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Word Problems

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1. The weights of candies in a bag follow a normal distribution standard deviation of 20 mg/dL.

If you randomly select 16

with a mean of 50 grams and a standard deviation of 5 patients, what is the probability that the mean glucose level
grams. If you randomly select 25 candies, what is the of the sample falls within 90 mg/dL and 110 mg/dL?
probability that the mean weight of the sample falls within 14. The lifespans of light bulbs produced by a manufacturer
48 grams and 52 grams? follow a normal distribution with a mean of 1000 hours and
2. The ages of students in a class follow a normal distribution a standard deviation of 50 hours. If you randomly select 24
with a mean of 20 years and a standard deviation of 2 light bulbs, what is the probability that the mean lifespan of
years. If you randomly select 30 students, what is the the sample is between 975 hours and 1025 hours?
probability that the mean age of the sample is between 19 15. The response times of servers in a data center follow a
years and 21 years? normal distribution with a mean of 5 milliseconds and a
3. The heights of students in a school follow a normal standard deviation of 1 millisecond. If you randomly select
distribution with a mean of 150 cm and a standard 20 servers, what is the probability that the mean response
deviation of 10 cm. If you randomly select 20 students, time of the sample is within 4 milliseconds and 6
what is the probability that the mean height of the sample milliseconds?
is within 145 cm and 155 cm? 16. The ages of cars in a used car lot follow a normal
4. The IQ scores of a population follow a normal distribution distribution with a mean of 5 years and a standard
with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. If you deviation of 1 year. If you randomly select 12 cars, what is
randomly select 40 individuals, what is the probability that the probability that the mean age of the sample is between
the mean IQ score of the sample is between 97.5 and 4 years and 6 years?
102.5? 17. The lengths of fish in a pond follow a normal distribution
5. The reaction times of drivers at an intersection follow a with a mean of 30 cm and a standard deviation of 4 cm. If
normal distribution with a mean of 2 seconds and a you randomly select 10 fish, what is the probability that the
standard deviation of 0.5 seconds. If you randomly select 15 mean length of the sample is within 28 cm and 32 cm?
drivers, what is the probability that the mean reaction time 18. The temperatures of cups of coffee served at a café follow a
of the sample is between 1.75 seconds and 2.25 seconds? normal distribution with a mean of 70°C and a standard
6. The prices of stocks on a particular exchange follow a deviation of 5°C. If you randomly select 26 cups, what is the
normal distribution with a mean of $80 and a standard probability that the mean temperature of the sample is
deviation of $10. If you randomly select 35 stocks, what is between 67.5°C and 72.5°C?
the probability that the mean price of the sample falls 19. The ages of marathon runners in a race follow a normal
within $75 and $85? distribution with a mean of 30 years and a standard
7. The scores of students on a mathematics quiz follow a deviation of 3 years. If you randomly select 30 runners,
normal distribution with a mean of 75 and a standard what is the probability that the mean age of the sample
deviation of 5. If you randomly select 20 students, what is falls within 29 years and 31 years?
the probability that the mean score of the sample is 20. The weights of newborn babies at a hospital follow a
between 73 and 77? normal distribution with a mean of 3 kg and a standard
8. The blood pressure readings of patients in a clinic follow a deviation of 0.5 kg. If you randomly select 18 newborns,
normal distribution with a mean of 120 mmHg and a what is the probability that the mean weight of the sample
standard deviation of 10 mmHg. If you randomly select 30 is between 2.75 kg and 3.25 kg?
patients, what is the probability that the mean blood 21. The scores of patients' pain levels in a hospital follow a
pressure of the sample is within 115 mmHg and 125 normal distribution with a mean of 5 on a scale of 1 to 10
mmHg? and a standard deviation of 2. If you randomly select 22
9. The heights of sunflowers in a garden follow a normal patients, what is the probability that the mean pain level of
distribution with a mean of 100 cm and a standard the sample is within 4 and 6?
deviation of 15 cm. If you randomly select 25 sunflowers, 22. The heights of trees in a forest follow a normal distribution
what is the probability that the mean height of the sample with a mean of 20 meters and a standard deviation of 5
falls within 95 cm and 105 cm? meters. If you randomly select 14 trees, what is the
10. The reaction times of gamers in a gaming competition probability that the mean height of the sample falls within
follow a normal distribution with a mean of 0.1 seconds 18 meters and 22 meters?
and a standard deviation of 0.02 seconds. If you randomly 23. The lengths of leaves on a particular plant follow a normal
select 18 gamers, what is the probability that the mean distribution with a mean of 10 cm and a standard deviation
reaction time of the sample is between 0.09 seconds and of 3 cm. If you randomly select 36 leaves, what is the
0.11 seconds? probability that the mean length of the sample is between
11. The salaries of employees in a company follow a normal 9 cm and 11 cm?
distribution with a mean of $50,000 and a standard 24. The blood sugar levels of patients in a clinic follow a normal
deviation of $8,000. If you randomly select 22 employees, distribution with a mean of 90 mg/dL and a standard
what is the probability that the mean salary of the sample deviation of 10 mg/dL. If you randomly select 20 patients,
is within $47,000 and $53,000? what is the probability that the mean blood sugar level of
12. The scores of students on a standardized test follow a the sample is within 85 mg/dL and 95 mg/dL?
normal distribution with a mean of 60 and a standard
deviation of 7. If you randomly select 28 students, what is
the probability that the mean score of the sample is
between 58 and 62?
13. The glucose levels of patients in a diabetes clinic follow a 25. The reaction times of participants in a psychological
normal distribution with a mean of 100 mg/dL and a experiment follow a normal distribution with a mean of 500
milliseconds and a standard deviation of 50 milliseconds. If 35. The reaction times of drivers at an intersection follow a
you randomly select 16 participants, what is the probability normal distribution with a mean of 500 pesos and a
that the mean reaction time of the sample is between 475 standard deviation of 150 pesos. If you randomly select 15
milliseconds and 525 milliseconds? drivers, what is the probability that the mean reaction time
26. The lengths of screws produced in a factory follow a normal of the sample is between 400 pesos and 600 pesos?
distribution with a mean of 5 cm and a standard deviation 36. The prices of stocks on a particular exchange follow a
of 0.5 cm. If you randomly select 20 screws, what is the normal distribution with a mean of 800 pesos and a
probability that the mean length of the sample is within standard deviation of 200 pesos. If you randomly select 35
4.75 cm and 5.25 cm? stocks, what is the probability that the mean price of the
27. The annual incomes of households in a neighborhood sample falls within 700 pesos and 900 pesos?
follow a normal distribution with a mean of $60,000 and a 37. The scores of students on a mathematics quiz follow a
standard deviation of $7,000. If you randomly select 24 normal distribution with a mean of 70 and a standard
households, what is the probability that the mean income deviation of 20. If you randomly select 20 students, what is
of the sample falls within $57,000 and $63,000? the probability that the mean score of the sample is
28. The reaction times of athletes in a sprint race follow a between 65 and 75?
normal distribution with a mean of 10 seconds and a 38. The blood pressure readings of patients in a clinic follow a
standard deviation of 3 seconds. If you randomly select 18 normal distribution with a mean of 120 mmHg and a
athletes, what is the probability that the mean reaction standard deviation of 10 mmHg. If you randomly select 30
time of the sample is between 9 seconds and 11 seconds? patients, what is the probability that the mean blood
29. The lengths of screws produced in a factory follow a normal pressure of the sample is within 115 mmHg and 125
distribution with a mean of 4 cm and a standard deviation mmHg?
of 0.5 cm. If you randomly select 22 screws, what is the 39. The heights of sunflowers in a garden follow a normal
probability that the mean length of the sample is within 3.7 distribution with a mean of 100 cm and a standard
cm and 4.3 cm? deviation of 15 cm. If you randomly select 25 sunflowers,
30. The reaction times of participants in a memory test follow a what is the probability that the mean height of the sample
normal distribution with a mean of 200 milliseconds and a falls within 95 cm and 105 cm?
standard deviation of 20 milliseconds. If you randomly 40. The reaction times of gamers in a gaming competition
select 15 participants, what is the probability that the mean follow a normal distribution with a mean of 2 seconds and a
reaction time of the sample is between 190 milliseconds standard deviation of 1 second. If you randomly select 18
and 210 milliseconds? gamers, what is the probability that the mean reaction time
31. The weights of candies in a bag follow a normal distribution of the sample is between 1.5 seconds and 2.5 seconds?
with a mean of 100 pesos and a standard deviation of 15 41. The glucose levels of patients in a diabetes clinic follow a
pesos. If you randomly select 25 candies, what is the normal distribution with a mean of 100 mg/dL and a
probability that the mean weight of the sample falls within standard deviation of 20 mg/dL. If you randomly select 16
90 pesos and 110 pesos? patients, what is the probability that the mean glucose level
32. The ages of students in a class follow a normal distribution of the sample falls within 90 mg/dL and 110 mg/dL?
with a mean of 500 pesos and a standard deviation of 100 42. The lifespans of light bulbs produced by a manufacturer
pesos. If you randomly select 30 students, what is the follow a normal distribution with a mean of 1000 hours and
probability that the mean age of the sample is between 450 a standard deviation of 50 hours. If you randomly select 24
pesos and 550 pesos? light bulbs, what is the probability that the mean lifespan of
33. The heights of students in a school follow a normal the sample is between 975 hours and 1025 hours?
distribution with a mean of 1,500 pesos and a standard 43. The ages of cars in a used car lot follow a normal
deviation of 200 pesos. If you randomly select 20 students, distribution with a mean of 5 years and a standard
what is the probability that the mean height of the sample deviation of 2 years. If you randomly select 12 cars, what is
is within 1,400 pesos and 1,600 pesos? the probability that the mean age of the sample is between
34. The IQ scores of a population follow a normal distribution 4 years and 6 years?
with a mean of 2,000 pesos and a standard deviation of 500 44. The lengths of fish in a pond follow a normal distribution
pesos. If you randomly select 40 individuals, what is the with a mean of 30 cm and a standard deviation of 4 cm. If
probability that the mean IQ score of the sample is you randomly select 10 fish, what is the probability that the
between 1,700 pesos and 2,300 pesos? mean length of the sample is within 28 cm and 32 cm?
45. The temperatures of cups of coffee served at a café follow a
normal distribution with a mean of 70°C and a standard
deviation of 5°C. If you randomly select 26 cups, what is the
probability that the mean temperature of the sample is
between 67.5°C and 72.5°C?

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