Devendra, Jaipur, IFL
Devendra, Jaipur, IFL
Devendra, Jaipur, IFL
Location Jaipur
Channel Banca
BDM Category B2
CTC 2.75 LPA
Selection Date 12/08/2023
NB Metric to be captured Benchmark B2 Category
LI Experience 8 Months 2 Years Essential
PSU Experience 8 Months 1.5+ Year Desirable
Open Architecture 0 Years 1.5+ Year Essential
Local Candidate Yes Yes, Local Candidate Essential
Stability 2 Years 2 Year Essential
Incentives Earned 21.82% of fixed 15% of Fixed Desirable
Clear Record (No Termination) Yes 0 Essential
Agent Code (if any) NA InActive/NOC Essential
Notice Period 30 Days 30/60 days Essential
Career objective:
My career objective is excellent in the field of work assigned to me learning to implement and contribute
towards the development of the organization and be known by the virtue of my work and achievements in life,
both professional and personal.
Work experience:
Designation:- SDM
Professional qualification:
Other qualifications:
Technical skills:
Personal detail:
I hereby declare that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.