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In the present paper the effect of frequency and temperature on dielectric parameter and
a.c. conductivity of Se90Cd8In2 glassy alloy has been reported.Se90Cd8In2 chalcogenide
semiconducting glassy alloy has been prepared by melt quench technique. The prepared
glassy alloy has been characterized by techniques such as scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray (EDAX). The effect of frequency and temperature on
dielectric parameters and a.c. conductivity have been investigated in the frequency range
5×102Hz - 1×105Hz and in temperature range 308-333K. It is observed that a.c.
conductivity σac(ω), dielectric constant (ε') and dielectric loss factor (ε") depends on
frequency and temperature. The frequency dependence of σac(ω)is found to be linear and
obey the power law ωs where s≤1.A strong dependence of σac(ω) and exponent s on
temperature has been interpreted in terms of correlated barrier hopping (CBH) model. The
dielectric loss data has been utilized to determine the barrier height Wm. The value of Wm
has been recorded in accordance with the Elliott’s theory of hoping of charge carriers over
potential barrier between charge defect states in case of chalcogenide glasses. Frequency
dependence of activation energy of a.c. conduction has also been studied.
1. Introduction
Non crystalline chalcogenide alloys and compounds have been subject of extensive
investigations in the last few decades because they possess unique, interesting properties as well as
possibilities of tailoring their properties [1]. The ability to control and modify the properties of
chalcogenide glassy alloys, even after their fabrication just by exposing them to external effects
such as γ-rays, x-rays, laser beams and thermal treatment have drawn attention of researchers and
scientists to these materials[2-5]. Such materials are widely used in optical digital versatile discs
(DVD) and phase change random accesses memory devices [6-8], in fabrication of optical fibers in
low cost solar cells [9-11]. Since such materials are highly photo sensitive, IR transparent and have
high refractive index, therefore they are suitable candidates to be used for advanced optoelectronic
applications [5-7]. Such glasses are considered as promising semiconducting materials because
they possess largest nonlinear susceptibility among inorganic glassy materials [12-14].
Among chalcogenide glasses Se-based glassy alloys have got wide technological
applications in optoelectronic devices, such as photoreceptor in vidicon tubes [15], xerography
machine and x-ray imaging [16-17]. Se based glassy semiconductors exhibit high resistivity, low
sensitivity, short life time and thermal instability which impose some limitations on their
applications [18-19].
Several attempts have been made to overcome the limitations of short life time and
thermal instability by adding third element as an additive. The effect of various additives on
Corresponding author: todkdwivedi@gmail.com
structural, electrical and optical properties of Se-based chalcogenide glasses have been reported in
the literature [20-25].
Dielectric materials have been the subject of special attention. These materials are being
employed in various industrial devices such as dynamic access memory, microwave filter, voltage
controlled oscillators and other telecommunication technologies [26-27].
Among VI-II-III group ternary compound Se-Cd-In has found applications in
optoelectronics and solar cells due to its higher value of absorption coefficient [28]. The study of
dielectric behavior of chalcogenide glasses is expected to reveal structural informations, which
infact may be useful for the understanding of conduction mechanism in these glasses. In addition,
a study of temperature dependence of dielectric properties specially in the range of frequencies
where dielectric dispersion occurs can be of great importance to understand the nature and origin
of losses occurring in these materials [29]. Since these materials are co-valently bonded solids,
therefore dispersion is not expected at low frequencies. However, recently it has been reported
[26,30-31] that dielectric dispersion loss does exists in these glasses even at very low frequency.
Therefore origin and nature of dielectric loss in such materials has become a matter of renewed
attention and it is interesting to study the behavior of these materials in ac fields which gives the
important information about the transport process in localized state in forbidden gap [32].
Measurements of frequency and temperature dependent dielectric parameters and a.c.
conductivity of different chalcogenide semiconductors have been subject of many researchers and
different models have been proposed to explain the experimental results [33-34].
Literature survey on the dielectric measurements [35-38] shows that dielectric losses are
dipolar in nature in these materials and can be under stood in terms of hopping of charge carriers
over a potential barrier as suggested by Guintini [39].
In view of above, in the series of a systematic study of dielectric relaxation and a.c.
conductivity in Se-based chalcogenide glass in our laboratory[21,26,40-41] we have made
dielectric measurements in glassy Se90Cd8In2 alloy to study the effect of frequency and
temperature on dielectric properties and a.c. conductivity.
The present paper reports the dielectric relaxation and a.c. conductivity measurements in
glassySe90Cd8In2 alloy. SEM and EDAX have been measured to analyses the surface morphology
and elemental compositions of Se90Cd8In2 glassy alloy. Dielectric parameters and a.c. conductivity
measurement of Se90Cd8In2 glassy alloy has been carried out in the frequency range5×10 2Hz -
1×105Hz and in temperature range 308-333K.
2. Experimental details
contact between sample and electrodes of the LCR meter. This whole assembly of sample and
discs is placed between the electrodes of the LCR meter. The temperature measurement was
facilitated by a copper constantan thermocouple close to sample. A vacuum of the order of 10-
Torr was maintained over the entire temperature range. For determination of a.c. conductivity, the
dissipation factor and capacitance were measured. All the measurements were carried out under
dark condition in the cryostat. The signal voltage level was kept at 0.02 Volts.
The dielectric constant ε' was calculated using the relation:
where, C is the capacitance of the sample, d is thickness of the pellet, A is area of the pellet and ε o
is the free space permittivity.
The dielectric loss ε" was calculated from the relation:
ε"= ε'Tanδ
σac(ω)=2πfɛoε'Tanδ (3)
The elemental compositions of Se90Cd8In2 glassy alloy were checked by energy despersive
X-ray analysis (EDAX). The obtained percentage of the composition is Se91.2Cd5.8In3 as shown in
Fig.2. EDAX analysis indicates that there is absence of impurity elements in the studied
1.0 Se Cd In
Cd In In In In Se Se
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00
Fig.2: Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) for Se90Cd8In2 glassy alloy.
Fig.3. Variation of real part of dielectric constant with logf for Se90Cd8In2 at different temperature.
It has been observed that ε' decreases with frequency and it attains a constant value at
higher frequencies. The decrease of ε' with frequency can be attributed to the fact that at low
frequencies ε' for polar material is explained by contribution of multi component of polarizability
viz deformational (electronic and ionic) and relaxation (orientational and interfacial) polarization.
The sum of above four type of polarization gives the total polarization of dielectric materials [42].
First of all electronic polarization arises due to displacement of valence electrons with
respect to positive nucleus. Such type of polarization appears at frequencies upto 10 16Hz. The
second type is the ionic polarization which appears due to displacement of positive and negative
ions with respect to each other. Maximum frequency for ionic polarization is 1013 Hz. The third
type is the dipolar polarization which appears in the materials having molecules with permanent
electric dipole moments capable of changing orientation into the direction of applied electric field.
Such polarization appears at frequencies up to 1010 Hz. The last one is the space charge
polarization which appears due to the impedance mobile charge carriers by interfaces. Such type of
polarization typically occurs in the frequency range 1-103 Hz. The ionic polarization does not play
an important role in the total polarization. The orientational polarization decreases with increase in
frequency because it takes more time then electronic and ionic polarization. This decreases the
value of dielectric constant (ε') with increase in frequency which ultimately reaches a constant
value at higher frequency range, which correspond to interfacial polarization.
The variation of dielectric loss (ɛ") with frequency at different temperature for Se90Cd8In2
glassy alloy is shown in fig.4. From fig.4 it is observed that ɛ" is also found to be decreasing with
increase in frequency.
Fig.4: Variation of imaginary part of dielectric constant with logf for Se90Cd8In2
at different temperature.
The decrease of ε" with frequency can be attributed to the fact that, at low frequencies, the
value of ε" is due to migration of ions in the material. At moderate frequencies ε" is due to the
contribution of ion jumps, conduction loss of ion migration and ion polarization losses. At high
frequencies ion vibration may be the only source of dielectric loss and therefore ε" has the
minimum value [43].
According to Guintini theory dielectric loss at a particular frequency and temperature can
be expressed as [39]
where, n is the number of electron that hop, N is the localized state density, ɛo and ɛ∞ are the static
and optical dielectric constants, ω is the angular frequency (ω= 2πf) and Wm is the maximum
barrier height which is related to the band gap.
Dielectric loss ε" is found to increase with increase in temperature according to power law
with frequency:
ɛ"= Aωm (5)
m= -4kT/Wm (6)
Using the plots of fig.4 we have plotted logε" versus logf plots in the region where the
variation of ε" with frequencies is appreciable (Fig.5). The values of power m have been calculated
from the slopes of straight lines obtained from such plots. The evaluated values of m have been
plotted as a function of temperature in fig.6. It is found that m has negative values and its
magnitude decreases linearly with temperature. This is in good agreement with eq.(4), which
clearly indicates that the Guintini [39] theory of dielectric relaxation based on the hopping of
charge carriers over a potential barrier as suggested by Elliott [44] is applicable in the case of
present ternary glasses.
Fig.7: Temperature dependence of dielectric constant (ɛ') for Se90Cd8In2 glassy alloy.
From fig.7 it is evident that ε' increases with increasing temperature. This can be attributed
to the fact that orientational polarization is connected to the thermal motion of the molecules, so
dipoles can not orient themselves with varying electric field at low temperatures. At low
temperatures it is found almost constant. The orientation of dipoles is facilitated with increasing
temperature; which causes increase in the value of orientational polarization, which ultimately
results into increase of dielectric constant ε' with temperature.
Fig.8: Temperature dependence of dielectric loss (ɛ") for Se90Cd8In2 glassy alloy.
Figure 8 shows the temperature dependence of dielectric loss ɛ" of Se90Cd8In2 glassy alloy
at different frequencies. It has been observed that ɛ" increases with increase in temperature.
The dielectric loss can be divided into three parts i.e. conduction losses, dipole losses and
vibrational losses [45]. The conduction losses have minimum value at low temperatures because it
is proportional to σac(ω). The conduction loss is owing to migration of ions over large distances.
When the ions move they give some of their energy to the lattice as heat. Since σ ac(ω) increases
with increasing temperature, which causes the increase in conduction loss. Therefore ɛ" increases
with increasing temperature. The characteristic of low dielectric constant and dielectric loss with
high frequency for given sample suggest that the sample possess enhanced optical quality with
lesser defects and this parameter is of vital importance for various nonlinear optical materials and
their applications in devices.
where,σt(ω) is the total conductivity and σdc represents d.c. conductivity. Since d.c. component σdc
is negligibly small as compared to σt(ω) in the studied sample, therefore σt(ω) is considered to be
σac(ω). The variation of logσac(ω)with frequency in the range 5×102Hz - 1×105Hz has been
investigated for the temperature range 308K-333K. Variation of σac(ω) with frequency at constant
working temperature has been plotted in fig.9. From fig.9 it is evident that σac(ω) increases linearly
with frequency at a constant working temperature.
Fig.9: Frequency dependence of σac(ω) for Se90Cd8In2 glassy alloy at different temperature.
σac(ω)=Aωs (8)
where, A is a constant, ω is the angular frequency and s is the frequency exponent. Value of
frequency exponent s is obtained from the slopes of a.c. conductivity versus frequency plots. The
dependence of frequency exponent s with temperature for the studied composition is shown in
fig.10. It has been observed that s has values in the range 0.66 to 0.60, which is less then unity and
decreases with increase of temperatures.
Fig.10: Temperature dependence of the frequency exponent s for Se90Cd8In2 glassy alloy.
The observed behavior of s are in agreement with the correlated barrior hopping model
(CBH) [48-50], such behavior have also been reported by other workers [26, 36, 51-54].
According to CBH model, the conduction occurs via bipolaron hopping process where two
polaron simultaneously hop over the potential barrier between two charged defect states D+ and D-
and barrier height is correlated with the inter-site separation via a columbic interaction. Shimakava
[55] further proposed that at higher temperature Dº states are produced by thermal excitation of
D+ and D- states and a single polaron hopping (which includes one electron hopping between Dº
and D+ and hole between Dº and D-) becomes dominant.
It is evident that a.c. conductivity decreases non-linearly with reciprocal of temperature, which
suggest that σac(ω) is thermally activated process with single activation energy from various
localized state in the band gap. The activation energy of a.c. conduction has been calculated at
different audio frequencies using the Arrhenius temperature dependence ofσac(ω) [56].
Where, σac(ω) is called the activation energy for thermally activated a.c. conduction and(σₒ)ac is
well known pre-exponential factor.
The activation energy ∆Eac and pre-exponential factor (σₒ)ac have been determined using
equation(9) at different frequencies for each glassy alloys.
The frequency dependence of activation energy has been plotted in fig. 12. It is evident
from the figure that activation energy ∆Eac decreases with frequency which may be attributed to
increase of field frequency which is responsible for electronic jump between localized states. Our
present results are in good agreement with recently reported results by various authors in
amorphous semiconductors [26,43, 57-60].
4. Conclusion
Se90Cd8In2 chalcogenide glassy alloy has been prepared by melt quench technique. The
prepared sample has been characterized by SEM, EDAX and impedance spectroscopic technique.
Both dielectric constant ε' and dielectric loss ε" are found to have decreasing trend with increase in
frequency and increasing trend with increase in temperature. It is found that both ε' and ε" show
frequency dispersion at low frequency and show low values at high frequencies. The temperature
and frequency dependence of a.c. conductivity σac(ω) are studied in the frequency range 5×102Hz -
1×105Hz and temperature range 303-328K. A.C. conductivity has been found to obey the power
law ωs, where s≤1. σac(ω) increases with increase of frequency in the measured temperature range
while s decreases with increase of temperature. These results are in good agreement with the
correlated barrier hopping (CBH) model. Value of maximum barrier height was estimated from the
data of dielectric loss, which is in good agreement with the theory of hopping of charge carriers
over a potential barrier between charge defect states. These calculations are performed according
to Guintini equation based on Elliot model of chalcogenide glasses. The low value of ε' and ε" at
high frequencies suggest that the prepared alloy possess enhanced optical quality with lesser defect
and is therefore, suitable for nonlinear optical materials applications.
The authors are very much grateful to the University Grants Commission (UGC), New
Delhi, India for providing financial assistance in form of major research project F.No. 39-
452/2010 (SR). The authors also thank Dr. Neeraj Mehta, Department of Physics, B.H.U. Varanasi
for providing the facility of conductivity measurement.
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