The project is concerned with the most optimum solution Ior manuIacturing oI
the component, PIERCING DIE.
One oI the sub contractors to a DeIense organization has approached HMT
Machine Tools Limited, Kalamassery Ior the most suitable proposal Ior CNC lathe tooled up
Ior manuIacturing the above component . The deIense organization has oIIered them Rs-9000/-
per piece Ior machining (only Ior turning operations). The raw materials will be supplied by
deIense and the annual requirement is Ior 1500 pieces/year.
The aim oI the project is to Iind a techno-commercially suitable solution
Ior manuIacturing the component without compromising on the quality requirements.
The component calls Ior machining before and after hardening.
Selection oI basic machine, accessories, tooling and the process are to be done
to meet the technical requirements on the component and to minimize the cost oI production
Page Number
Workpeice ii
List oI Figures v
List oI tables vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Company ProIile 2
2.1.Product Range oI Machine tool business groups
2.2.Product Development at Machine tool unit, Kalamassery
3. Hard Part Turning 6
3.1.Set up
3.2.Chip control
3.3.Coolant maybe eliminated
3.4.Cutting data and wear
3.5.Insert change criteria
3.6.One cut strategy
3.7.Two cut strategy
3.8.Cutting tool materials
4. Selection oI basic machine 11
4.1.Selection procedure
5. Selection oI work holding devices 18
5.1.Types oI work holding devices
5.2.Application oI hard and soIt jaws
5.3.Suitable clamping devices
6. Selection oI tool holder and inserts 30
6.1.Cutting tool material and their applications
6.2.Selection oI cutting tools and inserts
7. Preparation oI ManuIacturing Process 37
7.1.Dimensional tolerance
7.2.Geometrical accuracies
7.3.SurIace Iinish
8. EIIect oI Nose Radius 39
9. Cycle time estimation 44
10.Experiment to establish the cutting parameters Ior hard part 47
10.1.Cutting parameters (1)
10.2.Cutting parameters (2)
10.3.Cutting parameters (3)
11.Cost estimation 49
11.1.Calculation oI total machine cost
11.2.Tooling cost
11.3.Calculation Ior production cost per year
11.4.Production cost per year
11.5.Capacity calculations
12.Conclusion 54
13.ReIerence 55
14. Appendix 56
Page Number
8.1 Setup 1 40
8.2 Setup 2 41
8.3 Setup 3 42
8.4 Setup 4 43
Page Number
2.1 HMT Products 5
4.1 SpeciIication oI HMT product range 11 Estimated power calculations
4.2 SpeciIications Ior SB CNC 40 Lathe 15
9.1 Machining time Ior setup-1 44
9.2 Machining time Ior setup-2 45
9.3 Machining time Ior setup-3 45
9.4 Machining time Ior setup-4 46
10.1 Cutting parameters (1) 47
10.2 Cutting parameters (2) 48
10.3 Cutting parameters (3) 48
11.3.1 Overhead Charges 51
11.5 Unutilised time in hours 52