A Practical Guide To Welding Fume Control
A Practical Guide To Welding Fume Control
A Practical Guide To Welding Fume Control
Now including NEW Online Welding Fume Product Control Selector
Welding Fume is Serious. 3
A Practical Guide to Welding Fume Control. 4
1. Mitigation of Risk 5
2. Product Controls 6
3. Administrative Controls 12
Who is Responsible? 13
Practical Guidance - Pulling it all Together. 14
NEW Welding Fume Exposure Standard! 16
Action is Required. 17
Where to from Here? 18
Aside from cancer, welding fume can also cause Welding fume is serious, action is required.
serious long-term health effects like lung function
The hierarchy of control is a step-by-step system for controlling risks in a workplace. This framework
is used across a range of industries and while it applies to welding, it was not built specifically for the
welding industry.
So, while it is important to understand the overall framework, a control framework built specifically for
welding fume may be valuable to those seeking to understand how to protect their welders or themselves.
To give you a more simplified and practical approach to controlling welding fume, we offer the ‘Practical
Guide to Fume Control’ comprising of three steps:
1. Mitigation of Risk,
2. Product Controls, and
3. Administrative Controls
• Changing to less hazardous materials (both Even when you can mitigate risk, if there is welding
consumables and base materials). to be done, welding fume will be present. Welding
fume is inherent in the process of welding. As a
• Using a welding technique that produces result, we see that in the welding industry, the higher
less fume (different application or working levels of control can often only mitigate the risks
with lower amps) associated with welding fume, making the lower
levels of control essential.
• Where possible, workers should position
themselves to ensure they keep their heads
away from the plume and also ensure any
ventilation airflow moves the welding fume
away from the breathing zone, not through it. Simple Takeaway
There are three main LEV options within the welding industry:
If the welder is too close to the capture Portable systems can be a good control for
point, the extraction flow can affect the most welding applications, where the welder
shielding gas, leading to porosity and poor does not move away from the extraction
weld quality. These systems can be a good point. However, ensure you consult an LEV
control for heavy fume environments, where expert, as different welding applications
the welder remains positioned correctly, require different configurations. Portable LEV
relative to the capture point. is not one-size-fits-all.
3) On-Gun Fume Extraction
On-Gun Fume Extraction is the only product control solution
that removes welding fume from the environment and follows
the welder as they move (unlike fixed and portable solutions),
making it an extremely practical welding fume control solution.
Advantages Limitations
Fixed Installations • Ideal for heavy fume environments • Does not follow the welder
• Positioning is critical (protection/porosity)
Portable LEV • Lower cost vs fixed installations • Does not follow the welder
• Mobility and flexibility • Positioning is critical (protection/porosity)
On-Gun Extraction • Follows the welder • Not available for MMA (Stick) welding
• High capture rates (up to 98%) • Parameters must be set correctly
‘Welding helmets with integrated powered air The powered air respirator goes where the
purifying respirators (PAPR) are the most widely welder goes, allowing unrestricted movement
used form of respiratory protection amongst around the workplace with clear vision, comfort,
welders in Australia and New Zealand’2 and are and uninterrupted eye, face, and respiratory
mandatory within many businesses. protection.
They have a Required Minimum Protection A recent study conducted within a large
Factor (RMPF) of 50, meaning that they supply manufacturing company with over 1,500
breathing air a minimum 50 times cleaner employees, including 600 certified welders,
than the welder would otherwise be breathing found that ‘foreign body eye injuries decreased
unprotected and can also protect the welders’ over 70% year-on-year in areas that implemented
eyes and face from radiation and high velocity the PAPRs with integrated flip-up auto darkening
particles. Integrated hard hats (safety helmets) welding helmets. Worker compensation claims
and earmuffs are also available with these decreased markedly while employee morale
systems to give welders five levels of protection increased substantially’.3
(eye, face, respiratory, head, hearing).
PAPRs can provide protection to welders using
With a flip-up welding helmet with powered the most common materials (aluminium,
air respiratory protection, welders can have steel, stainless steel, galvanised steel etc.)
completely clear and uninhibited views of their and applications (MMA, TIG, GMAW, FCAW,
workpiece and surroundings while maintaining SAW) where there is an environment with good
their desired level of respiratory protection with ventilation and/or extraction.
no breathing resistance.
When compared to disposable and reusable half-face mask respiratory protection, PAPRs provide
superior respiratory protection and comfort and do not require fit testing or a complete clean shaven
Cost Considerations A PAPR draws air into the system While half mask respirators have a
from behind the welder away from lower upfront cost, they can be the
the greatest concentration of more expensive long-term option.
welding fume.
Worn on the welder’s face in closer
For this reason, the filters on a proximity to the plume, filters can
PAPR will typically need to be become loaded extremely quickly
changed far less frequently than a in certain welding environments.
disposable respirator or reusable
respiratory filters.
^Please be aware that it is an employer’s legal responsibility to reduce welding fume exposure to as low as reasonably practicable for all
persons, not just the welder. These results are only applicable to situations where there are no other people sharing the environment with
the welder/s. The information within this document only outlines the key results from the study. For more detailed information on the results,
including limitations, please download the Welding Fume Product Controls White Paper at www.apexweldingsafety.com.au.
^Please note that On-Gun Fume Extraction is not suitable for all welding applications (eg. MMA stick welding) and certain variables can impact
effectiveness (eg. design of the system, weld position, and environmental factors). The information within this document only outlines the key results
from the study. For more detailed information on the results, including limitations, please download the Welding Fume Product Controls White Paper
at www.apexweldingsafety.com.au.
The findings are unique to the study parameters and conditions. All guidance is provided to give an example of how to control welding fume and is
provided as a basic guideline only. It should not be used as the only means of selecting a respirator or LEV control method. It’s always recommended
to have a welding fume product control expert visit your premises as onsite variables can impact product control effectiveness (eg. weld position, and
environmental factors).
Powered air respirators must never be used in atmospheres Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH). Always consult your Safety Engineer or
Occupational Hygienist. Air monitoring should take place if you are unsure about the level of welding fume exposure to workers.
Brands and product names have been omitted from the results of this study to keep the information focused solely on the different forms of product
controls as opposed to pushing specific brands or products. However, it’s important to note that the results are only applicable to the brands and
products used in the study – these can be made available upon request.
The key results and the guidance within this document do not address confined spaces. Confined spaces should be avoided where possible. All of
today’s current welding fume product controls have their limitations in a confined space. There should be a suitably trained and knowledgeable person
doing the assessment and design of a safe system for any confined space entry. Consultation with a welding fume product control expert should always
be carried out to understand the limitations of each product control within a confined space.
Ensure you select suppliers who can not only As an employer, once you have
provide equipment, but also administer the
required training and support. Also, ensure all selected the appropriate PPE,
required spare parts are readily available and you must provide the worker with
stocked. information, training and instruction
in the proper use and wearing of
Simple Takeaway
Scan to use the
Welding Fume
Product Control
Selector or visit:
Watch an in-depth video should take place if you are unsure about
the level of welding fume exposure to
here! workers.
1. 2019 Honaryar MK, Lunn RM, Luce D, et al. Occup Environ Med
2. 2020 Welding Fume and Respiratory Protection Survey, AWS
3. Case study can be provided upon request
4. Welding Processes Code of Practice, Safe Work Australia, July 2020
5. Workplace exposure standards for airborne contaminants, Safe Work Australia, December 2019
6. 2023 Peter Knott, Georgia Csorba, Dustin Bennett, Ryan Kift. Welding fume; a comparison study of industry used control
methods. Safety Journal.
© Apex Welding Safety Pty Ltd 2024 All rights reserved. AWS 01 24 / 5000.