Building Cost
Building Cost
Building Cost
2 Earth work in filling in foundation trenches or plinth with %cum 2.25 2600.00 5850.00
good earth layers not exceeding 150mm.i/c. watering
and ramming etc. layer complete
5 Cement concrete with graded stone ballast (30mm Size) sqm 11.00 2780.00 30580.00
excluding shuttering in all floor a) 6:3:1 proportion item
no. 4(a),p-84,section 1C
7 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and sqm 50.00 214.50 10725.00
necessary staging for foundation work
8 Brick work with 1st class brick in cement mortar 6:1 cum 10.00 3816.00 38160.00
i. In foundation and plinth item no 26a,p-106 section 1C
9 125mm thick brick work with 1st class bricks in cement sqm 27.00 668.00 18036.00
mortar(4:1) using H.B. netting in every third layer
12 Wood work in door and windows frame fitted and fixed cum 0.21 55209.00 11593.89
complete including a protective coat of painting at the
contact surface of the frame a)sal item no 1(b),p-124,
section 1G
15 Column Type ISBM-350 length 108.800m @ 52.40 Kg/m Kg 5701.12 48.00 273653.76
16 Runner ,Type ISMC-150, length 285.800m,@19.60kg/m kg 5601.68 48.00 268880.64
TOTAL 2160000.00