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Electric Drives

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v. Soft starter

Main contactor

Overload relay


5.7 Soft starter

Soft starter is a starting device used M

for the acceleration, de-acceleration and
protection of the three phase electrical FIG 5.8 Soft starter single line diagram
induction motors through the controlling
applied voltage to three phase motor. Soft Three phase motor soft starter
starter is another form of reduced voltage Back to back SCR

starter use for starting 3 phase induction R

motor. Soft starter also called a Solid-State motor
controller. Y
Soft Starter does not change W
frequency as VFD. Instead it Ramp up B

voltage level applied to motor from initial MSS-XX

value to full voltage.

FIG 5.9 Soft starter -3 phase motor line diagram
a) Soft starter block diagram

Soft starter contains only a few main (b) Advantages of soft starter
components thyristor to regulate the 1. Improved efficiency: The efficiency
voltage to the motor. In addition to this of soft starter system using solid-
heat sink and fan for dissipate the heat to state switch is more owing to the
the environment. low on-state voltage.
Depending on the model of 2. 
C ontrolled startup: The starting
the soft starter, it can be equipped with a current can be controlled smoothly
built-in electronic overload relay (EOR) by easily altering the starting
eliminating the need for an external relay. voltage and this ensures smooth
starting of the motor without any

UNIT 05 Starters and controlling devices 63


jerks this is big advantage of the 5.4 Conclusion

soft starter.
In this unit, we have learned about the
C ontrolled acceleration: Motor starters and controlling device equipment
acceleration is controlled smoothly that is used in bothAC and DC motors to
using a soft starter. be control for proper operation and their
4. Low cost and size: This is ensured durability. It is necessary for the operators
with the use of solid-state switches. and students to know about starters and
controlling equipment devices


1. Collect different starters from the repaired motor which is not in use.
2. Check the types of starters used in the home appliances.
3. Create a portfolios for each starters collected.


Armature மின்னகம்
Back electro motive force எதிர் மின் இயக்கு விசை
Induction motor தூண்டல் மின்னோடி
Three point starter மூன்று முனை துவக்கி
Symmetrical fault சமச்சீர் பழுதுகள்


Part–A (1 Mark)

Choose the correct answer

1. While starting, value of current 2. The value of armature current
taken by all the motor is depends upon
a. Zero a. Capacitance
b. Less b. Inductance
c. High c. Resistance
d. Very high d. Impedance

64 UNIT 05 Starters and controlling devices


3. Due to high current in armature, 9. The current taken by the induction

which of the following effect does motor is in the order of ------- times
not occur? that of full load current at starting
a. Over heat time.
b. Sparking a. 1 to 8 b. 5 to 8

c. Voltage drop c. 1 to 10 d. 5 to 10

d. Increase in efficiency 10. Induction motor is operated with

full voltage in
4. In what type of DC motor, the three
point starter is used? a. Star-delta starter

a. Shunt motor b. Rotor resistance starter

b. Compound motor c. Direct-on-line starter

c. Shunt and compound motor d. Auto-transformer starter
d. Series motor 11. ---------- induction motor is operated
5. The terminal of the three point with low voltage.
starter is a. Direct-on-line and auto transformer
a. Line, Armature, Field coil starter
b. Line, Resistance, Field coil b. Star-delta and rotor resistance starter
c. Armature, Field coil, Resistance c. Star-delta and auto transformer
d. Resistance, Line, Armature starter
6. The protective devices used in the d. Direct-on-line and rotor resistance
three point starters are starter
a. No volt release coil 12. In which starter, the starting current
b. Over load release coil is reduced to one - third value?
c. No volt and over load release coil a. Direct-on-line starter

d. Electromagnet coil b. Star delta starter

7. What should be done to obtain the c. Rotor resistance starter

increase speed in three point starter? d. Auto transformer starter
a. Increase resistance value 13. Which is the component is used for
b. Field current value should be change voltage reducing in soft starter?
c. Decrease resistance value a. Over load relay

d. Voltage should be maintained b. No volt release coil

8. In four point starter, how the no volt c. thyristor

release coil should be connected with d. contact pointers
field coil.
a. in series
b. in shunt
c. directly
d. in series and parallel

UNIT 05 Starters and controlling devices 65


PART–B (3 Mark) 4. Draw the diagram of 3 point starter

and label its parts.
Answer the questions in brief
5. Draw the diagram of 4 point starter
1. State the effects caused by the flow of and label its parts.
heavy armature current in DC motor
without starters.
PART–D (10 Mark)
2. What are the two basic functions of
starter? Answer the questions in two
3. What are the draw backs of three page
point starter? 1. Explain the construction and
4. State the difference between three operation of three point starter with
point and four point starter. a neat sketch.
5. What are the different types of 2. With a neat diagram, explain the
starters used in an induction motor? construction and working principle
of star-delta starter.
6. What are the advantages of soft
starter? 3. Explain the construction and
operation of direct-on-line starter
7. Draw the block diagram of soft
with a neat sketch.

PART–C (5 Mark) Reference Book

Answer the questions in one
page 1. A text book of ‘Electrical Technology’
Volume-III B.L.Theraja and
1. State the necessity of starters in DC
A.K.Theraja, S.Chand & Company Ltd.
motor with example.
2. Draw the circuit diagram of four
point starter. Reference Internet Source
3. With a neat sketch, explain the
operation of auto-transformer 1. http://www.wikipedia.org
2. https://www.electrical4u.com

66 UNIT 05 Starters and controlling devices



Electric drives

learning objective
In this lesson, students have to learn about the electric drives needed for various
requirements and its control systems.

table of contents
6.1 Introduction 6.4 Electric traction
6.2 Electric drives 6.5 Conclusion
6.3 Selection of drives

6.1 Introduction
Electric drive is a device which converts
electrical energy into mechanical energy
to do a particular work connected to it.
The electric drive designed electric
train is shown in figure 6.1. It is operated
by a high-torque electric DC series motor.
The system used to control the speed
is called power drive. While using this
electric motor, its speed is controlled by
the current, voltage and frequency.

FIG. 6.1 Electric train

67 67

6.2 Electric drives A. Individual drive

B. Group drive
C. Multi-motor drive
Fan air flow 6. Based on speed

A. Reversible and non reversible speed
B. Variable speed control
Non-drive end
Drive end
6.2.2 DC drives

FIG. 6.2 Electric drive Generally DC drive is one type of electric

machine. This converts electrical energy
into mechanical energy. Its structure is in
The internal construction of an electrical fig. 6.3. The speed of the drive will depend
drive is shown in fig. 6.2. Depending on the on the amount of voltage given to it. Small
applications, the motor can be classified type drive is used in toys. Large size of
into different categories. According to the electric drive is used in electrical vehicles
design, the drives are classified as such as Hoists and Steel rolling mills.
i. Individual drive
ii. Group drive
Rotor coils
iii. Multi-motor drive.

6.2.1 Classification of electrical
1. Depending on the power supply,
A. Direct current electric drive
B. Alternating current electric drive
2. According to the process of electric magnets
drives, Brushes
A. Continuous duty drive FIG. 6.3 DC drive
B. Short-term duty drive
C. Intermediate duty drive a. Definition
3. According to the control of drives, DC drive is a driving speed control system
A. Manual which converts the input AC supply to the
B. Semi automatic DC using converter circuit to control the
speed of DC machines. Earlier, the variable
C. Automatic
DC voltage was generated by DC generator
4. According to the number of to control the speed of a DC drive.

68 UNIT 06 Electric Drives


b. Construction of a DC drive pole cores bolted to the yoke and field

winding wound around the pole core.
Field winding The field system of DC drive has salient
Pole shoe poles i.e. the poles project inwards and
Arnature core
winding each pole core has a pole shoe having a
curved surface. The pole shoe serves two
Pole Yoke purposes
„ It provides support to the field coils.
Commutator „ It reduces the reluctance of magnetic
circuit by increasing the cross sectional
area of it.
The pole cores are made of thin laminated
FIG.6.4 Schematic diagram of a DC drive sheets made of steel which are insulated
to reduce the eddy current loss. The
DC drive consists of six main parts.
field coils are connected in series with
They are as follows:
one another in such a way that when the
i. Yoke current flows through the coils, alternate
ii. Magnetic field system north and south poles are produced.
iii. Armature core
iii) Armature core
iv. Armature winding
The armature core of DC drive is mounted
v. Commutator on the shaft and rotates between the field
vi. Brushes poles. It has slots on its outer surface and
the armature conductors are put in these
i) Yoke slots. The armature core is a made up of
soft steel laminations which are insulated
The outer frame of a DC drive is a hollow
each other and tightly clamped together.
cylinder made up of cast steel or rolled
The laminated armature core is used to
steel is known as yoke. The yoke serves
reduce the eddy current loss.
following two purposes
„ It supports the field pole core and acts iv) Armature winding
as a protecting cover to the machine.
Armature is the winding of an electrical
„ It provides a path for the magnetic machine which carries alternating
flux produced by the field winding. current. Due to the commutator action,
the armature winding conducts AC even
ii) Magnetic field system on DC machines
The magnetic field system of a DC drive There are two types of armature
is the stationary part of the machine. It windings are used – Lap winding and
produces the main magnetic flux in the Wave winding.
drive. It consists of an even number of

UNIT 06 Electric Drives 69


v) Commutator electromagnetic induction is called AC

A commutator is a rotary electrical switch drive. The stator and the rotor are the two
that is used to convert AC to DC that most important parts of the AC drive. The
periodically reverses the direction of the stator is the stationary part and the rotor
current between the rotor and the external is the rotating part. AC drive functions
circuits. The commutator assures that the with single phase or three phase.
current from the generator always flows AC drive is a device used to control
in one direction. The brushes ride on the the speed of an electrical drive in order to
commutator and make continuous electrical „ Enhance process control.
connection between the generator and the
„ Reduce energy usage and generate
load. The commutator is made of wedge-
energy efficiently.
shaped copper segments insulated from
„ Decrease mechanical stress on drive
each other and from the shaft by mica sheets.
Each segment of commutator is connected control applications.
to the ends of the armature coils. „ Optimize the operation of various
applications relying on electric drives.
vi) Brushes
b) Working principle of AC drive
The brushes are mounted on the commutator The operation of an AC drive depends on the
and are used to inject the current from the principle of magnetism. When an electric
DC source into the armature windings. (AC) charge applies to the stator winding to
The brushes are made of carbon and are develop an alternating flux and this rotating
supported by a metal box called brush holder. flux called “Rotating Magnetic Field”. The
The pressure exerted by the brushes on the induced current produces alternating flux
commutator is adjusted and maintained around it. It should be noted that the stator
at constant value by means of springs. The flux lags behind the rotor flux. Due to
current flows from the external DC source the relative velocity between the rotating
to the armature winding through the carbon stator flux and the rotor, the rotor rotates
brushes and commutator. in the same direction as that of the stator
flux to minimize the relative velocity.
c. Types of DC drives:
This is the basic working principle of the
There are four types of DC drive. induction drive. The difference between
1. Permanent magnet DC drives. the synchronous speed (Ns) and the actual
speed (N) of the rotor is known as the slip.
2. Series field DC drives.
3. Shunt field DC drives. c) Classification of AC Drives

4. Compound field DC drives. The different types of AC Drive are

„ Induction drives
6.2.3 AC drive „ Synchronous drives
a) Definition „ Single phase drives
The drive which converts AC power „ Three phase drives
into mechanical power by using an „ Squirrel cage induction drive

70 UNIT 06 Electric Drives


Terminal box

Stator iron
Stator winding

Roller bearing

Rotor cage with Axis

rotor bars

Short-circuit ring

FIG.6.5 Construction of AC drive

6.2.4 Comparison of DC and AC drives

S.No. DC drive AC drive

1 Energy and method of control is Energy and method of control is difficult
2 More maintenance is required. Less maintenance is required.
3 Commutator is required Commutator is not required
4 Rapid speed control Gradual speed control
5 Speed and design ratings are less Speed and design ratings are high

6.2.5 V
 ariable Frequency Drive Functions of variable frequency
(VFD) drive

Definition Whenever three phase supply is given

to three phase induction motor rotating
A variable frequency drive (VFD) is a type
magnetic field is produced which rotates
of motor which controls the speed of an
at synchronous speed given by
AC motor by varying the frequency and
voltage of its power supply. The VFD also Ns = 120f
has the capacity to control raise-up and Thus by controlling the supply
raise-down of the motor during start or frequency smoothly, the synchronous
stop, respectively. speed can be controlled over a wide speed

UNIT 06 Electric Drives 71


Variable Voltage
Variable Frequency
AC Input
Constant Voltage Converter Inverter AC Motor
and frequency

FIG.6.6 Schematic diagram of VFD

range. But form the basic transformer 6.2.6 A

 dvantages of electric
voltage equation we have the expression drives
for the air gap flux
i. It has flexible control characteristics.
V = 4.44Φ KNf or Φ =
4.44 KNf ii. Drives with fixed and dynamic
Whereas characteristics change according to
V - Supply voltage load requirements.
iii. Computers can be used to control
K - Winding constant,
the drive movements automatically
N - Number of turns per phase and by closed loop operation.
f - Frequency. iv. Available with wide range of torque,
If the frequency is reduced the flux will speed and power.
gets increase which results in saturation v. It is applicable to function in the state
of the stator and rotor magnetic cores. such as explosion and radiation.
This saturation in turn results increase vi. It can start immediately even at full
in no load current which is unwanted. load of the drive.
Hence it is required to maintain the air
vii. To control the speed and also simplest
gap flux constant when supply frequency
way to start and stop the drive.
is changed. From the above expression for
flux Φ we can see that this can be achieved
by changing the voltage correspondingly
so as to maintain a constant variable 6.3 Selection of drive
frequency ratio. Hence with variable
The choice of an electric drive depends on
frequency control method which ensures
many factors. Some of the key factors are
constant flux Φ, we can get smooth speed
given below:
i. Depending on the nature of the speed,
Such a constant variable frequency
torque characteristics, speed control,
with variable voltage and frequency can be
speed limit, performance, the level of
obtained using electronic converter and
operation, speed of performance.
an inverter as shown in the fig. 6.6 above.

72 UNIT 06 Electric Drives


ii. Uninterrupted operating requirements fitted with belts or gears. With this, a
will depend on the acceleration and group of electrical drive are operated.
initial loss and performance change.
iii. The source and the ability to meet
the source will consist of voltage,
voltage optimization, power factor
and other loads, and restoration of
power adaptability
iv. Basic capital and running cost and
maintenance is required.
v. Space and weight should be less.
vi. Environmental and area of the space
FIG. 6.8 Group electric drive
be selected.
vii. Reliability.

i. Individual drive
As shown in fig.6.7, this drive is driven
by an electric machine with an individual
machine. It provides movement to various
areas and all the operations are done by Group drive
the individual machine.
FIG. 6.9 Block diagram of group drive

a. Advantages

LOAD i. A large size of motor can be used instead

of using small number of motors
ii. Low price.
FIG. 6.7 Individual electric drive
b. Disadvantages

i. If the motor is in fault, the entire

It is applicable in automobile operation will be stopped
systems, computers, radios, and television.
ii. The efficiency will be reduced due to
losses by conduction of energy.
ii. Group drive
iii. Less security measures.
This drive has an electric motor. It is iv. No flexibility.
connected with one or more roller bearing
v. There will be more noise in the
and axis as shown in fig.6.8. This axis is
working area.

UNIT 06 Electric Drives 73

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