Heinrichs 2018
Heinrichs 2018
Heinrichs 2018
Student Design
IMS 5G Mobile Communications
Receiver Module
Size, Increasing
Battery Life
Markus Heinrichs,
Niklas Bärk, and
Rainer Kronberger
ith t he i nt roduct ion of cloud-
based services, online social net-
works, and multimedia streaming
over the past decade or so, the de
mand for high-bandwidth mobile
communications has increased rapidly. At the same
time, consumers expect long battery life for their hand-
held devices. Fifth-generation (5G) wireless broad-
band will provide bandwidth of multiple gigabits per
second, requiring wider bands at higher frequency
ranges than today’s communication systems use.
Cellular broadband, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and global
positioning systems are included in most modern hand-
helds. It is a challenge for manufacturers to fit all
these modules into the small space available. Con-
sequently, tradeoffs in the performance of wireless
Image licensed by Ingram Publishing
78 March/April 2018
100 nF 100 nF
4.7 kΩ V_CE
100 pF
100 nF 100 nF
6 nH
100 pF 100 pF
27 nH
27 nH RF-OUT
W = 1 mm 10 pF W = 1.15 mm
L = 2.1 mm L = 31.63 mm
RF-IN 2.2 pF W = 0.5 mm
W = 1.15 mm
L = 5.7 mm L = 1 mm
March/April 2018 79
While working on the design, it compression point with the integrated 1-dB compres-
sion point trace function. The minimum 1-dB compres-
turned out to be more promising to sion point measured was 3.2 dBm at 2 GHz (Figure 3).
optimize toward a lower dc power For the measurement of the OIP3, which was one
consumption rather than increasing of the main evaluation criteria, two signal generators
were combined to generate a signal with two tones:
the OIP3 to achieve a good FOM. one 10 MHz above and the other 10 MHz below the
center frequency being studied. The generators were
Some combination of values of inductors appeared to precisely adjusted to output a –20-dBm carrier, which
form resonant circuits, directly resulting in amplifier is essential to obtain accurate results. The amplifier
instability. Consequently, the inductor’s values had to prototype output signal was measured with the test
be tuned to avoid resonances. At the same time, care signal applied to the input. The resulting OIP3 varied
was taken so that the changes did not degrade the per- between 20.0 and 32.3 dBm, depending on the fre-
formance of the matching circuit. Although making quency (Figure 4). At the selected frequencies (5 and
adjustments to the components on the output had little 6 GHz), the achieved OIP3 was 32.3 and 28.8 dBm,
influence on the performance, the series capacitor at while consuming a dc power of 17.6 mW. This results
the output was tuned for minor improvements regard- in an overall FOM of 46.7.
ing matching. When comparing the LNA design to commercial
While tuning the circuit components, the noise fig- amplifier modules, it was difficult to find modules
ure was constantly monitored to avoid any degrada- fulfilling all minimum requirements for entering the
tion of noise matching. As the FOM was defined by competition, such as the Macom MAAL-011078 and
dc power consumption and the OIP3, both of which the Qorvo QPL9503 do. At the frequencies selected
depend on the bias point of the transistor, the opti- for the contest, the FOM for the MAAL-011078 is 3.6,
mization of the FOM was achieved almost entirely by and the QPL9503 achieves an FOM of 6.9. However,
tuning the dc bias voltages. one should remember that these devices are not spe-
cifically optimized to meet the requirements of the
Amplifier Measurements contest. Both have a higher OIP3 and gain than the
The measurements were carried out with the test and design we present here, but they also have a signifi-
measurement equipment available in the RF lab at the cantly higher dc power consumption, with 150 mW for
University of Applied Sciences, Cologne. The gain of the MAAL-011078 and 325 mW for the QPL9503 [5], [6].
the amplifier was measured using a vector network
analyzer (VNA). This gain decreases toward higher Transistor Measurements
frequencies and has its minimum value of 14.2 dB at The prototype of the LNA showed some significant
6 GHz, therefore achieving the required gain of 13 dB. differences compared to the simulations. To improve
The noise figure was evaluated with a spectrum ana- future simulations, the causes for the deviations were
lyzer having a calibrated noise source using the examined in detail. The 1-dB compression point is
Y-factor method. The measured values for the noise one of the parameters that differed the most from the
figure ranged from 1.20 dB at 2 GHz to the maximum of simulation results. As the 1-dB compression point is
1.37 dB at 5.7 GHz (Figure 3). mainly influenced by the active component, our inves-
The 1-dB compression point was measured with a tigation focused on the transistor. To verify the tran-
VNA using a power sweep and by determining the sistor model used for the simulation, measurements
8 40
7 NF 35
NF (dB)/P1 dB (dBm)
6 P1 dB
OIP3 (dBm)
5 25
4 20
3 15
2 10
OIP3 High
1 5 OIP3 Low
0 0
2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6
f (GHz) f (GHz)
Figure 3. The noise figure (NF) and 1-dB compression Figure 4. The OIP3 at –20-dBm input power and with
point ^P1 dB h . 20-MHz tone spacing.
80 March/April 2018
of the S-parameters and the 1-dB compression point of The single-stage design supports the
the BFP840ESD were conducted [7]. For this purpose,
a transmission-reflection-line (TRL) calibration kit demand for low power consumption
was manufactured on the same substrate used for the while avoiding the need for interstage
amplifier (Figure 5). matching, which would be difficult
The minimum and maximum frequency at which a
line can be used for calibration purposes is limited by to optimize over the broad frequency
the wavelength on the substrate. Lines shorter than 20° range of 4 GHz.
or greater than 160° can cause singularities during cali-
bration, which would lead to incorrect and unusable
results [8]. To avoid this problem, multiple lines of dif- simulations performed earlier. The deviation of the
ferent length were manufactured. For the transistor test S 21, for example, was mostly below 1 dB (Figure 6).
fixture, the same footprint was used as in the amplifier
design. To reduce the influence of the pads, the dimen- Transistor Modeling
sions were kept as small as possible. The calibration kit After the measurements, the mismatches between the
was designed in such a way that the calibrated refer- manufacturer’s model and the measured transistors,
ence plane was exactly at the transistor’s pads. as well as their causes, were examined. The most sig-
To ensure reasonable confidence in the validity of the nificant differences were found with S 21, which was
measurement results, five samples of the BFP840ESD about 2-dB lower than the manufacturer stated, with
were measured. Two different measurements at differ- the 1-dB compression point being 6-dB higher, as the
ent bias points were taken, one at the bias point used in data sheet specifies. One possible reason for this could
the competition (VCE = 1.8 V, IC = 9.4 mA) and the other be a different emitter negative feedback caused by the
at VCE = 1.8 V and IC = 10 mA, as the S-parameters and ground connection of the emitter on the test board
P1 dB at this bias point are well documented in the tran- being more inductive than that in the manufacturer’s
sistor’s data sheet and could be used for later compari- transistor model. This assumption was verified using
sons. The transistor was biased using the integrated another ADS simulation.
bias networks of the VNA. An equivalent circuit model was developed, which
The five measured samples of the BFP840 were was optimized to adapt the measured transistor param-
very similar to each other in terms of 1-dB compres- eters to the manufacturer’s model. In this way, the
sion point as well as S-parameters. The measurement influence of different parasitics could be shown, and
results were then included in the ADS simulation of equivalent component values determined.
the amplifier instead of the manufacturer’s model. The Capacitors between the transistor’s pins represent
results were much closer to the real amplifier than the the coupling between the legs, as capacitors to ground
|S21| (dB)
2 3 4 5 6
f (GHz)
S21 Measured
S21 Simulated with Manufacturer’s Model
S21 Simulated with Measured
Transistor Parameters
March/April 2018 81
An inductor was added to each of the Conclusions
The amplifier developed for the IMS2017 SDC fulfills
pins, representing the lead inductance many of the requirements for multistandard use. Its
and the connection to ground, low power consumption makes it suitable for imple-
respectively. mentation in battery-powered devices. The physical
size of the amplifier is currently limited by the hous-
ing, but it could easily be decreased to fit into mobile
represent parasitic ground capacitance [9], [10]. In addi- devices. Apart from applications related to mobile
tion, an inductor was added to each of the pins, rep- broadband, it could also be used as a broadband
resenting the lead inductance and the connection to amplifier for general-purpose applications in the lab,
ground, respectively (Figure 7). as it offers a good noise figure and linearity over a
Using the optimization feature of ADS, the compo- wide frequency range.
nent’s values were tuned to reduce the differences in Investigation of the differences between the transis-
the S-parameter DS between the measured transistor tor models and the actual circuit led to the realization
model and the model provided by the manufacturer: that the manufacturer’s transistor models are very use-
ful for getting a general overview of the circuit’s perfor-
DS = / |S ij, datasheet - S ij, measured| . mance, but they cannot be true for all possible designs
i, j and substrates. If very accurate results are required or
if the performance requirements of the developed
The inductance between the emitter and ground was circuit are very high, it is useful to determine the tran-
calculated to be 89-pH higher in the measured model. sistor’s S-parameters using a test fixture built on the
For this application, the difference has a significant same substrate as the planned design.
influence on the circuit’s behavior.
At the base and collector, similar inductor values Acknowledgments
were calculated; however, their influence on the cir- We thank the organizers, SDC chairs, sponsoring IEEE
cuit’s performance is not as significant as at the emit- committees, and all the other people who allowed us to
ter. The reference plane for the measurement was take part in this competition. The competition and the
calibrated to be at the transistor’s pads, so the parasitic exchange with other students at IMS2017 were a great
inductance should be very low. pleasure for us. In addition, we thank Aaron Finken-
Consequently, a reason had to be determined for thei and his team from the workshop for supplying us
these differences. Engineers from Infineon offered with fast PCB prototypes and the housing, as well as
their help in analyzing the differences and showing assisting in all mechanical work. Finally, we thank the
how they arose. The solution turned out to be rather engineers at Infineon for their immediate and exten-
simple: at Infineon, the transistors are measured in sive information regarding the transistor models.
a different test fixture under different conditions.
The transistor’s emitters are directly pinched onto References
a massive brass block, which has a different ground [1] C. Stedler, M. Kuntšev, and R. Kronberger, “Broadband, rugged,
high-linearity low-noise amplifier module,” IEEE Microwave Mag.,
inductance than the microstrip test board, as pads
vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 80–85, Feb. 2014.
and vias do not need to be taken in account. For [2] M. Kuntšev, “Development and optimization of a noise parameter
this specific application, the measurement using a test bench for amplifier components with high input impedance,”
microstrip test set is closer to reality because consid- M.S. thesis, RF Lab, Cologne Univ. Applied Sciences, Germany,
ering the influence of the PCB is crucial for obtain- [3] “Robust low noise silicon germanium bipolar RF transistor,” Infi-
ing realistic results. neon Technologies, Germany, BFP840ESD, 2013.
[4] I. Bahl, Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Transistor Amplifiers. New
York: Wiley, 2009.
[5] “Low noise amplifier 700 MHz–6 GHz,” rev. v3, M/A-COM Tech-
nology Solutions, Lowell, MA, MAAL-011078.
[6] “Ultra low-noise, flat gain LNA,” Qorvo, Greensbro, NC, QPL9503,
[7] “Measure 3 types of parameter and you will define a small signal
RF-transistor: S-parameters, noise figure and intermodulation,”
Infineon, Germany, Application Note No. 008, 2006.
[8] M. Hiebel, Fundamentals of Vector Network Analysis, 5th ed. Germa-
ny: Rohde & Schwarz, 2007, pp. 97–98.
[9] G. Snawadzki, A. Lewandowski, G. Avolio, and D. Schreurs,
“1.3 GHz power amplifier design using a measurement-based
transistor package mode,” in Proc. 20th Int. Conf. Microwaves Radar
and Wireless Communications, Poland, 2014.
[10] “Parasitic capacitance in bipolar junction transistors,” Infineon,
Figure 7. Transistor equivalent circuit model including
Germany, Application Note No. 024, 2006.
parasitics for S-parameter correction.
82 March/April 2018