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GOC Set - 7 (Thursday 2nd Week)

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Section A
1. GMDSS is primarily a system based on
a. Ship to ship Distress communications using MF or HF radiotelephony
b. VHF digital selective calling from ship to shore
c. Distress, Urgency and Safety communications carried out by the use of narrow-band direct printing telegraphy
d. The linking of search and rescue authorities ashore with shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in
distress or in need of assistance
2. What equipment is associated with the land or terrestrial systems?
a. EPIRB b. VHF-MF-HF c. Inmarsat C d. GPS
3. What is defined as an area, excluding sea area A1 and A2, within the coverage of Inmarsat geostationary satellite In
which continuous alerting is available.
a. Ocean Area region AOR-E, AOR-W POR or IOR
b. Sea area A4
c. Sea Area A3
d. Coastal and Inland waters
4. GMDSS – equipped ships will be required to perform which of the following communications functions?
a. Distress alerting and maritime safety information
b. Search and rescue coordination and On –scene communications
c. Bridge-to-bridge and general radio communications
d. All of these
5. Vessels operating in which sea areas are reqi9red to carry either Inmarsat or HF equipment or a combination thereof
under GMDSS?
a. All sea areas b. A3 c. A4 d.A1
6. What statement is generally correct regarding the maintenance requirement for ships under GMDSS?
a. Redundancy of functions of certain equipment will partially meet this requirement
b. On board maintenance provided by a person holding GMDSS maintainer’s license will partially meet the
c. Shore maintenance and scheduled tests and inspections will partially meet this requirement
d. All of the above
7. What is the primary frequency range for long distance skywave communications?
a. 3-30 Mhz
b. 300-3000 kHz
c. 0-300 Mhz
d. 10-30 Mhz
8. Which of the following systems I least likely to be subject to fading or static interference?
a. HF RT
b. Inmarsat
c. MF-HF DSC Controller
9. Which statement best describes modulation
a. Imposing intelligence onto a radio carrier signal
b. Changing mark-space to I and 0
c. Adjusting the frequency to the optimum band for long distance communications
d. Covering the carrier from a low frequency to a higher frequency
10. The carrier can be described by
a. The carrier consists of Atleast 3 separate but closely spaced frequencies
b. The carrier is Radio Frequency (RF) signal that is modified to carry intelligence
c. The carrier is used to modulate the information signal
d. There are always sidebands on either side of the carrier

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11. Which mode occupies the least bandwidth?
a. H3E
b. J2B
c. A3E
d. F3E
12. A quarter wave antenna vertical whip antenna has a radiation pattern best described by?
a. A figure eight
b. Cardiod
c. A circle
d. An ellipse
13. What publications should a GMDSS operator consult regarding proper set-up and operation of vessel equipment
a. ITU publications
b. The manufacturer’s instruction manuals
c. IMO guidelines
d. WPC Regulations
14. What is the minimum requirement of GMDSS operator?
a. Maritime Radio Operator Permit and GMDSS endorsement
b. General Radiotelephone Operator license and Radar endorsement
c. GMDSS Radio Operator license
d. General Radiotelephone license or First or Second Class Radiotelegraph license with GMDSS Radio maintainer’s
15. The best way to test the MF-HF NBDP system is?
a. Make a radiotelephone call to Coast station
b. Initiate an ARQ call to demonstrate that the transmitter and antenna are working
c. Initiate FEC call to demonstrate that the transmitter and antenna are working
d. Initiate an ARQ call to a Coast station and wait for automatic exchange of answerbacks
16. A vessel certified for service in Sea Area A2 is required to keep watch on?
a. 2174.5 kHz
b. 2187.5 kHz
c. 2182.0 kHz
d. 2738.0 kHz
17. How long must the log be retained on board before sending to the shore side licensee?
a. At least on year after the last entry
b. At least two years after the last entyr
c. At least 90 days after the last entry
d. At least 30 days after the last entry
18. Which of the following statements concerning MMSI is true?
a. All Coast Station MMSI must begin with 2 zeros
b. The first 3 digits of a ship MMSI comprise the MID
c. A group call must begin with a single zero followed by MID
d. All of the above
19. Which of the following would indicate an Inmarsat-B terminal
a. A 9 digit number being with the MID
b. A 7 digit number
c. A 9 digit number always starting with 3
d. A 9 digit number always starting with 4
20. You receive a telex with the sender’s ID of 433863491. What type of terminal sent this message to you vessel?
a. Inmarsat C
b. Land telex terminal
c. Inmarsat B
d. Inmarsat A

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21. What is first sent by all MF-HF DSC transmission?
a. Distress alert character
b. A string of dots to stop the scan receiver
c. Priority of transmission character
d. Ship’s position
22. DSC transmissions are received
a. Using voice or telex modes as appropriate
b. Using J3E or H3E modes as appropriate
c. Using digital decoding by the DSC Controller
d. Using F1B and/or J2B decoding by the transceiver
23. In all cases, the transmit frequency of a MF/HF console DSC distress alert
a. Will go out first on 2187.5
b. Will go out on 8 Mhz and 2 Mhz and one other DSC distress frequency
c. It depends upon operator DSC call set up entries
d. None of the above
24. Which of the following is not a DSC watch frequency?
a. 2187.5 Khz
b. 6312 kHz
c. 2182 kHz
d. 12577 kHz
25. Which of the following watches must a compulsory vessel maintain when sailing in Sea Area A1?
a. A continuous DSC watch on 8414.5 Khz
b. A continuous DSC watch on 2187.5 Khz
c. A continuous DSC watch on Ch 16
d. A continuous DSC watch on Ch 70
26. What is usually the first step for a GMDSS radio Operator to take when initiating a distress priority message via
a. By dialing the correct code on the telephone remote unit
b. By pressing a “Distress Button” or “Distress Hot Key(s)” on the equipment
c. By contacting the CES operator and announcing a distress condition is in existence
d. By contacting the CES operator using the radiotelephone distress procedure “may” etc
27. If a GMDSS Radio Operator initiates a DSC distress transmission but does not inset a message what happens?
a. The transmission is aborted and an alarm sounds to indicate this data must be provided by the operator
b. The transmission is not initiated and “ERROR” is indicated on the display readout
c. The transmission will be made with ‘Default” information provided automatically
d. The receiving station will poll the DSC unit of the vessel in distress to download the necessary information
28. You send a HF DSC alert on 8414.5 kHz. What frequency do you use for the voice transmission?
a. 8376.5 kHz
b. 8291.0 kHz
c. 8401.5 Khz
d. 8201.0 Khz
29. What does the acronym ‘ECC” indicate in the received message?
a. Every Cipher counted
b. Error Cannot Confirm
c. Error Check Character
d. Even Characters Counted
30. Under what conditions would you relay a DSC Distress alert?
a. If the mobile unit in distress is incapable of further Distress alert communications
b. If no Coast station/Mobile unit acknowledgement is observed
c. Answer a) and b) are both possible
d. You should never relay such an alert – the Coast station & RCC will do that

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1. Your ship Jala Usha / ATBG MMSI 419230000 in position 0120N 09010E sailing off
Andamans and received information on EGC that a ship has sunk and crew abandoned
the ship 8nm SE of your position.
a) What initial action will you take.
b) Your Master instructs to inform all the ships within the vicinity of 40 NM.
2. a) Write three methods of attracting the attention of a MRCC ashore to your distress
situation making use of your Inmarsat-C terminal.
b) You are on GMDSS vessel MT Diamond Pearl. You have received a DSC Distress alert
on 2187.5 Khz. The distress vessel and you are in sea area A2 within MF range of a
CRS. State the action you will take.
3. You are on MV Brando / GBYT / MMSI 232523000 posn 10 09N 088 00E Course 015 degs
Speed 12 kts. You have a fire on board and vessel is listing to starboard side.Write down
the complete GMDSS procedure on MF band assuming any information as required.
4. a) Write down the full details of Distress alert received on MF freq 2187.5 Khz assuming
all information.
b) Under what circumstances will the following signals be used in Radio Telephony ?
1. Seelonce Mayday -
2. Seelonce Feenee -
3. Mayday Relay
5. State the channel /frequency for subsequent RT communications in the following cases
a. Distress alert received on Ch 70
b. Urgency alert received on 2187.5 Khz
c. Safety alert received on ch 70
d. Distress alert relay on 2187.5 Khz
e. Distress alert received on 8414.5 Khz
f. Distress alert received on 16804.5 Khz

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1. Your ship Jala Usha / ATBG MMSI 419230000 in position 0120N 09010E
sailing off Andamans and received information on EGC that a ship has sunk
and crew abandoned the ship 8nm SE of your position.
a) What initial action will you take.
b) Your Master instructs to inform all the ships within the vicinity of 40 NM.
a) Set watch on Ch16 and Ch06 and try to establish conatct with
survivors. (1)
b) Send DSC Distress relay alert to all station on VHF Ch70 and call and
message on Ch16. (1)
Call : (1)
Mayday Relay3
All Stations3 This is MV Jala Usha / ATBG / MMSI 419230000
Message : (3)
Have received information on EGC that a unknown ship has sunk and
crew abandoned the ship 8nm SE of my position. My position 0120N
Self proceeding for assistance.
Require immediate assistance or further assistance from vessels in

MV Jala Usha / ATBG

2. a) Write three methods of attracting the attention of a MRCC ashore to your

distress situation making use of your Inmarsat-C terminal. (3)
1. Undesignated Distress Alert
Undesignated Distress alert is sent by pressing ‘Distress’ and ‘Send’
buttons simultaneously on transceiver front panel for 5 seconds.

2. Designated Distress Alert

A Designated alert is sent, if time permits, by selecting the “Distress”
Menu, updating the information (Selecting LES and Nature of
Distress) and then pressing ‘Distress’ and ‘Send’ buttons
simultaneously on transceiver front panel for 5 seconds.
3. Distress message
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Prepare the Distress message.
On transmit menu :
1. Select the Distress priority for automatic connection to
2. Select the LES
3. Select the Distress message
4. Send the message

b) You are on GMDSS vessel MT Diamond Pearl. You have received a DSC
Distress alert on 2187.5 Khz. The distress vessel and you are in sea area A2
within MF range of a CRS. State the action you will take. (3)
1. Log info and inform the Master
2. Set watch on 2182 Khz
3. Wait for a short while for a CRS to acknowledge first (max 3 mins)
4. Acknowledge by voice procedure
5. If no contact with vessel in distress and no acknowledgement by
CRS/MRCC by voice or by DSC, relay alert ashore by most
appropriate means.

3. You are on MV Brando / GBYT / MMSI 232523000 posn 10 09N 088 00E
Course 015 degs Speed 12 kts. You have a fire on board and vessel is listing to
starboard side.Write down the complete GMDSS procedure on MF band
assuming any information as required.
a) Send a DSC Distress alert on 2187.5 Khz, broadcast call and message on 2182 Khz. (1)

b) Call : (2)
Mayday3 This is MV Brando / GBYT3 / MMSI 232523000

Message : (3)

MV Brando / GBYT / MMSI 232523000
Position 1009N 08800E
Fire on board and vsl listing to starboard side
Require immediate assistance
23 persons on board.

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4. a) Write down the full details of Distress alert received on MF frequency
2187.5 Khz assuming all information. (2)
1009N 08800E

b) Under what circumstances will the following signals be used in

Radio Telephony ?

1. Seelonce Mayday - Signal is used by the ship in distress or

controlling station to impose silence on interfering station. (1)
2. Seelonce Feenee - The signal is used by the controlling station or
ship in distress by voice to indicate that distress working is over
and normal working may be resumed. (1)
3. Mayday Relay.
a. When the station in distress is not itself in a position to transmit a
distress alert or message
b. When the master or other person or other person responsible for
the station not in distress considers that further help is necessary.
c. When although not in a position to render assistance, it
has received a distress message which has not been
acknowledged. (2)
5. State the channel /frequency for subsequent RT communications in the flwg
cases (6)
a. Distress alert received on Ch 70 – Ch 16
b. Urgency alert received on 2187.5 Khz – 2182 Khz.
c. Safety alert received on ch 70 – Ch 06
d. Distress alert relay on 2187.5 Khz – 2182 Khz
e. Distress alert received on 8414.5 Khz – 8291 Khz
f. Distress alert received on 16804.5 Khz – 16420 Khz

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