Windows image file.

Exit Closes Windows SIM.

Edit Menu

Cut Deletes the highlighted text or tree structure (Unattend

and Properties).

Copy Copies the highlighted text or tree structure (all panes).

Paste Pastes text or tree structure (Unattend and Properties).


Delete Deletes the currently selected item or text. (This command

may be disabled if the item is not removable.)

Find Opens a search dialog box to scan a Windows image and

answer file, distribution share, or message for a specific

Revert Change Reverts the most recent customization.

Write Image Value Writes the value of the setting in the currently open
Windows image to the answer file.

Add to Answer File For components, a submenu opens that shows the
available passes. The item and its children are added to
the Unattend.xml answer file. Packages are automatically
added to the packages section of the Unattend.xml
answer file.

Insert Menu

Synchronous Command Adds a synchronous command to a configuration pass.

You can select the windowsPE, specialize, auditUser, or
oobeSystem configuration pass. After you select a
configuration pass, a window opens so that you can
specify the command line and the order of execution.

Driver Path Adds a driver path to a configuration pass. You can use
Driver Path to select the configuration pass in which to
add the driver path. Driver Path then opens a window
where you can select a file or folder.

Package(s) Opens a window where you can browse to the location of

a package. Then, it inserts a package from a file or folder
into the currently open answer file.

Tools Menu

Hide Sensitive Data Stores local account passwords in an answer file as

unreadable text. Domain passwords, product keys, and
other sensitive data are not hidden.

Validate Answer File Validates the XML and other settings in the answer file.
Settings are validated against the currently open Windows

Create Configuration Set Generates a new configuration set.

Explore Distribution Share Opens a distribution share folder in Windows Explorer or

File Explorer view.

Create Distribution Share Creates a distribution share folder and subfolders.

Import Package(s) Enables you to browse to a folder that contains a package,

and then import it into the currently open distribution
share. For more information, see Add Packages to a
Distribution Share.

Create Catalog Generates a catalog file. For more information, see Open a
Windows Image or Catalog File.

Help Menu

Image Manager Help Displays the User's Guide.

Unattended Reference Displays the Unattended Windows Setup Reference.

About Displays version, copyright, and licensing information.

Windows SIM Buttons


New Answer File Creates a new answer file.

Open Answer File Opens an existing answer file.

Close Answer File Closes the currently selected answer file.

Save Answer File Saves the currently open answer file.

Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete Manipulates data.

Find Enables you to search through a Windows image and

answer file, through a distribution share, or within the
Messages pane.

Validate Answer File Validates the answer file against the settings in the
opened catalog file.

Create Configuration Set Creates a configuration set.

Help Contents Displays the User's Guide.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager Scenarios Overview
Windows System Image Manager Overview Topics
Windows Image Files and Catalog Files Overview
1/25/2019 • 4 minutes to read

Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) uses Windows image (.wim ) files and catalog (.clg) files to
display the available components and packages that can be added to an answer file (Unattend.xml). Windows
images and catalog files contain configurable settings that you can modify after the component or package is
added to an answer file.

Install.wim is located in the Sources folder of your Windows Installation Media download. See OEM deployment of
Windows 10 for desktop editions for steps to make and deploy Windows images.

You can open Windows SIM by searching your computer for "Windows System Image Manager".

Supported architectures
Windows SIM can create catalog files for Windows images of the following architecture types


x86 version of Windows x86-based systems, x64-based systems, and ARM-based


x64 version of Windows x64-based systems only

Don't have an x86 PC handy?

You can install the 32-bit version of Windows on a 64-bit PC.
You can install Windows on a 32-bit virtual machine from a 64-bit PC.

Windows Image Files

A Windows image file contains one or more compressed Windows images. Each Windows image in a Windows
image file contains a list of all of the components, settings, and packages that are available with that Windows
Limitations of Windows Image Files
The following list describes some of the limitations of using Windows image files:
Only an account that has administrator permissions can open Windows image files.
Only one user at a time can open Windows image files.
Because Windows image files can contain one or more Windows images, they are frequently large. Some
Windows image files can be several gigabytes in size.
Because Windows images can be modified through different settings, using a Windows image file to create
your answer file might cause you to apply altered default settings and configurations to a recaptured Windows
Because of these limitations, Windows SIM uses catalog files to create an answer file.
Catalog Files
A catalog file is a binary file that only includes the settings and packages in a Windows image. Catalog files (.clg)
are only used by Windows SIM and is not used by other deployment tools, nor is it required to install Windows.
When Windows SIM creates a catalog file, it queries the Windows image for a list of all the settings and state of
each setting in that image. Because the contents of a Windows image can change over time, you must re-create
the catalog file whenever you update a Windows image.
Because only administrators can open Windows images, you must have administrator permissions on the system
to create a catalog file.
When Windows SIM opens a Windows image file or catalog file, all of the configurable components and
packages inside that image are displayed in the Windows Image pane. You can then add components and
settings to an answer file.
Contents of a Catalog File
A catalog file contains the following information:
A list of component settings and current values
Windows features and package states
Benefits of Catalog Files
Catalog files have several advantages over Windows image files:
The size of a catalog file can be less than 1 megabyte (MB ), whereas the size of Windows image files can be
several gigabytes. Also, catalog files are easier to copy to removable media or a network share.
Multiple users can create answer files for a single catalog file at the same time, whereas only one person can
open and access a Windows image file at any particular time.
Non-administrators can create answer files for a catalog file. However, only administrators can open Windows
image files.
"The catalog file for Windows Image (image name) cannot be opened for the following reason:
Cannot find the catalog file associated with the Windows image (image name)
You must have a valid catalog file to continue. Do you want to create a catalog file?"
Fix: Click Yes to create a catalog file. After you've created the catalog file, this message will no longer
What's going on: This message usually shows up the first time you open a .wim file.
"Access denied"
Fix: Copy the .wim file to a simple writable file location, like C:\Images, then try again.
What's going on: This message appears when you're creating a catalog file from a .wim file that's in a
location that the system can't write to, like a DVD or secured network share.
"Catalog creation failed to complete. This 64-bit version of Windows SIM can only create
catalogs for 64-bit Windows images. For a list of supported architecture types, see link below."
Fix: Use an x86 version installation of Windows to create catalog files for x86 or ARM -based .wim files.
What's going on: Windows SIM can't create x86 or ARM catalog files from a 64-bit Windows installation.

Related topics
Open a Windows Image or Catalog File
Windows System Image Manager Overview Topics
Answer Files Overview
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

An answer file is an XML -based file that contains setting definitions and values to use during Windows Setup. In
an answer file, you specify various setup options. These options include how to partition disks, where to find the
Windows image that will be installed, and which product key to apply. You can also specify values that apply to the
Windows installation, such as names of user accounts and display settings. The answer file for Setup is typically
called Unattend.xml.
Answer files that are created in Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) are associated with a particular
Windows image. You can therefore validate the settings in the answer file to the settings in the Windows image.
However, because any answer file can be used to install any Windows image, if there are settings in the answer file
for components that are not in the Windows image, those settings are ignored. For information about how to
create answer files, see Best Practices for Authoring Answer Files.

Sections of an Answer File

Settings in an answer file are organized into two sections, components and packages.
The components section of an answer file contains all the component settings that are applied during
Windows Setup. Components are organized into various configuration passes: windowsPE, offlineServicing,
generalize, specialize, auditSystem, auditUser, and oobeSystem. Each configuration pass represents a
different phase of Windows Setup. Settings can be applied during one or more passes. If a setting can be applied
in more than one configuration pass, you can select the pass in which to apply the setting.
For more information about the different components and settings that you can configure in an answer file, see
the Unattended Windows Setup Reference (unattend.chm).
Microsoft uses packages to distribute software updates, service packs, and language packs. Packages can also
contain Windows features.
You can configure packages to be added to a Windows image or removed from a Windows image. You can also
change the settings for features in a package.
The Windows Foundation Package, included in all Windows client and server images, includes Windows features.
For example, Windows Media Player, Games, and Backup are all Windows features in the Windows Foundation
Features are either enabled or disabled in Windows. If a Windows feature is enabled, the resources, executable
files, and settings for that feature are available to users on the system. If a Windows feature is disabled, the
package resources are not available, but the resources are not removed from the system.
Some Windows features may require that you install other features before you can enable the installed version of
Windows. You must validate your answer file and add any required packages.
For example, you can disable the Windows Media Player feature to prevent end users from running Windows
Media Player. However, because the package is disabled, those resources are not removed from the Windows
Packages in an answer file are applied to the Windows image during the offlineServicing configuration pass.
You can also use Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM ) to add packages to an offline Windows

Related topics
Create or Open an Answer File
Windows System Image Manager Overview Topics
Best Practices for Authoring Answer Files
1/18/2019 • 6 minutes to read

We recommend the following best practices for creating answer files.

There are many ways in which you can use answer files. For more information about how to use an answer file
with Windows Setup, see Windows Setup Automation Overview. For more information about how to use an
answer file with the Sysprep tool, Using Answer Files with Sysprep. For more information about how to use an
answer file with Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM ), see DISM Unattended Servicing
Command-Line Options.

Always Validate Answer Files in Windows SIM

The recommended way to author answer files is to create them in Windows System Image Manager
(Windows SIM ). However, if you use a manually authored answer file, you must validate the answer file in
Windows SIM to verify that the answer file works.
Because available settings and default values can sometimes change, you must revalidate your answer file when
you reuse it.

Avoid Unnecessary Settings

You can introduce unnecessary settings by inserting a setting's parent node into the answer file.
Windows SIM does not create an empty setting in an answer file. Although empty settings are ignored during
Windows Setup, empty strings can extend installation time. Therefore, as you author your answer file, remove any
settings that are not required.
In general, it is best to expand down to the lowest level of a component and select only those elements that you
intend to set. For the default value, you do not have to include the element unless it is a required element.

Understand Configuration Passes

Configuration passes represent different phases of installation. Understanding what happens during each
configuration pass is very important to creating answer files. For more information, review Windows Setup
Automation Overview and How Configuration Passes Work.

Avoid Creating Empty Elements

Windows SIM supports creating empty elements in an answer file. By right-clicking a string setting type and then
clicking Write empty string, you create an empty element in the answer file. However, some settings support
empty elements, and some do not. In some cases, creating an empty element causes Windows Setup to fail. Before
you create an empty element, see the component-setting documentation in the Windows® Unattended Setup
Reference (Unattend.chm).

Creating Architecture-Specific Sections for Each Configuration Pass

If you perform cross-platform deployments, do not duplicate components for different architecture types in a
single answer file. If you have multiple components that apply to different architecture types in a single answer file,
the installation program may apply settings in the components more than once, or it may apply the settings
For cross-platform deployments, you must create architecture-specific settings for each configuration pass in an
answer file. For example, for a 32-bit preinstallation environment and a 64-bit destination computer, you must
specify only x86-based components in the windowsPE configuration pass and only x64-based components in all
other configuration passes.
For 64-bit answer files, the wow64 settings are the 32-bit versions of an app, for those apps that include both 32-
bit and 64-bit modes.

Improve Security for Answer Files

Answer files store sensitive data, including product keys, passwords, and other account information. You can help
protect this sensitive data by following these best practices:
Restrict access to answer files. Depending on your environment, you can change the access control lists
(ACLs) or permissions on a file. Only approved accounts can access answer files.
Hide passwords. To improve security in answer files, you can hide the passwords for local accounts by
using Windows SIM. For more information, see Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File.
Delete the cached answer file. During unattended Windows installation, answer files are cached to the
computer. For each configuration pass, sensitive information such as domain passwords and product keys
are deleted in the cached answer file. However, other information is still readable in the answer file. Before
you deliver the computer to a customer, delete the cached answer file in %WINDIR%\panther.

Delete the answer file only if no settings will be processed during the oobeSystem configuration pass. The
oobeSystem configuration pass is processed immediately before Out-Of-Box Experience (OOBE) starts. This is
typically the first time that a customer turns on the computer. If you delete the answer file from this folder, those
settings will not be processed.

Do Not Overwrite Existing Files When You Are Using Data Images or
$OEM$ Folders
When you add data, such as additional drivers or applications, do not overwrite Windows system files.
Overwriting system files can corrupt your computer. For information about how to add drivers and applications,
see How to Create a Data Image and How to Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution Share.

Use Separate Answer Files to Deploy to Multiple Architecture Types

Create separate answer files for each architecture type that you intend to deploy to. If a single answer file contains
multiple components that apply to different architecture types, the component settings may be applied more than
once or may be applied incorrectly.

Use Multiple Answer Files for Specific Customizations

You can use multiple answer files (Unattend.xml) to create different sets of customizations that you can apply to
your images at different times. For example, you can use a generic answer file that contains your branding and
support information during Windows Setup. After installation finishes, when you run the Sysprep tool, you can
apply a second answer file to add more customizations. When you must service your Windows image, you can use
a different answer file with DISM.
For example, you can define your basic customizations in an answer file that you use with Windows Setup. After
installation finishes, you can use an answer file with Sysprep or DISM. For example, if you want to keep all of the
drivers that were added to the installation during a generalize process, you can create an answer file to use with
Sysprep that contains the PersistAllDeviceInstalls setting. You can apply an answer file by running the following
command: Sysprep /generalize /unattend:answerfile.
For more information about how to use an answer file with Windows Setup, see Windows Setup Command-Line
For more information about how to use an answer file with Sysprep, see Sysprep Command-Line Syntax.
For more information about how to use an answer file with DISM, see DISM Unattended Servicing Command-
Line Options.

Use the Correct Mechanisms to Add Updates to a Windows Image

Use only the Microsoft-supported servicing mechanisms to update a Windows image.
Use DISM to update an offline Windows image. For more information, see Service an Offline Image.
During installation, you can also configure the computer to automatically download updates from Windows

Never overwrite Windows system files by using $OEM$ subfolders or data images.

If you have additional device drivers to add to a computer, add these drivers offline by using DISM. You can also
include additional drivers in an unattended installation by using the Microsoft-Windows-
PnPCustomizationsNonWinPE and Microsoft-Windows-PnPCustomizationWinPE components. For more
information, see How to Add and Remove Drivers Offline.

Specify Language Settings

To change languages by using an answer file, use the Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE
component. There are two components in which you can specify language settings:
Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE. Language settings are applied during the windowsPE
configuration pass.
Microsoft-Windows-International-Core. Language settings are applied during the specialize or
oobeSystem configuration pass.
Because some languages require a restart, we recommend that you configure your language settings during the
windowsPE configuration pass because the computer will always restart. If you process language settings during
the specialize or oobeSystem configuration pass, the computer might require an additional restart.

Use the Sysprep/generalize Command with LocalAccounts to Change

Account Information
You can use the Sysprep command with the generalize option and the LocalAccounts settings to change
account information about an existing user account.
If you specify the settings in the following example in the specialize configuration pass, all the values of
NEWVALUE will be changed. However, MyAccount will retain its security group memberships. MyAccount is
considered to be the same account with a different display name, description, and password value.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) Technical Reference
Sysprep Overview
Windows Setup Technical Reference
Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM )
Distribution Shares and Configuration Sets Overview
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

A distribution share is an optional set of folders that contain custom scripts, images, branding, applications,
drivers, and other files. These files can be copied to Windows® during installation through an answer file
During installation, Windows connects to the path of the server share by using the credentials that you specify in
an answer file. Only the files that you specify in the answer file are copied to the Windows installation.
If you are installing Windows in an environment that does not have a network share or server share, you can copy
the necessary files from the distribution share to a configuration set. A configuration set is a subset of the files in a
distribution share. You can copy a configuration set to external storage, such as a USB flash drive or an external
hard disk, to use during installation.

Folders in a Distribution Share

When you create a distribution share by using Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ), three folders
are created automatically. The folders are named $OEM$ , Out-of-Box Drivers , and Packages . If you create your
own distribution share, it must contain at least one of these folders for Windows SIM to recognize it as a valid
distribution share.
$OEM$ Folders
You can use the $OEM$ folder and subfolders only when you are creating configuration sets. You can use $OEM$ to
include logos for branding and to add applications and other files that customize the unattended installation.
As a general rule, to add new files and resources to Windows, use a data image. For more information, see How to
Create a Data Image.
For more information about how to use $OEM$ folders, see How to Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution

Do not overwrite existing files that are carried and serviced by the operating system. Using the $OEM$ folder to update or
overwrite these files can cause the operating system to behave unpredictably and cause serious issues.

The following table describes the $OEM$ folder and its subfolders.


$OEM$ Contains supplemental folders and files for an automated or

customized installation.

$OEM$\$$ Contains files that Windows Setup copies to the %WINDIR%

folder (for example, C:\Windows ) during installation.

$OEM$\$$\System32 Contains files that Windows Setup copies to the

%WINDIR%\System32 folder during installation.

$OEM$\$1 Represents the root of the drive on which you installed

Windows (also called the boot partition), and contains files
that Windows Setup copies to the boot partition during

$OEM$\$1\ subfolder Represents subfolders of the root drive. Example:

$OEM$\$1\MyDriver .

$OEM$\ driveletter\subfolder Represents other drive letters and subfolders. Multiple

instances of this type of folder can exist under the $OEM$\
driveletter folder. Example: $OEM$\D\MyFolder .

Out-of-Box Drivers
Drivers are a type of software that enables hardware or devices to function.
The Out-of-Box Drivers folder includes additional device drivers that you install during Windows Setup by using
Windows SIM. Windows Setup uses the following types of drivers:
In-box drivers. Windows Setup handles in-box drivers the same way that it handles packages.
Out-of-box drivers. By using Windows SIM, you can add out-of-box device drivers that are based on .inf files.
Typically, these out-of-box drivers are processed during the auditSystem configuration pass. Your .inf-based
out-of-box drivers must be in a distribution-share subfolder that is called Out-of-Box Drivers. For more
information, see How to Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution Share.
In-box drivers that are installed via a .msi file. In-box drivers that require a .msi file are added the same
way that applications are added.

By using the Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsWinPE component, you must add boot-critical device
drivers that are required for installation during the windowsPE configuration pass. For more information, see How
to Add Device Drivers by Using Windows Setup. You can also add device drivers to an offline image by using
Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM). For more information, see How to Add and Remove Drivers

The Packages folder is a location for Windows software updates. Package types include service packs, security
updates, language packs, and other packages that Microsoft issues. You must use Windows SIM to import
packages to a distribution share. After a package is imported and available in the Distribution Share pane, you
can add the package to the answer file. For more information, see How to Add Packages to a Distribution Share.

Configuration Sets
After an answer file (Unattend.xml) has been validated and saved, you can create a configuration set. A
configuration set is a subset of a distribution share that you can create by using Windows SIM. Configuration sets
are useful when a network share is not available. You can store configuration sets on removable media and use
them in the field. Creating a configuration set exports binaries that are referenced in the answer file and puts them
together in a self-contained file set that can be accessed from the Unattend.xml file.
Contents of a Configuration Set
A configuration set contains a complete collection of files, drivers, applications, patches, and answer files that are
used to customize Windows installations. A configuration set contains all the required binaries, which are
packaged with an associated answer file (Unattend.xml).
Benefits of Configuration Sets
Using configuration sets for unattended installations provides the following benefits:
A configuration set is a smaller and more portable version of a distribution share, which can have a size of
several gigabytes. You can use configuration sets to install Windows operating systems while you are in the
Configuration sets are completely self-contained and have no references outside the file set.
You can duplicate a configuration set and then edit it for each computer model that you manufacture and

If a configuration set is used during Windows Setup, all the contents at the root of the media where the answer file exists are
copied to the Windows installation. Having many files and folders at the same level as the answer file might slow down
installation. In some cases, you might run out of disk space.

Security Considerations for Distribution Shares and Configuration Sets

Your distribution shares and configuration sets contain private data. The following are recommendations for
improving security for distribution shares and configuration sets:
Restrict access to the contents of distribution shares. Depending on your environment, you can change the
access control lists (ACLs) or permissions on a distribution share. Only approved accounts should have access
to distribution shares.
Keep applications and device drivers updated with the latest fixes and patches.

Related topics
How to Create or Open a Distribution Share
How to Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution Share
How to Add Packages to a Distribution Share
Windows SIM Technical Reference
Windows System Image Manager How-to Topics
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following topics describe how to use Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ).

In This Section
Open a Windows Image or Catalog File Open a Windows image in Windows SIM and create a
catalog (.clg) file.

Create or Open an Answer File Use Windows SIM to open or create an answer file.

Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File Use Windows SIM to add a component or change a
setting in an answer file.

Validate an Answer File Use Windows SIM to validate an answer file against a
Windows image.

Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File Hide sensitive data, such as local account passwords, in
an answer file.

Add a Device Driver Path to an Answer File Add a path for a device driver to an answer file.

Add a Package to an Answer File Add a package, such as a language pack, to an answer

Add a Custom Command to an Answer File Create a custom command to run during installation.

Find a Component, Setting, or Package in Windows SIM Use Windows SIM to find a component, setting, or

Create a Configuration Set Create a configuration set, which is a container of files,

scripts, and other items that are referenced in an answer

Create or Open a Distribution Share Use Windows SIM to create or open a distribution share.

Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution Share Add files and folders, or remove files and folders, from a
distribution share.
Add Packages to a Distribution Share Use Windows SIM to add a package, such as a language
pack, to a distribution share.

Related topics
Windows Deployment Options
Windows System Image Manager Technical Reference
Open a Windows Image or Catalog File
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

When you open a Windows® image (.wim) file in Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ), a catalog
(.clg) file is automatically created. If a catalog file already exists, Windows SIM re-creates the catalog file based on
the contents of the Windows image that you select. When a catalog file is created, it queries the Windows image
for a listing of all the settings in that image.
To create an answer file, you must first open a Windows image file or catalog file in Windows SIM. For more
information about Windows image files and catalog files, see Windows Image Files and Catalog Files Overview.

Open a Windows image file or catalog file

1. Copy a previously created catalog file (.clg) to the technician computer or copy your customized Windows
image file (install.wim) to the technician computer.

Install.wim is located in the Sources folder of your Windows Installation Media download. See OEM deployment of
Windows 10 for desktop editions for steps to make and deploy Windows images.

2. On the technician computer, open Windows SIM. One way to do this is to search for "Windows System
Image Manager".
3. On the File menu, click Select Windows Image.
4. In the Select a Windows Image dialog box, select the file type in the Files of type drop-down list, and
then browse to a Windows image file or catalog file. If you open a Windows image file, Windows SIM will
automatically create a catalog of that Windows image.
5. If there is more than one type of Windows image in the file, select a specific Windows image in the Select
an Image box. The Windows image file or catalog file appears in the Windows Image pane.
6. Click Open. If you have not previously opened that Windows image file or have not refreshed the catalog
file recently, Windows SIM prompts you to create or re-create the catalog file.

Create a catalog file

1. Open Windows SIM.
2. On the Tools menu, click Create Catalog. The Open a Windows Image dialog box opens.
3. Select a Windows image file, and then click Open. If you select a Windows image file that has more than one
Windows image, the Select an Image dialog box opens.
4. Click to select an image type (for example, Fabrikam Custom Image 1), and then click OK. The catalog file is
created in the same directory as the Windows image file that you selected.

If Windows SIM does not create the catalog file, try the following steps:
Make sure you are using the Windows 8.1 version of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit
(Windows ADK).
To create a catalog file for 32-bit or ARM -based PCs, use a 32-bit PC.
Make sure the Windows base-image file (Install.wim) is in a folder that has read-write privileges, such as a
USB flash drive or on your hard drive.

Windows SIM cannot create catalog files for some Windows images of different architecture types. For information about
the support of cross-platform catalog creation, see Windows Image Files and Catalog Files Overview.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Create or Open an Answer File
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following procedure describes how to create a new answer file or open an existing answer file by using
Windows® System Image Manager (Windows SIM ).
After you create or open an answer file, you can add settings and packages to it. For more information, see
Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File and Add a Package to an Answer File.

Create an answer file

1. Open Windows SIM.
2. Open a Windows image. For more information, see Open a Windows Image or Catalog File.
3. In the Answer File pane, select the top node, and then right-click to select New Answer File.

Open an existing answer file

1. Open Windows SIM.
2. Right-click the Answer File pane, and then click Open Answer File. The Open dialog box appears.
3. Browse to the existing answer file, and then click Open.
The answer file appears in the Answer File pane.

The Windows image file that generated the answer file also opens if it is still in its original location.

In some cases, Windows SIM might display validation errors when opening an existing answer file. If this
happens, try the following options:
Problems with individual settings in an answer file appear in the Messages pane. Use this information to
identify and address the problem.
If the answer file opens, but all the settings are listed as “does not exist” in the Messages pane, then the file
you’re using might be for the wrong PC architecture – for instance, your original answer file might be based
on x86, and your Windows catalog file is amd64. To fix this, you can find and replace
processorArchitecture="x86" for processorArchitecture="amd64" and re-open the file.
If Windows SIM can’t open the file at all, this often means there’s some malformed XML in the answer file.
You can often narrow down the problem by cutting out sections of the answer file, one large block at a time,
and trying again to re-open the file.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File
Validate an Answer File
Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File
Add a Device Driver Path to an Answer File
Add a Package to an Answer File
Add a Custom Command to an Answer File
Find a Component, Setting, or Package in Windows SIM
Configure Components and Settings in an Answer
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following procedure describes how to do the following:

Add a component to an answer file
Customize a setting value in an answer file
Add a list item to an answer file
List items are settings that can be declared multiple times, and each declaration contains different values. For
example, the Windows Internet Explorer FavoritesList setting is used to specify multiple Favorites links. For each
new Favorites link that you want to add to Internet Explorer, you add a new FavoritesList setting.

Add a component to an answer file

1. Open Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ).
2. Open a Windows image. For more information, see Open a Windows Image or Catalog File.
3. Create or open an answer file. For more information, see Create or Open an Answer File.
4. In the Windows Image pane, locate the component or package that you want to add to the answer file.
5. Right-click the component, and then select a configuration pass.
The component is added to the answer file in the specified configuration pass.

To search the entire Windows image (.wim) file, press Ctrl+F.

Customize a setting value in an answer file

1. Open Windows SIM.
2. Open a Windows image. For more information, see Open a Windows Image or Catalog File.
3. Create or open an answer file. For more information, see Create or Open an Answer File.
4. In the Answer File pane, find the configuration pass that contains the component for the setting that you
want to change.
5. Select the component or package that contains the setting that you want to change.
6. In the Settings section of the Properties pane, change the value of the setting to update it. Depending on the
type of setting, you can enter a new setting or select from a drop-down list of possible settings.
For more information about the various settings and properties, see Component Settings and Properties

Add a list item to an answer file

1. Open Windows SIM.
2. Open a Windows image. For more information, see Open a Windows Image or Catalog File.
3. Create or open an answer file. For more information, see Create or Open an Answer File.
4. In the Windows Image pane, add the component or setting to the answer file.
5. In the Answer File pane, right-click the list item, and then click Insert. Windows SIM inserts a new list-item
type. For example, right-click the DriverPaths setting, and then click Insert new PathAndCredentials. A
new PathAndCredentials setting is added to the answer file.
6. To add more list items, repeat the previous step.

Each list item should contain a unique Key value to differentiate the list item from other list items of the same type.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Create or Open an Answer File
Validate an Answer File
Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File
Add a Device Driver Path to an Answer File
Add a Package to an Answer File
Add a Custom Command to an Answer File
Find a Component, Setting, or Package in Windows SIM
Validate an Answer File
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Before you can save an answer file, you must validate the settings. After you successfully validate an answer file,
you can apply all the setting values in the answer file to the Windows® image.
1. Open Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ).
2. Open a Windows image. For more information, see Open a Windows Image or Catalog File.
3. Create or open an answer file. For more information, see Create or Open an Answer File.
4. On the Tools menu, click Validate Answer File.
Windows SIM compares the setting values in the answer file with the available settings in the Windows image.
If the answer passes validation, a message appears in the Messages pane on the Validation tab. This
message verifies that no warnings or errors occurred in the answer file. Otherwise, error messages appear in
the same location.
If an error occurs, double-click the error in the Messages pane to browse to the setting.
If no modifications have been made to component settings, the values of the component settings are not
saved in the answer file.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Create or Open an Answer File
Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File
Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File
Add a Device Driver Path to an Answer File
Add a Package to an Answer File
Add a Custom Command to an Answer File
Find a Component, Setting, or Package in Windows SIM
Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You can use Windows® System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) to hide the password for the administrator
account, and for any other user accounts on the local system, in an answer file. Hiding passwords in an answer file
prevents users from reading the answer file and identifying passwords for local accounts.
The settings that you can hide include the following:
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | AutoLogon | Password
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | UserAccounts | AdministratorPassword
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | UserAccounts | LocalAccounts | LocalAccount | Password
This option only hides the passwords in an answer file. It does not provide encryption or other security benefits.
Consider answer files as sensitive data and be careful about authorizing access to your answer files.

You can hide only local account passwords in an answer file. Domain passwords, product keys, and other sensitive data may
still be available as clear text in an answer file.

To hide account passwords in an answer file:

1. Open Windows SIM.
2. Open a Windows image. For more information, see Open a Windows Image or Catalog File.
3. Create or open an answer file. For more information, see Create or Open an Answer File.
4. Add one of the following password settings to your answer file:
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | AutoLogon | Password
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | UserAccounts | AdministratorPassword
Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | UserAccounts | LocalAccounts | LocalAccount | Password
5. Add a value to one or more of the password settings. The component is added to the answer file in the
specified configuration pass.
6. On the Tools menu, click Hide Sensitive Data. This makes sure that when the answer file is saved, the
password information will be hidden.
7. Save the answer file and close Windows SIM. The answer file will resemble the following example.
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86"
publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS"
<LocalAccount wcm:action="add">

Windows SIM adds the PlainText element to the answer file. This element is used during Windows Setup to indicate
whether or not the password is in plain text.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Create or Open an Answer File
Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File
Validate an Answer File
Add a Device Driver Path to an Answer File
Add a Package to an Answer File
Add a Custom Command to an Answer File
Find a Component, Setting, or Package in Windows SIM
Add a Device Driver Path to an Answer File
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following procedure describes how to add a device driver path to an answer file by using Windows® System
Image Manager (Windows SIM ).
This device-driver path is used to process additional out-of-box device drivers during Windows Setup. Out-of-
box device drivers can be copied to a Windows image during the windowsPE configuration pass. In this
configuration pass, you can add boot-critical drivers to a Windows image before that image is installed.

You can add more drivers to the Windows installation during the auditSystem configuration pass.

When you select a driver path, you select a folder that contains one or more .inf drivers. The folder path is added
to the answer file and, during an unattended installation, is referenced to find all drivers in the path and install
You can add only .inf drivers to a Windows image by using this procedure. You must install drivers that are
packaged as a .exe file or other file types on a running Windows operating system.
To add a device-driver path to an answer file:
1. Open Windows SIM.
2. Create or open an answer file. For more information, see Create or Open an Answer File.
3. On the Insert menu, click Driver Path.
4. Select the configuration pass in which you want to install the driver. This can be the windowsPE or the
auditSystem configuration pass.

Adding a driver to the auditSystem configuration pass processes the driver during Audit mode only.

5. The Browse for Folder dialog box appears. Select the driver path that you want to add to the answer file,
and then click OK. The driver path is added to the answer file under the configuration pass that you
selected. Depending on the configuration pass that you selected, the driver path is included as a list item to
one of the following components:
Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsWinPE for the windowsPE configuration pass
Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsNonWinPE for the auditSystem configuration pass

You can also drag drivers from an Out-of-Box Drivers folder in the Distribution Share pane to either the
windowsPE or auditSystem configuration pass in the Answer File pane. Or, right-click to add it.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Create or Open an Answer File
Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File
Validate an Answer File
Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File
Add a Package to an Answer File
Add a Custom Command to an Answer File
Find a Component, Setting, or Package in Windows SIM
Add a Package to an Answer File
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following procedures describe how to add a package to an answer file by using Windows® System Image
Manager (Windows SIM ).
You can add a package to an answer file by using one of three options: from the Insert menu, from the
Windows Image pane, or from an open distribution-share folder in the Distribution Share pane.

Add a package from the Insert menu

1. Open Windows SIM.
2. Create or open an answer file. For more information, see Create or Open an Answer File.
3. Open a distribution share. For more information, see Create or Open a Distribution Share.
4. On the Insert menu, click Package(s). The Select Package(s) to Insert window opens.
5. Browse to the package that you want to add, and then click Open.
6. In the Properties pane, under Settings, select one of the following values for Action: Install, Remove,
Configure, or Stage.

Add a package from the Windows Image pane

1. Open Windows SIM.
2. Create or open an answer file. For more information, see Create or Open an Answer File.
3. Open a distribution share. For more information, see Create or Open a Distribution Share.
4. In the Windows Image pane, select the Packages node. Expand the node, right-click the package that you
want to add to the answer file, and then click Add to Answer File.
5. In the Properties pane, under Settings, choose one of the following values for Action: Install, Remove,
Configure, or Stage.

Add a package from a distribution share

1. Open Windows SIM.
2. Create or open an answer file. For more information, see Create or Open an Answer File.
3. Open a distribution share. For more information, see Create or Open a Distribution Share.
4. Right-click the package that you want to add to the distribution share packages directory, and then click Add
to Answer File. The package is added to the answer file in the packages section.
5. In the Properties pane, under Settings, choose one of the following values for Action: Install, Remove,
Configure, or Stage.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Create or Open an Answer File
Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File
Validate an Answer File
Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File
Add a Device Driver Path to an Answer File
Add a Custom Command to an Answer File
Find a Component, Setting, or Package in Windows SIM
Add a Custom Command to an Answer File
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following procedure describes how to configure a custom command to run automatically during
Windows Setup.
1. Open Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ).
2. Create or open an answer file. For more information, see Create or Open an Answer File.
3. On the Insert menu, point to Synchronous Command, and then click a configuration pass on the
submenu. The Create Synchronous Command dialog box opens.
4. In the Enter command line box, type the command-line syntax. In the Order box, select the order of the
commands that will run, and then click OK. The command is added to the answer file in the selected
configuration pass, as follows:
Commands that are added to the 1 windowsPE configuration pass appear in the setting
Commands that are added to the 4 specialize or 6 auditUser passes configuration pass appear in
the setting Microsoft-Windows-Deployment\RunSynchronous.
Commands that are added to the 7 oobeSystem configuration pass appear in the setting

If you create a user account that does not include administrative rights, commands that are added to the 7
oobeSystem configuration pass may not be run. Details are as follows:
If User Account Control is enabled, a dialog box appears when that user logs on for the first time. The
dialog box provides an option to allow an administrator to apply the commands. If the user clicks
Cancel, these commands are not run.
If User Account Control is disabled, these commands are not run.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Create or Open an Answer File
Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File
Validate an Answer File
Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File
Add a Device Driver Path to an Answer File
Add a Package to an Answer File
Find a Component, Setting, or Package in Windows SIM
Find a Component, Setting, or Package in Windows
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You can use Windows® System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) to search for a component, setting, file in a
distribution share, or package name by using the Find feature. The following procedure describes how to use
1. Open Windows SIM.
2. On the Edit menu, click Find, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F. The Find dialog box appears.
3. In the Find what box, enter the search criteria.
4. In the Look in drop-down list, select from the currently open Windows image and answer file, a distribution
share, or the Messages pane.
5. Click Find Now.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Create or Open an Answer File
Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File
Validate an Answer File
Hide Sensitive Data in an Answer File
Add a Device Driver Path to an Answer File
Add a Package to an Answer File
Add a Custom Command to an Answer File
Create a Configuration Set
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following procedure describes how to create a configuration set by using Windows® System Image Manager
(Windows SIM ).
A configuration set is a smaller version of a distribution share and is more easily copied to removable media or a
network share. It is a collection of files that have been converted to binary form. These files are a self-contained
alternative to referencing a distribution share.
Because a configuration set contains only internal references, it can be used for both online and offline
installations. It can also be duplicated and changed for different types of installations.
1. Open Windows SIM.
2. Open an answer file. For more information, see Create or Open an Answer File.
3. On the Tools menu, click Create Configuration Set. The Create Configuration Set window opens.
4. Browse to the destination folder for the configuration set, or enter a folder name.
5. Select a folder that you want to copy to your $OEM$ folder (optional), and then click OK.

If a configuration set is used during Windows Setup, all of the contents at the root of the media where the answer file exists
are copied to the Windows installation. If there are many files and folders at the same level as the answer file, Windows Setup
copies all of the files and folders to the Windows installation. Note that this might slow down installation. In some cases, you
might run out of disk space.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution Share
Add Packages to a Distribution Share
Create or Open a Distribution Share
Create or Open a Distribution Share
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

A distribution share is an optional storage folder for third-party drivers, applications, and packages that Microsoft
issues (such as updates).
You can create a distribution-share folder by using Windows® System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) or by
using a manual technique. The procedures in this topic describe how to create, open, and explore a distribution-
share folder.

You must use Windows SIM to add packages. For more information, see Add Packages to a Distribution Share.

Create a distribution share using Windows SIM

1. Create a new folder where you want to place the distribution share. This folder can be on a network share
(example: \\server\share\MyDistributionShare **) or on your local computer (example: C:\MyDistributionShare
2. In the Distribution Share pane, right-click Select a Distribution Share, and then click Create Distribution
Share. The Create a Distribution Share window appears.
3. Browse to the folder that you created, and then click Open. In the Distribution Share pane, the distribution-
share folder opens.
4. Windows SIM automatically creates a folder structure for the distribution share.

Create a distribution share manually

1. In Windows Explorer, create a new folder where you want to place the distribution share. This folder can be on
a network share (example: \\server\share\MyDistributionShare ) or on your local computer (example:
C:\MyDistributionShare ).
2. In this folder, create the following subfolders:
Out-of-Box Drivers

Windows SIM recognizes only these subfolder names. For the distribution share to be valid, at least one of the four folders
must be present. To enable Windows SIM to read the subfolder contents, the subfolder names must match this list exactly.

Open a distribution share in Windows SIM

1. In the Distribution Share pane, click the top node of the currently open distribution share. Alternately, right-
click Select a Distribution Share, and then click Select Distribution Share. The Select a Distribution
Share dialog box opens.
2. Browse to the distribution share that you want to open. The distribution share can be opened only if the
following folder structure exists:
Out-of-Box Drivers
3. Select the distribution share that you want to open, and then click OK. The distribution share opens in the
Distribution Share pane.

Explore a distribution share from Windows SIM

1. In Windows SIM, right-click the top node in the Distribution Share pane, and then click Explore
Distribution Share.
2. The distribution-share folder opens in Windows Explorer, where you can modify files or move files between

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution Share
Add Packages to a Distribution Share
Add Multilingual Support to a Windows Distribution
1/25/2019 • 3 minutes to read

You can use Windows Setup to deploy a multilingual edition of Windows. This is a typical scenario for corporations
that deploy Windows in a multilingual environment where the users must be able to switch the display language
between multiple languages on a single computer. This procedure requires the following steps:
1. Copy one or more language packs to the \Langpacks directory in the Windows distribution. The Windows
distribution is the contents of the Windows retail DVD.
2. Update the Lang.ini file.
3. Use Setup to install the language packs that are in the distribution share.
Important Adding language packs to the \Langpacks directory can extend the Windows Setup installation time.
Packages in the \Langpacks directory are added to the Windows image during the windowsPE configuration
pass, before Windows is actually installed. If Windows Setup must install several language packs, then installation
might be delayed.

To add language packs to a Windows Distribution

1. Copy the Windows distribution to a local directory. For example, copy the contents of the Windows product
DVD to a directory named C:\my_distribution.
2. Locate the language pack .cab files for the languages that you want to add to the Windows distribution and
copy them to a local directory.
3. Create the \Langpacks directory in the distribution share. For example:

mkdir C:\my_distribution\langpacks

4. Create folders in the \Langpacks folder for each language pack you're adding

mkdir C:\my_distribution\Langpacks\fr-fr

5. Copy the language packs to the language-specific folders you created in \Langpacks. For example:

xcopy C:\LPs\Microsoft-Windows-Client-Language-Pack_x64_fr-fr.cab C:\my_distribution\Langpacks\fr-


6. Rename the language pack in each folder to lp.cab .

ren C:\my_distribution\Langpacks\fr-fr\Microsoft-Windows-Client-Language-Pack_x64_fr-fr.cab lp.cab

7. (Optional) To make additional languages available in Windows Setup, copy the localized Windows Setup
sources to the distribution share. For example:

xcopy E:\sources\fr-fr C:\my_distribution\sources\fr-fr /cherkyi

xcopy E:\sources\de-de C:\my_distribution\sources\de-de /cherkyi
Where E: is the location of the Windows distribution that contains the localized Windows Setup resources.
The /cherkyi parameters for the xcopy command copies all hidden files and subdirectories and overwrites
all files in the target directory.
8. Mount the Windows image that is in the distribution share. This step is required for the Deployment Image
Servicing and Management tool (DISM.exe) to report the list of languages that are installed in the .wim file,
and to recreate the Lang.ini file. Use DISM to mount the Windows image. For example:

DISM.exe /Mount-Image /ImageFile:C:\my_distribution\sources\install.wim /index:1


9. Report the languages that are available in the distribution share or installed to the Windows image by using
the /Get-Intl option and specifying the distribution share. For example:

DISM.exe /image:c:\mount\windows /distribution:c:\my_distribution /Get-Intl

Verify that the correct languages are displayed as available languages and that The other available
languages in the distribution display the correct languages. For example:

Default system UI language : en-US

System locale : en-US
Default time zone : Pacific Standard Time
User locale for default user : en-US
Location : United States (GEOID = 244)
Active keyboard(s) : 0409:00000409
Keyboard layered driver : PC/AT Enhanced Keyboard (101/102-Key)

Installed language(s): en-US

Type : Fully localized language.

Reporting distribution languages.

The default language in the distribution is:


The other available languages in the distribution are:

es-es, fr-fr

10. Recreate the Lang.ini file. For example:

DISM.exe /image:c:\mount\windows /Gen-LangINI /distribution:c:\my_distribution

When you add or remove language packs from a Windows distribution, you must recreate the Lang.ini file.
The Lang.ini file is located in the sources directory of the Windows distribution and is used during
Windows Setup. The lang.ini file in the sources directory should look similar to the following:

[Available UI Languages]
en-US = 3
de-de = 0
fr-fr = 0

[Fallback Languages]
en-US = en-us
You can choose a language for Windows Setup from those that are available in the distribution share when you run
Setup from a full operating system only. If you run Windows Setup for bootable media or Windows PE, you must add
optional components to the Boot.wim file for multilingual support. For more information, see Add languages to
Windows Setup.

11. Unmount the .wim file and commit the changes. For example:

DISM.exe /Unmount-Image /MountDir:C:\mount\windows /commit

You can now run Windows Setup. During the installation, you will be prompted to choose one of the
languages you added to the distribution share.

Related topics
DISM Languages and International Servicing Command-Line Options
Configure International Settings in Windows
Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution Share
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

After a distribution-share folder is created, you can add files to the $OEM$ or Out-of-Box Drivers folders. You
cannot add packages directly to the Packages folder. You must use Windows® System Image Manager
(Windows SIM ) to add packages to a distribution share. For more information, see Add Packages to a Distribution
You can make out-of-box device drivers (also called third-party drivers) available in Windows SIM by copying
device drivers to the Out-of-Box Drivers folder in a distribution share. You can use subfolders to organize out-of-
box drivers. When you add an Out-of-Box Drivers folder to an answer file, all drivers in the folder and subfolders
are also added. After drivers are copied to the appropriate folder, they are available through Windows SIM and
can be added to an answer file.
When you create a configuration set, you can use the $OEM$ folder to copy scripts, binaries, and other files to
Windows during installation. An answer file can reference files and folders stored in subfolders of \$OEM$ can be
referenced in an answer file. For more information, see Create a Configuration Set.

Do not overwrite existing files carried and serviced by the operating system. Overwriting system files can cause the
operating system to behave unpredictably and cause serious issues.

To manage files and folders in a distribution share:

1. Open a distribution share. For more information, see Create or Open a Distribution Share.
2. Right-click the distribution share, and then click Explore Distribution Share.
3. Double-click either the $OEM$ folder or the Out-of-Box Drivers folder. The folder opens.
4. Manage files and folders in the following ways:
Create subfolders by right-clicking in the folder, clicking New, and then clicking Folder.
Add files to the distribution share by copying files and pasting them in the folder.
Delete distribution-share contents by right-clicking a file or folder and then clicking Delete.
Add out-of-box drivers by copying the device-driver files to the Out-of-Box Drivers folder.
Add applications, scripts, or other files to the $OEM$ subfolders.

The $OEM$ subfolders are organized in a specific structure. Copy files to the $OEM$ subfolders as described
in Distribution Shares and Configuration Sets Overview. For example, if you add files to
$OEM$\$1\Program Files\Application1 , Windows Setup will copy them to
C:\Program Files\Application1 on the Windows installation.

5. Close the distribution-share folder.

6. The changes appear in the Distribution Share pane.
Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Create or Open a Distribution Share
Add Packages to a Distribution Share
Add Packages to a Distribution Share
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Packages are groups of files that Microsoft provides. These groups of files include service packs, security updates,
language packs, and modifications to Windows® features. You can add a package to a Windows installation by
using an answer file, a configuration set, or a distribution share.
You must use Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) to import packages. After a package is imported
and available in a distribution share, you can add the package to an answer file. For more information, see Add a
Package to an Answer File.

For specific information about how to add language packs, see Add Multilingual Support to a Windows Distribution.

To import a package to a distribution share:

1. Select and open a distribution share. For more information, see Create or Open a Distribution Share.
2. On the Tools menu, click Import Package(s). The Select Package(s) to Import window opens.
3. Browse to the file or folder, select the file or folder, and then clickOpen or Open Folder.
Windows SIM adds the selected package to the distribution-share folder. The newly added package is displayed
under the Packages node in the Distribution Share pane.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager How -to Topics
Manage Files and Folders in a Distribution Share
Windows System Image Manager Reference Topics
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The following topics provide reference information about Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ).

In This Section
Component Settings and Properties Reference Describes the structure of answer files, along with the
attributes and elements that components and settings

Windows System Image Manager Architecture Describes how Windows SIM works.

Windows System Image Manager Supported Platforms Lists the supported platforms where you can install
Windows SIM.

Related topics
Windows Deployment Options
Windows System Image Manager Technical Reference
Component Settings and Properties Reference
1/18/2019 • 7 minutes to read

Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) displays the properties and settings of a selected component or
package in the Properties pane. You can use this pane to manage and view the component settings that are
available to change for each configuration pass. You can also use this pane to view properties and IDs where
applicable. In the case of packages, the pane displays Windows feature selections that you can change. Settings
that are not available for each component or package appear dimmed.

Component Settings
Component settings are the configurable aspects of each component in a Windows installation. For example, you
can configure the Windows Internet Explorer component setting Home_Page to open to a particular URL by
configuring the default value of the setting in the Properties pane of Windows SIM.

Component Properties
Component properties are non-configurable attributes of a component. The following table lists component
properties for components that have been added to an answer file.


AppliedConfigurationPass Specifies the configuration pass that all child settings are
applied to.

Component Specifies the root ComponentSetting object that this

setting override belongs to.

Path Specifies the path to the setting from the component. The
path appears in the following format:

Enabled Indicates whether the component has been installed. A

setting of True means that the component is installed. A
setting of False means that the component is not
installed. When the component is not installed, the setting
is ignored and the correct Windows Features in the
foundation package that contains the component are

Component IDs
The component ID uniquely identifies the component of the operating system to which the settings belong. The ID
contains the name, version, architecture, and other information for the component that is selected in the Windows
Image pane or Answer File pane. The following table describes the different attributes of a component.

Language Specifies the language code. For more information, see

the language codes in the MSDN Library.

Name Specifies the long name of the component or package.

ProcessorArchitecture Specifies the processor architecture of the component or

package. For example, x86 or amd64.

PublicKeyToken Specifies the public-key token of the component or

package. This is a string of 16 hexadecimal digits and is
the hash value of the Microsoft public key. The value is
unique and prevents collision between components and

Version Specifies the version of the Windows component or


VersionScope Specifies the version scope of the Windows component or

package. The possible values are SxS and nonSxS.

Package Properties
Package properties are non-configurable attributes of the package. Package properties appear when you select a
package in the Windows Image pane or Answer File pane. The following table describes the properties of


CompanyName Specifies the name of the company that created the


Copyright Specifies the copyright disclaimer of the package.

Description Specifies the description of the package.

Id Specifies the identifier for the package. The format is:


Keyword Specifies the keyword of the package.

Path Specifies the file-system path of the package file. This is

blank if the package is from a Windows image.

ProductName Specifies the product name that this package applies to.

ProductVersion Specifies the product version that this package applies to.

ReleaseType Specifies the PackageReleaseType enumeration of this

package. PackageReleaseType is documented in the
Component Platform Interface (CPI) Reference.

SupportInformation Specifies the support information for the package. This

can contain contact information about the package

Package Settings
Package settings are the configurable attributes of the package that is selected in the Answer File pane. Package
settings appear only when the package is selected in the Answer File pane because that is when you can change
them. The following table describes package settings


Action Specifies the action to be performed on the package

within the answer file. Possible actions are Install,
Configure, Remove, or Stage.

PermanenceType Describes whether a component is removable or

permanent. Permanence types are members of the
PackageActionType enumeration and are documented
in the CPI Reference (CPIAPI.chm).

PrimarySourcePath Specifies the primary file-system path that is the source of

the package file. If the package is from a Windows image,
this will be blank.

Right-Click Menu Options

The following menu commands are available when you right-click a setting in the Properties pane.


revert change Reverts to the previous state or setting. This command

removes the entry for the setting from the answer file.
The setting remains unchanged after the Unattend.xml
answer file has been applied.

write empty string Writes the XML equivalent of an empty string for the
setting in the answer file.
By default, if no value is specified, the setting will be
omitted from the answer file. However, you can specifically
write an empty value for a string type in an answer file by
using this command.
This command applies to string types only.

Not all component string settings support empty values.
For more information, see the Unattended Windows
Setup Reference.

write image value Creates an entry for the setting in the answer file with the
value of the setting that is currently in the Windows

.NET Types in Windows System Image Manager

Microsoft® .NET types appear at the bottom of the Properties pane. Component settings have a type that
describes the kind of data that is valid for that setting. These types are mapped to their equivalent .NET types in
Windows SIM. The following table lists the possible types that can be associated with component settings.


System.Byte 0 to 255 Unsigned 8-bit integer

System.SByte -128 to 127 Signed 8-bit integer

System.UInt16 0 to 65,535 Unsigned 16-bit integer

System.Int16 -32,768 to 32,767 Signed 16-bit integer

System.UInt32 0 to 4,294,967,295 Unsigned 32-bit integer

System.Int32 -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 Signed 32-bit integer

System.UInt64 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 Unsigned 64-bit integer

System.Int64 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to Signed 64-bit integer


System.Boolean true | false Boolean data


System.String Represents text as a series of String data

Unicode characters

Array Types
Some component settings require arrays of data. These arrays are mapped to their equivalent .NET array types in
Windows SIM. The following table lists the possible array types that are associated with component settings.


System.String[] Array of System.String

System.Byte[] Array of System.Byte

System.SByte[] Array of System.SByte

List-Item Types
Settings are sometimes organized into groups called list items. List items specify one or more values for a list-item
type. A list-item type may include one or more component settings. For example, you can create multiple Favorites
links by using the FavoriteItem setting for Internet Explorer.
You add a list item by right-clicking the setting for a container. For example, you can add a FavoriteItem list item
by right-clicking the FavoritesList container in the Answer File pane. For more information, see Configure
Components and Settings in an Answer File.
Key Settings for List Items
Each list item must have a unique identifier, which is known as the key for that specific list item. When you modify
the key setting for the list item, the key identifier appears in brackets ([]) next to the list item in the Answer File
List-Item Actions
The following actions are available for list items when you use Windows SIM.
Add a New List Item
You can use Windows SIM to add list items to the currently open answer file. In the Setting Action drop-down
list, click AddListItem. You must also add a unique key setting to the list item. The unique key setting appears in
brackets next to the list item in the tree view of the Answer File pane. A plus sign (+) appears, which indicates that
the list item is added to the Windows image when the unattended answer file is run.
Delete a List Item
You can use Windows SIM to delete a list item that is defined in a Windows image (.wim) file. In the Setting
Action drop-down list, click RemoveListItem. A minus sign (–) appears, which indicates that the list item is
deleted from the image when the unattended answer file is run.
Modify a List Item
You can use Windows SIM to modify a list item that is defined in a Windows image file. To change the default
value for an existing list item, click Modify in the Properties pane, and then enter the updated information under
Settings. The updated list-item setting is added to the answer file.
Related topics
Windows System Image Manager Reference Topics
Windows System Image Manager Overview Topics
Windows System Image Manager Architecture
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You use Windows® System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) to create an XML -based answer file that is required
to automate Windows installations.
Windows SIM uses the Component Platform Interface (CPI API) to create and manage answer files. The
components and settings in a specific Windows image are used to create a catalog file. This catalog file is used in
Windows SIM to create answer files. For more information, see Windows Image Files and Catalog Files Overview.
An optional set of folders, called a distribution share, can be created to store files that you use to further customize
your Windows installation. For more information, see Distribution Shares and Configuration Sets Overview.
Windows SIM can create a smaller, more portable version of a distribution share called a configuration set. These
smaller files can be easier to manage.
You can also use the CPI API to create your own customized applications that can automate the creation and
management of unattended Windows Setup answer files. For more information, see the Component Platform
Interface (CPI ) Reference (CPIAPI.chm ).
The following diagram shows how Windows SIM works.

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager Reference Topics
Windows System Image Manager Overview Topics
Windows System Image Manager Supported
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Supported Platforms
By using the 32-bit version of Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ), you can create and open catalog
(.clg) files for Windows images of all architecture types. You can use the 64-bit versions of Windows SIM to create
catalog files for only 64-bit Windows images. For example, you can use the 64-bit version of Windows SIM to
create catalog files for only 64-bit-based Windows images.
After you create a catalog file, you can open catalog files for all Windows image architecture types.
Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE ) is not a supported platform for Windows SIM.
The following table lists Windows operating systems and the supported list of architecture types on which you can
create catalog files for Windows images.


Windows 10, build 1803 (64-bit edition) x64-based

Windows 10, build 1709 (64-bit edition) x64-based

Windows 10, build 1703 (64-bit edition) x64-based

Windows 10 Server x64-based

Windows 10, build 1607 (64-bit edition) x64-based

Windows 10, build 1511 (64-bit edition) x64-based

Windows 10 (64-bit edition) x64-based

Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit edition) x64-based

Windows Server 2012 (64-bit edition) x64-based

Windows 8.1 (64-bit edition) x64-based

Windows 8.1 (32-bit edition) x86-based, x64-based, Windows RT ARM-based


Windows 8 (32-bit edition) x86-based, x64-based, Windows RT ARM-based

Windows 8 (64-bit edition) x64-based

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit edition) x64-based only

Windows Server 2008 R2 (Itanium-based) Itanium-based only

Windows Server 2008 (Itanium-based) Itanium-based only

Windows Server 2008 (64-bit edition) x64-based only

Windows Server 2008 (32-bit edition) x86-based, x64-based, Itanium-based

Windows Server 2003 with SP2 (64-bit edition) x64-based only

Windows Server 2003 with SP2 (32-bit edition) x86-based, x64-based, Itanium-based

Windows 7 (64-bit edition) x64-based only

Windows 7 (32-bit edition) x86-based, x64-based, Itanium-based

Windows Vista with SP1 and SP2 (64-bit edition) x64-based only

Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Service x86-based, x64-based, Itanium-based
Pack 2 (SP2) (32-bit edition)

Related topics
Windows System Image Manager Reference Topics
Unattended Windows Setup Reference
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The Windows Unattended Setup Reference provides a complete listing of all the settings that you can use to
automate the configuration and the deployment of Windows 10.
The Windows Unattended Setup Reference is organized by Windows components and Windows packages, in the
same order that the Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM ) tool displays each Windows component
and package.
Each Windows component includes settings that can be used to create an unattended-installation answer file. Each
setting in a component is listed in its own individual topic. If an element contains a value, valid value types are
described and XML examples are given.
Information about how to use Windows SIM is available in the Windows System Image Manager Technical

All Unattend settings for Windows 10 are also supported in S mode, with the exception of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup-

In this section

Changed answer file settings for Windows 10 for desktop This topic describes Windows 10, version 1809 answer-file
editions, version 1809 settings that have changed since Windows 10 for desktop
editions, version 1803.

Changed answer file settings for Windows 10 for desktop This topic describes Windows 10, version 1803 answer-file
editions, version 1803 settings that have changed since Windows 10 for desktop
editions, version 1709.

Changed answer file settings for previous Windows 10 builds This topic shows the historic list of changes to answer file
settings for each build of Windows 10 that was released prior
to build 1803.

Components The topics in this section describe all of the unattended

settings that can be set in Windows 10 and Windows
Server 2016. To determine whether a component applies to
the image you’re building, load your image into Windows SIM
and search for the component or setting name. For
information on how to view components and settings, see
Configure Components and Settings in an Answer File
Customizations for mobile devices
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Customizations for Windows 10 Mobile allow you to run mobile line-of-business applications on a platform that
ensures that data is captured securely and efficiently.

Before getting started with customizations, review the prerequisite requirements, and download the tools needed to
customize, test, and deploy Windows on mobile devices. See Prepare for Windows mobile development for guidance.

In this section

Enterprise shared storage Enterprise shared storage defines local data locations for line
of business apps to share data.

Customize using the mobile MCSF The Managed Centralized Settings Framework (MCSF) is part
of the customization and multivariant infrastructure first
introduced in Windows Phone 8.1 and is still supported in
Windows 10 Mobile. MCSF consists of both image time and
runtime components that enable these functionality. MCSF
creates configuration service providers for registry-backed
settings and custom configuration service providers can be
referenced for more complex settings.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Create mobile packages
Enterprise shared storage
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Enterprise shared storage defines local data locations for line of business apps to share data.
The shared storage consists of two locations, where apps with the restricted capability
enterpriseDeviceLockdown and an Enterprise certificate have full read and write access. Note that the
enterpriseDeviceLockdown capability allows apps to use the device lock down API and access the enterprise
shared storage folders. For more information about the API, see Windows.Embedded.DeviceLockdown
These locations are set on the local drive:

Enterprise shared storage provides support for the following scenarios.
You can share data within an instance of an app, between instances of the same app, or even between apps
assuming they both have the appropriate capability and certificate.
You can store data on the local hard drive in the \Data\SharedData\Enterprise\Persistent folder and it persists
even after the device has been reset.
Manipulate files, including read, write, and delete of files on a device via Mobile Device Management (MDM )
service. For more information on how to use enterprise shared storage through the MDM service, see
EnterpriseExtFileSystem CSP.

Access enterprise shared storage

The following example shows how to declare the capability to access enterprise shared storage in the package
manifest, and how to access the shared storage folders by using the Windows.Storage.StorageFolder class.
In your app package manifest, include the following capability:

IgnorableNamespaces="uap mp rescap">

<rescap:Capability Name="enterpriseDeviceLockdown"/>

To access the shared data location, your app would use the following code.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Windows.Storage;

// Get the Enterprise Shared Storage folder.

var enterprisePersistentFolderRoot = @"C:\Data\SharedData\Enterprise\Persistent";

StorageFolder folder =
await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(enterprisePersistentFolderRoot);

// Get the files in the folder.

IReadOnlyList<StorageFile> sortedItems =
await folder.GetFilesAsync();

// Iterate over the results and print the list of files

// to the Visual Studio Output window.
foreach (StorageFile file in sortedItems)
Debug.WriteLine(file.Name + ", " + file.DateCreated);
Customize using the mobile MCSF framework
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

The Managed Centralized Settings Framework (MCSF ), which was introduced in Windows Phone 8.1, is supported
in Windows 10.
MCSF consists of both image time and runtime components that enable a simple and consistent way of declaring
OS settings, and a centralized framework that the runtime configuration engine, mobile operators, device
management servers, and others can query or modify these settings. A runtime configurable MCSF can either be a
configuration service provider-based customization or registry-based customization being exposed through the
Similar to the Unattend answer file that can be provided to Windows Setup for Windows Desktop image
customization, a customization answer file can be passed to customize an image with specific settings and to create
variants for the image. The customization answer file allows for a broader integration across the OS by providing
OEMs with a single place to define nearly all OS settings. During image build time, the customization answer file is
processed and built as customization packages, which are automatically included in the images. OEM partners can
leverage this system by defining a registry or configuration service provider-based settings in packages using
MCSF. MCSF also produces customization policy files for both OEM partners and Microsoft. These files are
extracted from the packages used to build the OS image to determine the valid settings for the OS image.

In this section

Managed Centralized Settings Framework (MCSF) Provides a standard way to describe settings that are
customizable within packages. MCSF also generates a
policy based on the settings descriptions. The settings
framework can be image time or runtime configurable. A
runtime configurable MCSF can either be a configuration
service provider-based customization or registry-based
customization being exposed through the MSCF CSP.

Customization answer file A customization answer file is an XML file that you write
based on the MCSF schema. OEMs can use the MCSF
customization answer file to specify the settings and
variants for a custom mobile OS image. The customization
answer file allows for a broader integration across the OS
by providing OEMs with a single place to define nearly all
mobile OS settings.

Set languages and locales Provides an overview of the different language and locale
settings based on the market in which the mobile device
will ship.

Create a resource-only .dll for localized strings

Customizations for device management This section provides more information about device
management settings that OEMs can change.

Customizations for hardware components This section contains information about customization
settings that OEMs can use for the following hardware

Customizations for applications and Microsoft This section contains information about customizations
components related to apps and Microsoft components.

Customizations for boot, initial setup, and shutdown Use these customizations to configure the device boot,
initial setup, or shutdown experience.

Customizations for browser Describes the customizations for the browser.

Customizations for connectivity Describes the customizations for configuring connectivity


Customizations for desktop experiences Describes the customizations that you can configure for
the desktop when the mobile device is connected.

Customizations for email Describes the customizations related to email.

Customizations for maps Describes the customizations that you can configure for
maps on the mobile device.

Customizations for phone calls Provides information about customizations you can
configure for the phone or dialer app including branding,
visual voicemail, caller ID matching, dialer codes, and

Customizations for photos, music, and videos Contains the customizations you can configure for photos,
music, and videos.

Customizations for Settings The Settings app contains a predefined collection of user-
configurable system settings that's organized into pages
by functionality. As specified in policy, the appearance and
default values of these settings are generally not
customizable. The following table contain the complete list
of user-facing settings that OEMs and mobile operators
can change.

Customizations for SMS and MMS Contains settings that you can configure for SMS and

Customizations for Start This section contains information about customizations

related to Start.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Managed Centralized Settings Framework (MCSF)
1/18/2019 • 11 minutes to read

The Managed Centralized Settings Framework (MCSF ) is part of the customization and multivariant
infrastructure first introduced in Windows Phone 8.1 and is still supported in Windows 10 Mobile. This
component provides:
A simple and consistent way for Microsoft to declare various mobile OS settings.
All the necessary features and settings needed for mobile OS image and multivariant customization to be
declared and fully supported.
A centralized framework that the provisioning engine, mobile operators, device management servers, and
others can query or modify these settings.
MCSF consists of both image time and runtime components that enable these functionality. MCSF creates
configuration service providers for registry-backed settings and custom configuration service providers can be
referenced for more complex settings.
OEM partners can use MCSF and the MCSF packaging XML schema to declare and access custom OEM settings.
The following sections provide more information about how you can declare your custom settings that conform to
the MCSF packaging XML schema.

Mobile OS settings and customizations

Microsoft-owned policy settings are documented in the Microsoft.FeatureArea.FeatureSubArea.policy.xml files. If
you have the Adaptation Kit installed, you can find the policy settings files in the
%WPDKCONTENTROOT%\OEMCustomization\generatedPolicy directory.
The packaging and imaging tools do not read the policy settings from these XML files. The tools read the policy
settings from internal policy configurations that are not available for partners to modify directly. If you modify the
XML files in the generatedPolicy directory, nothing will happen.
These XML files are provided only for your convenience so that you can review the customizations that have been
enabled on Windows 10 Mobile.

Declaring settings
Declared settings are added in the components’ existing .pkg.xml file as children of any Component element. For
example, the following XML exposes a simple DWORD in the registry as a setting in a package file:

<SettingsGroup Path="OSArea/Feature">
<Setting Name="Setting" Description="This is a DWORD registry value.">
<RegistrySource Type="REG_DWORD" Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sample\RegKey" />

Settings groups
Settings are grouped within the package file. A SettingsGroup element represents a settings group in the
customization answer file. This is the top-level element for the MCSF packaging XML. Each group can contain any
number of individual settings.
OEMs building their own flexible hierarchy of settings must choose an associated Path for each group of settings.
For example, ringtone settings may reside in a “Shell\Ringtones” group while lock screen settings may reside
under a “Shell\Wallpaper” group. Microsoft recommends using a Path naming scheme similar to the above
example: "OSArea/Feature"
When naming your settings group, you must not include illegal file system characters in the settings group name.
This MSDN Web site provides some guidelines on naming conventions. You can use both \ and / but do not use
the reserved characters in your settings group name.
Group constraints
Some settings groups may have special properties. A Constraints element within the settings group declaration
indicates these special properties.


ImageTimeOnly Specifies settings that are available <Constraints

to OEMs for customization during ImageTimeOnly="Yes" />
image time, but does not require
runtime configuration by the
runtime configuration engine or

If you are declaring a settings
group that is not in the MainOS
partition, you must specify this
settings group as image time

FirstVariationOnly Specifies settings that are restricted <Constraints

such that these settings can only FirstVariationOnly="Yes" />
be modified by the runtime
configuration engine during the
first variation (typically when
applying branding related to the
first SIM).
Settings with the
FirstVariationOnly constraint are
configured whenever the runtime
configuration engine finds the first
valid configuration when a SIM is
inserted and there is a marked
configuration for it. During SIM
change, the value for the
FirstVariationOnly setting will not
be changed again.

Atomic Specifies that one or more of the <Constraints Atomic="Yes" />

settings depend on the value of
some of the other settings in the
group. For OEMs that configures
an atomic settings group, OEMs
must specify every setting in that
Individual settings
A Setting element represents a setting that is contained within a Settings group. Each setting must have a Name
attribute, which must be unique within the settings group. A Description attribute can be used to display
information about the setting. For example, a description can be: "Use to display the battery life warning on
phones with AMOLED or OLED displays." OEMs must provide a Description attribute for each setting.
A setting can point to a particular location in the registry or to a configuration service provider node.
To point your setting at a registry location, add a RegistrySource element to the setting.
The RegistrySource must contain a Path attribute that specifies the full path to the desired value in the
registry. You must also specify the Type attribute, such as REG_DWORD, REG_SZ. and so on, to indicate
the type of registry value. Optionally, you can specify a default value for your registry setting by including a
Default value. The following example shows what a registry-sourced setting looks like:

<Setting Name="MyString">
<!-- Use '@' to specify the default registry value. The Path must resolve to a value, rather than a
Note that this registry location will have a default value of 3. -->
<RegistrySource Type="REG_SZ" Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sample\@" Default="DefaultValue" />

To point your setting at a configuration service provider node, add a CSPSource element to the setting.
The CSPSource must contain a Path attribute that specifies the full URI path to the desired configuration
service provider node. You must also specify the Type attribute, which may contain one of the
ConfigManager2 data types such as CFG_DATATYPE_INTEGER, CFG_DATATYPE_STRING, and so on. The
following example shows what a configuration service provider-sourced setting looks like:

<Setting Name="MyPhoneVersion">
<CspSource Type="CFG_DATATYPE_STRING" Path="./devdetail/swv" />

Controlling access
You can control access to each setting by including an optional AccessType element. There are four AccessType
attributes: Create, Delete, Get, and Replace. There is also an All attribute that overrides any of the other access
types. These attributes default to “Yes” so if you omit AccessType altogether, this implies that all access is allowed
for your setting. You can use this element if you need to restrict the allowed operations for your setting.
The following example shows how to specify the type of access for a setting:

<Setting Name="NoDeleteSetting">
<RegistrySource Type="REG_DWORD" Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sample\NoDelete" Default="3" />

<!-- This Setting cannot be deleted once created. -->

<AccessType Create="Yes" Delete="No" Get="Yes" Replace="Yes" />

This access control is done at the MCSF configuration service provider level and is not intended to take the place
of security. If you need to protect your registry locations, you must do so using capabilities.
Validating settings
MCSF allows you to specify simple rules to control which values are allowed for your settings. To do this, add a
Validate element for your setting. There are three methods to validate a setting:
For numeric values, you can specify a minimum and/or a maximum value. You can do this by setting the
Min and Max attributes in the Validate element.

<Setting Name="MyNumericSetting">
<RegistrySource Type="REG_DWORD" Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sample\Number" Default="3" />

<!-- Validate that the range is from 0 through 10. -->

<Validate Min="0" Max="10" />

For string values, you can specify a minimum and/or a maximum string length. You can do this by setting
the MinLength and MaxLength attributes in the Validate element.

<Setting Name="MyString">
<RegistrySource Type="REG_SZ" Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sample\PutStringHere" Default="" />

<!-- Validate that the string length is from 0 to 255. -->

<Validate MinLength="0" MaxLength="255" />

You can also specify an explicit list of allowed values for your setting. You can do this by adding the Option
element to the Validate element for each allowed value. Option elements have a Value attribute and an
optional FriendlyName attribute. You can use the friendly name to show identifiable string names in your
customization tools for simple enum values. The following example shows several options with friendly

<Setting Name="MyEnum">
<RegistrySource Type="REG_DWORD" Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sample\PutOneOfListHere"
Default="1" />

<!-- The Value attribute has to be one of the following values. -->
<Option Value="0" FriendlyName="Red" />
<Option Value="1" FriendlyName="Green" />
<Option Value="2" FriendlyName="Blue" />

Options for numeric settings must be specified in hexadecimal format, but without a 0x prefix.
Settings that reference files
Some settings may be related to asset files, such as lock screen backgrounds, that OEMs or mobile operators
include in the phone image. To specify an asset file, use an Asset element to your settings group. Each Asset
element must specify a unique asset Name attribute as well as a Description. Assets are defined by a number of
properties that help the imaging system validate their content.
The asset contains a Type attribute that specifies a semicolon delimited list of file extensions that the setting
supports. OEMs must also specify a Path attribute to indicate where the OEM assets should be placed on the
Any Setting can reference any existing asset by specifying the Asset attribute. This indicates to the OEM
customization tools that the setting expects to use an asset filename for its value.
When creating your own policy settings and you're adding an Asset to a SettingsGroup, you must specify the
Asset within the SettingsGroup first. Otherwise, the package containing your policy settings will not get built.
The following example shows how an Asset as the first attribute declared within the SettingsGroup and a
Setting that references the Asset that was declared:

<SettingsGroup Path="LockScreen">
<Asset Name="Wallpapers" Type=".jpg;.jpeg;.png" Path="\Programs\CommonFiles\Wallpapers" Description="Use to
add lock screen backgrounds to the phone." >
<MultiStringList Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\OEM\Wallpaper" Value="WallpaperSet"

<Setting Name="DefaultWallpaper" Asset="Wallpapers" Description="Use to set the default lock screen

<RegistrySource Type="REG_SZ"
Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\OEM\Wallpaper\CurrentWallpaper" />

Asset names can include macros and allow you to put files into locations based on the value of the macro
specified in the asset name.
Macros in SettingsGroup paths do not work with Assets. To use a macro in an Asset path, the macro reference
must be part of the Asset name.

<SettingsGroup Path="Contoso/MyConfig">
<Asset Name="MyVariant/$(VarType)"
Description="Use to write a text file" />

Optionally, the image customization process can build a list of supplemental asset files added by OEM partners or
mobile operator partners and set the list in the registry. There are two models that support this:
OEMs can use the ValueList element within your asset declaration if your component expects a list of extra
files to appear in the registry as individual values per file under a parent key. The ValueList element has
two attributes, OEMKey and MOKey, which specify where OEM and mobile operator files should be listed,
respectively. The customization tooling creates one value for each asset file added by the OEM or mobile
operator. These values will be of registry type REG_SZ. The name will be the full path to the asset file on the
device. The REG_SZ content of the value will be a localizable string in the form "<MUIDllPath>,-<StringID>" .
The ValueList can also specify the FileNamesOnly attribute to indicate that it does not expect full paths in
the list, only file names.
The following example shows this model:

<Asset Name="Ringtones" Type=".wma" Path="\Programs\CommonFiles\Sounds">

MOKey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\MO\Sounds\Ringtones" FileNamesOnly="Yes" />

OEMs can use the MultiStringList element in your asset if your component expects a simple
REG_MULTI_SZ list of file paths in the registry. The customization tooling builds a multi-string list of each
asset file added by partners and sets this value at the registry location specified by the Key and Value
In Windows 10 Mobile, the Windows Provisioning framework does not support multi-string registry
values so this element is only available in the MCSF framework. This means that assets, such as wallpapers
or ringtones, can only be added through MCSF.

The following example shows this model:

<Asset Name="Wallpapers" Type=".jpg;.jpeg;.png" Path="\Programs\CommonFiles\Wallpapers">
Value="WallpaperSet" />

Multi-settings are settings or groups of settings that are SIM -based or account-based. You can handle these types
of settings using MCSF by declaring your SettingsGroup’s Path in a specific format that declares one segment of
the setting’s URI to become a variable. You can reuse this variable when you declare each of your settings’
underlying source locations such as the RegistrySource path or CSPSource Path.
To declare a multi-setting variable, you can use the $(VariableName) packaging XML macro format. The
following examples show how to do this:

<!-- Specifies a pair of Settings that we may have many sets of, one per "account" -->
<SettingsGroup Path="TestSettings/MyAccounts/$(AccountID)">

<!-- Each account has a username. -->

<Setting Name="Username">
<!-- Note that the macro used above in the SettingsGroup must also appear here. -->
<RegistrySource Type="REG_SZ" Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sample\$(AccountID)\Username" />

<!-- Each account has a password. -->

<Setting Name="Password">
<RegistrySource Type="REG_SZ" Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sample\$(AccountID)\Password" />


In the above example, the variable name is AccountID. You must specify that segment of the setting’s URI to
provision this setting. In this example, when MCSF sets the underlying value, it fetches the string value of the
AccountID segment and injects it into the registry paths for Username and Password. For example, provisioning
the following XML sets HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sample\{71986}\Username to “RobinNail” and
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sample\{71986}\Password to “1234Password”.

<characteristic type="MCSF">
<!-- This sets the username and password for account {71986}. -->
<characteristic type="TestSettings\MyAccounts\{71986}">
<parm name="Username" value="RobinNail" />
<parm name="Password" value="1234Password" />

For SIM -based settings, you can use the special variable $(__IMSI ) that’s built-in to MCSF. When these types of
settings are being provisioned, the $(__IMSI ) segment is replaced with the IMSI string for the current SIM card.
The following example shows how to do this:
<!-- Specifies some SIM-specific settings... -->
<SettingsGroup Path="TestSettings/SimSpecific/$(__IMSI)">
<Setting Name="SimSpecificValue">
<!-- There should be one setting like this for every SIM card. -->
<RegistrySource Type="REG_DWORD" Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sample\$(__IMSI)\SimSpecificValue" />

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customization answer file
1/18/2019 • 13 minutes to read

A customization answer file is an XML file that you write based on the MCSF schema. OEMs can use the MCSF
customization answer file to specify the settings and variants for a custom mobile OS image. The customization
answer file allows for a broader integration across the OS by providing OEMs with a single place to define nearly
all mobile OS settings.
When creating or working with customization answer files, keep the following design requirements and
considerations in mind:
If you are using ImgGen.cmd to generate a mobile OS image, you can only specify one customization
answer file. For more information, see Building a mobile image using ImgGen.cmd.
Depending on what you want to do, you can use the customization answer file to create a package
containing your customization(s) or use the answer file as one of the inputs to create an OS image.
To use the customization answer file to generate a package without building an OS image, see
Generating customization packages without creating an image.
To build an image as an .ffu file using the customization answer file as one of the inputs, see Using
ImgGen.cmd to generate the image.
The values used in the root customization answer file (or the one you specify as the input customization
answer file during ImgGen.cmd or CustomizationGen.cmd in Step 6) is used to determine the package
owner so it is important to provide values for the following attributes:
OwnerType (in the customization samples this is typically already set to 'OEM').
Any files, assets, or other settings specific to the customization
Absolute or full paths to file sources, such as imports, assets and data files, are required. This means that
whenever you specify the Source attribute value for a file Import, Asset, or DataAsset, the path must be
File source paths may contain $(environment_variables). Note that you can only use environment
variables when referencing files. This will not work when configuring Setting values.
Using %this_format% in customization answer files is not allowed and results in an error.
The source path for Import files may contain the macro, $(CurrentFileDir).
Import source files can use environment variables in the file name. However, other source file names
cannot use environment variables.

Sample customization answer files

You can use as reference the sample OEM customization answer file located in the
%WPDKCONTENTROOT%\Samples\Customization directory. This answer file shows several configured
customizations and it imports two answer files that contain real connection settings data for AT&T and T-Mobile.
Sample 1
The following sample customization answer file shows how to:
Specify other customization answer files to import from the root answer file.
Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied.
Define Static settings and data, which are installed for all images, regardless of the variant.
Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<!-- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -->

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Name="Sample Root Customization File"
Description="Sample customization XML. This XML contains all the valid settings that
should be correctly parsed and applied to image."

<!-- This root customization answer file imports two other customization answer files. -->
<Import Source="C:\Customization\AnswerFiles\SampleCustomizationImport1.xml" />
<Import Source="C:\Customization\AnswerFiles\SampleCustomizationImport2.xml" />

<!-- Targets define the conditions for when a variant can be applied. One target ID must be
referenced for each variant. -->

<!-- These examples show the definition for three sample operators. -->
<!-- In the example below, targets are set up for the variant to use in the root file. -->
<Target Id="SIM_TinyMO">
<Condition Name="MNC" Value="26" />
<Condition Name="MCC" Value="310" />
<Target Id="SIM_BigMO">
<Condition Name="MNC" Value="15" />
<Condition Name="MCC" Value="310" />
<Target Id="Known_BigMO">
<Condition Name="MNC" Value="55" />
<Condition Name="MCC" Value="310" />

<!-- These static settings and data will be installed for all images, regardless of the variant. -->
<DataAssets Type="MapData">
<DataAsset Source="C:\Customization\TestData\maps\OEMMap_USA.map" />
<DataAsset Source="C:\Customization\TestData\maps\OEMMap_Canada.map" />

<Application Source="C:\Customization\TestData\apps\OEMMOApp.xap"
ProvXML="C:\Customization\TestData\apps\MPAP_OEMMOApp_01.provxml" />
<Settings Path="TestSettingGroup">
<Setting Name="Level1/MySetting" Value="Blue" />
<Setting Name="MySettingAsset" Value="Alpha.jpg" />
<Asset Name="Asset" Source="C:\Customization\MySettingAssets\Alpha.jpg" />
<Asset Name="Asset" Source="C:\Customization\MySettingAssets\Beta.jpg" />
<Asset Name="Asset" Source="C:\Customization\MySettingAssets\Delta.jpg" />

<Settings Path="TestSettingsGroup2">
<Setting Name="OEMStaticSetting" Value="OEM Static Setting" />

<!-- These settings in the Variant groups will only be applied if the associated target's conditions are
met. -->

<!-- The settings shown here will only be applied for the Known Big MO Variant. -->
<Variant Name="Known Big MO Variant">
<!-- Only one TargetRef can be used for each variant -->
<TargetRef Id="Known_BigMO" />

<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<Asset Name="Ringtones" Source="C:\Resources\Ringtones\KnownBigMO.wma" TargetFileName="BigMO.wma"
DisplayName="BigSound" Type="MobileOperator" />
<Setting Name="DefaultRingtone" Value="BigMO.wma" />

<Settings Path="LockScreen">
<Asset Name="Wallpapers" Source="C:\Resources\Wallpapers\KnownBigMO.jpg" TargetFileName="BigMO.jpg"
DisplayName="BigMO" Type="MobileOperator" />
<Setting Name="DefaultWallpaper" Value="BigMO.jpg" />

<!-- The settings shown here will only be applied for the Tiny MO Variant. -->
<Variant Name="Tiny MO Variant">
<TargetRef Id="SIM_TinyMO" />

<Settings Path="TestSettingsGroup1">
<Setting Name="Setting1" Value="Tiny MO Setting 1" />
<Setting Name="Setting3" Value="Tiny MO Setting 3" />

<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<Asset Name="Ringtones" Source="C:\Resources\Ringtones\TinyMO.wma" TargetFileName="TinyMO.wma"
DisplayName="TinySound" Type="MobileOperator" />
<Setting Name="DefaultRingtone" Value="TinyMO.wma" />

<!-- The settings shown here will only be applied for the Big MO Variant. -->
<Variant Name="Big MO Variant">
<TargetRef Id="SIM_BigMO" />

<Settings Path="TestSettingsGroup1">
<Setting Name="Setting1" Value="Big MO Setting 1" />

Sample 2
The following sample customization answer file snippet shows how to:
Define a Static variant
Specify the customizations for a specific mobile operator in a Variant section.

<!-- Variant Section -->

<!-- Example of a static variant. There are no TargetRefs. -->

<!-- Asset data to be copied to the device. A small set of approved destinations are allowed.
Only allowed in the static settings -->
<DataAsset Source="C:\Customization\Assets\OEMMap_USA.map" Type="MapData" />

<!-- Simple example of some things to do on a hypothetical TinyMO. Setting the Boot Screen
on FirstSIM, and the MMS Gateway whenever the SIM is detected as "Newly Inserted". Ringtones and
wallpapers are also added. -->

<Variant Name="TinyMO Settings">

<TargetRef Id="SIM_TinyMO" />

<Settings Path="Connectivity">
<Setting Name="MMSGateway" Value="123.tinymo.com" />

<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<Asset Name="Ringtones" Source="C:\Assets\Ringtones\Ringtone1.wma" />
<Asset Name="Ringtones" Source="C:\Assets\Ringtones\Ringtone2.wma" />
<Asset Name="Ringtones" Source="C:\Assets\Ringtones\Ringtone3.wma" />
<Setting Name="DefaultRingtone" Value="Ringtone1.wma" />

<Settings Path="LockScreen">
<Asset Name="Wallpapers" Source="C:\Assets\Wallpapers\Lockscreen1.jpg" />
<Asset Name="Wallpapers" Source="C:\Assets\Wallpapers\Lockscreen2.png" />
<Asset Name="Wallpapers" Source="C:\Assets\Wallpapers\Lockscreen3.jpeg" />
<Setting Name="DefaultWallpaper" Value="Lockscreen2.png" />


Customization XML elements

The following table defines all the elements in a customization answer file.


Imports - Contains the description for other

customization answer files to

Import Imports Specifies the file to import and

merge with the customizations in
the root file.
If the same setting is set in the
imported file, that setting will be
overridden by the value specified
by the same in the root file.

Targets - Defines the conditions for when a

variant can be applied.

Target Targets One Target Id must be specified

for each variant. This can contain
multiple sets of TargetState that
can cause the target to fire.
A single Condition is defined by a
single name/value pair. The name is
a runtime configuration condition
name such as MNC or an OEM
condition that can be defined in
CustomTargetState. Multiple
Condition can be contained within
the TargetState.

Static - Contains the description for the

static variation.
The settings that are registry based
will override values that are set in

DataAssets Static Enables the ability to put data files

directly onto the data partition
without a package. OEMs specify
the type of data from an approved
list and the image customization
process determines the destination
for the data based on the type.
In Windows Phone 8.1, the
following types of data are
MapData – Use to specify
map data
RetailDemo_Microsoft –
Use to add custom demo
content to the Microsoft
retail mode provisioning
app. This data asset is
reserved for Microsoft use
and the data assets are
provided by Microsoft
Marketing. Partners should
contact Microsoft to reach
your Microsoft marketing
RetailDemo_OEM – Use to
add custom demo content
to the OEM retail mode
provisioning app.
RetailDemo_MO – Use to
add custom demo content
to the mobile operator retail
mode provisioning app.
RetailDemo_Apps – Use to
add free or trial apps and
games to be included in
demo phones.
Note that when specifying any
retail demo data asset in the
customization answer file, the retail
mode data asset must point to a
directory structure where nested
files are placed in a very particular
format. For more information, see
the Retail Demo Mode
Programmers Guide, which will be
available in a future documentation

Variant - These settings in the Variant

groups will only be applied if the
associated target's conditions are

TargetRefs Variant A collection of targets that causes

the variant to be provisioned.
Currently, only one TargetRef is

Applications Static, Variant A collection of applications to be

applied statically to the phone, or
when a variant is provisioned.
For a static variant, the app is
installed into the system partition.
For non-static variants, the .xap file
of the app is always included in the
data partition.
For more information, see Apps:
Preloading and storage location.

Settings Static, Variant A settings group that is determined

by a provided path.
For more information about the
settings group, setting elements,
and associated attributes, see
Managed Centralized Settings
Framework (MCSF).

Setting Settings A single setting and value that is

determined by a name. A Setting
can contain assets or data files
associated with the setting.

If the policy for a specified
setting is not included in a
package in the image, the setting
will not be included in the image
and a warning will be displayed.

Asset Settings Indicates a file that needs to be

included in the phone image and
associated with the Settings to
which it belongs.
When specifying an asset, OEMs
must provide the Name and
Source attributes. The Name
determines where the asset is
stored on the phones. OEMs can
specify multiple files using the same
asset name, such as for multiple
lock screen backgrounds, ringtones,
and so on. The Source must be set
to the location of the asset on your
OEMs can use the following
optional attributes:
TargetFileName can be used to
set the name of the file on the
device. If there is no
TargetFileName specified, the
source name is used.
DisplayName can be used by
some settings to display a name
such as the ringtone’s display
name. The setting determines
exactly how this property is used
and is a passthrough to a registry
Type is a flag that indicates the
type of asset, as required by some
settings. In Windows Phone 8.1,
MO and OEM are supported. If no
value is specified, the default value
is OEM.

Specifying data values in customization answer files

When creating your customization answer file, certain values must be specified in a specific format. These are as



REG_DWORD Decimal: 1 32-bit number presented in either

decimal or hexadecimal format.
- or -
All hexadecimal values in the
Hexadecimal: 0x1 customization answer file must be
prefixed with 0x. For example, if the
hexadecimal value that you need to
specify is 1, you must set the Value
in the customization answer file to
0x1. These values are in little-
endian format where the multibyte
value is stored in memory from
lowest byte (the "little end") to the
highest byte. For example,
0x12345678 is stored as (0x78
0x56 0x34 0x12) in little-endian

Options defined in the policy 0 or Red Use the enumerated value. For
settings files. For example: example, either the enumerated
1 or Green value 0 or its equivalent friendly
<Validate> name "Red" can be specified.
2 or Blue
<Option Value="0"
FriendlyName="Red" />
<Option Value="1"
FriendlyName="Green" />
<Option Value="2"
FriendlyName="Blue" />

REG_MULTI_SZ Red.png;Green.png;Blue.png Multiple text strings separated by a

semicolon ';'.
A ';' is used as the delimeter for
REG_MULTI_SZ so this character
cannot be used inside the string
because it will be parsed as the
separator of two strings.

REG_BINARY E8,03 Byte array in hexadecimal format,

separated by a comma ','.
(which corresponds to 0x03E8
hexadecimal) Do not add the 0x prefix when
specifying this type of registry
value in the customization answer

When creating a customization answer file, OEMs can define Targets to describe keying for a variant. Targets for
variants must be described or pre-declared before being referenced by the variant. OEMs can use the same target
in multiple variants to enable reuse. Within a target, if the device meets any of the target states, the settings will be
applied (the states are OR'ed together). The conditions within the states are AND'ed together and all of the
conditions must be met in order for a state to be true.
In the previous XML sample, a SIM target is defined through MNC/MCC pairs. The following example shows how
the SIM targets may be defined:

<Target Id="SIM_TinyMO">
<Condition Name="MNC" Value="123" />
<Condition Name="MCC" Value="456" />
<Condition Name="MNC" Value="456" />
<Condition Name="MCC" Value="123" />

Extension provisioning keys

OEMs can use custom CSPs as conditions by listing the name/path in the Name attribute and the desired value to
pass to the CSP to check against.

Importing other customization answer files

A customization answer file can be used to import other customization answer files that, when merged, form a
single set of customizations and variants to be applied to the OS image.
Priority order for imported customization answer files
When importing customization answer files, if there are any settings that are defined twice, the custom image will
not build unless a priority within the imported answer files are specified to determine the overwrite order. To
specify the overwrite order, the header for customization answer files contain an optional Priority attribute, which
determines the order that settings will be overwritten if imported files contain a setting defined more than once.
Generally, the highest priority will have its value used for customization package creation. If files have the same
priority and define the same setting, the image fails to build.
To add the priority order for the imported answer file, set the Priority attribute within the ImageCustomizations
block of the customization answer file to be imported. The following example shows how to do this:

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Name="Settings Input"
Description="Settings for image build"

When setting Priority, 1 is the highest, and zero (0) and negative numbers are not allowed.
Specifying files to be imported
The following code example shows how you can specify other customization answer files to be imported. The
Imports element must be specified in the root customization answer file.

<Import Source="C:\Customization\SampleOperators.xml" />
<Import Source="C:\Customization\SampleBrandCommon.xml" />
Apps: Preloading and storage location
OEMs can preload apps using the following customization answer file code snippet:

<Application Source="C:\Customization\TestData\apps\OEMMOApp.xap"
ProvXML="C:\Customization\TestData\apps\MPAP_OEMMOApp_01.provxml" />

The AppPreInstaller is specifically looking for provXML files with the filename pattern MPAP_*_*.provxml so
make sure your file names are correctly formatted.
The following table describes where preloaded apps are stored on the device:


Default Main OS Data

Variant Data Main OS

All applications can be uninstalled by the user. When applications are uninstalled, the application files remain on
the device, but these are not shown in the application list. During a cold boot, or when the user selects Reset my
phone, apps in the Data partition will be removed while apps in the MainOS partition will be reinstalled. Users
can also install apps to the SD card. When the phone boots with an SD card, the user is given an option to select
the install location.

Collisions and overrides

If there are collisions or overrides, Settings groups are treated as a Condition-Setting Path pair. This means that
two settings using the same path but different conditions are considered unique, as are two settings with the same
condition but different paths.
When two different files set the same unique Settings group, the following rules are used by the image
customization process to resolve collisions or overrides:
A file may overwrite a unique item that is defined by any file it imports. For example, the imports sample in
the previous section, SampleDevice.customizations.xml, can be used to override the theme color set in
Two files imported by the same file cannot set the same unique item. For example, if SampleOperators.xml
and SampleBrandCommon.xml both set the same theme color using the same condition, an error will occur
and a message will be displayed to indicate that the value cannot be imported because both files define the
same value.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Set phone metadata in DeviceTargetingInfo
1/18/2019 • 9 minutes to read

Partners are required to set certain device metadata, including hardware, support, and OEM and MO information.
Partners are required to set the following information:
OEM and mobile operator information, used for display strings in the UI, device update, and connecting to the
Microsoft Store.
Hardware component versions and software versions, used for targeting updates to devices and for user
A required phone number and optional website for user support, which appears in the About screen in
ImageTimeOnly – For those settings to put directly into the registry hive.
FirstVariationOnly – For those settings that can be configured at runtime and potentially based on SIM value.

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set phone metadata including the phone model name, OEM and
mobile operator name, hardware and software versions, and so on."
<!-- Define the Targets for the Variant -->
<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />
<!-- These settings are ImageTimeOnly and will be put directly into the registry hive -->
<Settings Path="DeviceInfo/Static">
<Setting Name="PhoneManufacturer" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneManufacturerDisplayName" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneROMVersion" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneHardwareRevision" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneSOCVersion" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneFirmwareRevision" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneRadioHardwareRevision" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneRadioSoftwareRevision" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneBootLoaderVersion" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneROMLanguage" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneHardwareVariant" Value="" />
<!-- Specify the Variant -->
<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<!-- These settings are FirstVariationOnly and can be configured at runtime potentially based on
SIM value -->
<Settings Path="DeviceInfo/Variant">
<Setting Name="PhoneMobileOperatorName" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneManufacturerModelName" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneMobileOperatorDisplayName" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneSupportPhoneNumber" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneSupportLink" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneOEMSupportLink" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneModelName" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingSupportPhoneNumber" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner and configure the targets and conditions for the variant.
3. Specify a value for each of the following settings.
Settings that are ImageTimeOnly:

PhoneManufacturer Required. This setting must contain a code specified

by Microsoft that corresponds to the OEM. This
setting must not be changed over time, even if an
OEM name changes (such as in a merger); the original
OEM name must continue to be specified.
This setting is used for targeting device updates, for
connecting to the store-within-a-store in the
Microsoft Store, and for Watson reports. It also
appears as part of the device friendly name on the
Welcome screen, the About screen in Settings, the
Ringtone list, and on the computer.
The value must be a valid OEM ID. To get the valid
OEM ID that applies to you, contact your Microsoft
The OEM ID value is in all capital letters, for example,
To use an OEM-provided value to display in the
Settings > About screen, OEMs can use the optional
PhoneManufacturerDisplayName setting. For more
information, see the next entry in this table.
The PhoneManufacturer,
PhoneManufacturerModelName, and
PhoneMobileOperatorName should create a
unique Phone-Operator-Pairing (POP).

PhoneManufacturerDisplayName Optional. Use this setting to create an OEM-

provided value to display in the Settings > About
screen, on apps running on the PC connected to the
device through MTP, in the Manufacturer field in the
device properties window when the device is
connected to the PC through MTP, and in the list of
backups on OneDrive and during initial device setup
on the Restore backups page.
If PhoneManufacturerDisplayName is set, the OS
does not use the value in the PhoneManufacturer
setting and uses the OEM-provided value to display
in the About screen instead. If OEMs do not set a
value for PhoneManufacturerDisplayName, the OS
uses the value in the required PhoneManufacturer
setting instead.
When setting the value, OEMs must only use these
characters: alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), space, period
(.), comma (,)

PhoneROMVersion Optional. This value is specified by the silicon vendor

and should not be modified by the OEM. It is used for
targeting phone updates.
This value has the format uint16.uint16.uint16.uint16.

PhoneHardwareRevision This value is specified by the silicon vendor and should

not be modified by the OEM. It is used for targeting
phone updates and for Watson reports.
This value has the format uint16.uint16.uint16.uint16.

PhoneSOCVersion This value is specified by the silicon vendor and should

not be modified by the OEM. It is used for targeting
phone updates.
This string must be less than 256 Unicode characters
in length, and be alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 1-9).
Leading and trailing spaces and other white space
characters such as tabs are not permitted. The
underscore character may be used to separate
elements in the string, for example "Contoso_4000".

PhoneFirmwareRevision Required. This setting represents the complete

version of the OEM software on the phone. It is used
for targeting phone updates.
This value has the format uint16.uint16.uint16.uint16.
The recommended value is based on the Silicon
Vendor (SV) BSP version (major.minor) and the OEM
software version (major.minor), with the format
"majorSV.minorSV.majorOEM.minorOEM". The value
cannot be "".

PhoneRadioHardwareRevision Optional. This value should reflect the current version

of the OEM’s modem hardware. It should be
incremented when the modem hardware is modified.
It is used for targeting phone updates.
This string must be less than 256 Unicode characters
in length, and be alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 1-9).
Leading and trailing spaces and other white space
characters such as tabs are not permitted. The
underscore character may be used to separate
elements in the string, for example "Contoso_4000".

PhoneRadioSoftwareRevision This value is specified by the silicon vendor and should

not be modified by the OEM. It is used for targeting
phone updates.
This value has the format uint16/string, and can
contain a maximum of 15 characters.

PhoneBootLoaderVersion Optional. This value is specified by the silicon vendor

and should not be modified by the OEM. It is used for
targeting phone updates and for Watson reports.

PhoneROMLanguage Required. Set the value to a four character Language

Code Identifier (LCID), such as "0409" for English (US).

PhoneHardwareVariant Required. Use to describe the specific hardware

configuration used for a particular phone model. The
hardware configuration that makes up the
PhoneHardwareVariant includes specific hardware
parts such as the applications processor, radio
(network bands), sensors, memory configuration, and
so on. For example, if Contoso (a fictional OEM)
produces a popular phone model called Fabrikam
2000 that ships on multiple mobile networks, the
phone may come in two hardware variants: "VAR-
CDMA", for use on CDMA networks, and "VAR-GSM"
for use on GSM networks.
Use a string value to specify the variant of the OEM's
hardware. This setting is mandatory for code signing
and registration.

OEMs creating a runtime configuration image
cannot span across multiple

Settings that are FirstVariationOnly:


PhoneMobileOperatorName Required. This setting is used for targeting phone

updates. It must contain a code specified by Microsoft
that corresponds to the mobile operator. These codes
are provided in Registry values for mobile operator
IDs. For open market phones, in which the mobile
operator is not known, use the codes in Registry
values for carrier-unlocked phones instead.
This string is not visible to the user.
This setting must not be changed over time even if
the user switches SIMs or mobile operators, as
updates are always targeted based on the first mobile
operator associated with the phone.
The PhoneManufacturer,
PhoneManufacturerModelName, and
PhoneMobileOperatorName should create a
unique Phone-Operator-Pairing (POP).

PhoneManufacturerModelname Required. This setting is used for targeting phone

updates. It must contain a code that is registered with
Microsoft to correspond to the phone model. This
string must be unique – if there are any hardware
differences between phones that require changes to
the BSP, the phones must have different
PhoneManufacturerModelName values. This string
must not be changed after the phone is sold.
This string is for OEM reference and can be set to any
value that meets the following requirements:
The string length must be less than 256
The string must be alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 1-
Leading and trailing spaces are not permitted
and will cause update failures

This string is returned by the
DeviceStatus.DeviceName property. For more
information, see the SDK Documentation.

Microsoft recommends using a different value for

PhoneManufacturerModelname and another value
for PhoneModelName.
PhoneManufacturerModelname should be as
unique as possible for the particular device revision or
The PhoneManufacturer,
PhoneManufacturerModelName, and
PhoneMobileOperatorName should create a
unique Phone-Operator-Pairing (POP).

PhoneMobileOperatorDisplayName Optional. Defines the friendly name of the Mobile

Operator. This string is displayed in the support
section of the About screen in Settings and in the
ringtone list.

PhoneSupportPhoneNumber Optional. Specifies the OEM or mobile operator’s

support contact phone number. This string is
displayed in the About screen in Settings. This
setting also corresponds to the Genuine Windows
Phone Certificates (GWPC) support number. This
should be a string of numbers. The country code is
not required. This setting varies by partner.

PhoneSupportLink Optional. Specifies the mobile operator’s support

website. The default is an empty string (""), which
means that a support link will not be displayed to the
This should be a functional link that starts with http://.
The link should be a URL that redirects to the mobile
version of the web page. The content in the webpage
should reflow to the screen width. This can be
achieved by adding the CSS Tag &quot;@-ms-
viewport { width: device-width; }"
This setting varies by mobile operator.

PhoneOEMSupportLink Optional. Specifies the OEM’s support website. The

default is an empty string (""), which means that a
support link will not be displayed to the user.
This should be a functional link that starts with http://.
The link should be a URL that redirects to the mobile
version of the web page. The content in the webpage
should reflow to the screen width. This can be
achieved by adding the CSS Tag &quot;@-ms-
viewport { width: device-width; }"
This setting varies by OEM.

PhoneModelName Required. This string is the brand name of the phone

and is used for Customer Support and Watson
reports. This string is the name marketed to
consumers or end users and appears as part of the
phone friendly name in multiple places in the phone’s
UI including: on the Welcome screen, the About
screen in Settings, and on the desktop computer.
OEMs should ensure that this value matches the
value of the ProductString value under the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry subtree's
CurrentControlSet\Control\USBFN\Default subkey.
Microsoft recommends that partners consider the
following when specifying the value for the
PhoneModelName setting:

Leave this name blank during development

until the phone is ready to enter trials, as
applications can collect and read this value.
Do not include the manufacturer or OEM
name when setting the value for this setting.
There are dialogs on the phone that display
PhoneManufacturer appended to
PhoneModelName so including the OEM or
manufacturer’s name when setting
PhoneModelName will result in repetitions. For
example, if PhoneManufacturer is set to
Contoso and PhoneModelName is set to
Contoso Phone z102, the result will show up
as Contoso Contoso Phone z102.
Use a different value for PhoneModelName and
another value for
PhoneManufacturerModelName . The latter
should be as unique as possible for the
particular device revision or variant.

RoamingSupportPhoneNumber Optional. Specifies the OEM or mobile operator's

roaming support contact phone number. This string is
displayed in the About screen in Settings.
For C+G dual SIM phones, OEMs may need to
configure this setting. For more information, see
Configure C+G dual SIM settings.

Testing steps
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go to the About screen in Settings. Tap on the More Info button.
3. Verify that the information on this screen matches the values you specified.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Set languages and locales
1/18/2019 • 8 minutes to read

There are several types of language settings that partners can control on the mobile device. The languages that
partners choose to include should be based on the market in which the device will ship, and the amount of space
available for language data. The following table shows the different kind of language and locale settings. This is
just an overview. For more detailed information, including implementation instructions and limitations and
restrictions, click through to the following topics.


Mobile device languages The set of available At least one. The There is no way to add
mobile device maximum number is additional languages to the
languages that need determined by space device later without re-
to be installed. OEMs constraints. flashing a new image.
must specify the One default device
value they want to language is required.
use using the
element in the
OEMInput.xml file.
The default mobile
device language.
OEMs can specify
this value using the
element in the
OEMInput.xml file.

Regional format The OEM must specify a One locale is required. The user can change the
default locale, which country/region.
determines the country or
region, regional format, pre-
enabled keyboard, and
speech languages. OEMs
can specify the value this
value using the BootLocale
element in the
OEMInput.xml file.

Keyboard layout Nothing. 160 keyboard

layouts are included on the
device by default, and OEMs
cannot modify, add, or
delete keyboard layouts
from the OS image.

Text correction and The set of keyboard At least one. The maximum Users can download
suggestions language files used for text number is determined by additional keyboard
correction and suggestions space constraints. language files as needed. If
while typing. OEMs must the keyboard language file
specify the value they want for a given keyboard is not
to use using the Keyboard already on the device, it is
element in the downloaded automatically
OEMInput.xml file. when the user enables the
keyboard for the first time.

Pre-enabled keyboard For each mobile device Additional keyboards are Users can select which
language, the OS not necessary for most keyboards they wish to use.
automatically markets.
determines which
keyboards to show the
user. If the OEM needs
to enable additional
keyboards by default to
meet the needs of their
market, they can.
The Recommended
additional pre-
enabled keyboard(s)
apply to these locales:
The primary
language script is
non-Latin or where
the default keyboard
is a Latin-based
keyboard so users
can type their
Microsoft account
email and password.
There is more than
one official language.

Speech languages The set of available speech OEMs are not required to Users can download
languages on the mobile include speech by default. additional speech languages
device. OEMs can specify the The maximum number is if they need them.
value they want to use using determined by space
the Speech element in the constraints.
OEMInput.xml file.

The following table shows recommended default mobile device languages and regional formats for different
markets. The default keyboard language is automatically generated by the OS based on the device language. Each
default keyboard language has at least one keyboard associated with it that is enabled by default. The speech
language specified in the final column will only be enabled if the OEM has included it in the OS image or the user
has downloaded it.

If you set the BootUILanguage and BootLocale to a pair of languages that are not recommended in the following table,
the OS image that will be created will lead to an inconsistent post-setup experience where the regional format doesn't follow
the language selection. Microsoft strongly recommends that OEMs follow the recommended languages outlined in this

Albania sq-AL sq-AL sq-AL en-GB none none

Algeria ar-SA ar-DZ en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Argentina es-MX es-AR es-MX es-MX none none

Australia en-GB en-AU en-GB en-GB none none

Austria de-DE de-AT de-DE de-DE none none

Azerbaijan az-Latn-AZ az-Latn-AZ az-Latn-AZ en-GB none none

Bahrain ar-SA ar-BH en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Bangladesh bn-BD bn-BD en-GB en-GB bn-BD none

Belarus be-BY be-BY en-US en-US be-BY none

Belgium fr-FR fr-BE fr-FR fr-FR none none

Belgium nl-NL nl-BE nl-BE nl-BE none none

Belize en-GB en-BZ en-GB en-GB none none

Bolivarian es-MX es-VE es-MX es-MX none none

Republic of

Bolivia es-MX es-BO es-MX es-MX none none

Bosnia and hr-HR hr-BA hr-HR hr-HR none none


Bosnia and sr-Latn-RS sr-Latn-BA sr-Latn-RS sr-Latn-CS none none


Brazil pt-BR pt-BR pt-BR pt-BR none pt-BR

Brunei ms-MY ms-BN ms-MY ms-MY ms-MY none

Bulgaria bg-BG bg-BG en-US en-US bg-BG none

Cambodia km-KH km-KH en-US en-US km-KH none

Cameroon fr-FR fr-CM fr-FR fr-FR none none


Canada en-GB en-CA en-US en-US none none


Canada fr-CA fr-CA fr-CA fr-CA none none


Chile es-MX es-CL es-MX es-MX none none

China zh-CN zh-CN zh-CN zh-CN none zh-CN

Colombia es-MX es-CO es-MX es-MX none none

Costa Rica es-MX es-CR es-MX es-MX none none

Cote d'Ivoire fr-FR fr-CI fr-FR fr-FR none none

Croatia hr-HR hr-HR hr-HR en-GB none none

Czech cs-CZ cs-CZ cs-CZ cs-CZ none none


Denmark da-DK da-DK da-DK da-DK none none

Dominican es-MX es-DO es-MX es-MX none none


Ecuador es-MX es-EC es-MX es-MX none none

Egypt ar-SA ar-EG en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

El Salvador es-MX es-SV es-MX es-MX none none

Estonia et-EE et-EE et-EE en-GB none none

Ethiopia am-ET am-ET am-ET am-ET none none

Finland fi-FI fi-FI fi-FI fi-FI none none


Finland sv-SE sv-FI sv-SE sv-SE none none


France fr-FR fr-FR fr-FR fr-FR none fr-FR

Germany de-DE de-DE de-DE de-DE none de-DE

Greece el-GR el-GR en-US el-GR, en-US el-GR none

Guatemala es-MX es-GT es-MX es-MX none none


Haiti fr-FR fr-HT fr-FR fr-FR none none

Honduras es-MX es-HN es-MX es-MX none none

Hong Kong zh-TW zh-HK en-GB zh-HK, en-GB zh-HK zh-HK


Hong Kong en-GB en-HK en-GB en-GB en-GB none

S.A.R. (English)

Hungary hu-HU hu-HU hu-HU hu-HU none none

Iceland is-IS is-IS is-IS is-IS none none

India (English) en-GB en-IN en-IN en-IN hi en-IN

India (Hindi) hi-IN hi-IN en-IN hi-IN, en-IN hi, hi-IN none

Indonesia id-ID id-ID id-ID id-ID none none

Iran fa-IR fa-IR en-US fa-IR, en-US fa-IR none

Iraq ar-SA ar-IQ en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Ireland en-GB en-IE en-GB en-GB none none

Israel he-IL he-IL en-US he-IL, en-US he-IL none

Italy it-IT it-IT it-IT it-IT none it-IT

Jamaica en-GB en-JM en-GB en-GB none none

Japan ja-JP ja-JP ja-JP ja-JP none ja-JP

Jordan ar-SA ar-JO en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Kazakhstan kk-KZ kk-KZ en-US en-US kk-KZ none

Kenya sw-KE sw-KE sw-KE sw-KE sw-KE none


Korea ko-KR ko-KR en-US ko-KR, en-US ko-KR none

Kuwait ar-SA ar-KW en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Laos lo-LA lo-LA en-US en-US lo-LA none


Latvia lv-LV lv-LV lv-LV en-GB none none

Lebanon ar-SA ar-LB en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Liechtenstein de-DE de-LI de-DE de-DE none none

Lithuania lt-LT lt-LT lt-LT en-GB none none

Luxembourg fr-FR fr-LU fr-FR fr-FR none none


Luxembourg de-DE de-LU de-DE de-DE none none


Macao S.A.R. zh-TW zh-MO en-GB zh-TW, en-GB zh-TW none

Macedonia, mk-MK mk-MK en-US en-US mk-MK none


Malaysia en-GB en-MY en-GB en-GB none none


Malaysia ms-MY ms-MY ms-MY ms-MY none none


Mexico es-MX es-MX es-MX es-MX none es-MX

Moldova ro-RO ro-MD ro-RO ro-RO none none

Monaco fr-FR fr-MC fr-FR fr-FR none none

Montenegro sr-Latn-RS sr-Latn-ME sr-Latn-CS en-GB none none

Morocco ar-SA ar-MA fr-FR ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none


Morocco fr-FR fr-MA fr-FR fr-FR none none


Netherlands nl-NL nl-NL nl-NL nl-NL none none

New Zealand en-GB en-NZ en-GB en-GB none none

Nicaragua es-MX es-NI es-MX es-MX none none

Nigeria ha-Latn-NG ha-Latn-NG ha-Latn-NG ha-Latn-NG none none

Norway nb-NO nb-NO nb-NO nb-NO none none


Oman ar-SA ar-OM en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Panama es-MX es-PA es-MX es-MX none none

Paraguay es-MX es-PY es-MX es-MX none none

Peru es-MX es-PE es-MX es-MX none none

Philippines fil-PH fil-PH en-US en-US none none


Philippines en-US en-PH en-US en-US none none


Poland pl-PL pl-PL pl-PL pl-PL none pl-PL

Portugal pt-PT pt-PT pt-PT pt-PT none none

Puerto Rico es-MX es-PR es-MX es-MX none none

Qatar ar-SA ar-QA en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Reunion fr-FR fr-RE fr-FR fr-FR none none

Romania ro-RO ro-RO ro-RO ro-RO none none

Russia ru-RU ru-RU en-US ru-RU, en-US ru-RU ru-RU

Saudi Arabia ar-SA ar-SA en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Senegal fr-FR fr-SN fr-FR fr-FR none none

Serbia sr-Latn-RS sr-Latn-RS sr-Latn-CS en-GB none none

Singapore zh-CN zh-SG en-GB zh-CN, en-GB zh-CN none


Singapore en-GB en-SG en-GB en-GB none none


Slovakia sk-SK sk-SK sk-SK sk-SK none none

Slovenia sl-SI sl-SI sl-SI en-GB none none

South Africa af-ZA af-ZA af-ZA af-ZA none none


South Africa en-GB en-ZA en-GB en-GB none none


Spain eu-ES eu-ES eu-ES eu-ES none none


Spain ca-ES ca-ES ca-ES ca-ES none none


Spain gl-ES gl-ES gl-ES gl-ES none none


Spain es-ES es-ES es-ES es-ES none es-ES


Sweden sv-SE sv-SE sv-SE sv-SE none none

Switzerland fr-FR fr-CH fr-CH fr-CH none none


Switzerland de-DE de-CH de-DE de-DE none none


Switzerland it-IT it-CH it-IT it-IT none none


Syria ar-SA ar-SY en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Taiwan zh-TW zh-TW en-US zh-TW, en-US zh-TW zh-TW

Thailand th-TH th-TH en-US en-US th-TH none

Trinidad and en-GB en-TT en-GB en-GB none none


Tunisia ar-SA ar-TN en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Turkey tr-TR tr-TR tr-TR tr-TR tr-TR none

Ukraine uk-UA uk-UA en-US en-US uk-UA none

United Arab ar-SA ar-AE en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none


United en-GB en-GB en-GB en-GB none en-GB


United States en-US en-US en-US en-US none en-US


United States es-MX es-US es-MX es-MX none none


Uruguay es-MX es-UY es-MX es-MX none none

Uzbekistan uz-Latn-UZ uz-Latn-UZ uz-Latn-UZ en-GB none none

Vietnam vi-VN vi-VN vi-VN vi-VN none none

Yemen ar-SA ar-YE en-US ar-SA, en-US ar-SA none

Zimbabwe en-GB en-ZW en-GB en-GB none none

Create a resource-only .dll for localized strings
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

When you have multiple display languages included on a phone, you must create a resource-only .dll to store all
of the necessary localized display strings. From the .dll and its associated .dll.mui files, you can access strings in
the current language from the registry. This technique is used in some customizations where you can use localized
display strings as input.
Note that a single common resource-only .dll file and set of .dll.mui files can be used to manage the localized
display strings for all of these customizations. It is not necessary to include a separate .dll file for each

Creating a resource-only .dll for localized strings

1. In Visual Studio, create a Visual C++ Win32 project:
a. Click File > New > Project.
b. In the left column, expand the Visual C++ templates, then select Win32.
c. In the center column, choose Win32 Project. Give your project a name according to the language
you are using so you can easily identify it, such as DisplayStrings0409. An alternative name can be
d. Click OK.
2. In the Win32 Application Wizard:
a. Click Next on the first screen.
b. Select DLL as the Application type.
c. Uncheck Security Development Lifecycle (SDL ) checks. Leave ATL and MFC unchecked.
d. Check Empty Project.
e. Click Finish.
3. Click on the Project menu and select Properties.
4. In the new project’s Property Pages window:
a. Navigate to Configuration Properties > Linker > Advanced.
b. In the right column, change No Entry Point to Yes (/NOENTRY ).
/NOENTRY prevents the linker from linking a reference to _main into the .dll; this option is required
to create a resource-only .dll.
5. Without closing the project’s Property Pages window:
a. Navigate to Configuration Properties > Resources > Command Line.
b. In the right column, locate Additional Options and add /n to the edit box.
/n specifies that each entry in the string table must be null-terminated. This prevents the entire
contents of the string table from being displayed on the phone’s screen in the event of an error.
c. Click OK.
6. Add a new string table:
a. Click Project > Add Resource.
b. In the Add Resource dialog, select String Table.
c. Click New.
7. In the string table editor, add a string resource for every string that you want to display in the
Windows Phone UI.
For each localizable string that you have added, create a row in your string table. In the Caption field of
each row, type the localizable string for the display language.
8. Build the .dll by selecting Build Solution from the Build menu.
This step will produce a .dll called DisplayStrings0409.dll.
9. For every additional localized display language, repeat steps 1-8.
Add custom build steps to each project to split the various language resource modules into separate
.mui files
A multi-part process is involved in splitting the DLLs into one executable DisplayStrings.dll, plus a
DisplayStrings.dll.mui for each of the languages that you built.
To sort the localizable resources into separate .mui files, you can add the following custom build steps to each
project by opening the project properties and navigating to Configuration Properties > Build Events. For
example, for a debug build for English (US ):
1. Pre-build:

rmdir /s /q “.\en-us”

2. Pre-link:

mkdir “.\en-us”

3. Post-build line 1:

muirct.exe -q "DoReverseMuiLoc.rcconfig" -v 2 -x 0x0409 -g 0x0409 ".\Debug\DisplayStrings0409.dll"

".\Debug\DisplayStrings.dll" ".\en-us\DisplayStrings.dll.mui"

DoReverseMuiLoc.rcconfig is a type of configuration file typically used by muicrt.exe to split resources

between the language-neutral DLL and the language-dependent .mui files. See the next section for more
information about this file.
4. Post-build line 2:

muirct.exe -c ".\Debug\DisplayStrings.dll" -e ".\en-us\DisplayStrings.dll.mui"

muicrt.exe embeds a MUI resource into the DisplayStrings.dll module during splitting. To properly load at
run-time the appropriate resources from the language-specific DisplayStrings.dll.mui modules, each .mui
file must have its checksums fixed-up to match the checksums in the baseline language-neutral module.
This is done using the command specified in this step.
Note that the separate build steps shown in this section is just one of the ways you can do this. You can also
put all the steps into a post-build step. The actual commands use Visual Studio macros to target the correct
output directories.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the other languages that you are using and replace the language-specific settings with
the ones that correspond to the other languages. For example, if you are processing the German settings
a. Replace –x 0x0409 with the new language ID that you are using, such as –x 0x0407 for German.
b. Replace en-us with de-de .
c. Change the output file in the post-build step from DisplayStrings.dll to DisplayStrings_discard.dll.
Once all the projects have been built, deploy the projects to your image and verify the strings are properly
loaded for each language.
DoReverseMuiLoc.rcconfig is an XML file that contains the following lines. Copy this XML file to the
ProjectRootDirectory\ProjectName folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<win32Resources fileType="Application">
<resourceType typeNameId="#1"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#10"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#1024"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#11"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#12"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#13"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#14"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#15"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#16"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#17"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#18"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#19"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#2"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#20"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#2110"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#23"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#240"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#3"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#4"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#5"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#6"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#7"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#8"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="#9"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="HTML"/>
<resourceType typeNameId="MOFDATA"/>

Accessing localized strings from a customization

To add the resource .dll files to a phone image and access localized strings in a customization, follow these
1. Add the DisplayStrings.dll file and the DisplayStrings.dll.LCID.mui files to your customization answer file by
using the following syntax.

<Settings Path="Localization/MUI">
<!-- Use to add your base MUI DLL file -->
<Asset Name="BaseDll" Source="C:\Path\DisplayStrings.dll" />

<!-- Use to specify the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for the languages you are supporting and
have localized strings for -->
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="C:\Path\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />
<!-- Add as many as you need -->

Make the following changes to this XML:

In the BaseDll asset, replace C:\Path with the location of DisplayStrings.dll on your development
Add additional assets for the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for all the languages you are
supporting and have localized strings for. Set each asset's Name to LanguageDll/ $ (langid ) where
$ (langid ) corresponds to the language, such as LanguageDll/en-US. Also set each asset's Source to
the location of the .dll.mui file for that language, such as C:\Path\en-us\DisplayStrings.dll.mui.
2. To access strings from a resource .dll file in a customization asset, set the DisplayName attribute for the
asset to the name of the resource-only .dll file and specify the string offset as shown in the following
customization answer file excerpt.

<!-- Use to add one additional alarm sound -->

<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<Asset Name="AlarmSounds" DisplayName="@DisplayStrings.dll,-101" Source="C:\Path\NewAlarmSound.wma"

This particular example shows how to access string 101 (as specified in the Value field of the string table)
for an additional alarm sound.
Customizations for device management
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This section provides more information about device management settings that OEMs can change.

In this section

Enabling runtime configuration Runtime configuration, or multivariant, provides a generic

mechanism for creating a single image that can work for
multiple markets and reduce the number of images that
OEMs need to create, manage, and test. By default,
runtime configuration is enabled and ADC is turned off.
Only one or the other must be turned on. So, if an OEM
wants to disable runtime configuration, they must enable
The OS will handle different scenarios depending on
whether runtime configuration has been enabled so OEMs
should take into consideration the scenarios they are
trying to enable.

Managing runtime configuration data OEMs can configure the following settings to manage the
cleanup of runtime configuration data on the mobile

Override the default CountryTable.xml The mobile runtime configuration package includes a
built-in XML file (CountryTable.xml) for mapping between
GeoIDs, iso3166 country/region codes, and MCCs.
Windows uses this table to assist in validating 3-digit
MNCs for specific countries/regions, which is done by
including an MNC list for that country/region. Otherwise,
the OS assumes that MNCs are valid if they are 2 digits.
OEMs can override the default country/region lookup
table and instruct the runtime configuration engine to use
an OEM-provided mapping table instead.

Setting the UICC slot for branding configuration OEMs can specify which UICC slot will be used for
branding configuration.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enabling runtime configuration
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Runtime configuration, or multivariant, provides a generic mechanism for creating a single image that can work for
multiple markets and reduce the number of images that OEMs need to create, manage, and test. By default,
runtime configuration is enabled and ADC is turned off. Only one or the other must be turned on. So, if an OEM
wants to disable runtime configuration, they must enable ADC.
The OS will handle different scenarios depending on whether runtime configuration has been enabled so OEMs
should take into consideration the scenarios they are trying to enable.
Note By enabling runtime configuration, SIM -based language detection will also be enabled.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Name="EnableRuntime configuration"
Description="Use to enable runtime configuration."

<!-- Turns on runtime configuration -->
<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<!-- Turns off ADC -->
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. The above code example shows the default setting. Only one can be turned on (or enabled), and the other
must be turned off (or disabled). Depending on what you want to do, you can use one of the following


0 Disables the feature

1 Enables the feature

The registry key for enabling or disabling runtime configuration is below. This registry key can have a value of 1 or
0 where 1 represents enabled and 0 represents disabled.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Managing runtime configuration data
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

When the runtime configuration engine applies a variant to a device, a number of assets are used and these can
include maps, apps, wallpapers, ringtones, and so on. The data for these features can be significantly large. To
enable many variants to ship in a single device image, multiple large sets of this data are included somewhere in
storage. Only Retail Mode content, map data, and app installers are stored in the user store. Other smaller variant
data is automatically placed in the OS partition.
To allow users to reset their device and not wait for apps to download from the Microsoft Store if the same variant
is used, the OS protects the data by copying it to the OS partition. The following table describes what happens to
the device content during initial install, upon resetting the storage limit, and after the device is reset.



Selected Other Selected Other If the same Other

subvariant subvariants subvariant subvariants subvariant is subvariants

UI languages OS partition OS partition Stays in OS Stays in OS Used from OS Used from OS

partition partition partition partition

Retail mode User partition User partition Deleted Deleted Downloaded Downloaded
from the from the
Internet Internet

Applications User partition User partition Copied to OS Deleted Used from OS Downloaded
partition partition from the

Wallpapers OS partition OS partition Stays in OS Stays in OS Used from OS Used from OS

partition partition partition partition

Ringtones OS partition OS partition Stays in OS Stays in OS Used from OS Used from OS

partition partition partition partition

Configuration OS partition OS partition Stays in OS Stays in OS Used from OS Used from OS

files partition partition partition partition

Online apps OS partition OS partition Stays in OS Stays in OS Used from OS Used from OS
metadata partition partition partition partition

Maps and User partition User partition Deleted Deleted Downloaded Downloaded
voice from the from the
navigation Internet Internet

To reclaim storage for users, the OS performs data cleanup in two stages:
The OS performs post-variant cleanup in some amount of time (default of 0 hours) after applying a variant
for the user's primary SIM card and after completing initial device setup. Variant data is deleted from the
user store because the device has been effectively branded during this time.
The OS deletes all variant data from the user store in some amount of time (default of 72 hours) after
completing initial device setup, if no variant has been applied to the device. No data type will be persisted on
the device.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure various cleanup settings for runtime configuration


<Settings Path="Multivariant">

<!-- Set to 1 (to enable) or 0 (to disable) the backup of app installers for the selected
variant when the device is branded.
<Setting Name="PersistVariantData" Value="" />

<!-- Set the time, in minutes, to wait after branding the device before deleting unused variant
data from the user store.
Maximum is 10080 or 7 days
<Setting Name="PostVariantCleanupDelay" Value="" />

<!-- Set the time, in minutes, to wait after finishing initial device setup before deleting all
variant data from the user store.
Maximum is 10080 or 7 days
<Setting Name="UnconditionalCleanupDelay" Value="" />




2. Specify an Owner .
3. See the following sections for more information about the settings and the values you can set for each.

Persist variant data

Use the PersistVariantData setting to configure runtime configuration to back up the app installers for the
selected variant when the device is branded. The setting can be set to one of the following values:


0 Disable backup.

1 Enable backup. There must be sufficient space for runtime

configuration backup to enable backup.

OEMs can configure the amount of reserved space to enable runtime configuration backup. To do this, set the
MainOSRTCDataReservedSectors element in the OEMDevicePlatform.xml file.

OEMs should only configure MainOSRTCDataReservedSectors when using the runtime configuration feature to
dynamically install certain applications from the Data partition depending on the SIM card(s) in the device during runtime.
When using this functionality, the value is used to reserve space on the System partition to back up these applications so
that they can be installed after a device reset.

When specifying the size, OEMs must specify a number of sectors that is sufficient to contain the latest get of
applications placed in the data store that might be installed for an individual mobile operator. For example, if the
OEM's customization answer file specified applications A, B, and C should be on the data partition and should only
be installed for mobile operator Contoso, then the size reserved must be the size of A+B+C in MB and divided by
512 bytes per sector. At a maximum, OEMs can use MainOSRTCDataReservedSectors to reserve sectors up to
100 MB to be used by the runtime configuration engine.
The following example shows how to reserve 50 MB:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8\">

<OEMDevicePlatform xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

Post variant cleanup delay

Use the PostVariantCleanupDelay setting to specify the time, in minutes, for the OS to wait after branding the
device before deleting unused variant data from the user store. You can set this setting between 0 and 10080
minutes (or 7 days). If you specify a hexadecimal value, add the 0x prefix.

Unconditional cleanup delay

Use the UnconditionalCleanupDelay setting to specify the time, in minutes, for the OS to wait after initial device
setup is finished before deleting unused variant data from the user store. You can set this setting between 0 and
10080 minutes (or 7 days). If you specify a hexadecimal value, add the 0x prefix.

Factory mode
This setting is not exposed through MCSF. OEMs can set the Enable value (REG_DWORD ) under the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM\FactoryMode registry key to 1 (indicates factory mode) or 0 (not in
factory mode). A dialer plugin or other mechanism used during factory testing can turn on factory mode to
prevent runtime configuration backup/restore/cleanup of variant data as well as retail mode offline content

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Override the default CountryTable.xml
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The mobile runtime configuration package includes a built-in XML file (CountryTable.xml) for mapping between
GeoIDs, iso3166 country/region codes, and MCCs. Windows uses this table to assist in validating 3-digit MNCs
for specific countries/regions, which is done by including an MNC list for that country/region. Otherwise, the OS
assumes that MNCs are valid if they are 2 digits.
OEMs can override the default country/region lookup table and instruct the runtime configuration engine to use
an OEM -provided mapping table instead.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to override the default country/region lookup table
(CountryTable.xml) with the OEM mapping table."


<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="OverrideDefaultCountryLookup" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value for OverrideDefaultCountryLookup to one of the following values:


0 Use the default country/region lookup table,

CountryTable.xml, used by the OS.

1 Override the default country/region lookup table and

use an OEM provided mapping table.

4. If the value for OverrideDefaultCountryLookup is set to 1, the OEM must include their custom
countrytable.xml file in a package and place this file in the
%systemdrive%\programs\commonfiles\adc\OEM directory.
OEMs who provide their own country/region lookup table must use the following format for the XML file:
<country mcc="202" iso3166="GR" GeoID="98"/> <!-- Greece -->
<country mcc="204" iso3166="NL" GeoID="176"/> <!-- Netherlands -->
<!-- And so on -->
<country mcc="316" iso3166="US" GeoID="244"> <!-- United States-->
<mnc id="010"/>
<mnc id="011"/>
<!-- And so on -->

Work with your mobile operator partners to test this customization on their networks.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Setting the UICC slot for branding configuration
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can specify which UICC slot will be used for branding configuration.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify which UICC slot to use for branding configuration."


<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="BrandingSlot" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the BrandingSlot``Value to use one of the following values depending on which UICC slot you want to
use for branding configuration:


0 Slot 0

1 Slot 1

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for hardware components
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

This section contains information about customization settings that OEMs can use for the following hardware

In this section

Buttons: Enabling the Start button to wake the phone OEMs can configure the Start button to wake up the
phone from the sleep state (also sometimes called the idle
state). This can be configured on phones with one of the
following hardware configurations:
The phone has a hardware Start button.
The phone uses capacitive buttons, and the
buttons share the same touch controller as the
display panel but use separate sense lines, or the
buttons have a dedicated touch controller. .

Camera: Improved user experience for phones without a

HW camera button

Display: Building images for FWVGA panels with static OEMs can build images for FWVGA (480 x 854) display
software buttons panels where the Back, Home, and Search buttons are
rendered on the screen by the OS instead of using
hardware buttons. In these types of images, the bottom
54 scan lines of the display panel are reserved to render
the software buttons.

Display: Building images with user-managed software


Networking: Configuring the MTU data size For TCP, the default maximum transmission unit (MTU) is
set to 1500 bytes, and the maximum segment size (MSS)
is 1460 bytes. In general, this value should not be
changed, as the user experience will degrade if low values
are set. However, if the MSS does not meet the
requirements of the mobile operator network, OEMs can
customize it by setting the MTU data size.

Sensors: Auto brightness This customization allows partners to customize the

brightness by specifying:
The value of brightness when dimming the screen.
The ABS millilux range mapping.
The ABS intensity percent mapping.
The brightness state transition delay (in seconds).

Storage: Enabling the packed commands feature for You can configure the phone to enable the packed
eMMC commands feature for eMMC parts. This feature packs
multiple small read requests in a single transfer request to
the eMMC device.

Storage: Enabling the UHS-1 feature for SD cards You can configure the phone to enable the UHS-1 feature
for SD cards. This feature enables a higher bus speed for
SD cards that support Ultra High Speed Phase I (UHS-1).

Storage: Enabling the HS200 feature for eMMC You can configure the device to enable the HS200 feature
for eMMC parts. This eMMC feature delivers a theoretical
throughput of 200 MB/s across the eMMC bus, using a
200 MHz single data rate clock with an 8-bit bus width.
This can result in significant performance improvements,
especially on higher-end eMMC parts.

Touch: Defining capacitive button behavior For mobile devices that use capacitive buttons, OEMs
must add registry values that specify the number of
capacitive buttons, the button locations, the button
names, and the values to send to the OS when the button
is pressed. This information enables the OS to treat the
capacitive buttons below the screen as touchable targets.

Touch: Describing the physical width and height of the As part of implementing support for the touch controller
display hardware, OEMs must add registry values that specify the
physical width and height the portion of the screen that is
used to render the mobile device UI. The OS uses this
information to properly scale touch gestures and help
ensure a fluid user experience.

Touch: Specifying the repeat rate for touch samples during As part of implementing the touch driver, OEMs must
touch-and-hold presses determine how to send repeated touch samples to the
input reader component in the OS during touch-and-hold
presses. OEMs can choose to have the HID touch class
driver (TchHID.sys) automatically send duplicate data
packets to the input reader component in the OS during
touch-and-hold presses, or they can send repeated touch
samples from their touch driver. The OEM must add a
registry value that tells the OS which implementation they
chose, and the repeat rate to use if the OEM chose to
have TchHID.sys send duplicate data packets

Wi-Fi: Removing cellular functionality on the mobile device If your mobile device does not support a cellular radio or
will not be connected to a cellular network, you can
remove all cellular-related functionality from the device's
user interface by adding the WIFI_FEATURE_PACK feature
entry in your OEMInput.xml file.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enabling the Start button to wake the phone
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can configure the Start button to wake up the phone from the sleep state (also sometimes called the idle
state). This can be configured on phones with one of the following hardware configurations:
The phone has a hardware Start button.
The phone uses capacitive buttons, and the buttons share the same touch controller as the display panel but
use separate sense lines, or the buttons have a dedicated touch controller. .
Note Although OEMs typically configure this behavior by adding a registry value in an INF file that is included in
a driver package, this behavior can also be configured via the customization process described below. By using
both options, OEMs can define the default behavior in the driver for a specific hardware component and modify
this behavior as necessary in images for different phone models that use the same driver.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify whether the Start button can wake the phone during the
idle state."


<Settings Path="Input/Keyboard/EnabledOnIdleButtons">
<Setting Name="EnableStartOnIdle" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. For the EnableStartOnIdle setting, set the Value to one of the following values.


0 Prevent the Start button from waking the phone

during the idle state. This is also the behavior if you
do not define this setting.

1 Enable the Start button to wake the phone during the

idle state.
Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Improved user experience for phones without a HW
camera button
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

On mobile devices that do not have a hardware camera button present, OEMs can provide a better user experience
by enabling this customization so that parts of the UI and service are updated to indicate to the user that there is
no camera button on the device. When this customization is enabled:
The camera roll text will not include the string camera button.
The camera settings screen will not include the string camera button.
The camera settings screen will not include settings that are button-specific.
When the user launches the camera app, the device displays a message on the viewfinder that shows the user how
to take a picture by tapping on the screen.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to provide a better user experience for phones that do not have a
hardware camera button."


<Settings Path="Photos/OEM">
<Setting Name="HWCameraShutterButtonNotPresent" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. Set the value for HWCameraShutterButtonNotPresent to one of the following values:


0 or 'False, present' Indicates that there is a HW camera shutter button.

This is the default value.

1 or 'True, not present' Indicates that there is no HW camera shutter button.

1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a mobile device without a dedicated hardware camera
2. Navigate to the camera Settings screen and verify that camera button is not displayed in the UI.
3. Verify that you do not see the following options in the UI:
Press and hold camera button
4. Navigate to the camera roll. If the camera roll is empty, verify that the caption displayed on the empty
camera roll does not reference the camera button.
If the default camera app is configured to work above the lock screen, verify that the app that launches is the
OEM lens app that you chose.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Building images for FWVGA panels with static
software buttons
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can build images for FWVGA (480 x 854) display panels where the Back, Home, and Search buttons are
rendered on the screen by the OS instead of using hardware buttons. In these types of images, the bottom 54 scan
lines of the display panel are reserved to render the software buttons.
Constraints: None
To build an FWVGA image with software-rendered buttons:
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to generate an image that supports an FWVGA display panel and
software Back, Start, and Search buttons."

<Settings Path="Graphics/D3D/DisplayResolutionOverride">
<Setting Name="DisplayPanelOverrideWidth" Value="0x1E0" />
<Setting Name="DisplayPanelOverrideHeight" Value="0x356" />
<Setting Name="TouchPanelOverrideWidth" Value="0x1E0" />
<Setting Name="TouchPanelOverrideHeight" Value="0x356" />

<Settings Path="Input/Touch/CapButtons">

<Setting Name="ButtonCount" Value="" />

<Setting Name="ButtonAreaTotal" Value="" />

<Setting Name="Name0" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VKey0" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Area0" Value="" />

<Setting Name="Name1" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VKey1" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Area1" Value="" />

<Setting Name="Name2" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VKey2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Area2" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VibrateSupport" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VibrateDuration" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VibrateIntensity" Value="" />


<Settings Path="Shell/NavigationBar">
<Setting Name="Color" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. Do not change the DisplayPanelOverrideWidth , DisplayPanelOverrideHeight , TouchPanelOverrideWidth , and
TouchPanelOverrideHeight values shown in the example.
4. For the ButtonCount , ButtonAreaTotal , Area n, Name n, and VKey n settings, specify values as described in
Defining capacitive button behavior.
5. Optional. To enable the built-in vibration feedback mechanism for the buttons, include the VibrateSupport ,
VibrateDuration , and VibrateIntensity settings and specify values as described in Defining capacitive
button behavior. If you do not want to enable vibration feedback, you can omit these settings from the
customization answer file.
6. Optional. To specify the default color of the software-rendered Back, Home, and Search buttons, include
the Color setting and set Value to one of the following values. If you do not want to specify the default
color, you can omit the Color setting and its parent Settings element.

0 The buttons are black. This is the default value.

1 The color of the buttons matches the current theme

chosen by the user (black for dark theme, white for
light theme).

2 The color of the buttons matches the current accent

color chosen by the user.

7. If you have not done so already, create an OEMInput XML file to define the set of packages to include in
your phone image, and configure your computer to use the imaging tools. For more information, see
Building a mobile image using ImgGen.cmd.
8. In your OEMInput XML file, set the value of the Resolution element to 480x800. This configuration
ensures that WVGA assets are used for the FWVGA image. Only WVGA assets can be used in FWVGA
images that use software-rendered buttons.
9. In your OEMInput XML file, add the NAVIGATIONBAR feature to the Microsoft element that is a child of
the Features element. This feature adds a phone setting that enables users to configure the color of the
software buttons.


For more information, see Optional features for building images.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Building images with user-managed software buttons
1/18/2019 • 7 minutes to read

On mobile devices with 1080p, 720p, WXGA, or qHD display panels without hardware Back, Start, and Search
buttons, OEMs can build mobile images where the OS renders the Back, Start, and Search buttons in a navigation
bar directly on the display. In this scenario, the buttons are not persistent; users can show or hide the buttons.
Optionally, OEMs can also customize the user experience for the navigation bar including:
Changing the default color of the navigation bar background: light, dark, or a color that matches the device
accent color.
Enabling the navigation bar to be automatically hidden or shown.
The user-managed software buttons are optional, so OEMs must add the NAVIGATIONBAR feature in the
OEMInput.xml file before the settings can be configured properly. A navigation bar Settings CPL is also added to
enable users to change the default settings. In addition, OEMs must also set the correct value for the Resolution
OEMs should note the following accessibility features when support for the navigation bar is added:
During initial phone setup, the navigation bar is always visible and cannot be dismissed.
When the Narrator is active, the navigation bar is shown and cannot be dismissed until the Narrator is
The Narrator can narrate the controls on the navigation bar.
The buttons on the navigation bar provide haptic feedback.

Some settings in this customization may not be available depending on the Windows Phone 8.1 release that you are using to
commercialize your device.

Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
Instructions: To build an image with software-rendered buttons that can be shown or hidden by users:
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to create an image that supports a 1080p, 720p, WXGA, or qHD
panels without hardware Back, Start, and Search buttons."


<Settings Path="Input/Touch/CapButtons">

<Setting Name="ButtonCount" Value="" />

<Setting Name="ButtonAreaTotal" Value="" />

<Setting Name="Name0" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VKey0" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Area0" Value="" />

<Setting Name="Name1" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VKey1" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Area1" Value="" />

<Setting Name="Name2" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VKey2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Area2" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VibrateSupport" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VibrateDuration" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VibrateIntensity" Value="" />


<Settings Path="Shell/NavigationBar">
<Setting Name="Color" Value="" />
<Setting Name="AutoHide" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SwipeUpToHide" Value="" />

<!-- These settings are available for Windows Phone 8.1 GDR1 or later versions of the OS.
<Setting Name="BurnInProtectionMode" Value="" />
<Setting Name="BurnInProtectionIdleTimerTimeout" Value="" />
<Setting Name="BurnInProtectionMaskSwitchingPeriod" Value="" />
<Setting Name="BurnInProtectionWhiteReplacementColor" Value="" />
<Setting Name="BurnInProtectionBlackReplacementColor" Value="" />
<Setting Name="UserEducationHintDisable" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DoubleTapOff" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. For the ButtonCount , ButtonAreaTotal , Area n, Name n, and VKey n settings, specify values as described in
Defining capacitive button behavior.
4. Optional. To enable the built-in vibration feedback mechanism for the buttons, include the VibrateSupport ,
VibrateDuration , and VibrateIntensity settings and specify values as described in Defining capacitive
button behavior. If you do not want to enable vibration feedback, you can omit these settings from the
customization answer file.
5. Optional. To specify the default color of the software-rendered Back, Home, and Search buttons, include
the Color setting and set Value to one of the following values. If you do not want to specify the default
color, you can omit the Color setting and its parent Settings element.


0 or Always Dark The buttons are black. This is the default value.

1 or Theme Color The color of the buttons matches the current theme
chosen by the user (black for dark theme, white for light

2 or Accent Color The color of the buttons matches the current accent color
chosen by the user.

6. Optional. To configure the navigation bar auto show and hide option, set AutoHide to one of the following


0 or Disabled Disables the auto show and hide option for the navigation
bar. This is the default OS value.

1 or Enabled Enables the auto show and hide option for the navigation

7. Optional. If you are using Windows Phone 8.1 GDR1 or later versions of the OS, you can also configure
these settings:
To set the OLED burn-in protection flag for the nav bar, set BurnInProtectionMode to one of the
following values:


0 or Disabled Disables the nav bar option for burn-in protection

mode. This is the default OS value.

1 or Enabled Enables the nav bar option for burn-in protection


To set the timeout, in seconds, for the OLED burn-in protection idle timer, set the value for
BurnInProtectionIdleTimerTimeout . The default value is 60 seconds. If you change the default value,
the new value must be 1 second or more.
To set the OLED burn-in protection mask switching period, in milliseconds, set the value for
BurnInProtectionMaskSwitchingPeriod . The default value is 10,000 milliseconds (10 seconds). If you
change the default value, the new value must be 1 millisecond or more.
OEMs can also change the color that the nav bar uses during OLED burn-in protection. There are
two settings: one for white UI elements like the button icon's color when the device is using a light
theme and accent color mode, and the other is for black UI elements like the black background when
the device is using a dark theme.
To set the white replacement color for the nav bar when in burn-in protection mode, set the
value for BurnInProtectionWhiteReplacementColor to the ARGB color that you want to use. The
color must be specified in the format 0xFFxxxxxx. The default value for the white
replacement color is 0xFFA9A9A9.
To set the black replacement color for the nav bar when in burn-in protection mode, set the
value for BurnInProtectionBlackReplacementColor to the ARGB color that you want to use. The
color must be specified in the format 0xFFxxxxxx. The default value for the black replacement
color is 0xFF323232.
By default, the nav bar shows a user education hint, which is a small piece of UI that the user is
required to interact with at least once to learn the swipe up gesture. Once the user has seen the hint,
they can choose to stop showing the hint so that it disappears the next time the user swipes up from
the bottom of the screen to show the nav bar.
For OEMs building test and health images, you can configure the user hint by setting
UserEducationHintDisable to one of the following values:


0 or Hint Disabled Disables the user education hint.

1 or Hint Enabled Enables the user education hint. This is the default OS

To allow users to double tap any open space on the nav bar to turn off the screen, configure the
DoubleTapOff setting to one of the following values:


0 or Disabled Disables the feature. This is the default OS behavior.

1 or Enabled Enables the feature.

8. If you have not done so already, create an OEMInput XML file to define the set of packages to include in
your phone image, and configure your computer to use the imaging tools. For more information, see
Building a mobile image using ImgGen.cmd.
9. In your OEMInput XML file, set the value of the Resolution element to 1080x1920, 768x1280, 720x1280,
or 540x960, depending on the resolution of the panel. For more information, see OEMInput file contents.
In the following example, the highlighted entry shows what you need to add to the OEMInput XML file if
you are supporting a 1080x1920 resolution.


10. In your OEMInput XML file, add the NAVIGATIONBAR feature to the Microsoft element that is a child of
the Features element. This feature adds a phone setting that enables users to configure the color of the
software buttons.


For more information, see Optional features for building images.

Testing steps:
The following scenarios are examples for testing the navigation bar and verifying the expected user experience
based on your settings. You can add more testing scenarios including playing a game, capturing a screenshot,
searching for content, browsing the Internet, and so on.
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a mobile device that does not have dedicated capacitive
navigation buttons.
2. Go through the initial device setup process and verify whether the navigation bar can be hidden using a
swipe gesture or by tapping the chevron (or ^ symbol facing downwards). Tap the Start button and verify
that the navigation panel can be hidden or shown using a gesture or the chevron.
3. When the navigation bar is up, play a video and verify that the software buttons are automatically hidden
with a transition. Tap on the screen to show the controls and navigation bar. Forward the video and then let
it play for a while until the navigation bar auto hides itself. Show the navigation bar again by tapping on the
screen and tap the back button to close the video.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configuring the MTU data size
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For TCP, the default maximum transmission unit (MTU ) is set to 1500 bytes, and the maximum segment size
(MSS ) is 1460 bytes. In general, this value should not be changed, as the user experience will degrade if low values
are set. However, if the MSS does not meet the requirements of the mobile operator network, OEMs can
customize it by setting the MTU data size.
Note This customization configures the MTU so the size should be set to the required MSS size plus 40 bytes.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the MTU data size or roaming MTU data size."


<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/External/ImageOnly">
<Setting Name="MTU/MTUDataSize" Value="" />
<Setting Name="MTU/RoamingMTUDataSize" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. To change the default MTU data size, set the value for the MTU/MTUDataSize setting.
4. To change the default roaming MTU data size, set the value for the MTU/RoamingMTUDataSize setting.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Auto brightness
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

The brightness of a mobile device display changes depending on the level of ambient light. For example, if you are
using the device in a darkened movie theater, then walk into the medium light of the theater lobby, and then walk
outside into bright sunshine, the brightness adjusts to the different light levels. The transition can be smooth or
coarse depending on the capabilities of the brightness hardware. You can specify the light levels at which the
brightness changes, the brightness for each of the levels, and the length of the transition period.
By design, the brightness is initially set when the brightness transitions from the OFF to ON state. From this initial
setting, the brightness can be increased depending on the level of ambient light, but cannot be decreased. This
helps to avoid the perceived flickering on the device as it moves through regions of both high and low ambient
light levels. Brightness is reset at the next brightness OFF to ON transition.
The adaptive brightness service monitors ambient light levels by reading the ambient light sensor (ALS ). Based on
the user’s configuration for manual or automatic brightness settings, adaptive brightness adjusts the display
brightness as needed. Adaptive brightness is disabled when the service is idle, by reaching maximum brightness,
or by being in manual brightness mode.
The device also monitors the user’s activity from regular input to the device. If that activity stops in a period of
time, the device will warn the user that the screen is about to turn off. It does so by changing the brightness of the
screen to the value of DimBrightness a few seconds ahead of time. If the user touches any button or the screen
then the screen brightness is restored and active monitoring resets. If no input is received, the device turns off. The
time of activity monitoring can be configured in the Screen times out after option in the lock screen settings
This customization allows partners to customize the brightness by specifying:
The value of brightness when dimming the screen.
The ABS millilux range mapping.
The ABS intensity percent mapping.
The brightness state transition delay (in seconds).
The value for ABSRangeMilliLuxMapping is a list of values, separated by semicolons, that represent the upper bound
in the range of ambient light readings measured by the light sensor. The upper bound value is measured in millilux.
For example, if ABSRangeMilliLuxMapping is set to 100000;500000;MAX, then the three brightness levels for the
phone will be 100000 millilux, 500000 millilux, and maximum brightness. Specifying "MAX" in the list of values
means that there is no upper bound to the range.
The ABS millilux range mapping and ABS intensity percent mapping are used together to make a table of
brightness values. They must have the same number of elements as each other. For example if
ABSRangeMilliLuxMapping = 100000;500000;MAX and ABSPercentIntensityMapping = 33;66;100, the table will
look like the following.


READINGS IN MILLILUX 0-100000 100001-500000 500001 OR GREATER

Brightness 33% 66% 100%

Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to customize how the device screen adapts to brightness."
<Settings Path="AutoBrightness">
<!-- The value of brightness used when dimming the screen. The value must be an integer between 0
and 50 inclusive. -->
<Setting Name="DimBrightness" Value="" />

<!-- The ABS millilux range mapping. Set the value to a range, for example: "100000;500000;MAX". -
<Setting Name="ABSRangeMilliLuxMapping" Value="" />

<!-- The ABS intensity percent mapping. Sample value: "11;68;100". -->
<Setting Name="ABSPercentIntensityMapping" Value="" />

<!-- The brightness state transition delay in seconds. The value must not be less than 2 seconds.
Sample value: "5". -->
<Setting Name="TransitionDelay" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. Set the Value for the following settings:


DimBrightness The dim brightness, in percent. The default value is 10.

ABSRangeMilliLuxMapping The ALS mapping values in millilux.

ABSPercentIntensityMapping The ALS mapping values in percent.

TransitionDelay Delay, in seconds, from when the ambient light

changes until the brightness begins its transition. This
value has to be greater than or equal to 2. The default
value is 5.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enabling the packed commands feature for eMMC
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You can configure the phone to enable the packed commands feature for eMMC parts. This feature packs multiple
small read requests in a single transfer request to the eMMC device.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable the packed commands eMMC feature."

<Settings Path="Storage/SdBus/MainOS">
<Setting Name="PackedCommandEnable" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. Set the Value to one of the following:


0 Disable the packed commands feature. This is the

default value.

1 Enable the packed commands feature.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enabling the UHS-1 feature for SD cards
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You can configure the phone to enable the UHS -1 feature for SD cards. This feature enables a higher bus speed for
SD cards that support Ultra High Speed Phase I (UHS -1).
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable the UHS-1 SD feature."

<Settings Path="Storage/SdBus/MainOS">
<Setting Name="DisableUhsSupport" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. Set the Value to one of the following:


0 Enable the UHS-1 feature.

1 Disable the UHS-1 feature. This is the default value.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enabling the HS200 feature for eMMC
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You can configure the device to enable the HS200 feature for eMMC parts. This eMMC feature delivers a
theoretical throughput of 200 MB/s across the eMMC bus, using a 200 MHz single data rate clock with an 8-bit
bus width. This can result in significant performance improvements, especially on higher-end eMMC parts.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable the HS200 eMMC feature."

<Settings Path="Storage/SdBus/MainOS">
<Setting Name="DisableHS200Support" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. Set the Value to one of the following:


0 Enable the HS200 feature.

1 Disable the HS200 feature. This is the default value.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Defining capacitive button behavior
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

For mobile devices that use capacitive buttons, OEMs must add registry values that specify the number of
capacitive buttons, the button locations, the button names, and the values to send to the OS when the button is
pressed. This information enables the OS to treat the capacitive buttons below the screen as touchable targets.
Although OEMs typically configure this behavior by adding a registry value in an INF file that is included in a
driver package, this behavior can also be configured via the customization process described below. By using both
options, OEMs can define the default behavior in the driver for a specific hardware component, and modify this
behavior as necessary in images for different device models that use the same driver.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to describe the capacitive button area, names, and behavior."


<Settings Path="Input/Touch/CapButtons">

<Setting Name="ButtonCount" Value="" />

<Setting Name="ButtonAreaTotal" Value="" />

<Setting Name="Name0" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VKey0" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Area0" Value="" />

<Setting Name="Name1" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VKey1" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Area1" Value="" />

<Setting Name="Name2" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VKey2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Area2" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VibrateSupport" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VibrateDuration" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VibrateIntensity" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. For the ButtonCount setting, set the Value to the number of capacitive buttons. This must be a value less
than or equal to 3. If the device has a combination of capacitive buttons and hardware buttons, this entry
should only specify the number of capacitive buttons.
4. For the ButtonAreaTotal setting, set the Value to a string that defines the overall capacitive button area
beyond the LCD. The string must have the format ul.x,ul.y lr.x,lr.y, where ul = upper left and lr = lower right.
For example, Value="0,1280 768,1390" .
5. For each capacitive button, the customization answer file must include a set of Area n, Name n, and VKey n
settings, where n starts with 0. Configure these settings as described below.
For the Name n setting, set the Value to a string that identifies the current button. The only allowed
strings are "Back", "Start", or "Search".
For the VKey n setting, set the Value to the value that is sent to the input pipeline when the current
button is pressed. This must be one of the following values.


Back 0x1B

Start 0x71

Search 0x72

- For the `Area`*n* setting, set the `Value` to a string that marks the position of the current button. The
string must have the format *ul.x,ul.y lr.x,lr.y*, where *ul* = upper left and *lr* = lower right. For
example, `Value=" 0,1295 236,1390"`.

6. If you want to enable the built-in vibration feedback mechanism for the capacitive buttons in the OS,
include the VibrateSupport , VibrateDuration , and VibrateIntensity settings and configure them as
described below. If you do not want to enable vibration feedback, you can omit these settings from the
customization answer file.
For the VibrateSupport setting, set Value to one of the following values.


0 Disable vibration feedback. This is the default


1 Enable vibration feedback.

- For the `VibrateDuration` setting, set `Value` to a hexadecimal value between 0 and 1000 in decimal (or
0x0 and 0x3E8 in hexadecimal) that specifies the duration for a vibration, in milliseconds. The following
example sets this value to 100.

<Setting Name="VibrateDuration" Value="0x64" />

- For the `VibrateIntensity` setting, set `Value` to a value between 0 and 100 in decimal (or 0x0 and 0x64
in hexadecimal) that specifies the intensity of the vibration. The following example sets this value to 50.

<Setting Name="VibrateIntensity" Value="0x32" />

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Describing the physical width and height of the
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

As part of implementing support for the touch controller hardware, OEMs must add registry values that specify
the physical width and height the portion of the screen that is used to render the mobile device UI. The OS uses
this information to properly scale touch gestures and help ensure a fluid user experience.
Note Although OEMs typically configure this behavior by adding a registry value in an INF file that is included in
a driver package, this behavior can also be configured via the customization process described below. By using
both options, OEMs can define the default behavior in the driver for a specific hardware component, and modify
this behavior as necessary in images for different device models that use the same driver.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify the physical width and height the portion of the screen
that is used to render the phone UI."


<Settings Path="Input/Touch/DisplayProperties">

<!-- The following values are in 10's of micrometers. -->

<Setting Name="DisplayHeight" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DisplayWidth" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. For the DisplayHeight setting, set the Value to the height of the display in 10's of micrometers, formatted
as a hexadecimal value. For example, Value="0x206C" specifies a height of 83 mm.
4. For the DisplayWidth setting, set the Value to the width of the display in 10's of micrometers, formatted as
a hexadecimal value. For example, Value="0x1388" specifies a width of 50 mm.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Specifying the repeat rate for touch samples during
touch-and-hold presses
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

As part of implementing the touch driver, OEMs must determine how to send repeated touch samples to the input
reader component in the OS during touch-and-hold presses. OEMs can choose to have the HID touch class driver
(TchHID.sys) automatically send duplicate data packets to the input reader component in the OS during touch-and-
hold presses, or they can send repeated touch samples from their touch driver. The OEM must add a registry value
that tells the OS which implementation they chose, and the repeat rate to use if the OEM chose to have TchHID.sys
send duplicate data packets automatically.
Microsoft recommends that OEMs send duplicate touch samples for touch-and-hold presses from their touch
driver rather than have TchHID.sys automatically send repeated data packets.
Note Although OEMs typically configure this behavior by adding a registry value in an INF file that is included in
a driver package, this behavior can also be configured via the customization process described below. By using
both options, OEMs can define the default behavior in the driver for a specific hardware component, and modify
this behavior as necessary in images for different mobile device models that use the same driver.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify the rate at which the HID touch class driver
(TchHID.sys) sends duplicate data packets to the input reader component in the OS during touch-and-hold


<Settings Path="Input/Touch/AutoRepeat">
<Setting Name="RepeatInterval" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. For the RepeatInterval setting, set the Value to one of the following values:
If your touch driver sends repeated touch samples to TchHID.sys during touch-and-hold presses, set
this to a value of 0.
If instead you want TchHID.sys to automatically send duplicate touch samples to the input reader
component during touch-and-hold presses, set this to a value equal to or greater than 1, where the
value is the repeat interval for duplicate touch samples in milliseconds.
If you do not set this value, TchHID.sys will automatically send duplicate touch samples to the input
reader component at a 50 millisecond interval.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for applications and Microsoft
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This section contains information about customizations related to apps and Microsoft components.

In this section

Active phone cover settings OEMs can create and register an active phone cover app,
which allows partners to create a user experience with their
mobile device cover accessories. This app must be preloaded
on the phone as a Settings/CPL application.

Customize the SIM toolkit OEMs can change the display duration for certain SIM toolkit
UI dialogs or messages if the default values do not meet the
requirements of the mobile operator.

Enhanced apps experience for medium and large screens OEMs can use the UserPreferenceWidth setting to override
the default behavior based on the screen size and specify the
physical width of the device (instead of using the automatically
calculated HORZSIZE value).

Include required Microsoft components to the image This customization provides information on how partners can
include the required Microsoft components in the OS image.

Phone calls/SMS filter applications OEMs can build and register a phone call/SMS filter
application, which helps reduce the number of unwanted
phone calls and text messages that users receive.

Preload an app with a dependency To preinstall an app that has dependencies on other packages
or components, you must ensure the dependencies are
preinstalled first, before your app. If the dependent packages
or components are not installed first, your app preinstall will

Remove optional Microsoft components from the image This customization provides information on how partners can
remove any of the optional Microsoft components.

Store live tile The Store tile, when medium-sized, becomes a live tile. It
shows both the Microsoft Store logo and the name. The
Microsoft Store live tile cycles through apps that the user will
see in the Store and lets the user discover apps outside of the
Store. Microsoft recommends that partners keep the default
Store live tile behavior. However, partners may change the
default behavior to turn off the Store live tile and to prevent
the OS from using cellular data to update the Store live tile in
the background.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Active phone cover settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can create and register an active phone cover app, which allows partners to create a user experience with
their mobile device cover accessories. This app must be preloaded on the phone as a Settings/CPL application.
OEMs can then enable the app to be launched when the active phone cover is closed and specify the default setting
for the lock screen's auto unlock setting, which determines if the lock screen is automatically lifted when the user
opens the cover.
Limitations and restrictions:
When the OS receives a notification that the cover state has been set to Closed:
The OS locks the device.
The OS uses the AUMID setting to launch the active phone cover app. The app is launched in the
foreground, above the lock screen, and the app is rendered at the top of the z-order.
When the OS receives a notification that the cover state has been set to Opened:
The OS terminates the active phone cover app and shows the default lock experience.
If the user opens the cover and the AutoUnlock setting is set to 1, the OS automatically lifts the lock screen
and tries to unlock the device. If the device does not have a password lock, the OS unlocks the device.
Otherwise, the OS prompts the user for their password.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to preload and configure your active phone cover app."

<!-- Preload the phone cover app. Specify the source, license, and ProvXML files. -->
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />

<Settings Path="Shell/SmartCover">
<Setting Name="AUMID" Value="" />
<Setting Name="AutoUnlock" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. To preload the active phone cover app, add an Applications parent element and add an Application child
element to correspond to the active phone cover app that you are preloading. For the Application, specify
the values for the following settings:
Source – Set to the path and name of the app to preload.
License – Set to the path and name of the app license file.
ProvXML – Set to the path and name of the provisioning XML file that corresponds to the app.
4. To enable the app to be launched when the cover is closed, set the value of AUMID to your app's Application
User Model ID (AUMID ). To identify the AUMID, follow the information in this Microsoft Web site. The
value must be in the format similar to this example: SmartCoverApp_<PublisherID>!App.
5. To specify the default setting for the lock screen's auto unlock setting and determine if the lock screen is
automatically lifted when the user opens the active phone cover, set AutoUnlock to one of the following


0 or 'Disabled' The lock screen is not lifted when the user opens the
active phone cover.

1 or 'Enabled' The lock screen is automatically lifted when the user

opens the active phone cover.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Set up the phone and then go to Settings screen. Verify that the active phone cover app appears in the
Settings CPL.
3. With the active phone cover attached to the phone, close the cover. Verify that the active phone cover app is
launched successfully once the cover is closed.
4. Depending on the value you specified for the AutoUnlock setting, verify whether the lock screen is
automatically lifted when you open the active phone cover.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customize the SIM toolkit
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can change the display duration for certain SIM toolkit UI dialogs or messages if the default values do not
meet the requirements of the mobile operator.
The default display times for SIM toolkit commands are as follows:
GET INPUT: 120 seconds
DISPLAY TEXT: 60 seconds
SELECT ITEM: 60 seconds
GET INKEY: 60 seconds
OEMs can modify the values for the following settings.


UIDefaultDuration Specifies the default time, in milliseconds, that the

dialog should be displayed.
The default value is 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds). The
valid value range is 1-120000.

UIGetInputDuration Specifies the default time, in milliseconds, that the GET

INPUT dialog should be displayed.
The default value is 120000 milliseconds (120 seconds).
The valid value range is 1-120000.

To customize these settings using MCSF, see the next section. If you're using Windows provisioning, use Windows
Configuration Designer to customize the settings or write your own Windows provisioning answer file. Regardless
of the framework that you use, you must determine if you need to use the per-device or per-IMSI setting.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to modify certain SIM toolkit UI dialogs and messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />

<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case -->

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/UTK">
<Setting Name="UIDefaultDuration" Value="" />
<Setting Name="UIGetInputDuration" Value="" />

<!-- Use for the per-device case -->

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/UTK">
<Setting Name="UIDefaultDuration" Value="" />
<Setting Name="UIGetInputDuration" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the values for UIDefaultDuration and UIGetInputDuration .

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go to the Cellular & SIM > Advanced options settings screen to start the SIM toolkit UI app.
3. Verify that the duration that the UI dialogs and messages are displayed match the default values that you've set.
Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enhanced apps experience for medium and large
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

The mobile device screen size is determined by the OS based on the Extended Display Identification Data (EDID ).
The Start tile defaults to the following layouts based on the HORZSIZE value, in millimeters, of the
GetDeviceCaps function:


< 62 Small 4-column

62 ≤ HORSIZE ≤ 74 Medium 6-column

≥74 Large 6-column

The following table shows the device categories and resolutions that are supported for medium and large screen



1080p (FHD) 1080 x 1920 16:9 3.7" to 7" Yes Yes

720p (HD) 720 x 1280 16:9 3.7" to 7" Yes Yes

WXGA 768 x 1280 15:9 3.5" to 5" No No

WVGA 480 x 800 15:9 3.5" to 5" No No

FWVGA 480 x 854 16:9 3.5" to 5" No No

Note The screen width matrix shown above will not work for 15:9 panel definitions. WXGA and WVGA, which
are 15:9 panels only, support the small screen size.
For devices that are automatically calculated to have medium and large screen sizes, the entire UI is scaled down
unless the screen or an application has opted out of the behavior. For devices with medium screens, the UI is scaled
93%. For devices with large screens, the UI is scaled 78%. Across devices, in case of a fixed size UI element, these
will appear to be the same physical size. If the item is full screen width, the item's width will increase with the size
of the screen, but the height will maintain the same physical size. Other changes in the UI include the following:
More text is displayed horizontally.
More items are displayed on a vertical list.
Spacing between UI elements, such as text or icons, is proportionally scaled down.
Image sizes are proportionally scaled down.
OEMs can use the UserPreferenceWidth setting to override the default behavior based on the screen size and
specify the physical width of the device (instead of using the automatically calculated HORZSIZE value). The value
for UserPreferenceWidth influences the screen resolution scale factor. A reboot is required for the change to take
effect on the chrome process or any apps that are already running. Note that this only has a meaningful impact on
720 x 1280 and 1080 x 1920 devices.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to override the default layout behavior based on the screen size
and specify the physical width of the device to influence screen
resolution scale factor."

<Settings Path="ScreenSize">
<!-- Set the value in millimeters. Specify the value in decimal or hexadecimal (0x prefix) value.
<Setting Name="UserPreferenceWidth" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of UserPreferenceWidth to the physical width of the device, in millimeters, to override the
default screen layout. Use either the decimal or hexadecimal (with the 0x prefix) value.
Testing steps:
1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a phone.
2. Verify that the following changes have been enabled on the phone:


System font size Verify that the Ringtone label text in the Settings
screen is smaller.

Email list view Open an email inbox and verify that the email items
are listed with smaller text and that there is a second
preview line for each item.

Messaging chat bubbles Open the Messaging app and open a conversation.
Verify that the font size for the chat cards is smaller,
which scales the size of the chat bubbles.

System font size and list item size Open the People hub and verify that the font size
and icons for each contact are smaller.

Two-column to three-column grid view Open Photos and go to the Albums screen. Verify
that there are more columns and the tile sizes and
spacing are smaller.

System font size and list item size Open the Microsoft Store app and verify that the apps
list contains smaller tiles and font size.

Two-column to three-column grid view From the Microsoft Store app, navigate to either top
music albums or new releases and verify that there are
3 columns and the tile sizes and spacing are smaller.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Include required Microsoft components to the image
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This customization provides information on how partners can include the required Microsoft components in the
OS image. For more information about other features you can include or exclude from your image, see Optional
features for building images.
For a comprehensive list of required Microsoft components that must be included in a Windows 10 Mobile image,
refer to the OEM Policy Document (OPD ) for Windows 10 Mobile.
For any phone or other device that is submitted for NAL certification in China (excluding Hong Kong SAR
and Macau), partners must meet the following requirements:
Do not include the any Skype app, tile, or functionality as part of any Windows 10 Mobile image,
including any test images and final images.
Install the MESSAGINGLITE package, which does not contain Skype, on all devices.
For any devices other than those listed above for which MESSAGINGLITE is required, partners must install
the MESSAGINGGLOBAL package, which contains Skype.
Note The OS selects the correct messaging package to include as part of the image based on different
locale and language combinations and sets this as the default selection. OEMs don't need to select the
correct messaging package to install, but should make sure that the correct package is chosen to meet the
To install the Messaging package that does not include Skype integration
1. Locate the OEMInput.xml file that you are using to define your image.
2. Find the Features section, and within the Microsoft child element, review the Feature elements.
3. Add a <Feature>MESSAGINGLITE</Feature> entry in your OEMInput.xml file.


4. Save the updated OEMInput.xml file and rebuild your OS image.

5. Verify that the Messaging app does not have Skype integration.
To install the Messaging package that includes Skype integration
1. Locate the OEMInput.xml file that you are using to define your image.
2. Find the Features section, and within the Microsoft child element, review the Feature elements.
3. Add a <Feature>MESSAGINGGLOBAL</Feature> entry in your OEMInput.xml file.

4. Save the updated OEMInput.xml file and rebuild your OS image.

5. Verify that the Messaging app includes Skype integration.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Phone call/SMS filter applications
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can build and register a phone call/SMS filter application, which helps reduce the number of unwanted
phone calls and text messages that users receive. This application must be preloaded on the phone as a
Settings/CPL application.
Limitations and restrictions:
The OEM application shall be a CPL/Settings application.
The OEM application shall have a privacy policy that is presented to the user before the user enables
filtering, and also is available from the application, for example, a Privacy policy or About link. Furthermore,
the application shall not send any of the information from the user (including phone numbers, dates of
communication, text messages, and so on) off the device or to any other application or service which might
do so.
The user shall explicitly enable filtering in order to begin filtering calls and/or SMS messages. Additionally,
the application must provide a way for the user to disable filtering.
The application shall indicate to the user that no MMS or IM messages will be blocked, and that the user
may still be charged for blocked SMS or blocked phone calls.
The OEM application shall show blocked calls when launched from the blocked calls screen and must
show blocked messages when launched from the blocked messages screen. Additionally, the OEM
application shall require the user to explicitly consent to block or unblock a number when launched from the
block number... option.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a phone call/SMS filter application.
2. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to preload and configure your phone call/SMS filter application."

<!-- Preload the phone call/SMS filter app. Specify the source, license, and ProvXML files. -->
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSmsFilter">
<!-- Specify the app ID or GUID for your phone call/SMS filter app.
The format looks like {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456781234} -->
<Setting Name="AppId" Value="" />


3. Specify an Owner .
4. To preload the phone call/SMS filter application, add an Applications parent element and add an
Application child element to correspond to the phone call/SMS filter app that you are preloading. For the
Application, specify the Source (.xap), License , and ProvXML files that correspond to app.
5. Set the value of AppId to the app ID or GUID for your phone call/SMS filter app. The value must be in the
format {12345678 -1234 -1234 -1234 -123456781234 }.
Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device. The phone call/SMS filter application will be pre-
installed as a settings/CPL app.
2. After the device has finished initial setup, launch the OEM CPL app.
3. In the phone call/SMS filter app, verify the following:
The privacy policy shows up as expected and the user is requested to approve.
The user is prompted if they would like to begin filtering.
4. Depending on your implementation, verify that the app can do the following:
Recognize the phone numbers of blocked incoming calls.
Recognize the phone number and message from an incoming SMS.
Add or remove phone numbers from the blocked list.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Preload an app with a dependency
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

OEMs can preload apps as long as they meet the requirements specified in the Windows 10 Mobile OEM Policy
Document (OPD ). For more information on how to create preloaded apps for mobile devices, see Preinstallable
apps for mobile devices.
If you need to preinstall an app that has dependencies on other packages or components, you need to make sure
that the other packages or components are preinstalled first before your app. If the dependent packages or
components are not installed first, your app preinstall will fail.
1. Make sure you have all the files you need to preload the OEM app:
App source, such as an .appx or .appxbundle
License file - This should be included as part of the preinstallation package.
ProvXML file - See the section Create a .provxml file for a preinstallable app for information on how
to do this. When specifying the value of the ProductID parameter, this value must match the GUID
from the AppxManifest file in the preinstallation package.
2. Make sure you have the following files for the required component:
App source, such as .appx or .appxbundle
ProvXML file - This is a separate provisioning file from the one that corresponds to the primary app.
When writing the provXML file, the value of the ProductID parameter must match the GUID from
the AppxManifest file that corresponds to the required component.
Note Unlike the primary app, you do not need the license file for the required component when preloading
it on the mobile device.
3. Name your provXML files so that they meet the requirements outlined in this step.
To make sure the required component is installed first, name the provXML files associated with the
component in such a way that the file names precede the provXML file name for the primary app you want
to preinstall. The OS preinstall logic uses the provXML file names to determine the order that apps and
components are preinstalled so naming your required component so it alphabetically precedes the primary
preinstall app ensures the dependency is resolved.
For example, if you have a primary app called ContosoPartnerApp that's dependent on a framework called
ContosoFramework, you can ensure the framework is installed first by using these naming suggestions:
For the ContosoFramework provXML file, use a name that is similar to
For the ContosoPartnerApp provXML file, use a name that is similar to
In the Windows file system, "000" takes precedence over "aaa" so naming your provXML files this way
ensures that the Contoso_FrameworkApp is installed before Contoso_PartnerApp.
To preload the apps, build, and flash the OS image:
1. Create an package that contains the source file, license file, and provisioning file for the primary app.
a. Write a .pkg.xml and specify the source file, license file, and the .provXML file that corresponds to the
primary app.
The following code example shows how to do this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Package xmlns="urn:Microsoft.WindowsPhone/PackageSchema.v8.00"
DestinationDir="$(runtime.commonfiles)\Xaps" />
DestinationDir="$(runtime.commonfiles)\Provisioning\OEM" />
DestinationDir="$(runtime.commonfiles)\Xaps" />

b. Specify the values for the Owner, ReleaseType, Platform, Component, and SubComponent
c. Replace C:\Contoso\Customizations\Assets\ContosoPartnerApp.appxbundle with the location and
file name of your app's source file.
d. Replace C:\Contoso\Customizations\Assets\MPAP_aaaContosoPartnerApp_001.provxml with the
location and file name of your app's provisioning file.
e. Replace C:\Contoso\Customizations\Assets\ContosoPartnerApp_License.xml with the location and
file name of your app's license file.
f. Save the .pkg.xml file.
g. Run PkgGen to generate the .spkg from the .pkg.xml.
2. Create an package that contains the source file for the required component and the provisioning file that
corresponds to it.
a. Write a .pkg.xml and specify the source file and the .provXML file that corresponds to the required
package or component.
The following code example shows how to do this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Package xmlns="urn:Microsoft.WindowsPhone/PackageSchema.v8.00"
DestinationDir="$(runtime.commonfiles)\Xaps" />
DestinationDir="$(runtime.commonfiles)\Provisioning\OEM" />

b. Specify the values for the Owner, ReleaseType, Platform, Component, and SubComponent
c. Replace C:\Contoso\Customizations\Assets\contoso -framework-app.appx with the location and file
name of the component's source file.
d. Replace C:\Contoso\Customizations\Assets\MPAP_000ContosoFramework_001.provxml with the
location and file name of the package or component's provisioning file.
e. Save the .pkg.xml file.
f. Run PkgGen to generate the .spkg from the .pkg.xml.
3. Write down the location and names of the .spkg files that were generated for your primary app and the
required component.
4. Update your feature manifest file to include these new packages and define a feature name for them. For
more information, see Feature manifest file contents.
a. Edit the feature manifest file.
b. In the feature manifest file, locate the OEM group under Features.
c. Within the OEM group, define a feature name for the package containing the required component
and the package containing the primary app.
The following code example shows how to do this.
<PackageFile Path="C:\Contoso\Customizations\Assets"
Name="Owner.Component.SubComponent.ContosoFramework.spkg" >

<PackageFile Path="C:\Contoso\Customizations\Assets"
Name="Owner.Component.SubComponent.ContosoPartnerApp.spkg" >

d. For each PackageFile element, change the values of the Path and Name attributes to match the
location and name of your framework and app .spkg files.
e. Provide a FeatureID for your framework and primary app. You'll use these IDs to include these
features in your OEMInput.xml file.
f. Save your updated feature manifest file.
5. Update your OEMInput.xml file to include the new features that you defined in the previous step. For more
information, see OEMInput file contents.
a. Edit your OEMInput.xml file.
b. In the OEMInput file, locate the OEM group under Features.
c. Within the OEM group, define a feature name for the required component primary app.
The following code example shows how to do this.


d. Change the Feature entries to match the FeatureIDs for your required component and primary app.
e. Save your updated OEMInput file.
6. Use the OEMInput.xml file as one of the inputs to build the mobile image.
You can use ImgGen.cmd to build the image.
7. Depending on the mobile image type that you built, you may need to sign the image before you can flash it
to the phone. For more information, see Sign a full flash update (FFU ) image.
1. Flash the image that contains the preloaded app to a mobile device.
2. Set up the device.
3. Once the device is fully set up, go to the full apps list.
4. Verify that you can see your primary app listed with all the other apps in the device.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Remove optional Microsoft components from the
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This customization provides information on how partners can remove any of the optional Microsoft components.
For more information about other features you can include or exclude from your image, see Optional features for
building images.
For a comprehensive list of optional Microsoft components, refer to the OEM Policy Document (OPD ) for
Windows 10 Mobile.
Windows 10 Mobile ships with the following optional Microsoft components: Skype Windows Phone
Silverlight app, Facebook, MSN Sports, MSN Money, and Continuum.
An OEM or mobile operator partner may opt-out of installing these optional apps in their final image.
Where there is a prepinned Start tile for the replaced optional component, partners must prepin a new Start
tile in its place using one of the other Microsoft apps that OEMs can prepin to Start. Partners are
encouraged to ship these components as part of their final OS image except in markets where these
applications are not allowed.
For any phone or other device that is intended to be sold in China, partners must not include any Facebook
app or tile provided by Microsoft as part of any Windows 10 Mobile image, including any test images and
final images.
To remove Skype Windows Phone Silverlight app from the OS image
1. Locate the OEMInput.xml file that you are using to define your image.
2. Find the Features section, and within the Microsoft child element, review the Feature elements.
3. If SKYPE is in the list of optional Microsoft features, delete the Feature entry from the list.
In the following example, the <FEATURE> entry shows what you need to delete from your OEMInput.xml


4. Save the updated OEMInput.xml file and rebuild your OS image.

5. Verify that the Skype Windows Phone Silverlight app is no longer part of the OS image.
To remove Facebook from the OS image and Start screen
1. Locate the OEMInput.xml file that you are using to define your image.
2. Find the Features section, and within the Microsoft child element, review the Feature elements.
3. If FACEBOOK is in the list of optional Microsoft features, delete the Feature entry from the list.
In the following example, the <FEATURE> entry shows what you need to delete from your OEMInput.xml


4. Save the updated OEMInput.xml file and rebuild your OS image.

5. Verify that Facebook is no longer part of the OS image and does not appear in the Start screen.
For partners that opt-out of Facebook, partners must prepin a new Start tile in its place using one of the
other Microsoft components that OEMs can prepin to Start.
To remove Continuum from the OS image
1. Locate the OEMInput.xml file that you are using to define your image.
2. Find the Features section, and within the Microsoft child element, review the Feature elements.
3. If Docking is in the list of optional Microsoft features, delete the Feature entry from the list.
In the following example, the <FEATURE> entry shows what you need to delete from your OEMInput.xml


4. Save the updated OEMInput.xml file and rebuild your OS image.

5. Verify that Continuum is no longer part of the OS image.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Store live tile
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The Store tile, when medium-sized, becomes a live tile. It shows both the Microsoft Store logo and the name. The
Microsoft Store live tile cycles through apps that the user will see in the Store and lets the user discover apps
outside of the Store. By default, the Store live tile is on and out-of-the-box, the live tile is only updated over Wi-Fi
until the user enters the Store for the first time. After the user enters the Store, the OS will start using cellular data
to update the Store live tile in the background.
Microsoft recommends that partners keep the default Store live tile behavior. However, partners may change the
default behavior to turn off the Store live tile and to prevent the OS from using cellular data to update the Store
live tile in the background.
Regardless of the default Store live tile settings, users have the option of changing the defaults by choosing the
Live Tile settings in the Microsoft Store Settings screen.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample or use the
sample StoreLiveTile.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the Store tile in the Start screen."


<Settings Path="StoreMoOemGroup">
<Setting Name="OemMoCustomizedIsLiveTileEnabled" Value="" />
<Setting Name="OemMoLiveTileOptInToCellularAfterStoreLaunch" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. To set the default value for Live Tile Show products on tile option in the Microsoft Store Settings screen,
set OemMoCustomizedIsLiveTileEnabled to one of the following values:


0 or 'Disabled' Disables the live tile feature for the Store tile. The
Show products on tile option is Off.

1 or 'Enabled' Enables the live tile feature for the Store tile. The
Show products on tile option is On.
This is the default OS value.

4. To set the default value for Live Tile Only update the tile when I'm on Wi-Fi option in the Microsoft
Store Settings screen, set OemMoLiveTileOptInToCellularAfterStoreLaunch to one of the following values:


0 or 'Disabled' Prevents the OS from using cellular data to update

the Store live tile after the user enters the Store for
the first time. The Only update the tile when I'm on
Wi-Fi option is On.
Although the feature does not use a lot of data,
partners may want to disable live tile updates over
cellular data to meet certain market requirements.

1 or 'Enabled' Allows the OS to use cellular data to update the Store

live tile in the background after the user enters the
Store for the first time. The Only update the tile
when I'm on Wi-Fi option is Off.
This is the default OS value.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Verify that the Store live tile is medium-sized and pinned to the Start screen.
3. Go to the Settings screen in the Microsoft Store app, and check the default values for the following Live
Tile options: Show products on tile and Only update the tile when I'm on Wi-Fi. Confirm that they
match the default values that you set.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for boot, initial setup, and shutdown
1/25/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Use these customizations to configure the device boot, initial setup, or shutdown experience.

In this section

Configure the timezone confirmation page during setup Use to allow users to change the timezone and region
during device setup.

Configuring a boot screen to display in the final boot By default, the Windows 10 Mobile logo is displayed as
screen slot the final boot screen. However, partners can display a
different screen for the final boot screen slot. The image
must be in .JPG, .JPEG, or .PNG format.

Configuring boot battery charging behavior The boot (UEFI) environment contains a battery charging
application (owned by Microsoft) that is responsible for
charging the battery in pre-boot and low power states.
OEMs can configure some of the behavior of this
application by using the registry values described in this

Configuring OEM and mobile operator boot screens Partners must add at least one, and no more than two,
boot screens (also called splash screens) that are
displayed when the device is turned on. These screens are
intended for partners to display branding elements or

Configuring the duration of the first boot screen If partners specify two boot screens (in addition to the
Windows 10 Mobile boot screen), they can modify the
duration of the first boot screen. We recommend that
partners choose a duration for the first boot screen so
that the first and second boot screens appear for the
same amount of time.

Custom shutdown screen Partners can add a static logo or background during

Language selection during initial setup If multiple display languages are included on the device,
partners have the option of hiding the Language
selection screen during setup.

Partner account configuration during setup In Windows 10 Mobile, an OEM or mobile operator may
specify one preloaded app to be launched at the end of
setup to walk users through an OEM or mobile operator
account setup.
Optionally, an OEM or mobile operator may also preload
an additional 4 apps that can be subroutined and called
from a main app. In this case, the partner specifies one of
the apps as the hub app (main app), which will be
automatically launched at the end of setup. This app can
then invoke other spoke apps (subroutined apps) to
complete other tasks.

Screen background color during initial setup For Windows 10 Mobile, the default background during
OOBE or initial device setup is always dark. To align with
this change, OEMs can no longer change the default
screen background color during OOBE or initial device

Set the default country/region when SIM PIN is on OEMs can customize the default home country/region
that shows up during OOBE in cases where the SIM PIN is
turned on. This value is associated with the default ICCID
values. When SIM PIN is turned off, the OS uses the MCC-
derived country/region instead.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configure the timezone confirmation page during
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Use to allow users to change the timezone and region during device setup.
By default, the OS shows the timezone confirmation page during initial device setup after the device receives the
Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ ) information. This page allows users to change the timezone and region
during setup. To meet requirements from some mobile operators, OEMs can hide this page.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the timezone confirmation page during initial device


<Settings Path="SetupWizard">
<Setting Name="EnableNITZTimeDateConfirmation" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of EnableNITZTimeDateConfirmation to one of the following values:


0 or 'Disable' Hides the timezone confirmation page during setup.

1 or 'Enable' Shows the timezone confirmation page during setup.

This is the default OS value.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device capable of receiving NITZ information.
2. During the initial device setup process, verify that the timezone confirmation page is either hidden or shown
in the UI depending on the value that you set for EnableNITZTimeDateConfirmation .
Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configuring a boot screen to display in the final boot
screen slot
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

By default, the Windows 10 Mobile logo is displayed as the final boot screen. However, partners can display a
different screen for the final boot screen slot. The image must be in .JPG, .JPEG, or .PNG format.
Limitations and restrictions:
If partners display a different boot screen for the final slot, the Windows 10 Mobile boot screen must be
moved to the first or second slot by following the instructions in Configuring OEM and mobile operator
boot screens. When moving the Windows 10 Mobile boot screen to the first or second slot, partners must
use one of the bitmaps available in the Windows 10 Mobile Kit under
%WPDKCONTENTROOT%\WPBootScreens. The Windows 10 Mobile boot screen must not be removed,
altered, or replaced.
Note The Windows 10 Mobile Kit provides a different bitmap for each of the supported screen
resolutions: 480 × 800, 720 × 1280, 768 × 1280, and 1080 × 1920. OEMs should use the appropriate
bitmap for the screen resolution supported by their hardware.
The amount of time the final boot screen is displayed cannot be configured by the OEM. During cold boot,
the final boot screen is displayed until device initialization is complete. During warm boot, the final boot
screen is displayed for 2.5 seconds.
Logos and images must be owned or licensed by the OEM or mobile operator partner.
The final boot screen supports 24-bit-per-pixel bitmaps, and the screen cannot be animated.
The bitmap for the final boot screen should match the screen resolution.
Support for localization is not included. Images and text should be appropriate for the market in which the
device will ship.
Additional boot screens must not be added to the startup sequence.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to display a different screen for the final boot screen slot."


<Settings Path="BootandShutdownScreens">
<Asset Name="BootImage" Source="" />
<Setting Name="WindowsPhoneBootScreenOverride" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Source of the BootImage asset to the full path and name of the static logo or custom background
you want to use when the device shuts down. For example, C:\Program Files (x86 )\Windows
4. Set the WindowsPhoneBootScreenOverride setting's value to the file name of the custom screen or logo that
you just added. In the example, the value is CustomLogo.png.

Related topics
Configuring OEM and mobile operator boot screens
Configuring the duration of the first boot screen
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configuring boot battery charging behavior
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The boot (UEFI) environment contains a battery charging application (owned by Microsoft) that is responsible for
charging the battery in pre-boot and low power states. OEMs can configure some of the behavior of this
application by using the registry values described in this topic.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
Charging boot threshold
OEMs can specify the threshold at which the device boots from UEFI-based charging to the Main OS. It is
necessary to hold the device in the UEFI charging phase to charge the battery when it is too low to boot into the
Main OS.
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify the threshold at which the device boots from UEFI-based
charging to the main OS and to enable power-off charging mode."


<Settings Path="ChargeSettings">
<Setting Name="ChargingBootThreshold" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Value to a threshold value between 1 and 10. Microsoft recommends that OEMs calibrate this
value so that the device spends a minimal amount of time in the threshold charging mode.
Note In Windows 10 Mobile, the UEFI charging app included in the OS is being deprecated. Microsoft
recommends that OEMs use the app published by the SoC vendor. If you use the SoC vendor’s app, make
sure that you disable the Windows 10 app by updating ChargingBootThreshold to 255 (hex 0xFF ).
Power-off charging
This setting enables power-off charging. Power-off charging allows the device to charge while it appears off to the
user. In power-off charging mode, the device does not boot to the OS when plugged in. Instead, the device waits
for the user to press and hold the power button before booting to the OS.
Important Power-off charging can only be configured when the device image is generated. Windows 10 Mobile
does not provide a way for users to enable or disable power-off charging.
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample or use the
sample ChargeSettings.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify the threshold at which the device boots from UEFI-based
charging to the main OS and to enable power-off charging mode."


<Settings Path="ChargeSettings">
<Setting Name="PowerOffChargingEnabled" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Value to 1 to enable power-off charging or to 0 to disable power-off charging.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configuring OEM and mobile operator boot screens
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners must add at least one, and no more than two, boot screens (also called splash screens) that are displayed
when the device is turned on. These screens are intended for partners to display branding elements or logos.
Boot screens are shown only when the device is booting. When the user turns on the device from a sleep state,
only the lock screen appears. Boot screens or splash screens that were added are not applied until the next time
that the device boots. The runtime configuration engine runs later in the boot sequence (after the splash screens
have been shown) so the customization is not visible until the next time the device reboots.
Limitations and restrictions:
Logos and images must be owned or licensed by the OEM or mobile operator partner.
The first two boot screens support 24-bit-per-pixel bitmaps, and they cannot be animated. For more
information about the supported bitmap formats, see section of the ACPI Specification Revision
The bitmap, along with the (x,y) offset specified in the BGRT table, must fit inside the boundaries specified
by the screen resolution.
Support for localization is not included. Images and text should be appropriate for the market in which the
device will ship.
Additional boot screens must not be added to the startup sequence.
If the OEM specifies two boot screens (in addition to the Windows 10 Mobile boot screen), the duration for
displaying the first boot screen can be configured by the OEM. For more information, see Configuring the
duration of the first boot screen. The duration of the other boot screens cannot be altered.
To specify only one boot screen:
Update the BGRT table in ACPI to specify the required values to describe the boot screen. In particular, ensure
that the Image Address field is set to the address of the bitmap to use for the boot screen image, and set the
lowest bit of the Status field to 1. For more information about the BGRT table, see section 5.2.22 of the ACPI
Specification Revision 5.0. Because the implementation of the BGRT table is specific to the SoC vendor, the
SoC vendor may have additional guidance or requirements for these changes.
To specify two boot screens:
1. Configure the image for the first boot screen to be loaded through UEFI. For more information, consult
with the SoC vendor. In this scenario, the image for the first boot screen is not specified in the BGRT table;
UEFI firmware alone is responsible for displaying the first boot screen.
2. For the second boot screen, update the BGRT table in ACPI to specify the required values to describe the
second boot screen. In particular, ensure that the Image Address field is set to the address of the bitmap to
use for the second boot screen image, and set the lowest bit of the Status field to 0 (the value 0 indicates
that this BGRT table describes the second boot screen image). For more information about the BGRT table,
see section 5.2.22 of the ACPI Specification Revision 5.0. Because the implementation of the BGRT table is
specific to the SoC vendor, the SoC vendor may have additional guidance or requirements for these
Related topics
Configuring the duration of the first boot screen
Configuring a boot screen to display in the final boot screen slot
Configuring the duration of the first boot screen
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

If partners specify two boot screens (in addition to the Windows 10 Mobile boot screen), they can modify the
duration of the first boot screen. We recommend that partners choose a duration for the first boot screen so that
the first and second boot screens appear for the same amount of time.
Only the duration of the first OEM -specified boot screen can be modified. The second OEM -specified boot screen
appears when first boot screen duration is complete, and it is displayed until the boot process is complete. To
determine the duration of the first boot screen, Microsoft recommends that OEMs time the boot process for their
hardware, and choose a duration for the first boot screen that results in the first and second boot screens
appearing for the same amount of time.
The following table describes the duration of each boot screen when three boot screens are used.


First boot screen By default, this screen is displayed for at least 5 seconds,
generally several seconds longer due to firmware and
early boot initialization time as described in the following
note. This duration is configurable by the OEM. Microsoft
recommends that this screen be displayed for at least 2.5

The first boot screen typically appears for several
seconds longer than the duration specified by the OEM,
and the OEM should take this into consideration when
determining a duration. The OEM-specified duration
actually begins with the start of ntoskrnl.exe
initialization, and typically the first boot screen actually
appears several seconds before ntoskrnl.exe
initialization starts.

Second boot screen This screen is displayed from the time the first boot
screen is finished until the boot process is complete and
the primary display driver can display the third boot
screen. This duration is not configurable by the OEM.

Third boot screen (by default, the Windows Phone boot During cold boot, this screen is displayed until phone
screen) initialization is complete. During warm boot, this screen is
displayed for 2.5 seconds.

For comparison, the following table shows the duration of each boot screen when only two boot screens are used.


First boot screen This screen is displayed until the boot process is

Second boot screen (by default, the Windows Phone boot During cold boot, this screen is displayed until phone
screen) initialization is complete. During warm boot, this screen is
displayed for 2.5 seconds.

Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to modify the duration of the first boot screen if partners
specify an addition to the
Windows Phone boot screen."


<Settings Path="BootDisplaySettings">
<Setting Name="BootUXLogoTransitionTime" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the BootUXLogoTransitionTime value to the hexadecimal value of the number of milliseconds to display
the first boot screen.
Because the associated setting is a REG_BINARY value, this value must be specified in hexadecimal pairs.
For example, if you want to set the value to 1000 milliseconds or 0x03E8 (hexadecimal), you must set the
value to "E8,03" in your customization answer file. Also note that the actual duration of the first screen may
be several seconds longer than the value specified. For more information, see the note in the first table

Related topics
Configuring OEM and mobile operator boot screens
Configuring a boot screen to display in the final boot screen slot
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Custom shutdown screen
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can add a static logo or background during shutdown. Shutdown screen images must be in .JPG, .JPEG,
or .PNG format.
The resolution of the custom logo or background image provided by the partner should match the screen
resolution of the device. If the image resolution is less than or greater than the screen resolution, the OS will scale
the image to fit the screen.
Limitations and restrictions:
The goodbye text shall not be removed, altered, or replaced and the area behind the goodbye text must be
dark enough for the text to remain legible.
Any logos or images used in the shutdown screen shall be owned or licensed by the OEM or mobile
operator partner.
Partners shall not lengthen the amount of time the shutdown screen is displayed and thereby extend the
amount of time it takes for the phone to shut down.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add a static logo during shutdown."


<Settings Path="BootandShutdownScreens">
<Asset Name="ShutdownImage" Source="" />
<Setting Name="WindowsPhoneShutdownScreenOverride" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Source of the ShutdownImage asset to the full path and name of the static logo or custom
background you want to use when the phone shuts down. For example, C:\Program Files (x86 )\Windows
4. Set the value of the WindowsPhoneShutdownScreenOverride setting to the file name of the custom screen or
logo that you just added. For example, CustomLogo.png.
Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go through initial phone setup.
3. Shut down the phone.
4. Verify that you can see the goodbye text superimposed over your custom static logo or background.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Language selection during initial setup
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

If multiple display languages are included on the device, partners have the option of hiding the Language
selection screen during setup. As a result, the device will use the default specified by the OEM, and users can
change the language later by using the Time & Language screen in Settings.
Constraints: None
1. Specify more than one phone language for your image. For more information, see Phone languages.
2. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to show or hide the language selection screen during setup."


<Settings Path="SetupWizard">
<Setting Name="ShowLanguageSelectionScreenInSetup" Value="" />


3. Specify an Owner .
4. Set the Value to either of the following:


0 or 'Hide' Hides the Language selection screen during setup.

1 or 'Show' Shows the Language selection screen during setup.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization and multiple languages to a phone.
2. At the beginning of setup, verify that the Language selection screen is either shown or hidden depending
on the default value you specified.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Partner account configuration during setup
1/18/2019 • 9 minutes to read

In Windows 10 Mobile, an OEM or mobile operator may specify one preloaded app to be launched at the end of
setup to walk users through an OEM or mobile operator account setup.
Optionally, an OEM or mobile operator may also preload an additional 4 apps that can be subroutined and called
from a main app. In this case, the partner specifies one of the apps as the hub app (main app), which will be
automatically launched at the end of setup. This app can then invoke other spoke apps (subroutined apps) to
complete other tasks.
Partners can use this customization to walk users through the process of setting up an OEM or mobile operator-
specific account or to enable a multi-page OOBE setup experience. If partners configure this customization, the All
done screen at the end of setup will be replaced with an Almost done screen that contains an introduction to the
partner app.

Limitations and restrictions

Partners must meet the following requirements when configuring this customization:
An OEM or mobile operator can run up to five (5) apps at the end of OOBE on Windows mobile devices.
Only one partner, either the mobile operator or OEM, may have an app that launches at the end of OOBE.
All the apps must be installed before the end of OOBE on the mobile device. This enables the hub app to
invoke the spoke apps.
All existing Windows Phone 8.1 and later customizations for launching an app at the end of OOBE remain
in place. This includes the existing limitations and timing for unlocking home buttons.
The app must be preloaded and conform to all guidelines required of preloaded apps.
All text must be fully localized for the display languages that are included on the mobile device.
The app must provide a way for users to skip the task(s) and exit the app. For an example of a
recommended UI for each account to configure, see the screen Sign in with Microsoft account
that is shown during the standard device setup process.
The application can use and embed the browser control, but it cannot launch Microsoft Edge.
All pages and data necessary for the user to complete or skip the task must be included in the app. A
data connection is not guaranteed, but an option to prompt the user to enabled network connections
is available. For more information, see the Prompting the user to enable network connections section
The app must look and function like a wizard, and provide buttons for the user to navigate forward
and backward through the steps. The hardware keys—Back, Start, and Search—will not be available
to the user.
The tasks in the app must not take longer than 5 minutes to complete. After that interval, the OS will
resume control and run the final tasks to finish setup, including sending the Welcome SMS and
turning on the hardware keys. If the app has not exited by that point, the user can press the Start
hardware button to leave the app.
Customization details
Constraints: None
1. Create the partner account setup app that you want to launch at the end of OOBE.
2. Create a customization answer file to preload your app(s) and follow the steps in the section Configure the
customization settings.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify one preloaded app launched at the end of setup to walk
through an OEM or mobile operator account setup. Partners may also
preload an
additional 4 apps that may be subroutined and called from the main hub


<!-- Preload up to 5 apps to use for partner account setup. If you do, one app must be the hub app
and the rest are spoke apps. -->
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />

<Settings Path="SetupWizard">
<!-- Set to the GUID or App ID of the partner setup app -->
<Setting Name="PartnerSetupAppID" Value="" />

<!-- Specify the launch parameters for the partner setup app, such as the first page of the wizard
<Setting Name="PartnerSetupAppParameters" Value="/_default#/accountSetup.xaml" />

<!-- Set to 1 to prompt the user to user to enable network connections before the app is run
<Setting Name="PartnerSetupAppNetworkPrompt" Value="1" />

<!-- For one supported phone language, set the value to the localized partner name, account name,
the name you want to appear in the Table of Contents. For multiple language support, use the
settings instead as well as the Localization/MUI settings path for the base DLL and language
DLL files. -->
<Setting Name="PartnerSetupAppPartnerName" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PartnerSetupAppTaskName" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PartnerSetupAppTOCTaskName" Value="" />
<!-- For multiple supported phone languages, use these settings and provide the base MUI DLL
<Setting Name="PartnerSetupAppPartnerName"
000000000000}\Install\DisplayNames.dll,-101" />
<Setting Name="PartnerSetupAppTaskName"
000000000000}\Install\DisplayNames.dll,-102" />
<Setting Name="PartnerSetupAppTOCTaskName"
000000000000}\Install\DisplayNames.dll,-103" />


<!-- For multiple supported phone languages, add your base MUI DLL file and specify the
language MUI packages (*.dll.mui)

<Settings Path="Localization/MUI">
<Asset Name="BaseDll" Source="" />

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<!-- Add as many as you need -->



Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization and relevant display languages to a mobile device.
2. Verify the Almost done screen displays the localized text as expected.
3. Launch and complete and partner setup app to verify it works appropriately, is localized, calls any other
spoke apps, and that the user can exit instead of completing the setup tasks.

App design considerations and guidelines

When designing your apps, keep the following design considerations in mind:
We recommend that you use Universal Windows apps to enable your hub and spoke model.
When building a shared partner app, be aware that the app might appear in the Microsoft Store for every
mobile device produced by the OEM, every phone ranged by the mobile operator, and might be
downloaded by users that have a different mobile operator. To ensure that users do not end up seeing
mobile operator configuration options that do not apply to their phone or network, consider these possible
1. Network verification: The app must verify that the phone is on the specified mobile operator’s
network before displaying any account setup functionality for that mobile operator. This can be done
by checking the MCC and the MNC of the SIM, or by verifying the registry value
PhoneMobileOperatorName setting (see Phone metadata in DeviceTargetingInfo for more information).

2. System settings app: The app can be written as a system settings app. This application will appear
on the System screen in Settings, and cannot be pinned to Start. It also will be hidden in the
Microsoft Store so that it cannot be accidentally downloaded.
See Design basics to learn more about how you can design a Universal Windows app that suits a variety of
devices with different display sizes and other tips for creating an app with a great UI.
See Sample app UI for examples on what your partner setup app's UI might look like.
MIDL bindings
MIDL bindings allow an app to be launched through a protocol and package family name. The hub and spoke
model only works on Universal Windows apps and you must use
Recommended APIs
We recommend that you use the following APIs when implementing your apps:


Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriForResultsAsync Allows a parent app to launch a child app. The child app must
return to the parent app. This achieves the hub and spoke
model requirement for this customization (for partners that
want to use this model).

When using this API, keep in mind the memory usage for
mobile devices. Every time the API is used, another child app is
launched while requesting not to terminate the parent app,
which means that it must be kept in memory.

Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync Allows forward navigation from App 1 to App 2. The second

app is not a child app of the first app.

Configure the customization settings

Preloading the apps and specifying the first page
1. Preload the apps to the mobile device using the following code example.

<!-- Preload up to 5 apps to use as the hub and spoke apps -->
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />

2. In the MCSF customization answer file:

If your app is a Universal Windows app, set PartnerSetupAppID to the AUMID for your app (or to
your hub app if you have subroutined apps).
If your app is not a Universal Windows app, set PartnerSetupAppID to the GUID or app ID for your
app (or to your hub app if you have subroutined apps).
Set PartnerSetupAppID to the GUID or app ID for your app (or to your hub app if you have
subroutined apps), and set PartnerSetupAppParameters setting to the correct name of the first page of
your hub app.
Prompting the user to enable network connections
If the user selects a Custom configuration on the Settings screen in setup, and removes the checkmark from the
Allow cellular data usage on your phone option, your app will not have network connectivity even if a valid
SIM is installed. To prompt the user to turn the network connection back on before the partner account
configuration application is run, set the PartnerSetupAppNetworkPrompt setting to 1.
The values supported by this setting are:


1 or Enable Prompt the user to enable network connections before the

app is run.

0 or Disable Do not prompt the user to enable network connections before

the app is run.

Localized strings for partner name, account name, and Table of Contents
Partners must provide three localized strings: partner name, name(s) of the account(s) to configure, and the name
to show in the Table of Contents. The strings for the partner name and account name are used to complete the
following statement displayed to the user in the screen before the app is launched.
"Almost done..."
"You’re just about done setting up your phone. Next, PartnerSetupAppPartnerName will walk you through setting
up PartnerSetupAppTaskName."
If only one display language is included on the device, you can set the values for the
PartnerSetupAppPartnerName and PartnerSetupAppTaskName settings directly to the desired strings.

You can also set the value for the PartnerSetupAppTOCTaskName setting directly. This string will be used for the
Table of Contents.
In the above sample MCSF customization answer file, remove the comments in the section "For one
supported phone language…" and set the values to the strings you want to use.
If you include support for multiple display languages, you must create a resource-only .dll that contains
these three strings localized into every included language.

This capability is available only through the MCSF framework and will not work if you use the Windows provisioning

In the above sample customization answer file, remove the comments around the section "For multiple
supported phone languages…". The sample shows an installed .dll file named DisplayNames.dll, and that the
partner name is string 101 and the account names are string 102. The string for the Table of Contents is
string 103. Update these values to match your implementation and update the path to the path of your
installed application.

Sample app UI
The following screenshots show what a partner setup app's UI might look like and some of the tasks that the app
may walk the user through during account setup.

Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3

Screen 4 Screen 5 Screen 6

Screen 7

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Screen background color during initial setup
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For Windows 10 Mobile, the default background during OOBE or initial device setup is always dark. To align with
this change, OEMs can no longer change the default screen background color during OOBE or initial device setup.
Set the default country/region when SIM PIN is on
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can customize the default home country/region that shows up during OOBE in cases where the SIM PIN is
turned on. This value is associated with the default ICCID values. When SIM PIN is turned off, the OS uses the
MCC -derived country/region instead.
If enabling this customization, OEMs can specify one or more ICCID digit prefix strings and the desired
country/region to associate with the ICCID prefix. OEMs can also specify an alternative IccidToRegion.xml mapping
table to use as the lookup table during device setup. This table is a tree of ICCID digit segments.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to modify the default ICCID settings."


<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="IccidToRegionOverride/$(PREFIX)" Value="" />
<!-- Use to specify more than one ICCID digit prefix strings and their values
<Setting Name="IccidToRegionOverride/$(PREFIX)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="IccidToRegionOverride/$(PREFIX)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="IccidToRegionOverride/$(PREFIX)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="IccidToRegionTablePath" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. For IccidToRegionOverride :
Replace ($PREFIX ) with a string that you want to use for the ICCID digit prefix.
Set the value to the desired region you want to associate with the ICCID digit prefix you added. The
value must be in ISO -3166-1 Alpha-2 format.
You must do this for each ICCID prefix that you want to configure. For example, if you are adding more than
one ICCID digit prefix, you must specify a different IccidToRegionOverride ($PREFIX ) and the value that
corresponds to that prefix.
4. To specify a different IccidToRegion.xml mapping table, set IccidToRegionTablePath to the path that contains
the new mapping table.
The table format is a tree of ICCID digit segments and must contain the following elements:
IccidToRegion - Parent element.
Segment - First level of one or more segments.
Region - Optional element. If the OS doesn't find a better match, it falls back to this value.
Digits - Use to specify one or more digit strings that must match to continue the descent through the
Segment - Use to specify one or more child Segments. ICCID matching continues after the digits
that matched at the current level.
The following example shows the first few segments and digit strings in the default OS IccidToRegion.xml
mapping table:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Segment> <!-- Row 1 -->
<!-- Fall back to US if no match -->
<!-- Known Issuer Identifiers -->

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone. Your phone must be using a SIM that has an ICCID
that matches one or more of the prefixes that you specified in the customization.
2. Go through initial device setup.
3. If you added one or more ICCID digit prefixes, verify that the home country/region has changed based on
the ICCID digit prefix you had set up.
Or, if you used a different IccidToRegion.xml mapping table, verify that the home country/region that shows
during initial device setup matches the value you specified in the mapping table.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for browser
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations for the browser.

In this section

Custom HTTP headers for Microsoft Edge Partners can configure Microsoft Edge to send custom HTTP
headers, in addition to the default HTTP headers, with all
HTTP and HTTPS requests. The header is the portion of the
HTTP request that defines the form of the message.

Custom user agent string for Microsoft Edge The user agent string indicates which browser you are using,
its version number, and details about your system, such as
operating system and version. A web server can use this
information to provide content that is tailored for your specific
browser and phone.

Default value for browser data saver Partners can use this customization to configure the default
setting for the browser data saver feature by turning the
browser optimization service on or off.

Show pictures automatically when browsing Partners can enable or disable the Show pictures automatically
setting in the browser's advanced settings screen.

Welcome home page for Microsoft Edge Partners can set the home page that appears the first time
that Microsoft Edge is opened. This page is only shown the
first time the browser is opened. After that, the browser
displays either the most recently viewed page or an empty
page if the user has closed all tabs or opens a new tab.

WinInet ReceiveTimeOut duration In cases where there are issues related to network handovers,
partners can increase the WinInet ReceiveTimeOut value to
provide more time for the network switch to take place.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Custom HTTP headers for Microsoft Edge
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can configure Microsoft Edge to send custom HTTP headers, in addition to the default HTTP headers,
with all HTTP and HTTPS requests. The header is the portion of the HTTP request that defines the form of the
Limitations and restrictions:
A maximum of 16 custom headers can be defined.
Custom headers cannot be used to modify the user agent string.
Each header must be no more than 1 KB in length.
The following header names are reserved and must not be overwritten:
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure Microsoft Edge to send custom HTTP headers."

<Settings Path="InternetExplorer">

<!-- Use to configure Microsoft Edge custom HTTP header 1 -->

<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders1/$(ValueName)" Value="" />

<!-- Use to configure Microsoft Edge custom HTTP header 2 -->

<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders2/$(ValueName)" Value="" />

<!-- Use to configure up to 16 Microsoft Edge custom HTTP headers

<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders3/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders4/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders5/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders6/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders7/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders8/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders9/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders10/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders11/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders12/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders13/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders14/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders15/$(ValueName)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CustomHTTPHeaders16/$(ValueName)" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Specify the value name for CustomHTTPHeaders1 by replacing $ (ValueName) with the Header name and set
the Value to a String.
Header name is the unique header name and String is the string that the header should pass for all HTTP
and HTTPS requests.
4. Specify additional custom headers, if needed. You can specify up to 16 custom HTTP headers.
Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Tap on the Microsoft Edge tile to open the browser.
3. Navigate to a site that mirrors the header information for HTTP requests, and verify that your headers
appear as defined.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Custom user agent string for Microsoft Edge
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The user agent string indicates which browser you are using, its version number, and details about your system,
such as operating system and version. A web server can use this information to provide content that is tailored for
your specific browser and phone.
The user agent string for the browser cannot be modified. By default, the string has the following format:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows Phone 10.0; Android 4.2.1; <Manufacturer>; <Device>) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Mobile Safari/537.36 Edge/12.10166

<Manufacturer> is automatically replaced with the OEM name. This is the same as the PhoneManufacturer
setting value that is set as part of the customization Phone metadata in DeviceTargetingInfo.
<Device> is replaced with the device name or phone name. This is the same as the PhoneModelName setting
value that is set as part of the customization Phone metadata in DeviceTargetingInfo.
Limitations and restrictions:
The user agent string for the browser cannot be modified outside of the customizations listed above.
The user agent type registry setting cannot be modified or used to change the default browser view from
Mobile to Desktop.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Default value for browser data saver
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can configure the default setting for the browser data saver feature by turning the browser optimization
service on or off, using the BrowserDataSaver setting.
Constraints: None

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the default setting for the browser data saver
<Settings Path="InternetExplorer/DataSaving">
<Setting Name="BrowserDataSaver" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set BrowserDataSaver to one of the following values:


0 or 'Disabled' The browser data saver feature is turned off.

The Data Sense savings option in the browser
settings CPL is set to off.

1 or 'Enabled' The browser data saver feature is turned on.

The Data Sense savings option in the browser
settings CPL is set to automatic.

Setting does not exist The browser data saver feature is turned on.
The Data Sense savings option in the browser
settings CPL is set to automatic.

Testing steps
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Open Microsoft Edge to launch the browser for the first time. Select recommended when the dialog to use the
browser settings is displayed.
3. Go to the browser settings CPL.
4. Depending on the value that you set for BrowserDataSaver , verify:
If BrowserDataSaver is set to 0, verify that the Data Sense savings option is set to off.
If BrowserDataSaver is set to 1, verify that the Data Sense savings option is set to automatic.
If BrowserDataSaver setting has not been set, verify that the Data Sense savings option is set to

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Show pictures automatically when browsing
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can enable or disable the Show pictures automatically setting in the browser's advanced settings
Constraints: None

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable or disable the 'Show pictures automatically' setting in
the browser's advanced settings screen."
<Settings Path="MicrosoftEdge/DataSaving">
<Setting Name="ShowPicturesAutomatically" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set ShowPicturesAutomatically to one of the following values:


1 or 'Enabled' Shows the Show pictures automatically option in

the browser advanced settings screen.

0 or 'Disabled' Disables the Show pictures automatically option in

the browser advanced settings screen.

Testing steps
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Open the browser settings screen and choose the advanced settings option.
3. From the advanced settings screen, verify that Show pictures automatically is either enabled or disabled
depending on the value that you set for ShowPicturesAutomatically .

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Welcome home page for Microsoft Edge
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can set the home page that appears the first time that Microsoft Edge is opened. This page is only shown
the first time the browser is opened. After that, the browser displays either the most recently viewed page or an
empty page if the user has closed all tabs or opens a new tab.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample or use the
sample WelcomeHomePage.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the home page that appears the first time that Microsoft
Edge is opened."

<Settings Path="InternetExplorer">
<Setting Name="FirstRunUrl" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Specify the FirstRunUrl``Value with a valid link that starts with http:// . It is recommended that you use a
forward link that redirects the user to a localized page.
Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone with a data connection or Wi-Fi connection enabled.
2. Open Microsoft Edge, and verify that the correct page appears.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
WinInet ReceiveTimeOut duration
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

In cases where there are issues related to network handovers, partners can increase the WinInet ReceiveTimeOut
value to provide more time for the network switch to take place.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the WinInet Internet options ReceiveTimeOut value."

<Settings Path="WinInet/InternetSettings">
<Setting Name="WinInetReceiveTimeOut" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Value , in milliseconds, to a number between 30000 and 120000 (inclusive). This value is will be
used as the WinInet ReceiveTimeOut value.
The default OS value is 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds).
Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator partner to fully test this customization on their network.
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone with a cellular connection.
2. Place the phone in an area with a weak field signal, for example a weak 3G field.
3. Download a file during 2G to 3G handover.
4. Download a file during 3G to 2G handover.
5. Verify that the files were downloaded successfully. If not, adjust the value for WinInetReceiveTimeOut as

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for cellular connectivity
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations for configuring connectivity settings.

In this section

Background cellular data restriction To meet market or mobile operator requirements, OEMs can
restrict background data in the data usage settings.

Cellular data connection icon The one-, two-, or three-character codes used to signify the
data connection type in the status bar can be modified.

Custom percentages for signal strength bars Partners must modify the percentage values used for the
signal strength bars in the status bar.

Data transfer indicator OEMs can display a data transfer indicator on a device’s status
bar for mobile operators that require it.

Default highest connection speed Partners can set the default value for the Highest connection
speed option in the Settings > Cellular & SIM > SIM screen by
specifying the bitmask for any combination of radio
technology to be excluded from the default value. The
connection speed that has not been excluded will show up as
the highest connection speed.

Default roaming option Partners can set the default value for the Default roaming
options option in the Cellular & SIM settings screen.

Disable Cell Broadcast By default, Cell Broadcast (also known as Short Message
Service-Cell Broadcast (SMS-CB)) is a feature that is active at
all times.

Extended error messages for reject codes When a reject code is sent by the network, partners can
specify that extended error messages should be displayed
instead of the standard simple error messages. This
customization is intended for use only when required by the
mobile operator’s network.

Hide CDMA mode selection For CDMA phones, partners can hide CDMA option in the
network Mode selection drop-down that appears on the
Cellular & SIM screen in Settings.

Hide Cellular & SIM Settings OEMs can hide certain user options for phones that appear in
the Cellular & SIM screen in Settings. These options include:
Network Mode selection drop-down for World mode, Network
Selection drop-down for GSM, and Network Type drop-down
for CDMA.

LTE attach: GUID for user configured internet APN Partners can set the OEMConnectionId that is used when
creating the user-configured connection for internet from the
SIM settings screen.

LTE attach: Mapping OEMConnectionId values to modem Partners can set the list of OEMConnectionId values that map
profiles to an LTE attach profile in the mobile broadband driver.

Manual network selection timeout OEMs can change the default network selection timeout value.
By default, the OS allows the device to register on the
manually selected network for 60 seconds (or 1 minute)
before it switches back to automatic mode.

Maximum number of PDP contexts OEMs can set different maximum values for the number of
PDP contexts for the device if required by their mobile

Permanent automatic mode OEMs can enable permanent automatic mode for mobile
networks that require the cellular settings to revert to
automatic network selection after the user has manually
selected another network when roaming or out of range of
the home network.

Preferred data provider list For mobile operators that require it, OEMs can set a list of
MCC/MNC pairs for the purchase order (PO) carrier or
primary operator so that it can be set as the default data line
for phones that have a dual SIM.

Roaming filter Partners can add roaming filters that determine when the
device appears to be roaming, based on the network the
device is currently connected to. With roaming filters enabled,
connections on other companies’ specified networks are not
treated as roaming.

Related topics
Customizations for Wi-Fi settings and Connectivity
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Background cellular data restriction
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To meet market or mobile operator requirements, OEMs can restrict background data in the data usage settings.
OEMs can set the default value to either never restrict usage of the data plan or restrict background data when
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to restrict background data. OEMs can set the default value to
either never restrict usage
of the data plan or restrict background data when roaming."


<Settings Path="DataSense">
<Setting Name="DataSaverMode" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of DataSaverMode to one of the following:


0 or 'NeverRestrict' Never restrict usage of the data plan.

2 or 'RestrictWhenRoaming' Restrict background data when roaming.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Data usage settings screen.
Verify that the correct settings option is enabled depending on the default value that you set. A toggle to
restrict background data also becomes available to the user.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Cellular data connection icon
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The one-, two-, or three-character codes used to signify the data connection type in the status bar can be modified.
The default values are G (GPRS ), 1x (RTT), DO (EVDO ), E (EDGE ), 3G (3G ), H (HSDPA/HSUPA), LTE (LTE ), or no
letters displayed if there is no active connection.
Limitations and restrictions:
Partners cannot modify the types of data connections available; only the display code can be modified.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to modify the one-, two-, or three-character codes used to signify
the data connection type in the status bar."


<Settings Path="Shell/SystemTray/DataConnectionStrings">
<Setting Name="1XRTTDEFAULT" Value="1X" />
<Setting Name="1XRTT" Value="1X" />
<Setting Name="EVDODEFAULT" Value="DO" />
<Setting Name="EVDOREV0" Value="DO" />
<Setting Name="EVDOREVA" Value="DO" />
<Setting Name="EVDOREVB" Value="DO" />
<Setting Name="GSMDEFAULT" Value="G" />
<Setting Name="GSMGSM" Value="" />
<Setting Name="GSMGPRS" Value="G" />
<Setting Name="GSMEDGE" Value="E" />
<Setting Name="UMTSDEFAULT" Value="3G" />
<Setting Name="UMTSUMTS" Value="3G" />
<Setting Name="UMTSHSDPA" Value="H" />
<Setting Name="UMTSHSUPA" Value="H" />
<Setting Name="UMTSHSPAPLUS" Value="H+" />
<Setting Name="UMTSDCHSPAPLUS" Value="H+" />
<Setting Name="UMTSHSPAPLUS64QAM" Value="H+" />
<Setting Name="LTEDEFAULT" Value="LTE" />
<Setting Name="LTEFDD" Value="LTE" />
<Setting Name="LTETDD" Value="LTE" />
<Setting Name="TDSCDMADEFAULT" Value="T" />
<Setting Name="TDSCDMAUMTS" Value="T" />
<Setting Name="TDSCDMAHSDPA" Value="H" />
<Setting Name="TDSCDMAHSUPA" Value="H" />
<Setting Name="TDSCDMAHSPAPLUS" Value="H+" />
<Setting Name="TDSCDMADCHSPAPLUS" Value="H+" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. To change the default one-, two-, or three-character codes used to signify the data connection type in the
status bar, modify the Value that corresponds to the setting you want to change.

All the Value attributes are the current default values for each data connection type. You can change these to
something else. Maximum character length is 3 characters.

The following table shows the settings you can modify and their default values.


1XRTTDEFAULT 1X 1XRTT connection







GSMGSM No GSM connection

GSMGPRS G GSM General Packet Radio Service

GSMEDGE E GSM Enhanced Data rates for Global




UMTSHSDPA H High Speed Downlink Packet Access

UMTSHSUPA H High Speed Uplink Packet Access

UMTSHSPAPLUS H+ High Speed Packet Access “Plus”


UMTSHSPAPLUS64QAM By default, the value inherited from UMTS HSPA+ 64QAM (high order

To set a value different from the

value for UMTSDCHSPAPLUS, you
must set the value explicitly.


LTEFDD LTE LTE Frequency Division Duplexing

LTETDD LTE LTE Time Division Duplexing




Packet Access


Packet Access


Access “Plus”


1. Flash an image containing this customization to a phone that has a UICC.
2. Verify that the one-, two-, or three-character code(s) you used for the cellular data connection type is
displayed in the status bar at the top of the screen.
You may have to tap the clock to make the status bar appear if it is hidden.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Connection speed option
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

Partners can customize the listed names of the connection speeds, and can hide the user option to select the
connection speed that is displayed on the SIM screen.
Partners can hide the user option to select the connection speed that is displayed on the SIM screen in Settings >
Cellular & SIM, if they do not want users to be able to deselect the highest possible speed.
Alternately, partners can customize the listed names of the connection speeds with their own character codes. The
default values are 2G, 3G, and 4G.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to hide the connection speed option or customize the default
character codes for connection speed."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX">

<!-- Settings to hide some options or the entire Highest connection speed dropdown -->
<!-- Settings to hide some options or the entire Highest connection speed dropdown -->
<!-- To hide the 4G Only option from the Highest connection speed dropdown
<Setting Name="HideHighestSpeed4GOnly" Value="1" />
<!-- To hide the 4G option from the Highest connection speed dropdown
<Setting Name="HideHighestSpeed4G" Value="1" />
<!-- To hide the 3G Only option from the Highest connection speed dropdown
<Setting Name="HideHighestSpeed3GOnly" Value="1" />
<!-- To hide the 2G option from the Highest connection speed dropdown
<Setting Name="HideHighestSpeed2G" Value="1" />

<!-- To hide the Highest connection speed dropdown entirely

<Setting Name="HideHighestSpeed" Value="1" />

<!-- To show the 3G Preferred option in the Highest connection speed dropdown
<Setting Name="ShowHideHighestSpeed3GPreferred" Value="1" />

<!-- Settings to customize the default character codes for connection speed. For example, to change the
default '4G' character
code for ighestSpeed4G, change the value to another character code such as 'LTE'.
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed2G" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed3G" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed3GOnly" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed3GPreferred" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed4G" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed4GOnly" Value="" />

<!-- To modify the Highest connection speed dropdown title

<Setting Name="HighestSpeedTitle" Value="" />



<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX">

<!-- Settings to hide some options or the entire Highest connection speed dropdown -->
<!-- To hide the 4G Only option from the Highest connection speed dropdown
<Setting Name="HideHighestSpeed4GOnly" Value="1" />
<!-- To hide the 4G option from the Highest connection speed dropdown
<Setting Name="HideHighestSpeed4G" Value="1" />
<!-- To hide the 3G Only option from the Highest connection speed dropdown
<Setting Name="HideHighestSpeed3GOnly" Value="1" />
<!-- To hide the 2G option from the Highest connection speed dropdown
<Setting Name="HideHighestSpeed2G" Value="1" />

<!-- To hide the Highest connection speed dropdown entirely

<Setting Name="HideHighestSpeed" Value="1" />

<!-- To show the 3G Preferred option in the Highest connection speed dropdown
<Setting Name="ShowHideHighestSpeed3GPreferred" Value="1" />

<!-- Settings to customize the default character codes for connection speed. For example, to change the
<!-- Settings to customize the default character codes for connection speed. For example, to change the
default '4G' character
code for ighestSpeed4G, change the value to another character code such as 'LTE'.
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed2G" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed3G" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed3GOnly" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed3GPreferred" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed4G" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HighestSpeed4GOnly" Value="" />

<!-- To modify the Highest connection speed dropdown title

<Setting Name="HighestSpeedTitle" Value="" />




2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. To hide some options or the entire Highest connection speed drop-down
To hide the "4G Only" option from the Highest connection speed drop-down in the Settings >
Cellular & SIM > SIM screen, set HideHighestSpeed4GOnly to 1 or 'Yes'.
To hide the "4G" option from the Highest connection speed drop-down in the Settings > Cellular
& SIM > SIM screen, set HideHighestSpeed4G to 1 or 'Yes'.
To hide the "3G Only" option from the Highest connection speed drop-down in the Settings >
Cellular & SIM > SIM screen, set HideHighestSpeed3GOnly to 1 or 'Yes'.
To hide the "2G" option from the Highest connection speed drop-down in the Settings > Cellular
& SIM > SIM screen, set HideHighestSpeed2G to 1 or 'Yes'.
To hide the Highest connection speed drop-down entirely, set HideHighestSpeed to 1 or 'Yes'.
5. To show the 3G Preferred option in the Highest connection speed drop-down
Set ShowHighestSpeed3GPreferred to 1 or 'Yes'.
6. To customize the character codes for connection speed
To modify the "2G" string to another character code, change the HighestSpeed2G``Value .
To modify the "3G" string to another character code, change the HighestSpeed3G``Value .
To modify the "3G Only" string to another character code, change the HighestSpeed3GOnly``Value .
To modify the "4G (3G Preferred)" string to another character code, change the
HighestSpeed3GPreferred``Value .
To modify the "4G" string to another character code, change the HighestSpeed4G``Value .
To modify the "4G Only" string to another character code, change the HighestSpeed4GOnly``Value .
For example, to change the default '4G' character code for HighestSpeed4G to another character code such
as 'LTE', set the Value to 'LTE'. Although there is no limit to number of characters you can use, if the
character code is too long, this will be truncated in the UI.
You must include all three values (even if you are only modifying one) or the display text will not be set
7. To customize the Highest connection speed drop-down label
Set the HighestSpeedTitle``Value to the string that you want to use.
For example, to change 'Highest connection speed' to another string such as 'Preferred connection
speed', set the Value to 'Preferred connection speed'.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Settings > Cellular & SIM > SIM screen.
3. If you hid the Highest connection speed drop-down or one or more options within the drop-down, verify
that the behavior matches your setting.
4. If you customized the dropdown label, or the one- or two-character codes for connection speed for one or
more options within the connection speed drop-down, verify that the string matches what you specified.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Custom percentages for signal strength bars
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Partners must modify the percentage values used for the signal strength bars in the status bar. These five bars
represent the strength of the cellular connection and are determined by a mapping table defined for the network. It
is considered a manufacturing defect if a device ships with incomplete or incorrect mapping tables.
Partners must also tune the thresholds for measuring the signal strength received from the modem. Filters
determine the magnitude of change in signal strength that triggers a report. Filter values are specific to the mobile
operator network. The following filters must be configured:
CDMA 1X Receive Channel Power
CDMA 1X Pilot Energy
CDMA EVDO Carrier Strength
LTE reference signal received power (RSRP )
LTE reference signal signal-to-noise ratio (RS_SNR )
Note Windows 10 Mobile always shows the signal strength for the highest technology. For example:
If 1X and EVDO register at the same time, the device shows the EVDO signal strength in the status bar.
If 1X and LTE register at the same time, the device shows the LTE signal strength in the status bar.
In these examples, if the 1X signal strength changes and there is a higher radio access technology, the device will
not do anything.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to modify the percentage values used for the signal strength bars
in the status bar."


<Settings Path="Cellcore/PerDevice/External">
<!-- Use to modify the percentage value for GSM. The numbers represent the signal strength bars. -
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/GERAN/5" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/GERAN/4" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/GERAN/4" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/GERAN/3" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/GERAN/2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/GERAN/1" Value="" />

<!-- Use to modify the percentage value for UMTS RSSI. The numbers represent the signal strength
bars. -->
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/UMTS/5" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/UMTS/4" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/UMTS/3" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/UMTS/2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/UMTS/1" Value="" />

<!-- Use to modify the percentage value for UMTS Ec/No. The numbers represent the signal strength
bars. -->
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/UMTSEcNo/5" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/UMTSEcNo/4" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/UMTSEcNo/3" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/UMTSEcNo/2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/UMTSEcNo/1" Value="" />

<!-- Use to modify the percentage value for CDMA 1X Receive Channel Power. The numbers represent
the signal strength bars. -->
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMA1xRCP/5" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMA1xRCP/4" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMA1xRCP/3" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMA1xRCP/2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMA1xRCP/1" Value="" />

<!-- Use to modify the percentage value for CDMA 1X Pilot Energy. The numbers represent the signal
strength bars. -->
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMA1xPE/5" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMA1xPE/4" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMA1xPE/3" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMA1xPE/2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMA1xPE/1" Value="" />

<!-- Use to modify the percentage value for CDMA EVDO Carrier Strength. The numbers represent the
signal strength bars. -->
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMAEvdoCS/5" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMAEvdoCS/4" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMAEvdoCS/3" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMAEvdoCS/2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMAEvdoCS/1" Value="" />

<!-- Use to modify the percentage value for CDMA EVDO SINR. The numbers represent the signal
strength bars. -->
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMAEvdoSinr/5" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMAEvdoSinr/4" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMAEvdoSinr/3" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMAEvdoSinr/2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/CDMAEvdoSinr/1" Value="" />

<!-- Use to modify the percentage value for LTE reference signal received power. The numbers
represent the signal strength bars. -->
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/LTESRSRP/5" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/LTESRSRP/4" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/LTESRSRP/3" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/LTESRSRP/2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/LTESRSRP/1" Value="" />

<!-- Use to modify the percentage value for LTE reference signal signal-to-noise radio. The
numbers represent the signal strength bars. -->
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/LTERSSNR/5" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/LTERSSNR/4" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/LTERSSNR/3" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/LTERSSNR/2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalBarMappingTable/LTERSSNR/1" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Value for the filters that you want to configure. You can use either a decimal or hexadecimal value,
but you must add the 0x prefix when specifying a hexadecimal value.
Note The signal strength mapping is implemented by the modem vendor. For information about how to
change the required values under the SignalBarMappingTable setting, see the documentation provided
by the modem vendor.
Refer to the documentation provided by the modem vendor and work with your mobile operator to test this
customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Data transfer indicator
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can display a data transfer indicator on a device’s status bar for mobile operators that require it. When this
feature is enabled, an arrow is displayed above the cellular data connection icon or Wi-Fi connection icon to
indicate that data transfer is occurring.
The data transfer indicator, the cellular data connection icon, and the cellular signal strength icon are promoted on
the status bar for 10 seconds and does not appear more frequently than once every 5 minutes. The data transfer
indicator and the Wi-Fi connection icon are not promoted on the status bar.
However, users can tap the status bar to view the data transfer indicator above the bearer that’s transmitting data.
The data transfer indicator, the cellular data connection icon, and the cellular signal strength icon are displayed for
10 seconds if cellular data transfer is occurring. The data transfer indicator and the Wi-Fi connection icon are
displayed for 2 seconds if Wi-Fi data transfer is occurring.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to display a data transfer indicator on a device's status bar for
operators that require it."

<Settings Path="Shell/SystemTray/DataActivity">
<Setting Name="DataActivityIcon" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set DataActivityIcon to one of the following values:


0 or 'Disabled' Hides the data transfer indicator in the status bar.

This is the default behavior if the setting is not set.

1 or 'Enabled' Shows the data transfer indicator in the status bar.

1. Flash an image that contains this customization to a device.
2. Turn off Wi-Fi and send data over your cellular connection. For example, send an email with a photo
attachment. Verify that the arrow that indicates data transfer appears above the cellular data connection icon
on the status bar.
3. Turn on Wi-Fi and send data over your Wi-Fi connection. Verify that the arrow that indicates data transfer
appears above the Wi-Fi connection icon on the status bar.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Default highest connection speed
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can set the default value for the Highest connection speed option in the Settings > Cellular & SIM >
SIM screen by specifying the bitmask for any combination of radio technology to be excluded from the default
value. The connection speed that has not been excluded will show up as the highest connection speed.
Users can later change the highest connection speed setting on the device.
Note On dual SIM devices that only support up to 3G connection speeds, the Highest connection speed
option is replaced by a 3G on/off toggle based on the per-device setting. On means that 3G is preferred and Off
means 2G only.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the default value for the highest connection speed in the
cellular Settings CPL."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/General">
<Setting Name="ExcludedSystemTypesByDefault" Value="" />


<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/General">
<Setting Name="ExcludedSystemTypesByDefault" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Specify the ExcludedSystemTypesByDefault``Value to set a default value for the Highest connection speed
option in the Settings > Cellular screen.
a. Refer to [RILSYSTEMTYPE ] and note the values for the corresponding radio technology that you
want to exclude.
For example, on an LTE network the default setting for the highest connection speed is 4G. The other
available options that show up also include 3G and 2G. However, if you want to change the default to
2G, you will need to exclude RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_LTE (4G ) and RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_UMTS (3G ) to set
the default to 2G. To do this, note the values for RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_LTE (4G ) and
RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_UMTS (3G ) in hexadecimal and convert these to binary.


RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_LTE (4G) 0x10 10000


b. Perform a bitwise OR operation on the radio technologies you want to exclude.

For example, a bitwise OR operation on RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_LTE (4G ) and RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_UMTS
(3G ) results in the value 11000 (binary) or 0x18 (hexadecimal). This means that for this example,
ExcludedSystemTypesByDefault``Value must be set to 0x18 to change the default highest connection
speed to 2G.
Partners should note that there is no 3G only option for the highest connection speed. The
architecture is designed such that 3G means 3G is preferred and 2G is allowed.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Settings > Celluar & SIM > SIM screen.
3. Verify that the Highest connection speed shows the correct default value that you set.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Default roaming option
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can set the default value for the Default roaming options option in the Cellular & SIM settings screen.
Users can later change the default roaming option on the device.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the default roaming option."


<Settings Path="Connections/General">
<Setting Name="DataRoam" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of DataRoam to one of the following:


0 or 'DoNotRoam' Don’t roam

1 or 'DomesticRoaming' Don’t roam (domestic roaming if applicable)

2 or 'InternationalRoaming' Roam (international roaming if applicable)

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Settings > Cellular & SIM screen.
3. Verify that the Default roaming options shows the correct default value that you set.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Disable Cell Broadcast
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

By default, Cell Broadcast (also known as Short Message Service-Cell Broadcast (SMS -CB )) is a feature that is
active at all times. Some mobile operators may require OEMs to disable this feature if it is not available for certain
areas or zones, or if operators want to get better battery performance by not activating radio functions that may
not be needed for a certain market.
To comply with these operator requirements, OEMs may disable Cell Broadcast through an NV item setting in the
modem rather than in the OS.
Note NV items are owned by the IHV and not Microsoft. OEMs should consult with their IHV to determine how
to disable Cell Broadcast through an NV item.
Extended error messages for reject codes
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

When a reject code is sent by the network, partners can specify that extended error messages should be displayed
instead of the standard simple error messages. This customization is intended for use only when required by the
mobile operator’s network.
The short versions of the extended reject message are shown in the following screens:
Phone tile in Start
Call History screen
Call Progress screen
Incoming Call screen
As the status string under Settings > Cellular & SIM
The long version of the extended reject message is shown in the following screen:
Under the Active Network label in Settings > Cellular & SIM
The OS handles three extended reject codes:


2 (The SIM card hasn’t been SIM not set up MM#2 Invalid SIM
activated or has been deactivated)

3 (The SIM card fails authentication Can’t verify SIM MM#3 Invalid SIM
or one of the identity check
procedures. This can also happen
due to a duplication of the TMSI
across different MSCs)

6 (The device has been put on a Phone not allowed MM#6 No Service
block list, such as when the device
has been stolen or the IMEI is

Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify that extended error messages should be displayed
instead of standard simple messages."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX">
<Setting Name="ShowExtendedRejectCodes" Value="" />


<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX">
<Setting Name="ShowExtendedRejectCodes" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Branding flags setting in the Branding for phone calls customization so that the
ExtendedRejectCodes flag is enabled.
The ExtendedRejectCodes flag is not enabled by default so make sure that this is set. Both the
ShowExtendedRejectCodes setting and ExtendedRejectCodes flag need to be set for the customization to be
fully enabled.
4. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the value for ShowExtendedRejectCodes to one of the following:


0 or 'No' Hides the extended error messages when devices

receive LAU reject codes with cause number 2, 3, or 6.

1 or 'Yes' Shows the extended error messages when devices

receive LAU reject codes with cause number 2, 3, or 6.

The default for this setting is to show the **CDMA** option in the **Mode** selection drop-down that appears
in the **Cellular & SIM** settings screen.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device.
2. Verify that extended error messages shown on the device when a reject code is sent by the network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Hide CDMA mode selection
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For CDMA phones, partners can hide CDMA option in the network Mode selection drop-down that appears on
the Cellular & SIM screen in Settings.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to hide or show the 'CDMA' option in the network 'Mode' selection
drop-down that appears in the cellular settings screen."
<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX">
<!-- Hides or shows the 'CDMA' option in the network mode selection screen. Set to 0 or 'No' (to show)
or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="Hide3GPP2ModeSelection" Value="" />


<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX">
<!-- Hides or shows the 'CDMA' option in the network mode selection screen. Set to 0 or 'No' (to show)
or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="Hide3GPP2ModeSelection" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set the value for Hide3GPP2ModeSelection to one of the following:

0 or 'No' Shows the CDMA option in the network Mode

selection drop-down.

1 or 'Yes' Hides the CDMA option in the network Mode

selection drop-down.

The default for this setting is to show the **CDMA** option in the **Mode** selection drop-down that appears
in the **Cellular & SIM** settings screen.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Cellular & SIM screen in Settings.
3. Depending on the value that you set, verify whether the CDMA option in the network Mode selection
drop-down is visible.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Hide Cellular & SIM Settings
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

OEMs can hide certain user options for phones that appear in the Cellular & SIM screen in Settings.
These options include:
For World mode: Network Mode selection drop-down
For GSM: Network Selection drop-down
For CDMA: Network Type drop-down
Constraints: None This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to hide certain user options for phones that appear in the
cellular+SIM settings screen."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case -->

<!-- Define the Targets -->
<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />
<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX">
<!-- Hides or shows the 'Network Mode selection' drop-down in the SIM settings screen for world
mode phones.
Set to 0 or 'No' (to show) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="HideModeSelection" Value="" />

<!-- Hides or shows the 'Network Selection' drop-down in the SIM settings screen for 3GPP or GSM
Set to 0 or 'No' (to show) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="Hide3GPPNetworks" Value="" />
<!-- Hides or shows the 'Network Type' drop-down in the SIM settings screen for 3GPP2 or CDMA
Set to 0 or 'No' (to show) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="Hide3GPP2Selection" Value="" />

<!-- Use for the per-device case -->

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX">
<!-- Hides or shows the 'Network Mode selection' drop-down in the SIM settings screen for world
mode phones.
Set to 0 or 'No' (to show) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="HideModeSelection" Value="" />
<!-- Hides or shows the 'Network Selection' drop-down in the SIM settings screen for 3GPP or GSM
Set to 0 or 'No' (to show) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="Hide3GPPNetworks" Value="" />

<!-- Hides or shows the 'Network Type' drop-down in the SIM settings screen for 3GPP2 or CDMA
Set to 0 or 'No' (to show) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="Hide3GPP2Selection" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC,
and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. For World mode phones: Set the value for HideModeSelection to one of the following:


0 or 'No' Shows the Network Mode selection drop-down in

the SIM settings screen.

1 or 'Yes' Hides the Network Mode selection drop-down in

the SIM settings screen.

5. For 3GPP or GSM phones: Set the value for Hide3GPPNetworks to one of the following:


0 or 'No' Shows the Network Selection drop-down in the SIM

settings screen.

1 or 'Yes' Hides the Network Selection drop-down in the SIM

settings screen.

6. For 3GPP2 or CDMA phones: Set the value for Hide3GPP2Selection to one of the following:

0 or 'No' Shows the Network Type drop-down in the SIM

settings screen.

1 or 'Yes' Hides the Network Type drop-down in the SIM

settings screen.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go to the Cellular & SIM screen in Settings.
3. Verify that the user options are visible only if appropriate.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
LTE attach: GUID for user configured internet APN
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can set the OEMConnectionId that is used when creating the user-configured connection for internet
from the SIM settings screen.
The value is a GUID in the string format “XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX”. It is used as the value
for the OEMConnectionId field of the connection and it identifies the modem profile used for the LTE Attach. If this
value is not set, the APN configuration entered by the user does not affect the LTE Attach GUID used by the device.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the OEMConnectionId used for the LTE attach profile in the

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX">
<Setting Name="LTEAttachGUID" Value="" />



<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX">
<Setting Name="LTEAttachGUID" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set the value for LTEAttachGuid to the OemConnectionId GUID used for the LTE attach profile in the
modem. The value is a GUID in the string format “XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX”.
Refer to the documentation provided by the modem vendor and work with your mobile operator to test this
customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
LTE attach: Mapping OEMConnectionId values to
modem profiles
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can set the list of OEMConnectionId values that map to a LTE attach profile in the MBB driver. This list is
used to specify which OEMConnectionIds require a detach/attach in order for changes to apply. If an
OEMConnectionId is not included in this list and the LTE attach info is updated, it will not take effect until the
device is rebooted.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
This customization supports: per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the list of OEMConnectionId values that map to a LTE attach
profile on the MBB driver side."


<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellData/ModemProfiles">
<Setting Name="LTEAttachGuids" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of LTEAttachGuids to the semicolon-separated list of OEMConnectionId values that map to a
LTE attach profile on the MBB driver. OEMConnectionIds are GUIDs in the string format “XXXXXXXX-
Refer to the documentation provided by the modem vendor and work with your mobile operator to test this
customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Manual network selection timeout
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can change the default network selection timeout value. By default, the OS allows the device to register on
the manually selected network for 60 seconds (or 1 minute) before it switches back to automatic mode.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to change the default network selection timeout value."

<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/General">
<Setting Name="ManualNetworkSelectionTimeout" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the ManualNetworkSelectionTimeout``Value to a desired timeout value. The range of the value can be
from 1-420 seconds. For example, to change the value to 120 seconds (or 2 minutes), you must set the
value to 0x78.
This value is the amount of time that the OS will wait for the modem to register on the manually selected
network. If the time lapses and the modem was not able to register on the network that was manually
selected by the user, the OS will either:
Switch back to the automatic network selection mode if Permanent automatic mode is enabled and
after the user has manually selected a network or the modem was turned on.
Display a dialog that notifies the user that the device was unable to connect to the manually selected
network after the device was turned on or after airplane mode was turned off.
Testing steps:
Important To fully test this customization, you must work with your mobile operator partner to perform Steps 2
and 3 in the following procedure.
1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a device that has a UICC.
2. Ensure that the device is out of range from the home network.
3. Set the device to the manual network mode by selecting manual mode under Network selection in the
Settings > Cellular & SIM screen.
4. While the device attempts to connect to the manually selected network, verify that the OS waits for the
amount of time that you specified for ManualNetworkSelectionTimeout before it switches back to the
automatic network selection mode, or displays a message that indicates that the device was unable to
connect to the manually selected network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Maximum number of PDP contexts
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can set different maximum values for the number of PDP contexts for the device for 3GPP network if
required by their mobile operator.
By default, the OS enforces a maximum of four (4) simultaneous packet data protocol (PDP ) contexts for 3GPP
connections, and one (1) PDP context for 3GPP2 connections.
The same maximums apply for both roaming and non-roaming scenarios. This maximum does not include packet
contexts used internally by the modem.
1. The setting MaxNumberOfPDPContexts is applicable for 3GPP networks only. It does not apply to 3GPP2 network.
2. This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value.
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the maximum number of concurrent packet contexts for the
home carrier's 3GPP network"

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellData">
<Setting Name="MaxNumberOfPDPContexts" Value="" />



<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellData">
<Setting Name="MaxNumberOfPDPContexts" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set the value for MaxNumberOfPDPContexts as required by the mobile operator. You can specify a value
between 1 through 4 (inclusive), or 0x1 through 0x4 (hexadecimal).
Work with your mobile operator partner to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Permanent automatic mode
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can enable permanent automatic mode for mobile networks that require the cellular settings to revert to
automatic network selection after the user has manually selected another network when roaming or out of range
of the home network.
Constraints: None This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable permanent automatic mode."
<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case -->
<!-- Define the Targets -->
<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/General">
<Setting Name="AvoidStayingInManualSelection" Value="" />

<!-- Use for the per-device case -->

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/General">
<Setting Name="AvoidStayingInManualSelection" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC,
and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set the AvoidStayingInManualSelection``Value to either of the following:


1 Enable permanent automatic mode.

0 Disable permanent automatic mode. The cellular

settings for network selection remain in manual mode.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device that has a UICC.

To fully test this customization, work with your mobile operator partner. The device needs to be out of range of the
home network so that the user can select manual mode under Network selection in the Settings > Cellular &
SIM screen.

2. When the device is no longer roaming or is in range of the home network, verify that the Network
selection mode changed to automatic without requiring user action.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Preferred data provider list
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For mobile operators that require it, OEMs can set a list of MCC/MNC pairs for the purchase order (PO ) carrier or
primary operator so that it can be set as the default data line for phones that have a dual SIM.
When the PO SIM is inserted into the phone, the OS picks the PO SIM as the data line and shows a notification to
the user that the SIM has been selected for internet data. If two PO SIMs are inserted, the OS will choose the first
PO SIM that was detected as the default data line and the mobile operator action required dialogue (ARD ) is
shown. If two non-PO SIMs are inserted, the user is prompted to choose the SIM to use as the default data line.
Note OEMs should not set this customization unless required by the mobile operator.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify the list of preferred mobile operators' MCC and MNC
information to use for data connections."

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/General">
<Setting Name="PreferredDataProviderList" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. To enumerate the MCC/MNC value pairs to use for data connections, set the value for
PreferredDataProviderList . The value must be a comma-separated list of preferred MCC:MNC values. For
example, the value can be 301:026,310:030 and so on.
1. Work with your mobile operator to obtain the list of preferred MCC and MNC values for data connections.
2. Flash the build containing this customization to a dual SIM phone.
3. Insert the PO SIM into the phone. Verify that the OS picks the PO SIM as the default data line and shows a
notification that the SIM has been selected for Internet data.
4. Insert two PO SIMs. Verify that the OS chooses the first PO SIM that was detected as the default data line
and the mobile operator action required dialogue (ARD ) is shown.
5. Insert two non-PO SIMs. Verify that you can see a prompt to choose the SIM to use as the default data line.
6. Verify that you can change the default SIM by going to the Cellular+SIM settings screen and selecting a
different SIM to use as the default data line.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Remove cellular functionality from the device
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

If your mobile device does not support a cellular radio or will not be connected to a cellular network, you can
remove all cellular-related functionality from the device's user interface by adding the WIFI_FEATURE_PACK
feature entry in your OEMInput.xml file. This feature replaces the WEH_WIFIONLY feature that you previously
used in earlier versions of the mobile OS.
The WIFI_FEATURE_PACK package reduces memory usage and improves the user experience by removing the
non-functioning cellular-related tiles, icons, and settings. Wi-Fi features will continue to work and airplane mode
will also work.
To create an update package for an existing mobile device using Windows 10 Mobile
1. Update your OS image using Windows 10 Mobile as your new base image.
2. Remove the WEH_WIFIONLY Microsoft Update package if you are upgrading from Windows Embedded
Handheld 8.1.
3. Add the WIFI_FEATURE_PACK as a BSP update.
4. Test, sign, and submit the update.
To create a new Windows 10 Mobile image without cellular functionality
1. Locate the OEMInput.xml file that you are using to define your image.
2. Find the Features section, and within the Microsoft child element, review the Feature elements.
3. Add a <Feature>WIFI_FEATURE_PACK</Feature> entry in your OEMInput.xml file.


For more information about other features you can include in your image, see Optional features for building
4. Save the updated OEMInput.xml file and build your mobile OS image.
5. Verify that the new image doesn't contain cellular-related tiles, icons, and settings. Also verify that Wi-Fi
features work and airplane mode functions correctly.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Roaming filter
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

Partners can add roaming filters that determine when the device appears to be roaming, based on the network the
device is currently connected to. With roaming filters enabled, connections on other companies’ specified networks
are not treated as roaming.
Constraints: Atomic
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add 3GPP or 3GPP2 filters that determine when the phone appears
to be roaming based on the network the phone is currently connected to."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<!-- Define for 3GPP. All these settings must be configured at the same time. -->
<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/General/atomicRoamingTableSettings3GPP">
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/Enabled" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/TargetImsi/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/TargetImsi/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/TargetImsi/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/Exceptions/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/Exceptions/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/Exceptions/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/HomePLMN/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/HomePLMN/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/HomePLMN/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<!-- Define for 3GPP2. All these settings must be configured at the same time. -->
<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/General/atomicRoamingTableSettings3GPP2">
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Enabled" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Home/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Home/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Home/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Roaming/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Roaming/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Roaming/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />



<!-- Use for the per-device case


<!-- Define for 3GPP. All these settings must be configured at the same time. -->
<Settings Path="Cellcore/PerDevice/General/atomicRoamingTableSettings3GPP">
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/Enabled" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/TargetImsi/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/TargetImsi/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/TargetImsi/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/Exceptions/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/Exceptions/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/Exceptions/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/HomePLMN/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/HomePLMN/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/HomePLMN/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<!-- Define for 3GPP2. All these settings must be configured at the same time. -->
<Settings Path="Cellcore/PerDevice/General/atomicRoamingTableSettings3GPP2">
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Enabled" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Home/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Home/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Home/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Roaming/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />

<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Roaming/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Roaming/$(SerialNumber)" Value="" />




2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Use the correct settings for 3GPP or 3GPP2. You must work with your mobile operator to obtain the correct
values specific to the mobile operator.
The settings group is atomic so you must configure all the settings at the same time to correctly configure
roaming filters.

When specifying the $(SerialNumber) , make sure that the order is absolutely sequential within the different lists.
For example: 000, 001, 002.., or 001, 002, 003…, and so on.

a. To enable the 3GPP filter, set RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/Enabled to 1 or Yes. Setting the value
to 0 or No disables the 3GPP filter.
b. The RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/TargetImsi/$(SerialNumber) setting defines all the possible
Mobile Country Code (MCC )-Mobile Network Code (MNC ) pairs that can be included in the IMSI
encoded on the mobile operator’s SIM cards. If the MCC -MNC value on the SIM in the device does
not match one of these pairs, the SIM is recognized as belonging to another mobile operator, and the
roaming filter is not enabled. The values in this registry key are specific to the mobile operator.
Replace $ (SerialNumber ) to correspond to the 3-digit serial number, from 000 through 999,
represented as a string. For each serial number that you defined, set the value to a string
representing the MCC,MNC, such as 410,510 to represent an MCC of 410 and MNC of 510, for
Add as many RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/TargetImsi/$(SerialNumber) settings and values as you
c. The RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/Exceptions/$(SerialNumber) setting defines the MCC -MNC
values for networks on which the device is roaming within the group of home codes that you define.
Replace $ (SerialNumber ) to correspond to the 3-digit serial number, from 000 through 999,
represented as a string. For each serial number that you defined, set the value to a string
representing the MCC,MNC, such as 410,510 to represent an MCC of 410 and MNC of 510, for
Add as many RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/Exceptions/$(SerialNumber) settings and values as you
As with the rest of these settings, the exact MNC and MCC values are mobile operator-specific.
d. The RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/HomePLMN/$(SerialNumber) setting defines the network codes
where the device is not deemed roaming. These settings can include just an MCC, or they can consist
of a MCC -MNC pair. These settings are specific to the mobile operator.
Replace $ (SerialNumber ) to correspond to the 3-digit serial number, from 000 through 999,
represented as a string. For each serial number that you defined, set the value to a string
representing the MCC,MNC, such as 410,510 to represent an MCC of 410 and MNC of 510, for
example. Alternatively, you can also set the Value to a string that represents just the MCC, such as
460 for MCC of 460 and all networks of that country.
Add as many RoamingTables/3GPPRoamingTables/HomePLMN/$(SerialNumber) settings and values as you
a. To enable the 3GPP2 filter, set RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Enabled to 1 or Yes. Setting the
value to 0 or No disables the 3GPP2 filter.
b. The RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Home/$(SerialNumber) setting defines the network codes where
the device is not deemed roaming. These settings are specific to the mobile operator.
Replace $ (SerialNumber ) to correspond to the 3-digit serial number, from 000 through 999,
represented as a string. For each serial number that you defined, set the value to a DWORD
representing the non-roaming indicator.
Add as many RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Home/$(SerialNumber) settings and values as you need
until you have every valid code added.
c. The RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Roaming/$(SerialNumber) setting defines the values for
networks on which the device is deemed roaming.
Replace $ (SerialNumber ) to correspond to the 3-digit serial number, from 000 through 999,
represented as a string. For each serial number that you defined, set the value to a DWORD
representing the roaming indicator.
Add as many RoamingTables/3GPP2RoamingTables/Roaming/$(SerialNumber) settings and values as you
need until you have every valid code added.
Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for Wi-Fi settings and connectivity
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations that you can configure for Wi-Fi settings and Wi-Fi connectivity on the mobile

In this section

Authentication for Wi-Fi hotspot settings Set a list of captive portal SSIDs for which the browser should
not be launched automatically for Wi-Fi authentication.

Cellular data fallback when in limited Wi-Fi connectivity OEMs can change the default behavior for the device when
Wi-Fi connectivity becomes limited.

Change Wi-Fi to WLAN To meet regulatory requirements and/or meet mobile

operator requirements for some markets, partners can replace
the string Wi-Fi with the generic term WLAN. Enabling this
customization changes all Wi-Fi strings to WLAN.

Connecting to open Wi-Fi hotspots in Windows 10 Partners can change the default settings for detecting and
auto-connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots.

Enable static IP To facilitate Wi-Fi certification tests, OEMs can enable a screen
from the Wi-Fi settings screen that provides UI elements that
allow you to specify a static IP address, gateway address, and
DNS server address.

Limited connectivity status By default, when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi access
point (AP), it does not show a No Internet access status
message below the AP name. Partners may choose to override
this default behavior and show the status message when a
device is connected to a Wi-Fi access point.

Wi-Fi always on, always connected Partners can modify AOAC behavior and UX for non-AOAC
mode devices.

Wi-Fi calling errors OEMs can customize the mobile device to configure settings
related to Wi-Fi calling errors.

Wi-Fi calling operator name OEMs can customize the display name for the mobile operator
when the device is using Wi-Fi calling.

Wi-Fi icon and notifications Partners can configure settings related to the Wi-Fi icon.

Related topics
Customizations for Cellular connectivity
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Authentication for Wi-Fi hotspot settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

When mobile devices connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot that uses a captive portal, the web browser is automatically
opened so that the user can sign in. Until this authentication process is completed, the Wi-Fi hotspot connection is
not available for applications and services running on the device. As a result, applications provided by mobile
operators or third party vendors to authenticate the Wi-Fi hotspot settings will not work.
To suppress the launch of the browser and enable this type of application to run as expected, OEMs must register
the SSID of one or more networks. These networks will be available immediately when the connection is
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use specify a list of captive portal SSIDs for which browser should
not be launched automatically."

<Settings Path="WiFi/Config">
<Setting Name="HijackedIgnoreList" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the HijackedIgnoreList value to the set list of captive portal SSIDs for which the browser should not be
launched automatically. For example, ContosoWiFi;FabrikamWiFi;ContosoFabrikamWiFi and so on.
Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Connect to a Wi-Fi network that uses one of the registered SSIDs.
3. Verify the browser does not launch and the network is available immediately.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Cellular data fallback when in limited Wi-Fi
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can change the default behavior for the device when Wi-Fi connectivity becomes limited.
By default, if the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network and the data connection to a site is unsuccessful due to
limited Wi-Fi connectivity, the device will complete the connection to the site using available cellular data networks
(when possible) to provide an optimal user experience.
OEMs can change this default behavior so that the device does not use cellular data when Wi-Fi connectivity
becomes limited. When the customization is enabled, a user option to use or not use cellular data for limited Wi-Fi
connectivity becomes visible in the Cellular & SIM settings screen. This option is automatically set to don’t use
cellular data when the customization is enabled.
Note Changing the default behavior may negatively impact the user experience.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to allow or disallow cellular data fallback when in limited Wi-Fi


<Settings Path="Cellcore/PerDevice/CellData">
<Setting Name="CellularFailOver" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of CellularFailover to one of the following:


0 or 'Failover is not allowed' Disables cellular data fallback when in limited Wi-Fi
connectivity. This also sets the For limited Wi-Fi
connectivity option in the Cellular & SIM settings
screen to don’t use cellular data.

1 or 'Failover is allowed' Enables cellular data fallback when in limited Wi-Fi


1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a UICC.
2. If you set CellularFailover to 0 or 'Failover is not allowed', navigate to the Cellular & SIM settings screen
and verify that the don’t use cellular data option is chosen as the default under For limited Wi-Fi

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Change Wi-Fi to WLAN
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To meet regulatory requirements and/or meet mobile operator requirements for some markets, partners can
replace the string Wi-Fi with the generic term WLAN. Enabling this customization changes all Wi-Fi strings to
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use To replace the 'Wi-Fi' strings in the phone UI to 'WLAN' to meet
mobile operator or regulatory requirements."


<Settings Path="WiFi/FirstBoot">
<Setting Name="WiFiToWLAN" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of WiFiToWLAN to one of the following:


1 or 'Enabled' Use to enable or replace all "Wi-Fi" strings with


0 or 'Disabled' Use to disable the customization. This is the default


Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go to the Settings screen and verify that WLAN now shows up instead of Wi-Fi.
3. Tap WLAN, and verify that “Wi-Fi” does not appear in the WLAN setting screen.
All other “Wi-Fi” strings on the phone should now show “WLAN”.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Wi-Fi hotspots
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can change the default settings for detecting Wi-Fi hotspots.
Windows 10 automatically connects users to Wi-Fi so they can get online quickly in more places. It can connect
them to open Wi-Fi hotspots that it knows about through crowdsourcing.

How it works
Users choose the settings for automatically connecting to suggested open hotspots by going to Settings >
Network & Internet > Wi-Fi on a Windows 10 PC or a phone with Windows 10 Mobile in Settings > Network &
wireless > Wi-Fi > Additional settings. To use this feature, customers will need to be signed in with their Microsoft
account on your Windows 10 PC or mobile device. (Note that this feature isn't available in all countries or regions.)
Windows 10 learns about open Wi-Fi hotspots a Windows PC or Windows phone connects to by collecting
information about the network, like whether the open Wi-Fi network has a high-quality Internet connection. By
using that information from your device and from other Windows customers' devices, we build a database of these
high-quality networks. When you’re in range of one of these Wi-Fi hotspots, you automatically get connected to it.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"


<Settings Path="WiFi/FirstBoot">
<Setting Name="AutoConnectAllowed" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DefaultAutoConnectState" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DefaultWiFiSharingState" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of AutoConnectAllowed to one of the following values:


1 or 'Enabled' Use to enable Wi-Fi detection. When enabled, users

can opt-in to Wi-Fi detection.
This is the default OS value.

0 or 'Disabled' Use to disable Wi-Fi detection.

4. Set the value of DefaultAutoConnectState to one of the following values:


1 or 'Enabled' Sets the checkbox for Automatically connect to Wi-

Fi networks and accept terms for me during initial
phone setup.
This is the default OS value.

0 or 'Disabled' Clears the checkbox for Automatically connect to

Wi-Fi networks and accept terms for me during
initial phone setup.

5. Set the value of DefaultWiFiSharingState to one of the following values:


1 or 'Enabled' Sets the checkbox for Allow me to exchange Wi-Fi

network access with my contacts during initial
phone setup.
This is the default OS value.

0 or 'Disabled' Clears the checkbox for Allow me to exchange Wi-

Fi network access with my contacts during initial
phone setup.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enable static IP
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To facilitate Wi-Fi certification tests, OEMs can enable a screen from the Wi-Fi settings screen that provides UI
elements that allow you to specify a static IP address, gateway address, and DNS server address.
To enable the Static IP UI, set the value of the EnableStaticIP setting to 1. If the setting is not set, or is set to any
value other than 1, the static IP UI is not enabled. When enabled, the Wi-Fi Static IP UI button appears directly
below the Advanced button in the Wi-Fi settings screen.
Warning The static IP UI must only be used for certification purposes and not for production or retail devices.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to show the static IP settings in the advanced Wi-Fi settings
This customization is for testing purposes only and should not be set
production or retail images."


<Settings Path="WiFi/Config">
<Setting Name="EnableStaticIP" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of EnableStaticIP to one of the following:


1 Use to show the Static IP settings under Settings >

Wi-Fi > Static IP.

0 Use to disable the customization.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Settings > Wi-Fi screen and connect to a Wi-Fi network.
3. From the Wi-Fi settings screen, verify that you can see the Static IP setting.
4. Tap Static IP and configure your IP settings.
5. Reboot the device.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Limited connectivity status
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

By default, when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi access point (AP ), it does not show a No Internet access
status message below the AP name. Partners may choose to override this default behavior and show the status
message when a device is connected to a Wi-Fi access point.

The message may cause user confusion because it is shown whenever a proxy is used, as hotspot plug-in probes and data do
not go through a proxy.

Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to show the "No Internet access" status in the Wi-Fi settings
page when connectivity is limited."
<Settings Path="WiFi/Config">
<Setting Name="PublishLimitedConnectivity" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set PublishLimitedConnectivity to one of the following values:


0 or 'Disabled' Do not show the No Internet access status message

below the AP name.
This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'Enabled' Show the No Internet access status message below

the AP name.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a device.
2. Connect to a Wi-Fi access point.
3. Depending on the value you set for PublishLimtiedConnectivity , verify whether the No Internet access status
message is shown below the AP name.
Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Wi-Fi always on, always connected
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Partners can modify AOAC behavior and UX for non-AOAC mode devices.
Partners can use the LowPowerSupported and AlwaysOnAlwaysConnected settings to modify AOAC
behavior and UX. The device’s supported AOAC mode is determined by a combination of the chipset, IHV driver,
and the LowPowerSupported setting.
LowPowerSupported – This setting specifies that the IHV driver partially supports AOAC. This setting
must only be used if the IHV driver supports a transition from the D0 state to the D2 state and certain low
power features.
AlwaysOnAlwaysConnected – This setting enables partners to specify whether Wi-Fi should remain on
when the screen times out. By default, this setting is disabled. Partners should note that this setting does not
apply to devices that support partial or full AOAC. In that case, Wi-Fi always remains on and in the lower
power state when the screen is idle. Also note that this setting controls the default state of the checkbox
Keep Wi-Fi on when the screen times out in the Wi-Fi > manage settings screen. This checkbox is only
visible for non-AOAC mode devices.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly for LowPowerSupported
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the Wi-Fi driver to support transition from a D0
state to a D2 state and to specify whether
Wi-Fi should stay on when the screen times out."


<!-- This setting is ImageTimeOnly. Specifies if the Wi-Fi driver supports D0 to D2 transitioning.
Enable this to indicate 'partial' AOAC state.
<Settings Path="WiFi/FirstBoot">
<!-- Set to 0 or 'Disabled' (to disable), or set to 1 or 'Enabled' (to enable). -->
<Setting Name="LowPowerSupported" Value="" />

<!-- Configures the Wi-Fi radios to always stay on even after the screen times out. This applies to
non-AOAC devices only.
<Settings Path="WiFi/Config">
<!-- Set to 0 or 'Disabled' (to disable), or set to 1 or 'Enabled' (to enable). -->
<Setting Name="AlwaysOnAlwaysConnected" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. To specify whether the Wi-Fi driver supports transitions from the D0 state to the D2 state and the required
low power features, configure the value for LowPowerSupported to one of the following values:


0 or 'Disabled' IHV driver does not support transitions from the D0

state to the D2 state and the required low power

1 or 'Enabled' IHV driver supports transitions from the D0 state to

the D2 state and the required low power features.

4. To specify whether Wi-Fi should remain on when the screen times out, configure the value for
AlwaysOnAlwaysConnected to one of the following values:


0 or 'Disabled' Disables Wi-Fi from always being on when the screen

times out. The Keep Wi-Fi on when the screen
times out in the Settings > Wi-Fi > manage screen
is turned off.

1 or 'Enabled' Enables Wi-Fi to always be on by default when the

screen times out. The Keep Wi-Fi on when the
screen times out in the Settings > Wi-Fi > manage
screen is turned on.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device that is connected to a Wi-Fi network.
2. If your Wi-Fi driver supports a D0 to D2 state transition and you enabled LowPowerSupported , verify that the
device transitions from a D0 state to a D2 state.
3. If you have a non-AOAC device and you configured the AlwaysOnAlwaysConnected setting, verify whether Wi-
Fi remains on when the screen times out. Navigate to the Wi-Fi > manage settings screen and verify that
the Keep Wi-Fi on when the screen times out setting is set according to the value that you specified for
AlwaysOnAlwaysConnected .

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Wi-Fi calling errors
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can customize the mobile device to configure settings related to Wi-Fi calling errors, including:
Show an error message when a Wi-Fi calling error is reported by the modem.
Show a specific error message based on operator requirements.
Customize the generic error string when a Wi-Fi calling error happens.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to customize the Wi-Fi calling error settings."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX">
<Setting Name="ShowWifiCallingError" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ShowSpecificWifiCallingError" Value="" />
<Setting Name="GenericWifiCallingErrorMessage" Value="" />


<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX">
<Setting Name="ShowWifiCallingError" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ShowSpecificWifiCallingError" Value="" />
<Setting Name="GenericWifiCallingErrorMessage" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. To show the Wi-Fi calling error message in the mobile device UI, set ShowWifiCallingError to one of the
following values:


0 or 'No' Shows the Wi-Fi calling error message.

This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'Yes' Hides the Wi-Fi calling error message.

5. To show the T-Mobile specific error message in the mobile device UI, set ShowSpecificWifiCallingError to
one of the following values:


0 or 'No' Shows the Wi-Fi calling error message.

This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'Yes' Hides the Wi-Fi calling error message.

**Note** If the mobile device is not specific to T-Mobile, OEMs should use the
`GenericWifiCallingErrorMessage` setting instead.

6. To specify a custom generic Wi-Fi calling error string in the mobile device UI, set
GenericWifiCallingErrorMessage to a string that corresponds to the error message you want to show. The string
must not be longer than 127 characters.
Work with your mobile operator partner to understand the Wi-Fi calling error message requirements for the
operator and to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Wi-Fi calling operator name
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can customize the display name for the mobile operator when the device is using Wi-Fi calling.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to customize the mobile operator name that's visible when the
is using Wi-Fi calling."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Add the resource-only dll file and language MUI packages -->
<Settings Path="Localization/MUI">
<!-- Use to add your base MUI DLL file -->
<Asset Name="BaseDll" Source="" />

<!-- Use to specify the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for the languages you are supporting and
localized strings for -->
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<!-- Add as many as you need -->

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)">
<Setting Name="WiFiCallingOperatorName" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Add the resource-only .dll file and the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for the languages you are
supporting. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Add the resource-only .dll that contains the custom display string by setting the BaseDll asset to
point to the location of your base MUI DLL file. For example: C:\Path\DisplayStrings.dll.
b. Add the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for all the languages you are supporting and have
localized strings for. To do this:
Set the asset's Name to LanguageDll/ $ (langid ) where $ (langid ) corresponds to the language.
For example: LanguageDll/en-US.
Set the asset's Source to the location of the .dll.mui file for that language. For example:
Repeat the previous steps for the other languages.
The following example shows the customization answer file entries for en-US, fr-CA, and es-
MX languages:

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/en-US" Source="C:\Path\en-us\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/fr-CA" Source="C:\Path\fr-CA\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/es-MX" Source="C:\Path\es-MX\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />

For more information, see Create a resource-only .dll for localized strings.
4. For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. To customize the name of the mobile operator when the phone is using Wi-Fi calling, you can set the value
for WiFiCallingOperatorName to:
Use a localized MUI string – To do this, set value to the name of the resource-only .dll file and specify
the string offset that corresponds to the mobile operator name. For example: @DisplayStrings.dll,-
Use a non-localized string – To do this, set value to the string that corresponds to the mobile operator
name. For example: Contoso.
If you don't set the value for WiFiCallingOperatorName , the device will always display
"SIMServiceProviderName Wi-Fi", where SIMServiceProviderName is a string that corresponds to the SPN
for the SIM on the device. If the service provider name in the SIM is not set, only "Wi-Fi" will be displayed.
Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device that has Wi-Fi calling enabled.
2. If you used a localized MUI string, verify that the localized string for the Wi-Fi calling mobile operator name
is displayed on the dialer.
If you used a non-localized string, verify that this string is displayed on the dialer.
If you did not set the value, verify that "SIMServiceProviderName Wi-Fi" is displayed on the dialer.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Wi-Fi icon and notifications
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can configure settings related to the Wi-Fi icon.

Settings that can be configured include:
Adjusting the percentages represented by the five bands in the status bar Wi-Fi icon.
Modifying the minimum connection strength for displaying a Wi-Fi network to the user. The default is 15%.
Specifying how frequently the Wi-Fi screen in Settings is updated.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure settings related to Wi-Fi, including the percentages
represented by the five bands in
the status bar Wi-Fi icon and the minimum connection strength for
displaying a Wi-Fi network to the user."


<Settings Path="WiFi/Config">
<Setting Name="ScanInterval" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalStrengthBar" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SignalStrengthDelta" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the values for the following settings:

Setting name Description

ScanInterval Specifies how often the list of available networks is

updated when the user is in the Wi-Fi screen in
Set the value to the number of seconds multiplied by
1000. For example, the default is 6000 (or 6 seconds).
To use a hexadecimal value, convert the decimal value
to hexadecimal and add the 0x prefix.
SignalStrengthBar Specifies the lowest acceptable signal strength for
networks to be displayed in the Wi-Fi screen in
Set the value is to a percentage from 0 to 100. The
default value is 15%. If you are using a hexadecimal
value, add the 0x prefix.

SignalStrengthDelta Specifies the difference in signal strength, as a

percentage, between each bar in the Wi-Fi icon.
Set the value to a number between 0 and 25. The
default value is 15%. If you are using a hexadecimal
value, add the 0x prefix.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for contacts
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations that you can configure for the contacts and contact list on the mobile device.

In this section

Cortana phone number Partners can configure a phone book entry for Cortana to
allow users to initiate speech from a car that doesn't have
support for activating speech on the device that is connected
over Bluetooth.

Disable wait for phonebook ready signal from the modem FDN SIM contacts syncs from the SIM during device boot. By
default, this component waits until the phonebook ready
signal is received from the modem and then it verifies whether
FDN contact management is enabled on the SIM. If needed,
OEMs can disable the wait for the phonebook ready signal.

Hide contacts without phone numbers Partners can change the default OS behavior so that both
contacts with phone numbers and contacts without phone
numbers are shown in the People Hub.

Sort order for contacts OEMs can use this customization to set the list of contacts
displayed in the People Hub to be organized by last name
instead of first name, or first name instead of last name. It is
also possible to change the display format of contact names to
appear as “First name Last name” or “Last name First name”
for markets that use more formal nomenclature.

Sort order for contacts override OEMs can customize the default values for people sort and
display settings as documented in the Sort order for contacts
customization. However, these settings may be overridden by
the defaults for the user’s current locale unless the OEM sets
an additional override registry key.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Cortana phone number
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can configure a phone book entry for Cortana to allow users to initiate speech from a car that doesn't
have support for activating speech on the device that is connected over Bluetooth. The custom phone book entry
will show up in the car's UI, but not in the Windows 10 Mobile UI.
When the user dials the custom phone number from the car, the device activates Cortana (or the device's default
speech engine if Cortana is turned off or is not available), instead of making a phone call. The phone number also
becomes associated with the contact name Cortana (or Speech) when the car downloads the phone book from
the phone. To start the device's speech engine, the user can dial the custom contact from the car's UI or use the
car's speech engine to "call Cortana" (or "call Speech" if Cortana is not enabled).
Once the phone book entry for Cortana has been configured, users cannot change the number. Only OEMs or
mobile operators can change this number. Partners must set this phone number to a number that will not be used
for actual phone numbers. Partners must also not use phone numbers that are used for emergencies, such as 911
in the United States.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to assign a phone number to associate with Cortana. Users can use
this number to start a
conversation with Cortana on the phone if a car doesn't have support
for activating speech on
the phone that is connected over Bluetooth."

<Settings Path="Bluetooth/BTAGService">
<Setting Name="CortanaPhoneNumber" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value for CortanaPhoneNumber to a phone number that will not be used for actual phone numbers or
for those used for emergencies. The phone number should be specified for all countries/regions that
support Cortana or legacy speech. If Cortana is off or not available for the market, the string Speech is used
instead of Cortana.
The default Cortana phone number is currently set to a fictitious phone number, 5555559876. If you do not
change the default value, the OS will only recognize this phone number.
1. Flash an image that contains this customization to a phone.
2. Connect your phone to your car over Bluetooth.
3. If Cortana or the default phone speech engine is supported, start the phone's speech engine by dialing the
custom contact from the car's UI. Alternatively, you can use the car's speech engine and say "call Cortana"
(or "call Speech) if Cortana is not enabled).
Verify that the phone activates either Cortana or the default speech instead of making a phone call. If
Cortana is available, start a conversation.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Disable wait for phonebook ready signal from the
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

FDN SIM contacts syncs from the SIM during device boot. By default, this component waits until the phonebook
ready signal is received from the modem and then it verifies whether FDN contact management is enabled on the
SIM. If needed, OEMs can disable the wait for the phonebook ready signal.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to disable the wait for the phonebook ready signal from the


<Settings Path="People/SIMContactManagement">
<Setting Name="CheckFDNStateAfterPhonebookReady" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of CheckFDNStateAfterPhonebookReady to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Disables the wait until the phonebook ready signal

from the modem is received.

1 or 'True' Waits for the phonebook ready signal from the

modem before verifying whether FDN contact
management is enabled on the SIM.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a SIM that has FDN enabled.
2. Go through the setup process and then enter the PIN to unlock the SIM when prompted and wait for the
Start screen to appear.
3. Go to the People Hub and verify that FDN contacts are visible.
4. Go to the Settings > phone > SIM settings screen and verify that FDN is shown as On.
5. Additionally, you can test SIMs from two operators and verify that:
Both SIM cards show FDN contacts correctly.
Enabling and disabling FDN works.
Operator voice calls are allowed or blocked correctly based on the FDN status and FDN contacts list.
Adding and deleting contacts in the FDN phonebook works.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Hide contacts without phone numbers
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can change the default OS behavior so that both contacts with phone numbers and contacts without
phone numbers are shown in the People Hub.
By default, contacts that do not have phone numbers are hidden in the People Hub.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to show or hide in the People Hub the contacts without phone
<Settings Path="People/ContactsFilteringSettings">
<Setting Name="HideContactsWithoutPhoneNumbers" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set HideContactsWithoutPhoneNumbers to one of the following values:


1 or 'True' In the People Hub, this hides contacts without phone

This is the default OS behavior.

0 or 'False' In the People Hub, this shows contacts with phone

numbers and contacts without phone numbers.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device.
2. Set up the device and then add a few contacts. Make sure to include contacts with phone numbers and
contacts without phone numbers.
3. Open the People Hub.
If you set HideContactsWithoutPhoneNumbers to 0 or 'False', verify that under the Contacts heading the
filter shows showing all at the top of the contacts list. Confirm that all contacts, with and without
phone numbers, are showing.
If you set HideContactsWithoutPhoneNumbers to 1 or 'True' (or did not set this setting), verify that under
the Contacts heading the filter shows showing contacts with phone numbers at the top of the
contacts list. Confirm that only contacts with phone numbers are showing.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Sort order for contacts
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can use this customization to set the list of contacts displayed in the People Hub to be organized by last
name instead of first name or first name instead of last name. It is also possible to change the display format of
contact names to appear as “First name Last name” or “Last name First name” for markets that use more formal
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the sorting and display setting of the user's contacts"
<Settings Path="People/SortAndDisplaySettings">
<Setting Name="SortBy" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DisplayBy" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the SortBy Value to one of the following values:


[Sort1] or FirstLast Sorts the contacts in the People Hub by their first

[Sort2] or LastFirst Sorts the contacts in the People Hub by their last

4. Set the DisplayBy Value to one of the following values:


[Sort1] or FirstLast Displays the contacts in the People Hub in the format:
“First name Last name”

[Sort2] or LastFirst Displays the contacts in the People Hub in the format:
“Last name First name”.
Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the People settings screen. Verify that the Sort list by option is set to Last name, and that the
Display names by option is set to Last, First.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Sort order for contacts override
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can customize the default values for people sort and display settings as documented in the Sort order for
contacts customization. However, these settings may be overridden by the defaults for the user’s current locale
unless the OEM sets an additional override registry key.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to prevent OEM values for people sort and display settings from
being overridden by user's current locale."
<Settings Path="People/SortAndDisplaySettings">
<Setting Name="OEMOverridesSortDisplay" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the OEMOverridesSortDisplay value to 1 or 0x1 to prevent the OEM values for people sort and display
settings from being overridden.
Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the People settings screen.
3. Verify that the Sort list by and the Display names by option is set to the values you specified in the Sort
order for contacts customization.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for desktop experiences
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations that you can configure for the desktop when the mobile device is connected.

In this section

Control Panel device icon OEMs can change the default icon associated with the
phone on a connected computer.

Phone image in the phone app OEMs can replace the default images of the phone that
appears in the phone app. These images are included in
the OEMImage.cab that is provided in this customization
sample. The OEM can replace these images with custom
ones that more accurately depict their phone. When the
OEM provides a new image, this image will be used and
will replace the OEMavatar.cab file that is used by default.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Control Panel device icon
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can change the default icon associated with the phone on a connected computer.
When the user connects a phone to a Windows computer, the phone name and icon shows up in the Devices and
Printers list. OEMs can change the default icon associated with the phone.
Limitations and restrictions:
Create an icon to represent the phone that meets the following specifications:
Filename: Device.ico
Dimensions, bit level and transparency:
256x256: 32bit + Alpha
48x48: 32bit + Alpha
48x48: 8bit 256
48x48: 8bit 16
32x32: 32bit + Alpha
32x32: 8bit 256
32x32: 4bit 16
24x24: 32bit + Alpha
24x24: 8bit 256
24x24: 4bit 16
16x16: 32bit + Alpha
16x16: 8bit 256
16x16: 4bit 16
Match the orientation and general creative style of the sample image. To avoid issues associated with the
localization of the screen image text, the phone image must depict a phone that is turned off.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to change the icon associated with the phone when connecting to a
Windows computer."


<Settings Path="MediaTransferProtocol/DeviceAssets">
<!-- Use to add the icon to represent the phone when connected to a Windows computer. -->
<Asset Name="DeviceIcon" Source="C:\Path\Device.ico" />

<!-- Use to specify the file name of the device icon to use -->
<Setting Name="Icon" Value="Device.ico" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Add the icon you want to use to represent the phone when connected to a Windows computer. To do this:
a. Set the asset Name to DeviceIcon.
b. Specify the file name and location of the asset on your workstation by setting the Source .
4. Set the Icon value to the name of your custom icon. For example, Device.ico.
Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone.
2. On the Windows computer, open Device Manager and remove the driver associated with the phone.
3. Connect the phone to the computer using a USB cable.
4. On the computer, navigate to the Devices and Printers screen. Verify that the phone icon that you included
in the build is visible.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Phone image in the phone app
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can replace the default images of the phone that appears in the phone app. These images are included in the
OEMImage.cab that is provided in this customization sample. The OEM can replace these images with custom
ones that more accurately depict their phone. When the OEM provides a new image, this image will be used and
will replace the OEMavatar.cab file that is used by default.
Limitations and restrictions:
The custom image files to represent the phone must meet the following specifications:
96 DPI
Alpha background transparency
Dimensions - Height (width varies by device):
800 px
400 px
200 px
150 px
120 px
80 px
The image must be the exact height and width of the device with no padding.
Match the orientation and general creative style of the sample image. To avoid issues associated with the
localization of the screen image text, the phone image must depict a phone that is turned off.
Constraints: None
1. Complete the following steps to create a cab file containing six custom .png image files to represent the
a. Create the six custom phone images and place them in a folder named OEMImage.
b. Create a new OEMImage.cab file that contains your custom images using Makecab.exe, which is a
utility included with Windows. To do this:
a. Create a directive file for Makecab.exe with the filename OEMImage.ddf.
The .ddf file must have the following contents:
;*** OEMImage.ddf example
.OPTION EXPLICIT ; Generate errors
.Set CabinetNameTemplate=OEMImage.cab
.set DiskDirectoryTemplate=CDROM ; All cabinets go in a single directory
.Set UniqueFiles="OFF"
.Set Cabinet=on
.Set DiskDirectory1=OEMImage.CAB

b. Place the OEMImage.ddf file in the OEMImage folder along with the six .png image files. At a
command-line prompt in the OEMImage folder, run the following command:

Makecab.exe /F OEMImage.ddf

This produces a .cab file called OEMImage.cab.

2. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to replace the default images of the phone that appears in the
Windows Phone app."


<Settings Path="MediaTransferProtocol/DeviceAssets">
<!-- Use to add the .cab containing the PNG image files that depict the phone at various sizes
and the OEMImage.ddf -->
<Asset Name="DeviceImageCab" Source="C:\Path\OEMImage.cab" />

<!-- Use to specify which device image .cab should be used to display images of the phone in
the Windows Phone app -->
<Setting Name="Avatar" Value="OEMImage.cab" />



3. Specify an Owner .
4. Add the OEMImage.cab file to the customization package. To do this:
a. Set the asset Name to DeviceImageCab.
b. Specify the location of the OEMImage.cab on your workstation by changing C:\Path\ in the Source
attribute to match the location of OEMImage.cab.
5. Specify which device image .cat to use when displaying images of the phone in the Windows Phone app by
setting the Avatar value to OEMImage.cab.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone.
2. On the computer, install the Windows 10 Mobile app.
3. Connect the phone to the computer using a USB cable.
4. On the computer, open the mobile app.
5. Verify that the phone image that you included in the build is visible in the mobile app.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for display and lock screen
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations for the display and lock screen on the device.

In this section

Additional lock screen backgrounds OEMs can add new lock screen background images for the
lock screen and also set the default lock screen background.

Brightness tuning When the Brightness screen in Settings is not set to

automatically adjust, this customization enables the user to
select low, medium, and high intensities for the screen

Default theme and accent color for Kid's Corner Partners can set the default theme, including the background
color (light or dark) and the accent color for Kid’s Corner.

Enable dark mode OEMs can choose to specify whether the dark mode is applied.

Hide the auto brightness setting OEMs can hide the automatic brightness setting for phones
that do not have an ambient light sensor.

Lock screen notifications OEMs can preload apps that support lock screen notifications.

Lock screen timeout for AMOLED and OLED displays OEMs can remove the 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and Never
options from the Screen times out after dropdown in the Lock
screen settings screen.

Warning about light theme for AMOLED and OLED screens OEMs can choose to display a warning about battery life if the
user selects the light theme on phones with AMOLED or
OLED displays. This customization is not relevant for other
screen types, as there is not a significant power difference
between the themes with the light and dark background.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Additional lock screen backgrounds
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

OEMs can add new lock screen background images for the lock screen and also set the default lock screen
Limitations and restrictions:
The lock screen backgrounds included by Microsoft shall not be removed, moved, or altered.
The user can modify the default lock screen background by selecting a new photo from the Photos
application or by changing the lock screen background settings.
Lock screen background images must be in .JPG, .JPEG, or .PNG format.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
Adding more lock screen backgrounds
OEMs can provide a set of images to complement the Backgrounds album. The set of images will be available to
end-users to select as a lock screen background when the user selects the Sample images background provider in
the Lock screen settings screen and launches the photo picker. The images will be appended to the end of the
backgrounds album. Although there is no limit to the number of additional lock screen backgrounds, we
recommend that partners add no more than 26 backgrounds.
To add a set of lock screen backgrounds:
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add additional lock screen backgrounds and set the default lock
screen background."


<Settings Path="LockScreen">
<Asset Name="Wallpapers" Source="" />
<Asset Name="Wallpapers" Source="" />



If you are setting the default lock screen background in addition to adding a set of lock screen backgrounds,
see Setting the default system lock screen background after this section.
2. Specify an Owner .
3. Add additional lock screen backgrounds by adding more Asset elements.
Set the asset's Name to Wallpapers .
Set Source to the full path to the lock screen background source file on your development machine.
For example: C:\Program Files (x86 )\Windows
Setting the default system lock screen background
OEMs can set an image to be the default system lock screen background and this supersedes the default device
system lock screen background. This image will be shown during the following scenarios:
During first boot, unless device restore overrides the image with a backed up image.
When Sample images is selected as the Background in the Lock screen settings screen and no custom
image is assigned.
During any error condition when the lock screen API fails to set the image and the system rolls back to the
default system image.
The default lock screen image can be one of the images supplied as the default lock screen background set to be
shown on the photo picker. We recommend that the default lock screen background image also be part of the set.
To configure the default lock screen background:
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample or use the
sample AdditionalLockScreenBackgrounds.xml file.

<Settings Path="LockScreen">
<Setting Name="DefaultWallpaper" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the DefaultWallpaper value to the file name of the image that you want to set as the default lock screen.
For example, Image1.jpg.
4. Use the customization answer file to create your custom OS image.
1. Flash an OS image that contains this customization to a phone.
2. If you added more lock screen backgrounds:
a. Go to Lock screen settings screen.
b. Make sure the Background setting is set to Sample images.
c. Select Browse and verify that your additional lock screen backgrounds have been appended at the
3. If you set the default lock screen background:
a. Turn off the phone then turn it on again.
b. Verify that the lock screen background matches the image that you set as the default lock screen.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-
Brightness tuning
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

When the Brightness screen in Settings is not set to automatically adjust, this customization enables the user to
select low, medium, and high intensities for the screen brightness. By default these values are 33%, 66%, and 100%
of maximum brightness respectively. OEMS can tune these values so that low intensity is as close to 35 LUX as
possible and medium is as close to 200 LUX as possible. High intensity should be the screen's maximum supported
Limitations and restrictions:
When the Brightness setting is set to automatically adjust, partners must ensure that the brightness table
(sometimes called curve) provided for automatic brightness setting contains at least one entry that is less than
33% of the maximum brightness. If this requirement is not met, the behavior of the device when switching to
low brightness settings is undefined.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to tune the phone's low, medium, and high brightness settings when
the brightness is not set to automatically adjust."


<Settings Path="Brightness">
<Setting Name="LowBrightnessValue" Value="" />
<Setting Name="MediumBrightnessValue" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HighBrightnessValue" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the brightness percentages. Note that you will have to convert the decimal percentage to hexadecimal
and then prepend 0x to the hexadecimal value. For example, if the value is 200 (decimal), the final
hexadecimal value must be set to 0xC8.


LowBrightnessValue Use to set the low brightness percentage. Low

intensity should be as close to 35 LUX as possible.

MediumBrightnessValue Use to set the medium brightness percentage.

Medium intensity should be as close to 200 LUX as

HighBrightnessValue Use to set the high brightness percentage. High

intensity should remain 0x64 (100 in decimal) to use
the screen's maximum supported brightness.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go to the theme screen in Settings, and select the light background.
3. Go to the Brightness screen in Settings, and turn off the Automatically adjust option.
4. Select low level, then use a light meter placed over the bottom half of the screen (which is all white) to test
the output in LUX. For best results the light sensor should be surrounded by a shroud to block out incidental
light. Low should be approximately equivalent to 35 LUX.
5. Repeat the test by selecting the medium level. This should be approximately equivalent to 200 LUX.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Kid's Corner default theme and accent color
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can set the default theme, including the background color (light or dark) and the accent color for Kid’s
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the default theme and accent color for Kid's Corner."


<Settings Path="KidsCorner">
<Setting Name="DefaultThemeBackground" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DefaultThemeAccentColor" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set DefaultThemeBackground to specify a theme. The possible values are:
0 for light
1 for dark
4. Set DefaultThemeAccentColor to specify an accent color ID. You can use either the corresponding decimal
value or the corresponding hexadecimal value (with the 0x prefix) as shown in the following table.


0x0 0 Lime

0x1 1 Green

0x2 2 Emerald

0x3 3 Teal

0x4 4 Cyan

0x5 5 Cobalt

0x6 6 Indigo

0x7 7 Violet

0x8 8 Pink

0x9 9 Magenta

0xA 10 Crimson

0xB 11 Red

0xC 12 Orange

0xD 13 Amber

0xE 14 Yellow

0xF 15 Brown

0x10 16 Olive

0x11 17 Steel

0x12 18 Mauve

0x13 19 Taupe

0x65 101 CustomAccentColor1

0x66 102 CustomAccentColor2

0x67 103 CustomAccentColor3

0x68 104 CustomAccentColor4

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Launch Kid’s Corner.
3. Verify that the Kid’s Corner theme and accent color match the defaults you set in the registry.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Start + theme settings: Enabling dark mode
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can choose to specify whether the dark mode is applied.

Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Specifies whether the dark mode is applied."


<Settings Path="Theme">
<Setting Name="DefaultBackgroundColor" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set DefaultBackgroundColor to specify a mode. The possible values are:


0 or 'Light' Enables light mode.

1 or 'Dark' Enables dark mode. This is the default OS setting.

1. Flash an image containing this customization to a phone.
2. Verify that the phone is using the correct mode.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Hide the auto brightness setting
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can hide the automatic brightness setting for phones that do not have an ambient light sensor.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to hide the auto brightness setting for phones without an ambient
light sensor."


<Settings Path="Brightness">
<Setting Name="HideAutoBrightness" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set Value to one of the following:


0 or 'Show' Use to show the Automatically adjust setting in the

Settings > brightness screen.

1 or 'Hide' Use to hide the Automatically adjust setting in the

Settings > brightness screen.

1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a phone.
2. In Settings, go to the Brightness screen.
3. Verify that the Automatically adjust toggle is hidden or visible depending on the Value that you set for
HideAutoBrightness .

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Lock screen notifications
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can preload apps that support lock screen notifications. Notifications alert the user to new content or
updates in that app. They can take the form of a number (to indicate the number of changes) or a text preview.
OEMs can also preset one notification in the fifth slot on the lock screen. This notification displays an icon for a
single app plus the number of notifications for that app.
Limitations and restrictions:
The default count notification mappings must not be changed.
The default text notification mapping must not be changed.
Notification icons provided by the app and displayed on the lock screen must be monochromatic, with a
white foreground color and a transparent background color.
After first boot, apps can only be assigned as a lock screen notification by the user; apps must not
automatically use a notification slot.
Users can delete apps that support notifications, and they can also select alternate notification mappings.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
For more information about building an app that supports notifications on the lock screen, see the Windows
developer documentation.
To preload and specify the app that supports lock screen notifications:
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to preload an app that supports lock screen notifications and set
the app to use the 5th slot on the lock screen."

<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />

<Settings Path="LockScreen">
<Setting Name="LockNotificationAppID" Value="" />
<Setting Name="LockNotificationAppTile" Value="default" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Preload the app that supports lock screen notifications by specifying these settings:
Set Source to the path and name of the app's .xap file.
Set License to the path and name of the app's license file.
Set ProvXML to the path and name of the app's PROVXML file.
4. Set the LockNotificationAppID setting Value to correspond to your app' s app ID or GUID.
5. Replace the LockNotificationAppTile setting Value to match the TokenID value that was in your app
manifest file. If you do not have a TokenID specified, set the Value to default.
1. Flash an image that contains this customization to a device.
2. Go to Settings > Lock screen.
3. Scroll down and verify that your lock screen notification app now shows as the default app in fifth slot under
Choose apps to show quick status.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Screen timeout for AMOLED and OLED displays
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can remove the 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and Never options from the Screen times out after dropdown
in the Lock screen settings screen.
This is recommended for phones with AMOLED and OLED screens to prevent screen damage.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to remove the 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and Never options from the
screen time-out option in the Lock screen settings screen."

<Settings Path="LockScreen">
<!-- Set the value to 1 or 0x1 to remove the 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and Never options from the
lock screen settings screen -->
<Setting Name="ScreenTimeOut" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. To hide or remove the 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and Never options from the Screen times out after
dropdown in the Lock screen settings screen, set ScreenTimeOut to 1 or 0x1.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go to the lock screen screen in Settings.
3. Tap the Screen times out after setting and verify that the 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and never options are
no longer included in the list.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Warning about light theme for AMOLED and OLED
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can choose to display a warning about battery life if the user selects the light theme on phones with
AMOLED or OLED displays. This customization is not relevant for other screen types, as there is not a significant
power difference between the themes with the light and dark background.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to display the battery life warning on phones with AMOLED or OLED


<Settings Path="Theme">
<Setting Name="OLEDWarning" Value="1" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Do not modify the Value .
1. Flash an image containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go to the Colors settings screen.
3. Set the Choose your mode option to Light.
4. Verify that the warning text appears above the mode option.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for email
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations related to email.

In this section

Light or dark theme in email Partners can specify that the entire email application always
has a light background.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Light or dark mode in email
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The email application consists of several screens, including the List View, Settings, Automatic Replies, Search,
Inbox Linking, Read, and Compose. By default, the email background for all pages except Read and Compose
match the system theme. The Read and Compose pages always have a light background. Partners can specify that
the entire email application always has a light background, but users do not have access to this setting. However, if
the user turns on high-contrast mode, it overrides all other settings, and all screens use the high contrast settings.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the entire email app to always have a light

<Settings Path="Email">
<Setting Name="DefaultBackgroundThemeSetting" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set DefaultBackgroundThemeSetting to one of the following values:


1 or Light Background Configures the entire email application to always have

a light background.
Users cannot override this setting, but if high contrast
is enabled this setting will be changed.

0 or System Default Keeps the default background theme for the email

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone that has data connectivity.
2. Go to the theme screen in Settings. Set the background theme to dark.
3. Go to the email+accounts screen in Settings. Configure an email account.
4. Go to the configured email account’s inbox.
5. Verify that the email background is light.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for keyboard
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations that you can configure for the keyboard on the mobile device.

In this section

Disable text correction and suggestions For markets that do not use any of the available input
languages, partners pick an alternative available input
language as the default, but disable text prediction, auto-
correction, and the spelling checker by default, using this

Hardware keyboard character repeats hold time and delay For devices that have a hardware keyboard, partners can
optionally set the character repeat hold time and delay.

On-screen keyboard delay When an external keyboard (e.g. Bluetooth keyboard or

barcode scanner which connects as an HID keyboard) is used
with a device, the on-screen keyboard is hidden. When the
screen is touched, there is a hard-coded delay of 60s before
the on-screen keyboard reappears. With this customization, an
OEM can define the delay value before the on-screen
keyboard reappears.

Pre-enabled keyboard OEMs can use this customization to pre-enable additional

device keyboards.

Text correction and suggestions Partners must enable text correction and text suggestions for
at least one input language, and can optionally include more.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Disable text correction and suggestions
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For markets that do not use any of the available input languages, partners pick an alternative available input
language as the default, but disable text prediction, auto-correction, and the spelling checker by default, using this
Partners must not remove any keyboards, disable default keyboards for an input language, nor modify any
keyboard layouts in any way. However, for markets that do not use any of the available input languages, partners
pick an alternative available input language as the default, but disable text prediction, auto-correction, and the
spelling checker. This prevents the user’s words from being automatically changed to similar words in the alternate
language as they type.
Users can turn text prediction, auto-correction, and the spelling checker back on by going to the keyboard screen
in Settings, tapping their desired keyboard language, and selecting Suggest text.
Limitations and restrictions:
Partners can disable text correction and suggestions for only one language. This functionality cannot be
disabled for Japanese, Chinese, or Korean.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to disable text prediction, auto-correction, and spelling checker
for an alternative input language."


<Settings Path="TextInput/Intelligence">
<Setting Name="DisablePredictions" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Value to the locale or alternative input language that must have the text intelligence features
disabled. For example, to disable text correction and suggestions for English (UK), set Value to en-gb .
Testing Steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the keyboard screen in Settings.
3. Choose the keyboard language where you turned off text correction and suggestions to open the keyboard
4. Verify that the checkboxes for Suggest text, Highlight misspelled words, Correct misspelled words,
and Insert a space after selection a suggestion are unchecked.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Hardware keyboard character repeats hold time and
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For devices that have a hardware keyboard, partners can optionally set the character repeat hold time and delay.
The optional keyboard customizations are:
The amount of time, in milliseconds, the user must hold down a key before the keyboard character repeats.
The amount of time, in milliseconds, to use as the delay between each keyboard character repeats.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the settings for the hardware keyboard character
repeats hold time and delay"
<Settings Path="TextInput/HardwareKeyboard">
<Setting Name="AutoRepeatInitialDelay" Value="" />
<Setting Name="KeyRepeatRate" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. To specify the amount of time that the user must hold down a key before the keyboard character repeats, set
the value for the AutoRepeatInitialDelay setting. The value is in milliseconds.
4. To specify the amount of time to use as the delay between each keyboard character repeats, set the value for
the KeyRepeatRate setting. The value is in milliseconds.

Testing Steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone with a hardware keyboard.
2. Set up the phone. Press and hold down the same keyboard key. Verify that the amount of time needed to
hold down a key before the keyboard character repeats corresponds to the value that you set. Also verify
that the delay between each character repeat is equivalent to the value that you set.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
On-screen keyboard delay
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

When an external keyboard (e.g. Bluetooth keyboard or barcode scanner which connects as an HID keyboard) is
used with a device, the on-screen keyboard is hidden. When the screen is touched, there is a hard-coded delay
period of 60 seconds before the on-screen keyboard reappears. Typically, the user selects an input field on the
screen and then uses the external keyboard/barcode scanner to enter the data.
This customization enables an OEM to change that delay period. The delay value is read on boot-up and cannot be
changed during runtime. The optional customization specifies the delay in seconds with a default value of 60. If the
value is set to 0, then the on-screen keyboard is not hidden.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the setting for the delay in showing the on-screen keyboard when an
external keyboard is connected"
<Setting Name="HWKeyboardActivityInterval" Value="" />
<RegistrySource Type="REG_DWORD"
Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Input\HWKeyboardActivityInterval" />

2. Specify an Owner.
3. Set the value to the required delay between when a user touches the screen of the device, and when the on-
screen keyboard appears, in seconds.

Testing steps
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device
2. Connect an external Bluetooth keyboard to the device
3. Select the input field on the screen via the on-screen keyboard
a. Type abc via the on-screen keyboard.
b. Type dce via the external keyboard. The on-screen keyboard shrinks from the screen.
c. Touch the screen again and confirm the on-screen keyboard remains hidden until the specified delay

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Pre-enabled keyboard
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

OEMs can use this customization to pre-enable additional device keyboards.

During device bring-up, OEMs must set the boot locale, or default locale, for the device. During first boot, the OS
reads the locale setting and automatically enables a default keyboard based on the locale to keyboard mapping
table in Set languages and locales.
The mapping works for almost all regions and additional customizations are not needed unless specified in the
pre-enabled keyboard column in Set languages and locales. If an OEM chooses to pre-enable more keyboards for
a particular market, they can do so by specifying this setting. Pre-enabled keyboards will automatically be enabled
during boot. Microsoft recommends that partners limit the number of pre-enabled keyboards to those languages
that correspond to the languages spoken within the market.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to pre-enable more keyboards for a particular market and specify
the keyboards automatically enabled during boot."


<Settings Path="TextInput">

<!-- Replace $(InputMethodId) with the keyboard to pre-enable. Format is "LocaleCode.LocaleValue"

For example, set Setting Name to "PreEnabledKeyboard/ko-KR.4" to pre-enable Korean 12-key
Value is always set to 1 to enable the keyboard. -->
<Setting Name="PreEnabledKeyboard/$(InputMethodId)" Value="1" />

<!-- Add additional keyboards

<Setting Name="PreEnabledKeyboard/$(InputMethodId)" Value="1" />
<Setting Name="PreEnabledKeyboard/$(InputMethodId)" Value="1" />




2. Specify an Owner .
3. Replace $ (InputMethodId ) with the keyboard you want to pre-enable. The format must be: Locale
code.Locale value. See the following table for more information on the locale codes and values that you
can use. The setting Value must be set to 1 to enable the keyboard.
For example, to pre-enable US English and Korean 12-key Sky, add the following key/value pairs:
<Settings Path="TextInput">
<Setting Name="PreEnabledKeyboard/en-US.1" Value="1" />
<Setting Name="PreEnabledKeyboard/ko-KR.4" Value="1" />

The following table shows the values that you can use for the $ (InputMethodId ) part of the setting name. Replace
$ (InputMethod ) with this format: Locale code.Locale value
Note The keyboards for some locales require additional language model files. To pre-enable the keyboards for
the following locales, OEMs must include corresponding locales in the Keyboard section described in Text
correction and suggestions: am-ET, bn-IN, gu-IN, hi-IN, ja-JP, kn-IN, ko-KR, ml-IN, mr-IN, my-MM, or-IN, pa-IN,
si-LK, ta-IN, te-IN, zh-TW, zh-CN, and zh-HK.


Afrikaans (South Africa) af-ZA 1

Albanian sq-AL 1

Amharic am-ET 1

Arabic ar-SA 1

Armenian hy-AM 1

Assamese - INSCRIPT as-IN 1

Azerbaijani (Cyrillic) az-Cyrl-AZ 1

Azerbaijani (Latin) az-Latn-AZ 1

Bangla (Bangladesh) - 49 key bn-BD 1

Bangla (India) - INSCRIPT bn-IN 1

Bangla (India) - Phonetic bn-IN 2

Bashkir ba-RU 1

Basque eu-ES 1

Belarusian be-BY 1

Bosnian (Cyrillic) bs-Cyrl-BA 1

Bosnian (Latin) bs-Latn-BA 1

Bulgarian bg-BG 1

Catalan ca-ES 1

Central Kurdish ku-Arab-IQ 1

Cherokee chr-Cher-US 1

Chinese Simplified QWERTY zh-CN 1

Chinese Simplified - 12-key zh-CN 2

Chinese Simplified - Handwriting zh-CN 3

Chinese Simplified - Stroke zh-CN 4

Chinese Traditional (Hong Kong zh-HK 1

SAR) - Cangjie

Chinese Traditional (Hong Kong zh-HK 2

SAR) - Quick

Chinese Traditional (Hong Kong zh-HK 3

SAR) - Stroke

Chinese Traditional (Taiwan) - zh-TW 1


Chinese Traditional (Taiwan) - zh-TW 2


Croatian hr-HR 1

Czech cs-CZ 1

Danish da-DK 1

Divehi dv-MV 1

Dutch (Belgium) nl-BE 1

Dutch (Netherlands) nl-NL 1

Dzongkha dz-BT 1

English (Australia) en-AU 1

English (Canada) en-CA 1

English (India) en-IN 1

English (Ireland) en-IE 1

English (United Kingdom) en-GB 1

English (United States) en-US 1

Estonian et-EE 1

Faroese fo-FO 1

Filipino fil-PH 1

Finnish fi-FI 1

French (Belgium) fr-BE 1

French (Canada) fr-CA 1

French (France) fr-FR 1

French (Switzerland) fr-CH 1


Galician gl-ES 1

Georgian ka-GE 1

German (Germany) de-DE 1

German (Switzerland) de-CH 1

Greek el-GR 1

Greenlandic kl-GL 1

Guarani gn-PY 1

Gujarati - INSCRIPT gu-IN 1

Gujarati - Phonetic gu-IN 2

Hausa ha-Latn-NG 1

Hebrew he-IL 1

Hindi - 37-key hi-IN 1

Hindi - INSCRIPT hi-IN 3

Hindi - Phonetic hi-IN 2

Hinglish hi-Latn 1

Hungarian hu-HU 1

Icelandic is-IS 1

Igbo ig-NG 1

Indonesian id-ID 1

Inuktitut - Latin iu-Latn-CA 1

Irish ga-IE 1

Italian it-IT 1

Japanese - 12-key ja-JP 1

Japanese - QWERTY ja-JP 2

Kannada - INSCRIPT kn-IN 1

Kannada - Phonetic kn-IN 2

Kazakh kk-KZ 1

Khmer km-KH 1

Kinyarwanda rw-RW 1

Kiswahili sw-KE 1

Konkani kok-IN 1

Korean - 12-key Chunjiin ko-KR 2

Korean - 12-key Naratgeul ko-KR 3

Korean - 12-key Sky ko-KR 4

Korean - QWERTY ko-KR 1

Kyrgyz ky-KG 1

Lao lo-LA 1

Latvian lv-LV 1

Lithuanian lt-LT 1

Luxembourgish lb-LU 1

Macedonian mk-MK 1

Malay (Brunei Darussalam) ms-BN 1

Malay (Malaysia) ms-MY 1

Malayalam - INSCRIPT ml-IN 1

Malayalam - Phonetic ml-IN 2

Maltese mt-MT 1

Maori mi-NZ 1

Marathi - INSCRIPT mr-IN 1

Marathi - Phonetic mr-IN 2

Mongolian - Cyrillic mn-MN 1

Mongolian - Traditional Mongolian mn-Mong-CN 1

Myanmar my-MM 1

Nepali ne-NP 1

Norwegian - Bokmal nb-NO 1

Norwegian - Nynorsk ny-NO 1

Odia - INSCRIPT or-IN 1

Odia - Phonetic or-IN 2


Pashto ps-AF 1

Persian fa-IR 1

Polish pl-PL 1

Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR 1

Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT 1

Punjabi - INSCRIPT pa-IN 1

Punjabi - Phonetic pa-IN 2

Romanian ro-RO 1

Romansh rm-CH 1

Russian ru-RU 1

Sakha sah-RU 1

Sami, Northern (Norway) se-NO 1

Sami, Northern (Sweden) se-NO 1

Scottish Gaelic gd-GB 1

Serbian - Cyrillic sr-Cyrl-RS 1

Serbian - Latin sr-Latn-RS 1

Sesotho sa Leboa nso-ZA 1

Setswana tn-ZA 1

Sinhala si-LK 1

Slovak sk-SK 1

Slovenian sl-SI 1

Sorbian, Upper hsb-DE 1

Spanish (Mexico) es-MX 1

Spanish (Spain) es-ES 1

Swedish sv-SE 1

Syriac syr-SY 1

Tajik tg-Cyrl-TJ 1

Tamazight (Central Atlas) - Tifinagh tzm-Tfng-MA 1

Tamazight (Central Atlas) - Latin tzm-Latn-DZ 1

Tamil - INSCRIPT ta-IN 1

Tamil - Phonetic ta-IN 2

Tatar tt-RU 1

Telugu - INSCRIPT te-IN 1

Telugu - Phonetic te-IN 2

Thai th-TH 1

Tibetan bo-CN 1

Turkish tr-TR 1

Turkmen tk-TM 1

Ukrainian uk-UA 1

Urdu ur-PK 1

Uyghur ug-CN 1

Uzbek - Cyrillic uz-Cyrl-UZ 1

Uzbek - Latin uz-Latn-UZ 1

Valencian ca-ES-valencia 1

Vietnamese - QWERTY vi-VN 1

Vietnamese - TELEX vi-VN 2

Vietnamese - VNI vi-VN 3

Welsh cy-GB 1

Wolof #N/A 1

Xhosa xh-ZA 1

Yoruba yo-NG 1

Zulu zu-ZA 1

Testing Steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the keyboard screen in Settings.
3. Verify that the list of keyboard languages enabled on the device is correct.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Text correction and suggestions
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners must enable text correction and text suggestions for at least one input language, and can optionally
include more.
By default, the keyboard language files used for text correction and suggestions while typing are not included on
the device.

The primary audience for these topics is Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). If you're a Windows device owner
(consumer) and would like to learn more about power settings in Windows 10, please see results for text correction on
Microsoft's community support site.

Text correction and suggestions are supported for the following input languages: Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech,
Danish, Dutch (Belgium), Dutch (Netherlands), English (India), English (UK), English (US ), Finnish, French
(Canada), French (Switzerland), French (France), German, Greek, Hebrew, Hinglish, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian (Bokmål), Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal),
Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Latin), Serbian (Cyrillic), Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish (Mexico), Spanish
(Spain), Swedish, Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong SAR ), Traditional Chinese (Taiwan), Turkish, Ukrainian, and

For more information about language customizations, see the overview Set languages and locales.
To modify the list of speech languages, the OEM must edit the Keyboard section of the OEMInput.xml file before
building the device image. The following input languages are supported.

Input Language Value to use in the OEMInput.xml file

Arabic ar-SA

Catalan ca-ES

Croatian hr-HR

Czech cs-CZ

Danish da-DK

Dutch (Belgium) nl-BE

Dutch (Netherlands) nl-NL

English (India) en-IN

English (UK) en-GB

English (US) en-US

Finnish fi-FI

French (Canada) fr-CA

French (Switzerland) fr-CH

French (France) fr-FR

German de-DE

Greek el-GR

Hebrew he-IL

Hindi hi-IN

Hinglish hi-Latn

Hungarian hu-HU

Indonesian id-ID

Italian it-IT

Japanese ja-JP

Korean ko-KR

Malay ms-MY

Norwegian (Bokmål) nb-NO

Persian fa-IR

Polish pl-PL

Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR

Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT

Romanian ro-RO

Russian ru-RU

Serbian (Latin) sr-Latn-RS

Serbian (Cyrillic) sr-Cyrl-RS

Simplified Chinese zh-CN

Slovak sk-SK

Spanish (Mexico) es-MX

Spanish (Spain) es-ES

Swedish sv-SE

Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong SAR) zh-HK

Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) zh-TW

Turkish tr-TR

Ukrainian uk-UA

Vietnamese vi-VN

OEMs must include at least one keyboard language. To include multiple languages, add additional Language
entries to the Keyboard section of the OEMInput.xml file, as shown in the following sample.

Testing steps
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the keyboard screen in Settings.
3. Verify that the list of keyboard languages installed on the device is correct.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for maps
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations that you can configure for maps on the mobile device.

In this section

Map data on an SD card and map preload Map data is used by the Maps application and the map
control for third-party applications. OEMs can choose to
store this data on an SD card, which provides the
advantage of saving internal memory space for user data
and allows the user to download more offline map data.
Microsoft recommends enabling the UseExternalStorage
setting on phones with less than 8 GB of user storage and
has an SD card slot.

Maps for phones shipped in China Microsoft recommends using the ChinaVariantWin10
setting instead of this legacy MCSF setting.
For a Windows mobile device shipping in China, partners
must specify that the device is intended for that market
by configuring ChinaVariant setting. When enabled,
maps approved by the State Bureau of Surveying and
Mapping in China are used and the maps are obtained
from a server located in China.

Preloaded map data in the user store OEMs can choose a single map region to preload from the
multiple regions that are available for OEMs to download
from the Microsoft partner site(s) where the Kits are also
available. OEMs can choose to store this data in the user
store. Maps are grouped into regions, but there are some
restrictions. For more information about these restrictions,
see the accompanying instructions that are part of the
map data download on the Microsoft partner site(s).

Temporary map data cache size When a user attempts to view map data for a location
that was not preloaded or is not already installed on the
phone, map data will be downloaded to dynamically
render a map. This data is stored in a temporary cache
that the Maps application maintains for this purpose. By
default this cache is allowed to use a maximum of 128 MB
of storage. For phones with a limited amount of available
storage, OEMs can specify that the cache only use a
maximum of 64 MB of storage. Microsoft recommends
that this customization only be used for phones with a
limited amount of internal storage space. Reducing the
size of the online cache for Map data does not affect the
size of the installed (or offline) maps.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Map data on an SD card and map preload
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Map data is used by the Maps application and the map control for third-party applications. OEMs can choose to
store this data on an SD card, which provides the advantage of saving internal memory space for user data and
allows the user to download more offline map data. Microsoft recommends enabling the UseExternalStorage
setting on phones with less than 8 GB of user storage and has an SD card slot.
You can use UseExternalStorage whether or not you include an SD card with preloaded map data on the phone.
If set to 1 (or Yes), the OS only allows the user to download offline maps when an SD card is present. If an SD card
is not present, users can still view and cache maps, but they will not be able to download a region of offline maps
until an SD card is inserted.
Important SD card performance can affect the quality of the Maps experience when maps are stored on the SD
card. When an SD card is used, Microsoft recommends that OEMs test the Maps experience and the speed of map
downloads with the specific SD card part that will be used on retail phones to determine if performance is
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
UseExternalStorage is a first boot configuration that can be set by the OEM. The OEM cannot change or use this
setting after first boot.
Microsoft recommends enabling UseExternalStorage on phones with less than 8 GB of user storage and has an
SD card slot.
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample or use the
sample UseExternalStorage.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to preload map data on an SD card."


<!-- Enable external storage for map data on an SD card -->

<Settings Path="Maps/Storage">
<Setting Name="UseExternalStorage" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Value to one of the following:

0 or No Map data will always be stored on the internal data

partition of the device.

1 or Yes Map data will be stored on an SD card, if present. If an

SD card is not present, map data will be stored on the
internal data partition of the device. Map region
download will also be blocked until an SD card is

4. If including an SD card with the device, add the preloaded map data to the SD card. Unzip the appropriate
map variant data package and copy the “diskcache” folder onto the SD card under the d:\MapData
Note When unzipping the appropriate map variant data package, you must use a file
compression/decompression utility that preserves the file attributes and timestamps. If the utility does not
preserve this information, the map(s) will be treated as invalid by the OS.
1. Flash a build that contains this customization on a phone.
2. Launch the Maps application and open Settings from the application bar.
3. Click on the Download Maps button and verify that the expected region displays under downloaded maps.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Maps for phones shipped in China
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Microsoft recommends using the ChinaVariantWin10 setting instead of this legacy MCSF setting.
For a Windows mobile device shipping in China, partners must specify that the device is intended for that market
by configuring ChinaVariant setting. When enabled, maps approved by the State Bureau of Surveying and
Mapping in China are used and the maps are obtained from a server located in China.
This customization may result in different maps, servers, or other configuration changes on the device.

If partners do not set the ChinaVariant setting to 1, partners may not ship the device in China.


1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample or use the
sample MapsForChina.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify that the device is instended for shipping in China.
When enabled, maps approved by the State Burue of Surveying and Mapping
and mapping in China are used and the maps are obtained froma server
located in China."
<Settings Path="Maps">
<!-- Set to 0 or 'No' (to disable), or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to enable maps for China) -->
<Setting Name="ChinaVariant" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set ChinaVariant to one of the following values:


1 or Yes Maps approved by the State Bureau of Surveying and

Mapping in China are used and the maps are
obtained from a server located in China.

0 or No Disables the feature.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone with a UICC.
2. Launch the maps application and verify that the maps used are the same as those approved by the State Bureau
of Surveying and Mapping in China.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Preloaded map data in the user store
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Microsoft provides a set of free map data that OEMs can preload on the phone. This data is used by the Maps
application and the map control for third-party applications. Microsoft recommends that OEMs make use of this
customization, because it greatly improves the performance of the map experience by reducing the requirement
for the dynamic download of map data. When a map is preloaded, the phone consumes less cellular data using
maps, connectivity is also not required for map browsing, searching, or routing, and users do not have to download
the map themselves.
OEMs can choose a single map region to preload from the multiple regions that are available for OEMs to
download from the Microsoft partner site(s) where the Kits are also available. OEMs can choose to store this data
in the user store. Maps are grouped into regions, but there are some restrictions. For more information about
these restrictions, see the accompanying instructions that are part of the map data download on the Microsoft
partner site(s).
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample or use the
sample PreloadedMapData.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to preload map data in the user data store."


<!-- Specify map regions to preload in the user data store by setting Source to the
source directory location of the map region you want to preload. -->
<DataAssets Type="MapData">
<DataAsset Source="C:\Path\Maps\Europe" />
<DataAsset Source="C:\Path\Maps\Asia" />
<!-- Add additional DataAsset elements for each map region you want to preload -->



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the MapData asset Source to the source directory location of the map region you want to include. For
example, if C:\Path\Maps\Europe contains the downloaded map data that you want to preload, set Source
to that directory.
To add additional maps, add a new DataAsset setting and set the source to the directory location of the
map region you want to include.
Tip You can avoid wiping preloaded maps off the internal store on the factory line using the [ResetPhoneEx] API.
For more information, see Resetting a phone during manufacturing.
1. Flash a build that contains this customization on a phone.
2. Launch the Maps application and open Settings from the application bar.
3. Click on the Download Maps button and verify that the expected region displays under downloaded maps.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Temporary map data cache size
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

When a user attempts to view map data for a location that was not preloaded or is not already installed on the
phone, map data will be downloaded to dynamically render a map. This data is stored in a temporary cache that
the Maps application maintains for this purpose. By default this cache is allowed to use a maximum of 128 MB of
storage. For phones with a limited amount of available storage, OEMs can specify that the cache only use a
maximum of 64 MB of storage. Microsoft recommends that this customization only be used for phones with a
limited amount of internal storage space. Reducing the size of the online cache for Map data does not affect the
size of the installed (or offline) maps.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample or use the
sample UseSmallerCache.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to reduce the size of the online cache for Map data to a maximum
of 64 MB of storage."

<Settings Path="Maps/Storage">
<Setting Name="UseSmallerCache" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set UseSmallerCache to one of the following values:


1 or Yes Reduces the size of the online cache for Map data to a
maximum of 64 MB. This does not affect installed
(offline) maps.

0 or No Reverts the size of the online cache for Map data to

the default maximum of 128 MB.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for notifications and quick actions
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations that you can configure for notifications and quick actions on the mobile device.

In this section

Add an LED notification option OEMs can configure a registry key to specify a selected
notification LED as the LED notification and then add an LED
notification option to the device's messaging Settings screen.

Configure Quick actions OEMs can change the default set of actions for each slot on
the Quick actions screen in Notifications & actions.

CMAS Required Monthly Test OEMs can set a registry key so monthly CMAS messages can
be delivered to the device.

Display CMAS message order Partners can configure the order in which newly received
CMAS alert messages are displayed on the device.

Emergency notifications Partners can turn on support for various government

emergency notification programs.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Add an LED notification option
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

In Windows 10 Mobile, the notification LED on handheld devices may not turn on when a user receives a text
message. To improve this user experience, OEMs can configure a registry key to specify a selected notification LED
as the LED notification and then add an LED notification option to the device's messaging Settings screen.
Constraints: None
1. You must configure the HardwareId and InstanceId registry keys to enable LED notification on the device.
In the following example, you must change the value of HardwareId to match your device ID (DeviceId).


HardwareId specifies the HardwareId for the LED while InstanceId specifies the InstanceId for the
selected notification LED.
If the OS correctly detects the LED, the following registry keys will also be populated. Otherwise, they will
not be created.


Intensity - Denotes the intensity, from 0-100%
Period - Specifies the period, in milliseconds
Dutycycle - Specifies the duty cycle, from 0-100%
Cyclecount - Specifies the number of repetitions per cycle
2. To add the registry keys and their values to the OS image, create a new .pkg.xml file or modify an existing
one and then add a RegKeys element to the .pkg.xml.
The following example shows how to do this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Package xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<RegKey KeyName="$(hklm.software)\Microsoft\Shell\Nocontrol\LedAlert">

Specify the values for the Owner, Component, SubComponent, and ReleaseType. For example:
You must also replace the Value for HardwareId to one that matches your LED's DeviceId.
3. Name and save your .pkg.xml file, then generate a package (.spkg) using the .pkg.xml as input.
4. After you've created the .spkg, define the specific types of image builds that you want to contain the
For example, the following code snippet shows a sample OEM feature manifest (FM ) file that may contain
the .spkg that includes the customization:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- Sample FM File -->
<PackageFile Path="SourceDirectory" Name="Contoso.LEDNotification.EnableLEDAlert.spkg">

In this example, replace SourceDirectory with the location that contains the .spkg that you created in the
previous step. Also, replace the example Contoso.LEDNotification.EnableLEDAlert.spkg with the actual
name of the .spkg file. FeatureID specifies the ID that you're associating with the .spkg. You can provide a
different name if you'd like.
e. Once you've defined the feature, modify your OEMInput.xml file to add a Features element (if one
doesn't already exist), add a new OEM child element (if one doesn't already exist), and add a new
Feature entry with the name of the feature that you just defined.
For example, the OEMInput.xml entry for the feature you defined in the previous step will look like this:


For more information about OEMInput.xml, see OEMInput file contents.

5. Build the OS image. For more information, see Using ImgGen.cmd to generate an image in Build a mobile
image using ImgGen.cmd.
1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a mobile device.
2. Go through OOBE to set up your device.
3. Open the messaging app's Settings screen and verify that there's an option for LED notification. Make
sure this option is checked or enabled.
4. From another device, send a text message to the device that has LED notification turned on. Verify that you
LED notification turned on when the text message was received.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configure Quick actions
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can change the default set of actions for each slot on the Quick actions screen in Notifications & actions.
The Notifications & actions settings screen contains a section at the top for users to configure Quick actions,
which are actions that users can have available for quick access or without having to open the apps list or the
settings screen to find them. Each quick action has a slot. If a user selects a quick action to go into an occupied slot
(for example, Slot 1), and the chosen action already exists in another slot (for example, Slot 2), the two quick
actions will swap so that the user-selected action always moves to the slot that the user has selected even though
the action may already be in another slot.

In Windows 10 Mobile, the quick actions are not configurable through MCSF settings or Windows provisioning. OEMs must
directly set the registry key to change the OS default quick actions.

Slots are ordered right-to-left so Slot 1 is always on the right and Slot 5 only appears in large screen devices.
The default pinned quick actions for 4-slot mobile devices are:
Slot 4: Wi-Fi
Slot 3: Bluetooth
Slot 2: Rotation lock
Slot 1: All settings
The default pinned quick actions for 5-slot mobile devices are:
Slot 5: Camera
Slot 4: Wi-Fi
Slot 3: Bluetooth
Slot 2: Rotation lock
Slot 1: All settings
OEMs can change the default quick action for each slot. If an OEM chooses not to configure all the slots available
for the device, only the slot that was set will be changed and the other default Windows quick actions will remain
A slot cannot be empty. If an OEM sets the value for Slot 5, but the mobile device is not a large screen device, the
OS ignores the value set for Slot 5. If an invalid value is used, the OS ignores the setting.
To override the default pinned quick actions
Set the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\OEM\QuickActions\Slot registry key and then set the value of the slot
number that you want to configure to a friendly name value.
The following table shows the friendly names that you can use as the value for the slot number that you
want to configure.

Microsoft.QuickAction.AllSettings Pins All settings

Microsoft.QuickAction.Connect Pins the Connect app

Microsoft.QuickAction.Note Pins the Note app

Microsoft.QuickAction.Flashlight Pins the Flashlight app

Microsoft.QuickAction.RotationLock Pins Rotation lock

Microsoft.QuickAction.BatterySaver Pins Battery saver

Microsoft.QuickAction.Bluetooth Pins Bluetooth settings

Microsoft.QuickAction.WiFi Pins Wi-Fi settings

Microsoft.QuickAction.AirplaneMode Pins Airplane mode settings

Microsoft.QuickAction.Vpn Pins VPN settings

Microsoft.QuickAction.Cellular Pins Cellular settings

Microsoft.QuickAction.MobileHotspot Pins Mobile hotspot settings

Microsoft.QuickAction.Camera Pins the Camera app

Microsoft.QuickAction.Brightness Pins Brightness

Microsoft.QuickAction.QuietHours Pins Quiet hours

Microsoft.QuickAction.Location Pins Location settings

For example, to change Slot 4 on 4-slot mobile devices from Wi-Fi to Airplane mode, set the value for
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\OEM\QuickActions\Slot\4 to Microsoft.QuickAction.AirplaneMode.

1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a mobile device.
2. Verify that the default quick action(s) that you set are showing up in the correct slot(s). For large screen
devices, verify that there are 5 quick actions that are showing up instead of 4.
3. Navigate to the Quick actions screen in Notifications & actions screen and verify that the default quick
settings action(s) that you set are also showing up in the correct slots.

Related topics
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CMAS Required Monthly Test
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Windows supports the Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS ) Required Monthly Test (RMT) messages. To
enable this, OEMs can set a registry key so messages can be delivered to the device. If this registry key is turned
on, RMT messages will be displayed to the user in the same manner as other CMAS message types.
The alert title and message sender text used for threading will be Required Monthly Test.
There will be no changes made to the emergency alerts user settings on the device. RMT messages will only be
configured by the OEM and users will not be able to change the setting. No user setting in Emergency alerts will
have any impact on the RMT messages. For example, if the user selects Presidential only from the emergency
messages settings, and the OEM turns on the CMAS RMT registry key, the user will still receive RMT messages.
Usually, this setting will only be turned on for test devices used by mobile operators. The CMAS RMT registry key
will configure ports 4380 and 4381 although the latter is not RMT and is used by some mobile operators for
testing purposes only.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable phones to receive CMAS RMT messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="ShowRequiredMonthlyTest" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set ShowRequiredMonthlyTest to one of the following values:


1 or True Enable devices to receive CMAS RMT messages and

have these show up on the device.

0 or False Disable devices from receiving CMAS RMT messages.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. The length of time may vary, but the device should now be configured to receive RMT messages. The alert
title and message text sender will show as Required Monthly Test.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Display CMAS message order
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can configure the order in which newly received CMAS alert messages are displayed on the device.
If the device receives at least one CMAS alert message which has not been acknowledged by the user, and another
CMAS alert message arrives on the device, partners can configure the order in which the newly received alert
messages are displayed on the device regardless of the service category of the alert. Users will not be able to
change the display order once it has been set.
If partners do not specify a value for this customization, the default first in/first out (FIFO ) display order is used.
Users will be able to acknowledge the messages in the reverse order they were received.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the order for displaying new CMAS alert messages."


<Settings Path="Messaging/GlobalSettings">
<Setting Name="DisplayCmasLifo" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Value to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Sets a First in/first out (FIFO) message order. Users will
not be able to see newer alert messages until they
have dismissed the previous alert message(s).

1 or 'True' Sets a Last in/first out (LIFO) message order. Newer

alert messages will immediately appear on top of
older alert messages.

Testing Steps:
Work with your mobile operator partner to fully test this customization on their network.
Verify that the order in which CMAS alert messages are displayed on the device that contains the customization
matches the setting (FIFO or LIFO ) that you have specified.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Emergency notifications
1/18/2019 • 9 minutes to read

Partners can turn on support for various government emergency notification programs.
Windows supports the following types of government emergency notification programs:
For devices sold in the United States, partners can turn on support for the Commercial Mobile Alert
Service (CMAS ) if the mobile operator’s network supports it. Partners can also specify the alert type
defaults. CMAS is a federal program in the United States in which users can receive emergency notifications
as high priority SMS messages in situations such as national emergencies, natural disasters, severe weather,
and AMBER alerts.
The OS also supports handling of CMAS messages for one additional language on a separate range of
CMAS channels (4383 – 4395) in compliance with the ATIS -0700013 (Implementation Guidelines for
Mobile Device Support of Multi-Language CMAS ) specification.
For devices sold in Japan, partners can turn on the Earthquake & Tsunami Warning System (ETWS ) if the
mobile operator’s network supports it.
For devices sold in the Netherlands, partners can turn on the Netherlands Announcements if the mobile
operator’s network supports it.
For devices sold in Chile, partners can enable the device to receive LAT-Alert Local Alerts if the mobile
operator’s network supports it.
For devices sold in Taiwan, partners can enable the device to receive Taiwan Alerts.
Emergency messages are displayed as notifications at the top of the screen until they are dismissed by the user.
Emergency messages do not support reply, forward or copy and paste. They can be received even in storage full
conditions. Emergency messages use a distinct alert sound when they arrive as well as vibration.
Except for LAT-Alert Local Alerts, when an alert notification shows, users can dismiss the alert message or tap a
Settings button to go to the messaging settings page where they can easily change their emergency alert settings
after receiving an alert. The Settings button is only shown if the OS has been configured to show the emergency
alert settings page. This button is shown for all types of emergency alerts where there is a user-visible settings
page to let users control the alerts. If there are other alert messages, these messages will not be dismissed. The
user always has to close each alert individually.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Modify the following answer file code sample based on the instructions given for the alert type that you
want to enable.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable and configure the settings for certain government
emergency notification programs."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<!-- Enable and configure the settings for the emergency notification program program.
See the sections for the emergency notification program for more information about the settings
you can enable. -->



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. The EmOperatorEnabled setting specifies the emergency alert user interface to be shown to the user. The
values for specific country/region alert systems are shown in their respective sections.
However, if EmOperatorEnabled is not set, the default value is 0 or none.
Configure the settings for the government emergency notification program that you want to enable. Each
section shows the correct EmOperatorEnabled value that you need to use to enable the government
emergency notification program and the other settings you can use to fully configure the alert system:


0 None

1 CMAS Alerts

2 NL Alerts

3 ETWS Alerts

4 LAT Alerts

5 Taiwan Alerts

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

US CMAS emergency notifications settings

Windows 10 Mobile supports these CMAS alert types: Presidential alerts, Extreme alerts, Severe alerts, and
AMBER alerts.
Each CMAS emergency alert type has a toggle in the UI to allow the user to enable or disable the alert type. By
default, all alert types are On. Note that Presidential alerts are read-only and always on.
Users' settings persist across update and restore, including updates and restores from apollo. Partners can set the
defaults for these alert types but users' preferences take precedence.
1. Use the following settings to fully configure CMAS alert types:

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/EmergencyAlertOptions">
<Setting Name="EmOperatorEnabled" Value="1" />
<Setting Name="CmasExtremeAlertEnabled" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CmasSevereAlertEnabled" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CmasAMBERAlertEnabled" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SevereAlertDependentOnExtremeAlert" Value="" />

<!-- To fully configure CMAS, you must also set the per-device and per-IMSI DefaultMCC setting.
<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/SMS">
<Setting Name="DefaultMCC" Value="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/SMS">
<Setting Name="DefaultMCC" Value="" />

2. Keep the EmOperatorEnabled value set to 1. This specifies CMAS Alerts.

3. Specify the values for CmasExtremeAlertEnabled , CmasSevereAlertEnabled , and CmasAMBERAlertEnabled to
either 0 (Off) or 1 (On). These settings are on by default.
4. Optional. To meet requirements for certain mobile operators, OEMs may need to configure the
SevereAlertDependentOnExtremeAlert setting to either 0 (off) or 1 ( On). This enables the CMAS -Severe alert
switch to be dependent on the CMAS -Extreme alert shown in the Emergency alerts page in the messaging
settings CPL. When enabled, if users turn off CMAS -Extreme alerts, CMAS -Severe alerts will also be turned
off. CMAS -Severe alerts can only be toggled if CMAS -Extreme alerts are also turned on.
5. To fully configure CMAS, you must also set the per-device or per-SIM DefaultMCC setting. You may set the
DefaultMCC setting for both paths.

The per-device path covers the scenario when an unexpected SIM target is inserted. In this case, the value
for the per-device DefaultMCC will be used as the device-wide default value. The per-IMSI DefaultMCC value
is used when a specific SIM is defined within the Target and a SIM matching the Target conditions is
inserted into the device. In this case, the per-IMSI DefaultMCC value will override whatever value you set in
the per-device configuration.
To fully allow device users to receive CMAS messages applicable to the United States, OEMs should set the
DefaultMCC value to either 310 or 311. Do not use 001 even when performing a test SIM card scenario.

If you are migrating CMAS alert settings from previous Windows Phone releases to Windows 10 Mobile, use the
following mapping as a guide for restoring users' settings:


AMBERT alerts: On AMBER alert: On

Presidential alerts only Presidential alerts: On

Extreme alerts: Off
Severe alerts: Off

Presidential and Extreme alerts Presidential: On

Extreme alerts: On
Severe alerts: Off

All alerts Presidential: On

Extreme alerts: On
Severe alerts: On

Japan ETWS emergency notifications settings

Partners can turn on the Earthquake & Tsunami Warning System (ETWS ) and configure an alert sound to be
played with the alert message.
1. Use the following settings to fully configure ETWS alert types:
<Settings Path=Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<!-- Use to add a custom alert sound
<Asset Name="EtwsSound" Source=""
<Setting Name="EtwsSoundFileName" Value="" />

<Setting Name="EarthquakeMessageString" Value="" />

<Setting Name="TsunamiMessageString" Value="" />
<Setting Name="EarthquakeTsunamiMessageString" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/EtwsSoundEnabled">
<Setting Name="EmOperatorEnabled" Value="3" />
<Setting Name="EtwsSoundEnabled" Value="" />

2. To use a custom alert sound:

a. Add the custom alert sound file by adding the EtwsSound asset name and setting Source to the
location and file name of the custom alert sound.
b. Use the EtwsSoundFileName setting and set the value to the name of the sound file you added in the
previous step.
3. The default strings for the tsunami and earthquake messages are localized. However, only one set of
customized strings are allowed. If you override the default strings, the same custom strings are displayed
regardless of the language set on the device.
To override the Primary Earthquake default message, specify the EarthquakeMessageString setting
value. This string will be used regardless of what language is set on the device.
To override the Primary Tsunami default message, specify the TsunamiMessageString setting value.
This string will be used regardless of what language is set on the device.
To override the Primary Tsunami and Earthquake default message, specify the
EarthquakeTsunamiMessageString setting value. This string will be used regardless of what language is
set on the device.
4. Keep the EmOperatorEnabled value set to 3. This specifies ETWS Alerts.
5. To play an ETWS alert sound, set EtwsSoundEnabled to 0 (Off) or 1 (On). If this value is not set, the default is

Netherlands NL emergency notifications settings

The Netherlands NL alert system is based on the US CMAS system and the device shows a user experience
similar to CMAS alerts.
1. Use the following settings to fully configure NL alert types:

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/NlAlertOptions">
<Setting Name="EmOperatorEnabled" Value="2" />
<Setting Name="CmasExtremeAlertEnabled" Value="" />

2. Keep the EmOperatorEnabled value set to 2. This specifies NL Alerts.

3. Set Nl2AlertEnabled to 0 (Off) or 1 (On) to enable NL -Alert2 alerts.
Nl2AlertEnabledcontrols whether NL -Alert2 alerts, which are alert types that users can toggle, appear in
the Netherlands CMAS settings page.

Chile LAT-Alert Local Alerts

The LAT-Alert emergency alert system is based on the 3GPP emergency alerts and CMAS system. For devices
shipping in Chile, partners must enable this customization.
1. Use the following settings to fully configure Chile LAT-Alert Local Alert types:

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/LatAlertOptions">
<Setting Name="EmOperatorEnabled" Value="4" />
<Setting Name="LatLocalAlertEnabled" Value="" />

2. Keep the EmOperatorEnabled value set to 4. This specifies LAT-Alert Local alerts.
3. Set LatLocalAlertEnabled to 0 (Off) or 1 (On) to enable LAT-Alert Local alerts to be received.
Note Users will not be able to configure nor disable LAT-Alert Local alerts through the Messaging settings

Taiwan Alerts
The Taiwan Emergency Alerts system provides the following support:
Primary and secondary CMAS channels, including Required Monthly Test.
Users see primary language messages if the corresponding setting is enabled, such as Amber Alerts.
The secondary language is dependent on the language ID of the sent broadcast being equivalent to
the system's language ID. So, if the user's device language is in English and the sent broadcast comes
in through the secondary language channel with a Spanish language ID, the message will not show
up. This also applies to CMAS alerts.
Message and notification display is the same as the US CMAS behavior.
Taiwan Alert message
Cell broadcast messages are received in these channels: 911 (English) and 919 (Traditional Chinese)
Messages are displayed like regular cell broadcast messages, which means there are no special
CMAS tone or vibration.
Support for the Taiwan Emergency Alerts is a regulatory requirement for devices shipping in Taiwan, so partners
shipping devices in Taiwan must enable this customization.
Users can change the Taiwan Alert settings through the Messaging settings screen.
1. Use the following settings to fully configure Taiwan Emergency Alerts:
<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/TaiwanAlertOptions">
<Setting Name="EmOperatorEnabled" Value="5" />
<Setting Name="TaiwanAlertEnabled" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TaiwanPresidentialAlertEnabled" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TaiwanEmergencyAlertEnabled" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TaiwanRequiredMonthlyTestEnabled" Value="" />

2. Keep the EmOperatorEnabled value set to 5. This specifies Taiwan Alerts.

3. To receive Taiwan Alerts, set TaiwanAlertEnabled to 0 (False) or 1 (True).
Users will not be able to configure nor disable Taiwan alerts through the Messaging settings screen.
4. To receive alerts from the Leader of the Taiwan Area, set TaiwanPresidentialAlertEnabled to 0 (False) or 1
Users will not be able to configure this alert type through the Messaging settings screen.
5. To receive Taiwan Emergency Alerts, set TaiwanEmergencyAlertEnabled to 0 (False) or 1 (True).
6. To receive Taiwan Required Monthly Test Alerts, set TaiwanRequiredMonthlyTestEnabled to 0 (False) or 1

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for phone calls
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

Provides information about customizations you can configure for the phone or dialer app including branding,
visual voicemail, caller ID matching, dialer codes, and more.

In this section

Adjust the call duration information for CDMA calls On CDMA devices, call durations in the call history may
include the time spent before the call was connected. This
behavior results in an incorrect calculation of the call duration.
OEMs can address this potential issue by enabling this
customization, which excludes the time spent before the call
was connected. When enabled, the customization will also
adjust the call duration to indicate that zero time was spent if
the call ends before the connection was made.

Always display the dialed phone number OEMs can change the default behavior so that the number
that's displayed in the call screen always matches the dialed
phone number even if the number that the call connected to
may be different.

Branding for phone calls Partners can add a custom image that displays the mobile
operator name or logo on the Incoming call screen.

Caller ID matching Mobile operators can modify the default mapping values
specified by Microsoft using the settings in the
Phone/CallIDMatchOverrides settings group. If mobile
operators specify a number of digits that is outside the OS-
supported range of 4-20, the OS defaults back to 6 digits. For
any country/region that doesn't exist in the default mapping
table, mobile operators can use the legacy CallIDMatch
setting to specify the minimum number of digits to use for
matching caller ID.

Cause codes On GSM networks, OEMs can enable mobile operator-defined

codes, or cause codes, to show in the UI whenever a phone
call is terminated unexpectedly.

Conditional call forwarding Partners can now show the call forwarding icon for conditional
call forwarding as well as unconditional call forwarding.

Configure DTMF tones Partners can configure DTMF tone settings when VoLTE calls
are supported.

Configure message waiting indicator notifications Depending on the scenario that partners want to support,
partners can configure the voicemail system so the device
either ignores or responds to message waiting indicator (MWI)

Dialer codes for supplementary services Partners can define a dialer code to use for services like
changing the pin, changing the password, caller ID, call
forwarding, call waiting, call blocking, and so on.

Dialer codes to launch diagnostic applications To use an OEM diagnostic app in environments such as a
service center, OEMs can configure special dialer codes to
start the application. OEMs can also configure dialer codes to
start apps to interact with mobile operator networks or to
diagnose phone malfunctions.

Dial string overrides when roaming Partners can map certain dial strings to corresponding
override numbers that are dialed when the user is roaming. To
the user, it will appear as if the original number was dialed.

Disable link to contact card in active call screen Disable the ability to access a contact's information while in
the active call screen.

Disable video upgrade Store navigation Disable automatic navigation to the Microsoft Store when the
user attempts a video upgrade during a phone call, for which
there is no installed app.

Disable voicemail phone number display Disable voicemail phone number display on the call progress

Dismiss the last USSD waiting dialog Dismiss the last USSD waiting dialog in the case where there is
a sequence of USSD or SIM app dialogs.

Emergency phone numbers Partners can edit the list of valid emergency phone numbers
for the market in which the phone will be sold.

Enable call recording by default Partners can configure devices to have the call recording
feature enabled by default.

Enable IMS services Partners can identify which IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
services, if any, are enabled on the device by default. The IMS
services that can be identified are: IMS, SMs over IMS, Voice
over IMS, and Video over IMS.

Enable RCS OEMs can configure the RCS settings using the multivariant
support in the OS. Using these settings, you can specify
whether the device is RCS-enabled,specify whether to use
single registration for RCS, and configure the user experience
for RCS.

Hide call forwarding Partners can hide the user option for call forwarding.

Maximum number of participants in a VoLTE conference call OEMs can specify the maximum number of participants or
callers that can be added to a voice over LTE (VoLTE)
conference call based on the mobile operator's network

Network-controlled caller ID settings For markets or mobile operators that require support for
network-controlled settings for outgoing caller ID, OEMs can
configure the setting to indicate whether the network default
setting is allowed and specify the default initial value for the
caller ID setting.

Override the voicemail number on the UICC Mobile operators can override the voicemail number on the
UICC with a different voicemail number that is configured in
the registry.

Supplementary services exclusions Partners can define a dialer code to use for 3GP USSD services
like changing the pin, changing the password, caller ID, call
forwarding, call waiting, call barring, and so on. Partners can
define new mappings or disable the default mappings. To
define a new mapping or change the behavior of a provided
supplementary service mappings, see Dialer codes for
supplementary services

Trim supplementary service codes OEMs can trim supplementary service codes to ensure
network compatibility. When a code is sent using a USSD
string in a ##code# format,
trims the USSD string so #code# is sent. This customization
applies only to codes that use the ##code# format.

Use OK for USSD dialogs To meet certain market requirements or user expectations,
OEMs can change the button label in USSD dialogs from
Close (the default) to OK.

Use HD audio codec for call branding OEMs can customize call progress branding when a call is
made using a specific audio codec.

Use voice domain for emergency call branding To meet mobile operator requirements, OEMs can enable the
voice domain to decide whether to use Emergency calls only
or No service in the phone UI branding.

Visual voicemail Visual voicemail supports both traditional voicemail (retrieved

through a phone call) and visual voicemail. Users can select
between traditional voicemail and visual voicemail when they
first attempt to access voicemail. If the mobile operator does
not support this visual voicemail implementation, the user will
only see the traditional voicemail option. For mobile operators
that have their own particular brand that they want to use
instead of visual voicemail, partners can rebrand all instances
of Visual voicemail in the Windows 10 Mobile UI to use the
operator's brand.

Voice over LTE call indication Partners can add a string to the phone's call progress screen
to indicate if the active call is a voice over LTE (VoLTE) call
depending on whether the phone call is in high quality voice
status such as when using AMR-WB codec.

Voicemail number for CDMA phones CDMA mobile operator partners who do not have the
voicemail numbers on the device SIM can configure the
voicemail number for their devices.
Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Adjust the call duration information for CDMA calls
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

On CDMA devices, call durations in the call history may include the time spent before the call was connected. This
behavior results in an incorrect calculation of the call duration. OEMs can address this potential issue by enabling
this customization, which excludes the time spent before the call was connected. When enabled, the customization
will also adjust the call duration to indicate that zero time was spent if the call ends before the connection was
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to adjust the calculation of the duration for a CDMA call to
exclude the time
before the call was connected. "


<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="AdjustCDMACallTime" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the AdjustCDMACallTime setting to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Do not adjust the calculation of the duration for a

phone call to exclude the time before the call was
This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'True' Adjust the calculation of the duration for a phone call

to exclude the time before the call was connected.

Testing steps:
Work with your CDMA mobile operator partner to test this customization on their network.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device that's connected to a CDMA network.
2. Set up the device and then call a valid phone number until the call is connected.
If you set AdjustCDMACallTime to 1 or 'True', go to the call History and confirm that the duration for the
phone call only includes the time spent from when the phone call was connected and until you disconnected
the call.
3. Call a valid phone number, but end the call before the call can be connected.
If you set AdjustCDMACallTime to 1 or 'True', go to the call History and confirm that the duration for the
phone call indicates zero or no time spent on the call.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Always display the dialed phone number
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

By default, when a user dials a phone number and the call is connected, the number that shows up in the call
screen is the phone number that the call is connected to. This connected phone number may not match the phone
number that the user dialed.
OEMs can change the default behavior so that the number that's displayed in the call screen always matches the
dialed phone number even if the number that the call connected to may be different.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to display the outgoing phone number that was dialed rather than
the number that the call was connected to. "


<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="DisplayNumberAsDialed" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the DisplayNumberAsDialed setting to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Display the connected phone number. This may not

match the number that was dialed.
This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'True' Always display the phone number that was dialed

even when the connected phone number is different.

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator partner to test this customization on their network.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Set up the phone and then call a valid phone number until the call is connected.
3. If you set DisplayNumberAsDialed to 1 or 'True', try dialing your voicemail number or your subscriber
number and verify that the number (as dialed) is displayed in the phone's call screen UI without the call
translation to the voicemail number.
4. If you set DisplayNumberAsDialed to 1 or 'True', try dialing one of the supplementary codes (which look like
#227 or *227, for example) and verify that the number (as dialed) is displayed in the phone's call screen UI
without the call translation to the phone number that these codes translate to.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Branding for phone calls
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Partners can add a custom image that displays the mobile operator name or logo on the Incoming Call screen.
This image can be hidden when the device is roaming.
Note that the Call Progress screen, Call History screen, the 12-key dialer, and the phone tile on the Start page
display the PLMN string of the mobile operator, but this is not customizable. It is possible to display error
messages about the registration status on these components if an invalid UICC is inserted. Alternately, partners
can choose to display a longer version of the error messages that includes a reject code.
VoIP applications can also add a custom image that displays the mobile operator name and logo to the Incoming
Call screen.
The custom image must meet the following requirements:
.PNG format
40 px high and no more than 180 px wide
Transparent background
White logo – This can contain text or an image, but keep in mind that the image is not localized, and so any
text should work regardless of the display language.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add a custom image that displays the mobile operator name or
logo on the Incoming Call screen."


<Settings Path="Phone/BrandingInformation">
<Asset Name="BrandingImages" Source="C:\Path\BrandingImagePhoneScreens.png" />
<Setting Name="CellularBrandingImagePath" Value="BrandingImagePhoneScreens.png" />
<Setting Name="BrandingFlags" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Add the custom branding image. To do this:
a. Add an Asset element and set the Name to BrandingImages.
b. Set the asset's Source value to the location and name of the custom .png file. For example:
4. Set the value of CellularBrandingImagePath to the name of the custom .png file. For example:
5. Specify when the branding image should be displayed or display registration status and reject codes in the
phone UI by setting the value of BrandingFlags .
The default value of the BrandingFlags setting is 0x000000FB. This value can be replaced by a bit-wise OR
of the following flags:


ShowBrandingImage 0x00000001 Yes Display the branding

image for all non-
roaming phone calls.

HideBrandingImageOn 0x00000002 Yes Do not display the

Roam branding image when
the phone is roaming.

DisplayEmergencyCallS 0x00000004 No For markets in which

tatus the user must be
aware that emergency
calls are always
permitted, partners
can turn on a user
notification that
emergency calls are
still possible even if
there is no SIM, the
SIM is currently
blocked, or the SIM is
Setting this flag
changes the phone
branding from SIM
state (No SIM, Invalid
SIM, PIN required) to
emergency possibility
state (emergency only
versus no service). In
the call history page,
the progress and
dialer where a longer
string is possible, the
SIM state is appended
to the emergency
possibility state.
This customization
replaces the “No SIM”
warning on the phone
tile, the call history
page, and the dialer
with a longer message
Emergency only on
the phone tile, and No
SIM – Emergency
calls only on the
dialer and call history
When the phone does
not have a SIM and
there is no service, the
phone displays No
SIM – No Service on
the call history, call
progress, and the
dialer. The phone
token shows No
service in this

ShowRegistrationStatu 0x00000008 Yes Display the

sInCallHistory registration status on
0x00000010 different parts of the
ShowRegistrationStatu phone call UI when
sInCallProgress 0x00000020
the operator name is
ShowRegistrationStatu 0x00000040 not available because
sInDialer 0x00000080 the network cannot be
accessed or the SIM is
ShowRegistrationStatu locked or missing.
When the flags are
ShowRegistrationStatu not set, the string
sInPhoneToken Phone is used as the
branding text.

ExtendedRejectCodes 0x00000100 No Display extended

reject codes in error
cases such as when
the UICC is not
provisioned or not
To fully enable this
functionality, you must
also configure
Extended error
messages for reject

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone that contains a UICC, or that is otherwise equipped
to receive phone calls.
2. Depending on the flags you set, verify that the branding image appears appropriately on the Incoming Call
screen. The branding image is added as an overlay on top of the contact image.
3. If you set DisplayEmergencyCallStatus , verify that the image is visible during emergency calls.
4. Remove the UICC.
5. Depending on the flags you set, verify that the registration status appears appropriately on the Call History,
Call Progress, and Incoming Call screens, as well as the dialer and the phone tile.
6. If you set ExtendedRejectCodes , verify that messages that are displayed to alert the user that they cannot
make calls include reject codes. For information about which screens are affected, see Extended error
messages for reject codes.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Caller ID matching
1/18/2019 • 9 minutes to read

Each country/region has a varying phone number length and style so with Windows 10 Mobile the OS maps a
different minimum number of digits for matching caller ID that defaults to each country/region setting on the
mobile device. This enables mobile users to get the proper settings for their preferred country/region.
In Windows 10 Mobile:
Mobile operators can modify the default mapping values specified by Microsoft using the settings in the
Phone/CallIDMatchOverrides settings group. For more information on how to do this, see Overriding the OS
default minimum number of digits for caller ID matching.
If mobile operators specify a number of digits that is outside the OS -supported range of 4-20, the OS
defaults back to 6 digits.
For any country/region that doesn't exist in the default mapping table, mobile operators can use the legacy
CallIDMatch setting to specify the minimum number of digits to use for matching caller ID. For more
information on how to do this, see Specifying the minimum number of digits for caller ID matching for
other countries/regions.
If OEMs do not customize this setting based on mobile operator requirements, the OS uses the current default of
6, which is the last 6 digits of the phone number.
Note Microsoft does not recommend changing the default value without a full and complete testing of how
number matching will be affected on the phone. The testing process should include numbers with and without
country codes, "+", area codes, NDD, IDD, and other dialing variations. The default value has generally been found
to yield the best matching results for all various dialing options for a number.

Caller ID matching for dual SIM phones

For dual SIM phones, each SIM will use the same logic and the same minimum number of digits to match.

Overriding the OS default minimum number of digits for caller ID

The following table shows a mapping of the country/region and the default minimum number of digits ( CID ) that
Windows 10 uses for caller ID matching.
For any country/region that you want to modify, note the GEOID for the country/region and the CID for the
country/region. You will need the GEOID to identify the correct setting name to use while CID denotes the default
OS value for the country/region.


2 Antigua and Barbuda 6

3 Afghanistan 6

4 Algeria 8

5 Azerbaijan 6

6 Albania 6

7 Armenia 6

8 Andorra 6

9 Angola 9

10 American Samoa 6

11 Argentina 7

12 Australia 8

14 Austria 8

17 Bahrain 8

18 Barbados 7

19 Botswana 7

20 Bermuda 6

21 Belgium 6

22 Bahamas, The 6

23 Bangladesh 10

24 Belize 6

25 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6

26 Bolivia 6

27 Myanmar 6

28 Benin 6

29 Belarus 6

30 Solomon Islands 6

32 Brazil 8

34 Bhutan 6

35 Bulgaria 6

37 Brunei 6

38 Burundi 6

39 Canada 10

40 Cambodia 6

41 Chad 6

42 Sri Lanka 9

43 Congo 6

44 Congo (DRC) 6

45 China 11

46 Chile 8

49 Cameroon 7

50 Comoros 6

51 Colombia 10

54 Costa Rica 8

55 Central African Republic 6

56 Cuba 6

57 Cabo Verde 6

59 Cyprus 6

61 Denmark 8

62 Djibouti 6

63 Dominica 6

65 Dominican Republic 7

66 Ecuador 8

67 Egypt 7

68 Ireland 6

69 Equatorial Guinea 6

70 Estonia 6

71 Eritrea 6

72 El Salvador 8

73 Ethiopia 6

75 Czech Republic 8

77 Finland 9

78 Fiji Islands 6

80 Micronesia 6

81 Faroe Islands 6

84 France 6

86 Gambia, The 6

87 Gabon 6

88 Georgia 6

89 Ghana 8

90 Gibraltar 6

91 Grenada 6

93 Greenland 6

94 Germany 7

98 Greece 8

99 Guatemala 8

100 Guinea 6

101 Guyana 6

103 Haiti 6

104 Hong Kong S.A.R. 6

106 Honduras 8

108 Croatia 8

109 Hungary 8

110 Iceland 6

111 Indonesia 6

113 India 10

114 British Indian Ocean Territory 6

116 Iran 10

117 Israel 7

118 Italy 9

119 Côte d'Ivoire 6

121 Iraq 7

122 Japan 9

124 Jamaica 7

125 Jan Mayen 6

126 Jordan 7

127 Johnston Atoll 6

129 Kenya 9

130 Kyrgyzstan 6

131 North Korea 6

133 Kiribati 6

134 Korea 6

136 Kuwait 8

137 Kazakhstan 7

138 Laos 6

139 Lebanon 7

140 Latvia 6

141 Lithuania 6

142 Liberia 6

143 Slovakia 8

145 Liechtenstein 6

146 Lesotho 6

147 Luxembourg 6

148 Libya 7

149 Madagascar 6

151 Macao S.A.R. 6

152 Moldova 6

154 Mongolia 6

156 Malawi 6

157 Mali 7

158 Monaco 6

159 Morocco 6

160 Mauritius 6

162 Mauritania 6

163 Malta 6

164 Oman 8

165 Maldives 6

166 Mexico 7

167 Malaysia 6

168 Mozambique 9

173 Niger 6

174 Vanuatu 6

175 Nigeria 8

176 Netherlands 8

177 Norway 6

178 Nepal 10

180 Nauru 6

181 Suriname 6

182 Nicaragua 8

183 New Zealand 8

184 Palestinian Authority 7

185 Paraguay 9

187 Peru 8

190 Pakistan 9

191 Poland 9

192 Panama 8

193 Portugal 7

194 Papua New Guinea 9

195 Palau 6

196 Guinea-Bissau 6

197 Qatar 8

198 Reunion 6

199 Marshall Islands 6

200 Romania 8

201 Philippines 8

202 Puerto Rico 7

203 Russia 6

204 Rwanda 6

205 Saudi Arabia 8

206 St. Pierre and Miquelon 6

207 St. Kitts and Nevis 6

208 Seychelles 6

209 South Africa 9

210 Senegal 8

212 Slovenia 6

213 Sierra Leone 6

214 San Marino 6

215 Singapore 6

216 Somalia 6

217 Spain 9

218 St. Lucia 6

219 Sudan 6

220 Svalbard 6

221 Sweden 7

222 Syria 6

223 Switzerland 6

224 United Arab Emirates 9

225 Trinidad and Tobago 6

227 Thailand 6

228 Tajikistan 6

231 Tonga 6

232 Togo 6

233 Sao Tomé and Príncipe 6

234 Tunisia 7

235 Turkey 6

236 Tuvalu 6

237 Taiwan 9

238 Turkmenistan 6

239 Tanzania 9

240 Uganda 9

241 Ukraine 6

242 United Kingdom 7

244 United States 8

245 Burkina Faso 6

246 Uruguay 8

247 Uzbekistan 6

248 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 6

249 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 8

251 Vietnam 9

252 Virgin Islands 6

253 Vatican City 6

254 Namibia 6

258 Wake Island 6

259 Samoa 6

260 Swaziland 6

261 Yemen 8

263 Zambia 9

264 Zimbabwe 6

269 Serbia and Montenegro 8

270 Montenegro 6

271 Serbia 6

273 Curaçao 6

276 South Sudan 6

300 Anguilla 6

301 Antarctica 6

302 Aruba 6

303 Ascension Island 6

304 Ashmore and Cartier Islands 6

305 Baker Island 6

306 Bouvet Islands 6

307 Cayman Islands 6

309 Christmas Island 6

310 Clipperton Island 6

311 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 6

312 Cook Islands 6

313 Coral Sea Islands 6

314 Diego Garcia 6

315 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 6

317 French Guiana 6


318 French Polynesia 6

319 French Southern and Antarctic Lands 6

321 Guadeloupe 6

322 Guam 6

323 Guantanamo Bay 6

324 Guernsey 6

325 Heard Island and McDonald Islands 6

326 Howland Island 6

327 Jarvis Island 6

328 Jersey 6

329 Kingman Reef 6

330 Martinique 6

331 Mayotte 6

332 Montserrat 6

334 New Caledonia 6

335 Niue 6

336 Norfolk Island 6

337 Northern Maria Islands 6

338 Palmyra Atoll 6

339 Pitcairn Islands 6

340 Rota Island 6

341 Saipan 6

342 South Georgia and the South Sandwich 6


343 St. Helena 6

346 Tinian Island 6


347 Tokelau 6

348 Tristan da Cunha 6

349 Turks and Caicos Islands 6

351 Virgin Islands, British 6

352 Wallis and Futuna 6

15126 Isle of Man 6

19618 Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic 8


21242 Midway Islands 6

30967 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 6

31706 Saint Martin (French part) 6

7299303 Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 6

10028789 Åland Islands 6

161832015 Saint Barthélemy 6

161832256 U.S. Minor Outlying Islands 6

161832258 Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba 6

Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
To modify the Microsoft-specified minimum number of digits to use for caller ID matching for one or more
countries/regions, see the following example.
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to modify the default number of digits to use for matching caller


<Settings Path="Phone/CallIDMatchOverrides">
<Setting Name="2" Value="" /> <!-- Use to modify the default CID for Antigua and Barbuda -->
<Setting Name="3" Value="" /> <!-- Use to modify the default CID for Afghanistan -->
<Setting Name="4" Value="" /> <!-- Use to modify the default CID for Algeria -->
<Setting Name="5" Value="" /> <!-- Use to modify the default CID for Azerbaijan -->
<Setting Name="6" Value="" /> <!-- Use to modify the default CID for Albania -->
<Setting Name="7" Value="" /> <!-- Use to modify the default CID for Armenia -->
<Setting Name="8" Value="" /> <!-- Use to modify the default CID for Andorra -->
<!-- And so on if you are modifying several values -->



2. Specify an Owner .
3. In the above mapping table, identify the Setting Name that corresponds to the country/region you want to
modify (noted by the value in the GEOID column in the above table) and then set the Value for that
country/region to a new number (different from the default CID ) that you want to use as the minimum
number of digits for caller ID matching. The new Value must be within the OS -supported range of 4-20.
For example, to change the default minimum caller ID matching for Antigua and Barbuda (
Setting Name="2" ) and the Åland Islands ( Setting Name="10028789" ) from the default 6 to a new minimum
of 8, the following settings can be set within the MCSF customization answer file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to modify the default number of digits to use for matching caller


<Settings Path="Phone/CallIDMatchOverrides">
<Setting Name="2" Value="8" /> <!-- Antigua and Barbuda -->
<Setting Name="10028789" Value="8" /> <!-- Åland Islands -->



Note that this simple example doesn't show variants.

Specifying the minimum number of digits for caller ID matching for

other countries/regions
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
For any country/region that doesn't exist in the default mapping table, mobile operators can use the legacy
CallIDMatch setting to specify the minimum number of digits to use for matching caller ID.

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the number of digits to use for matching caller ID."


<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="CallIDMatch" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Value to the number of digits used in the complete phone number. The Value must be within the
OS -supported range of 4-20.
Testing steps:
The full testing process should include numbers with and without country codes, "+", area codes, NDD, IDD, and
other dialing variations.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone that has a SIM.
2. Have a second phone with a phone number.
3. Go to the Accounts screen in Settings. Configure an email account.
4. Go to the People app and add a new contact with a name and the phone number of the second phone.
5. Call the phone from the second phone.
6. Verify that the caller ID is matched and the contact name is displayed.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Cause codes
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

On GSM networks, OEMs can enable mobile operator-defined codes, or cause codes, to show in the UI whenever
a phone call is terminated unexpectedly.
Cause codes indicate the reason why the call ended unexpectedly and are used by mobile operators to
troubleshoot customer issues and determine the source of network problems. Note that Windows 10 Mobile does
not support cause codes for CDMA networks.
An OEM must work with their mobile operator partner to support this customization. The mobile operator partner,
through the OEM, must do the following:
1. Specify the cause codes that must be registered. These are the cause codes that the mobile operator is
interested in and the OEM uses these codes to populate the registry. Cause codes that are not registered
will not be logged and will not show up in the device's UI.
2. Provide the localized string or message to display for each specific cause code in all languages
corresponding to markets or locales that the mobile network covers. Each string is limited to 255 Unicode
characters. If a cause code is registered, but no localized string is provided, the device UI will only show the
numerical cause code.
This customization enables the cause code to persist in the call history so that the cause code is still visible even
after the device reboots. The user can also view the error in the call history UI if a cause code is available.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable operator-defined codes, or cause codes, to show in the
UI whenever a phone call is terminated unexpectedly."


<Settings Path="Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable">
<!-- Replace $(CAUSECODEMCCMNC) with the appropriate "MCCMNC" pairs for your mobile operator. Both
MCC and MNC have to be three digits.
Set the Value to the network descriptor or ID. ID values can be used more than once. -->
<Setting Name="NetworkDescriptor/$(CAUSECODEMCCMNC)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="NetworkDescriptor/$(CAUSECODEMCCMNC)" Value="" />

<!-- Register the cause codes for the mobile operator -->

<!-- Define a cause code and localized strings for that cause code. -->
<Settings Path="Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable/$(NETWORKDESCRIPTOR)">
<Setting Name="CauseCode/$(CAUSECODE)/$(LOCALEID)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/$(CAUSECODE)/$(LOCALEID)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/$(CAUSECODE)/$(LOCALEID)" Value="" />

<!-- Define a cause code and localized strings for that cause code. -->
<Settings Path="Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable/$(NETWORKDESCRIPTOR)">
<Setting Name="CauseCode/$(CAUSECODE)/$(LOCALEID)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/$(CAUSECODE)/$(LOCALEID)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/$(CAUSECODE)/$(LOCALEID)" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. To register the mobile network
a. In the Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable settings group, replace $ (CAUSECODEMCCMNC ) in
NetworkDescriptor/$(CAUSECODEMCCMNC) with the MCCMNC pair that corresponds to a
b. Use the format MCCMNC for $ (CAUSECODEMCCMNC ). The MCC/MNC pairs must follow this format
—each must have 3 digits specified. For example, if you have an MCC/MNC pair that corresponds to
412/89, you must store this in the registry as 412089 .
The setting value for each MCC/MNC combination will be the relative path to another setting that
will contain all the cause codes information for that network.
There must be one entry for each MCC/MNC pair that is supported by the mobile operator. The
same network ID or descriptor can be used for all MCC/MNC entries, or multiple IDs can be defined.
c. Set Network_Descriptor as the value. You can use the mobile operator ID for the
Network_Descriptor. The network descriptor can be arbitrarily chosen by the mobile operator. For
example, for the MCC/MNC pair 412/123 and 412/125, the mobile operator can choose "MOID2" as
the network descriptor. MCC/MNC pairs that have the same network descriptor or mobile operator
IDs will share the same cause code.
The following example shows how to describe two networks that have MCC/MNC pairs of 412/89,
412/123, and 412/125 and network descriptors MOID1, MOID2, and MOID2, respectively:

<Settings Path="Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable">
<Setting Name="NetworkDescriptor/412089" Value="MOID1" />
<Setting Name="NetworkDescriptor/412123" Value="MOID2" />
<Setting Name="NetworkDescriptor/412125" Value="MOID2" />

4. To specify the cause codes and localized strings for the cause code
a. In the Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable/$(NETWORKDESCRIPTOR) settings path, replace
$ (NETWORKDESCRIPTOR ) with the network IDs or descriptors you defined in the previous section.
For example, if you have two network descriptors or mobile operator IDs called MOID1 and MOID2,
define a settings group for each as shown in the following example.

<Settings Path="Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable/MOID1">
<Setting Name="CauseCode/$(CAUSECODE)/$(LOCALEID)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/$(CAUSECODE)/$(LOCALEID)" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable/MOID2">
<Setting Name="CauseCode/$(CAUSECODE)/$(LOCALEID)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/$(CAUSECODE)/$(LOCALEID)" Value="" />

b. For each network group, specify the cause codes, the corresponding locale IDs, and the localized
strings for the cause codes.
$ (CAUSECODE ) must be the decimal representation of the cause code.
$ (LOCALEID ) must be the locale ID identifying the locale for the cause code string.
Value must be set to the localized string to display for the cause code specific to the locale
For example, to register a cause code 1 for MOID1 and specify all the localized strings for cause code
1 for the 0409 (English (US )), 0416 (Portuguese (Brazil)), and 040A (Spanish (Spain)) locales, add the
following settings and values:

<Settings Path="Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable/MOID1">
<Setting Name="CauseCode/1/0409" Value="Dialed number is unavailable -01-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/1/0416" Value="Numero discado indisponivel -01-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/1/040A" Value="Marcacion no disponible -01-" />

In this example, if the device's locale is set to English (US ), the OS will look for the appropriate entry
in the registry and display "Dialed number is unavailable -01-". If the device's locale is set to
Portuguese (Brazil), "Numero discado indisponivel -01-" will be displayed, and so on.
The following example customization answer file shows how to register two mobile networks (MOID1 and
MOID2), specify their corresponding MCC/MNC pairs, and register a set of cause codes for both mobile networks
in a limited number of locales.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Cause codes for MOID1 and MOID2."


<Settings Path="Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable">
<Setting Name="NetworkDescriptor/412089" Value="MOID1" />
<Setting Name="NetworkDescriptor/412123" Value="MOID2" />
<Setting Name="NetworkDescriptor/412125" Value="MOID2" />

<!-- Register the cause codes for MOID1 -->

<Settings Path="Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable/MOID1">
<!-- Cause code 1 -->
<Setting Name="CauseCode/1/0409" Value="Dialed number is unavailable -01-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/1/0416" Value="Numero discado indisponivel -01-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/1/040A" Value="Marcacion no disponible -01-" />
<!-- Cause code 3 -->
<Setting Name="CauseCode/3/0409" Value="Unavailable -03-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/3/0416" Value="Nao disponivel -03-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/3/040A" Value="Usuario no disponible -03-" />
<!-- Cause code 8 -->
<Setting Name="CauseCode/8/0409" Value="User busy -08-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/8/0416" Value="Usuario ocupado -08-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/8/040A" Value="Usuario ocupado -08-" />

<!-- Register the cause codes for MOID2 -->

<Settings Path="Phone/CauseCodeRegistrationTable/MOID2">
<!-- Cause code 18 -->
<Setting Name="CauseCode/18/0409" Value="No answer -18-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/18/0416" Value="Sem resposta -18-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/18/040A" Value="Usuario no responde -18-" />
<!-- Cause code 29 -->
<Setting Name="CauseCode/29/0409" Value="Call ended -29-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/29/0416" Value="Chamada terminada -29-" />
<Setting Name="CauseCode/29/040A" Value="Llamada terminada -29-" />



An OEM must work with their mobile operator partner to fully test this customization on the mobile operator's

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Conditional call forwarding
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can now show the call forwarding icon for conditional call forwarding as well as unconditional call
Partners should not enable this feature for networks that support voicemail, which is implemented on the network
as conditional call forwarding so the call forwarding icon would also be on.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to show the call forwarding icon for conditional call forwarding
as well as unconditional call forwarding."


<Settings Path="Shell/SystemTray/ConditionalCallForwarding">
<!-- Set the value to 0 or 'Disabled' (shows the icon for unconditional call forwarding only), or
set to 1 or 'Enabled' (shows the icon for both conditional and unconditional call forwarding)
<Setting Name="ConditionalCallForwardingIcon" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set ConditionalCallForwardingIcon to one of the following values:


0 or 'Disabled' Only unconditional forwarding will indicate call

forwarding. This is the default.

1 or 'Enabled' Both conditional and unconditional forwarding will

indicate call forwarding.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a UICC.
2. Set conditional call forwarding using the following USDD codes as specified in the topic Supplementary
services exclusions:
3. Depending on the market, verify that the call forwarding icon appears based on the
IndicateConditionalCallForwarding registry setting.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configure DTMF tones
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can configure the following DTMF tone settings when VoLTE calls are supported:
1. Duration of the DTMF tones, and the delay, or pause, between DTMF digits.
2. Enable UX option to switch between long and short DTMF tones.
3. Enable long DTMF tones if the user presses a dialpad key for an extended period.

Configure duration of DTMF tones, and delay between digits

Constraints: None This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure settings for DTMF tones."

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/General">
<Setting Name="DTMFOnTime" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DTMFOffTime" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. To specify the length of time, in milliseconds, to generate the DTMF tone, set DTMFOnTime to a value between
64 and 1000 (inclusive). For example, a value of 160 specifies 0.16 second.
4. To specify the length of time, in milliseconds, to pause between DTMF digits, set DTMFOffTime to a value
between 64 and 1000 (inclusive). For example, a value of 120 specifies 0.12 second.
Work with your mobile operator to fully test this customization on their network.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone that has VoLTE enabled.
2. Make a VoLTE call to a service where DTMF tones can be used.
3. Verify that DTMF tones are recognized correctly. Depending on the values you specified, verify the duration of
the DTMF tone and the delay between DTMF digits.

Enable UX option to toggle between short and long DTMF tones

Partners can make a user option visible that makes it possible to toggle between short and long DTMF tones.
By default, the user option for toggling between short and long tones is hidden on GSM phones and visible for
CDMA phones.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to make the user option for toggling between short and long tones
visible to users."
<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="ShowLongTones" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set ShowLongTones to one of the following values:


0 or False Hides the user option to make it possible for users to

toggle between short and long tones.

1 or True Shows the user option.

Enable long DTMF tones on long keypress

OEMs can enable long DTMF tones if the user presses a dialpad key for an extended period.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable long DTMF tones if the user presses a dialpad key for an
extended period."
<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="ContinuousDTMFEnabled" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set ContinuousDTMFEnabled to one of the following values:

0 or 'False' Fixed length (burst mode) DTMF tones are emitted.

1 or 'True' DTMF tones will persist as long as the user presses a

corresponding dialpad key.

1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a phone.
2. Test this customization on both VoLTE and non-VoLTE phone calls.
If enabled, DTMF tones will last as long as the key is being pressed.
If disabled, DTMF tones will be of fixed length.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configure message waiting indicator notifications
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Depending on the scenario that partners want to support, partners can configure the voicemail system so the
device either ignores or responds to message waiting indicator (MWI) notifications.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the voicemail system so the phone either ignores or
responds to message waiting indicator (MWI) notifications."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)">
<Setting Name="IgnoreMWINotifications" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set IgnoreMWINotifications to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' MWI functions normally and the user is notified that

voicemails are available.

1 or 'True' MWI notifications are ignored by the device.

If `IgnoreMWINotifications` is not present, MWI functions normally and the user is notified when voicemails
are available.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device that has a UICC.
2. On another phone, call the number for the device that contains the customization. Leave a voicemail
3. If visual voicemail has not been set up on the device, you can verify that the customization worked by
checking if the device tile shows a voicemail notification.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Dialer codes for supplementary services
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can define a dialer code to use for services like changing the pin, changing the password, caller ID, call
forwarding, call waiting, call blocking, and so on. Partners can define new mappings or disable the default
mappings. For more information about the default dialer codes you can redefine or disable, see Supplementary
services exclusions.
Limitations and restrictions:
The format of the supplementary service string cannot be modified.
The data sent over the network for a given operation cannot be modified.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to define new mappings or disable the default mappings for dialer


<Settings Path="Phone/SupplementaryServiceCodeOverrides">
<-- Select the dialer codes to disable or redefine from the set below
<Setting Name="002" Value="" />
<Setting Name="004" Value="" />
<Setting Name="03" Value="" />
<Setting Name="04" Value="" />
<Setting Name="042" Value="" />
<Setting Name="052" Value="" />
<Setting Name="070" Value="" />
<Setting Name="071" Value="" />
<Setting Name="072" Value="" />
<Setting Name="073" Value="" />
<Setting Name="074" Value="" />
<Setting Name="075" Value="" />
<Setting Name="076" Value="" />
<Setting Name="077" Value="" />
<Setting Name="078" Value="" />
<Setting Name="079" Value="" />
<Setting Name="21" Value="" />
<Setting Name="30" Value="" />
<Setting Name="300" Value="" />
<Setting Name="31" Value="" />
<Setting Name="33" Value="" />
<Setting Name="330" Value="" />
<Setting Name="331" Value="" />
<Setting Name="332" Value="" />
<Setting Name="333" Value="" />
<Setting Name="35" Value="" />
<Setting Name="351" Value="" />
<Setting Name="353" Value="" />
<Setting Name="354" Value="" />
<Setting Name="354" Value="" />
<Setting Name="360" Value="" />
<Setting Name="361" Value="" />
<Setting Name="362" Value="" />
<Setting Name="363" Value="" />
<Setting Name="37" Value="" />
<Setting Name="43" Value="" />
<Setting Name="591" Value="" />
<Setting Name="592" Value="" />
<Setting Name="593" Value="" />
<Setting Name="594" Value="" />
<Setting Name="61" Value="" />
<Setting Name="62" Value="" />
<Setting Name="66" Value="" />
<Setting Name="67" Value="" />
<Setting Name="75" Value="" />
<Setting Name="750" Value="" />
<Setting Name="751" Value="" />
<Setting Name="752" Value="" />
<Setting Name="753" Value="" />
<Setting Name="754" Value="" />
<Setting Name="76" Value="" />
<Setting Name="77" Value="" />
<Setting Name="96" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. To disable a default mapping
a. Select the setting name that matches the dialer code that you want to disable. For example,
Setting Name="21" corresponds to FWDUNCONDITIONAL or the default unconditional call
forwarding code.
b. Set the Value of the dialer code that you want to disable to 0x1D or 29. This causes the dialer code
to send a USSD request instead.
4. To define a new mapping
a. Select the setting name that matches the dialer code that you want to redefine.
b. Set the Value to the desired supplementary service. The following example maps dialer code 66 to
unconditional call forwarding (dialer code 21):

<Setting Name="66" Value="21" />

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Tap on the keypad button in Phone.
3. Verify modified dialer codes are handled as configured.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Dialer codes to launch diagnostic applications
1/18/2019 • 6 minutes to read

To use an OEM diagnostic app in environments such as a service center, OEMs can configure special dialer codes
to start the application. OEMs can also configure dialer codes to start apps to interact with mobile operator
networks or to diagnose phone malfunctions.
Specific codes entered into the dialer will start the OEM dialer app. The dialer code is passed as a parameter to the
OEM's primary dialer app. The primary dialer app starts when any configured dialer code is entered in the dialer.
The dialer codes customization supports these four different app types and behaviors:
Windows Phone Silverlight 8.0 app - For this type of app, the legacy customization behavior remains the
same. You cannot pass \* as a dialer code and #characters are removed from the dialer code.
Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 app - For this type of app, you can define dial strings that contain \. The app
receives the dial code through navigation arguments. Arguments are in the format
"DialString=##dialer_code*#" (for example, "DialString=##777#").
Windows Runtime app - For Windows Runtime apps, you can define dial strings that contain \. The app
receives the dial code through navigation arguments in the URI escape encoded format. Arguments are in the
format "?DialString=%23%23dialer_code%23". The app can use System.Uri.UnescapeDataString to get the
arguments to format "?DialString=##dialer_code*#".
Universal Windows app - The behavior for this app is the same as that of a Windows Runtime app.
The OS trims the dial string for legacy apps while it passes the dial string without modifications for Universal
Windows apps.

In your PROVXML file, you must also set the FullyPreinstall flag to TRUE so that the app is available to run immediate after
first boot or an OS update.

Constraints: FirstVariationOnly

First-use installation of the OEM dialer application
1. Preload the OEM dialer application. To do this, use the following code example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -->
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Sample customization XML for OEM diagnostic app."
<Application Source="C:\Customization\TestData\apps\SampleDiagnosticApp.xap"
ProvXML="C:\Customization\TestData\apps\mpap_oemmoapps_01.provxml" />

In the above example:

a. Specify the Name , Description , and Owner values.
b. Replace Source with the location and file name of the OEM dialer application source.
c. Replace License with the location and file name of the app's license file.
d. Replace ProvXML with the location and file name of the app's provXML file. Note that the provXML file
must have the file name pattern MPAP_*_*.provxml.

To prevent the initial phone setup process from installing the application on first boot, do not place the provXML file
in the directory that the initial phone setup process checks, such as $(runtime.commonfiles)\Provisioning\OEM.
Instead, place the provXML file in another location, such as $(runtime.commonfiles)\Xaps, which you can then
reference from the PartnerAppProvisioningFilePath setting.

2. You must also configure the following customization settings so that the dialer will start the primary OEM
dialer application. If you set these values, no application is launched and no messages are displayed to the
user. The following configuration causes the dialer to start the primary OEM dialer application.
In the customization answer file, add the following settings:

<Settings Path="Phone/PartnerAppSupport">
<Setting Name="PartnerAppTaskUri" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PartnerAppProvisioningFilePath" Value="\Programs\CommonFiles\Xaps\MPAP_*_*.provxml"
<!-- Configure these settings to add additional dialer codes that can be accepted and passed as a
parameter to
the primary OEM dialer app. You can add any number of additional diagnostic codes you want to
Each code should begin with ## -->
<Setting Name="PartnerImmediateDialStrings" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PartnerNonImmediateDialStrings" Value="" />

3. In the above example, provide a value for the PartnerAppTaskUri , the PartnerAppProvisioningFilePath and
include any desired immediate or non-immediate dial strings.
a. Set PartnerAppTaskUri to the task URI of the launched app.
If you're using a Universal Windows app, you can launch a diagnostic app by setting the value of
PartnerAppTaskUri to the AUMID of a Windows app. The AUMID is in the format similar to the
package family name + the ID of the app, for example, 24f54b1d -732e-448c-b516 -
If you're using a legacy app, you can launch a diagnostic app by setting the value of
PartnerAppTaskUri to the app URI. The app URI is in the format app://00000000 -0000 -0000 -
0000 -000000000000/_default. Replace 00000000 -0000 -0000 -0000 -000000000000 with your
app ID, such as 13372257 -1b99 -1712 -17e7 -157fc6f8557d.
The dial code parameter is URI escape encoded in order to pass # and \* characters to Windows
Phone Silverlight 8.1 apps.
b. Set PartnerAppProvisioningFilePath to the path (in the mobile device) and file name of the provXML
that is used to install the OEM dialer app. The path must match the destination of the app you
preloaded. For example, $ (runtime.commonfiles)\Xaps map to \Programs\CommonFiles\Xaps and
must be used when specifying the PartnerAppProvisioningFilePath value.
c. When the dialer code is entered, the background installation process starts and when that completes,
the application will be launched. If the installation is not complete within two minutes, the application
is not started.
d. Set PartnerImmediateDialStrings and PartnerNonImmediateDialStrings to add additional dialer codes
that can be accepted and passed as a parameter to the primary OEM dialer app.
Use PartnerImmediateDialStrings to list dial codes that invoke the OEM app immediately without
the need to press the dial button. For example, ##3282#\0##634#\0##777#\0##7820#\05555
Use PartnerNonImmediateDialStrings to list dial codes that invoke the OEM app after pressing the
dial button. For example, ##634\0##3282\0##777\0##7820

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Launch the Phone app and dial any of the immediate or non-immediate dial strings that you've defined.
When the dialer code is entered, the background installation process starts and when that completes, the
application will be launched. If the installation is not complete within two minutes, the application is not
3. Verify that the defined dial strings successfully launch the diagnostic app that you preloaded.

Dialer codes
Password protect diagnostic functionality
Microsoft recommends that OEMs implement an input screen that is displayed when the OEM dialer application
launches diagnostic functionality. This screen can request a password that is unique to the OEM's application.
Dialer code parameter passing
The following code example shows how to parse the dialer code parameter that was passed. The code requests the
DialString String object out of the navigationContext by calling the QueryString.TryGetValue function.

string dialCode = "";if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("DialString", out dialCode)){ int

intDialCode = int.Parse(dialCode);}

Adding additional dialer codes

You can add additional dialer codes so that they will be accepted and passed as a parameter to the primary OEM
dialer application. You can provide any number of additional diagnostic codes that you want to use. Each dialer
code should begin with ##.
If the dialer string ends with #, the app starts immediately after the last # is pressed. These entries are stored in
the PartnerImmediateDialStrings setting. You can use multiple values by separating them with a semicolon (;).
For example, ##634#;##3282#;##778#;##675#;##786#
If the dialer code does not end with #, the app starts after the call button is pressed by the user. These are stored
in the PartnerNonImmediateDialStrings setting. You can use multiple values by separating them with a semicolon
(;). For example, ##3282;##2539#;##33284#;##2539;##786;##778;##33284

Only the defined dialer codes are passed to the partner app, which can use the code to determine what programs
to load or which additional screens to display.
Predefined dialer codes
The following table describes the predefined application dialer codes available. The <Call> in the dialer code
sequences represents a press of the Call button on the phone.


##DATA# ##3282# Displays the network information.

##MFG# ##634# Calls the manufacturing test tool, if

one has been implemented.

##RTN# or ##RTN@ ##786# or ##786<Call> "Return To New"—removes all user-

specific information from NVRAM
and deactivates the phone.

##MSL# ##675# Subsidy lock.

##PST# or ##PST@ ##778# or ##778<Call> Product Support Tool—Displays the

product support menu to select
tasks such as deactivation.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Dial string overrides when roaming
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Partners can map certain dial strings to corresponding override numbers that are dialed when the user is roaming.
To the user, it will appear as if the original number was dialed.
The mappings are customizable and stored in the registry. All roaming override dial strings are organized under a
single registry key as name-data pairs. The OS uses the dialed string as the registry name to query and the
associated data as the override number to be dialed.
Design requirements and considerations:
Partners must specify override numbers in full international format, including a leading +. The numbers are
dialed as-is on 3GPP and the + is converted to the appropriate prefix on 3GPP2.
Dial string translation is only performed when the phone is roaming.
Partners may specify override numbers with &lt;SUB&gt; to represent the subscriber number. The first
instance of &lt;SUB&gt; in an override number is replaced with the subscriber number. Partners cannot
specify &lt;SUB&gt; as part of a dial string to search for.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to map certain dial strings to corresponding override numbers that
are dialed when the user is roaming."
<!-- Define the Targets -->
<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)/RoamingNumberOverrides">
<Setting Name="DialString/$(DialString)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DialString/$(DialString)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DialString/$(DialString)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DialString/$(DialString)" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Determine the number of dial string overrides you need to configure. For each dial string:
a. Replace $ (DialString ) in the settings name with the name of the dial string or number that the user
will dial when roaming. For example, if the user will dial *611, set the setting name to:

<Setting Name="DialString/*611" Value="" />

b. Set the setting value to the override number or number that the dial string is translated into. This
corresponds to the number that is actually called. For example, if the user dials *611 and the number
that must be called whenever the user dials *611 is +18001234567, set the value as shown in the
following example:

<Setting Name="DialString/*611" Value="+18001234567" />

The following example shows how to create a mapping for two dial strings, *611 and *86:
<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)/RoamingNumberOverrides">
<Setting Name="DialString/*611" Value="+18001234567" />
<Setting Name="DialString/*86" Value="+1&lt;SUB&gt;" />

In the preceding example:

*611 is the dial string and +18001234567 is the override number. The user dials *611 and the
number that is actually called is +18001234567.
*86 is the dial string and +1<SUB> is the override number. The user dials *86 and the number that is
actually called is +1 and the subscriber’s number.
To verify this customization, the phone must be roaming internationally. Work with your mobile operator partner
to test this customization on their network.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Dial the numbers that you specified and verify that numbers that are actually called are the override
numbers that you specified for each dial string.
Verify that the override numbers are not shown on the phone when the dial strings are called.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Disable link to contact card in active call screen
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Disable the ability to access a contact's information while in the active call screen.
By default, when a user is in the active call screen, the user can tap on the contact's name or phone number while in
a phone call to bring up the contact's information card. The contact information card includes information such as
the contact's phone numbers, email addresses, and so on.
OEMs can disable this link in the active call screen by setting the EnableSoftwareProximitySensorMitigation
so that the contact information is not shown while in an active call. For example, if the phone does not have a
proximity sensor and the user may accidentally tap the contact name or phone number with their ear during a
phone call, disabling the link may be the desired user experience.
The reminders, toasts, and the shutdown curtain also assume that the proximity sensor is covered if the
EnableSoftwareProximitySensorMitigation setting is set. When the setting is set to 1 or 'True', the device
emits a noise (for toasts and reminders if sounds for these events are not silenced), but the screen does not turn
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to disable the tappable contact information in the active call
screen such as for phones
without a proximity sensor. "


<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneShellUI">
<!-- Set the Value to 0 or 'False' (to disable, default), or set to 1 or 'True' (to enable) -->
<Setting Name="EnableSoftwareProximitySensorMitigation" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set EnableSoftwareProximitySensorMitigation to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' The link to the contact information in the active call

screen is enabled. This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'True' The link to the active contact information in the active

call screen is disabled.
If event sounds for toasts and reminders are not
turned off, the device emits a noise, but the screen
does not turn on.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone that has a SIM or UICC.
2. Open the Phone app and call one of your contacts.
3. In the active call screen, verify the following behaviors depending on the value you set for
EnableSoftwareProximitySensorMitigation :

If EnableSoftwareProximitySensorMitigation is set to 0, verify that the link to the contact information

in the active call screen is enabled. If you tap the link, verify that the contact's information card is
displayed while the call is ongoing.
If EnableSoftwareProximitySensorMitigation is set to 1, verify that the link to the contact information
in the active call screen is disabled. If you tap the link, nothing should happen and you should remain
in the active call screen.
If event sounds for toasts and reminders are not turned off, verify that the device emits a noise when
a toast or reminder goes off, but the screen does not turn on.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Disable video upgrade Store navigation
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Disable automatic navigation to the Microsoft Store when the user attempts a video upgrade for which there is no
installed app.
By default, if there are no compatible video upgrade apps installed on the phone, when a user taps the video
upgrade button during a phone call, a dialog is launched and the phone will navigate to the Microsoft Store.
Partners can change this behavior so that if the user taps the video upgrade button, a dialog is launched that
informs the user that no video app is installed, but the phone will not navigate to the Microsoft Store directly.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure whether tapping the video upgrade button will launch
a dialog to navigate
to the Windows Phone Store or inform the user that no app is


<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="DisableVideoUpgradeStoreNavigation" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the DisableVideoUpgradeStoreNavigation value to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Tapping the video upgrade button launches a dialog

that navigates to the Store if no compatible video
upgrade apps are installed on the phone.
This is the default behavior.

1 or 'True' Tapping the video upgrade button launches a dialog

that informs the user that there is no video app is
installed. The phone does not navigate to the Store.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone that has a UICC or Wi-Fi connection.
2. Make sure that there are no compatible video upgrade apps installed on the phone and then open the
Phone app and call someone.
If DisableVideoUpgradeStoreNavigation is set to 0 or 'False' (or you did not change the default OS
behavior), verify that a dialog is launched and that the phone navigates to the Store.
If DisableVideoUpgradeStoreNavigation is set to 1 or 'True', verify that a dialog is launched that
informs the user that no video app is installed and the phone does not automatically navigate to the

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Disable voicemail phone number display
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Disable voicemail phone number display on the call progress screen.

By default, when a user calls the voicemail number, the number dialed is displayed below the Voicemail label on
the call progress screen. If the user enters a phone number directly using the keypad, the actual number dialed
(and displayed on the call progress screen) may differ from what the user entered and may potentially cause
confusion. To address possible user confusion, partners can control whether the dialed voicemail phone number is
displayed below the Voicemail label on the call progress screen.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to either display or hide the voicemail phone number displayed in
the call progress screen."

<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="DisableVoicemailPhoneNumberDisplay" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the DisableVoicemailPhoneNumberDisplay setting to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Shows the phone number below the Voicemail label

on the call progress screen.
This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'True' Hides the phone number below the Voicemail label

on the call progress screen.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone that has a UICC or SIM.
2. Open the phone app.
3. Call the voicemail either by pressing and holding "1" from the keypad screen, tapping the voicemail icon, or
calling the voicemail number directly.
4. Depending on the value that you set for DisableVoicemailPhoneNumberDisplay , verify that the voicemail
phone number is either displayed or hidden below the Voicemail label on the call progress screen.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Dismiss the last USSD waiting dialog
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Dismiss the last USSD waiting dialog in the case where there is a sequence of USSD or SIM app dialogs.
This customization affects the behavior of USSD dialog sequencing. It dismisses the last Waiting… dialog in the
case where there is a sequence of USSD or SIM app dialogs. OEMs may need to configure this customization in
cases where there is a sequence of two or more SIM app dialogs and where the OS might display a Waiting…
dialog indefinitely and the dialog can only dismissed when the user taps Cancel.
Constraints: None This customization supports: per-IMSI value

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to dismiss the last 'Waiting...' dialog in cases where there is a
sequence of USSD or SIM app dialogs"."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)">
<Setting Name="AutoDismissUssdWaitingDialog" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC,
and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set AutoDismissUssdWaitingDialog to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' The last Waiting… dialog won't be dismissed until the

user cancels to dismiss the dialog. This may be
confusing in some cases and can make the dialog
appear frozen.

1 or 'True' The last Waiting… dialog will be automatically

dismissed when the sequence of USSD or SIM app
dialogs completes.
This is the default OS behavior.

Work with your mobile operator to fully test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Emergency phone numbers
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can edit the list of valid emergency phone numbers for the market in which the phone will be sold.
By default, the list includes 911, 112, 08, and 999. The number 112 is hardcoded and cannot be removed. The
emergency numbers apply when the dialer restricts the user to approved emergency phone numbers, such as
during initial phone setup and when the phone is locked. Partners can specify which numbers can be dialed when a
SIM is present and when no SIM is present.
The emergency phone numbers are implemented by the modem vendor. For more information about how to
modify the emergency dialing behavior, see the documentation provided by the modem vendor.
Enable call recording by default
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can configure devices to have the call recording feature enabled by default.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Indicates if call recording is turned off. User will not see call
recording functionality when this is set to true."


<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name=" CallRecordingOff" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set CallRecordingOff to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Sets the call recording management app to Voice

Recorder, which turns on the call recording feature.

1 or 'True' Sets the call recording management app to none,

which turns off the call recording feature. This is the
default OS Value.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a phone.
2. Open the Settings app and select Phone.
3. Under Default apps, tap Choose apps.
4. Under Calling, verify that Voice Recorder is showing under Choose the app you want to use to manage
recorded phone calls.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enable IMS services
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Partners can identify which IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS ) services, if any, are enabled on the device by default.
The IMS services that can be identified are: IMS, SMs over IMS, Voice over IMS, and Video over IMS.
To allow configuration of the default values of IMS services out of the box using multivariant, the IMSServices
setting is mapped as follows:

IMS ----------------> RILDMCONFIG_IMS_TEST_NODE_STATUS -> NV 67264 subitem ‘RegConfigTestMode’ (// 1
means disabling IMS and 0 means enabling it)
Voice_Over_IMS ------> [RILDMCONFIG_IMS_VOICE_ENABLED -> NV 67348 subitem ‘volte_disabled’]
Video_Over_IMS ------> [RILDMCONFIG_IMS_VIDEO_ENABLED -> NV 67348 subitem ‘VT calling enabled’]

All values need to be set at once. For example, you cannot just set the value for Voice_Over_IMS. You must send a
value for all. The OS applies the value to the corresponding NV item only if the value is changing.
wpblue_gdr2 allows configuration of the OMA DM services mask (sub-item of NV 69750) separately. You can use
a new setting similar to IMSServices called IMSOMADMServices which will be directly mapped to
RIL_IMS_NW_ENABLED_FLAGS on the modem side. See the SoC modem documentation for more details about
the flags.

0 = NONE
1 = OMA_DM -----------> RIL_IMS_NW_ENABLED_FLAG_PROVISION (Bit 0 - Enable(1)/Disable(0) OMA DM services)
2 = VOICE ------------> RIL_IMS_NW_ENABLED_FLAG_VOICE (Bit 1- VoLTE enable(1)/disable(0) by OMA-DM)
4 = VIDEO -------------> RIL_IMS_NW_ENABLED_FLAG_VIDEO (Bit 2 - VT enable(1)/disable(0) by OMA-DM)
8 = EAB_PRESENCE ------> RIL_IMS_NW_ENABLED_FLAG_EAB (Bit 3 - Presence enable(1)/disable(0) by OMA-DM)
15 = Enable all above services

All the other settings for VoLTE and VT, such as ShowVoLTEToggle , SwitchIMS , and so on remain unchanged. For
more information about these settings, see Settings for IMS services.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure which IMS services are enabled."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/VoLTE">
<Setting Name="IMSServices" Value="" />

<-- To configure the OMA DM services mask. -->

<Setting Name="IMSOMADMServices" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's Mobile
Country Code (MCC ), Mobile Network Code (MNC ), and Service Provider Name (SPN ).
b. Define the settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set the value for the IMSServices setting to any combination of the following flags or bitmasks:


IMS 1 0001

SMS over IMS 2 0010


Voice over IMS 4 0100

Video over IMS 8 1000

You can set `IMSServices` to any decimal value formed by a combination of the bitmasks. For example, a bitmask
of 1111 (or a decimal value of 15) means that all services are enabled. A bitmask of 0101 (or a decimal value
of 5) means that IMS and Voice over IMS are enabled by default and SMS over IMS and Video over IMS are
disabled, and so on.

5. To configure the OMA DM services mask, set the IMSOMADMServices setting to one of the following values:


None 0 00000

OMA DM 1 00001

Voice 2 00010

Video 4 00100

EAB presence 8 01000

Enable all services 15 10000

Work with your mobile operator partner to test this customization on the operator's network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enable RCS
1/18/2019 • 6 minutes to read

OEMs can configure the RCS settings using the multivariant support in the OS. Using these settings, you can:
Specify whether the device is RCS -enabled.
Specify whether to use single registration for RCS.
Configure the user experience for RCS.
The following design principles for RCS settings apply in Windows 10 Mobile:
An OEM can set a policy that cannot be overwritten by the user.
A user can set the value for a setting unless the setting is hidden by the mobile operator or OEM, or if the
setting is available only to the mobile operator or OEM.
The IMS and RCS services have a defined default behavior in the event that a policy or setting is not set.
Backup and restore are slot-based. Any per-slot SIM settings are backups for the associated slot. When the
settings are restored, they are restored in the corresponding slot even if a different SIM is in that slot.
When there are no per-user or per-slot settings, then settings are applied per-SIM, not per-slot. For example, if
the user sets group text ON for their Contoso SIM in Slot 1, and has group text OFF for their Fabrikam SIM in
Slot 2, if the user swaps the Contoso SIM into Slot 2 and reboots the device, group text will be set to ON.

RCS settings model

Global policy - The global policy reads from the Windows 10 Mobile registry location and if a value isn't
found, the Windows Phone 8.1 registry location is used. If no value is found in the Windows Phone 8.1
location, the messaging app uses the default behavior of the app.
Per-SIM policy - The per-SIM policy is written to the Slot 1 or Slot 2 location based on the corresponding
slot for the specific SIM.
The per-SIM policy in Slot 1 reads from the Windows 10 Mobile registry location for Slot 1. If a
value is not found, the messaging app falls back to the Windows Phone 8.1 location. If no value is
found in Windows Phone 8.1 location, the messaging app uses the default behavior of the app.
The per-SIM policy in Slot 2 reads from the Windows 10 Mobile registry location for Slot 2. If a
value is not found, the messaging app uses the default app behavior.
Per-SIM path policy - The per-SIM path policy is written to the Slot 1 or Slot 2 location based on the
corresponding slot for the specific SIM.
The per-SIM policy in Slot 1 reads from the Windows 10 Mobile registry location for Slot 1. If a
value is not found, the messaging app uses the default behavior of the app.
The per-SIM policy in Slot 2 reads from the Windows 10 Mobile registry location for Slot 2. If a
value is not found, the messaging app uses the default app behavior of the app.
Per-provider SIM settings - The per-provider SIM settings apply for single and dual SIM devices. The
per-provider SIM settings are written to the Slot 1 or Slot 2 location based on the corresponding slot for the
specific SIM. Each per-provider SIM setting (such as group text) has three separate values that determine its
behavior in Windows 10 Mobile.
The following table shows the expected behavior if all of the values are set in the Windows 10 Mobile
location. This applies to both Slot 1 and Slot 2. In summary, if the setting is hidden from the user, any user
setting value is ignored when the messaging app is determining which value to use.


No N/A Off Off

No On Off On

Yes N/A Off Off

Yes On Off Off

Per-provider SIM Slot 2 settings will fall back to the default service behavior. The following table shows the
expected behavior.




N/A N/A N/A Yes On On

No Off On Yes On Off

Yes N/A Off Yes On Off

No N/A Off Yes On Off

Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure RCS settings."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Configure these global settings to specify whether the device supports RCS. -->
<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/RCS">
<Setting Name="SystemEnabled" Value="" />
<Setting Name="UserEnabled" Value="" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<!-- Use these settings to specify whether to use single registration for RCS. -->
<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/RCS">
<Setting Name="UseSingleRegistration" Value="" />

<!-- Use these settings to configure the user experience for RCS -->
<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/RcsOptions">
<Setting Name="ShowRcsEnabled" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RcsEnabled" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RcsSendReadReceipt" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RcsFileTransferAutoAccept" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's Mobile Country
Code (MCC ), Mobile Network Code (MNC ), and Service Provider Name (SPN ).
4. Define the settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. To specify whether the system is RCS -enabled and the RCS package is installed, set SystemEnabled to one of
the following values.

0 or 'No' The system is not RCS-enabled.

1 or 'Yes' The system is RCS-enabled. If the system supports RCS,

you can also specify whether to show the user setting by
configuring the value for UserEnabled .

6. To show the user setting if RCS is enabled on the device, set UserEnabled to one of the following values.


0 or 'No' Don't show the user setting if RCS is enabled on the


1 or 'Yes' Show the user setting if RCS is enabled on the device.

7. To specify whether to use single registration for RCS, set UseSingleRegistration to one of the following


0 or 'False' Do not use single registration for RCS.

1 or 'True' Use single registration for RCS. The RCS stack will use the
modem interface to communicate with the RCS backend.

8. To configure the user experience for RCS, set the following settings.
To show or hide the toggle for RCS activation, set ShowRcsEnabled to one of the following values.


0 or 'False' Hides the toggle for RCS activation. This is the default
OS value.

1 or 'True' Shows the toggle for RCS activation. If you use this
value, you can also configure the default value for the
service by setting RcsEnabled .

To set the default value for the RCS service toggle, set RcsEnabled to one of the following values.


0 or 'False' RCS service toggle is set to Off. This is the default OS


1 or 'True' RCS service toggle is set to On.

To specify whether a read receipt is sent to the sender, set RcsSendReadReceipt to one of the following

0 or 'False' A read receipt is not sent to the sender.

1 or 'True' A read receipt is sent to the sender. This is the default

OS value.

To specify whether to automatically download an incoming RCS file transfer when the file size is less
than the limit for the warning file size, set RcsFileTransferAutoAccept to one of the following values.


0 or 'False' Do not automatically download the incoming RCS file


1 or 'True' Do automatically download the incoming RCS file

transfer. This is the default OS value.

Work with your mobile operator partner to test this customization on the operator's network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Hide call forwarding
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can hide the user option for call forwarding.

By default, users can decide whether to turn on call forwarding. Partners can hide this user option so that call
forwarding is permanently disabled.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to hide user option for call forwarding to users."
<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="HideCallForwarding" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set HideCallForwarding to one of the following values:


0 or False Shows the user option to make it possible for users to

forward calls.

1 or True Hides the user option

By default, the hide call forwarding UI is set to 0 or always shown.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Maximum number of participants in a VoLTE
conference call
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can specify the maximum number of participants or callers that can be added to a voice over LTE (VoLTE )
conference call based on the mobile operator's network requirements.
By default, Windows 10 Mobile supports up to 6-way conference (host + 5 participants) for VoLTE conference
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the maximum number of participants in a voice over LTE
conference call."


<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="ConferenceCallMaximumPartyCount" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of ConferenceCallMaximumPartyCount the maximum number of participants, including the host,
in a VoLTE conference call. Specify the number in decimal or hexadecimal (with the 0x prefix).
The default OS value is 6.
Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Work with your mobile operator partner to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Network-controlled caller ID settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For markets or mobile operators that require support for network-controlled settings for outgoing caller ID, OEMs
can configure the setting to indicate whether the network default setting is allowed and specify the default initial
value for the caller ID setting.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample or use the
sample NetworkCallerIDSettings.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable network-controlled settings for outgoing caller ID."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)">
<Setting Name="ShowCallerIdNetworkDefaultSetting" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DefaultCallerIdSetting" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. To indicate whether the network default setting is allowed for the outgoing caller ID, set
ShowCallerIdNetworkDefaultSetting to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Not allowed. The network default option will not be

This is the default OS value.

1 or 'True' Allowed. The network default option will be shown.

6. To specify the default value for the caller ID setting, set DefaultCallerIdSetting to one of the following


1 The caller ID is not shown for any calls.

2 The caller ID is shown only to phone contacts.

3 The caller ID is shown for all calls.

This is the default OS value.

4 The network default setting is shown.

If this value is chosen, OEMs must also set
ShowCallerIdNetworkDefaultSetting to 1 or 'True'.

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to fully test this customization on their network and verify that each setting and
value behave as documented in this topic.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Override the voicemail number on the UICC
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Mobile operators can override the voicemail number on the UICC with a different voicemail number that is
configured in the registry.
This customization can only be applied in a runtime configuration image.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the phone to ignore the time received from an LTE network."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)/Critical">
<Setting Name="SimOverrideVoicemailNumber" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set SimOverrideVoicemailNumber to a string that contains the digits of the voicemail number to use instead of
the voicemail number on the UICC.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Supplementary services exclusions
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can define a dialer code to use for 3GP USSD services like changing the pin, changing the password,
caller ID, call forwarding, call waiting, call barring, and so on. Partners can define new mappings or disable the
default mappings. To define a new mapping or change the behavior of a provided supplementary service
mappings, see Dialer codes for supplementary services
Microsoft provides a number of predefined USSD codes. Partners can exclude predefined USSD entries, allowing
the number to be sent as standard DTMF tones instead. This allows for customization for specific markets where
the predefined USSD codes need to be sent as a DTMF tones.
Only existing USDD codes can be overridden.
The following USSD codes are predefined in Windows Phone, and all of them can be overridden by the OEM.


04 CHANGEPIN 000000F4

042 CHANGEPIN2 00000F42

05 UNBLOCKPIN 000000F5

052 UNBLOCKPIN2 00000F52


75 EMLPPBASE 00000075

750 EMLPPLEVEL0 00000750

751 EMLPPLEVEL1 00000751

752 EMLPPLEVEL2 00000752

753 EMLPPLEVEL3 00000753

754 EMLPPLEVEL4 00000754

66 CALLDEFLECT 00000066

30 CALLIDCLIP 00000030

31 CALLIDCLIR 00000031

76 CALLIDCOLP 00000076

77 CALLIDCOLR 00000077


67 FWDBUSY 00000067

61 FWDNOREPLY 00000061


002 FWDALL 00000FF2


43 CALLWAITING 00000043

360 UUSALL 00000360

361 UUSSERVICE1 00000361

362 UUSSERVICE2 00000362

363 UUSSERVICE3 00000363

33 BARROUT 00000033

331 BARROUTINTL 00000331


35 BARRIN 00000035

351 BARRINROAM 00000351

330 BARRALL 00000330

333 BARRALLOUT 00000333

353 BARRALLIN 00000353


96 CALLTRANSFER 00000096


070 PNP0 00000F70

071 PNP1 00000F71

072 PNP2 00000F72

073 PNP3 00000F73

074 PNP4 00000F74

075 PNP5 00000F75

076 PNP6 00000F76

077 PNP7 00000F77

078 PNP8 00000F78

079 PNP9 00000F79

300 CALLCNAP 00000300

591 MSP1 00000591


592 MSP2 00000592

593 MSP3 00000593

594 MSP4 00000594

Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to exclude predefined USSD entries to allow the number to be sent
as standart DTMF tones instead."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)">
<Setting Name="IgnoreUssdExclusions" Value="" />
<Setting Name="UssdExclusionList" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set IgnoreUssdExclusions to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Uses the USSD exclusion list.

1 or 'True' Ignores the USSD exclusion list.

5. Set UssdExclusionList to the list of desired exclusions, separated by semicolons. For example, to override 2
and 4, set the value to 2;4
Leading zeros are specified by using F . For example, to override code 079, set the value to F79.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Tap on the keypad button in Phone.
3. Verify modified dialer codes are handled as configured.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Trim supplementary service codes
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can trim supplementary service codes to ensure network compatibility. When a code is sent using a USSD
string in a ##code# format, EnableSupplementaryServiceEraseToDeactivateOverride trims the USSD string so #code#
is sent. This customization applies only to codes that use the ##code# format.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description=”Enables trimming of supplementary service that use the ##code# format”

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />


<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)">
<Setting Name="EnableSupplementaryServiceEraseToDeactivateOverride" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set EnableSupplementaryServiceEraseToDeactivateOverride . The possible values are:


0 or 'False' Preserves codes with no trimming. This is the default

OS value.

1 or 'True' Enables trimming.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing the customization to a phone.
2. Send a USSD code. For example, ##21# to disable conditional call forwarding.
3. Verify that conditional call forwarding has been disabled.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Use OK for USSD dialogs
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To meet certain market requirements or user expectations, OEMs can change the button label in USSD dialogs
from Close (the default) to OK.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to change the button label in USSD dialogs from 'Close' to 'OK'."


<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="UseOKForUssdDialogs" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Change the button label in the USSD dialog by setting UseOKForUssdDialogs to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' USSD success and failure dialogs have a single button

to close the dialog labeled Close

1 or 'True' USSD success and failure dialogs have a single button

to close the dialog labeled OK

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone that has a UICC.
2. Open the Phone app and tap the keypad button.
3. Use several USSD codes and strings to bring up a USSD success dialog and a USSD failure dialog.
4. Verify that the button label in the dialog shows OK.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Use HD audio codec for call branding
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can customize call progress branding when a call is made using a specific audio codec.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Name="EnableSupplementaryServiceEraseToDeactivateOverride" Description=”Call
progress branding”

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />
<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)/HDAudio">
<Setting Name="" Value="" /> <!-- Use to identify codec and string -->


2. Specify an Owner .
3. For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
4. In the table below, identify the Setting Name that corresponds to your HD audio codec, and set that as
Setting Name. Then, set value to the text string you want to use for call progress branding. For example, if
you are using the EVRC audio codec, and you would like to display the text "EVRC" when using that codec,
you would enter EVRCAudioQualityString in Setting Name , and EVRC in Value.
Note: Text strings can be a maximum of 10 characters.


EVRCAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the EVRC audio codec

EVRCBAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the EVRCB audio codec

EVRCNWAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the EVRCNW audio codec

EVRCWBAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the EVRCWB audio codec

EVSFBAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the EVSFB audio codec

EVSNBAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the EVSNB audio codec

EVSSWBAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the EVSSWB audio codec

EVSWBAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the EVSWB audio codec

GSMEFRAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the GSMEFR audio codec

GSMFRAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the GSMFR audio codec

GSMFRAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the GSMFR audio codec

QCELP13KAudioQualityString Any text string Call progress branding for calls using
the QCELP13K audio codec

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Make a phone call that uses HD audio.
3. Verify that the call progress branding is displayed during the phone call.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Use voice domain for emergency call branding
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To meet mobile operator requirements, OEMs can enable the voice domain to decide whether to use Emergency
calls only or No service in the phone UI branding.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to let the voice domain decide whether to use 'Emergency calls
only' or 'No service' in the
phone UI branding. "


<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="UseVoiceDomainForEmergencyCallBranding" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the UseVoiceDomainForEmergencyCallBranding setting to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' The OS inspects the registration state to decide the

emergency call branding. This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'True' The voice domain decides the emergency call branding.

If UseVoiceDomainForEmergencyCallBranding is set to 1, the phone will not display Emergency calls only in
the following cases. Instead, it will display No service.
If the system type [RILSYSTEMTYPE ] is NONE, which means there is no signal.
If the system type is LTE but there is no voice domain. This situation can occur in these cases:
In LTE networks being used by a non-VoLTE capable device without 3G coverage.
In forbidden LTE networks.
However, if you do not set UseVoiceDomainForEmergencyCallBranding to 1, or the setting is missing, the device
may display Emergency calls only in the above situations.
Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator partner to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Visual voicemail
1/18/2019 • 7 minutes to read

Visual voicemail supports both traditional voicemail (retrieved through a phone call) and visual voicemail. Users
can select between traditional voicemail and visual voicemail when they first attempt to access voicemail. If the
mobile operator does not support this visual voicemail implementation, the user will only see the traditional
voicemail option. For mobile operators that have their own particular brand that they want to use instead of visual
voicemail, partners can rebrand all instances of visual voicemail in the Windows 10 Mobile UI to use the
operator's brand.
The mobile operator visual voicemail system must be an OMTP -compliant system that meets the following
Uses the AMR -NB codec for incoming voicemail messages.
Sends all SMS -MT as port-directed SMS.
Sends all SMS -MT with 7-bit default or UCS2 encoding.
Supports enabling and disabling the visual voicemail feature on the phone by using ACTIVATE and
The visual voicemail implementation on the phone is based on the OMTP visual voice mail interface specification.
Visual voicemail support on Windows Phone 8.1 was tested on OMTP -based protocols by Comverse and Alcatel
Lucent. Other OMTP -based protocols like Streamwide may also be supported, although tests were performed
only on Comverse and Alcatel Lucent. Variations from the OMTP standard may result in unsupported scenarios.
The following table shows the extent of support for the features recommended by OMTP. The features marked
"Partially supported" provide a button to enable the user to call in to the voicemail system and change the settings
over the phone.


IMAP4 message retrieval Supported

Local visual voicemail store creation Supported

Hide visual voicemail store from user Supported

Display non-audio messages Not supported

Codec support: AMR 12.2k Supported

Codec support: WAV g711a Not supported

Codec support: WAV g711u Not supported

Codec support: QCELP 13.3k Not supported


Codec support: EVRC 13.3k Not supported

Mark incoming visual voicemail messages as \Seen, Supported


Deposit visual voicemail messages Not supported

Forward visual voicemail messages Not supported

Set/Change TUI password Partially supported

Change TUI language Partially supported

Close New User tutorial Supported

Query for storage quota status Not supported

Enable/disable on-demand audio message transcription Not supported

Store a custom personal greeting Not supported

Delete a stored custom personal greeting Not supported

Store a voice signature Not supported

Enable/disable custom personal greeting Not supported

Retrieve and store provisioning status and credentials Supported

Activate and deactivate visual voicemail Supported

Constraints: None

To configure visual voicemail for a mobile operator, the OEM must add setting several settings depending on the
OMTP -based protocol being used by the operator.
Visual voicemail settings have already been set for AT&T, T-Mobile USA, and Deutsche Telekom AG (DTAG), and no further
configuration is required for these three mobile operators.

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure visual voicemail settings in the phone image."
<Settings Path="Phone/VoicemailRegistrationTable">
<!-- The MCCMNC macro allows you to set multiple MCCMNC\VVMMMO pairs.
The Value stored here will be the key for the Table. -->
<Setting Name="ProviderRegistration/$(MCCMNC)" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ProviderRegistration/$(MCCMNC)" Value="" />
<!-- The VVMMO is the value stored in the MCCMNC setting. This macro allows you to create multiple
table entries. -->
<Settings Path="Phone/VoicemailRegistrationTable/$(VVMMO)">
<Setting Name="CLSIDProvider" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CLSIDAccessor" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ProtocolVariant" Value="" />
<Setting Name="IncomingPort" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ClientType" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DeviceType" Value="" />
<Setting Name="InitialSmsDestinationNumber" Value="" />
<Setting Name="EncryptedSmsSupported" Value="" />
<Setting Name="KeyData" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ImapPortOverride" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TokenLogin" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SuppressSsl" Value="" />
<Setting Name="IgnoreLegacyNotifications" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Branding" Value="" />
<Settings Path="Phone/VoicemailRegistrationTable/$(VVMMO)">
<Setting Name="CLSIDProvider" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CLSIDAccessor" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ProtocolVariant" Value="" />
<Setting Name="IncomingPort" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ClientType" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DeviceType" Value="" />
<Setting Name="InitialSmsDestinationNumber" Value="" />
<Setting Name="EncryptedSmsSupported" Value="" />
<Setting Name="KeyData" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ImapPortOverride" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TokenLogin" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SuppressSsl" Value="" />
<Setting Name="IgnoreLegacyNotifications" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Branding" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set multiple MCCMNC\VVMMO pairs by adding the following entry in your customization answer file.
<Settings Path="Phone/VoicemailRegistrationTable">
<Setting Name="ProviderRegistration/$(MCCMNC)" Value="" />

a. Replace $ (MCCMNC ) with the MCCMNC for the mobile operator. For example, 99999.
b. Set the corresponding Value to the name of the VVMMO. For example, Contoso.
c. Add and set as many MCCMNC\VVMMO pairs as you need for each mobile operator ID. For
example, if you are adding another VVMMO called Fabrikam with MCC/MNC of 999/10, your
entries will look like this:

<Settings Path="Phone/VoicemailRegistrationTable">
<Setting Name="ProviderRegistration/99999" Value="Contoso" />
<Setting Name="ProviderRegistration/99910" Value="Fabrikam" />

4. For each mobile operator ID defined in the previous step, you must define the applicable settings for that
mobile operator by adding the following settings in your customization answer file.

<Settings Path="Phone/VoicemailRegistrationTable/$(VVMMO)">
<Setting Name="CLSIDProvider" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CLSIDAccessor" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ProtocolVariant" Value="" />
<Setting Name="IncomingPort" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ClientType" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DeviceType" Value="" />
<Setting Name="InitialSmsDestinationNumber" Value="" />
<Setting Name="EncryptedSmsSupported" Value="" />
<Setting Name="KeyData" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ImapPortOverride" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TokenLogin" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SuppressSsl" Value="" />
<Setting Name="IgnoreLegacyNotifications" Value="" />

5. Replace $ (VVMMO ) with the name of the VVMMO. For example, Contoso.
6. Set only the applicable settings that apply to the VVMMO and are required depending on the OMTP -based
protocol being used. Note that you do not have to set all of these if they are not supported. The following
table describes the values to use and indicates if the keys are required depending on the OMTP -based
protocol being used.



CLSIDProvider REG_SZ Required Required Required Use {039B8E0E-

for an OMTP
visual voicemail
server or
Comverse visual
voicemail server.
Use {C9804AB2-
for an Alcatel
Lucent visual
voicemail server.

CLSIDAccessor REG_SZ Required Required Required Use the value


ProtocolVariant REG_SZ Required Required -- OMTP protocol

version (“pv”).
="omtp" for
generic OMTP
systems, or
="comverse" for
that use

IncomingPort REG_DWORD Required Required Required SMS-MT

application port

ClientType REG_SZ Required Required -- An identifier for

the category of
devices, which
can be set to any
string. (“ct”)

DeviceType REG_SZ Required Required -- A second–level

specific device
type identifier.

InitialSmsDestina REG_SZ Required Required -- Phone number to

tionNumber use for SMS-MO
messages for
visual voicemail
such as ACTIVATE

EncryptedSmsSu REG_DWORD Not required Not required -- Specifies whether

pported 3DES encrypted
SMS is
Use a value of 0
to indicate it is
not supported.
Use 1 to indicate
this feature is

KeyData REG_BINARY Required if Required if -- The binary key to

EncryptedSmsSu EncryptedSmsSu use for encrypted
pported is set to pported is set to SMS.
1. 1.

ImapPortOverrid REG_DWORD -- -- Not required Specifies the

e IMAP port to use
regardless of the
contents. This
feature should be
turned on only
for mobile
operators that
require it.

TokenLogin REG_DWORD -- -- Not required Enables the use

of token-based
login instead of
username and
This feature
should be turned
on only for
mobile operators
that require it.

SuppressSsl REG_DWORD -- -- Not required Ignores any

directive in the
message payload
to use SSL and
forces non-SSL
IMAP. This
feature should be
turned on only
for mobile
operators that
require it.
Use a value of 0
to indicate the
feature is off; use
1 to indicate it is
turned on.

IgnoreLegacyNoti REG_DWORD Not required Not required Not required Specifies whether
fications legacy voicemail
should be
ignored when
visual voicemail is
enabled. If the
ignore legacy
feature is
enabled, legacy
message waiting
indicator SMS
messages are
ignored (i.e. these
will not trigger a
visual voicemail
sync). If this
feature is absent
or not enabled,
legacy voicemail
MWI messages
will cause a visual
voicemail sync to
be initiated.
This feature
should be turned
on only for
mobile operators
that require it.
This feature is not
enabled by
Use a value of 0
to indicate the
feature is off; use
1 to indicate it is
turned on.

1. For mobile operators that have their own particular brand that they want to use instead of visual voicemail,
partners can rebrand all instances of Visual voicemail in the Windows device UI to use the operator's
To do this, set the value for Branding to the specific name that the mobile operator is using for visual
voicemail. For example, you can set the value to Contoso Voice Inbox.

This setting does not support a resource-only DLL for localized strings so you need to set the new string directly as
the value.

Work with your mobile operator to obtain the settings and values that you need to configure visual voicemail and
the value to use for Branding .
Once you have configured the visual voicemail settings and the branding, work with the mobile operator to test
this customization on their network and verify that all instances of Visual voicemail in the Windows device UI
have been replaced with the custom brand that you specified.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Voice over LTE call indication
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can add a string to the phone's call progress screen to indicate if the active call is a voice over LTE (VoLTE )
call depending on whether the phone call is in high quality voice status such as when using AMR -WB codec. The
high quality voice status is determined by the modem and RIL implementation. This string is combined with the
PLMN for the mobile operator and is only shown if the combination of the PLMN and the custom string is less
than the maximum width available. For example, "Litware VoLTE" will be shown but "Litware Wireless VoLTE" may
be too long and may be truncated.
The OS uses the PhoneMediaQuality field in the PH_CALL_INFO structure to determine whether the phone
call is in high quality voice status. In the current modem and RIL implementation, PhoneMediaQuality_High is
used to indicate high quality audio during VoLTE calls. PhoneMediaQuality must be equal to
PhoneMediaQuality_High and the VoLTEAudioQualityString must be set in order for the OS to display the string in
the phone's call progress screen.
Note Depending on the current modem and RIL implementation, it is possible that the AMR -WB codec is being
used and the phone call is in high quality voice status but not a VoLTE call. The OS does not restrict the use of this
string in these cases.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add a string to the call progress screen to indicate if the
call is a voice over LTE call."


<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="VoLTEAudioQualityString" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the Value to the string that you want to display in the call progress screen to indicate that the call is a
VoLTE call. This string is combined with the PLMN so if the string is 'VoLTE', the resulting string is
'PLMN_String VoLTE'. For example, the string displayed in the call progress screen can be 'Litware VoLTE' if
the PLMN_String is 'Litware'.
The Value you specify for VoLTEAudioQualityString must exceed 10 characters.
Note This customization does not support a resource-only DLL for localized strings so you need to set the
new string directly as the value.
Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Work with your mobile operator partner to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Voicemail number for CDMA phones
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

CDMA mobile operator partners who do not have the voicemail numbers on the device SIM can configure the
voicemail number for their devices.
If the voicemail number is not on the SIM and the registry key is not set, the default voicemail will not be set and
the user will need to set the number.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the voicemail number for CDMA phones with no
voicemail numbers on the device."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)/Critical">
<Setting Name="MOSimFallbackVoicemailNumber" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set MOSimFallbackVoicemailNumber to the voicemail number that you want to use for the device.
Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Phone settings screen.
3. Verify that the voicemail number matches the phone number you specified for Value .

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for photos, music, and videos
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Contains the customizations you can configure for photos, music, and videos.

In this section

Add OEM lens apps as options for the default camera OEMs can add lens apps as options for the default camera.

Audio volume limitation OEMs can configure a setting to display a visual warning when
the volume level of the phone exceeds a certain permitted

Configure OEM lens apps to launch above the lock screen OEM can configure lens apps to launch above the lock screen.

Configure the FM radio The BSP provided by the SoC vendor includes support for the
FM radio. OEMs can determine whether to show the FM radio
app to users, and configure the FM radio frequency for specific

Maximum enumerable photo size For phones that have the hardware capability to capture
various resolutions, partners can specify the resolution limit
for photos that can be accessed by third party apps.

Reset the audio volume limitation and warning OEMs can set the device to reset the audio volume limit and
show the volume level warning every time the volume level
exceeds a certain permitted threshold for a certain length of

Settings for capture mode, burst support, and burst storage OEMs can configure burst support on the device, the default
duration capture mode, and the default number of days to store the
bursts captured on the device.

Video over LTE Partners can customize specific settings and behavior for
Video over LTE to meet mobile operator requirements.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Add OEM lens apps as options for the default
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can add lens apps as options for the default camera.
OEMs can add lens apps to be shown in the Pressing the camera button opens screen within the camera's
settings CPL. We recommend that OEMs install only up to five (5) lens apps. The lens apps can be preloaded or
installed from the Microsoft Store. When the lens apps are installed on the phone, the apps become available for
the user to set as the default camera.
For more information about writing lens apps, see the Windows SDK documentation.
Limitations and restrictions:
Partners must not remove or modify any app IDs that Microsoft has configured in the kit. The app IDs added by
Microsoft do not count against the number of lens app IDs that partners can add.
Constraints: None

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add lens apps to be shown in the Settings > applications >
photos+camera >
Pressing the camera button opens screen."

<!-- Preload an OEM lens app -->

<!-- For each app, specify the source (.xap/.appx), license, and ProvXML files. -->
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />

<!-- Replace $(LensAppGuid) with the app ID of the lens app you want to show in the camera CPL -->
<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/$(LensAppGuid)">
<!-- Set the value to the friendly name of the OEM lens app -->
<Setting Name="Title" Value="" />

<!-- You can add up to 5 OEM lens apps to show in the camera CPL -->
<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/$(LensAppGuid)">
<Setting Name="Title" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/$(LensAppGuid)">
<Setting Name="Title" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/$(LensAppGuid)">
<Setting Name="Title" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/$(LensAppGuid)">
<Setting Name="Title" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. If you are preloading a lens app, add an Applications parent element and add an Application child
element to correspond to each lens app that you are preloading. For each Application, specify the Source
(.xap/.appx), License , and ProvXML files that correspond to the lens app you are preloading.
4. To specify the OEM lens app to show in the camera CPL:
a. Replace $ (LensAppGuid ) with the app ID of the lens app you want to show in the camera CPL.
b. Replace Title with the friendly name of the lens app. For example, Contoso Fish Eye Lens.
c. Specify up to 5 lens apps by creating a registry entry for each as shown in the preceding example.
For example, to configure two lens apps to show in the camera CPL, you need to add the following
registry entries:
<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}">
<Setting Name="Title" Value="Contoso Fish Eye Lens" />

<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/{00000000-0000-0000-1000-000000000000}">
<Setting Name="Title" Value="Contoso Sepia Lens" />

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Install the OEM lens app(s).
3. Go to the Settings > applications > photos+camera screen and verify that the lens apps that you have
specified show up as one of the choices under Pressing the camera button opens.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Audio volume limitation
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can configure a setting to display a visual warning when the volume level of the phone exceeds a certain
permitted threshold.
Some regions and markets have a volume limitation requirement, which limits the audio volume levels for
portable devices like phones and MP3 players. To comply with this requirement, OEMs can configure a setting to
display a visual warning when the volume level of the phone exceeds a certain permitted threshold (for example,
85 dB according to European Audio Standards) when audio is playing through the user’s headphones or device
speakers. User acknowledgment is required before the volume limit is exceeded.
In addition, the phone will keep track of the amount of time that music and video is played at the permitted
threshold and display the warning again if and when the user has been listening above the permitted threshold for
at least 20 cumulative hours.
To reset the audio volume limit and show the volume level warning every time the volume level exceeds a certain
permitted threshold, see Reset the audio volume limitation and warning.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to display a visual warning when the volume level exceeds a
certain permitted threshold."


<Settings Path="VolumeLimit">
<Setting Name="EnableVolumeLimit" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VolumeLimit" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set EnableVolumeLimit to one of the following values:


0 or 'Disabled' Disables volume limits.

1 or 'Enabled' Enables volume limits and displays a warning when

the specified value for VolumeLimit is reached.
4. Set VolumeLimit to a value from 10 to 29 (inclusive). For devices sold in the EU, this value should map to
85 dB volume level. This value is also used as the maximum allowed volume in Kid's Corner for media
Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Steadily increase the volume and verify that a warning appears when the volume level has reached the limit
that you have set.
3. After accepting the warning, go to the music hub and select a song to play. After 20 hours of cumulative
listening above the permitted volume threshold, verify that the warning is displayed again.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configure OEM lens apps to launch above the lock
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

OEM can configure lens apps to launch above the lock screen.
For lens apps that OEMs have configured to be user selectable default camera app, OEMs can add functionality to
launch these lens apps above the lock screen when the user presses the camera button.
Microsoft recommends that OEMs configure only up to five (5) lens apps capable of running above the lock
screen. The lens apps can be preloaded by OEMs or installed by users from the Microsoft Store.
Constraints: None
The steps for configuring an OEM lens app to run above the lock screen are very similar to Adding OEM lens apps
as options for the default camera, but with the additional step of designating it as a lens app that can run above the
lock screen.
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure an OEM lens app to launch above the lock screen when
the user presses the camera button."


<!-- Preload an OEM lens app -->

<!-- For each app, specify the source (.xap/.appx), license, and ProvXML files. -->
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />

<!-- Replace $(LensAppGuid) with the app ID of the lens app you want to show in the camera CPL -->
<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/$(LensAppGuid)">

<!-- Set the value to the friendly name of the OEM lens app -->
<Setting Name="Title" Value="" />

<!-- Set this to the version of the OEM lens app version that you want to launch above the lock
screen -->
<Setting Name="MinVersionAboveLock" Value="" />

<!-- You can add up to 5 OEM lens apps to show in the camera CPL. For other OEM lens apps that you
want to enable to run
above the lock screen, you must set the MinVersionAboveLock setting for each of these. -->

2. Specify an Owner .
3. If you are preloading a lens app, add an Applications parent element and add an Application child
element to correspond to each lens app that you are preloading. For each Application, specify the Source
(.xap/.appx), License , and ProvXML files that correspond to the lens app you are preloading.
4. To specify the OEM lens app to show in the camera CPL:
a. Replace $ (LensAppGuid ) with the app ID of the lens app you want to show in the camera CPL.
b. Replace Title with the friendly name of the lens app. For example, Contoso Fish Eye Lens.
c. Specify up to 5 lens apps by creating a registry entry for each as shown in the preceding example.
For example, to configure two lens apps to show in the camera CPL, you need to add the following
registry entries:

<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}">
<Setting Name="Title" Value="Contoso Fish Eye Lens" />

<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/{00000000-0000-0000-1000-000000000000}">
<Setting Name="Title" Value="Contoso Sepia Lens" />

5. To designate an OEM lens app to run above the lock screen:

a. Add the MinVersionAboveLock setting within the settings group for the OEM lens app.
b. Set the value of MinVersionAboveLock to a string that is equal to the version of the first published
OEM lens app version that fully complies with the guidelines and requirements outlined in the
previous section. If the lens app has an equal or higher version to the value that you set for
MinVersionAboveLock , the lens app will launch above the lock screen when the camera button is
pressed on a PIN -locked screen. Otherwise, the PIN unlock screen shows when the camera button is
pressed, and if the user enters the correct password, the lens app will launch.
OEMs may set the value for MinVerAboveLock to a sufficiently large version string so that you may
release the phone first and later publish an updated lens app to the Windows Phone Store that fully
complies with the requirements and guidelines for OEM lens apps that launch above the lock screen.
In the following example, the Contoso Sepia Lens app has been designated as the OEM lens app to
run above the lock screen.

<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}">
<Setting Name="Title" Value="Contoso Fish Eye Lens" />

<Settings Path="Photos/LensApps/{00000000-0000-0000-1000-000000000000}">
<Setting Name="Title" Value="Contoso Sepia Lens" />
<Setting Name="MinVersionAboveLock" Value="" />

1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a phone.
2. Install the OEM lens app(s).
3. Go to the Settings > applications > photos+camera screen and verify that the lens apps that you have
specified show up as one of the choices under Pressing the camera button opens.
Choose a lens app that you have configured to run above the lock screen and set it as the default camera.
4. Go to Settings > lock screen, turn Password on, then set a password or PIN.
5. Lock the phone.
6. Press and hold the camera button while the phone is locked. Verify that the lens app that you chose in Step
3 is launched.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configure the FM Radio
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The BSP provided by the SoC vendor includes support for the FM radio.
Alternative FM radio components that meet the requirements described in the section 2.7: Wireless
communications of the Chassis Requirements Specification can be used. If alternative components are used, the
FM miniport driver can be replaced.

If the phone includes an FM radio, it must run the Microsoft-supplied software driver stack, including the port driver.

There are two customization options associated with the FM radio.

Show the FM radio app to users
Configure the FM radio frequency for specific regions
Application programming interfaces are not provided for the FM radio.

Show the FM radio

For devices that include an FM radio chip, OEMs can show FM Radio in the Apps list. In addition, OEMs can also
set the default FM radio frequency band.
By default, the Windows 10 Mobile FM radio UI is hidden.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to show the FM radio UI for devices that include an FM radio
<Settings Path="FmRadio">
<Setting Name="NotPresent" Value="0" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set NotPresent to 0 to show the FM Radio app.
Setting NotPresent to 1 is not necessary because the radio UI is hidden by default.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Verify that FM radio is now visible in the Apps list.

Configure the FM radio frequency band

OEMs can change the default setting for the FM radio receiver to use an appropriate frequency for the market in
which the device will be sold.

NotPresent must be set to 0 to show the radio option in the UI.

Limitations and restrictions:

Additional frequency bands cannot be added to the device.
The user can change the default setting.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to change the default frequency band for the FM radio receiver."
<Settings Path="FmRadio">
<Setting Name="NotPresent" Value="0" />
<Setting Name="RadioRegion" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set RadioRegion to specify the default region for the frequency band for the device’s FM radio. Set this to
one of the following values:


1 North America

2 World

3 Japan
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Open the radio app.
3. In the radio application, verify that the selected region matches the one you specified in RadioRegion . To do this,
show the context menu by tapping and holding anywhere on the radio screen. In the context menu, tap settings
to show the settings page.
4. In the Settings page, verify that Region is set to the default FM radio region that you selected.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Maximum enumerable photo size
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For phones that have the hardware capability to capture various resolutions, partners can specify the resolution
limit for photos that can be accessed by third party apps.
Only OEM applications have access to the maximum resolution limit.
Note This customization is only used by the Windows.Phone.Media.Capture service, which is provided in
Windows Phone 8.1 for backwards compatibility only. Windows.Media.Capture does not support this
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="On phones that can capture multiple resolutions, use to specify the
resolution limit for photos
that can be accessed by third party apps."


<Settings Path="Camera">
<Setting Name="MaximumEnumerablePhotoSize" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value for MaximumEnumerablePhotoSize to the photo resolution in pixels. For example, to set 5
megapixels as the maximum enumerable photo size, set Value to 5242880 (decimal) or 0x500000

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone that has the hardware capability you are testing.
2. Run a test using the PhotoCaptureDevice.GetAvailableCaptureResolutions method and check if resolutions
higher than the value you specified for MaximumEnumerablePhotoSize have been filtered out.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Reset the audio volume limitation and warning
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

OEMs can set the device to reset the audio volume limit and show the volume level warning every time the
volume level exceeds a certain permitted threshold for a certain length of time.
To reset the audio volume limit and show the volume level warning every time the volume level exceeds a certain
permitted threshold for at least 20 cumulative hours, OEMs can set the VolumeThresholdPlayTimeLimit
registry value. By default, the cumulative time limit for the audio volume limit is set to 20 hours and the OS timer
that tracks the cumulative time limit is fired every 6 minutes so OEMs must set
VolumeThresholdPlayTimeLimit to a value ≤ 19 hours and 54 minutes. When set, the volume drops back to
the permitted threshold set in the Audio volume limitation customization if the user has been listening to music at
more than the permitted volume limit and the cumulative listening time is between 19 hours, 54 minutes and 20
hours. The volume limit warning will also reappear.
Constraints: None
1. Create the MCSF policy setting that corresponds to the following registry key:

Value: 000117D8

Set Value to a hexadecimal value that corresponds to 19 hours and 54 minutes or less. In the above example, the
value 0x00117D8 corresponds to 71640 seconds or 19 hours and 54 minutes.

For more information about MCSF, see Managed Centralized Settings Framework (MCSF ). The following
code example shows an MCSF policy setting for the VolumeThresholdPlayTimeLimit registry value.

<SettingsGroup Path="VolumeLimit">
<Setting Name="VolumeThresholdPlayTimeLimit" Description="Resets the audio volume limit and
shows the volume level warning
every time the volume exceeds the VolumeLimit threshold for at least 20
cumulative hours.">
<RegistrySource Type="REG_DWORD"
Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ZMediaQ\VolumeLimit\VolumeThresholdPlayTimeLimit" />

2. Add the policy setting in the previous step to a .pkg.xml file. The following code example shows the MCSF
policy setting within the .pkg.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Package xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<SettingsGroup Path="VolumeLimit">
<Setting Name="VolumeThresholdPlayTimeLimit" Description="Resets the audio volume limit and
shows the volume level warning
every time the volume exceeds the VolumeLimit threshold for at least 20
cumulative hours.">
<RegistrySource Type="REG_DWORD"
Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ZMediaQ\VolumeLimit\VolumeThresholdPlayTimeLimit" />

In this example, provide values for the Owner, Component, SubComponent, and ReleaseType
3. Use the .pkg.xml file that contains your MCSF policy setting to generate a package (or .spkg file) that you
can add to your OS image.
4. After you've created the .spkg, define the specific types of image builds that you want to contain the
For example, the following code snippet shows a sample OEM feature manifest (FM ) file that may contain
the .spkg that includes the customization:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<FeatureManifest xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<!-- Sample FM File -->
<PackageFile Path="SourceDirectory"

In this example, replace SourceDirectory with the location that contains the .spkg that you created in Step 3.
Also, replace the example OEMName.SoundCustomizations.VolumeThresholdPlayTimeLimit.spkg with the
name of the .spkg file.
5. Once you've defined the feature, modify your OEMInput.xml file to add a Features element (if one doesn't
already exist), add a new OEM child element (if one doesn't already exist), and add a new Feature entry
with the name of the feature that you just defined.
For example, the OEMInput.xml entry for the example VOLUME_THRESHOLD_PLAY_TIME_LIMIT feature
may look like the following:

For more information, see OEMInput file contents.

6. Build the OS image. For more information, see Using ImgGen.cmd to generate an image in Building a
mobile image using ImgGen.cmd.
1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a device.
2. Set up your device and load music on the device.
3. Use the device and headset to play and listen to music. Turn up the volume above the limit that you set for
the VolumeLimit setting in Audio volume limitation.
Continue to listen to music for 20 or more hours.
4. If you set VolumeThresholdPlayTimeLimit to a hexadecimal value that corresponds to 19 hours and 54
minutes (or less), verify that the volume level is reset and the volume warning is shown before you reach 20
cumulative hours of playing music with the volume set above the VolumeLimit.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Settings for capture mode, burst support, and burst
storage duration
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can configure burst support on the device, the default capture mode, and the default number of days to
store the bursts captured on the device.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the default capture mode on the device and configure
the settings related to burst."


<Settings Path="Photos/OEM">
<Setting Name="BurstSupported" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CaptureMode" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DefaultBurstStorageDuration" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. To configure burst support on the device, set BurstSupported to one of the following values:


1 or 'True, supported' Burst is supported.

This is the default value set by the OS.

0 or 'False, not supported' Burst is not supported.

4. To configure the default capture mode on the device, set CaptureMode to one of the following values:

1 or 'Burst' Burst capture mode.

This is the default value set by the OS.

0 or 'Single shot' Single shot capture mode.

5. To configure the default number of days to store the bursts captured on the device, set
DefaultBurstStorageDuration to the number of days you want to keep the bursts on the device. For example,
a value of 1 means the bursts will be kept for 1 day.
Microsoft recommends using any of these values: 1, 3, 7 (the default value set by the OS ), or 14. A value of
0 indicates that bursts will be stored forever.
Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Launch the camera app.
3. To verify the support for burst mode, check if the burst icon is displayed on the right of the settings bar
when the camera app is launched.
4. To verify the default capture mode, check whether single shot or burst mode is selected the first time the
camera app was launched. The default should match the value that you specified. For example, if you
selected single shot, the camera icon on the right should be twice as big as the other icons.
5. To verify the default burst storage duration, go to the camera Settings screen, choose photo settings…,
and verify if the default value specified in the Keep unsaved burst photos for field matches the value that
you specified.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Video over LTE
1/18/2019 • 6 minutes to read

Partners can customize specific settings and behavior for Video over LTE to meet mobile operator requirements.
These include:
Showing or hiding the LTE video calling switch
Setting the default value for the switch
Customizing the name/label of the switch and the description
Specifying the timeout, in milliseconds, for the device to remain in video transition state
Enabling video conferencing
Specifying the amount of time before a video call is downgraded to a voice call due to low video quality
Hiding the video charges dialog that is displayed when the user turns on the LTE video calling switch
Constraints: Some None, some FirstVariationOnly
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to customize the settings for Video over LTE."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />

<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Add the resource-only dll file and language MUI packages if you are using Windows Phone 8.1
GDR1 and later versions of the OS -->
<Settings Path="Localization/MUI">
<!-- Use to add your base MUI DLL file -->
<Asset Name="BaseDll" Source="" />

<!-- Use to specify the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for the languages you are supporting and
have localized strings for -->
have localized strings for -->
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<!-- Add as many as you need -->

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PerSimSettings/$(__IMSI)">
<Setting Name="ShowVideoCallingSwitch" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DefaultEnableVideoCalling" Value="" />
<Setting Name="DefaultEnableVideoCapability" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ShowVideoCapabilitySwitch" Value="" />
<Setting Name="AllowVideoConferencing" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SupressVideoCallingChargesDialog" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<!-- Note that these settings are FirstVariationOnly -->

<Setting Name="VideoTransitionTimeout" Value="" />

<Setting Name="VideoCallingLabel" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VideoCallingDescription" Value="" />
<Setting Name="LowVideoQualityTimeout" Value="" />

<-- If you enable video conferencing, you can also specify the number of participants that can be
added to the conference call -->
<Setting Name="ConferenceCallMaximumPartyCount" Value="" />




2. Specify an Owner .
3. Add the resource-only .dll file and the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for the languages you are
supporting. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Add the resource-only .dll that contains the custom display string by setting the BaseDll asset to
point to the location of your base MUI DLL file. For example: C:\Path\DisplayStrings.dll.
b. Add the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for all the languages you are supporting and have
localized strings for. To do this:
Set the asset's Name to LanguageDll/ $ (langid ) where $ (langid ) corresponds to the language.
For example: LanguageDll/en-US.
Set the asset's Source to the location of the .dll.mui file for that language. For example:
Repeat the previous steps for the other languages.
The following example shows the customization answer file entries for en-US, fr-CA, and es-
MX languages:
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/en-US" Source="C:\Path\en-us\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/fr-CA" Source="C:\Path\fr-CA\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/es-MX" Source="C:\Path\es-MX\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />

For more information, see Create a resource-only .dll for localized strings.
4. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
5. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
6. To show or hide the LTE video calling switch, set ShowVideoCallingSwitch to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Hides the LTE video calling switch.

This is the default OS value.

1 or 'True' Shows the LTE video calling switch.

This setting does not set the default switch value. To do that, set `DefaultEnableVideoCalling`.

7. To set the initial default value for the LTE video calling switch, set DefaultEnableVideoCalling to one of the
following values:


0 or 'False' Sets the LTE video calling switch to Off.

This is the default OS value.

1 or 'True' Sets the LTE video calling switch to On.

8. To set the initial value for LTE video capability sharing, set DefaultEnableVideoCapability to one of the
following values:


0 or 'False' Sets the LTE video capability sharing to Off.

This is the default OS value.

1 or 'True' Sets the LTE video capability sharing to On.

9. To specify whether to show the video capability sharing switch on the phone Settings screen, set
ShowVideoCapabilitySwitch to one of the following values:

0 or 'False' Hides the video capability sharing switch.

This is the default OS value.

1 or 'True' Shows the video capability sharing switch.

10. To enable LTE video calls to be merged into a conference call, set AllowVideoConferencing to one of the
following values:


0 or 'False' Disables LTE video calls from being merged into a

conference call.
This is the default OS value.

1 or 'True' Enables LTE video calls to be merged into a conference

If you are enabling LTE video calls, you can also specify the
maximum number of participants or callers that can be
added to the video conference by setting
ConferenceCallMaximumPartyCount . For more
information, see Maximum number of participants in a
VoLTE conference call.

If this setting is not enabled, the conference option in the UI will never be available. It will always show
up as disabled (greyed out).

Video conference support is dependent on support by the mobile operator and the device chipset.

11. To show or hide the video charges dialog that is displayed when the user turns on the LTE video calling switch,
set SupressVideoCallingChargesDialog to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Shows the video calling charges dialog.

This is the default OS value.

1 or 'True' Hides the video calling charges dialog.

12. To set the time, in milliseconds, to wait for the response to the request to transition a VoLTE call to video, set
VideoTransitionTimeout . You can set the value to a number between 10000 and 30000, inclusive. If you set the
value to 0, the OS uses the default value of 30000 (30 seconds).
An alert tone is played multiple times during this request. Each alert tone will be played in 10 second increments.
The number of alert tones is determined by the request time out value divided by 10. For example:
If you set the value to 30000 (or 30 seconds), the alert tone will play three times at 0, 10 and 20 seconds,
and then 10 seconds later the request will time out.
If you set the value to 25000 (or 25 seconds), the alert tone will play three times at 0, 10, and 20 seconds,
then 5 seconds later the request will time out.
13. To customize the name or label of the LTE video calling switch and the description for the switch, set the
value for the following settings:
14. To customize the switch name or label, set the VideoCallingLabel value to the name of the resource-only .dll
file and specify the string offset. For example: @DisplayStrings.dll,-101.
Replace DisplayStrings.dll with the name of your .dll file and replace Offset with the correct offset for the
localized string.
15. To customize the switch description, set the VideoCallingDescription value to the name of the resource-only
.dll file and specify the string offset. For example: @DisplayStrings.dll,-102.
Replace DisplayStrings.dll with the name of your .dll file and replace Offset with the correct offset for the
localized string.
16. To set the timer, in milliseconds, to automatically drop video support from an active video call when the
video calling quality is low, set LowVideoQualityTimeout . This will transition the call to a VoLTE call. Set the
value to a number between 0 and 120000, inclusive.
A value of 0 disables the timer. This is also the OS default value.
Support for this feature is dependent on support by the mobile operator and the chipset.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Phone settings screen.
3. Verify whether the switches are visible or the correct settings and values are showing up based on the
values you specified for the Video over LTE settings.
4. If you customized the switch label and description, verify that the correct localized strings are showing up
based on the device language.
5. If the right conditions are met, verify that the timeouts work as expected.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for ringtones and sounds
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations that you can configure for ringtones and sounds played by the device.

In this section

Additional alarms Partners can add one additional alarm sound to the phone for
use in the Alarm & Clocks app. Partners can also set a new
default alarm.

Additional notification sounds Partners can add up to three new notification sounds and a
reminder sound. In addition, you can also specify a default
notification sound for messaging, voicemails, and reminders.

Additional ringtones OEMs and mobile operators can each preload a set of custom
ringtone files on Windows mobile devices, and they can set a
default ringtone.

Call drop and call waiting sounds OEMs can customize the call drop and call waiting sounds.

Camera shutter sound The camera shutter sound that occurs when the user takes a
picture or starts filming a video can be turned off by removing
the Camera shutter option from the Sounds settings screen.

Ringtone store application Partner apps can be used to sell ringtones to users. The app
owner must provide the service for the ringtone catalog and
to manage downloads. Users are shown an option to Get
more ringtones in the ringtone picker, from which they can
automatically launch the ringtone store application.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Additional alarms
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Partners can add one additional alarm sound to the phone for use in the Alarm & Clocks app. Partners can also
set a new default alarm.
Alarms should be a maximum of 100 KB and have a length of 5 to 15 seconds. They must be in .wma format, with
a compression of 128 kbit/s for stereo or 64 kbit/s mono. Partner sounds should play at an appropriate volume
relative to other sounds and ringtones, and there should be minimal distortion from the device speaker, at full
Limitations and restrictions:
The names of the sounds must be localized for all display languages that ship on the device.
Sound files must be approved by Microsoft.
Partners must not move, delete, or modify the alarms provided by Microsoft.
Partners must keep the following design considerations in mind when implementing additional alarms:
File size: Ringtone recommended maximum 150 KB; Alarm 100 KB (others as small as possible)
Format: .wma
Compression: WMA (128 kbps/stereo; 64 kbps/mono)
Sound length: Ringtones 5-15 seconds; Alarm 5-15 seconds; Calendar 1-3 seconds; Alerts 0.5-1.5 seconds
Appropriate volumes: Sounds should be appropriately balanced with ringtones and system sounds that ships as
part of the OS.
Minimal distortion from phone speaker, at full volume.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
To add an additional alarm sound
1. Create a .dll that contains the alarm display name. For more information on how to do this, see Create a
resource-only .dll for localized strings.
2. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add additional alarm sounds and set a new default alarm sound."


<Settings Path="Localization/MUI">
<!-- Use to add your base MUI DLL file -->
<Asset Name="BaseDll" Source="" />

<!-- Use to specify the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for the languages you are supporting and
have localized strings for -->
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<!-- Add as many as you need -->

<!-- Use to add one additional alarm sound -->

<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<Asset Name="AlarmSounds" DisplayName="@DisplayStrings.dll,-Offset" Source="" />



3. Specify an Owner .
4. Add the resource-only .dll that contains the alarm display name by setting the BaseDll asset to point to the
location of your base MUI DLL file. For example: C:\Path\DisplayStrings.dll.
5. Add the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for all the languages you are supporting and have localized
strings for. To do this:
Set the asset's Name to LanguageDll/ $ (langid ) where $ (langid ) corresponds to the language. For
example: LanguageDll/en-US.
Set the asset's Source to the location of the .dll.mui file for that language. For example: C:\Path\en-
Repeat the previous steps for the other languages.
The following example shows the customization answer file entries for en-US, fr-CA, and es-MX

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/en-US" Source="C:\Path\en-us\DisplayStrings.dll.mui” />

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/fr-CA" Source="C:\Path\fr-CA\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/es-MX" Source="C:\Path\es-MX\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />

6. Add one additional alarm sound by adding an AlarmSounds asset. To do this:

Set the asset's Name to AlarmSounds .
Set the DisplayName to the name of the resource-only .dll file and specify the string offset. Replace
DisplayStrings.dll with the name of your .dll file and replace Offset with the correct offset for the
localized string. For example: @DisplayStrings.dll,-104
Set Source to the full path to the custom alarm sound on your development machine. For example:
If you are setting the default alarm sound in addition to adding other alarm sound files, see the To set a new
default alarm section.
To set a new default alarm
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following example:

<!-- Use to set a new default alarm sound -->

<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<Setting Name="DefaultAlarmSound" Value="" />

2. Set the Value of the default alarm sound to the file name of the default alarm sound you want to use. For
example: NewAlarmSound.wma
1. Flash the build containing this customization and multiple display languages to a mobile device.
2. Go to Alarms & Clock in the apps list.
3. Tap the + or add button to create a new alarm.
4. Choose Pick from ringtones and verify the custom alarm sound is in the Sounds list.
5. If a new default alarm sound is set, verify the Sound drop-down list defaults to the specified alarm sound.
6. Verify the custom alarm name is correct for all display languages on the device.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Additional notification sounds
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

Partners can add up to three new notification sounds and a reminder sound. In addition, you can also specify a
default notification sound for messaging, voicemails, and reminders.
Alerts should have a length of 1 to 3 seconds and be as small as possible in size. They must be in .wma format,
with a compression of 128 kbit/s for stereo or 64 kbit/s for mono. Partner sounds should play at an appropriate
volume relative to other sounds and ringtones, and there should be minimal distortion from the device speaker, at
full volume.
Limitations and restrictions:
The names of the sounds must be localized for all display languages that ship on the device.
Sound files must be approved by Microsoft.
Partners must not move, delete, or modify the notification sounds provided by Microsoft.
Partners must keep the following design considerations in mind when implementing additional notification
File size: Ringtone recommended maximum 150 KB; Alarm 100 KB (others as small as possible)
Format: .wma
Compression: WMA (128 kbps/stereo; 64 kbps/mono)
Sound length: Ringtones 5-15 seconds; Alarm 5-15 seconds; Calendar 1-3 seconds; Alerts 0.5-1.5 seconds
Appropriate volumes: Sounds should be appropriately balanced with the ringtones and system sounds that's
part of the OS.
Minimal distortion from phone speaker, at full volume.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
To add additional notification sounds
1. Create a .dll that contains the notification sound display name. For more information on how to do this, see
Create a resource-only .dll for localized strings.
2. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add additional notification sounds and set new default
notification sounds for
messaging, voicemail, or calendar reminders."


<Settings Path="Localization/MUI">
<!-- Use to add your base MUI DLL file -->
<Asset Name="BaseDll" Source="" />

<!-- Use to specify the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for the languages you are supporting and
have localized strings for -->
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<!-- Add as many as you need -->

<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<!-- Use to add up to three new notification sounds and one additional notification sound for
calendar reminders -->
<Asset Name="NotificationSounds" DisplayName="@DisplayStrings.dll,-Offset" Source="" />
<Asset Name="NotificationSounds" DisplayName="@DisplayStrings.dll,-Offset" Source="" />
<Asset Name="NotificationSounds" DisplayName="@DisplayStrings.dll,-Offset" Source="" />
<Asset Name="NotificationSounds" DisplayName="@DisplayStrings.dll,-Offset" Source="" />



3. Specify an Owner .
4. Add the resource-only .dll that contains the notification sounds' display names by setting the BaseDll asset
to point to the location of your base MUI DLL file. For example: C:\Path\DisplayStrings.dll.
5. Add the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for all the languages you are supporting and have localized
strings for. To do this:
Set the asset's Name to LanguageDll/ $ (langid ) where $ (langid ) corresponds to the language. For
example: LanguageDll/en-US.
Set the asset's Source to the location of the .dll.mui file for that language. For example: C:\Path\en-
Repeat the previous steps for the other languages.
The following example shows the customization answer file entries for en-US, fr-CA, and es-MX

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/en-US" Source="C:\Path\en-us\DisplayStrings.dll.mui” />

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/fr-CA" Source="C:\Path\fr-CA\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/es-MX" Source="C:\Path\es-MX\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />

6. Add additional notification sounds by adding a NotificationSounds asset. To do this:

Set the asset's Name to NotificationSounds .
Set the DisplayName to the name of the resource-only .dll file and specify the string offset. Replace
DisplayStrings.dll with the name of your .dll file and replace Offset with the correct offset for the
localized string. For example: @DisplayStrings.dll,-104.
Set Source to the full path to the custom notification sound on your development machine. For
example: C:\Path\NewVoicemailNotification.wma.
Repeat the previous steps for any additional notification sounds. Partners can add up to three new
notification sounds and one additional notification sound for reminders.
If you are setting the default notification sound in addition to adding other notification sound files, see the To set a
new sound for messaging, voicemail, or reminders section.
To set a new default notification sound for messaging, voicemail, or reminders
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code example:

<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<!-- Use to set a new default voicemail notification sound -->
<Setting Name="DefaultVoicemailAlertSound" Value="" />

<!-- Use to set a new default reminder sound -->

<Setting Name="DefaultReminderAlertSound" Value="" />

<!-- Use to set a new default messaging notification sound -->

<Setting Name="DefaultMessagingSound" Value="" />


2. For the default notification sound that you want to configure, set the Value to the desired default
notification sound file name.
For example, if you only want to set DefaultMessagingSound to the messaging sound that you added, set the
default messaging sound value to MessagingSound.wma.
1. Flash the build containing this customization and multiple display languages to a mobile device.
2. Go to the Sounds settings screen. Verify that all added custom notification sounds appear as expected.
3. Go to the Notifications & actions screen in Settings. From the list, select an email account, Messaging,
or Phone, and then select the Notification sound drop-down list to verify all added custom notification
sounds for voicemail and messaging appear in the drop-down list.
4. Verify the custom notification sound names are correct for all display languages on the device.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Additional ringtones
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

OEMs and mobile operators can each preload a set of custom ringtone files on Windows mobile devices, and they
can set a default ringtone.
Ringtones should be a maximum of 150 KB and have a length of 5 to 15 seconds. They must be in .wma format,
with a compression of 128 kbit/s for stereo or 64 kbit/s for mono. Partner ringtones should play at an appropriate
volume relative to other sounds and ringtones, and there should be minimal distortion from the device speaker, at
full volume.
Limitations and restrictions:
The names of the ringtones must be localized for all display languages that ship on the device.
Partners must not move, delete, or modify the ringtones provided by Microsoft.
Partners can only change the default alert sound used for phone calls – all other ringtone and alert defaults
must not be changed unless specified elsewhere in the documentation.
Users can delete partner ringtones.
Partners must keep the following design considerations in mind when implementing additional ringtones:
File size: Ringtone recommended maximum 150 KB; Alarm 100 KB (others as small as possible)
Format: .wma
Compression: WMA (128 kbps/stereo; 64 kbps/mono)
Sound length: Ringtones 5-15 seconds; Alarm 5-15 seconds; Calendar 1-3 seconds; Alerts 0.5-1.5 seconds
Appropriate volumes: Sounds should be appropriately balanced with ringtones and system sounds that ship
with the OS.
Minimal distortion from device speaker, at full volume.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
To add additional ringtones
1. Create a .dll that contains the ringtone display name. For more information on how to do this, see Create a
resource-only .dll for localized strings.
2. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add ringtone sound files and set a new default ringtone."


<Settings Path="Localization/MUI">
<!-- Use to add your base MUI DLL file -->
<Asset Name="BaseDll" Source="" />

<!-- Use to specify the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for the languages you are supporting and
have localized strings for -->
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<!-- Add as many as you need -->

<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<!-- Use to add additional ringtones -->
<Asset Name="Ringtones" DisplayName="@DisplayStrings.dll,-Offset" Source="" Type="" />
<Asset Name="Ringtones" DisplayName="@DisplayStrings.dll,-Offset" Source="" Type="" />



3. Specify an Owner .
4. Add the resource-only .dll that contains the ringtone sounds' display names by setting the BaseDll asset to
point to the location of your base MUI DLL file. For example: C:\Path\DisplayStrings.dll.
5. Add the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for all the languages you are supporting and have localized
strings for. To do this:
Set the asset's Name to LanguageDll/ $ (langid ) where $ (langid ) corresponds to the language. For
example: LanguageDll/en-US.
Set the asset's Source to the location of the .dll.mui file for that language. For example: C:\Path\en-
Repeat the previous steps for the other languages.
The following example shows the customization answer file entries for en-US, fr-CA, and es-MX

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/en-US" Source="C:\Path\en-us\DisplayStrings.dll.mui” />

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/fr-CA" Source="C:\Path\fr-CA\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/es-MX" Source="C:\Path\es-MX\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />

6. Add additional notification sounds by adding a Ringtones asset. To do this:

Set the asset's Name to Ringtones .
Set the DisplayName to the name of the resource-only .dll file and specify the string offset. Replace
DisplayStrings.dll with the name of your .dll file and replace Offset with the correct offset for the
localized string. For example: @DisplayStrings.dll,-104.
Set Source to the full path to the custom ringtone sound on your development machine. For
example: C:\Path\MellowRingtone.wma.
Optionally, set Type to either OEM or MobileOperator to distinguish the type of asset. If you do not
set the type, this defaults to OEM.
Repeat the previous steps for any additional ringtone sounds.
If you are setting the default alarm sound in addition to adding other alarm sound files, see the To set a new
default ringtone section.
To set a new default ringtone
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample or use the
sample AdditionalRingtones.xml file.

<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<!-- Use to set a new default ringtone -->
<Setting Name="DefaultRingtone" Value="" />

2. Set the Value to the desired default ringtone sound file name. For example: MellowRingtone.wma.
1. Flash the build containing this customization and multiple display languages to a mobile device.
2. Go to the Ringtone screen in Settings.
3. Verify all added custom ringtones are in the Ringtone drop-down list.
4. If a new default ringtone is set, verify the Ringtone drop-down list defaults to the specified ringtone.
5. Verify the custom ringtone names are correct for all display languages on the device.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Call drop and call waiting sounds
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can customize the call drop and call waiting sounds.
On devices that exhibit a loud snap or tone during a phone call, OEMs can customize these sounds to add 50 ms of
silence and improve the user experience. When used for this purpose, OEMs must:
Add a sound file that contains 50 ms of silence. The sound file must be in a .wma format.
Set the registry settings to the name of the sound file. This removes the loud snap or tone heard during
some phone calls.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to customize the call drop and call waiting sounds."


<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<!-- Use to add the OEM sound file. Change the Source path to poitn to the location and file name
of the .wma sound file. -->
<Asset Name="NotificationSounds" Source="" />
<Asset Name="NotificationSounds" Source="" />

<!-- Use to set the default call drop sound. Set the value to the file name of the sound file. -->
<Setting Name="DefaultCallDropSound" Value="" />

<!-- Use to set the default call waiting sound. Set the value to the file name of the sound file.
<Setting Name="DefaultCallWaitingSound" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Add additional notification sounds by adding a NotificationSounds asset. To do this:
Set the asset's Name to NotificationSounds .
Set Source to the full path to the call drop sound file on your development machine. For example:
Repeat the previous steps for any additional ringtone sound, such as if you are using a different
sound file for the call waiting sound.
4. Set the value of DefaultCallDropSound to the desired default ringtone sound file name. For example:
5. Set the value of DefaultCallWaitingSound to the desired default ringtone sound file name. For example:
1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a device.
2. Receive or make a phone call.
3. Verify that a loud snap or tone is no longer heard.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Camera shutter sound
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The camera shutter sound that occurs when the user takes a picture or starts filming a video can be turned off by
removing the Camera shutter option from the Sounds settings screen.
This customization affects all camera apps on the mobile device. If camera sounds are not enforced, camera sounds
will respond to the ringer and notification volume and sounds will not play through the combo device.
Limitations and restrictions:
OEMs can remove this user setting only for markets in which the camera shutter sound is a legally required
component due to privacy laws.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to turn off the camera shutter sound by removing the Camera
shutter toggle
from the Settings CPL."


<Settings Path="Camera">
<Setting Name="ShutterSoundUI" Value="0" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the ShutterSoundUI``Value to one of the following:


0 or 'Hide' Hides the Camera shutter option from the Sounds

settings screen.
When set to this value, the enforced shutter sound is
on. This value enforces playback of camera sounds
and sound will play through the combo device when
the wired headset is plugged in.

1 or 'Show' Shows the Camera shutter option from the Sounds

settings screen. This is the default.
When set to this value, the enforced shutter sound is

1. Flash an image containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go to the Sounds settings screen.
3. Scroll down and verify that the Camera shutter setting is no longer visible.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Ringtone store application
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partner apps can be used to sell ringtones to users. The app owner must provide the service for the ringtone
catalog and to manage downloads. Users are shown an option to Get more ringtones in the ringtone picker, from
which they can automatically launch the ringtone store application.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create an application that supports ringtones. For more information on how to do this, see How to use the
save ringtone task for Windows Phone in the Windows Phone SDK Documentation.
2. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable users to automatically launch the ringtone store
application that was created by
the partner to sell ringtones to users."


<!-- Preload the ringtone store app. Specify the source, license, and ProvXML files. -->
<Application Source=""
ProvXML="" />

<Settings Path="EventSounds">
<Setting Name="GetMoreRingtonesLink" Value="app://" />



3. Specify an Owner .
4. Preload your ringtone store app. To do this:
a. Set Source to the location and file name of your .xap or .appx. For example,
b. Set License to the location and name of the app license file. For example,
c. Set ProvXML to the location and name of the provXML file. For example,
5. Set the value of GetMoreRingtonesLink your application ID preceded by the app:// prefix. For example, if
your app ID is {5B04B775 -356B -4AA0 -AAF8 -6491FFEA5605 }, you must set the value to
app://5B04B775-356B-4AA0-AAF8-6491FFEA5605 . You may also set it to
app://5B04B775-356B-4AA0-AAF8-6491FFEA5605/_default .

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go to the Sounds screen in Settings.
3. Select the Ringtone picker.
4. In the ringtone picker screen, scroll to the bottom and verify that the Get more link is visible.
5. Tap the link and confirm that it launches your ringtone store application.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for SMS and MMS
1/18/2019 • 6 minutes to read

Contains settings that you can configure for SMS and MMS.

In this section

Add encoding extension tables for SMS Partners can extend the set of supported SMS encodings.

Automatic send retry and resize settings for MMS messages For MMS messages that have photo attachments and that fail
to send, partners can choose to automatically resize the photo
and attempt to resend the message.

Automatically retry downloading MMS messages Partners can configure the messaging app to automatically
retry downloading an MMS message if the initial download
attempt fails.

Content location in the multimedia message service center For networks that require it, partners can specify the default
(MMSC) GET path within the MMSC to use when the GET URL is
missing from the WAP push MMS notification.

Delay for resend attempts If an SMS message fails to send correctly, partners can specify
the number of additional attempts and the minimum delay
between them in seconds.

Disable editing of the SMS center number To meet market or mobile operator requirements, OEMs can
configure a setting to prevent users from editing the SMS
center number in the messaging settings CPL.

Disable the EMS long messages feature Partners can disable the enhanced messaging service (EMS),
which concatenates text messages so that the user can enter
more than 160 characters in a single message.

Expiration time for SMS messages Partners can set the expiration time before the device deletes
the received parts of a long SMS message.

Extract phone numbers in strings Partners can extend the entity extraction feature that
recognizes phone numbers in text. This customization allows
strings of numbers that are concatenated to a string to be

Full error messages for SMS and MMS Partners can choose to display additional content in the
conversation view when an SMS or MMS message fails to

IMS retry For networks that support it, when an outgoing SMS message
fails to send due to a transient error, partners can specify the
threshold for the number of attempts to resend the SMS over
IMS before switching over to 3GPP or 3GPP2.

IMSI authentication For networks that require it, MMS messages can include the
IMSI in the GET and POST header that the message center
uses to authenticate the mobile subscriber.

International assisted dialing for SMS If partners have turned off Assistance for dialing international
phone numbers, partners may still override the MCC and
MNC used for plus code replacement when sending SMS.

Maximum length for SMS messages Partners can specify a maximum length for SMS messages.

Maximum number of attachments for MMS messages Partners can specify the maximum number of attachments for
MMS messages, from 1 to 20.

Maximum number of recipients for SMS and MMS Partners can set the maximum number of recipients to which
a single SMS or MMS message can be sent.

MMS APN settings Partners can choose to display an Add MMS APN or Edit
MMS APN button that enables the user to configure the APN
used for MMS.

MMS automatic download Partners can choose to display an Automatically download

MMS toggle to allows users to turn off automatic downloads
of MMS messages. If the toggle is displayed, partners can also
change the default value to stop automatic MMS downloads.

MMS data options Partners can configure the MMS data options to show the
Allow MMS if cellular data is off toggle in the Messaging
settings screen, allow MMS messaging even if data is turned
off, and allow MMS messaging even if data is turned off and
the user is roaming.

MMS for group messages For the setting that determines if group messages sent to
multiple people must be sent as MMS, partners can customize
the setting by hiding or showing the Group Text toggle in
the Messaging settings screen, changing the default value,
and configuring the option to alert the user of possible
additional charges for sending a group text as MMS.

MMS receipt acknowledgement Partners can specify whether the device automatically sends a
receipt acknowledgment for MMS messages when messages
arrive, and allow users to control the receipt acknowledgments
by using the Send MMS acknowledgement toggle in the
Messaging setting screen.

Permanent SMS message failures Partners can mark SMS message failures as permanent failures
so that the user will not be given the option to attempt to
resend the SMS.

Ports that accept cellular broadcast messages Partners can specify one or more ports from which the device
will accept cellular broadcast messages.

Proxy authorization for MMS Partners can specify the use of NAI information as a dedicated
header for MMS authentication for mobile networks that
require this functionality. The string value must be the MMS
header used for authentication.

Select multiple recipients for SMS and MMS messages Partners can show the select all contacts/unselect all menu
option to allow users to easily select multiple recipients for an
SMS or MMS message.

Send SMS messages to SMTP addresses Partners can configure SMS messages to be sent to email
addresses as well as phone numbers.

Server for MMS acknowledgement messages By default, the MMS transport sends an acknowledgement to
the provisioned MMS application server (MMSC). However, on
some networks, the correct server to use is sent as a URL in
the MMS message. In that case, a registry key must be set, or
else the acknowledgement will not be received and the server
will continue to send duplicate messages.

SMS delivery confirmation Partners can specify whether users receive notification that
SMS messages could not be delivered, and determine whether
users can control these notifications by using the SMS
delivery confirmation toggle in the Messaging settings

SMS encoding Partners can change the default GSM 7-bit code page
decoding and encoding, and can also extend the set of
supported SMS encodings by setting an always on GSM 7-
bit shift table, adding encoders, and adding decoders.

SMS intercept deny list OEMs can specify one or more filters in order to intercept
incoming SMS messages intended for mobile operator partner
applications that are not installed on the device.

SMS intercept ports OEMs can configure ports on which a Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP)-formatted message can be intercepted by the
mobile operator app.

Support HTTP cache-control no-transform for MMS For networks that require it, OEMs can add support for the
HTTP header Cache-Control No-Transform directive for MMS

Supported protocols for service indication messages Partners can add additional supported protocols for service
indication messages.

Switch from SMS to MMS for long messages For networks that do support MMS and do not support
segmentation of SMS messages, partners can specify an
automatic switch from SMS to MMS for long messages.

Truncated content handling for WAP push notification For networks that require non-standard handling of single-
segment incoming MMS WAP Push notifications, partners can
specify that MMS messages may have some of their content
truncated and that they may require special handling to
reconstruct truncated field values.

Use insert-address-token or local raw address To meet certain mobile operator requirements, OEMs can
customize the OS image to use either the insert-address-
token or the local raw address for the From field in MMS

Use UTF-8 for MMS messages with unspecified character Some incoming MMS messages may not specify a character
encoding encoding. To properly decode MMS messages that do not
specify a character encoding, OEMs can set UTF-8 to decode
the message.

User agent profile for MMS messages Partners can specify a user agent profile to use on the device
for MMS messages.

User agent string for MMS messages Partners can replace the entire user agent string for MMS.

User alert for service indication messages Partners can hide the user prompts for signal-medium

Video attachments in MMS Partners can specify the transcoding to use for video files sent
as attachments in MMS messages.

Voicemail SMS intercept Partners can define a filter that intercepts an incoming SMS
message and triggers visual voicemail synchronization. The
filtered message does not appear in the user’s conversation

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Add encoding extension tables for SMS
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

Partners can extend the set of supported SMS encodings.

This is done by extending the following areas:
Set an “always-on” GSM 7-bit shift table
Add encoders
Add decoders
To add additional National Language Shift Tables to the encoding, OEMs must replace Microsoft’s SMS provider
by building your own code page DLL and setting it as the default. This section contains steps that OEMs can use to
build an SMS provider with custom extension tables. The OEM is responsible for testing this code and their
additions to it.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-device value
The following steps describe how to configure and build the custom encodings:
1. Implement your code page DLL and make sure that it exports the NlsDllCodePageTranslation function.

Ignore the note about not using the function found on the MSDN web site. This note does not apply for SMS

When implementing your code page DLL, the DLL must have at least the following:
A .def file that declares the name of the DLL —for example, MyCodePageDLL —and exports the
NlsDllCodePageTranslation function:



A .c file that defines the DLL entry point function—for example, DllMain —as well as the
NlsDllCodePageTranslation function. This is the function that the APIs will call in case a particular
code page value is associated with your code page DLL.
// NlsDllCodePageTranslation
// This routine is the main exported procedure for the functionality in
// this DLL. All calls to this DLL must go through this function.
DWORD NlsDllCodePageTranslation(
__in DWORD CodePage,
__in DWORD dwFlags,
__in_ecount(cchMultiByte) LPSTR lpMultiByteStr,
__in int cchMultiByte,
__out_ecount(cchWideChar) LPWSTR lpWideCharStr,
__in int cchWideChar,
__inout LPCPINFO lpCPInfo)

Inside the NlsDllCodePageTranslation function, you must:

Make sure that the CodePage value is one that you expect to handle.
If it is, proceed.
If it is not, call SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) and return 0 to exit. Returning
0 from NlsDllCodePageTranslation indicates to the caller that an error occurred.
Switch on the dwFlags to handle the cases for these values (defined in winnlsp.h):
Here's an example. Be sure to complete the items marked "OEM -TODO".

switch (dwFlags & 0xF0000000) // only look at the highest nibble

if (lpCPInfo == NULL)
return (0);
memset(lpCPInfo, 0, sizeof(CPINFO));

// OEM-TODO: fill other parts of the CPINFO structure as needed,

// with one requirement for our test code:
lpCPInfo->DefaultChar[0] = 0x20;
return (TRUE);

case (NLS_CP_CPINFOEX): // this is actually optional

if (lpCPInfo == NULL)
return (0);
memset(lpCPInfo, 0, sizeof(CPINFOEX));

// OEM-TODO: fill other parts of the CPINFO structure as needed,

// with one requirement for our test code:
lpCPInfo->DefaultChar[0] = 0x20;
return (TRUE);

case ( NLS_CP_MBTOWC ) :
// ensure unsupported flag combinations are not passed in
// other flags not allowed
return (0);

// if caller expects us to figure out the input string length, do it now

if (cchMultiByte == -1)
// see if the string is too long
if (FAILED(StringCchLengthA(lpMultiByteStr, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, (size_t
return (0);
// add one for the NULL terminator
cchMultiByte += 1;

// OEM-TODO: convert lpMultiByteStr to lpWideCharStr according to own

// conversion table, taking into account:
// * dwFlags & MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS (preserve MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS flag
// in case the caller wants to error out on invalid input characters)
// * cchWideChar – if cchWideChar == 0 or lpWideCharStr == NULL, that
// means the caller just wants to know how big lpWideCharStr should be

return (the number of characters in converted lpWideCharStr + 1 for the NULL


case ( NLS_CP_WCTOMB ) :
// ensure unsupported flag combinations are not passed in
// other flags not allowed
return (0);

// if caller expects us to figure out the input string length, do it now

if (cchWideChar == -1)
// see if the string is too long
if (FAILED(StringCchLengthW(lpWideCharStr, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, (size_t *)&cchWideChar)))
return (0);
// add one for the NULL terminator
cchWideChar += 1;
// OEM-TODO: convert lpWideCharStr to lpMultiByteStr according to own
// conversion table, taking into account:
// * dwFlags & MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS (preserve MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS flag
// in case the caller wants to error out on invalid input characters)
// * cchMultiByte – if cchMultiByte == 0 or lpMultiByteStr == NULL, that
// means the caller just wants to know how big lpMultiByteStr should be
return (the number of characters in converted lpMultiByteStr + 1 for the NULL
// if we haven't returned out of this function yet, the caller passed in an invalid flag
return (0);
// end of NlsDllCodePageTranslation function

2. Pick a code page ID in the range 55050–55099.

Here are the code page identifiers for the new supported SMS encodings in Windows 10 Mobile as well as
the reserved ranges to be used for future SMS encodings:


55000 GSM 7-bit

55001 GSM with Single Shift for Spanish

55002 GSM with Single Shift for Portuguese

55003 GSM with Single Shift for Turkish

55004 SMS Greek Reduction

55005–55049 Reserved

55050–55099 Available for OEM-supplied SMS encodings

3. Add your code page DLL to the device. To do this, set the CodepageDLL asset source to the location and
file name of your code page DLL. For example:

<Asset Name="CodePageDLL" Source="C:\OEMCodePages\CodePage55050.dll" />

4. Register your DLL with NLS by setting the corresponding EncodingCodePages/CodepageID550XX setting.
For example, if the DLL is Codepage55050.dll , set EncodingCodePages/CodepageID55050 as shown in the
following example:

<Setting Name="EncodingCodePages/CodepageID55050" Value="CodePage55050.dll" />

5. Add the registered codepages to the custom OEM package as described in SMS encoding.
Alternatively, you can write a settings app that dynamically sets the registry values depending on the user-
selected encoding scheme. For example, if the OEM app sets the encoding to 55050, set the
Encodings/GSM7BitEncodingPage setting and reboot the device.

<Setting Name="Encodings/GSM7BitEncodingPage" Value="55050" />

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.
Automatic send retry and resize settings for MMS
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

For MMS messages that have photo attachments and that fail to send, partners can choose to automatically resize
the photo and attempt to resend the message.
When this feature is enabled, partners must specify a size greater than or equal to 10 KB to use when resizing the
Partners can also specify the number of times that the device can retry sending the failed MMS message and
photo before the user receives a notification that the photo could not be sent.
The resize and retry settings can be used independently:
If only the resize setting is set, the MMS will resize the photo and retry to send the message only once.
If both settings are set, the MMS with a photo will be resized and the message will be resent up to three
If only the retry setting is set, the MMS with the photo will not be resized and the message will be resent up
to three times.
Limitations and restrictions:
This resize feature only applies to photos. Videos, audio files, and other file types will not be resized.
The maximum number of automatic resend attempts is set to 3.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="For MMS messages with photo attachments that fail to send, use to
resize the photo and attempt to resend the MMS."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">

<!-- Specify the maximum size to use to resize the photo in KB. Minimum is 0xA (10 KB). -->
<Setting Name="RetrySize" Value="" />

<!-- Specify the number of times the MMS transport will attempt to resend the MMS, max is 0x3. -->
<Setting Name="MaxRetryCount" Value="" />




2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Specify the RetrySize``Value to set a maximum size, in KB, to use when resizing the photo.
The minimum message retry size is 0xA (10 KB ). If this number is less than 0xA, the value will be ignored
and the device will not attempt to resize and resend large photos.
6. Specify the MaxRetryCount``Value to specify the number of times the MMS transport will attempt resending
the MMS message. This value has a maximum limit of 0x3.
Keep the following in mind when setting the value for RetrySize and MaxRetryCount :
If MaxRetryCount is not set and RetrySize is set, the MMS transport will retry sending the MMS message
once using the specified RetrySize . This behavior is similar to the default behavior in Windows 10 Mobile.
If MaxRetryCount is set and RetrySize is not set, the MMS transport will not resize the MMS message and
the message will be resent up to three times.
Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the messaging application and attempt to attach a file that is larger than the limit that you set.
3. Send the photo. You may notice a slight delay. When the message arrives, the photo's size should be equal
to the limit you specified for RetrySize .
4. If the message fails to send the first time, verify that the number of attempts to resend the message is equal
to the limit you set for MaxRetryCount .

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Automatically retry downloading MMS messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can configure the messaging app to automatically retry downloading an MMS message if the initial
download attempt fails.
When this customization is enabled, the download is retried 3 times at 20-, 40-, and 60-second intervals. The
following example shows how the retry intervals work using a random download time:


00:00:00 Initial download starts

00:00:11 Initial download fails due to a transient error. First wait

starts and is scheduled for 20 seconds.

00:00:31 First wait times out, first retry download starts.

00:00:49 First retry download fails due to a transient error. Second

wait starts and is scheduled for 40 seconds.

00:01:29 Second wait times out, second retry download starts.

00:01:34 Second retry download fails due to a transient error. Third

wait starts and is scheduled for 60 seconds.

00:02:34 Third wait times out, third retry download starts.

If the MMS download fails after the third retry attempt, the message persists in the appropriate thread with a link
that the user can tap to retry the download manually. If the user’s manual download attempt fails, the automatic
retries are triggered again.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the messaging app to automatically retry downloading
an MMS message if the initial download attempt fails."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Define the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<!-- Set to 1 to enable or 0 to disable -->
<Setting Name="AutoRetryDownload" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set AutoRetryDownload to one of the following values:


1 or 0x1 Enable automatically retry downloading MMS


0 or 0x0 Disables automatically retry downloading MMS

Or if the AutoRetryDownload setting is missing

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a UICC or CDMA connection.
2. Successfully testing this customization requires the MMS message to fail, so work with mobile operator
partner to test this customization on their network.
Be sure to test the scenario where the automatic retry attempt fails for a third time to verify the appearance
of the manual download link.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Content location in the multimedia message service
center (MMSC)
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For networks that require it, partners can specify the default GET path within the MMSC to use when the GET URL
is missing from the WAP push MMS notification.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify the default GET path within the MMSC to use when the
GET URL is missing."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="DefaultContentLocationUrl" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set DefaultContentLocationUrl``Value to specify the default GET path within the MMSC.
Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Delay for resend attempts
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

If an SMS message fails to send correctly, partners can specify the number of additional attempts and the
minimum delay between them in seconds.
These settings are managed by the modem. For more information, contact the SoC vendor.
Disable editing of the SMS center number
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To meet market or mobile operator requirements, OEMs can configure a setting to prevent users from editing the
SMS center number in the messaging settings CPL.
By default, the setting does not exist and users can edit the SMS center number. A warning statement related to
the changing the SMS center number is also displayed below the SMS center number.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to prevent users from editing the 'SMS center number' in the
messaging settings CPL."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="SmscPanelDisabled" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set SmscPanelDisabled to one of the following values:


1 or 'True' Disables editing of the SMS center number and

hides the warning statement.

0 or 'False' Enables users to edit the SMS center number.

This is the default behavior.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build that contains this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Messaging settings screen.
3. Verify that the correct settings option is enabled depending on the default value that you set.
If SmscPanelDisabled is set to 1 or 'True', verify that the SMS center number cannot be edited.
If SmscPanelDisabled is set to 0 or 'False', verify that the SMS center number can be edited and the
warning text below this option is visible.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Disable the EMS long messages feature
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can disable the enhanced messaging service (EMS ), which concatenates text messages so that the user
can enter more than 160 characters in a single message. If EMS is disabled, the user can still enter more than 160
characters. However, the send button is disabled and the UI alerts the user that the text message is too long
instead of showing the character count of the text entry.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to disable the enhnaced messaging service (EMS) long messages
feature on Windows Phones. If EMS is disabled,
users can still enter more than 160 characters, but the send button is
disabled and the user sees an alert
that the message is too long."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/SMS">
<!-- Set the value to 1 to limit the size of the message to one page and disable EMS. -->
<Setting Name="SmsPageLimit" Value="1" />



<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/SMS">
<!-- Set the value to 1 to limit the size of the message to one page and disable EMS. -->
<Setting Name="SmsPageLimit" Value="1" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set SmsPageLimit to 1 to limit the size of the message to one page and disable EMS.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a cellular connection.
2. Open the messaging application and attempt to send a message with a length that exceeds 160 characters.
3. Verify that the send button is disabled and that an alert that the text message is too long is showing next to
the character count of the text entry.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Expiration time for SMS messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can set the expiration time before the device deletes the received parts of a long SMS message.
For example, if the device is waiting for a three-part SMS message and the first part has been received, the first
part will be deleted when the time expires and the other part of the message has not arrived. If the second part of
the message arrives before the time expires, the first and second parts of the message will be deleted if the last
part does not arrive after the time expires. The expiration time is reset whenever the next part of the long message
is received.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample or use the
sample SMSExpirationTime.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the expiration time before the device deletes the received
parts of a long SMS message."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/SMS">
<Setting Name="MessageExpirySeconds" Value="" />
<!-- Default is 0x15180 which is 1 day or 86400 seconds. -->



<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/SMS">
<Setting Name="MessageExpirySeconds" Value="" />
<!-- Default is 0x15180 which is 1 day or 86400 seconds. -->


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set MessageExpirySeconds to the number seconds that the device should wait before deleting the received
parts of a long SMS messages. This value should be in hexadecimal and must be prefixed with 0x.
The default value is 0x15180, which is equivalent to 1 day or 86,400 seconds.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a UICC.
2. From another device, send a long SMS message to the device containing the customization.
3. Verify that received parts of the long message are deleted within the expiration time that you have set if the
next part is not received within that same amount of time.
Note Work with your mobile operator to fully test this customization.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Extract phone numbers in strings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can extend the entity extraction feature that recognizes phone numbers in text. This customization allows
strings of numbers that are concatenated to a string to be recognized.
Windows supports entity extraction in the Messaging app (which is also shared with the Email and Calendar apps).
This feature can detect a sequence of numbers, which can be a phone number, in a received SMS or MMS
message and enable the user to call the phone number by making it a target that the user can tap and easily save,
or call without retyping the number.
This customization extends entity extraction by enabling OEMs to specify whether a sequence of numbers that is
concatenated to a string (in a left-to-right device language including English, French, Italian, Simplified Chinese,
Traditional Chinese, and other left-to-right languages) should be detected as a phone number. The minimum
amount of numbers that the OS considers as a phone number is five (5).
When this feature is enabled, only the numeric sequence is underlined and shown as a tappable string; the non-
numeric character is not underlined. When this feature is enabled on devices that have dual SIMs, it is applied to
both SIM slots.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to tag any 5-or-more digit number as a phone number that users can
tap even when
there is no space between the string and the number."


<Settings Path="Messaging/GlobalSettings">
<Setting Name="ExtractPhoneNumbersInStrings" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set ExtractPhoneNumbersInStrings to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Specifies that the OS should not detect a sequence of

five or more digits concatenated to a string as a
tappable phone number.
For example, when the value is set to 0 or 'False', a
sequence of digits such as 55512 is detected as a
phone number, but P55512 or ABC55512EFG are not.

1 or 'True' Specifies that the OS should detect a sequence of five

or more digits concatenated to a string as a tappable
phone number.
For example, when the value is set to 1 or 'True', a
sequence of digits such as 55512 is detected as a
phone number while the sequence '55512' in the
strings P55512 or ABC55512EFG are also detected as
a phone number.

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator partner to fully test this customization on their network.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with at least one active SIM or UICC.
2. Make sure that the device language is set to a language that has left-to-right characters, such as English,
French, Italian, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
3. Open the Messaging app.
4. Receive several SMS or MMS messages that contain a sequence of digits that are:
a. Less than 5 digits
b. More than 5 digits
c. Less than 5 digits and have the digits concatenated to one or more non-numerical characters, such as
P1234 or PhoneNumber1234.
d. More than 5 digits and with the digits concatenated to one or more non-numerical characters, such
as P55512 or PhoneNumber55512.
5. For each case specified in the previous step, verify whether the sequence of numbers is detected as a phone
number by the OS based on the value you specified for the ExtractPhoneNumbersInStrings setting.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Full error messages for SMS and MMS
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can choose to display additional content in the conversation view when an SMS or MMS message fails to
send. This content includes a specific error code in decimal format that the user can report to technical support.
Common errors also include a friendly string to help the user self-diagnose and fix the problem.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to display additional content in the conversation view when an SMS
or MMS message fails to send."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="ErrorCodeEnabled" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. The LimitRecipients setting limits the maximum number of recipients that a user can send messages to,
and this value is in the range 0 < LimitRecipients <= 500 (decimal). When setting the value for
LimitRecipients , you can use either decimal or the equivalent hexadecimal value (with a 0x prefix).

Set ErrorCodeEnabled to one of the following values:


1 or 'True' Displays the error messages with an explanation of

the problem and the decimal-format error codes.

0 or 'False' Does not display the full error message.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Ensure that the device is able to send SMS or MMS messages.
3. Open the messaging application to send SMS or MMS messages.
4. Work with your mobile operator to create error scenarios for messaging.
5. The error message displayed on the messaging screen should start with an explanation in words of the
problem, and end in either "MMS error: ####" or "SMS error: ####".

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
IMS retry
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For networks that support it, when an outgoing SMS message fails to send due to a transient error, partners can
specify the threshold for the number of attempts to resend the SMS over IMS before switching over to 3GPP or
3GPP2. Partners can also specify to retry sending the SMS message once over 3GPP or 3GPP2 without a user
prompt if the original message was sent over IMS and failed.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify settings related to SMS messages sent over IMS."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/SMS">
<!-- Use to specify the threshold for the number of attempts to resend the SMS over IMS -->
<Setting Name="3GPP/IMS/AttemptThresholdForIMS" Value="" />

<!-- Use to retry sending the SMS message once wihtout a user prompt -->
<Setting Name="3GPP/IMS/RetryEnabled" Value="" />



<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/SMS">
<!-- Use to specify the threshold for the number of attempts to resend the SMS over IMS -->
<Setting Name="3GPP/IMS/AttemptThresholdForIMS" Value="" />

<!-- Use to retry sending the SMS message once without a user prompt -->
<Setting Name="3GPP/IMS/RetryEnabled" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set the 3GPP/IMS/AttemptThresholdForIMS``Value to specify the threshold for the number of attempts to
resend the SMS over IMS. If you need to enable SMS over IMS, then you must set the value to 1 or higher
For example, if you set this value to 2, this will result in two total attempts. If the value is set to N, it will
result in N number of attempts. This value will vary for each mobile operator so work with your mobile
operator partner to obtain the correct or required value. If the threshold is exceeded, the SMS will no longer
be sent over IMS, but will be sent using the available 3GPP or 3GPP2 channel.
5. Set the 3GPP/IMS/RetryEnabled``Value to retry sending the SMS message once without a user prompt if the
original message was sent over IMS and failed with RIL_E_IMSTEMPFAILURE. The client is not notified of
the initial failure. The retry attempt will not be over IMS.
The default value is 1, which means this behavior is enabled by default. Set to 0 to disable this behavior.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a UICC or CDMA connection.
2. Successfully testing this customization requires the message to fail so please work with your mobile
operator to test this customization on their network.
During testing, resending the failed SMS message requires the UI. Verification of the tests need to be done
using the logs at the network and modem levels.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
IMSI authentication
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For networks that require it, MMS messages can include the IMSI in the GET and POST header that the message
center uses to authenticate the mobile subscriber.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to include the IMSI in the GET and POST header used by the message
center to authenticate the mobile subscriber."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<!-- The string value must be set to the IMSI provided by the UICC -->
<Setting Name="ImsiAuthenticationToken" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the ImsiAuthenticationToken``Value to the token used as the header for authentication. The string value
should match the IMSI provided by the UICC.
Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
International assisted dialing for SMS
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

If partners have turned off Assistance for dialing international phone numbers, partners may still override the
MCC and MNC used for plus code replacement when sending SMS. These values are used to generate the correct
IDD. This change applies regardless of roaming status. By setting AssistedDialingMcc and AssistedDialingMnc ,
international assisted dialing will be enabled for SMS if the user setting for international assisted dialing is
For devices that support IMS over SMS, partners can override support for the assisted dialing plus ( +) code for
SMS by setting AssistedDialingPlusCodeSupportOverride . If enabled, the OS will not convert the plus ( +) code to
the proper assisted number when the user turns on the dialing assist option.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to override the MCC and MNC used for sending SMS messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="AssistedDialingMcc" Value="" />
<Setting Name="AssistedDialingMnc" Value="" />

<!-- For an IMS over SMS supported device, partners can override the assisted dialing plus code
support for SMS.
<Setting Name="AssistedDialingPlusCodeSupportOverride" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the values for the following settings to enable international assistance dialing for SMS:


AssistedDialingMcc : REG_SZ The Mobile Country Code (MCC) to use for sending

AssistedDialingMnc : REG_SZ The Mobile Network Code (MNC) to use for sending
6. For a device that supports IMS over SMS, you can override the support for the assisted dialing plus ( +)
code for SMS. To do this, set AssistedDialingPlusCodeSupportOverride to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Don't override the assisted dialing plus code support.

This is the default OS value.

1 or 'True' Override the assisted dialing plus code support. The

OS will not convert the plus (+) code to the proper
assisted number when the user turns on the dialing
assist option.

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Maximum length for SMS messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can specify a maximum length for SMS messages. This requires setting both the maximum number of
SMS fragments per SMS message, from 1 to 255, and the maximum size in bytes of each SMS fragment, from 16
to 140 bytes.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the maximum length for SMS messages."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />
<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/SMS">
<Setting Name="SmsFragmentLimit" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SmsPageLimit" Value="" />


<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/SMS">
<Setting Name="SmsFragmentLimit" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SmsPageLimit" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Use SmsFragmentLimit to set the maximum number of bytes in the user data body of an SMS message. You
must set the value between 16 (0x10) and 140 (0x8C ).
5. Use SmsPageLimit to set the maximum number of segments in a concatenated SMS message. You must set
the value to 255 (0xFF) or smaller.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device that contains a UICC or a configured CDMA
2. Open the messaging application and attempt to send a message with a length that exceeds the combination
of SmsFragmentLimit x SmsPageLimit .
You should receive an error message indicating that the message was too long.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Maximum number of attachments for MMS messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can specify the maximum number of attachments for MMS messages, from 1 to 20. The default is 5.
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify the maximum number of attachments for MMS messages
(from 1 to 20)."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="MMSLimitAttachments" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set MMSLimitAttachments to a value from 1 to 20 to specify the default number of attachments for MMS
messages. The default set by the OS is 5.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the messaging application and attempt to attach multiple items up to and greater than the limit.
3. The attach button should become disabled after the maximum number of attachments has been reached.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Maximum number of recipients for SMS and MMS
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Partners can set the maximum number of recipients to which a single SMS or MMS message can be sent.
The maximum number of recipients that a user can send an SMS or MMS message to is limited to 500. This limit
exists because the OS also supports the Select multiple recipients for SMS and MMS messages feature and
having the number of recipients for SMS or MMS messages limited to a large, but finite, number ensures that
there is no system performance degradation or negative impact to the user experience. The maximum number of
recipients that a user can send messages to is in the range 0 <= 500 (decimal).
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the maximum number of recipients for SMS or MMS messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="LimitRecipients" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. The LimitRecipients setting limits the maximum number of recipients that a user can send messages to,
and this value is in the range 0 < LimitRecipients <= 500 (decimal). When setting the value for
LimitRecipients , you can use either decimal or the equivalent hexadecimal value (with a 0x prefix).

Set the value for LimitRecipients according to the following rules:

If LimitRecipients is not set, the maximum number of recipients defaults to 500.
If LimitRecipients is set to a value greater than 500, the maximum number of recipients is set to
If LimitRecipients is set to 1, the maximum number of recipients is set to 1 and the multi-select
button in the single select screen is disabled
If LimitRecipients is set to a value between 2 and 500, the maximum number of recipients is equal
to the number that was set
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a UICC or network connection.
2. Make sure your device contains more contacts than the number you set for LimitRecipients .
3. Open the messaging application, create a new message, and tap + to add recipients.
4. If Select multiple recipients for SMS and MMS messages is not enabled, the behavior for LimitRecpients is
the same as in Windows Phone 8.
5. If Select multiple recipients for SMS and MMS messages is enabled, tap the multi-select menu option, tap
…, choose select all contacts and verify that you can see the following message:
Too many contacts
You can select up to X contacts. If you select all, you will have Y contacts.
X is the decimal equivalent of the value that you set for LimitRecipients . Y is the total number of contacts
you have selected.
6. If Select multiple recipients for SMS and MMS messages is enabled, tap the multi-select menu option,
individually tap the names of your contacts and select one more than the number you set for
LimitRecipients . Verify that you can see the following message:

Too many contacts

You can select up to X contacts, and you already have that many.
X is the decimal equivalent of the value that you set for LimitRecipients .

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
MMS APN settings
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Partners can choose to display an add mms apn or edit mms apn button that enables the user to configure the
APN used for MMS. APN values entered by the user are not verified and may not work. The user-entered APN is
always used if available; it is not overridden by ADC or over the air updates.
Limitations and restrictions:
If partners have set a list of permitted push proxy gateways, any user-entered APN that does not match with a
PPG value in the list will fail to work.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to display an 'add mms apn' or 'edit mms apn' button to enable
users to configure the APN used for MMS."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX">
<!-- Hides or shows the 'add mms apn' button in the SIM settings page.
Set to 0 or 'No' (to show) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="HideMMSAPN" Value="" />

<!-- Hides or shows the 'IP type' setting in the MMS APN settings screen.
Set to 0 or 'No' (to show) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
Set to 0 or 'No' (to show) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="HideMMSAPNIPType" Value="" />

<!-- Changes the default IP type.Set to 0 or 'IPV4' (for IPv4), 1 or 'IPV6' (for IPv6), or 2 or
'IPV4V6' (for IPv4v6). -->
<Setting Name="MMSAPNIPTypeIfHidden" Value="" />


<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX">
<!-- Hides or shows the 'add mms apn' button in the SIM settings page.
Set to 0 or 'No' (to show) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="HideMMSAPN" Value="" />

<!-- Hides or shows the 'IP type' setting in the MMS APN settings screen.
Set to 0 or 'No' (to show) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to hide). -->
<Setting Name="HideMMSAPNIPType" Value="" />

<!-- Changes the default IP type.Set to 0 or 'IPV4' (for IPv4), 1 or 'IPV6' (for IPv6), or 2 or
'IPV4V6' (for IPv4v6). -->
<Setting Name="MMSAPNIPTypeIfHidden" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. To hide or show the add mms apn button in the SIM settings screen: Set the value for HideMMSAPN to one
of the following:


0 or 'No' Shows the add mms apn button in the SIM settings

1 or 'Yes' Hides the add mms apn button in the SIM settings

5. To hide or show the IP type setting in the MMS APN settings screen: Set the value for HIdeMMSAPNIPType to
one of the following:

0 or 'No' Shows the IP type setting in the MMS APN settings


1 or 'Yes' Hides the IP type drop-down in the MMS APN

settings screen.

6. To change the default IP type shown in the IP type settings drop-down: Set the value for
MMSAPNIPTypeIfHidden to one of the following:


0 or 'IPV4' Sets the default IP type to IPv4.

1 or 'IPV6' Sets the default IP type to IPv6.

1 or 'IPV4V6' Sets the default IP type to IPv4v6.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. If the add mms apn button is configured to be hidden:
Go to the Messaging settings screen and verify that the add mms apn button is no longer visible.
Go to the Cellular & SIM settings screen and verify that the add mms apn button is no longer
3. If the add mms apn button is not configured to be hidden, tap the button and verify that the IP type
setting either shows the correct default value or is hidden.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
MMS automatic download
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can choose to display an Automatically download MMS toggle to allows users to turn off automatic
downloads of MMS messages. If the toggle is displayed, partners can also change the default value to stop
automatic MMS downloads.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to display an 'Automatically download MMS' toggle to allow users
to turn off auto downloads of MMS messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/AutomaticallyDownload">
<Setting Name="ShowAutomaticallyDownloadMMSToggle" Value="" />
<Setting Name="AutomaticallyDownload" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. To hide or show the Automatically download MMS toggle in the messaging settings screen, set the value
of ShowAutomaticallyDownloadMMSToggle to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Hides the toggle.

1 or 'True' Shows the toggle.

6. To set the default value of the Automatically download MMS toggle, set the value of
AutomaticallyDownload to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Sets the default value to off.

1 or 'True' Sets the default value to on. This is the OS default


1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Messaging settings screen.
3. Verify that the Automatically download MMS toggle is visible and has the expected default value.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
MMS data options
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For some phones, the cellular data plan includes the data used to send MMS. If cellular data is turned off, so is the
ability to send MMS messages. However, other data plans bill MMS data separately. In this case, it’s necessary to
have a setting that allows for MMS messages to be sent even if the data toggle is off.
Partners can configure the MMS data options to:
Show the Allow MMS if cellular data is off toggle in the Messaging settings screen.
Allow MMS messaging even if data is turned off.
Allow MMS messaging even if data is turned off and the user is roaming.
OEMs can configure these settings on both single SIM and C+G dual SIM phones.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure MMS settings if data is turned off."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/AllowMmsIfDataIsOff">
<Setting Name="AllowMmsIfDataIsOffSupported" Value="" />
<Setting Name="AllowMmsIfDataIsOff" Value="" />
<Setting Name="AllowMmsIfDataIsOffWhileRoaming" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. To hide or show the Allow MMS if cellular data is off toggle in the Messaging settings screen, set the
value of AllowMmsIfDataIsOffSupported to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Hides the Allow MMS if cellular data is off toggle.

1 or 'True' Shows the Allow MMS if cellular data is off toggle.

This is the default OS value.

6. Before you set the value for AllowMmsIfDataIsOff , note that if you do not set ExemptFromDisablePolicy to 1
(0 by default), then you must:
Hide the Allow MMS if cellular data is off toggle by setting AllowMmsIfDataIsOffSupported to 0 (1
by default).
Set AllowMmsIfDataIsOff itself to 1 (0 by default).
For more information about ExemptFromDisablePolicy , see CM_CellularEntries CSP.
To allow or disallow MMS messaging even if data is turned off, set the value of AllowMmsIfDataIsOff to one
of the following:


0 or 'False' MMS is on when data is on, and off when data is off.
MMS will also be off when roaming if the user has set
the phone to not use data while roaming.
This is the default OS value.

1 or 'True' MMS is on even when the data toggle is off, but not
when roaming if data is off.

7. To allow MMS if data is turned off while the user is roaming, set value of AllowMmsIfDataIsOffWhileRoaming
to one of the following:


0 or 'False' MMS messaging if off when roaming even if the user

has set to allow MMS messaging if data is turned off.

1 or 'True' MMS messaging is on when roaming even while data

is off.
Shows the user alert.

**Note** This setting is only visible if `AllowMmsIfDataIsOff` is set.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Messaging settings screen.
3. Verify if the messaging options match the values you set for each setting.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
MMS delivery confirmation
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can specify whether users receive notification that MMS messages could not be delivered, and determine
whether users can control this by using the MMS delivery confirmation toggle in the Messaging settings
screen. By default, this user setting is visible but turned off.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify whether users receive notification that MMS messages
not be delivered, and determine whether users can control this by
using the
'MMS delivery confirmation' toggle in the messaging settings screen."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/RequestDeliveryReport">
<Setting Name="RequestDeliveryReportIsSupported" Value="" />
<Setting Name="RequestDeliveryReport" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. To hide or show the toggle for MMS delivery confirmation, set the value of
RequestDeliveryReportIsSupported to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Hides the toggle.

1 or 'True' Shows the toggle.

6. To set the default value for the MMS delivery confirmation toggle, set the value of RequestDeliveryReport to
one of the following:


0 or 'False' Sets the default value to off.

1 or 'True' Sets the default value to on.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the settings screen in the Messaging app.
3. Verify the MMS delivery confirmation toggle default value or check that it is no longer visible depending
on the settings and values that you used.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
MMS for group messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For the setting that determines if group messages sent to multiple people must be sent as MMS, partners can
customize the setting by hiding or showing the Group text toggle in the Messaging settings screen, changing the
default value, and configuring the option to alert the user of possible additional charges for sending a group text as
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to determine if group messages sent to multiple people must be
sent as MMS.
Partners can show/hide the 'Group text' toggle, configure the default
value, and
alert users of possible additional charges for sending a group text."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/MMSGroupText">
<Setting Name="ShowMMSGroupTextUI" Value="" />
<Setting Name="MMSGroupText" Value="" />
<Setting Name="ShowMmsGroupTextWarning" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. To hide or show the toggle for Group text in the Messaging settings screen, set the value of
ShowMMSGroupTextUI to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Hides the toggle.

1 or 'True' Shows the toggle.

6. To set the default value for the Group text toggle, set the value of MMSGroupText to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Sets the default value to off.

1 or 'True' Sets the default value to on.

7. To hide or show the warning that alerts users of possible additional charges before sending a group text as
MMS, set value of ShowMmsGroupTextWarning to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Hides the user alert.

1 or 'True' Shows the user alert.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Messaging settings screen.
3. Verify that the Group text toggle is visible or not. Also verify that the toggle has the correct default value.
4. Write and then send a group text as MMS. Depending on the value you set for the user alert, verify if the
user alert is shown or hidden.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
MMS receipt acknowledgement
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can specify whether the device automatically sends a receipt acknowledgment for MMS messages when
messages arrive, and allow users to control the receipt acknowledgments by using the Send MMS
acknowledgement toggle in the Messaging setting screen. By default, this user setting is visible and turned on.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to hide or show the 'Send MMS acknowledgement' toggle in Settings,
and configure the default
value for the toggle."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/AllowSendingDeliveryReport">
<Setting Name="AllowSendingDeliveryReportIsSupported" Value="" />
<Setting Name="AllowSendingDeliveryReport" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. To hide or show the Send MMS acknowledgement toggle, set the value of
AllowSendingDeliveryReportIsSupported to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Hides the toggle.

1 or 'True' Shows the toggle.

6. To set the default value for the Send MMS acknowledgement toggle, set the value of
AllowSendingDeliveryReport to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Sets the default value to off.

1 or 'True' Sets the default value to on.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Messaging settings screen.
3. Verify the Send MMS acknowledgement toggle default value or check that it is no longer visible
depending on the registry key that you used.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Permanent SMS message failures
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can mark SMS message failures as permanent failures so that the user will not be given the option to
attempt to resend the SMS.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to mark SMS message failures as permanent failures so that users
cannot attempt to resend the SMS."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/SMS">
<Setting Name="3GPP2/ErrorHandling/UseReservedAsPermanent" Value="" />



<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/SMS">
<Setting Name="3GPP2/ErrorHandling/UseReservedAsPermanent" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set the 3GPP2/ErrorHandling/UseReservedAsPermanent to one of the following values:


1 or 'Yes' Marks SMS failures as permanent. This disables the UI

option that allows the user to attempt to resend the
SMS message.

0 or 'No' Does not mark SMS failures as permanent.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a UICC.
2. Open the messaging application and attempt to send a message to a number that will result in an SMS
3. Verify that the user option to resend the message does not show up.
Note Work with your mobile operator to fully test this customization.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Ports that accept cellular broadcast messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can specify one or more ports from which the device will accept cellular broadcast messages.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify one or more ports from which the device will accept
cellular broadcast messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="BroadcastChannels" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the BroadcastChannels value to the port number(s) that can accept cellular broadcast messages. For
example, 1234;5678;9012 and so on.
If you specify the same port that Windows 10 Mobile already recognizes as an Emergency Alert port (a
CMAS or ETWS port number) and a cell broadcast message is received on that port, the user will only
receive the message once. The message that is received will be displayed as an Emergency Alert message.
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Proxy authorization for MMS
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can specify the use of NAI information as a dedicated header for MMS authentication for mobile
networks that require this functionality. The string value must be the MMS header used for authentication.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the NAI information as a dedicated header for MMS

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="ProxyAuthorizationToken" Value="Proxy-Authorization:Basic" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Do not change the ProxyAuthorizationToken``Value . Proxy-Authorization is the HTTP header and Basic
denotes Basic64 encoding and not any other encoding.
Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to properly test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Select multiple recipients for SMS and MMS
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can show the select all contacts/unselect all menu option to allow users to easily select multiple
recipients for an SMS or MMS message. This menu option provides users with an easier way to add multiple
recipients and may also meet a mandatory requirement for some mobile operator networks.
Windows 10 Mobile supports the following select multiple recipients feature:
A multi-select chooser, which enables users to choose multiple contacts.
A select all contacts/unselect all menu option, which enables users to select or unselect all their
contacts. This option is not shown by default and must be enabled by the OEM.
Note that this feature will only be enabled if the LimitRecipients setting is set to more than 1 recipient. For more
information, see Maximum number of recipients for SMS and MMS.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable users to easily select multiple recipients for SMS and
MMS messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="AllowSelectAllContacts" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the value for AllowSelectAllContacts to one of the following:


0 or 0x0 The select all contacts/unselect all menu option is

not shown.

1 or 0x1 The select all contacts/unselect all menu option

appears in the app menu.

If `AllowSelectAllContacts` is not set or missing, the **select all contacts**/**unselect all** menu option
is not shown.
Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Open the Messaging application and create a new SMS or MMS message.
3. Select the + button to add message recipients.
4. Verify that the multi-select icon appears in the Choose a contact screen. If you have more than one
contact, this icon will be active. Otherwise, it will appear grey or inactive.
5. Tap the multi-select icon then tap … for more menu options.
6. Verify that you can see the select all contacts menu option.
7. Tap select all contacts.
8. Tap … and verify that you can see the unselect all menu option.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Send SMS messages to SMTP addresses
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can configure SMS messages to be sent to email addresses as well as phone numbers.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure SMS messages to be sent to email addresses and phone

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="AllowSMStoSMTPAddress" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SMStoSMTPShortCode" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the value for AllowSMStoSMTPAddress to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Disables sending SMS messages to SMTP addresses.

1 or 'True' Enables sending SMS messages to SMTP addresses.

6. Set the SMStoSMTPShortCode value to the correct short code for your mobile operator. This value is the
destination SMTP gateway phone number, and must be provided by the mobile operator.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device that contains a SIM or network connection for your
mobile operator.
2. Open the messaging app and attempt to send a message to a valid email address.
3. The message should send and arrive successfully.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Server for MMS acknowledgement messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

By default, the MMS transport sends an acknowledgement to the provisioned MMS application server (MMSC ).
However, on some networks, the correct server to use is sent as a URL in the MMS message. In that case, a
registry key must be set, or else the acknowledgement will not be received and the server will continue to send
duplicate messages.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to enable some networks to correctly acknowledge MMS messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="UseDefaultAddress" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set UseDefaultAddress to one of the following values:


1 or 0x1 Enable some networks to correctly acknowledge MMS


0 or 0x0 Disable the feature.

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
SMS delivery confirmation
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can specify whether users receive notification that SMS messages could not be delivered, and determine
whether users can control these notifications by using the SMS delivery confirmation toggle in the Messaging
settings screen. By default, this user setting is not visible, and delivery confirmations are not turned on.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to hide or show the 'SMS delivery confirmation' toggle in
Settings, and configure the default
value for the toggle."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)/SMSDeliveryNotify">
<Setting Name="DeliveryNotifySupported" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SMSDeliveryNotify" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. To hide or show the SMS delivery confirmation toggle, set the value of DeliveryNotifySupported to one
of the following:


0 or 'False' Hides the toggle.

1 or 'True' Shows the toggle.

6. To set the default value for the SMS delivery confirmation toggle, set the value of SMSDeliveryNotify to
one of the following:


0 or 'False' Sets the default value to off.

1 or 'True' Sets the default value to on.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Messaging settings screen.
3. Verify the SMS delivery confirmation toggle default value or check that it is no longer visible depending
on the registry key that you used.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
SMS encoding
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Partners can change the default GSM 7-bit code page decoding and encoding, and can also extend the set of
supported SMS encodings by setting an "always-on" GSM 7-bit shift table, adding encoders, and adding decoders.
Using augmented NLS encodings, Windows 10 Mobile supports the following SMS encodings, as defined in the
3GPP TS 23.038 specification:
7-bit ASCII (used on 3GPP2 only)
GSM 7-bit encoding
Default alphabet
GSM with Single Shift for Spanish
GSM with Single Shift for Portuguese
GSM with Single Shift for Turkish
KSC 5601
SMS Greek Reduction
Other binary data encoding usage
By default, Windows 10 Mobile supports the GSM 7-bit default alphabet table. Partners do not need to set a
registry key to support this. However, partners can change the default GSM 7-bit code page to decode and encode
all incoming and outgoing SMS messages by using GSM7BitEncodingPage and setting this to one of the allowed
values. See the following instructions for more information on how to do this.
Partners can change the default GSM 7-bit encoding to one of the other supported SMS encodings by setting the
appropriate registry setting. See the following instructions for more information on how to do this.
OEMs can also extend the set of supported SMS encodings by setting an "always-on" GSM 7-bit shift table,
adding encoders, and adding decoders. For more information, see Add encoding extension tables for SMS.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the SMS encoding settings."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->
<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/SMS">
<Setting Name="Encodings/GSM7BitEncodingPage" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Encodings/GSM8BitEncodingPage" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Encodings/UseASCII" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Encodings/UseKeyboardLanguage" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Encodings/SendUDHNLSS" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Encodings/OctetEncodingPage" Value="" />

<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/SMS">
<Setting Name="Encodings/GSM7BitEncodingPage" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Encodings/GSM8BitEncodingPage" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Encodings/UseASCII" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Encodings/UseKeyboardLanguage" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Encodings/SendUDHNLSS" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Encodings/OctetEncodingPage" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Configure the settings and values depending on the SMS encoding that you want to set.


Encodings/GSM7BitEncodingPage Used to set the code page value for GSM 7-bit
The possible values are as follows:


55000 0xD6D8 Default


55001 0xD6D9 GSM with

Single Shift
for Spanish

55002 0xD6DA GSM with

Single Shift

55003 0xD6DB GSM with

Single Shift
for Turkish

55004 0xD6DC SMS Greek


Encodings/GSM8BitEncodingPage Used to set the code page value for GSM 8-bit

Encodings/UseASCII Used only for CDMA carriers that use 7-bit ASCII
encoding instead of GSM 7-bit encoding.
The possible values are as follows:


1 Turns on 7-bit ASCII

0 Turns off 7-bit ASCII


Encodings/UseKeyboardLanguage Used to change the SMS encoding based on the

language of the device keyboard. This only works for
these languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish
The possible values are as follows:


1 Turns on SMS
encoding based on
keyboard language.

0 Turns off SMS

encoding based on
keyboard language.

Encodings/SendUDHNLSS Used to specify whether outgoing SMS messages

using GSM 7-bit encoding will contain header
information that defines the shift table used.
The possible values are as follows:


1 Turns on the feature.

0 Turns off the feature.

Encodings/OctetEncodingPage Used to set the code page for octet (binary) encoding.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the messaging application to write and send an SMS message.
3. Verify that the written SMS message used the correct encoding and, when possible, also verify that the sent
SMS message was received with the correct encoding.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
SMS intercept deny list
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

OEMs can specify one or more filters in order to intercept incoming SMS messages intended for mobile operator
partner applications that are not installed on the device.
Applications from mobile operator partners can receive notifications from incoming SMS messages. Specifically,
the Windows 10 Mobile SMS intercept feature takes string filters declared by the partner application in its
manifest and matches these with the opening text in the SMS messages. If there is a string match, the message is
delivered to the corresponding application instead of the Microsoft messaging application.
As part of the SMS intercept feature, OEMs can specify one or more filters in a deny list to be matched against
incoming SMS messages intended for mobile operator partner applications that are not installed on the device. If
an SMS message matches a filter on the deny list, the message is dropped and never delivered to the messaging
application or shown to the user. If filters are not specified as part of the deny list and the mobile operator
application is not installed on the device, the SMS message is delivered to the Microsoft messaging application
and displayed to the user.
The SMS intercept deny list follows the following filter and string matching rules:
Filter rules:
Each filter can only be matched to one application ID. If multiple applications listed the same filter, the first
application is used. This is not deterministic across boots.
The longest filter strings are matched to ensure that exact matches are made before partial matches.
A filter must be at least 3 characters long. If the filter is less than 3 characters long it will be ignored and
omitted from the filter match list.
A filter can be up to 74 characters long.
A filter can only contain valid Unicode characters.
Byte by byte comparison is used without consideration for culture.
Comparisons are not case sensitive.
String match rules:
The string must start as the leading character of the message.
The filter string is considered a match if it is an exact match or it is a partial match where the entire filter is
contained in the first segment of the body of the message.
The SMS intercept deny list runs after the partner application string matching has been done.
The following examples show the results for the string match based on the preceding rules:


//MOMessagingClient //MOMessagingClient Yes – exact match

MOMessagingClient MOMessagingClient Yes – exact match


//MOMessagingClient //MOMessagingClient12345 You Yes – partial match

can sign on!

//MOMessagingClient You can sign on now! No – wrong location


//M*MessagingClient //MOMessagingClient No – no wildcards in the filter string

// //MOMessagingClient No – filter string must be at least 3


//MOMessagingClient //MOMessageClient You can sign No – not an exact match


//MOMessagingClient _//MOMessagingClient No – not a leading string

MOMessagingClient MOMessagingClient No – leading whitespace or tab

//MOMessagingClient //momessagingclient Case insensitive

//MOMessagingClient //MOMessagingClient Exact match (on

//MOMessagingClient) over partial
//MO (//MO)

Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify one or more filters in a deny list to be matched
against incoming SMS messages intended for
mobile operator partner applications that are not installed on the device."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<!-- Set the value for the ports where the device will accept cellular broadcast messages.
The value must be in REG_MULTI_SZ format, such as "Prefix1;Prefix2;Prefix3" and so on -->
<Setting Name="SmsInterceptPrefixes" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the SmsInterceptPrefixes value to one or more filters in a deny list. For example, Prefix1;Prefix2;Prefix3
and so on.
The following notes apply for this customization:
SMS messages that start with the filters (designated by the placeholders Prefix1,Prefix2, and so on) are
dropped and never delivered. Filters are provided by the mobile operators.
The number of filters that OEMs can add in the deny list is not limited.
The system does not back up the set of settings and values for this feature.
The system only reads the deny list at boot time. If setting values are updated at a later time, the device
must be restarted for the updated list to take effect.
Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Send several SMS messages to the device (some that match the filters and others that do not).
3. Based on the filters that you added, verify if the messages that match the filters were correctly dropped and
verify that those that don’t match any filters show up in the messaging app.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
SMS intercept ports
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can configure ports on which a Wireless Application Protocol (WAP )-formatted message can be intercepted
by the mobile operator app.
Certain mobile operators require the ability to intercept SMS messages for processing by a mobile operator app
rather than by the standard Microsoft messaging app. To meet these operator requirements, OEMs can specify
string filters in a deny list to be matched against incoming SMS messages intended for operator partner apps that
are not installed on the device. For more information on how to do this, see SMS intercept deny list. In addition,
operators can also require the ability to configure the port on which a Wireless Application Protocol (WAP )-
formatted message can be intercepted by the mobile operator app. The incoming WAP message must have its
destination port set to be one of the configured ports in order for the message to be accepted. To configure the
correct port, OEMs can use the SmsInterceptPorts setting that's documented in this topic.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify one or more ports on which a WAP-formatted message can
be intercepted by a mobile operator app."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="SmsInterceptPorts" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the SmsInterceptPorts value to one or more ports on which a WAP -formatted message can be
intercepted by the custom MO app. For example, 4100;04102;04456 and so on.
Caution Any port number can be configured except for 2948, which is the standard port of a WAP push.
Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator partner to correctly test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Support HTTP cache-control no-transform for MMS
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For networks that require it, OEMs can add support for the HTTP header Cache-Control No-Transform directive
for MMS messages. When set, proxies and transcoders are instructed not to change the HTTP header and the
content should not be modified ( Cache-Control: no-transform\r\n ).
When this directive is not set or the registry setting is missing, the HTTP header is set to Cache-Control No-Cache
( Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n ).
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add support for the HTTP header Cache-Control No-Transform
directive for MMS messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="SetCacheControlNoTransform" Value="1" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Do not modify the SetCacheControlNoTransform``Value . A value of 1 or 0x1 adds support for the HTTP
header Cache-Control No-Transform directive.
When the SetCacheControlNoTransform``Value is set to 0 or 0x0 or when the setting is not set, the default
HTTP header Cache-Control No-Cache directive is used.
Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a UICC.
Warning To fully verify this customization, you will need to use a tool that captures HTTP traffic.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Supported protocols for service indication messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can add additional supported protocols for service indication messages. By default, service indication
messages are valid only if their href begins with one of the four supported protocols: http, https, wsp, or wsps.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add additional supported protocols for service indication

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="SIProtocols" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the value of SIProtocols to include the additional supported protocols you want to add. For example,
http;https;wsp. Note that the value must be of type REG_MULTI_SZ.
Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Switch from SMS to MMS for long messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For networks that do support MMS and do not support segmentation of SMS messages, partners can specify an
automatic switch from SMS to MMS for long messages.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify an automatic switch from SMS to MMS for long messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="ConvertLongSMStoMMS" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the value of ConvertLongSMStoMMS value to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Disables switching from SMS to MMS for long

messages. This is the default behavior.

1 or 'True' Enables switching from SMS to MMS for long


Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Truncated content handling for WAP push notification
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For networks that require non-standard handling of single-segment incoming MMS WAP Push notifications,
partners can specify that MMS messages may have some of their content truncated and that they may require
special handling to reconstruct truncated field values.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify that MMS messages may have some of their content
truncated and to indicate that the message may require special handling to reconstruct
truncated field values."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="WapPushTechnology" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set WapPushTechnology to one of the following values:


1 or 0x1 Enables MMS messages to have some of their content


0 or 0x0 Disables MMS messages from being truncated.

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Use insert-address-token or local raw address
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To meet certain mobile operator requirements, OEMs can customize the OS image to use either the insert-
address-token or the local raw address for the From field in MMS messages.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Configure if you want to use insert-address-token or the local raw
address for
the 'From' field in MMS messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="UseInsertAddressToken" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define the Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC,
and SPN.
4. Define the settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the value for UseInsertAddressToken to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Uses the local raw address for the From field for MMS

1 or 'True' Uses the insert-address-token for the From field for

MMS messages.
This is the default value set by the OS.

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to properly test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Use UTF-8 for MMS messages with unspecified
character encoding
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Some incoming MMS messages may not specify a character encoding. To properly decode MMS messages that
do not specify a character encoding, OEMs can set UTF -8 to decode the message.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set UTF-8 character encoding to decode incoming MMS messages
that do not have a specified
character encoding."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="UseUTF8ForUnspecifiedCharset" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the value of UseUTF8ForUnspecifiedCharset to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Disables using UTF-8 for MMS messages with

unspecified character encoding. This is the default

1 or 'True' Enables using UTF-8 for MMS messages with

unspecified character encoding.

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to properly test this customization on their network.
To verify the customization:
1. Use a device to send an MMS message without a character encoding specified to your Windows 10 Mobile
2. Verify that the MMS was received correctly on your Windows 10 Mobile device. The message should not
contain any unrecognized characters.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
User agent profile for MMS messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can specify a user agent profile to use on the device for MMS messages. The user agent profile XML file
details a device’s hardware specifications and media capabilities so that an MMS application server (MMSC ) can
return supported optimized media content to the device. The user agent profile XML file is generally stored on the
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
The MMS -specific components for Windows 10 Mobile are included in the following code sample.

<!-- **** Microsoft MMS Baseline Characteristics Description ****

5/25/2012 -->
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="MMSCharacteristics">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=
"http://www.wapforum.org/profiles/MMS/ccppschema-20010111#MmsCharacteristics" />
<!-- Max size must mirror max size that the mobile operator
allows for sending. -->
<!-- Image -->
<!-- Audio -->
<!-- Video -->
<!-- Text -->
<!-- VCards -->
<rdf:li> text/x-vcard</rdf:li>
<!-- Other MIME type -->

There are two ways to correlate a user agent profile with a given device:
You can take the user agent string of the device that is sent with MMS requests and use it as a hash to map
to the user agent profile on the MMSC. The user agent string cannot be modified.
Alternatively, you can directly set the URI of the user agent profile on the device.
The following steps describe how to specify a custom user agent profile XML file by using a registry setting.
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify a user agent profile to use for MMS messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">

<!-- Replace UAProf.xml with the full URI of your user agent profile file. -->
<Setting Name="UAProf" Value="UAProf.xml" />

<!-- Use to specify the custom user agent property name. Set the value to either
"x-wap-profile or "profile" -->
<Setting Name="UAProfToken" Value="x-wap-profile" />




2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. In the UAProf``Value , replace UAProf.xml value with the full URI of your user agent profile.
Optionally, you can also specify the custom user agent property name for MMS that is sent in the header by
setting UAProfToken to either x-wap-profile or profile .

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
User agent string for MMS messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can replace the entire user agent string for MMS.
By default, this string has the format WindowsPhoneMMS/MicrosoftMMSVersionNumber
WindowsPhoneOS/OSVersion-buildNumber OEM -deviceName, in which the italicized text is replaced with the
appropriate values for the phone.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to replace the entire user agent string for MMS messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="UserAgentString" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the UserAgentString``Value to the new user agent string for MMS in its entirely.
By default, this string has the format WindowsPhoneMMS/MicrosoftMMSVersionNumber
WindowsPhoneOS/OSVersion-buildNumber OEM -deviceName, in which the italicized text is replaced with
the appropriate values for the device.
Work with your mobile operator to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
User alert for service indication messages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can hide the user prompts for signal-medium messages.

By default, when a service indication message is received with a signal-medium or signal-high setting, the phone
interrupts and shows the user prompt for these messages. However, partners can hide the user prompts for signal-
medium messages.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to hide the user prompts for signal-medium service indication

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="HideMediumSIPopups" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set the value of HideMediumSIPopups value to one of the following:


0 or 'False' Shows the signal-medium service indication messages.

This is the default behavior.

1 or 'True' Hides the signal-medium service indication messages.

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device that has a SIM.
2. Send a signal-medium service indication message to the device and verify that a notification window does
not appear at the top of the screen.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Video attachments in MMS
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can specify the transcoding to use for video files sent as attachments in MMS messages.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify the transcoding to use for video files sent as
attachments in MMS messages."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="Messaging/PerSimSettings/$(__ICCID)">
<Setting Name="TargetVideoFormat" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
4. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
5. Set TargetVideoFormat to one of the following values to configure the default transcoding for video files
sent as attachments in MMS messages:


0 or 0x0 Sets the transcoding to H.264 + AAC + MP4. This is

the default set by the OS.

1 or 0x1 Sets the transcoding to H.264 + AAC + 3GP.

2 or 0x2 Sets the transcoding to H.263 + AMR.NB + 3GP.

3 or 0x3 Sets the transcoding to MPEG4 + AMR.NB + 3GP.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Attempt to send a message with an attachment that requires the new transcoding. Verify that the message
sends and that the file can be opened after it is received.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Voicemail SMS intercept
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can define a filter that intercepts an incoming SMS message and triggers visual voicemail
synchronization. The filtered message does not appear in the user’s conversation list.
A visual voicemail sync is triggered by an incoming SMS message if the following conditions are met:
The message sender value starts with the string specified in the SyncSender setting. The length of the
specified values must be greater than 3 characters but less than 75 characters.
The body of the message starts with the string specified in the SyncPrefix setting. The length of the
specified values must be greater than 3 characters but less than 75 characters.
Visual voicemail is configured and enabled. For more information, see Visual voicemail.
Constraints: Atomic
This customization supports: per-SIM value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to define a filter that intercepts an incoming SMS message and
triggers visual voicemail synchronization."


<Settings Path="Messaging/GlobalSettings/VoicemailIntercept">
<Setting Name="SyncSender" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SyncPrefix" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Specify a value for SyncSender that is greater than 3 characters but less than 75 characters in length.
For networks that support it, this value can be a short code of the mailbox server that sends a standard
SMS notification.
4. Specify a value for SyncPrefix that is greater than 3 characters but less than 75 characters in length.
For networks that support it, this value can be the keyword for the SMS notification.
Note The SyncSender and SyncPrefix values vary for each mobile operator, so OEMs must work with their
mobile operators to obtain the correct or required values.
Make sure that the correct visual voicemail settings for the mobile operator are also set. For more information, see
Visual voicemail.
Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone that has a UICC.
2. Successfully testing this customization requires the correct values, so work with your mobile operator
partner to test this customization on their network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for SIM settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations for SIM settings.

In this section

Add a suffix to the mobile operator name To meet branding requirements for some mobile operators,
OEMs can add a suffix to the network name that is displayed
on the phone. For example, from ABC to ABC 3G when under
3G coverage.

Additional Internet APN settings OEMs can hide both the add internet apn button and the IP
type listbox in the internet APN settings screen.

Change SIM to SIM/UIM Partners can change the string "SIM" to "SIM/UIM" in the
device UI.

Change the default SIM name to match the SPN or operator Partners can change the default name read from the SIM to
name define the SPN for SIM cards that do not contain this
information or to generate the default friendly name for the

Configure C+G dual SIM settings Partners can configure the settings for C+G dual SIM phones.

Hide the SIM security settings option OEMs can hide the SIM security settings option. By default,
the is visible when you go to the Settings > applications >
phone screen.

Remove the trailing MSISDN digits on a SIM card OEMs can remove the trailing MSISDN digits from the service
provider name (SPN) in the device UI.

Settings for IMS services OEMs can configure the default settings and toggle for IMS
services to meet mobile operator requirements.

View Internet APN For mobile operators that require it, OEMs can show the View
Internet APN button in the Cellular & SIM settings page for
users that have a data plan. When data is off, the button is
disabled. By default, the button is hidden.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Add a suffix to the mobile operator name
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To meet branding requirements for some mobile operators, OEMs can add a suffix to the network name that is
displayed on the phone. For example, from ABC to ABC 3G when under 3G coverage. This feature can be applied
for any radio access technology (RAT).
For TD -SCDMA RAT, a 3G suffix is always appended by default, but partners can also customize this the same way
as with any other RAT.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to add a suffix to the network name that is displayed on the

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/General">
<Setting Name="NetworkSuffix/$(SYSTEMTYPE)" Value="" />



<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/General">
<Setting Name="NetworkSuffix/$(SYSTEMTYPE)" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. In the setting name, set $ (SYSTEMTYPE ) to the network type that you want to append the network name to,
and set the value for that network type as shown in the following table:


4 2G Represents

8 3G Represents


(LTE connection).

32 3G Represents
(TD-SCDMA connection).
Partners do not need to set this
registry value.
By default, this registry setting is
set to “ 3G”.

For example, if you would like the mobile operator name (ABC) and the suffix (3G) to appear as **ABC 3G**
(there is a space between the network name and the connection type) rather than **ABC3G** (no space between
the network name and connection type), you need to include a space when setting the values.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device with a SIM.
2. In the Start screen, verify that the phone tile shows the mobile operator name followed one of the suffixes
that you set.
The suffix will depend on the network.
3. Go to the Settings screen and scroll down until you see Cellular & SIM. Verify that the mobile operator
name is followed by the correct suffix. This should match what you see in the phone tile in the Start screen.
4. Tap Cellular & SIM and verify that the Active network shows the mobile operator name and correct

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Additional Internet APN settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can hide both the add internet apn button and the IP type listbox in the internet APN settings screen.
If it is required by the mobile operator OEMs can hide the add internet apn button, which enables the user to
manually add and configure a data connection for a network. OEMs can also hide the IP type listbox in the
internet APN settings screen.
Limitations and restrictions:
Partners must not provide an alternate user interface for adding or editing APN values.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to hide or show the 'add internet apn' button in the SIM settings
and hide or show the 'IP type' setting in the internet APN settings
<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX">
<Setting Name="HideAPN" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HideAPNIPType" Value="" />
<Setting Name="APNIPTypeIfHidden" Value="" />


<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX">
<Setting Name="HideAPN" Value="" />
<Setting Name="HideAPNIPType" Value="" />
<Setting Name="APNIPTypeIfHidden" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set the value for HideAPN to one of the following:

0 or 'No' Shows the add internet APN button in the SIM

settings screen.

1 or 'Yes' Hides the add internet APN button in the SIM

settings screen.

5. Set the value for HideAPNIPType to one of the following:


0 or 'No' Shows the IP type listbox in the internet APN

settings screen.

1 or 'Yes' Hides the IP type listbox in the internet APN settings


6. To change the default IP type shown in the IP type listbox: Set the value for APNIPTypeIfHidden to one of
the following:


0 or 'IPV4' Sets the default IP type to IPv4.

1 or 'IPV6' Sets the default IP type to IPv6.

2 or 'IPV4V6' Sets the default IP type to IPv4v6.

3 or 'IPV4V6XLAT' Sets the default IP type to IPv4v6 XLAT.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the cellular & SIM screen in Settings.
3. Verify that the add internet apn button is no longer visible if configured to be hidden.
4. Tap the add internet apn button. Depending on the setting, verify that:
a. The IP type setting either shows a dropdown listbox with IPv4, IPv6, IPv4v6, or IPv4v6 464XLAT.
b. The IP type setting is hidden.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Change SIM to SIM/UIM
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can change the string "SIM" to "SIM/UIM" in the device UI.
Enabling this customization changes all "SIM" strings to "SIM/UIM".
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to replace the 'SIM' strings in the device UI to 'SIM/UIM' to
accommodate scenarios such as Dual Mode cards of
SIM cards on the device."


<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/UIX">
<!-- Set the value to 0 or "SIM" (to use the default SIM string), or set to 1 or "UIM" (to use the
alternate SIM/UIM string) -->
<Setting Name="SIMToSIMUIM" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of SIMToSIMUIM to one of the following:


0 or 'SIM' Uses the default string "SIM".

1 or 'UIM' Uses the alternate string "SIM/UIM".

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device without a SIM.
2. During the initial device setup, verify that you see the following error:
SIM/UIM error
The SIM/UIM card is missing or invalid. You can still make emergency calls if your mobile
operator supports it.
3. In the Start screen, verify that the phone tile shows No SIM/UIM.
All other "SIM" strings on the device should now show "SIM/UIM".

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Change the default SIM name to match the SPN or
operator name
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

By default, the OS displays SIM 1 or SIM 2 as the default friendly name for the SIM in slot 1 or slot 2 if the
service provider name (SPN ) or mobile operator name has not been set. Partners can use this customization to
change the default name read from the SIM to define the SPN for SIM cards that do not contain this information
or to generate the default friendly name for the SIM.
The OS uses the default value as the display name for the SIM or SPN in the Start screen and other parts of the UI
including the SIM settings screen. For dual SIM phones that contain SIMs from the same mobile operator, the
names that appear in the UI may be similar.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to define the SPN for SIM cards that don't contain this
information or use to
generate the default friendly name for the SIM."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/General/Critical">
<Setting Name="MultivariantProvisionedSPN" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the MultivariantProvisionedSPN value to the name of the SPN or mobile operator.
The following table shows the scenarios supported by this customization:

In the Default SIM name column:
The " " in MultivariantProvisionedSPN" "1234 means that there is a space between the mobile operator name or
SPN and the last 4 digits of the MSISDN.
MultivariantProvisionedSPN means the value that you set for the MultivariantProvisionedSPN setting.
SIM 1 or SIM 2 is the default friendly name for the SIM in slot 1 or slot 2.



Yes Yes Yes MultivariantProvisionedSP

N1234 or
N" "1234

Yes No No MultivariantProvisionedSP
N (up to 16 characters)

Yes Yes No MultivariantProvisionedSP

N (up to 16 characters)

Yes No Yes MultivariantProvisionedSP

N1234 or
N" "1234

No Yes Yes If SPN string >= 12:

If SPN string < 12: SPN"

No No No SIM 1 or SIM 2

No Yes No SPN (up to 16 characters)

No No Yes SIM 1 or SIM 2

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone that supports either a single or dual SIM.
2. Boot the phone and verify that the displayed friendly name for the SIM matches the SPN name or the value
set for MultivariantProvisionedSPN .
If there are two SIMs, verify that the displayed friendly names appear as expected.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configure C+G dual SIM settings
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

Partners can configure the settings for C+G dual SIM phones. The first slot is for CDMA (C ) and the second slot is
for GSM (G ).
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value.
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure settings for C+G dual SIM phones."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case.

<!-- Define the Targets. -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant. -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX">
<Setting Name="ShowManualAvoidance" Value="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/General">
<Setting Name="CardLock" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CardAllowList" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CardBlockList" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SuggestDataRoamingARD" Value="" />

<Settings Path="DeviceInfo/Variant">
<Setting Name="RoamingSupportPhoneNumber" Value="" />


<!-- Use for the per-device case -->


<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX">
<Setting Name="ShowManualAvoidance" Value="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CGDual">
<Setting Name="RestrictToGlobalMode" Value="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/UIX">
<Setting Name="SIM1ToUIM1" Value="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/General">
<Setting Name="CardLock" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CardAllowList" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CardBlockList" Value="" />

<Setting Name="DefaultSlotAffinity" Value="" />

<Setting Name="Slot2DisableAppsList" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SuggestGlobalModeARD" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SuggestGlobalModeTimeout" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SuppressDePersoUI" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SuggestDataRoamingARD" Value="" />

<Settings Path="AutomaticTime">
<Setting Name="PreferredSlot" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. To show the Switch to next network manually button on the Settings > Cellular & SIM page, set
ShowManualAvoidance to one of the following values:


0 or No Does not show the Switch to next network manually


1 or Yes Shows the Switch to next network manually button.

This setting supports per-IMSI or per-device values. Determine which one you would like to set. By default, this
setting is off or missing.

4. To configure card lock support, use and set the following settings:
a. To enforce either the card allow list or both the card allow and block lists, set CardLock to one of the
following values:

0 or PersoLockType_AllowAndBlockList Enforces both the card allow list and the card block

1 or PersoLockType_AllowListOnly Enforces only the card allow list.

Set the values for the CardAllowList and CardBlockList settings to configure the allow list and block
list, respectively.
b. To configure the list of SIM cards allowed in the first slot, set the value for CardAllowList to a
comma separated MCC:MNC list. You can also use wild cards, represented by an asterisk (*), to
accept any value. For example, you can set the value to 310:410,311:*,404:012,310:70.
c. To configure the list of SIM cards that are not allowed in the first slot, set the value for CardBlockList
to a comma separated MCC:MNC list. You can also use wild cards, represented by an asterisk (*), to
accept any value. For example, you can set the value to 310:410,311:*,404:012,310:70.

These settings support per-IMSI or per-device values. Determine which one you would like to set. By default, this
setting is off or missing.

5. To specify the OEM or mobile operator's roaming support contact phone number, set the optional
RoamingSupportPhoneNumber setting to the phone number you want to use. This string appears in the
About settings screen.
This setting is part of the DeviceInfo/Variant settings group. For more information about the other device
info settings, see Phone metadata in DeviceTargetingInfo.
6. To configure the Mode selection in the Cellular & SIM settings page, set RestrictToGlobalMode to one of
the following values:


0 or RestrictToGlobalMode_Disabled The phone is not restricted to global mode.

1 or RestrictToGlobalMode_Home When a slot is registered at home and supports global

mode, the mode selection is restricted to global mode.

2 or RestrictToGlobalMode_Always If a slot supports global mode and this value is selected,

the mode selection is restricted to global mode.

This setting is required for phones shipping on the China Telecom network. By default, this setting is off or
When the device registration changes, if the value for this setting is set, the OS changes the preferred
system type to the default preferred system type for world mode. If the phone is not camped on any
network, the OS assumes the phone is on the home network and changes the network registration
preference to default mode.
7. To show UIM1 as an alternate string instead of SIM1 for the first SIM, set SIM1ToUIM1 to one of the
following values:

0 or No Keeps the SIM1 strings in the UI for dual SIM phones.

1 or Yes Changes the SIM1 strings in the UI to UIM1 for dual SIM

By default, this setting is off or missing.

8. To set the data connection preference, set DefaultSlotAffinity to one of the following values:


0 or SlotAffinityForInternetData_Automatic The data connection preference is automatically set. When

set, the OS shows the Two SIMs? page when trying to
identify the network.

1 or SlotAffinityForInternetData_Slot0 Sets the data connection preference to Slot 0 and the data
connection cannot be edited.

2 or SlotAffinityForInternetData_Slot1 Sets the data connection preference to Slot 1 and the data
connection cannot be edited.

9. To disable a list of specified apps from Slot 2, set Slot2DisableAppsList to a comma separated value. For
example, 4,6.
10. To suggest global mode when the phone is not registered on other modes in the network, set
SuggestGlobalModeARD to one of the following values:


0 or SuggestGlobalModeARD_Disable No suggestion is made.

1 or SuggestGlobalModeARD_Enable Global mode is suggested.

11. To specify the number of seconds to wait for the network registration before suggesting global mode, set
SuggestGlobalModeTimeout to a value between 1 and 600, inclusive. For example, to set the timeout to 60
seconds, set the value to 60 (decimal) or 0x3C (hexadecimal).
12. To suppress the perso unlock UI, set SuppressDePersoUI to one of the following values:


0 or Disable Shows the perso unlock UI.

1 or Enable Suppresses the perso unlock UI.

13. To show the data roaming suggestion dialog when roaming and the data roaming setting is set to no
roaming, set SuggestDataRoamingARD to one of the following values:


0 or SuggestDataRoamingARD_Disable No suggestion is made.


1 or SuggestDataRoamingARD_Enable Data roaming suggestion is made.

14. To specify which UICC slot will be used for NITZ handling, set PreferredSlot to one of the following values:


0 or Slot 0 Uses the UICC in Slot 0 for NITZ handling.

1 or Slot 1 Uses the UICC in Slot 1 for NITZ handling.

Work with your mobile operator to determine the setting requirements for the network.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a C+G dual SIM phone.
2. Depending on the values you specified for the C+G settings, verify that the behavior matches the setting
value description.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Hide the SIM security settings option
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can hide the SIM security settings option.

By default, the is visible when you go to the Settings > applications > phone screen. To meet certain mobile
operator requirements or to provide a better user experience (including scenarios where a device contains a brand
new SIM that doesn't require a security PIN ), OEMs can hide this settings option.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to hide the 'SIM security' settings option from the Phone settings


<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="HideSIMSecurityUI" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the HideSIMSecurityUI setting to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Show the SIM security settings option in the

Settings > applications > phone screen.
This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'True' Hide the SIM security settings option in the Settings

> applications > phone screen.

Testing steps:
Work with your mobile operator partner to test this customization on their network.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device that has a brand new SIM that doesn't require a
security PIN.
2. Set up the device.
3. If you set HideSIMSecurityUI to 1 or 'True', go to the Phone settings screen and verify that the SIM
security settings option is not visible.
4. If you set HideSIMSecurityUI to 0 or 'False' or you did not change the default OS value, go to the Phone
settings screen and verify that the SIM security settings option is visible.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Remove the trailing MSISDN digits on a SIM card
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can remove the trailing MSISDN digits from the service provider name (SPN ) in the device UI.
By default, the OS appends the trailing MSISDN digits to the service provider name (SPN ) in the device UI,
including on the device and messaging apps. If required by mobile operators, OEMs can use the
SimNameWithoutMSISDNEnabled setting to remove the trailing MSISDN digits. However, you must use this setting
together with MultivariantProvisionedSPN to suppress the MSISDN digits. For more information about how to use
MultivariantProvisionedSPN , see Change the default SIM name to match the SPN or operator name.

Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to suppress the trailing MSISDN digits that are appended to the
SPN in the device UI."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/General/Critical">
<Setting Name="MultivariantProvisionedSPN" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SimNameWithoutMSISDNEnabled" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the MultivariantProvisionedSPN value to the name of the SPN or mobile operator. For more
information, see Change the default SIM name to match the SPN or operator name.
4. Set SimNameWithoutMSISDNEnabled to one of the following values:


0 or 'No' Keeps the trailing MSISDN digits.

This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'Yes' Removes the trailing MSISDN digits.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device that supports either a single or dual SIM.
2. Boot the device and verify the following:
The displayed friendly name for the SIM matches the SPN name or the value set for
MultivariantProvisionedSPN . If there are two SIMs, verify that the displayed friendly names appear as
expected for that SIM.
If you set SimNameWithoutMSISDNEnabled =1, the trailing MSISDN digits should not appear. If there are
two SIMs and both have SimNameWithoutMSISDNEnabled =1, both SIMs should not show the MSISDN
digits in the UI.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Settings for IMS services
1/18/2019 • 7 minutes to read

OEMs can configure the default settings and toggle for IMS services to meet mobile operator requirements. Users
can later manually change the default values for these settings if they choose to do so.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the toggles and other settings for IMS services."

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />

<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<Settings Path="Localization/MUI">
<!-- Use to add your base MUI DLL file -->
<Asset Name="BaseDll" Source="" />

<!-- Use to specify the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for the languages you are supporting
and have localized strings for -->
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/$(langid)" Source="" />
<!-- Add as many as you need -->

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX/Critical">

<Setting Name="ShowVoLTEToggle" Value="" />

<Setting Name="SwitchIMS" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SwitchIMS" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SwitchSMSOverIMS" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SwitchVoiceOverIMS" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SwitchVideoOverIMS" Value="" />
<Setting Name="SwitchXCAP" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VoLTEToggleDescription" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VoLTEToggleTitle" Value="" />

<!-- Settings for IMS roaming -->

<Setting Name="ShowVoLTERoaming" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VoLTESectionTitle" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VoLTERoamingTitle" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VoLTERoamingOnDescription" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VoLTERoamingOffDescription" Value="" />

<!-- Settings during active VoLTE calls -->

<Setting Name="VoLTESettingDisableDuringCall" Value="" />
<Setting Name="WFCSettingDisableDuringCall" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VoLTEToggleSettingDisableDuringCall" Value="" />
<Setting Name="VoLTERoamingSettingDisableDuringCall" Value="" />


<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX/Critical">
<!-- Use to hide or show the VoLTE toggle in the Settings > Cellular+SIM > SIM settings screen.
<Setting Name="ShowVoLTEToggle" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Add the resource-only .dll file and the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for the languages you are
supporting. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Add the resource-only .dll that contains the custom display string by setting the BaseDll asset to
point to the location of your base MUI DLL file. For example: C:\Path\DisplayStrings.dll.
b. Add the language MUI packages (*.dll.mui) for all the languages you are supporting and have
localized strings for. To do this:
Set the asset's Name to LanguageDll/ $ (langid ) where $ (langid ) corresponds to the language.
For example: LanguageDll/en-US.
Set the asset's Source to the location of the .dll.mui file for that language. For example:
Repeat the previous steps for the other languages.
The following example shows the customization answer file entries for en-US, fr-CA, and es-
MX languages:

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/en-US" Source="C:\Path\en-us\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />

<Asset Name="LanguageDll/fr-CA" Source="C:\Path\fr-CA\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />
<Asset Name="LanguageDll/es-MX" Source="C:\Path\es-MX\DisplayStrings.dll.mui" />

For more information, see Create a resource-only .dll for localized strings.
4. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC, MNC, and
5. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
6. Set the value for the following settings:
a. Set the value for ShowVoLTEToggle to one of the following to hide or show the VoLTE toggle.


0 or 'No' Hides the VoLTE toggle in the Settings >

Cellular+SIM > SIM screen.

1 or 'Yes' Shows the VoLTE toggle in the Settings >

Cellular+SIM > SIM screen.

b. Set the value for SwitchIMS to one of the following to switch IMS off or on with a toggle.


0 or 'No' The IMS service is not configured with the toggle.

1 or 'Yes' The IMS service will be switched on or off with the


c. Set the value for SwitchSMSOverIMS to one of the following to switch SMS over IMS on or off when
VoLTE is enabled.


0 or 'No' SMS over IMS is not configured with the toggle.

1 or 'Yes' SMS over IMS is switched on or off with the


d. Set the value for SwitchVoiceOverIMS to one of the following to switch voice over IMS on or off when
VoLTE is enabled.


0 or 'No' Voice over IMS is not configured with the toggle.

1 or 'Yes' Voice over IMS is switched on or off with the


e. Set the value for SwitchVideoOverIMS to one of the following to switch video over IMS on or off
when VoLTE is enabled.


0 or 'No' Video over IMS is not configured with the toggle.


1 or 'Yes' Video over IMS is switched on or off with the


f. Set the value for SwitchXCAP to one of the following to switch the XML Configuration Access
Protocol (XCAP ) on or off when VoLTE is enabled.


0 or 'No' XCAP is not configured with the toggle.

1 or 'Yes' XCAP is switched on or off with the toggle.

g. a. To customize the VoLTE toggle description, set the VoLTEToggleDescription value to the name
of the resource-only .dll file and specify the string offset. For example: @DisplayStrings.dll,-
Replace DisplayStrings.dll with the name of your .dll file and replace Offset with the correct
offset for the localized string.
b. To customize the VoLTE toggle label, set the VoLTEToggleTitle value to the name of the
resource-only .dll file and specify the string offset. For example: @DisplayStrings.dll,-102.
Replace DisplayStrings.dll with the name of your .dll file and replace Offset with the correct
offset for the localized string.
7. Set the value for the following IMS roaming settings:
a. To show the IMS roaming control in the cellular settings page, set ShowVoLTERoaming to one of the
following values:


0 or 'No' Hides the VoLTE roaming control in the Settings

> Cellular+SIM > SIM screen.

1 or 'Yes' Shows the VoLTE roaming control in the Settings

> Cellular+SIM > SIM screen.

b. To customize the section title for the IMS settings, specify a string as the value for VoLTESectionTitle
. The string must not be longer than 127 characters.
c. To customize the description string for the IMS roaming control, specify a string as the value for
VoLTERoamingTitle . The string must not be longer than 127 characters.

d. To customize the description that appears under the IMS roaming control when IMS roaming is
turned on, specify a string as the value for VoLTERoamingOnDescription . The string must not be longer
than 127 characters.
e. To customize the description that appears under the IMS roaming control when IMS roaming is
turned off, specify a string as the value for VoLTERoamingOffDescription . The string must not be
longer than 127 characters.
8. You can customize the settings related to active VoLTE calls by configuring these settings:
a. To specify whether to grey out VoLTE -related settings during an active VoLTE call, set
VoLTESettingDisableDuringCall to one of the following values:


0 or 'No' VoLTE-related settings are not greyed out.

1 or 'Yes' VoLTE-related settings are greyed out.

b. To specify whether to grey out Wi-Fi calling settings during an active VoLTE call, set the value for
WFCSettingDisableDuringCall to one of the following values:


0 or 'No' Wi-Fi calling settings are not greyed out.

1 or 'Yes' Wi-Fi calling settings are greyed out.

c. To specify whether to grey out the VoLTE toggle during an active VoLTE call, set the value for
VoLTEToggleSettingDisableDuringCall to one of the following values:


0 or 'No' The VoLTE toggle is not greyed out.

1 or 'Yes' The VoLTE toggle is greyed out.

d. To specify whether to grey out the VoLTE roaming settings during an active VoLTE call, set the value
for VoLTERoamingSettingDisableDuringCall to one of the following values:


0 or 'No' The VoLTE roaming settings are not greyed out.

1 or 'Yes' The VoLTE roaming settings are greyed out.

9. Important
Beginning with Windows Phone 8.1 GDR1, the ShowVoLTEToggle setting under the
CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX/Critical settings path must be set. This ensures that OMA-DM VoLTE features
for certain mobile operators are functioning properly. Once you have made this change to your answer file,
the ShowVoLTEToggle setting in the CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX/Critical settings path will be
ignored. You may remove or leave the per-IMSI setting in your answer file.
Set the value for ShowVoLTEToggle to one of the following to hide or show the VoLTE toggle.

0 or 'No' Hides the VoLTE toggle in the Settings >

Cellular+SIM > SIM screen.

1 or 'Yes' Shows the VoLTE toggle in the Settings >

Cellular+SIM > SIM screen.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go to the Settings > Cellular & SIM settings screen.
3. Verify that the correct settings and toggle values are showing up depending on the values you specified for
ShowVoLTEToggle , SwitchIMS , SwitchSMSOverIMS , and SwitchVoiceOverIMS .

4. If you customized the VoLTE toggle label and description, verify that the correct localized strings are
showing up based on the phone language.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
View Internet APN
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For mobile operators that require it, OEMs can show the View Internet APN button in the Cellular & SIM
settings page for users that have a data plan. When data is off, the button is disabled. By default, the button is
For dual SIM devices, the button is visible depending on the multivariant SIM settings. For example, if the data
plan is on SIM1 and the setting is configured to hide the button, the View Internet APN button will be hidden. If
the user switches to SIM2 and the setting is configured to show the button, the user will see the View Internet
APN button.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to show the 'View Internet APN' button in the cellular+SIM
settings screen."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/CellUX">
<!-- Use to show the 'View Internet APN' button in the cellular+SIM settings screen.
Set to 0 or 'No' (to hide, default) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to show). -->
<Setting Name="ShowViewAPN" Value="" />


<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/CellUX">
<!-- Use to show the 'View Internet APN' button in the cellular+SIM settings screen. Set to 0 or
'No' (to hide, default) or set to 1 or 'Yes' (to show). -->
<Setting Name="ShowViewAPN" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set the value for ShowViewAPN to one of the following:


0 or 'No' Hides the View Internet APN button in the Cellular

+ SIM settings screen.
This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'Yes' Shows the View Internet APN button in the Cellular

+ SIM settings screen.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a SIM.
2. Go to the Cellular & SIM screen in Settings.
3. Verify that the View Internet APN button is either hidden or visible depending on the value you set for
ShowViewAPN .

On a dual SIM device, verify if the View Internet APN button is hidden or visible depending on the
ShowViewAPN setting value for each SIM.

4. If there is no data plan associated with the SIM or data is turned off, verify that the button is disabled.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for locale-based settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations that you can configure to optimize mobile devices for different regions they may ship
to. Includes topics on shipping mobile devices to Chines.

In this section

Assistance for dialing international phone numbers Partners can turn off the international assist feature that helps
users with the country codes needed for dialing international
phone numbers.

China Type Approval requirement: app install prompts To meet China Type Approval (CTA) requirements for devices
shipping in China, OEMs must show a notification dialog to
alert users when the app being downloaded does certain

Contact management on the SIM (CN only) Partners can specify that users should be able to read, edit,
delete, import, and export contact information on their SIM
(basic SIM, USIM, or RUIM). This customization is only
available for devices sold in China.

Disable NITZ or daylight saving time OEMs can configure Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ) to
handle daylight saving time appropriately for their market, or
disable automatic setting of date and time completely.

Display location icon Partners can hide the location icon in the system tray if they

Ignore NITZ information from LTE networks For mobile networks that can receive Network Identity and
Time Zone (NITZ) information from multiple sources, partners
can set the device to ignore the time received from an LTE

Microsoft Store for China For a Windows 10 Mobile device shipping in China, OEMs
must specify that the device is intended for that market by
setting the PhoneROMLanguage setting in
DeviceTargetingInfo to the appropriate locale ID.

Mobile device languages Partners must select the set of available languages to include
on the mobile device. Partners must also specify one of the
included languages as the default device language.

Network Time Protocol support Use to automatically set the time using an NTP client in a
mobile device that doesn't support NITZ, or when cellular data
is not available.

Regional format Partners can specify the default country/region, regional

format, pre-enabled keyboard, and speech languages for the

Speech languages OEMs can specify the speech languages to include on the
mobile device.

Default list of countries/regions OEMs can select the countries/regions to exclude from the
default list shown in the mobile device's Country/Region list in
the Settings screen.

Preferred system types for phone connectivity (CN only) OEMs can provide more control over the system types that
their devices use to connect. This customization is only for
China. OEMs should not set this customization unless required
by the mobile operator.

Threshold for automatic time update For mobile networks that support Network Identity and Time
Zone (NITZ), OEMs can specify the difference (in number of
seconds) between the NITZ information and the current device
time before a device time update is triggered.

Time zone priority list Beginning with Windows 10 Mobile, this customization is no
longer necessary as the OS supports a location-based
timezone detection service. However, to maintain backwards
compatibility for some RPAL APIs that were previously
released, an updated table of the timezone IDs is provided for
your reference.

WAP browser support (CN and IN only) For phones that will ship in China and India, OEMs can add
one preloaded WAP browser to the phone, which will
automatically be launched when the user tries to open a WAP
link. The WAP browser must be written as an application, and
must go through the standard Microsoft Store submission

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Assistance for dialing international phone numbers
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can turn off the international assist feature that helps users with the country codes needed for dialing
international phone numbers. This customization is recommended when the device will be sold in a country or
region that has multiple IDD (country exit code) values.
If the country or region has multiple IDD values but a default is set, international assist will occasionally be
successful. The following lists show the countries and regions that are affected for placing or receiving calls.
Multiple IDD values, No Default (rarely successful):
Belize, Brazil, Cambodia, Columbia, Indonesia, Israel, Korea, Maldives, Mauritius, Mongolia, New Caledonia,
Singapore, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Thailand, Uganda, Uruguay
Multiple IDD values, default set (occasionally successful):
Australia, Costa Rica, Finland, Guatemala
If the international assist feature is turned off, it is also possible to override the MNC and MCC used for SMS. For
more information, see International assisted dialing for SMS.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the default state of the international assist feature that
helps users with country codes needed for dialing international phone numbers."
<Settings Path="Phone/PhoneSettings">
<Setting Name="AssistedDialSetting" Value="" />

2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set AssistedDialSetting to one of the following values:


0 or False Turns off the international assist feature by default

1 or True Turns on the international assist feature by default

By default, the international assist feature is turned off.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Phone settings screen.
3. Verify whether the International assist option is visible, and if so, whether it is turned on or off.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
CTA app install prompts
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

To meet China Type Approval (CTA) requirements for devices shipping in China, OEMs must show a notification
dialog to alert users when the app being downloaded does certain things.
Note This is a legacy mobile setting and is only a requirement for China. It works on phones being upgraded to
Windows 10 Mobile, but we recommend that you use the CountryAndRegion Windows provisioning setting
The dialog must be shown when the app being downloaded does any of the following:
Invokes user data from a phone book
Uses recording from the Microsoft Store
Uses location data
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to show a notification dialog to alert users when the app being
downloaded invokes data from a
phone book, uses recording from the Windows Phone Store, or uses
location data.
This customization is only a requirement for China."


<Settings Path="Zune/Settings">
<Setting Name="RequireExtendedCapabilityPrompts" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of RequireExtendedCapabilityPrompts to one of the following:


1 or 'Yes' Shows a notification dialog when the user downloads

an app from the Microsoft Store that supports the
functionality described for the customization.

0 or 'No' Disables the feature.

If the setting is not set, the feature is not enabled.

To fully test this customization, the phone must also be configured to use Microsoft Store for China.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Go to the Microsoft Store and download and install an app that can invoke the phone book.
3. Open the app to access the device's native phone book.
4. Verify that a notification dialog shows up.
5. Download another app that uses recording or location data and verify that you see the notification appear
when you first run the app.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Contact management on the SIM
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This customization is only available for devices sold in China.

Partners can specify that users should be able to read, edit, delete, import, and export contact information on their
SIM (basic SIM, USIM, or RUIM ).
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify that users should be able to read, edit, delete,
import, and export contact information
on their SIM (basic SIM, USIM, or RUIM)."


<Settings Path="People/SIMContactManagement">
<Setting Name="EnableSIMAddressBookAndExport" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of EnableSIMAddressBookAndExport to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Disables the export contacts to SIM/import SIM

contacts button in the People settings screen.

1 or 'True' Enables the export contacts to SIM/import SIM

contacts button in the People settings screen.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a SIM.
2. Go to the People Hub and tap the + button to add a new contact.
3. Verify that you can see the Create contact in window, which includes an option for creating the contact in the
4. Choose where you would like to create the contact, and then add a new contact by filling in a name and phone
5. Go to the People Settings screen.
6. Verify that you can see both an export contacts to SIM button and an import SIM contacts button.
The import SIM contacts button will not be activated unless the SIM you used for testing already
contains SIM contacts or the contact you created in step 4 was created in the SIM.
The export contacts to SIM button will not be activated unless there are contacts in your Microsoft

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Disable NITZ or daylight saving time
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can configure NITZ to handle daylight saving time appropriately for their market, or disable automatic
setting of date and time completely.
By default, the OS automatically sets the time and date by using Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ ). OEMs
can configure NITZ to handle daylight saving time appropriately for their market, or disable automatic setting of
date and time on the device completely if NITZ is not supported by the network.
In addition, if the device will be sold in a country or region that does not use daylight saving time, partners can
disable it on the device. This will help the automatic time algorithm choose the correct time zone with greater
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure NITZ to handle DST or disable automatic date and time
setting if NITZ is not supported."


<Settings Path="AutomaticTime">

<!-- Use to disable automatic date and time configuration -->

<Setting Name="EnableAutomaticTime" Value="" />

<!-- Use to disable automatic DST adjustment -->

<Setting Name="DisableDaylightSavingsTime" Value="" />




2. Specify an Owner .
3. The following values are valid for EnableAutomaticTime :


0 Use to disable automatic time setting with NITZ.

1 Use to enable automatic time setting with NITZ.

4. The following values are valid for DisableDaylightSavingsTime :


0 Use to enable daylight saving time.

1 Use to disable daylight saving time.

5. Delete either of the EnableAutomaticTime or DisableDaylightSavingsTime settings if the feature does not
need to be disabled.
Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device with a SIM or UICC.
2. If you have disabled automatic time setting with NITZ, ensure that the date and time is not set automatically
for the user during setup.
If you have disabled NITZ, the default time zone shown during setup will come from the country/region
default time zone list based on the current country/region setting. Also, the date + time screen in Settings
will have fields for Time zone, Date, and Time, but no Set automatically toggle.
3. If daylight saving time has been disabled and automatic time is enabled, the device determines the most
likely time zone by the current offset only.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Display location icon
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can hide the location icon in the system tray if they choose.
By default, the location icon in the system tray is displayed whenever an app requests the user's location. Users
may override the setting in the Location settings screen.
Constraints: FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure the display of the location icon in the system tray."


<Settings Path="Shell/SystemTray/Location">
<Setting Name="LocationIcon" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of LocationIcon to one of the following:


1 or 'Enabled' Displays the location icon in the system tray. This is

the default.

0 or 'Disabled' Hides the location icon in the system tray.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device.
2. Depending on the value you set for LocationIcon , verify if the location icon is displayed or is hidden in the
system tray if an app that requests the user's location is launched.
3. Go to the Settings > Location screen. Change the value of the Show icon option and verify if the location
icon is displayed or is hidden from the system tray based on the setting you chose.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Ignore NITZ information from LTE networks
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For mobile networks that can receive Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ ) information from multiple sources,
partners can set the device to ignore the time received from an LTE network. Time received from a CDMA network
is not affected.
Constraints: None
This customization supports: per-IMSI value, per-device value
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set the phone to ignore the time received from an LTE network."

<!-- Use for the per-IMSI case

<!-- Define the Targets -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerIMSI/$(__IMSI)/General">
<Setting Name="NitzFiltering" Value="0x10" />



<!-- Use for the per-device case

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/General">
<Setting Name="NitzFiltering" Value="0x10" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Determine if you need to use the per-IMSI or per-device setting.
For the per-IMSI case:
a. Define Targets or conditions for when a variant can be applied, such as keying off a SIM's MCC,
MNC, and SPN.
b. Define settings for a Variant, which are applied if the associated target's conditions are met.
4. Set the Value to 0x10.
The value specifies RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_LTE.
Work with your mobile operator partner to test this customization on their network.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device capable of receiving NITZ information from both a
CDMA network and LTE network.
2. Verify that the device only uses NITZ information received from the CDMA network.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Microsoft Store for China
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For a Windows 10 Mobile device shipping in China, OEMs must specify that the device is intended for that market
by setting the PhoneROMLanguage setting in DeviceTargetingInfo to the appropriate locale ID. For example,
for Chinese (China) the locale ID must be set to 0804. When enabled, users are routed to the Microsoft Store for
Note This customization is only a requirement for China.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to set phone metadata including the phone model name, OEM and
mobile operator name, hardware and software versions, and so on."

<!-- Define the Targets for the Variant -->

<Target Id="">
<Condition Name="" Value="" />
<Condition Name="" Value="" />

<Settings Path="Multivariant">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="1" />
<Settings Path="AutoDataConfig">
<Setting Name="Enable" Value="0" />

<!-- These settings are ImageTimeOnly and will be put directly into the registry hive -->
<Settings Path="DeviceInfo/Static">
<Setting Name="PhoneManufacturer" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneROMVersion" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneHardwareRevision" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneSOCVersion" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneFirmwareRevision" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneRadioHardwareRevision" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneRadioSoftwareRevision" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneBootLoaderVersion" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneROMLanguage" Value="0804" />
<Setting Name="PhoneHardwareVariant" Value="" />

<!-- Specify the Variant -->

<Variant Name="">
<TargetRef Id="" />

<!-- These settings are FirstVariationOnly and can be configured at runtime potentially based on
SIM value -->
<Settings Path="DeviceInfo/Variant">
<Setting Name="PhoneMobileOperatorName" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneManufacturerModelName" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneMobileOperatorDisplayName" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneSupportPhoneNumber" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneSupportLink" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneOEMSupportLink" Value="" />
<Setting Name="PhoneModelName" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set PhoneROMLanguage to 0804 for China (Chinese).
If partners do not set the PhoneROMLanguage setting to a China locale ID, partners may not ship the device in
China. For more information about all locale IDs (LCIDs) including Chinese LCIDs, see Locale IDs assigned
by Microsoft on MSDN.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device with a UICC.
2. From the device, launch the Microsoft Store and verify that you are routed to the store for China.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Mobile device languages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners must select the set of available languages to include on the mobile device. Partners must also specify one
of the included languages as the default device language.
Windows 10 Mobile provides support for many languages. See the detailed list in this topic for more information.
Limitations and restrictions:
Partners must include at least one device language.
Microsoft recommends that OEMs include all of the supported device languages, but the OEM must abide by
the space limitations for the partition layout.
Partners cannot modify existing languages or add support for their own.
For more information about language customizations, see the overview Set languages and locales.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly

To modify the list of device languages, you must edit the UserInterface section in the OEMInput.xml file before
building the device image.
The following device languages are supported.


Afrikaans af-ZA

Albanian sq-AL

Amharic am-ET

Arabic ar-SA

Azerbaijani (Latin) az-Latn-AZ

Bangla bn-BD

Basque (Basque) eu-ES

Belarusian be-BY

Bulgarian bg-BG

Catalan ca-ES

Chinese (Simplified) zh-CN

Chinese (Traditional) zh-TW

Croatian hr-HR

Czech cs-CZ

Danish da-DK

Dutch nl-NL

English (United Kingdom) en-GB

English (United States) en-US

Estonian et-EE

Filipino fil-PH

Finnish fi-FI

French (Canada) fr-CA

French (France) fr-FR

Galician gl-ES

German de-DE

Greek el-GR

Hausa (Latin) ha-Latn-NG

Hebrew he-IL

Hindi hi-IN

Hungarian hu-HU

Icelandic is-IS

Indonesian id-ID

Italian it-IT

Japanese ja-JP

Kannada kn-IN

Kazakh kk-KZ

Khmer km-KH

Korean ko-KR

Lao lo-LA

Latvian lv-LV

Lithuanian lt-LT

Macedonian mk-MK

Malay ms-MY

Malayalam ml-IN

Norwegian (Bokmål) nb-NO

Persian fa-IR

Polish pl-PL

Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR

Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT

Romanian ro-RO

Russian ru-RU

Serbian (Latin) sr-Latn-RS

Slovak sk-SK

Slovenian sl-SI

Spanish (Mexico) es-MX

Spanish (Spain) es-ES

Swahili sw-KE

Swedish sv-SE

Tamil ta-IN

Telugu te-IN

Thai th-TH

Turkish tr-TR

Ukrainian uk-UA

Uzbek (Latin) uz-Latn-UZ

Vietnamese vi-VN

List of included device languages: OEMs must include at least one device language. To include multiple
device languages, add additional Language entries to the UserInterface section of the OEMInput.xml file.
In the following example, English (US ), Japanese, and Dutch are included as device languages.

Default device language: to define the default device language that the device will use when it is first
turned on by the user, OEMs must define both a default device language and a default regional format.
Both values must be specified in the OEMInput.xml file before building the device image.
To specify the default device language, edit the BootUILanguage entry in OEMInput.xml. This value
must match one of your Language entries from the UserInterface section.
To specify the default regional format, edit the BootLocale entry in OEMInput.xml.
Expanding on the previous example, the following shows how to set Japanese as the default device
language (BootUILanguage) and set the default regional format (BootLocale) to Japan.


These two paired values either have to be the same or they must be associated. For more information, see the
recommended values shown in the table in Set languages and locales.

1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. During initial device setup, do not change the device language.
3. Go to the Language screen in Settings > Time & language.
4. Look at the language list and verify that the default language is correct.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Network Time Protocol support
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Use to automatically set the time using an NTP client in a mobile device that doesn't support NITZ, or when
cellular data is not available.
Mobile devices primarily rely on Network Identify and Time zone (NITZ ), which is provided by the mobile operator,
to automatically update the time on the device. When NITZ is available from the cellular network, there are no
issues maintaining accurate time in devices. However, for devices that do not have a SIM or have had the SIM
removed for some time, or for devices that have a SIM but NITZ is not supported, the device may run into issues
maintaining accurate time on the device.
The OS includes support for Network Time Protocol (NTP ), which enables devices to receive time when NITZ is
not supported or when cellular data is not available. NTP gets the time by querying a server at a specified time
interval. NTP is based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC ) and doesn't support time zone or daylight saving
time so users will need to manually update the time zone after an update from NTP if users move between time
For mobile devices that do not support NITZ and have NTP enabled, the user is required to select the time zone,
date, and time during initial device setup before the Wi-Fi connections page. The Wi-Fi connection requires
certificate validation, which needs accurate time.
If NTP is enabled, the first NTP query happens post-shell ready. After that, the default regular sync interval then
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to automatically set the time, using an NTP client, in a Windows
Phone device that
doesn't support NITZ or when cellular data is not available."

<Settings Path="AutomaticTime">
<Setting Name="NTPEnabled" Value="" />
<Setting Name="NTPRegularSyncInterval" Value="" />
<Setting Name="NTPRetryInterval" Value="" />
<Setting Name="NTPServers" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. To enable or disable the NTP client, set NTPEnabled to one of the following values:

0 or 'Disabled' Disables the NTP client.

1 or 'Enabled' Enables the NTP client.

Microsoft recommends explicitly setting a value for `NTPEnabled` depending on the user experience you want to
enable or requirements you need to meet.

4. To set the regular sync interval, in hours, set NTPRegularSyncInterval to a value between 1 and 168 hours
(inclusive). The default sync interval value is 12 hours.
5. To set the retry interval, in hours, if the regular sync fails, set NTPRetryInterval to a value between 1 and 24
hours (inclusive).
6. To enumerate the NTP source server(s) used by the NTP client, set the value for NTPServer . For example,
the value can be ntpserver1.contoso.com;ntpserver2.fabrikam.com;ntpserver3.contoso.com and so on. The
default NTP source server value time.windows.com.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device that does not support NITZ nor has a cellular data
2. During initial device setup, verify that you see the Time and region screen. Set the correct time zone, date,
and time for the device.
3. Verify that the Wi-Fi connection screen shows up after the Time and region screen. Connect to a Wi-Fi
network so that the NTP client can connect to the NTP source server.
4. If you enabled NTP support, and depending on the values that you set for the regular sync interval, verify
that the time on the device remains accurate after the sync interval has been reached. If the sync fails, verify
if the correct time is set after the retry interval has passed.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Regional format
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Partners can specify the default country/region, regional format, pre-enabled keyboard, and speech languages for
the device.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
The following table shows the country/region associated with the BootLocale values that you can use.


af-ZA South Africa

am-ET Ethiopia

ar-AE United Arab Emirates

ar-BH Bahrain

ar-DZ Algeria

ar-EG Egypt

ar-IQ Iraq

ar-JO Jordan

ar-KW Kuwait

ar-LB Lebanon

ar-LY Libya

ar-MA Morocco

ar-OM Oman

ar-QA Qatar

ar-SA Saudi Arabia

ar-SY Syria

ar-TN Tunisia

ar-YE Yemen

arn-CL Chile

as-IN India

az-Cyrl-AZ Azerbaijan

az-Latn-AZ Azerbaijan

ba-RU Russia

be-BY Belarus

bg-BG Bulgaria

bin-NG Nigeria

bn-BD Bangladesh

bn-IN India

bo-CN China

br-FR France

bs-Cyrl-BA Bosnia and Herzegovina

bs-Latn-BA Bosnia and Herzegovina

ca-ES Spain

ca-ES-valencia Spain

chr-Cher-US United States

co-FR France

cs-CZ Czech Republic

cy-GB United Kingdom

da-DK Denmark

de-AT Austria

de-CH Switzerland

de-DE Germany

de-LI Liechtenstein

de-LU Luxembourg

dsb-DE Germany

dv-MV Maldives

dz-BT Bhutan

el-GR Greece

en-AU Australia

en-BZ Belize

en-CA Canada

en-GB United Kingdom


en-HK Hong Kong S.A.R.

en-ID Indonesia

en-IE Ireland

en-IN India

en-JM Jamaica

en-MY Malaysia

en-NZ New Zealand

en-PH Philippines

en-SG Singapore

en-TT Trinidad and Tobago

en-US United States

en-ZA South Africa

en-ZW Zimbabwe

es-AR Argentina

es-BO Bolivia

es-CL Chile

es-CO Colombia

es-CR Costa Rica

es-CU Cuba

es-DO Dominican Republic

es-EC Ecuador

es-ES Spain

es-GT Guatemala

es-HN Honduras

es-MX Mexico

es-NI Nicaragua

es-PA Panama

es-PE Peru

es-PR Puerto Rico

es-PY Paraguay

es-SV El Salvador

es-US United States

es-UY Uruguay

es-VE Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

et-EE Estonia

eu-ES Spain

fa-IR Iran

ff-Latn-SN Senegal

ff-NG Nigeria

fi-FI Finland

fil-PH Philippines

fo-FO Faroe Islands

fr-BE Belgium

fr-CA Canada

fr-CD Congo (DRC)

fr-CH Switzerland

fr-CI Côte d'Ivoire

fr-CM Cameroon

fr-FR France

fr-HT Haiti

fr-LU Luxembourg

fr-MA Morocco

fr-MC Monaco

fr-ML Mali

fr-RE Reunion

fr-SN Senegal

fy-NL Netherlands

ga-IE Ireland

gd-GB United Kingdom

gl-ES Spain

gn-PY Paraguay

gsw-FR France

gu-IN India

ha-Latn-NG Nigeria

haw-US United States

he-IL Israel

hi-IN India

hr-BA Bosnia and Herzegovina

hr-HR Croatia

hsb-DE Germany

hu-HU Hungary

hy-AM Armenia

ibb-NG Nigeria

id-ID Indonesia

ig-NG Nigeria

ii-CN China

is-IS Iceland

it-CH Switzerland

it-IT Italy

iu-Cans-CA Canada

iu-Latn-CA Canada

ja-JP Japan

kk-KZ Kazakhstan

kl-GL Greenland

km-KH Cambodia

kn-IN India

ko-KR Korea

kok-IN India

kr-NG Nigeria

ks-Deva-IN India

ku-Arab-IQ Iraq

ky-KG Kyrgyzstan

lb-LU Luxembourg

lo-LA Laos

lt-LT Lithuania

lv-LV Latvia

mi-NZ New Zealand

mk-MK Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of

ml-IN India

mn-MN Mongolia

mn-Mong-CN China

mn-Mong-MN Mongolia

mni-IN India

moh-CA Canada

mr-IN India

ms-BN Brunei

ms-MY Malaysia

mt-MT Malta

my-MM Myanmar

nb-NO Norway

ne-IN India

ne-NP Nepal

nl-BE Belgium

nl-NL Netherlands

nn-NO Norway

nso-ZA South Africa

oc-FR France

om-ET Ethiopia

or-IN India

pa-Arab-PK Pakistan

pa-IN India

pl-PL Poland

prs-AF Afghanistan

ps-AF Afghanistan

pt-BR Brazil

pt-PT Portugal

qps-Latn-x-sh Jamaica

qps-ploc United States

qps-ploca Japan

qps-plocm Saudi Arabia

quc-Latn-GT Guatemala

quz-BO Bolivia

quz-EC Ecuador

quz-PE Peru

rm-CH Switzerland

ro-MD Moldova

ro-RO Romania

ru-MD Moldova

ru-RU Russia

rw-RW Rwanda

sa-IN India

sah-RU Russia

sd-Arab-PK Pakistan

sd-Deva-IN India

se-FI Finland

se-NO Norway

se-SE Sweden

si-LK Sri Lanka

sk-SK Slovakia

sl-SI Slovenia

sma-NO Norway

sma-SE Sweden

smj-NO Norway

smj-SE Sweden

smn-FI Finland

sms-FI Finland

so-SO Somalia

sq-AL Albania

sr-Cyrl-BA Bosnia and Herzegovina

sr-Cyrl-CS Serbia & Montenegro (Former) (Old Code)

sr-Cyrl-ME Montenegro

sr-Cyrl-RS Serbia

sr-Latn-BA Bosnia and Herzegovina

sr-Latn-CS Serbia & Montenegro (Former) (Old Code)

sr-Latn-ME Montenegro

sr-Latn-RS Serbia

st-ZA South Africa

sv-FI Finland

sv-SE Sweden

sw-KE Kenya

syr-SY Syria

ta-IN India

ta-LK Sri Lanka

te-IN India

tg-Cyrl-TJ Tajikistan

th-TH Thailand

ti-ER Eritrea

ti-ET Ethiopia

tk-TM Turkmenistan

tn-BW Botswana

tn-ZA South Africa

tr-TR Turkey

ts-ZA South Africa

tt-RU Russia

tzm-Arab-MA Morocco

tzm-Latn-DZ Algeria

tzm-Tfng-MA Morocco

ug-CN China

uk-UA Ukraine

ur-IN India

ur-PK Pakistan

uz-Cyrl-UZ Uzbekistan

uz-Latn-UZ Uzbekistan

ve-ZA South Africa

vi-VN Vietnam

wo-SN Senegal

xh-ZA South Africa

yo-NG Nigeria

zh-CN China

zh-HK Hong Kong S.A.R.

zh-MO Macao S.A.R.

zh-SG Singapore

zh-TW Taiwan

zu-ZA South Africa

To set the default regional format: The OEM must edit the BootLocale section of the OEMInput.xml file
before building the device image.
The following example demonstrates how to set the default regional format to Japan (ja-JP ) in the OEMInput.xml

Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. During initial device setup, do not change the device language.
3. Go to the Region screen in Settings > Time & language.
4. Look at the Country/Region field to verify that the country or region is set according to the value you
specified in the OEMInput.xml file.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Speech languages
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can specify the speech languages to include on the mobile device.
The following 7 languages are supported for speech recognition and text-to-speech: en-US, en-GB, zh-CN,
de-DE, fr-FR, it-IT, es-ES
These 7 languages are available on clean installs and can also be downloaded for devices running
Windows 10 for desktop editions (Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education) and Windows 10 Mobile.
Additionally, Windows 10 includes 9 more languages for text-to-speech only: es-MX, en-IN, ko-KR, pt-BR,
ja-JP, pl-PL, ru-RU, zh-TW, and zh-HK.
These 9 text-to-speech only languages are available on clean installs only and cannot be downloaded.
Users can install the 7 new speech languages from the speech screen in Settings, if they are not included on the
device by default.
For more information about language customizations, see the overview Set languages and locales.
To modify the list of speech languages, you must edit the Speech section of the OEMInput.xml file before building
the device image. You can omit the speech entirely, in which case the user will have to download languages before
they can use the speech functionality on the device. To include speech, select one or more of the following options.


English (United Kingdom) en-GB

English (United States) en-US

French fr-FR

German de-DE

Italian it-IT

Spanish (Spain) es-ES

Simplified Chinese zh-CN

English (India) - TTS only en-IN

Japanese - TTS only ja-JP


Korean - TTS only ko-KR

Polish - TTS only pl-PL

Portuguese (Brazil) - TTS only pt-BR

Russian - TTS only ru-RU

Spanish (Mexico) - TTS only es-MX

Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong SAR) - TTS only zh-HK

Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) - TTS only zh-TW

To include one speech language, add one Language entry to the Speech section of the OEMInput.xml file as
shown in the following example:


To include multiple speech languages, add additional Language entries to the Speech section of the
OEMInput.xml file as shown in the following sample.


Testing Steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the speech screen in Settings.
3. Verify that the list of speech languages installed on the device is correct.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Default list of countries/regions
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can select the countries/regions to exclude from the default list shown in the mobile device's
Country/Region list in the Settings screen.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify list of countries/regions to exclude from
Country/Region list."


<Settings Path="Globalization">
<Setting Name="ExcludedNations" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value for ExcludedNations to specify the countries/regions that should not show up on the device's
Country/Region list in the Region settings page.
You can specify the value as a list of semicolon-delimited ISO -3166-1 Alpha2 character codes (no spaces)
that should be excluded when enumerating all supported countries with EnumSystemGeoID. The entire
string must not be larger than 255 characters. The value must have a maximum of 85 codes only. Note that
some ISO -3166-1 ALPHA2 codes cover multiple GeoIDs.
The value for ExcludedNations must follow this format:
Testing steps:
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. After device setup, go to the Region screen in Settings.
3. .
4. Look at the Country/Region list to verify that the countries or regions you specified in ExcludedNations
are not showing up on the list.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Preferred system types for phone connectivity
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

This customization is only for China. OEMs should not set this customization unless required by the mobile operator.

OEMs can provide more control over the system types that their devices use to connect by: mapping an ICCID or
IIN to one radio (regardless of which SIM is chosen), specifying a list of MCC/MNCs that the MO wishes to limit,
and/or restricting the second slot in a dual SIM device.
For mobile operators that require more control over the system types that their phones use to connect to the
mobile operators' networks, OEMs can:
Map a partial ICCID or Industry Identification Number (IIN ) to the faster radio regardless of which SIM card is
chosen for data connectivity.
Specify the MCC and MNC of other specific operators that the main mobile operator wishes to limit. If the
UICC's MCC and MNC matches any of the pairs that OEMs can specify for the operator, a specified RIL system
type will be removed from the UICC regardless of its app types, slot position, or executor mapping.
Restrict the second slot in a dual SIM device regardless of what apps or executor mapping the second slot is
associated with.
Constraints: None

1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to provide a mobile operator more control over the system types
that their phones
use to connect to the operator's network."

<Settings Path="CellCore/PerDevice/General">

<Setting Name="OperatorPreferredForFasterRadio" Value="" />

<Setting Name="OperatorListForExcludedSystemTypes" Value="" />

<Setting Name="ExcludedSystemTypesPerOperator" Value="" />

<Setting Name="Slot2ExcludedSystemTypes" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. To map a partial ICCID or the IIN to the faster radio regardless of which SIM card is chosen for data
connectivity, set the value of OperatorPreferredForFasterRadio to match the IIN or the ICCID, up to 7 digits,
of the preferred operator.
4. To allow an operator to specify the MCC and MNC of other specific operators that they wish to limit, set the
following settings:
a. Set the value of the OperatorListForExcludedSystemTypes setting a comma separated list of
MCC:MNC pairs for which the system types should be restricted.
For example, the value can be set to 310:026,310:030 to restrict operators with an MCC:MNC of
310:026 and 310:030.
b. Set the value of the ExcludedSystemTypesPerOperator setting to match the system type to be excluded
from the SIM cards that match the MCC:MNC pairs you listed in OperatorListForExcludedSystemTypes
For example, a value of 0x8 specifies RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_UMTS (3G ) while 0x10 specifies
RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_LTE (4G ). To exclude more than one system type, perform a bitwise OR operation
on the radio technologies you want to exclude. For example, a bitwise OR operation on
RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_LTE (4G ) and RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_UMTS (3G ) results in the value 11000 (binary)
or 0x18 (hexadecimal). In this case, the ExcludedSystemTypesPerOperator value must be set to 0x18 to
limit the matching MCC:MNC pairs to 2G.
5. To allow an operator to simply restrict the second slot in a dual SIM device regardless of what apps or
executor mapping the second slot is associated with, set the value of Slot2ExcludedSystemTypes to the
system types to be excluded from the SIM cards inserted in Slot 2.
For example, a value of 0x8 specifies RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_UMTS (3G ) while 0x10 specifies
RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_LTE (4G ). To exclude more than one system type, perform a bitwise OR operation on the
radio technologies you want to exclude. For example, a bitwise OR operation on RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_LTE
(4G ) and RIL_SYSTEMTYPE_UMTS (3G ) results in the value 11000 (binary) or 0x18 (hexadecimal). In this
case, any SIM inserted in Slot 2 will be limited to 2G.

1. Work with your mobile operator to obtain the partial ICCID or the IIN, the list of MCC and MNC values that
they wish to limit, and the system types that they wish to restrict.
2. Flash the build containing this customization to a dual SIM phone.
3. Depending on which settings you set to provide the mobile operator more control over the system types that
their phones use to connect to the network, test each scenario to make sure that the device behaves as
expected. With the settings in this customization, verify that you don't see the restricted mobile operators able
to use any of the restricted RIL system types.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Threshold for automatic time update
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For mobile networks that support Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ ), OEMs can specify the difference (in
number of seconds) between the NITZ information and the current device time before a device time update is
triggered. When set, the OS updates the device time if the time difference is larger than the value specified by the
The threshold must be a value between 1 and 59 seconds, inclusive.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to specify the difference (in seconds) between the NITZ
information and the current
device time before a device time update is triggered."

<Settings Path="AutomaticTime">
<Setting Name="NetworkTimeUpdateThreshold" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value for NetworkTimeUpdateThreshold between 1 and 59 seconds (inclusive). This is equivalent to 0x1
and 0x3B (inclusive) in hexadecimal.
Flash the build containing this customization to a phone connected to a network that supports NITZ.
Note OEMs may need to configure the value a few times to determine the best threshold value.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Time zone priority list
1/25/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Beginning with Windows 10 Mobile, this customization is no longer necessary as the OS supports a location-
based timezone detection service. However, to maintain backwards compatibility for some RPAL APIs that were
previously released (such as GetTimeZoneInformationID, SetTimeZoneInformationByID, and so on), an
updated table of the timezone IDs is provided for your reference.
0x5BE UTC+02 Harare, Pretoria 0x5C8 UTC+02 Damascus 0x5D2 UTC+02 Istanbul 0x5DC UTC+03 Kuwait,
Riyadh 0x5E6 UTC+03 Baghdad 0x5F0 UTC+03 Nairobi 0x5FA UTC+02 Kaliningrad (RTZ 1) 0x604 UTC+03
Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd (RTZ 2) 0x618 UTC+03 Minsk 0x60E UTC+03:30 Tehran 0x640 UTC+04 Abu
Dhabi, Muscat 0x64A UTC+04 Baku 0x654 UTC+04 Yerevan 0x668 UTC+04 Tbilisi 0x672 UTC+04 Port Louis
0x67C UTC+04 Izhevsk, Samara (RTZ 3) 0x65E UTC+04:30 Kabul 0x6A4 UTC+05 Ekaterinburg (RTZ 4) 0x6AE
UTC+05 Ashgabat, Tashkent 0x6D6 UTC+05 Islamabad, Karachi 0x6B8 UTC+05:30 Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai,
New Delhi 0x6C2 UTC+05:30 Sri Jayawardenepura 0x6CC UTC+05:45 Kathmandu 0x708 UTC+06 Astana 0x712
UTC+06 Novosibirsk (RTZ 5) 0x726 UTC+06 Dhaka 0x71C UTC+06:30 Yangon (Rangoon) 0x776 UTC+07
Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta 0x76C UTC+07 Krasnoyarsk (RTZ 6) 0x7D0 UTC+08 Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong,
Urumqi 0x7DA UTC+08 Irkutsk (RTZ 7) 0x7E4 UTC+08 Kuala Lumpur, Singapore 0x7EE UTC+08 Taipei 0x7F8
UTC+08 Perth 0x802 UTC+08 Ulaanbaatar 0x80C UTC+08:30 Pyongyang 0x834 UTC+09 Seoul 0x83E UTC+09
Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo 0x848 UTC+09 Yakutsk (RTZ 8) 0x852 UTC+09:30 Darwin 0x85C UTC+09:30 Adelaide
0x898 UTC+10 Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney 0x8A2 UTC+10 Brisbane 0x8AC UTC+10 Hobart 0x8B6 UTC+10
Vladivostok, Magadan (RTZ 9) 0x8C0 UTC+10 Guam, Port Moresby 0x906 UTC+10 Magadan 0x8FC UTC+11
Solomon Is., New Caledonia 0x91A UTC+11 Chokurdakh (RTZ 10) 0x960 UTC+12 Fiji 0x96A UTC+12 Auckland,
Wellington 0x974 UTC+12 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky – Old 0x97E UTC+12 Coordinated Universal Time+12
0x988 UTC+12 Anadyr, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (RTZ 11) 0x9C4 UTC+13 Nuku'alofa 0x64 UTC+13 Samoa
0xA28 UTC+14 Kiritimati Island

ID Time zone
ID Time zone

0x0 UTC-12 International Date Line West

0x6E UTC-11 Coordinated Universal Time-11
0xC8 UTC-10 Hawaii
0x12C UTC-09 Alaska
0x190 UTC-08 Pacific Time (US & Canada)
0x19A UTC-08 Baja California
0x1F4 UTC-07 Mountain Time (US & Canada)
0x1FE UTC-07 Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan
0x208 UTC-07 Arizona
0x258 UTC-06 Saskatchewan
0x262 UTC-06 Central America
0x26C UTC-06 Central Time (US & Canada)
0x276 UTC-06 Guadalajara, Mexico City,
0x2BC UTC-05 Eastern Time (US & Canada)
0x2C6 UTC-05 Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco
0x2D0 UTC-05 Indiana (East)
0x2DA UTC-05 Chetumal
0x348 UTC-4:30 Caracas
0x320 UTC-04 Atlantic Time (Canada)
0x32A UTC-04 Cuiaba
0x33E UTC-04 Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus,
San Juan
0x352 UTC-04 Asuncion
0x384 UTC-03:30 Newfoundland
0x334 UTC-03 Santiago
0x38E UTC-03 Brasilia
0x398 UTC-03 Greenland
0x3A2 UTC-03 Montevideo
0x3AC UTC-03 Cayenne, Fortaleza
0x3B6 UTC-03 Buenos Aires
0x3C0 UTC-03 Salvador
0x3E8 UTC-02 Mid-Atlantic - Old
0x3F2 UTC-02 Coordinated Universal Time-02
0x44C UTC-01 Azores
0x456 UTC-01 Cabo Verde Is.
0x4B0 UTC Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin,
Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
0x4BA UTC Monrovia, Reykjavik
0x4C4 UTC Casablanca
0x4CE UTC Coordinated Universal Time
0x514 UTC+01 Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest,
Ljubljana, Prague
0x51E UTC+01 Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw,
0x528 UTC+01 Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid,
0x532 UTC+01 West Central Africa
0x53C UTC+01 Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome,
Stockholm, Vienna
0x546 UTC+01 Windhoek
0x550 UTC+02 Tripoli
0x578 UTC+02 E. Europe
0x582 UTC+02 Cairo
0x58C UTC+02 Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia,
Tallinn, Vilnius
0x596 UTC+02 Athens, Bucharest
0x5A0 UTC+02 Jerusalem
0x5AA UTC+02 Amman
0x5B4 UTC+02 Beirut

Constraints: None
Note The following instructions have been provided for backwards compatibility only. You may set the values for
the TimeZonePriority settings, but the OS will ignore the values as a location-based timezone detection service is
used instead.
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use To specify a preference list for the most applicable time zones
relative to the UTC offset."


<Settings Path="AutomaticTime">

<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority1" Value="" />

<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority2" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority3" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority4" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority5" Value="" />

<!-- You can use up to 15 time zones, but do not add or set unless you need it.
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority6" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority7" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority8" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority9" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority10" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority11" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority12" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority13" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority14" Value="" />
<Setting Name="TimeZonePriority15" Value="" />




2. Specify an Owner .
3. Specify the Value keys using the IDs of the time zones appropriate for the locations in which the device will
be sold.
4. Add additional priorities as necessary. You can add up to 15 time zones or specify up to TimeZonePriority15 .
For example, if you are only specifying up to 3 time zones, only include up to the TimeZonePriority3 setting,
set their values, and do not add the rest.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
WAP browser support (CN and IN only)
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For phones that will ship in China and India, OEMs can add one preloaded WAP browser to the phone, which will
automatically be launched when the user tries to open a WAP link. The WAP browser must be written as an
application, and must go through the standard Microsoft Store submission process.
Constraints: None
1. Create a WAP browser application and ensure that the following settings are configured properly:
a. Add the ID_CAP_NETWORKING capability to the application manifest of the WAP browser
b. Add the following XML to the App element of the application manifest.

<Protocol Name="wap" Category="phone.protocol" TaskID="_default" NavUriFragment="uri=%s"/>
<FileTypeAssociation Name="TestFileAssoc1" Category="phone.fileTypeAssociation"
<DisplayName>Test Assoc1</DisplayName>
<FileType ContentType="text/vnd.wap.wml">.wml</FileType>

You can replace the values for following elements:

FileTypeAssociation Name
c. The WAP browser application manifest file should look like the following XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Deployment AppPlatformVersion="8.0"
<App xmlns="" Publisher="TestWAPApp" Description="Sample description" Author="TestWAPApp
Genre="apps.normal" Version="" RuntimeType="Silverlight" Title="TestWAPApp"
<IconPath IsResource="false" IsRelative="true">ApplicationIcon.png</IconPath>
<Capabilities> <Capability Name="ID_CAP_NETWORKING"/> </Capabilities>
<Protocol Name="wap" Category="phone.protocol" TaskID="_default"
<FileTypeAssociation Name="TestFileAssoc1" Category="phone.fileTypeAssociation"
TaskID="_default" NavUriFragment="fileID=%s">
<DisplayName>Test Assoc1</DisplayName>
<FileType ContentType=" text/vnd.wap.wml ">.wml</FileType>
<DefaultTask Name="_default" NavigationPage="MainPage.xaml"/>
<PrimaryToken TaskName="_default" TokenID="CustomUriTargetManagedApp1Token">
<BackgroundImageURI IsResource="false"

For more information about file and URI associations, see the Windows 10 SDK documentation.
2. After you have created the WAP browser application and gone through the Microsoft Store submission
process to obtain your application license, follow these steps to preload the WAP browser application to the
a. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to preload a WAP browser to the phone, which will be
automatically launched when the user tries to open a WAP link."

<Application Source="C:\Path\OEM_WAPBrowser.xap"
ProvXML="C:\Path\MPAP_OEM_WAPBrowser.provxml" />


b. Specify an Owner .
c. Set the Source value to the path and file name of your .xap or .appx file. For example,
d. Set the License value to the path and file name of license file for your WAP browser app. For
example, C:\Path\OEM_WAPBrowser_License.xml.
e. Set the ProvXML value to the path and file name for your WAP browser app. For example,
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a phone with a SIM or with a data connection over Wi-Fi.
2. Open Microsoft Edge and enter a WAP link. The WAP browser should open automatically and display your
web page.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for accessibility settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations that you can configure to enhance accessibility on the mobile device.

In this section

Telecoil and TTY support for accessibility Partners can choose whether to show TTY and/or Telelcoil
options in the device settings.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Telecoil and TTY support for accessibility
1/18/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Partners can choose whether to show TTY and/or Telelcoil options in the device settings.
The OS provides support for telecoil and TTY devices. The settings and options that can be configured for telecoil
and TTY appear in the ease of access screen in Settings. By default, both the telecoil and TTY options are hidden.
A TTY is a separate device that enables people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired to communicate
by sending and receiving text. TTY support is required at both ends of the conversation.
Partners can display a TTY/TDD option in the ease of access screen in Settings. Partners must decide whether to
display two choices (Off or Full), or four choices (Off, Full, HCO, or VCO ). If the TTY option is visible, it should be
set to off by default.
A Telecoil is a supported hearing aid or implant that enables people who are deaf or hard of hearing to listen to
audio from the device by using magnetic induction.
Partners can display a Telecoil option in the ease of access screen in Settings. If the Telecoil toggle is visible, it
should be set to off by default.
Constraints: Atomic, FirstVariationOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to display and configure the options for Telecoil and TTY/TDD
option in the
'ease of access' screen under Settings."


<!-- This settings group is atomic so all settings must be configured -->
<Settings Path="EaseOfAccessCPL/TTY">
<Setting Name="ShowInControlPanel" Value="" />
<Setting Name="CompactMode" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Mode" Value="" />

<!-- This settings group is atomic so all settings must be configured -->
<Settings Path="EaseOfAccessCPL/Telecoil">
<Setting Name="ShowInControlPanel" Value="" />
<Setting Name="Enabled" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner .
3. Configure the TTY/TDD settings and default values. The following settings group under
EaseOfAccessCPL/TTY is atomic so all settings must be configured.

a. To hide or show the TTY/TDD option in the ease of access screen in Settings, set the value of
ShowInControlPanel to one of the following:


1 or 'Show' Shows the TTY/TDD option in the ease of access

screen in Settings.

0 or 'Hide' Hides the TTY/TDD option in the ease of access

screen in Settings.

b. To show two (Off or Full) or four (Off, Full, HCO, or VCO ) menu items for TTY/TDD modes, set the
value of CompactMode to one of the following:


1 or 'Enabled' Shows four choices (Off, Full, HCO, or VCO) for the
TTY selection UI.

0 or 'Disabled' Shows two choices (Off or Full) for the TTY

selection UI.

c. To specify the default mode for the TTY/TDD option, set the value of Mode to one of the following:


0 or 'Off' Sets Off as the default user value.

Microsoft recommends that partners use this as
the default user value.

1 or 'Full' Sets Full as the default user value.

2 or 'HCO' Sets Hearing Carry Over (HCO) as the default user


3 or 'VCO' Sets Voice Carry Over (VCO) as the default user


4. Configure the telecoil settings and default value. The following settings group under
EaseOfAccessCPL/Telecoil is atomic so all settings must be configured.

a. To hide or show the Telecoil option in the ease of access screen in Settings, set the value of
ShowInControlPanel to one of the following:

1 or 'Show' Shows the Telecoil option in the ease of access

screen in Settings.

0 or 'Hide' Hides the Telecoil option in the ease of access

screen in Settings.

b. To set the default user value for the Telecoil option, set the value of Enabled to one of the following:


1 or 'Enabled' Telecoil is on by default.

0 or 'Disabled' Telecoil is off by default.

Microsoft recommends that partners use this as
the default user value.

To enable Telecoil, use the two registry entries exactly as shown in the TelecoilAndTTY.pkg.xml file.
To enable TTY/TTD, use the tty_UI registry entry exactly as shown in the TelecoilAndTTY.pkg.xml file. To display
two choices (Off or Full), leave the compactMode registry value set to 0. To display four choices (Off, Full, HCO,
or VCO ), set the compact mode registry value to 1, instead.
1. Flash the build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the ease of access screen in Settings.
3. Verify that the TTY and/or Telecoil options are visible and the default options are set accordingly. If TTY is
visible, ensure that the correct number of options are shown (2 or 4).

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for phone update settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations that determine how the mobile device handles updates.

In this section

Auto scan for phone updates OEMs can show or hide the auto scan for updates setting on
the device.

Block using SD card for updates For devices that support an SD card, OEMs can either allow or
block the use of the SD card for device updates.

Enable SD card override OEMs can use EnableSDCardOverride to use the SD card for
device updates.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Auto scan for phone updates
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs can show or hide the auto scan for updates setting on the device. When auto scan is visible, users can see a
checkbox in the Settings > device update screen to inform them when updates are available for their devices.
When hidden, the device will always scan for updates and the user option is not visible.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to show or hide the auto scan setting in the Settings > Phone
Update screen."


<Settings Path="DeviceUpdate">
<!-- Use to determine whether to show or hide the auto scan settings for device updates. Set the
value to 0 or 'Hidden',
or set to 1 or 'Visible'. -->
<Setting Name="DisplayCheckForUpdates" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of DisplayCheckForUpdates to one of the following:


0 or 'Hidden' The device will always scan for updates and the Tell
me when updates are available for my phone
checkbox is not displayed.

1 or 'Visible' The Tell me when updates are available for my

phone checkbox is displayed in the Settings > phone
update screen.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device.
2. Go to the Settings > phone update screen.
3. Depending on the value you set for DisplayCheckForUpdates , verify whether the Tell me when updates are
available for my phone checkbox is visible or hidden.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Block using SD card for updates
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

For devices that support an SD card, OEMs can either allow or block the use of the SD card for device updates.
By default, this customization is not set and the OS can use the SD card for updates. If there is enough space on
the eMMC to download an update, the OS will use the eMMC instead of the SD card.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to determine whether to block the use of the SD card for device


<Settings Path="DeviceUpdate">
<Setting Name="BlockUsingSDCard" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of BlockUsingSDCard to one of the following:


0 or 'No' Do not block the use of the SD card for device


Make sure that your UEFI supports powering up the
SD card on the UpdateOS.

1 or 'Yes' Block the use of the SD card for device updates.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a device.
2. If you set BlockUsingSDCard to allow the use of the SD card for updates and your device supports an SD
card, if space on the eMMC is not enough for the update, the OS will choose the SD card to use for the
When there is an update available and you have synced and downloaded the update, verify whether the
update was installed from the SD card.
3. When the update has been successfully installed, use GetDULogs.exe to check if the update was done
through the SD card.
Make sure that your UEFI supports the powering up of the SD card on the UpdateOS.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enable SD card override
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

By default, using the SD card for device updates is disabled. OEMs who want to use the SD card for device updates
must set EnableSDCardOverride to opt-in and re-enable updates using the SD card. However, if OEMs set
BlockUsingSDCard in Block using SD card for updates, the value set for BlockUsingSDCard takes precedence.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to configure whether the SD card can be used for updates on the


<Settings Path="DeviceUpdate">
<!-- Set the value to 0 or 'No' (do not use the SD card for updates), or set to 1 or 'Yes' (use
the SD card for updates). -->
<Setting Name="EnableSDCardOverride" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner .
3. Set the value of EnableSDCardOverride to one of the following:


0 or 'No' Block the use of the SD card for phone updates.

This is the default OS value.

1 or 'Yes' Enable use of the SD card for phone updates.

Testing steps:
1. Flash a build containing this customization to a phone.
2. Fill the Data partition and leave only 11 to 100 MB of available space.
3. To verify if the SD card is used for updates, look for the following message in the Installation ARD:
WARNING: Do not remove your SD card while the update installs.
4. If you set EnableSDCardOverride to allow the use of the SD card for updates and your phone supports an SD
card, and BlockUsingSDCard is not enabled, verify that you're able to use the SD card for device updates.
5. If you set EnableSDCardOverride to allow the use of the SD card for updates and your phone supports an SD
card, but BlockUsingSDCard is enabled, verify that you're not able to use the SD card for device updates.
To verify the update scenario, try adding a new keyboard in the Settings > Keyboard > add keyboards screen
and then select a new keyboard to add. This scenario uses the same path as device updates but is faster and does
not require uploading builds to the update preview server.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Customizations for USB settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Describes the customizations that you can configure when a USB is connected to the mobile device.

In this section

Enable the incompatible charger notification Partners can set the device to display a warning when the user
connects the device to an incompatible charging source.

Enable the data connection prompt Partners can set the device to display a dialog that asks for
permission to enable the data connection when the user
connects the device to a host computer via a USB cable.

Hide the weak charger notification option UI Partners can configure the device to hide the dialog that is
displayed when the user connects the device to an
incompatible charging source and hide the USB setting that
notifies the user when the device is connected to a slower

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enable the incompatible charger notification
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can set the device to display a warning when the user connects the device to an incompatible charging
source. This warning is intended to notify users that their device may take longer to charge or may not charge at all
with the current charging source.
An incompatible charging source is one that does not behave like one of the following port types as defined by the
USB Battery Charging Specification, Revision 1.2, available on the USB.org website:
Charging downstream port
Standard downstream port
Dedicated charging port
This setting is also available to users in the USB settings screen.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to display a dialog notifies the user when the phone is connected
to an incompatible charger."

<Settings Path="WeakCharger">
<Setting Name="NotifyOnWeakCharger" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. Set the Value to one of the following:


0 or 'Disable' Do not display a dialog that notifies the user when the
device is connected to an incompatible charger. This is
the default value.

1 or 'Enable' Display a dialog that notifies the user when the device
is connected to an incompatible charger.

1. Build an image that has this customization enabled, and flash this image to a device.
2. Connect the device to an incompatible charging source.
3. Confirm that the device displays a dialog that states that a weak or unsupported USB charger is connected.
4. Verify that the setting is also available to users in the USB settings screen.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Enable the data connection prompt
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can set the device to display a dialog that asks for permission to enable the data connection when the user
connects the device to a host computer via a USB cable. Partners may need to enable this customization for certain
By default, when the user connects the device to a host computer via a USB cable, the USB data connection is
automatically enabled. This means that certain media files on the device, including pictures and music, are
accessible through Windows Explorer on the host computer.
This setting is also available to users in the USB settings screen.
Constraints: None
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to display a dialog that asks for permission to enable the data
connection when
the user connects the device to a host computer via a USB cable."

<Settings Path="USBData">
<Setting Name="PromptForDataConnection" Value="" />


2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. Set the Value to one of the following:


0 When the user connects the device to a host

computer via a USB cable, do not display a dialog that
asks for permission to enable the data connection.
This is the default value.

1 When the user connects the device to a host

computer via a USB cable, display a dialog that asks
for permission to enable the data connection.

1. Build an image that has this customization enabled, and flash this image to a device.
2. Connect the device to a host computer using a USB cable.
3. Confirm that the device displays a dialog that asks for permission to enable the data connection.
4. Verify that the setting also appears in the USB settings screen.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Hide the weak charger notification option UI
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Partners can configure the device to hide the dialog that is displayed when the user connects the device to an
incompatible charging source and hide the USB setting that notifies the user when the device is connected to a
slower charger.
When this customization is configured, if the device is connected to an incompatible charger, the option to show
the Phone charging slowly dialog is hidden, and the Notify me if my mobile device is charging slowly over
USB toggle is hidden.
By default, the OS shows the weak charger notification option UI.
Constraints: ImageTimeOnly
1. Create a customization answer file using the contents shown in the following code sample.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<ImageCustomizations xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/embedded/2004/10/ImageUpdate"
Description="Use to hide the weak charger notification option UI."


<Settings Path="WeakCharger">
<Setting Name="HideWeakChargerNotifyOptionUI" Value="" />



2. Specify an Owner value in the customization answer file.

3. Set the value for HideWeakChargerNotifyOptionUI to one of the following values:


0 or 'False' Shows the weak charger notification option UI.

This is the default OS behavior.

1 or 'True' Hides the weak charger notification option UI.

1. Build an image that has this customization configured, and flash this image to a device.
2. Connect the device to an incompatible charging source.
3. If the weak charger notification UI is suppressed, verify the following behavior:
Confirm that the device does not display the dialog that states that a weak or unsupported USB
charger is connected.
Verify that the Notify me if my mobile device is charging slowly over USB setting is also
hidden to a user in the USB settings screen.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Registry values for mobile operator IDs
1/18/2019 • 28 minutes to read

Values to use for the mobile operator registry setting.

The following table contains the values to use for the mobile operator registry setting,
PhoneMobileOperatorName, when the device is being provisioned for a single mobile operator. For more
information about the registry setting, see Phone metadata in DeviceTargetingInfo. If you are building a carrier-
unlocked phone, use the topic Registry values for carrier-unlocked phones instead.
Note Although these mobile operator identifiers have been assigned, not all mobile operators in the table may
be valid at this time. If you need to request for a new MOID, see Requests for a new MOID.


AWC-AF Afghan Wireless AWCC Afghanistan


ETI-AF Etisalat Afghanistan Etisalat Afghanistan Afghanistan

MTN-AF MTN Afghanistan MTN Afghanistan Afghanistan

ROS-AF Telecom Development ROSHAN Afghanistan

Company Afghanistan

AMC-AL Albanian Mobile A M C MOBIL Albania


EAG-AL Eagle Mobile sh.a. Eagle Mobile Albania


VOD-AL Vodafone Albania vodafone Albania

AMB-DZ ATM MOBILIS Mobilis Algeria

DJE-DZ Orascom Telecom Djezzy Algeria

Algerie Spa

NED-DZ Wataniya Telecom Nedjma Algeria


OOR-DZ Ooredoo Algeria Ooredoo Algeria Algeria

BSK-AS American Samoa Blue Sky American Samoa

License, Inc. Communications

MAN-AD Servei De Tele. DAndorra MOBILAND Andorra

MOV-AO Movicel Movicel Angola Angola

Telecomunicações S.A.


CW0-AI Cable & Wireless (West Cable & Wireless (West Anguilla
Indies) Ltd. Anguilla Indies) Anguilla

APU-AG Antigua Public Utilities APUA PCS Antigua and Barbuda


CIN-AG Antigua Wireless Digicel Antigua & Antigua and Barbuda

Ventures Limited Barbuda

CW0-AG Cable & Wireless Cable & Wireless Antigua and Barbuda
Caribbean Cellular
(Antigua) Limited

ART-AR Telecom Personal SA Personal Argentina


FON-AR Telefonica Moviles Movistar Argentina

Argentina S.A

AMT-AM ArmenTel ARMGSM Armenia

MTS-AM K Telecom CJSC MTS Armenia Armenia

ORG-AM Orange Armenia CJSC Orange Armenia

DIG-AW New Millennium Telecom Digicel Aruba

Services (NMTS)

SET-AW SETAR (Servicio di SETAR GSM Aruba

Telecomunicacion di

HUT-AU Hutchison 3G Australia Hutchison 3G Australia Australia

Pty Limited Pty

SIN-AU Singtel Optus Limited YES OPTUS Australia

STR-AU Telstra Corporation Telstra MobileNet Australia


VOD-AU Vodafone Pacific Limited vodafone Australia

AT1-AT Mobilkom Austria AG A1 Austria

BOB-AT bob A1 MVNO Austria

HUT-AT Hutchison 3G Austria 3 AT Austria


ORG-AT Orange Austria Orange Austria


TL2-AT Tele2 Austria Tele2 Austria

TMO-AT T-Mobile Austria GmbH T-Mobile Austria

TRG-AT Telering Austria Telering Austria

ACE-AZ Azercell Telecom LLC AZERCELL GSM Azerbaijan

BKC-AZ Bakcell Ltd BAKCELL GSM 2000 Azerbaijan

NAR-AZ Azerfon LLC Nar Mobile Azerbaijan

BAT-BS The Bahamas The Bahamas Bahamas, The

Telecommunications Telecommunications
Company Ltd Company

BTC-BH Bahrain BATELCO Bahrain


VIV-BH STC Bahrain B.S.C STC Bahrain Bahrain

ZAI-BH Zain Bahrain B.S.C zain BH Bahrain

AKT-BD Axiata (Bangladesh) Robi Bangladesh


BAN-BD Orascom Telecom Banglalink Bangladesh

Bangladesh Limited.

BMO-BD Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd Teletalk Bangladesh

GRA-BD Grameenphone Ltd Grameenphone Bangladesh

WAT-BD Warid Telecom Warid Telecom Bangladesh

International Ltd

CW0-BB Cable & Wireless Cable & Wireless Barbados

Barbados Ltd. (Barbados)

DIG-BB Digicel (Barbados) Digicel Barbados


LIF-BY Belarusian life:) Belarus

Network CJSC

MTS-BY JLLC Mobile TeleSystems MTS Belarus


BAS-BE KPN Group Belgium KPN Group Belgium Belgium


MBS-BE Mobistar S.A. (Orange Mobistar Belgium

operates as Mobistar in

PRO-BE Belgacom SA/NV PROXIMUS Belgium

TNT-BE Telenet Mobile Mobistar Belgium

BTL-BZ Belize Telemedia Limited Belize Belize


BBC-BJ Bell Benin Bell Benin Benin

Communications Communication BBCOM

GLO-BJ Glomobile Benin Limited GloBenin Benin

MTN-BJ Spacetel-Benin MTN Benin

TLC-BJ Etisalat Benin S.A TELECEL BENIN Benin

BDC-BM Bermuda Digital CellularOne - Bermuda Bermuda

Communications Limited

CIN-BM Telecommunications Digicel Bermuda Bermuda

(Bermuda & West
Indies) Ltd

M3W-BM M3 Wireless Ltd M3 Wireless Bermuda

M3W-BM M3 Wireless Ltd M3 Wireless Bermuda

BMO-BT B-Mobile B-Mobile Bhutan

TAS-BT Tashi InfoComm Limited TashiCell Bhutan

EMO-BO Entel SA Entel Bolivia

FON-BO Telefonica Celular De TELECEL BOLIVIA Bolivia

Bolivia S.A.

VIV-BO Nuevatel PCS De Bolivia Nuevatel PCS De Bolivia Bolivia


BHM-BA BH Telecom, Joint Stock BH Mobile Bosnia and Herzegovina

Company, Sarajevo

HTE-BA Public Enterprise ERONET Bosnia and Herzegovina

Croatian Telecom Ltd.

MTE-BA RS Telecommunications m:tel Bosnia and Herzegovina

JSC Banja Luka

MAS-BW Mascom Wireless (Pty) MASCOM Botswana


ORG-BW Orange (Botswana) Pty ORANGE Botswana


BRT-BR 14 Brasil Telecom Celular Brasil Telecom Celular Brazil


CLA-BR CLARO S.A Claro Brazil

CTB-BR CTBC Celular S.A. CTBC Cellular Brazil

OIB-BR Oi Móvel Telemar Brazil

SCT-BR Sercomtel Celular S/A SERCOMTEL Brazil


VIV-BR Vivo S.A. Vivo Brazil

BMO-BN B-Mobile b-mobile Brunei

Communications Sdn

DST-BN DataStream Technology DTSCom Brunei

EAD-BG Mobiltel EAD M-Tel BG Bulgaria

GLO-BG Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile GLOBUL Bulgaria


VIV-BG Bulgarian vivacom Bulgaria

Company AD

CBF-BF Celtel Burkina Faso Zain Burkina Faso Burkina Faso

BDI-BI Telecel-Burundi Telecel-Burundi Burundi

Company Company

EWB-BI Econet Wireless Burundi Econet Wireless Burundi Burundi



SMA-BI LACELL SU Smart Mobile Burundi

TEM-BI Africell PLC Company AFRICELL PLC Burundi


BEE-KH Sotelco Ltd. Beeline-KH Cambodia

CAD-KH Cambodia Advance CADCOMMS Cambodia

Communications Co. Ltd




SMA-KH Latelz Co., Ltd SMART MOBILE Cambodia


TMI-KH Hello Axiata Company hello Cambodia


MTN-CM MTN Cameroon Ltd MTN Cameroon Cameroon

ORG-CM Orange Cameroun S.A. Orange Cameroon


BEL-CA Bell Mobility Inc. Bell Mobility Canada

CHW-CA Chatrwireless Chatr Wireless Canada

CTF-CA Cityfone Cityfone Canada

FID-CA Microcell FIDO Canada

Telecommunications Inc

KDO-CA Koodo Koodo Canada

LUS-CA TELUS Communications TELUS Communications Canada


MCW-CA Mobilicity Wireless Mobilicity Wireless Canada

MTS-CA MTS Allstream Inc. MTS Canada

PCM-CA PC Mobile TELUS Communications Canada

PUB-CA Public Mobile Public Mobile Canada Canada

ROG-CA Rogers Wireless Inc Rogers Wireless Canada

SAT-CA SaskTel SaskTel Canada

TST-CA TerreStar Solutions Inc TerreStar Solutions Canada

VIR-CA Virgin Mobile Canada Virgin Mobile Canada Canada

VTN-CA Videotron Videotron Canada

WIN-CA Globalive Wireless LP Globalive Wireless LP Canada

CMO-CV CVMovel, S.A. CVMOVEL Cabo Verde


T00-CV T+ T+ Cabo Verde


LIM-KY Cable & Wireless Cable & Wireless Cayman Islands

(Cayman Islands) (Cayman Islands)

NLR-CF Nationlink Telecom Nationlink Telecom RCA Central African Republic


CEL-TD CelTel Tchad SA Zain Chad Chad




FON-CL Telefonica Movil de Chile TELEFONICA Chile

NXT-CL Nextel Nextel Chile

VTR-CL VTR movil VTR movil Chile

CMC-CN China Mobile CHINA MOBILE China

CNT-CN China Telecom Corp. Ltd China Telecom China


COM-CO Comunicacion Celular SA Comunicacion Celular SA Colombia

Comcel SA Comcel SA

ETB-CO Empresa de Empresa de Colombia

Telecomunicaciones de Telecomunicaciones de
Bogotá S.A. ESP Bogotá S.A. ESP (ETB)

FON-CO Telefonica Moviles movistar Colombia

Colombia S.A.

TIG-CO Colombia Movil SA Tigo Colombia

HUR-KM Societe Nationale des HURI Comoros

(Comores Telecom)



CCO-CD Congo Chine Telecoms Congo Chine Telecoms Congo (DRC)

CEC-CD Celtel Congo Zain Congo DRC Congo (DRC)

MTN-CD MTN CONGO S.A Libertis Telecom Congo (DRC)


SCE-CD Supercell Sprl Supercell Congo (DRC)

VOD-CD Vodacom Congo (RDC) VODACOM CONGO Congo (DRC)


WAR-CD Warid Congo SA Warid Congo Congo (DRC)

KOK-CK Telecom Cook Islands Telecom Cook Islands Cook Islands

FON-CR Telefonica Moviles Costa Moviestar Costa Rica


CLR-CR Claro America Movil Costa Rica

ICE-CR I.C.E. (Instituto I.C.E. Costa Rica

Costarricense de

KOZ-CI Comium Ivory Coast Inc KoZ Côte d'Ivoire

MOO-CI Atlantique Telecom Cote Moov Côte d'Ivoire




ORG-CI Orange CI Orange CI Côte d'Ivoire

BON-HR bonbon Telekom Croatia Croatia

TEL-HR Tele2 d.o.o za Tele2 Croatia

telekomunikacijske uluge

TMO-HR Croatian Telecom Inc. T-Mobile HR Croatia

TOM-HR Tomato VIP-NET MVNO Croatia

VIP-HR VIPnet d.o.o. VIP-NET Croatia

CYT-CY Cyprus Cytamobile-Vodafone Cyprus


MTN-CY MTN Cyprus Limited MTN Cyprus

O2O-CZ Telefónica O2 Czech O2 - CZ Czech Republic

Republic a.s.

TMO-CZ T-Mobile Czech Republic T-Mobile CZ Czech Republic


VOD-CZ Vodafone Czech OSKAR Czech Republic

Republic a.s.

DK3-DK Hi3G Denmark ApS 3 DK Denmark

DKT-DK TDC A/S TDC Mobil Denmark

TLI-DK Telia Telia Denmark

TOR-DK Telenor Telenor Denmark

EVA-DJ Djibouti Telecom SA Evatis Djibouti


CIN-DM Wireless Ventures Digicel Dominica Dominica

(Dominica) Ltd.

CW0-DM Cable & Wireless Cable & Wireless Dominica

Dominica Ltd. Dominica

CLA-DO Compañia Dominicana CLARO GSM Dominican Republic

de Telefonos, S.A.

ORG-DO Orange Dominicana S.A. ORANGE Dominican Republic

MOV-EC Telefonica Moviles MOVISTAR Ecuador


POR-EC Conecel S.A. (Consorcio Conecel Ecuador

Ecuatoriano de
Telecomunicaciones S.A.)

ETI-EG Etisalat Misr Etisalat Egypt

MBE-EG ECMS-Mobinil Mobinil Egypt

VOD-EG Vodafone Egypt vodafone Egypt


CLA-SV CTE Telecom Personal SA CTE Telecom Personal SA El Salvador

de CV de CV

DIG-SV DIGICEL, S.A. de C.V. Digicel El Salvador

FON-SV Telefonica Moviles El Telefonica El Salvador

Salvador, S.A de c.v

TM0-SV Telemovil EL Salvador TIGO El Salvador


HIT-GQ HiTs EG.SA HiTs-GE Equatorial Guinea

ORG-GQ GETESA Orange GQ Equatorial Guinea

ELI-EE Elisa Eesti AS Elisa Eesti Estonia



TLE-EE Tele2 Eesti AS Tele2 Estonia

ETM-ET Ethiopian ETMTN Ethiopia


CWF-FK Cable and Wireless Plc Cable and Wireless Falkland Islands (Islas

FTG-FO Faroese Telecom Faroese Telecom GSM Faroe Islands

VOD-FO Kall P/F VODAFONE FO Faroe Islands

VOD-FJ Vodafone Fiji Ltd VODAFONE Fiji

DNA-FI DNA Ltd dna Finland

ELI-FI Elisa Corporation Elisa Corporation Finland

FIA-FI Alands Mobiltelefon Ab Alands Mobiltelefon AB Finland

SON-FI TeliaSonera Finland Oyj SONERA Finland

BYT-FR Bouygues Telecom Bouygues Telecom France


Française Guyane

EIT-FR Euro Information EI Telecom France


FRE-FR Free Mobile Free Mobile France

ILI-FR Iliad Iliad France

ORG-FR Orange France Orange F France



VIN-FR Tikiphone SA VINI France

VIR-FR Virgin Mobile Virgin Mobile France

ONL-GF Outremer Telecom Outremer French Guiana

LIB-GA Libertis S.A. LIBERTIS Gabon

TLA-GA Atlantique Telecom TELECEL Gabon

Gabon S.A.

ZAI-GA Celtel Gabon SA Zain Gabon Gabon

AFR-GM Africell (Gambia) Ltd AFRICELL Gambia, The

GAM-GM Gambia GAMCELL Gambia, The

Cellular Company Ltd

GMC-GM Comium Gambia Ltd Comium Gambia Gambia, The

QC0-GM QCELL Limited Qcell Gambia, The

BIT-GE Mobitel LLC Mobitel Georgia

GCE-GE Geocell Ltd GEOCELL Georgia

MAG-GE Magticom Ltd MAGTI GSM Georgia

CON-DE Congstar Telekom Germany Germany

EPL-DE E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH E-Plus Germany

& Co. KG

MOB-DE Mobilcom-Debitel Mobilcom-Debitel Germany


O2O-DE Telefonica o2 Germany O2 (Germany) GmbH & Germany

GmbH & Co.OHG Co. OHG

TMO-DE T-Mobile Deutschland Telekom Deutschland Germany

GmbH (DTAG) GmbH

VOD-DE Vodafone D2 GmbH Vodafone Germany

MTN-GH Scancom Ltd MTN Ghana

ONE-GH Ghana Vodafone Ghana Ghana

Company Ltd

TIG-GH Millicom Ghana Limited tiGO Ghana

ZAI-GH Zain Communications Zain Ghana

(Ghana) Limited

CTS-GI CTS Gibraltar Ltd CTS Mobile Gibraltar

GIB-GI Gibtelecom Limited GIBTEL Gibraltar


Telecommunications S.A.

TMO-GR T-Mobile Greece T-Mobile Greece

TWI-GR Wind Hellas WIND Greece

Telecommunications S.A.

VOD-GR Vodafone-Panafon vodafone Greece

TLG-GL TELE Greenland A/S TELE Greenland Greenland

CW0-GD Cable & Wireless Cable & Wireless Grenada

Grenada Ltd. Grenada

DIG-GD Digicel Grenada Ltd. Digicel Grenada


DAU-GP Dauphin Telecom DAUPHIN Guadeloupe

ORG-GP Orange Caraibe Orange Guadeloupe

CLA-GT Telecomunicaciones De CLARO Guatemala

Guatemala, S.A.


Celulares Sociedad

FON-GT Telefonica Moviles Telefonica Guatemala

Guatemala, SA

CEL-GN Cellcom Guinee S.A. Cellcom Guinee Guinea

ORG-GN Orange Guinee SA Orange Guinee Guinea

MTN-GW Spacetel Guinee-Bissau MTN Guinea-Bissau


ORG-GW Orange Bissau Orange Bissau Guinea-Bissau

CLN-GY Guyana Telephone & Cellink Plus Guyana

Telegraph Co.

DIG-GY U-Mobile (Cellular) Inc. Digicel Guyana Guyana

VOI-HT Communication Comcel Haiti

Cellulaire d'Haiti SA

CLA-HN Servicios de CLARO GSM Honduras

Comunicaciones de
Honduras S.A. de C.V.

FON-HN Telefonica Celular S.A CELTEL Honduras


HT2-HN Empresa Hondurena de Empresa Hondurena de Honduras

Telecomunicaciones Telecomunicaciones



CSL-HK Hong Kong CSL Limited CSL Limited Hong Kong SAR

HUT-HK Hutchison Telecom (HK) 3 Hong Kong SAR


HUT-HK Hutchison Telecom (HK) 3 Hong Kong SAR


PCC-HK Hong Kong PCCW Hong Kong SAR

(HKT) Limited

SMC-HK SmarTone Mobile SmarToneVodafone Hong Kong SAR

Communications Limited

TLH-HU Telenor Magyarorszag Telenor 3G Hungary


TMO-HU Magyar Telekom Plc T-Mobile Hungary Hungary

VOD-HU Vodafone Hungary Ltd Vodafone Hungary

ICE-IS IceCell ehf IceCell Iceland

NOV-IS Nova ehf. NOVA Iceland

SIM-IS Siminn hf Siminn Iceland

VIK-IS IMC Island ehf Viking wireless Iceland

VOD-IS Og fjarskipti hf Vodafone Iceland Iceland

AIR-IN Dishnet Wireless Limited Aircel India

CLO-IN Bharat Sanchar Nigam CellOne Uttar Pradesh India

Limited (East)

DOL-IN Mahanagar Telephone Mahanagar Telephone India

Nigam Ltd Nigam

ETI-IN Etisalat DB Telecom Etisalat DB India

Private Limited

IDE-IN IDEA Cellular Limited IDEA Cellular Limited - India

Tamilnadu Inc Chennai

LOO-IN Loop Telecom Pvt. Ltd. Loop Cellular - Himachal India


OAS-IN Bharti Hexacom Ltd AIRTEL India

REL-IN Reliance Telecom Ltd RELIANCE TELECOM India


RJO-IN RJio Reliance Jio India

TAT-IN Tata Teleservices Ltd TATA TELESERVICES LTD India

UNI-IN Unitech Wireless Limited uninor India

VID-IN Videocon Datacom Solutions Pvt. India

Telecommunications Ltd.

VOD-IN Vodafone Essar Spacetel Vodafone NORTHEAST India


AXI-ID PT Natrindo Telepon AXIS Indonesia


HUT-ID Hutchison CP 3 Indonesia


IND-ID PT Indonesian Satellite INDOSAT Indonesia

Corporation Tbk

MO8-ID PT Mobile-8 Telekom PT Mobile-8 Telekom Indonesia

Tbk Tbk



TSE-ID PT Telekomunikasi TELKOMSEL Indonesia


XL0-ID Excelcom XL Indonesia

ASI-IQ Asiacell Communications Asiacell Iraq


IRA-IQ Atheer Telecom Iraq Zain Iraq Iraq

KOR-IQ Korek Telecom Ltd. Korek Telecom Iraq

EMB-IE eMobile-Ireland eMobile Ireland

HUT-IE Hutchison 3G Ireland Hutchison 3G Ireland Ireland


MET-IE Meteor Mobile Meteor Ireland


O2O-IE O2 Communications O2 Communications Ireland

(Ireland) Ltd (Ireland)

VOD-IE Vodafone Ireland Ltd. vodafone Ireland

CIL-IL Cellcom Israel Ltd Cellcom Israel Israel

HOT-IL Hot Mobile Israel Hot Mobile Israel Israel

JAW-IL Palestine Telecomm Co Palestine Israel

Ltd Telecommunications Co.

ORG-IL Partner Communications Orange Israel

Company Ltd

PCL-IL Pelephone Pelephone Israel

Communications Ltd.

IT3-IT H3G H3G Italy

IWI-IT Wind Telecomunicazioni Wind Telecomunicazioni Italy




TIM-IT Telecom Italia SpA TIM Italy

VOD-IT Vodafone Omnitel N.V. vodafone Italy

CLA-JM Oceanic Digital Jamaica Claro Jamaica Jamaica


CW0-JM Cable & Wireless Cable and Wireless Jamaica

Jamaica Limited Jamaica

DIG-JM Digicel (Jamaica) Limited Digicel Jamaica Jamaica


EML-JP eMobile, Ltd. eMobile Japan




NAV-JE Jersey Telecom Navitas Jersey

ORG-JO Petra Jordanian Mobile Orange Jordan

Company (MobileCom)

UMN-JO Umniah Mobile Umniah Jordan


ZAI-JO Jordan Mobile zain JO Jordan

Telephone Services

BEE-KZ KaR-Tel LLP Beeline Kazakhstan

KCE-KZ GSM Kazakhstan Ltd K'CELL Kazakhstan

NEO-KZ Mobile Telecom Service Mobile Telecom Service Kazakhstan


CKL-KE Celtel Kenya Limited. Zain Kenya Kenya

ORG-KE Telkom Kenya Limited Orange Kenya Kenya

SAF-KE Safaricom Limited Safaricom Kenya

KIF-KI Telecom Services Kiribati Kiribati Frigate Kiribati

Limited (TSKL)

KT0-KR KT Corporation KT Korea

KTO-KR Korea Telecom Korea Telecom Korea

LGU-KR LG U+ LG U+ Korea

SKT-KR SK Telecom SK Telecom Korea

VIV-KW Kuwait Telecom VIVA Kuwait


WAT-KW National Mobile Wataniya Telecom Kuwait

Telecommunications Co.

ZAI-KW Mobile zain KW Kuwait

Telecommunications Co.

BEE-KG Sky Mobile LLC Beeline KG Kyrgyzstan

MGC-KG Alfa Telecom Joint Stock MEGACOM Kyrgyzstan


O00-KG NurTelecom LLC O! Kyrgyzstan


ETL-LA Enterprise of ETL MOBILE Laos

Telecommunications Lao

LAO-LA Lao Telecommunications LAO Laos


TIG-LA Millicom Lao Co Ltd Tigo Laos

UNI-LA Star Telecom Company LAT Laos

Limited (STL)

BIT-LV SIA Bite Latvija Bite Latvija Latvia

LMT-LV Latvijas Mobilais LMT GSM Latvia



ALF-LB MIC 1 Alfa Lebanon

MIC-LB MIC 2 MTC-Touch Lebanon

OM0-LB Ogero Telecom Ogero Mobile (OM) Lebanon

EZI-LS Econet Telecom Lesotho Econet Telecom Lesotho Lesotho

(Pty) Ltd (ETL) (Pty) Ltd

VOC-LS Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) VODACOM LESOTHO Lesotho


CLT-LR Cellcom Cellcom Liberia

Telecommunications, Inc Telecommunications

LON-LR Lonestar Lonestar Cell Liberia



L00-LY Libyana Mobile Phone Libyana Mobile Phone Libya


FL1-LI Mobilkom FL1 Liechtenstein

(Liechtenstein) AG

ORG-LI Orange (Liechtenstein) Orange FL Liechtenstein


SWI-LI Swisscom (Switzerland) FL GSM Liechtenstein

Ltd (Liechtenstein)

TAN-LI TANGO Liechtenstein Tele 2 AG Liechtenstein

BIT-LT UAB Bité Lietuva BITE GSM Lithuania


TL2-LT UAB TELE2 TELE2 Lithuania

LUX-LU P & T Luxembourg LUXGSM Luxembourg

ORG-LU Orange S.A. VOXmobile Luxembourg

TAN-LU TANGO Mobile SA TANGO Luxembourg


HUT-MO Hutchison Telephone Hutchison Telecom Macao SAR

(Macau) Company Ltd Macau

HUT-MO Hutchison Telephone Hutchison Telephone Macao SAR

(Macau) Company Ltd Macau

SMA-MO SmarTone Mobile SmarTone Macao SAR

(Macau) Ltd

ONE-MK ONE Stock Company ONE Macedonia, FYRO


TMO-MK T-Mobile Macedonia T-Mobile Macedonia Macedonia, FYRO




ORG-MG Orange Madagascar S.A. Orange Madagascar Madagascar

TLM-MG Telma Mobile SA Telma Mobile Madagascar

ZAI-MG Celtel Madagascar ZAIN Madagascar Madagascar

CTL-MW CelTel Limited Zain Malawi Malawi

TNM-MW Telekom Networks TNM Malawi

Malawi Ltd

CLM-MY Celcom (Malaysia) Sdn CELCOM GSM Malaysia


DIG-MY DiGi DiGi Malaysia

Telecommunications Sdn

MYM-MY Maxis Communications MMS & MB Malaysia


UMO-MY U Mobile Sdn. Bhd. U Mobile Malaysia

DMO-MV Dhivehi Raajjeyge Dhiraagu Maldives

Gulhun Private Ltd

WAT-MV Wataniya Telecom Wataniya Telecom Maldives

Maldives Pvt. Ltd Maldives Pvt. Ltd


ORG-ML Orange Mali SA Orange MALI Mali

GOM-MT Mobisle go mobile Malta

Communications Limited

MEM-MT Melita Mobile Ltd. 3 G Telecoms Malta Malta


VOD-MT Vodafone Malta Limited vodafone Malta

EMR-MR CHINGUITEL S.A. Chinguitel Mauritania


IUS-MX Iusacell S.A. de C.V. Iusacell S.A. de C.V. Mexico

MOV-MX Telefonica Moviles movistar Mexico


NXT-MX NEXTEL Nextel Mexico

TLC-MX Radiomovil Dipsa SA de TELCEL GSM Mexico


UNE-MX Unefon lusacell (lusacell S.A. de Mexico


FSM-FM FSM FSM Micronesia

Telecommunications Telecommunications
Corporation Corporation

MDC-MD Moldcell SA MOLDCELL Moldova

ORG-MD Orange Moldova S.A. VoXtel Moldova


MON-MC Monaco Telecom Monaco Telecom Monaco

MOB-MN MobiCom MobiCom Mongolia

UNT-MN Unitel LLC Unitel Mongolia

TMO-ME T-Mobile Montenegro T-Mobile Montenegro Montenegro

TOR-ME Telenor Ltd Montenegro Telenor Montenegro Montenegro


MED-MA Méditel Méditel Morocco

MRT-MA Maroc Telecom Maroc Telecom Morocco

WAN-MA Wana Wana Morocco

MCE-MZ Mocambique Celular mcel Mozambique

S.A.R.L (mcel)

VOC-MZ VM, S.A.R.L. Vodacom Mozambique Mozambique

MPT-MM Myanmar Posts and MPT GSM Network Myanmar


000-11 Open market devices N/A

(North America)

000-22 Open market devices N/A

(Latin America)

000-23 Open market devices N/A

(North Latin America)

000-24 Open market devices N/A

(South Latin America)

000-33 Open market devices N/A


000-34 Open market devices N/A

(Eastern Europe)

000-35 Open market devices N/A

(Western Europe)

000-36 Open market devices N/A

(Northern Europe)

000-37 Open market devices N/A

(Southern Europe)

000-44 Open market devices N/A


000-55 Open market devices N/A

(Middle East)

000-66 Open market devices N/A


000-67 Open market devices N/A

(South East Asia)

000-68 Open market devices N/A

(Central Asia)

000-77 Open market devices N/A


000-88 Open market devices N/A

(World Wide)

LEO-NA Powercom (Pty) Ltd leo™ Namibia

MTC-NA MTC Namibia MTC Namibia

NCE-NP Spice Nepal Private Ltd Ncell Nepal

BEN-NL BEN T-Mobile Netherlands Netherlands

NLK-NL KPN B.V. KPN B.V. Netherlands

T2L-NL Tele2 Netherlands Tele2 Netherlands Netherlands

TMO-NL T-Mobile Netherlands T-Mobile NL Netherlands


VOD-NL Vodafone Libertel B.V. vodafone Netherlands

CHI-AN Setel NV UTS Wireless Curacao Netherlands Antilles


CTG-AN Curacao Telecom N.V. Digicel Netherlands Netherlands Antilles

Antilles (former)

TEV-AN Telcell N.V. Telcell N.V. Netherlands Antilles


MMC-NC OPT New Caledonia MOBILIS New Caledonia

DE2-NZ Two Degrees Mobile 2degrees New Zealand


TEL-NZ Telecom New Zealand Telecom New Zealand New Zealand


VOD-NZ Vodafone Mobile NZ vodafone New Zealand


CLA-NI Empresa Nicaraguense CLARO NIC Nicaragua

de Telecomunicaciones

MOV-NI Telefonia Celular de movistarNI Nicaragua

Nicaragua S.A.

CEL-NE Celtel Niger Zain Niger Niger

ORG-NE Orange Niger S.A Orange Niger Niger

TNI-NE Telecel Niger SA Telecel Niger Niger

AIR-NG Airtel Nigeria Airtel Nigeria Nigeria

EMT-NG Emerging Markets EMTS Nigeria

Services Ltd

GLO-NG Globacom Ltd. Glo Mobile Nigeria

MTN-NG MTN Nigeria MTN Nigeria Nigeria

Communications Limited

ZAI-NG Celtel Nigeria Ltd Celtel Nigeria Ltd (Zain) Nigeria


NT0-NF Norfolk Telecom Norfolk Telecom Norfolk Island

MBN-NO Mobile Norway AS Mobile Norway Norway


TNO-NO Telenor Norge AS. TELENOR Norway

NAW-OM Omani Qatari nawras Oman

Company SAOC



MIB-PK Mobilink-PMCL Mobilink Pakistan

TLN-PK Telenor Pakistan (Pvt) Telenor Pakistan (Pvt) Pakistan

Ltd. Ltd.

UFO-PK Pakistan Ufone Pakistan

Mobile Ltd

WAR-PK Warid Telecom (PVT) Ltd Warid Telecom Pakistan

ZON-PK CMPak Limited ZONG Pakistan

PLW-PW Palau Mobile Palau Mobile Palau


WM0-PS Wataniya Palestine Wataniya Mobile Palestinian Authority


CLA-PA Claro Panama S.A. Claro Panama Panama



PAN-PA Cable & Wireless Cable & Wireless Panama

Panama Panama

BMO-PG BMobile Limited Bee Mobile Papua New Guinea

DIG-PG Digicel PNG Ltd. Digicel PNG Papua New Guinea


FON-PY Telefonica Celular Del Telecel Paraguay Paraguay

Paraguay S.A. (Telecel

HPG-PY Hola Paraguay S.A. VOX Paraguay

PER-PY Nucleo S.A Personal Paraguay

FON-PE Telefonica Moviles S.A. Movistar Peru Peru

MOV-PE America Movil Peru CLARO PER Peru


NXT-PE Entel Peru S.A. Entel Peru Peru

VTL-PE Viettel Peru Viettel Peru Peru

GLO-PH Globe Telecom Globe Telecom Philippines

ISL-PH Innove Communications, Islacom Philippines


SMA-PH Smart Communications SMART Gold Philippines


SUN-PH Digital Digitel Mobile/Sun Philippines

Telecommunications Cellular
Phils, Inc

ERA-PL Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Era Poland


HYH-PL Heyah T-Mobile PL Poland

ORG-PL PTK Centertel Orange Poland

PLA-PL P4 Sp. z o.o P4 Poland

PLU-PL Polkomtel S.A. Plus Poland

TMO-PL T-Mobile Poland T-Mobile Poland

MEO-PT Meo Meo Portugal

OPT-PT Sonaecom - Serviços de OPTIMUS Portugal

Comunicações, S.A.


VOD-PT Vodafone Portugal vodafone Portugal

CLA-PR Puerto Rico Telephone Claro GSM Puerto Rico

Company Inc.

QTE-QA Q-Tel Qatarnet Qatar

VFQ-QA Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C. Vodafone Qatar Qatar

ORG-RE Orange Reunion Orange reunion Reunion


SFR-RE Societe Reunionnaise de SFR REUNION Reunion


COS-RO Cosmote Romanian COSMOTE Romania

Telecommunications S.A.

DIG-RO RCS & RDS Digi.Mobil Romania


ORG-RO Orange Romania SA ORANGE Romania

TMO-RO Telekom Romania Telekom Mexico

VFR-RO Vodafone Romania S.A. Vodafone Romania S.A. Romania


BEE-RU OJSC VimpelCom Beeline Russia

BMT-RU BM Telecom Ltd. BM Telecom Russia

BWC-RU Baykalwestcom Baykalwestcom Russia

DTC-RU DonTeleCom DTC Russia

ETK-RU Yeniseytelecom Yeniseitelecom Russia

IND-RU CJSC Volgograd Mobile INDIGO Russia


KUG-RU Kuban- GSM Closed JSC Kuban-GSM Russia

MEG-RU MegaFon, Open Joint Megafon Russia

Stock Company

MOT-RU LLC Ekaterinburg-2000 MOTIV Russia

MTS-RU Mobile TeleSystems MTS Russia


NTC-RU New Telephone New Telephone Russia

Company Company




TL2-RU St. Petersburg Telecom TELE2 Russia

URA-RU Uraltel Uraltel Russia

UTE-RU JSC Uralsvyazinform Utel (RUS17) Russia

VPC-RU Vimpelcom Vimpelcom Russia

RCE-RW MTN Rwandacell SARL MTN-RWA Rwanda



LIM-KN Cable & Wireless St Kitts Cable & Wireless St Kitts Saint Kitts and Nevis
& Nevis Limited & Nevis

CW0-LC Cable & Wireless Cable & Wireless Saint Lucia

Caribbean Cellular (St
Lucia) Limited

DIG-LC Digicel (St Lucia) Limited Digicel (St Lucia) Saint Lucia

AME-PM SPM Telecom AMERIS Saint Pierre and


CW0-VC Cable & Wireless Cable & Wireless Saint Vincent and the
Caribbean Cellular (St. Caribbean Cellular (St. Grenadines
Vincent & the Vincent & the
Grenadines) Ltd Grenadines)

DIG-VC Digicel (St. Vincent and Digicel (St. Vincent and Saint Vincent and the
the Grenadines) Limited Grenadines) Grenadines

GO0-WS Samoatel Limited Samoatel Mobile Samoa

SMT-SM San Marino Telecom Spa San Marino Telecom San Marino

CST-ST Companhia Santomense CSTmovel São Tomé and Principe

de Telecomunicacoes

MBL-SA Etihad Etisalat Company Mobily Saudi Arabia

STC-SA Saudi Telecom Company STC Saudi Arabia


ZAI-SA Zain Zain Saudi Arabia

ALI-SN Sonatel Alize Senegal

EXP-SN Sudan Telecom Expresso Senegal Senegal

Company Ltd


TEL-RS Telekom Srbija Telekom Srbija Serbia

TOR-RS Telenor d.o.o Serbia Telenor Serbia Serbia

PRO-CS Telenor D.o.o. Podgorica Telenor Serbia and Montenegro


SCG-CS Telekom Srbija Telekom Srbija Serbia and Montenegro


VIP-CS Vip mobile d.o.o. Vip Serbia and Montenegro


CWS-SC Cable & Wireless CABLE & WIRELESS Seychelles


AFR-SL LINTEL (Sierra Leone) Africell Sierra Leone


CEL-SL Celtel (SL) Limited Zain Sierra Leone Sierra Leone

GRE-SL Ambitel (Sierra Leone) GreenN™ Sierra Leone Sierra Leone


SLE-SL Comium Sierra leone COMIUM Sierra Leone Sierra Leone


M13-SG M1 Limited M1 Singapore

SIN-SG Singapore Telecom SingTel Singapore

Mobile Pte Ltd

STA-SG StarHub Mobile Pte Ltd StarHub Singapore

O2O-SK Telefónica O2 Slovakia, O2 - SK Slovakia


ORG-SK Orange Slovensko a.s. Orange SK Slovakia

TMO-SK Slovak Telekom, a. s. T-Mobile SK Slovakia

JAN-SI Janustrade Slovenia Janustrade Slovenia

MBT-SI Mobitel D.D. MOBITEL Slovenia

SIM-SI SI.MOBIL d.d. SI.mobil d.d Slovenia

T20-SI T-2 d.o.o. T-2 Slovenia

TUS-SI Tusmobil d.o.o. Tusmobil Slovenia

BRE-SB Solomon Telekom Co BREEZE Solomon Islands


GOL-SO Golis Golis Somalia

Company Ltd

MNY-SO Montysom LTD Montysom LTD Somalia


(Somtel International

TLS-SO Telesom Company Telesom Somalia

CSA-ZA Cell C (Pty) Ltd Cell C South Africa


MTN-ZA MTN - Mobile Telephone MTN - Mobile Telephone South Africa

Networks (Pty) Ltd. Network

VOD-ZA Vodacom Group Pty Ltd. VodaCom South Africa

FON-ES Telefonica Moviles movistar Spain

Espana S.A.

JAZ-ES Jazztel Jazztel Spain

ORG-ES France Telecom España Orange Spain


VOD-ES Vodafone Espana S.A.U. vodafone Spain

YOI-ES Xfera Moviles SA Yoigo Spain

HUT-LK Hutchison Hutchison Sri Lanka

Telecommunications Telecommunications
Lanka (Pte) Limited Lanka (Pvt)

DIG-SR Digicel Suriname NV Digicel Suriname NV Suriname

TSG-SR Telesur TELESUR.GSM Suriname

UNI-SR Intelsur N.V. Intelsur N.V. Suriname

SWA-SZ Swazi MTN Limited Swazi MTN Swaziland

DJU-SE Djuice Telenor Sweden

DKT-SE TDC Mobil TDC Sweden

MBI-SE MobiSir Trafikverket Sweden

SE3-SE Hi3G Access AB 3 Sweden

SWG-SE Sweden2G Net4Mobility Sweden


TIA-SE TeliaSonera Mobile TeliaSonera Mobile Sweden

Networks AB Sweden Networks

TL2-SE Tele2 Tele2 Sweden

TOR-SE Telenor Telenor Sweden

VEN-SE Ventelo Ventelo Sverige Sweden

INP-CH In &Phone SA in&phone Switzerland

ONA-CH OnAir Switzerland Sarl ONAIR Switzerland

ORG-CH Orange ORANGE Switzerland

Communications SA

SUN-CH Sunrise Communications Sunrise Switzerland


SWI-CH Swisscom (Switzerland) Swisscom Switzerland


CHT-TW Chunghwa Telecom Chunghwa Telecom Taiwan

FET-TW Far EasTone Far EasTone Taiwan

Telecommunications Co

TWM-TW Taiwan Mobile Co.Ltd Taiwan Mobile Taiwan

VIB-TW VIBO Telecom Inc VIBO Taiwan

BAB-TJ CJSC Babilon-Mobile Babilon-M Tajikistan

BEE-TJ Tacom LLC BEELINE TJ Tajikistan

MLT-TJ TT Mobile, Closed joint- Mobile Lines of Tajikistan Tajikistan

stock company

TCE-TJ JV Somoncom JV Somoncom Tajikistan


CEL-TZ Celtel Tanzania Limited Zain Tanzania. Tanzania

HIT-TZ Excellentcom Tanzania Hits Tanzania Tanzania


TIG-TZ MIC Tanzania Limited Tigo Tanzania

VOC-TZ Vodacom Tanzania Vodacom Tanzania Tanzania

Limited Limited

ZAN-TZ Zanzibar Telecom Ltd ZANTEL Tanzania

ACT-TH TOT PLC TOT Mobile Thailand

ARS-TH ACeS Regional Services ACes Sat Phone Thailand Thailand

Co.,Ltd. (ARS)

AWN-TH Advanced Wireless AWN Thailand (AIS 3G) Thailand

Network 1

CAT-TH CAT Telecom Public CAT Telecom Thailand Thailand

Company Limited

DTA-TH Total Access DTAC Thailand

Communications Co

GSM-TH Digital Phone Co Ltd GSM 1800 Thailand

THG-TH Advanced Info Service AIS GSM Thailand


TRU-TH True Move Company Ltd True Move Thailand

TT0-TL Timor Telecom Timor Telecom Timor-Leste

TGC-TG Togo Telecom TOGO CELL Togo

TTG-TG Telecel Togo Telecel Togo Togo

DIG-TO Digicel (Tonga) Limited Digicel (Tonga) Limited Tonga


UCA-TO Tonga Communications U-CALL Tonga


TST-TT Telecommunications TSTT Trinidad and Tobago

Services of Trinidad and
Tobago Ltd

ORG-TN ORANGE TUNISIE, SA Orange Tunisie Tunisia

TUN-TN Tunisie Telecom TUNTEL Tunisia

AVE-TR Avea Iletisim Hizmetleri AVEA Turkey


TCE-TR Turkcell Iletisim Turkcell Iletisim Turkey

Hizmetleri A.S. Hizmetleri

VFT-TR Vodafone Vodafone Turkey Turkey

Telekomunikasyon A.S

MTS-TM Barash Communication MTS Turkmenistan Turkmenistan

Technologies INC

TMC-TM Altyn Asyr MC Altyn Asyr Turkmenistan

CW0-TC Cable & Wireless West Cable & Wireless West Turks and Caicos Islands
Indies Ltd (Turks & Indies (Turks & Caicos)

ICO-TC Islandcom Islandcom Turks and Caicos Islands


CEL-UG Celtel Uganda Limited Zain Uganda Uganda


ORG-UG Orange Uganda Limited ORANGE UGANDA Uganda


UTL-UG Uganda Telecom Ltd Uganda Telecom Ltd Uganda


WAR-UG Warid Telecom Uganda Warid Telecom Uganda Uganda


BEE-UA Ukrainian Radio Systems Beeline UA Ukraine

GT0-UA Golden Telecom LLC GOLDEN TELECOM Ukraine

LIF-UA Astelit LLC life:) Ukraine

MTS-UA MTS Ukraine MTS UKR Ukraine


DU0-AE Emirates Integrated du United Arab Emirates

Company PJSC

ETI-AE Emirates Telecom Corp- Emirates Telecom Corp- United Arab Emirates

BRT-GB British Telecom (EE British Telecom United Kingdom


CWU-GB Cable and Wireless UK Cable and Wireless UK United Kingdom


GAF-GB GiffGaff UK Network GiffGaff UK Network United Kingdom

HUT-GB Hutchison 3G UK Ltd 3 United Kingdom

JTW-GB Wave Telecom JT-Wave United Kingdom

LFE-GB LIFE Phones4U MVNO LIFE United Kingdom

MAN-GB Manx Telecom Manx United Kingdom

O2O-GB Telefónica O2 UK O2 (UK) United Kingdom


ORG-GB Everything Everywhere Orange United Kingdom


PMN-GB TeleWare PLC PMN United Kingdom

SUR-GB Cable & Wireless Jersey Cable & Wireless Jersey United Kingdom
Limited Ltd (Sure)

TES-GB Tesco Mobile UK Tesco Mobile UK United Kingdom

TMO-GB Everything Everywhere T-Mobile UK United Kingdom


UK0-GB Mundio Mobile Limited MCom United Kingdom

VOD-GB VODAFONE Ltd vodafone United Kingdom

000-00 Microsoft internal use United States

ACG-US Associated Carrier Associated Carrier United States

Group Group

ACS-US Advantage Cellular Advantage United States

Systems Inc

AIO-US Cricket Wireless (AT&T Cricket Wireless United States


ALT-US Alltel Wireless Alltel United States

ARD-US Airadigm Airadigm United States

Communications Communications

AST-US Arctic Slope Telephone Arctic Slope Telephone United States

Association Cooperative Association Cooperative

ATT-US AT&T Mobility AT&T United States

BRT-US Brightspot Mobile Brightspot Mobile United States


BST-US Boost Sprint PCS United States

BTW-US Michigan Wireless, LLC Bug Tussel Wireless United States

C1E-US Cellular Properties, Inc Cellular One of East United States

Central Illinois

CBW-US Cincinnati Bell Wireless Cincinnati Bell Wireless United States

CEL-US Cellcom Verizon MVNO United States

CEN-US Centennial Centennial United States

Communications Communications

CHI-US MTPCS, LLC Cellular One United States

CLS-US Cellular South Cellular South United States

COM-US Commnet Wireless, LLC Commnet United States

CON-US Consumer Cellular T-Mobile MVNO United States

COR-US Corr Wireless Corr Wireless United States

Communications Communications

CRK-US Cricket Wireless Cricket Wireless United States

CTX-US TX-11 Acquisition, LLC Cellular One of East United States


CWC-US Cordova Wireless Cordova Wireless United States

Communications Inc Communications

CWL-US Choice Wireless LC CellularOne of Texoma United States

DHA-US Alaska Wireless Dutch Harbor United States

Communications, LLC



FAM-US Family Mobile T-Mobile MVNO United States

GCI-US GCI Communications GCI Communications United States

Corp. Corp.

ICA-US Wave Runner LLC i CAN_GSM United States

Mariana Islands

IDT-US IDT/TuYo Mobile T-Mobile MVNO United States

IMM-US Keystone Wireless LLC Immix Wireless United States

IND-US Indigo Wireless, Inc Indigo Wireless United States

ISM-US iSmart Mobile, LLC Big Sky Mobile United States

ITE-US IT&E Overseas, Inc IT&E Wireless United States

IWS-US Iowa Wireless Services, Iowa Wireless Services, United States


JAS-US Jasper Wireless, inc Jasper United States

LAM-US Lamar County Cellular, Lamar County Cellular United States


LPW-US Leap Wireless Leap Wireless United States

LRA-US LTE Rural America LTE Rural America United States

LYC-US Lyca Mobile T-Mobile MVNO United States

MAI-US Maine PCS, LLC. Maine PCS United States

MID-US Mid-Tex Cellular, Ltd. Mid-Tex Cellular United States

MOS-US CTC Telcom, Inc. CTC Telcom Wireless United States

MPL-US Pulse Mobile LLC GTA Wireless United States


NCW-US NewCore Wireless, LLC NewCore Wireless United States

NEC-US North East Colorado Viaero Wireless United States

Cellular, Inc (NECCI)

NET-US Net10 T-Mobile MVNO United States

NYP-US AT&T Mobility AT&T United States

OTZ-US OTZ OTZ Cellular United States

Telecommunications Inc.

PAC-US Kaplan Telephone PACE United States


PCS-US Metro PCS Metro PCS United States

PET-US Petrocom LLC PetroCom United States

PIN-US Pine Telephone Pine Cellular United States


PLA-US Texas RSA 3 Ltd Plateau Wireless United States


PRO-US Proximiti Mobility, Inc Proximiti Mobility United States

RED-US Red Pocket T-Mobile MVNO United States

ROA-US Roam Mobility T-Mobile MVNO United States

SIM-US TMP Corp SIMMETRY United States

SMA-US Go Smart T-Mobile MVNO United States

SOL-US Solavei T-Mobile MVNO United States

SPM-US Simple Mobile T-Mobile MVNO United States


SPP-US Sprint Prepaid Sprint Prepaid United States

SPT-US Sprint Sprint PCS United States

SPW-US Sprint Wholesale Sprint PCS United States

STE-US Stelera Wireless, L.L.C. Stelera Wireless United States

SXL-US Long Lines Wireless LLC Long Lines Wireless United States

TMO-US T-Mobile USA, Inc T-Mobile USA United States

TRF-US TracFone TracFone United States

UNI-US Union Telephone Union Telephone United States

Company Company

UNV-US Univision Mobile T-Mobile MVNO United States

USC-US United States Cellular U.S.Cellular United States


VIR-US Virgin Mobile Sprint PCS United States

VZW-US Verizon Wireless Wireless Alliance United States

WES-US WestLink Westlink United States

Communications LLC Communications

WIL-US Wilkes Cellular Inc Via Wireless United States

XIT-US XIT Wireless Texas RSA 1 Ltd United States

Partnership DBA XIT Cell

YOR-US Yorkville Telephone Yorkville Telephone United States

Cooperative Cooperative

ANC-UY Ancel antel Telefonía móvil Uruguay


CLA-UY AM Wireless Uruguay CLARO URUGUAY Uruguay


FON-UY Telefónica Móviles Moviestar Uruguay


BEE-UZ Unitel LLC Beeline Uzbekistan

UCE-UZ Coscom Ucell Uzbekistan

UZB-UZ FE 'Uzdunrobita' Ltd Uzdunrobita GSM Uzbekistan

DIG-VU Digicel (Vanuatu) Ltd Digicel Vanuatu



DIG-VE Corporacion Digitel C.A. DIGITEL GSM Venezuela

FON-VE Telefonica Moviles movistar Venezuela

Venezuela S.A. (Telcel)

MOV-VE Telecomunicaciones Telecomunicaciones Venezuela

Movilnet C.A. Movilnet

GTL-VN GTEL Mobile Joint Stock GTEL Mobile Vietnam

Company (GTEL Mobile)

VIE-VN Vietel Corporation Viettel Mobile Vietnam

VMO-VN Vietnamobile Vietnamobile Vietnam

VMS-VN Vietnam Mobile Telecom Mobifone Vietnam

Services Company

VNM-VN Vietnam Telecom Vinaphone Vietnam

Services Company

CCT-VG Caribbean Cellular CCT British Virgin Islands


CW0-VG Cable & Wireless (West Cable & Wireless (West British Virgin Islands
Indies) Limited Indies)

MTN-YE Spacetel - Yemen MTN Yemen

SAB-YE Yemen Mobile Phone Yemen Company for Yemen

Company - Sabafon Mobile Telephony


CZL-ZM Celtel Zambia Limited Zain Zambia Zambia

MTN-ZM MTN (Zambia) Ltd MTN ZAMBIA Zambia

ECO-ZW Econet Wireless (Private) ECONET Zimbabwe


NET-ZW NetOne Cellular (Pvt ) NetOne Cellular Zimbabwe


TLZ-ZW Telecel Zimbabwe (PVT) TELECEL Zimbabwe


Requests for a new MOID

Partners that need a new mobile operator ID can request one by contacting their Microsoft representative. As part
of the request, partners must provide the following information:
The business justification and impact for your request.
The regions or mobile operator for whom you would like the new MOID generated for. Provide the mobile
operator's name, network, and country/region.
Specify if the requested MOID is for a MVNO.
Link to the mobile operator's Web site so Microsoft can confirm the name and location.
If there is a bug or work item ID to track this request, provide the ID.

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Registry values for carrier-unlocked phones
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

Values to use for the mobile operator registry setting.

The following table contains the values to use for the mobile operator registry setting
PhoneMobileOperatorName when building carrier-unlocked phones. For more information about the registry
key, see Phone metadata in DeviceTargetingInfo. If you know the mobile operator, use the Registry values for
mobile operator IDs instead.
The following table shows the mobile operator ID values for phones that will be sold in a large geographic area
instead of a single country/region.
Note Note that it is not possible to prevent an update from going to one or more countries/regions in that
geographical area. If any of the following regional IDs is specified, updates can either go to the entire region or
none of it. There is no way to update phones with more granularity.


000-11 North America

000-22 Latin America

000-23 North Latin America

000-24 South Latin America

000-33 Europe

000-34 Eastern Europe

000-35 Western Europe

000-36 Northern Europe

000-37 Southern Europe

000-44 Africa

000-55 Middle East

000-66 Asia

000-67 South East Asia

000-68 Central Asia

000-77 Oceania

000-88 Worldwide

The following table shows more specific mobile operator ID values for carrier-unlocked phones that will be sold in
only one country/region. If multiple codes apply, use the regional IDs listed in the preceding table instead.
However, if the specific value is used, updates can be targeted more carefully if needed.


000-AD Andorra

000-AE United Arab Emirates

000-AF Afghanistan

000-AG Antigua and Barbuda

000-AI Anguilla

000-AL Albania

000-AM Armenia

000-AO Angola

000-AQ Antarctica

000-AR Argentina

000-AS American Samoa

000-AT Austria

000-AU Australia

000-AW Aruba

000-AX Åland Islands

000-AZ Azerbaijan

000-BA Bosnia and Herzegovina

000-BB Barbados

000-BD Bangladesh

000-BE Belgium

000-BF Burkina Faso

000-BG Bulgaria

000-BH Bahrain

000-BI Burundi

000-BJ Benin

000-BL Saint Barthélemy

000-BM Bermuda

000-BN Brunei

000-BO Bolivia

000-BQ Bonaire

000-BR Brazil

000-BS Bahamas, The


000-BT Bhutan

000-BV Bouvet Island

000-BW Botswana

000-BY Belarus

000-BZ Belize

000-CA Canada

000-CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands

000-CD Congo (DRC)

000-CF Central African Republic

000-CG Congo

000-CH Switzerland

000-CI Côte d'Ivoire

000-CK Cook Islands

000-CL Chile

000-CM Cameroon

000-CN China

000-CO Colombia

000-CR Costa Rica

000-CV Cabo Verde


000-CW Curaçao

000-CX Christmas Island

000-CY Cyprus

000-CZ Czech Republic

000-DE Germany

000-DJ Djibouti

000-DK Denmark

000-DM Dominica

000-DO Dominican Republic

000-DZ Algeria

000-EC Ecuador

000-EE Estonia

000-EG Egypt

000-ER Eritrea

000-ES Spain

000-ET Ethiopia

000-FI Finland

000-FJ Fiji

000-FK Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)


000-FM Micronesia

000-FO Faroe Islands

000-FR France

000-GA Gabon

000-GB United Kingdom

000-GD Grenada

000-GE Georgia

000-GF French Guiana

000-GG Guernsey

000-GH Ghana

000-GI Gibraltar

000-GL Greenland

000-GM Gambia, The

000-GN Guinea

000-GP Guadeloupe

000-GQ Equatorial Guinea

000-GR Greece

000-GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

000-GT Guatemala

000-GU Guam

000-GW Guinea-Bissau

000-GY Guyana

000-HK Hong Kong SAR

000-HM Heard Island and McDonald Islands

000-HN Honduras

000-HR Croatia

000-HT Haiti

000-HU Hungary

000-ID Indonesia

000-IE Ireland

000-IL Israel

000-IM Isle of Man

000-IN India

000-IO British Indian Ocean Territory

000-IQ Iraq

000-IS Iceland

000-IT Italy

000-JE Jersey

000-JM Jamaica

000-JO Jordan

000-JP Japan

000-KE Kenya

000-KG Kyrgyzstan

000-KH Cambodia

000-KI Kiribati

000-KM Comoros

000-KN Saint Kitts and Nevis

000-KR Korea

000-KW Kuwait

000-KY Cayman Islands

000-KZ Kazakhstan

000-LA Laos

000-LB Lebanon

000-LC Saint Lucia

000-LI Liechtenstein

000-LK Sri Lanka

000-LR Liberia

000-LS Lesotho

000-LT Lithuania

000-LU Luxembourg

000-LV Latvia

000-LY Libya

000-MA Morocco

000-MC Monaco

000-MD Moldova

000-ME Montenegro

000-MF Saint Martin

000-MG Madagascar

000-MH Marshall Islands

000-MK Macedonia, FYRO

000-ML Mali

000-MM Myanmar

000-MN Mongolia

000-MO Macao SAR

000-MP Northern Mariana Islands

000-MQ Martinique

000-MR Mauritania

000-MS Montserrat

000-MT Malta

000-MU Mauritius

000-MV Maldives

000-MW Malawi

000-MX Mexico

000-MY Malaysia

000-MZ Mozambique

000-NA Namibia

000-NC New Caledonia

000-NE Niger

000-NF Norfolk Island

000-NG Nigeria

000-NI Nicaragua

000-NL Netherlands

000-NO Norway

000-NP Nepal

000-NR Nauru

000-NU Niue

000-NZ New Zealand

000-OM Oman

000-PA Panama

000-PE Peru

000-PF French Polynesia

000-PG Papua New Guinea

000-PH Philippines

000-PK Pakistan

000-PL Poland

000-PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon

000-PN Pitcairn Islands

000-PR Puerto Rico

000-PS Palestinian Authority

000-PT Portugal

000-PW Palau

000-PY Paraguay

000-QA Qatar

000-RE Reunion

000-RO Romania

000-RS Serbia

000-RU Russia

000-RW Rwanda

000-SA Saudi Arabia

000-SB Solomon Islands

000-SC Seychelles

000-SE Sweden

000-SG Singapore

000-SH Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha

000-SI Slovenia

000-SJ Svalbard

000-SK Slovakia

000-SL Sierra Leone

000-SM San Marino

000-SN Senegal

000-SO Somalia

000-SR Suriname

000-SS South Sudan


000-ST São Tomé and Príncipe

000-SV El Salvador

000-SX Sint Maarten

000-SZ Swaziland

000-TC Turks and Caicos Islands

000-TD Chad

000-TF French Southern and Antarctic Lands

000-TG Togo

000-TH Thailand

000-TJ Tajikistan

000-TK Tokelau

000-TL Timor-Leste

000-TM Turkmenistan

000-TN Tunisia

000-TO Tonga

000-TR Turkey

000-TT Trinidad and Tobago

000-TV Tuvalu

000-TW Taiwan

000-TZ Tanzania

000-UA Ukraine

000-UG Uganda

000-UM US Minor Outlying Islands

000-US United States

000-UY Uruguay

000-UZ Uzbekistan

000-VA Holy See (Vatican City)

000-VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

000-VE Venezuela

000-VG British Virgin Islands

000-VI US Virgin Islands

000-VN Vietnam

000-VU Vanuatu

000-WF Wallis and Futuna

000-WS Samoa

000-XE Sint Eustatius

000-XJ Jan Mayen

000-XS Saba

000-YE Yemen

000-YT Mayotte

000-ZA South Africa

000-ZM Zambia

000-ZW Zimbabwe

Related topics
Prepare for Windows mobile development
Customization answer file overview
Configure power settings
1/24/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This section contains information about the power settings that you can configure using the Windows provisioning
framework. Each power setting topic includes the identification GUID, allowed values, meaning, and common
usage scenarios for the setting.

The primary audience for these topics is Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). If you're a Windows device owner
(consumer) and would like to learn more about power settings in Windows 10, please see How to enable Hibernate and Sleep
in Power Options on Microsoft's community support site. You can also search for troubleshooting instructions on this site if

Use Windows Configuration Designer to configure power settings

To configure the power settings, you will first create a provisioning package using Windows Configuration
Designer. You will then edit the customizations.xml file contained in the package to include your power settings.
Use the XML file as one of the inputs to the Windows Configuration Designer command-line to generate either a
provisioning package or a Windows image that contains the power settings. For information on how to use the
Windows Configuration Designer CLI, see Use the Windows Configuration Designer command-line interface.
The power settings are not visible in the Windows Configuration Designer UI but appear under the main
Common\Power namespace. This namespace is further divided into various groups including:

Policy\Settings which includes the following subgroups:


Controls\Settings which includes the following settings:


The following example shows what your Windows provisioning answer file might look like after you've written it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PackageConfig xmlns="urn:schemas-Microsoft-com:Windows-ICD-Package-Config.v1.0">
<ID>{7e5c6cb3-bd16-4c1a-aacb-98c9151d5f20}</ID> <!-- ID needs to be be unique GUID for the package -->

<Settings xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:windows-provisioning">
<Default SchemeAlias="Balanced">
<!-- Duration of time after sleep that the system automatically wakes and
enters hibernate in seconds -->
<AcValue>1800</AcValue> <!-- 30 minutes -->
<DcValue>1800</DcValue> <!-- 30 minutes -->
<Default SchemeAlias="Balanced">
<!-- Enables/Disables only WiFi connection during standby -->

Use Powercfg.exe to control power schemes

You can use the powercfg.exe tool to control power schemes by providing the GUID or alias for the setting. For
more information on how to use this tool, see Powercfg command-line options.

In this section

Adaptive hibernate Adaptive hibernate supports triggers which eliminate

resume to a dead battery, and provide a great Modern
Standby experience by ensuring that the system remains
in CS for as long as possible.

Power controls Settings in this subgroup include settings that control the
system's power and behavior.

Processor power management options The Windows 10 processor power management (PPM)
algorithms implement OS-level functionality that allows
the OS to efficiently use the available processing resources
on a platform by balancing the user's expectations of
performance and energy efficiency.

Battery settings Settings in this subgroup control the customization of

battery actions and thresholds.

Power button and lid settings Settings in this subgroup control the customization of
system button actions.

Display settings Settings in this subgroup control the power management

of the display.

Disk settings Settings in this subgroup control the power management

of disk devices.

Energy Saver settings Settings in this subgroup control the battery threshold
and brightness when Energy Saver is turned on.

PCI Express settings Settings in this subgroup control the power management
of PCI Express links.

Sleep settings Settings in this subgroup control sleep, resume, and other
related functionality.

Other power settings Settings in this subgroup do not belong to any other

Legacy configuration options

Adaptive hibernate
1/24/2019 • 3 minutes to read

Users can set the Hibernate option in their Windows devices to put the system into a low power state when the
system is not in use. The current logic for hibernate relies on an OEM - or user-configured doze to hibernate timer.
The most common timer value is 4 hours. A fixed doze to hibernate timer may offer a consistent and predictable
user experience, however it doesn’t address rapid drain of battery.
The timer-based logic has some significant user experience drawbacks. A fixed doze timer can result in the system
fully draining the battery in standby if it happened within the doze timeout or cut short a Modern Standby
experience by hibernating at doze timeout. The timer is generally not the best option when it comes to addressing
the worst case battery drain and the system needs to be adaptive and hibernate based on battery drain and user
Adaptive hibernate provides triggers which allow the system to hibernate intelligently. These triggers provide the
following benefits:
Eliminate resuming to a dead battery.
Provide a great Modern Standby (MS ) experience by ensuring that the system remains in MS for as long as
To support the adaptive hibernate triggers, the system is enabled with default values. However, OEMs can
program these triggers to ensure that machines hibernate to provide the best possible experience to users.

System requirements
The triggers apply to Modern Standby systems only.

Default behavior
Machines will have adaptive hibernate timeout enabled by default; however, OEMs can configure the settings
using a provisioning package file. See the following sections for more information on how to do this.

Hibernate triggers
Adaptive hibernate settings (standby budget setting and standby reserve time setting) are exposed as hidden
power settings. The settings are applied on DC only and have no impact on AC.
Standby budget setting
The following table lists the settings you can use to set the standby budget, which is the amount of battery the user
is allowed to drain during standby.


StandbyBudgetPercent Defines the battery Power setting powercfg

drain % that the user is /setdcvalueindex
allowed in a standby sub_presence
session. Default is 5%. standbybudgetpercent

You can also configure these settings using a custom provisioning package file for OEM images. For more
information about powercfg, see Powercfg command-line options.
Standby reserve time setting
Reserve time is the amount of time the user is guaranteed to have the screen on after the system resumes from
standby or hibernate. The following table lists the settings you can use to set the reserve time.


StandbyReserveTime Defines the screen on Power setting powercfg

time, in seconds, that /setdcvalueindex
will be available to the sub_presence
user after standby exits standbyreservetime
and the screen turns on.
Default is 1200 seconds.

You can also configure these settings using a custom provisioning package file for OEM images. For more
information about powercfg, see Powercfg command-line options.

Windows provisioning package sample

You can use the Windows Provisioning framework to configure the adaptive hibernate settings described in this
section. First, create a provisioning package using Windows Configuration Designer. You will then edit the
customizations.xml file contained in the package to include your power settings, which appear under the
Common\Power\Policy\Settings\AdaptivePowerBehavior namespace. Use the XML file as one of the inputs to the
Windows Configuration Designer command-line interface to generate either a provisioning package that contains
the power settings. You can then apply the provisioning package to the image. For information on how to use the
Windows Configuration Designer CLI, see Use the Windows Configuration Designer command-line interface.
The following example shows what your Windows provisioning answer file might look like after you've written it
to configure adaptive hibernate settings.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PackageConfig xmlns="urn:schemas-Microsoft-com:Windows-ICD-Package-Config.v1.0">
<ID>{XXXX GUID}</ID> <!-- ID needs to be be unique GUID for the package -->

<Settings xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:windows-provisioning">
<Default SchemeAlias="Balanced">
<!-- After entering standby, battery drain percentage allowed before the
device transitions to hibernate -->
<!-- After entering standby, number of seconds before the device automatically
transitions to hibernate -->


User prediction
User usage prediction no longer triggers Hibernate. This is a change from previous versions of Windows.
Windows continues to support automatically transitioning from Hibernate back to Modern Standby based on user
prediction, however this requires that the device implement RTCWake or the Time & Device Alarm object in ACPI.
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Defines the battery drain percentage that the user is allowed in a standby session.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: StandbyBudgetPercent

Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the percentage, example: 3 = 3%.
You can configure the values for the following sub-settings: DcValue and AcValue

Applies to
Available in Windows 10, version 1607 and later versions of Windows.
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Defines the screen on time, in seconds, that will be available to the user after standby exists and the screen turns

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: StandbyReserveTime

Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the time, in seconds.
You can configure the values for the following sub-settings: DcValue and AcValue

Applies to
Available in Windows 10, version 1607 and later versions of Windows.
Power controls
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Settings in this subgroup include settings that control the system's power and behavior.

Subgroup, path, and setting visibility

Subgroup: Controls settings
Windows provisioning path: Common\Power\Controls\Settings
Hidden setting: Yes

In this section

EnableInputSuppression New in Windows 10, version 1803. Use to enable input

suppression on a Modern Standby system with a clamshell
form factor when the lid is closed, there is no external monitor
connected, and the system is on DC power.

IgnoreCsComplianceCheck New in Windows 10, version 1803. Use to disable the default
OS requirement of having non-rotational media in a Modern
Standby system.

LidNotificationsAreReliable Use to notify the OS whether the platform guarantees that lid
notifications are sent whenever the lid is opened or closed.
1/24/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Use to enable input suppression on a Modern Standby system with a clamshell form factor when the lid is closed,
there is no external monitor connected, and the system is on DC power.
When the conditions above are met, it is expected that the system will stay in a low power state to preserve battery
life. However, some input devices can wake the system from standby even if the user is not using them. For
example, a Bluetooth mouse paired with the system may be stored inside a laptop bag with the system, and the
motion of the mouse causes the system to wake. Enabling input suppression prevents this behavior.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: EnableInputSuppression
Hidden setting: Yes


1 Enable input suppression.

0 Disable input suppression (default).

Applies to
Available in Windows 10, version 1803 and later versions of Windows.
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Use to disable the default OS requirement of having non-rotational media in a Modern Standby system.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: IgnoreCsComplianceCheck
Hidden setting: Yes


1 Disable the check requiring non-rotational media in a Modern

Standby system.

0 Enable the check requiring non-rotational media in a Modern

Standby system (default).

Enabling Modern Standby on a system with rotational storage media is not recommended, as this may result in
increased power consumption due to the tradeoff between power cycling and hard drive reliability. It may also
result in higher exit latency upon resume from Modern Standby (compared to the latency with SSDs). Please refer
to the Modern Standby rotational storage guidelines for more information.

Applies to
Available in Windows 10, version 1803 and later versions of Windows.
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Use to notify the OS whether the platform guarantees that lid notifications are sent whenever the lid is opened or

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: LidNotificationsAreReliable
Hidden setting: Yes


True The platform guarantees that lid notifications will be sent

every time the device lid is opened or closed. The OS
suppresses Windows Hello when the device lid is closed to
ensure further input is not processed and to save battery life.
OEMs must reliably report lid open and lid close events to
opt-in to this setting. If there are scenarios where a lid open
event is not reliably reported to the OS, Windows Hello may
not work for the user.

False The platform does not guarantee that lid notifications are sent
every time the device lid is opened or closed.

Depending on your platform scenarios, you may also want to set the LidOpenWake setting (Lid open wake action).
For example:
If you want to implement a platform that does nothing when the lid is opened, but you want to suppress
Windows Hello when the lid is closed, you'll want to set LidOpenWake =0 and LidNotificationsAreReliable
If you have a device that has a rigid keyboard and the risk of the lid opening and causing the device to turn on
is low, you may want to implement a platform that turns on the display when the lid is opened, but you want to
suppress Windows Hello when the lid is closed, you'll want to set LidOpenWake =1 and
LidNotificationsAreReliable =True.

Applies to
Available in Windows 10, version 1607 and later versions of Windows.
Processor power management options
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The Windows 10 processor power management (PPM ) algorithms implement OS -level functionality that allows
the OS to efficiently use the available processing resources on a platform by balancing the user's expectations of
performance and energy efficiency.
The algorithms have the following characteristics:
They scale from big servers to tablet form factors.
They are customizable through a statically configurable power policy infrastructure.
They are hierarchical and abstracted in a manner that separates platform-agnostic portions of the algorithms
from platform-specific portions.
At a high-level, the Windows PPM is made up of the following parts:
Core parking engine - Makes global scalability decisions about the workload and determines the optimum set
of compute cores to execute with.
Performance state engine - Makes per-processor performance scaling decisions.
Platform specific controls - Implements the mechanics of state transitions and optionally provides feedback
about the effectiveness of OS state decisions and runtime platform constraints.
IHV partners can enable preliminary validation and measurement of the effects of the policy controls on different
hardware configurations.

Power profiles
You can use the Windows Provisioning framework to configure the processor power settings described in this
section. First, create a provisioning package using Windows Configuration Designer. You will then edit the
customizations.xml file contained in the package to include your power settings, which appear under the
Common\Power\Policy\Settings\Processor namespace. Use the XML file as one of the inputs to the Windows
Configuration Designer command-line interface to generate either a provisioning package that contains the power
settings. You can then apply the provisioning package to the image. For information on how to use the Windows
Configuration Designer CLI, see Use the Windows Configuration Designer command-line interface.
The processor namespace is divided into three sets of identical power processor configurations called power
profiles. The power profiles are used by the power processor engine to adapt the performance and parking
algorithm on various system use cases.
Windows 10 supports the following profiles:
Default profile is the configuration set that is active most of the time.
LowLatency is the profile that is activated during boot and during app launch time.
LowPower is the profile that is activated during the buffering phase of media playback scenarios.
Constrained is a profile activated by the battery saver feature on Windows 10 for desktop editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education). This is not available on Windows 10 Mobile.
Each profile supports the following configuration settings:
On systems with processors with heterogeneous architecture, the configuration settings for efficiency class 1 cores
use a similar naming convention. Efficiency class is defined in ACPI 6.0 section GICC Structure. For more
information, consult the ACPI specification.
The common parameters have the suffix "1" to indicate efficiency class. Hetero-specific parameters have the prefix
Static configuration options for core parking
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You can use the static configuration options documented in this section to tune the behavior of the core parking

In this section

CPMinCores CPMinCores specifies the minimum percentage of logical

processors (in terms of all logical processors that are
enabled on the system within each NUMA node) that can
be placed in the un-parked state at any given time.

CPMaxCores CPMaxCores specifies the maximum percentage of logical

processors (in terms of logical processors within each
NUMA node) that can be in the un-parked state at any
given time.

CPIncreaseTime CPIncreaseTime specifies the minimum amount of time

that must elapse before additional logical processors can
be transitioned from the parked state to the unparked
state. The time is specified in units of the number of
processor performance time check intervals.

CPDecreaseTime CPDecreaseTime specifies the minimum amount of time

that must elapse before additional logical processors can
be transitioned from the unparked state to the parked
state. The time is specified in units of the number of
processor performance time check intervals.

CPConcurrency CPConcurrency specifies the threshold for determining

concurrency of the node.

CPDistribution CPDistribution specifies the utilization, in percentage,

to use in the concurrency distribution to select the
number of logical processors to distribute utility to.

CPHeadroom CPHeadroom specifies the value of utilization that would

cause the core parking engine to unpark an additional
logical processor if the least utilized processor out of the
unparked set of processors had more utilization. This
enables increases in concurrency to be detected.

CpLatencyHintUnpark CPLatencyHintUnpark specifies the minimum number of

unparked cores when a system low latency hint is
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

CPMinCores specifies the minimum percentage of logical processors (in terms of all logical processors that are
enabled on the system within each NUMA node) that can be placed in the un-parked state at any given time.
For example, in a NUMA node with 16 logical processors, configuring the value of this setting to 25% ensures that
at least 4 logical processors are always in the un-parked state. The Core Parking algorithm is disabled if the value
of this setting is 100%.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: CPMinCores , CPMinCores1


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

specifies the maximum percentage of logical processors (in terms of logical processors within each
NUMA node) that can be in the un-parked state at any given time.
For example, in a NUMA node with 16 logical processors, configuring the value of this setting to 50% ensures that
no more than 8 logical processors are ever in the un-parked state at the same time. The value of this setting will
automatically be rounded up to the value of CPMinCores.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: CPMaxCores , CPMaxCores1


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

CPIncreaseTime specifies the minimum amount of time that must elapse before additional logical processors can
be transitioned from the parked state to the unparked state. The time is specified in units of the number of
processor performance time check intervals.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: CPIncreaseTime


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes time check intervals.

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

CPDecreaseTime specifies the minimum amount of time that must elapse before additional logical processors can
be transitioned from the unparked state to the parked state. The time is specified in units of the number of
processor performance time check intervals.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: CPDecreaseTime


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes time check intervals.

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

CPConcurrency specifies the threshold for determining concurrency of the node.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: CPConcurrency


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

CPDistribution specifies the utilization, in percentage, to use in the concurrency distribution to select the number
of logical processors to distribute utility to. This may be fewer, but never greater, than the number of logical
processors that are selected to be unparked.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: CPDistribution


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

CPHeadroom specifies the value of utilization that would cause the core parking engine to unpark an additional
logical processor if the least utilized processor out of the unparked set of processors had more utilization. This
enables increases in concurrency to be detected.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: CPHeadroom


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

CPLatencyHintUnpark specifies the minimum number of unparked cores when a system low latency hint is

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: CpLatencyHintUnpark , CpLatencyHintUnpark1


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

Static configuration options for the performance state
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You can use the static configuration options documented in this section to tune the behavior of the performance
state selection algorithms.

In this section

MaxPerformance MaxPerformance specifies the maximum processor

performance state, which is specified as a percentage of
maximum processor performance.

MinPerformance MinPerformance specifies the minimum processor

performance state, which is specified as a percentage of
maximum processor performance.

PerfIncreaseThreshold PerfIncreaseThreshold specifies the percentage of

processor utilization, in terms of the maximum processor
utilization, that is required to increase the processor to a
higher performance state.

PerfIncreaseTime PerfIncreaseTime specifies minimum amount of time

that must elapse between subsequent increases in the
processor performance state. The time is specified in units
of the number of processor performance time check

PerfDecreaseThreshold PerfDecreaseThreshold specifies the percentage of

processor utilization, in terms of the maximum processor
utilization, that is required to reduce the processor to a
lower performance state.

PerfDecreaseTime PerfDecreaseTime specifies minimum amount of time

that must elapse between subsequent reductions in the
processor performance state. The time is specified in units
of the number of processor performance time check

PerfLatencyHint PerfLatencyHint specifies the processor performance in

response to latency sensitivity hints. Such hints are
generated when an event preceding an expected latency-
sensitive operation is detected. Examples include mouse
button up events (for all mouse buttons), touch gesture
start and gesture stop (finger down and finger up), and
keyboard enter key down.

PerfAutonomousMode PerfAutonomousMode controls whether autonomous

mode is enabled on systems that implement version 2 of
the CPPC interface, and determines whether desired
performance requests should be provided to the platform.
On systems with other performance state interfaces, this
setting has no effect.

PerfEnergyPreference PerfEnergyPreference specifies the value to program in

the energy performance preference register on systems
that implement version 2 of the CPPC interface.

PerfAutonomousWindow PerfAutonomousWindow specifies the value to program in

the autonomous activity window register on systems that
implement version 2 of the CPPC interface and have
autonomous mode enabled. Longer values indicate to the
platform that it should be less sensitive to short duration
spikes/dips in processor utilization.

DutyCycling DutyCycling enables or disables the duty cycling

capability on systems that support processor duty cycling.
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

specifies the maximum processor performance state, which is specified as a percentage of

maximum processor performance.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: MaxPerformance , MaxPerformance1


Hidden setting: No

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

specifies the minimum processor performance state, which is specified as a percentage of

maximum processor performance.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: MinPerformance , MinPerformance1


Hidden setting: No

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

PerfIncreaseThreshold specifies the percentage of processor utilization, in terms of the maximum processor
utilization, that is required to increase the processor to a higher performance state.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: PerfIncreaseThreshold , PerfIncreaseThreshold1


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

PerfIncreaseTime specifies minimum amount of time that must elapse between subsequent increases in the
processor performance state. The time is specified in units of the number of processor performance time check

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: PerfIncreaseTime , PerfIncreaseTime1


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes time check intervals.

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

PerfDecreaseThreshold specifies the percentage of processor utilization, in terms of the maximum processor
utilization, that is required to reduce the processor to a lower performance state.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: PerfDecreaseThreshold , PerfDecreaseThreshold1


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

PerfDecreaseTime specifies minimum amount of time that must elapse between subsequent reductions in the
processor performance state. The time is specified in units of the number of processor performance time check

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: PerfDecreaseTime , PerfDecreaseTime1


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes time check intervals.

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

PerfLatencyHint specifies the processor performance in response to latency sensitivity hints. Such hints are
generated when an event preceding an expected latency-sensitive operation is detected. Examples include mouse
button up events (for all mouse buttons), touch gesture start and gesture stop (finger down and finger up), and
keyboard enter key down.
When set to 0, the processor performance engine does not take latency sensitivity hints to account when selecting
a performance state. Otherwise, the performance is raised system-wide to the specified performance level.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: PerfLatencyHint , PerfLatencyHint1


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

PerfAutonomousMode controls whether autonomous mode is enabled on systems that implement version 2 of the
CPPC interface, and determines whether desired performance requests should be provided to the platform. On
systems with other performance state interfaces, this setting has no effect.
Note Platforms that support CPPC version 2 may only support autonomous disabled or autonomous enabled
mode. If only one mode is supported, the OS uses that mode and ignores the PerfAutonomousMode power setting.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: PerfAutonomousMode


Hidden setting: Yes


0 Disabled The performance state engine

disables autonomous mode,
determines desired performance
levels, and conveys those
performance levels to the platform.

1 Enabled The performance state engine

enables autonomous mode and
stops providing desired
performance levels to the platform.

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

PerfEnergyPreference specifies the value to program in the energy performance preference register on systems
that implement version 2 of the CPPC interface.
When set to 0, the energy performance preference register is programmed to 0 to favor performance. When set to
100, the energy performance preference register is set to 255 to favor energy savings. When set to an
intermediate value, the energy performance preference register is programmed to the value: (setting * 255) / 100.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: PerfEnergyPreference


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

PerfAutonomousWindow specifies the value to program in the autonomous activity window register on systems that
implement version 2 of the CPPC interface and have autonomous mode enabled. Longer values indicate to the
platform that it should be less sensitive to short duration spikes/dips in processor utilization.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: PerfAutonomousWindow


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes microseconds.

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 1,270,000,000

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

DutyCycling enables or disables the duty cycling capability on systems that support processor duty cycling.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: DutyCycling


Hidden setting: Yes


0 Disabled Processor duty cycling is not


1 Enabled Processor duty cycling is allowed.

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

Static configuration options for heterogeneous power
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

You can use the static configuration options documented in this section to tune the core parking engine on
heterogeneous systems.
Note These settings are only valid for class 1 cores and replace CP_CONCURRENCY,

In this section

HeteroIncreaseThreshold HeteroIncreaseThreshold specifies the threshold value

to cross above, which is required to unpark the Nth
efficiency class 1 core. There is a separate value for each
core index. The threshold is relative to efficiency class 0

HeteroDecreaseThreshold HeteroDecreaseThreshold specifies a threshold to cross

below, which is required to park the Nth efficiency class 1
core. There is a separate value for each core index. The
threshold is relative to efficiency class 0 performance.

HeteroIncreaseTime HeteroIncreaseTime specifies the minimum amount of

time that must elapse before additional efficiency class 1
logical processors can be transitioned form the parked
state to the unparked state. The time is specified in
processor performance time check intervals.

HeteroDecreaseTime HeteroDecreaseTime specifies the minimum amount of

time that must elapse before additional efficiency class 1
logical processors can be transitioned from the unparked
state to the parked state. The time is specified in
performance time check intervals.

HeteroClass1InitialPerf HeteroClass1InitialPerf specifies the initial

performance percentage of the efficiency class 1 core
when this core is unparked.

HeteroClass0FloorPerf HeteroClass0FloorPerf specifies the performance level

floor, in percentage, to use for efficiency class 0 processors
if there is at least one unparked efficiency class 1
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

HeteroIncreaseThreshold specifies the threshold value to cross above, which is required to unpark the Nth
efficiency class 1 core. There is a separate value for each core index. The threshold is relative to efficiency class 0
performance. The provisioning interface can specify up to 4 different thresholds. If the system has 5 or more class
1 cores, the 4th value is used for all remaining cores of the same class.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: HeteroIncreaseThreshold


Hidden setting: Yes

HeteroIncreaseThreshold is a four-byte unsigned integer where each byte represents a threshold in percentage.
The lowest byte is the first threshold. For example, to set four thresholds—A, B, C, and D —the value of the
parameter will be A + B*256 + C*65536 + D*16777216.

Minimum value 0 + 0256 + 065536 + 016777216

Maximum value 100 + 100256 + 10065536 + 10016777216

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

HeteroDecreaseThreshold specifies a threshold to cross below, which is required to park the Nth efficiency class 1
core. There is a separate value for each core index. The threshold is relative to efficiency class 0 performance. The
provisioning interface can specify up to 4 different thresholds. If the system has 5 or more class 1 cores, the 4th
value is used for all remaining cores of the same class.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: HeteroDecreaseThreshold


Hidden setting: Yes

HeteroDecreaseThreshold is a four-byte unsigned integer where each byte represents a threshold in percentage.
The lowest byte is the first threshold. For example, to set four thresholds—A, B, C, and D —the value of the
parameter will be A + B*256 + C*65536 + D*16777216.

Minimum value 0 + 0256 + 065536 + 016777216

Maximum value 100 + 100256 + 10065536 + 10016777216

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

HeteroIncreaseTime specifies the minimum amount of time that must elapse before additional efficiency class 1
logical processors can be transitioned form the parked state to the unparked state. The time is specified in
processor performance time check intervals.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: HeteroIncreaseTime


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes time check intervals.

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

HeteroDecreaseTime specifies the minimum amount of time that must elapse before additional efficiency class 1
logical processors can be transitioned from the unparked state to the parked state. The time is specified in
performance time check intervals.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: HeteroDecreaseTime


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes time check intervals.

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

HeteroClass1InitialPerf specifies the initial performance percentage of the efficiency class 1 core when this core
is unparked.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: HeteroClass1InitialPerf


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

HeteroClass0FloorPerf specifies the performance level floor, in percentage, to use for efficiency class 0 processors
if there is at least one unparked efficiency class 1 processor.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: HeteroClass0FloorPerf


Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

Battery settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Settings in this subgroup control the customization of battery actions and thresholds.

Subgroup, GUID, aliases, and setting visibility

Subgroup: Battery settings
GUID: e73a048d-bf27-4f12-9731-8b2076e8891f
Windows provisioning path: Common\Power\Policy\Settings\Battery

PowerCfg alias: SUB_BATTERY

Hidden setting: Yes

In this section

Critical battery action Specifies the action to take when the critical batter level is

Critical battery threshold Specifies a percentage of capacity when the critical battery
action is taken.

Low battery action Specifies the action to take when the low batter level is

Low battery threshold Specifies a percentage of capacity when the low battery
action is taken and the low battery warning, if enabled,

Low battery warning Specifies whether the OS displays a UI warning at the

batter meter when the battery capacity crosses the low
battery threshold.

Reserve battery level Specifies a percentage of capacity when the reserve

battery warning is shown to the user.
Critical battery action
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the action to take when the critical batter level is reached.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: CriticalAction
GUID: 637ea02f-bbcb-4015-8e2c-a1c7b9c0b546
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Do Nothing No action is taken when the critical

battery level is reached.

1 Sleep The system enters sleep when the

critical battery level is reached.

2 Hibernate The system enters hibernate when

the critical battery level is reached.

3 Shut Down The system shuts down when the

critical battery level is reached.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Critical battery threshold
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies a percentage of capacity when the critical battery action is taken.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: CriticalBatteryLevel
GUID: 9a66d8d7-4ff7-4ef9-b5a2-5a326ca2a469
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Low battery action
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the action to take when the low batter level is reached.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: LowAction
GUID: d8742dcb-3e6a-4b3c-b3fe-374623cdcf06
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Do Nothing No action is taken when the low

battery level is reached.

1 Sleep The system enters sleep when the

low battery level is reached.

2 Hibernate The system enters hibernate when

the low battery level is reached.

3 Shut Down The system shuts down when the

low battery level is reached.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Low battery threshold
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies a percentage of capacity when the low battery action is taken and the low battery warning, if enabled,

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: LowBatteryLevel
GUID: 8183ba9a-e910-48da-8769-14ae6dc1170a
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Low battery warning
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies whether the OS displays a UI warning at the batter meter when the battery capacity crosses the low
battery threshold.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: LowBatteryWarning


GUID: bcded951-187b-4d05-bccc-f7e51960c258
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Disabled The OS does not display a UI

warning when the battery capacity
crosses the low battery threshold.

1 Enabled The OS displays a UI warning when

the battery capacity crosses the low
battery threshold.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Reserve battery level
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies a percentage of capacity when the reserve battery warning is shown to the user.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: ReserveBatteryLevel


GUID: f3c5027d-cd16-4930-aa6b-90db844a8f00
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to
Available in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.
Power button and lid settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Settings in this subgroup control the customization of system button actions.

Subgroup, GUID, aliases, and setting visibility

Subgroup: Power button and lid settings
GUID: 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347
Windows provisioning path: Common\Power\Policy\Settings\Button

PowerCfg alias: SUB_BUTTONS

Hidden setting: Yes

In this section

Lid open wake action Specifies the action to take when the system lid is opened.

Lid switch close action Specifies the action to take when the system lid is closed.

Power button action Specifies the action to take when the system power
button is pressed.

Power button forced shutdown Specifies the type of system shutdown that occurs when
the system power button is pressed if the power button
action is set to Shut Down.

Sleep button action Specifies the action to take when the sleep power button
is pressed.
Lid open wake action
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the action to take when the system lid is opened.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: LidOpenWake


GUID: 99ff10e7-23b1-4c07-a9d1-5c3206d741b4
Hidden setting: Yes
Current AC power setting index: 0x00000001
Current DC power setting index: 0x00000001


0 Do Nothing No action is taken when the system

lid is opened.

1 Turn on the display The OS turns on the display when

the system lid is opened.

Applies to
Available in Windows 10, version 1607 and later versions of Windows.

Related topics
Lid switch close action
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the action to take when the system lid is closed.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: LidAction


GUID: 5ca83367-6e45-459f-a27b-476b1d01c936
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Do Nothing No action is taken when the system

lid is closed.

1 Sleep The system enters sleep when the

system lid is closed.

2 Hibernate The system enters hibernate when

the system lid is closed.

3 Shut Down The system shuts down when the

system lid is closed.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Power button action
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the action to take when the system power button is pressed.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: PowerButtonAction


GUID: 7648efa3-dd9c-4e3e-b566-50f929386280
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Do Nothing No action is taken when the power

button is pressed.

1 Sleep The system enters sleep when the

power button is pressed.

2 Hibernate The system enters hibernate when

the power button is pressed.

3 Shut Down The system shuts down when the

power button is pressed.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Power button forced shutdown
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the type of system shutdown that occurs when the system power button is pressed if the power button
action is set to Shut Down.
Warning If you enable this setting and a user presses the power button to shut down the system, any open
documents might not be saved and data loss could occur.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: ForcedShutdown


GUID: 833a6b62-dfa4-46d1-82f8-e09e34d029d6
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Off A normal system shutdown will


1 On A forced system shutdown will


Applies to
Available in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.
Sleep button action
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the action to take when the sleep power button is pressed.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: SleepButtonAction

PowerCfg: SleepButtonAction

GUID: 96996bc0-ad50-47ec-923b-6f41874dd9eb
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Do Nothing No action is taken when the sleep

button is pressed.

1 Sleep The system enters sleep when the

sleep button is pressed.

2 Hibernate The system enters hibernate when

the sleep button is pressed.

3 Shut Down The system shuts down when the

sleep button is pressed.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Display settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Settings in this subgroup control the power management of the display.

Subgroup, GUID, aliases, and setting visibility

Subgroup: Display settings
GUID: 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99
Windows provisioning path: Common\Power\Policy\Settings\Display

PowerCfg alias: SUB_VIDEO

Hidden setting: Yes

In this section

Adaptive display idle timeout Specifies whether the OS automatically scales the display
idle time-out based on user activity.
If the user provides input to the system shortly after the
display idle timeout is reached, Windows automatically
extends the display idle time-out to deliver a better user

Allow display required policy Specifies whether Windows allows applications to

temporarily prevent the display from automatically
reducing brightness or turning off to save power.

Dim annoyance timeout This setting denotes the user annoyance detection
threshold. It specifies the duration between automatic
display brightness level reduction and user input to
consider the automatic display brightness level reduction
as an annoyance to the user.

Dim display brightness Denotes the reduced display brightness level after the dim
idle timeout has been reached.

Display brightness level Specifies the default display brightness level.

Display idle timeout Specifies the period of inactivity before the display is
automatically turned off.
Adaptive display idle timeout
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies whether the OS automatically scales the display idle time-out based on user activity.
If the user provides input to the system shortly after the display idle timeout is reached, Windows automatically
extends the display idle time-out to deliver a better user experience.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: AdaptiveTimeout


GUID: 90959d22-d6a1-49b9-af93-bce885ad335b
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Disabled Windows does not adaptively

extend the display idle timeout.

1 Enabled Windows adaptively extends the

display idle timeout.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Allow display required policy
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies whether Windows allows applications to temporarily prevent the display from automatically reducing
brightness or turning off to save power.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: AllowDisplayRequired


GUID: a9ceb8da-cd46-44fb-a98b-02af69de4623
Hidden setting: Yes


0 No Applications are not allowed to

temporarily prevent display power

1 Yes Applications are allowed to

temporarily prevent display power

Applies to
Available in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.
Dim annoyance timeout
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

This setting denotes the user annoyance detection threshold. It specifies the duration between automatic display
brightness level reduction and user input to consider the automatic display brightness level reduction as an
annoyance to the user.
This setting applies only to portable computers that support Windows control of the brightness level of an
integrated display device. In most situations, you should not change the default value of this setting.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: AdapativeIncrease


GUID: 82dbcf2d-cd67-40c5-bfdc-9f1a5ccd4663
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the number of seconds.

Minimum value 0 (Do not detect user annoyance.)

Maximum value Maximum integer

Applies to
Available in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.
Dim display brightness
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Denotes the reduced display brightness level after the dim idle timeout has been reached.
This setting applies only to portable computers that support Windows control of the brightness level of an
integrated display device.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: DimLevel


GUID: f1fbfde2-a960-4165-9f88-50667911ce96
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to
Available in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.
Display brightness level
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the default display brightness level.

This setting applies only to portable computers that support Windows control of the brightness level of an
integrated display device.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: NormalLevel


GUID: aded5e82-b909-4619-9949-f5d71dac0bcb
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Display idle timeout
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the period of inactivity before the display is automatically turned off.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: IdleTimeout


GUID: 3c0bc021-c8a8-4e07-a973-6b14cbcb2b7e
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the number of seconds.

Minimum value 0 (Never power off the display.)

Maximum value Maximum integer

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Disk settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Settings in this subgroup control the power management of disk devices.

Subgroup, GUID, aliases, and setting visibility

Subgroup: Disk settings
GUID: 0012ee47-9041-4b5d-9b77-535fba8b1442
Windows provisioning path: Common\Power\Policy\Settings\Disk

PowerCfg alias: SUB_DISK

Hidden setting: Yes

In this section

Disk burst ignore time Specifies the period of inactivity to ignore when
attempting to aggressively power down the disk.

Disk idle timeout Specifies the period of inactivity before the disk is
automatically powered down.

Link power management mode - adaptive Specifies the period of AHCI link idle time before the link is
put into a slumber state when Host-Initiated Power
Management (HIPM) or Device-Initiated Power
Management (DIPM) is enabled.

Link power management mode - HIPM/DIPM Configures the link power management mode for disk and
storage devices that are attached to the system through
an AHCI interface.
Disk burst ignore time
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the period of inactivity to ignore when attempting to aggressively power down the disk.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: N/A

PowerCfg: N/A

GUID: 80e3c60e-bb94-4ad8-bbe0-0d3195efc663
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the number of seconds.

Minimum value 0 (Do not ignore disk activity)

Maximum value Maximum integer

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Server 2008 R2, and later versions of Windows.
Disk idle timeout
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the period of inactivity before the disk is automatically powered down.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: IdleTimeout


GUID: 6738e2c4-e8a5-4a42-b16a-e040e769756e
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the number of seconds.

Minimum value 0 (Never idle off the disk)

Maximum value Maximum integer

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Link power management mode - adaptive
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the period of AHCI link idle time before the link is put into a slumber state when Host-Initiated Power
Management (HIPM ) or Device-Initiated Power Management (DIPM ) is enabled.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: N/A

PowerCfg: N/A

GUID: dab60367-53fe-4fbc-825e-521d069d2456
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the number of milliseconds.

Minimum value 0 (Only use partial state)

Maximum value 300,000 (5 minutes)

Applies to
Available in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.
Link power management mode - HIPM/DIPM
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Configures the link power management mode for disk and storage devices that are attached to the system through
an AHCI interface.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: N/A

PowerCfg: N/A

GUID: 0b2d69d7-a2a1-449c-9680-f91c70521c60
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Active Link power management is not


1 HIPM Host-Initiated Power Management

(HIPM) is used.

2 HIPM and DIPM HIPM and Device-Initiated Power

Management (DIPM) are used.

Applies to
Available in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.
Energy Saver settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Settings in this subgroup control the battery threshold and brightness when Energy Saver is turned on.

Subgroup, GUID, aliases, and setting visibility

Subgroup: Energy Saver settings
GUID: de830923-a562-41af-a086-e3a2c6bad2da
Windows provisioning path: Common\Power\Policy\Settings\EnergySaver


Hidden setting: Yes

In this section

Battery threshold Specifies the battery charge level, as a percentage, at

which Energy Saver is turned on.

Brightness Specifies the percentage value to scale brightness to when

Energy Saver is turned on.
Battery threshold
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the battery charge level, as a percentage, at which Energy Saver is turned on.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: BatteryThreshold


GUID: e69653ca-cf7f-4f05-aa73-cb833fa90ad4
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to
Available in Windows 10 and later versions of Windows.
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the percentage value to scale brightness to when Energy Saver is turned on.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: Brightness


GUID: 13d09884-f74e-474a-a852-b6bde8ad03a8
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to
Available in Windows 10 and later versions of Windows.
PCI Express settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Settings in this subgroup control the power management of PCI Express links.

Subgroup, GUID, aliases, and setting visibility

Subgroup: PCI Express settings
GUID: 501a4d13-42af-4429-9fd1-a8218c268e20
Windows provisioning path: Common\Power\Policy\Settings\PCIExpress

PowerCfg alias: SUB_PCIEXPRESS

Hidden setting: Yes

In this section

Link state power management Specifies the personality of the power plan.
Link state power management
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the personality of the power plan.

Warning System administrators should not change the power plan personality settings.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: ASPM

PowerCfg: ASPM

GUID: ee12f906-d277-404b-b6da-e5fa1a576df5
Hidden setting: Yes


0 None The power plan is a Power Saver


1 Moderate Power Savings The system attempts to use the L0

state when the link is idle.

2 Maximum Power Savings The system attempts to use the L1

state when the link is idle.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Sleep settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Settings in this subgroup control sleep, resume, and other related functionality.

Subgroup, GUID, aliases, and setting visibility

Subgroup: Sleep settings
GUID: 238c9fa8-0aad-41ed-83f4-97be242c8f20
Windows provisioning path: Common\Power\Policy\Settings\Sleep

PowerCfg alias: SUB_SLEEP

Hidden setting: Yes

In this section

Allow away mode Specifies whether the system uses away mode. If this
setting is disabled, away mode is not used even if
programs request it.

Allow sleep with open remote files Configures the network file system to prevent the
computer from automatically entering sleep when remote
network files are open.

Allow sleep states Specifies whether the system uses low power sleep states.

Allow system required requests Configures the power manager to accept or ignore
application system required requests. These requests
prevent the system from automatically entering sleep
after a period of user inactivity.

Automatically wake for tasks Specifies whether the system uses the system-wide wake-
on-timer capability.
The system can automatically use wake-on-timer on
capable hardware to perform scheduled tasks. For
example, the system might wake automatically to install

Hibernate idle timeout Specifies the duration of time after sleep that the system
automatically wakes and enters hibernation.

Hybrid sleep Specifies whether the system can enter hybrid sleep.

Sleep idle timeout Specifies the duration of inactivity before the system
automatically enters sleep.

Sleep unattended idle timeout Specifies the duration of inactivity before the system
automatically enters sleep after waking from sleep in an
unattended state.
Allow away mode
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies whether the system uses away mode. If this setting is disabled, away mode is not used even if programs
request it.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: AwayMode


GUID: 25dfa149-5dd1-4736-b5ab-e8a37b5b8187
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Disabled Away mode is not available.

1 Enabled Away mode is available.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Allow sleep with open remote files
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Configures the network file system to prevent the computer from automatically entering sleep when remote
network files are open.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: AllowRemoteOpenSleep


GUID: d4c1d4c8-d5cc-43d3-b83e-fc51215cb04d
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Off Prevents automatic sleep when

remote network files are open.
However, if the open files are stored
in Offline Files and are backed by
the Offline File cache, automatic
sleep is allowed.

1 On Prevents automatic sleep when

remote network files are open.
However, if the open files are stored
in Offline Files or the open files
have not been updated since they
were originally opened, automatic
sleep is allowed.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Allow sleep states
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies whether the system uses low power sleep states.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: AllowStandby


GUID: abfc2519-3608-4c2a-94ea-171b0ed546ab
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Disabled Sleep states (ACPI S1, S2, and S3)

are not available.

1 Enabled Sleep states (ACPI S1, S2, and S3)

are available.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Allow system required requests
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Configures the power manager to accept or ignore application system required requests. These requests prevent
the system from automatically entering sleep after a period of user inactivity.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: AllowSystemRequired


GUID: a4b195f5-8225-47d8-8012-9d41369786e2
Hidden setting: Yes


0 No Application system required

requests will be ignored.

1 Yes Application system required

requests will be accepted.

Applies to
Available in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.
Automatically wake for tasks
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies whether the system uses the system-wide wake-on-timer capability.

The system can automatically use wake-on-timer on capable hardware to perform scheduled tasks. For example,
the system might wake automatically to install updates.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: AllowRtcWake


GUID: bd3b718a-0680-4d9d-8ab2-e1d2b4ac806d
Hidden setting: Yes


0 No Wake on timer is disabled.

1 Yes Wake on timer is enabled.

2 Important Wake on internal system timers


Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Hibernate idle timeout
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the duration of time after sleep that the system automatically wakes and enters hibernation.
This settings enables hibernate option on Modern Standby systems. Set the value to 0 to disable the feature.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: HibernateTimeout


GUID: 9d7815a6-7ee4-497e-8888-515a05f02364
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the number of seconds.

Minimum value 0 (Never idle to sleep)

Maximum value Maximum integer

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Hybrid sleep
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies whether the system can enter hybrid sleep.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: HybridSleep


GUID: 94ac6d29-73ce-41a6-809f-6363ba21b47e
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Disabled Hybrid sleep is disabled.

1 Enabled Hybrid sleep is enabled.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Sleep idle timeout
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the duration of inactivity before the system automatically enters sleep.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: StandbyTimeout


GUID: 29f6c1db-86da-48c5-9fdb-f2b67b1f44da
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the number of seconds.

Minimum value 0 (Never idle to sleep)

Maximum value Maximum integer

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Sleep unattended idle timeout
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies the duration of inactivity before the system automatically enters sleep after waking from sleep in an
unattended state.
For example, if the system wakes from sleep because of a timed event or a wake on LAN (WoL ) event, the sleep
unattended idle timeout value will be used instead of the sleep idle timeout value.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: UnattendTimeout

PowerCfg: UnattendTimeout

GUID: 7bc4a2f9-d8fc-4469-b07b-33eb785aaca0
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes the number of seconds.

Minimum value 0 (Never idle to sleep)

Maximum value Maximum integer

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Server 2008 R2, and later versions of Windows.
Other power settings
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Settings in this subgroup do not belong to any other subgroup.

Subgroup, GUID, aliases, and setting visibility

Subgroup: No subgroup settings
GUID: fea3413e-7e05-4911-9a71-700331f1c294
Windows provisioning path: Common\Power\Policy\Settings\Misc

PowerCfg alias: SUB_NONE

Hidden setting: Yes

In this section

Device idle policy Determines whether conservation idle timeouts or

performance idle timeouts are used for devices that are
integrated with Windows kernel power manager device
idle detection.

Prompt for password on resume Specifies whether the user must enter a password at the
secure desktop when the system resumes from sleep.

Note All Windows desktop editions have this setting

enabled by default. This is a change from Windows 8.1 and
earlier which had the setting disabled by default on some

Allow networking during standby Specifies whether to allow networking during standby.
Device idle policy
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Determines whether conservation idle timeouts or performance idle timeouts are used for devices that are
integrated with Windows kernel power manager device idle detection.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: DeviceIdlePolicy

PowerCfg: N/A

GUID: 4faab71a-92e5-4726-b531-224559672d19
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Performance Power idle timeouts are used.

1 Power Savings Conservation idle timeouts are


Applies to
Available in Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Server 2008 R2, and later versions of Windows.
Prompt for password on resume
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies whether the user must enter a password at the secure desktop when the system resumes from sleep.
Note All Windows desktop editions have this setting enabled by default. This is a change from Windows 8.1 and
earlier which had the setting disabled by default on some editions.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: LockConsoleOnWake


GUID: 0e796bdb-100d-47d6-a2d5-f7d2daa51f51
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Disabled The system returns to the desktop

when resuming from sleep.

1 Enabled The system returns to the secure

desktop, and the user must enter a
password when the system
resumes from sleep.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Allow networking during standby
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

Specifies whether to allow networking during standby.

Aliases and setting visibility

Windows Provisioning: ConnectivityInStandby

GUID: f15576e8-98b7-4186-b944-eafa664402d9
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Disabled The system will disconnect from the

network during standby.

1 Enabled The system will stay connected to

the network during standby.

2 Managed by Windows Windows will manage network

connectivity during standby.

Applies to
Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.
Legacy configuration options
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

The processor power settings documented in this section are no longer supported for platform configuration.
However, system administrators and power users may use them.

Options for performance state engine

You can use the following options to configure the performance state engine:
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

PERFBOOSTMODE determines how processors select a performance level when current operating conditions allow for
boosting performance above the nominal level.

GUID, alias, and setting visibility

GUID: be337238-0d82-4146-a960-4f3749d470c7
Hidden setting: Yes


0 Disabled

1 Enabled

2 Aggressive

3 Efficient enabled

4 Efficient aggressive

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

PERFBOOSTPOL configures the processor performance boost policy.

GUID, alias, and setting visibility

GUID: 45bcc044-d885-43e2-8605-ee0ec6e96b59
PowerCfg alias: PERFBOOSTPOL
Hidden setting: Yes

The value denotes percentage (%).

Minimum value 0

Maximum value 100

Applies to

Windows 10 for desktop x86 amd64 N/A

editions (Home, Pro,
Enterprise, and Education)

Windows 10 Mobile N/A N/A Supported

Preinstalled and exclusive apps
1/24/2019 • 2 minutes to read

As an OEM, you have a unique opportunity to create applications that ship with your OS image directly to
customers. This means you can preinstall applications onto the image, connect them to devices, and promote them
in both the Microsoft Store, and your OEM store. You can also promote exclusive apps in your OEM store.

App design
To make a compelling app that gets your customers to pay attention, follow the design principles that guide the
development of great Universal Windows Platform (UWP ) experiences. The Introduction to UWP app design is a
great starting place for learning about UWP. From there you should learn about the controls and control patterns
to use, how to interact with inputs and devices, and how to think about usability. The Get Started with Windows
Apps guide in the Windows Dev Center is another resource you can use to learn more.

Preinstalled apps
The primary channel for distributing apps is the Microsoft Store. However, because Microsoft Store apps are only
available on the device after a user-initiated download and some partner apps need to be available at first boot,
there is an alternate option available for OEMs and mobile operators. OEMs and Mobile operators can create
Partner applications that can be packaged and configured to install during the initial device setup process. While
the user is going through the initial setup process, the preinstalled applications are installed in the background.

Exclusive apps
By forming relationships with developers, you can work together to publish exclusive apps onto your devices. You
have the flexibility based on the contracts you establish with developers to ensure that these apps are available
exclusively on your Windows 10-based devices (as identified by OEM Store ID ) and don't appear in the general
catalog on any other devices.

In this section

Preinstallable apps for desktop devices Learn how to add an app to a Windows 10 for desktop
editions (Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education) image that will
be available to customers at first boot.

Preinstallable apps for mobile devices Learn how to add an app to a mobile image that will be
available to customers at first boot.

Preinstall tasks OEMs and MOs are permitted to ship preinstalled apps in the
device image. Some of those preinstalled apps require tasks to
run without user interaction and often before the end-user
opens the app for the first time; such as a product survey app
or a SMS server registration. Similarly, some apps will need
servicing tasks to run without user interaction after an app
has been updated. Preinstall and update tasks provide the
mechanism for allowing tasks to run in the background
without before the app is installed or when it is updated.

Exclusive apps Learn how to set the OEM Store ID and SCM ID in the
registry to enable exclusive apps for your devices.

Preinstalled and exclusive app guidance is designed for use by OEM and MO developers.
Exclusive apps
1/24/2019 • 4 minutes to read

By forming relationships with developers, you can work together to publish exclusive apps onto your devices. You
have the flexibility based on the contracts you establish with developers to ensure that these apps are available
exclusively on your Windows 10-based devices (as identified by OEM Store ID ) and don't appear in the general
catalog on any other devices.
Your exclusive apps must be submitted to the Microsoft Store by a developer that you are in an exclusive
relationship with, as defined in the Microsoft Store OEM Program enrollment form. You may also set up your own
exclusive developer account where apps published from that account are automatically designated as exclusive.

Exclusive app accounts are only available to OEM developer accounts unless you have been granted an exception.

Set your OEM Store ID and SCM ID

You must insert a combination of unique identifiers into your images to facilitate exclusive app features. These
features rely on the OEM Store ID (previously referred to as the OEM ID ) and optionally the Store Content
Modifier ID (SCM ID ). The OEM Store ID and the Store Content Modifier (SCM ) will be provided by the Microsoft
Store Partner Operations team at your request.
OEM Store ID
The OEM Store ID is required for you to create your OEM Store in the Microsoft Store and for app exclusivity.
Here are the characteristics of an OEM Store ID:
Assignment is a one-time operation; each OEM should have one and only one unique OEM Store ID.
You must populate your OEM Store ID to the registry field specified in the Registry Field Requirements section
OEM Store ID is set during manufacturing and cannot be changed later. For manufacturing guidance, see OEM
Deployment of Windows 10 for desktop editions.
The Store Content Modifier ID (SCM ID ) is optional. You can use it in addition to your OEM Store ID, but never
instead of the OEM Store ID. Here are the characteristics of an SCM ID:
SCM IDs are used to differentiate between different sub-brands, devices, and/or device groups belonging to a
given OEM for specialized OEM Store or exclusive app experiences.
Each OEM can have multiple SCM IDs; however, each specified segment (devices/brands/devices groups) must
be identified by a single, unique SCM ID populated on all devices belonging to the given target segment.
Each device can have at most one SCM ID.
You populate the SCM ID to the registry field specified in the Registry Field Requirements section below.
The SCM ID is set during manufacturing and cannot be changed later. For manufacturing guidance, see OEM
Deployment of Windows 10 for desktop editions.
Depending on your business needs and objectives, you decide what level of granularity you want to use for
your SCM IDs. However, consider that additional SCM IDs add more complexity and will take more work and
resources to support. The table below describes some possible options.

FABRIKAM Fabrikam_Enterprise Device group - segmenting devices

geared towards enterprise customers.

FABRIKAM Fabrikam_Proseware Brand group - grouping of the

"Proseware" branded devices.

FABRIKAM Fabrikam_ProsewareX2 Device group - device-specific segment,

Fabrikam Proseware model X2.

If you do not currently have an SCM or chose not to differentiate your OEM Store by using a SCM, contact the Microsoft
Store Partner Operations Team for instructions on setting up an OEM Store using only an OEM Store ID. If you have an SCM
ID that was created for your Windows 8.1 devices, you can still use that SCM ID for your Windows 10-based device. If you
do so, you will still need to obtain your OEM Store ID from the Microsoft Store Partner Operations Team and insert that into
your Windows 10 image.

Registry field requirements

In order to use exclusive app features, you must set the following fields in the registries of the target devices.


OEMID HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft REG_SZ The OEM Store ID provided

\Windows\CurrentVersion\St by the Microsoft Store
ore Partner Operations team.

StoreContentModifier HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft REG_SZ The SCM ID provided by the

\Windows\CurrentVersion\St Microsoft Store Partner
ore Operations team.

The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Store\Configuration key should not be
used by OEMs. It is where the Store application writes the values it discovers so that the OS components are using the same
settings cross applications.

If you are using Windows Configuration Designer to create an image, you can add a Windows setting:

Microsoft Store process

The following list shows some of the key tasks and workflows for engaging with the Store. Depending on your
needs, the order and importance of each of these tasks and workflows varies:
OEM works with Microsoft Store Partner Operations on plans for their exclusive Store in Store.
Microsoft Store Partner Operations creates device identification marker for inclusion in the registry.
OEM builds device ID into the registry.
Microsoft Store Partner Operations enables OEM Store merchandising tools.
OEM curates content and controls publishing of OEM Store content.

Send SMBIOS information to Microsoft

Because the OEM Store ID is not saved upon migration, including upon upgrade, you must ensure that Microsoft
has the correct SMBIOS details of the device to enable it for customized Store experiences. Please contact
partnerops@microsoft.com with the SMBIOS Manufacturer, and SMBIOS Product Name, for your device.
The SMBIOS Manufacturer value can be found under the registry key
The SMBIOS Product Name can be found under the registry key
Preinstallable apps for desktop devices
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs and Mobile operators can create Partner applications that can be packaged and configured to install during
the initial device setup process. While the user is going through the initial setup process, the preinstalled
applications are installed in the background.
The process for creating a preinstalled app is similar to that of a standard app. An unsigned app package (.appx),
generated with the Windows SDK, is submitted to the Windows Dev Center for certification and signing. During
the submission process, you can specify that you are submitting a preinstalled app. If the app meets certification
requirements, it is processed to create a package that can be downloaded from the Dev Center. The app can then
be published to the Microsoft Store as well, so that users who have uninstalled the app can re-download it and
updates can later be offered to devices that have the app installed.
Some characteristics of preinstalled apps include:
1. They can be published as "hidden" so that the app is not discoverable in the Microsoft Store except through a
deep link.
2. They can be updated, as live or hidden to the Microsoft Store. Users with the preinstalled application will get a
notification for the update.
3. They can be deleted by the user. They can be reinstalled if published live.
4. They can become obsolete. If a user uninstalls an app that is no longer sold in the Microsoft Store, the user will
not be able to reinstall that app.

Get the Windows ADK

You will need to use the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) to pre-install Microsoft Store apps in
your desktop images. Download the Windows ADK.

Request a preinstallation package

Once an app has been added to the Dev Center, you can request a preinstallation package for it. If you are the
OEM adding this application to your OS image, you would ask the developer of the application to do this on your
behalf. They would then give you the downloaded zip file. You cannot access their developer account directly.
1. From the dashboard in Dev Center, select the app that is to be preinstalled. If it is a new app, click Create new
2. Select manage published packages
3. Select Request package for OS preinstallation
4. A confirmation dialog will appear, noting that apps preinstalled on an OS prior to Windows 10 must be free.
Select Enable.
5. Find the correct package for the targeted OS and download by selecting Download or Generate package.
6. Once ready the link will change to Download.
7. Zip file is ready for inclusion in OS image.

Add the app to the OS image

Applications are considered Assets, which are configurable customizations that are not settings. You can add them
using DISM, which is part of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK). In Windows 10, version 1803,
you can use DISM to provision apps per region.
For detailed instructions, see Preinstall apps using DISM.
Preinstallable apps for mobile devices
1/18/2019 • 5 minutes to read

To add a preinstalled app to a mobile image

The process for creating a preinstallable app is similar to that of a standard app. In the Windows 10 Dev Center, a
developer submits an app that you want to preinstall on your Windows 10 Mobile image. Once the app is
submitted, you can request a preinstallation package, download it, and add it to the image, as described in this
To add a preinstallable app, you will need to perform the following actions:
Request a preinstallation package
Create a .provxml for the preinstallable app
Add the app to the image with Customization answer file
Build the image
For more information about customization answer files, see Customization answer file. For more information
about building with Customization answer files, see Building a mobile image using ImgGen.cmd.

Request a preinstallation package

Developers who have added an app to the Dev Center can request a preinstallation package for it. They can then
give the preinstallation package directly to the OEM they are working with. If you are the OEM adding this
application to your OS image, you would ask the developer of the application to download the application package
and then give you the downloaded zip file. You cannot access their developer account directly. Once you have the
preinstall package, you can continue with the rest of the steps. For more information on how a developer
generates preinstall packages for an OEM, see Generate preinstall packages for OEMs.

Create a .provxml file for a preinstallable app

Adding a preinstalled app to an Windows 10 Mobile OS image requires a .provxml configuration file that specifies
the installation parameters and the Windows 10 Store catalog identifiers. Specifically, it should specify the path to
the .appx file, the path to the license file, and the Store catalog IDs. This information is used when the app connects
to the Store service to check for updates. To minimize the chance of error, the developer portal provides the
appropriate XML for your app. The following is an example of what the .provxml might look like.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<characteristic type="AppInstall">
<characteristic type="AppXPackage">
<parm name="ProductID" value="{09f2d20a-7076-4970-80ac-1bc24c171d2e}"/>
<parm name="AppXPath" value="c:\Programs\CommonFiles\Xaps\SampleApp.appx"/>
<parm name="LicensePath" value="c:\Programs\CommonFiles\Xaps\SampleAppLicense.xml"/>
<parm name="InstanceID" value="{03e9a435-3000-11db-89ca-0019b92FFFFF}"/>
<parm name="OfferID" value="{03e9a435-3000-11db-89ca-0019b92FFFFF}"/>
<parm name="PayloadID" value="{03e9a435-3000-11db-89ca-0019b92FFFFF}"/>
<parm name="UninstallDisabled" value="false"/>
<parm name="FullyPreInstall" value="false"/>
<parm name="ForceUpdate" value="false"/>

provxml files for preinstalled apps must follow a prescribed naming convention. You must use MPAP_name_index.provxml,
where name and index can be any strings. Typically, name is the name of the update package that contains the preinstalled
app, and index is a string that differentiates provxml files that have the same name. Often, index is represented as a number,
such as 01.

provxml flags
These are the flags you can use in your provxml.


UninstallDisabled This flag controls whether a preinstalled app can be

uninstalled by a user. When set to FALSE(default), a user is
able to uninstall the preinstalled app. When set to TRUE, a
user is not able to uninstall the app. This flag is only settable
via provxml and cannot be overridden through a Store
update. Only a device update with an updated provxml file can
change this value. Ideally, to maintain the user experience, this
flag should only be set to TRUE for apps that are critical to
phone functionality.

ForceUpdate This flag allows an app in an OS update image to attempt to

overwrite an existing version of the app already installed on
the phone prior to update to Windows 10 Mobile. The default
value for this flag is FALSE. Be aware that because the app
update is forced, setting this flag to TRUE might result in a
downgrade in functionality if the already-installed app was
developed for an earlier version of the OS. In general, this flag
should only be used when the Windows 10 Mobile version of
the app must be on the phone immediately after update, even
if it means downgrading the version of the app already

FullyPreinstall This flag controls whether the app is MDIL bound during first
boot/update or whether it is delayed until after those
operations complete. Delaying MDIL binding, which is the
default behavior for apps that are not pre-pinned to Start,
allows the user to get back to their phone as quickly as
possible. When binding is deferred till after first boot/update
completes the app icon will display greyed out with a status of
“installing” and cannot be run until the deferred bind
completes. The amount of time it takes to complete all
deferred bindings is dependent on the number of deferred
preloaded apps and the user’s activity. The flag behavior is as
true: MDIL binding occurs before first boot or update
false: If the app is pre-pinned to Start, MDIL binding is
performed before first boot or update completes. If the
app is not pre-pinned to Start, MDIL binding is
deferred until after first boot or update completes.
Generally, this value should be left as the default (FALSE)
unless the app must be available to run immediately after first
boot or an OS update. Some example situations where this
flag should be set to TRUE are the following:
OEM extension apps
Phone dialer-installed apps
OEM service agents
Critical system settings apps

Add the app to the image

Preinstalling apps are added to the OS image using a customizations.xml answer file. To create the
customizations.xml answer file, first install the Windows Configuration Designer, and then create a provisioning
package. You can then open the project folder to find the customizations.xml file.
To include preinstalled apps in your image, you must add the Application element to your customizations.xml file
with the appropriate defining attributes. The following code sample illustrates how an app would be added to a
customization answer file for preinstalling.

" Source="$(CAFE_OUTPUT_DIR)\content\App_MobileTV_7e7cc86e_e1c0_476a_ac88_db3c9ffffabb\MobileTV.xap"/>
ml" Source="$(CAFE_OUTPUT_DIR)\content\App_AudioSettings_373cb76e_7f6c_45aa_8633_b00e85c73261\audio.appx"/>
The provxml file must be placed in the "$(runtime.commonfiles)\Provisioning\OEM" directory. The license file and app
package (.xap or .appx) must be placed in the "$(runtime.commonfiles)\xaps" directory

After you've configured your customizations.xml answer file, build the image using the Windows Configuration
Designer command-line interface. See Windows Configuration Designer command-line interface for instructions.

Build the image

Follow the steps in the Build a customized mobile image using imggen
Preinstall tasks
1/18/2019 • 2 minutes to read

OEMs and MOs are permitted to ship preinstalled apps in the device image. Some of those preinstalled apps
require tasks to run without user interaction and often before the end-user opens the app for the first time; such as
a product survey app or a SMS server registration. Similarly, some apps will need servicing tasks to run without
user interaction after an app has been updated. Preinstall and update tasks provide the mechanism for allowing
tasks to run in the background without before the app is installed or when it is updated.
There are two deployments task types available to UAPs: PreInstallConfigTask and UpdateTask. Both are
Here are the general rules that govern these tasks.
Your app manifest can contain only one PreInstallConfigTask and one UpdateTask.
Deployment tasks are applicable to any platform type.
Deployment tasks can execute after the deployment operation has been completed and committed.
Failed deployment tasks are not restarted.
Failed deployment tasks do not affect the successful deployment of the app.
Deployment tasks are not restarted after reboot.
Deployment tasks should not depend on one another.

Code Examples
UpdateTask example
Update task is supported for any possible update path, for example:
.xap to .xap
.xap to .appx
.xap to .appxbundle
.appx to .appx
.appx to .appxbundle
.appxbundle to .appxbundle
Here’s the example .appx manifest:
<Extension Category="windows.activatableClass.inProcessServer">
<ActivatableClass ActivatableClassId="App.UpdateTask" ThreadingModel="MTA"/>

<Extension Category="windows.updateTask" EntryPoint="App.UpdateTask">

Here’s the example C# code:

public sealed class UpdateTask : IBackgroundTask

public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
taskInstance.Canceled +=
(sender, reason) =>
await MigrateApp(); // Do app migration/update steps.
catch (TaskCanceledException x)
// do nothing on cancelation.

PreInstallConfigTask task example

Here’s the example .appx manifest:
<Extension Category="windows.activatableClass.inProcessServer">
<ActivatableClass ActivatableClassId="App.PreInstallConfigTask" ThreadingModel="MTA"/>

<Extension Category="windows.preInstalledConfigTask" EntryPoint=" App.PreInstallConfigTask">

Here’s the example C# code:

public sealed class PreInstallConfigTask : IBackgroundTask

public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
taskInstance.Canceled +=
(sender, reason) =>
await DownloadContactList(); // Do app migration/update steps.
catch (TaskCanceledException x)
// do nothing on cancelation.

Preinstalls tasks for Classic Windows Apps

There are three deployments task types available to Classic Windows Apps, as shown in the table below. If you
deploy your Classic Windows App on Windows 10, these tasks will work as expected.


PREINSTALL _OEM_TASK A 1st or 2nd party preinstalled app can run at install time task
without requiring the app to be launched by the end user.

UPDATE_TASK After an app has been updated, including .appx to .uap, a

servicing task can be run to carry out any migration related
tasks, also without requiring any user interaction.

CONVERGENCE Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.1 Phone code convergence. Also,
enable unified .appx manifest schema.
Change history for customization docs
1/18/2019 • 4 minutes to read

The following tables record the major changes that were made in the Customize section of the Windows 10
partner documentation since Windows 10, version 1607 was released.

April 30, 2018

Changes in this section relate to the release of Windows 10, version 1803.


Customize OOBE Updated with the new OOBE flow for Windows 10, version
1803. Added information about cloud service OOBE pages.

OOBE screen details Updated with details on two new OOBE screens that
introduced in Windows 10, version 1803: the new payment
information screen in the Office Setup portion of OOBE, and
the local account security questions screen in the Account
setup portion of OOBE.

Customize the Start layout Updated to reflect new customization options for the
Microsoft suite of tiles in the Start layout, introduced in
Windows 10, version 1803. Updated to reflect that apps no
longer need to be pinned to the Start layout to remain
installed on the device, as long as the region parameter in
DISM is used when preinstalling the apps.

Customize SIM card slot names New. Describes how you can customize the names of SIM card
slots on the device to more easily differentiate between them.

Shell Launcher Updated to reflect that in Windows 10, version 1803, you can
configure Shell Launcher using the Assigned Access CSP.

Power controls Power controls include settings that control the system's
power and behavior. In Windows 10, version 1803, two new
settings have been added to Power controls:
IgnoreCsComplianceCheck, and EnableInputSuppression.

Changed answer file settings for Windows 10, version 1803 Learn about the Unattend settings that have been added,
deprecated, and removed in the most recent version of

January 2018

OEM registration pages Updated. New screenshots and XML sample, clarifications on
how the Oobe.xml elements relate to registration page fields,
clarifications on collecting encrypted customer data.
December 2017

Windows updates during OOBE New. Describes how both critical and non-critical Windows
and driver updates are downloaded during a user's Out of Box

Exclusive apps New. Guidance on how OEMs can work with software
developers to target OEM devices for apps to appear
exclusively on, based on the OEM IDs set in the registry.

Hibernate Once Resume Many Updated to note that HORM (a feature of Unified Write Filter)
can now be used on UEFI devices starting in Windows 10,
version 1709.

November 2017

Customize OOBE Updated with recommendation for setting the default volume
level during OOBE.

Connect users to the network during OOBE Updated with clarifications on how Cellular and Wi-Fi
connections are used during OOBE, and the types of updates
that download during OOBE.

Keyboard Filter Updated to note that Keyboard Filter is not supported in a

remote desktop session.

Unattend Setting: FirewallGroups Updated with guidance on how to obtain the correct
FirewallGroup-Group value using PowerShell.

October 17, 2017

Changes in this section relate to the release of Windows 10, version 1709.


Customize the Get Help app New. Learn how to add your support app or website to
Window's self-service Get Help app, to provide customers
with an easy-to-find way to reach out.

Customize the Windows performance power slider New. The Windows performance power slider enables
customers to trade performance of their system for longer
battery life. You can configure the default slider mode, and the
power settings engaged behind the scenes.

Customize a SAR mapping table New. Configure and store a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
table for mobile broadband modems in the registry.

Customize the Start layout New. Customize the size of the start layout, and add your own
tiles to it.

Create a Kiosk Experience Updated with guidance on providing a multi-app kiosk

experience. This functionality is new in Windows 10 version

Adaptive hibernate Updated. In Windows 10 version 1709, user usage prediction

no longer triggers Hibernate. Also updated to include default
values of hibernate triggers.

Predefined key combinations Updated with keyboard shortcut changes introduced in

Windows 10 version 1709.

OOBE.xml Updated. In Windows 10 version 1709, timezone is now

available to set in OOBE.xml

Changed answer file settings for Windows 10 version 1709 Learn about the Unattend settings that have been added,
deprecated, and removed in the most recent version of

September 27, 2017


Customize the Out of Box Experience New. Guidance on how to customize elements of the Out of
Box Experience (OOBE), such as setting default values, adding
registration screens, and providing support for unpaired mice
and keyboards.

March 24, 2017


Microsoft-Windows-TPM-Tasks-ClearTpm New. Specifies whether to clear the Trusted Platform

Module (TPM) during Windows setup. Clearing the TPM
prevents an issue in earlier versions that kept some
Windows features from working if the TPM was incorrectly

Microsoft-Windows-TwinUI-Hide New. Specifies whether to hide the link to an advanced

settings app in the Pen and Windows Ink Settings page.

Preinstallable apps for Windows 10 Mobile Updated. Uses imggen.cmd to build the mobile image
because ICD no longer includes support for image

March 15, 2017


Customize the Country and Operator Settings Asset New. When a SIM is inserted in a COSA-enabled
Windows-based device, the provisioning framework
attempts to establish a cellular connection by searching
for the matching profile and APN in COSA.

October 6, 2016

Customize the taskbar New. Starting in Windows 10, version 1607, you can pin
up to three additional apps to the taskbar by adding a
taskbar layout modification file, for example,
TaskbarLayoutModification.xml. You can specify different
taskbar configurations based on SKU, device locale, or

Set dark mode New. Windows 10, build 1607 exposes a new
personalization setting for end users, allowing them to
express preference whether to see applications which
support the setting in a dark or light mode.

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